This Lubitz' Leon Trotsky Bibliography (LLTB) is part of Lubitz' TrotskyanaNet (LTN)
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Contents of Chapter 2

[IDN 00790-03446]
2.1 Comprehensive biographies and collective works. See also → 3.1
2.2 Concise biographies, biographical outlines, biochronologies and introductions to Trotsky's life and work. See also → 1.4 and 3.2
2.3 Obituaries, appreciations, general characterizations, occasional writings, varia. See also → 3.2
2.4 Recollections and reminiscences
2.5 Literary adaptations. (Trotsky in drama, novel, short story, poem, satire, and film)
2.6 Works of visual art, iconography, exhibition catalogues, caricatures, cartoons
2.7 Miscellaneous incl. juvenile and children's literature
2.8 Single aspects and periods of Trotsky's life
2.8.01 Trotsky's genealogy, childhood, youth, and family. His physical and mental health. His autobiographical writings
2.8.02 Trotsky as a Jew and as a target of anti-Semitism
2.8.03 Trotsky before 1917. His banishment and exiles (Siberia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, United States, Canada). His return to Russia in 1917
2.8.04 Trotsky as revolutionary leader. (Trotsky in the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917, as chairman of the Petrograd Soviet and of the Military Revolutionary Committee)
2.8.05 Trotsky as People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, People's Commissar of War, founder and chief of the Red Army. His rôle in the civil war and its aftermath
2.8.06 Trotsky's downfall (1925-27), his banishment (1928-29) and his expulsion from the USSR (1929). His attempts to find asylum
2.8.07 Trotsky's final exiles (1929-40) Items about the entire final exile period and generalities Trotsky in Turkey (1929-33). (Incl. Trotsky's trip to Copenhagen, Nov. 1932) Trotsky in France (1933-35) Trotsky in Norway (1935-36) Trotsky in Mexico (1937-40). (Incl. items about the Trotsky Museum in Coyoacán)
2.8.08 Trotsky's assassination (August 1940). (Incl. material on the May 1940 assault and about Trotsky's murderer)

LLTB Chapter  2.1

IDN  00790         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Broué, Pierre: Glavy iz knigi "Trockij"
/ P'er Bruė. Perevod V.P. Trus. - [1-3]
In: Ėko : vserossijskij ėkonomičeskij žurnal ‹Novosibirsk› [ISSN 0131-7652] 1989 (9) : pp. 159-174; 1989 (10) : pp. 102-118; 1989 (11) pp. 159-170

Russ. transl. of some chapters of author's "Trotsky", Paris, 1988
Angl.: Extracts from the book "Trotsky"

IDN  00791         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Broué, Pierre:
La rivoluzione perduta : vita di Trockij 1879-1940 / [trad. dal francese di Piero Arlorio e Stefano Musso]. - Torino : Bollati Boringheri, 1991. - XXII, 1036 pp.
ISBN 88-339-0640-X

Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki : eine politische Biographie ; Trotskij : en biografi
Angl.: The lost revolution : the life of Trotsky 1879-1940

IDN  00792         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Broué, Pierre: Trotskij : en biografi
/ övers.: Björn Erik Rosin. [Fackgranskning: Martin Fahlgren et al.]. - Stockholm : Carlsson, 2011. - 992 pp.
ISBN 978-91-7331-340-7

Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: La rivoluzione perduta ; Trotzki : eine politische Biographie
Angl.: Trotsky : a biography

IDN  00793         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Broué, Pierre: Trotsky
. - [Paris] : Fayard, 1988. - 1105 pp.
ISBN 2-213-02212-7 - ISBN 978-2-213-02212-3

Table of contents: p.13 Avant-propos -- p.25 L'ascension (p.27 L'enfance -- p.39 Le grand carrefour -- p.53 L'université de la prison et de l'exil -- p.68 Lénine: collaboration et rupture -- p.84 Un homme seul? -- p.97 1905 -- p.112 D'une révolution à l'autre -- p.127 Citoyen d'Europe -- p.144 La guerre et l'Internationale -- p.158 Le début de l'errance -- p.172 La marche au pouvoir -- p.189 L'assaut du ciel) -- p.203 Le pouvoir (p.205 A la barre -- p.220 La paix à tout prix? -- p.237 Bâtisseur d'armée -- p.252 Chef de guerre -- p.271 Communisme de guerre et terreur -- p.289 La crise de la révolution -- p.303 La retraite -- p.319 Le "bloc" avec Lénine -- p.336 Le parti mondial de la révolution -- p.352 Les occasions perdus -- p.368 Débats sans Lénine -- p.384 Dans un seul pays?) -- p.397 Dans l'opposition en U.R.S.S. (p.399 Le parti sans Lénine -- p.412 Trotsky et les siens -- p.425 De nouveau la plume -- p.441 Naissance du "trotskysme" -- p.459 Lutte de clans, luttes de classes -- p.474 Réalignements -- p.490 En un combat obscur -- p.506 Dix ans après -- p.531 Le retour du pendule -- p.547 Alma-Ata -- p.563 La fraction des bolcheviks-léninistes -- p.582 Critique des vaincus) -- p.595 Dans l'opposition en exil (p.597 L'asile en Turquie -- p.611 Amis et camarades, anciens et nouveaux -- p.626 La crise de l'opposition russe -- p.640 Débuts de l'opposition internationale -- p.655 Le travail littéraire -- p.673 Un certain poison -- p.688 Drames et tragédie familiale -- p.700 Regroupement contre Staline en URSS -- p.713 Cassandre devant Hitler -- p.729 La 4 août du stalinisme -- p.744 Nouvelle Internationale -- p.755 Tout recommencer) -- p.765 Le dernier exil: "planète sans visa" (p.767 Séjour libre en France -- p.781 La tentative des "Quatre" -- p.793 L'expulsé sans visa -- p.806 Asile en Norvège socialiste -- p.824 Descente aux enfers -- p.841 Résurrection au Mexique -- p.854 Le révolutionnaire et le philosophe -- p.867 La grande traque -- p.884 L'anti-modèle de la guerre d'Espagne -- p.895 La révolution, le peintre et le poète -- p.909 La IVe Internationale et la guerre -- p.923 L'hallali) -- p.937 Conclusion -- p.949 Chronologie -- p.967 Bibliographie -- p.973 Notes -- p.1036 Cartes -- p.1039 Index général -- p.1099 Index des auteurs citées
Bibliogr.: pp. 967-972
Notes: 2.894
Other ed., versions, transl.: Glavy iz knigi "Trockij" ; La rivoluzione perduta ; Trotzki - eine politische Biographie

IDN  00794         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Broué, Pierre: Trotsky
. - [Paris] : Fayard, 2006. - 1105 pp.
ISBN 2-286-01099-4 - ISBN 978-2-286-01099-4

Bibliogr.: pp. 967-972
Notes: 2.894
Other ed., versions, transl.: Glavy iz knigi "Trockij" ; La rivoluzione perduta ; Trotzki - eine politische Biographie

IDN  00795         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Broué, Pierre: Trotzki : eine politische Biographie
/ von Nicole M. Kaufmann [et al.] aus dem Franz. übers. Für die deutsche Ausg. wurde der Text durchges. und korr. und ein Nachw. des Autors hinzugefügt. Suche und Übers. der Zitate: Paul B. Kleiser und Rudi Segall. - 1-2. - Köln : Neuer ISP-Verl., [2003]. - 1292 pp.
ISBN 3-929008-33-5 [set]

1. Vom ukrainischen Bauernsohn zum Verbannten Stalins. - 720 pp.
ISBN 3-929008-31-9
Table of contents: p.9 Danksagung -- p.11 Vorwort -- p.25 Der Aufstieg (p.27 Die Kindheit -- p.40 Der große Scheideweg -- p.55 Die Universität des Gefängnisses und des Exils -- p.72 Lenin - Zusammenarbeit und Bruch -- p.90 Ein Einzelkämpfer? -- p.104 1905 - auf den Schwingen der Revolution -- p.121 Von einer Revolution zur anderen -- p.138 Bürger Europas -- p.157 Der Krieg und die Internationale -- p.173 Der Beginn der Irrfahrt -- p.189 Der Weg zur Macht -- p.209 Der Himmelssturm) -- p.223 An der Macht (p.225 Am Ruder -- p.242 Frieden um jeden Preis? -- p.261 Der Armeegründer -- p.277 Der Kriegsherr -- p.299 Kriegskommunismus und Terror -- p.319 Die Krise der Revolution -- p.335 Der Rückzug -- p.353 Der "Block" mit Lenin -- p.372 Die Weltpartei der Revolution -- p.390 Verpaßte Gelegenheiten -- p.407 Auseinandersetzungen ohne Lenin -- p.425 In einem einzigen Land?) -- p.439 In der Opposition in der UdSSR (p.441 Die Partei ohne Lenin -- p.455 Trotzki, seine Familie und seine Freunde -- p.470 Die Rückkehr zur Feder -- p.489 Die Geburt des "Trotzkismus" -- p.511 Clankämpfe oder Klassenkämpfe? -- p.527 Neugruppierungen -- p.545 Finstere Machenschaften -- p.562 Zehn Jahre danach -- p.591 Das Pendel schlägt zurück -- p.609 Alma-Ata -- p.626 Die Fraktion der Bolschewiki-Leninisten -- p.647 Kritik an den Besiegten) -- p.663 Anmerkungen [zu Kap. 1-36]
2. Der Kampf gegen Stalinismus und Faschismus. - pp. [723]-1292
ISBN 3-929008-32-7
Table of contents: p.729 Opposition im Exil (p.731 Asyl in der Türkei -- p.748 Alte und neue Freunde und Genossen -- p.765 Die Krise der russischen Opposition -- p.781 Die Anfänge der internationalen Opposition -- p.799 Die schriftstellerische Arbeit -- p.818 Ein gewisses Gift -- p.835 Drama und Familientragödie -- p.849 Neugruppierungen gegen Stalin in der UdSSR -- p.864 Kassandra vor Hitler -- p.882 Der 4. August des Stalinismus -- p.898 Eine neue Internationale -- p.911 Alles neu beginnen) -- p.921 Die Vierte Internationale (p.923 Freier Aufenthalt in Frankreich -- p.940 Erster Durchbruch mit den "Vier" -- p.954 Der Ausgewiesene ohne Visum -- p.970 Asyl im "sozialistischen" Norwegen -- p.991 Der Abstieg zur Hölle -- p.1010 Wiederaufleben in Mexiko -- p.1025 Der Revolutionär und der Philosoph -- p.1040 Die große Treibjagd -- p.1059 Das Gegenmodell Spanien -- p.1073 Der Revolutionär, der Maler und der Dichter -- p.1089 Die IV. Internationale und der Krieg -- p.1104 Das Halali) -- p.1121 Schlußwort -- p.1135 Nachwort zur deutschen Ausgabe -- p.1141 Anmerkungen [zu Kap. 37-60] -- p.1179 Anhang (p.1181 Chronologie -- p.1202 Literaturverzeichnis -- p.1212 Literaturverzeichnis zum Nachwort der deutschen Ausgabe -- p.1214 Neuere Literatur über Trotzki -- p.1217 Verzeichnis der wichtigsten Abkürzungen -- p.1220 Karten -- p.1223 Personenregister -- p.1291 Autorenregister)
Bibliogr.: pp. 1202-1216
Notes: 2.926
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: La rivoluzione perduta ; Trotskij : en biografi
Original French version of the "Nachwort zur deutschen Ausgabe" see author's "Préface à l'édition allemande de Trotsky", in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky, 1997 (60), pp. 71-76
Angl.: Trotsky : a political biography

IDN  00796         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Carmichael, Joel: Trockij
/ Džoėl' Karmajkl. - Sokraščennyj perevod s anglijskogo. - [Yerusalem] : Knigotovariščestvo Moskva-Ierusalim, 1980. - 311 pp.
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki

IDN  00797         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Carmichael, Joel: Trotsky : an appreciation of his life
. - London [etc.] : Hodder & Stoughton, 1975. - 512 pp.
ISBN 0-340-16932-X

Table of contents: p.11 Foreword -- p.15 The nursery -- p.32 The world -- p.70 The stage -- p.111 The free-lance -- p.148 The star -- p.185 The gamble -- p.212 The pinnacle -- p.251 The apparatus -- p.291 The muezzin -- p.324 The taboggan -- p.371 The hero -- p.405 The agony -- p.432 The release -- p.483 Bibliography -- p.489 Notes -- p.505 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 483-488
Notes: 470
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij ; Trotzki

IDN  00798         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Carmichael, Joel: Trotsky : an appreciation of his life
. - New York, NY : St. Martin's, 1975. - 512 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 483-488
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij ; Trotzki

IDN  00799         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Carmichael, Joel: Trotzki
/ aus dem Engl. von Jürgen Schwab. - Frankfurt a.M. [etc.] : Ullstein, 1974. - 411 pp.
ISBN 3-550-17302-4

Table of contents: p.7 Einführung -- p.9 Die Jugend -- p.25 Die Welt -- p.55 Die Bühne -- p.89 Der Einzelgänger -- p.120 Der Star -- p.147 Das Wagnis -- p.168 Der Gipfel -- p.199 Der Apparat -- p.232 Der Muezzin -- p.257 Der Sturz -- p.297 Der Held -- p.324 Die Agonie -- p.347 Die Erlösung -- p.389 Bibliographie -- p.393 Anmerkungen -- p.403 Personenregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 389-392
Notes: 488
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij

IDN  00800         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Carmichael, Joel: Trotzki
/ aus dem Engl. von Jürgen Schwab. - Ungek. Ausg. - Frankfurt a.M. [etc.] : Ullstein, 1974. - 411 pp. - (Ullstein-Buch ; 3132)
ISBN 3-548-03132-3

Bibliogr.: pp. 389-392
Notes: 488
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij

IDN  00801         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Carmichael, Joel: Trotzki : die Revolution frißt ihre Väter
/ deutsche Übers. von Jürgen Schwab. - München : Heyne, 1989. - 637 pp. - (Heyne-Bücher ; 12) - (Heyne-Biographien ; 180)
ISBN 3-453-03527-5

Bibliogr.: pp. 623-626
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij
Angl.: Trotsky : the revolution devours its fathers

IDN  00802         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Černjavskij, Georgij Iosifovič: Lev Trockij
/ Georgij Černjavskij. [Predisl.: Roj Medvedev]. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 2010. - 664 pp. - (Žizn' zamečatel'nych ljudej : Serija biografii [ISSN 1812-0326] ; 1461=1261)
ISBN 978-5-235-03369-6

Table of contents: p.5 Predislovie/R. Medvedev -- p.14 Vvedenie -- p.19 V rossijskom socialističeskom dviženii (p.20 Vybor puti -- p.38 Pervaja ssylka i pervaja ėmigracija -- p.50 Leninec, men'ševik, centrist -- p.70 Pervaja revoljucija, Peterburgskij sovet -- p.87 Koncepcija permanentnoj revoljucii -- p.102 V tjur'mach, na sude i na ėtape -- p.116 Vtoraja ėmigracija -- p.130 "Pravda" i "Avgustovskij blok" -- p.145 Korrespondent na Balkanach -- p.158 V gody mirovoj vojny) -- p.173 Revoljucija, graždanskaja vojna i NĖP (p.174 Ot "mežrajoncev" k bol'ševizmu -- p.188 V glave Petrogradskogo soveta i VRK -- p.200 Narkomidel -- p.209 Brestskie peregovory i mir -- p.224 Narkomvoenmor i načalo stroitel'stva novoj armii -- p.235 Na frontach graždanskoj vojny i v partijnych cerchach -- p.263 Političeskie konflikty i ličnye perepetii voennogo narkoma -- p.286 V uzle protivorečij meždu "militarizaciej truda" i ėkonomičeskim poslablennem -- p.300 Kronštadtskoe vosstanie i desjatyj part"ezd - ü.313 V bor'be za leninskoe nasledie) -- p.329 Ob"edinennaja oppozicija, ssylka i deportacija (p.330 Otchod ot "general'noj linii" -- p.353 Ot kritiki izvraščeniij k oppozicii -- p.374 Analiz sovetskich i meždunarodnych realii -- p.385 Formirovanie ob"edinennoj oppozicii -- p.400 Vyrabotka edinogo antistalinistskogo kursa -- p.411 Platforma oppozicii -- p.425 Desjata godovščina Oktjabrja i isključenie iz partii -- p.436 Ssylka -- p.452 Cirkuljarnye pis'ma. Političeskij kurs v novych uslovijach -- p.468 Raspad oppozicii) -- p.483 Vo glave meždunarodnogo oppozicionnogo kommunističeskogo dviženija (p.484 Prinkipo -- p.503 Trockij i nacional'nye oppozicionnye kommunističeskie organizacii -- p.522 Sovetskie i meždunarodnye realii -- p.536 Formirovanie meždunarodnogo dviženija -- p.549 Francuzskaja i norvežskaja intermedii -- p.563 Transformacii meždunarodnoj organizacii storonnikov Trockogo -- p.579 Meksika. Diego Rivera. Frida Kalo -- p.597 Sud nad sovetskim terrorom i terror protiv otstupnikov -- p.614 "Stalin" -- p.631 Sikejros. Grigulevič. Merkader) -- p.648 Neskol'ko zaklučitel'nych slov -- p.651 Osnovnye daty žizni i dejatel'nosti L.D. Trockogo -- p.658 Bibliografija osnovnych izdanij na russkom jazyke -- p.661 Soderžanie
Bibliogr.: pp. 658-660
Notes: 1.590

IDN  00803         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Černjavskij, Georgij Iosifovič: Lev Trockij
/ Georgij Černjavskij. [Predisl.: Roj Medvedev]. - 2. izd. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 2012. - 664 pp. - (Žizn' zamečatel'nych ljudej : Serija biografii [ISSN 1812-0326] ; 1558=1358)
ISBN 978-5-235-03510-2

Bibliogr.: pp. 658-660
Notes: 1.590

IDN  00804         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Cliff, Tony: Trotsky
. - 1-4. - London [etc.] : Bookmarks, 1989-93
1. Towards October, 1879-1917. - 1989. - 314 pp.
ISBN 0-906224-51-9
Notes: 606
Table of contents: p.11 Preface -- p.21 Youth -- p.31 Meeting Lenin -- p.36 The 1903 congress -- p.50 Vigourous assault on Lenin -- p.65 An explanation of the break between Lenin and Trotsky -- p.80 Trotsky and Parvus -- p.88 The 1905 revolution -- p.123 The permanent revolution -- p.140 Trotsky on trial -- p.154 Wasted years 1906-1914 -- p.175 The First World War -- p.203 May and June 1917 -- p.226 The July days -- p.241 The Kornilov coup -- p.247 Towards the insurrection -- p.262 Trotsky organises the October insurrection -- p.289 Notes -- p.307 Index
2. The sword of the revolution, 1917-1923. - 1990. - 309 pp.
ISBN 0-906224-60-8
Notes: 309
Table of contents: p.11 Preface -- p.17 The consolidation of Soviet power -- p.34 The peace of Brest-Litovsk -- p.58 Building the Red Army -- p.64 The structure of the Red Army -- p.80 The spirit of the Red Army -- p.88 The Red Army blooded -- p.96 Opposition to Trotsky in the Red Army -- p.121 Disputes on military strategy -- p.135 The debate on military doctrine -- p.151 The Red Army and the rise of the Stalinist bureaucracy -- p.157 War communism at an impasse -- p.187 The decline of the proletariat and the rise of the bureaucracy -- p.202 First steps of the Communist International -- p.217 The Comintern -- p.237 Lenin and Trotsky join forces to fight bureaucracy -- p.262 Trotsky and the troika -- p.286 Notes -- p.303 Index
3. Fighting the Stalinist bureaucracy, 1923-1927. - 1991. - 306 pp.
ISBN 0-906224-65-9 - ISBN 978-0-906224-65-6
Notes: 306
Table of contents: p.11 Preface -- p.21 The New course controversy -- p.41 The campaign against Trotsky -- p.60 The German revolution of 1923 -- p.76 The Lessons of October -- p.98 Trotsky on culture -- p.124 Split in the troika -- p.147 The United Opposition -- p.167 The general strike in Britain -- p.187 The Chinese revolution -- p.225 The penultimate episode of the United Opposition -- p.256 The United Opposition is smashed -- p.281 Notes -- p.299 Index
4. The darker the night the brighter the star, 1927-1940. - 1993. - 427 pp.
ISBN 0-906224-86-1 - ISBN 978-0-906224-86-1
Notes: 633
Table of contents: p.11 Introduction -- p.19 Stalin turns to forced collectivisation -- p.37 The forced march of industrialisation -- p.45 Trotsky's reaction to the Five-Year plan -- p.68 Trotskyists in the USSR -- p.108 The struggle against the Nazis -- p.139 The Trotskyist movement in Germany -- p.164 Trotsky as historian of the Russian revolution -- p.172 First steps towards a new International -- p.187 Trotsky on France -- p.205 The French Trotskyists -- p.235 Trotsky and the Spanish revolution -- p.291 Why the Fourth International failed to take off -- p.308 The Revolution betrayed -- p.339 Nightmare: the Moscow trials and the mass purges -- p.368 Sliding towards the Second World War -- p.387 Notes -- p.415 Index

IDN  00805         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog
/ prevela Nada Šoljan. - 1-3. - Zagreb : Liber [etc.], 1975-76 - (Monografije-biografije ; 3)
1. Naoružani prorok. - 1975. - XII, 319 pp.
2. Razoružani prorok. - 1976. - 308 pp.
3. Prognani prorok. - 1976. - 340 pp.
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotskij ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotzki
Angl.: A biography of Leon Davidovich Bronstein-Trotsky

IDN  00806         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac:
The prophet : the life of Leon Trotsky. - The one-volume ed. - London [etc.] : Verso, 2015. - VIII, 1638 pp.
ISBN 978-1-78168-560-0

Table of contents: p.VII List of illustrations -- p.1 Volume I: The prophet armed, 1879-1921 -- p.533 Volume II: The prophet unarmed, 1921-1929 -- p.1027 Volume III: The prophet outcast, 1929-1940 -- p.1572 Bibliography -- p.1598 Index
Orig.: Trotsky [three-vol. ed.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki
For a detailed table of contents see the title description of the original English three-volume ed. (Trotsky [1-3], London [etc.], 1954-63)

IDN  00807         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trockij
/ Isaak Dojčer. [Perevod s angl.: T.M. Šulikova et al.]. - [1-3]. - Moskva : Centrpoligraf, 2006. - 525, 493, 525 pp.
[1.] Vooružennyj prorok, 1879-1921. - 525 pp. - ISBN 5-9524-2147-4
[2.] Bezoružennyj prorok, 1921-1929. - 493 pp. - ISBN 5-9524-2155-5
[3.] Izgnannyj prorok, 1929-1940. - 525 pp. - ISBN 5-9524-2157-1
Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotskij ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotzki

IDN  00808         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trockij v izgnanii
/ Isaak Dojčer. Perevod s anglijskogo N.N. Jakovleva. Posleslovie i kommentarii N.A. Vaseckogo. - Moskva : Izd-vo Političeskoj Literatury, 1991. - 588 pp.
ISBN 5-250-01472-0

Orig.: Trotsky (vol.3)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trotskij ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotzki
Angl.: Trotsky in exile

IDN  00809         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotski
/ trad. de Waltensir Dutra. - [1-3]. - Rio de Janeiro : Civilização Brasileira, 1968 - (Documentos da história contemporânea ; ...)
[1.] O profeta armado, 1879-1921. - 581 pp. - (... ; 41)
[2.] O profeta desarmado, 1921-1929. 520 pp. - (... ; 41a)
[3.] O profeta banido, 1929-1940. - 561 pp. - (... ; 41b)
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00810         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotski
/ trad. de Waltensir Dutra. - 3. ed. - [1-3]. - Rio de Janeiro : Civilização Brasileira, 2005-2006
[1.] O profeta armado, 1879-1921. - 2005. - 643 pp.
ISBN 978-85-200-596-9
Bibliogr.: pp. 621-626
[2.] O profeta desarmado, 1921-1929. - 2005. - 570 pp.
ISBN 978-85-200-597-7
Bibliogr.: pp. 545-552
[3.] O profeta banido, 1929-1940. - 2006. - 611 pp.
ISBN 978-85-200-598-9
Bibliogr.: pp. 583-591
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00811         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotskij
. - [1-3]. - Göteborg : Partisan-Förl., 1971-72 - (Partisan ; ...)
[1.] Den väpnade profeten : 1879-1921 / svensk övers.: Martin Peterson. - 1971. - 402 pp. (... ; 1)
[2.] Den avväpnade profeten : 1921-1929 / svensk övers.: Mario Grut. - 1972. - 352 pp. (... ; 2)
[3.] Den förvisade profeten : 1929-1940 /svensk övers.: Mario Grut. - 1972. - 393 pp. (... ; 3)
ISBN 91-7212-012-6
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotzki

IDN  00812         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotskij
/ pres. di Giuseppe Boffa. [Trad. di Antonietta Drago]. - Nueva ed. / a cura di Attilio Chitarin. - [1-?]. - Milano : Longanesi, 1979 [?] - (Biblioteca / Longanesi ; ...)
[1.] Il profeta armato : 1879-1921. - 1979. - XVI, 555 pp. (... ; 13)
ISBN 88-304-0272-9
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotskij [Swed.] ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotzki
Publication probably suspended with vol. [1]

IDN  00813         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotskij
. - [1-3]. - Milano : PGreco, 2011
[1.] Il profeta armato : 1879-1921. - 774 pp.
ISBN 978-88-955633-7-4
[2.] Il profeta disarmato : 1922-1932. - 644 pp.
ISBN 978-88-955633-8-1
[3.] Il profeta esiliato : 1933-1940. - 735 pp.
ISBN 978-88-955633-9-8
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotskij [Swed.] ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotzki

IDN  00814         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
. - [1-3]. - London [etc.] : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1954-63
[1.] The prophet armed : 1879-1921. - 1954. - VIII, 540 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 523-528
Notes: 792
Table of contents: p.V Preface -- p.1 Home and school -- p.22 In search of an ideal -- p.57 At the door of history -- p.98 An intellectual partnership -- p.117 Trotsky in 1905 -- p.145 'Permanent revolution' -- p.175 The doldrums : 1907-1914 -- p.211 War and the International -- p.249 Trotsky in the October revolution -- p.325 The People's Commissar -- p.346 The drama of Brest-Litovsk -- p.405 Arming the republic -- p.448 Revolution and conquest -- p.477 Note on Trotsky's military writings -- p.486 Defeat in victory -- p.523 Bibliography -- p.529 Index
[2.] The prophet unarmed : 1921-1929. - 1959. - XII, 490 p.
Bibliogr.: p.473-479
Notes: 534
Table of contents: p.V Preface -- p.1 The power and the dream -- p.75 The anathema -- p.164 'Not by politics alone ...' -- p.201 An interval -- p.271 The decisive contest : 1926-7 -- p.395 A year at Alma Ata -- p.473 Bibliography -- p.481 Index
[3.] The prophet outcast : 1929-1940. - 1963. - XV, 543 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 525-532
Notes: 606
Table of contents: p.IX Preface -- p.1 On the Princes' Isles -- p.128 Reason and unreason -- p.218 The revolutionary as historian -- p.257 'Enemy of the people' -- p.356 The 'hell-black night' -- p.510 Postscript : victory in defeat -- p.525 Bibliography -- p.533 Index
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00815         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
. - [1-3]. - Milano : Longanesi, 1956-65 - (Il cammeo ; ...)
[1.] Il profeta armato : 1879-1921 / trad. dall'orig. inglese di Antonietta Drago. - 1956. - 784 pp. (... ; 80)
[2.] Il profeta disarmato : 1921-1929 / trad. di Maria Eugenia Morin. - 1961. - 640 pp. (... ; 155)
[3.] Il profeta esilato : 1929-1940 / trad. di Maria Eugenia Morin. - 1965.- 735 pp. (... ; 200)
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00816         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
/ trad. de l'anglais par Paulette Péju [et al.]. - 1-3. - Paris : Julliard, 1962-65 - (Les temps modernes)
1. Le prophète armé : (1879-1921). - 1962. - 695 pp.
2. Le prophète désarmé : (1921-1929). - 1964. - 640 pp.
3. Le prophète hors de la loi : (l'exil). - 1965. - 704 pp.
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00817         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
. - [1-3]. - New York, NY : Vintage Books, 1965 - (Vintage Russian library ; ...)
[1.] The prophet armed : 1879-1921. - VIII, 540 pp. (... ; 746)
Bibliogr.: pp. 523-528
Notes: 792
[2.] The prophet unarmed : 1921-1929. - XII, 490 pp. (... ; 747)
Bibliogr.: pp. 473-479
Notes: 534
[3.] The prophet outcast : 1929-1940. - XV, 543 pp. (... ; 748)
Bibliogr.: pp. 525-532
Notes: 606
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00818         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
/ trad. de R. Folch i Camarasa. - [1]. - Barcelona : Ed. de Materials, [1968]. - (Collecció Història immediata)
[1.] El profeta armat : (1879-1921). - 566 pp.
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotskij ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotzki
Publication suspended with vol. [1]

IDN  00819         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
/ trad. de José Luis González. - 2. ed. - [1-3]. - México, D.F. : Ed. Era, 1968-71 - (Colección El hombre y su tiempo)
[1.] El profeta armado : 1879-1921. - 1970.
[2.] El profeta desarmado : 1921-1929. - 1968.
[3.] El profeta desterrado : 1929-1940. - 1971.
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00820         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
. - [1-3]. - London [etc.] : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1970 - (Oxford paperbacks ; ...)
[1.] The prophet armed : 1879-1921. - VIII, 540 pp. (... ; 227)
ISBN 0-19-281064-2
Bibliogr.: pp. 523-528
Notes: 792
[2.] The prophet unarmed : 1921-1929. - XII, 490 pp. (... ; 228)
ISBN 0-19-281065-0
Bibliogr.: pp. 473-479
Notes: 534
[3.] The prophet outcast : 1929-1940. - XV, 543 pp. (... ; 229)
ISBN 0-19-281066-9
Bibliogr.: pp. 525-532
Notes: 606
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00821         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
. - Rééd. / trad. de l'anglais par Jean Cler. - 1-6. - Paris : Union Génerale d'Ed., 1972-80 - (Collection 10/18 ; ...)
1. Le prophète armé : 1879-1921. - 1. - 1972. - 441 pp. (... ; 679)
2. Le prophète armé : 1879-1921. - 2. - 1972. - 448 pp. (... ; 688)
3. Le prophète désarmé : 1921-1929. - 1. - 1979. - 275 pp. (... ; 1312)
ISBN 2-264-00998-5
4. Le prophète désarmé : 1921-1929. - 2. - 1979. - pp. 276-639 (... ; 1313)
ISBN 2-264-00999-3
5. Le prophète hors de la loi : 1929-1940. - 1. - 1980. - 349 pp. (... ; 1387)
ISBN 2-264-00288-3
6. Le prophète hors de la loi : 1929-1940. - 2. - 1980. - pp. 350-692 (... ; 1388)
ISBN 2-264-00289-1
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00822         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
/ trad. de José Luis González. - 3. ed. - [1-3]. - México, D.F. : Ed. Era, 1973-75 - (Colección El hombre y su tiempo)
[1.] El profeta armado : 1879-1921. - 1973.
[2.] El profeta desarmado : 1921-1929. - 1974.
[3.] El profeta desterrado : 1929-1940. - 1975.
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00823         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
/ trad. de José Luis González. - 4. ed. - [1-3]. - México, D.F. : Ed. Era, 1976-79 - (Colección El hombre y su tiempo)
[1.] El profeta armado : 1879-1921. - 1976.
[2.] El profeta desarmado : 1921-1929. - 1976
[3.] El profeta desterrado : 1929-1940. - 1979
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00824         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
. - [1-3]. - London [etc.] : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1980 - (A galaxy book ; ...)
[1.] The prophet armed : 1879-1921. - VIII, 540 pp. (... ; 605)
ISBN 0-19-281064-2
Bibliogr.: pp. 523-528
Notes: 792
[2.] The prophet unarmed : 1921-1929. - XII, 490 pp. (... ; 606)
ISBN 0-19-281065-0
Bibliogr.: pp. 473-479
Notes: 534
[3.] The prophet outcast : 1929-1940. - XIII, 543 pp. (... ; 607)
ISBN 0-19-281066-9
Bibliogr.: pp. 525-532
Notes: 606
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00825         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
. - [New ed.]. - [1-3]. - London [etc.] : Verso, 2003
[1.] The prophet armed : Trotsky, 1879-1921. - X, 497 pp. - Bibliogr.: pp. 483-489
Notes: 799
ISBN 1-85984-441-3 - ISBN 978-1-85984-441-0
[2.] The prophet unarmed : Trotsky, 1921-1929. - XIV, 444 pp. - Bibliogr.: pp. 431-438
Notes: 541
ISBN 1-85984-446-4 - ISBN 978-1-85984-446-5
[3.] The prophet outcast : Trotsky, 1929-1940. - XII, 484 pp. - Bibliogr.: pp. 466-475
Notes: 614
ISBN 1-85984-451-0 - ISBN 978-1-85984-451-9
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00826         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
/ [trad. de José Luis González]. - [1-3]. - Santiago : LOM Ed., 2007 - (Colección Historia)
[1.] El profeta armado : 1879-1921. - 480 pp.
ISBN 978-956-282-904-5
[2.] El profeta desarmado : 1921-1929. - 421 pp.
ISBN 978-956-282-932-8
[3.] El profeta desterrado : 1929-1940. - 458, [18] pp.
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00827         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky
. - [1-3]. - Buenos Aires : Ed. IPS ; Santiago : LOM Ed., 2020 - (Biografías y memorias)
[1.] El profeta armado / pról.: Matías Maiello. - 486 pp.
ISBN 978-987-3958-65-6
[2.] El profeta desarmado. - 431 pp.
ISBN 978-987-3958-66-3
[3.] El profeta desterrado. - 475 pp.
ISBN 978-987-3958-67-0
Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotskij ; Trotzki

IDN  00828         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotzki
/ [aus dem Engl. übers. von Harry Maor]. - 1-3. - Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 1962-63
1. Der bewaffnete Prophet : 1879-1921. - 1962. - 554 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 490-496
2. Der unbewaffnete Prophet : 1921-1929. - 1962. - 501 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 451-458
Notes: 541
3. Der verstoßene Prophet : 1929-1940. - 1963. - 543 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 483-490
Notes: 620
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotskij ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  00829         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotzki
/ [aus dem Engl. übers. von Harry Maor]. - 2. Aufl. - 1-3. - Stuttgart [etc.] : Kohlhammer, 1972 - (Urban-Taschenbücher ; ...)
1. Der bewaffnete Prophet : 1879-1921. - 554 pp. (... ; 158)
ISBN 3-17-232181-9
Bibliogr.: pp. 490-496
2. Der unbewaffnete Prophet : 1921-1929. - 501 pp. (... ; 159)
ISBN 3-17-232191-6
Bibliogr.: pp. 451-458
Notes: 541
3. Der verstoßene Prophet : 1929-1940. - 543 pp. (... ; 160)
ISBN 3-17-232201-7
Bibliogr.: pp. 483-490
Notes: 620
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Biografija Lava Davidoviča Bronštejna-Trockog ; The prophet ; Trockij ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotskij ; Trotsky [Cat.] ; Trotsky [French] ; Trotsky [Ital.] ; Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  00830         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Emel'janov, Jurij Vasil'evič: Trockij : mify i legendy
/ Jurij Emel'janov. - Moskva : Veče, 2013. - 300 pp. - (Velikie istoričeskie persony) - (Biblioteka Kommersant')
ISBN 978-5-4444-0610-6

Angl.: Trotsky : myths and legends

IDN  00831         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Emel'janov, Jurij Vasil'evič: Trockij : mify i ličnost'
/ Ju.V. Emel'janov. - Moskva : Veče, 2003. - 477 pp. - (Dos'e bez retuši)
ISBN 5-94538-345-7 - ISBN 978-5-94538-345-6

Table of contents: p.5 Predislovie -- p.9 Syn drevnego naroda -- p.53 Poddannyj rossijskoj imperii -- p.81 Prevraščenie v Odesskogo intelligenta -- p.104 Na žiznennom perekrestke -- p.117 Perekovka pod tjuremnym pressom -- p.137 Ot tajgi do britanskich morej -- p.156 Novaja zvezda na političeskom nebosklone -- p.176 Teorija, roždennaja v Mjunchene -- p.187 Sredi voln revoljucionnoj buri -- p.205 Venskij bjurger -- p.231 Graždanin mira -- p.252 Metamorfosy v god velikich peremen -- p.289 Brestskaja katastrofa -- p.307 Vo glave raboče-krest'janskoj armii -- p.351 Pod lozungom militarizacii truda -- p.366 Lev gotovitska k pryžku -- p.381 Utinaja ochota i ee posledstvija -- p.403 Sojuz nedavnich vragov -- p.420 Krach velikogo kombinatora -- p.437 Proigrannyj matč-revanš -- p.469 Živučie mify : vmesto zaključenija -- p.474 Perečen' osnovnych ispol'zovannych materialov
Bibliogr.: pp. 474-477
Angl.: Trotsky : myths and personality

IDN  00832         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Emel'janov, Jurij Vasil'evič: Trockij : mify i ličnost'
/ Ju.V. Emel'janov. - Moskva : Akad. Proekt, 2018. - 494 pp. - (Istorija Rossii XX vek)
ISBN 978-5-8291-2169-3

IDN  00833         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Emel'janov, Jurij Vasil'evič: Trockij : "zloj genij revoljucii"?
/ Ju.V. Emel'janov. - Moskva : Veče, 2017. - 286 pp. - (Mify i pravda istorii)
ISBN 978-5-4444-6200-3 - ISBN 5-4444-6200-1

Bibliogr.: pp. 284-286
Angl.: Trotsky : "evil genius of the revolution"?

IDN  00834         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Enko, K. i T.: Lenin, Stalin, Trockij
/ K. i T. Enko [i.e. Vladimir Gerasimovič Tkačenko i Konstantin Vladimirovič Tkačenko]. - Moskva : Centrpoligraf, 2000. - 380 pp. - (Častnaja žizn' voždej)
ISBN 5-227-00613-X - ISBN 978-5-227-00613*

On pp. 295-378: Trockij L.D.

IDN  00835         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Felshtinsky, Yuri: Lev Trockij
/ Jurij Fel'štinskij ; Georgij Černjavskij. - 1-4. - Moskva : Centrpoligraf, 2012 - 2013
1. Revoljucioner : 1879-1917. - 447 pp.
ISBN 978-5-227-03783-1
Contents: p.7 Predislovie -- p.21 Vybor puti -- p.62 Pervaja ssylka i pervaja ėmigracija -- p.94 Leninec, men'ševik, centrist -- p.147 Pervaja revoljucija. Peterburgskij Sovet -- p.184 Koncepcija permanentnoj revoljucii -- p.195 V tjurmach, na sude i na ėtape -- p.223 Vtoraja ėmigracija -- p.257 "Pravda" i avgustovskij blok -- p.309 "Kievskaja mysl'" i komandirovka na Balkany -- p.345 V gody mirovoj vojny -- p.389 Ot mežrajoncev k bol'ševizmu -- p.430 Spisok abbreviatur -- p.431 Imennoj ukazatel' -- p.439 Fotoal'bom
Notes: 1,055
2. Bol'ševik : 1917-1924. - 509 pp.
ISBN 978-5-227-03802-9
Contents: p.7 Vo glave revoljucii -- p.75 Brestskij mir -- p.172 Stroitel'stvo novoj armii -- p.201 Kurs na mirovoj revoljuciju -- p.236 Na frontach graždanskoj vojny -- p.304 Bol'ševistskij diktator -- p.394 V bor'be za leninskoe nasledie -- p.487 Spisok abbreviatur -- p.489 Imennoj ukazatel' -- p.495 Fotoal'bom
Notes: 1,324
3. Oppozicioner : 1923-1929. - 451 pp.
ISBN 978-5-227-04064-0
Contents: p.7 Otchod ot "general'noj linii" -- p.79 Na puti k oppozicii -- p.159 Formirovanie ob"edinennoj oppozicii -- p.192 Vyrabotka obščego antistalinskogo kursa -- p.222 Platforma oppozicii -- p.266 Isključenie iz CK i partii -- p.306 Ssylka -- p.403 Vysylka -- p.446 Spisok abbreviatur -- p.448 Imennoj ukazatel' -- p.[453] Fotoal'bom
Notes: 1,007
4. Vrag n° 1 : 1929-1940. - 541 pp.
ISBN 978-5-227-04154-8
Contents: p.7 Meždunarodnyj oppozicioner -- p.82 Glavnyj vrag Stalina -- p.140 Danija i Francija. -- p.178 Norvegija -- p.227 Podliye prodelki "svoloči iz Gori" -- p.249 Meksikanskij ėtap. -- p.282 Novye podlosti "svoloči iz Gori" -- p.355 Mest' Trockogo -- p.410 Mest' Stalina. -- p.453 Zaključenie -- p.467 Spisok abbreviatur -- p.469 Imennoj ukazatel' -- p.481 Fotoal'bom -- p.495 Osnovnye daty žizni i dejatel'nosti L.D. Trockogo . -- p.504 Bibliografija k četyrem knigam biografii L.D. Trockogo
Bibliogr.: pp. 504-540
Notes: 990
Angl.: Leon Trotsky

IDN  00836         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Frerejean, Alain: Staline contre Trotski
. - Paris : France 5, Perrin, 2016. - 330 pp.
ISBN 978-2-262-06527-0

Bibliogr.: pp. 303-306
See also the documentary film "Staline/Trotski, le tsar et le prophète" by Alain Frerejean and Marie-Laurence Rincé (52 min., produced by Label Image, 2014,and pres. within the "Emission duels" series of French TV programme "France 5", March 26, 2015, 9:40 p.m.)

IDN  00837         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Korabel'nikov, Michail Osipovič: Lev Trockij i drugie
: včera, segodnja ; istoričeskij process / M.0. Korabel'nikov. - Moskva : IP Rakitskaja, 2015. - 884 pp.
ISBN 978-5-00039-149-5

Table of contents: p.3 Vmesto predislovija -- p.27 Rossija-Evropa -- p.83 1917 god -- p.151 Graždanskaja vojna -- p.239 Perechod na "mirnye rel'sy" -- p.278 "Process" -- p.358 Izgnannik -- p.402 Bol'šoj terror -- p.628 Novoe iz oblasti mifologii -- p.723 Poslednee ubežišče -- p.759 "Pozdnij Trockij" i evropejskie processy -- p.861 Posleslovie: Kem byl Lev Trockij? -- p.882 Bibliografija
Bibliogr.: pp. 882-884
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and others

IDN  00838         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Marie, Jean-Jacques: Trotski : revolucionario sin fronteras
/ [trad. de Horacio Pons]. - Buenos Aires [etc.] : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009. - 613 pp. - (Tezontle)
ISBN 978-950-557-812-2 - ISBN 950-557-812-1

Orig.: Trotsky : révolutionnaire sans frontières
Angl.: Trotsky : a revolutionary without boundaries

IDN  00839         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Marie, Jean-Jacques: Trotsky : révolutionnaire sans frontières
. - Paris : Ed. Payot & Rivages, 2006. - 621 pp. - (Biographie Payot)
ISBN 2-228-90038-9 - ISBN 978-2-228-90038-6

Table of contents: p.7 Avant-propos -- p.18 Généalogie -- p.19 Premier apprentissage -- p.37 Léniniste éphémère -- p.51 Du dimanche rouge aux soviets -- p.73 Interlude -- p.99 La boucherie héroïque -- p.117 Double pouvoir -- p.135 Le Rubicon d'Octobre -- p.151 La paix des bandits -- p.167 Guerre civil -- p.185 Une citadelle assiégée -- p.201 La révolution à l'ordre du jour -- p.217 Communisme de guerre -- p.233 De la polémique syndicale au tournant de la NEP -- p.251 Tensions -- p.263 L'alliance Lénine-Trotsky -- p.279 La trêve malencontreuse -- p.291 Trotsky contre l'appareil -- p.305 Les leçons d'Octobre -- p.325 Staline contre Trotsky -- p.359 De l'exil d'Alma-Ata à l'opposition internationale -- p.383 Comment combattre le fascisme -- p.415 La fin d'une époque -- p.455 La révolution trahie -- p.481 Le Mexique -- p.531 A contre-courant -- p.549 L'assassinat -- p.569 Conclusion -- p.573 Notes -- p.595 Chronologie -- p.600 Cartes -- p.603 Bibliographie -- p.611 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 603-609
Notes: 686
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski : revolucionario sin fronteras
Angl.: Trotsky : a revolutionary without boundaries

IDN  00840         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Marie, Jean-Jacques: Trotsky : révolutionnaire sans frontières
. - Paris : La Grand Livre du Mois, 2006. - 621 pp.
ISBN 2-2860-1354-3 - ISBN 978-2-2860-1354-7

Bibliogr.: pp. 603-609
Notes: 686
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski : revolucionario sin fronteras

IDN  00841         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Moltved, Georg: Leo Trotskij
. - 1-2. - København : Rhodos, 1971. - 471 pp.
ISBN 87-7496-260-4 (set)

1. I revolutionens tjeneste. - 252 pp.
ISBN 87-7496-258-2
Table of contents: p.7 Forord -- p.9 Indledning -- p.12 Den unge Bronstein -- p.38 Mensheviker og Bolsheviker -- p.43 1905-revolutionen -- p.55 Den permanente Revolution -- p.69 De onde år 1907-14 -- p.76 Krigen kommer og Internationalen svigter -- p.82 Zimmerwald-bevægelsen toner frem -- p.91 Hjem til revolutionen -- p.115 Folkekommissærernes Råd -- p.126 Forhandlingerne i Brest-Litovsk -- p.147 Trotskij i borgerkrigen -- p.163 Revolutionens virkninger uden for Rusland -- p.180 Kronstadt-revolten -- p.205 Bandstrålen -- p.232 Et pusterum for Trotskij
2. Bandlyst af Kreml. - pp. 257-471
ISBN 87-7496-259-0
Bibliogr.: p.469-470
Table of contents: p.257 Knuden strammens -- p.310 Trotskij i forvisning -- p.338 Front mod nazismen -- p.366 Aktivisten som historiker -- p.378 "Folkets fjende" -- p.387 Flygtning mellem Nordmænd -- p.411 Tilflugt i Mexico -- p.464 Sejr i nederlaget? -- p.469 Litteraturfortegnelse -- p.471 Billedfortegnelse

IDN  00842        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Stalin's nemesis   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  00843        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trocki : upadek rewolucjonisty   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  00844        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trockij : pád revolucionáře   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  00845        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotsky : downfall of a revolutionary   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  00846        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotzki : der verratene Revolutionär   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  00847         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Payne, Robert:
The life and death of Trotsky. - New York, NY : McGraw-Hill, 1977. - VIII, 498 pp.
ISBN 0-07-048940-8

Bibliogr.: pp. 480-489
Notes: 157

IDN  00848         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Payne, Robert:
The life and death of Trotsky. - London : W.H. Allen, 1978. - VIII, 498 pp.
ISBN 0-491-02382-0

Table of contents: p.3 Early years -- p.54 The ferment rises -- p.91 The year 1905 -- p.131 Wanderings on the periphery of war -- p.181 Triumph and tragedy -- p.265 The descent into hell -- p.321 Grandeurs and miseries of exile -- p.389 The fortress in Coyoacan -- p.480 Select bibliography -- p.485 Chapter notes -- p.491 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 480-489
Notes: 157

IDN  00849         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Pursiainen, Christer: Trotski
. - Helsinki : Gummerus, 2011. - 448 pp.
ISBN 978-951-20-8504-0 - ISBN 951-20-8504-6

Table of contents: p.7 Leninin testamentti -- p.36 "Trotski" syntyy -- p.64 Jatkuva vallankumous -- p.87 Maailmankansalainen -- p.116 Bolševikki viime tipassa -- p.145 Lokakuun rauhanneuvottelija -- p.195 Puna-armejan perustaja -- p.222 Voittaja -- p.252 Riidanhaastaja -- p.280 Tappio -- p.308 Karkotettu -- p.336 Petetty vallankumous -- p.366 Viimeinen taisto -- p.395 Murha -- p.424 Lähteistä -- p.435 Kirjallisuusluettelo -- p.445 Henkilöhakemisto
Bibliogr.: pp. 435-444
First and only full-scale biography of Leon Trotsky in Finnish language

IDN  00850         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Pursiainen, Christer: Trotski
. - 2. painos. - Helsinki : Gummerus, 2011. - 448 pp.
ISBN 978-951-20-8504-0 - ISBN 951-20-8504-6

Bibliogr.: pp. 435-444
First and only full-scale biography of Leon Trotsky in Finnish language

IDN  00851         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Renouard, Michel: Trotsky
. - Paris : Gallimard, 2017. - 305 pp. - (Folio : Biographies [ISSN 1776-6389] ; 139)
ISBN 978-2-07-046771-6

Table of contents: p.13 "Dans les steppes incommensurables" -- p.43 Lune de miel en Sibérie -- p.66 La naissance de Trotsky -- p.87 Répétition générale -- p.121 La symphonie des nouveaux mondes -- p.147 Commissaire Trotsky -- p.166 De Moscou à Berlin -- p.179 Au pays des grosses pommes rouges -- p.189 Les années turques -- p.206 Retour en France -- p.220 Bivouac en Norvège -- p.229 "Le jardin regorgeait de fleurs" -- p.238 La mort du fils -- p.249 Le dernier légionnaire -- p.255 "Comme un dernier rayon..." -- p.264 Pour ne pas conclure -- p.271 Repères chronologiques -- p.283 Repères géographiques -- p.286 Références bibliographiques -- p.291 Notes -- p.303 Remerciements
Bibliogr.: pp. 286-290
Notes: 271

IDN  00852         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Šambarov, Valerij Evgen'evič: Lev Trockij : tajny mirovoj revoljucii
/ V.E. Šambarov ; E.N. Čavčavadze. - Moskva : Veče, 2016. - 350 pp. - (Revoljucija : zapadnja dlja Rossii)
ISBN 978-5-4444-5099-1

Bibliogr.: pp. 342-349
Angl.: Lev Trotsky : mysteries of world revolution

IDN  00853         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Segal, Ronald: Leon Trotsky : a biography
. - New York, NY : Pantheon Books, [1980]. - 445 pp.
ISBN 0-394-50704-5

Bibliogr.: pp. 423-426
Notes: 432
British ed. publ. with title: The tragedy of Leon Trotsky

IDN  00854         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Segal, Ronald:
The tragedy of Leon Trotsky. - London : Hutchinson, 1979. - 445 pp.
ISBN 0-09-138500-8

Table of contents: p.9 Beginnings -- p.22 Commitments -- p.37 Congress and conflicts -- p.54 Insurrection -- p.85 Recession -- p.107 War and revolution -- p.136 The thrust to power -- p.172 The revolution transformed -- p.222 The heel of Achilles -- p.272 The fall -- p.319 The freezing sea -- p.367 Auto-da-Fé -- p.407 Notes and references -- p.423 Select bibliography -- p.427 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 423-426
Notes: 432
American ed. publ. with title: Leon Trotsky

IDN  00855         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Segal, Ronald:
The tragedy of Leon Trotsky. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1983. - 445 pp. - (A Peregrine book)
ISBN 0-14-055159-X

Bibliogr.: pp. 423-426
Notes: 432
American ed. publ. with title: Leon Trotsky

IDN  00856         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Leo Trotzki : Leben und Tod
/ [übers. von Peter Linnert]. - Wien [etc.] : Europaverl., [1978]. - 349 pp.
ISBN 3-203-50681-5

Table of contents: p.9 Vorwort zur Ausgabe 1973 -- p.11 Der Alte -- p.15 Einleitung -- p.17 Die Jugend -- p.45 Die Revolution -- p.93 Die Macht -- p.143 Die Opposition -- p.195 Die Verfolgung -- p.243 Der Alptraum -- p.303 Die Mörder -- p.333 Ergänzende Details zum Tode Trotzkis -- p.343 Victor Serge, biographische Notiz -- p.347 Die wichtigsten Texte von Victor Serge über Trotzki
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : life and death

IDN  00857         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Leo Trotzki : Leben und Tod
/ [übers. von Peter Linnert]. - München : Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verl., 1981. - 349 pp. - (Dtv [ISSN 0416-5675] ; 1680)
ISBN 3-423-01680-9

Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : life and death

IDN  00858         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor:
The life and death of Leon Trotsky / Victor Serge and Natalia Sedova Trotsky. Transl. by Arnold J. Pomerans. - London : Wildwood House, 1975. - 296 pp.
ISBN 0-7045-0138-4

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction to the 1973 edition -- p.2 The old man -- p.6 Preface -- p.8 Youth -- p.32 Revolution -- p.70 Power -- p.111 Opposition -- p.153 Persecution -- p.195 Nightmare -- p.245 The assassins -- p.271 Further details of Trotsky's death -- p.281 Index
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij

IDN  00859         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor:
The life and death of Leon Trotsky / Victor Serge and Natalia Sedova Trotsky. Transl. by Arnold J. Pomerans. - New York, NY : Basic Books, 1975. - 296 pp.
ISBN 0-465-03942-1

Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij

IDN  00860         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Trotsky
/ trad. Mascarenhas Barreto [et al.]. - Lisboa : Aster, 1977. - 326 pp. - (Coleção Grandes biografias)
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij

IDN  00861         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Trotsky
/ trad. Mascarenhas Barreto [et al.]. - São Paulo : Ensaio, 1992. - 309 pp. - (Grandes biografias)
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij

IDN  00862         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vida y muerte de Trotsky
/ pról. de Elías Castelnuovo. [Trad. del francés por J.E. Spilimbergo]. - Buenos Aires : Ed. Indoamérica, 1954. - 286 pp.
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij
Angl.: Life and death of Trotsky

IDN  00863         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vida y muerte de Trotsky
/ [trad.: J.E. Spilimbergo]. - México, D.F. : J. Pablos, 1971. - 286 pp.
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij
Angl.: Life and death of Trotsky

IDN  00864         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky
. - 1-2. - Paris : Maspero, 1973 - (Petite collection Maspero [ISSN 0292-7853] ; ...)
1. 181 pp.(... ; 115)
Table of contents: p.5 Avertissement à l'édition de 1973 -- p.7 Le vieux -- p.11 Avant-propos -- p.13 La jeunesse -- p.40 La révolution -- p.82 Le pouvoir -- p.129 L'opposition
2. 149 pp.(... ; 116)
Table of contents: p.5 La persécution -- p.51 Le cauchemar -- p.106 Les assassins -- p.134 Détails complémentaires sur la mort de Trotsky
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij
Angl.: The life and death of Leon Trotsky

IDN  00865         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky
/ préf. de Richard Greeman. - Paris : La Découverte, 2003. - VII, 320 pp. - (La Découverte poche : Essais [ISSN 1272-1514] ; 141)
ISBN 2-7071-3979-3

Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij

IDN  00866         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky
/ préf. de Richard Greeman. - [Nouvelle éd]. - Paris : La Découverte, 2010. - VII, 320 pp. - (La Découverte poche : Essais [ISSN 1272-1514] ; 141)
ISBN 978-2-7071-6641-8

Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij

IDN  00867         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vie et mort de Trotsky
. - Paris : Amiot-Dumont, 1951. - 343 pp. - (Archives d'histoire contemporaine)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vita e morte di Trotskij
Angl.: The life and death of Trotsky

IDN  00868         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vita e morte di Trotskij
/ [trad.: Silvia Cattarini Brilli]. - Roma [etc.] : Laterza, 1973. - XXII, 376 pp. - (Storia e società)
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky
Angl.: The life and death of Trotsky

IDN  00869         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vita e morte di Trotskij
/ [trad.: Silvia Cattarini Brilli]. - Bari [etc.] : Laterza, 1976. - XXII, 376 pp. - (Universale Laterza ; 358)
Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky
Angl.: The Life and death of Trotsky

IDN  00870         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Serge, Victor: Vita e morte di Trotskij
. - PGreco : Milano, 2014. - XXII, 376 pp.
ISBN 978-88-6802-057-6

Orig.: Vie et mort de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki ; The life and death of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Vida y muerte de Trotsky ; Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky

IDN  00871         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru
/ przel. Magdalena Rychlik. - Warszawa : Prószyński, 2024. - 799 pp.
ISBN 978-83-8352-304-0

Orig.: Trotsky : a biography
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski : una biografía ; Trotski [French] ; Trotzki : eine Biographie
Angl.: Trotsky : the demon of red terror

IDN  00872         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trotski
/ trad. de l'anglais par Martine Devillers-Argouarc'h. - Paris : Perrin, 2011. - 620 pp.
ISBN 978-2-262-03453-5

Bibliogr.: pp. 595-605
Orig.: Trotsky : a biography
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru ; Trotski : una biografía ; Trotsky : uma biografia ; Trotzki : eine Biographie

IDN  00873         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trotski
. - Paris : Perrin, 2015. - 895 pp. - (Collection Tempus [ISSN 1633-8294] ; 611)
ISBN 978-2-262-05128-0

Bibliogr.: pp. 855-873
Orig.: Trotsky : a biography
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru ; Trotski : una biografía ; Trotsky : uma biografia ; Trotzki : eine Biographie

IDN  00874         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trotski : una biografía
/ trad. de Francese Reyes Camps. - Barcelona : Ed. B (Grupo Zeta), 2010. - 735 pp. - (No ficción : Historia)
ISBN 978-84-666-4408-2 - ISBN 84-666-4408-3

Orig.: Trotsky : a biography
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru ; Trotski [French] ; Trotsky : uma biografia ; Trotzki : eine Biographie

IDN  00875         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trotsky : a biography
. - Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Pr. of Harvard University Pr., 2009. - XXII, 600 pp.
ISBN 978-0-674-03615-4 - ISBN 0-674-03615-8

Bibliogr.: pp. 564-577
Notes: 1,694
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru ; Trotski : una biografía ; Trotski [French] ; Trotzki : eine Biographie
Table of contents see British ed. (London : Macmillan, 2009)

IDN  00876         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trotsky : a biography
. - London : Macmillan, 2009. - XXII, 600 pp.
ISBN 978-1-4050-5346-4 - ISBN 1-4050-5346-1

Table of contents: p.IX List of illustrations -- p.XI Maps -- p.XIX Preface -- p.XXII A note on usages -- p.1 Introduction -- p.9 Part One: 1879-1913 (The family Bronstein - Upbringing - Schooling - The young revolutionary - Love and prison - Siberian exile - Iskra - Cutting loose - The year 1905 - Trial and punishment - Again the emigrant - Unifier - Special correspondent) -- p.133 Part Two: 1914-1919 (War on the war - Designs for revolution - Atlantic crossings - Nearly a Bolshevik - Threats and promises - Seizure of power - People's Commissar - Trotsky and the Jews - Brest-Litovsk - Kazan and after - Almost the commander - Red victory - World revolution) -- p.257 Part Three: 1920-1928 (Images and the life - Peace and war - Back from the brink - Disputing about reform - The politics of illness - The Left Opposition - On the cultural front - Failing to succeed - Entourage and fraction - Living with Trotsky - What Trotsky wanted - Last stand in Moscow - Alma-Ata) -- p.377 Part Four: 1929-1940 (Büyükada - Looking for revolutions - The writer - Russian connections - Europe south and north - Setting up in Mexico - The Fourth International - Trotsky and his women - 'The Russian question' - Confronting the philosophers - The Second World War - Assassination - The keepers and the flame) -- p.503 Notes -- p.564 Select bibliography -- p.579 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 564-577
Notes: 1,694
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru ; Trotski : una biografía ; Trotski [French] ; Trotsky : uma biografia

IDN  00877         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trotsky : a biography
. - London : Pan Books, 2010. - XXII, 600 pp.
ISBN 978-0-330-43969-3 - ISBN 0-330-43969-5

Bibliogr.: pp. 564-577
Notes: 1,694
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru ; Trotski : una biografía ; Trotski [French] ; Trotzki : eine Biographie
Pocket book paperback ed.

IDN  00878         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trotsky : uma biografia
/ trad. Vasco Teles de Menezes. - Lisboa : Aletheia, 2011. - 641 pp.
ISBN 978-989-622-272-7

Orig.: Trotsky : a biography
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru ; Trotski : una biografía ; Trotski [French] ; Trotzki : eine Biographie

IDN  00879         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Service, Robert: Trotzki : eine Biographie
/ aus dem Engl. von Friedrich Griese. - Berlin : Suhrkamp-Verl., 2012. - 729 pp.
ISBN 978-3-518-42235-9

Table of contents: p.9 Vorwort -- p.14 Bemerkung zum Sprachgebrauch -- p.15 Einführung -- p.23 Teil 1: 1879-1913 (Die Familie Bronstein - Die Erziehung - Die Ausbildung - Der junge Revolutionär - Liebe und Gefängnis - Verbannung in Sibirien - Iskra - Die Trennung - Das Jahr 1905 - Prozeß und Strafe - Die zweite Emigration - Der Vereiniger - Der Sonderkorrespondent) -- p.173 Teil 2: 1914-1919 (Krieg dem Kriege - Revolutionspläne - Atlantiküberquerungen - Fast ein Bolschewik - Drohungen und Versprechungen - Die Machtergreifung - Der Volkskommissar - Trotzki und die Juden - Brest-Litowsk - Kasan und danach - Fast der Kommandeur - Der Sieg der Roten - Die Weltrevolution) -- p.327 Teil 3: 1920-1928 (Bilder und Wirklichkeit - Frieden und Krieg - Zurück vom Abgrund - Streit über die Reform - Die Politik der Krankheit - Die Linke Opposition - An der Kulturfront - Vom Pech verfolgt - Entourage und Fraktion - Leben mit Trotzki - Was Trotzki wollte - Das letzte Gefecht in Moskau - Alma-Ata) -- p.473 Teil 4: 1929-1940 (Büyükada - Ausbleibende Revolutionen - Der Schriftsteller - Russische Beziehungen - Süd- und Nordeuropa - Obdach in Mexiko - Die IV. Internationale - Trotzki und seine Frauen - "Die russische Frage" - Wider die Philosophen - Der Zweite Weltkrieg - Die Ermordung - Die Hüter und die Flamme) - [Following] p.624 Abbildungen -- p.625 Karten -- p.633 Anmerkungen -- p.702 Auswahlbibliographie -- p.719 Abbildungsnachweis -- p.723 Register
Bibliogr.: pp. 702-718
Notes: 1,694
Orig.: Trotsky : a biography
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki : demon czerwonego terroru ; Trotski : una biografía ; Trotski [French] ; Trotsky : uma biografia

IDN  00880         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Titkov, Evgenij Pavlovič: Lev Trockij : "razkučennyj brend" revoljucii
/ E.P. Titkov ; E.I. Podrepnyj. - Arzamas : Arzamasskij Filial NNGU, 2018. - 434 pp.
ISBN 978-6-604-02216-0

Notes: 134
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : a "hyped brand" of revolution

IDN  00881         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
/ [trad.: Liliane Isler et al.]. - Buenos Aires : Jorge Alvarez, 1969. - 267, [8] pp. - (Colección Perfiles)
Table of contents: p.10 Entrevistas (p.11 Encuentros con León Trotsky/A. Malraux -- p.23 Trotsky en Elba/J. Gunther -- p.41 Trotsky/V.R. de la Torre -- p.47 Con Trotsky en Octubre/J. Lied -- p.59 El papel de Trotsky en los primeros años de la Rusia Soviética/J. Alvarez del Vayo -- p.63 Lev Davidovitch Trotsky/V.Serge -- p.67 Conversando con Trotsky/C. Rosselli) -- p.76 Valoraciones (p.77 Trotsky, revolucionario y filósofo/J.C. Mariátegui -- p.83 La revolución permanente: León Trotsky/H. Schurer -- p.99 El golpe de Estado bolchevique y la táctica de Trotsky/C. Malaparte -- p.127 Trotsky, creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución/K. Radek -- p.131 Trotsky y el mundo de los valores políticos reales/F. de los Ríos -- p.137 El rol de Trotsky en la historia/E. Wilson -- p.142 Un hacedor de la historia como historiador -- p.153 Retrato del animador de la revolución permanente -- p.159 Trotsky, maestro de conciencias/E. Montenegro -- p.163 Perfil de un revolucionario/C. Alegría -- p.167 Tributo al gran viejo/J.T. Farrell -- p.173 Trotsky ha muerto/D. Macdonald -- p.183 Las ideas de León Trotsky sobre el arte y sobre el hombre/I. Deutscher -- p.201 León Trotsky, alias Bronstein/W. Churchill -- p.211 El último combatiente/M. Rojas -- p.215 La personalidad de León Trotsky/M. Eastman -- p.223 Memoria interior/F. Mauriac -- p.229 Trotsky en América latina/J.A. Ramos) -- p.259 Indice de nombres -- p.263 Los autores
Other ed., versions, transl.: El verdadero Trotsky

IDN  00882         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
/ ed. by Irving H. Smith. - Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall, 1973. - VII, 181 pp. - (Great lives observed) - (A spectrum book ; 743)
ISBN 0-13-930974-8 - ISBN 0-13-930966-7

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.7 Chronology of the life of Trotsky -- p.11 Trotsky looks at the world (The theorist -- Political analyst and commentator -- Critic of Soviet experience -- The Historian -- The utopian) -- p.53 The world looks at Trotsky (Trotsky as revolutionary apprentice -- Trotsky in revolution and civil war -- Trotsky appraised by the early Bolsheviks -- Trotsky observed from afar -- Trotsky in the struggle for power -- Trotsky in exile) -- p.131 Trotsky in history (In the judgement of historians -- Current Soviet views of Trotsky and the Trotskyist movement -- The Trotsky debate continued -- Trotsky as writer) -- p.177 Bibliographical note -- p.179 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 177-178

IDN  00883         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Trockij : opyt političeskoj biografii
/ N.A. Vaseckij. - Moskva : Izd-vo Respublika, 1992. - 350 pp.
ISBN 5-250-01159-4

Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.9 Formirovanie -- p.31 1905 -- p.51 Vtoraja ėmigracija -- p.75 1917 -- p.89 Narkomindel -- p.106 Narkomvoenmor -- p.137 U istokov militaristskogo socializma -- p.160 "... Ja ne gožus' dlja poručenij" -- p.183 Schvatka -- p.207 Zatiš'e -- p.225 Poraženie -- p.247 Alma-Ata -- p.263 "Planeta bez vizy" -- p.283 Kojoakan: ubijstvo -- p.302 IV Internacional -- p.316 "Novyj trockizm" -- p.334 Primečanija -- p.346 Imennoj ukazatel'
Notes: 595
Angl.: Trotsky : attempt at a political biography

IDN  00884         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
El verdadero Trotsky / [André] Malraux [et al.]. - 2. ed., corregida y aumentada. - México, D.F. : Ed. Extemporáneos, 1975. - 255 pp. - (A pleno sol ; 44)
Table of contents: p.7 Prefacio -- p.11 Entrevistas (p.11 Encuentros con León Trotsky/A. Malraux -- p.23 Trotsky at Elba/J. Gunther -- p.41 Trotsky/V.R. Haya de la Torre -- p.47 Con Trotsky en octubre/J. Lied -- p.58 El papel de Trotsky en los primeros años de la Rusia soviética/J. Alvarez del Vayo -- p.62 Lev Davidovitch Trotsky/V. Serge -- p.65 Conversando con Trotsky/C. Rosselli -- p.72 Lev Davidovitch Trotsky/A. Lunacharski -- p.85 La verdad sobre el jurado de Coyoacán/C. Beals) -- p.101 Valoraciones (p.101 Trotsky, revolucionario y filósofo/J.C. Mariátegui -- p.106 La revolución permanente/H. Schurer -- p.122 El golpe de estado bolchevique y la táctica de Trotsky/C. Malaparte -- p.153 Trotsky, creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución/K. Radek -- p.156 Trotsky y el mundo de los valores políticos reales/F. de los Ríos -- p.161 El rol de Trotsky en la historia/E. Wilson -- p.166 Un hacedor de la historia como historiador/ B.D. Wolfe -- p.178 Retrato del animador de la revolución permanente/B. Bajanov -- p.185 Trotsky, maestro de conciencias/E. Montenegro -- p.188 Perfil de un revolucionario/C. Alegría -- p.191 Tributo al gran viejo/J.T. Farrell -- p.196 Trotsky ha muerto/D. Macdonald -- p.205 Las ideas de León Trotsky sobre el arte y sobre el hombre -- p.225 León Trotsky, alias Bronstein/W. Churchill -- p.235 El último combatiente/M. Rojas -- p.238 La personalidad de León Trotsky/M. Eastman -- p.245 Memoria interior/F. Mauriac) -- p.243 Los autores
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky
4000 numbered copies
Angl.: The real Trotsky

IDN  00885         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Lev Trockij : političeskij portret
/ Dmitrij Volkogonov. - [1-5]
In: Oktjabr' ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0132-0637] 1991 (5): pp. 3-32; 1991 (6) : pp. 139-160; 1991 (7) : pp. 112-149; 1991 (8) : pp. 109-138; 1991 (9) : pp. 96-124

Preprint of vol. 1 of author's "Trockij"
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : a political portrait

IDN  00886         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trocki
/ Dmitrij Wołkogonow. Przekł. Stanisław Głąbiński. - Warszawa : Amber, 1999. - 527, [32] pp. - (Tajemnice historii)
ISBN 83-7169-866-6

Orig.: Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki

IDN  00887         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trocki : niewołnik idei, ideolog zbrodni
/ Dmitrij Wołkogonow. Przekł. Stanisław Głąbiński. - 2. wyd. - Warszawa : Amber, 2008. - 535, [32] pp. - (Wielcy historii)
ISBN 83-2413-035-7 - ISBN 978-83-2413-035-1

Orig.: Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki

IDN  00888         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trockij : demon revoljucii
. - Moskva : ĖKSMO, 2011. - 699 pp. - (10 voždej)
ISBN 978-5-699-52130-2 - ISBN 5-699-52130-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki
Previous Russ. ed. were publ. with title "Trockij : političeskij portret"
Angl.: Trotsky : demon of the revolution

IDN  00889         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trockij : političeskij portret
/ Dmitrij Volkogonov. - 1-2. - Moskva : Izd-vo Novosti, 1992. - 412, 412 pp. - (Voždi)
ISBN 5-7020-0216-4

Table of contents: p.7 Vmesto vvedenija: Sud'ba revoljucionera -- p.25 U podnožija veka -- p.117 Besovstvo revoljucii -- p.207 "Devjatyj val" vandei -- p.315 "Gipnoz revoljucii" -- p.384 Biografičeskaja chronika -- p.387 Bibliografija -- p.403 Ukazatel' imen
Table of contents: p.5 Otveržennyj revoljucioner -- p.109 Skitalec bez vizy -- p.237 "Pasynok ėpochi -- p.365 Vmesto zaključenija: Plennik idei -- p.378 Biografičeskaja chronika -- p.381 Bibliografija -- p.399 Ukazatel' imen
Bibliogr.: pp. 387-402 (vol.1); pp. 381-398 (vol.2)
Notes: 1.336
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki
Angl.: Trotsky : a political portrait

IDN  00890         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trockij : političeskij portret
/ Dmitrij Volkogonov. - [2. izd.]. - 1-2. - Moskva : Izd-vo Novosti, 1994. - 412, 412 pp. - (Voždi)
ISBN 5-7020-0216-4

Bibliogr.: pp. 387-402 (vol.1); pp. 381-398 (vol.2)
Notes: 1.336
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki

IDN  00891         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trockij : političeskij portret
/ Dmitrij Volkogonov. - [3. izd.]. - 1-2. - Moskva : Izd-vo Novosti, 1997. - 412, 412 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki

IDN  00892         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trockij : političeskij portret
/ Dmitrij Volkogonov. - 1-2. - Moskva : AST [etc.], 1999 - (Vsemirnaja istorija v licach)
ISBN 5-237009-73-5 - ISBN 5-702002-16-4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki

IDN  00893         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Troţki : eternul radical
/ Dmitri Volkogonov. Trad.: Anca Irina Ionescu. - Bucaresti : Lider, 1996. - 522 pp. - (Mari personalităţi aale istoriei)
ISBN 973-9343-36-8

Orig.: Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotsky ; Trotzki
Angl.: Trotsky : the eternal radical

IDN  00894         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotsky : the eternal revolutionary
/ Dmitri Volkogonov. Transl. and ed. by Harold Shukman. - London : Harper Collins, 1996. - XXXVI, 524 ppp.
ISBN 0-00-255272-8

Orig.: Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotzki ; Troţki

IDN  00895         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotsky : the eternal revolutionary
/ Dmitri Volkogonov. Transl. and ed. by Harold Shukman. - New York, NY : The Free Pr., 1996. - XXXVI, 524 ppp.
ISBN 0-684-82293-8

Orig.: Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotzki ; Troţki

IDN  00896         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotsky : the eternal revolutionary
[Sound recording] / Dmitri Volkogonov. Read by Geoffrey Howard [i.e. Ralph Howard Cosham]. - Newport Beach, Cal. : Books on Tape, 1998. - 14 sound cassettes in container, running time: ca. 21 h
ISBN 0-7366-4010-X

IDN  00897         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotzki : das Janusgesicht der Revolution
/ Dimitri Wolkogonow. Deutsch von Vesna Jovanoska. - Düsseldorf [etc.] : Econ, 1992. - 489 pp.
ISBN 3-430-19827-5

Table of contents: p.9 Statt einer Einleitung -- p.25 Am Vorabend des neuen Jahrhunderts -- p.101 Die Bürde der Revolution -- p.163 Der blutige Bürgerkrieg -- p.229 Die Hypnose der Revolution -- p.273 Der verstoßene Revolutionär -- p.341 Wanderer ohne Visum -- p.415 Der Stiefsohn der Epoche -- p.445 Statt eines Schlußworts: Leo Trotzki - Gefangener einer Idee -- p.449 Zeittafel -- p.455 Literaturverzeichnis -- p.459 Personenverzeichnis
Bibliogr.: pp. 455-458
Orig.: Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki
Angl.: Trotsky : Janus-face of revolution

IDN  00898         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotzki : das Janusgesicht der Revolution
/ Dimitri Wolkogonow. Aus dem Russ. übers. von Vesna Jovanoska. - Berlin : Ed. Berolina, [2017]. - 510 pp.
ISBN 978-3-95841-085-5

Bibliogr.: pp. 481-484
Orig.: Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki ; Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Troţki
Angl.: Trotsky : Janus-face of revolution

IDN  00899         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Warth, Robert Douglas: Leon Trotsky
/ Robert D. Warth. - Boston, Mass. : Twayne, 1977. - 215 pp. - (Twayne's world leaders series [ISSN 0564-5603] ; 72)
ISBN 0-8057-7720-2

Table of contents: p.11 Young Bronstein: the road to Marxism -- p.26 The Iskra period and the "majestic prologue" of 1905 -- p.48 The independent Marxist -- p.63 Convert to Bolshevism -- p.82 Commissar for Foreign Affairs -- p.96 Commissar of War -- p.113 NEP and the close of the Lenin era -- p.135 The ascendancy of Stalin -- p.156 Exile and assassination -- p.184 Trotskyism and the Trotsky legacy -- p.193 Notes and references -- p.207 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 201-206
Notes: 190

IDN  00900         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wistrich, Robert Solomon: Trotsky : fate of a revolutionary
/ Robert Wistrich. - London : Robson, 1979. - 235 pp.
ISBN 0-86051-085-9

Table of contents: p.7 Preface -- p.11 In search of an identity -- p.24 The break with Lenin -- p.37 Baptism of fire -- p.51 Permanent revolution -- p.63 Interlude in Vienna -- p.76 Red Petrograd -- p.94 Bolshevik Commissar -- p.118 Against the stream -- p.140 Man of letters -- p.158 Soviet Thermidor -- p.176 The rise of Nazism -- p.195 The flawed legacy -- p.213 Notes -- p.229 Select bibliography -- p.233 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 229-232
Notes: 554

IDN  00901         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wistrich, Robert Solomon: Trotsky : fate of a revolutionary
/ Robert Wistrich. - New York, NY : Stein and Day, 1982. - 235 pp.
ISBN 0-8128-2774-0

Bibliogr.: pp. 229-232
Notes: 554

IDN  00902         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten
/ Bertram D. Wolfe. Aus dem Amerikan. von Gerda Kautsky-Brunn [et al.]. - Wien : Danubia-Verl., 1951. - 775 pp.
Orig.: Three who made a revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution
Angl.: Three men who shook the world

IDN  00903         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin
: drei, die eine Revolution machten ; eine biographische Geschichte / Bertram D. Wolfe. - Rev. Übers. nach der 4. Ausg. von 1964 durch Gerda Kautsky-Brunn [et al.]. - Frankfurt a.M. : Europäische Verl.-Anst., 1965. - 816 pp.
Orig.: Three who made a revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution
Angl.: Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin : three who made a revolution

IDN  00904         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - New York, NY : Dial, 1948. - 661 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00905         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - London : Thames & Hudson, 1956. - 661 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00906         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - Boston, Mass. : Beacon, 1959. - 661 pp. - (Beacon contemporary affairs series)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00907         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - 2., rev. ed. - New York, NY : Dial, 1960. - 661 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00908         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - New York, NY : Dial, 1961. - 661 pp. - (Beacon contemporary affairs series)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00909         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - 4., rev. ed. - New York, NY : Dell, 1964. - VIII, 659 pp. - (A Delta book)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00910         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - 4., rev. ed. - New York, NY : Dial, 1964. - VIII, 659 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00911         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - Harmondsworth, Mx. : Penguin Books, 1966. - 733 pp. - (A Pelican book ; A 783)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00912         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Three who made a revolution
: a biographical history / Bertram D. Wolfe. - New York, NY : Stein and Day, 1984. - XIV, 659 pp.
ISBN 0-8128-2904-2 - ISBN 0-8128-6212-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00913         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David:
I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre : Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin / Bertram D. Wolfe. Trad. di Paolo Vittorelli. - Firenze : La Nuova Italia, 1953. - 862 pp. - (Documenti della crisi contemporanea ; 14)
Orig.: Three who made a revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; Tres que hicieron una revolución ; Trois qui firent une révolution
Angl.: The three masterminds of the October revolution

IDN  00914         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Tres que hicieron una revolución
/ [trad. de Manuel Bosch Barrett ...]. - Barcelona : Janes, 1956. - 649 pp. - (Los libros de nuestro tiempo)
Orig.: Three who made a revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00915         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Tres que hicieron una revolución
/ [trad. de Manuel Bosch Barrett ...]. - Barcelona : Janes, 1958. - 649 pp.
Orig.: Three who made a revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Trois qui firent une révolution

IDN  00916         LLTB  Chapter  2.1
Wolfe, Bertram David: Trois qui firent une révolution
/ Bertram D. Wolfe. Trad. de l'américain par René Guyonnet. - 1-3. - Paris : Callmann-Levy, 1951 - (Collection Liberté d'esprit)
1. La jeunesse de Lénine
2. Lénine et Trotsky
3. Lénine, Trotsky, Staline
Orig.: Three who made a revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: Drei Männer, die die Welt erschütterten ; Lenin, Trotzkij, Stalin ; I tre artefici della rivoluzione d'ottobre ; Tres que hicieron una revolución

LLTB Chapter  2.2

IDN  00917         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Abosch, Heinz: Crónica de Trotski
: datos sobre su vida y su obra / [trad.: Luis Carroggio]. - Barcelona : Anagrama, 1974. - 197 pp. - (Colección Documentos ; 16)
ISBN 84-339-0116-8

Orig.: Trotzki-Chronik
Angl.: Trotsky chronicle

IDN  00918         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Abosch, Heinz: Trotzki zur Einführung
. - Hamburg : Ed. SOAK im Junius-Verl., 1990. - 192 pp. - (Zur Einführung ; 53)
ISBN 3-88506-853-2

Table of contents: p.7 Einleitung -- p.13 Eine Jugend -- p.23 Freiheitlicher Sozialist -- p.30 Zwischen den Fraktionen -- p.53 Krieg und Revolution -- p.61 Der Bolschewist -- p.85 Der Dissident -- p.107 Der Verbannte -- p.129 Sozialistische Kultur -- p.143 Letzter Kampf -- p.161 Epilog -- p.173 Anmerkungen -- p.180 Literaturhinweise -- p.187 Zeittafel -- p.192 Über den Autor
Bibliogr.: pp. 180-186
Notes: 203
Angl.: Trotsky for introduction

IDN  00919         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Abosch, Heinz: Trotzki-Chronik
: Daten zu Leben und Werk. - München : Hanser, 1973. - 155 pp. - (Reihe Hanser ; 130)
ISBN 3-446-11788-1

Bibliogr.: pp. 151-155
Other ed., versions, transl.: Crónica de Trotski
Angl.: Trotsky chronicle

IDN  00920         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism
/ Tariq Ali and Phil Evans. Ed. by Richard Appignanesi. - Cambridge [etc.] : Icon Books [etc.] : Icon Books, 2000. - 164, [12] pp.
ISBN 1-84046-155-1 - ISBN 978-1-84046-155-8

Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotsky para principiantes; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00921         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction
/ Tariq Ali & Phil Evans. - Chicago, Ill. : Haymarket Books, 2013. - 173 pp.
ISBN 978-1-60846-186-8

Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotsky para principiantes; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00922         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotskij for begyndere
/ Tariq Ali ; Phil Evans. Dansk overs.: Christian Holtet. - Kœbenhavn : Arbejderforl., 1986. - 176 pp.
Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotsky ; Trotsky para principiantes ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00923         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotsky
/ Tariq Ali & Phil Evans. [Trad.: Elisabeth Marie]. - São Paulo : Proposta Ed., 1980. - 173 pp. - (Conheça ; 7)
Bibliogr.: pp. 166-167
Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotsky para principiantes; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00924         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotsky for beginners
/ Tariq Ali & Phil Evans. - London : Writers and Readers, 1980. - 174 pp. - (A Writers and Readers documentary comic book)
ISBN 0-906495-27-X - ISBN 0-906495-28-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotsky para principiantes; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00925         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotsky for beginners
/ Tariq Ali & Phil Evans. - New York, NY : Pantheon Books, 1980. - 173 pp. - (A Pantheon documentary comic book)
ISBN 0-394-50921-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotsky para principiantes; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00926         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotsky para principiantes
/ Tariq Ali ; Phil Evans ; Ana Cohan. Ed. por Richard Appignanesi. - Buenos Aires : Era Naciente, 2005. - 176 pp. - (Documentales ilustrados ; 105)
ISBN 987-5550-30-2

Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00927         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotsky pour débutants
/ Tariq Ali & Phil Evans. Trad. de l'anglais par Anna Libera [pseud. of Isabelle Richet]. - Montréal : Boréal Express, 1982. - 173 pp.
ISBN 2-89053-046-9

Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky para principiantes; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00928         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotsky pour débutants
/ Tariq Ali & Phil Evans. Trad. de l'anglais par Anna Libera [pseud. of Isabelle Richet]. - Paris : Maspero, 1982. - 176 pp. - (Pour débutants [ISSN 0248-4528])
ISBN 2-7071-1220-8

Bibliogr.: pp. 166-167
Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky para principiantes; Trotzki für Anfänger ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00929         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotzki für Anfänger
/ Tariq Ali & Phil Evans. Übers. aus dem Engl.: Niko Hansen. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1980. - 173 pp. - (Rororo-Sachbuch [ISSN 0720-0943] ; 7537 : Sach-Comic)
Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotsky para principiantes ; Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
Graphic novel

IDN  00930         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ali, Tariq: Trotzki für Anfänger*innen
: Sach-Comic / Tariq Ali & Phil Evans. Übers. aus dem Engl.: Niko Hansen. - Berlin : Manifest-Verl., 2021. - 178 pp.
ISBN 978-3-96156-110-0 - ISBN 3-9656-110-9

Orig.: Trotsky for beginners
Other ed., versions, transl.: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism ; Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction ; Trotskij for begyndere ; Trotsky ; Trotsky pour débutants ; Trotsky para principiantes ; Trotzki für Anfänger

IDN  00931         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Anker, L.: Trotskij : ett socialistöde

In: Folkkalendern ‹Stockholm› 1939 : pp. 119-127

Angl.: Trotsky : a socialist's destiny

IDN  00932         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Armour, Richard: Trotsky

In: Armour, R.: It all started with Marx. (New York, 1958)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky [Span.] ; Trotzki

IDN  00933         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Armour, Richard: Trotsky
/ trad. de Marisa Martínez Corvalán
In: Armour, R.: Todo empezó con Marx. 4. ed. (Buenos Aires, 1968) : pp. 79-90

Notes: 13
Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki
1. Span. ed. was publ. in 1959, 2. ed. in 1960, 3. ed. in 1963

IDN  00934         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Armour, Richard: Trotzki
/ [aus dem Amerikan. von Johanna Prym]
In: Armour, R.: Alles begann mit Marx. (Wiesbaden, 1960)

Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  00935         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Bachmann, Peter: [Postface] Zu Leo Trotzki

In: Trockij, L.D.: Stalins Verbrechen. (Berlin, 1990) : pp. 329-348

IDN  00936         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Bessonov, V.: L. D. Trockij : štrichy k političeskoj biografii

In: Narodnyj deputat ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0236-0918] 1990 (11) : pp. 110-120

Table of contents: p.110 Bygorok vremeni -- p.111 Načalo -- p.114 General'naja repetacija -- p.115 Istorija odnoj "vraždy" -- p.118 Mirovaja revoljucija -- p.119 Vmesto zaključenija
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky : outline of a political biography

IDN  00937         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Bezeljanskij, Jurij Nikolaevič: Lev Trockij
/ Jurij Bezeljanskij
In: Bezeljanskij, Ju.: Angel nad bezdnoj. (Moskva, 2001)

IDN  00938         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Biografija L'va Trockogo posle 1917 g.
[Electronic resource]. - 17 KB (5 pp.)
Alternate title: Biografija 1917-1940
Angl.: Biography of Lev Trotsky after 1917

IDN  00939         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Blomqvist, Håkan: Trotskij! : revolutionären mot Stalin
. - Eskilstuna : Vakkel Förl. - 110 pp.
ISBN 978-91-8844-170-6

IDN  00940         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Blum, Oscar: Trotzki

In: Blum, O.: Russische Köpfe. (Berlin etc., 1923) : pp. 81-86

IDN  00941         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Boris, Peter: Trotzki, Leo (eigentlich Bronstein, Lew), Politiker

In: Boris, P.: Die sich lossagten. (Köln, 1983) : pp. 279-281

IDN  00942         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Broué, Pierre: Postface

In: Dugrand, A.: Trotsky. (Paris, 1988) : pp. 165-200

On pp. 185-198: Chronology

IDN  00943         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Broué, Pierre: [Postface] Afterword

In: Dugrand, A.: Trotsky in Mexico. (Manchester, 1992) : pp. 123-143

Originally publ. in French as postface to Dugrand, Alain: Trotsky, Paris, 1988
On pp. 131-143: Chronology

IDN  00944         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Broué, Pierre: [Postface] Posfacio

In: Dugrand, A.: Trotski : México, 1937-1940. (México, D.F., 1992) : pp. 81-104

Originally publ. in French as postface to Dugrand, Alain: Trotsky, Paris, 1988.
On pp. 91-104: Cronología

IDN  00945         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Broué, Pierre: Trotsky Léon (parfois Trotski Léon) né Bronstein, Lev Davydovitch
[Electronic resource]. - 10 KB (3 pp.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky Léon, né Bronstein ...
Accessed Apr. 15, 2015

IDN  00946         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Broué, Pierre: Trotsky, Léon, né Bronstein, Lev Davydovitch

In: Komintern : l'histoire et les hommes / sous la dir. de J. Gotovitch [et al.] (Paris, 2001) : pp. 551-554

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky Léon (parfois Trotski Léon) né Bronstein ...

IDN  00947         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Cagolov, Georgij Nikolaevič: Svet i teni L'va Trockogo

In: Al'ternativy : teoretičeskij i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal = Alternatives ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2304-2451] 2017 (3) : pp. 161-178

Angl.: Shadow and light of Leon Trotsky

IDN  00948         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Caso Raphael, Agustín: Trotsky : viaje hacia el laberinto
. - México, D.F. : Fontamara, 2010. - 298 pp. - (Colección Argumentos ; 115)
Table of contents: p.9 Prefacio -- p.11 Introducción -- p.55 Trotsky, perseguido por el zar rojo -- p.59 El emigrante eterno -- p.131 El la Turquía de Mustafá Kemal Pashá -- p.151 Un campo de concentración llamado Noruega -- p.167 La solicitud de asilo político para Trotsky en México su paternidad -- p.209 Tampico: muy lejos del Paraíso Perdido -- p.243 En entruchado comunista -- p.261 Una familia siniestra -- p.271 Homenaje a una gran dama: Natalia Sedova -- p.285 Operación que deja en descubierto -- p.289 Epílogo -- p.293 Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 293-298
Angl.: Trotsky : paths to the labyrinth

IDN  00949         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Černjaev, Vladimir Jur'evič: Trockij
/ Vladimir Černjaev
In: Kritičeskij slovar' russkoj revoljucii, 1914-1921 = Critical companion to the Russian revolution, 1914-1921 / sost. Ė. Akton [et al.] (Sankt-Peterburg, 2014) : pp. 172-183

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky

IDN  00950         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Černjaev, Vladimir Jur'evič: Trotsky
/ Vladimir Iu. Cherniaev
In: Critical companion to the Russian revolution 1914-1921 / ed. by E. Acton [et al.] (London [etc.], 1997) : pp. 188-196

Orig.: Trotsky

IDN  00951         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Charasch, Abraham: Lénine et Trotsky
/ A. Charasch
In: Bibliothèque universelle et revue de Genève ‹Genève› [ISSN 0366-418X] 1926 (Febr.) : pp. 229-248

IDN  00952         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Chelén Rojas, Alejandro: Leon Trotsky
/ Alejandro Chelén R.
In: Arauco ‹Santiago de Chile› [ISSN 0570-5452] 1.1960 (10) : pp. 31-35

IDN  00953        Chilanti, Felice: Trotzkij vivo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  00954         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Choonara, Esme: León Trotsky : guía anticapitalista
[Electronic resource] / trad.: Dani Romero [et al.]. - [S.l.] :, 2020. - 52 pp.
Orig.: A rebel's guide to Trotsky
On pp. 4-11: García Hernández, Frank: Trotski - concierto de provocaciones para libro inquieto
Accessed Aug. 11, 2021
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : anticapitalist guide

IDN  00955         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Choonara, Esme:
A rebel's guide to Trotsky. - [London] : Bookmarks Publications, 2007. - 58 pp.
ISBN 1-905192-11-8 - ISBN 978-1-905192-11-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: León Trotsky : guía anticapitalista

IDN  00956         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Comby, Louis: Léon Trotsky
. - Paris [etc.] : Masson, 1976. - 184 pp. - (Collection Leur vie [ISSN 0395-7969])
ISBN 2-225-45199-0

Table of contents: p.1 La formation -- p.16 Hors fractions -- p.34 Avec Lénine -- p.53 L'architecte en chef de la révolution -- p.70 Par les armes et par la parole -- p.88 En un combat douteux -- p.105 La défaite -- p.122 Sur les rives de la Mer Noire -- p.137 L'exercise de l'intelligence -- p.156 "L'irremplaçable" -- p.174 Débats et controverses -- p.184 Bibliographie sommaire
Bibliogr.: p. 184
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lew Trotski

IDN  00957         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Comby, Louis: Lew Trotski
/ [vert. van Ed Herkes]. - Brugge : Uitg. Orion, 1978. - 156 pp. - (Grote ontmoetingen ; 23)
ISBN 90-264-3851-6

Orig.: Léon Trotsky

IDN  00958        Coolidge, Olivia Ensor: The red revolutionists : Lenin, Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  00959         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Courtois, Stéphane:
Les derniers jours de Trotsky
In: L'Histoire ‹Paris› [ISSN 0182-2411] 2000 (246) : pp. 76-83

Notes: 4

IDN  00960         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Cruz Oliva, Oscar René: Trotsky
/ [Oscar René Cruz O.]. - México, D.F. : Publicaciones Cruz O., 1979. - 23 pp. - (Biografia del personaje ; 23)
ISBN 968-20-0061-0

IDN  00961         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Czichon, Eberhard: Linke Theoretiker vorgestellt: Lenin und Trotzki

In: Disput ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0232] 1990 (2) : pp. 30-32

Angl.: Left theoreticians presented : Lenin and Trotsky

IDN  00962         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Dahmer, Helmut: Leben und Schriften
/ [Helmut Dahmer]
In: Trockij, L.D.: Denkzettel : politische Erfahrungen im Zeitalter der permanenten Revolution. 2., veränd. Aufl. (Wien, 2010) : pp. 432-447

Angl.: Life and writings

IDN  00963         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
De Silva, Ray: Leon Trotsky : the story of his life
. - Colombo, 1950. - 218 pp.

IDN  00964         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Desroches, Alain:
La tragédie de Trotsky
In: Historama ‹Orléans etc.› [ISSN 0018-2273] 1965 (170) : pp. 46-53

Angl.: Trotsky's tragedy

IDN  00965         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Deutscher, Tamara:
Ein Mann namens Bronstein
In: Zeit-Magazin ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0720-5023] 1972 (2) : pp. 12-13, 18

Orig.: Trotsky : his relevance today
On cover: Die Eleganz der Revolution
On p. 2: Trotzkis Relevanz, on pp. 4-11: illustrations
Angl.: A man called Bronstein

IDN  00966         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Deutscher, Tamara: Trotsky : his relevance today

In: The Sunday Times ‹London› [ISSN 0956-1382] 1971 (Sept.19)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Ein Mann namens Bronstein

IDN  00967         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Di Biagio, Anna: Lev D. Trockij
. - Firenze : Giunti & Lisciani, 1995. - 127 pp. - (Conoscere i protagonisti)
ISBN 88-09-50198-5 - ISBN 978-88-09-50198-0

Table of contents: p.7 Introduzione -- p.11 La Russia pre-rivoluzionaria -- p.31 La vita -- p.45 La rivoluzione d'Ottobre -- p.67 Dal governo all'opposizione -- p.97 La rivoluzione tradita -- p.111 La fortuna -- p.117 Cronologia -- p.120 Letture consigliate
Bibliogr.: pp. 120-121
Notes: 37

IDN  00968         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Di Biagio, Anna: Vita, opera e morte di un rivoluzionario

In: La Rinascita ‹Roma› [ISSN 0035-5380] 36.1979 (43) : pp. 24-25

Angl.: Life, work, and death of a revolutionary

IDN  00969         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ėjchenbaum, Boris Michajlovič: L. D. Trockij
/ B.M. Volin [i.e. Boris Michajlovič Ėjchenbaum]
In: Ėjchenbaum, B.M.: 12 biografii / B.M. Volin. (Moskva, 1924)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky, Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky

IDN  00970         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ėjchenbaum, Boris Michajlovič: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky
/ Boris Volin [i.e. Boris Michajlovič Ėjchenbaum]
In: Ėjchenbaum, B.M.: Lenin y los doce apóstoles de la nueva Rusia : biografias ... / B. Volin. (Barcelona, 1930)

Orig.: L. D. Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky, Lev Davidovitch

IDN  00971         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ėjchenbaum, Boris Michajlovič: Trotsky, Lev Davidovitch
/ Boris Voline [i.e. Boris Michajlovič Ėjchenbaum]
In: Ėjchenbaum, B.M.: 12 militants russes (notices biographiques) / B. Voline. (Paris, 1925) : pp. 55-59

Orig.: L. D. Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky

IDN  00972         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Emel'janov, Jurij Vasil'evič: Lžeprorok
: štrichi k portretu Trockogo / Jurij Emel'janov. - [1-2]
In: Slovo ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0868-4855] 1996 (3/4) : pp. 78-86; 1996 (9/10) : pp. 80-87

Angl.: False prophet

IDN  00973         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Erdmann, Julius: Lew Trotzki
[Electronic resource]. - 75 KB (4 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 15, 2012

IDN  00974         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ferenczi, Thomas: Vie et mort de Léon Davidovitch
: Alain Dugrand et Patrick Le Gall ont reconstitué l'itinéraire de Trotski [...]
In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 1988 (Nov.6)

Review of the film "Trotsky" by Alain Dugrand et Patrick LeGall

IDN  00975         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Foxcroft, Helen Charlotte:
The revolution betrayed / H.C. Foxcroft
In: The Quarterly Review ‹London› 1938 (535) : pp. 1-14

IDN  00976         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Franco, Luis: Vida y muerte de Trotsky

In: Babel ‹Buenos Aires etc.› 2.1941 (15/16) : pp. 146-161

Angl.: Life and death of Trotsky

IDN  00977         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
García Higueras, Gabriel: León Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940)
: escorzo de una biografía
In: García Higueras, G.: Trotsky en el espejo de la historia. (Lima, 2005) : pp. 31-148

Bibliogr.: pp. 143-148
Notes: 175

IDN  00978         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
García Higueras, Gabriel: León Davídovich Trotsky (1879-1940)
: escorzo de una biografía
In: García Higueras, G.: Trotsky en el espejo de la historia. [2. ed., corr. y actualizada]. (Ciudad de México, 2017) : pp. 63-193

Table of contents: p.63 La aldea y la ciudad -- p.67 El revolucionario en escena -- p.74 El amanecer de la revolución -- p.79 La segunda emigración -- p.84 El el Nuevo Mundo -- p.85 Preparando la revolución socialista -- p.88 Hacia el "Octubre Rojo" -- p.98 La guerra y la paz -- p.104 El vórtice -- p.114 Convergencias y disensiones -- p.122 El "interregno" -- p.129 La lucha crucial en el partido -- p.143 En los confines de la URSS -- p.146 En Turquía: entre la política y la historia -- p.157 Residente en Francia -- p.161 El aislamiento -- p.168 Resurgimiento en México -- p.176 El ocaso -- p.186 Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 186-193
Notes: 207

IDN  00979        García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky en el espejo de la historia   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  00980         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Geary, Rick: Trotsky : a graphic biography
. - New York, NY : Hill and Wang, 2009. - 103 pp. - (A novel graphic from Hill and Wang) - (Serious comics)
ISBN 978-0-8090-9508-7 - ISBN 0-8090-9508-4

Table of contents: p.3 A young revolutionary -- p.15 Prison and exile -- p.27 The year 1905 -- p.35 Prison and exile again -- p.49 The year 1917 -- p.63 A new nation -- p.77 Fall from power -- p.87 The final exile -- p.103 Further reading
Short biography in comic style (graphic novel)

IDN  00981         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Gellhorn, Dieter: Leo Trotzki ... klappert im Dreischritt über die Schwellen

In: Gellhorn, D.: Schlüsselfiguren der Geschichte. (Frankfurt a.M., 2009) : pp. 241-250

IDN  00982         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Gilbert, Helen: Leon Trotsky : his life & ideas
. - Seattle, Wash. : Red Letter Pr., 2003. - 55 pp. - (Red banner reader ; 5)
ISBN 0-932323-17-0

Notes: 22
Speech, originally pres. at a memorial meeting honoring Leon Trotsky, Seattle, Aug. 17, 1985

IDN  00983         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Giordano, Alberto: Trotski : la vita, il pensiero i testi esemplari
. - Milano : Ed. Accademia, 1972. - 284 pp. - (I memorabili ; 30)
Table of contents: p.7 Introduzione -- p.17 La rivoluzione permanente -- p.25 Il partito -- p.41 Lo scrittore, lo storico -- p.45 Problemi di letteratura e d'arte -- p.53 Profilo di un rivoluzionario -- p.71 Il socialismo in un solo paese -- p.119 Testi esemplari -- p.273 Cronologia -- p.277 Bibliografia -- p.281 Indice delle illustrazioni
Bibliogr.: pp. 277-279
Angl.: Trotsky : his life, his thought and selected texts

IDN  00984         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Glasman, Gabriel:
El camarada incómodo : la caza de León Trotsky por el poder stalinista. - México [etc.] : L.D. Books, 2009. - 164 pp. - (Conjuras)
ISBN 978-607-457-021-2 - ISBN 607-457-021-3

Table of contents: p.7 Introducción -- p.15 Todo un revolucionario -- p.31 Una rivalidad sin treguas -- p.47 El planeta sin visado -- p.61 Los procesos de Moscú -- p.95 El asesino -- p.107 Los pasos definitivos -- p.121 Un asesino en acción -- p.137 Epílogo -- p.143 Apéndice (p.145 Trotsky en su tinta -- p.147 Retratos [fotografías]) -- p.161 [163] Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 163-164
Angl.: The troublesome comrade : the hunting-down of Leon Trotsky by the Stalinist ruling power

IDN  00985        Glotzer, Albert: Trotsky : memoir & critique   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  00986         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Guillemin, Henri: Trotski
[Sound recording]. - Grenoble : Ed. La Voix de Son Livre, 1987. - 1 sound cassette in container, running time: 1 h
ISBN 2-86986-040-4

Only pt. 1 was publ.

IDN  00987         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Conocer Trotsky y su obra
/ José Gutiérrez. - Barcelona : Dopesa, 1979. - 159 pp. - (Colección Conocer ; 32)
ISBN 84-7235-432-6

Table of contents: p.9 Introducción -- p.11 Cronología -- p.17 La cuestión de Trotsky -- p.33 El joven Trotsky -- p.59 El partido de Lenin y Trotsky -- p.85 Qué habéis hecho con el bolschevismo? (1923-1929) -- p.105 El gran negador (1929-1940) -- p.153 Epílogo: el legado de León Trotsky -- p.158 Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 158-159
Angl.: Learning about Trotsky and his work

IDN  00988         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Hallas, Duncan: Trotski : vida e ideas de un revolucionario
/ trad. a cargo de Laia Martínez [...]. - Barcelona : En Lucha, 2003. - 12 pp.
Angl.: Trotsky : life and ideas of a revolutionary

IDN  00989         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Hallas, Duncan: Trotsky
. - 2. print. - [London] : Socialist Worker, 1975. - 15 pp. - (A Socialist Worker pamphlet)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki
Reprinted from: Socialist Worker (London), 1970 (Aug.)

IDN  00990         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Hallas, Duncan: Trotzki
. - Gießen : Prolit-Buchvertrieb, 1976. - 21 pp.
Orig.: Trotsky
On pp. 18-21: Sedowa Trotzki, Natalja [N.I. Sedova]: Bruch mit der 4. Internationale

IDN  00991         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Hallas, Duncan: Trotzki
/ übers. durch Sozialistische Arbeitergruppe. - Frankfurt a.M. : SAG, 1990. - 20 pp.
Orig.: Trotsky
On pp. 17-[21]: Sedowa Trotzki, Natalja [N.I. Sedova]: Bruch mit der 4. Internationale

IDN  00992         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Hallas, Duncan: Trotzki
/ Duncan Hallas. Bruch mit der 4. Internationale / Natalja Sedowa Trotzki. - Köln : Initiative Sozialistischer Internationalisten - ISI, 1994. - 16 pp.
Orig.: Trotsky

IDN  00993         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Harris, Frank: Otto Kahn and Leon Trotsky

In: Harris, F.: Contemporary portraits. Ser. 4. (New York, 1923) : pp. 190-201

IDN  00994         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Harris, Frank: Otto Kahn and Leon Trotsky

In: Harris, F.: Contemporary portraits. Ser. 4. (London, 1924)

IDN  00995         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Hedeler, Wladislaw: Linke Theoretiker vorgestellt: Leo Trotzki

In: Disput ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0232] 1990 (1) : pp. 27-30

Angl.: Left theoreticians presented : Leon Trotsky

IDN  00996         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Hedeler, Wladislaw: Linke Theoretiker vorgestellt: Leo Trotzki

In: Hedeler, W.: Stalin, Trotzki, Bucharin. (Mainz, 1994) : pp. 75-77

IDN  00997         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving: [Foreword] Introduction

In: Trockij, L.D.: The basic writings. (London, 1964) : pp. 3-39

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky : the costs of history

IDN  00998         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving:
As ideias de Trotski / trad. de James Amado. - São Paulo : Cultrix, [ca. 1978]. - 139 pp. - (Mestres de modernidade)
Bibliogr.: pp. 138-139
Angl.: The ideas of Trotsky

IDN  00999         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving: Leon Trotsky
. - New York, NY : Viking Pr., 1978. - 214 pp. - (Modern masters)
ISBN 0-670-42372-6

Bibliogr.: pp. 199-201
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky ; Trotzkij ; As ideias de Trotski

IDN  01000         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving: Leon Trotsky

In: Twentieth Century Literary Criticism ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0276-8178] 22.1987 : pp. 386-392

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky ; Trotzkij ; As ideias de Trotski
Extracted from: Howe, Irving: Leon Trotsky, New York 1978, pp. 22-25, 94-95, 96-101, 152-161 and 192-193

IDN  01001         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving: Leon Trotsky : the costs of history

In: Partisan Review ‹New Brunswick, NJ› [ISSN 0031-2525] 30.1963 (4) : pp. 356-386

Also publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "The basic writings", London, 1964

IDN  01002         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving: Trotsky
. - Hassocks, Sx. : Harvester Pr., 1978. - 186 pp.
ISBN 0-85527-831-5

Table of contents: p.7 Preface -- p.9 Early years, basic theories -- p.37 The seizure of power -- p.59 Bolshevism overreaches itself -- p.79 The rise of Stalinism -- p.116 Wandering, exile, work -- p.136 Final legacy -- p.171 Appendix -- p.174 Notes -- p.184 Short bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 184-186
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Trotzkij ; As ideias de Trotski

IDN  01003         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving: Trotsky
. - London : Fontana, 1978. - 186 pp. - (Fontana modern masters)
ISBN 0-00-633353-2

Bibliogr.: pp. 184-186
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Trotzkij ; As ideias de Trotski

IDN  01004         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving: Trotsky
. - Harmondsworth, Mx. [etc.] : Penguin Books, 1979. - 214 pp. - (Penguin modern masters)
ISBN 0-14-005002-7

Bibliogr.: pp. 199-201
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Trotzkij ; As ideias de Trotski

IDN  01005         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Howe, Irving: Trotzkij
. - Milano : Mondadori, 1990. - 240 pp.
ISBN 88-04-33402-9

Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; As ideias de Trotski

IDN  01006         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Hurwicz, Elias: Trotzki

In: Hurwicz, E.: Staatsmänner und Abenteurer. (Leipzig, 1925) : pp. 315-347

IDN  01007         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Izmozik, Vladlen Semenovič: Romantik revoljucii
: (L.D. Trockij) / [V.S. Izmozik ; E.F. Krivošeenkova]
In: Istorija otečestva v portretach političeskich i gosudarstvennych dejatelej. 4/5. (Brjansk, 1995) : pp. 16-42, 172-174

Table of contents: p.23 Zvezdnye gody -- p.32 V oppozicii -- p.38 Poslednee desjatiletie -- p.172 [Notes]
Notes: 64
Angl.: Romantic of the revolution

IDN  01008         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Jackson, John Hampden: Leon Trotsky
/ J. Hampden Jackson
In: Twelve Jews / ed. by H. Bolitho. (London, 1934) : pp. 249-269

IDN  01009         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Jacoby, Jean: Trotsky peint par Trotsky
. - [1-2]
In: La Revue de France ‹Paris› [ISSN 1141-2577] 9.1929 (5) : pp. 484-496; 9.1929 (6) : pp. 128-136

Angl.: Trotsky portrayed by Trotsky

IDN  01010         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Kehoe, A.M.: Trotsky

In: Kehoe, A.M.: History makers of 20th century. (Dublin, 1988) : pp. 19-26

IDN  01011         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Kolupaev, Andrej Anatol'evič: Lev Trockij : put' v revoljuciju
/ A.A. Kolupaev
In: Izvestija Jugo-Zapadnogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija i pravo = Proceedings of the Southwest State University : Series History and Law ‹Kursk› [ISSN 2223-1501] 14. 2024 (1) : pp. 231-242

Bibliogr.: pp. 240-242
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : the path to revolution

IDN  01012        Korablev, Jurij Ivanovič: "Počemu Trockij?"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01013         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Kosmač, Gennadij Arkad'evič: Drama Trockogo
/ G.A. Kosmač ; E.N. Kosmač
In: Kosmač, G.A.: Tragedija kumirov revoljucii. (Minsk, 1994) : pp. 110-179

Table of contents: p.110 Kak Trockij stal "leninskoj dubinkoj" -- p.117 Razryv s Leninym -- p.121 Odin iz liderov pervoj russkoj revoljucii -- p.127 Vo glave "Pravdy". Na puti v Rossiju -- p.134 Sredi rukovoditelej Oktjabr'skogo vosstanija -- p.142 V roli "krasnogo Bonaparta" -- p.158 V oppozicii k Stalinu -- p.168 V izgnanii
Notes: 157
Angl.: Trotsky's tragedy

IDN  01014        Kossecki, Józef: Elementy historii trockizmu   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  01015         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Kriegel, Annie: Léon Trotsky

In: Kriegel, A.: Les juifs et le monde moderne. (Paris, 1977) : pp. 203-213

IDN  01016         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Kus-Nikolajew, Mirko: Trocki

In: Kus-Nikolajew, M.: Ljenjin, Trocki, Staljin. (Zagreb, 1941) : pp. 28-52

IDN  01017         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lanščikov, Anatolij Petrovič: Trockij

In: Lanščikov, A.P.: Čereda okajannych dnej. (Moskva, 1998)

IDN  01018         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Laqueur, Walter: Poet of action
: Leon Trotsky / Walter Z. Laqueur
In: The Russian revolution : essays. (New York, NY, 1967) : pp. 99-114

IDN  01019         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Le Blanc, Paul: Leon Trotsky
. - London : Reaktion Books, 2015. - 224 pp. - (Critical lives)
ISBN 978-1-78023-430-4

Table of contents: p.7 Introducing a life -- p.31 The shock of exile -- p.63 Revolutionary, past and present -- p.94 The Revolution betrayed -- p.127 Bracing for the storm -- p.156 The jaws of death -- p.176 Afterlife -- p.189 Chronology -- p.194 References -- p.219 Further reading -- p.222 Acknowledgements -- p.224 Photo acknowledgements
Bibliogr.: pp. 219-221
Notes: 227
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotskij
The introduction (titled "Introducing a life") is also available as online resource, URL:

IDN  01020         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Le Blanc, Paul: Lev Trotskij
/ overs.: Stig Hegn. - Kœbenhavn : Solidaritet, 2016. - 289 pp.
ISBN 978-87-87603-90-4

Orig.: Leon Trotsky

IDN  01021         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Le Blanc, Paul: Trotsky : introducing a life

In: International Socialist Review : ISR ‹Chicago, Ill.› [ISSN 1097-315X] 2014/15 (95)

Notes: 24
Preprint of author's introd. to his book "Leon Trotsky", London, 2015

IDN  01022         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Leminski, Paulo: Trótski : a paixão segundo a revolução
. - São Paulo : Ed. Brasiliense, 1986. - 152 pp. - (Antologias & biografias)
Table of contents: p.9 Enquanto os Mongóis não vêm -- p.12 Aliocha -- p.21 Ivan -- p.27 Dmitri -- p.36 A faísca -- p.45 Ensaio geral -- p.55 A grande guerra -- p.60 Octubro -- p.67 O poder -- p.75 A paz e a guerra civil -- p.88 Stálin -- p.103 O fim? -- p.111 Trótski e a guerra -- p.118 Trótski e a cultura -- p.130 Apêndices (p.146 Um poema: O velho Leon e Natália em Coyoacán) -- p.149 Bibliografia e crítica da bibliografia -- p.151 Obra trotskiana
Bibliogr.: pp. 149-152

IDN  01023         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Leminski, Paulo: Vida : Cruz e Sousa, Basho, Jesus e Trotski
. - Porto Alegre : Ed. Sulina, 1990. - 348 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 347-348
Angl.: Biography : Cruz and Sousa, Basho, Jesus and Trotsky

IDN  01024         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lenin and Trotsky
[Motion picture] / producer: Isaac Kleinerman. Writer: Earle Luby. Consultant: Bertram D. Wolfe. - [New York, NY] : CBS News, 1964. - 1 film reel (16 mm, b/w), running time: 27 min.
Originally broadcast on the CBS television programme "The twentieth century"

IDN  01025         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lenin and Trotsky
: based on the CBS News television series "The twentieth century" / by the staff of CBS News. Project ed.: William E. Shapiro. - New York, NY : Watts, 1967. - 66 pp. - (The twentieth century)

IDN  01026         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lenin and Trotsky
[Film] / producer: Isaac Kleinerman. Writer: Earle Luby. Consultant: Bertram D. Wolfe. - [New York, NY] : McGraw-Hill, [1997]. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS-PAL, b/w), running time: 27 min.
Originally broadcast on the CBS television programme "The twentieth century" in 1964. Transferred from film with permission from CBS on Dec. 4, 1997

IDN  01027         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Leo Trotzki
/ ***
In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte ‹Bonn› [ISSN 0479-611X] 7.1957 (3) : pp. 42-48

Table of contents: p.42 Das Leben eines Revolutionärs -- p.45 Die permanente Revolution und der Trotzkismus -- p.47 Ist Trotzki rehabilitiert? -- p.48 Würdigung
Notes: 37
As at Febr. 2012, the author behind the three asterisks could not be traced

IDN  01028         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Leon (Davidovich) Trotsky, 1879-1940

In: Twentieth Century Literary Criticism ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0276-8178] 22.1987 : pp. 347-395

On pp. 351-393 reprints of several essays about Trotsky

IDN  01029         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Léon Trotski : L'artisan de la révolution
. - Vanves : Hachette, 2019. - 53 pp. - (Ils ont changé le monde ; 14)
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : artisan of the revolution

IDN  01030         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) - Leon Trotski, pseudonym of Leib or Lev Davidovich Bronstein
[Electronic resource]. - 20 KB (5 pp.)
Accessed Nov. 23, 2001

IDN  01031         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Leon Trotsky : a personality in the 20th century
[Film] / Phil Sheppard Video Production. Teachers' notes by Paul Latham. - Mona Vale, N.S.W. : Phil Sheppard Video Production, 2013. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 33 min

IDN  01032         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Leon Trotsky : Bolshevik revolutionary
. - [Minneapolis, Minn.?] : Filiquarian Publ., 2008. - 103 pp. - (Biographiq)
ISBN 1-59986-378-2 - ISBN 978-1-59986-378-8

Notes: 51

IDN  01033         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lev Trotsky : la vita, le idee, la battaglia
/ ed. a cura di Yurii Colombo. - Milano : Giovane Talpa, 2002. - 126 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 118-119
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : his life, his ideas, his struggle

IDN  01034         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lévy, Roger: Trotsky
. - Paris : Librairie du Parti Socialiste et de l'Humanité, 1920. - 160 pp. - (Pages socialistes ; 4/5)
Table of contents: p.9 Introduction -- p.13 De 1877 [sic!] à 1914 -- p.23 La guerre (1914-1917) -- p.31 De la révolution bourgeoise à la révolution maximaliste -- p.37 Les idées, les talents de Trotsky -- p.43 La locomotive de l'histoire -- p.83 L'Armée Rouge -- p.99 La condottière de la révolution -- p.105 Appendices -- p.157 Bibliographie
Bibliogr.: pp. 157-160
Notes: 84

IDN  01035         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lora, Guillermo:
Un boceto de Troski [recte: Trotski]. - [La Paz] : Ed. Muela del Diablo, 1991. - 22 pp.
Angl.: An outline of Trotsky

IDN  01036         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič:
Um esboço de Trotsky / Anatoly V. Lunacharsky
In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 129-135

Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself
Angl.: A profile of Trotsky

IDN  01037         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: How Trotsky saw himself
/ Anatoly V. Lunacharsky
In: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : p. IV

Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette

IDN  01038         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki
/ Anatoli W. Lunatscharski
In: Lunačarskij, A.V.: Profile der Revolution. (Frankfurt a.M., 1968) : pp. 49-62

Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01039         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij

In: Lunačarskij, A.V.: Revoljucionnye siluėty. (Moskva, 1923)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01040         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij

In: Lunačarskij, A.V.: Revoljucionnye siluėty. 2. izd. (Char'kov, 1924)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01041         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij
/ trad. dall'inglese di A. LaRagione
In: Lunačarskij, A.V.: Profili di rivoluzione. (Bari, 1968)

Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; ll profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01042         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij
/ A. Lunačarskij
In: Siluėty : političeskie portrety / A.V. Lunačarskij [et al.] (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 343-351, 412-413

Notes: 10
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01043         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij
/ A.V. Lunačarskij
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 382-391

Notes: 6
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself
On p. 819 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  01044         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovich Trotsky
/ Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky. Transl. from the Russ. and ed. by Michael Glenny
In: Lunačarskij, A.V.: Revolutionary silhouettes. (London, 1967) : pp. 59-73

Notes: 10
Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01045         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovich Trotsky
/ Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky. Transl. from the Russ. and ed. by Michael Glenny
In: Lunačarskij, A.V.: Revolutionary silhouettes. (New York, NY, 1968) : pp. 59-73

Notes: 10
Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01046         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky
/ Anatoli Lunacharski
In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 72-84

Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; Il profilo di un revoluzionario; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01047         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davydovič Trockij
/ A. Lunačarskij
In: Trockij, L.D.: Moja žizn'. (Irkutsk, 1992)

Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01048         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič:
Il profilo di un rivoluzionario / Anatolij Lunačarskij
In: Giordano, A.: Trotski. (Milano, 1972) : pp. 53-69

Notes: 22
Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself
Angl.: Portrait of a revolutionary

IDN  01049         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Silhouette de Trotsky
/ A.V. Lounatcharsky
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 45-49

Notes: 8
Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; A Trotsky silhouette ; How Trotsky saw himself
Angl.: A portrait of Trotsky

IDN  01050         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič:
A Trotsky silhouette / Anatoly V. Lunacharsky
In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 122-123

Orig.: Lev Davidovič Trockij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Lev Davydovič Trockij ; Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotsky ; Il profilo di un rivoluzionario ; Um esboço de Trotsky ; Silhouette de Trotsky ; How Trotsky saw himself

IDN  01051         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Lynch, Michael: Trotsky : the permanent revolutionary
. - London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1995. - 113 pp. - (Personalities and powers)
ISBN 0-340-60283-X - ISBN 978-0-340-60283-6

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.11 Trotsky, Menshevism and Bolshevism -- p.20 Trotsky and the 1905 revolution -- p.29 Trotsky and permanent revolution -- p.39 Trotsky and the Russian revolution of 1917 -- p.53 Trotsky and the consolidation of Bolchevik power, 1917-20 -- p.64 Trotsky and Lenin, 1920-3 -- p.73 Trotsky and Stalin, 1923-9 -- p.83 Trotsky in exile, 1929-40 -- p.92 Trotsky and the historians -- p.100 Trotsky and Trotskyism -- p.110 Bibliography -- p.112 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 110-111

IDN  01052         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Mandel, Ernest:
O homem e o seu trabalho / Ernest Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 137-160

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work
Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotsky : l'homme et l'œuvre ; Leon Trotsky : the man and his action ; Trotsky: the man and his work ; The man and his work
Angl.: The man and his work

IDN  01053        Mandel, Ernest: Leo Trotzki : eine Einführung in sein Denken   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01054         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Mandel, Ernest: Léon Trotsky : l'homme et l'œuvre
/ E. Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 1947 (July/Aug.) : pp. 7-16

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his action ; The man and his work ; Trotsky : the man and his work ; O homem e o seu trabalho

IDN  01055         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Mandel, Ernest: Leon Trotsky : the man and his action
/ Ernest Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]. - Calcutta : Merit Publ., 1948. - 21 pp.
Orig.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work
Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotsky : l'homme et l'œuvre ; The man and his work ; Trotsky : the man and his work ; O homem e o seu trabalho

IDN  01056         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Mandel, Ernest: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work
/ E. Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 8.1947 (7=80) : pp. 205-211

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his action ; Léon Trotsky : l'homme et l'œuvre ; The man and his work ; Trotsky : the man and his work ; O homem e o seu trabalho

IDN  01057         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Mandel, Ernest:
The man and his work / Ernest Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 71-76

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work
Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotsky : l'homme et l'œuvre ; Leon Trotsky : the man and his action ; Trotsky: the man and his work ; O homem e o seu trabalho

IDN  01058        Mandel, Ernest: El pensamiento de León Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01059        Mandel, Ernest: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01060         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Mandel, Ernest: Trotsky : the man and his work

In: Mandel, E.: Revolutionary Marxism and social reality in the 20th century. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1994) : pp. 2-18

Notes: 6
Orig.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his action ; Léon Trotsky : l'homme et l'œuvre ; The man and his work ; O homem e o seu trabalho

IDN  01061         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Marie, Jean-Jacques:
Un bref parcours biographique de Léon Trotsky
In: Van Heijenoort, J.: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky. Nouvelle éd. ill. et augm. (Paris, 2016) : pp. 361-366

Angl.: A short biographical sketch of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01062         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Medvedev, Roj Aleksandrovič: Trockij : štrichy k političeskomu portretu
/ Roj Medvedev
In: Inostrannaja literatura ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0537-7307] 1989 (3) : pp. 167-174

Also publ. as an introd. to Deutscher, I.: Adski temnaja noč' [see ch. 2.8.07]
Angl.: Trotsky : outline of a political portrait

IDN  01063         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Meyer, Alfred George: Lev Davidovich Trotsky
/ Alfred G. Meyer
In: Problems of Communism ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0032-941X] 16.1967 (6) : pp. 30-40

Notes: 20

IDN  01064         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Michal'čuk, Larisa: Lev Trockij
. - Minsk : Charvest', 1998. - 220 pp. - (Žizn' znametkych ljudej)
ISBN 985-433-311-6

IDN  01065         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Mirowski, Mikołaj: Lew Trocki : historia upadku

In: Nowy Prometeusz ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 2081-206X] 2013 (4) : pp. 79-94

Notes: 53
With Engl. and Russ. abstracts
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : history of a downfall

IDN  01066         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Mitra, Chitta: Leon Trotsky : a brief life-sketch of the great revolutionary
/ transl. by Upendra Nath Roy. - Calcutta : Samasamaj Prakasan, 1971. - 35 pp.

IDN  01067         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Namier, Lewis Bernstein: Trotski
/ N. [i.e. Lewis Bernstein Namier]
In: The New Europe ‹London› 1918 (Jan.17) : pp. 9-16

IDN  01068         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Namier, Lewis Bernstein: Trotsky

In: Namier, L.B.: Skyscrapers. (London, 1931) : pp. 81-94

IDN  01069         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Naville, Pierre: Trockij vivo
/ pref. dell'autore all'ed. ital. Trad. di Attilio Chitarin. - Milano : Spirali, 1981. - 199 pp. - (Cifre ; 4)
ISBN 88-7770-103-X

Orig.: Trotsky vivant
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky esta vivo!
Angl.: The living Trotsky

IDN  01070         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Naville, Pierre: Trotsky esta vivo!
. - Lisboa : Ed. Delfos, 1972. - 155 pp. - (Compasso do tempo ; 10)
Orig.: Trotsky vivant
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij vivo
Angl.: Trotsky lives!

IDN  01071         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Naville, Pierre: Trotsky vivant
. - Paris : Julliard, 1962. - 197 pp. - (Dossiers des Lettres nouvelles)
Table of contents: p.7 Avant-propos -- p.11 Première rencontre -- p.69 Seul à seul -- p.107 Un journal -- p.145 Traits et portraits -- p.187 Caractère de Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij vivo ; Trotsky esta vivo!
Angl.: The living Trotsky

IDN  01072         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Naville, Pierre: Trotsky vivant
. - Paris : Ed. d'Aujourd'hui, 1975. - 197 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij vivo ; Trotsky esta vivo!
Reprint of the 1962 ed.

IDN  01073         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Naville, Pierre: Trotsky vivant
. - Paris : Les Lettres Nouvelles, 1979. - 273 pp. - (Les lettres nouvelles)
ISBN 2-86231-018-2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij vivo : Trotsky esta vivo!
App. contains some of author's texts about Trotsky, written between 1967 and 1974, chiefly prefaces

IDN  01074         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Naville, Pierre: Trotsky vivant
. - Nouvelle éd. - Paris : Les Lettres Nouvelles, 1988. - 274 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij vivo ; Trotsky esta vivo!
Reprint of the 1979 ed.

IDN  01075         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nevskij, Vladimir Ivanovič: Lev Davidovich Trotsky
/ V. Nevsky. Transl. from the Russ. by C.I.P. Ferdinand
In: Makers of the Russian revolution / [ed.] by G. Haupt [et al.] (London, 1974) : pp. 83-89

Notes: 1
Orig.: Trockij, Lev Davidovič
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovitch Trotski ; Lev Davuídovich Trotsky ; Trotskij Lev Davidovič

IDN  01076         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nevskij, Vladimir Ivanovič: Lev Davidovitch Trotski
/ V. Nevski
In: Les Bolchéviks par eux-mêmes / [ed.:] G. Haupt [et al.] (Paris, 1969) : pp. 76-82

Notes: 3
Orig.: Trockij, Lev Davidovič
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davuídovich Trotsky ; Trotskij Lev Davidovič

IDN  01077         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nevskij, Vladimir Ivanovič: Lev Davuídovich Trotsky
/ V. Nevsky. Trad.: Manuel de la Escalera
In: Los bolcheviques / [ed.:] Georges Haupt [et al.] (México, D.F., 1972) : pp. 74-80

Orig.: Trockij, Lev Davidovič
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotski ; Trotskij Lev Davidovič
On pp. 80-84 additional commentary by J.J. Marie

IDN  01078         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nevskij, Vladimir Ivanovič: Trockij, Lev Davidovič
/ V. Nevskij
In: Ėnciklopedičeskij slovar' Russkogo Bibliografičeskogo Instituta Granat. 7. izd. T. 41, č. 3. (Moskva, 1927) : col.151-160

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotski ; Lev Davuídovich Trotsky ; Trotskij Lev Davidivič

IDN  01079         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nevskij, Vladimir Ivanovič: Trockij, Lev Davidovič
/ V. Nevskij
In: Dejateli SSSR i revoljucionnogo dviženija Rossii. (Moskva, 1989) : col. 151-160=720-724

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotski ; Lev Davuídovich Trotsky ; Trotskij Lev Davidovič
Reprint of the 1927 ed.

IDN  01080         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nevskij, Vladimir Ivanovič: Trotskij Lev Davidovič
/ V. Nevskij. Trad.: Emma Castellano Credazzi
In: Autobiografie dei bolscevichi / a cura di G. Haupt e J.J. Marie. 4. (Roma, 1971) : pp. 50-58

Orig.: Trockij, Lev Davidovič
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich Trotsky ; Lev Davidovitch Trotski ; Lev Davuídovich Trotsky
On pp. 58-64 additional commentary by J.J. Marie

IDN  01081         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nilsson, Torsten: Leo Trotskij

In: Nilsson, T.: Människor och händelser i Europa. 2. uppl. (Stockholm, 1978)

IDN  01082         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nižnik, Nadežda Stepanovna: Poraženie
: stranicy političeskoj biografii L.D. Trockogo / N.S. Nižnik
In: Vestnik Čeljabinskogo Universiteta : Serija 1, Istorija ‹Čeljabinsk› [ISSN 1994-2796] 1991 (2) : pp. 51-61

Angl.: Defeat : pages from the political biography of L.D. Trotsky

IDN  01083         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nižnik, Nadežda Stepanovna: Poraženie
: stranicy političeskoj biografii L.D. Trockogo
In: Novejšaja istorija otečestva XX-XXI vv. ‹Saratov› [ISSN 1819-3153] 2006 (1) : pp. 333-347

IDN  01084         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nomad, Max: Leon Trotsky, or Grandeur and misery of power

In: Nomad, M.: Rebels and renegades. (New York, NY, 1932) : pp. 197-261

IDN  01085         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Nordbø, Lars: Hvem er Trotski?
: et kort overblikk over Trotskis stilling in den russiske revolusjons historie. - Oslo : Internasjonalt Arbeiderforl., 1935. - 32 pp.
Angl.: Who is Trotsky?

IDN  01086         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Novack, George: Biographical note
/ [George Novack]
In: Trockij, L.D.: The age of permanent revolution. (New York, NY, 1964) : pp. 9-12

Other ed., versions, transl.: Biographische Notiz

IDN  01087         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Novack, George: Biographical note
/ [George Novack]
In: Trockij, L.D.: The age of permanent revolution. 2. print. (New York, NY, 1970) : pp. 9-12

Other ed., versions, transl.: Biographische Notiz

IDN  01088         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Novack, George: Biographical note
/ [George Novack]
In: Trockij, L.D.: The age of permanent revolution. 3. print. (New York, NY, 1973) : pp. 9-12

Other ed., versions, transl.: Biographische Notiz

IDN  01089         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Novack, George: Biographische Notiz
/ [George Novack]. Aus dem Engl. übers. von Harry Maòr
In: Trockij, L.D.: Denkzettel : politische Erfahrungen im Zeitalter der permanenten Revolution. (Frankfurt a.M., 1981) : pp. 9-13

Orig.: Biographical note

IDN  01090         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ording, Arne: Leo Trotski : liv og værk
/ [Arne Ording]. - København : Frem-Forl., 1932. - 16 pp.
On cover: Leo Trotski : hans liv og værk
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : life and work

IDN  01091        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotsky and Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01092         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Pavelka, Franz: Leo Trotzky : der Mann und sein Werk
. - [S.l., s.d.]. - 44 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Ms. deposited at Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna (call-no.: Cod.Ser.n.28269 HAN MAG)
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work

IDN  01093         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Péro, R.: Léon Davidovitch Trotsky : un titan de la révolution
: chef de la révolution d'octobre, créateur de l'Armée Rouge. - Paris : Ed. de la Nouvelle Revue Critique, [1937]. - 31 pp. - (Les titans de la révolution ; 1)
Table of contents: p.3 Révolutionnaire professionnel -- p.8 1905 -- p.11 1907-1917 -- p.15 Au pouvoir -- p.25 Dans l'opposition

IDN  01094         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Petzold, Bert Alexander: Leo Trotzki : Basiswissen
[Sound recording] / Autor: Bert A. Petzold. Lesung: René Wagner. - Leipzig : Amor Verl., 2021. - 2 audio discs in container + booklet; running time: 1 h 49 min. - (Basiswissen strukturiert und verständlich ; 10)
ISBN 978-3-947161-60-7 - ISBN 3-947161-60-3

Table of contents: [Disc 1:] Einleitung - Familie, Kindheit und Jugend (1879-2002) - Zwischen den Fronten der SDAPR (1902-1905) - Die erste Revolution von 1905 (1905-1907) - Im Kampf gegen Lenin und seine bolschewistische Kaderpartei (1907-1915) - Revolutionsjahr 1917 - [Disc 2:] Kriegskommissar im russischen Bürgerkrieg (1918-1925) - Machtkampf mit Josef Stalin (1925-1929) - Exil, Verfolgung und Ermordung (1929-1940) - Zusammenfassung

IDN  01095         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Phipps, M.C.S.: Trotsky : decline and fall

In: Journal of the Royal United Services Institution ‹London› [ISSN 0035-9289] 105.1960 (618) : pp. 226-234

IDN  01096         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Pöschl, Rainer:
Der zweite Mann : ein Portrait
In: Zeit-Magazin ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0720-5023] 1987 (46) : pp. 48-56, 60, 64-65

Angl.: The second man : a portrait

IDN  01097         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Rempel, Gerhard: Stalin vs Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - 26 KB (9 pp.)
Undated lecture
Accessed July 31, 2003
Alternate URL:

IDN  01098         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Renton, David: Trotski
/ trad. Maria João Delgado. - Lisboa : ASA, 2007. - 189 pp. - (Vida & época)
ISBN 978-972-41-4956-1

Notes: pp. 173-179
Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  01099         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Renton, David: Trotsky
. - London : Haus Publ., 2004. - 180 pp. - (Life & times)
ISBN 1-904341-62-4 - ISBN 978-1-904341-62-8
ISBN 1-904341-19-5

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.3 From hope to revolt (1879-1898) -- p.25 The pen (1899-1903) -- p.39 The dress rehearsal (1904-1916) -- p.59 The revolution made (1917) -- p.76 The sword (1917-1921) -- p.89 The pockmarked rival (1921-1922) -- p.97 The revolution betrayed (1923-1928) -- p.112 A tactic for movement (1929-1933) -- p.122 The last struggle (1933-1936) -- p.137 Mexico (1937-1940) -- p.144 Notes -- p.152 Chronology -- p.163 Further reading -- p.168 Picture sources -- p.169 Index
Notes: 172
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski ; Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  01100         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Renton, David: Trotsky
/ trad.: Antonio Gude. - Madrid : Tutor, 2007. - 192 pp. - (Life & times ; 9)
ISBN 978-84-7902-618-9

Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski

IDN  01101         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Trotsky : the prickly lion of the revolution
: (an interview with Alexander Reznik) [Electronic resource]. - 60 KB (10 pp.)
Interview conducted on Radio Svoboda and publ. in Russ. on Jan. 27, 2017. Transl. into Engl. by E.V. Pavlov
Accessed Dec. 20, 2017

IDN  01102         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
El diablo se llama Trotsky. - México, D.F. : Grijalbo, 1981. - 125 pp.
ISBN 968-419-187-1

Biographical sketch in comic style
Angl.: The devil is called Trotsky

IDN  01103         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
El diablo se llama Trotsky. - 7. ed. - México, D.F. : Grijalbo, 1988. - 125 pp.
ISBN 968-419-187-1

Biographical sketch in comic style

IDN  01104         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
El diablo se llama Trotsky. - México, D.F. : Debolsillo, 2010. - 125 pp.
ISBN 978-6-07-429915-3

Biographical sketch in comic style

IDN  01105         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Rocolle, Pierre: Léon Bronstein dit Trotski
: 7 novembre 1879 - 20 août 1940
In: Rocolle, P.: Trois vies, une idéologie. (Paris etc., 1987) : pp. 223-334

Table of contents: p.223 Au centre des rivalités -- p.246 Des prisons et un second exil -- p.259 Huit résidences et deux emprisonnements -- p.265 De l'échec à la victoire -- p.272 La paix fragile et coûteuse -- p.279 La guerre pour survivre -- p.298 Les étapes de l'élimination -- p.311 Douze années de représailles -- p.335 Index des personnes
Notes: 51
Angl.: Leon Bronstein called Trotsky

IDN  01106         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Roure, Rémy:
La orgullosa vida de Trotsky / Pierre Fervacque [i.e. Rémy Roure]. Versión castellana por Julio Meza T. - Santiago de Chile : Ed. Cultura, 1935. - 170 pp. - (Colección Hombres e ideas)
Orig.: La vie orgueilleuse de Trotski
Angl.: The glorious life of Trotsky

IDN  01107         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Roure, Rémy:
La vie orgueilleuse de Trotski / Pierre Fervacque [i.e. Rémy Roure]. - Paris : Fasquelle, 1929. - 189 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: La orgullosa vida de Trotsky
Angl.: The glorious life of Trotsky

IDN  01108         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Roure, Rémy:
La vie orgueilleuse de Trotski / Pierre Fervacque [i.e. Rémy Roure]
In: La Revue hebdomadaire ‹Paris› [ISSN 0151-1882] 38.1929 (4) : pp. 259-288, 416-435; 38.1929 (5) : pp. 54-75, 177-200, 332-352

Other ed., versions, transl.: La orgullosa vida de Trotsky

IDN  01109         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Rous, Jean: Trotsky

In: Les Révolutionnaires communistes à la conquête du pouvoir. (Romorantin, 1978) : pp. 159-301

Table of contents: p.161 Enfance, jeunesse et premiers pas dans la vie révolutionnaire -- p.166 Trotsky à la tête de la révolution -- p.172 L'épreuve du pouvoir et de la guerre civile -- p.183 Le clivage et la rupture -- p.190 De la déportation à l'exil -- p.194 Trotsky en France -- p.204 Le dénouement -- p.217 Une lecture actuelle de l'œuvre de Trotsky -- p.215 Trotsky, le pionnier de la déstalinisation -- p.228 La théorie de la révolution permanente -- p.240 Trotsky, la violence et la guerre révolutionnaire -- p.249 Trotsky et les situations révolutionnaires -- p.259 Trotsky et la guerre mondiale -- p.261 Trotsky, la morale et la littérature -- p.264 Trotsky et les révolutions de notre temps -- p.269 Anthologie
Notes: 108

IDN  01110         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Rubenstein, Joshua: Leon Trotsky : a revolutionary's life
. - New Haven, Conn. [etc.] : Yale Univ. Pr., 2011. - X, 225 pp. - (Jewish lives)
ISBN 978-0-300-13724-8 - ISBN 0-300-13724-9

Table of contents: p.IX Preface -- p.1 The young revolutionary -- p.25 The revolution of 1905 -- p.55 An independent Marxist -- p.83 The revolution of 1917 -- p.135 Out of power -- p.155 Exile -- p.203 Epilogue -- p.211 Note on sources -- p.215 Acknowledgements -- p.217 Index
Other ed., versions, transl.: León Trotsky : una vida revolucionaria ; León Trotsky : el revolucionario indomable ; Lev Troţki : o viaţă de revoluţionar

IDN  01111         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Rubenstein, Joshua: León Trotsky : el revolucionario indomable
/ trad. de Ricardo García Pérez. - Barcelona : Península, 2015. - 240 pp. - (Huellas)
ISBN 978-84-9942-399-9

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : a revolutionary's life
Other ed., versions, transl.: León Trotsky : una vida revolucionaria ; Lev Troţki : o viaţă de revoluţionar

IDN  01112         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Rubenstein, Joshua: León Trotsky : una vida revolucionaria
/ trad. de Ricardo García Pérez. - Barcelona : Península, 2013. - 240 pp. - (Atalaya ; 482)
ISBN 978-84-99421-84-1

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : a revolutionary's life
Other ed., versions, transl.: León Trotsky : el revolucionario indomable ; Lev Troţki : o viaţă de revoluţionar

IDN  01113         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Rubenstein, Joshua: Lev Troţki : o viaţă de revoluţionar
/ cuvănt-inainte George Cristian Maior. Trad. din limba engleză Carmen Dumitrescu. - Bucareşti : RAO, 2013. - XII, 206 pp.
ISBN 978-606-609-540-2

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : a revolutionary's life
Other ed., versions, transl.: León Trotsky : una vida revolucionaria ; León Trotsky : el revolucionario indomable

IDN  01114         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Sardenberg, Carlos Alberto: Trotsky : 1879-1940
. - Rio de Janeiro : Ed. Três, 1973. - 226, [21]pp. - (Biblioteca de história ; 12)
Bibliogr.: p. [249]

IDN  01115         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schneider, Wolf: An die Wand gedrückt von Stalin : Trotzki

In: Schneider, W.: Grosse Verlierer : von Goliath bis Gorbatschow. (Reinbek b. Hamburg, 2004) : pp. 193-208

Angl.: Pushed to the wall by Stalin : Trotsky

IDN  01116         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1969. - 189 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Table of contents: p.7 Der Knabe -- p.21 Der "Südrussische Arbeiterbund" -- p.30 Begegnung mit Lenin -- p.47 Parvus wird Trotzkis Lehrmeister -- p.58 Der Prozeß -- p.68 Die "permanente Revolution" -- p.75 Kriegsausbruch und Zimmerwald -- p.89 Trotzki kehrt nach Petrograd zurück -- p.98 Der Juli-Aufstand -- p.108 Trotzki, der wahre Sieger -- p.128 Lenins Tod und Trotzkis Austreibung -- p.135 Asyl in Mexiko -- p.147 Der Mord -- p.162 Anmerkungen -- p.167 Zeittafel -- p.182 Zeugnisse -- p.184 Bibliographie -- p.189 Namenregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 184-188
Notes: 79
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01117         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - [2. Aufl.], 16.-22,5. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1970. - 189 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01118         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - [3. Aufl.], 22,6.-27,5. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1972. - 189 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01119         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - [4. Aufl.], 9.-31. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1974. - 189 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01120         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - 5. Aufl. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1975. - 189 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01121         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - 6. Aufl. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1976. - 189 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01122         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - [8. Aufl.], 43.-45. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1981. - 191 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01123         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - [9. Aufl.], 46.-48. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1984. - 191 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01124         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - 14. Aufl. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 2006. - 191 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0 - ISBN 978-3-499-50157-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01125         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - [7. Aufl.], 40.-42. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1979. - 191 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01126         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - [10. Aufl.], 49.-51. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1987. - 191 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Bibliogr.: pp. 184-190
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01127         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - [11. Aufl.], 52.-54. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1990. - 191 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Bibliogr.: pp. 184-190
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01128         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - 12. Aufl., 55.-56. Tsd. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1995. - 191 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01129         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Leo Trotzki : mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
/ dargest. von Harry Wilde. - 13. Aufl. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 2000. - 191 pp. - (Rowohlts Monographien ; 157)
ISBN 3-499-50157-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.] ; Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.]

IDN  01130         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Lev Trotski
/ Harry Wilde. [Trad. de Judith Vilar]. - Barcelona : Ed. 62, 1991. - 172 pp. - (Collecció Pere Vergés de biografies ; 26)
ISBN 84-297-3279-9

Orig.: Leo Trotzki
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.]

IDN  01131         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Lev Trotski
/ Harry Wilde. Saksa keelest tolkinud Ants Sisask. - Tallinn : Olion, 2003. - 163, [24] pp. - (Persoon)
ISBN 998-588-315-2

Orig.: Leo Trotzki
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski [Dutch] ; Trotski [Span.] ; Lev Trotski [Cat.]

IDN  01132         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotski
/ Harry Wilde. [Trad.: Federico Latorre]. - Madrid : Alianza, 1972. - 207 pp. - (El libro de bolsillo : Humanidades ; 374)
ISBN 84-206-1374-6

Orig.: Leo Trotzki
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski [Dutch] ; Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.]

IDN  01133         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotski
/ Harry Wilde. [Vert. uit het Duits door Joris van Parysl]. - Baarn : Wereldvenster, 1976. - 223 pp. - (Imago-reeks)
ISBN 90-293-0901-6

Orig.: Leo Trotzki
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski [Span.] ; Lev Trotski [Cat.] ; Lev Trotski [Est.]

IDN  01134         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotzki, der besiegte Sieger

In: Der Monat ‹Berlin etc.› [ISSN 0026-9204] 17.1965 (201) : pp. 39-61

Angl.: Trotsky, the defeated victor

IDN  01135         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Šerstobitov, Valerij Valentinovič: Kol'čak, Trockij i Odessa
/ V. Šerstobitov ; V. Netrebskij. - Odessa : Izd-vo KP OGT, 2009. - 135 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Kolčak -- p.60 Trockij (p.60 Nakanune -- p.71 Tetja "samych četnych pravil" -- p.82 Probuždenie -- p.93 Iščite ženščiny -- p.103 V zastenkach kapitala -- p.112 Zvezdnyj čas -- p.122 Razluka)
Author statement on verso: V.P. Netrebskij ; V.V. Šerstobitov
Angl.: Kolchak, Trotsky and Odessa

IDN  01136         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ševelev, Vladimir Nikolaevič: Trockij
/ V.N. Ševelev
In: Ševelev, V.N.: Dvenadcat' evreev, kotorye izmenili mir. (Rostov-na-Donu, 2001)

IDN  01137         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Ševelev, Vladimir Nikolaevič: Trockij
/ V.N. Ševelev
In: Ševelev, V.N.: Dvenadcat' evreev, kotorye izmenili mir. 2., dop. izd. (Rostov-na-Donu, 2010)

IDN  01138         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Sinin, Evgenij Jur'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij

In: Stalin, Trockij, Dzeržinskij : sovetskie voždi i ich zdorov'e / I.S. Ratkovskij [et al.] (Moskva, 2022) : pp. 272-368

Notes: 529
On pp. 366-368 a summarizing presentation of Trotsky's physical and mental state of health

IDN  01139         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Slavin, Morris: Leon Trotsky : from Petrograd to Prinkipo

In: Crucible of socialism / ed. by L. Patsouras. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1987) : pp. 235-292

Notes: 204

IDN  01140         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Smolenskij, Michail: Trockij
/ M. Smolenskij. - 2. izd. - Berlin' : Russkoe Universal'noe Izd-vo, 1921. - 62 pp. - (Vseobščaja biblioteka ; 3)

IDN  01141         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Smolenskij, Michail: Trockij
/ M. Smolenskij. - Berlin' : Russkoe Universal'noe Izd-vo, 1921. - 62 pp. - (Vseobščaja biblioteka ; 3)

IDN  01142         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Smolenskij, Michail: Trockij
: (fragmenty) / M. Smolenskij (M.N. Švarc)
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 405-409

Experpted from author's "Trockij", Berlin 1921
On pp. 820-821 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  01143         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Stam, Arthur: Leo Trotski : profeet van de wereldrevolutie
. - Soesterberg : Uitg. Aspekt, 2006. - 161 pp. - (Aspektbiografie)
ISBN 90-5911-451-5 - ISBN 978-90-5911-451-7

Table of contents: p.7 Inleiding -- p.9 Van de schoolbanken naar het socialisme -- p.12 Een socialistische adolescentie -- p.15 Gavangenis, Sibirië en emigratie -- p.18 De Iskra en het schisma -- p.24 De revolutie van 1905 -- p.31 De jaren in Wenen -- p.37 De oorlogsjaren in het Westen -- p.48 Twee revoluties -- p.64 De vrede van Brest Litovsk -- p.76 Burgeroorlog -- p.96 De NEP-epoche -- p.121 Laatste ballingschap -- p.148 Afkortingen -- p.149 Noten -- p.157 Literatuur -- p.159 Persoonsregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 157-158
Notes: 134
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : prophet of world revolution

IDN  01144         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Stam, Arthur: Leo Trotski : profeet van de wereldrevolutie
. - 2. druk. - Soesterberg : Uitg. Aspekt, 2016. - 161 pp. - (Aspektbiografie)
ISBN 978-90-5911-451-5

IDN  01145         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Stam, Arthur: Leo Trotski : profeet van de wereldrevolutie
. - 3. druk. - Soesterberg : Uitg. Aspekt, 2024. - 161 pp. - (Aspektbiografie)
ISBN 978-90-5911-451-7

IDN  01146         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Stammen, Theo: Leo Trotzki (1879-1940)

In: Politiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1. (München, 1970) : pp. 65-70

IDN  01147        Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: [Foreword] Vtoroj raund smertel'noj schvatki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  01148         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Stender-Petersen, Adolf: Trotskij

In: Stender-Petersen, A.: Revolutionære profiler. (Aarhus, 1933)

IDN  01149         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Svedgård, Lars B.: Leo Trotskij
. - Malmö : Forsberg, 1966. - 154 pp. - (Profilen ; 1)
Table of contents: p.7 Förord -- p.9 "De har lyckats" -- p.29 Gnistan som födde en flamma -- p.45 Blod i snö -- p.59 Ryssland älskar piskan -- p.73 "Till alla!" -- p.85 Röde Napoleon -- p.99 Varken krig eller fred -- p.111 Dödsmässa -- p.125 "Man för bort kamrat Trotskij" -- p.135 Ett protokollsutdrag -- p.137 Jakt på en gengångere -- p.149 Några data -- p.151 Personregister

IDN  01150         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Swain, Geoffrey: Trotsky
. - Harlow, England : Pearson/Longman, 2006. - VI, 237 pp. - (Profiles in power)
ISBN 0-582-77190-0 - ISBN 978-0-582-77190-1

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.5 The precocious apprentice -- p.33 Revitalising the party -- p.57 Insurrection -- p.89 Saving the revolution -- p.122 Building a workers' state -- p.152 Combating Thermidor -- p.182 Exile and internationalism -- p.210 Conclusion -- p.219 Bibliographical note -- p.222 Index
Also publ. as audio disc: Princeton, NJ : Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, 2007

IDN  01151         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Tandler, Nicolas: Trotski
. - Grez-sur-Loing : Pardès, 2009. - 127 pp. - (Qui suis-je? [ISSN 1624-1568])
ISBN 978-2-86714-432-5 - ISBN 2-86714-432-9

Table of contents: p.7 Introduction -- p.9 Mon enfance et ma jeunesse de privilégié (1879-1897) -- p.15 Je choisis la révolution (1897-1904) -- p.25 J'entre dans l'histoire (1905-1917) -- p.37 Mon coup d'État, ma guerre civile (1917-1922) -- p.69 Comment j'ai tout perdu (1922-1929) -- p.91 Vieux de la montagne et bête traquée (1929-1940) -- p.130 Conclusion -- p.117 Jugements sur Trotski -- p.119 Chronologie -- p.123 Bibliographie -- p.125 Etude astrologique de Léon Trotski/M. de Charette
Bibliogr.: pp. 123-124

IDN  01152        Taylor, Edmund: The rise and fall and rise of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01153         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Tenenbaum, Arkadij Davidovič: Lev Trockij : tribun revoljucii
[Electronic resource] / Arkadij Tenenbaum
In: Slovo = Word [Electronic journal] ‹New York, NY› 2006 (51) : 30 KB (15 pp.)

Accessed Oct. 10, 2008
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : tribune of the revolution

IDN  01154         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Todd, Allan: Trotsky : the passionate revolutionary
. - Barnsley : Pen and Sword History, 2022. - XVIII, 227 pp. + 16 unnumbered pp. of plates
ISBN 978-1-3990-1076-4 - ISBN 1-3990-1076-X

Table of contents: p.IX Family tree -- p.XIII Introduction: against the stream -- p.1 The young Trotsky, 1879-1896 -- p.17 Revolution, love and exile, 1897-1902 -- p.33 Escape, splits and revolution, 1902-06 -- p.52 The Vienna years, 1907-13 -- p.70 War and internationalism, 1914-17 -- p.84 Revolution and civil war, 1917-19 -- p.105 The Commissar in power, 1920-23 -- p.126 Fighting against his time, 1924-28 -- p.150 Prophet without a home, 1929-36 -- p.175 Love and death in Mexico, 1937-40 -- p.194 Conclusion: legacy -- p.201 Bibliography, further reading -- p.203 Endnotes -- p.220 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 201-202
Notes: 347

IDN  01155         LLTB  Chapter  2.2

In: The Bookman ‹London› 47.1918 (1) : pp. 87-91

IDN  01156         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
/ organização do texto por Marisa Paltrinieri. Trad. de Nestor Deola [et al.]. - São Paulo : Melhoramentos, 1975. - 159 pp. - (Pró e contra : o julgamento da história ; 13)
Orig.: Trotskij : pro e contro

IDN  01157         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Trotskij : pro e contro
/ a cura di Marisa Paltrinieri. - Milano : Mondadori, 1973. - 159 pp. - (I dossier Mondadori ; 18)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski
Angl.: Trotsky : for and against

IDN  01158         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
[Film] / film de Alain Dugrand et Patrick Le Gall. Une co-production de IMA Productions, La Sept et FR3. - Paris : IMA Productions, 1988. - 2 videocassettes (videorecording, VHS), running time: 2 h
Table of contents: Pt.1: Révolutions - pt.2: Exils
Documentary portrait of Trotsky by photos, filmclips and interviews with contemporaries and historians
Originally produced as a TV programme of FR3 (France) in 1988

IDN  01159         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
[Film] / film de Alain Dugrand et Patrick Le Gall. Une co-production de IMA Productions, La Sept et FR3. Deutsche Bearb.: Monika Hey, Adelheid Zöfel. - [S.l.], 1990. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 1 h
Documentary portrait of Trotsky by photos, filmclips and interviews with contemporaries and historians in French with German voiceovers and subtitles
Originally produced as a TV programme of FR3 (France) in 1988
Videorecording of a programme broadcast on Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Aug. 23, 1990
Abridged version

IDN  01160         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
[Film] / [Alain Dugrand and Patrick Le Gall]. Pres. by SR Programs International & IMA Productions, FR3, La Sept. Producer: Stanley Darer. - Sydney, N.S.W. : SBS, 1992. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 1 h - (Connections)
Documentary portrait of Trotsky by photos, filmclips and interviews with contemporaries and historians in French with English voiceovers
Originally produced as a TV programme of FR3 (France) in 1988
Abridged version

IDN  01161         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
[Film] / Jacques Kébadian, réalisateur. - Paris : Association Audiovisuelle Arménienne, 2008. - 1 DVD videodisc (PAL), running time: 53 min.
Film originally produced in 1967

IDN  01162         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Trotsky : a film
[Film] / Alain Dugrand and Patrick Le Gall. Co-production of IMA Productions, La Sept and FR3. Commentary spoken by Vincent Colin. - [Princeton, NJ] : Films for the Humanities, 1990. - 2 videocassettes (videorecording, VHS), running time: 2 h
Table of contents: Pt.1: Revolution - pt.2: Exile
Documentary portrait of Trotsky by photos, filmclips and interviews with contemporaries and historians
Videocassette release of a film originally produced as a TV programme of FR3 (France) in 1988
Engl. and French with Engl. voiceovers

IDN  01163         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Trotsky : revolutionair of verrader
[Film] / Alain Dugrand ; Patrick Le Gall. Nederlands commentar: Ton van der Horst. - [S.l.], 1990. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 61 min.
On container: Trotzky
Documentary portrait of Trotsky by photos, filmclips and interviews with contemporaries and historians in French with Dutch voiceovers
Originally produced as a TV programme of FR3 (France) in 1988, abridged version

IDN  01164         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Trotsky : the life and work of the Russian revolutionary
[Film]. - [S.l.], 1989. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 55 min. - (Timewatch)

IDN  01165         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Trotsky en nuestro tiempo
: un programa acerca de las ideas del revolucionario ruso para pensar nuestra época [Film] / [este programa es una co-prod. con el grupo Contraimágen y el canal web TvPTS, incluye dos ciclos, con un total de 8 emisiones. - [Buenos Aires] : CEIP León Trotsky, [2010]. - 2 DVD videodiscs
Table of contents: 1. Vida y obra de León Trotsky - 2. La crisis capitalista y la década del '30
Contains interviews with Esteban Volkov, Gabriel García Higueras et al.
Angl.: Trotsky in our time

IDN  01166         LLTB  Chapter  2.2

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2000 (348/349) : pp. 55-57

Angl.: Trotsky chronology

IDN  01167        Ustinov, Georgij Feofanovič: Tribun revoljucii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01168        Ustinov, Georgij Feofanovič: Tribun revoljucii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01169         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Van Tol, David: Leon Trotsky
. - Wilston, Queensland : FarrBooks, 2007. - VIII, 128 pp. - (Historical personalities of the twentieth century)
ISBN 978-1-921228-42-1

Table of contents: p.V Introduction -- p.VIII Map -- p.1 Formative years (1879-1896) -- p.7 Political awakening (1896-1899) -- p.15 Life as an émigré (1900-1904) -- p.21 Dress rehearsal for revolution (1905-1907) -- p.31 European sojourn (1907-1915) -- p.39 The prelude to revolution (July-October 1917) -- p.47 Hero of the revolution (July-October 1917) -- p.57 The problem of peace (1917-1918) -- p.63 Saviour of the revolution (1918-1920) -- p.73 Consolidating the revolution (1918-1923) -- p.81 Trotsky in decline (1924-1928) -- p.93 A permanent exile (1928-1937) -- p.103 The final years (1937-1940) -- p.113 Leon Trotsky - controversies and debates -- p.124 Further reading -- p.125 URL list -- p.126 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 124-125
Many chapters are enriched by "Timeline", "Review questions", and "Source investigations and extended response questions"

IDN  01170        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: "Demon revoljucii" kak personaž istorii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01171         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: L. D. Trockij : "nikto iz nas ne imeet bezuprečnoj i bezgrešnoj biografii"
/ N.A. Vaseckij
In: Istoričeskie portrety. (Moskva, 1993) : pp. 26-49

Notes: 31

IDN  01172        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: L. D. Trockij : političeskij portret   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01173        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: León Trotski a través del prisma de la historia   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01174        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Lew Trotzki : ein Gesicht im Schaufenster der Geschichte   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01175        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: O Trockom i trockizme   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01176        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Trockij : lico za vitražom istorii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01177         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Vassoevič, Andrej Leonidovič: L. D. Trockij na puti k vydvoreniju i nasil'stvennoj smerti
/ A.L. Vassoevič
In: Sledstvie prodolžaetsja : chronika političeskich prestuplenij / sost. V.V. Egerev. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2009) : pp. 9-59

Notes: 109
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky along the way to expulsion and violent death

IDN  01178         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Sud'ba revoljucionera
/ D. Volkogonov
In: Kommunist Tadžikistana ‹Dužanbe› [ISSN 0023-3129] 1990 (11) : pp. 84-92

Angl.: The fate of a revolutionary

IDN  01179         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Sud'ba revoljucionera
/ D.A. Volkogonov
In: Social'no-političeskie nauki ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0235-1196] 1990 (5) : pp. 108-116

Angl.: Fate of a revolutionary

IDN  01180         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Wartburg, Wolfgang von: Leo Trozkij

In: Wartburg, W. von: Revolutionäre Gestalten des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. (Bern, 1958) : pp. 293-323

IDN  01181         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Wartburg, Wolfgang von: Leo Trozkij

In: Wartburg, W. von: Sie haben die Welt verändert. 2. Aufl. (Schaffhausen, 1974) : pp. 304-335

IDN  01182         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Webb, Simon: In search of Leon Trotsky
. - Durham : The Langley Pr., 2023. - 98 pp.
ISBN 978-1-83838-577-4

Table of contents: p.7 Yanovka -- p.17 Odessa and Mykolayiv -- p.25 Siberia -- p.30 London, Lenin and Petersburg -- p.38 Escape and revolution -- p.49 'I'm going now' -- p.57 Stalin -- p.65 Back in the West -- p.75 The words of Mercury -- p.84 Snowball -- p.90 Disciples -- p.96 Select bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 96-97

IDN  01183         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Whittemore Jr., Walter J.: Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary leader - 1940

In: Whittemore Jr., W.J.: Untimely deaths by assassination. ([S.l.], 2012) : pp. 102-110

IDN  01184         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Zagrebel'nyj, Michail Pavlovič: Lev Trockij
/ M. Zagrebel'nyj. - Char'kov : Folio, 2011. - 118 pp. - (Znamenitye ljudi planety)
ISBN 978-966-03-5112-7

Table of contents: p.3 On potrjas mir -- p.8 Detstvo. Južnouktrainskoe selo Janovka,1879-1887 -- p.16 No Odessa lučše, 1887-1896 -- p.26 Nikolaev, 1896-1898 -- p.36 Uznik sovesti, 1898-1902 -- p.46 Put' k vlasti, 1902-1917 -- p.63 On sochranil imperiju: Ukraina v ogne, 1917-1920 -- p.95 Opala voždja, 1921-1932 -- p.110 Ochota na vraga naroda. Operacija 'Utka', 1932-1940 -- p.116 Balans

IDN  01185        Zen'kovič, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Ubijstvo v Kojoakane   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01186         LLTB  Chapter  2.2
Zuliani, Augusto: Trockij

In: Critica sociale ‹Milano› [ISSN 0011-1538] 71.1979 (26) : pp. 72-77

LLTB Chapter  2.3

IDN  01187         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Abosch, Heinz: Trotzki oder Die permanente Illusion

In: Merkur ‹Stuttgart› [ISSN 0026-0096] 29.1975 (4) : pp. 380-384

Notes: 2
Angl.: Trotsky or The permanent illusion

IDN  01188         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Ad un secolo dalla nascita di Trotsky
/ R.M.
In: La Classe ‹Roma› [ISSN 1720-2582] 4.1979 (26) : p. 6

Angl.: One century since Trotsky's birth

IDN  01189         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Albertani, Claudio:
La tragedia de León Trotsky [Electronic resource]. - 83 KB (13 pp.)
Notes: 85
Dated Oct. 2005
Accessed Dec. 21, 2005
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's tragedy

IDN  01190         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Albjerg, Victor Lincoln:
The leaders of Soviet Russia / Victor L. Albjerg
In: Current History ‹Philadelphia, Pa.› [ISSN 0011-3530] 25.1953 (Aug.) : pp. 101-106

IDN  01191         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Albjerg, Victor Lincoln: Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein), 1879-1940
/ Victor L. Albjerg
In: Social Studies ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0037-7996] 45.1954 (1) : pp. 18-25

IDN  01192         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Alegría, Ciro: Perfil de un revolucionário

In: Babel ‹Buenos Aires etc.› 2.1941 (15/16) : pp. 165-167

Angl.: Profile of a revolutionary

IDN  01193         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Alegría, Ciro: Perfil de un revolucionário

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 163-165

IDN  01194         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Alegría, Ciro: Perfil de un revolucionário

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 188-190

IDN  01195         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Alegría, Ciro: Perfil de un revolucionário

In: El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después. (Barcelona, 1990) : pp. 131-134

Written 1940

IDN  01196        Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Lev Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01197        Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01198         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Arutunyan, Anna: Springtime for Trotsky?
[Electronic resource]. - 44 KB (4 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 12, 2011

IDN  01199        L'assassinat de Léon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01200        L'assassinio di Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01201         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Ayers, David: Clare Sheridan : a sculptor in the Kremlin

In: Ayers, D.: Modernism, internationalism and the Russian revolution. (Edinburgh, 2018) : pp. 130-155

Notes: 69
About the visit to Moscow of the famous sculptor Sheridan who created busts of the Bolshevik leadership including Leon Trotsky

IDN  01202         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Barthel, Manfred: Tod im Exil
: Trotzkis vergebliche Flucht vor Stalins Häschern
In: Damals ‹Gießen› [ISSN 0011-5908] 17.1985 (8) : pp. 668-671

Angl.: Death in exile : Trotsky's futile flight from Stalin's bloodhounds

IDN  01203         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Behrend, Manfred:
Das Ende eines Hoffnungsträgers : vor 60 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki ermordet
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 2000 (Aug.21) : p. 9

Angl.: The end of a bearer of hope

IDN  01204         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Behrend, Manfred: Marxistischer Aufklärer
: vor 125 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki geboren
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 2004 (Nov.6/7) : p. 22

Angl.: Marxist rationalist

IDN  01205         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Bensaïd, Daniel:
Un passeur du siècle : 60. anniversaire de l'assassinat de Trotsky
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 2000 (July 27)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky : a guiding light of the century

IDN  01206         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Bensaïd, Daniel: Trotsky : a guiding light of the century
: the legacy [Electronic resource] / transl. by International Viewpoint. - 32 KB (2 pp.)
Orig.: Un passeur du siècle
Orinally publ. in 2000 in "Rouge" to mark the 60th anniversary of Trotsky's death
Accessed Sept. 2, 2020

IDN  01207         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Birmandi, V.: Chi era il vero Trotzky

In: L'Idea liberale ‹Milano› 22.1980 (128/129) : pp. 55-58

Angl.: Who was the real Trotsky?

IDN  01208         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Blackburn, Robin:
A hero still unsung
In: The Independent Magazine ‹London› 1990 (102) : pp. 30-34

IDN  01209         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Böök, Fredrik: Leo Trotskij

In: Böök, F.: Furstar och rebeller. (Stockholm, [1930]) : pp. 116-156

IDN  01210         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Boffa, Giuseppe:
La rovina di un profeta armato : il centenario della nascita di Lev Davidovič Trotskij
In: La Rinascita ‹Roma› [ISSN 0035-5380] 36.1979 (24) : pp. 24-25

Angl.: The undoing of an armed prophet

IDN  01211         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Brauns, Nick: Und Sonne überall
: "das Leben ist schön, die kommende Generation möge es reinigen..." ; zum 60. Todestag von Leo Trotzki
In: Junge Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-8601] 2000 (Aug.19)

Angl.: Ans Sun everywhere

IDN  01212         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Broué, Pierre: Trotsky, soixante ans après

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2000 (72) : pp. 109-112

IDN  01213         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Buick, Adam: Trotsky : the prophet debunked

In: Socialist Standard ‹London› [ISSN 0037-8259] 86.1990 (1032)

Earlier version (signed "ALB") was publ. in: ibid., 75.1979 (903)

IDN  01214         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Calzada Jauregui, Francisco:
Un hombre de nuestro siglo
In: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior ‹México, D.F.› 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp. 48-49

Angl.: A man of our century

IDN  01215         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: A memória do "velho"
/ James P. Cannon
In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 201-216

Orig.: To the memory of the old man
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940
Angl.: To the memory of the "Old man"

IDN  01216         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: In memoria del vecchio uomo
: (necrologio per Trotsky) [Electronic resource] / James P. Cannon. - 64 KB (7 pp.)
Orig.: To the memory of the old man
Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940
Accessed May 29, 2017

IDN  01217         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: Leon Trotsky : memorial address "To the memory of the old man"
/ James P. Cannon. - New York, NY : Pioneer Publ., [1940]. - 15 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Originally publ. with title "To the memory of the old man", in: Socialist Appeal (New York, NY), 4.1940 (Sept.7)
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940

IDN  01218         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: Leon Trotsky : memorial address "To the memory of the old man"
/ James P. Cannon
In: Cannon, J.P.: Speeches for socialism. (New York, NY, 1971) : pp. 179-192

Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; To the memory of the old man ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940

IDN  01219         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki
/ James P. Cannon
In: 1940 - 1990 : 50 Jahre seit der Ermordung Leo Trotzkis. (Wien, 1990) : pp. [20-26]

Orig.: To the memory of the old man
Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; In memoria del vecchio uomo ; Leon Trotsky ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940
Angl.: Obituary of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01220         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: Pamjati starika
/ reč Dž. P. Kannona [...]
In: Bjulleten' oppozicii ‹Various places› 11.1940 (84) : pp. 5-10

Orig.: To the memory of the old man
Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; In memoria del vecchio uomo ; Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940
Angl.: To the memory of the "Old man"

IDN  01221         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: To the memory of the old man
/ James P. Cannon
In: Socialist Appeal : official weekly organ of the Socialist Workers Party ‹New York, NY› 4.1940 (36) : pp. 2-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; In memoria del vecchio uomo ; Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940

IDN  01222         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: To the memory of the old man
/ James P. Cannon
In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 12-15

Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; In memoria del vecchio uomo ; Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940

IDN  01223         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: To the memory of the old man
/ James P. Cannon
In: Cannon, J.P.: The Socialist Workers Party in World War II. (New York, NY, 1975) : pp. 54-65

Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; In memoria del vecchio uomo ; Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940

IDN  01224         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: To the memory of the old man
/ James P. Cannon
In: Socialist Viewpoint ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 1535-5438] 2.2002 (5)

Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; In memoria del vecchio uomo ; Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940

IDN  01225         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: To the memory of the old man
/ James P. Cannon
In: The fate of the Russian revolution / ed. and with an introd. by S. Matgamna. 2. (London, 2015) : pp. 527-535

Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; In memoria del vecchio uomo ; Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika ; Trotzki ist tot
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940. Abridged

IDN  01226         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: Trotskyism lives
/ James P. Cannon
In: Cannon, J.P.: The Socialist Workers Party in World War II. (New York, NY, 1975) : pp. 151-164

Reprinted from: The Militant (New York, NY), 5.1941 (Aug.30)
Speech delivered at memorial meeting on the first anniversary of Trotsky's death, New York, NY, Aug. 22, 1941

IDN  01227         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cannon, James Patrick: Trotzki ist tot
/ James P. Cannon
In: Unser Wort ‹Prag; later: Paris; later: Antwerpen; later: New York, NY› 8.1940 (3=101) : pp. 1-3

Orig.: To the memory of the old man
Other ed., versions, transl.: A memória do "velho" ; In memoria del vecchio uomo ; Leon Trotsky ; Nachruf auf Leo Trotzki ; Pamjati starika
Speech delivered at Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 28, 1940
Angl.: Trotsky is dead

IDN  01228        Carmichael, Joel: Trotsky's agony   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01229         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Le centième anniversaire de Léon Trotsky
In: Sous le drapeau du socialisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 0560-9038] 1979 (81) : p. 35

Angl.: The 100th anniversary of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01230         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Charette, Marin de: Étude astrologique de Léon Trotski

In: Tandler, N.: Trotski. (Grez-sur-Loing, 2009) : pp. 125-[128]

IDN  01231         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein
/ Winston S. Churchill
In: Churchill, W.S.: Große Zeitgenossen. (Amsterdam, 1938) : pp. 223-236

Orig.: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

IDN  01232         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein
/ övers. Sverker Lönnberg
In: Churchill, W.S.: Stora samtida. (Stockholm, 1937) : pp. 237-250

Orig.: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

IDN  01233         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
/ Winston S. Churchill
In: Churchill, W.S.: Great contemporaries. (London, 1937) : pp. 197-206

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein
Reprinted from: Pall Mall (London), 1929 (Dec.)

IDN  01234         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
/ Winston S. Churchill
In: Churchill, W.S.: Great contemporaries. (New York, NY, 1937)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronšteijn ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

IDN  01235         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
/ Winston S. Churchill
In: Churchill, W.S.: Great contemporaries. Rev. ed. (London, 1938) : pp. 197-206

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

IDN  01236         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
/ Winston S. Churchill
In: Churchill, W.S.: Great contemporaries. Rev. ed. (London, 1939) : pp. 197-206

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

IDN  01237         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
/ Winston S. Churchill
In: Churchill, W.S.: Great contemporaries. (London, 1959)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

IDN  01238         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 201-209

Orig.: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn

IDN  01239         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 225-234

Orig.: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn

IDN  01240         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: León Trotsky, alias Bronstein
/ Winston Churchill
In: El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después. (Barcelona, 1990) : pp. 135-146

Orig.: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn

IDN  01241         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
/ Winston S. Churchill
In: Churchill, W.S.: Great contemporaries. (Wilmington, Dela., 2012)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

IDN  01242         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Churchill, Winston Spencer: Lev Trockij, on že Bronštejn [...]
/ U. Čerčill'. Perevod iz angl. [...] P. Tempesta
In: Zvezda : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij nezavisimyj žurnal ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 0321-1878] 1995 (11) : pp. 114-118

Orig.: Leon Trotsky, alias Bronstein
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotskij, alias Bronstein ; Leo Trotzki alias Bronstein ; León Trotsky, alias Bronstein

IDN  01243         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Clarke, George: Leon Trotsky : a new vindication
: 10 years after the GPU assassination
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 11.1950 (4=105) : pp. 99-105

IDN  01244         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cliff, Tony: 'As long as I breathe I hope'
: fifty years since Trotsky's death
In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 1990 (1202) : p. 10

IDN  01245         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Colombo, Arturo:
La parabola di Trotskij : nel centenario della nascita
In: Nuova antologia ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0029-6147] 114.1979 (539=2132) : pp. 81-91

Notes: 22
Angl.: The parable of Trotsky : on the centennial of his birth

IDN  01246         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Cramer, Frederick Henry: Demagogue or people's leader?
: Leon Davidovich Trotsky / Frederick H. Cramer
In: Current History ‹Philadelphia, Pa.› [ISSN 0011-3530] 10.1946 (March) : pp. 212-222

IDN  01247         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Curtis, Oliver:
The lion in winter : fifty years after the murder of Trotsky ; home movies of the exiled revolutionary in Mexico offer new insights
In: Listener ‹London› [ISSN 0024-4392] 124.1990 (3180=Aug.30) : pp. 16-17

See also "Trotsky's home movies [Video recording]"

IDN  01248         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Dahmer, Helmut: Trotzki, Biermann und Moneta
: Mythen und Legenden in "Europas schönster Tageszeitung"
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 25.2010 (10) : p. 20

Also publ. in: Junge Welt (Berlin), 2010 (Sept.2), p.42

IDN  01249         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
The death of Trotsky
In: Socialist Standard ‹London› [ISSN 0037-8259] 36.1940 (433)


IDN  01250         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Derry, Félix Louis: "Trotzkistische Woche" in Frankreich
/ F.L. Derry
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1979 (107) : pp. 11-13

Angl.: "Trotskyist week" in France

IDN  01251         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: [Foreword] Einleitung
/ Übers. aus dem Engl. von Harry Maòr
In: Trockij, L.D.: Denkzettel : politische Erfahrungen im Zeitalter der permanenten Revolution. (Frankfurt a.M., 1981) : pp. 14-41

Originally publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "The age of permanent revolution", New York, NY, 1964
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in our time ; Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; Trotskij i vår tid ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente

IDN  01252         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: [Foreword] Introduction

In: Trockij, L.D.: The age of permanent revolution. (New York, NY, 1964) : pp. 13-39

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en nuestro tiempo ; Trotsky in our time ; Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente ; Trotskij i vår tid
German version also publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "Denkzettel", Frankfurt a.M., 1981

IDN  01253         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: [Foreword] Introduction

In: Trockij, L.D.: The age of permanent revolution. 2. print. (New York, NY, 1970) : pp. 13-39

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en nuestro tiempo ; Trotsky in our time ; Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente
German version also publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "Denkzettel", Frankfurt a.M., 1981

IDN  01254         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: [Foreword] Introduction

In: Trockij, L.D.: The age of permanent revolution. 3. print. (New York, NY, 1973) : pp. 13-39

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en nuestro tiempo ; Trotsky in our time ; Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente
German version also publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "Denkzettel", Frankfurt a.M., 1981

IDN  01255         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: Isaac Deutscher discusses Trotsky's place in history
: TV network in Canada interviews biographer
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 24.1960 (10) : pp. 2, 4

Abridged version of a radio broadcast

IDN  01256         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: León Trotsky : su legado permanente

In: Tercer mundo : revista de información y análisis ‹Santiago› 1.1971 (3) : pp. 5-27

Originally publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "The age of permanent revolution", New York, NY, 1964
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en nuestro tiempo ; Trotsky in our time ; Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; Trotskij i vår tid

IDN  01257         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotskij i vår tid
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Kenth-Åke Andersson. - 71 KB (22 pp.)
Notes: 5
Originally publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "The age of permanent revolution", New York, NY, 1964
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in our time ; Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente ; Trotsky en nuestro tiempo

IDN  01258         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en nuestro tiempo

In: Deutscher, I.: El marxismo de nuestro tiempo. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 27-50

Originally publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "The age of permanent revolution", New York, NY, 1964
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in our time ; Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente ; Trotskij i vår tid

IDN  01259         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en nuestro tiempo

In: El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después. (Barcelona, 1990) : pp. 47-85

Originally publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "The age of permanent revolution", New York, NY, 1964
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in our time ; Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente ; Trotskij i vår tid

IDN  01260         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky in our time

In: Deutscher, I.: Marxism in our time. (London, 1972) : pp. 31-62

Originally publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "The age of permanent revolution", New York, NY, 1964
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkij in unserer Zeit ; Trotsky en nuestro tiempo ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente ; Trotskij i vår tid

IDN  01261         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotzkij in unserer Zeit

In: Deutscher, I.: Marxismus und die UdSSR. (Frankfurt a.M., 1974) : pp. 23-53

Originally publ. as author's foreword to Trotsky's "The age of permanent revolution", New York, NY, 1964
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in our time ; Trotsky en nuestro tiempo ; León Trotsky : su legado permanente ; Trotskij i vår tid

IDN  01262         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Tamara: Bujarinismo contra trotskismo?
[Electronic resource] / trad.: Maria Jesús Izquierdo. - 33 KB (5 pp.)
Orig.: Bukharinism vs. Trotskyism
Accessed March 20, 2008

IDN  01263         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Deutscher, Tamara: Bukharinism vs. Trotskyism

In: Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] 1975 (Apr.) : pp. 48-56

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bujarinismo contra trotskismo?

IDN  01264         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Dioguardi, Gianfranco: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky (1879-1940)
: the limits of charismatic leadership
In: CEMS Business Review ‹Dordrecht, etc.› [ISSN 1381-4346] 2.1997/98 (4) : pp. 337-343

IDN  01265         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Dobbs, Farrell: On the same plane as Marx, Engels and Lenin

In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 47-49

Reprinted from: The Militant (New York, NY), 5.1941 (Sept.30)
Speech delivered at a memorial meeting, Minneapolis, Aug. 21, 1941

IDN  01266         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Dumain, Ralph: Trockij pravis!
: memore pri la 50-e datreveno de la murdo de Leone Trockij
In: Sennaciulo : oficiala organo de Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda ‹Rotterdam› [ISSN 1163-0442] 61.1990 (9=1023) : pp. 79-80

Angl.: Trotsky was right : in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01267         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Eidem, Odd: Leo Trotski

In: Eidem, O.: Goddag og adjø til 19 herrer. (Oslo, 1977)

IDN  01268         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Ėrlichman, Vadim Viktorovič: Demon revoljucii : pjat' mifov o L've Trockom
/ Vadim Ėrlichman
In: Rodina : istoričeskij naučno-popularnyj žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0235-7089] 2017 (11) : pp. 52-56

Angl.: Demon of the revolution : 5 rumours about Leon Trotsky

IDN  01269         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Espinoza, Enrique: Lenin y Trotsky

In: SECH : revista de la Sociedad de Escritores de Chile ‹Santiago› 2.1937 (7) : pp. 8-11

IDN  01270         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Evans, Mike: Revolutionary fighter ... and strategist
/ [Mike Evans]
In: Class Struggle ‹Dublin› [ISSN 0332-2890] 1990 (21) : pp. 6-7

IDN  01271         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Evans, Mike: Revolutionary fighter ... and strategist
: Leon Trotsky, 1879-1940
In: Workers Power ‹London› [ISSN 0263-1121] 1990 (133) : pp. 8-9

IDN  01272         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Fifty years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky
/ International Committee of the Fourth International
In: Fourth International / International Committee of the Fourth International ‹London; later: Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0015-9204] 17.1990 (1/2) : pp. III-VIII

IDN  01273         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Fifty years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky
/ International Committee of the Fourth International
In: International Worker ‹Rotherham, South Yorkshire› [ISSN 1351-4318] 1990 (74) : pp. 7-10

IDN  01274         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Fifty years since the assassination of Trotsky

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1990 (228) : pp. 4-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: On the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01275         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Fischer, Louis: Trotsky and Stalin

In: The Nation ‹New York, NY, etc.› [ISSN 0027-8378] 151.1940 (10) : pp. 191-192

IDN  01276         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Förster, Sebastian: 70. Jahrestag der Ermordung Leo Trotzkis
: ein Leben für die Befreiung der Arbeiterklasse
In: : Magazin für marxistische Theorie und Praxis ‹Berlin› 2010 (11) : pp. 20-25

Other ed., versions, transl.: Ein Leben für die Befreiung der Arbeiterklasse
Angl.: 70th anniversary of Leon Trotsky's assassination

IDN  01277         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Förster, Sebastian:
Ein Leben für die Befreiung der Arbeiterklasse
In: Trotzki, Trotzkismus, Vierte Internationale. (Berlin, 2014) : pp. 10-26

Notes: 11
Other ed., versions, transl.: 70. Jahrestag der Ermordung Leo Trotzkis
Angl.: A life for the liberation of the working class

IDN  01278         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Fossa, Mateo: Comment j'ai rencontré Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (11) : pp. 75-81

Transl. from the Span.
Angl.: How I met Trotsky

IDN  01279         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Fossa, Mateo: Comment j'ai rencontré Trotsky

In: Les premières organisations de la IVème Internationale en Argentine (1929-1943) (Paris, 2011) : pp. 61-65

Notes: 18
Abridged from: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Paris), 1982 (11)

IDN  01280         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Frank, Pierre: He spoke plainly, acted vigorously, could face adversity
: message to Trotsky centenary
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 18.1980 (2) : pp. 45-46

Text of author's message to a commemoration meeting, Mexico, D.F., Nov. 5-7, 1979, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01281         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Frank, Pierre:
O lugar de Trotsky na história
In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 7-14

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky's place in history
Angl.: Trotsky's place in history

IDN  01282         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Frank, Pierre: Trotsky's place in history

In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 85-87

Other ed., versions, transl.: O lugar de Trotsky na história
Reprinted from: Fourth International (Paris etc.), n.s. 1959 (Summer)

IDN  01283         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Frei, Bruno: Trotzki

In: Die Andere Zeitung ‹Hamburg› 13.1967 (35) : p. 6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Über Trotzki

IDN  01284         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Frei, Bruno: Über Trotzki

In: Europäische Ideen ‹Berlin; later: London› [ISSN 0344-2888] 1980 (48) : pp. 58-60

Orig.: Trotzki
Angl.: On Trotsky

IDN  01285         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Fülberth, Georg: Trotzki als Gegengift
: Plädoyer für eine Beschäftigung mit dem Organisator der Roten Armee
In: Konkret ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0023-3528] 1988 (11) : pp. 28-32

Angl.: Trotsky as antidote

IDN  01286         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky revisitado
: en el 120 aniversario de su nacimiento
In: La República / La revista Domingo ‹Lima› [ISSN 1605-3281] 1999 (Oct.31=no.75) : pp. 21-23

Angl.: Trotsky revisited

IDN  01287         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Grant, Ted:
The impact of Trotsky's death
In: Militant ‹London› 1990 (Aug.17)

IDN  01288         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Greenberg, Hayim: Leon Trotsky

In: Midstream ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-332X] 5.1959 (1) : pp. 62-70

IDN  01289         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Guerrero, Gilberto: Fue en Coyoacán, hace 50 años ...

In: Tiempo ‹México, D.F.› 48=94.1990 (2521) : pp. 4-6

Angl.: It happened in Coyoacán, 50 years ago ...

IDN  01290         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Trotsky : 50 aniversario de su asesinato
/ José Gutiérrez Álvarez
In: Historia 16 ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0210-6353] 15.1990 (172) : pp. 99-107

IDN  01291         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Visiones sobre Trotsky en los años 30
[Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (4 pp.)
Accessed Dec. 29, 2008
Angl.: Views about Trotsky in the 1930s

IDN  01292         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Hallas, Duncan:
The flame of internationalism
In: Socialist Worker Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 1990 (133) : pp. 17-18

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Trotsky's assassination

IDN  01293         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Hansen, Joseph:
A speech to the youth on Trotsky
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 2.1941 (8=15) : pp. 239-241

Extracted from a speech delivered at the Trotsky memorial meeting, New York, NY, Aug. 22, 1941

IDN  01294         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Hansen, Joseph:
A speech to the youth on Trotsky
In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 49-52

Reprinted from: Fourth International (New York, NY), 2.1941 (8=15)

IDN  01295         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Hart Santamaria, Celia: Welcome ... Trotsky
/ Celia Hart
In: Revolutionary Marxism : special annual English ed. [of Devrimci Marksizm] ‹Istanbul› [ISSN 2687-4199] 3.2019 : pp. 111-118

Written Oct. 26, 2005 and perhaps publ. originally in Spanish

IDN  01296         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
His work continues

In: Workers' International News ‹London› 3.1940 (9) : pp. 1-5

IDN  01297        Homenaje a la memoria de León Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01298         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Homenaje al revolucionario
: Leon Trotski - 37° aniversario de su asesinato, agosto 1940-1977 / Tendencia Revolución Socialista. - Lima, [1977]. - 21 pp.
Angl.: Honour of a revolutionary

IDN  01299         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Hook, Sidney: Trotsky : the prophet who failed

In: New America ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-419X] 16.1979 (Dec.) : pp. 6-7

IDN  01300        Hook, Sidney: The tyrant who failed   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01301         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Howard, Harry Nicholas:
The end of Trotsky / Harry N. Howard
In: Events : the monthly review of world affairs ‹New York, NY› 8.1940 (Oct.) : pp. 299-304

IDN  01302         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Hüllen, Rudolf van: Falsche Vorbilder : Leo Trotzki
[Electronic resource]. - 52 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 15, 2019
Angl.: Wrong models : Leon Trotsky

IDN  01303         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Il y a vingt-cinq ans

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 23.1965 (25) : pp. 12-14

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Trotsky's assassination
Angl.: 25 years ago

IDN  01304         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
In memory of Leon Trotsky
: Nov. 7, 1879 - Aug. 21, 1940
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 12.1951 (4=111) : pp. 113-114

IDN  01305         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Jessel, Jürgen:
Der ausgelöschte Mann
In: Freie Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0427-5217] 1990 (7) : pp. 22-24

Angl.: The erased man

IDN  01306        Judd, Henry: The relevance of Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01307         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Julliard, Jacques: Trotsky, le prophète maudit

In: Esprit ‹Paris› [ISSN 0014-0759] N.s. 35.1967 (1) : pp. 178-191

Notes: 28
Angl.: Trotsky, the damned prophet

IDN  01308         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Jung, Ruth: Leo Trotzki wird geboren
: ein gewiefter Stratege und Gegenspieler Stalins [Electronic resource]
Text originally broadcast by DeutschlandRadio Berlin, Nov. 7, 2004
Accessed Nov. 9, 2004
Angl.: Leon Trotsky is born

IDN  01309         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kellner, Manuel: Selbstorganisation der Arbeiterklasse
: Trotzki vor 75 Jahren ermordet - was bleibt?
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 30.2015 (10) : p. 21

Angl.: Self-organisation of the working class : Trotsky assassinated 75 years ago - what remains?

IDN  01310         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kellner, Manuel: Trotzki 1940 ermordet
: zur Aktualität seiner Ideen
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 5.1990 (18) : p. 3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki - vor 50 Jahren ermordet
Angl.: Trotsky assassinated in 1940 : about the topicality of his ideas

IDN  01311         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kellner, Manuel: Trotzki : vor 50 Jahren ermordet

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1990 (230) : p. 3

Orig.: Trotzki 1940 ermordet
Angl.: Trotsky : assassinated 50 years ago

IDN  01312         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Keßler, Mario:
Ein bewaffneter Prophet : vor 115 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki [...] geboren
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 1994 (Nov.12/13)

Angl.: An armed prophet

IDN  01313         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kimmerle, Stephan: Wer war Leo Trotzki?

In: Voran : Zeitung der SAV ‹Essen› 2000 (216)

Angl.: Who was Leon Trotsky?

IDN  01314         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kol'cov, Michail Efimovič: Krasnyj kitež
/ M.E. Kol'cov
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 367-371

Originally publ. in: Kuranty (Kiev), 1918 (8), pp. 8-9

IDN  01315         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kol'cov, Michail Efimovič: Krasnyj kitež: Trockij
/ Michail Kol'cov
In: Rodnik ‹Riga› [ISSN 0235-1412] 1989 (12=36) : pp. 38-39

Originally publ. in: Kuranty (Kiev), 1918 (8), pp. 8-9
Angl.: Red "Kitezh": Trotsky

IDN  01316         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kol'cov, Michail Efimovič: Trockij
/ M.E. Kol'cov
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 371-381

Notes: 8
Originally publ. in: Kolcov, M.: Pervyj krug, Moskva 1922, pp. 69-79
On p. 818 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  01317         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Trockij : charakteristika

In: Kuprin, A.I.: Golos ottuda, 1919-1934. (Moskva, 1999) : pp. 157-164

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky
Written and originally publ. in 1920

IDN  01318         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Trockij : charakteristika
/ Aleksandr Kuprin
In: Kuprin, A.I.: Chronika sobytij. (Moskva, 2006) : pp. 131-136

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky
Written and originally publ. in 1920

IDN  01319         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Trockij : charakteristika

In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 260-266, [notes by A.V. Reznik: pp. 798-800]

Notes: 14
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky
Written and originally publ. in 1920
On pp.798-800 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  01320         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Trotsky
/ Alexandre Kouprine. Trad. par Henri Mongault
In: L'Action nationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 1155-9942] N.s. 16.1921 (Sept.25) : pp. 220-226

Orig.: Trockij : charakteristika
Written and originally publ. in 1920

IDN  01321        L. D. Trockij : pro et contra   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01322         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
La Botz, Dan: Leon Trotsky : 75 years since his assassination
: the legacy [Electronic resource]. - 52 KB (6 pp.)
Accessed May 2, 2020

IDN  01323         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Laski, Harold Joseph: Trotsky
/ H.J. Laski
In: Men of turmoil. (New York, NY, 1935)

IDN  01324         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Laski, Harold Joseph: TrotskyTrotsky
/ Harold J. Laski
In: Great contemporaries. (London etc., 1935)

IDN  01325         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Leo Trotzki : Revolutionär auf der Flucht

In: G - Geschichte : Menschen, Ereignisse, Epochen ‹Nürnberg› [ISSN 1617-9412] 2005 (8) : pp. 62-65

IDN  01326         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Leo Trotzki, fr. Politiker

In: Internationales Biographisches Archiv ‹Ravensburg› [ISSN 0020-9457] 1961 (5)

IDN  01327         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Leon Trotsky : 1879-1940
/ by the ed.
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 5.1944 (8=47) : pp. 229-231

IDN  01328         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Léon Trotsky : 7 nov. 1879 - 20 août 1940
: 7 nov. 1879 - 20 août 1940
In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] 1960 (520) : pp. 4-7

IDN  01329         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Leon Trotsky : his ideas live on

In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 13.1952 (4=117) : p. 98

IDN  01330         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Léon Trotsky : le philosophe de la "révolution permanente"

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 26.1969 (Apr.5,suppl.) : pp. IV-V

Contributions by Jean-Michel Palmier, Fred Zeller, Pierre Naville, Claude Lefort
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : the philosoph of the "permanent revolution"

IDN  01331        The Leon Trotsky internet archive   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01332         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Leon Trotsky, 1879-1940
[Film]. - [S.l.] : Anargyros Film Library, 1974. - 1 film reel (super 8 mm), running time: 4 min. - (Historical highlights)
Loop film in cartridge

IDN  01333         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Liebman, Marcel: Trotski vermoord

In: Rood / Socialistische Arbeiderspartij (SAP) ‹Brussel› 54.2010 (47)

Orig.: Trotsky assassiné
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski vermoord
Written 1965
Angl.: Trotsky assassinated

IDN  01334         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Liebman, Marcel: Trotsky assassiné

In: La Gauche ‹Bruxelles› [ISSN 0431-0535] 9.1965 (Aug.)

Notes: 7
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski vermoord
Angl.: Trotsky assassinated

IDN  01335         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Liebman, Marcel: Trotsky assassiné
/ Marcel Liebmann
In: La Gauche ‹Bruxelles› [ISSN 0431-0535] 54.2010 (49) : pp. 31-34

Notes: 8
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski vermoord
Reprinted from: La Gauche (Bruxelles), 9.1965,Aug.

IDN  01336         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Lore, Ludwig: Leon Trotsky

In: One year of revolution : celebrating the first anniversary of the founding of the Russian Soviet Republic. (New York, NY, 1918)

IDN  01337         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Macdonald, Dwight: Trotsky ha muerto
: (intento de apreciación)
In: Babel ‹Buenos Aires etc.› 2.1941 (15/16) : pp. 181-189

Orig.: Trotsky is dead
Angl.: Trotsky dead : (attempt at an appreciation)

IDN  01338         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Macdonald, Dwight: Trotsky ha muerto

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 173-181

Orig.: Trotsky is dead

IDN  01339         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Macdonald, Dwight: Trotsky ha muerto

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 196-204

Orig.: Trotsky is dead

IDN  01340         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Macdonald, Dwight: Trotsky ha muerto

In: El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después. (Barcelona, 1990) : pp. 121-130

Orig.: Trotsky is dead

IDN  01341         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Macdonald, Dwight: Trotsky is dead
: an attempt at an appreciation
In: Partisan Review ‹New Brunswick, NJ› [ISSN 0031-2525] 7.1940 : pp. 339-353

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky ha muerto

IDN  01342         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Macdonald, Dwight: Trotsky is dead : an attempt at an appreciation

In: Twentieth Century Literary Criticism ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0276-8178] 22.1987 : pp. 359-360

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky ha muerto

IDN  01343         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest:
Die Aktualität Trotzkis
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1990 (230) : pp. 4-7

Notes: 5
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotskijs aktualitet
Angl.: Trotsky's topicality

IDN  01344         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest:
Die Aktualität Trotzkis
In: Mandel, E.: Ausgewählte Texte. 2. ([Berlin, 1991]) : pp. 2-5

Notes: 5
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotskijs aktualitet

IDN  01345         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest: Leo Trotskijs aktualitet
/ övers.: Ingemar Sandström
In: Fjärde Internationalen ‹Uppsala; later: Stockholm; later: Göteborg› [ISSN 0345-3375] 23.1991 (1=87) : pp. 135-143

Notes: 5
Orig.: Die Aktualität Trotzkis
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's topicality

IDN  01346         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest: Leo Trotzkis Sieg
/ H.V. [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Die Internationale : theoretisches Organ des revolutionären Marxismus ‹Wien; later: Paris; later: Mannheim› [ISSN 0535-4005] 1.1956 (2) : pp. 16-20

Angl.: Leon Trotsky's victory

IDN  01347         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest: Son véritable testament
/ E. Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 6.1948 (8/9) : pp. 23-31

Other ed., versions, transl.: The true testament of Trotsky ; La véritable testament de Léon Trotsky ; Het ware testament van Trotski ; El verdadero testamento de León Trotsky ; Trotskijs verkliga testamente
Angl.: His true testament

IDN  01348         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest: Trotskijs verkliga testamente
: på den åttonde årsdagen för mordet på Leo Trotskij (augusti 1948) [Electronic resource] / E. Germain (E. Mandel). Övers.: Jesper Sydhagen. - 211 KB (10 pp.)
Notes: 3
Orig.: Son véritable testament
Other ed., versions, transl.: The true testament of Trotsky ; Le véritable testament de Léon Trotsky ; Het ware testament von Trotski ; El verdadero testamento de León Trotsky
Accessed Febr. 22, 2014

IDN  01349         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest:
The true testament of Trotsky : on the 8th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky / E. Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 9.1948 (6=88) : pp. 168-173

Orig.: Son véritable testament
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le véritable testament de Léon Trotsky ; Het ware testament van Trotski ; El verdadero testamento de León Trotsky ; Trotskijs verkliga testamente

IDN  01350         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest:
El verdadero testamento de León Trotsky / trad.: Emilio Olcina Aya
In: Mandel, E.: Sobre la historia del movimiento obrero. (Barcelona, 1978)

Orig.: Son véritable testament
Other ed., versions, transl.: The true testament of Trotsky ; Le véritable testament de Léon Trotsky ; Het ware testament von Trotski ; Trotskijs verkliga testamente

IDN  01351         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest:
Le véritable testament de Léon Trotsky
In: Mandel, E.: De la Commune à mai 68. (Paris, 1978) : pp. 112-127

Notes: 2
Orig.: Son véritable testament
Other ed., versions, transl.: The true testament of Trotsky ; Het ware testament van Trotski ; El verdadero testamento de León Trotsky ; Trotskijs verkliga testamente
Angl.: The true testament of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01352        Mandel, Ernest: La victoire de Léon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01353         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mandel, Ernest:
Het ware testament von Trotski : op de achtste verjaardag van de moordaanslag op Leon Trotski [Electronic resource] / Ernest Mandel (Ernest Germain). Vert.: Simon De Graeve. Voetnoten toegevoegd ter verduidelijking. - 79 KB (11 pp.)
Orig.: Son véritable testament
Other ed., versions, transl.: The true testament of Trotsky ; Le véritable testament de Léon Trotsky ; El verdadero testamento de León Trotsky ; Trotskijs verkliga testamente
Transl. from: Fourth International (New York, NY), 9.1958 (6)

IDN  01354         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Marie, Jean-Jacques:
La place de Léon Trotsky dans l'histoire : mythes et calomnies
In: Van Heijenoort, J.: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky. Nouvelle éd. ill. et augm. (Paris, 2016) : pp. 265-285

Notes: 38
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's place in history

IDN  01355         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Massot, François de: Il y a 51 ans, Trotsky était assassiné sur ordre de Staline
/ François Forgue [i.e. François de Massot]
In: Tribune internationale - La Vérité ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-3573] 1991 (62) : pp. 6-8

Angl.: 51 years ago Trotsky was murdered at behalf of Stalin

IDN  01356         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mattick, Paul: Leon Trotsky

In: Living Marxism ‹Chicago, Ill.› 5.1940 (2) : pp. 1-6

IDN  01357         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mauriac, François: Memoria interior

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 223-227

IDN  01358         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mauriac, François: Memoria interior

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 245-252

IDN  01359         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
McCullagh, Francis: Leon Trotsky

In: Studies : an Irish quarterly review ‹Dublin› [ISSN 0039-3495] 19.1930 (75) : pp. 425-438

IDN  01360         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mckerrill, Nicky: Leon Trotsky : 60th anniversary of his assassination

In: International Socialist ‹Glasgow› [ISSN 1464-9241] 2000 (6)

IDN  01361         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Meyer, Håkon: Trotsky, Moskvaprosessen og asylretten

In: Kamp og Kultur ‹Oslo› [ISSN 1500-2497] 2.1936 (7)

IDN  01362         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Michajlov, Petr: Stalin's last argument

In: Soviet Land ‹New Delhi› [ISSN 0038-5522] 1990 (11) : pp. 55-56

IDN  01363         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Molsdorff, Joachim:
Die Revolution ist permanent : Leo D. Trotzkij
In: Die Mächtigen des 20. Jahrhunderts / hrsg. von G. Popp [et al.] (Würzburg, 1971) : pp. 103-109

Angl.: Revolution is permanent : Leon D. Trotsky

IDN  01364         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Montenegro, Ernesto: Trotsky, maestro de conciencias

In: Babel ‹Buenos Aires etc.› 2.1941 (15/16) : pp. 162-164

Angl.: Trotsky, a master of moral duty

IDN  01365         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Montenegro, Ernesto: Trotsky, maestro de conciencias

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 159-161

IDN  01366         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Montenegro, Ernesto: Trotsky, maestro de conciencias

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 185-187

IDN  01367         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Moores, Colin: Fighting the 'hell-black night' of Stalinism
: fifty years since Leon Trotsky's death
In: Socialist Worker ‹Toronto, Ont.› [ISSN 0836-7094] 1990 (158) : p. 9

IDN  01368        Mordet på Trotskij för 75 år sedan   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01369         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mortimer, Edward:
The faith of Trotsky : an assessment on the 30th anniversary of his death
In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1970 (57951=Aug.22) : p. 10

IDN  01370         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Mudrick, Marvin: Solzhenitsyn versus the last revolutionary

In: Hudson Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0018-702X] 34.1981/82 (2) : pp. 195-217

IDN  01371         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Murder of Trotsky, the leader of the world revolution, Stalin's evil deed

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 6.1997 (4) : pp. 67-68

Reprinted from: Samasamajaya (Colombo), 1940 (Aug.30)

IDN  01372         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Naville, Pierre:
Il carattere del "vecchio" : ricordo di un contemporaneo
In: La Classe ‹Roma› [ISSN 1720-2582] 4.1979 (26) : p. 7

Transl. from the French
Excerpted from the chapter "Caractère de Léon Trotsky" in author's "Trotsky vivant", Paris, 1962
Angl.: The character of the "old man"

IDN  01373         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Negrete, Miguel: Trotsky : el largo viaje de un día hacia la noche
/ texto: Miguel Negrete. Fotos: Archivo Museo Trotsky
In: Mira : semanario para ver, leer y pensar ‹México, D.F.› 1.1990 (27) : pp. 23-31

Angl.: Trotsky : the long journey from day to night

IDN  01374         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Neuschäffer, Christoph: Stalin und Trotzki
: Verfolgung bis ans Ende der Welt
In: Paare, Partner, Kontrahenten : die Macht der Gefühle / [Hrsg.:] R. Barth. (Gütersloh, 2012) : pp. 450-455

Angl.: Stalin and Trotsky : persecution to the end of the world

IDN  01375         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
North, David: In Russland noch immer eine Unperson
: vor 70 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki im mexikanischen Exil auf Stalins Geheiß ermordet / [transl. from the Engl.]
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 2010 (Aug.21/22) : p. 22

Angl.: In Russia still a persona non grata

IDN  01376         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Nove, Alec:
A realistic revolutionary
In: Listener ‹London› [ISSN 0024-4392] 102.1979 (Dec.20) : pp. 847-848

IDN  01377         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Olsson, Per:
Ett liv av kamp : 50 ar efter mordet på Trotskij
In: Offensiv ‹Farsta› [ISSN 0348-5447] 1990 (189) : p. 13

Angl.: A life for struggle : 50 years after Trotsky's assassination

IDN  01378         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
On the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky
: editorial
In: The International / Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International ‹London› [ISSN 0960-1503] 1990 (3) : pp. 1-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Fifty years since the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  01379         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Ostrovskij, Vladimir: Trockij : k 65-letiju so dnja ubijstva
[Electronic resource]. - 43 KB (6 pp.)
In: Zametki po evrejskoj istorii [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› 2005 (8=57)

Accessed March 25, 2017

IDN  01380         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Pablo, Michel: À la mémoire de Léon Trotsky
/ Pablo
In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 1946) : pp. 3-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: In memoria di Lev Trotsky
Angl.: In commemoration of Leon Trostky

IDN  01381         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Pablo, Michel: In memoria di Lev Trotsky
/ Michel Raptis [Michel Pablo]
In: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 7-9

Orig.: À la mémoire de Léon Trotsky
Angl.: In memory of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01382         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Pablo, Michel: Trotsky : l'homme et l'œuvre
/ Michel Raptis (Pablo)
In: Pablo, M.: Trotsky, trotskysme, internationalisme / M. Raptis (Pablo). ([S.l., 1988]) : pp. 5-6

Reprinted from: Sous le drapeau du socialisme (Paris), 1978 (77)
Angl.: Trotsky : the man and the work

IDN  01383         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Petersen, Carl Heinrich: Trotskij og hans morder

In: Petersen, C.H.: Agitatorer og martyrer. ([København], 1966)

Angl.: Trotsky and his murderer

IDN  01384         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Pieterson, Herman: Wie was Leo Trotsky

In: De Internationale : nederlandstalig theoretisch orgaan van de Vierde Internationale ‹Amsterdam› [ISSN 0166-2198] 32.1988 (28) : pp. 41-44

Angl.: Who was Leon Trotsky?

IDN  01385         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.:
Die aktuellen Gedanken von Trotzki am 36. Jahrestag seiner Ermordung. - [Frankfurt a.M. : Paul Schulz, ca. 1976]. - 36 pp. - (Edition Marxistische Zeitschrift ; 31)
Angl.: The topical ideas of Leon Trotsky at the 36th anniversary of his assassination

IDN  01386         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.:
La fonction historique de la vie de Trotsky au Mexique pour la lutte pour le triomphe et la construction du communisme. - [S.l.], 1973. - 14 pp.
Angl.: The historical significance of Trotsky's life in Mexico for the struggle for the triumph and construction of communism

IDN  01387         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.: Hommage à Trotsky

In: La Lutte communiste ‹Paris› [ISSN 0755-2858] 1965 (40) : pp. 3-7

Angl.: Homage to Trotsky

IDN  01388         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.: León Trotsky : el organizador revolucionario
: homenaje en el 25 aniversario de su asesinato. - Montevideo : Ed. Presente, [ca. 1965]. - 43 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: La pensée vivante de Trotsky ; Il pensiero vivo di Trotzky ; El pensamiento vivo de Trotsky
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : the revolutionary organizer

IDN  01389         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.:
O pensamento vivo de Trotsky. - São Paulo : Ciência, Cultura e Política, 1989. - 222 pp.
Orig.: León Trotsky : el organizador revolucionario
Other ed., versions, transl.: La pensée vivante de Trotsky ; Il pensiero vivo de Trotzky ; El pensamiento vivo de Trotsky
Angl.: The living thoughts of Trotsky

IDN  01390         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.:
El pensamiento vivo de Trotsky. - México, D.F. : Costa-Amic, 1979. - 149 pp. - (Ciencia, cultura y política)
ISBN 968-400-105-3

Orig.: León Trotsky : el organizador revolucionario
Other ed., versions, transl.: La pensée vivante de Trotsky ; O pensamento vivo de Trotsky ; Il pensiero vivo di Trotzky
Angl.: The living thoughts of Trotsky

IDN  01391         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.:
La pensée vivante de Trotsky. - Bruxelles : Science, Culture et Politique, 1979. - 142 pp.
Orig.: León Trotsky : el organizador revolucionario
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il pensiero vivo di Trotzky ; O pensamento vivo de Trotsky ; El pensamiento vivo de Trotsky
Angl.: The living thoughts of Trotsky

IDN  01392         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.:
La pensée vivante de Trotsky. - Bruxelles : Science, Culture et Politique, 1988. - 151 pp.
ISBN 2-87134-007-2

Orig.: León Trotsky : el organizador revolucionario
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il pensiero vivo di Trotzky ; O pensamento vivo de Trotsky ; El pensamiento vivo de Trotsky

IDN  01393         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Posadas, J.:
Il pensiero vivo di Trotzky. - Firenze : Ed. Scienze, Cultura e Politica, 1980. - 62 pp.
Orig.: León Trotsky : el organizador revolucionario
Other ed., versions, transl.: La pensée vivante de Trotsky ; O pensamento vivo de Trotsky ; El pensamiento vivo de Trotsky
Angl.: The living thoughts of Trotsky

IDN  01394         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Procacci, Giuliano: Coraggio e limiti politici dell'opposizione di Trockij a Stalin

In: La Rinascita ‹Roma› [ISSN 0035-5380] 36.1979 (43) : pp. 23-25

Angl.: Braveness and political limitations of Trotsky's opposition against Stalin

IDN  01395        Radzichovskij, Leonid Aleksandrovič: Bojazn' demokratii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01396         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Rodríguez Lascano, Sergio:
La permanencia de Trotsky : presentación
In: La Batalla : por la convergencia de los revolucionarios ‹México, D.F.› 6.1989[recte:1990] (24) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: The lasting of Trotsky

IDN  01397         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Rojas, Manuel:
El último combatiente
In: Babel ‹Buenos Aires etc.› 2.1941 (15/16) : pp. 168-170

Angl.: The last fighter

IDN  01398         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Rojas, Manuel:
El último combatiente
In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 211-213

IDN  01399         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Rojas, Manuel:
El último combatiente
In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 235-237

IDN  01400         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Rous, Jean: Trotsky et les révolutions de notre temps

In: Politique aujourd'hui ‹Paris› [ISSN 0556-2902] 3.1971 (Febr.) : pp. 91-102

Angl.: Trotsky and the revolutions of our time

IDN  01401         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Salvadori, Massimo Luigi: Grandezza e limiti di Trockij
: intervista con Massimo L. Salvadori
In: Mondoperaio ‹Roma› [ISSN 0392-1115] 32.1979 (11) : p. 67, 70

Angl.: Greatness and limits of Trotsky

IDN  01402         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Scheflo, Olav: Leo Trotsky

In: Fritt Ord ‹Lillehammer› [ISSN 0808-2685] 1936 (4)

IDN  01403         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Schlegel, Johann Ulrich: Leo Trotzki : vom Schriftsteller zum Generalissimus

In: Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift ‹Volketswil› [ISSN 0002-5925] 177.2011 (3) : pp. 32-34

Angl.: Leon Trotsky : from writer to Generalissimus

IDN  01404         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Schlegel, Johann Ulrich: Leo Trotzki : vom Schriftsteller zum Generalissimus

In: Schlegel, J.U.: Der Terror und die Freiheit. (Baden-Baden, 2016) : pp. 84-94

IDN  01405         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Schulz, Paul: Vor 50 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki ermordet
/ [Paul Schulz]
In: Marxismus Heute ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0934-649X] 21.1990 (203) : p. 2

Angl.: 50 years ago Leon Trotsky was murdered

IDN  01406         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Segall, Rudolf: Zum 120. Geburtstag von Leo Trotzki

In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 1999 (53) : pp. 16-17

Angl.: On the occasion of eon Trotsky's 120th anniversary

IDN  01407         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Shachtman, Max: Leon Trotsky, 1879-1940 : an editorial
/ S. [i.e. Max Shachtman]
In: The New International ‹New York, NY› 16.1950 (5=144) : pp. 259-262

IDN  01408         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Shachtman, Max:
A life for socialism
In: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : p. II

IDN  01409         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Shachtman, Max:
The organiser of victory
In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 1997 (41) : pp. 33-34

Reprinted from: Labor Action (New York, NY), 1941 (Aug.)

IDN  01410         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Shachtman, Max: Remember Leon Trotsky!

In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 1996 (33) : p. 20

Written 1967

IDN  01411         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Sheridan, Clare Consuelo:
Le buste de Léon Trotsky / Clare Sheridan
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (2) : pp. 53-64

Notes: 3
Extracted and transl. from author's "Russian portraits", London, 1921
Angl.: The bust of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01412         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Sheridan, Clare Consuelo:
Die Köpfe der Sowjetführer
In: Sheridan, C.: Ich, meine Kinder und die Großmächte der Welt. (Leipzig, 1928) : pp. 130-202

Particularly pp. 171-181 (ch. 12-13)
Angl.: The heads of the Soviet leaders

IDN  01413         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Sheridan, Clare Consuelo: Russian portraits
/ Clare Sheridan. - London : Cape, 1921. - 201 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le buste de Léon Trotsky
Particularly pp. 126-150

IDN  01414        Smert' meždunarodnogo špiona   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01415         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Somburu, Kwame M.A.: Who was Leon Trotsky?
[Electronic resource]. - 9 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 16, 2013

IDN  01416         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Sprague, Ted: Seventy years after the assassination, yet another attempt
[Electronic resource]. - 55 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Aug. 20, 2010
Accessed Aug. 25, 2010

IDN  01417         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Stanicic, Sascha: Trotzkismus heute
: die Bedeutung der Ideen Leo Trotzkis für das 21. Jahrhundert
In: : Magazin für marxistische Theorie und Praxis ‹Berlin› 2010 (11) : pp. 26-33

Angl.: Trotskyism today

IDN  01418         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Stanicic, Sascha: Trotzkismus heute
: die Bedeutung der Ideen Leo Trotzkis für das 21. Jahrhundert
In: Trotzki, Trotzkismus, Vierte Internationale. (Berlin, 2014) : pp. 272-291

Table of contents: p.273 Trotzkismus als marxistische Methode -- p.274 Antibürokratischer Marxismus -- p.276 Permanente Revolution im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert -- p.279 Trotzkis Faschismustheorie und antifaschistische Taktik -- p.281 Für unabhängige Arbeiterpolitik -- p.284 Für ein sozialistisches Übergangsprogramm -- p.287 Revolutionäre Organisation -- p.290 Internationalismus -- p.291 Fazit

IDN  01419         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Statera, Gianni: Trotzky e le rivoluzioni del nostro tempo

In: Critica sociale ‹Milano› [ISSN 0011-1538] 63.1971 (12) : pp. 401-402

Angl.: Trotsky and the revolutions of our time

IDN  01420         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Lev Trockij : voschoždenie k propasti
/ V. Švecov
In: Rus' ‹Rostov Velikij› [ISSN 0869-5385] 1994 (5=14) : pp. 32-44

Angl.: Leon Trotsky : rise to the abyss

IDN  01421         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Taaffe, Peter: 70th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky
: coming mass revolts will see workers and youth look to Trotsky's ideas [Electronic resource]. - 92 KB (5 pp.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Zum 70. Jahrestag der Ermordung Leo Trotzkis
Accessed Jan. 12, 2011

IDN  01422         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Taaffe, Peter: Zum 70. Jahrestag der Ermordung Leo Trotzkis
: in kommenden Massenrevolten werden ArbeiterInnen und Jugendliche Trotzkis Ideen aufgreifen
In: Trotzki, Trotzkismus, Vierte Internationale. (Berlin, 2014) : pp. 27-37

Notes: 2
Orig.: 70th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01423         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Tarcus, Horacio: Trotsky : héroe trágico
[Electronic resource]. - 5 pp. (60 KB)
Accessed Oct., 2020
Angl.: Trotsky : tragic hero

IDN  01424         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Taylor, Edmund:
The rise and fall and rise of Leon Trotsky
In: Horizon ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0018-4977] 13.1971 (2) : pp. 34-42

IDN  01425         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Thiel, Georg: Leo Trotzki
/ Georg Thiel ; Florian Baranyi
In: Thiel, G.: Alle tot : das 20. Jahrhundert in 101 Nachrufen / G. Thiel ; F. Baranyi. (Salzburg, 2014) : pp. 142-146

IDN  01426         LLTB  Chapter  2.3

In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1940 (48702=Aug.23) : p. 5


IDN  01427        Trotsky vive   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01428         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Trotskyism, the Marxism of today
: editorial
In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 5.1990 (7) : pp. 2-3

IDN  01429         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Trotsky's career a rebellious one
: wandered in exile from youth ...
In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug.22) : p. 14


IDN  01430        Trotsky's home movies   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01431        Trotsky's revolutionary optimism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01432         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Trotzki : 50 Jahre danach - selbst in Deutschland gehen die Verleumdungen weiter

In: Mauerspecht ‹Berlin› 1990 (3) : pp. 21-23

Angl.: Trotsky : 50 years later

IDN  01433         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Trotzkis Beitrag zum Marxismus
: zum 100. Geburtstag / K.I.
In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 1979 (279) : pp. 20-21

Angl.: Trotsky's contribution to Marxism

IDN  01434        Tschuppik, Karl: Der lebende Leichnam   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01435         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovič
[Electronic resource] / trad. di Valerio Torre. - 23 KB (15 pp.)
Orig.: Lev Davidovich
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01436         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovič
/ K.M. [i.e. Jean Van Heijenoort]
In: Bjulleten' oppozicii ‹Various places› 12.1941 (87) : pp. 10-12

Orig.: Lev Davidovich
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01437         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovič
/ Jean van Heijenort. Trad. dal francese di Giovanna Barbieri Hermitte
In: Il Ponte ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0032-423X] 36.1980 (11/12) : pp. 1126-1131

Orig.: Lev Davidovich
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01438         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovich
[Electronic resource] / en base a la versión francesa aparrecida en Cahiers Léon Trotsky no. 12 (dic. de 1982). - 21 KB (4 pp.)
Orig.: Lev Davidovich [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]
Accessed March 15, 2015

IDN  01439         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovich
/ Karl Mayer [i.e. Jean Van Heijenoort]
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 2.1941 (7=14) : pp. 207-209

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01440         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovich
/ Jan [sic!] van Heijenoort
In: Fourth International / International Executive Committee of the Fourth International ‹Paris; later: London; later: Amsterdam; later: Paris› [ISSN 0429-2790] 1959 (7) : pp. 27-29

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01441         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovich

In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 44-46

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01442         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovich

In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 89-98

Orig.: Lev Davidovich [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01443         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovich

In: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 47-50

Orig.: Lev Davidovich [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01444         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovich

In: La verdad obrera ‹Buenos Aires› 2003 (125)

Orig.: Lev Davidovich [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich ; Lev Davidovitch ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01445         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovitch
/ Karl Meyer [i.e. Jean Van Heijenoort]
In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 1946) : pp. 59-63

Orig.: Lev Davidovich
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01446         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovitch
/ J. van Heijenoort
In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 17.1959 (7) : pp. 11-14

Orig.: Lev Davidovich
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01447         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovitch

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 65-70

Orig.: Lev Davidovich
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Davidovič ; Lev Davidovich [Ital.] ; Lev Davidovich [Port.] ; Lev Davidovitch [Span.]

IDN  01448         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: On some critics of Leon Trotsky

In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 52-56

Orig.: On some critics of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky's critics

IDN  01449         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: On some critics of Trotsky
/ Marc Loris [i.e. Jean Van Heijenoort]
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 3.1942 (8=24) : pp. 229-233

Other ed., versions, transl.: On some critics of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky's critics

IDN  01450         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: On some critics of Trotsky
/ Marc Loris [i.e. Jean Van Heijenoort]. - [S.l.] : Workers' International League, Fourth International, 1942. - 31 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: On some critics of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky's critics

IDN  01451         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: On some critics of Trotsky
/ Marc Loris [i.e. Jean Van Heijenoort]
In: Workers' International News ‹London› 5.1942 (7) : pp. 3-18

Other ed., versions, transl.: On some critics of Leon Trotsky ; Trotsky's critics

IDN  01452         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: [On some critics of Trotsky (Portuguese)]
/ Jean van Heijenoort
In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 98-113

Orig.: On some critics of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky's critics
Title proper lacking

IDN  01453         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Sur le comportement physique de Léon Trotsky
: une lettre de Jean van Heijenoort
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (4) : pp. 57-59

Angl.: About Trotsky's physical state of health

IDN  01454         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Trotsky's critics

In: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : p. III

Orig.: On some critics of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: On some critics of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01455         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Ve anniversaire de la mort de Léon Trotsky, assassiné le 21 août 1940 par un agent de Guépéou
/ [Ernest Mandel et al.]. - Gilly : Ed. du Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire, Maison du Peuple, 1945. - 8 pp.
Angl.: The 5th anniversary of Leon Trotsky's assassination [...]

IDN  01456         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Voejkov, Michail Illarionovič: Aktualizacija L'va Trockogo
: k 115-letiju so dnja roždenija odnogo iz voždej Oktjabrja / Michail Voejkov
In: Nezavisimaja gazeta ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1064-4431] 1994 (Nov. 5)

Angl.: The topicality of Lev Trotsky

IDN  01457         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Vojtolovskij, Lev Naumovič: Trockij
/ L.N. Vojtolovskij
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 361-364

Notes: 3
Originally publ. in: Kievskaja mysl' (Kiev), 1917 (Sept.27) where it appeared within pt. 3 of author's series "Političeskie siluėty"
On p. 816 notes by A.V. Reznik
Title proper supplied by the compilers of LLTB

IDN  01458         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Volkov, Esteban: León Trotsky : el revolucionario y el hombre
. - 3 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the International Symposium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Trotsky's Death, Tokyo, Nov. 2-4, 1990
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : the revolutionary and the man

IDN  01459        Volkov, Esteban: Leon Trotsky : lembranças e significado   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01460         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Volkov, Esteban: Remarks
/ Vsevolod Volkof
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 17.1979 (44) : p. 1182

Speech delivered at the close of the Trotsky centenary commemoration, Mexico, D.F., Nov. 7, 1979

IDN  01461         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Volkov, Esteban: Trotsky's grandson salutes 50 years of struggle

In: Gorbachev's U.S.S.R. : is Stalinism dead? / ed. by C. Finamore. (San Francisco, Cal., 1989) : pp. 55-59

IDN  01462         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Volkov, Esteban: Trotsky's historical defense of Marxism

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1988 (58) : pp. 11-12

Edited text of a speech given at the rally "Fifty years of the Fourth International", New York, NY, Oct. 15, 1988

IDN  01463         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Volkov, Esteban: Trotsky's historical defense of Marxism

In: The Fourth International : fifty years / ed. by T. Barrett. (New York, NY, 1990) : pp. 190-192

Edited text of a speech given at the rally "Fifty years of the Fourth International", New York, NY, Oct. 15, 1988

IDN  01464         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Vor 40 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki ermordet
: das Programm lebt
In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 13.1980 (296) : p. 6

Angl.: 40 years ago Leon Trotsky was assassinated

IDN  01465        Walsh, Lynn: The assassination of Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01466        Walsh, Lynn: Mordet på Trotskij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01467        Walsh, Lynn: Trotzkis Ermordung   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01468         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Weber, Hermann: Wer siegt im Streit der toten Revolutionäre?
: zum 100. Geburtstag des Stalin-Feindes Trotzki
In: Vorwärts ‹Bonn-Bad Godesberg› [ISSN 0042-8949] 1979 (46) : p. 28

Angl.: Who wins the battle of the dead revolutionaries?

IDN  01469         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Weller, Björn Uwe: Trotzkij : Rebell, Prophet, Geächteter
/ B. Uwe Weller
In: Weller, B.U.: Der große Augenblick in der Zeitgeschichte. (Bayreuth, 1976) : pp. 42-53

Angl.: Trotsky : rebel, prophet, outcast

IDN  01470         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Wilde, Florian: Leo Trotzki : die Feder
[Electronic resource]. - 69 KB (8 pp.)
Accessed Aug. 22, 2015
Shorter version previously publ. in: Links (Dresden), 2015 (7/8), p.5
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : the pen

IDN  01471         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Winterton, F.D.:
The facts about Trotsky / F.D. Winterton
In: Left ‹London› 1940 (48) : pp. 269-271

IDN  01472         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Woods, Alan: [Foreword] Einleitung
: im Andenken an Leo Trotzki / [transl. from the Engl.: Emanuel Tomaselli]
In: Trockij, L.D.: Denkzettel : politische Erfahrungen im Zeitalter der permanenten Revolution. 2., veränd. Aufl. (Wien, 2010) : pp. 9-36

IDN  01473         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Woolley, Barry Lee:
The Darwin/Trotsky connection / Barry Woolley
In: Creation ex nihilo ‹Brisbane› [ISSN 0819-1530] 23.2001 (2) : pp. 54-55

Notes: 9

IDN  01474         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Worthmann, Joachim: Degen der kommunistischen Revolution
: Leo Trotzki, der Kampfgefährte Lenins und Stalins wurde vor 100 Jahren geboren
In: Stuttgarter Zeitung ‹Stuttgart› 1979 (261=Nov.10) : p. 6

Angl.: Sword of the communist revolution

IDN  01475         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Zweig, Arnold:
La fin de Trotsky
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1991 (45) : pp. 93-97

Orig.: Trotzkis Ende
Angl.: Trotsky's end

IDN  01476         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Zweig, Arnold: Trotzkis Ende

In: Sinn und Form ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0037-5756] 42.1990 (2) : pp. 317-320

Other ed., versions, transl.: La fin de Trotsky
Hitherto unpubl. obituary, written Sept. 3, 1940
Angl.: Trotsky's end

IDN  01477         LLTB  Chapter  2.3
Zwerenz, Gerhard: Er überlebt seinen Tod
: Gerhard Zwerenz über Trotzki
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 9.1994 (19) : p. 14

Angl.: He survives his death

LLTB Chapter  2.4

IDN  01478         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz: Souvenirs sur Trotsky
/ Erwin H. Ackerknecht. Prés. de Pierre Broué
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2000 (72) : pp. 115-119

Transl. from an unpubl. and fragmented ms.
Angl.: Recollections of Trotsky

IDN  01479        Alvarez del Vayo, Julio: El papel de Trotsky en los primeros años de la Rusia soviética   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01480        Alvarez del Vayo, Julio: Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01481         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: En visite chez Trotsky
/ Iouri Annenkov
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2005 (28) : pp. 51-54

Angl.: Visiting Trotsky

IDN  01482         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Lev Trockij
/ Jurij Annenkov
In: Annenkov, J.: Dnevnik moich vstreč. 2. (New York, NY, 1966) : pp. 285-311

Partially identical with author's "Trockij"

IDN  01483         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Lev Trockij
/ Ju. Annenkov
In: Sel'skaja molodež' ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0203-3569] 1989 (11) : pp. 20-27

Excerpted from author's "Dnevnik moich vstreč", 2, New York, NY, 1966
Partially identical with author's "Trockij"

IDN  01484         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Lev Trockij
/ Jurij Annenkov
In: Annenkov, J.: Dnevnik moich vstreč. Izd. dop. (Moskva, 2005) : pp. 625-652

Partially identical with author's "Trockij"

IDN  01485         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: [Lev Trockij]
: dnevnik moich vstreč (fragmenty) / Ju.P. Annenkov
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 215-230

Notes: 9
Abridged. Excerpted from author's "Dnevnik moich vstreč", t. 2, Leningrad, 1991, pp. 260-285
On pp. 793-794 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  01486         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Trockij
/ Ju. Annenkov
In: Novyj žurnal ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0029-5337] 1962 : pp. 141-161

Partially identical with author's "Lev Trockij"

IDN  01487        L'assassinat de Léon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01488        L'assassinio di Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01489         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Bažanov, Boris Georgievič: Vospominanija sekretarja Stalina
: (fragmenty) / B.G. Bažanov
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 145-158

Notes: 11
Experpted from author's "Vospominanjia sekretarja Stalina", Sankt-Peterburg, 1992, pp. 67-165
On pp. 783-785 notes by A.V. Reznik
Angl.: Reminiscences of Stalin's secretary

IDN  01490        Beau, Marguerite: Le séjour de Léon Trotsky à Domène   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01491         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Berlinrut, Peter:
A talk with Trotsky : exile and idealist meet in Mexico
In: Harper's Magazine ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0017-789X] 254.1977 (1521) : pp. 62-76

IDN  01492         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Bernstein, Herman: Leo Trotzky

In: Bernstein, H.: The celebrities of our time. (London, 1924) : pp. 205-212

IDN  01493         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Bernstein, Herman: Leo Trotzky

In: Bernstein, H.: The celebrities of our time. (New York, NY, 1924) : pp. 205-212

IDN  01494         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Bernstein, Herman: Leo Trotzky

In: Bernstein, H.: The celebrities of our time. Reprint. (New York, NY, 1968) : pp. 205-212

IDN  01495         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Bildner, Albert: Diego, Frida and Trotsky

In: Bildner World : bulletin of the Bildner Center ‹New York, NY› 2004/05 (2005) : pp. 5, 9

IDN  01496        Birney, Earle: Conversations with Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  01497        Brailsford, Henry Noel: Lenin e Trotsky a Londra   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01498        Brailsford, Henry Noel: When Lenin and Trotsky were in London   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01499         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Breton, André:
A visit to Leon Trotsky : speech at the October revolution anniversary meeting held by the Parti Ouvrier Internationaliste in Paris, Nov. 11, 1938
In: Labour Review ‹London› [ISSN 0456-9946 - ISSN 0140-1270] n.s. 4.1980 (2) : pp. 71-82

Notes: 4
Orig.: Visite à Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Visit with Leon Trotsky ; Visita a Leon Trotski ; Visita a Leone Trotskij ; Visita a León Trotski

IDN  01500         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Breton, André: Visit with Leon Trotsky (1938)
/ transl. by Michel Parmentier [et al.]
In: Breton, A.: Free rein = La clé des champs. (Lincoln, Neb., 1995) : pp. 35-47

Orig.: Visite à Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: A visit to Leon Trotsky ; Visita a Leon Trotski ; Visita a Leone Trotskij ; Visita a León Trotski

IDN  01501         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Breton, André: Visita a León Trotski

In: Breton, A.: Antología, 1913-1966. (México, D.F., 1973)

Orig.: Visite à Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: A visit to Leon Trotsky ; Visit with Leon Trotsky ; Visita a Leon Trotski ; Visita a Leóne Trotskij
Note: Other/later Span. editions not considered for the present bibliography

IDN  01502         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Breton, André: Visita a Leone Trotskij
: discorso pronunciato al meeting anniversario della rivoluzione d'ottobre tenuto dal P.O.I. a Parigi l'11 nov. 1938
In: Schwarz, A.: André Breton, Leone Trotskij. (Roma, 1974) : pp. 159-171

Orig.: Visite à Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: A visit to Leon Trotsky ; Visit with Leon Trotsky ; Visita a Leon Trotski ; Visita a León Trotski

IDN  01503         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Breton, André: Visite a Leon Trotski

In: Breton-Trotsky : por uma arte revolucionária independente / org.: V. Facioli. (São Paulo, 1985) : pp. 51-64

Orig.: Visite à Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: A visit to Leon Trotsky ; Visit with Leon Trotsky ; Visita a Leone Trotskij ; Visita a León Trotski

IDN  01504         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Breton, André: Visite à Léon Trotsky
: discours prononcé au meeting anniversaire de la révolution d'octobre tenu par le P.O.I. à Paris, le 11 nov. 1938
In: Breton, A.: La clé des champs. (Paris, 1953) : pp. 42-54

Other ed., versions, transl.: A visit to Leon Trotsky ; Visit with Leon Trotsky ; Visita a Leon Trotski ; Visita a Leone Trotskij ; Visita a León Trotski

IDN  01505         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Breton, André:
Une visite à Léon Trotsky [Film] / André Breton. Film by Linda Tadic ... - Los Angeles, Cal. : Linda Tadic, [s.d.]. - 1 film reel (16 mm), running time: 28 min.
Exploration of Breton's visit to Trotsky in exile in Mexico; Breton talks about the man, his life and influence; based upon Breton's "Visite à Léon Trotsky"
Angl.: A visit to Leon Trotsky

IDN  01506         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Breton, André: Visite à Léon Trotsky
: discours prononcé à un meeting du P.O.I. le 11 nov. 1938
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 105-118

Notes: 18
Other ed., versions, transl.: A visit to Leon Trotsky ; Visit with Leon Trotsky ; Visita a Leone Trotskij ; Visita a Leon Trotski ; Visita a León Trotski

IDN  01507        Brupbacher, Fritz: Leo Trotzki 1914 in der Schweiz   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01508         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Brupbacher, Fritz: Visite au commissaire Trotzky
/ trad. de l'allemand par J.-P. Samson
In: Preuves ‹Paris› [ISSN 0555-0939] 2.1952 (12) : pp. 33-34

Angl.: A visit to [People's] Commissar Trotsky

IDN  01509         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Canfield, Cass: Conversation with Leon Trotsky on February 4, 1940

In: Canfield, C.: The publishing experience. (Philadelphia, Pa., 1969) : pp. 71-74

IDN  01510         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Cooper, Jake: Jake Cooper's speech to Trotsky commemoration meeting

In: My brother, my comrade : remembering Jake Cooper / ed. by M. Harris (San Francisco, Cal., 1994) : pp. 104-109

IDN  01511         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Cooper, Jake: Memories of Trotsky
: a personal bodyguard remembers the human side of the man
In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 10.1992 (7) : p. 15

Preprint from "My brother, my comrade : remembering Jake Cooper", San Francisco, Cal., 1994

IDN  01512         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Cooper, Jake: Memories of Trotsky
: based on a videotaped interview
In: My brother, my comrade : remembering Jake Cooper / ed. by M. Harris (San Francisco, Cal., 1994) : pp. 97-101

IDN  01513        Cornell, Charles: With Trotsky in Mexico   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01514         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Craipeau, Yvan: Mémoires d'un dinosaure trotskyste
: secrétaire de Trotsky en 1933. - Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 1999. - 363 pp.
ISBN 2-7384-7639-2 - ISBN 978-2-7384-7639-5

IDN  01515        Dahl, Nils Kaare: Avec Trotsky en Norvège   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01516        Dahl, Nils Kaare: With Trotsky in Norway   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01517         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Dosch-Fleurot, Arno Walter: Trotsky
/ Arno Dosch-Fleurot
In: Dosch-Fleurot, A.W.: Through war to revolution. (London, 1931) : pp. 182-196

IDN  01518        Dunayevskaya, Raya: Leon Trotsky as man and theoretician   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01519         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Dunayevskaya, Raya: Trotsky l'homme

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (2) : pp. 5-19

Transl. from author's unpubl. ms. with title: The man Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky, l'uomo

IDN  01520         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Dunayevskaya, Raya: Trotsky, l'uomo
/ [transl. and notes: Paolo Casciola]. App.: Carteggio (1937-1939) / L. Trotsky ; R. Dunayevskaya. - Foligno : Centro Studi Pietro Tresso, 1988. - 64 pp. - (Quaderni del Centro Studi Pietro Tresso : Serie Dagli archivi del bolscevismo ; 3)
Notes: 59
Transl. from author's unpubl. ms. with title: The man Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'homme

IDN  01521         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Eastman, Max: Problems of friendship with Trotsky

In: Eastman, M.: Great companions. (London, 1959) : pp. 151-169

IDN  01522         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Eastman, Max: Problems of friendship with Trotsky

In: Eastman, M.: Great companions. (New York, NY, 1959) : pp. 151-169

IDN  01523         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Espinoza, Enrique: Con Trotsky en Coyoacán
/ ed. de Horacio Tarcus, transcripción de Eugenia Sik [et al.] de dos cuadernos manuscritos de Samuel Glusberg [better known by his pseud. Enrique Espinoza]
In: Políticas de la memoria : revista de investigación del CeDInCI ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 1668-4885] 2021 (21) : pp. 148-163

Notes: 62
Angl.: With Trotsky in Coyoacán

IDN  01524         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Farrell, James Thomas:
A memoir of Leon Trotsky / James T. Farrell
In: The University of Kansas City review ‹Kansas City, Mo.› [ISSN 0146-552X] 23.1957 (4) : pp. 293-298

Other ed., versions, transl.: Mémoire sur Léon Trotsky ; Memoria sobre Trotsky

IDN  01525         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Farrell, James Thomas:
A memoir of Leon Trotsky / James T. Farrell
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.1999 (2) : pp. 185-191

Notes: 7
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mémoire sur Léon Trotsky ; memoria sobre Trotsky
Reprinted from: The University of Kansas City Review (Kansas City, Mo.), 23.1957 (4)

IDN  01526         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Farrell, James Thomas: Mémoire sur Léon Trotsky
/ James T. Farrell
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 97-103

Notes: 8
Orig.: A memoir of Leon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Memoria sobre Trotsky

IDN  01527         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Farrell, James Thomas: Memoria sobre Trotsky
[Electronic resource] / James T. Farrell. Trad. al español por Rossana Cortéz. - 27 KB (2 pp.)
Orig.: A memoir of Leon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mémoire sur Léon Trotsky

IDN  01528        Fischer, Ruth: Trotsky à Paris   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  01529         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
García Palacios, Luis: Quand mon chemin a croisé celui de Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1993 (50) : pp. 7-14

Angl.: When my path crossed with Trotsky's

IDN  01530         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Germain, Jean: Visite à Saint-Palais

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (25) : pp. 87-92

Angl.: Visit at Saint-Palais

IDN  01531        Glockner, Julio: Un retrato para Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01532         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Glotzer, Albert:
A sojourn with comrade Leon Trotsky : five weeks in Kadikoy
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 5.1932 (1=97) : p. 4

IDN  01533         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Glotzer, Albert: Trockij : vospominanija i kritika
/ Al'bert Glotcer. Perevod i primečanija N.A. Gul'binskogo
In: Kentavr ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1991 (Oct./Dec.) : pp. 59-69

Notes: 26
Excerpted and transl. from author's "Trotsky : memoir and critique"

IDN  01534         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Glotzer, Albert: Trotsky : memoir & critique
. - Buffalo, NY : Prometheus Books, 1989. - 343 pp.
ISBN 0-87975-544-X

Table of contents: p.9 Introduction -- p.28 Kadikoy, Turkey, 1931 -- p.87 The evolution of Trotsky's political life -- p.145 "The party is always right" -- p.176 Paris 1934 -- p.208 "I am not a Jew but an internationalist" -- p.235 The Moscow frame-up trials and the Dewey Commission in Mexico -- p.282 The Russian question and the split in American Trotskyism -- p.309 Trotsky's legacy -- p.325 Bibliography -- p.331 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 325-330
Notes: 372

IDN  01535         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Gul', Roman Borisovič: Ja unes Rossiju
/ Roman Gul'
In: Novyj žurnal ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0029-5337] 42.1983 (153) : pp. 48-112

On pp. 86-98: Trockij
Angl.: I took Russia with me

IDN  01536        Gunther, John: Trotsky at Elba   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01537        Gunther, John: Trotsky en Elba   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01538         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment

In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 1946) : pp. 41-58

Orig.: With Trotsky to the end
Other ed., versions, transl.: Con Trotsky fino alla fine ; Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante ; Con Trotsky hasta el final ; Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende

IDN  01539         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (2) : pp. 25-51

Orig.: With Trotsky to the end
Other ed., versions, transl.: Con Trotsky fino alla fine ; Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante ; Con Trotsky hasta el final ; Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende

IDN  01540         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment

In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 2000) : pp. 47-53

Orig.: With Trotsky to the end
Other ed., versions, transl.: Con Trotsky fino alla fine ; Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante ; Con Trotsky hasta el final ; Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende

IDN  01541         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino alla fine
[Electronic resource] / trad. in ital. dallʿorig. in inglese è di Ernesto Russo. - 24 KB (18 pp.)
Orig.: With Trotsky to the end
Other ed., versions, transl.: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment ; Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante ; Con Trotsky hasta el final ; Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende
Accessed Aug. 25, 2020

IDN  01542         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante

In: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 31-45

Orig.: With Trotsky to the end
Other ed., versions, transl.: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment ; Con Trotsky fino alla fine ; Con Trotsky hasta el final ; Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende

IDN  01543         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky, hasta el final

In: Correo internacional ‹Madrid ; Buenos Aires› 7.1990 (49) : pp. 29-31

Orig.: With Trotsky to the end
Other ed., versions, transl.: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment ; Con Trotsky fino alla fine ; Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante ; Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende

IDN  01544        Hansen, Joseph: Med Trotskij i Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01545         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende

In: Unser Wort ‹Prag; later: Paris; later: Antwerpen; later: New York, NY› 9.1941 (1=102) : pp. 1, 7-10

Orig.: With Trotsky to the end
Other ed., versions, transl.: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment ; Con Trotsky fino alla fine ; Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante ; Con Trotsky, hasta al final

IDN  01546        Hansen, Joseph: Trotsky in Coyoacan   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01547        Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky in Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01548         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky to the end

In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 1.1940 (5=5) : pp. 115-123

Other ed., versions, transl.: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment ; Con Trotsky fino alla fine ; Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante ; Con Trotsky, hasta el final ; Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende

IDN  01549         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky to the end

In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 16-24

Other ed., versions, transl.: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment ; Con Trotsky fino alla fine ; Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante ; Con Trotsky, hasta el final ; Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende

IDN  01550         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl: Trotsky

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 41-46

Written 1924

IDN  01551         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl: Trotsky

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 41-46

Written 1924

IDN  01552         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl: Trotsky

In: Haya de la Torre, V.R.: Obras completas. 3.ed. 3. (Lima, 1984) : pp. 31-35

Written 1924

IDN  01553         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Herzog, Wilhelm: Trotzki

In: Herzog, W.: Menschen, denen ich begegnete. (Bern etc., 1959) : pp. 34-40

IDN  01554        Homenaje a la memoria de León Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01555         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Ioffe, Nadežda Adol'fovna: Drug otca - L.D. Trockij
: (vospominanija) / N. Ioffe
In: Diplomatičeskij ežegodnik ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0236-395X] 1992 : pp. 321-325

Angl.: A friend of my father - L.D. Trotsky : reminiscences

IDN  01556         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Kadt, Jacques de: Chez Simone Weil
: rupture avec Trotski
In: Le Contrat social ‹Paris› [ISSN 0589-5782] 11.1967 (3) : pp. 139-145

Transl. from the Dutch

IDN  01557         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Kadt, Jacques de: Chez Trotski
: controverse et déception
In: Le Contrat social ‹Paris› [ISSN 0589-5782] 11.1967 (1) : pp. 83-90

Transl. from the Dutch

IDN  01558         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Kadt, Jacques de:
Il mio incontro con Trotzki
In: Corrispondenza socialista ‹Roma› [ISSN 0010-9304] 8.1967 (5) : pp. 262-268

Transl. from the Dutch
Angl.: My encounter with Trotsky

IDN  01559         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Kissin, Siegfried:
A visit to Trotsky
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 3.1990 (1) : p. 7

From an undated ms.

IDN  01560         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Klyman, Julius H.: Leon Trotsky

In: Dictators and democrats / ed. by L. Fernsworth. 2. print. (New York, NY, 1941) : pp. 213-225

IDN  01561         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Klyman, Julius H.: Leon Trotsky

In: Dictators and democrats / ed. by L. Fernsworth. (New York, NY, 1941) : pp. 213-225

IDN  01562        L. D. Trockij : pro et contra   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01563        Leo Trotzki 1879-1940 in den Augen von Zeitgenossen   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01564        Leon Trotsky : the man and his work   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01565        Liberman, Simon Isaevich: Dela i ljudi   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01566        Liberman, Simon Isaevich: Trotsky, the war-lord   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01567         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Lied, Jonas: Con Trotsky en octubre

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 47-57

Angl.: With Trotsky in October

IDN  01568         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Lied, Jonas: Con Trotsky en octubre

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 47-57

IDN  01569        Lindgård, Arne C.: Jeg var Trotskis dirigent   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01570        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Um esboço de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01571        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: How Trotsky saw himself   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01572        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01573        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01574        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovich Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01575        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01576        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davydovič Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01577        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Il profilo di un rivoluzionario   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01578        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Silhouette de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01579        Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: A Trotsky silhouette   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01580         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Malraux, André: Encuentros con León Trotsky

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 11-21

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Remembering Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Trotsky
Angl.: Encounters with Leon Trotsky

IDN  01581         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Malraux, André: Encuentros con León Trotsky

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 11-21

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Remembering Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Trotsky

IDN  01582         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Malraux, André: Leon Trotsky
/ transl. by Ellen Ward
In: The Modern Monthly ‹New York, NY› 9.1935 (1) : pp. 37-41

Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Remembering Trotsky ; Trotzki

IDN  01583         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Malraux, André: Leon Trotsky
/ [retransl. by Ellen Ward from Comunismo]
In: Trockij, L.D.: Writings of Leon Trotsky. 1933/34. (New York, NY, 1972) : pp. 331-338

Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Remembering Trotsky ; Trotzki

IDN  01584         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Malraux, André: Remembering Trotsky
/ transl. by Ella Wolfe
In: Partisan Review ‹New Brunswick, NJ› [ISSN 0031-2525] 52.1985 (4) : pp. 398-406

Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Encuentros con León Trotsky

IDN  01585         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Malraux, André: Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 79-87

Notes: 11
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Remembering Trotsky ; Trotzki ; Encuentros con León Trotsky
Reprinted from: Marianne (Paris), 1934 (79=Apr.25)

IDN  01586         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Malraux, André: Trotzki

In: Unser Wort ‹Prag; later: Paris; later: Antwerpen; later: New York, NY› 2.1934 (18=34) : p. 3

Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky ; Remembering Trotsky ; Encuentros con León Trotsky

IDN  01587         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Marcosson, Isaac Frederick: Trotsky

In: Marcosson, I.F.: Turbulent years. (New York, NY, 1938) : pp. 396-428

IDN  01588        Marcu, Valeriu: Leo Trotzki oder Die Dreieinigkeit der Philosophie, des Krieges und der Politik   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01589         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Martinet, Marcel: Quelques souvenirs

In: Les Humbles ‹Paris› [ISSN 0999-3371] 19.1934 (5/6) : pp. 3-12

Angl.: Some recollections

IDN  01590         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Martinet, Marcel: Quelques souvenirs

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 7-14

Notes: 13

IDN  01591        McCullagh, Francis: Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01592        McCullagh, Francis: Trotsky in Ekaterinburg   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01593         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Meyer-Leviné, Rosa: Erinnerungen an Trotzki
/ Übers. aus dem Engl.: Lili Faktor-Flechtheim
In: Europäische Ideen ‹Berlin; later: London› [ISSN 0344-2888] 1980 (48) : pp. 50-53

Transl. from ms.
Angl.: Remembering Trotsky

IDN  01594         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Molinier, Raymond: À la rencontre de Trotsky

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1990 (1418,suppl.) : p. 8

About a meeting with Trotsky

IDN  01595         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Molinier, Raymond: On meeting with Trotsky
[Electronic resource] / transl. by Ted Crawford. - 26 KB (1 p.)
Orig.: À la rencontre de Trotsky
Accessed Jan. 31, 2001

IDN  01596         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Morizet, André: Chez Lénine et Trotski, Moscou 1921
/ préf. de Léon Trotski. - Paris : La Renaissance du Livre, [1922]. - XV, 300 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: U Lenina i Trockogo, Moskva 1921
Angl.: With Lenin and Trotsky, Moscow 1921

IDN  01597         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Morizet, André: U Lenina i Trockogo, Moskva 1921
/ A. Morize. Predisl. L. Trockogo. Perevod s francuzskogo N. Dudel'. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1923. - 282, 12 pp.
Orig.: Chez Lénine et Trotski, Moscou 1921
Angl.: With Lenin and Trotsky, Moscow 1921

IDN  01598         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Naglovskij, Aleksandr Dmitrievič: Trockij
/ A.D. Naglovskij
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 164-174

Notes: 10
Originally publ. anonymously as a chapter of author's "Sovetskie voždi" in: Sovremennya zapiski = Annales contemporaines (Pariž), 1936 (61), pp. 443-450
On pp. 786-788 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  01599         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Naville, Pierre: Léon Trotsky

In: Naville, P.: Mémoires imparfaites. (Paris, 1987) : pp. 51-78

IDN  01600        Naville, Pierre: Trockij vivo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01601        Naville, Pierre: Trotsky esta vivo!   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01602        Naville, Pierre: Trotsky vivant   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01603         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Nil'skij, Michail Ivanovič: 1920-e: revoljucija i bjurokratija
: zapiski oppozicionera (fragmenty) / I.M. Pavlov (M.I. Nil'skij)
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 195-199

Notes: 4
Excerpted from Pavlov. I.M.: 1920-e: revoljucija i bjurokratija, Sankt-Peterburg 2001, pp. 47-91
On p. 790 notes by A.V. Reznik
Angl.: The 1920s: revolution and bureaucracy

IDN  01604        Noulens, Joseph: Mon ambassade en Russie soviétique (1917-1919)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01605         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
O'Mara, Richard: Waiting for the revolution

In: The Antioch Review ‹Yellow Springs, Ohio› [ISSN 0003-5769] 47.1989 (2) : pp. 146-156

About author's visit to Coyoacán

IDN  01606         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Orr, Charles Andrew: Trotsky comme je l'ai vu à Mexico
/ Charles A. Orr
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1993 (51) : pp. 35-44

Table of contents: p.35 Trotsky: la légende -- p.37 Trotsky, le vieil homme attirant -- p.38 La dernière harangue de Trotsky -- p.39 Mon débat avec Trotsky -- p.40 Complot pour l'assassiner -- p.41 Mes affectations -- p.42 Sylvia et Jacson -- p.44 Ecarté des États-Unis
Angl.: Trotsky, how I have met him in Mexico

IDN  01607         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Parijanine, Maurice: Léon Trotsky, ou La révolution bannie

In: Les Humbles ‹Paris› [ISSN 0999-3371] 19.1934 (5/6) : pp. 24-36

Angl.: Leon Trotsky or The banished revolution

IDN  01608         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Paz, Maurice: Quatre jours avec Trotsky

In: Contre le courant ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-3879] 3.1929 (25/26) : pp. 1-3

Angl.: 4 days with Trotsky

IDN  01609         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Paz, Maurice: Quatre jours avec Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 71-74

Notes: 6

IDN  01610         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Pincus, Arthur: Fellow travellers
: Leon Trotsky, art critic, meets Diego Rivera, revolutionary
In: Art & Antiques ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0195-8208] 1984 (Oct.) : pp. 48-53

IDN  01611        Rivera, Diego: Ma rupture avec Trotsky (14 avril 1939)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01612         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Rosenthal, Gérard: Avocat de Trotsky
. - Paris : Laffont, 1975. - 330 pp. - (Collection Vécu [ISSN 0750-7755])
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky
Angl.: Trotsky's lawyer

IDN  01613         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Rosenthal, Gérard: Trotsky
/ trad.: Maria Luísa C. Maia. - Amadora : Bertrand, 1976. - 311 pp. - (Documentos de todos os tempos)
Orig.: Avocat de Trotsky

IDN  01614        Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky à Paris pendant la première guerre mondiale   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01615        Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky in Paris during World War I   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01616         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Rosselli, Carlo: Conversando con Trotsky

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 67-73

Orig.: Rencontre avec Trotsky
Angl.: Talking with Trotsky

IDN  01617         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Rosselli, Carlo: Conversando con Trotsky

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 65-71

Orig.: Rencontre avec Trotsky

IDN  01618         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Rosselli, Carlo: Rencontre avec Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1987 (29) : pp. 100-104

Notes: 4
Other ed., versions, transl.: Conversando con Trotsky
Angl.: Encounter with Trotsky

IDN  01619         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Roy, Manabendra Nath: Leon Trotsky as I knew him
/ M.N. Roy. - London : Second Wave Publications & Distribution, 2011. - 32 pp.
Extracted from author's "Men I met"

IDN  01620         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Roy, Manabendra Nath: Trotski
/ M.N. Roy
In: Roy, M.N.: Men I met. (Bombay etc., 1968) : pp. 35-46

IDN  01621        Rühle-Gerstel, Alice: Kein Gedicht für Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01622        Rühle-Gerstel, Alice: No verses for Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01623         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Saufrignon, Joseph: Comment j'ai vu Léon Trotsky
/ Louis Saufrignon
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 75-77

Notes: 7
From an unpubl. ms., dated 1933
Angl.: How I saw Leon Trotsky

IDN  01624         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Žizn' i smert' Trockogo
: (fragmenty) / perevod s fr. Ju. Gusevoj
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 200-205, [notes by A.V. Reznik: pp. 790-791]

Notes: 3
Excerpted and transl. from Serge, V. and N. Sedova: Vie et mort de Trotsky, Paris 2003
On pp. 790-791 notes by A.V. Reznik
Angl.: Life and death of Trotsky

IDN  01625         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sender, Ramon José:
El Trotsky que yo conoci / Ramón J. Sender
In: Historia 16 ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0210-6353] 2.1977 (18) : pp. 129-133

Angl.: Trotsky as I knew him

IDN  01626         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor:
Der Alte : in memoriam Leo Dawidowitsch Trotzki
In: Serge, V.: Leo Trotzki. (Wien etc., 1978) : pp. 11-14

Orig.: In memory : L.D. Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: The old man ; Den gamle ; El viejo ; Le vieux

IDN  01627         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor:
Der Alte : in memoriam Leo Dawidowitsch Trotzki
In: Leo Trotzki 1879-1940 in den Augen von Zeitgenossen. (Hamburg, 1979) : pp. 162-164

Orig.: In memory : L.D. Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: The old man ; Den gamle ; El viejo ; Le vieux
Slightly abridged

IDN  01628         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor:
Den gamle : om Leo Trotskij [Electronic resource] / övers.: Björn-Erik Rosin. - 21 KB (3 pp.)
Orig.: In memory : L.D. Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Alte ; Le vieux ; The old man ; El viejo
Accessed Febr. 18, 2014

IDN  01629         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor: In memory : L.D. Trotsky
: (murdered Aug. 21, 1940) / transl. from the French by Dwight Macdonald
In: Partisan Review ‹New Brunswick, NJ› [ISSN 0031-2525] 9.1942 (5) : pp. 388-391

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Alte ; The old man ; Den gamle ; El viejo ; Le vieux
Transl. from ms.

IDN  01630         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor: In memory : L.D. Trotsky

In: The Serge-Trotsky papers / ed. and introd. by D.J. Cotterill. (London [etc.], 1994) : pp. 207-210

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Alte ; The old man ; Den gamle ; El viejo ; Le vieux
Reprinted from: Partisan Review (New York, NY), 9.1940 (5), pp. 388-391

IDN  01631         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 63-65

IDN  01632         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 62-64

IDN  01633         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor:
The old man : to the memory of Leon Davidovich Trotsky
In: Serge, V.: The life and death of Leon Trotsky. (London, 1975) : pp. 2-5

Orig.: In memory : L.D. Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Alte ; Den gamle ; El viejo ; Le vieux
Transl. from ms.

IDN  01634         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor:
El viejo
In: Babel ‹Buenos Aires etc.› 10.1947 (40) : pp. 182-185

Orig.: In memory : L.D. Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Alte ; Den gamle ; The old man ; Le vieux

IDN  01635         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Serge, Victor:
Le vieux : in memoriam Léon Davidovich Trotsky
In: Serge, V.: Vie et mort de Léon Trotsky. 1. (Paris, 1973) : pp. 7-10

Orig.: In memory : L.D. Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Alte ; Den gamle ; The old man ; El viejo

IDN  01636         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Shachtman, Max:
The Trotsky I knew
In: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : pp. VIII-X

Written in the early 1960s

IDN  01637         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sheridan, Clare Consuelo: Mrs. Sheridan's diary
. - 1-6
In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1920 (42576=Nov.22) : pp. 13-14; 1920 (42575=Nov.23) : p. 13; 1920 (42576=Nov.24) : p. 13; 1920 (42577=Nov.25) : p. 13; 1920 (42578=Nov.26) : pp. 13-14; 1920 (42579=Nov.27) : p. 11

Publ. in 6 installments just after Sheridan's return from Soviet Russia where she had gone in Autumn 1920 for making busts of Trotsky, Lenin, Zinoviev and other Bolshevik leaders

IDN  01638        Souchy, Augustin: Begegnungen mit Trotzki und seinem Mörder   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01639         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Souvarine, Boris: Sur Lénine, Trotski et Staline
= O Lenine, Trockom i Staline / préf. de Michel Heller. - [Paris] : Ed. Allia, 1990. - XVII, 59 pp.
ISBN 2-904235-25-6 - ISBN 978-2-904235-25-2

Bilingual (French and Russ.)
Angl.: On Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin

IDN  01640         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Souvarine, Boris: Sur Lénine, Trotski et Staline
. - 2. éd. - Paris : Ed. Allia, 2007. - 61 pp.
ISBN 978-2-8448-5252-6

Transcript of interviews by Michel Heller and Branko Lazitch
Angl.: On Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin

IDN  01641         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sternberg, Fritz: Conversaciones con Trotsky

In: En defensa del marxismo ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2314-047X] 18.2009 (36) : pp. 119-137

Notes: 4
Orig.: Conversations with Trotsky
Partially identical with author's "Entretiens avec Trotski" and "Erinnerungen an Trotzki"

IDN  01642         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sternberg, Fritz: Conversations with Trotsky

In: Survey ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0039-6192] 1963 (47) : pp. 146-159

Other ed., versions, transl.: Conversaciones con Trotsky
Partially identical with author's "Entretiens avec Trotski" and "Erinnerungen an Trotzki"

IDN  01643         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sternberg, Fritz: Entretiens avec Trotski

In: Le Contrat social ‹Paris› [ISSN 0589-5782] 8.1964 (4) : pp. 203-210

Partially identical with author's "Conversations with Trotsky" ; "Erinnerungen an Trotzki"

IDN  01644         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sternberg, Fritz: Erinnerungen an Trotzki

In: Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte ‹Köln› [ISSN 0016-9447] 14.1964 : pp. 711-722

Partially identical with author's "Conversations with Trotsky" ; "Entretiens avec Trotski"; Rev. version see author's Gespräche mit Trotzki
Rev. version see author's "Gespräche mit Trotzki"
Angl.: Recollections of Trotsky

IDN  01645         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sternberg, Fritz: Erinnerungen an Trotzki

In: Leo Trotzki 1879-1940 in den Augen von Zeitgenossen. (Hamburg, 1979) : pp. 137-144

Partially identical with author's "Conversations with Trotsky" ; "Entretiens avec Trotski"
Rev. version see author's "Gespräche mit Trotzki"

IDN  01646         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Sternberg, Fritz: Gespräche mit Trotzki

In: Fritz Sternberg (1895-1983) - für die Zukunft des Sozialismus / H. Grebing (Hrsg.). (Frankfurt a.M., 1981) : pp. 352-370

Rev. and amended version of author's "Erinnerungen an Trotzki"
Angl.: Talks with Trotsky

IDN  01647        Unruh, Fritz von: Meine Begegnung mit Trotzki im Jahre 1930   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01648         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Unruh, Fritz von: Begegnung mit Trotzki

In: Der Querschnitt ‹Berlin etc.› [ISSN 0176-9308] 11.1931 (4) : pp. 219-226

Angl.: Encounter with Trotsky

IDN  01649         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Unruh, Fritz von: Begegnung mit Trotzki

In: Unruh, F. von: Politeia. (Paris, 1933) : pp. 124-132

IDN  01650        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Breton va voir Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01651         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Con Trotsky de Prinkipo a Coyoacán
: testimonio de siete años de exilio / Jean van Heijenoort. Tanuna Mercado (pres. y trad.). - México, D.F. : Nueva Imagen, 1979. - 173 pp.
ISBN 968-429-160-4

Orig.: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: In esilio con Trockij ; With Trotsky in exile
As an electronic resource publ. with title "Con Trotsky en el exilio : de Prinkipo a Coyoacán", URL: and
Angl.: With Trotsky from Prinkipo to Coyoacán

IDN  01652        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Foreword   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01653         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Van Heijenoort, Jean: In esilio con Trockij
: da Prinkipo a Coyoacán / Jean van Heijenoort. Trad. dal francese di Attilio Chitarin. - Milano : Feltrinelli, 1980. - 157 pp. - (Storia Feltrinelli)
Orig.: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: With Trotsky in exile ; Con Trotsky de Prinkipo a Coyoacan

IDN  01654        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovič   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01655        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovich   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01656        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Lev Davidovitch   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01657         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky
: de Prinkipo à Coyoacán / Jean van Heijenoort. - Paris : Les Lettres Nouvelles [etc.], 1978. - 231, [8] pp. - (Les lettres nouvelles)
ISBN 2-86231-003-4

Table of contents: p.11 Prinkipo -- p.77 La France -- p.119 La Norvège -- p.157 Coyoacán -- p.215 Remarques sur quelques écrits touchant Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Con Trotsky de Prinkipo a Coyoacan ; In esilio con Trockij ; With Trotsky in exile
Angl.: Seven years with Leon Trotsky

IDN  01658         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky
: de Prinkipo à Coyoacán / Jean van Heijenoort. [Éd.: Gilles Nadeau]. - Nouvelle éd. ill. et augm. - Paris : Nadeau, 2016. - 366 pp.
ISBN 978-2-86231-243-9 - ISBN 978-2-86231-252-1

Table of contents: p.[9] Note de l'éditeur/Gilles Nadeau -- p.15 Prinkipo -- p.91 La France -- p.135 La Norvège -- p.173 Coyoacán -- p.239 Van: un témoignage récent/E. Volkov -- p.247 La conservation des archives de Léon Trotsky/J. Van Heijenoort -- p.251 Remarques sur quelques écrits concernant Léon Trotsky/J. Van Heijenoort -- p.265 La place de Léon Trotsky dans l'histoire: mythes et calomnies/J.-J. Marie -- p.287 Remarques complémantaires sur quelques écrits/J.-J. Marie -- p.299 Bibliographie -- p.301 Index et biographies des noms cités -- p.361 Un bref parcours biographique de Léon Trotsky/J.-J. Marie
Bibliogr.: p. 299
Other ed., versions, transl.: Con Trotsky de Prinkipo a Coyoacan ; In esilio con Trockij ; With Trotsky in exile

IDN  01659         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Van Heijenoort, Jean: 'Seven years with Trotsky'
: Jean van Heijenoort discusses his new book / interview conducted by Rodolphe Prager
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 16.1978 (17) : pp. 518-519

Transl. and reprinted from: Rouge (Montreuil), 1978 (Apr.3)

IDN  01660         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Van Heijenoort, Jean: With Trotsky in exile
: from Prinkipo to Coyoacán / Jean van Heijenoort. - Cambridge, Mass. [etc.] : Harvard Univ. Pr., 1978. - IX, 164 pp.
ISBN 0-674-80255-1

Table of contents: p.V Foreword -- p.1 Prinkipo -- p.49 France -- p.79 Norway -- p.104 Coyoacán -- p.149 Afterword -- p.151 Appendix: Correction of errors in writings about Trotsky [by I. Deutscher, V. Serge et al.] -- p.161 Index
Orig.: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Con Trotsky de Prinkipo a Coyoacan ; In esilio con Trockij

IDN  01661         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Velázquez, Juan Luis:
El hombre Trotsky [Electronic resource] / trad.: Rossana Cortéz. - 25 KB (2 pp.)
Notes: 2
Orig.: L'homme Trotsky
Accessed Febr. 20, 2014
Angl.: The man Trotsky

IDN  01662         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Velázquez, Juan Luis:
L' homme Trotsky
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 89-96

Notes: 6
Other ed., versions, transl.: El hombre Trotsky
Angl.: The man Trotsky

IDN  01663         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban: Ešče odno svidetel'stvo poslednich let žizni i gibeli L.D. Trockogo

In: Rossija i sovremennyj mir = Russia and the Contemporary World ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1725-5223] 2006 (1) : pp. 192-205

Interview conducted by V.L. Lober
Angl.: Another eye-witness account of L.D. Trotsky's last years and of his death

IDN  01664         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban: Leon Trotsky : lembranças e significado
/ Esteban Volkov-Trotsky
In: Trotsky hoje / org.: O. Coggiola. (São Paulo, 1994) : pp. 307-320

Paper originally submitted to the Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : recollections and meaning

IDN  01665         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban: Leon Trotsky was my grandfather
: an interview with Leon Trotskyʿs grandson who lived with the famous revolutionary the last year of his life
In: Socialist Viewpoint ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 1535-5438] 18.2018 (1)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der letzte Enkel
Interview conducted by Wladek Flakin [pseud. of Nathaniel Flakin]

IDN  01666         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban:
Der letzte Enkel
In: Der Freitag ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0945-2095] 2017 (24) : p. 25

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky was my grandfather
Interview conducted by Wladek Flakin [pseud. of Nathaniel Flakin]
Angl.: The last grandson

IDN  01667         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban: Mi misión: preservar y mantener la verdad histórica
[Electronic resource] / [interview conducted by Rosemary Segurado and Gabriela Pérez Noriega]
In: Aurora : revista de arte, mídia e política [Electronic journal] ‹São Paulo› [ISSN 1982-6672] 13.2020/21 (38) : pp. 9-12

Accessed Apr. 22, 2021
Angl.: My mission: preserving and keeping the historical truth

IDN  01668         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban: Mio nonno, un uomo che sapeva amare ...

In: Avvenimenti ‹Roma› [ISSN 1594-123X] 3.1990 (Sept.19) : p. 50, 52

Interview conducted by Edgardo Pellegrini
Angl.: My grandfather, a man who knew to love ...

IDN  01669         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban: My life with Trotsky

In: The Journal of Symposium '90 ‹London› [ISSN 0966-6869] 1.1992 (1) : pp. 81-89

Paper originally submitted to the 2nd Symposium '90 international conference, Athens, Oct. 22-26, 1991

IDN  01670        Volkov, Esteban: Recuerdos de la casas de la Calle Viena   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01671         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban: Reflection on the legacy of Leon Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - 19 KB (3 pp.)
Speech submitted to the Conference on the Legacy of Leon Trotsky and U.S. Trotskyism, New York, NY, July 25-27, 2008
Accessed Dec. 1, 2008

IDN  01672         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Volkov, Esteban:
Le témoignage de Sieva (Esteban Volkov)
In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] N.s. 2010 (69=675=no.spéc.) : pp. 15-22

Submitted to a meeting, Paris, Febr. 8, 2006
Angl.: The testimony of Sieva (Esteban Volkov)

IDN  01673         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Vračev, Ivan Jakovlevič: Ja byl storonnikom Trockogo

In: Sociologičeskie issledovanija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0132-1625] 1990 (8) : pp. 94-105

Notes: 7
Angl.: I was Trotsky's supporter

IDN  01674         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Weber, Sara: Recollections of Trotsky

In: Modern Occasions ‹Cambridge, Mass.› [ISSN 0026-8186] 2.1972 (1) : pp. 181-194

Other ed., versions, transl.: Souvenirs sur Trotsky

IDN  01675         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Weber, Sara: Souvenirs sur Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1980 (5) : pp. 39-52

Orig.: Recollections of Trotsky

IDN  01676         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Weil, Simone: Conversation avec Trotski
/ avant-propos de François L'Yvonnet. - Paris : L'Herne, 2014. - 101 pp. - (Carnets de l'Herne [ISSN 1779-7675])
ISBN 978-2-85197-263-7

Angl.: Conversation with Trotsky

IDN  01677        Weisbord, Albert: Three weeks with Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01678         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Wheeldon, John:
A conversation with Albert Glotzer on Trotsky
In: Quadrant : Q ‹Sydney, N.S.W.› [ISSN 0033-5002] 39.1995 (11) : pp. 38-43

IDN  01679        Wicks, Harry: Memories of Trotsky's last public meeting   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01680        Wolfe, Bernard: The great prince died   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01681        Wolfe, Bernard: Trotsky dead   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01682         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Zamora Padilla, Adolfo: Adolfo Zamora parle de son ami Léon Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (26) : pp. 81-84

Oral history interview
Angl.: Adolfo Zamora talks about his friend Leon Trotsky

IDN  01683         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Zeller, Fred: Témoin du siècle
: de Blum à Trotsky, au Grand Orient de France ... - Paris : Grasset, 2000. - 462 pp.
ISBN 2-246-57911-2 - ISBN 978-2-246-57911-3

Subtitle only on cover
Particularly pp. 111-122: Léon Blum chasse les "néos" du parti - Trotsky arrive en France; pp. 161-184 La vie à Hoenefoss chez les Trotsky; pp. 435-446: L'échec de Trotsky
Angl.: Witness of the century

IDN  01684         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Ziv, Grigorij Abramovič: Trockij : charakteristika (po ličnym vospominanijam)
/ G.A. Ziv. - Nju-Iork : Knigoizd-vo Naradopravstvo, 1921. - 96 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Predislovie -- p.7 Pervoe znakomstvo s Levoj Bronštejnom -- p.16 Pervye šagi na političeskom poprišč -- p.25 V tjur'm -- p.34 Ėtap i ssylka -- p.43 Zagranicej -- p.49 V Peterburg -- p.52 V dom predvaritel'nago zaključenija -- p.56 V ėmigracii -- p.60 Vojna -- p.66 V Amerikě -- p.80 Revoljucija v Rossii -- p.83 Trockij i bol'ševizm -- p.92 Zaključenie
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij : po ličnym vospominanijam
Printed in pre-1918 cyrillic characters
An Engl. translation of ch. 10 (pp. 66-79, "V Amerike") with title "In America" is available in the WWW as electronic resource, URL:
Angl.: Trotsky : a character analysis (from personal reminiscence)

IDN  01685         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Ziv, Grigorij Abramovič: Trockij : charakteristika (po ličnym vospominanijam)
/ G.A. Ziv. - Paris : Venev, 2002. - 96 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij : po ličnym vospominanijam
Printed in pre-1918 cyrillic characters
Facsimile reprint of the ed. New York, 1921

IDN  01686         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Ziv, Grigorij Abramovič: Trockij : charakteristika (po ličnym vospominanijam)
/ G.A. Ziv
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 46-124; 773-779

Table of contents: p.46 Predislovie -- p.47 Pervoe znakomstvo s Levoj Bronštejnom -- p.55 Pervye šagi na političeskom poprišče -- p.63 V tjur'me -- p.72 Ėtap i ssylka -- p.79 Zagranicej -- p.84 V Peterburg -- p.87 V dome predvaritel'nogo zaključenija -- p.91 V ėmigracii -- p.93 Vojna -- p.98 V Amerike -- p.110 Revoljucija v Rossii -- p.113 Trockij i bol'ševizm -- p.120 Zaključenie
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij : po ličnym vospominanijam
Reprint of the ed. New York, 1921 [unabridged, but printed in post-1918 cyrillic characters whereas the orig. ed. was in pre-1918 characters]
On pp. 773-779 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  01687         LLTB  Chapter  2.4
Ziv, Grigorij Abramovič: Trockij : po ličnym vospominanijam
/ Grigorij Ziv. [Predisl. E.N. Morozovoj]. - Moskva : Kučkovo Pole, 2017. - 158 pp.
ISBN 978-5-9950-0812-5

Table of contents: p.5 Soderžanie -- p.9 Trockij glazami sovremennika/E.N. Morozova -- p.14 Predislovie -- p.17 Pervoe znakomstvo s Levoj Bronštejnom -- p.31 Pervye šagi na političeskom poprišče -- p.45 V tjur'me -- p.60 Ėtap i ssylka -- p.72 Zagranicej -- p.82 V Peterburg -- p.87 V dome predvaritel'nogo zaključenija -- p.93 V ėmigracii -- p.99 Vojna -- p.107 V Amerike -- p.128 Revoljucija v Rossii -- p.132 Trockij i bol'ševizm -- p.146 Zaključenie -- p.153 O knige G.A. Ziva "Trockij"/M.A. Aldanov [i.e. M.A. Landau]
Orig.: Trockij : charakteristika (po ličnym vospominanijam)
Reprint of the ed. New York, 1921 [unabridged, but printed in post-1918 cyrillic characters whereas the orig. ed. was in pre-1918 characters; title proper slightly differs from original]
Angl.: Trotsky : from personal reminiscence

LLTB Chapter  2.5

IDN  01688         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Adolph, José B.: Trotsky debe morir

In: Adolph, J.B.: Teatro. (Lima, 1986) : pp. 35-70

Angl.: Trotsky should die

IDN  01689         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Aguinis, Marcos:
El joven Liova : novela. - Barcelona : Plaza & Janés, 2011. - 429 pp.
ISBN 978-84-01-35239-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Liova corre hacia el poder
Angl.: The young Liova

IDN  01690         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Aguinis, Marcos: Liova corre hacia el poder
. - Buenos Aires : Sudamericana, 2011. - 414 pp. - (Narrativa)
ISBN 978-950-07-3587-2 - ISBN 950-07-3587-3

Table of contents: p.13 Preludio: El niño que sería Zar -- p.25 La saga de los Bronstein (El Edén: Iánovka (1879-1888) - La ciudad: Odessa (1888-1896) - El pueblo: de Nikolaiev a Moscú (1896-1899) - El yermo: Siberia (1899-1903)) -- p.183 Intermezzo antes del salto. Fuga hacia Lenin - 213 El camino a Octubre (Cosmopolita: Europa (1903-1905) - Fugitivo: Rusia-Finlandia (1905-1906) - Expatriado: Europa y América (1906-1917) - Soberano: Rusia (1917)) -- p.413 Reconocimientos
Other ed., versions, transl.: El joven Liova
Angl.: Liova runs to power

IDN  01691        Ali, Tariq: Redemption   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  01692         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Amar Sánchez, Ana María:
El arte de la política, la política del arte : Semprún y Padura ante el asesinato de Trotsky
In: Cuadernos de literatura ‹Bogotá› [ISSN 0122-8102] 18.2014 (35) : pp. 247-258

Notes: 13
With Engl., Span. and Port. abstracts
"This article analyses the structural framework between aesthetics and politics in stories that revolve around an historical event: the death of Trotsky..." [from the Engl. abstract]
Angl.: The art of politics, politics of art : Semprún and Padura faced with the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  01693         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Andersson, Karl Olof: Contrarevolution
: till minnet av Trotski / Karl O. Andersson. - Stockholm : Bonniers, 1963. - 26 pp. - (Nya lyrikserien ; 15)
Containing some poems about Trotsky
Angl.: Counterrevolution : to the memory of Trotsky

IDN  01694         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Arguelles, José Anthony:
The man who saw Trotsky's brain : a recollection
In: De colores : journal of Chicano expression and thought ‹Albuquerque, N.M.› [ISSN 0145-2681] 4.1978 (1/2) : pp. 19-24


IDN  01695         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
L' assassinat de Trotsky [Film] / un film de Joseph Losey. Scénario: Nicholas Mosley [et al.] Avec Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.]. - Paris : René Chateau Vidéo, 1994. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 1 h, 40 min.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Mädchen und der Mörder ; The assassination of Trotsky
Originally produced in 1971 by Cinetel, CIAC, Dino de Laurentiies, Cinematografia S.P.A.

IDN  01696         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
L' assassinat de Trotsky [Film] / un film de Joseph Losey. Scénario: Nicholas Mosley [et al.] Avec Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.]. - Paris : Film Office UGC Vidéo, 1996. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 1 h, 40 min. - (Grands classiques étrangèrs)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Mädchen und der Mörder ; The assassination of Trotsky
Originally produced in 1971 by Cinetel, CIAC, Dino de Laurentiies, Cinematografia S.P.A.

IDN  01697         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
The assassination of Trotsky [Film] / dir.: Joseph Losey. Screenplay: Nicholas Mosley. Participants: Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.]. - London : Channel 5, 1986. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 1 h, 39 min.
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'assassinat de Trotsky ; Das Mädchen und der Mörder
Videocassette release of a motion picture originally released in 1972 by Josef Shaftel Productions Ltd.

IDN  01698         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
The assassination of Trotsky [Film] / dir.: Joseph Losey. Screenplay: Nicholas Mosley. Participants: Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.]. - Los Angeles, Cal. : Republic Pictures Home Video, 1987. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 1 h, 42 min.
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'assassinat de Trotsky ; Das Mädchen und der Mörder
Videocassette release of a motion picture originally released in 1972 by Josef Shaftel Productions Ltd.

IDN  01699         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Balchin, Nigel: Trotsky or Notsky

In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 11.2004 (4) : pp. 55-56

Parody of the allegations made at the Moscow trials
Originally publ. in: Night and Day (London), 1937 (Aug.19)

IDN  01700         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Banbury, Lance: Trotsky in Mexico
. - Tweed Heads, N.S.W. : Author, 1991. - 4 pp.
ISBN 0-9587503-3-5

IDN  01701         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Bednyj, Dem'jan: Pljunut' nekogda
/ Dem'jan Bednyj. Risunki Deni. Red. i primeč. A. Efremina. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1930. - 30 pp.
Satirical poem
Angl.: No time to spit

IDN  01702         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Braun, Volker: T.

In: Braun, V.: Texte in zeitlicher Folge. 3. (Halle [etc.], 1990) : pp. 189-255

Written 1968, but first published only in 1989

IDN  01703         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Bronič, Marina Karpovna: Obraz Trockogo v tvorčestve Sola Bellou
: dialektika real'nogo i vymyšlennogo / M.K. Bronič
In: Izvestija Saratovskogo Universiteta : Ser. Filologija, Žurnalistika =News of Saratov University : Ser. Philology, Journalism ‹Saratov› [ISSN 1814-7115] N.s. 19.2019 (1) : pp. 84-87

Notes: 18
Angl.: The image of Trotsky in Saul Bellow's works

IDN  01704         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Bronstein, Robert Lee: Trotsky in hell
: a comedy in one act. - [s.l., s.d.]. - 49 pp.
Catalogue data from "Catalog of copyright entries"; registered on Febr. 1, 1995 by U.S. Copyright Office under copyright no. PAu-1-944-007); doubtful whether factually publ. or not

IDN  01705         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Burgess, Anthony:
The end of the world news : an entertainment. - London [etc.] : Hutchinson, 1982. - X, 388 pp.
ISBN 0-09-150540-2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Erlöse uns, Lynx ; Fin de las noticias del mundo

IDN  01706         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Burgess, Anthony: Erlöse uns, Lynx
: Roman. - Stuttgart : Klett-Cotta, 1986. - 452 pp.
ISBN 3-608-95216-0

Orig.: The end of the world news
Other ed., versions, transl.: Fin de las noticias del mundo
Angl.: Deliver us, Lynx

IDN  01707         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Burgess, Anthony: Fin de las noticias del mundo
: Roman / trad.: Jaime Zulaika. - Barcelona : Argos Vergara, 1984. - 443 pp.
ISBN 84-7178-773-3

Orig.: The end of the world news
Other ed., versions, transl.: Erlöse uns, Lynx

IDN  01708         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Burgess, Anthony: Fin de las noticias del mundo
: Roman / trad.: Jaime Zulaika. - Barcelona : Ed. B, 1988. - 503 pp. - (Libro amigo ; 88 : Narrativa)
ISBN 84-406-0017-8

Orig.: The end of the world news
Other ed., versions, transl.: Erlöse uns, Lynx

IDN  01709         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. (Barcelona, 1967)

Angl.: The murder of Trotsky narrated by various Cuban authors, years after - or before

IDN  01710         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. 2. ed. (Barcelona, 1968)

IDN  01711         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. 3. ed. (Barcelona, 1969)

IDN  01712         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. 1. ed. [Libros de enlance] (Barcelona, 1970) : pp. 179-201

IDN  01713         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. 4. ed. (Barcelona, 1971)

IDN  01714         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. 2. ed. [Libros de enlance] (Barcelona, 1971) : pp. 179-201

IDN  01715         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. 3. ed. [Libros de enlance] (Barcelona, 1973) : pp. 179-201

IDN  01716         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. 4. ed. [Libros de enlance] (Barcelona, 1975)

IDN  01717         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. 5. ed. (Barcelona, 1979)

IDN  01718         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. (Barcelona, 1981)

IDN  01719         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo:
La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
In: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. (Bogotà [etc.], 1984) : pp. 179-201

Note: Later ed./printings not considered

IDN  01720        Chilanti, Felice: Trotzkij vivo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01721         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Coggeshall, Christy: Trotsky

In: Poet lore : a national quarterly of world poetry ‹Boston, Mass.› [ISSN 0032-1966] 74.1979 (2) : p. 92


IDN  01722         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Colman, S.: Had Trotsky not lost power
: a one-act in alternative history. - Detroit, Mich. : Dawn Pr., 1991. - 28 pp.

IDN  01723         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Colman, S.: Had Trotsky not lost power
: a 2-act in alternative history. - Detroit, Mich. : Dawn Pr., 1991. - 29 pp.

IDN  01724         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cook, Albert Spaulding:
The death of Trotsky : a play in three parts / Albert Cook
In: Drama & Theatre ‹Fredonia, NY› [ISSN 0012-5954] 9.1970 (1) : pp. 32-50

IDN  01725         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cortanze, Gérard de:
Los amantes de Coyoacán / trad.: Eric Reyes Roher. - México : Planeta, 2017. - 287 pp.
ISBN 978-607-07-3754-1 - ISBN 607-07-3754-7

Orig.: Les amants de Coyoacán
Angl.: The lovers of Coyoacán

IDN  01726         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Cortanze, Gérard de:
Les amants de Coyoacán : roman. - Paris : Albin Michel, 2015. - 324 pp.
ISBN 978-2-226-31472-7 - ISBN 2-226-31472-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Los amantes de Coyoacán
Angl.: The lovers of Coyoacán

IDN  01727         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Davidson, John P.:
El asesino obediente : Ramón Mercader y la muerte de Trotsky / trad. de Guillermo Arreola. - México, D.F. : Plaza Janés, 2016. - 373 pp.
ISBN 978-607-31-4522-0

Orig.: The obedient assassin

IDN  01728         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Davidson, John P.:
The obedient assassin : a novel based on a true story. - Harrison, NY : Delphinium Books, 2014. - 312 pp.
ISBN 978-1-88329-558-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: El asesino obediente

IDN  01729         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Delahunt, Meaghan:
La casa azul de Coyoacán / trad. de Jorge F. Hernández. - Barcelona : Plaza & Janés, 2002. - 283 pp.
ISBN 84-01-32942-6

Orig.: In the blue house
Other ed., versions, transl.: In the casa azul
Historical fiction
Angl.: The blue house in Coyoacán

IDN  01730         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Delahunt, Meaghan: In the blue house
. - London : Bloomsbury, 2001. - 308 pp.
ISBN 0-7475-5236-3 - ISBN 0-7475-5359-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: In the casa azul ; La casa azul de Coyoacán
Historical fiction

IDN  01731         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Delahunt, Meaghan: In the casa azul
: a novel of revolution and betrayal. - New York, NY : St. Martin's Pr., 2002. - 308 pp.
ISBN 0-312-29106-X

Other ed., versions, transl.: In the blue house ; La casa azul de Coyoacán
Historical fiction

IDN  01732         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Delahunt, Meaghan: In the casa azul
: a novel of revolution and betrayal. - New York, NY : Picador. - 308 pp.
ISBN 0-312-29107-8

Orig.: In the blue house
Other ed., versions, transl.: La casa azul de Coyoacán
Historical fiction

IDN  01733         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Dibrova, Volodymyr: Korotkij kurs
: pjesa na tri dïï
In: Sučasnist' : literatura, nauka, mystectva ... ‹Mjunchen; later: Newark, NJ› [ISSN 0585-8364] 1992 (4=372) : pp. 18-60

Angl.: Short course

IDN  01734         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Downs, Christine Susanna: Scenes from the life of Leon Trotsky
/ Christine S. Downs. - 140 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (Senior), 1980
Bibliogr.: pp. 138-140

IDN  01735         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Effenberger, Vratislav:
Les larmes de Trotsky / trad. par Vladimir Claude Fišera
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (44) : pp. 112-113

Transl. from the Czech
Angl.: Trotsky's tears

IDN  01736         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Eisner, Pawel:
Der Fluch
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 1994 (Aug.27/28) : p. 13

Preprint of the 1st chapter of author's novel-in-progress on Trotsky [?]
Angl.: The curse

IDN  01737         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Elias, Robert:
The secret life of Leon Trotsky : baseball and the revolution
In: Nine : a journal of baseball history and culture ‹Lincoln, Neb.› [ISSN 1534-1844] 9.2001 (1/2) : pp. 131-145

Mystery fiction

IDN  01738         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Fajrina, Dian: Character metaphors in George Orwell's Animal farm

In: Studies in English Language and Education ‹Banda Aceh› [ISSN 2355-2794] 3.2016 (1) : pp. 83-93

With abstract

IDN  01739         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ferrà i Martorell, Miquel:
La guerra secreta de Ramón Mercader / Miquel Ferrà. - Barcelona : Ed. de la Magrana, 1987. - 147 pp. - (Les ales esteses ; 37)
ISBN 84-7410-297-9

Angl.: The secret war of Ramón Mercader

IDN  01740        Fišera, Vladimir Claude: Esprit d'opposition et trace de Léon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  01741         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Fothergill, Robert: Detaining Mr Trotsky

In: Canadian Theatre Review ‹Downsview, Ont.› [ISSN 0315-0836] 1988 (54) : pp. 52-84

Play, premièred at the Toronto Free Theatre, Oct. 21, 1987

IDN  01742         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Fothergill, Robert: Detaining Mr Trotsky

In: Fothergill, R.: Public lies and other plays. (Toronto, Ont., 2007) : pp. 1-68

Play, premièred at the Toronto Free Theatre, Oct. 21, 1987

IDN  01743        Foxcroft, Helen Charlotte: The revolution betrayed   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01744         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Franco, Luis: Oda a León Trotsky

In: Estrategía internacional : revista de teoría y política marxista revolucionaria ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 1515-9833] 2000 (15) : p. [119]

Originally publ. as untitled app. to author's "Vida y muerte de Trotsky", in: Babel (Buenos Aires etc.), 2.1941 (15/16) [see ch. 2.2]
Angl.: Ode to Leon Trotsky

IDN  01745         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Franco, Luis: Oda a León Trotsky
[Electronic resource]
In: La Comuna : revista teórica del blog Comunistas [Electronic journal] ‹La Habana› 2020 (3) : p. 19

Accessed Aug. 16, 2021

IDN  01746         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Frank, Joe:
The death of Leon Trotsky [Sound recording]. - Washington, DC : National Public Radio, 1979. - 1 sound cassette, running time: 59 min.
Originally broadcast Apr. 3, 1979, on the NPR programme "Options". Produced by Joe Frank

IDN  01747         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Fuchs, Thomas: [Trotsky speaking
: a play in 3 acts]
Attention: Anounced for publication, but probably never publ. - Registered on June 3, 1982 by U.S. Copyright Office (see "Catalog of copyright entries", no. PAu-000407084)

IDN  01748         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Gallo, Alejandro M.: Asesinato de un trotskista
. - Granda-Siero : Madú, 2004. - 337 pp.
ISBN 978-84-95998-32-3 - ISBN 84-95998-32-7

Angl.: Murder of a Trotskyist

IDN  01749         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Givans, Ray: Witness to the meeting between Simone Weil and Leon Trotsky

In: Givans, R.: Tolstoy in love. (Dublin, 2009) : pp. 25-26


IDN  01750         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Gladstone, John Edward: On the planet without visa
: the case of Leon Trotsky ; an historical docudrama in five acts and epilogue / J.E. "Joe" Gladstone. - Santa Cruz, Cal. : [Author], 1991. - 24 pp.

IDN  01751         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Gómez Olivares, Christián:
La casa de Trotsky. - Sevilla : La Isla de Siltolá, 2011. - 131 pp. - (Siltolá poesía ; 17)
ISBN 978-84-15-03955-6 - ISBN 84-15-03955-7

Poems. - Little Trotsky relevance only
Angl.: Trotsky's house

IDN  01752         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Goodman, Paul:
The death of Leon Trotsky
In: Partisan Review ‹New Brunswick, NJ› [ISSN 0031-2525] 7.1940 (6) : pp. 425-429


IDN  01753         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Graf, Oskar Maria: Herrn Leo Trotzki
/ O.M. Graf
In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 1999 (54) : p. 22

Poem, written 1936
Angl.: Mister Leon Trotsky

IDN  01754         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Gran corrido de León Trotski

In: Leo Trotzki 1879-1940 in den Augen von Zeitgenossen. (Hamburg, 1979) : p. 184

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gran corrido de Leon Trotsky
Folk ballad composed in Trotsky's honor by an anonymous Mexican bard after the assassination
Bilingual (Span. and German)
Angl.: Great street ballad on Leon Trotsky

IDN  01755         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Gran corrido de Leon Trotsky

In: Stone, B.: Memoirs of a radical rank & filer. (New York, NY, 1986) : p. 132

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gran corrido de León Trotski
Folk ballad composed in Trotsky's honor by an anonymous Mexican bard after Trotsky's assassination

IDN  01756         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe:
El Viejo y el cine : (ocho notas sobre Trotsky y trotskianos en la gran pantalla) [Electronic resource]. - ? KB (23 pp.)
Notes: 12
Accessed March 27, 2007
Angl.: The "Old Man" and the cinema

IDN  01757        Heifets, Mikhail: The Trotsky myth in Soviet literary fiction of the second half of the 1980s   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01758         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Hoyt, Richard: Trotski se fait la paire
/ trad. de l'américain par I. Delord [i.e. Isabelle Delord-Philippe]. - [Paris] : Gallimard, 1983. - 279 pp. - (Série noire ; 1922)
ISBN 2-07-048922-1

Orig.: Trotsky's run
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkis Rückkehr

IDN  01759         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Hoyt, Richard: Trotsky's run
. - New York, NY : Morrow, 1982. - 262 pp.
ISBN 0-688-01311-2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkis Rückkehr ; Trotski se fait la paire

IDN  01760         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Hoyt, Richard: Trotzkis Rückkehr
: Polit-Thriller / übers. von Hannes Goebel. - Frankfurt a.M. [etc.] : Ullstein, 1987. - 223 pp. - (Ullstein-Buch ; 10339 : Ullstein-Krimi)
ISBN 3-548-10339-1

Orig.: Trotsky's run
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski se fait la paire

IDN  01761        Hüttinger, Christine: Convirtiendo la historia en literatura : el tema del exilio de Trotski en México   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01762         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ives, David: Változatok Trockij halálára
[Electronic resource] / Szilágyi Mihály fordítása. - 18 KB (5 pp.)
Orig.: Variations on the death of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky ; Variations sur la mort de Trotsky
Accessed May 10, 2002

IDN  01763         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ives, David: Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky
/ trad. de Ana Bernstein
In: Cadernos de teatro ‹Rio de Janeiro› [ISSN 0100-7971] 1998 (152) : pp. 19-23

Orig.: Variations on the death of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Változatok Trockij halálára ; Variations sur la mort de Trotsky

IDN  01764         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky

In: Ives, D.: Variations on the death of Trotsky and other short comedies. (New York, NY, 1992) : pp. 29-44

Other ed., versions, transl.: Változatok Trockij halárára ; Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky ; Variations sur la mort de Trotsky

IDN  01765         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky

In: Ives, D.: All in the timing : six one-act comedies. (New York, NY, 1994)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Változatok Trockij halárára ; Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky ; Variations sur la mort de Trotsky

IDN  01766         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky

In: Ives, D.: All in the timing : fourteen plays. (New York, NY, 1995)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Változatok Trockij halárára ; Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky ; Variations sur la mort de Trotsky

IDN  01767         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky

In: The Signet book of short plays / ed. by M.J. Weiss. (New York, NY, 2004)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Változatok Trockij halárára ; Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky ; Variations sur la mort de Trotsky

IDN  01768         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky

In: Cicada ‹Peru, Ill.› [ISSN 1097-4008] 7.2005 (3) : pp. 77-87

Other ed., versions, transl.: Változatok Trockij halárára ; Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky ; Variations sur la mort de Trotsky

IDN  01769         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Ives, David: Variations sur la mort de Trotsky
/ adaptation française de Robert Cordier
In: Ives, D.: Tout est dans le timing (Martel, 1999) : pp. 84-94

Orig.: Variations on the death of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Változatok Trockij halálára ; Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky

IDN  01770         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Jaensch, Wilfried: Trotzkis Engel

In: Neue Deutsche Hefte ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0028-3142] 27.1980 (3=167) : pp. 526-537

Short story
Angl.: Trotsky's angel

IDN  01771         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Kalisky, René: Trotsky, etc... : pièce en 3 parties
. - Paris : Gallimard, 1969. - 161 pp. - (Le manteau d'harlequin [ISSN 0768-0430])
For an essay about this play see Goriely, Serge: Trotsky ou le personnage-spectateur, in: Goriely, S.: Le théâtre de René Kalisky, Bruxelles, 2008, pp. 164-184
Angl.: Trotsky etc. : a three-act play

IDN  01772         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Köhler, Kai: Trotzki auf der Bühne
: Volker Braun, Hartmut Lange, Peter Weiss
In: Das Peter-Weiss-Jahrbuch für Literatur, Kunst und Politik im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert ‹St. Ingbert› [ISSN 1438-8855] 18.2009 : pp. 109-146

Notes: 45
Critical discussion of 3 German plays about Trotsky written between 1968 and 1972: "Trotzki im Exil" by P. Weiss, "Trotzki in Coyoacan" by H. Lange, and "T." by Volker Braun
Angl.: Trotsky on stage

IDN  01773         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Kolčanov, Vladimir Viktorovič: "Trockisty" : literaturno-političeskij fars i satiričeskie sredstva ego vyraženija v povesti M.A. Bulgakova "Rokovye jajca"
. - [1-2]
In: Neofilologija = Neophilology ‹Tambov› [ISSN 2587-6953] 14.2018 (3) : pp. 45-58 ; 14.2018 (4) : pp. 60-71

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: "Trotskyists" : literature and political farce and satirical means of its expression in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The fatal eggs"

IDN  01774         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Koljazin, Vladimir Fedorovič: Peter Vajs i Fol'ker Braun : dve p"esy pro Trockogo
/ Vladimir Koljazin
In: Teatr' ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0040-0777 - 0131-6885] 2012 (8) : pp. 74-83

Angl.: Peter Weiss and Volker Braun : two pieces for Trotsky

IDN  01775         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Kopp, Harry W.: Trotsky in the Bronx

In: Bellevue Literary Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1537-5048] 12.2012 (1) : pp. 9-15

Short story
With this work, his first work of fiction, the author won the 2012 Goldenberg prize for Fiction

IDN  01776         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Krevolin, Richard W.: Trotsky's garden
. - [S.l., s.d.]. - 87 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
A two-act magical realist play with romance and the intrigue of a political assassination. - According to the "Catalog of copyright entries" it was created in 1993, registered under copyright no. PAu-0017922642 by the U.S. Copyright Off. and constantly rewritten since then. - Copies may be requested from the author by e-mail contact via or
Related work see author's "The wings of love"

IDN  01777         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Krevolin, Richard W.:
The wings of love. - [S.l., s.d.]. - 107 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
A magical realist screenplay with romance and the intrigue of a political assassination. - Constantly rewritten since the 1990s. - Copies may be requested from the author by e-mail contact via or
Related work see author's "Trotsky's garden"

IDN  01778         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Kumar, Amitava: Trotsky in the park

In: Rethinking Marxism ‹Place of publication varies› [ISSN 0893-5696] 9.1996 (1) : pp. 75-79


IDN  01779         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
La Botz, Dan: Trotsky in Tijuana
. - St. Petersburg, Flo. : BookLocker, 2020. - 472 pp.
ISBN 978-1-64718-738-5

A counter-historical novel

IDN  01780         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Lange, Hartmut: Trotzki in Coyoacan
. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. der Autoren, [1971]. - 79 pp.

IDN  01781         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Lange, Hartmut: Trotzki in Coyoacan

In: Spielplatz : Jahrbuch für Theater ‹Berlin› 1.1971/72 (1972) : pp. 117-137

IDN  01782         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Lange, Hartmut: Trotzki in Coyoacan

In: Theater heute ‹Velber› [ISSN 0040-5507] 13.1972 (3) : pp. 49-56

IDN  01783         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Lange, Hartmut: Trotzki in Coyoacan

In: Lange, H.: Theaterstücke 1960-1972. (Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1973) : pp. 277-306

IDN  01784         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Leon Trotsky
: from Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - 37 KB (5 pp.)
Article from a website satirizing the well-known "Wikipedia" websites. For Wikipedia articles about Trotsky see chapter 1.4
Modified March 7, 2007
Accessed March 20, 2007

IDN  01785         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Listopad, František: Kaninchen
/ mit Linoschnitten von Zoppe Voskuhl. [Übers. aus dem Tschech.: Eduard Schreiber]. - Berlin : Corvinus-Presse, 2007. - [11] pp.
ISBN 978-3-910172-98-2

Angl.: Rabbits

IDN  01786         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Lucía Megías, José Manuel:
Los últimos días de Trotski. - Madrid : Calambur, 2015. - 86 pp. - (Calambur poesía ; 148)
ISBN 978-84-8359-353-0

Angl.: The last days of Trotsky

IDN  01787         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Lysfjord, Christian: "Trotsky" i et minnepolitisk perspektiv
: framstillingen av Trotskij og Den russiske revolusjon på russisk TV. - V, 58 pp.
Tromsø, Univ. i Tromsø, Mastergradsopp., 2020
Bibliogr.: pp. 56-58
Notes: 122
Angl.: [The 2017 Russian TV film] "Trotsky" and its domestic policy perspective

IDN  01788         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Das Mädchen und der Mörder : die Ermordung Trotzkis [Film] / ein Film von Joseph Losey. [Screenplay: Nicholas Mosley. Participants: Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider et al.]. - [S.l.] : Fernsehjuwelen, 2019. - 1 DVD, running time: 99 min.
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'assassinat de Trotsky ; The assassination of Trotsky
Angl.: The girl and the murderer

IDN  01789         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Makedonov, D. A.: Reprezentacija obraza L.D. Trockogo v sovetskom kinematografe perioda 1918-1953 gg.

In: Čelovek, soobščestva, gosudarstva v social'no-gumanitarnych issledovanijach / otv. red. V.V. Raskolec. (Tomsk, 2023) : pp. 75-80

Paper originally submitted to the XVIII Vserossijskaja (s Meždunarodnym Učastiem) Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov, Magistrantov, Aspirantov i Molodych Učenych, Tomsk, Apr. 19-21, 2023
Angl.: Representation of the image of L.D. Trotsky in the Soviet cinema of the period 1918-1953

IDN  01790         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Malbin, Joshua: Trotsky's ghost
. - III, 75 pp.
Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 2001
Director of thesis: Alice McDermott
First 3 chapters of a not yet finished work of fiction (according to letter from author). Such a work could not be found (as at Jan. 2023)

IDN  01791         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Martin, Jay: Trial days in Coyoacán

In: The Antioch Review ‹Yellow Springs, Ohio› [ISSN 0003-5769] 59.2001 (3) : pp. 550-563


IDN  01792         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Masliev, Jurij Konstantinovič: Ubit' Trockogo
/ Jurij Masliev. - Moskva [etc.] : Izd-vo AST, 2013. - 379 pp. - (Istoričeskaja fantasma)
ISBN 978-5-17-077157-8 - ISBN 978-5-9725-2391-7


IDN  01793         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Masters, Hilary: Trotsky's house

In: Ohio Review ‹Athens, Ohio› [ISSN 0360-1013] 1991 (46) : pp. 9-31

IDN  01794         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Masters, Hilary: Trotsky's house

In: Masters, H.: Success : new and selected stories. (New York, NY, 1992)

IDN  01795         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Meliá Grau, Francisco José:
El rugido silenciado. - Madrid : Atlantis, 2007. - 315 pp. - (Narrativa)
ISBN 978-84-96621-32-9

Angl.: The silenced yelling

IDN  01796         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Mel'ničenko, Michail Anatol'evič: Lenin i Trockij v sovetskom političeskom anekdote 1920-ch gg.
/ M.A. Mel'ničenko
In: Novyj istoričeskij vestnik = The New Historical Bulletin ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2072-9286] 2009 (22) : pp. 29-33

Notes: 26
Angl.: Lenin and Trotsky in the Soviet political jokes of the 1920s

IDN  01797         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Meyers, Jeffrey: Orwell and Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - 179 KB (6 pp.)
Dated May 4, 2022. Accessed Apr. 1, 2024

IDN  01798         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Michaels, Leonard: Trotsky's garden

In: Michaels, L.: I would have saved them. (New York, NY, 1975) : pp. 105-109

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkis Garten
Short story

IDN  01799         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Michaels, Leonard: Trotzkis Garten

In: Michaels, L.: Trotzkis Garten. (Reinbek b. Hamburg, 1978) : pp. 65-66

Orig.: Trotsky's garden
Short story

IDN  01800         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Mosley, Nicholas:
L' assassinio di Trotsky / sceneggiatura di Nicholas Mosley e Masolino D'Amico
In: Chilanti, F.: Trotzkij vivo. (Bologna, 1972) : pp. 155-192

Screenplay for Joseph Losey's film about Trotsky's assassination
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  01801         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Mraz, John: Killing Trotsky, reviving Mercader
[Electronic resource]
In: Filmhistoria online : revista de historia y cine [Electronic journal] ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 2014-668X] 2016 (2) : pp. 7-14 (5.3 MB)

Notes: 11
With Engl. and Span. abstracts
[...] examines the historical portrayal of the assassination of Leon Trotsky, and the figure of his killer, Ramon Mercader, in 3 different forms: the films "El elegido" (Chavarrías, 2016) and "The Assassination of Trotsky" (Losey, 1972), and the novel "The man who loved dogs" (Padura, 2009) ... [from the Engl. abstract]
Accessed Febr. 5, 2017

IDN  01802         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Müller, Artur:
Die Sonne, die nicht aufging : Schuld und Schicksal Leo Trotzkis. - Stuttgart : Cotta, 1959. - 509 pp.
Angl.: The sun which didn't rise : Leon Trotsky's guilt and destiny

IDN  01803         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Muñiz-Huberman, Angelina: Trotsky en Coyoacán
. - México, D.F. : Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado, 2000. - 123 pp. - (Biblioteca del ISSSTE : Ya leissste?)
ISBN 968-825-374-X - ISBN 978-968-825-374-8

Short stories
Angl.: Trotsky in Coyoacán

IDN  01804         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Nash, Gerald Mark: With Trotsky in Vienna
: a play in two scenes. - ? : ?, 1996. - 32 pp.
Catalogue data from "Catalog of copyright entries"; registered on Nov. 5, 1997 by U.S. Copyright Office under copyright no. PAu002239015; doubtful whether factually publ. or not

IDN  01805         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Neufeldt, Leonard: Trotsky explains Lenin to Frida Kahlo

In: Queen's Quarterly ‹Kingston, Ont.› [ISSN 0033-6041] 118.2011 (1) : pp. 150-151


IDN  01806         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Onderdelinden, Sjaak: Zweimal Trotzki
: zu den Theaterstücken von Peter Weiss und Hartmut Lange
In: Onderdelinden, S.: Geschichte auf der Bühne. (Berlin, 2004) : pp. 177-192

Critical discussion of 2 German plays written between 1968 and 1972: "Trotzki im Exil" by P. Weiss, and "Trotzki in Coyoacan" by H. Lange
Angl.: Trotsky twice

IDN  01807         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo: Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata
: roman / lrevod om ispanski: Venceslav Ninolov. - Plovdiv : Żanet 45, 2014. - 874 pp. - (Kubinskata Loredica)
ISBN 978-954-491-998-6 - ISBN 978-954-491-998-8

Orig.: El hombre que amaba a los perros
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui aimait les chiens ; The man who loved dogs ; Der Mann, der Hunde liebte ; Mande, der elskede hunde ; Mies joka rakastri koiria
Angl.: The man who loved dogs

IDN  01808         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo:
El hombre que amaba a los perros. - Barcelona : Tusquets Ed., 2009. - 573 pp. - (Colección Andanzas ; 700)
ISBN 978-84-8383-136-6 - ISBN 84-8383-136-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui aimait les cheins ; The man who loved dogs ; Der Mann, der Hunde liebte ; Manden, der elskede hunde ; Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata ; Mies joka rakastri koiria
Note: Other/later Span. editions have been considered only partially
Angl.: The man who loved dogs

IDN  01809         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo:
El hombre que amaba a los perros. - Barcelona : Tusquets Ed., 2014. - 765 pp. - (Maxi)
ISBN 978-84-8383-953-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui aimait les chiens ; The man who loved dogs ; Der Mann, der Hunde liebte ; Manden, der elskede hunde ; Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata ; Mies joka rakastri koiria
Note: Other Span. editions have been considered only partially
Angl.: The man who loved dogs

IDN  01810         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo:
L' homme qui aimait les chiens / trad. de l'espagnol (Cuba) par René Solis [et al.]. - Paris : Ed. Métailié, 2011. - 670 pp. - (Bibliothèque hispano-américaine [ISSN 0295-0154])
ISBN 978-2-86424-755-5

Orig.: El hombre que amaba a los perros
Other ed., versions, transl.: The man who loved dogs ; Der Mann, der Hunde liebte ; Manden, der elskede hunde ; Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata ; Mies joka rakastri koiria
Angl.: The man who loved dogs

IDN  01811         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo:
The man who loved dogs : a novel / transl. from the Span. by Anna Kushner. - New York, NY : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015. - 576 pp.
ISBN 978-0-374-53507-0

Orig.: El hombre que amaba a los perros
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui aimait les chiens ; Der Mann, der Hunde liebte ; Manden, der elskede hunde ; Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata ; Mies joka rakastri koiria
Brit. ed. publ. by Bitter Lemon Pr., London, 2014

IDN  01812         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo: Mande, der elskede hunde
: roman / overs.: Rigmor Kappel Schmidt. - Rødovre : Sohn, 2011. - 780 pp.
ISBN 978-87-71220-16-2 - ISBN 978-87-71220-16-X

Orig.: El hombre que amaba a los perros
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui aimait les chiens ; The man who loved dogs ; Der Mann, der Hunde liebte ; Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata ; Mies joka rakastri koiria
Angl.: The man who loved dogs

IDN  01813         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo:
Der Mann, der Hunde liebte / aus dem kubanischen Span. von Hans-Joachim Hartstein. - Zürich : Unionsverl., 2011. - 737 pp.
ISBN 978-3-293-00425-2

Orig.: El hombre que amaba a los perros
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui aimait les chiens ; The man who loved dogs ; Manden, der elskede hunde ; Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata ; Mies joka rakastri koiria
Angl.: The man who loved dogs

IDN  01814         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo:
Der Mann, der Hunde liebte : Roman / aus dem kubanischen Span. von Hans-Joachim Hartstein. - Zürich : Unionsverl., 2012. - 730 pp. - (Unionsverlag-Taschenbuch ; 579)
ISBN 978-3-293-20579-6

Orig.: El hombre que amaba a los perros
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui aimait les chiens ; The man who loved dogs ; Manden, der elskede hunde ; Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata ; Mies joka rakastri koiria

IDN  01815         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Padura, Leonardo: Mies joka rakastri koiria
/ suomentanut Jyrki Lappi-Seppälä. - Helsinki : Like, [2023]. - 633 pp.
ISBN 978-951-1-42789-6

Orig.: El hombre que amaba a los perros
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui aimait les chiens ; The man who loved dogs ; Manden, der elskede hunde ; Čovek"t, koito obicaše kucetata ; Der Mann, der Hunde liebte
Angl.: The man who loved dogs

IDN  01816         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Paporov, Yuri: Frida - poslednaja ljubovnica Trockogo
/ Ju. Paporov. - Moskva : Vagrius, 2004. - 301 pp.
ISBN 5-9560-0088-0

Angl.: Frida - Trotsky's last lover

IDN  01817         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Paporov, Yuri: Pokušenie na Trockogo
/ Jurij Paporov. - [1-4]
In: Ogonek ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0030-0721] 1990 (34=3292) : pp. 10-13; 1990 (35=3293) : pp. 22-24; 1990 (36=3294) : pp. 8-11; 1990 (37=3295) : pp. 9-12

Other ed., versions, transl.: Prestuplenie v prigorode Mechiko
Angl.: Attempt on Trotsky

IDN  01818         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Paporov, Yuri: Prestuplenie v prigorode Mechiko
/ Ju. Paporov
In: Pokušenie, ili Ubijstvo po političeskim motivam / sost.: V.T. Vol'skij. (Minsk, 1993) : pp. 339-402

Orig.: Pokušenie na Trockogo
Angl.: Crime in a Mexican suburb

IDN  01819         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Paporov, Yuri: Prestuplenie v prigorode Mechiko
/ Ju. Paporov
In: Tainy političeskich ubijstv / sost.: V.T. Vol'skij. (Rostov-na-Donu, 1997)

Orig.: Pokušenie na Trockogo

IDN  01820         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Paulin, Tom: Trotsky in Finland

In: Paulin, T.: The strange museum. (London [etc.], 1980) : pp. 29-30


IDN  01821         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Pollak, Lillian:
The sweetest dream : love, lies & assassination ; a novel of the thirties. - New York, NY : iUniverse, 2009. - VI, 370 pp.
ISBN 978-0-5954-9069-1

IDN  01822         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Pronin, Aleksandr Alekseevič: Lev Trockij kak geroj revoljucionno-biografičeskogo kinonarrativa
: versii rossijskich i nemeckich dokumentalistov
In: Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta : Jazyk i literatura ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 2541-9358] 15.2018 (2) : pp. 289-299

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Lev Trockij as a hero of the revolutionary-biographical film narrative

IDN  01823         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Puga Imaña, Mario A.: Elegía a la muerte de León Trotsky
/ M.A. Puga. - [Lima : Impr. Juan la Cotera, 1941]. - 25 pp.
7 poems
Angl.: Elegy on the death of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01824         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Pulzer, Peter: David Leontievic und Anna Bronstein an ihren Sohn Lev Davidovic (Trotzkij) (1907)
/ [Übers. aus dem Engl.: Tobias Grill]
In: Wenn Du geschrieben hättest, Josephus : ungeschriebene Briefe der jüdischen Geschichte / hrsg. von M. Brenner. (München, 2005) pp. 96-98

A fictionized letter of Trotsky's parents to their son Lev Davidovich (Trotsky)

IDN  01825         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Radosza, Sándor: Comedia mexicana
: Tragikomödie in zwei Aufzügen [Electronic resource]. - 286 KB (53 pp.)
Dated 1996
Accessed May 30, 2006
Angl.: A Mexican comedy

IDN  01826         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Reyes, Pedro:
La revolución permanente : una comedia de enredos ideológicos = The permanent revolution. - Ecatepec : Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo, [2014]. - 319 pp.
ISBN 978-607-8335-07-7 - ISBN 607-8335-07-3

Publ. on the occasion of the exhibition "The Permanent Revolution, an Ideological Screwball Comedy", held at the Museo Jumex, Ciudad de México, May 18 - June 15, 2014
Text Span. and Engl.

IDN  01827         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Rinnekangas, Rax: Leo Trotskin ajastin
. - Helsinki : Lurra Ed., [2018]. - 486 pp.
ISBN 978-952-5850-78-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky's stopwatch

IDN  01828         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Rinnekangas, Rax: Leon Trotsky's stopwatch
/ transl. by Lola Rogers. - Helsingfors : Lurra Ed., 2020. - 502 pp.
ISBN 978-952-7380-14-7

Orig.: Leo Trotskin ajastin

IDN  01829         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Roberts, Maree F.:
The impossible history of Trotsky's sister. - [Melbourne] : RR Imprint, 2021. - IV, 280 pp.
ISBN 978-0-6451533-1-6


IDN  01830         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Rogačevskij, Andrej Borisovič: K probleme perevodimosti "smešnogo" : anekdoty o Trockom
/ Andrej Rogačevskij ; Kennet U. Uilson
In: Program och resuméer / Fjortonde Nordiska Slavistmötet = Programma i tezisy / XIV Konferencija Skandinavskich Slavistov. ([Helsinki], 1997] : p. [133]

Notes: 10
Russ. summary/abstract of an English language oral contribution to the 14th Nordiska Slavistmötet, held at Helsinki on Aug. 17-23, 1997
Angl.: The problem of translating "humour" : anecdotes on Trotsky

IDN  01831         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Rogačevskij, Andrej Borisovič: Lev Trotsky in anecdotes, jokes and chatushkas
/ Andrei Rogachevskii and Kenneth W. Wilson
In: The New Zealand Slavonic Journal ‹Wellington› [ISSN 0028-8683] 1999 : pp. 375-384

Notes: 35

IDN  01832         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Rogačevskij, Andrej Borisovič: Trotsky in anecdotes
/ Andrei Rogachevskii & Kenneth W. Wilson
In: Journal of Trotsky Studies ‹Glasgow› [ISSN 1358-1295] 4.1996 : pp. 15-30

Notes: 49

IDN  01833         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Rojas, Rafael: Trotski y Cuba
: política, ficción e historia en la era pos-soviética
In: Revista iberoamericana ‹Pittsburgh› [ISSN 0034-9631] 85.2019 (269) : pp. 1257-1270

Table of contents: p. 1258 Stalinismo y trotskismo en Cuba -- p.1264 El Ethos de la ambivalencia -- p.1268 Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 1268-1270
Notes: 4
Chiefly an analysis of Leonardo Padura's novel "El hombre que amaba los perros" (2009)
Angl.: Trotsky and Cuba : politics, fiction, and history in the post-Soviet era

IDN  01834         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Romano, Rafael: Trotsky ultimado en Coyoacán
: la conspiración insospechada. - Montevideo : Latraeñe Ed., 2009. - 255 pp.
ISBN 978-9974-80568-2

Bibliogr.: p.253
Angl.: Trotsky killed in Coyoacán : the unexpected conspiracy

IDN  01835         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Rosenthal, Chuck P.:
The hammer, the sickle and the heart : Trotsky and Kahlo in Mexico ; a novel / C.P. Rosenthal. - Meadow Vista, Cal. : LettersAt3amPress, 2020. - 222 pp.
ISBN 978-1-733378-92-5

IDN  01836         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Satow, Roberta: Two sisters of Coyoacán
. - [New York, NY : Author, 2017]. - 306 pp.
ISBN 978-0-9989771-0-2 - ISBN 0-9989771-0-1

Novel. The fictional characters "Lilly and Gertie Abramovitz" are based on Ruth and Sylvia Ageloff

IDN  01837         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Schlossman, Marc: Trotsky's troubled daughter
: Ken McMullen discusses Zina / Marc Schlossman and Janine di Giovanni
In: Cineaste ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0009-7004] 16.1987/88 (1/2) : pp. 44-45

About Ken McMullen's film "Zina"

IDN  01838         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Sierens, Arne:
Los muertesitos = Onze lieve doden. - Antwerpen : Dedalus, 1988. - 53 pp. - (Kroniek XX)
ISBN 90-70924-89-7 - ISBN 978-90-70924-89-8

Play about the murder of Zapata and Trotsky in Mexico
Angl.: Our beloved deceased

IDN  01839         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Starger, Stephen Jay:
The man who knew Trotsky. - ? : ?, 1996. - 71 pp.
Catalogue data from "Catalog of copyright entries"; registered on Apr. 5, 1996 by U.S. Copyright Office under copyright no. PAu002075788; doubtful whether factually publ. or not

IDN  01840         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Steiger, Dominik:
Der Mann aus der Eiszeit
In: Steiger, D.: Die verbesserte Große Sozialistische Oktoberrevolution : eine Festschrift mit Bildern von Walter Zimbrich. (Berlin, 1967)

Angl.: The man from the ice age

IDN  01841         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Steiger, Dominik: Trotzkij in Hütteldorf

In: Steiger, D.: Die verbesserte Große Sozialistische Oktoberrevolution : eine Festschrift mit Bildern von Walter Zimbrich. (Berlin, 1967)

IDN  01842         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Tremblay, Bill: Shooting script
: door of fire ; poetry. - Spokane, Wash. : Eastern Washington Univ. Pr., 2003. - 86 pp.
ISBN 0-910055-91-2

IDN  01843         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Trotzki in Coyoacan
[Sound recording] / [Script:] Hartmut Lange. Regie: Robert Matejka. Mitw.: D. Borsche, K. Tüschen, R. Deltgen [et al.]. - [Berlin] : RIAS, 1976. - 1 DVD-ROM, running time: 1 h 9 min
Radio play based upon Hartmut Lange's drama with the same title.

IDN  01844         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Unruh, Fritz von: Meine Begegnung mit Trotzki im Jahre 1930
: geschrieben 1963
In: Unruh, F. von: Sämtliche Werke. 7. (Berlin, 1970) : pp. 299-443, 462-469

Not identical with author's "Begegnung mot Trotzki" [see ch. 2.4]
Angl.: My encounter with Trotsky in 1930

IDN  01845         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Veterkov, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Obraz Trockogo v poėzii pervogo postrevoljucionnogo desjatiletija

In: Sovremennaja nauka : Ser. Gumanitarnye nauki ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2223-2982] 2023 (11) : pp. 16-20

Bibliogr.: pp. 19-20
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: The image of Trotsky in the poetry of the first post-revolutionary decade

IDN  01846         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trocki v izgnanie
/ Peter Vajs. Prevod ot nemski Vladko Murdarov. - Sofija : Black Flamingo Publ., 2012. - 111 pp.
ISBN 978-954-2915-11-9

Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij v izgnanii ; Trockij v exilu ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01847         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trockij v exilu
/ z nemeckého orig. prel. Josef Balvin. - Praha : Dilia, 1990. - 203 pp. - (Informativní edice Dilia ; 328)
ISBN 80-203-0142-9

Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01848         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trockij v izgnanii
/ Peter Vajs. Perevod s nemeckogo Jurija Ginzburga
In: Teatr' ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0040-0777 - 0131-6885] 1990 (4) : pp. 132-168

Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01849         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotsci'n alltud
/ cyfieithiad gan Ian Hilton [et al.]. - [Cardiff] : Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru ar ran Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, 1979. - XVI, 150 pp. - (Dramâu'r byd [ISSN 0141-1179])
ISBN 0-7083-0701-9

Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01850         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotskij i exil
/ övers. av Karin Johannisson. - Staffanstorp : Cavefors, 1970. - 168 pp. - (Bocserien)
Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01851         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotskij in esilio
: dramma in 2 atti / trad. di Enrico Filippini. - Torino : Einaudi, 1970. - 140 pp.
Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnaiii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01852         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotsky en el exilio
: pieza en dos actos / versión española de Pablo Sorozábal Serrano [et al.]. - México, D.F. : Grijalbo, 1970. - 189 pp.
Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu : Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01853         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotsky en exil
/ trad. de l'allemand par Philippe Ivernel. - Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 1970. - 176 pp.
Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01854         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotsky in exile
/ transl. by Geoffrey Skelton. - London : Methuen, 1971. - 123 pp. - (Methuen's modern plays)
ISBN 0-416-16630-X - ISBN 0-416-16620-2

Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil

IDN  01855         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotsky in exile
: a play / transl. by Geoffrey Skelton. - New York, NY : Atheneum, 1972. - 123 pp.
Orig.: Trotzki im Exil
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil

IDN  01856         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotzki im Exil
: Stück in 2 Akten. - Frankfurt a.M. : Suhrkamp, 1970. - 144 pp. - (Bibliothek Suhrkamp ; 255)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01857         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotzki im Exil
: Stück in 2 Akten. - 11.-14. Tsd. - Frankfurt a.M. : Suhrkamp, 1972. - 144 pp. - (Bibliothek Suhrkamp ; 255)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01858         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotzki im Exil
: Stück in 2 Akten
In: Weiss, P.: Werke in sechs Bänden. 6. (Frankfurt a.M., 1991) : pp. 7-107

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v ignanii ; Trockij v exilu ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01859         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Weiss, Peter: Trotzki im Exil
: Stück in 2 Akten. - Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2016. - 144 pp. - (Bibliothek Suhrkamp ; 255)
ISBN 978-3-518-24077-9 - ISBN 3-518-24077-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trocki v izgnanie ; Trockij v exilu ; Trockij v izgnanii ; Trotsci'n alltud ; Trotskij i exil ; Trotskij in esilio ; Trotsky en el exilio ; Trotsky en exil ; Trotsky in exile

IDN  01860         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Wesker, Lawrence Lee: Trotsky
. - [? : ?], 1994. - 187 pp.
Catalogue data from "Catalog of copyright entries"; registered on March 21, 1994 by U.S. Copyright Office under copyright no. PAu001844460; doubtful whether factually publ. or not

IDN  01861         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Williams, Mark Van Aken:
The prophet of sorrow. - 2. ed. - [Harbor Springs, Mich.] : Tyler's Field, 2014. - 156 pp.
ISBN 978-0-9855870-6-2


IDN  01862         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Wolfe, Bernard:
The great prince died : a novel. - New York, NY : Scribner, 1959. - 398 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky dead

IDN  01863         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Wolfe, Bernard:
The great prince died / with a new foreword by William T. Vollmann. - Chicago, Ill. [etc.] : Univ. of Chicago Pr., 2015. - 416 pp.
ISBN 978-0-226-26064-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky dead
An adaptation of Vollman's afterword was electronically publ. with title "The Trotsky paradox", URL:

IDN  01864         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Wolfe, Bernard: Trotsky dead
. - Los Angeles, Cal. : Wollstonecraft, 1975. - 372 pp.
Orig.: The great prince died

IDN  01865         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Wolff, Jorge H.:
As cinzas de Trotsky : Paulo Leminski, o real e a imaginação política [Electronic resource]
In: Cultura : debates y perspectivas de un mundo en cambio [Electronic journal] ‹Santa Fe› [ISSN 2362-5538] 2019 (13) : pp. 69-82

Notes: 11
Accessed July 25, 2022
Angl.: The ashes of Trotsky : Paulo Leminski, the real and the political imagination

IDN  01866         LLTB  Chapter  2.5
Young-Tulin, Lois:
The ghost of Leon Trotsky : a novel. - New York, NY : iUniverse, 2008. - VII, 208 pp.
ISBN 978-0-595-47794-4 - ISBN 978-0-595-71352-3

"Rich with historical detail, The ghost of Leon Trotsky is a brilliant examination of how six people come to terms with their individual and collective pasts and presents" [from the back cover]

IDN  01867        Zina   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

LLTB Chapter  2.6

IDN  01868        Ali, Tariq: Introducing Trotsky and Marxism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01869        Ali, Tariq: Leon Trotsky : an illustrated introduction   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01870        Ali, Tariq: Trotskij for begyndere   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01871        Ali, Tariq: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01872        Ali, Tariq: Trotsky for beginners   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01873        Ali, Tariq: Trotsky para principiantes   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01874        Ali, Tariq: Trotsky pour débutants   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01875        Ali, Tariq: Trotzki für Anfänger   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01876        Ali, Tariq: Trotzki für Anfänger*innen   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01877         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Becker von Sothen, Hans: Wo ist Trotzki?
: die sowjetischen Bildfälschungen der Stalinzeit (1924-1953)
In: Becker von Sothen, H.: Bild-Legenden : Fotos machen Politik. (Graz, 2013) : pp. 104-108

Angl.: Where is Trotsky?

IDN  01878        Bednyj, Dem'jan: Pljunut' nekogda   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01879        Caumanns, Ute: Der Teufel in Rot   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01880        Dugrand, Alain: Trotski : México 1937-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01881        Dugrand, Alain: Trotsky : Mexico 1937-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01882        Dugrand, Alain: Trotsky in Mexico   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01883         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Durán Moncada, Cristóbal:
Una lucha en imágenes : el caso Trotsky-Stalin 1924-1940 [Electronic resource]
In: Verbum et lingua [Electronic journal] ‹Guadalajara› [ISSN 2007-7319] 2015 (5) : pp. 66-91 (18 KB)

Notes: 42
Angl.: A struggle in images

IDN  01884         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Efimov, Boris Efimovič: Političeskie karikatury 1924-1934
/ B.E. Efimov. - Moskva : Rosspen Izd-vo Sov. Pisatel', 1935. - 185 pp.

IDN  01885         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky en imágenes

In: Sudestada : cultura, política y actualidad ‹Lomas de Zamora› 7.2007 (65) : pp. 40-43

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in images

IDN  01886         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky in images
[Electronic resource] / transl. by José Barúa. - 33 KB (5 pp.)
Orig.: Trotsky en imágenes
Transl. dated May 2008
Part of "The Lubitz TrotskyanaNet" website

IDN  01887         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
García, Manuel: Iconografía de un magnicidio

In: Letra internacional ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0213-4721] 2010 (107) : pp. 44-61

On pp. 45-61 some twenty photographs chiefly depicting the assassination of Trotsky and his assassin
Angl.: Iconography of a regicide

IDN  01888        Geary, Rick: Trotsky : a graphic biography   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01889         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Golubev, Aleksandr Vladimirovič: Sovetskaja političeskaja karikatura 1920-1930-ch gg.
/ A.V. Golubev
In: Rossijskaja istorija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-5687] 2018 (6) : pp. 84-102

Notes: 84
Angl.: Soviet political caricature of the 1920s and 1930s

IDN  01890         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Gubern, Román:
La representación audiovisual de León Trotsky
In: Letra internacional ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0213-4721] 2010 (107) : pp. 38-43

Angl.: The audiovisual representation of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01891        Hughes, James: Spectres of Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01892         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Jakupi, Gani:
Les amants de Sylvia / un récit écrit et dessiné par Gani Jakupi. - [Paris] : Futuropolis, 2010. - 66 pp.
ISBN 978-2-7548-0304-5

Graphic novel
Angl.: Sylvia's lovers

IDN  01893        Kazanceva, Angelina Michajlovna: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v SSSR v zerkale vizual'nych agitacionno-satiriceskich materialov 1920-1930-ch gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  01894         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
King, David: Trockij : fotografii iz kollekcii Davida Kinga
/ tekst Džejmsa Rajna. - Ekaterinburg : SV-96 ; Cambridge, Mass. : Iskra Research, 2000. - [3], 171, [9] pp. [chiefly ill.]
ISBN 5-89516-100-6 - ISBN 978-5-89516-100-5
ISBN 1-883468-07-8

On cover: Trockij : biografija v fotodokumentach
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky - a photographic biography
An Engl. transl. of the text accompanying this album is available in the WWW (49 KB, accessed Nov. 25,2007), URL:
Angl.: Trotsky : photographs from the David King Collection

IDN  01895         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
King, David: Trotsky
/ iconographie et mise en page de David King. Texte de Pierre Broué. - Paris : E.D.I., 1979. - [272] pp. [chiefly ill.]
ISBN 2-85139-052-X

Chiefly photographs from the David King Collection, London

IDN  01896         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
King, David: Trotsky : a documentary
/ Francis Wyndham and David King. - Harmondsworth, Mx. [etc.] : Penguin Books, 1972. - 204 pp. [chiefly ill.]
ISBN 0-14-003522-2

Chiefly photographs from the David King Collection, London

IDN  01897         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
King, David: Trotsky : a documentary
/ Francis Wyndham and David King. - London [etc.] : Lane, 1972. - 204 pp. [chiefly ill.]
ISBN 0-71-390334-1

Chiefly photographs from the David King Collection, London

IDN  01898         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
King, David: Trotsky : a documentary
/ Francis Wyndham and David King. - New York, NY : Praeger, 1972. - 204 pp. [chiefly ill.]
Chiefly photographs from the David King Collection, London

IDN  01899         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
King, David: Trotsky : a photographic biography
/ commentary by James Ryan. Introd. by Tamara Deutscher. - Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell, 1986. - 334 pp. [chiefly ill.]
ISBN 0-631-14689-X

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij : biografija v fotodokumentach
Chiefly photographs from the David King Collection, London

IDN  01900         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Kurenyšev, Andrej Aleksandrovič:
Les gravures qui mentent / Andreï Kourionichev
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2000 (9) : pp. 55-63

Angl.: Pictures which lie

IDN  01901         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Leon Trotsky : a virtual exhibition
: a display of material from the University's Trotsky Collection [Electronic resource] / Glasgow University Library, Special Collections Department. [The introd., chronology and catalogue were written by David Weston, Oct. 1987, adapted for the web by Sharon Lawler, Oct. 2007. "The Trotsky Collection, a personal overview" was written by Geoffrey Swain]. - 120 KB (24 pp.)
Table of contents: Introduction - Overview of the Trotsky Collection - Chronology of Trotsky's life - Exhibition of Trotsky material
See also Trotsky : a display of material ...
Accessed Febr. 22, 2008

IDN  01902        The Leon Trotsky internet archive   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  01903         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Libera, Zbigniew: Trotsky's ice-pick
/ layout and images: Zbigniew Libera. - [Paris] : Onestar Pr., 2006. - [138] pp.
Edition limited to 250 copies; our copy is 104/250
"Le livre est un film de court-métrage et animé. Il met en scène un groupe de personnages en costume-cravate dont l'un au premier plan exhibe [...] le pic à glace qui a tué Léon Trotsky. [...] Le portrait de groupe reste figé, l'image fixe, de genre, avec des gueules de western urbain des années d'avant-guerre. Le seul élément mouvant est la main qui montre l'arme blanche accrochée par une corde qui ressemble à un foulard chic, le bras se meut mais les regards restent arrimés à un point fixe situé derrière le spectateur, c'est-à-dire derrière nous" [Cited from Barak, Ani: Trotsky's ice-pick, in: Afterart News (Paris), 2006 (4), p. 9]

IDN  01904        McCallum, Alasdair: Perviy Kanal's 'Trotsky' and the "Atlanticisation" of Leon Trotsky's legacy   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01905        McCluskey, Kirsty: Lev Bronstein : a life in pictures   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01906        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotsky in exile   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01907         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Il profeta bestemmiato / a cura di Mario Accolti Gil. Grandezza e limiti di Trockij / intervista con Massimo L. Salvadori
In: Mondoperaio ‹Roma› [ISSN 0392-1115] 32.1979 (11) : pp. 65-78

Angl.: The prophet outcast

IDN  01908        Rius: El diablo se llama Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01909         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Rosés Cordovilla, Sergí: Color al retrat de Trotsky per Iuri Annenkov
[Electronic resource]. - 314 KB (20 pp.)
Notes: 67
Dated Apr. 1, 2020
Accessed Apr. 2, 2020

IDN  01910         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Spadari, Giangiacomo:
La rosa e il leone : 20 opere di Giangiacomo Spadari sull'assassinio di Rosa Luxemburg e Leone Trotsky ; [dal 9 nov. al 9 dic. 1972 alla Galleria Schwarz, Milano]. - Milano : Schwarz, 1972. - 87 pp. - (Catalogo / Galleria Schwarz ; 121)
Exhibition catalogue
Text in Engl., French and Ital.
Publ. as an electronic resource with Span. text, URL:
Angl.: The rose and the lion : 20 works of Giangiacomo Spadari ...

IDN  01911         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Trotsky : a display of material from the University's Trotsky Collection
/ Glasgow University Library [, Special Collections Dept.]. [Introd. signed] D.W. [i.e. David Weston]. - [Glasgow : University Library, 1987]. - [9]pp.
Date of exhibition at Glasgow University Library: Oct. 26 - Dec. 18, 1987. - Note: no illustrations
See also Leon Trotsky - a virtual exhibition

IDN  01912         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
The Trotsky-Stalin conflict ... : an exhibition of Soviet revolutionary posters, caricatures, book and ms. materials related to the Trotsky/Stalin conflict / [pres. jointly by the Hofstra University Library and the Adelphi University Library]. - Garden City, NY : Swirbul Library Gallery, Adelphi University [etc.], 1979. - XV, 43 pp.
Limited ed. of 500 copies

IDN  01913         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Istorija VKP(B) v portretach i karikaturach ee voždej
/ A.Ju. Vatlin, L.N. Malašenko. - Moskva : Rosspen, 2007. - 142 pp.
ISBN 5-8243-0768-7

Angl.: The history of the VKP(B) in portraits and caricatures of its leaders

IDN  01914         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Volkov, Vladimir: Trotsky the subject of cultural events in Russia
[Electronic resource]. - 38 KB (2 pp.)
About an exhibition in St. Peterburg, Nov./Dec. 2009
Also publ. in Russian within the WSWS website, with title "Trockij - geroj kul'turnych sobytij v Rossii"
Dated March 24, 2010
Accessed Aug. 1, 2010

IDN  01915         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Waschik, Klaus: Virtual reality
: sowjetische Bild- und Zensurpolitik als Erinnerungskontrolle in den 1930er-Jahren
In: Zeithistorische Forschungen = Studies in contemporary history ‹Göttingen› [ISSN 1612-6033] 7.2010 (1) : pp. 30-54

Notes: 33
Rev. and amended version of author's "Wo ist Trotzki?"
Angl.: Virtual reality : Soviet image and censorship policy as memory control in the 1930s

IDN  01916         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Waschik, Klaus: Wo ist Trotzki?
: Sowjetische Bildpolitik als Erinnerungskontrolle in den 1930er Jahren
In: Das Jahrhundert der Bilder / hrsg. von G. Paul. (Göttingen, 2009) : pp. 252-259

Rev. and amended version see author's "Virtual reality : sowjetische Bild- und Zensurpolitik als Erinnerungskontrolle in den 1930er-Jahren"
Angl.: Where is Trotsky?

IDN  01917         LLTB  Chapter  2.6
Waschik, Klaus: Wo ist Trotzki?
: Sowjetische Bildpolitik als Erinnerungskontrolle in den 1930er Jahren
In: Das Jahrhundert der Bilder / hrsg. von G. Paul. Sonderausg. 1. (Bonn, 2009) : pp. 252-259

Rev. and amended version see author's "Virtual reality : sowjetische Bild- und Zensurpolitik als Erinnerungskontrolle in den 1930er-Jahren"

LLTB Chapter  2.7

IDN  01918         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Archer, Jules: Trotsky : world revolutionary
. - New York, NY : Messner, 1973. - 191 pp.
ISBN 0-671-32615-5 - ISBN 0-671-32616-3

Juvenile book

IDN  01919         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Broué, Pierre: Quelques proches collaborateurs de Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (1) : pp. 61-85

Notes: 44
Angl.: Some close collaborators of Trotsky

IDN  01920         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Conte, Arthur: Staline et Trotski

In: Revue des deux mondes ‹Paris› [ISSN 0750-9278] 1980 (5) : pp. 348-355

IDN  01921         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Deutscher, Isaac:
Der bewaffnete Prophet
In: Geist und Tat ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0344-2098] 17.1962 (10) : pp. 297-303

Excerpted from Deutscher, Isaac: Trotzki, [1], Der bewaffnete Prophet, Stuttgart, 1962
Angl.: The prophet armed

IDN  01922         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Ewer, William Norman: Trotsky and his "friends"
/ W.N.E. [i.e. William Norman Ewer]
In: The Labour Monthly ‹London› [ISSN 0023-6985] 7.1925 (6) : pp. 373-375

IDN  01923         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Favati, Giuseppe: Aspettando Trockij

In: Il Ponte ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0032-423X] 36.1980 (10) : pp. 1016-1019

Angl.: Waiting for Trotsky

IDN  01924         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Funes, Bárbara: Notas sobre 'Trotsky, revolucionario sin fronteras'
: la más reciente biografía del dirigente de la revolución rusa y de la IV Internacional
In: Contra la corriente : revista marxista de teoría y política (México, D.F.) 2.2010 (2) : pp. 101-108

Table of contents: p.102 Algunos hitos de la lucha de la oposición de izquierda -- p.4 Elementos para un contrapunto entre Jean-Jacques Marie e Isaac Deustcher [recte: Deutscher] -- p.106 El ascenso de fascismo en Alemania: un punto de inflexión -- p.107 A modo de conclusión
Notes: 10
Review of Marie, Jean-Jacques: Trotsky, revolucionario sin fronteras, Buenos Aires, 2009 [originally publ. in French]
Angl.: Notes about 'Trotsky, revolutionary without limits'

IDN  01925         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Gabrusenko, Valerij Vasil'evič: Trockij i Stalin
: k 140-letiju dvuch voždej Oktjabrja / Valerij Grabusenko
In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 2020 (3) : pp. 220-229

Angl.: Trotsky and Stalin : to the 140th anniversary of two leaders of October

IDN  01926         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Garza, Hedda: Leon Trotsky
. - New York, NY [etc.] : Chelsea House Publ., 1986. - 112 pp. - (World leaders past & present)
ISBN 0-87754-444-1

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky [Engl.] ; Trotsky [Port.]
Juvenile book

IDN  01927         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Garza, Hedda: Trotsky
. - São Paulo : Nova Cultural, 1987. - 99 pp. - (Os grandes lideres do secolo XX)
Orig.: Leon Trotsky
Juvenile book

IDN  01928         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Garza, Hedda: Trotsky
. - São Paulo : Nova Cultural, 1990. - 99 pp. - (Os grandes lideres do seculo XX)
Orig.: Leon Trotsky
Juvenile book

IDN  01929         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Gold, David Louis:
A good etymology lacking only an etiology : how Leon Trotsky presumably came to call Julius Hammer Dr. M ; with remarks on Trotsky's knowledge of languages / David L. Gold
In: Beiträge zur Namenforschung ‹Heidelberg› [ISSN 0005-8114] 37.2002 (2) : pp. 185-191

Notes: 3
With Engl. and German abstracts
See also Ultan, Lloyd: The mystery of Trotsky's Bronx friends [see ch. 2.8.03]

IDN  01930         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Hervé, Pierre: Trotsky a accompli sa destinée en devenant le grand vaincu qui accuse l'histoire

In: Le Nouveau candide ‹Paris› [ISSN 0546-739X] 1962 (60) : p. 19

Angl.: Trotsky has accomplished his destiny by becoming the great defeated who accuses history

IDN  01931         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Hervé, Pierre: Trotsky, le révolutionnaire trahi par l'histoire

In: Réforme ‹Paris› [ISSN 0223-5749] 1962 (881) : p. 3

Angl.: Trotsky, the revolutionary betrayed by history

IDN  01932         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Hiller, Kurt: Stalin und Trotzki

In: Die Weltbühne ‹Berlin› 28.1932 (48) : pp. 786-791

Angl.: Stalin and Trotsky

IDN  01933        Höge, Helmut: Trotzki am Telefon   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01934         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Holz, Robert:
Der kommunistische Häretiker
In: Orientierung ‹Zürich› [ISSN 0030-5502] 33.1969 (22) : pp. 241-243

Notes: 4
Angl.: The communist heretic

IDN  01935         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Jones, Mervyn:
The permanent revolutionary
In: The New Statesman ‹London› [ISSN 0028-6842 - ISSN 0028-6834] 1969 (2008) : pp. 302-303

IDN  01936         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Kreibich, Karl: Trotzki als Jubilar
. - [1-2]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 13.1933 (18) : pp. 613-614; 13.1933 (21) : pp. 694-695

Angl.: Trotsky as jubilar

IDN  01937         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Kreibich, Karl: Von Stufe zu Stufe
: Dokumente kleinbürgerlicher Dekadenz. - [1-2]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 8.1928 (8) : pp. 149-150; 8.1928 (9) : pp. 179-180

Angl.: Step by step : documents of petty-bourgeois decadence

IDN  01938         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Krivušin, Leonid Titovič: Real'nyj obraz i virtual'nyj imidž politika : ėffekty dvulikosti L.D. Trockogo
/ L.T. Krivušin
In: Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta : Serija 12, Psichologija, sociologija, pedagogika ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 1995-0047] 2010 (2) : pp. 105-115

Angl.: Real versus virtual image of a politician : the effects of the two-facedness of Trotsky

IDN  01939         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Lee, Henry William: Trotsky : his past and future
/ H.W. Lee
In: The Review of Reviews ‹London› 71.1925 (425) : pp. 509-512

IDN  01940         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Ljudoed 20 veka : L.D. Trockij
/ Red. E.F. Mel'nik. - Moskva : Sibirskaja Blagosvonnica, [2012]. - 286 pp.
ISBN 978-5-91362-555-7

Angl.: An ogre of the 20th century : L.D. Trotsky

IDN  01941         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Ludwig, Karl: Leo Trotzki : der Aristokrat

In: Die Christengemeinschaft ‹Stuttgart› [ISSN 0009-5184] 6.1930 (March) : p. 380

Angl.: Leon Trotsky, the aristocrat

IDN  01942        Lynch, Michael: Trotsky : the permanent revolutionary   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01943         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Newman, Fred: Leon Trotsky

In: Newman, F.: Leaders of the Russian revolution. (Hove, 1981) : pp. 21-35

IDN  01944         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Newman, Fred: Leon Trotsky

In: Newman, F.: Leaders of the Russian revolution. (Morristown, NJ, 1982) : pp. 21-35

IDN  01945        Nikulin, Nikolaj Michajlovič: Trockij L.D. : otstuplenie v istoriju   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01946         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Olgin, Moissaye Joseph: Who is Trotzky?
/ Moissaye J. Olgin
In: Asia ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0891-3536] 18.1918 (March) : pp. 195-198

IDN  01947         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Papaioannou, Kostas: Pourquoi Staline réussit-il à vaincre Trotski?

In: Commentaire ‹Paris› [ISSN 0180-8214] 1979/80 (8) : p. 597

Angl.: Why could Stalin triumph over Trotsky?

IDN  01948         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Reid, John Graham: Escape!
/ John Reid. - Black Point, Nova Scotia : Fernwood, 2004. - 128 pp.
ISBN 1-552-66147-4

Juvenile book

IDN  01949        Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Lev Trockij i problema kul'ta voždja v 1917-1927 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01950         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Robbins, Michael David: Leon Trotsky
[Electronic resource] / Michael D. Robbins. - 43 KB (23 pp.)
Table of contents: Astro-rayological interpretation and charts - Quotes - Biography - Images and physiognomic interpretations
The author is known as an expert on esoteric psychology and astrology
Accessed Sept. 25, 2014

IDN  01951         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Ščerbakov, Aleksej Jur'evič: Stalin protiv Trockogo
/ A. Ščerbakov. - Moskva : Olma Media Grupp, 2013. - 451 pp.
ISBN 978-5-373-05050-0

Table of contents: p.4 Vvedenie -- p.7 Parallel'nye biografii (Paren' s gruzinskoj glubinki - Izvilistyj put' v revoljucionery - Progulki v Sibir' i obratno - Izvivy revoljucionnogo puti - Logika revoljucii - Posle buri - "Emu na sever, a mne nalevo") -- p.123 Bol'šie dela (God velikich peremen - God velikich peremen (prodolženie) - Revoljuciju my soveršili. A teper'? - Sozdatel' Krasnoj Armii - "No končilos' gluchoe neprijatye. I načalas' otkrytaja vražda - Na frontach graždanskoj - Bor'ba pod kobrom - Meždu zemlej i nebom, vojna! - My budem žit' teper' po-novomu - Načalo povorota - Novaja ataka Trockogo) -- p.289 Nezrimyj boj (Nazad v podpol'e - Pod nebom Ispanii - Pjataja kolonna - Trockizm bez Trockogo) -- p.353 Vmesto zaključenija. Stalinizm. A čto ėto takoe? -- p.359 Priloženija (p.361 Trockizm ili leninizm/I.V. Stalin -- p.384 Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'/I.V. Stalin -- p.408 Agonija kapitalizma i zadači Četvertogo Internacionala/L.D. Trockij
Angl.: Stalin versus Trotsky

IDN  01952         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Seth, Ronald: Lev Davidovich Trotsky : the eternal rebel
. - London : Dobson, 1967. - 181 pp. - (People from the past ; 7)
Juvenile book

IDN  01953         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Spilberg, Percy David:
The image of Leon Trotsky in British and American opinion, 1917-1928. - III, 104 pp.
Montréal, Qué., McGill Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1969
Table of contents: p.6 Conservative opinion -- p.42 Liberal opinion -- p.68 An image of Trotsky in British and American historiography -- p.90 Conclusion -- p.93 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 93-104

IDN  01954         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Stančev, Michail Georgievič: L. D. Trockij, Bolgarija i bolgary
= L. D. Trockij, Bălgarija i bălgarite = L. D. Trotsky, Bulgaria and the Bulgarians / Michail G. Stančev ; Georgij I. Černjavskij. - Sofija : Akad. Izd. Prof. Marin Drinov, 2008. - 354 pp.
ISBN 978-954-322-259-9 - ISBN 978-954-322-259-2

Table of contents: p.5 Vvedenie -- p.25 V načale veka -- p.110 V rjadach ob"edinennoj antistalinskoj oppozicii, v sovetskoj ssylke, na puti k fizičeskomu uničtoženiju -- p.247 L.D. Trockij i ego bolgarskie edinomyšlenniki v meždunarodnoj kommunističeskoj oppozicii -- p.349 Zaključenie -- p.352 Rezjume na bolgarskom jazyke -- p.354 Rezjume na anglijskom jazyke
With Bulgarian and Engl. summaries

IDN  01955         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Trente ans après l'assassinat de Trotsky

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 28.1970 (45) : pp. 6-7

Angl.: 30 years after Trotsky's assassination

IDN  01956         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Trockij i Stalin
: dva lika revoljucii ; razmyšlenija v svjazy so 130-letiem L. Bronštejna i I. Džugašvili ; kruglyj stol / A.V. Buzgalin [et al.]
In: Socialističeskij idel i real'nyj socializm : Lenin, Trockij, Stalin / pod obšč. red. I.G. Abramsona [et al.] (Moskva, 2011) : pp. 521-570

From a round table talk which took place in Moscow, Nov. 18, 2009

IDN  01957         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Trotsky's revolutionary optimism
: editorial comment ; on the second anniversary of Trotsky's death
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 3.1942 (8=24) : pp. 227-229

IDN  01958         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Trotzki, der Reservemann der Weltrevolution
/ Ks.
In: Das Volk : Kampfblatt für völkische Kultur und Politik ‹Berlin› 1936 : pp. 213-215

Angl.: Trotsky, the reserve man of world revolution

IDN  01959         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Vidal-Naquet, Pierre: Trotsky : un extraordinaire destin politique

In: L'Action ‹Paris› 1965 (14) : pp. 15-16

Angl.: Trotsky : an extraordinary political fate

IDN  01960         LLTB  Chapter  2.7
Whiting, Jim:
The Bolsheviks take over : Leon Trotsky
In: Whiting, J.: The Russian revolution, 1917 (Hockessin, Dela., 2007)

LLTB Chapter  2.8.01

IDN  01961        Aguinis, Marcos: El joven Liova   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01962        Aguinis, Marcos: Liova corre hacia el poder   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01963        Agunov, S.: Trockij v sibirskoj ssylke   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01964         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Aksel'rod, Julija Sergeevna: Moj ded Lev Trockij i ego sem'ja
: ličnyj vzgljad ; vospominanija, materialy, dokumenty / Julija Aksel'rod. - Moskva : Centrpoligraf, 2013. - 445 pp.
ISBN 978-5-227-04169-2

Table of contents: p.8 Vystuplenie -- p.9 Lev Davidovič Trockij. Janovka, Odessa. 1879-1929 gody -- p.122 Lev Davidovič Trockij i ego semja. Turcija, Evropa, Sovetskij Sojuz. 1929-1935 gody -- p.223 Sergej L'vovič Sedov. Moskva, Krasnojarsk, Vorkuta, Krasnojarsk. 1935-1937 gody -- p.305 Lev Trockij i Lev Sedov. Norvegija, Francija, Meksika. 1937-1940 gody -- p.390 Julija Aksel'rod. Iz zapisok poslednich let -- p.443 Zaključenie. Ot redaktora -- p.445 Ispol'zovannaja literatura
Bibliogr.: pp. 445-[446]
Angl.: My grandfather Leon Trotsky and his family

IDN  01965         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Aleksandra L'vovna Sokolovskaja 1872-1938
[Electronic resource]. - 26 KB (5 pp.)
Accessed July 20, 2018

IDN  01966        Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Lev Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01967        Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01968         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Aronsberg, Emanuel:
The extraordinary career of Leon Trotsky
In: Current History ‹New York, NY› 21.1925 (5) : pp. 665-669

Notes about the early life of Trotsky based on Ziv, G.A.: Trockij - charakteristika (po ličnym vospominanijam), New York, 1921

IDN  01969         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Bird, Cate E.: Quadrilateral defects in the Tuskulenai and Leon Trotsky cases
: skeletal trauma associated with Soviet violence in two different contexts / Cate E. Bird ; Rimantas Jankaustas
In: Case studies in forensic anthropology / H.M. Garvin [et al.], ed. (Boca Raton, Flo., 2020) : pp. 201-213

IDN  01970         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Blanchard, William Henry: Leon Trotsky : the internationalist
/ William H. Blanchard
In: Blanchard, W.H.: Revolutionary morality. (Santa Barbara, Cal. [etc.], 1984) : pp. 153-179

Table of contents: p.153 Childhood -- p.154 The sweet pain -- p.157 Intellectualism and the dynamics of delay -- p.159 Provocation -- p.163 The encounters with Lenin -- p.164 Permanent revolution -- p.166 The rebel within the party -- p.167 Union with Lenin -- p.170 The rise of authoritarianism -- p.171 Trotsky and Stalin -- p.174 Above it all -- p.175 The holding back and letting go to anger -- p.177 The suicide motive
Notes: 52

IDN  01971         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Bronštejn, Valerij Borisovič: Arbre généalogique familial
/ Valery Borissovitch Bronstein
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (41) : p. 119

Angl.: Family tree

IDN  01972         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Bronštejn, Valerij Borisovič: "Ja preklonjajus' pered dedom"
/ govorit vnuk L'va Trockogo Valerij Bronštejn
In: Rodina : istoričeskij naučno-popularnyj žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0235-7089] 1992 (5) : pp. 65-67

Interview conducted by Sergej Kudrjašov
Angl.: I bow before my grandfather

IDN  01973         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Bronštejn, Valerij Borisovič: Lev Trockij, ego bližajšie i dal'nie rodstvenniki
/ V.B. Bronštejn
In: Iz glubiny vremen : al'manach ‹Sankt-Peterburg› 1995 (4) : pp. 90-105

Notes: 40
Angl.: Leon Trotsky, his next and distant relatives

IDN  01974         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Bronštejn, Valerij Borisovič: Sem'ja Trockogo
: kratkie biografičeskie svedenija / [Valerij Borisovič Bronštejn]
In: Sedov, S.L.: "Milaja moja resnička!.." (Sankt-Peterburg [etc.], 2006) : pp. 8-10

Angl.: Trotsky's family

IDN  01975         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Bronštejn, Valerij Borisovič:
Le sort de la famille Bronstein / Valeri Bronstein
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2000 (9) : pp. 65-74

Notes: 7
Other ed., versions, transl.: Stalin and Trotsky's relatives in Russia
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Conference Trotsky after 50 years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990
Angl.: The fate of the Bronstein family

IDN  01976         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Bronštejn, Valerij Borisovič: Stalin and Trotsky's relatives in Russia
/ Valery Bronstein. [Transl. from the Russ. ms. by Brian Pearce]
In: The Trotsky reappraisal / ed. by T. Brotherstone [et al.] (Edinburgh, 1992) : pp. 8-15

Notes: 2
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le sort de la famille Bronstein
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Conference Trotsky after 50 years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  01977         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Brossat, Alain:
La tragédie des Bronstein
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1990 (1418,suppl.) : p. 11

Other ed., versions, transl.: The tragedy of the Bronstein family

IDN  01978         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Brossat, Alain:
The tragedy of the Bronstein family [Electronic resource] / [Alain Brossat. Transl. by Ted Crawford]. - 26 KB (2 pp.)
Orig.: La tragédie des Bronstein
Accessed Jan. 31, 2001. - Note: this URL applies to several articles at the same time

IDN  01979        Ceplair, Larry Stuart: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924) and Lev Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01980        Chemouni, Jacquy: Trotsky et la psychanalyse   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01981        Chemouni, Jacquy: Trotsky y el psicoanálisis   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  01982         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Chemouni, Jacquy: Trotsky, le père
: l'attitude de Trotsky à l'égard des troubles mentaux et de la psychanalyse de sa fille Zina ; (à travers une correspondance inédite) / Jacky Chemouni
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2001 (74) : pp. 39-94

Table of contents: p.39 Tragédie historique et tragédie personelle: une complémentarité étiologique -- p.47 Le double exil de Zina -- p.52 Persécution de la mémoire: entre hystérie et psychose -- p.60 Le traitement psychanalytique -- p.66 Dans l'enfermement familial -- p.76 L'illusion "thérapeutique": le retour en Russie -- p.85 Le suicide de Zina -- p.93 Conclusion
Notes: 62
Angl.: Trotsky, the father

IDN  01983         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Cohen, Stephen Alan: Leon Trotsky : a psychobiographical study
. - III, 94 pp.
Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Thesis (B.S.), 1968
Table of contents: p.III Abstract -- p.1 A preliminary glimps -- p.12 Childhood -- p.30 A model -- p.33 Odessa -- p.40 The road to Marxism -- p.51 The education of a revolutionary -- p.59 The model for a young adult -- p.62 Trotsky and the Bolsheviks -- p.72 The transition to power -- p.84 Conclusion -- p.88 Footnotes -- p.93 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 93-94
Notes: 96
Director of thesis: Lucian W. Pye

IDN  01984         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
D'Atri, Andrea:
Los exilios de Zina Bronstein, la primera hija de Trotsky [Electronic resource]. - 94 KB (5 pp.)
Accessed Aug. 13, 2021
Angl.: The exiles of Zina Bronstein, Trotsky's elder daughter

IDN  01985         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Diment, Galya: Trotsky's niece's mild rebellion?
: Vera Inber's "Kak ja byla malen'kaja"
In: Detskie čtenija ‹Ekatarinburg› [ISSN 2304-5817] 17.2020 (1) : pp. 301-319

Bibliogr.: pp. 316-319
Notes: 19
About a relative of L.D. Trotsky
Alternate title: Barchatnyj mjatež plemjannicy Trockogo? : "Kak ja byla malen'kaja" Very Inber
With Engl. and Russ. abstracts

IDN  01986         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Donkov, Igor' Petrovič: O sem'e L.D. Trockogo
/ I.P. Donkov
In: Izvestija CK KPSS : informacionnye ežemesjačnyj žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0235-7097] 1990 (2=301) : pp. 111-113

Angl.: About L.D. Trotsky's family

IDN  01987        Downs, Christine Susanna: Scenes from the life of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  01988         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max:
The character and fate of Leon Trotsky
In: Foreign Affairs ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0015-7120] 19.1941 : pp. 332-342

Other ed., versions, transl.: La personalidad de León Trotsky

IDN  01989         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max:
The character and fate of Leon Trotsky : great in time of storm
In: Eastman, M.: Heroes I have known. (New York, NY, 1942) : pp. 239-259

Other ed., versions, transl.: La personalidad de León Trotsky

IDN  01990         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max:
Il giovane Trotsky / trad. di Roberto Cruciani. - Bolsena : Massari, 2006. - 159 pp. - (Il pensiero forte ; 22)
ISBN 88-457-0231-6

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : the portrait of a youth
Other ed., versions, transl.: The young Trotsky ; La jeunesse de Trotsky

IDN  01991         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max:
La jeunesse de Trotsky
In: Contre le courant ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-3879] 2.1928 (15/17) : pp. 34-38

Preprint from author's "La jeunesse de Trotsky", Paris, 1929
Angl.: Trotsky's youth

IDN  01992         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max:
La jeunesse de Trotsky / trad. par Magdelaine Marx. - Paris : Gallimard, 1929. - IX, 214 pp. - (Les documents bleus : Notre temps ; 6)
Orig.: Leon Trotsky : the portrait of a youth
Other ed., versions, transl.: The young Trotsky ; Il giovane Trotsky

IDN  01993         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max: Leon Trotsky : the portrait of a youth
. - New York, NY : Greenberg, 1925. - VIII, 181 pp.
Table of contents: p.V Preface -- p.1 An imperious secretary -- p.14 A moral monster -- p.31 A garden of ideas -- p.57 Love and Marxism -- p.79 The work and the danger -- p.98 Solitary confinement -- p.123 Condemned to write -- p.139 The summons of Lenin -- p.155 Lenin and Trotsky -- p.167 The birth of Bolshevism
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il giovane Trotsky ; La jeunesse de Trotsky ; The young Trotsky

IDN  01994         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max: Leon Trotsky : the portrait of a youth
. - London : Faber & Gwyer, 1926. - 197 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il giovane Trotsky ; La jeunesse de Trotsky ; The young Trotsky

IDN  01995         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max: Leon Trotsky : the portrait of a youth
. - Reprinted from the ed. of 1925, New York. - New York, NY : AMS Pr., 1970. - VIII, 181 pp.
ISBN 0-404-02235-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: Il giovane Trotsky ; La jeunesse de Trotsky ; The young Trotsky

IDN  01996         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max:
La personalidad de León Trotsky
In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 215-222

Orig.: The character and fate of Leon Trotsky
Angl.: The character of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01997         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max:
La personalidad de León Trotsky
In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 238-243

Orig.: The character and fate of Leon Trotsky

IDN  01998         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Eastman, Max:
The young Trotsky. - London : New Park Publications, 1980. - VII, 92 pp.
ISBN 0-902030-92-2

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : the portrait of a youth
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il giovane Trotsky ; La jeunesse de Trotsky ; The young Trotsky

IDN  01999         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Ede, William R.: Trotsky and Lenin
: the "skin of malice", the vessel of stone
In: Texas Quarterly ‹Austin, Tex.› [ISSN 0040-4659] 15.1972 : pp. 98-120

Table of contents: p.98 Foundations of the article -- p.100 Assassinations in history, a brief survey -- p.103 Piercing the "skin of malice" - the assassination of Trotsky -- p.111 The "rock-hardness" in Lenin's brain - the effect of his "exceptionality" on history
Notes: 2

IDN  02000         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Englund, Steven:
Un essai de psycho-histoire : portrait d'un jeune révolutionnaire, Léon Trotsky / Steven Englund ; Larry S. Ceplair
In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine ‹Paris› [ISSN 0048-8003] 24.1977 : pp. 524-543

Table of contents: p.525 Janovka, 1879-1888: l'ambivalence, une malédiction -- p.528 Odessa, 1888-1896: premiers renforcements du moi -- p.529 Nikolaev et la Sibérie, 1896-1902: l'identité -- p.533 Iskra, 1902-1906: l'intimité perdu -- p.539 Parvus, 1904: l'intimité retrouvée -- p.541 Saint-Pétersbourg, 1905: le plus fort parmi les forts -- p.543 La développement psychologique de Léon Trotsky
Notes: 83
Angl.: A study in psycho-history : portrait of a young revolutionary - Leon Trotsky

IDN  02001         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Ėtkind, Aleksandr Markovič: Bednaja Zina
: doč' Trockogo, vljublennaja v otsa, pokončila s soboj v chode psichoanaliza / Aleksandr Ėtkind
In: Zvezda : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij nezavisimyj žurnal ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 0321-1878] 2001 (2) : pp. 179-189

Notes: 23
Angl.: Poor Zina : Trotsky's daughter in love with her father committed suicide in the process of psychoanalysis

IDN  02002         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Ėtkind, Aleksandr Markovič: Trotsky's offspring
: revolutionaries, psychoanalysts and the birth of "Freudo-Marxism" / Aleksandr Etkind
In: The Times Literary Supplement : TLS ‹London› [ISSN 0040-7895 - ISSN 0307-661X] 2013 (5758=Aug.9) : pp. 14-15

Based on author's keynote lecture at a conference held at the Univ. of Chicago, Ill. in Apr. 2013; contains some remarks about the psychiatric treatment and suicide of Trotsky's daughter Zinaida Volkova as well as about Trotsky's views of Freud and psychoanalysis

IDN  02003         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
García Higueras, Gabriel: En memoria de Esteban Volkov (1926-2023)
[Electronic resource]. - 94 KB (7 pp.)
Accessed July 11, 2023

IDN  02004         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
García Higueras, Gabriel: Homenaje a Esteban Volkov Bronstein : en su 95 aniversario
: texto de la exposición pres. ... en el homenaje internacional a Esteban Volkov en su 95 aniversario de vida, transmitido por el Museo Casa de León Trotsky el 11 de marzo de 2021 [Electronic resource]. - 96 KB (10 pp.)
Accessed Aug. 12, 2021
Angl.: Tribute to Esteban Volkov Bronstein : on the occasion of his 95th anniversary

IDN  02005         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Goldner, Loren: Max Eastman
: one American radical's view of 'Bolchevization' of American radicalism and a forgotten, and unforgettable, portrait of Trotsky
In: Critique : journal of socialist thought ‹Glasgow; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0301-7605] 35.2007 (1=41) : pp. 119-140

Notes: 26
Other ed., versions, transl.: Max Eastman : la visión de un estadounidense radical sobre la "bolchevización" del movimiento revolucionario ...
Focusing inter alia on Eastman's biographical and psychological contributions about Trotsky, particularly on his "Leon Trotsky - portrait of a youth", New York, 1925

IDN  02006         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Goldner, Loren: Max Eastman
: la visión de un estadounidense radical sobre la "bolchevización" del movimiento revolucionario norteamericano y un olvidado, pero inolvidable, retrato de Trotsky
In: Políticas de la memoria : revista de investigación del CeDInCI ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 1668-4885] 2009 (8/9)

Orig.: Max Eastman : one American radical's view of 'Bolchevization' ... and an forgotten, but unforgettable, portrait of Trotsky
Focusing inter alia on Eastman's biographical and psychological contributions about Trotsky, particularly on his "Leon Trotsky - portrait of a youth", New York, 1925

IDN  02007         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Grieser, Dietmar: Sieveringer Exil : Leo Trotzki und Natalia Sedowa

In: Grieser, D.: Liebe in Wien : eine amouröse Porträtgalerie. (München, 1991) : pp. 89-100

Angl.: Exile in Sievering : Leon Trotsky and Natalia Sedova

IDN  02008         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Grinevič, Elena Vladimirovna: Pervaja ljubov' Trockogo
/ Elena Grinevič
In: Korni : obščestvenno-publicističeskij i kul'turno-prosvetitel'skij žurnal evrejskich obščin Rossii i stran SNG = Roots = Sôrāsîm ‹Saratov, later: Moskva› 2006 (30) : pp. 148-155

About Aleksandra L. Sokolovskaja and Trotsky's relationship with her
Angl.: Trotsky's puppy love

IDN  02009         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Grinevič, Elena Vladimirovna: Trockij i Sokolovskie
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (3 pp.)
Notes: 19
Dated Dec. 8, 2008
Accessed May 5, 2015
Angl.: Trotsky and the Sokolovskij family

IDN  02010        Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Una tragedia de proporciones bíblicas   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02011         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Zinaida Bronstein
[Electronic resource] / Pepe Gutiérrez. - 12 KB (2 pp.)
Dated July 2003
Accessed Oct. 10, 2004

IDN  02012         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Ivanova, I.I.: Lev Trockij i ego zemljaki

In: Iz glubiny vremen : al'manach ‹Sankt-Peterburg› 1995 (4) : pp. 76-90

Notes: 57
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and his fellow countrymen

IDN  02013         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Jimenez Bruccoleri, Matilde Jazmín:
El joven Trotsky : de la pasión por los libros a la revolución [Electronic resource] / Jazmín Jimenez. - 100 KB (10 pp.)
Accessed Aug. 1, 2021
Angl.: The young Trotsky : from the passion for books to the revolution

IDN  02014         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Kantor, Julija Zorachovna: Junost' voždja : častnaja žizn' L.D. Trockogo
: (po materialam archivnych nachodok) / Ju. Z. Kantor
In: Izvestija Ural'skogo Federal'nogo Universiteta : Ser. 2, Gumanitarnye nauki = Ural Federal University Journal : Ser. 2, Humanities and arts ‹Ekaterinburg› [ISSN 2227-2283] 19.2017 (3=166) : pp. 52-58

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: The youth of the leader : L.D. Trotsky's private life

IDN  02015         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Kantor, Julija Zorachovna: Ot "stroptivejšej marksisti" do "pritjagatel'nogo centra trockistov"
: Aleksandra Sokolovskaja-Bronštejn ; v dokumentach RGASPI i ČA FSB Rossii / Ju. Z. Kantor
In: Revoljucija, ženskoe lico : k 150-letiju A.M. Kollontaj. (Moskva, 2022) : pp. 90-97

Paper originally submitted to the Meždunarodnaja Konferencija "Revoljucija, Ženskoe Lico", Sankt-Peterburg, March 31, 2022
Angl.: From "the most obstinate Marxist" to the "attractive centre of the Trotskyists"

IDN  02016         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Keßler, Mario: Esteban Volkov : ein Nachruf auf Trotzkis Enkel

In: Keßler, M.: Flucht in Ketten, Sehnsucht hinter Mauern. (Berlin, 2024) : pp. 103-106

IDN  02017         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Le Guével, Michel: À propos d'une source de Deutscher
/ Michel Kehrnon [i.e. Michel Le Guével]
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (2) : pp. 89-98

Notes: 14
About Ziv, Grigorij A.: Trockij : charakteristika (po ličnym vospominanijam), New York, NY, 1921
Angl.: Concerning one of Deutscher's sources

IDN  02018         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Liszt, Gabriela: Aleksandra Sokolovskaya : militante revolucionaria fusilada por Stalin
[Electronic resource]. - 94 KB (7 pp.)
Accessed Aug. 13, 2021

IDN  02019         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Genealogy
[Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 52 KB (9 pp.)
Genealogy of Trotsky's family plus genealogical tree
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  02020         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Lubitz, Wolfgang: "Mein Leben" - "Moja žizn'"
: ein Essay über Trockijs Autobiographie und den jungen Trockij (1879-1904) [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang und Petra Lubitz. - 1.3 MB (124 pp.) + 9 appendices (ca. 70 MB = ca. 166 pp.)
Table of contents: p.2 Inhaltsverzeichnis -- p.4 Einleitung, Vorbemerkungen -- p.6 "Mein Leben": Bibliographisch-buchhistorisches und Kurioses -- p.11 "Mein Leben": Hintergrund und Vorgeschichte (1927/29) -- p.21 "Mein Leben": Genesis (1929/30) -- p.28 "Mein Leben": Darstellungsabsichten und Quellenbedeutung -- p.33 "Mein Leben": Wirkungsgeschichte und Quellenwert -- p.35 "Mein Leben": Quellennutzung. Alternative Quellen -- p.45 "Mein Leben": der junge Trockij im Spiegel der Autobiographie -- p.66 Andere autobiographische Schriften Trockijs -- p.70 Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis -- p.84 Anmerkungen - [Appendices 1-9]
Bibliogr.: pp. 70-83
Notes: 587
Part of the "Lubitz'" website
Dated Oct. 2018, rev. Jan. 2022
Angl.: "My life" - "Moia zhizn'" : an essay about Trotsky's autobiography and the young Trotsky (1879-1904)

IDN  02021        Mansfeld, Alfred: Der junge Trotzki unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wiener Jahre (1907-1914)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02022         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Marie, Jean-Jacques:
Le fils oublié de Trotsky. - Paris : Éd. du Seuil, 2012. - 183 pp.
ISBN 978-2-02-103819-4

Table of contents: p.9 Introduction: le chaînon manquant -- p.17 Une enfance cosmopolite -- p.29 Les flammes de la révolution -- p.41 L'opposition -- p.55 La séparation -- p.65 Royat ou Royan? -- p.71 Le tournant -- p.77 Les bibliothécaires terroristes du Kremlin -- p.95 La boue de Krasnoïarsk -- p.101 Abaisser le soleil jusqu'à l'horizon -- p.119 La fuite de gaz -- p.129 La grève de la faim de Vorkouta -- p.139 L'empoisonneur -- p.163 Le carnage -- p.171 Le massacre final
Notes: 244
About Sergej L'vovič Sedov, Trotsky's younger son
Angl.: The forgotten son of Trotsky

IDN  02023         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Marie, Jean-Jacques: Trotsky
. - Paris : Ed. Autrement, 1998. - 228 pp. - (Naissance d'un destin)
ISBN 2-86260-833-5 - ISBN 978-2-86260-833-4

Table of contents: p.5 L'exil -- p.18 Une enfance sans histoire -- p.53 L'école de la ville -- p.79 Du verbe à l'action -- p.107 En prison -- p.138 Le boomerang de Lénine -- p.180 Fin de l'apprentissage -- p.191 Le Soviet -- p.215 Aller-retour -- p.222 Carte -- p.223 Chronologie
Bibliogr.: pp. 228-[229]
On cover also: Léon Bronstein

IDN  02024         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Marie, Jean-Jacques:
Une victime collatérale : le fils oublié de Léon Trotsky / [Jean-Jacques Marie]
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2010 (46) : pp. 103-112

Table of contents: p.105 "Anéantir jusqu'à son dernier membre la vermine trotskyste" -- p.109 L'interrogatoire de Serge Sedov (4 mai 1935) -- p.110 Un article de la Pravda (27 janvier 1937): "Le fils de Trotsky ... a tenté d'empoisonner les ouvrier" -- p.111 La sentence condamnant Serge Sedov à mort -- p.112 Facsimile of Pravda article
About Sergej L'vovič Sedov, Trotsky's younger son
Angl.: A coleteral damage : Leon Trotsky's forgotton son

IDN  02025         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
McCluskey, Kirsty: Lev Bronstein : a life in pictures
[Electronic resource]. - 36 KB (2 pp.)
Dated June 10, 2008
Accessed Apr. 1, 2018

IDN  02026         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
McCluskey, Kirsty: Reading Trotsky, writing Bronstein
: assessing the story of Lev Trotsky's childhood and youth, 1879-1902
In: Revolutionary Russia ‹London; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0954-6545] 19.2006 (1) : pp. 1-20

Table of contents: p.2 Childhood and early youth, 1879-96 (Trotsky's narrative - Locating Trotsky - Workers and servants - Religion and nationality) -- p.10 Political activism, prison and exile, 1896-1902 (Trotsky's political development - Family) -- p.18 Conclusion -- p.18 Notes -- p.20 References
Notes: 64
"Discusses the opening chapters of Leon Trotsky's 'My Life' (1930), using elements of literary analysis to better understand the structure and context of the text. This methodology helps to determine how Trotsky constructed the autobiographical narrative of his early years and to examine his motivations. 'My Life' seems to have been written to show that Trotsky's political development was correct, although when discussing his childhood, his writing showed a lack of Marxist objectivity" [from "Historical abstracts"]. The works by G.A. Ziv and M. Eastman about the young Trotsky are assessed, too.

IDN  02027         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
McCluskey, Kirsty: [Revolutionary stories of childhood and youth : a comparative study of Trotsky and Castro]

Belfast, Queen's Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.) in progress
Directors of thesis: Katy Turton, Daniel Kowalsky
Attention: Diss. started in 2010, but not yet finished (as at Summer 2023)

IDN  02028         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
McCluskey, Kirsty: Trotsky before 1905
/ Kirsty Jane McCluskey. - 75 pp.
Cambridge [England], Univ. of Cambridge, Thesis (M.Phil.), 2004
Table of contents: p.2 Introduction -- p.4 Childhood and early youth: 1879-1896 (Trotsky's narrative - Locating Trotsky - Workers and servants - Religion and nationality) -- p.21 Political activism, prison and exile: 1896-2002 (Trotsky's political development - Family - Trotsky and Sokolovskaia - Antid Oto) -- p.47 Iskra and the RSDRP: 1902-1904 (A word about the sources - Impressions of Trotsky - Trotsky, Iskra and the RSDRP - Trotsky and Lenin - Pero) -- p.71 Conclusion -- p.73 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 73-75
Notes: 130
Directors of thesis: C.E. Ward, H.F. Jahn

IDN  02029        Meghnagi, David: Trotzkij e la questione ebraica   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02030         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Netrebskij, Valerij Petrovič: Trockij v Odesse
/ Valerij Netrebskij. - Odessa : Inga, 2003. - 80 pp.
ISBN 966-8228-19-7

Table of contents: p.3 Nakanune -- p.13 Tetja "samych čestnych pravil" -- p.24 Probuždenie -- p.35 IŠčite ženŠčinu -- p.46 V zastenkach kapitala -- p.56 Zvezdnyj čas -- p.67 Razluka
Angl.: Trotsky in Odessa

IDN  02031         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Nevskij, Vladimir Ivanovič: Južno-Russkij Rabočij Sojuz
: (fragment) / V.I. Nevskij
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 410-412

Notes: 2
This fragment was originally publ. with title "Dejateli nikolaevskogo 'Južno-russkogo rabočego sojuza'" as ch. 5 of author's "Južno-Russkij Rabočij Sojuz v gorode Nikolaeve v 1897 g., Moskva 1922, pp. 40-42
On p. 821 notes by A.V. Reznik
Angl.: The South-Russian Workers' League

IDN  02032         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Nevskij, Vladimir Ivanovič: Južno-Russkij Rabočij Sojuz v gorode Nikolaeve v 1897 g.
/ V.I. Nevskij. S pril. pis'ma L.D. Trockogo. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1922. - 95 pp. - (Očerki po istorii rabočich s.-d. organizacii na Juge Rossii ; 1)
Angl.: The South-Russian Workers' League in Nikolaev in 1897

IDN  02033         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Ostrovskij, Aleksandr Vladimirovič: O rodstvennikach L.D. Trockogo po materinskoj linii
/ A.V. Ostrovskij
In: Iz glubiny vremen : al'manach ‹Sankt-Peterburg› 1995 (4) : pp. 105-129

Notes: 157
Angl.: About a relative of L.D. Trotsky on his mother's side

IDN  02034        Palmer, Bryan Douglas: Leon Trotsky : planet without a visa   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02035         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Panasenko, Natal'ja Nikolaevna: Trockij v Odesse
/ Natal'ja Panasenko
In: Odesskie stranicy žizni Trockogo. (Odessa, 2004)

Angl.: Trotsky in Odessa

IDN  02036         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Parkinson, Nicholas: Famous trauma victims - Leon Trotsky
/ Nicholas Parkinson and Ian Greaves
In: Trauma ‹Los Angeles, Cal. [etc.]› [ISSN 1460-4086] 14.2012 (3) : pp. 257-262

This article contains some details about Trotsky's head injury, surgical treatment, and death

IDN  02037         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Pasik, Jakov: Bronštejny, Gromoklej, Janovka
[Electronic resource]. - 16 KB (10 pp.)
Notes: 53
A well-researched historical, sociological and statistical essay (based on archival sources) about the village (Ianovka) and colony (Gromoklei) where the Bronshtein family lived and worked and where Leon Trotsky grew up
Dated May 2013
Accessed May 3, 2018
Angl.: The Bronshteins, Gromoklei, Ianovka

IDN  02038         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Passiouta, Alexandra:
"Le lion de la révolution venant de la steppe ukrainienne" (Trotsky) / Alexandra Passiouta. Trad. par Jean-Michel Krivine
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2010 (45) : pp. 63-68

"Publié dans l'hebdomadaire ukrainien Sévodnia (28 novembre 2009)" [from the introd.]
Author's name and the original source could not be verified as at May 2010

IDN  02039        Pervaja ssylka Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02040         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Pomper, Philip: Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin
: the intelligentsia and power. - New York, NY [etc.] : Columbia Univ. Pr., 1990. - XIII, 446 pp.
ISBN 0-231-06906-5

Table of contents: p.IX Preface - [...] -- p.88 The Bronsteins -- p.96 The impostor -- p.103 Lev Bronstein's two conversions -- p.116 Leon Trotsky, romantic exile -- p.127 Trotsky against Lenin -- p.133 Trotsky in 1905 - [...] -- p.232 Lenin, Trotsky, and World War I -- p.248 1917: the return of the exiles -- p.260 Trotsky and the Bolsheviks -- p.281 The Bolsheviks in extremis -- p.289 Lenin's utopia -- p.295 Reversal: on the attack -- p.306 October 1917 -- p.320 The travails of power -- p.330 Crisis: Brest-Litovsk -- p.336 The civil war: Trotsky versus Stalin -- p.351 War communism -- p.357 Lenin against Trotsky -- p.363 1921: year of crisis and retreat -- p.370 Lenin's last campaigns -- p.378 The "testament" -- p.395 Trotsky's "New course" -- p.401 Lenin's death and Trotsky's decline -- p.409 Notes -- p.433 Index
Notes: 573
Exhaustive psychobiographical study of Trotsky (and Lenin, and Stalin)

IDN  02041         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Pomper, Philip: Trockij i Martov
/ F. Pomper. Perevod V.V. Buldakova
In: Istorija SSSR ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2660] 1991 (5) : pp. 193-203

Notes: 36
Orig.: Trotsky and Martov
Paper originally submitted to International Conference Trotsky after 50 years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  02042         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Pomper, Philip: Trotsky and Martov

In: The Trotsky reappraisal / ed. by T. Brotherstone [et al.] (Edinburgh, 1992) : pp. 166-176

Notes: 23
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij i Martov
Rev. version of paper submitted to International Conference Trotsky after 50 years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  02043         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Popov, Komint Flegontovič: Sud'ba Sergeja Sedova
/ K.F. Popov
In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 1993 (10) : pp. 157-160

Notes: 12
Angl.: The fate of Sergej Sedov

IDN  02044         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Prause, Gerhard: Leo Trotzki

In: Prause, G.: Genies in der Schule : Legende und Wahrheit. (Berlin [etc.], 2007) : pp. 135-139

IDN  02045         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Avtobiografičeskoe pis'mo L.D. Trockogo vo vremja graždanskoj vojny
: političeskoe ispol'zovanie i stilistika / A.V. Reznik
In: Ural'skij istoričeskij vestnik = Ural Historical Journal ‹Ekaterinburg› [ISSN 1728-9718] 2020 (4=69) : pp. 93-100

Bibliogr.: p. 100
Notes: 42
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Autobiographical writing of L.D. Trotsky during the civil war : politics and stylistics

IDN  02046         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Individualism and psychology in the auto/biography of Lev Trotsky, 1900-20s
/ Aleksander V. Reznik. Transl. from Russ. by Joshua R. Kroeker
In: Revolutionary biographies in the 19th and 20th centuries / S. Dahlke [et al.] (eds.) (Göttingen, 2024) : pp. 17-34

Table of contents: p.18 Research agenda -- p.21 Forming a style -- p.23 A professional journalist -- p.26 The October revolution -- p.27 The Tribune -- p.30 "Biographies have their right" -- p.33 Conclusions
Notes: 84
Paper originally submitted to the Third Annual Conference of the Max Weber Foundation, Moskva, Sept. 21-23, 2017
Abstract of this paper see author's "Leon Trotsky as (auto)biographer of the revolution"
"Reznik provides a detailed classification of the autobiographical writing of ... Lev Trotsky in the period between 1907 and 1923, thereby reconstructing the genesis of Trotsky's extensive autobiography My life (Moia Zhizn'), published in Berlin in 1930" [from abstract]

IDN  02047         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Leon Trotsky as (auto)biographer of the revolution
= Lev Trockij kak (avto)biograf revoljucii [Electronic resource] / Aleksandr Reznik. - 132 KB (2 pp.)
Abstract of paper submitted to the 3rd Annual Conference of the Max Weber Foundation, Moskva, Sept. 21-23, 2017
Text Engl. and Russ.
Accessed March 1, 2022
Full paper see author's "Individualism and psychology in the auto/biography of Lev Trotsky, 1900-20s"

IDN  02048         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Lev Trotskii's experiences of autobiography
: 'My life' and its antecedents / Alexander V. Reznik
In: Personal trajectories in Russia's great war and revolution, 1914-22 / ed. by K. Amacher [et al.] (Bloomington, Ind., 2021) : pp. 333-353

Notes: 63
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Academic Conference 'Russia and the Dissolution of the Old Order in Europe, Augst, Sept. 13-15, 2017

IDN  02049         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Richards, P.:
A meeting with Trotsky's son
In: Fourth International / International Executive Committee of the Fourth International ‹Paris; later: London; later: Amsterdam; later: Paris› [ISSN 0429-2790] 1960 (10)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Vstreča s synom Trockogo

IDN  02050         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Richards, P.: Vstreča s synom Trockogo

In: Sedov, S.L.: "Milaja moja resnička!.." (Sankt-Peterburg [etc.], 2006) : pp. 114-115

Orig.: A meeting with Trotsky's son

IDN  02051        Rowney, Don Karl: "The generation of October"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02052         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Ryss, Petr: Léon Trockij : étude psychologique
/ Pierre Ryss
In: Le Monde slave ‹Paris› 1936 : pp. 232-245

Angl.: Leon Trotsky : a psychological essay

IDN  02053         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Sedov, Sergej L'vovič: "Milaja moja resnička!.."
: pis'ma iz ssylki / Sergej Sedov. [Pod obšč. red. I.A. Flige. Izd. osuščestvleno pri podderžke Hoover Institution (Stanford University), a takže pri učastii Julii Aksel'rod. - Sankt-Peterburg [etc.] : Naučno-Informacionnyj Centr "Memorial" [etc.], 2006. - 253 pp.
ISBN 5-982278-025-1

Table of contents: [...] p.8 Sem'ja Trockogo : kratkie biografičeskie svedenija/V.B. Bronštejn -- p.11 Sergej Sedov - "syn vraga naroda Trockogo"/S.Lar'kov, E. Rusakova, I. Flige -- p.44 Proloženija [Documents] -- p.135 Piz'ma iz Krasnojarska [Letters by Sergej L. Sedov to his wife G. Rubinštejn, to his parents and his brother] -- p.238 Iz zapisok 2002 goda/J. Aksel'rod
Containing rich genealogical material as well as letters by and documents about Trotsky's younger son, Sergej L. Sedov, documents about the persecution of Trotsky's family in the Stalinist USSR, about his rehabilitation in 1992, illustrations, etc.
Angl.: "My beloved little eyelid"

IDN  02054         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna:
The assassination of Leon Trotsky / Natalia Sedova Trotsky
In: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : pp. X-XII

Orig.: Otec i syn
Other ed., versions, transl.: Father and son

IDN  02055         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Father and son
/ Natalia Sedov Trotsky
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 2.1941 (7=14) : pp. 196-200

Orig.: Otec i syn
Other ed., versions, transl.: The assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02056         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Father and son
/ Natalia Sedova Trotsky
In: Trockij, L.D.: Leon Sedov - son, friend, fighter. (London, 1967) : pp. 22-38

Orig.: Otec i syn
Other ed., versions, transl.: The assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02057         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Father and son
/ Natalia Sedov Trotsky
In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 39-44

Orig.: Otec i syn
Other ed., versions, transl.: The assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02058         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Otec i syn
/ Natalija Sedova-Trockaja
In: Bjulleten' oppozicii ‹Various places› 12.1941 (87) : pp. 5-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: Father and son

IDN  02059        Šerstobitov, Valerij Valentinovič: Kol'čak, Trockij i Odessa   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02060        Siegel, Paul Noah: The last years of Stalin and Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02061         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Sinaida Lwowna Wolkoff

In: Permanente Revolution / Linke Opposition der KPD (Bolschewiki-Leninisten) ‹Berlin› 3.1933 (2) : p.1

About the suicide of Trotsky's elder daughter

IDN  02062         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Sinaida Lwowna Wolkowa
[Electronic resource]. - 9 KB (2 pp.)
Biographical sketch
Wikipedia article
Accessed Jan. 31, 2012

IDN  02063        Sinin, Evgenij Jur'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02064         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Soto-Pérez-de-Celis, Enrique:
The death of Leon Trotsky
In: Neurosurgery ‹Hagerstown, Md.› [ISSN 0148-396X] 67.2010 (2) : pp. 417-423

Notes: 29
With abstract
This article presents a review of Trotsky's last day, with special emphasis on the doctors who performed the surgery and who took care of him in his final moments
On pp. 422-423 comments and discussions by Samuel H. Greenblatt, Leonid and Boleslav Lichterman, and T. Forcht Dagi. Additional statement by Rodrigo Ramos-Zúñiga with title "About neurosurgery and the death of Leon Trotsky" in: ibid., 69.2011 (2), p. E517

IDN  02065         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Soviets exonerate a son of Trotsky

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1988 (Nov.23)

About the rehabilitation of S.L. Sedov, Trotsky's younger son

IDN  02066         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Swain, Geoffrey: Silences in Trotskii's 'My life'
[Electronic resource]
In: Avtobiografija : journal on life writing and the representation of the self in Russian culture [Electronic journal] ‹Padova› [ISSN 2281-6992] 2017 (6) : pp. 15-33 (202 KB)

Table of contents: p.16 Frank revelations and gripping yarns -- p.20 Trotskii's mission -- p.24 Silence on pre-revolutionary relations with Lenin -- p.28 Silence on disagreements with Lenin during the revolution -- p.32 Conclusion -- p.33 Bibliography
With abstract
Accessed March 21, 2018

IDN  02067         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Trockij, Lev Davidovič: [Autobiography]

Please note: Records of the various editions and translations of Trotsky's autobiography "Moja žizn'" ["My life", "Mein Leben"...] are NOT listed in Lubitz' Leon Trotsky Bibliography

IDN  02068         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Trockij, Lev Davidovič: Autobiography, 1879-1917
[Electronic resource] / L. Trotsky. Transl. by F. Kreisel. - 31 KB (3 pp.)
Orig.: Avtobiografičeskaja zametka
Other ed., versions, transl.: Nota autobiográfica ; Première autobiographie (1879-1917) ; Trockijs "Autobiographische Notiz" ("Avtobiografičeskaja zametka") von 1917/18 (1922) in deutscher Übersetzung
Written in Winter 1917/18
Followed by a biographical sketch titled "1917-1940" by F. Kreisel
Accessed Apr. 5, 2018

IDN  02069         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Trockij, Lev Davidovič: Avtobiografičeskaja zametka
/ L. Trockij
In: Proletarskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva etc.› 1922 (3) : pp. 244-249

Other ed., versions, transl.: Autobiography, 1879-1917 ; Nota autobiográfica ; Première autobiographie (1879-1917) ; Trockijs "Autobiographische Notiz" ("Avtobiografičeskaja zametka") von 1917/18 (1922) in deutscher Übersetzung
Written in Winter 1917/18
As electronic resource publ. with URL:
Angl.: Autobiographical note

IDN  02070         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Trockij, Lev Davidovič: Nota autobiográfica
[Electronic resource] / León Trotsky. - 275 KB (6 pp.)
Notes: 34
Orig.: Avtobiografičeskaja zametka
Other ed., versions, transl.: Autobiography, 1879-1917 ; Première autobiographie (1879-1917) ; Trockijs "Autobiographische Notiz" ("Avtobiografičeskaja zametka") von 1917/18 (1922) in deutscher Übersetzung
Written in Winter 1917/18
Accessed Jan. 4, 2022

IDN  02071         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Trockij, Lev Davidovič: Premiére autobiographie (1879-1917)
/ Léon Trotsky
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2005 (28) : pp. 17-21

Orig.: Avtobiografičeskaja zametka
Other ed., versions, transl.: Autobiography, 1879-1917 ; Nota autobiográfica ; Trockijs "Autobiographische Notiz" ("Avtobiografičeskaja zametka") von 1917/18 (1922) in deutscher Übersetzung
Written in Winter 1917/18
Angl.: First autobiography

IDN  02072         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Trockij, Lev Davidovič: Trockijs "Autobiographische Notiz" ("Avtobiografičeskaja zametka") von 1917/18 (1922) in deutscher Übersetzung
[Electronic resource] / L. Trockij. [Übers. und Fußnoten von W. u. P. Lubitz]. - 41 KB (6 pp.)
Notes: 34
Orig.: Avtobiografičeskaja zametka
Other ed., versions, transl.: Autobiography, 1879-1917 ; Nota autobiográfica ; Première autobiographie (1879-1917)
Written in Winter 1917/18
Part of the "Lubitz'" website
Accessed Jan. 10, 2022

IDN  02073        Trockij, Lev Davidovič: Vospominanija o moej pervoj ssylke   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02074         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Trotzkis Tochter suchte den Tod
: das Ende einer Heimatlosen
In: Vossische Zeitung ‹Berlin› 1933 (Jan.11=Nr.18=Abend-Ausg.) : p. 4

Angl.: Trotsky's daughter sought the death

IDN  02075         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Ulrich, Jürg: Leo Trotzki als junger Revolutionär
. - Mainz : Decaton-Verl., 1995. - 131 pp.
ISBN 3-929455-46-3

Table of contents: p.7 Vorwort -- p.9 Gott ist so ein Mensch -- p.15 Im Treibhaus des Kapitalismus -- p.21 Die Botschaft von der Menschlichkeit in Waffen -- p.30 Der Funke -- p.44 Ansturm und Niederlage : die Revolution von 1905 -- p.58 Nochmals eine ungewöhnliche Hochschule -- p.71 Vorkriegszeit : Wien 1907-1914 -- p.85 Kriegsberichterstatter in den Balkankriegen -- p.92 Versagen und neuer Aufbruch -- p.107 Epilog -- p.124 Benutzte und empfohlene Literatur -- p.126 Zeittafel
Bibliogr.: pp. 124-125
Angl.: Leon Trotsky as young revolutionary

IDN  02076         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Ulrich, Jürg: Leo Trotzki als junger Revolutionär
. - Hamburg : VSA-Verl., 2010. - 159 pp.
ISBN 978-3-89965-379-3

Bibliogr.: p. 153
Slightly rev. ed. - Orig. ed. 1995 was publ. by Decaton-Verl., Mainz

IDN  02077         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Vajskopf, Michail Jakovlevič: Leon Trotsky's family romance
/ Michael Weisskopf. Transl. from the Russ. by Helena Tolstaia
In: Partial Answers : journal of literature and the history of ideas ‹Jerusalem› [ISSN 1565-3668] 4.2006 (1) : pp. 21-40

Bibliogr.: pp. 39-40
Notes: 20
Partially identical with author's "Vnebračnyj syn proletariata : messianskij kompleks L'va Trockogo"

IDN  02078         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Vajskopf, Michail Jakovlevič: Vnebračnyj syn proletariata
: messianskij kompleks L'va Trockogo / Michail Vajskopf
In: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-6365] 2006 (2=78) : pp. 199-209

Notes: 13
Partially identical with author's "Leon Trotsky's family romance"
Angl.: The illegitimate son of the proletariat

IDN  02079         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Vajskopf, Michail Jakovlevič: Where Trotsky's train comes from
: a literary scholar's view of a revolutionary's biography / Michael Weisskopf
In: Terrorism and Political Violence ‹Philadelphia, Pa.› [ISSN 0954-6553] 25.2013 (4) : pp. 576-586

Notes: 47
"The artcicle discusses the autobiography of Leon Trotsky [...] from a psychoanalytic angle. [...] concentrates on Trotsky's departure from Judaism and evolution toward Christianity. The author sees this drift as parallel to Trotsky's transition from the Jewish bourgeoisie to the Russian proletariat." [From the abstract, p. 576]

IDN  02080        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Con Trotsky de Prinkipo a Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02081        Van Heijenoort, Jean: In esilio con Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02082        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02083        Van Heijenoort, Jean: With Trotsky in exile   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02084        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Poslednaja ljubov' Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02085         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Volkov, Esteban: Habla el nieto de Trotsky
/ Esteban Volkov y Merry MacMasters
In: Letra internacional ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0213-4721] 2010 (107) : pp. 22-37

Angl.: Talking with Trotsky's grandson

IDN  02086        Volkov, Esteban: León Trotsky : el revolucionario y el hombre   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02087         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotski, a jovem águia

In: Wilson, E.: Rumo à estação Finlândia. (São Paulo, 1986) : pp. 378-400

Orig.: Trotsky, the young eagle
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho

IDN  02088         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky l'aquilotto

In: Wilson, E.: Fino alla stazione di Finlandia. (Roma, 1960)

Orig.: Trotsky, the young eagle
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02089         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, el aguilucho

In: Wilson, E.: Hacia la estación de Finlandia. (Madrid, 1972) : pp. 471-499

Orig.: Trotsky, the young eagle
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02090         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, el aguilucho

In: Wilson, E.: Hacia la estación de Finlandia. (Barcelona, 2011)

Orig.: Trotsky, the young eagle
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02091         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, le jeune aigle
/ trad. de Georgette Camille
In: Wilson, E.: La gare de Finlande. (Paris, 1965) : pp. 351-372

Orig.: Trotsky, the young eagle
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02092         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (London, 1940) : pp. 405-429

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02093         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (New York, NY, 1940) : pp. 405-429

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02094         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (London, 1941) : pp. 405-429

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02095         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (Garden City, NY, 1947) : pp. 405-429

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02096         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (Garden City, NY, 1953) : pp. 403-427

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02097         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (Garden City, NY, 1955) : pp. 403-427

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02098         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (London, 1958) : pp. 403-427

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotsky, a jovem águia

IDN  02099         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (Gloucester, Mass., 1959) : pp. 403-427

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02100         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (London, 1968)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02101         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (London, 1972)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02102         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle

In: Wilson, E.: To the Finland station. (New York, NY, 1972)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotzki, der junge Adler ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02103         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotzki, der junge Adler

In: Wilson, E.: Der Weg nach Petersburg. (München, 1963) : pp. 343-364

Orig.: Trotsky, the young eagle
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02104         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wilson, Edmund: Trotzki, der junge Adler

In: Wilson, E.: Auf dem Weg zum Finnischen Bahnhof. (Frankfurt a.M., 1974) : pp. 353-375

Orig.: Trotsky, the young eagle
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky l'aquilotto ; Trotsky, le jeune aigle ; Trotsky, el aguilucho ; Trotski, a jovem águia

IDN  02105         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wolfenstein, Eugene Victor:
Los revolucionarios : Lenin, Trotsky, Gandhi / E. Victor Wolfenstein. - Buenos Aires : Paidos, [1969]. - 415 pp. - (Biblioteca Mundo moderno ; 19)
Orig.: The revolutionary personality
Angl.: Revolutionaries : Lenin, Trotsky, Gandhi

IDN  02106         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wolfenstein, Eugene Victor:
The revolutionary personality : an examination of the lives of 3 revolutionists: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, 1965. - 479 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1965
Bibliogr.: pp. 463-476
Other ed., versions, transl.: Los revolucionarios
Trade ed. publ. with same title, Princeton, NJ, 1967 [and later ed.]

IDN  02107         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wolfenstein, Eugene Victor:
The revolutionary personality : Lenin, Trotsky, Gandhi / E. Victor Wolfenstein. - Princeton, NJ : Univ. Pr., 1967. - X, 330 pp.
ISBN 0-691-08611-7

Table of contents: p.VII Preface -- p.3 Introduction -- p.33 Childhood and adolescence -- p.103 Young manhood -- p.174 Adulthood 1 -- p.240 Adulthood 2 -- p.302 Summary -- p.319 Bibliography -- p.327 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 319-325
Notes: 469
Other ed., versions, transl.: Los revolucionarios
Trade ed. of author's university work with same title, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ, 1965

IDN  02108         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wolfenstein, Eugene Victor:
The revolutionary personality : Lenin, Trotsky, Gandhi / E. Victor Wolfenstein. - Princeton, NJ : Univ. Pr., 1971. - X, 330 pp.
ISBN 0-691-08611-7

Bibliogr.: pp. 319-325
Notes: 469
Other ed., versions, transl.: Los revolucionarios
Trade ed. of author's university work with same title, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ, 1965

IDN  02109         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Wolfenstein, Eugene Victor:
The revolutionary personality : Lenin, Trotsky, Gandhi / E. Victor Wolfenstein. - 2. print. - Princeton, NJ : Univ. Pr., 1973. - X, 330 pp. - (Princeton paperbacks ; 251)
ISBN 0-691-02450-2

Bibliogr.: pp. 319-325
Notes: 469
Other ed., versions, transl.: Los revolucionarios
Trade ed. of author's university work with same title, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ, 1965

IDN  02110         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
[Film] / dir.: Ken McMullen. - [S.l.], 1985. - 1 videocassette (VHS), running time: 1 h, 30 min

IDN  02111         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Zinaida Volkova
[Electronic resource]. - 9 KB (2 pp.)
Biographical sketch
Wikipedia article
Accessed Jan. 31, 2012

IDN  02112         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.01
Zinaide Trotsky

In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 6.1933 (2=149) : pp. 1, 3

On the occasion of Zinada Volkova's suicide

IDN  02113        Ziv, Grigorij Abramovič: Trockij : charakteristika (po ličnym vospominanijam)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

LLTB Chapter  2.8.02

IDN  02114         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Achmedov, Nikolaj Timurovič: Trockij i antisemitizm
: liki i obrazy antibol'ševistskoj propagandy [Electronic resource] / N.T. Achmedov
In: Dokument v sovremennom obščestve : soedinjaja prostranstvo i vremja [E-book] / glavn. red.: O.V. Gorbačev. (Ekaterinburg, 2021) : pp. 152-156 (305 KB)

Paper originally submitted to the XIV Vserossijskaja Studenčeskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija, Ekaterinburg, Apr. 9-10, 2021
Accessed Sept.15, 2021
Angl.: Trotsky and anti-Semitism : faces and images of anti-Bolshevik propaganda

IDN  02115         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Address, Richard F.: Beyond the border : the Jewish odyssey of Leon Trotsky
. - 68 pp.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, Thesis (Rabbinic), 1972

IDN  02116         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Carmichael, Joel: Trotsky's agony
. - [1]-2
In: Encounter ‹London› [ISSN 0013-7073] 38.1972 (5=224) : pp. 31-41; 38.1972 (6=225) : pp. 28-36

IDN  02117         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Caumanns, Ute:
Der Teufel in Rot : Trockij und die Ikonographie des "jüdischen Bolschewismus" im polnisch-sowjetischen Krieg, 1919/20 [Electronic resource]
In: Zeitenblicke : Online-Journal für die Geschichtswissenschaften [Electronic journal] ‹Köln› [ISSN 1619-0459] 10.2011 (2) : 1.75 MB (23 pp.)

Table of contents: p.[1] Abstract -- p.[4] "Jüdischer Bolschewismus" als Verschwörungstheorie -- p.[6] Visualisierungen Trockijs im polnisch-sowjetischen Krieg -- p.[9] Historischer Kontext -- p.[12] Medialer Kontext und visuelle Propaganda -- p.[16] Zentrale Motive der Bildpropaganda -- p.[22] Politische Sprache und visuelle Kultur
Notes: 75
Dated Dec. 2011
Accessed Febr. 23, 2012
URN: urn:nbn:de:0009-9-31963
With abstract
"Der Artikel untersucht die visuelle Propaganda des 'jüdischen Bolschewismus' anhand der ikonographischen Verarbeitung Lev Trockijs" [from the abstract]
Angl.: The devil in red : Trotsky and the iconography of "Jewish Bolshevism" in the Polish-Soviet war, 1919-20

IDN  02118        Cohn, Werner: From victim to Shylock and oppressor   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  02119         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Deutscher, Isaac:
Der nichtjüdische Jude / übers. von Eike Geisel [et al.]
In: Deutscher, I.: Die ungelöste Judenfrage. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 7-20

Orig.: The non-Jewish Jew

IDN  02120         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Deutscher, Isaac:
The non-Jewish Jew
In: Deutscher, I.: The non-Jewish Jew and other essays. (London etc., 1968) : pp. 25-41

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der nichtjüdische Jude

IDN  02121         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Evola, Giulio:
L' ebreo Trotsky e la "rivoluzione permanente" / J. Evola
In: Vita italiana ‹Roma› [ISSN 1123-9956] Anno 27 = vol. 53.1939 : pp. 579-587

Angl.: The Jew Trotsky and the "permanent revolution"

IDN  02122         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Evola, Giulio:
L' ebreo Trotsky e la "rivoluzione permanente" / Julius Evola
In: Evola, J.: Anticomunismo positivo. (Napoli, 2008) : pp. 122-133

IDN  02123        Geras, Norman: Léon Trotski   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02124        Glotzer, Albert: Trotsky : memoir & critique   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02125         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Heifets, Mikhail:
The Trotsky myth in Soviet literary fiction of the second half of the 1980s
In: Jews and Jewish Topics in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe ‹Jerusalem› [ISSN 0334-6641] 1989 (10) : pp. 30-48

Notes: 43

IDN  02126        Jackson, John Hampden: Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02127        Mansfeld, Alfred: Der junge Trotzki unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wiener Jahre (1907-1914)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02128        Marie, Jean-Jacques: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02129        McCluskey, Kirsty: Trotsky before 1905   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02130        Meghnagi, David: Trotzkij e la questione ebraica   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02131        Nedava, Joseph: Trotsky and the Jewish question   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02132        Nedava, Joseph: Trotsky and the Jews   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02133        Nedava, Joseph: Večnyj komissar   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02134         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Neumann, Andreas:
Der antisemitisch aufgeladene Trotzkismus-Vorwurf : ein Beitrag zur Feindbildkonstruktion im Stalinismus
In: Geschichte vor Ort und im virtuellen Raum / A. Neumann [et al.] (Hrsg.) (Wiesbaden [etc.], 2022) : pp. 143-172

Bibliogr.: pp. 169-172
Particularly pp. 151-155
Angl.: The anti-semitically charged accusation of Trotskyism

IDN  02135         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: Leon Trotsky : planet without a visa

In: Left History ‹Kingston, Ont.› [ISSN 1192-1927] 9.2003 (1) : pp. 79-96

Notes: 20

IDN  02136        Rapoport, Louis: Der Kampf gegen "Judas"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02137        Rapoport, Louis: The struggle against "Judas"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02138         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Rosen, Arthur: Trotsky and the Jews
[Electronic resource]. - 11 KB (6 pp.)
Article focuses on Trotsky's relationship with his fellow Jews and Judaism

IDN  02139        Rubenstein, Joshua: Leon Trotsky : a revolutionary's life   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02140        Rubenstein, Joshua: León Trotsky : el revolucionario indomable   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02141        Rubenstein, Joshua: León Trotsky : una vida revolucionaria   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02142        Rubenstein, Joshua: Lev Troţki : o viaţă de revoluţionar   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02143        Ševelev, Vladimir Nikolaevič: Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02144        Ševelev, Vladimir Nikolaevič: Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02145        Silberner, Edmund: Leo Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02146         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Telushkin, Joseph: Trotsky, Leon (1880 [sic!] - 1940)

In: Telushkin, J.: Jewish literacy. (New York, NY, 1991) : pp. 254-255

IDN  02147        Traverso, Enzo: Leo Trotzki : der Lebensweg eines nicht-jüdischen Juden   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02148        Traverso, Enzo: Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02149        Traverso, Enzo: Trotsky e la questione ebraica   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02150        Traverso, Enzo: Trotsky et la question juive   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02151         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Trockij kak osnovnaja dvižuščajasja sila russkoj revoljucii
: (Trockij i evrei pozadi russkoj revoljucii) [Electronic resource] / napisano byvšim russkim krasnym komissarom. Per. s angl. - 163 KB (12 pp.)
Orig.: Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky and the Jews behind the Russian revolution
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014
Angl.: Trotsky as the main driving force of the Russian revolution

IDN  02152         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
/ by a former Russian commissar. - Wichita, Ka. : Defender Publ., 1937. - 55 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky and the Jews behind the Russian revolution ; Trockij, kak osnovnaja dvižuščajasja sila russkoj revoljucii

IDN  02153         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Trotsky and the Jews behind the Russian revolution
/ by a former Russian commissar. - Melairie, La. : Sons of Liberty, 1980. - 55 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij, kak osnovnaja dvižuščajasja sila russkoj revoljucii
Repr. of the 1937 ed. with title "Trotsky"

IDN  02154        Vajskopf, Michail Jakovlevič: Leon Trotsky's family romance   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02155        Wistrich, Robert Solomon: The ghost of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02156        Wistrich, Robert Solomon: Leon Trotsky : a Bolshevik tragedy   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02157         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Wistrich, Robert Solomon: Leon Trotsky : Bolshevik neophyte
/ Robert S. Wistrich
In: Wistrich, R.S.: Revolutionary Jews from Marx to Trotsky. (London, 1976) : pp. 189-207, 236-239

Notes: 95

IDN  02158         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.02
Wistrich, Robert Solomon: Leon Trotsky : Bolshevik neophyte
/ Robert S. Wistrich
In: Wistrich, R.S.: Revolutionary Jews from Marx to Trotsky. (New York, NY, 1976) : pp. 189-207, 236-239

Notes: 95

IDN  02159        Zweig, Arnold: La fin de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02160        Zweig, Arnold: Trotzkis Ende   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

LLTB Chapter  2.8.03

IDN  02161         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ackerman, Kenneth D.: Trotsky in New York, 1917
: a radical on the eve of revolution. - Berkeley, Cal. : Counterpoint, [2016]. - 373 pp.
ISBN 978-1-61902-607-0

Table of contents: p.3 [Foreword] -- p.5 Montserrat -- p.29 Times Square -- p.41 Saint Marks Place -- p.55 Brooklyn -- p.65 Riverside Drive I -- p.73 Paterson -- p.75 The Bronx -- p.79 Cooper Union -- p.89 Riverside Drive II -- p.95 Wilson -- p.103 Spy versus spy -- p.115 Carnegie Hall -- p.129 Ziv -- p.139 Zurich -- p.145 East Broadway -- p.157 The Committee -- p.169 Lenox Casino -- p.177 Russia -- p.185 The whirlwind -- p.197 Spies again -- p.213 Consulates -- p.225 Missing -- p.231 Harlem River Casino -- p.239 Kristianiafjord -- p.251 Nova Scotia -- p.273 Petrograd -- p.291 Loose ends (p.291 Trotsky and the Russians -- p.304 Hillquit, Fraina, and the Americans -- p.315 Conspiracy theories) -- p.331 Acknowledgements -- p.335 Selected sources -- p.343 Endnotes -- p.365 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 335-341
Notes: 594

IDN  02162         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ackerman, Kenneth D.: Trotsky in New York, 1917
: reluctant Jew in a Jewish city
In: B'nai B'rith Magazine ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 1549-4799] 131.2017 (1) : pp. 16-19

IDN  02163         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ackerman, Kenneth D.: Trotsky's New York
: Leon Trotsky's brief 1917 stay in New York City left a mark on the American socialist movement [Electronic resource] / interview with Kenneth D. Ackerman. Interview by Arvind Dilawar. - 18 KB (4 pp.)
Accessed Nov. 1, 2017

IDN  02164         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Agunov, S.: Trockij v sibirskoj ssylke
: (po materialam gosudarstvennogo archiva Irkutskoj oblasti) / publikaciju podgotovil S. Agunov
In: Diplomatičeskij ežegodnik ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0236-395X] 1992 : pp. 326-332

Angl.: Trotsky in Sibirian exile

IDN  02165         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Akop'janc, Anait Surenovna: Iz istorii rossijskogo social-demokratičeskogo dviženija
: pobeg iz sibirskoj ssylki = From the history of the Russian social democratic movement : escape from Siberian exile
In: Vestnik Sibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Putej Soobščenija : Gumanitarnye issledovanija ‹Novosibirsk› [ISSN 1815-9265] 2022 (3=14) : pp. 91-100

Bibliogr.: pp. 98-100
Paper originally submitted to the V Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija "Rossija v Vojnach i Voennych Konfliktach XX - Načala XXI Veka", Novosibirsk, Febr. 4, 2022
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  02166         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Amiantov, Jurij Nikolaevič: 'Načal čitat' vaše pis'mo i rasserdilsja'
: perepiska L.D. Trockogo i A.S. Martynova, dekabr' 1910 - sentjabr' 1912 g. / Ju.N. Amiantov ; ž.V. Artamanova ; I.S. Rozental'
In: Istoričeskij archiv ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2628] 2014 (1) : pp. 3-37

Angl.: 'I began reading your letter and got angry' : the correspondence between L.D. Trotsky and A.S. Martynov, Dec. 1910 - Sept. 1912

IDN  02167        Arapova, L.I.: "Imeja ogromnuju istoričeskuju cennost'..."   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  02168         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Arest Trockogo v Galifakse
[Electronic resource]. - 426 KB (5 pp.)
Notes: 52
Wikipedia article, accessed July 20, 2022
Angl.: Trotsky's imprisonment in Halifax

IDN  02169         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Bader, Emil: Trotzkijs Aufenthalt in Wien

In: Neues Wiener Journal ‹Wien› 33.1925 (Jan.31)

Angl.: Trotsky's stay in Vienna

IDN  02170         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Bajbakova, Larisa Vilorovna: Vlijanie idejno-političeskoj dejatel'nosti L'va Trockogo na radikalizaciju levogo kryla Socialističeskoj Partii Ameriki (janvar'-mart 1917 g.)
/ L.V. Bajbakova
In: Istoričeskij vestnik ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2306-4978] 2018 (23) : pp. 222-239

Bibliogr.: pp. 237-238
Notes: 40
With Engl. abstract
Angl.: The influence of Leon Trotsky's ideological and political activity on the radicalization of the left-wing of the Socialist Party of America (January-March 1917)

IDN  02171        Bassow, Whitman: La Pravda de Léon Trotski   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02172         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Beswick, Aaron: Leon Trotsky forged notable month at Amherst foundry-turned internment camp
[Electronic resource]. - 133 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Nov. 23, 2016

IDN  02173         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Biwald, Brigitte: Agitator und Familienvater
: Leo Trotzki lebte von 1907 bis 1914 in Wien [...]
In: Wiener Zeitung ‹Wien› 2014 (Oct.11)

Angl.: Agitator and father of a family

IDN  02174         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Blakeley, Phyllis Ruth: Trotsky in Halifax
/ Phyllis R. Blakeley
In: The Atlantic Advocate ‹Fredericton, N.B.› [ISSN 0004-6744] 1964 (Nov.) : pp. 42-48

IDN  02175         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Boyer, M. Raoul: Revolution alone?
: Trotsky in Canada, 1917. - Dieppe, New Brunswick : Yesterday Today Publ., 2021. - 125 pp.
Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.5 Beginnings -- p.11 New York, 1917 -- p.23 44 Whitehall Ave., New York -- p.31 Russian revolution -- p.55 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada -- p.69 Amherst, Nova Scotia -- p.73 "Irreproachable Russian revolutionaries" -- p.77 New York -- p.79 Letting the world know -- p.89 Settling in -- p.93 Friction -- p.99 Tornio, Finland -- p.103 Natalya Sedova -- p.107 Pressure increases -- p.119 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 119-125

IDN  02176        Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkis journalistische Lehr- und Wanderjahre   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02177         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Brailsford, Henry Noel: Lenin e Trotsky a Londra
/ H.N. Brailsford
In: Eco del mondo ‹Milano› 4.1948 (21) : pp. 346-349

Orig.: When Lenin and Trotsky were in London

IDN  02178         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Brailsford, Henry Noel: When Lenin and Trotsky were in London
: H. N. Brailsford recalls memories of forty years ago
In: Listener ‹London› [ISSN 0024-4392] 39.1948 (988) : pp. 29-30

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin e Trotsky a Londra

IDN  02179         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Brupbacher, Fritz: Leo Trotzki 1914 in der Schweiz

In: Die Aktion ‹Berlin› [Reprint: ISSN 0516-334X] 19.1929 (3/4) : col. 79-81

Angl.: Leon Trotsky in Switzerland, 1914

IDN  02180         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Cameron, Silver Donald: When Trotsky was interned in Amherst, N.S.

In: Canadian Geographic ‹Ottawa› [ISSN 0706-2168] 108.1988 (2) : pp. 60-66

This article later was publ. in the WWW as electronic ressource with title "Trotsky in Amherst"

IDN  02181         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Cavendish, Richard: Trotsky exiled to Siberia : November 2nd, 1906

In: History Today ‹London› [ISSN 0018-2753] 56.2006 (11) : pp. 62-63

IDN  02182         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Černjaev, Vladimir Jur'evič: Trockij v Nju-Iorke
/ Vladimir Černjaev
In: Zvezda : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij nezavisimyj žurnal ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 0321-1878] 2018 (12) : pp. 166-188

Notes: 157
Angl.: Trotsky in New York

IDN  02183         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Connor, Kerstin Elisabet: Leon Trotsky and the 1905 revolution in Russia
. - 101, 4 pp.
Ottawa, Ont., Carleton Univ., Research essay (B.A.), 1976

IDN  02184         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Corney, Frederick Charles: Leon Trotskii : 1908-1914, the Vienna years
. - V, 186 pp.
Ottawa, Ont., Carleton Univ., Research essay (M.A.), 1981

IDN  02185         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Domingo, Javier: Trotsky, prisonero en cárcel Modelo de Madrid

In: Historia 16 ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0210-6353] 6.1981 (59) : pp. 97-99

Angl.: Trotsky as prisoner in Modelo penitentiary, Madrid

IDN  02186         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Dor, Milo:
Ein Revolutionär in Wien
In: Die Furche : die österreichische Wochenzeitung für Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Religion ‹Wien› [ISSN 0016-299X] 1979 (45) : p. 7

IDN  02187         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
L' expulsion de Trotsky : procès-verbal du 16 septembre 1916
In: Dans les archives secrètes de la police : quatre siècles d'histoire, de crimes et de faits divers. (Paris, 2009) : pp. 319-323

Angl.: Trotsky's expulsion [from France, 1916]

IDN  02188         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Gepp, Joseph: Drei Russen in Wien
: Lenin, Stalin, Trotzki ; alle drei hielten sich in Wien auf, um die Revolution in Russland vorzubereiten ; eine Spurensuche
In: Falter ‹Wien› 2007 (45)

Angl.: Three Russians in Vienna

IDN  02189         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Giffin, Frederick Charles: Leon Trotsky in New York City
/ Frederick C. Giffin
In: New York History ‹Cooperstown, NY› [ISSN 0146-437X] 49.1968 (4) : pp. 391-403

Notes: 42

IDN  02190        Gizatullin, Rauf Arturovič: L. D. Trockij : maj-ijul' 1917 g.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02191        Gössinger, Ingrid Angela: Lev Davidovič Trockij und die "Wiener" Pravda   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02192        Gold, David Louis: A good etymology lacking only an etiology   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02193         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Gremmo, Roberto: Trotzki insegnante a Bologna nel 1910 alla scuola dei "Bolscevichi di sinistra"

In: Storia ribelle ‹Biella› [ISSN 1973-5480] 1996 (3) : pp. 300-304

Angl.: Trotsky as a teacher at the school of the "Left Bolsheviks", Bologna 1910

IDN  02194        Grieser, Dietmar: Sieveringer Exil : Leo Trotzki und Natalia Sedowa   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02195        Grinevič, Elena Vladimirovna: Pervaja ljubov' Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02196        Grinevič, Elena Vladimirovna: Trockij i Sokolovskie   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02197        Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: El fantasma de Trotsky : (España, 1916-1940)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02198         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe:
Las peripecias de Trotsky en España [Electronic resource]. - 63 KB (5 pp.)
Notes: 11
Dated March 10, 2007
Accessed March 27. 2007
Angl.: Trotsky's vicissitudes in Spain

IDN  02199         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe:
Les "péripéties" de Trotsky en Espagne en 1916 / José Gutíerez Alvarez [recte: Pepe Gutiérrez Álvarez]
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (10) : pp. 5-11

Notes: 4
Angl.: Trotsky's vicissitudes in Spain in 1916

IDN  02200         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Haller, Günther: Trotzki, ein Revolutionär mit Manieren

In: Haller, G.: Café Untergang : Stalin, Hitler, Trotzki, Tito 1913 in Wien. (Wien, 2023) : pp. 41-48

Angl.: Trotsky, a revolutionary with manners

IDN  02201         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Harvey, Arnold D.: Trotsky at Halifax, April 1917
/ A.D. Harvey
In: Archives : the journal of the British Records Association ‹London› [ISSN 0003-9535] 22.1997 (97) : pp. 170-174

IDN  02202         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Hoffer, Bernard K.: Trotsky in the Bronx

In: Esquire ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0014-0791] 63.1965 (Apr.) : pp. 156-157

IDN  02203         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ivanov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Irkutskaja ssylka L'va Trockogo
[Electronic resource] / A.A. Ivanov. - 39 KB (12 pp.)
Notes: 51
Dated Dec. 11, 2014
Accessed May 1, 2015
Angl.: The Irkutsk exile of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02204         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ivanov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Lev Bronštejn v sibirskoj ssylke

In: Sibirskaja ssylka : sbornik naučnych statej ‹Irkutsk› 2000 (1=13) : pp. 200-244

Notes: 93
Angl.: Lev Bronshtein in Siberian exile

IDN  02205         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ivanov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Lev Trockij v sibirskoj ssylke
[Electronic resource] / A.A. Ivanov. - 57 KB (21 pp.)
Notes: 14
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Dated March 12, 2012
Accessed Oct. 1, 2014
Angl.: Leon Trotsky in Siberian exile

IDN  02206         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ivanov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Lev Trockij v sibirskoj ssylke
/ Aleksandr Ivanov
In: Zemlja irkutskaja ‹Irkutsk› 1998 (10) : pp. 70-76

Notes: 16
Angl.: Leon Trotsky in Siberian exile

IDN  02207         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ivanov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Pervaja ssylka L'va Trockogo

In: Klio : žurnal dlja učenych ‹Sankt Peterburg› [ISSN 2070-9773] 2013 (9=81) : pp. 120-127

Notes: 51
With abstract
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's first exile

IDN  02208         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Iz malen'kogo bogemskogo goroda
: pis'mo L.D. Trockogo D.F. Sverčkovu / [ed.:] Aleksandr Nikolaevič Svalov
In: Istoričeskij archiv ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2628] 2002 (3) : pp. 210-216

Angl.: From a small Bohemian town: a letter from Leon Trotsky to Dmitrij Fedorovič Sverčkov, 1907

IDN  02209        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: L. D. Trockij - Antid Oto   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02210         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Jones, David Robert:
The Trotsky affair, April 1917 / David R. Jones
In: Canadian-American Slavic Studies = Revue canadienne-américain d'études slaves ‹Bakersfield, Cal.; [later:] Leiden› [ISSN 0090-8290] 13.1979 (3) : pp. 310-331

Notes: 13
On pp. 314-331 documents from Canadian archives on Trotsky's internment in Amherst, Canada

IDN  02211         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Kardorff, Ursula von: Trotzki in der Closerie

In: Kardorff, U. von: Adieu Paris : literarische Lokaltermine. (Nördlingen, 1987) : pp. 85-89

IDN  02212         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Keller, Fritz: Trotsky in Vienna

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.1999 (2) : pp. 50-52

Notes: 5

IDN  02213         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Körner-Lakatos, Erich: Leo Trotzki in Sievering

In: Körner-Lakatos, E.: Ada Kaleh, Tannu-Tuwa, Acre : fünfzig historische Nischen. (Münster, 2010) : pp. 57-64

IDN  02214         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Kriegel, Annie:
Le dossier de Trotski à la Préfecture de Police de Paris / A. Kriegel
In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0008-0160] 4.1963 : pp. 264-300

Notes: 67
On pp. 276-279: Pièces du dossier antérieures à la première guerre mondiale; on pp. 279-300: Pièces du dossier correspondant au séjour de Trotski à Paris pendant la première guerre mondiale
Angl.: The Trotsky file at the Paris police department

IDN  02215         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Kutos, Paul: Russische Revolutionäre in Wien, 1900-1917
: eine Fallstudie zur Geschichte der politischen Emigration. - Wien : Passagen-Verl., 1993. - 144 pp. - (Passagen Politik)
ISBN 3-85165-052-2

Table of contents: p.13 Vorwort -- p.15 Einleitung -- p.33 Von der Jahrhundertwende bis zur ersten russischen Revolution (1900-1905) -- p.39 Vom Scheitern der ersten russischen Revolution bis zum Augustblock (1906-1912) (p.39 Trotzki in Wien -- p.41 Trotzkis Wohnverhältnisse -- p.45 Die Familie -- p.46 Trotzkis Einkünfte -- p.47 Trotzki und die Wiener russische Kolonie -- p.49 Trotzki und die österreichische Sozialdemokratie -- p.53 Das Café Central -- p.56 Die Wiener Prawda und ihr Mitarbeiterstab -- p.68 Andere russische Sozialdemokraten in Wien -- p.74 Die Wiener Konferenz von 1912) -- p.77 Von Lenins Übersiedlung nach Krakau bis zum Beginn des Ersten Weltkrieges (1912-1914) -- p.121 Zusammenfassung -- p.127 Anmerkungen -- p.139 Quellen und Literatur
Bibliogr.: pp. 139-144
Notes: 352
Trade ed. of author's "Russische Sozialdemokraten in Wien, 1900-1917", Dipl.-Arbeit, Universität Wien, 1992
Angl.: Russian revolutionaries in Vienna, 1900-1917

IDN  02216         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Kutos, Paul: Russische Sozialdemokraten in Wien, 1900-1917
. - 128 pp.
Wien, Univ. Wien, Dipl.-Arbeit, 1992
Director of thesis: Andreas Moritsch
Trade ed. see author's "Russische Revolutionäre in Wien, 1900-1917", Wien, 1993
Angl.: Russian social democrats in Vienna (1900-1917)

IDN  02217         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Lore, Ludwig: That Trotsky legend
. - 2 pp.
Unpubl. and undated ms., deposited at Manuscripts Dep., Lilly Library, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind.
About some rumors regarding Trotsky's uphold in New York, 1917

IDN  02218         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Lore, Ludwig: When Trotsky lived in New York
. - 7 pp.
Unpubl. and undated ms., deposited at Manuscripts Dep., Lilly Library, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind.

IDN  02219        Lubitz, Wolfgang: "Vostočnoe obozrenie" und Trockijs Beiträge als "Antid Oto"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02220        Maestro, Javier: Trotsky y España, 1916-1933   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02221        Mahoney, Harry Thayer: The saga of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02222         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Mansfeld, Alfred:
Der junge Trotzki unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wiener Jahre (1907-1914). - 181 pp.
Wien, Univ. Wien, Dipl.-Arbeit, 1997
Table of contents: p.5 Einleitung -- p.8 Der Jude Bronstein -- p.30 Ego et alter ego -- p.38 Beruf: Revolutionär -- p.53 Eine russische Arbeiterpartei entsteht -- p.61 Ein Revolutionär namens Trotzki -- p.74 Der nichtjüdische Jude -- p.92 Zwischen den Fronten -- p.105 Wien II -- p.169 Anhang -- p.174 Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis -- p.179 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 174-178
Notes: 382
Director of thesis: Anton Staudinger
Angl.: The young Trotsky with special regard to the Vienna years (1907-14)

IDN  02223         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Mansfeld, Alfred: Trockij in Wien

In: Archiv : Jahrbuch des Vereins für Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung ‹Wien› [ISSN 0003-8849] 1992 : pp. 83-95

Table of contents: p.83 Erste Kontakte mit Wien -- p.84 Die Wiener Jahre -- p.85 Trockij und die österreichische Sozialdemokratie -- p.86 Der Journalist Lev Trockij -- p.87 Trockijs Verurteilung des Terrors am Innsbrucker Parteitag 1911 -- p.88 Der Terrorismus und die russische revolutionäre Bewegung -- p.89 Trockijs "Nein" zum Terrorismus -- p.90 Die Wiener Pravda -- p.92 August-Block, Kriegskorrespondent, Stalin -- p.93 Bei Kriegsausbruch in Wien -- p.93 Quellenlage -- p.95 Literatur
Notes: 60
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky à Vienne
Angl.: Trotsky in Vienna

IDN  02224         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Mansfeld, Alfred: Trotsky à Vienne

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1993 (51) : pp. 5-18

Table of contents: p.5 Premiers contacts avec Vienne -- p.6 Les années viennoises -- p.8 Trotsky et la social-démocratie autrichienne -- p.9 Le journaliste Lev Trotsky -- p.10 Congrès d'Innsbruck (1911): Trotsky et la terreur -- p.12 Le terrorisme et le mouvement révolutionnaire russe -- p.13 Le "non" de Trotsky au terrorisme -- p.14 Le Pravda de Vienne -- p.15 Bloc d'août, correspondant de guerre, Staline -- p.17 Déclaration de guerre -- p.17 Les sources
Notes: 61
Orig.: Trockij in Wien
Angl.: Trotsky in Vienna

IDN  02225        Marie, Jean-Jacques: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02226         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Márquez Reviriego, Víctor: León Trotsky : Cádiz en el sol de otoño

In: Márquez Reviriego, V.: Presencias andaluzas. (Huelva, 2008) : pp. 192-194

Angl.: Cádiz in the autumn sun

IDN  02227         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Márquez Reviriego, Víctor: Trotsky, turista sin libertad y viajero excepcional : España, 1916

In: Tiempo de historia ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0210-7333] 1.1975 (12) : pp. 116-120

Angl.: Trotsky - tourist without freedom and exceptional voyager : Spain 1916

IDN  02228        Martinet, Marcel: Quelques souvenirs   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02229         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Martov, L.: Perepiska Ju.O. Martova i L.D. Trockogo : nojabr' 1910 g. - avgust 1912 gg.
/ publikaciju podgotovili Ju.N. Amiantov, Ž.V. Artamanova, I.S. Rozental'. - [1-2]
In: Istoričeskij archiv ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2628] 2009 (2) : pp. 26-64 ; 2009 (3) : pp. 44-79

Notes: 239
Angl.: Letter exchange between Ju.O. Martov and L.D. Trotsky : Nov. 1910 - Aug. 1912

IDN  02230         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Mejía, Pilar: León Trotsky : visitante bajo sospecha

In: Sociedad Geográfica Española ‹Madrid› [ISSN 1577-3531] 2013 (45) : pp. 116-125

Angl.: Leon Trotsky : visitor under suspicion

IDN  02231         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Merrien, Michaël:
L' émigration en France de Léon Trotsky : (19 novembre 1914 - 31 octobre 1916). - 206 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 2001
Table of contents: p.3 Introduction -- p.11 La genèse de la pensée trotskyste -- p.19 La guerre et les révolutionnaires russes (p.19 La France, nouvelle étape pour Trotsky -- p.35 La guerre, le temps des choix -- p.50 Naché slovo) -- p.68 Trotsky, la paix et les milieux pacifistes (p.68 Zimmerwald, berceau de la IIIième Internationale -- p.85 Trotsky et les social-démocraties européennes -- p.95 "Depuis Zimmerwald, nous savons que sous la cendre le feu est vivant") -- p.114 Trotsky, danger pour la France (p.114 Trotsky et le gouvernement français -- p.127 La surveillance de Trotsky -- p.142 L'expulsion de Léon Trotsky) -- p.155 Conclusion -- p.159 Annexes
Bibliogr.: pp. 203-204
Notes: 322
Director of thesis: Marie-Pierre Rey
Angl.: Trotsky's emigration to France

IDN  02232         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Michalowska, Maria: Aus Trotzkis Wiener Jahren

In: Neues Wiener Journal ‹Wien› 25.1917 (Dec.6=no.8658) : pp. 3-4

Angl.: From Trotsky's years in Vienna

IDN  02233         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Michalowska, Maria: Wie Trotzki in Wien lebte
: Unbekanntes aus den Jahren des Exils
In: Neues Wiener Journal ‹Wien› 25.1917 (Dec.23=no.8674) : p. 5

Angl.: How Trotsky lived in Vienna

IDN  02234         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Michels, Tony:
The Russian revolution in New York, 1917-19
In: Journal of Contemporary History ‹London› [ISSN 0022-0094] 52.2017 (4) : pp. 959-979

Notes: 71
With abstract

IDN  02235         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Misik, Robert: Herr Trotzki aus Sievering

In: AZ : unabhängige Tageszeitung ‹Wien› 1990 (Aug.18)

Angl.: Mister Trotsky from Sievering

IDN  02236         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Moreno de Arteaga, Iñigo: Trotski en España

In: Trockij, L.D.: Lenin. (Barcelona, 1972) : pp. 271-304

Notes: 45
Based on author's university work
Angl.: Trotsky in Spain

IDN  02237         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Moritsch, Andreas: Akterji "oktobrske revolucije" na Dunaju

In: Kriza socialnih idej = The crisis of social ideas : Britovškov zbornik / [ed.:] A. Lešnik. (Ljubljana, 1996) : pp. 119-126

Notes: 33
With Slovene and Engl. summaries
Angl.: The protagonists of the "October revolution" in Vienna

IDN  02238         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Moritz, Verena: Trotzkij im Exil

In: Leidinger, H.: Russisches Wien / H. Leidinger ; Verena Moritz. (Wien [etc.], 2004) : pp. 127-130

Notes: 16

IDN  02239         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Moskowitz, Henry: Trotsky on the East Side

In: The Outlook ‹New York, NY› 1918 (Jan.30) : pp. 181-183

On Trotsky's stay in New York, 1917

IDN  02240        Nikulenkova, Elena Vladimirovna: Lideri oppozicionnych gruppirovok 1920-ch gg. v izloženii "Istorii Vsesojuznoj Kommunističeskoj Partii (Bol'ševikov), kratkij kurs"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02241         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Norton-Taylor, Richard: MI5 detained Trotsky on way to revolution

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2001 (July 5) : p. 6

About Trotsky's arrest at Halifax, Canada, Spring 1917
Comment by Ian Thatcher with title "Trotsky deal" in: ibid., 2001 (July 6)

IDN  02242         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
On the trail of the truth about Trotsky

In: The Literary digest ‹New York, NY› 56.1918 (Febr.9) : pp. 56-66

IDN  02243        Perelomova, Julija: Gospodin "Antid Oto"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02244         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Pervaja ssylka Trockogo
[Electronic resource]. - 54 KB (12 pp.)
Notes: 94
Wikipedia article (Russian). - See also similar Wikipedia articles in other languages
Accessed Febr. 1, 2018
Angl.: Trotsky's first exile

IDN  02245         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Peterson, John: Trotsky in January 1917 : "Bronx man leads Russian revolution"
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (7 pp.)
Dated Jan. 13, 2017
Accessed March 20, 2017
Also publ. in Port. language (transl. by Fabiano Leite) with title "Trotsky em janeiro de 1917: homem do Bronx lidera a revolução russa", URL:

IDN  02246         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Pitzer, Andrea: Trotsky's Canadian holiday
: it was a brief internment in Nova Scotia that lay the groundwork for the Soviet gulag [Electronic resource]. - 13 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Nov. 23, 2016

IDN  02247         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Pollak, Ernst: Leo Trotzki und der Spirituosenhändler Frankl

In: Der Gemeindebedienstete ‹Wien› 1974 (6) : pp. 14-16

Angl.: Leon Trotsky and the wine merchant Frankl

IDN  02248         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Polo, Higinio:
La voz metálica de Trotski
In: El Viejo topo ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 0210-2706] 2004 (200/201)

Angl.: Trotsky's metallic voice

IDN  02249        Pulzer, Peter: David Leontievic und Anna Bronstein an ihren Sohn Lev Davidovic (Trotzkij) (1907)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02250         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Račkovskij, Valerij Aleksandrovič: Vozvraščenie L. D. Trockogo v Rossiju v zerkale socialističeskoj pečati 1917 goda
[Electronic resource] / V.A. Račkovskij ; R.A. Šumjakov. - 717 KB (14 pp.)
In: Russian Colonial Studies [Electronic journal] ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 2686-9217] 2019 (4) : pp. 6-19

Notes: 50
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed June 20, 2020
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky's return to Russia in the mirror of the socialist press, 1917

IDN  02251         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rodney, William: Broken journey
: Trotsky in Canada, 1917
In: Queen's Quarterly ‹Kingston, Ont.› [ISSN 0033-6041] 74.1967 (4) : pp. 649-665

Notes: 30

IDN  02252         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rodney, William: Leon Trotsky and Canada
: a historian comments upon two little known episodes that connect Trotsky with Canada
In: Queen's Quarterly ‹Kingston, Ont.› [ISSN 0033-6041] 71.1964 (3) : pp. 365-370

IDN  02253         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rodney, William: Russian revolutionaries in the port of Vancouver, 1917

In: BC Studies : the British Columbian quarterly ‹Vancouver, B.C.› [ISSN 0005-2949] 1972/73 (16) : pp. 25-31

Notes: 17

IDN  02254        Rondholz, Eberhard: Berichte vom Balkanbrand   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02255         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred:
L' expulsion de Léon Trotzky / [Alfred Rosmer]. - Paris : Impr. Spéciale de la "Vie ouvrière", [1917]. - 36 pp. - (Lettres aux abonnés de la Vie ouvrière ; 3)
Angl.: The expulsion of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02256         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred: Lev Trotsky a Parigi durante la prima guerra mondiale
[Electronic resource] / la presente trad. ital., curata da Paolo Casciola, si basa sul testo francese. - 448 KB (18 pp.)
Notes: 26
Orig.: Trotsky à Paris pendant la première guerre mondiale
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in Paris during World War I
Accessed Febr. 20, 2017
Later also publ. in: Trotskismo oggi (Roma?), 2017 (10)

IDN  02257         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred:
The Paris militant
In: Fourth International / International Executive Committee of the Fourth International ‹Paris; later: London; later: Amsterdam; later: Paris› [ISSN 0429-2790] 1959 (7) : pp. 15-18

Orig.: Trotsky, militant parisien

IDN  02258         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky à Paris pendant la première guerre mondiale

In: La Révolution prolétarienne ‹Paris› [ISSN 0755-3277] N.S. 19.1950 (43=344) : pp. 1-8 = 289-296

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in Paris during World War I ; Lev Trotsky a Parigi durante la prima guerra mondiale

IDN  02259         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky à Paris pendant la première guerre mondiale

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 15-35

Notes: 27
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in Paris during World War I ; Lev Trotsky a Parigi durante la prima guerra mondiale

IDN  02260         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky in Paris during World War I
: recollections of a comrade and co-worker
In: The New International ‹New York, NY› 16.1950 (5=143) : pp. 263-278

Orig.: Trotsky à Paris pendant la première guerre mondiale
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotsky a Parigi durante la prima guerra mondiale

IDN  02261         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky in Paris during World War I

In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 103-111

Orig.: Trotsky à Paris pendant la première guerre mondiale
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotsky a Parigi durante la prima guerra mondiale

IDN  02262         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky in Paris during World War I
: recollections of a comrade and co-worker
In: Workers' Action ‹London› 2003 (21) : pp. 28-35

Orig.: Trotsky à Paris pendant la première guerre mondiale
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lev Trotsky a Parigi durante la prima guerra mondiale

IDN  02263         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky, militant parisien

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 17.1959 (7) : pp. 8-11

Other ed., versions, transl.: The Paris militant

IDN  02264         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Routsky, Pierre:
A page from the past
In: The Russian Review ‹Various places› [ISSN 0036-0341] 7.1947/48 (2) : pp. 69-75

About Trotsky's stay in New York, 1917

IDN  02265         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Sanders, Richard: Canadian antiSemites, antiReds and the internment of Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - 13 KB (3 pp.)
In: Press for Conversion : newsletter of the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade ‹Ottawa, Ont.› [ISSN 1183-8892] 2016 (68) : pp. 36-38

Notes: 24
Accessed Jan. 20, 2018

IDN  02266        Šapošnikov, Vladimir Nikolaevič: Trockij : sotrudnik "Vostočnogo obozrenija"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02267         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Service, Robert: Russian Marxism and its London colony before the October 1917 revolution

In: The Slavonic and East European Review ‹London› [ISSN 0037-6895] 88.2010 (1/2) : pp. 359-376

Notes: 61

IDN  02268        Shaw, Michael Eugene: The Nashe Slovo group and Russian social democracy during W.W.I.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02269         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Spence, Richard B.: Hidden agendas : spies, lies and intrigue surrounding Trotsky's American visit of January-April 1917

In: Revolutionary Russia ‹London; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0954-6545] 21.2008 (1) : pp. 33-55

Bibliogr.: pp. 54-55
Notes: 140
Other ed., versions, transl.: Programmi segreti
Basically a sequel to author's "Interrupted journey", in: ibid., 13.2000 (1)

IDN  02270         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Spence, Richard B.: Interrupted journey
: British intelligence and the arrest of Leon Trotskii, April 1917
In: Revolutionary Russia ‹London; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0954-6545] 13.2000 (1) : pp. 1-28

Notes: 144
Sequel see author's "Hidden agendas", in: ibid., 21.2008 (1)

IDN  02271         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Spence, Richard B.: Programmi segreti : spie, bugie e intrighi intorno alla visita americana di Trotsky del gennaio-aprile 1917
[Electronic resource] / trad. a cura di Raffaele Simonetti [et al.]. - 10.9 MB (29 pp.)
Notes: 140
Orig.: Hidden agendas
Angl.: Secret programs

IDN  02272         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Šumjakov, Rauf Arturovič: L. D. Trockij i rol' sovetov v voprose o vlasti v 1917 godu

In: Issledovanija molodych učenych : materialy VI meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii. (Kazan', 2020) : pp. 47-50

Notes: 18
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky and the rôle of the soviets with regard to the question of power 1917

IDN  02273         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Šumjakov, Rauf Arturovič: Negativnyj obraz L.D. Trockogo na stranicach socialističeskich gazet Petrograda v mae-ijune 1917 g.
= Negative image of Leon Trotsky on the pages of socialist press in Petrograd, May-June 1917 / naučnj rukovoditel': Valerij Aleksandrovič Račkovskij
In: Nojabr'skie čtenija 2019 : sbornik statej po itogam XI Vserossijskoj Konferencii Studentov, Aspirantov i Molodych Učenych, Sankt-Peterburg, 8-10 nojabrja 2019 g. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2021) : pp. 423-429

Notes: 10
Paper originally submitted to the XI Vserossijskaja Konferencija Studentov, Aspirantov i Molodych Učenych, Sankt-Peterburg, Nov. 8-10, 2019
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  02274         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Sutton, Antony Cyril: Trotsky leaves New York to complete the revolution
/ Antony C. Sutton
In: Sutton, A.C.: Wall Street and the Bolshevik revolution. (New Rochelle, NY, 1974)

IDN  02275        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Leon Trotsky and World War One   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02276        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Leon Trotsky in New York City   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02277        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: The St Petersburg/Petrograd Mezhraionka, 1913-1917   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02278         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Trotsky and the censor
/ Ian D. Thatcher
In: European History Quarterly ‹London› [ISSN 0014-3111 - ISSN 0265-6914] 24.1994 (2) : pp. 245-258

Notes: 39
Unaltered version of ch. 3, "Trotsky and the censor in Paris during World War One" of author's "Leon Trotsky and World War One", thesis (Ph.D.), Univ. of Glasgow, 1993 [see ch. 3.3.09]

IDN  02279        Tjutjukin, Stanislav Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02280         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Tjutjukin, Stanislav Vasil'evič: Lev Trockij : put' k Oktjabrju
/ S.V. Tjutjukin
In: Istoriki otvečajut na voprosy. 2. (Moskva, 1990) : pp. 185-210, 361-362

Notes: 19
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : the road towards October

IDN  02281        Todorova, Marija Nikolaeva: War and memory   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02282         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Trockij v SŠA
[Electronic resource]. - 332 KB (8 pp.)
Wikipedia article in Russ. language
Angl.: Trotsky in the USA

IDN  02283         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Trockij, Lev Davidovič: Vospominanija o moej pervoj ssylke
/ L. Trockij
In: Katorga i ssylka ‹Moskva› 1923 (5) : pp. 91-95

Angl.: Reminiscences of my first banishment

IDN  02284         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Trotsky and other revolutionaries in New York
[Electronic resource]. - 75 KB (12 pp.)
Accessed March 20, 2017

IDN  02285         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Trotzki und Österreich
[Electronic resource]. - 35 KB (9 pp.)
Table of contents: p.1 Das Exil -- p.2 Marxismus und Psychoanalyse -- p.4 Die nationale Frage -- p.6 Krise, Sozialdemokratie und Faschismus -- p.8 Frage der Unabhängigkeit Österreichs
Dated March 14, 2005
Accessed May 5, 2015
Angl.: Trotsky and Austria

IDN  02286         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ulanov, Valerij Anatol'evič: Tščeslavnyj talant
: Trockij - k političeskoj biografii / V. Ulanov
In: Leningradskaja pravda ‹Leningrad› [ISSN 1025-1146] 1989 (July 23) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: Proud man of talent : to the political biography of Trotsky

IDN  02287         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ulrich, Jürg:
Eine Episode aus dem Jahre 1909 : die Beziehung von Alltagsleben und Politik in der russischen sozialistischen Emigration vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg
In: Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung : IWK ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0046-8428] 36.2000 (3) : pp. 366-376

Notes: 33
About a begging letter of Trotsky from June 1909 and its background
Angl.: An episode from 1909 : the relationship of everyday life and politics in the Russian socialist emigration before World War I

IDN  02288        Ulrich, Jürg: Leo Trotzki als junger Revolutionär   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02289         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Ultan, Lloyd:
The mystery of Trotsky's Bronx friends
In: The Bronx County Historical Society Journal ‹Bronx, NY› [ISSN 0007-2249] 36.1999 (2) : pp. 73-82

"While he was living in exile in the Bronx, Leon Trotsky befriended a fellow radial socialist whom he referred to only as "Dr. M" in his memoirs. This friend can be identified as Dr. Julius Hammer, the wealthy head of the Allied Drug and Chemical Corporation, cofounder of the Communist Party in the United States of America, and father of oil magnate Armand Hammer." [Abstract from "America : history and life"]
See also Gold, David Louis: A good etymology lacking only an etiology [see ch. 2.7]

IDN  02290         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Veber, Václav: Lev Davidovič Trockij

In: Dějiny a současnost ‹Praha› [ISSN 0418-5129] 10.1968 (7) : pp. 6-13

IDN  02291         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Werner, Hans: And what, exactly was Leon Trotsky doing in Nova Scotia in 1917?

In: Saturday Night ‹Toronto› [ISSN 0036-4975] 89.1974 (Aug.) : pp. 26-29

IDN  02292         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
When Trotsky's landlady put him out

In: The Literary digest ‹New York, NY› 101.1929 (May 25) : pp. 65-67

About Trotsky's stay in Vienna, 1909

IDN  02293         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.03
Yamanouchi, Akito: "Internationalized Bolshevism"
: the Bolsheviks and the International, 1914-1917
In: Acta Slavica Iaponica ‹Sapporo› [ISSN 0288-3503] 7.1989 : pp. 17-32

Table of contents: p.17 Introduction -- p.17 Attempts within the Bolsheviks -- p.18 Attempts without the Bolsheviks -- p.21 Not "vacillating" thought of Bukharin -- p.23 The cooperation between Bukharin and Trotsky in America -- p.29 Notes
Notes: 102

LLTB Chapter  2.8.04

IDN  02294         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Aguilar Mora, Manuel:
Las perspectivas del trotskismo : pronunciada en el Museo Casa de León Trotsky (17.08.06). - 7 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Angl.: Perspectives of Trotskyism

IDN  02295         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Almeyra, Guillermo: Trotsky, el consecuente
. - 3 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Mesa Redonda 'Trotsky y la Revolución de Octubre', México, D.F., Aug. 21, 2006

IDN  02296        Anweiler, Oskar: Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02297         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Aschmoneit, Artur: Trotzki, ZK, RMK
: das Revolutionäre Militärkomitee in der Oktoberrevolution ; die Legenden um Leo Trotzki. - Düsseldorf : Dis's'kurs, 1991. - IV, 334 pp.
ISBN 3-928685-00-7

Table of contents: p.I Vorbemerkung -- p.1 Die Gründung des RMK, 9.10. -- p.17 Die Gründung des RMK, 10./11.10. -- p.27 Die EKPS-Sitzung am 12.10. -- p.39 Die Gründung des RMK, 12./13.10. -- p.45 Die Gründung des RMK, 13.-15.10. -- p.53 Die Gründung des RMK, 16.10. -- p.69 17.10. -- p.75 18.10. -- p.83 19.10. -- p.89 20.10., die Kommissare des RMK -- p.101 21.10. -- p.109 21.10., Verhandlungen RMK-Stab -- p.115 22.10. -- p.125 23.10. -- p.141 24.10., Schließung von "Rabočij Put'" -- p.157 24.10., weitere Verhandlungen und Aufrufe -- p.169 24.10., Bolschewiki, Regierung, Massen -- p.185 24.10., Die Ereignisse spitzen sich zu -- p. 205 25.10., Die Entscheidung -- p.15.10., Die Verhaftung der Regierung -- p.231 Mitglieder des RMK -- p.237 Der RMK-Vorsitzende -- p.245 Treffen der RMK-Funktionäre mit Lenin -- p.253 "Voenka", Bewaffnung des RMK -- p.263 Die Bolschewiki Petrograds -- p.269 Die Rolle Trockijs -- p.279 Die Haltung der Soldaten-Massen -- p.307 Schluß -- p.309 Bibliografie
Bibliogr.: pp. 309-334
Notes: 1.166
Trade ed. of author's "Das Petrograder Revolutionäre Militärkomitee in der Oktoberrevolution", Diss., Heinrich-Heine-Univ., Düsseldorf, 1991
Angl.: Trotsky, the Central Committee, the Revolutionary Military Committee : the Revolutionary Military Committee during the October revolution, the legends about Trotsky

IDN  02298         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Berens, Peter:
Die revolutionäre Strategie Trotzkis / B.B. [i.e. Peter Berens]
In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 11.2005 (125) : pp. 20-21

Angl.: Trotsky's revolutionary strategy

IDN  02299         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Bezemer, Jan Willem: Oktober
: het besluit tot opstand / J.W. Bezemer
In: Internationale Spectator ‹'s-Gravenhage› [ISSN 0020-9317] 21.1967 (18) : pp. 1432-1453

Angl.: October : decision for insurrection

IDN  02300         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Burchfield, Sharla: Chronicle of a Russian revolutionary : Leon Trotsky and the Bolshevik revolution

In: The Upsilonian ‹Williamsburg, Ky.› 1992 (4)

Notes: 61

IDN  02301         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Carmichael, Joel: Lenin + ? = Trotsky
: behind the Bolshevik putsch
In: Midstream ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-332X] 21.1975 (10) : pp. 20-34

Notes: 20

IDN  02302         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Coolidge, Olivia Ensor:
The red revolutionists : Lenin, Trotsky / Olivia E. Coolidge
In: Coolidge, O.E.: Makers of the red revolution. (Boston, Mass., 1963) : pp. 28-102

IDN  02303         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en 1921 : défaite dans la victoire
/ trad. de l'anglais par Paulette M. Péju
In: Les Temps modernes ‹Paris› [ISSN 0040-3075] 14.1958/59 (156/157) : pp. 1394-1432

Detatched and transl. from author's "The prophet armed", London, 1954
Angl.: Trotsky in 1921 : defeat in victory

IDN  02304         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky pendant la révolution d'octobre
/ trad. par Paulette M. Péju. - [1-3]
In: Les Temps modernes ‹Paris› [ISSN 0040-3075] 13.1957 (137/138) : pp. 174-206; 13.1957 (139) : pp. 478-499; 13.1957 (140) : pp. 699-728

Detatched and transl. from author's "The prophet armed", London, 1954
Angl.: Trotsky during the October revolution

IDN  02305        Dioguardi, Gianfranco: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky (1879-1940)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02306        Dosch-Fleurot, Arno Walter: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02307         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Duarte, Juan: Trotsky y la insurrección como arte
: a propósito de León Trotsky, el arte de la insurrección, 1905-1917 de H.W. Nelson
In: Ideas de izquierda : revista de política y cultura ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2344-9454] 2015 (22)

Angl.: Trotsky and the insurrection as an art

IDN  02308        Farrell, James Thomas: León Trotski   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02309        Farrell, James Thomas: Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02310        Farrell, James Thomas: A portrait of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02311        Farrell, James Thomas: Tributo al gran viejo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02312        Farrell, James Thomas: Tributo al gran viejo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02313         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Ferré, Dominique: Léon Trotsky, un révolutionnaire au coeur de la révolution russe de 1905, "répétition générale" de la révolution de 1917

In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] N.s. 2010 (69=675=no.spéc.) : pp. 23-30

Notes: 17
Angl.: Leon Trotsky, a revolutionary in the centre of the Russian revolution of 1905 ...

IDN  02314        Galajko, Vladimir Musievič: Lev Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02315         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Gizatullin, Rauf Arturovič: L. D. Trockij : maj-ijul' 1917 g.

In: Istoričeskie issledovanija : materialy VI meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii / glavn. red.: I.G. Achmatov. (Moskva, 2018) : pp. 6-14

Notes: 31
Paper originally submitted to the VI. Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Istoričeskie Issledovanija', Moskva, June 20-23, 2018
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky : May-July 1917

IDN  02316         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Greene, Doug Enaa:
The communist order of samurai : Leon Trotsky and the Red Army [Electronic resource]. - 60 KB (10 pp.)
Notes: 45
Accessed Febr. 1, 2017

IDN  02317         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Greene, Doug Enaa: Leon Trotsky and revolutionary insurrection
[Electronic resource]. - 29 KB (10 pp.)
Notes: 61
Accessed Febr. 1, 2014

IDN  02318         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Haar, Otto van de: Wat doet Trotzky in 1905?

In: Politiek en Cultuur ‹Amsterdam› [ISSN 0032-3349] 41.1981 (6) : pp. 234-236

Angl.: What did Trotsky in 1905?

IDN  02319         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Hall, Thomas Randolph:
The Petersburg Soviet of Workmen Deputies in the revolution of 1905. - IV, 186 pp.
Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1942
Bibliogr.: pp. 180-186

IDN  02320        Hurwicz, Elias: Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02321         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Johnson, James Grayson:
The Petrograd Military-Revolutionary Committee (October-December 1917). - VI, 391 pp.
Atlanta, Ga., Emory Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974
Bibliogr.: pp. [377]-391

IDN  02322         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Lacouture, Jean:
El arte de la insurrección ... / trad. de Pierre Jacomet
In: Lacouture, J.: Mis héroes y nuestros monstruos. (Santiago de Chile, 1995) : pp. 29-34

Angl.: The art of insurrection...

IDN  02323        Lancov, Sergej Alekseevič: Lenin i Trockij kak ideologi i voždi Oktjabr'skoj revoljucii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02324         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Lev Trockij v 1917 godu
[Electronic resource]. - 48 KB (15 pp.)
Wikipedia article (in Russian language)
Accessed Sept. 6, 2012
Angl.: Leon Trotsky in the year 1917

IDN  02325        Lévy, Roger: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02326         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Luckij, Evegenij Alekseevič: Zasedanie CK RSDRP(B) noč'ju 24-25 oktjabrja 1917 g.
/ E.A. Luckij
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1986 (11) : pp. 81-90

Notes: 57
Angl.: The meeting of the CC of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party on the night of 24-25 October 1917

IDN  02327        Mahoney, Harry Thayer: The saga of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02328         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Maiello, Matias: Trotsky y el arte de la insurrección
[Electronic resource] / Matias Maiello ; Emilio Albamonte. - 36 KB (25 pp.)
Notes: 74
Accessed Aug. 24, 2020
Angl.: Trotsky and the art of insurrection

IDN  02329         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Coup d'État
: the technique of revolution / Curzio Malaparte. Transl. by Sylvia Saunders. - New York, NY : Dutton, 1932. - 251 pp.
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Technique du coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02330         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio:
El golpe de estado bolchevique y la táctica de Trotsky
In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 99-126

Angl.: The Bolshevik coup d'État and the tactics of Trotsky

IDN  02331         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio:
El golpe de estado bolchevique y la táctica de Trotsky
In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 122-152

IDN  02332         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio:
Der Staatsstreich / übertr. von Renée Adloff. - Leipzig [etc.] : Tal, 1932. - 244 pp.
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Technique du coup d'État ; Technik des Staatsstreichs
Transl. from the French

IDN  02333         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Technik des Staatsstreichs
/ [aus dem Ital. übers. von Hellmut Ludwig]. - Karlsruhe : Stahlberg, 1968. - 190 pp.
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Staatsstreich ; Coup d'État; Technique du coup d'État

IDN  02334         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Technik des Staatsstreichs
/ aus dem Ital. von Hellmut Ludwig. - Berlin : Ed. Tiamat, 1988. - 195 pp. - (Critica diabolis ; 15)
ISBN 3-923118-51-1

Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Staatsstreich ; Coup d'etat; Technique du coup d'etat

IDN  02335         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Technique du coup d'État
/ trad. de l'ital. par Juliette Bertrand. - Paris : Grasset, 1931. - 299 pp. - (Les écrits : 3ème série ; 1)
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02336         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Technique du coup d'État
. - Éd. rev. et corr. - Paris : Union Générale d'Édition, 1964. - 279 pp. - (Le monde en 10/18 ; 179)
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02337         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Technique du coup d'État
/ trad. de l'ital. par Juliette Bertrand. - Nouvelle éd. rev. et corr. - Paris : Grasset, 1966. - XXXII, 228 pp.
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02338         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Technique du coup d'État
/ trad. de l'ital. par Juliette Bertrand. - Nouvelle éd. rev. et corr. - Paris : Grasset, 1992. - 228 pp. - (Les cahiers rouges [ISSN 0756-7170] ; 165)
ISBN 2-246-13982-1

Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02339         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Technique du coup d'État
/ trad. de l'ital. par Juliette Bertrand. - Nouvelle éd. rev. et corr. - Paris : Grasset, 2010. - 228 pp. - (Les cahiers rouges [ISSN 0756-7170] ; 165)
ISBN 978-2-246-13983-6

Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02340         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Technique du coup d'État : Lénine et Trotsky
/ C. Malaparte
In: L'Europe nouvelle ‹Paris› [ISSN 1246-6735] 14.1931 : pp. 952-953

Detatched from author's "Technique du coup d'État", Paris, 1931
Angl.: Techniques of coup d'État : Lenin and Trotsky

IDN  02341         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Técnica de golpe de Estado
: Bonaparte, Lenin, Trotsky [...] / Curzio Malaparte. [Trad. de Julio Gómez de la Serna]. - Madrid : Ulises, 1931. - 260 pp. - (Nueva política)
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technique du coup d'État ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02342         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Técnica de golpe de Estado
: Bonaparte, Lenin, Trotsky [...] / Curzio Malaparte. [Trad. de Julio Gómez de la Serna]. - Barcelona : Plaza & Janés, 1958. - 222 pp.
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technique du coup d'État ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02343         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Técnica de golpe de Estado
: Bonaparte, Lenin, Trotsky [...] / Curzio Malaparte. [Trad. de Julio Gómez de la Serna]. - Barcelona : Plaza & Janés, 1960. - 207 pp. - (Lauro)
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technique du coup d'État ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02344         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Técnica de golpe de Estado
: Bonaparte, Lenin, Trotsky [...] / Curzio Malaparte. [Trad. de Julio Gómez de la Serna]. - Barcelona : Plaza & Janés, [1965]. - 207 pp. - (Lauro)
Orig.: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technique du coup d'État ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02345         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
. - Milano : Bompiani, [1948]. - 207 pp. - (Vinti i vincitori ; 10)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Technique du coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02346         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
. - Milano : Aria d'Italia, 1955. - 207 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Technique du coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02347         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
. - Firenze : Vallecchi, [1973]. - XXXIII, 180 pp. - (Tascabili Vallecchi ; 39)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Technique du coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02348         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
/ a cura di Luigi Martellini. - Milano : Mondadori, 1983. - 251 pp. - (Oscar saggi)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Technique du coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02349         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
/ introd. di Giorgio Luti. Con un saggio di Bruno Tellia. - Firenze : Vallecchi, 1994. - 244 pp. - (Novecento Vallecchi)
ISBN 88-8252-001-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Technique du coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02350         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Malaparte, Curzio: Tecnica del colpo di Stato
. - Milano : Adelphi, 2011. - 270 pp. - (Piccola biblioteca Adelphi ; 621)
ISBN 978-88-459-2632-7

Other ed., versions, transl.: Coup d'État; Technique du coup d'État ; Der Staatsstreich ; Technik des Staatsstreichs

IDN  02351         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Mandel, Ernest: Trotsky en la revolución rusa

In: Cuadernos para el diálogo : Colección Los suplementos ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0011-2534] 1977 (82) : pp. 24-29

Angl.: Trotsky in the Russian revolution

IDN  02352         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Marie, Jean-Jacques:
Le Comité Militaire Révolutionnaire du Soviet de Pétrograd et son président
In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0008-0160] 8.1967 (2) : pp. 189-204

Notes: 53
Angl.: The Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet and its president

IDN  02353         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
McGarr, Paul: Trotsky 1906
: on trial for leading the people
In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 1996 (May 25)

IDN  02354         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Medlin, Virgil Dewain:
The reluctant revolutionaries : the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, 1917 / Vergil D. Medlin. - V, 367 pp.
Norman, Okla., Univ. of Oklahoma, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974
Bibliogr.: pp. 352-367

IDN  02355         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Mlečin, Leonid Michajlovič: Začem Stalin ubil Trockogo
/ Leonid Mlečin. - Moskva : Centrpoligraf, 2010. - 350 pp. - (Sensacija)
ISBN 978-5-227-02270-7 - ISBN 5-227-02270-7

Table of contents: p.3 Ot avtora -- p.7 Trockij protiv Stalina -- p.169 Stalin protiv Trockogo -- p.335 Vmesto posleslovija: Spory vokrug izgnannika
Angl.: Why Stalin murdered Trotsky

IDN  02356         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Mlečin, Leonid Michajlovič: Začem Stalin ubil Trockogo
: protivostojanie voždej / Leonid Mlečin. - Moskva : Amfora, 2015. - 350 pp. - (Tajny istorii)
ISBN 978-5-367-03844-6 - ISBN 5-367-03844-1

IDN  02357         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Moritsch, Andreas: Ausgewählte österreichische Pressestimmen über die Oktoberrevolution und ihre Akteure

In: Österreichische Osthefte ‹Wien› [ISSN 0029-9375] 32.1990 (4) : pp. 628-640

Angl.: Selected views in the Austrian press on the October revolution and its actors

IDN  02358        Nelke: Leo Trotzki und der sowjetische Staatskapitalismus   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02359         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Nelson, Harold Walter: Leon Trotsky and the art of insurrection
: 1905-1917. - III, 246 pp.
Ann Arbor, Mich., Univ. of Michigan, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1978
Bibliogr.: pp. 233-246
Trade ed. publ. with same title, London [etc.], 1988

IDN  02360         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Nelson, Harold Walter: Leon Trotsky and the art of insurrection
: 1905-1917. - London [etc.] : Cass, 1988. - VIII, 158 pp. - (Cass series on politics and military affairs in the twentieth century)
ISBN 0-7146-3272-4 - ISBN 0-7146-4065-4

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.6 Trotsky's analysis of the lessons of 1905 -- p.27 The Russian social democrats and military-revolutionary activity, 1905-1912 -- p.52 Trotsky reports the Balkan wars -- p.71 Trotsky's analysis of military matters during the World War -- p.93 The military and the revolution, February-June, 1917 -- p.108 Trotsky and the organization of the Petrograd revolution -- p.125 Conclusions -- p.130 Notes -- p.147 Selected bibliography -- p.154 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 146-153
Notes: 365
Other ed., versions, transl.: León Trotsky y el arte de la insurrección : 1905-1917
Trade ed. of author's university work with same title, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1978

IDN  02361         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Nelson, Harold Walter: León Trotsky y el arte de la insurrección
: 1905-1917. - Buenos Aires : Ed. IPS y CEIP, 2016. - 218 pp. - (Estrategia y cuestiones militares)
ISBN 978-987-3958-06-9

Orig.: Leon Trotsky and the art of insurrection : 1905-1917

IDN  02362         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Nikulenkova, Elena Vladimirovna: Lideri oppozicionnych gruppirovok 1920-ch gg. v izloženii "Istorii Vsesojuznoj Kommunističeskoj Partii (Bol'ševikov), kratkij kurs"
/ E.V. Nikulenkova
In: Ėkstremal'noe v povsednevnoj žizni naseledija Rossii : istorija i sovremennost' / otv. red. V.A. Veremenko [et al.] (Sankt Peterburg, 2017) : pp. 41-48

Paper originally submitted to the Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Ėkstremal'noe v Povsednevnoj Žizni Naseledija Rossii', Sankt-Peterburg, March 16-19, 2017
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Leaders of opposition groups of the 1920s in the presentation of the "History of the Allunion Communist Party, short course"

IDN  02363        Péro, R.: Léon Davidovitch Trotsky : un titan de la révolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02364        Posadas, J.: León Trotsky : el organizador revolucionario   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02365        Posadas, J.: O pensamento vivo de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02366        Posadas, J.: El pensamiento vivo de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02367        Posadas, J.: La pensée vivante de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02368        Posadas, J.: Il pensiero vivo di Trotzky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02369         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Rabinowitch, Alexander: Dos'e Ščastnogo : Trockij i delo geroja Baltijskogo Flota
/ Aleksandr Rabinovič
In: Otečestvennaja istorija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-5687] 2001 (1) : pp. 61-82

Orig.: The Shchastnyj file: Trotsky and the case of the hero of the Baltic Fleet

IDN  02370         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Rabinowitch, Alexander: Lenin and Trockij in the October revolution

In: Pensiero e azione politica di Lev Trockij / a cura di F. Gori. 1. ([Firenze], 1982) : pp. 199-207

Notes: 13
Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980

IDN  02371         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Rabinowitch, Alexander: October surprise! : Trotsky, the Petrograd Bolsheviks and the "second Iudenich crisis"

In: Rossija i SŠA = Russia and the United States / red. koll.: S.A. Isaev [et al.] (Sankt-Peterburg, 2015) : pp. 148-159

IDN  02372         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Rabinowitch, Alexander:
The Shchastnyj file: Trotsky and the case of the hero of the Baltic Fleet
In: The Russian Review ‹Various places› [ISSN 0036-0341] 58.1999 (4) : pp. 615-634

Other ed., versions, transl.: Dos'e Ščastnogo : Trockij i delo geroja Baltijskogo Flota

IDN  02373         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Ramírez, Carlos: Trotsky y la revolución de Octubre

In: El Militante : voz del socialismo marxista y la juventud ‹Madrid› [ISSN 1885-169X] 2000 (131) : pp. 10-11

Pt. 3 of a series of articles with title "60 aniversario del asesinato de León Trotsky"
Angl.: Trotsky and the October revolution

IDN  02374         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Reiman, Michal: Trockij 1917 : die Geburt einer historischen Persönlichkeit

In: Pensiero e azione politica di Lev Trockij / a cura di F. Gori. 1. ([Firenze], 1982) : pp. 187-197

Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980
Angl.: Trotsky in 1917 : birth of a historic figure

IDN  02375        Riggle, John Wayne: A historical study of the fall of Trotsky, 1917-1927   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02376        Rowney, Don Karl: "The generation of October"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02377         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Schulze-Wilde, Harry:
Der wahre Sieger : die russische Revolution und Leo Trotzki
In: Neue Deutsche Hefte ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0028-3142] 14.1967 (4=116) : pp. 18-63

Angl.: The true winner : the Russian revolution and Leon Trotsky

IDN  02378        Semenenko, Valerij Ivanovič: V trudnych poiskach istiny   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02379        Ševocukov, Pšimaf Askarbievič: Stranicy istorii graždanskoj vojny   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02380         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Shadwell, Arthur: Bolshevism - according to Lenin and Trotzky
/ A. Shadwell
In: The Nineteenth Century and After ‹London› 85.1919 (504) : pp. 232-248

IDN  02381         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Sivolapova, G.F.: S"ezd sovetov severnoj oblasti v 1917 g.

In: Istoričeskie zapiski ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0130-6685] 1980 (105) : pp. 45-71

Angl.: The 1917 congress of the Northern Region soviets

IDN  02382         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Sommer, Heribert: Lenin, Trotzki und die russische Revolution
: von der Februarrevolution bis zum Frieden von Brest-Litowsk / [Verf.: Heribert Sommer]. - Ebersdorf : Karl & Rosa Vertrieb, 1998. - 42 pp. - (Marxistische Kritik : Revolutionäres Studienheft ; 1)
Angl.: Lenin, Trotsky, and the Russian revolution

IDN  02383         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Strekalov, Il'ja Nikolaevič: Byl li L.D. Trockij liderom v Peterburgskom sovete rabočich deputatov 1905 g.?
/ I.N. Strekalov
In: Novejšaja istorija Rossii = Modern History of Russia ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 2219-9659] 11.2021 (2) : pp. 356-369

Notes: 34
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Was L.D. Trotsky the leader in the Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies in 1905?

IDN  02384         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Sukennikov, Michail Aleksandrovič: Lenin och Trotskij
: de blodige dagarna i Ryssland / M. Sukennikov. Bemyndigad övers. av Einar Spjut. - Uppsala : Lindblad, 1918. - 138 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin-Trotzki
Angl.: Lenin and Trotsky : bloody days in Russia

IDN  02385         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Sukennikov, Michail Aleksandrovič: Lenin-Trotzki
: de blodige dage i Rusland / M.S. [i.e. Michail Aleksandrovič Sukennikov]. - København, 1918. - 86 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin och Trotskij
Angl.: Lenin-Trotsky : bloody days in Russia

IDN  02386        Šumjakov, Rauf Arturovič: Negativnyj obraz L.D. Trockogo na stranicach socialističeskich gazet Petrograda v mae-ijune 1917 g.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02387        Swain, Geoffrey: Trotsky and the Russian revolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02388        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Leon Trotsky and 1905   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02389         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Leon Trotsky and 1905
/ Ian Thatcher
In: History Review ‹Bedford› [ISSN 0962-9610] 2005 (52) : pp. 21-25

IDN  02390        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: The St Petersburg/Petrograd Mezhraionka, 1913-1917   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02391        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02392        Tjutjukin, Stanislav Vasil'evič: L. D. Trockij v gody pervoj rossijskoj revoljucii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02393         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Tjutjukin, Stanislav Vasil'evič: Lev Davidovič Trockij
/ S.V. Tjutjukin
In: Istoričeskie siluėty / otv. red. S.V. Tjutjukin. (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 197-249

Notes: 64

IDN  02394         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Ustinov, Georgij Feofanovič: Tribun revoljucii
: (L.D. Trockij) / G. Ustinov. - Moskva : Izd-vo Deninca, 1920. - 70 pp.
For a detailed analysis of this book see Pili, Virginia: Dai due lati della barricata [see ch. 2.8.05].
Angl.: Tribune of the revolution : L.D. Trotsky

IDN  02395         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Ustinov, Georgij Feofanovič: Tribun revoljucii
/ G.F. Ustinov
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 273-318

Table of contents: p.273 V zareve revoljucii -- p.275 Na revoljucionnom postu -- p.280 Dalekij i blizkij -- p.227 Nezdešnjaja sila -- p.289 Kto on? -- p.308 Pobeg -- p.301 Za granicej -- p.304 Snova v Rossii -- p.304 Oktjabr'skie dni -- p.307 Brest-Litovsk -- p.312 Vo glave vooružennych sil revoljucii -- p.315 Tribun revoljucii
Notes: 31
On pp. 802-805 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  02396         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Veretennikov, Petr Andreevič: L. D. Trockij i ego rol' v velikoj oktjabr'skoj socialističeskoj revoljucii
= L. D. Trotsky and his role in the great October socialist revolution [Electronic resource] / Petr Andreevič Veretennikov ; Konstantin Alekseevič Poskrebyšev
In: Apriori : Serija Gumanitarnye nauki [Electronic journal] ‹Krasnodar› [ISSN 2309-9208] 2015 (6) : pp. 1-19 (218 KB)

Accessed Febr. 15, 2017

IDN  02397        Vorob'eva, Tatjana Alekseevna: Oratorskij stil' L.D. Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02398         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
White, James D.: Lenin, Trotskii and the arts of insurrection
: the congress of soviets of the northern region, 11-13 Oct. 1917 / James White
In: The Slavonic and East European Review ‹London› [ISSN 0037-6895] 77.1999 (1) : pp. 117-139; 199

Notes: 73
With abstract

IDN  02399         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
White, James D.: Lenin, Trotskii and the arts of insurrection
: the congress of soviets of the northern region, 11-13 Oct. 1917
In: Revolutionary Russia : new approaches / [ed.:] R.A. Wade. (London [etc.], 2004)

IDN  02400        Wilson, Edmund: Trotski, a jovem águia   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02401        Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky l'aquilotto   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02402        Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, el aguilucho   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02403        Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, le jeune aigle   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02404        Wilson, Edmund: Trotsky, the young eagle   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02405        Wilson, Edmund: Trotzki, der junge Adler   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02406         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Winsbury, Rex: Trotsky in 1905
: the attempted revolution of 1905 was the prologue to greater events in 1917
In: History Today ‹London› [ISSN 0018-2753] 26.1976 (Apr.) : pp. 213-222

IDN  02407         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.04
Woods, Alan: Lenin i Trockij
: put' k vlasti / Alan Vuds. Perevod s anglijskogo Jurija Žulija. - Moskva : Rodina, 2020. - 750 pp. - (Sovetskij vek)
ISBN 978-5-907255-87-6

Table of contents: p.7 Predislovie -- p.22 Roždenie russkogo marksizm. Ot propagandy k agitacii -- p.175 "General'naja repetacija". Lenin i Trockij v 1905 godu -- p.267 Posle 1905-go. Parlamentarnye illjuzii. Vopros o partizanskoj bor'be -- p.383 Novyj revoljucionnyj pod"em. Taktika Lenina -- p.463 Pervaja mirovaja vojna. Šovinizm i pozicija Lenina. Agitacija v armii -- p.557 Lenin i Trockij v 1917 godu. Byl li perevorot? -- p.686 Primečanija -- p.729 Bibliografija

LLTB Chapter  2.8.05

IDN  02408         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Abramovič, Aron Lazar'evič: Vmeste s Trockim
/ Aron Abramovič
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 1990 (8) : pp. 17-23

Angl.: Together with Trotsky

IDN  02409         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Albrecht, Ulrich: Red militarism

In: Journal of Peace Research ‹Oslo› [ISSN 0022-3433] 17.1980 (2) : pp. 135-149

Bibliogr.: pp. 148-149
Notes: 87

IDN  02410         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Alvarez del Vayo, Julio:
El papel de Trotsky en los primeros años de la Rusia soviética
In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 59-62

Angl.: The role of Trotsky during the first years of Soviet Russia

IDN  02411         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Alvarez del Vayo, Julio:
El papel de Trotsky en los primeros años de la Rusia soviética
In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 58-61

IDN  02412         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Alvarez del Vayo, Julio: Trotzki

In: Sagitario ‹México, D.F.› 1926 (Jan./March) : pp. 153-167

IDN  02413         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Argenbright, Robert: Documents from Trotsky's train in the Russian State Military Archive
: a comment
In: Journal of Trotsky Studies ‹Glasgow› [ISSN 1358-1295] 4.1996 : pp. 1-11

Notes: 4

IDN  02414         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Argenbright, Robert: Honour among communists
: 'the glorious name of Trotsky's train'
In: Revolutionary Russia ‹London; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0954-6545] 11.1998 (1) : pp. 45-66

Notes: 137

IDN  02415         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Avdeev, Valerij Aleksandrovič: "Ni mira, ni vojny"
: iz istorii mirnych peregovorov v Brest-Litovske v 1918 g. / V.A. Avdeev
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 1991 (2) : pp. 45-48

On pp. 46-48: Coup de théâtre Trockogo
Angl.: "Neither peace nor war" : from the history of the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations 1918

IDN  02416        Bailey, Sydney Dawson: Brest-Litovsk - a study in Soviet diplomacy   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02417         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Baklanova, Irina Semenova: K voprosu o voenno-političeskoj dejatel'nosti L.D. Trockogo v gody graždanskoj vojny
: istoriografičeskij očerk / I.S. Baklanova
In: Naučnyj vestnik MGTU GA ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2079-0619] 2014 (5=203) : pp. 18-24

Notes: 4
With Engl. and Russ. abstracts
Angl.: Concerning L.D. Trotsky's military-political activity in the years of the civil war : historiographical essay

IDN  02418         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Baschanov, Michail Kazbekovič: Čelovek ėpochi krovi i železa
/ Michail Baschanov
In: Prostor ‹Alma-Ata› [ISSN 0033-1597] 1990 (6) : pp. 113-140

Angl.: A man from the era of blood and iron

IDN  02419        Baziur, Grzegorz: Obrona niepodległości Polski a bolszewicki projekt "permanentnej rewolucji"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02420         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Berezovskij, Nikolaj Jur'evič: Kak Trockij i K° razvalivali flot
/ N.Ju. Berezovskij
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 1990 (3) : pp. 52-57

Notes: 14
Angl.: How Trotsky & Co. ruined the navy

IDN  02421         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Bljumkin, Jakov Grigor'evič: Den' Trockogo
/ Ja. Suščevskij (Ja.G. Bljumkin)
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 322-326

Notes: 2
Originally publ. anonymously in: Ogonek (Moskva), 1923 (1), pp. 2-4
On pp. 805-806 notes by A.V. Reznik
Angl.: Trotsky's day

IDN  02422         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Bojčev, Ivan Zacharovič: Voenno-političeskaja dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo v gody inostrannoj voennoj intervencii i graždanskoj vojny
: (1918-1920 gg.). - 21 pp.
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akad. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1990
Director of thesis: Nikolaj Fedorovič Minaev

IDN  02423         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Bojčev, Ivan Zacharovič: Voenno-političeskaja dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo v gody inostrannoj voennoj intervencii i graždanskoj vojny
: (1918-1920 gg.). - 206 pp.
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akad. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1990
Director of thesis: Nikolaj Fedorovič Minaev
Angl.: Trotsky's war-political activity in the years of intervention and civil war (1918-1920)

IDN  02424         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Bradley, Edgar A.:
A press image of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin as reflected in three New York newspapers from 1917-1924
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Masters essay, 1949

IDN  02425        Brupbacher, Fritz: Visite au commissaire Trotzky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02426         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Bryant, Louise: Leon Trotsky : Soviet war lord

In: Bryant, L.: Mirrors of Moscow. (New York, NY, 1923)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij : glava voennogo vedomstva Sovetov

IDN  02427         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Bryant, Louise: Trockij : glava voennogo vedomstva Sovetov
/ L. Brajant
In: Istorija, sociologija, politika ‹Riga› 1991 (4) : pp. 161-168

Orig.: Leon Trotsky : Soviet war lord
Angl.: Trotsky : head of the Soviet machinery of war

IDN  02428         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Budnickij, Oleg Vital'evič: Lev Trockij : organizator Krasnoj Armii

In: Istorija i obščestvoznanie dlja školnikov ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2074-529X] 2019 (1) : pp. 41-49

Angl.: Lev Trotsky : organizer of the Red Army

IDN  02429         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Bussmann, Markus:
Der vergessene Außenminister : das diplomatische Duell zwischen Kühlmann und Trotzkij
In: Die Zeit : Wochenzeitung für Politik, Wirtschaft, Handel und Kultur ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0044-2070] 53.1998 (11) : p. 92

Angl.: The forgotten minister of foreign affairs

IDN  02430        Caumanns, Ute: Der Teufel in Rot   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02431         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Černenko, Dmitrij L'vovič: Gazeta poezda L.D. Trockogo "V puti"

In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 2012 (4) : pp. 45-47

Notes: 18
Angl.: Trotsky's war train newsletter "On the way"

IDN  02432         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Chakrabarti, Dwaipayan: Role of Leon Trotsky in the Russian civil war
: to what extent was the role played by Leon Trotsky instrumental in determining Bolshevik victory in the Russian civil war? [Electronic resource]. - 738 KB (22 pp.)
Notes: 71
Dated 2019
Accessed Sept. 9, 2021

IDN  02433         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Cholmova, O. Ja.: Ocenka voennych kompetencij L.D. Trockogo v trudach istorikov sovremennych periodičeskich izdanij (2000-e - načalo 2020-ch gg.)
/ O.Ja. Cholmova ; A.A. Širokova
In: Voprosy nacional'nych i federativnych otnošenij = Questions of National and Federative Relations ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2226-8596] 12.2022 (6=87) : pp. 2230-2236

Bibliogr.: pp. 2235-2236
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Assessment of the military competencies of L.D. Trotsky in the writings of historians of modern periodicals (2000s - early 2020s)

IDN  02434        Danilov, Vladimir Danilovič: Organizacija strategičeskogo rukovodstva sovetskami vooružennymi silami (1917-1920 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02435         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Dejatel'nost' Trockogo na postu narkomindela (1917-1918)
[Electronic resource]. - 31 KB (9 pp.)
Wikipedia article (in Russian language)
Accessed Sept. 6, 2012
Angl.: Trotsky's activities as People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs (1917-18)

IDN  02436         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Dejatel'nost' Trockogo na postu narkomvoennmora (1918-1925)
[Electronic resource]. - 85 KB (30 pp.)
Wikipedia article (in Russian language)
Accessed Sept. 6, 2012
Angl.: Trotsky's activities as People's Commissar of War (1918-24)

IDN  02437         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky à Brest-Litovsk

In: Aux carrefours de l'histoire ‹Paris› [ISSN 0567-252X] 1962 (55) : pp. 14-33

Angl.: Trotsky at Brest-Litovsk

IDN  02438        Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en 1921 : défaite dans la victoire   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02439        Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky pendant la révolution d'octobre   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02440        Dubel, Lech: Lew Dawidowicz Trocki o wojnie polsko-bolszewickiej 1919-1920   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02441        Dubel, Lech: Trocki i Sikorski   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02442        Felshtinsky, Yuri: Lenin, Trotsky, Germany and the treaty of Best-Litovsk   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02443         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Feodoroff, Nicholas V.: Trotsky

In: Political History of Russia ‹Commack, NY› [ISSN 1049-7714] 8.1997 (4) : pp. 283-288

IDN  02444         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Filippova, Tat'jana Aleksandrovna: "Konfiskovat' revoljuciju v svoju pol'zu?"
: k voprosu o fenomene "sovetskogo bonapartizma" / T.A. Filippova
In: Vestnik Tverskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija ‹Tver'› [ISSN 1998-5037] 2014 (1) : pp. 39-57

Notes: 42
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: "Confiscating the revolution in one's favor"?

IDN  02445         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Footman, David:
The Red Army and the civil war in the East
In: History Today ‹London› [ISSN 0018-2753] 6.1956 : pp. 96-102

Notes: 2

IDN  02446        Galajko, Vladimir Musievič: Lev Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02447         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Ganin, Andrej Vladislavovič: Bol'ševistskie voždi o voenspecach-genštabistach

In: Klio : žurnal dlja učenych ‹Sankt Peterburg› [ISSN 2070-9773] 2013 (7=79) : pp. 104-107

Notes: 33
Angl.: Bolshevik leaders about military specialists in the general staff

IDN  02448         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Ganin, Andrej Vladislavovič: Chlopoty Narkomvoenmora L.D. Trockogo ob osvoboždenii byvšich generalov M.M. Zagju i S.M. Jazykova 1919 g.
. - [1-2]
In: Vestnik archivista = Herald of an Archivist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-0101] 2012 (4) : pp. 217-230; 2013 (1) : pp. 247-258

Notes: 65
Angl.: The interventions of People's Commissar L.D. Trotsky for the release of ex-generals M.M. Zagju and S.M. Jazykov in 1919

IDN  02449         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Ganin, Andrej Vladislavovič: Delo o "prirodnom 'ezuitstve' ljachov"
: Lev Trockij protiv polonofobii voenspecov / A.V. Ganin
In: Slavjanskij al'manach ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-5731] 2017 (1/2) : pp. 121-143

Notes: 42
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: The case of the "natural Jesuism of the Poles" : Lev Trotsky against the polonophobia of the military specialists

IDN  02450         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Garder, Michel: De l'Armée Impériale à l'Armée Soviétique

In: Revue de défense nationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0035-1075] 11.1955 (10) : pp. 334-351

Angl.: From the Imperial Army to the Soviet Army

IDN  02451         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Garfias Magaña, Luis: León Trotsky : caudillo militar

In: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior ‹México, D.F.› 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp. 26-33

Angl.: Leon Trotsky : military leader

IDN  02452        Getzler, Israel: The communist leaders' role in the Kronstadt tragedy of 1921 in the light of recently published archival documents   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02453         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Giesecke, Curt-Steffan: Amatörer som militärer

In: Kungliga Krigsvetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift ‹Stockholm› [ISSN 0023-5369] 187.1983 (1) : pp. 27-38

Angl.: An amateur as officer

IDN  02454         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Golovnikova, Ol'ga Vjačeslavovna: Poezd Trockogo
/ publikaciju podgotovili O.V. Golovnikova ; I.I. Volkodaev. - [1-3]
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 1990 (9) : pp. 60-66; 1990 (12) : pp. 47-52; 1991 (11): pp. 53-64

Notes: 78
Angl.: Trotsky's train

IDN  02455        Griffiths, Franklyn: Origins of peaceful coexistence   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02456        Grumbach, Salomon: Brest-Litowsk   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02457         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Gusev, Sergej Ivanovič: Kak vooružalas revoljucija
: (RKP i Krasnaja Armija) / S. Gusev
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 413-427

Angl.: How the revolution armed : the Russian CP and the Red Army

IDN  02458         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Heyman, Neil Michael: Leon Trotsky : propagandist to the Red Army
/ Neil M. Heyman
In: Studies in Comparative Communism ‹Los Angeles, Cal.; later: Guildford› [ISSN 0039-3592] 10.1977 (1/2) : pp. 34-43

Notes: 14

IDN  02459         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Heyman, Neil Michael: Leon Trotsky and the birth of the Red Army
/ Neil M. Heyman
In: The Army Quarterly and Defence Journal ‹Tavistock, Devon› [ISSN 0004-2552] 105.1975 (4) : pp. 407-418

IDN  02460        Heyman, Neil Michael: Leon Trotsky as a military thinker   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02461         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Höge, Helmut: Trotzki am Telefon
[Electronic resource]
In: Kommunikation @ Gesellschaft [Electronic journal] [ISSN 1616-2617] 7.2006 (Essay 1) : 9 pp.

Publ. 2006
Accessed June 1, 2006
Angl.: Trotsky on the phone

IDN  02462        Huhn, Willy: Trotzkis Bonapartismus   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02463         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Hullinger, Edwin Ware: Trotsky
/ Edwin W. Hullinger
In: Fortnightly Review ‹London› N.s. 117.1925 : pp. 394-404

IDN  02464        Hurwicz, Elias: Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02465         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Iturbide, Guillermo: Trotsky como dirigente de la Tercera Internacional

In: Ideas de izquierda : revista de política y cultura ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2344-9454] 2015 (22)

Notes: 2
Angl.: Trotsky as a leader of the Third International

IDN  02466         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Jurčenko, Vjačeslav: Mjatež, kotorogo ne bylo

In: Rodina : istoričeskij naučno-popularnyj žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0235-7089] 1994 (1) : pp. 28-34

Notes: 37
Angl.: The revolt which was none

IDN  02467         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Kalašnikova, Ekaterina Denisovna: L. D. Trockij v gody graždanskoj vojny

In: Studenčeskij ėlektronnyj žurnal STRIŽ [Electronic Journal] ‹Volgograd› [ISSN 2587-7658] 2023 (3=50) : pp. 80-82 (248 KB)

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed March 1, 2024
Angl.: L. D. Trotsky in the years of the civil war

IDN  02468        Kelner, Robert Kurman: Cold calculations   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02469         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Kelsey, John M.: Lev Trotsky and the Red Army in the Russian civil war, 1917-1921
. - 114 pp.
Claremont, Cal., Claremont McKenna College, Thesis (Senior Honor), 2011
Bibliogr.: pp. 112-114
Notes: 112
Director of thesis: Gary M. Hamburg

IDN  02470        Kiršin, Jurij Jakovlevič: Léon Trotsky, théoricien de l'Armée Rouge   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02471        Kiršin, Jurij Jakovlevič: Lev Trockij : voennyj teoretik   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02472        Kiršin, Jurij Jakovlevič: Trotsky and the civil war   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02473         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Komjáthy, Miklósné:
Die Friedensverhandlungen von Brest-Litovsk
In: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs ‹Wien› [ISSN 0259-4153] 1990 (41) : pp. 264-318

Angl.: The peace negotiations in Brest-Litovsk

IDN  02474         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Konjaev, Nikolaj Michajlovič: Lenin, Trockij i... Dzeržinskij
/ Nikolaj Konjaev
In: Konjaev, N.M.: Tragedija leninskoj gvardii, ili pravda o voždjach Oktjabrja. (Moskva, 2007) : pp. 7-41

IDN  02475        Korablev, Jurij Ivanovič: Lev Trockij na voennych postach   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02476         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Korablev, Jurij Ivanovič: Trockij v gody graždanskoj vojny
/ Ju.I. Korablev
In: Tymčik, V.I.: Komissary graždanskoj vojny. (Moskva, 1989) : pp. 49-64

Angl.: Trotsky in the years of the civil war

IDN  02477         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Korablev, Jurij Ivanovič: Trockij, Lev Davidovič : svedennij v ėnciklopedii "Graždanskaja vojna i voennaja intervencija v SSSR" (1987) net
/ Ju.I. Korablev
In: Revvoensovet Respubliki, 6 sentjabrja 1918 g./28 avgusta 1923 g. (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 19-55

Notes: 63

IDN  02478         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Kornatovskij, Nikolaj Arsen'evič: Lenin i Trockij v bor'be s interventami na Murmane
/ N. Kornatovskij
In: Krasnaja letopis' ‹Leningrad› 1930 (3=36) : pp. 5-63

Angl.: Lenin and Trotsky in the struggle against the interventionists at Murmansk

IDN  02479        Kovaleva, Natal'ja Nikolaevna: Peregovory v Brest-Litovske glazami učastnika sobytij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02480         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Krasnov, Valerij Grigor'evič: Neizvestnyj Trockij - krasnyj Bonapart
: dokumenty, mnenija, razmyšlenija / Valerij Krasnov ; Vladimir Dajnes. - Moskva : Olma-Pr., 2000. - 508 pp. - (Serija Archiv)
ISBN 5-224-01104-3 - ISBN 978-5-224-01104-9

Table of contents: p.3 Vystuplenie -- p.10 Kreščenie ognem -- p.72 Caricynskie zatvorniki -- p.129 Krestovyj pochod na Don -- p.177 "Trjuk" Trockogo -- p.240 V bojach za severnuju stolicu -- p.280 Pochod na Varšavu -- p.330 Kronštadtskaja gastrol' -- p.359 Avanposty mirovoj revoljucii -- p.409 Voennyj reformator -- p.482 Izgnannik
Angl.: The unknown Trotsky - the red Bonaparte : documents, opinions, reflections

IDN  02481        Kreuter, Siegbert: Lenin, Trotzki, Stalin   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02482        Kühn, Dieter: Kronstadt   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02483        Kühn, Dieter: Trotzki : Figur des Widerstands?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02484         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Kuz'min, Vadim Aleksandrovič: Pervyj "krasnyj narkomindel" L.D. Trockij i ego "revoljucionnaja diplomatija" 1917-1918
/ V.A. Kuz'min
In: Kuz'min, V.A.: Sovetskaja vnešnjaja politika v biografičeskich portretach ee veduščich deistvujuščich lic (1917-1939). (Ekaterinburg, 1995) : pp. 4-26

Bibliogr.: p. 26
Angl.: The first "red People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs" L.D. Trotsky and his "revolutionary diplomacy" 1917-18

IDN  02485         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Kuz'min, Vadim Aleksandrovič: "Revoljucionnaja diplomatija" L.D. Trockogo (1917-1918)
/ V.A. Kuz'min
In: Istoriko-pedagogičeski čtenija ‹Ekaterinburg› 2017 (2) : pp. 110-130

Angl.: The "revolutionary diplomacy" of L.D. Trotsky (1917-1918)

IDN  02486        Lazitch, Branko: Trotski émule des "Versaillais"?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02487         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Lenin si Troţki versus Ludendorff si Hoffmann
: doua cupluri inamice care au schimbat cursul istoriei, 1914-1918 ; documenti, scrieri, marturii, amintiri si relatari / [ed., comp.:] M.C. Stanescu ; Costin Fenesan. - Bucaresti : Ed. Enciclopedica, 1999. - 551 pp. - (Colectia "Biblioteca de istorie contemporana a României")
Angl.: Lenin and Trotsky versus Ludendorff and Hoffmann

IDN  02488         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Léon "Trotzky" à Brest-Litovsk

In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2006 (29) : pp. 125-127

Reprinted from: L'Illustration (Paris), 1918 (3911)
Angl.: Leon Trotsky at Brest-Litovsk

IDN  02489         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Liberman, Simon Isaevich: Dela i ljudi
: (fragment) / S.I. Liberman
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 186-194

Notes: 7
Almost identical with author's "Trotsky, the war-lord"
Excerpted from author's "Dela i ljudi", New York, NY, 1944
On pp. 789-790 notes by A.V. Reznik
Angl.: Things and people

IDN  02490         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Liberman, Simon Isaevich: Trotsky, the war-lord
/ Simon Liberman
In: Liberman, S.I.: Building Lenin's Russia. (Chicago, Ill., 1945) : pp. 72-80

Almost identical with author's "Dela i ljudi"

IDN  02491         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Liddy, Robert Francis: Trotsky and the organization of the Red Army
. - 93 pp.
Seattle, Wash., Univ. of Washington, Thesis (M.A.), 1960
Bibliogr.: pp. 89-93

IDN  02492        Litera, Bohuslav: Ke vzniku Rude Armady 1918   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02493         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Lockhart, Robert Hamilton Bruce: L. D. Trotsky : a pen portrait
/ R.H. Bruce Lockhart
In: Fortnightly Review ‹London› N.s. 119.1923 (Apr.) : pp. 642-652

IDN  02494         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Lonergan, Thomas Clement: Trotski and the conscription of labor

In: Infantry Journal ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0019-9540] 28.1926 : pp. 632-642

IDN  02495         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Luukkanen, Arto:
The rise and fall of Trotsky in Soviet religious policy
In: Journal of Trotsky Studies ‹Glasgow› [ISSN 1358-1295] 4.1996 : pp. 31-45

Notes: 44

IDN  02496         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Luukkanen, Arto: Trotsky's control of early NEP religious policy (1921-1923)

In: Luukkanen, A.: The party of unbelief (Helsinki, 1994) : pp. 96-160

Notes: 198

IDN  02497        Mackintosh, Malcolm: The development of Soviet military doctrine since 1918   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02498        Makarenko, Pavel Vasil'evič: Bol'ševiki i Brestskij mir   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02499         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Marcu, Valeriu: Leo Trotzki oder Die Dreieinigkeit der Philosophie, des Krieges und der Politik

In: Marcu, V.: Schatten der Geschichte. (Leipzig, 1929) : pp. 163-175

Angl.: Leon Trotsky or The trinity of philosophy, war and politics

IDN  02500        Mayzel, Matitiahu: Leo Trotzki und die "Organe der Staatssicherheit"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02501        Mayzel, Matitiahu: Leon Trotsky and the "organs of state security"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02502         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
McCullagh, Francis: Trotsky in Ekaterinburg

In: Fortnightly Review ‹London› N.s. 108.1920 : pp. 538-550

IDN  02503         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Metzel, Konrad:
Ein fliegendes Hauptquartier
In: Wehrtechnische Monatshefte ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0341-9991] 39.1935 (Sept.) : pp. 417-419

Notes: 6
Angl.: A flying headquarters

IDN  02504        Mirowski, Mikołaj: Lew Trocki w czasie wojny polsko-bolszewickiej 1919-1920   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02505         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Mirowski, Mikołaj: Rola Lwa Trockiego podczas rozmów pokojowych w Brześciu Litewskim

In: Piotrkowskie zeszyty historyczne ‹Piotrków Trybunalski› [ISSN 2081-2663] 7/8.2005/06 : pp. 81-116

Angl.: Leon Trotsky's role in the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations

IDN  02506         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Mlečin, Leonid Michajlovič: Lev Davidovič Trockij : revoljuciji ne nužna diplomatija

In: Mlečin, L.M.: Tajnaja diplomatija Kremlja. (Moskva, 2019) : pp. 7-96

Angl.: Lev Davidovich Trotsky : revolutions don't need diplomacy

IDN  02507         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Mlečin, Leonid Michajlovič: MID : ministry inostrannych del
: vnešnjaja politika Rossii, ot Lenina i Trockogo do Putina i Medvedeva / Leonid Mlečin. - 2., dop. izd. - Moskva : Centrpoligraf, 2011. - 846 pp.
ISBN 978-5-227-03131-0 - ISBN 5-227-03131-2

Angl.: MID : ministers of foreign affairs

IDN  02508         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Mlečin, Leonid Michajlovič: Russkaja armija meždu Trockim i Stalinym
/ Leonid Mlečin. - Moskva : Centrpoligraf, 2002. - 493 pp. - (Osobaja papka)
ISBN 5-9524-0109-0

Angl.: The Russian army between Trotsky and Stalin

IDN  02509         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Mlečin, Leonid Michajlovič: Sozdateli Krasnoj armii
: otcy-praroditeli Krasnoj armii L.D. Trockij i M.V. Frunze / Leonid Mlečin. - Sankt-Peterburg : Amfora, 2015. - 349 pp. - (Velikie rossijane)
ISBN 978-5-367-03513-1 - ISBN 5-367-03513-2

Angl.: The creators of the Red Army

IDN  02510         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Molodcygin, Mark Andreevič: 120 dnej Narkomvoena
: iz istorii perechoda k stroitel'stvu massovoj regularnoj Krasnoj Armii / M.A. Molodcygin. - [1-2]
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 1989 (8) : pp. 47-62; 1989 (10) : pp. 37-55

Angl.: 120 days of the People's Commissariat of War

IDN  02511        Moscato, Antonio: Trockij e la pace necessaria   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02512        Mozgovoj, Sergej Grigor'evič: Brest compromise of Leo Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02513        Muolo, Robin Way: How Leon Trotsky, Commissar of War, transformed the Red Army into a fighting force   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02514        Nelke: Leo Trotzki und der sowjetische Staatskapitalismus   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02515         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Noulens, Joseph: Mon ambassade en Russie soviétique (1917-1919)
: une entrevenue avec Trotsky
In: L'Illustration ‹Paris› [ISSN 0264-9251] 91.1933 (4725) : pp. 106-109

Angl.: My ambassy to Soviet Russia (1917-19) : an encounter with Trotsky

IDN  02516         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Ostapenko, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Brestskij mir v svete idei mirovoj revoljucii
/ A.I. Ostapenko
In: Prepodavanie istorii i obščestvoznanija v škole ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2074-4935] 2018 (4) : pp. 3-18

Angl.: The Brest peace in the light of the idea of world revolution

IDN  02517         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Ostapenko, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Ideja mirovoj revoljucii i formirovanie Narodnogo Komissariata po Inostrannym Delam RSFSR v konce 1917-načale 1918 g.
/ A.I. Ostapenko
In: Prepodavanie istorii i obščestvoznanija v škole ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2074-4935] 2017 (7) : pp. 3-13

Angl.: The idea of world revolution and the formation of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR in late 1917-early 1918

IDN  02518        Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: The Brest peace   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02519        Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: Brestskij mir   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02520         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Panferov, Valentin Pavlovič: L. D. Trockij kak predsedatel' soveta pervoj trudovoj armii v 1920 g.
/ V.P. Panferov
In: Gosudarstvennost' Rossii v gody graždanskoj vojny / sost. i red. L.D. Šapovalova. (Moskva, 2020) : pp. 148-163

Angl.: L. D. Trotsky as chairman of the council of the first labour army

IDN  02521         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Péju, Marcel: Brest-Litovsk, ou L'incarnation

In: Les Temps modernes ‹Paris› [ISSN 0040-3075] 10.1955 (112/113) : pp. 1727-1748

Notes: 10
Angl.: Brest-Litovsk or The embodiment

IDN  02522        Péro, R.: Léon Davidovitch Trotsky : un titan de la révolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02523         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Pili, Virginia: Dai due lati della barricata
: 'Trockij-personaggio' tra Georgij Ustinov e Arkadij Averčenko
In: 20/Venti : ricerche sulla cultura russa e sovietica degli anni '20 del 20 secolo / a cura di A. Accattoli [et al.] (Roma, 2022) : pp. 81-100

Notes: 52
With Engl. abstract
"This article examines the two different portraits of Lev Trotskii that appear in the works of Georgii Ustinov and Arkadii Averchenko..." [from the Engl. abstract]
Angl.: From both sides of the barricade

IDN  02524         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Poezd Trockogo
[Electronic resource]. - 53 KB (9 pp.)
Notes: 97
Wikipedia article (Russian). - See also similar Wikipedia articles in other languages
Accessed Febr. 1, 2018
Angl.: Trotsky's train

IDN  02525         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Poltorak, Sergej Nikolaevič: Trockistskaja ideja ob ėksporte revoljucii i nekotorye popytki ee realizacii v 1919 gody
/ S.N. Poltorak
In: Graždanskaja vojna v Rossii : materialy X Vserossijskoj Zaočnoj Naučnoj Konferencii / red. S.N. Poltorak. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1998) : pp. 69-71

Angl.: The Trotskyist idea of export of revolution and some attempts to its realisation in 1919

IDN  02526         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Ponomarev, A.Ja.: "Nel'zja stroit' armiju bez repressij"
/ A.Ja. Ponomarev. - [1-2]
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 1989 (8) : pp. 47-62; 1989 (10) : pp. 37-55

Angl.: "One cannot build-up an army without repression"

IDN  02527        Quigley, John Bernard: Leon Trotsky and the prohibition against secret treaties   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02528        Radek, Karl: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02529        Radek, Karl: León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02530        Radek, Karl: Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02531        Radek, Karl: Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02532        Radek, Karl: Lev Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02533        Radek, Karl: L'organisateur de la victoire   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02534        Radek, Karl: The organiser of victory   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02535        Radek, Karl: O organizador da vitoria   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02536        Radek, Karl: Trotsky : creador de la estrategia militar de la revolución   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02537        Radek, Karl: Trotzky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02538         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Ramos, Juan Ignacio: Trotsky y el Ejército Rojo

In: El Militante : voz del socialismo marxista y la juventud ‹Madrid› [ISSN 1885-169X] 2000 (132) : pp. 12-13

Pt. 4 of a series of articles with title "60 aniversario del asesinato de León Trotsky"
Angl.: Trotsky and the Red Army

IDN  02539         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Rejsner, Larisa Michajlovna: Sviajsk
/ Larissa Reissner
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 51-64

Notes: 9
Orig.: Svijažsk
Other ed., versions, transl.: Svyazhsk ; Trotsky and the Red Army in the civil war

IDN  02540         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Rejsner, Larisa Michajlovna: Svijažsk
/ L. Rejsner
In: Proletarskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva etc.› 1923 (6/7) : pp. 177-189

Other ed., versions, transl.: Sviajsk ; Svyazhsk ; Trotsky and the Red Army in the civil war

IDN  02541         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Rejsner, Larisa Michajlovna: Svijažsk
: (fragmenty) / L.M. Rejsner
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 417-429

Notes: 5
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sviajsk ; Svyazhsk ; Trotsky and the Red Army in the civil war
Slightly abridged reprint from author's "Svijažsk", in: Proletarskaja revoljucija (Moskva), 1923 (6/7), pp. 177-189
On pp. 822-823 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  02542         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Rejsner, Larisa Michajlovna: Svyazhsk
: an epic of the Russian civil war, 1918 / Larissa Reissner. [Transl. by John G. Wright et al.]. - Colombo, 1948. - 18 pp. - (Trotsky memoral publication) - (A Bolshevik-Leninist publication)
Orig.: Svijažsk
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sviajsk ; Trotsky and the Red Army in the civil war

IDN  02543         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Rejsner, Larisa Michajlovna: Svyazhsk
/ Larissa Reisner
In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 217-240

Orig.: Svijažsk
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sviajsk ; Trotsky and the Red Army in the civil war

IDN  02544         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Rejsner, Larisa Michajlovna: Trotsky and the Red Army in the civil war
/ Larissa Reissner
In: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : pp. VI-VIII

Orig.: Svijažsk
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sviajsk ; Svyazhsk

IDN  02545         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič:
The cult of Leon Trotsky in the political culture of the Russian civil war [Electronic resource] / Aleksandr Reznik
In: The International Newsletter of Communist Studies = Der Internationale Newsletter der Kommunismusforschung = La newsletter internationale des recherches sur le communisme [Electronic journal] ‹Bochum› [ISSN 1862-698X] 2016/17 (2017) = no.29/30 : pp. 27-29 (4 KB)

Notes: 6
About author's recent research project. See also author's "The genesis of the cult of Trotsky in the Russian civil war"
Accessed July 25, 2017

IDN  02546         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič:
The genesis of the cult of Trotsky in the Russian civil war / Alexander V. Reznik
In: History : journal of the Historical Association ‹Oxford etc.› [ISSN 0018-2648] N.s. 107.2022 (378) : pp. 910-926

Notes: 70
With abstract

IDN  02547         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Lev Trockij i problema kul'ta voždja v 1917-1927 gg.
/ A. Reznik
In: Uroki Oktjabrja i praktiki sovetskoj sistemy, 1920-1950e gody : materialy X meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii. (Moskva, 2018) : pp. 56-63

Notes: 30
Paper originally submitted to X. Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija "Uroki Oktjabrja i Praktiki Sovetskoj Sistemy 1920-1950e Gody", Moskva, Dec. 5-7. 2017
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and the problem of the personality cult 1917-27

IDN  02548         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Političeskaja agiografija L'va Trockogo i sakrilizacija revoljucii
: slučaj Georgija Ustinova / A.V. Reznik
In: Politizacija jazyka religii i sakralizacija jazyka politiki vo vremja revoljucii i graždanskoj vojny / po obšč. red. B.I. Kolonickogo. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2018) : pp. 99-121

Notes: 67
On the history and background of the biography "Tribun revoljucii: L.D. Trockij" by G.F. Ustinov, Moskva 1920
Angl.: Political hagiography of Leon Trotsky and sacrilization of the revolution : the case of Georgii Ustinov

IDN  02549        Riggle, John Wayne: A historical study of the fall of Trotsky, 1917-1927   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02550        Ritter, Gerhard: Das Kommunemodell und die Begründung der Roten Armee im Jahre 1918   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02551         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Robles, Andrea: León Trotsky : jefe militar de la revolución rusa
/ Andrea Robles y Andrea Polaco
In: Cuadernos C.E.I.P. "León Trotsky" ‹Buenos Aires› 2001 (2) : pp. 7-15

Notes: 31
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : military chief of the Russian revolution

IDN  02552         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Sandrini, Patricio:
El tren blindado del camarada Trotsky [Electronic resource]. - 8 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Aug. 17, 2016
Accessed May 23, 2019
Angl.: Comrade Trotsky's armoured train

IDN  02553         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Savčenko, Viktor Anatol'evič: Izmena "bat'ki" Machno i "železnaja metla" L.D. Trockogo
: (pričiny i sledstvija machnovskogo mjateža 1919 g.)
In: Istorija SSSR ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2660] 1990 (2) : pp. 75-90

Notes: 78
Angl.: The treason of "Father" Machno's high treason and the "iron broom" of L.D. Trotsky

IDN  02554         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Schlesinger, Rudolf: Trotsky in the crisis of the civil war

In: Science and Society ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0036-8237] 31.1966 (1) : pp. 48-58

Notes: 10

IDN  02555        Semenenko, Valerij Ivanovič: V trudnych poiskach istiny   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02556         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Ševocukov, Pšimaf Askarbievič: Stranicy istorii graždanskoj vojny
: vzgljad čerez desjatiletija / P.A. Ševocukov. - Moskva : Prosveščenie, 1992. - 189 pp.
ISBN 5-09-003806-6

Angl.: Pages from the history of the civil war

IDN  02557        Smart, Ronald M.: Two approaches to a new world order   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02558         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Spirin, Leonid Michajlovič: Iz istorii RKP(b) v gody graždanskoj vojny i intervencii
/ L.M. Spirin
In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 1989 (3) : pp. 36-52

Angl.: From the history of the Russian CP in the years of civil war and intervention

IDN  02559         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Spirin, Leonid Michajlovič: Zur Frage der Beziehungen Trotzkis und Stalins in den Bürgerkriegsjahren in Rußland, 1918-1920
/ Leonid M. Spirin
In: Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft / T. Bergmann [et al.] (Hg.) (Mainz, 1993) : pp. 153-160

Paper originally submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
Angl.: The question of the relationship between Trotsky and Stalin during the years of civil war in Russia, 1918-20

IDN  02560         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Narodnyj komissar po inostrannym delam L.D. Trockij (Bronštejn)
/ V.I. Starcev
In: Pervoe sovetskoe pravitel'stvo, oktjabr' 1917 - ijul' 1918. (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 205-229

Notes: 11
Angl.: People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs L.D. Trotsky (Bronstein)

IDN  02561         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Stolypin, Arkadij: Léon Trotsky : premier chef de la diplomatie soviétique
/ Arcady Stolypine. - 1-2
In: La Nouvelle revue des deux mondes ‹Paris› [ISSN 0151-914X] 1981 (8) : pp. 321-332; 1981 (9) : pp. 593-602

Notes: 14
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : first head of Soviet diplomacy

IDN  02562         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Stolypin, Arkadij: Lev Trockij : pervyj sovetskij diplomat

In: Grani ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0017-3185] 34.1979 (111/112) : pp. 448-482

Angl.: Leon Trotsky : the first Russian diplomat

IDN  02563         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Stone, David R.: Shefstvo : Lev Trotsky and the military origins of revolutionary patronage

In: Revolutionary Russia ‹London; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0954-6545] 19.2006 (1) : pp. 21-36

Notes: 52

IDN  02564         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Suchanov, D.: Dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo na postu predsedatelja Revvoensoveta v gody graždanskoj vojny

In: Graždanskaja vojna kak fenomen mirovoj istorii / red. koll.: V.D. Kamynin [et al.] (Ekaterinburg, 2008) : pp. 234-238

Notes: 13
Paper submitted to the Naučnaja Konferencija "Graždanskaja Vojna kak Fenomen Mirovoj Istorii", Ekaterinburg, Apr. 26, 2008
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky's activity on the post of the chairman of the Revolutionary War Council in the years of the civil war

IDN  02565         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Swain, Geoffrey: Trotsky and the Russian civil war

In: Reinterpreting revolutionary Russia : essays in honour of James D. White / ed. by I.D. Thatcher. (Basingstoke [etc.], 2006) : pp. 86-104

Table of contents: p.86 Learning lessons at Sviyazhsk -- p.92 Teaching the lessons of Sviyazhsk -- p.99 The command crisis -- p.103 Notes
Notes: 57

IDN  02566         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Swain, Geoffrey: Trotsky and the Russian revolution
. - London [etc.] : Routledge, 2014. - XIX, 164 pp. - (Seminar studies in history)
ISBN 978-0-415-73667-1 - ISBN 978-1-447-90144-0

Table of contents: p.VIII List of plates -- p.IX Chronology -- p.XI Who's who -- p.XIV Glossary -- p.1 Introduction (p.1 Trotsky in history -- p.4 What is Leninism, what is Trotskyism?) -- p.7 Developing a world view -- p.27 The triumph of the 'worker intellectual' -- p.40 Living the revolution -- p.60 Defending the revolution -- p.80 Building a workers' economy -- p.97 Combating Thermidor -- p.115 Conclusion -- p.119 Documents [Articles, letters and excerpts from works by Trotsky] -- p.155 Bibliography -- p.160 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 155-159
Notes: 230

IDN  02567         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Tarchova, Nonna Sergeevna: Poezd Trockogo - letučij apparat upravlenija narkomvoena
/ N.S. Tarchova
In: Gosudarstvennyj apparat Rossii v gody revoljucii i graždanskoj vojny /sost.: A.Ju. Bachturina [et al.] (Moskva, 1998) : pp. 128-141

Notes: 27
Paper originally submitted to the Konferencija Gosudarstvennyj Apparat Rossii v Gody Revoljucii i Graždanskoj Vojny, Moskva, Dec. 22, 1997
Angl.: Trotsky's train - the flying headquarters of the People's Commissar of War

IDN  02568         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Tarchova, Nonna Sergeevna: Trotsky's train
: an unknown page in the history of the civil war / N.S. Tarchova. [Transl. from the Russ. ms. by Jenny Brine]
In: The Trotsky reappraisal / ed. by T. Brotherstone [et al.] (Edinburgh, 1992) : pp. 27-40

Notes: 39
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Conference Trotsky after 50 years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  02569        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02570         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Trotsky : a silhouette
: an impression of the Russian revolution
In: Soviet Russia ‹New York, NY› 2.1920 (7) : pp. 148-149

Transl. from the German
Originally publ. in: Freie Tribüne (Wien), 1919 (Dec.6)

IDN  02571         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Trotzki und die Rote Armee
: zum 14. Jahrestag
In: Permanente Revolution / Linke Opposition der KPD (Bolschewiki-Leninisten) ‹Berlin› 2.1932 (5) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: Trotsky and the Red Army

IDN  02572        Ustinov, Georgij Feofanovič: Tribun revoljucii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02573        Valeiras, Letizia: Trotsky como pensador militar   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02574         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Narkomindel Trockij
/ N.A. Vaseckij
In: Meždunarodnaja žizn' ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0130-9625] 1991 (1) : pp. 101-117

Notes: 55
Angl.: People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Trotsky

IDN  02575         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Narkomindel Trockij
/ N. Vaseckij
In: Diplomatičeskij ežegodnik ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0236-395X] 1992 : pp. 298-321

Table of contents: p.302 V poiskach mira -- p.305 Ni vojny, ni mira -- p.310 Bor'ba v CK RSDRP(b) -- p.312 Zajavlenie -- p.314 Posledsvija -- p.316 Otkaz ot posta Narkomindela -- p.317 VII s"ezd RKP(b) -- p.320 [Notes]
Notes: 67
Angl.: People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Trotsky

IDN  02576         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: People's commissar Trotsky
/ Nikolai Vasetsky
In: International Affairs ‹Moscow› [ISSN 0130-9641] 1991 (2) : pp. 63-78

Table of contents: p.63 Appointment -- p.64 Early steps -- p.65 In search of peace -- p.66 The start of talks -- p.68 Neither war nor peace -- p.70 Struggle in the RSDLP(B) CC -- p.72 Statement -- p.75 Resignation -- p.76 Seventh RCP(B) congress
Notes: 55
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky commissair du peuple aux affaires étrangères
Transl. from the Russ. ms.

IDN  02577         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Trockij i Krasnaja Armija
/ N. Vaseckij
In: Istoričeskaja pravda o Sovetskom Sojuze 20-30 godov : materialy meždunarodnogo simpoziuma, London, 23-27 aprelja 1990 g. (Moskva [etc.], 1991) : pp. 14-17

Paper originally submitted to the 1st Symposium '90 International Conference, London, Apr. 23-27, 1990
Angl.: Trotsky and the Red Army

IDN  02578         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Trotsky commissair du peuple aux affaires étrangères
/ N.A. Vassetsky. [Transl. by Isabelle Longuet]
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (44) : pp. 63-92

Notes: 75
Other ed., versions, transl.: People's commissar Trotsky
Transl. from the Russ. ms.
Angl.: Trotsky as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs

IDN  02579         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Vtoroj orden Trockogo

In: Literaturnaja Rossija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0024-4856] 1990 (33=1437) : pp. 18-19

Angl.: Trotsky's second order

IDN  02580        Vigh, Zoltán: Trotsky's military role in 1919   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02581         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vjaz'mitinova, Irina Petrovna: L. D. Trockij i stanovlenie sovetskogo voenno-vozdušnogo flota
/ I.P. Vjaz'mitinova
In: Stanovleniie i razvitie graždanskoj aviacii v Rossii (1910-1940-e gg.) 1. (Uljanovsk, 2014) : pp. 141-145

Notes: 10
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky and the formation of the soviet air force

IDN  02582         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vojnov, Vjačeslav Michailovič: Lev Trockij na Urale
/ Vjačeslav M. Vojnov
In: Ural'skij sledopyt ‹Ekaterinburg› [ISSN 0134-241X] 1991 (2) : pp. 6-9

Angl.: Lev Trotsky in the Ural

IDN  02583        Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Lenin i Stalin protiv Trockogo i Sverdlova   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02584         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: "Permskaja katastrofa" L'va Trockogo i Jakova Sverdlova
= The "Perm' disaster" of Lev Trotsky and Yakov Sverdlov
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 2013 (8) : pp. 19-25

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  02585        Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: "Raznoglasie est' i vyneseno v pečat'"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02586        Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Stanovlenie i razvitie central'nych organov rukovodstva voennoj razvedkoj i voennoj kontrrazvedkoj Sovetskoj Rossii, 1918-1921   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02587        Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Stroitel'stvo central'nogo voennogo apparata sovetskoj Rossii (1918 g.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02588        Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Stroitel'stvo central'nogo voennogo apparata sovetskoj Rossii (1918 g.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02589         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Trockij i zagavor v Krasnoj Stavke
/ S.S. Vojtikov. - Moskva : Veče, 2009. - 352 pp. - (Voennye tajny XX veka)
ISBN 978-5-9533-4235-3 - ISBN 5-9533-4235-7

Notes: 596
Angl.: Trotsky and the conspiracy in the Red High Command Headquarters

IDN  02590         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Trockij, Frunze, Žukov
: iz istorii krasnogo bonapartizma / S.S. Vojtikov. - Moskva : Veče, 2019. - 477 pp. - (Mify i pravda istorii)
ISBN 978-5-4484-0801-4 - ISBN 5-4484-0801-X

IDN  02591         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: "Vorošilov komandovat' armiej soveršenno ne možet
: pirrova pobeda Trockogo nad Stalinym, ili kak Trockij vyžil Vorošilova iz Caricyna na Ukrainu (1918-1919 gg.) = "Voroshilov is completely unable to command the army" : Trotsky's pyrrhic victory over Stalin, or how Trotsky ousted Voroshilov from Tsaritsyn to Ukraine (1918-1919) / S.S. Vojtikov
In: Novyj istoričeskij vestnik = The New Historical Bulletin ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2072-9286] 2014 (1=39) : pp. 119-148

Notes: 93
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  02592        Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Vysšee voennoe rukovodstvo Sovetskoj Rossii na puti k sozdaniju Revvoensoveta Respubliki, mart-sentjabr' 1918 goda   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02593         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trockij na fronte
/ Dmitrij A. Volkogonov. - 1-2
In: Literaturnaja gazeta ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0024-4848] 1990 (May 30=nr.22=5296) : p. 13; 1990 (June 13=nr.24=5298) : p. 12

Angl.: Trotsky at the front

IDN  02594         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Wallach, Jehuda Lothar: Trotsky and the "Red Army"
: seventy years of Soviet military historiography / Jehuda L. Wallach. - 13 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 35
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 16-19, 1990

IDN  02595         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Wiltshire, Dave: Leon Trotsky and how the revolution armed
. - 1-3
In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 1996 (Oct.-Dec.)

IDN  02596         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Winsbury, Rex: Trotsky's war train
: for 2 and a half years during the Russian civil war, Trotsky's headquarters were his mobile train
In: History Today ‹London› [ISSN 0018-2753] 25.1975 : pp. 523-531

IDN  02597         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Wright, John G.: Trotsky and the Red Army

In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 2.1941 (8=15) : pp. 242-245

IDN  02598        Yengoyan, Aram A.: "No war - no peace"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02599         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Zabrodin, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Demon revoljucii : Trockij

In: Geroi i antigeroi otečestva / sost.: V.M. Zabrodin. 1. (Moskva, 1992) : pp. 325-358

Based on interviews with D.A. Volkogonov
Angl.: Demon of the revolution : Trotsky

IDN  02600         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Zdanovič, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Kak L.D. Trockij i Revvoensovet Respubliki "poterjali" kontrrazvedku
/ A.A. Zdanovič. - [1-2]
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 1996 (3) : pp. 65-73; 1996 (5) : pp. 75-82

Notes: 46
Angl.: How L.D. Trotsky and the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic "lost" the counterintelligence service

IDN  02601         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.05
Zotova, Anastasija Valer'evna: Sovetskaja delegacija v Brest-Litovske v 1917-1918 godach
: opyt sozdanija kollektivnogo portreta = The Soviet delegation in Brest-Litovsk in 1917-1918 : experience of creating a collective portrait [Electronic resource]
In: Nasledie vekov = Heritage of Centuries [Electronic journal] ‹Krasnodar› [ISSN 2412-9798] 3.2017 (11) : pp. 73-79 (ca. 30 KB)

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed March 21, 2018

LLTB Chapter  2.8.06

IDN  02602         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Die Abberufung Trotzkis
In: Die Rote Fahne ‹Berlin› 8.1925 (16) : p. 1

Angl.: Trotsky's removal

IDN  02603        Aponte, Salvatore: Il "Corriere" tra Stalin e Trockij 1926-1929   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02604         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Die Ausweisung Trotzkis
In: Leitartikel bewegen die Welt / hrsg. von W. Schaber [et al.] (Stuttgart, 1964) : pp. 103-106

Originally publ. in: Arbeiter-Zeitung (Wien), 1929 (Febr.1)
Angl.: Trotsky's expulsion

IDN  02605         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Balabanova, Anželika Isaakova: Trotzky
/ Angelica Balabanoff
In: Avanti! ‹Milano› 29.1925 (21) : p. 1

IDN  02606         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Barkov, Leonid Ivanovič: Chronika "putešestvija" Trockogo v Alma-Atu i Konstantinopol'
/ L.I. Barkov
In: Sledstvie prodolžaetsja : chronika političeskich prestuplenij / sost. V.V. Egerev. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2009) : pp. 60-[132]

Table of contents: p.60 Vvedenie -- p.63 Na puti v ssylku -- p.71 V poezde -- p.78 V obratnom napravlenii -- p.84 Nepedvidennaja ostanovka -- p.90 Na puti v Odessu -- p.95 Iz Odessy v Konstantinopol' -- p.101 Poslednyj rubež -- p.108 Priloženie: Archivnye materialy po delu o vysylke L.D. Trockogo
On pp. [108]-[132] several dozen facsimiles of archival documents concerning Trotsky's banishment to Alma-Ata and his expulsion from the USSR (1928-29)
Alternate title: Trockij : "putešestvie" v Alma-Atu i Konstantinopol'
Angl.: Chronicle of Trotsky's "travel" to Alma-Ata and Constantinople

IDN  02607         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Bartels, Wolfgang: Trotzkis Ausweisung

In: Arbeiter-Jugend : Monatsschrift des Verbandes der Sozialistischen Arbeiterjugend Deutschlands ‹Berlin› 21.1929 (3) : pp. 54-55

IDN  02608         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Boeglin, Édouard: Trotski et la justice des démocraties

In: Humanisme / Grand Orient de France ‹Paris› [ISSN 0018-7364] 1995 (220/21) : pp. 39-43

Angl.: Trotsky and the justice of the democracies

IDN  02609         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Černov, Viktor Michajlovič:
Der Fall Trotzki / Viktor Tschernow
In: Die Gesellschaft : internationale Revue für Sozialismus und Politik ‹Berlin› 2.1925 : pp. 193-200

Angl.: The case of Trotsky

IDN  02610         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Chamberlin, William Henry: Trotzky : the rebel

In: The Atlantic Monthly ‹Boston, Mass.› [ISSN 0004-6795 - ISSN 0276-9077 - ISSN 1072-7825] 141.1928 : pp. 697-706

IDN  02611        Chase, William J.: Leon Trotsky's quest for a U.S. visa, 1933-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02612         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Dan, Fedor Il'ič: Trockij i pravo ubežišča
/ F. Dan
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 9.1929 (5=95) : pp. 8-10

Angl.: Trotsky and the right of asylum

IDN  02613        Dioguardi, Gianfranco: Lev Davidovitch Trotsky (1879-1940)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02614         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Evans, Colin: Stalin versus Trotsky

In: Evans, C.: Great feuds in history. (New York, NY, 2001) : pp. 85-107

IDN  02615         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
The fall of Trotsky
In: The New Statesman ‹London› [ISSN 0028-6842 - ISSN 0028-6834] 24.1925 (Jan.24) : pp. 437-438

IDN  02616         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
The fall of Trotsky
In: The Economist ‹London› [ISSN 0013-0613] 105.1927 : pp. 772-773

IDN  02617         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Fischer, Louis:
The passing of Trotsky
In: The Nation ‹New York, NY, etc.› [ISSN 0027-8378] 125.1927 : pp. 703-705

IDN  02618         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Fischer, Louis: Six lost years
: Stalin versus Trotzky
In: Fischer, L.: Men and politics. (New York, NY, 1941) : pp. 73-99

IDN  02619        Fischer, Louis: Whither Trotzky?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02620        Fisjukov, Vjačeslav Aleksandrovič: Ispol'zovanie technologij karajuščego zabvenija na primere legitimacii isključenija L.D. Trockogo iz VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02621         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Fitzgerald, Doireann: How Leon Trotsky was refused admission to the Irish Free State

In: The History Review ‹Dublin› 1993 (7) : pp. 10-14

IDN  02622         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Furniss, Edgar Stephenson: Trotsky's banishment by Soviet dictators
/ Edgar S. Furniss
In: Current History ‹New York, NY› 30.1929 (Apr.) : pp. 171-174

IDN  02623        Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, 1937-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02624        Gall, Olivia: Trotsky et la vie politique dans le Mexique de Cárdenas   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02625         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Ganfman, Maksim Ippolitovič: Trockij-ėmigrant
/ M.I. Ganfman
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 626-629

Notes: 2
Originally publ. in: Segodnja (Riga), 1929 (Febr.20)
On pp. 832-833 notes by A.V. Reznik
Angl.: Trotsky, the emigrant

IDN  02626        García Higueras, Gabriel: El caso de León Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02627        García Higueras, Gabriel: Consideraciones sobre la rehabilitación histórica, jurídica y partidaria de León Trotsky en la Unión Soviética   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02628         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Høidal, Oddvar Karsten:
The unwelcome exile : Leon Trotsky's failure to receive asylum in Norway, 1929
In: Scandinavian Studies ‹Eugene, Or.› [ISSN 0036-5637] 52.1980 (1) : pp. 32-45

Notes: 43

IDN  02629         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Holmes, Colin: Trotsky and Britain
: the 'closed' file
In: Bulletin / Society for the Study of Labour History ‹Sheffield› [ISSN 0049-1179] 1979 (39) : pp. 33-38

Notes: 33
About Trotsky's failure to receive asylum in Great Britain

IDN  02630         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Holmes, David Robert: Leon Trotsky's political downfall
: an analysis. - 53 pp.
Lancaster, Univ. of Lancaster, Thesis (M.A.), 1980
Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.2 Permanent revolution -- p.20 The revolutionary party -- p.41 Conclusion -- p.50 Notes -- p.53 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: p. 53

IDN  02631         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Kapčinskij, Oleg: Passažir sojuznogo značenija

In: Nezavisimaja gazeta ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1064-4431] 1999 (Febr.26) : p. 16

Other ed., versions, transl.: Un VIP de rang gouvernemental
About Trotsky's expulsion from the USSR, 1929
Angl.: A passenger of nationwide notoriety

IDN  02632         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Kapčinskij, Oleg:
Un VIP de rang gouvernemental
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2000 (69) : pp. 92-94

Orig.: Passažir sojuznogo značenija
About Trotsky's expulsion from the USSR, 1929
Angl.: A VIP of governmental rang

IDN  02633         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Katin, Vladimir Konstantinovič: Pour complaire à Staline, les britanniques on refusé le visa à Trotsky
/ Vladimir Katine
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2000 (71) : pp. 79-81

Transl. from the Russ.
Originally publ. in: Nezavisimaja gazeta (Moskva), 2000 (June 22)
Angl.: To please Stalin, the British refused to give Trotsky a visa

IDN  02634         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Lautenschlager, Frank: Stalin and Trotsky
: a study of struggle. - 4, 26 pp.
Aberdeen, SD, Northern State Teachers College, Graduate paper, 1962
Bibliogr.: pp. 25-26

IDN  02635        Mahoney, Harry Thayer: The saga of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02636        Malaparte, Curzio: Coup d'État   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02637        Malaparte, Curzio: El golpe de estado bolchevique y la táctica de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02638        Malaparte, Curzio: Der Staatsstreich   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02639        Malaparte, Curzio: Technik des Staatsstreichs   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02640        Malaparte, Curzio: Technique du coup d'État   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02641        Malaparte, Curzio: Técnica de golpe de Estado   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02642         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Mariátegui, José Carlos:
El exilio de Trotsky
In: Variedades ‹Lima› 25.1929 (1095)

IDN  02643         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Mariátegui, José Carlos:
El exilio de Trotsky
In: Mariátegui, J.C.: Figuras y aspectos de la vida mundial. 3. 7.ed. (Lima, 1989) : pp. 27-31

Angl.: The exile of Trotsky

IDN  02644         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Martinet, Marcel:
"La planète sans visa"
In: Les Humbles ‹Paris› [ISSN 0999-3371] 19.1934 (5/6) : pp. 36-41

Reprinted from: Ecole libératrice (Paris), 1934 (May 26)
Angl.: Planet without visa

IDN  02645         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
McNulty, Liam: Trotsky's English friends
: Leon Trotsky's asylum application and the British left in the early 1930s
In: Twentieth Century Communism : a journal of international history ‹London› [ISSN 1758-6437] 2016 (10) : pp. 30-62

Table of contents: p.35 The British left and Marxism -- p.38 The Soviet Union and Trotsky in the British left -- p.44 Trotsky tries again -- p.49 Trotsky's network -- p.54 Conclusions -- p.54 Notes
Notes: 110

IDN  02646         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Mitchinson, Phil: 1927 - the expulsion of Leon Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - 19 KB (5 pp.)
Accessed March 3, 2002
Dated Jan. 2002

IDN  02647         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Monatte, Pierre:
L' exil de Trotsky
In: La Révolution prolétarienne ‹Paris› [ISSN 0755-3277] 1929 (75)

Angl.: Trotsky's exile

IDN  02648         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Murphy, John Thomas: Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin
: the fight for power / J.T. Murphy
In: Murphy, J.T.: New horizons. (London, 1941) : pp. 255-284

IDN  02649         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Otstavka Trockogo
: zasedanie CK 17-go janvarja 1925 g. - [Berlin] : Berlinskoe Knigoizd-vo, [ca. 1925]. - 29 pp.
Angl.: The dismissal of Trotsky

IDN  02650        Palmer, Bryan Douglas: Leon Trotsky : planet without a visa   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02651         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Panteleev, Michail Michajlovič: Così cacciammo Trozkij [sic!] dall'URSS
/ Mikhail Panteleev
In: Avvenimenti ‹Roma› [ISSN 1594-123X] 3.1990 (15) : pp. 24-27

Orig.: Kak Trockogo vyslali iz SSSR
Angl.: How we expelled Trotsky from the USSR

IDN  02652         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Panteleev, Michail Michajlovič: Lev Trockij, Konstantinopol', 1929
/ publikaciju podgotovil M.M. Panteleev
In: Istoričeskij archiv ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2628] 1993 (1) : pp. 217-219

Angl.: Leon Trotsky, Constantinople, 1929

IDN  02653         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Pasquinelli, Moreno: Stalin und Trotzki
: die Gründe der Niederlage / Dino Albani [i.e. Moreno Pasquinelli]
In: Klassenkampf / Revolutionär-Kommunistische Liga ‹Wien› [ISSN 1019-1429] 1997 (48) : pp. 14-17

Angl.: Stalin and Trotsky : reasons of defeat

IDN  02654        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Stalin's nemesis   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02655        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trocki : upadek rewolucjonisty   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02656        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trockij : pád revolucionáře   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02657        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotsky : downfall of a revolutionary   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02658        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotzki : der verratene Revolutionär   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02659         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Pierre, André:
La disgrâce de Trotski / A. Pierre
In: Le Monde slave ‹Paris› N.s. 2.1925 (3) : pp. 422-438

Notes: 27
Angl.: Trotsky's disgrace

IDN  02660         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Riggle, John Wayne:
A historical study of the fall of Trotsky, 1917-1927. - XIV, 201 pp.
Indianapolis, Ind., Butler Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1967
Bibliogr.: pp. 187-196

IDN  02661        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Glavnyj vrag Stalina   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02662        Rosés Cordovilla, Sergí: La negació del dret d'asil a Trotsky per la II República i la Generalitat en 1931   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02663        Rosés Cordovilla, Sergí: Le refus du droit d'asile à Trotsky par la IIe République et la Generalitat en 1931   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02664         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Schmidt, Axel: Stalin oder Trotzki?

In: Die Auslese ‹Berlin› 11.1937 (7) : pp. 588-592

Reprinted from: Hilfe (Berlin), 1937 (June 5)
Angl.: Stalin or Trotsky?

IDN  02665         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Sforza, Carlo: Trotsky and Stalin

In: Sforza, C.: Makers of modern Europe. (Indianapolis, Ind., 1930) : pp. 381-385

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki und Stalin

IDN  02666         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Sforza, Carlo: Trotzki und Stalin

In: Sforza, C.: Gestalten und Gestalter des heutigen Europa. (Berlin, 1931) : pp. 404-409

Orig.: Trotsky and Stalin

IDN  02667         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Ssylka Trockogo v Alma-Ate
[Electronic resource]. - 79 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article (in Russian language)
Accessed Sept. 6, 2012
Angl.: Trotsky's exile in Alma-Ata

IDN  02668         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Stalin vs Trotsky
[Film] / Edmond O'Brien, narrator. - [S.l.] : Wolper Productions, released by Public Media Inc., 1964. - 1 film reel (16 mm, b/w), running time: 25 min. - (Men in crisis)

IDN  02669         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Strasser, Otto:
Der Sowjetstern geht unter : dokumentarische Darstellung des sowjetrussischen Machtkampfes Stalin-Trotzky. - 3. Aufl. - Berlin : Der Nationale Sozialist, 1930. - 24 pp. - (Die grünen Hefte der NS-Briefe ; 2)
Angl.: The Soviet star perishes

IDN  02670         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Thorez, Maurice: Um die Ausweisung Trotzkis
: und jetzt erst recht: unerschütterliches Vertrauen zur Partei Lenins
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 9.1929 (18) : pp. 361-362

Angl.: About Trotsky's deportation

IDN  02671         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Trainor, Jack: Attempts to gain Leon Trotsky asylum in the Irish Free State
[Electronic resource]. - 218 Kb (9 pp.)
Notes: 50
Other title: Exiled (1929-1940): attempts to gain Leon Trotsky asylum in the Irish Free State
Dated Sept. 14, 2021
Accessed Febr. 1, 2022

IDN  02672         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Trotzky : the victim of his own revolution

In: The Literary digest ‹New York, NY› 96.1928 (4) : p. 10

IDN  02673         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Žalmagambetov, Tanirbergen Žalmagambetovič: L. D. Trockij v Alma-Atinskoj ssylke
: (po materialam archiva KGB) / T. Žalmagambetov ; S. Žalmagambetova. - Alma-Ata : O-vo Šapagat, 1992. - 139 pp.
ISBN 5-605-00786-6

Angl.: L.D. Trotsky in exile at Alma-Ata

IDN  02674         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.06
Žalmagambetov, Tanirbergen Žalmagambetovič: Trockij v Alma-Atinskoj ssylke
/ Tanirbergen Žalmagambetov ; Saltanat Žalmagambetova. - [1-2]
In: Prostor ‹Alma-Ata› [ISSN 0033-1597] 1990 (10) : pp. 170-183; 1990 (11) : pp. 175-188

Angl.: Trotsky in exile at Alma-Ata

LLTB Chapter

IDN  02675         LLTB  Chapter
Conoir, Yvan: Léon Trotski, 1879-1940

In: Réfugiés ‹Genève› [ISSN 1014-0905] 1987 (37) : pp. 33-37

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky, 1879-1940

IDN  02676         LLTB  Chapter
Conoir, Yvan: Leon Trotsky, 1879-1940

In: Refugees ‹Geneva› [ISSN 0252-791X] 1987 (37) : pp. 35-37

Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotski, 1879-1940

IDN  02677         LLTB  Chapter
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe:
Una tragedia de proporciones bíblicas : con estas palabras definió un historiador el exterminio de la familia de Trotsky dentro y fuera de la URSS [Electronic resource]. - 26 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Apr. 11, 2007
Accessed Apr. 15, 2007
Angl.: A tragedy of biblical dimensions

IDN  02678         LLTB  Chapter
Janin, Igor' Trofimovič: "Il'ič" i Trockij
/ Igor' Janin
In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 2017 (4) : pp. 138-154

Angl.: "Ilitch" and Trotsky ["Ilitch"=name of the vessel on board of which Trotsky was sent into Turkish exile in 1929]

IDN  02679        Mahoney, Harry Thayer: The saga of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02680         LLTB  Chapter
Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Stalin's nemesis
: the exile and murder of Leon Trotsky. - London : Faber and Faber, 2009. - VIII, 340 pp.
ISBN 978-0-571-22875-1

Table of contents: p.1 Prologue: a miraculous escape -- p.11 Armoured train -- p.28 Mastermind -- p.49 Man of October -- p.65 Day of the dead -- p.85 The trouble with father -- p.106 Prisoners and provocateurs -- p.130 Fellow travellers -- p.135 The great dictator -- p.180 To the Finland Station -- p.206 Lucky strike -- p.234 Deadline -- p. 262 Epilogue: Shipwreck -- p.274 Sources and notes -- p.323 Acknowledgements -- p.324 Index
Notes: 273
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky : downfall of a revolutionary ; Trocki : upadek rewolucjonisty ; Trockij : pád revolucionáře ; Trotzki : der verratene Revolutionär
While focusing on Trotsky's last exile and on his assassination, the book is enlivened by frequent flashbacks to decisive moments of his earlier life

IDN  02681         LLTB  Chapter
Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trocki : upadek rewolucjonisty
/ przekł. Jerzy Wołk-Łaniewski. - Wrocław [etc.] : Wyd. Dolnośląskie, 2010. - 430 pp.
ISBN 978-83-245-8976-0 - ISBN 83-245-8976-7

Orig.: Trotsky : downfall of a revolutionary
Other ed., versions, transl.: Stalin's nemesis ; Trockij : pád revolucionáře ; Trotzki : der verratene Revolutionär

IDN  02682         LLTB  Chapter
Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trockij : pád revolucionáře
/ z angličtiny přel. Klára Míčková. - Praha : Litomyšl, 2011. - 350 pp.
ISBN 978-80-7432-129-0

Orig.: Trotsky : downfall of a revolutionary
Other ed., versions, transl.: Stalin's nemesis ; Trocki : upadek rewolucjonisty ; Trotzki : der verratene Revolutionär

IDN  02683         LLTB  Chapter
Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotsky : downfall of a revolutionary
. - New York, NY : HarperCollins, 2009. - VIII, 340 pp.
ISBN 978-0-06-082068-9 - ISBN 0-06-082068-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Stalin's nemesis ; Trocki : upadek rewolucjonisty ; Trockij : pád revolucionáře ; Trotzki : der verratene Revolutionär

IDN  02684         LLTB  Chapter
Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotzki : der verratene Revolutionär
/ aus dem Amerikan. von Stephan Gebauer. - Berlin : Propyläen, 2010. - 430 pp.
ISBN 978-3-549-07377-3 - ISBN 3-549-07377-1

Table of contents: p.7 Prolog: Wie durch ein Wunder entronnen -- p.20 Im gepanzerten Zug -- p.43 Der Drahtzieher -- p.72 Mann des Oktober -- p.93 Tag der Toten -- p.120 Familienbande -- p.148 Gefangene und Provokateure -- p.180 Weggenossen -- p.214 Der große Diktator -- p.247 Ideologische Grabenkämpfe -- p.282 Endzeitgedanken oder "Das Leben ist schön" -- p.358 Schiffbrüchige -- p.375 Danksagungen -- p.377 Quellen und Bibliographie -- p.383 Anmerkungen -- p.425 Pesonenregister -- p.431 Bildnachweis
Bibliogr.: pp. 377-382
Notes: 1162
Orig.: Trotsky : downfall of a revolutionary
Other ed., versions, transl.: Stalin's nemesis ; Trocki : upadek rewolucjonisty ; Trockij : pád revolucionáře

IDN  02685         LLTB  Chapter
Piegert, Anne:
Die tragische Rolle des Leo Trotzki in seinem späten Exil : Seminararbeit [Electronic resource]. - 35 pp.
ISBN 978-3-638-78632-4

Table of contents: p.3 Einleitung -- p.5 Biografischer Hintergrund -- p.10 Exilbedingungen 1929-1940 für Trotzki -- p.12 Überlegungen zu Trotzkis Denken und Entscheiden unter den Bedingungen des Exils 1929-1940 -- p.32 Schlussfolgerungen -- p.35 Literatur
Originally a written contribution to a university seminar at Technische Universität Chemnitz
Dok.-Nr.: V75360
Accessed Aug. 19, 2008
Angl.: The tragic rôle of Leon Trotsky in his late exile

IDN  02686         LLTB  Chapter
Pratt, Malcolm: Interpreting Trotsky's last years in exile
. - 102 pp.
London, Univ. of Greenwich, Thesis (M.A.), 1993
Table of contents: p.7 Interpreting Trotsky's last years in exile: introduction -- p.11 The tragedy of the outcast: Isaac Deutscher's interpretation of Trotsky's years in exile -- p.42 The destiny of the revolution: Tony Cliff's interpretation of Trotsky's last years in exile -- p.78 Interpreting Trotsky's last years in exile: conclusion -- p.83 Appendix: Isaac Deutscher, Notes on talks with Natalia Ivanovna in Paris -- p.92 Bibliography -- p.95 Footnotes
Bibliogr.: pp. 92-95
Notes: 116
Director of thesis: Fred Lindop

IDN  02687        Rosenthal, Gérard: Avocat de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02688        Rosenthal, Gérard: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02689         LLTB  Chapter
Rosmer, Alfred: On the planet without visa (1929-1940)
/ [transl. from the French by Ted Crawford]
In: Trotsky and the origins of Trotskyism / A. Rosmer [et al.] (London, 2002) : pp. 139-242

Table of contents: p.141 In Turkey -- p.154 In France -- p.166 In Norway -- p.187 In Mexico (pt.1) -- p.214 In Mexico (pt.2) -- p.230 Notes
Notes: 186
Other ed., versions, transl.: Senza visto per il mondo 1929-1940
Written in the early 1950s to complete Trotsky's autobiography "My life"

IDN  02690         LLTB  Chapter
Rosmer, Alfred: Senza visto per il mondo 1929-1940

In: Trockij, L.D.: La mia vita. (Milano, 1961)

Other ed., versions, transl.: On the planet without visa (1929-1940)
Written in the early 1950s to complete Trotsky's autobiography "Moja žizn'" ["My life"]

IDN  02691         LLTB  Chapter
Travis, Alan: Why Trotsky was denied asylum

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2000 (March 3) : p. 11

IDN  02692        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Con Trotsky de Prinkipo a Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02693        Van Heijenoort, Jean: In esilio con Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02694        Van Heijenoort, Jean: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02695        Van Heijenoort, Jean: With Trotsky in exile   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02696         LLTB  Chapter
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Trockij v tretej ėmigracii
/ N.A. Vaseckij
In: Kentavr ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1992 (Sept./Oct.) : pp. 89-100

Notes: 27
Angl.: Trotsky's third emigration

IDN  02697        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Vozvraščajuščijsja prorok   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02698        Weber, Sara: Recollections of Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02699        Weber, Sara: Souvenirs sur Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

LLTB Chapter

IDN  02700         LLTB  Chapter
Andersen, Asta Hartmann: Trotzkij til te i Kolding

In: Koldingbogen ‹Kolding› [ISSN 0901-8077] 29.1999 : pp. 5-10

IDN  02701         LLTB  Chapter
Ausnahmegesetz gegen Trotzki und seine Familie
/ Intern. Sekretariat der Linksopposition
In: Permanente Revolution / Linke Opposition der KPD (Bolschewiki-Leninisten) ‹Berlin› 2.1932 (6) : pp. 3-4

Angl.: Special law against Trotsky and his family

IDN  02702        Barkov, Leonid Ivanovič: Chronika "putešestvija" Trockogo v Alma-Atu i Konstantinopol'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02703         LLTB  Chapter
Bell, Thomas: Mister Trotzki als Ratgeber der Regierung Seiner Britischen Majestät
/ Tom Bell
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 9.1929 (29) : p. 666

Angl.: Mister Trotsky as counselor of His Majesty's government

IDN  02704         LLTB  Chapter
Bille Larsen, Steen: Trotski i København - og Moskvaprocesserne

In: Information ‹København› [ISSN 0105-6069] 1982 (Nov.29)

Angl.: Trotsky in Copenhagen - and the Moscow trials

IDN  02705         LLTB  Chapter
Bille Larsen, Steen: Trotskijs besøg i Danmark

In: Bille Larsen, S.: Mod strømmen. (København, 1986) : pp. 145-155

Angl.: Trotsky's visit to Denmark

IDN  02706         LLTB  Chapter
Bittermann, Klaus: Trotzki auf Prinkipo
: eine Reportage von der Prinzeninsel. - 1-2
In: Junge Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-8601] 2000 (Dec.11); 2000 (Dec.12)

Pt. 2 with alternative title "Ein 'Planet ohne Visum'"
Angl.: Trotsky at Prinkipo

IDN  02707         LLTB  Chapter
Bittermann, Klaus: Trotzki auf Prinkipo
: eine Reportage von der Prinzeninsel / [in Zusammenarb. mit Elke Schubert]
In: Bittermann, K.: Strandgut der Geschichte. (München, 2001) : pp. 31-45

Angl.: Trotsky at Prinkipo

IDN  02708        Bois, Marcel: A transnational friendship in the age of extremes   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02709        Bois, Marcel: Eine transnationale Freundschaft im Zeitalter der Extreme   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02710         LLTB  Chapter
Bonvalot, Michael:
Die Trotzki-Villa vor Istanbul : aus dem Leben eines Revolutionärs [Electronic resource]. - 61 KB (14 pp.)
Accessed Dec. 1, 2018
Chiefly pictures
Angl.: The Trotsky villa near Istanbul

IDN  02711         LLTB  Chapter
Buchmann, Vagn: Historien om Capa og Trotski
: da deres veje krydsede i København
In: Nyt om Arbejdermuseet ‹København› [ISSN 0907-0753] 2006 (3) : pp. 7-10

Containing some details about Trotsky's famous Copenhagen speech and Robert Capa's photographic documentary about this event
Angl.: Stories about Capa and Trotsky

IDN  02712         LLTB  Chapter
Coşar, Ömer Sami: Troçki Istanbul'da
. - Istanbul : Kitapçilik Ticaret, 1969. - 254 pp. - (Kitas yayinlari)
Bibliogr.: pp. 246-251
Angl.: Trotsky in Istanbul

IDN  02713         LLTB  Chapter
Coşar, Ömer Sami: Troçki Istanbul'da
. - Istanbul : Türkiye Iş Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari, 2010. - 207 pp. - (Genel Yayin ; 1916)
ISBN 978-994-488882-0

IDN  02714        Dahmer, Helmut: Revolution und Utopie   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02715         LLTB  Chapter
Dallin, David J.: Trockij v Turcii
/ D. Dalin
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 9.1929 (4=94) : pp. 7-8

Angl.: Trotsky in Turkey

IDN  02716         LLTB  Chapter
Dietrich, Rudolf Adrian:
Ein tragisches Gastspiel
In: Die Weltbühne ‹Berlin› 29.1933 (3) : pp. 88-91

About Trotsky's stay at Copenhagen, Nov. 1932
Angl.: A tragic guest performance

IDN  02717         LLTB  Chapter
Dietrich, Rudolf Adrian:
Ein tragisches Gastspiel
In: Leo Trotzki 1879-1940 in den Augen von Zeitgenossen. (Hamburg, 1979) : pp. 131-134

About Trotsky's stay at Copenhagen, Nov. 1932

IDN  02718        Eastman, Max: Problems of friendship with Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02719         LLTB  Chapter
Exile in Buyukada
: Leon Trotsky's exiled years in Istanbul [Film] / narrated by Vanessa Redgrave. [Director: Turan Yavuz. Screenplay: Turan Yavuz. Editor: Ayhan Ergürsel. Music: Fahir Atakoglu. Director of photography: Colin Mounier. Bravo Productions, 2000. Produced by Ayda Yavuz]. - [Venice, Cal.] : Pathfinder Home Entertainment, 2002. - 1 DVD videodisc, color, running time: 1 h 12 min
Alternate title: Exile in Büyükada
Docu-drama. "This fascinating documentary paints a moving portrait ... based on the book The prophet outcast by Isaac Deutscher ... Provides the viewer with intimate access to Trotsky ..." [from container]
In Russian, French and Turkish, with English narration and subtitles
Special DVD features include a short biography of Leon Trotsky and chapter selections

IDN  02720         LLTB  Chapter
Feldmann, Wilhelm: Trotzkis Exilgenossen

In: Vossische Zeitung ‹Berlin› 1929 (March 23=Nr.141=Abend-Ausg.) : pp. 1-2

Angl.: Trotsky's comrades in exile

IDN  02721         LLTB  Chapter
Feldmann, Wilhelm: Trotzkis Pech an der Hunde-Insel
: das Eiland der Gestürzten
In: Vossische Zeitung ‹Berlin› 1932 (March 27=Nr.148/149) : p. 2

Angl.: Trotsky's bad luck at the Dog Island [i.e. Sivriada, one of the Princes' Islands, Sea of Marmara]

IDN  02722         LLTB  Chapter
Frederiksen, Marie: Trotskij i København
: Trotskijs besøg i Danmark i 1932 var en kæmpe begivenhed [Electronic resource]. - 51 KB (6 pp.)
Dated Oct. 23, 2007
Accessed June 15, 2008
Angl.: Trotsky in Copenhagen

IDN  02723         LLTB  Chapter
From Istanbul to Copenhagen
: what happened along the route of Trotsky's trip? / Vérité
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 6.1933 (2=149) : p. 4

Transl. from the French

IDN  02724        Glotzer, Albert: A sojourn with comrade Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02725         LLTB  Chapter
Gunther, John: Trotsky at Elba

In: Harper's Magazine ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0017-789X] 166.1933 (Apr.) : pp. 587-597

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en Elba

IDN  02726         LLTB  Chapter
Gunther, John: Trotsky at Elba

In: Gunther, J.: Procession. (New York, NY, 1965) : pp. 77-87

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en Elba

IDN  02727         LLTB  Chapter
Gunther, John: Trotsky en Elba

In: Gunther, J.: Líderes del siglo XX. (Barcelona, 1968)

Orig.: Trotsky at Elba

IDN  02728         LLTB  Chapter
Gunther, John: Trotsky en Elba

In: Gunther, J.: Líderes del siglo XX. (Barcelona, 1969)

Orig.: Trotsky at Elba

IDN  02729         LLTB  Chapter
Gunther, John: Trotsky en Elba

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 23-39

Orig.: Trotsky at Elba

IDN  02730         LLTB  Chapter
Gunther, John: Trotsky en Elba

In: Gunther, J.: Lideres del siglo XX. 2. ed. (Barcelona [etc.], 1974) : pp. 91-102

Orig.: Trotsky at Elba

IDN  02731         LLTB  Chapter
Gunther, John: Trotsky en Elba

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 23-39

Orig.: Trotsky at Elba

IDN  02732         LLTB  Chapter
Hughes, James: Spectres of Trotsky
: the lost interiors of an exile. - [Eindhoven : Blurb CS], 2010. - [40] pp.
Chiefly photographs of the damaged interior of the Izzet Pasha villa, Trotsky's domicile during some years of his exile on Büyük Ada (Prinkipo Island near Istanbul); the photographs originally were displayed at an exhibition in the Istanbul Memorial Photography Centre, July-Sept. 2010
On spine: 8 [On title page verso: "This book is part of 8 publications mission to bring the creative work of James Hughes and similar projects to a wider audience"]
Publ. on demand

IDN  02733        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Mister Trockij na službe buržuazii ili pervye šagi L. Trockogo za granicej   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02734        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Mister Trotzki im Dienste der Bourgeoisie   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02735         LLTB  Chapter
Joly, Gustave: Trotsky en liberté ... provisoire

In: Les Annales politiques et littéraires ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-4034] 1932 : pp. 510-511

Angl.: Trotsky at liberty, temporarily

IDN  02736         LLTB  Chapter
Jungclas, Georg:
Die Kopenhagener Woche, November 1932
In: Trockij, L.D.: Kopenhagener Rede über die russische Revolution. (Mannheim, 1971) : pp. 1-7

Other ed., versions, transl.: With Leon Trotsky in Copenhagen
Angl.: The Copenhagen week, November 1932

IDN  02737         LLTB  Chapter
Jungclas, Georg: With Leon Trotsky in Copenhagen
: forty years ago
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 10.1972 (37) : pp. 1122-1124

Orig.: Die Kopenhagener Woche, November 1932

IDN  02738         LLTB  Chapter
Kazanci, Handan: Leon Trotsky : an exile's life in Istanbul
[Electronic resource]. - 71 KB (3 pp.)

IDN  02739         LLTB  Chapter
Lindgård, Arne C.: I was the chairman of Trotsky's meeting
/ A.C. Lindgaard
In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 2.1987 (8) : pp. 20-21

Orig.: Jeg var Trotskis dirigent

IDN  02740         LLTB  Chapter
Lindgård, Arne C.: Jeg var Trotskis dirigent
: en personlig beretning om Trotskis sidste tale til en større forsamling [...] / A.C. Lindgaard
In: Information ‹København› [ISSN 0105-6069] 1982 (Nov.27)

Other ed., versions, transl.: I was the chairman of Trotsky's meeting
Angl.: I was Trotsky's negotiator

IDN  02741         LLTB  Chapter
Lonergan, Thomas Clement: Leon Trotski in exile
: is the firebrand of the Soviet extinguished?
In: Infantry Journal ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0019-9540] 35.1929 : pp. 623-632

IDN  02742         LLTB  Chapter
Lynn, Janice:
The Left Opposition and Trotsky's trip to Copenhagen
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 18.1980 (37) : p. 1028

IDN  02743         LLTB  Chapter
North, David: Leon Trotsky's four fateful years in Prinkipo
: introd. to the Turkish language ed. of 'In defense of Leon Trotsky' [Electronic resource]. - 31 KB (4 pp.)
Notes: 14
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkis Schicksalsjahre auf Prinkipo
Dated Sept. 23, 2019
Accessed Oct. 10, 2019

IDN  02744         LLTB  Chapter
North, David: Leon Trotsky's four fateful years in Prinkipo : 1929-1933

In: North, D.: Leon Trotsky and the struggle for socialism in the twenty-first century. (Oak Park, Mich., 2023) : pp.151-159

Notes: 14
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkis Schicksalsjahre auf Prinkipo
Originally publ. as electronic resource on 'World Socialist Website', Sept. 23, 2019

IDN  02745         LLTB  Chapter
North, David: Trotzkis Schicksalsjahre auf Prinkipo
/ [Übers.: Ute Reissner]
In: North, D.: Leo Trotzki und der Kampf für Sozialismus im 21. Jahrhundert. (Essen 2024) : pp. 189-198

Orig.: Leon Trotsky's four fateful years in Prinkipo

IDN  02746         LLTB  Chapter
North, David: Trotzkis Schicksalsjahre auf Prinkipo : 1929-1933
[Electronic resource]. - 30 KB (4 pp.)
Notes: 14
Orig.: Leon Trotsky's four fateful years in Prinkipo : 1929-1933
Written as introd. to the Turkish ed. of 'In defense of Leon Totsky'
Accessed Oct. 10, 2019

IDN  02747         LLTB  Chapter
Nygaard, Bertel: Trotskijs Danmarksbesøg 1932
: intelligent slubbert på visit
In: Socialistisk Information ‹København› [ISSN 0108-1861] 24.2005 (193) : pp. 23-27

Angl.: Trotsky's visit to Denmark, 1932

IDN  02748         LLTB  Chapter
Plechanov, Aleksandr Michajlovič: L. D. Trockij : posle vysylki iz SSSR
: načalo tretej ėmigracii, Turcija, Princevy ostrova, 1929-1932 gg. / A.M. Plechanov
In: Istoričeskij archiv ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2628] 1992 (1) : pp. 31-38

Notes: 21+21
On pp. 34-38 letters by Trotsky and Sedov from Russian archives
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky : after deportation from the USSR

IDN  02749        Ranc, Julijana: Alexandra Ramm-Pfemfert   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02750         LLTB  Chapter
Die Reise des Gen. Trotzki nach Kopenhagen. - [1-2]
In: Permanente Revolution / Linke Opposition der KPD (Bolschewiki-Leninisten) ‹Berlin› 2.1932 (32) : pp. 1-2; 2.1932 (33) : p. 3

Angl.: Com[rade] Trotsky's trip to Copenhagen

IDN  02751         LLTB  Chapter
Rosés Cordovilla, Sergí:
La negació del dret d'asil a Trotsky per la II República i la Generalitat en 1931 : un episodi desgonegut del seu darrer exili
In: Balance : cuadernos de historia del movimiento obrero internacional y de la Guerra de España ‹Barcelona› 2010 (35) : pp. 3-20

Notes: 62
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le refus du droit d'asile à Trotsky par la IIe République et la Generalitat en 1931
Angl.: The refusal of the right of asylum for Trotsky by the 2nd [Spanish] Republic and the Generalitat [of Catalonia] in 1931

IDN  02752         LLTB  Chapter
Rosés Cordovilla, Sergí:
Le refus du droit d'asile à Trotsky par la IIe République et la Generalitat en 1931 : un épisode inconnu de son dernier exil / trad. de l'article en catalan
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2010 (48) : pp. 15-30

Notes: 34
Orig.: La negació del dret d'asil a Trotsky per la II República i la Generalitat en 1931
Title proper according to table of contents: Le refus du droit d'asile à Trotsky en Catalogne et en Espagne (1931)
Slightly abridged
Angl.: The refusal of the right of asylum for Trotsky by the 2nd [Spanish] Republic and the Generalitat [of Catalonia] in 1931

IDN  02753         LLTB  Chapter
Schmid, Marcus X.:
Das Trotzki-Haus : wo Simenon den russischen Revolutionär besuchte / mit Fotog. von Halûk Uluhan
In: Schmid, M.X.: 111 Orte in Istanbul, die man gesehen haben muss. (Köln, 2014) : pp. 214-215

Also available in other languages
Angl.: The Trotsky house : where Simenon visited the Russian revolutionary

IDN  02754         LLTB  Chapter
Simmet, Tristan: Leo Trotzkis Zeit im türkischen Exil
: Lebensweise und Herausforderungen ; Studienarbeit. - München : GRIN Verl., 2021. - 19 pp.
ISBN 978-3-346-53238-1 - ISBN 978-3-346-53237-4

Term paper
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's time in Turkish exile

IDN  02755         LLTB  Chapter
Stalin entzieht Trotzki das Sowjetbürgerrecht

In: Permanente Revolution / Linke Opposition der KPD (Bolschewiki-Leninisten) ‹Berlin› 2.1932 (5) : p. 5

Angl.: Stalin deprives Trotsky of Soviet citizenship

IDN  02756         LLTB  Chapter
Stone, Norman: Trotsky on Prinkipo
/ [with photographs from the David King Collection]
In: Cornucopia : Turkey for connoisseurs ‹Istanbul› [ISSN 1301-8175] 5.2003 (28) : pp. 56-63

Cover title: Fishing with Trotsky

IDN  02757         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky in Denmark
/ by a guest contributor
In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 2.1987 (8) : pp. 11-19

On pp. 20-21: Lindgård, A.C.: I was the chairman of Trotsky's meeting [see also author's "Jeg var Trotskis dirigent"]

IDN  02758         LLTB  Chapter
Trotzki als Gast der II. Internationale, als Filmstar der amerikanischen Fox-Film-Corporation

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 12.1932 (102) : pp. 3276-3277

About Trotsky's stay at Copenhagen, Nov. 1932
Angl.: Trotsky as guest of the II International, as film star of the American Fox Film Co.

IDN  02759         LLTB  Chapter
Trotzkis Propagandareise in Dänemark
/ von S.S.K.
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 12.1932 (103) : p. 3296

About Trotsky's stay at Copenhagen, Nov. 1932
Angl.: Trotsky's publicity campaign in Denmark

IDN  02760         LLTB  Chapter
Weisbord, Albert: Three weeks with Leon Trotsky

In: Class Struggle / Communist League of Struggle ‹New York, NY; later: Chicago, Ill.› 3.1933 (5) : pp. 6-12

IDN  02761         LLTB  Chapter
Wicks, Harry: Memories of Trotsky's last public meeting

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 18.1980 (37) : pp. 1028-1029

Reprinted from: Socialist Challenge (London), 1980 (Sept.3)

IDN  02762         LLTB  Chapter
Wistoft, Brigitte: Trotskij var her!
[Electronic resource]. - 7 KB (1 p.)
About the radio recording of Trotsky's Copenhagen speech
Dated Nov. 20, 2008
Accessed March 15, 2014
Angl.: Trotsky was here!

LLTB Chapter

IDN  02763        À Léon Trotzky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  02764         LLTB  Chapter
Bardin, Alexis:
Des lettres de Grenoble à Trotski en 1935 : correspondance d'Alexis Bardin / prés. par Pierre Broué et ann. par Pierre Saccoman
In: Évocations ‹Cremieu› [ISSN 1149-2031] N.s. 3.1986 (1) : pp. 11-28

Angl.: Letters from Grenoble to Trotsky, 1935 : the correspondence of Alexis Bardin

IDN  02765         LLTB  Chapter
Beau, Marguerite:
Le séjour de Léon Trotsky à Domène
In: Aparicio, J.: Histoire des Domènois des origines à 1946. (Domène, 2010) : pp. 151-155

Reminiscences by the daughter of Laurent Beau (1888-1943) in whose villa in Domène (near Grenoble) Leon Trotsky and Natalia Sedova lived from July 1934 to June 1935. Written Nov. 1992
With additional notes by Jean Aparicio
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's stay in Domène [near Grenoble]

IDN  02766         LLTB  Chapter
Beaubatie, Gilbert: Léon Trotsky en Corrèze ou la généalogie d'une rumeur

In: Bulletin de la Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de la Corrèze ‹Tulle› [ISSN 1148-8557] 97.1994 : pp. 194-218

Notes: 100
Angl.: Leon Trotsky at Corrèze, or, the genesis of a rumor

IDN  02767         LLTB  Chapter
Beaubatie, Gilbert: Trotsky en Corrèze
: généalogie d'une rumeur / Gilbert & Yannick Beaubatie. - [Latresne] : Le Bord de l'Eau, 2007. - 273 pp.
ISBN 978-2-915651-64-5

Bibliogr.: pp. 253-268
Notes: 518
On p. [251]: Trajet réel de Léon Trotsky en France
Angl.: Trotsky at Corrèze : genesis of a rumor

IDN  02768         LLTB  Chapter
Billy, André: Comment j'ai découvert Trotzky à Barbizon

In: Les Annales politiques et littéraires ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-4034] 1934 : p. 452

Angl.: How I tracked down Trotsky at Barbizon

IDN  02769         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre:
L' action clandestine de Trotsky en Dauphiné (1934-35)
In: Cahiers d'histoire ‹Lyon etc.› [ISSN 0008-008X] 13.1968 (3) : pp. 327-341

Notes: 32
Angl.: Trotsky's underground activity in the Dauphiné (1934-35)

IDN  02770         LLTB  Chapter
Chatelain-Tailhade, Pierre:
Les chiens de Barbizon
In: Les Humbles ‹Paris› [ISSN 0999-3371] 19.1934 (5/6) : pp. 48-49

Angl.: The dogs of Barbizon

IDN  02771         LLTB  Chapter
Deutscher, Isaac: Trockij al nadir

In: Deutscher, I.: Ironie della storia. (Milano, 1972)

Orig.: Trotsky at his nadir
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en su nadir

IDN  02772         LLTB  Chapter
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky at his nadir

In: Deutscher, I.: Ironies of history. (London etc., 1966) : pp. 174-180

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij al nadir ; Trotsky en su nadir
Reprinted from: The Listener (London), 1959 (July 16)

IDN  02773         LLTB  Chapter
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky at his nadir

In: Deutscher, I.: Ironies of history. (Berkeley, Cal., 1971) : pp. 174-180

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij al nadir ; Trotsky en su nadir
Reprinted from: The Listener (London), 1959 (July 16)

IDN  02774         LLTB  Chapter
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en su nadir
/ trad. de Juan Ramón Capella
In: Deutscher, I.: Ironías de la historia. (Barcelona, 1969) : pp. 197-204

Orig.: Trotsky at his nadir
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij al nadir

IDN  02775         LLTB  Chapter
Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en su nadir
/ trad. de Juan Ramón Capella
In: Deutscher, I.: Ironías de la historia. 2. ed. (Barcelona, 1975)

Orig.: Trotsky at his nadir
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij al nadir

IDN  02776        Fischer, Ruth: Trotsky à Paris   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  02777        Germain, Jean: Visite à Saint-Palais   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02778         LLTB  Chapter
Juillet, Richard: Trotsky l'Isérois
: Trotsky a résidé à Domène près de Grenoble en 1934
In: Isère magazine ‹Grenoble› [ISSN 1636-4171] 2008 (95) : p. 47

IDN  02779        Martinet, Marcel: "La planète sans visa"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02780         LLTB  Chapter
Il pianeta senza visti : protesti contro l'espulsione di Leone Trotskij da territorio francese / [signed:] André Breton [et al.]
In: Schwarz, A.: André Breton, Leone Trotskij. (Roma, 1974) : pp. 115-117

Transl. from the French
Angl.: Planet without visa

IDN  02781         LLTB  Chapter
Robert, Jean: Trotsky à Barbizon (1933-1934)
: le gendarme de Ponthierry et le révolutionnaire russe [Electronic resource]. - 5 pp.
Dated 2001
Accessed May 30, 2003

IDN  02782         LLTB  Chapter
Rosmer, Alfred: Trotsky in Francia

In: Tempo presente ‹Roma› [ISSN 0040-3059] 4.1959 : pp. 535-541

Transl. from the French
Angl.: Trotsky in France

IDN  02783         LLTB  Chapter
Schor, Ralph:
Les partis politiques français et le droit d'asile (1919-1939)
In: Revue historique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0035-3264] 266.1981 (2=540) : pp. 445-459

Notes: 63
On pp. 456-458: L'affaire Trotsky ou l'épreuve de vérité
Angl.: The French political parties and the right of asylum (1919-39)

IDN  02784         LLTB  Chapter
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Foreword
/ Jean van Heijenoort
In: Trockij, L.D.: Diary in exile, 1935. (Cambridge, Mass. etc., 1976) : pp. V-XIII

LLTB Chapter

IDN  02785         LLTB  Chapter
Baján, Szilvia: Norvég-szovjet diplomáciai csata Trockij ügyében

In: A nemzetközi munkásmozgalom történetéböl ‹Budapest› [ISSN 0133-476X] 30.2004(2003) : pp. 16-21

Notes: 34

IDN  02786         LLTB  Chapter
Bøe, Jan Bjarne: Trotskij i Noreg

In: Syn og Segn ‹Oslo› [ISSN 0039-7717] 79.1973 (8) : pp. 498-503

Notes: 15
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky's exile in Norway
Angl.: Trotsky in Norway

IDN  02787         LLTB  Chapter
Bøe, Jan Bjarne: Trotsky's exile in Norway
: when Norway's CP made its choice / Jan Bjarne Boe
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 12.1974 (3) : pp. 92-95

Notes: 15
Orig.: Trotskij i Noreg

IDN  02788         LLTB  Chapter
Breitman, George: Quand le journal de Hitler imprimait une lettre de Trotsky

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (1) : pp. 101-103

Notes: 3
Angl.: When Hitler's paper published a letter of Trotsky

IDN  02789         LLTB  Chapter
Coates, Laurence: Trotsky in Norway

In: Socialism Today ‹London› [ISSN 1360-2055] 2000 (49)

IDN  02790         LLTB  Chapter
Comment Trotsky fait de l'agitation
: le texte de la lettre saisie par le Nasjonal Samling / trad.: J.J. Bonhomme
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (1) : pp. 103-104

Orig.: Wie Trotzky wühlt
Angl.: How Trotsky agitates

IDN  02791         LLTB  Chapter
Dahl, Nils Kaare: Avec Trotsky en Norvège
/ Nils Käre Dahl
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (43) : pp. 5-31

Table of contents: p.5 Premières années, rencontres et discussions avec Trotsky -- p.9 L'arrivé de Trotsky en Norvège -- p.12 Forces et faits derrière l'internement et l'expulsion de Trotsky -- p.15 Mes discussions avec Trotsky -- p.19 Quelques impressions sur Trotsky en tant que personne -- p.20 Le mouvement trotskyste et la gauche en Norvège 1936-1941
Notes: 22
Other ed., versions, transl.: With Trotsky in Norway

IDN  02792         LLTB  Chapter
Dahl, Nils Kaare: With Trotsky in Norway

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 2.1989 (2) : pp. 33-42

Table of contents: p.33 My background, my meetings with Trotsky and our discussions -- p.34 The arrival of Trotsky in Norway -- p.35 Forces and facts behind the internment and expulsion of Trotsky -- p.36 Discussions with Trotsky -- p.38 The Trotskyist movement and the Left in Norway 1936-41
Notes: 22
Other ed., versions, transl.: Avec Trotsky en Norvège

IDN  02793         LLTB  Chapter
Deutscher, Isaac: Conversation with Trygve Lie
: Oslo, 28-29 Apr. 1956
In: Deutscher, I.: Marxism, wars and revolutions. (London, 1984) : pp. 169-177

IDN  02794        Deutscher, Isaac: Trockij al nadir   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02795        Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky at his nadir   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02796        Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en su nadir   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02797        Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en su nadir   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02798         LLTB  Chapter
Eriksen, Are: Leo Trotskijs internering og deportasjon
. - 59 pp.
Oslo, Univ. i Oslo, Særoppg., 1970
Table of contents: p.4 Forord -- p.6 Årsakene til Trotskijs internering og deportasjon (p.6 Brudd på oppholdsbetingelsene? -- p.15 Forholdet til Sovjet -- p.28 Innenrikspolitiske forhold) -- p.35 De provisoriske anordningene -- p.44 Konklusjon -- p.47 Noter -- p.55 Kilder
Bibliogr.: pp. 55-59
Notes: 138
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's internation and deportation

IDN  02799         LLTB  Chapter
Die Hand der Gestapo in Norwegen : die Hintergründe des Dokumenten-Diebstahls bei Trotzki ; die entwendeten Papiere in der Redaktion eines Nazi-Blattes beschlagnahmt
In: Pariser Tageszeitung = Quotidien de Paris ‹Paris› 1.1936 (Aug.20=Nr.70) : p. 2

Angl.: The Gestapo's hand in Norway

IDN  02800         LLTB  Chapter
Høidal, Oddvar Karsten: Trotskij i Norge
: et sår som aldri gror / Oddvar Høidal. Overs. av Anne Kløvnes Høidal. - Oslo : Spartacus Forl., 2009. - 416 pp.
ISBN 978-82-430-0454-2

Bibliogr.: pp. 406-412
Notes: 1,523
Orig.: Trotsky in Norway : exile, 1935-1937
Angl.: Trotsky in Norway : a wound which doesn't heal

IDN  02801         LLTB  Chapter
Høidal, Oddvar Karsten: Trotsky in Norway
: exile, 1935-1937 / Oddvar K. Høidal. - DeKalb, Ill. : NIU Pr., 2013. - XII, 414 pp.
ISBN 978-0-87580-474-3

Table of contents: p.IX Preface -- p.3 Prologue -- p.13 Early attempts to gain asylum in Scandinavia -- p.25 Arrival in Norway -- p.45 The Norwegian labor movement and its relationship to Trotsky -- p.74 Life at Wexhall -- p.115 From vacation to house arrest -- p.153 The end of asylum -- p.187 Internment at Sundby -- p.228 Adios Noruega -- p.276 Ongoing controversy -- p.319 Comprehensive assessment -- p.326 Epilogue -- p.343 Appendix: frequently mentioned Norwegian newspapers -- p.345 Endnotes -- p.401 Bibliography -- p.409 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 401-407
Notes: 1,568
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotskij i Norge : et sår som aldri gror

IDN  02802         LLTB  Chapter
Knudsen, Harald Franklin: In chase of Trotski
/ H. Franklin Knudsen
In: Knudsen, H.F.: I was Quisling's secretary. (London, 1967) : pp. 50-58

IDN  02803         LLTB  Chapter
Krog, Helge:
Et mørkt kapitel
In: Krog, H.: Meninger. (Oslo, 1947) : pp. 214-264

Angl.: A dark chapter

IDN  02804         LLTB  Chapter
Leo Trotskijs opphold i Hønefoss 1935-1936

In: Politihistorie for Hønefoss gjennom 125 år, 1854-1979. (Hønefoss, 1979) : p. 91

Angl.: Leon Trotsky's sojourn at Hønefoss 1935-36

IDN  02805         LLTB  Chapter
Rønniksen, Nils Johan: Leo Trotskijs opphold i Norge
[Electronic resource]. - 39 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed March 15, 2014
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's sojourn in Norway

IDN  02806         LLTB  Chapter
Rønniksen, Nils Johan:
En skjebnesvanger hyttetur : Trotskijs opphold ved Ringkollen, desember 1935 [Electronic resource]. - 37 KB (1 p.)
Accessed March 15, 2014

IDN  02807         LLTB  Chapter
Rønning, Ole Martin:
The struggle against Trotskyism in Norway, 1935-1937 : a meeting of Soviet and local political culture
In: Twentieth Century Communism : a journal of international history ‹London› [ISSN 1758-6437] 2016 (10) : pp. 63-83

Table of contents: p.64 Periphery and centre -- p.65 Political culture -- p.67 The refugee -- p.68 A fascist break-in -- p.69 The Moscow trials -- p.72 'A plague in the Norwegian labour movement' -- p.74 Paranoia at the centre -- p.75 'A poisonous plant' -- p.77 Soviet versus local political culture -- p.79 Notes
Notes: 56

IDN  02808        Schrader, Fred E.: Der Moskauer Prozeß 1936   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  02809         LLTB  Chapter
Strandberg, Roar: Fra gjest til fange
: Leo Trotskijs opphold i Norge 1935-36. - 151 pp.
Oslo, Univ. i Oslo, Hovedoppg., 1970
Table of contents: p.1 Inledning -- p.9 Den jagede mann kommer til Norge -- p.36 Sovjetbøddelsen på Ringerike -- p.49 Trotski har holdt sitt ord - Trotsky er avsløort -- p.81 Trygve Lie bøier sig for Stalin -- p.104 I asylrettsspørsmålet er fascisten Konstads fortolkning blitt lov -- p.131 Etterspill og konklusjon -- p.142 Tillegg A -- p.148 Kilder og litteratur
Notes: 328
Angl.: From guest to prisoner : Leon Trotsky's sojourn in Norway 1935-36

IDN  02810         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky's home in exile in Norway
[Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (1 p.)
Dated Jan. 13, 2009. - "By a German supporter of the ICFI"
Accessed Apr. 6, 2009

IDN  02811         LLTB  Chapter
Ustvedt, Yngvar: Världsrevolutionen i Hønefoss
: en redogörelse för Leo Trotskijs vistelse i Norge [Electronic resource] / övers. (från norska): Martin Fahlgren. - 1.37 MB (133 pp.)
Orig.: Verdensrevolusjonen på Hønefoss
Accessed Febr. 20, 2014
Angl.: World revolution in Hønefoss : a report about Trotsky's sojourn in Norway

IDN  02812         LLTB  Chapter
Ustvedt, Yngvar: Verdensrevolusjonen på Hønefoss
: en beretning om Leo Trotskijs opphold i Norge. - Oslo : Gyldendal, 1974. - 247 pp.
ISBN 82-05-06601-9

Table of contents: p.9 Forord -- p.13 Sensasjonen -- p.23 "Verdenshistoriens største massemorder" -- p.32 Stalins fiende -- p.41 Norsk generalprøve -- p.48 Mot Ultima Thule -- p.63 Stille dager på Ringerike -- p.77 Revolusjonen som ble forrådt -- p.84 Varm sommer -- p.112 I sentrum for verdens oppmerksomhet -- p.128 Internert - men hvorfor? -- p.142 Mot klimaks -- p.159 Norges første konsentrasjonsleir -- p.168 Folkefienden -- p.190 For lukkede dører -- p.210 Ut av Norge -- p.227 Den nye verden -- p.235 Norsk etterspill -- p.244 Inn i fremtiden
Other ed., versions, transl.: Världsrevolutionen i Hønefoss
Angl.: World revolution in Hønefoss : a report about Trotsky's sojourn in Norway

IDN  02813         LLTB  Chapter
Wie Trotzky wühlt

In: Völkischer Beobachter ‹München› 1936 (225=Aug.12) : p. 9

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment Trotsky fait de l'agitation
Angl.: How Trotsky agitates

LLTB Chapter

IDN  02814        Aguilar Mora, Manuel: Siqueiros vs. Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02815        Aguilar Mora, Manuel: Trotsky y el bonapartismo mexicano   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02816        Alexander H. Buchman photographs and film of Leon Trotsky and others   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  02817        Amestoy, Juan Pedro: Stalin versus Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02818         LLTB  Chapter
Appell, Barbara Joyce: Friends and flowers
: Trotsky in Mexico, 1937-1940. - 250 pp.
Waltham, Mass., Brandeis Univ., Thesis (Senior honor), 1968

IDN  02819        El asesinato de Trotsky, 1937-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02820         LLTB  Chapter
Behrend, Manfred: Bei Leo Trotzki in Coyoacán

In: Die Andere : der Anzeiger für Politik, Kultur und Kunst ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0863-243X] 2.1991 (May 15) : p. 15

IDN  02821         LLTB  Chapter
Behrend, Manfred: Bei Leo Trotzki in Coyoacán

In: Behrend, M.: Zeiten der Hoffnung, Zeiten des Zorns. (Berlin, 2005) : pp. 123-127

Reprinted from: Die Andere (Berlin), 2.1991 (May 15)

IDN  02822         LLTB  Chapter
Beljat, Michail: Vieja casa en Coyoacán
: en la ciudad de México, el nieto de León Trotsky guarda el afectuoso recuerdo de su abuelo / Mijail Beliat
In: Novedades de Moscú ‹Moscú etc.› 1989 (8=1386) : p. 15

Angl.: The old house in Coyoacán

IDN  02823        Bildner, Albert: Diego, Frida and Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02824         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre: Trotsky a veinte años de octubre
. - 12 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
Angl.: Trotsky 20 years after October

IDN  02825         LLTB  Chapter
Cannon, James Patrick: Funds needed to defend Trotsky
/ appeal by James P. Cannon and Farrell Dobbs
In: Cannon, J.P.: The Socialist Workers Party in World War II. (New York, NY, 1975) : pp. 49-51

Reprinted from: Socialist Appeal (New York, NY), 4.1940 (July 20)

IDN  02826         LLTB  Chapter
Carr, Barry:
La crisis del Partido Comunista Mexicano y el caso Trotsky, 1939-1940
In: El comunismo : otras miradas desde América Latina / E. Concheiro Bórquez (coord.) (México, D.F., 2007) : pp. 605-614

Angl.: The crisis of the Mexican Communist Party and the case of Trotsky, 1939-40

IDN  02827        Carr, Barry: Trotsky in Mexico   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  02828         LLTB  Chapter
Cavendish, Richard: Trotsky offered asylum in Mexico

In: History Today ‹London› [ISSN 0018-2753] 61.2011 (12)

IDN  02829         LLTB  Chapter
Chase, William J.: Leon Trotsky's quest for a U.S. visa, 1933-1940
/ William Chase
In: Life lines : perspectives on Russian culture, society and politics ; a festschrift for prof. Raymond T. McNally / ed. by N.S. Racheotes [et al.] (Boulder, Colo., 2001) : pp. 33-77

Notes: 118
Rev. version of author's "Trockij v Meksike"
About Trotsky's contacts with the 'Dies Committee' (U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities)

IDN  02830         LLTB  Chapter
Chase, William J.: Trockij v Meksike
: k istorii ego neglasnych kontaktov s pravitel'stvom SŠA (1937-1940) / U. Čejz
In: Otečestvennaja istorija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-5687] 1995 (4) : pp. 76-102

Notes: 116
Rev. version see author's "Leon Trotsky's quest for a U.S. visa, 1933-1940"
About Trotsky's contacts with the 'Dies Committee' (U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities)
Angl.: Trotsky in Mexico : the story of his clandestine contacts with the U.S. government (1937-40)

IDN  02831         LLTB  Chapter
Cordova, Carlos: De la vida y de la muerte
: una approximación museológica a la casa de León Trotsky. - 16 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
Angl.: On life and death : a museological approach to the house of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02832         LLTB  Chapter
Cornell, Charles: Trotsky's habits of work

In: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : p. IV

From author's "With Trotsky in Mexico"

IDN  02833         LLTB  Chapter
Cornell, Charles: With Trotsky in Mexico

In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 5.1944 (8=47) : pp. 246-249

IDN  02834         LLTB  Chapter
Cornell, Charles: With Trotsky in Mexico

In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 64-67

IDN  02835         LLTB  Chapter
Cortanze, Gérard de:
Les amours clandestines de Léon Trotski et Frida Kahlo
In: Historia ‹Paris› [ISSN 0018-2281 - ISSN 1270-0835] 2017 (844) : pp. 64-67

Angl.: The secret love affairs of Leon Trotsky and Frida Kahlo

IDN  02836        Curtis, Oliver: The lion in winter   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02837         LLTB  Chapter
Debroise, Olivier: Historia de una carta
. - 10 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
About Trotsky's relationship to Diego Rivera
Angl.: History of a letter

IDN  02838        Delahunt, Meaghan: La casa azul de Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02839        Delahunt, Meaghan: In the blue house   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02840        Delahunt, Meaghan: In the casa azul   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02841         LLTB  Chapter
Deutscher, Isaac: Adski temnaja noč'
: glava iz knigi "Prorok v izgnanii" / Isaak Dojčer. Perevod s anglijskogo Ju. Zarachoviča [et al.]
In: Inostrannaja literatura ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0537-7307] 1989 (3) : pp. 167-230

Detatched and transl. from author's "The prophet outcast", London, 1954
On pp. 167-174: Medvedev, Roj: Trockij : štrichi k političeskomu portretu
Angl.: The hell-black night : chapter from the book "The prophet in exile" ["The prophet outcast"]

IDN  02842         LLTB  Chapter
Dugrand, Alain: Trotski : México 1937-1940
/ texto de Alain Dugrand. Semblanza por James T. Farrell. Posfacio, cronología y bibliografía de Pierre Broué. Trad. de Saúl Ibargoyen. - México, D.F. : Siglo Veintiuno Ed., 1992. - 109 pp. - (El hombre y sus obras)
ISBN 968-23-1728-2

Orig.: Trotsky : Mexico 1937-1940
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in Mexico

IDN  02843         LLTB  Chapter
Dugrand, Alain: Trotsky : Mexico 1937-1940
/ texte de Alain Dugrand. Portrait par James T. Farrell. Postface, chronologie et bibliographie de Pierre Broué. - Paris : Payot, 1988. - 200 pp. - (Documents Payot [ISSN 0993-4634])
ISBN 2-228-88077-9 - ISBN 978-2-228-88077-0

Table of contents: p.9 Calle Viena, Coyoacán/A. Dugrand -- p.155 Léon Trotsky/J.T. Farrell -- p.165 Postface/P. Broué -- p.185 Chronologie/P. Broué [some 120 photographs from the collections of Josep Maria Oliveras and of the Institut Léon Trotsky are scattered all over the volume]
Notes: 25
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in Mexico ; Trotski : México 1937-1940

IDN  02844         LLTB  Chapter
Dugrand, Alain: Trotsky in Mexico
/ text by Alain Dugrand. Portrait by James T. Farrell. Afterword & chronology by Pierre Broué. Transl. from the French by Stephen Romer. - Manchester : Carcanet Pr., 1992. - 143 pp.
ISBN 0-85635-881-9 - ISBN 978-0-85635-881-4

Table of contents: p.9 Calle Viena, Coyoacán/A. Dugrand -- p.57 A portrait of Leon Trotsky/J.T. Farrell -- p.63 The Mexican album [some 100 photographs from the collections of Josep Maria Oliveras and of the Institut Léon Trotsky] -- p.123 Afterword/P. Broué -- p.131 Chronology/P. Broué
Notes: 27
Orig.: Trotsky : Mexico 1937-1940
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski : México 1937-1940

IDN  02845        Farrell, James Thomas: A memoir of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02846        Farrell, James Thomas: Mémoire sur Léon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02847        Farrell, James Thomas: Memoria sobre Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02848         LLTB  Chapter
Fernández Arias, Alberto: Cómo se obtuvo el asilo político en México para León Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - 45 KB (6 pp.)
Notes: 17
Orig.: Cómo se obtuvo el derecho de asilo para Trotsky en México
Based on Fernández Vilchis, Octávio: Cómo se obtuvo ..., in: La Prensa (México, D.F.), 1956 (Apr.20)
Dated Febr. 2008
Accessed Febr. 15, 2014
Angl.: How Trotsky obtained the right of asylum in Mexico

IDN  02849         LLTB  Chapter
Fernández Vilchis, Octávio: Comment fut obtenu le droit d'asile pour Trotsky au Mexique

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (11) : pp. 63-73

Notes: 13
Orig.: Cómo se obtuvo el derecho de asilo para Trotsky en México
Originally publ. in: La Prensa (México, D.F.), 1956 (Apr.20)
See also Fernández Arias, Alberto: Cómo se obtuvo ... [Electronic resource]
Angl.: How Trotsky obtained the right of asylum in Mexico

IDN  02850        Fernández Vilchis, Octávio: Octavio Fernández se souvient   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  02851         LLTB  Chapter
Fivek, Karl W.:
A triangle of consequence : Lazaro Cárdenas, Vicente Lombardo Toledano, and Leon Trotsky. - III, 109 pp.
Chicago, Ill., Northeastern Illinois Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1972
Bibliogr.: pp. 105-109

IDN  02852         LLTB  Chapter
Fonseca Ornelas, José Alberto: Trotsky en México : sus últimas batallas
[Electronic resource] / Alberto Fonseca
In: Trotskismos em Cuba : retrato de um encontro / F. Menezes (org.) [E-book] (São Paulo, 2021) : pp. 415-420

Paper originally submitted to the Ier [Primer] Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad, Havana, May 6-8, 2019
URL of E-book:
Accessed Aug. 11, 2021
Angl.: Trotsky in Mexico : his last struggles

IDN  02853         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Cárdenas, Múgica y Trotsky
. - 15 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 10
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

IDN  02854         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: León Trotsky y el planeta sin visas

In: Nexos : sociedad, ciencia, literatura ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-1535] 13.1990 (153) : pp. 14-17

Notes: 11
Preprint from author's "Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas", México, D.F., 1991
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and the planet without visa

IDN  02855         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia:
El papel del PCM y de Lambardo en la guerra del Kremlin, la Comintern y la GPU contra Trotsky : México 1936-1940
In: El comunismo : otras miradas desde América Latina / E. Concheiro Bórquez (coord.) (México, D.F., 2007) : pp. 615-637

Notes: 38
Angl.: The paper of the PCM [Mexican Communist Party] and of Lombardo in the struggle of the Kremlin, the Comintern and the GPU against Trotsky

IDN  02856        Gall, Olivia: La revue Clave, outil politique de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  02857         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia:
Un solo visado en el planeta para León Trotsky
In: México, país refugio : la experiencia de los exilios en el siglo XX / P. Yankelevich, coord. (México, D.F., 2002) : pp. 63-89

Table of contents: p.63 Introducción: 1936, la tierra es un planeta sin visa para León Trotsky -- p.65 La posición del general Cárdenas frente al derecho de asilo y frente al asilado León Trotsky... -- p.72 Los amigos -- p.79 El contraproceso de encuestra e investigación sobre los procesos de Moscú -- p.82 Los adversarios -- p.87 México ante el asesinato
Notes: 74
Angl.: A single visum on the planet for Leon Trotsky

IDN  02858         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky : guest of the revolution

In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 25.2010/11 (3=147)

Notes: 7

IDN  02859        Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  02860         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México
: cincuentenario ; balance de un coloquio
In: Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-1918] 33.1987 (129) : pp. 167-171

Notes about the Coloquio "Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista", México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
Angl.: Trotsky in Mexico : fiftieth anniversary ; report about a colloquium

IDN  02861         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, 1937-1940
. - México, D.F. : Ed. Era, 1991. - 423 pp. - (Colección Problemas de México)
ISBN 96-8411-335-8

Table of contents: p.11 Introducción -- p.19 Un visado en el planeta para León Trotsky -- p.45 Los camaradas -- p.74 Los amigos -- p.91 Trotsky y el contra-proceso -- p.108 La guerra de Stalin -- p.169 La contraofensiva de Trotsky -- p.183 La derecha y Trotsky -- p.191 La LCI y Trotsky -- p.205 La ruptura con Rivera -- p.223 Trotsky analiza a México -- p.250 Francisco Zamora, intelectual mexicano simpatizante de Trotsky -- p.262 Dos versiones estalinistas del cardenismo -- p.288 Una situación peligrosa -- p.303 El acoso -- p.321 Preguntas en torno a un asesinato -- p.344 Conclusiones -- p.351 Notas -- p.399 Abreviaturas -- p.402 Entrevistas -- p.405 Archivos consultados -- p.405 Cronología
Notes: 875
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky et la vie politique dans le Mexique de Cárdenas
Angl.: Trotsky in Mexico and the political life in the era of Cárdenas, 1937-40

IDN  02862         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, 1937-1940
/ pról. de Leonardo Padura. - 2. ed. - México, D.F. : Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, [2012]. - 446 pp. - (México y democracia)
ISBN 978-607-02-4069-0 - ISBN 607-02-4069-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky et la vie politique dans le Mexique de Cárdenas

IDN  02863         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky et la vie politique dans le Mexique de Cárdenas
: (1937-1940). - 1-2. - [XV], 668 pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble II, Thèse 3e cycle, 1986
Table of contents: p.9 Un visa dans la planète pour Léon Trotsky -- p.47 Le Mexique dans lequel débarque Trotsky -- p.87 Les camarades -- p.126 Les amis -- p.150 Les adversaires ouverts: le PCM -- p.208 L'adversaire couvert: Vicente Lombardo Toledano -- p.261 Trotsky et la contre-enquête -- p.290 La guerre de Staline -- p.329 La contre-offensive de Trotsky -- p.348 La droite et Trotsky -- p.358 La LCI et Trotsky -- p.378 La rupture avec Rivera -- p.403 L'histoire mexicaine s'accélère -- p.426 Trotsky analyse le Mexique -- p.462 Francisco Zamora, intellectuel mexicain et l'analyse de Trotsky -- p.478 Versions staliniennes du cardénisme: les puces et le dragon -- p.517 Une situation dangereuse -- p.535 Hallali -- p.558 Questions autour d'un assassinat -- p.592 Conclusion -- p.600 Chronologie -- p.646 Bibliographie
Bibliogr.: pp. 646-668
Notes: 887
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, 1937-1940
Directors of thesis: Pierre Broué, Jean Van Heijenoort, Jean Paul Joubert
Angl.: Trotsky and the political life in Cárdenas' Mexico (1937-40)

IDN  02864         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky et Múgica

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (26) : pp. 16-23

Notes: 13
Rev. version of paper submitted to the 7a Jornadas de Historia de Occidente, Jiquílpan de Juárez, Nov. 1984
Transl. from the Span. ms.

IDN  02865         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky y la vida política mexicana, 1937-1940

In: Estudios políticos : revista de ciencia política ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0014-1550] 3.época 1991 (5) : pp. 71-94

Table of contents: p.73 Las reacciones de Trotsky y de sus partidarios en el mundo frente a la concesión del visado mexicano -- p.74 Los amigos -- p.89 Trotsky opina sobre México -- p.92 México ante el asesinato
Notes: 31
Angl.: Trotsky and the Mexican political life, 1937-40

IDN  02866         LLTB  Chapter
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky, huésped del general Cárdenas
: un asilo contra vientos y mareas nacionales e internacionales
In: Revolución y exilio en la historia de México / J. Garcíadiego Dantán [et al.], comp. (México, D.F., 2010) : pp. 567-601

Table of contents: p.567 Introducción -- p.569 El México de Cárdenas, un solo visado en el planeta para León Trotsky (p.572 La reacciones de las distintas fuerzas políticas mexicanas al asilo -- p.573 La situación personal de Trotsky a su llegada a México) -- p.574 Guerra político-policiaca internacional: el contraproceso, la extrema derecha estadounidense y el comunismo-lombardismo (p.576 El contra-proceso en tierras mexicanas -- p.581 La extrema derecha estadounidense y el huésped rojo de Cárdenas -- p.584 La guerra de la GPU y la izqierda comunista-lombardista mexicana contra Trotsky) -- p.593 Trotsky y México: es posible conocer, querer y entender un país durante tres breves años? (p.593 Construyendo la cotidianeidad dentro de la tormento -- p.597 Trotsky analiza México) -- p.599 Conclusión -- p.600 Referencias
Bibliogr.: pp. 600-601
Notes: 93
Angl.: Trotsky, guest of General Cárdenas

IDN  02867         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel: Dom-Musej L'va Trockogo : prošloe i nastojaščee
/ Gabriėl' Garcija Igeras. Trad. por la Embajada de la Federación Rusa
In: García Higueras, G.: Guía español/ruso. (Ciudad de México, 2017) : pp. [115]-153

Notes: 46
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky Museum : past and present ; Leon Trotsky House Museum : past and present ; Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado e presente ; El Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado y presente

IDN  02868         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel: En casa de Trotsky

In: Equis X : el semanario del pueblo peruano ‹Lima› 15.1990 (691=Oct.8) : pp. 30-31

About the re-opening of the Museo Casa del León Trotsky, Coyoacán, México, Aug. 1990
Angl.: In Trotsky's house

IDN  02869        García Higueras, Gabriel: Encuentro en Coyoacán cincuenta años después   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  02870         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel: Guía : español/inglés
/ dir. general: Esteban Volkov Bronstein. - Ciudad de México : Inst. del Derecho de Asilo - Museo Casa de León Trotsky, 2017. - 157 pp.
ISBN 978-607-95961-3-2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Guía español/ruso
Earlier ed. see Museo Casa de León Trotsky : guía oficial
Angl.: Guide : Spanish/English

IDN  02871         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel: Guía español/ruso
/ dir. general: Esteban Volkov Bronstein. - Ciudad de México : Inst. del Derecho de Asilo - Museo Casa de León Trotsky, 2017. - 157 pp.
ISBN 978-607-95961-4-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: Guía : español/inglés
Earlier ed. see Museo Casa de León Trotsky : guía oficial
Angl.: Guide : Spanish/Russian

IDN  02872         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel: Leon Trotsky House Museum : past and present
/ transl. by José Barúa
In: García Higueras, G.: Guía español/inglés. (Ciudad de México, 2017) : pp. [115]-153

Notes: 46
Other ed., versions, transl.: Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado y presente ; El Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado y presente ; Trotsky Museum : past and present; Dom-Musej L'va Trockogo : prošloe i nastojaščee
Previously publ. as an electronic resource

IDN  02873         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel:
El Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado y presente [Electronic resource]. - 78 KB (20 pp.)
Notes: 54
Other ed., versions, transl.: Museo Casa León Trotsky : pasado y presente ; Trotsky Museum : past and present ; Leon Trotsky House Museum : past and present ; Dom-Musej L'va Trockogo : prošloe i nastojaščee
Part of "The Lubitz' TrotskyanaNet" website
Dated Nov. 2006
Later versions (in Engl., Span., Russ.) publ. in printed form

IDN  02874         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel:
El Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado y presente
In: Guía oficial / Museo Casa de León Trotsky. (México, D.F., 2013) : pp. [14]-43

Notes: 41
Other ed., versions, transl.: Museo Casa León Trotsky : pasado y presente ; Trotsky Museum : past and present ; Leon Trotsky House Museum : past and present ; Dom-Musej L'va Trockogo : prošloe i nastojaščee
Previously publ. as an electronic resource

IDN  02875         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel: Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado y presente

In: García Higueras, G.: Guía español/inglés. (Ciudad de México, 2017) : pp. [17]-56

Notes: 46
Other ed., versions, transl.: El Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado y presente ; Trotsky Museum : past and present ; Leon Trotsky House Museum : past and present ; Dom-Musej L'va Trockogo : prošloe i nastojaščee
Previously publ. as an electronic resource
Also contained in author's "Guía español/ruso", Ciudad de México, 2017, pp. 17-57

IDN  02876         LLTB  Chapter
García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky Museum : past and present
[Electronic resource] / [transl. from Span.]. - 99 KB (22 pp.)
Table of contents: Trotsky in Mexico - 19 Avenida Viena - A day in the Trotsky's life - Shots in the darkness - The final assault - The house in Coyoacan after Trotsky's death - The Leon Trotsky Museum - Lack of resources - Leon Trotsky Museum at present - Final thoughts - Bibliography - Notes
Notes: 54
Other ed., versions, transl.: Museo Casa León Trotsky : pasado y presente ; El Museo Casa de León Trotsky : pasado y presente ; Leon Trotsky House Museum : past and present ; Dom-Musej L'va Trockogo : prošloe i nastojaščee
Part of "The Lubitz' TrotskyanaNet" website
Dated Nov. 2006
Later versions (in Engl., Span., Russ.) publ. in printed form

IDN  02877         LLTB  Chapter
García, Manuel: Exilio y muerte de Trotsky, 1937-1940

In: Letra internacional ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0213-4721] 2010 (107) : pp. 24-31

IDN  02878         LLTB  Chapter
Glockner, Julio: Josefina y Trotsky
: una amistad inesperada
In: Nexos : sociedad, ciencia, literatura ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-1535] 33.2011 (400) : pp. 87-94

IDN  02879         LLTB  Chapter
Glockner, Julio:
Un retrato para Trotsky : de los recuerdos de Josefina Albisua. - Pueblo : Inst. de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades [etc.], 2011. - 135 pp. - (Colección nuestro siglo XX)
ISBN 978-607-8022-51-9

Notes: 7
Josefina (Pepita) Albisúa Fernández was a Mexican painter and a friend of the Trotsky family during the years of the Mexican exile
Angl.: A portrait for Trotsky

IDN  02880         LLTB  Chapter
Green, Richard: At home with Leon Trotsky
: ... and Monet, Coward and Hearst ; Richard Green visits 8 museums where the spirits of great men live on
In: The Sunday Times ‹London› [ISSN 0956-1382] 2003 (Febr.16) : p. 13

IDN  02881         LLTB  Chapter
Guía del Museo León Trotsky
= Museum guide / Museo Casa de León Trotsky. - [México, D.F.] : A. Tobares, [s.d.]. - 15 pp.

IDN  02882         LLTB  Chapter
Guía oficial
/ Museo Casa de León Trotsky. - México, D.F. : Inst. del Derecho de Asilo - Museo Casa de León Trotsky, 2013. - 109 pp.
ISBN 978-607-95961-2-5

Later ed. see García Higueras, Gabriel: "Guía : español/inglés" and "Guía español/ruso"
Angl.: Leon Trotsky House Museum : official guide

IDN  02883         LLTB  Chapter
Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich: Leo Trotzki in Mexiko-Stadt
: über Kaninchen und verblasste Pracht
In: Frankfurter Allgemeine : Zeitung für Deutschland ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0174-4909] 2009 (Dec.16=Nr.292) : p. N3

A reader's note by Helmut Dahmer [not publ. by Frankfurter Allgemeine] was publ. with title "War's das wirklich?" in: Avanti (Mannheim), 2010 (172), p. 20, and with title "War's das?" in: Dahmer, Helmut: Interventionen, Münster 2012, pp.146-147
Angl.: Leon Trotsky in Mexico City

IDN  02884        Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02885        Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino alla fine   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02886        Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02887        Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky, hasta el final   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02888         LLTB  Chapter
Hansen, Joseph: Med Trotskij i Coyoacán
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Göran Källqvist. - 24 KB (21 pp.)
Notes: 4
Orig.: With Trotsky in Coyoacán
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky in Coyoacán
Dated Oct. 1969. Written as an introd. to Trotsky, Leon: My life, New York, NY, 1970
Accessed Oct. 31, 2014

IDN  02889        Hansen, Joseph: Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02890         LLTB  Chapter
Hansen, Joseph: Trotsky in Coyoacan
: reminiscences of Trotsky's life in Mexico by a leader of the Trotskyist movement who served as Trotsky's secretary during those last years
In: International Socialist Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-8744] 31.1970 (3) : pp. 34-38

Abridged version of author's "With Trotsky in Coyoacán"

IDN  02891         LLTB  Chapter
Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky in Coyoacán
: introduction
In: Trockij, L.D.: My life. (New York, NY, 1970) : pp. 9-39

Other ed., versions, transl.: Med Trotskij i Coyoacán
Abridged version see author's "Trotsky in Coyoacán"

IDN  02892        Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky to the end   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02893         LLTB  Chapter
Herrera, Hayden: Trotsky

In: Herrera, H.: Frida : a biography of Frida Kahlo. (New York, NY etc., 1983) : pp. 192-214

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki ; Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  02894         LLTB  Chapter
Herrera, Hayden: Trotsky
/ trad.: Angelika Scherp
In: Herrera, H.: Frida : una biografía de Frida Kahlo. (México, D.F., 1985) : pp. 167-184

Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki

IDN  02895         LLTB  Chapter
Herrera, Hayden: Trotzki
/ Übers. aus dem Amerikan. von Dieter Mulch
In: Herrera, H.: Frida Kahlo. (Bern etc., 1983) : pp. 161-183

Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  02896         LLTB  Chapter
Herrera, Hayden: Trotzki
/ Übers. aus dem Amerikan. von Dieter Mulch
In: Herrera, H.: Frida Kahlo. 2. Aufl. (Bern etc., 1984) : pp. 161-183

Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  02897         LLTB  Chapter
Herrera, Hayden: Trotzki
/ Übers. aus dem Amerikan. von Dieter Mulch
In: Herrera, H.: Frida Kahlo. 3. Aufl. (Bern etc., 1986) : pp. 161-183

Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  02898         LLTB  Chapter
Herrera, Hayden: Trotzki
/ Übers. aus dem Amerikan. von Dieter Mulch
In: Herrera, H.: Frida Kahlo. Ungek. Ausg. (Frankfurt a.M., 1998) : pp. 161-183

Orig.: Trotsky [Engl.]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky [Span.]

IDN  02899         LLTB  Chapter
Hüttinger, Christine: Convirtiendo la historia en literatura : el tema del exilio de Trotski en México
= Converting history in literature : the case of Trotski's exile in Mexico [Electronic resource]
In: Fuentes humanísticas [Electronic journal] ‹Caldas› [ISSN 2007-5618] 27.2014 (48) : pp. 189-210 (1.3 MB)

Notes: 75
With Span. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Febr. 15, 2017

IDN  02900         LLTB  Chapter
Huffschmid, Anne: Fridas Nachbar : das Trotzki-Museum in Coyoacán

In: Huffschmid, A.: Mexiko - das Land und die Freiheit. (Zürich, 2010) : pp. 184-188

Angl.: Frida's [Frida Kahlo's] neighbor : the Trotsky Museum in Coyoacán

IDN  02901         LLTB  Chapter
Justo, Liborio: Leon Trotsky in Mexico at the service of the USA
/ transl. by M. Justo [et al.]
In: Communist Bulletin ‹S.l.› 1988 (2) : pp. 37-60

Orig.: León Trotsky y Wall Street
Other ed., versions, transl.: León Trotsky y el fracaso mundial del trotskysmo

IDN  02902         LLTB  Chapter
Justo, Liborio: León Trotsky y el fracaso mundial del trotskysmo
/ Liborio Justo (Quebracho). - Lima : EPASA, 1975. - 195 pp. - (Colección Fondo de Cultura Popular ; 30)
Orig.: León Trotsky y Wall Street
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky in Mexico at the service of the USA
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and the worldwide failure of Trotskyism

IDN  02903         LLTB  Chapter
Justo, Liborio: León Trotsky y Wall Street
: cómo el lider de la Cuarta Internacional se puso al servicio del imperialismo yanqui en México / Quebracho [i.e. Liborio Justo]. - Buenos Aires : Ed. Badajo, 1959. - 154 pp.
Table of contents: p.7 León Trotsky como revolucionario ruso -- p.11 León Trotsky en la revolución de octubre -- p.47 León Trotsky y la fundación de la Cuarta Internacional -- p.69 León Trotsky y el caracter centrista del movimiento trotskysta -- p.85 León Trotsky en México -- p.103 León Trotsky como instrumento contra la revolución mexicana -- p.125 León Trotsky y el trotskysmo como agentes de Wall Street en los Estados Unidos -- p.151 Consideraciones finales
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky in Mexico at the service of the USA ; León Trotsky y el fracaso mundial del trotskysmo
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and Wall Street : how the leader of the Fourth International offers his services to Yanqui imperialism in Mexico

IDN  02904         LLTB  Chapter
Kastelein, Barbara:
The spirit of Trotsky in Mexico [Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed June 6, 2006

IDN  02905         LLTB  Chapter
Katel, Peter:
La prensa estadounidense ante el huésped rojo de Cárdenas. - 20 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 53
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky au Mexique vu par la presse des États-Unis
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
Angl.: The press of the United States faced with Cárdenas' red guest

IDN  02906         LLTB  Chapter
Katel, Peter: Trotsky au Mexique vu par la presse des États-Unis

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1988 (35) : pp. 57-67

Notes: 53
Orig.: La prensa estadounidense ante el huésped rojo de Cárdenas
Paper originally submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
Transl. from the Span. ms.
Angl.: Trotsky in Mexico in the view of the United States press

IDN  02907         LLTB  Chapter
Kil'debaev, Il'š'at Il'gamovič: Političeskaja dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo v Meksike i istoričeskie obstojatel'stva ego ubijstva
/ I.I. Kil'debaev
In: Problemy istoričeskoj regionalistiki v istočnikovedenii, istoriografii, teoretičeskoj istorii / otv. red. D.P. Samorolov [et al.] (Ufa, 2018) : pp.196-201

Angl.: Political activity of L.D. Trotsky in Mexico and the historical circumstances of his murder

IDN  02908         LLTB  Chapter
Kutejščikova, Vera Nikolaevna: Meksika, Trockij, Komintern
/ V.N. Kutejščikova. - [1-4]
In: Latinskaja Amerika ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0044-748X] 1993 (5) : pp. 64-75; 1993 (6) : pp. 45-55; 1993 (7) : pp. 62-69,76; 1993 (8) : pp. 66-74,78

Table of contents: [Pt.1:] p.64 Neskol'ko vstupitel'nych slov -- p.65 General Kardenas, prezident Meksiki -- p.66 Kak byli sorvany meksikansko-sovetskie peregovory -- p.67 Trockij v Meksike -- p.70 Diego Rivera, drug Trockogo - [pt.2:] p.45 Bog i satana -- p.47 Komintern, štab bor'by s trockizmom -- p.49 Lombardo Toledano i lidery MKP v bor'be s trockizmom i drug s drugom - [pt.3:] p.62 Moskva gotovitsja k provedeniju operacii -- p.65 "Za nedisciplinirovannost' platjat dorogo" -- p.67 Tovarišč Luis našel podderžku u tovarišča Lombardo - [pt.4:] p.66 Final -- p.71 Ėpilog -- p.73 Neskol'ko zaključitel'nych slov
Notes: 101
Angl.: Mexico, Trotsky, Comintern

IDN  02909         LLTB  Chapter
Langer Oprinari, Pablo: Trotsky en las tierras de Villa y Zapata
/ Pablo Oprinari
In: Contra la corriente : revista marxista de teoría y política (México, D.F.) 2.2010 (2) : pp. 77-100

Table of contents: p.79 En el convulsio México poistrevolucionario -- p.82 El estalinismo maxuicano y Trotsky -- p.86 Los trotskistas mexicanos y Trotsky -- p.91 La revolución mexicana -- p.943 El Cardenismo y la revolución socialusta en México -- p.97 Importancia acutalidad de los escritos latinoamericanos
Notes: 54
Orig.: Trotsky en México
Originally publ. as a prologue to the Brazilian ed. of Trotsky, L.: Escritos latinoamericanos, São Paulo, 2009
Angl.: Trotsky in the land of Villa and Zapata

IDN  02910         LLTB  Chapter
Langer Oprinari, Pablo: Trotsky en México
/ Pablo Oprinari
In: Proa : en la letras y en las artes ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 1515-4017] 2010 (79) : pp. 123-127

Notes: 54
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky en las tierras de Villa y Zapata
Originally publ. as a prologue to the Brazilian ed. of Trotsky, L.: Escritos latinoamericanos, São Paulo, 2009

IDN  02911         LLTB  Chapter
Leon Trotsky : su asilio político en México

In: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior ‹México, D.F.› 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp. 46-47

Angl.: Leon Trotsky : his political asylum in Mexico

IDN  02912         LLTB  Chapter
Leon Trotsky Museum, Mexico City
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article about the Museo Casa de León Trotsky
Accessed Febr. 14, 2013

IDN  02913         LLTB  Chapter
Leskov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Tainstvennyj dom v Kojokane, ili Lev Trockij v izgnanii ...
/ V. Leskov
In: Rossijskij ežegodnik ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0868-4022] 1990 (2) : pp. 89-101

Notes: 14
Angl.: The mysterious house at Coyoacán, or, Leon Trotsky in exile

IDN  02914         LLTB  Chapter
Lombardo Toledano, Vicente: Acerca del asilo a Trotski
. - México, D.F. : Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Politicos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano, 2011. - 78 pp. - (Colección Estudios sobre la vida y obra de Vicente Lombardo Toledano)
ISBN 978-607-466-052-4

Added title: Sobre el asilo a Trotski
Angl.: Concerning the asylum for Trotsky

IDN  02915         LLTB  Chapter
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Trotsky in Coyoacan : a bibliography
: bibliographical compilation of literature about Trotsky's final exile years in Mexico, his assassination and about the Museo Casa de León Trotsky (Coyoacán, México) [Electronic resource] / by Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 120 KB (40 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website. - Discontinued in 2009

IDN  02916         LLTB  Chapter
Luxner, Larry: Trotsky asylum opens its doors

In: Américas : [English edition] ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0379-0940] 43.1991 (5) : pp. 2-3

IDN  02917        Malbin, Joshua: Trotsky's ghost   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02918         LLTB  Chapter
Marková, Marta: Leo D. Trotzki, Josef W. Stalin und Nadeshda Sergejewna Allilujewa

In: Marková, M.: Auf ins Wunderland! Das Leben der Alice Rühle-Gerstel. (Innsbruck [etc.], 2007) : pp. 256-284

Table of contents: [...] -- p.259 Briefwechsel der linken internationalen Dissidentenszene mit Leo D. Trotzki - [...] -- p.268 Trotzkis internationale Anklage - [...] -- p.281 Kein Gedicht für Trotzki: Tagebuchaufzeichnungen aus Mexiko

IDN  02919         LLTB  Chapter
Martin, Kingsley: Trotsky in Mexico

In: The New Statesman and Nation ‹London› [ISSN 0952-102X] N.S. 9.1937 (Apr.10) : pp. 581-582

IDN  02920         LLTB  Chapter
Martin, Kingsley: Trotsky in Mexico

In: The New Statesman and Nation ‹London› [ISSN 0952-102X] N.S. 136.2007 (Jan.29) : p. 70

Abridged version of an article originally publ. in: ibid., n.s. 9.1937 (Apr.10)

IDN  02921         LLTB  Chapter
Le Mexique sous Cárdenas. - Grenoble : Institut Léon Trotsky, 1986. - 128 pp. - (Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] ; 1986,26)
Table of contents: p.4 JvH/P. de Rouilhan -- p.7 Van, le militant, l'ami, l'homme/P. Broué -- p.16 Trotsky et Múgica/O. Gall -- p.24 Au Mexique du temps de Cárdenas/P. Broué -- p.39 L'auto-absolution de Vidali et la mort de Mella/A. Gálvez Cancino -- p.55 Istoire orale (p.55 Manuel Rodríguez parle de la préhistoire de l'opposition de gauche -- p.57 Felix Ibarra témoigne sur les débuts du mouvement -- p.61 Octavio Fernández se souvient -- p.81 Adolfo Zamora parle de son ami Léon Trotsky) -- p.86 Documents - [...]
Angl.: Mexico under Cárdenas

IDN  02922         LLTB  Chapter
Monsivais, Carlos: Revolución méxicana, territorio de refugio político intelectual, artistico
. - 10 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
Angl.: The Mexican revolution, a political and artistic place of refuge

IDN  02923        Montero, Hugo: Por qué Stalin derrotó a Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  02924         LLTB  Chapter
Montero, Hugo: Ultima estación: Coyoacán
/ nota y entrevistas: Hugo Montero. Fotos: gentileza CEIP León Trotsky
In: Sudestada : cultura, política y actualidad ‹Lomas de Zamora› 6.2006 (52) : pp. 4-15

On pp. 8-9: Hoy sus ideas son un faro en la oscuridad / entrevista con Alan Woods; on p. 10: El último sobreviviente / por Gabriel García Higueras; on pp. 12-15: El abuelo irradiaba una fe inamovible en el futuro socialista de la humanidad / entrevista con Esteban Volkov
As electronic resource publ. with title: Los últimos días de Trotsky
Angl.: Final station: Coyoacán

IDN  02925         LLTB  Chapter
Musée Trotski à Mexico

In: L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui ‹Paris› [ISSN 0003-8695] 1993 (288) : pp. 122-123

Angl.: The Trotsky Museum in Mexico

IDN  02926         LLTB  Chapter
Museo Casa de León Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - 17 KB (9 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 21, 2011

IDN  02927         LLTB  Chapter
Museo Casa de León Trotsky
: memoria de su restauración. - Ciudad de México : DDF [Departamento de Distrito Federal], 1990. - [28] pp.
With many illustrations
Angl.: The museum House of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02928         LLTB  Chapter
Museo Casa de León Trotsky
. - México, D.F. : Instituto del Derecho de Asilo, Museo Casa de León Trotsky, A.C., [s.d.]. - 34 pp.
Small pamphlet about Trotsky's life, his exile in México and his assassination, available at the Museo Casa de León Trotsky, Coyoacán, México
Angl.: The Museum House of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02929         LLTB  Chapter
North, David: Trotsky's last year

In: North, D.: Leon Trotsky and the struggle for socialism in the twenty-first century. (Oak Park, Mich., 2023) : pp. 161-236

Table of contents: p.161 The outbreak of World War II and Trotsky's defense of Marxism -- p.177 War and the perspective of socialist revolution -- p.183 May 24, 1940: the first attempt on Trotsky's life -- p.198 June 1940: critical discussions with the US Socialist Workers Party -- p.208 Trotsky's analysis of the trade unions in the epoch of imperialism -- p.220 August 1940: Trotsky's last writings, death, and his legacy
Notes: 153
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkis letztes Jahr
Originally publ. as electronic resource on 'World Socialist Web Site' in 6 installments between Aug. 20 and Sept. 7, 2020
Also publ. in various other languages as electronic resources on 'World Socialist Web Site' in 2020
"An appraisal, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of Trotsky's assassination, of the work of the great theoretician and strategist of World Socialist Revolution during the final year of his life" [from the abstract of the electronic resource]

IDN  02930         LLTB  Chapter
North, David: Trotzkis letztes Jahr
[Electronic resource] / [transl. from the Engl.]. - 1-6. - ca. 450 KB (42 pp.)
Notes: 150
Orig.: Trotsky's last year
Also publ. in other languages as electronic resources within the framework of the WSWS site
Dated Aug./Sept. 2020
Accessed Oct. 3, 2020
"Eine Würdigung von Leo Trotzkis Werk in seinem letzten Lebensjahr, anlässlich des 80. Jahrestags der Ermordung..." [from the abstract]

IDN  02931         LLTB  Chapter
North, David: Trotzkis letztes Jahr, 1939-1940
/ [Übers.: Ute Reissner]
In: North, D.: Leo Trotzki und der Kampf für Sozialismus im 21. Jahrhundert. (Essen 2024) : pp. 199-288

Orig.: Trotsky's last year

IDN  02932         LLTB  Chapter
Novaja provokacija GPU protiv L.D. Trockogo

In: Bjulleten' oppozicii ‹Various places› 10.1938 (62/63) : p. 24

Angl.: A new provocation of the GPU against L.D. Trotsky

IDN  02933         LLTB  Chapter
Ortega Olivares, Mario:
El último integrante de la guardia mexicana de Trotsky, Carlos Fernández
In: Veredas : revista del pensamiento sociológico ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 1665-1537] 2013 (2=esp.) : pp. 173-197

Angl.: The last member of Trotsky's Mexican guard: Carlos Fernández [Vilchis]

IDN  02934         LLTB  Chapter
Ospovat, Lev Samojlovič: Diego Rivera i ... "krasnyj Bonapart"
/ L.S. Ospovat
In: Latinskaja Amerika ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0044-748X] 1988 (1) : pp. 100-104

Other ed., versions, transl.: Diego Rivera y el "Bonaparte rojo"
Angl.: Diego Rivera and the "Red Bonaparte"

IDN  02935         LLTB  Chapter
Ospovat, Lev Samojlovič: Diego Rivera y el "Bonaparte rojo"
/ Lev Ospovat
In: América latina ‹Moscú› [ISSN 0207-7116] 1988 (3) : pp. 73-77

Orig.: Diego Rivera i ... "krasnyj Bonapart"
Angl.: Diego Rivera and the "Red Bonaparte"

IDN  02936         LLTB  Chapter
Paporov, Yuri: Trockij : ubijstvo "bol'šogo zatejnika"
/ Ju. Paporov. - Sankt-Peterburg [etc.] : Neva, 2005. - 379 pp. - (Tainy velikich)
ISBN 5-7654-4399-0 - ISBN 978-5-7654-4399-6

Angl.: Trotsky : the murder of the "big entertainer"

IDN  02937         LLTB  Chapter
Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotsky in exile
: rare images of the aging revolutionary in his walled refuge, as his life ticked down / [... the photos shown here were taken by Alexander Buchman]
In: Hoover Digest : research and opinion on public policy ‹Stanford, Cal.› [ISSN 1088-5161] 2010 (2) : pp. 174-181

IDN  02938         LLTB  Chapter
Patience, Stephen: On the trail of Trotsky
/ photography: Ricardo Labougle
In: The World of Interiors ‹London› [ISSN 0264-083X] 2005 (March) : pp. 131-134

IDN  02939         LLTB  Chapter
Pérez Montfort, Ricardo: Trotsky y las derechas mexicanas en 1937
. - 17 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 26
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
Angl.: Trotsky and the Mexican right wingers in 1937

IDN  02940         LLTB  Chapter
Pérez Noriega, Gabriela: Sobre el Instituto del Derecho de Asilio, Museo Casa de León Trotsky
[Electronic resource]
In: Trotskismos em Cuba : retrato de um encontro / F. Menezes (org.) [E-book] (São Paulo, 2021) : pp. 45-53

Paper originally submitted to the Ier [Primer] Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad, Havana, May 6-8, 2019
URL of E-book:
Accessed Aug. 11, 2021

IDN  02941         LLTB  Chapter
Pérez Noriega, Gabriela:
La última morada de Trotsky [Electronic resource]
In: Aurora : revista de arte, mídia e política [Electronic journal] ‹São Paulo› [ISSN 1982-6672] 13.2020/21 (38) : pp. 13-18

Accessed Apr. 22, 2021
Angl.: Trotsky's last abode

IDN  02942         LLTB  Chapter
Podzeit, Mechthild: Widerstand zum Exil im Exil
: Alice Rühle-Gerstel und Leo Trotzki in Mexiko ; anhand des Tagebuchs der Autorin "Kein Gedicht für Trotzki". - 108 pp.
Wien, Univ. Wien, Masterarbeit, 2019
Notes: 184
Director of thesis: Michael Rohrwasser
Trade ed. publ. with same title, Münster, 2020
Angl.: Resistance to exile in exile

IDN  02943         LLTB  Chapter
Podzeit, Mechthild: Widerstand zum Exil im Exil
: Alice Rühle-Gerstel und Leo Trotzki in Mexiko ; anhand des Tagebuchs der Autorin "Kein Gedicht für Trotzki" ; Alice Rühle-Gerstel zum 75. Todestag. - Münster : Ed. Forschung, 2020. - 125 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86435-028-3

Trade ed. of author's university work with same title, Univ. Wien, 2019
Angl.: Resistance to exile in exile

IDN  02944         LLTB  Chapter
Polizzotti, Mark: De cuando Breton conoció a Trotski

In: Letra internacional ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0213-4721] 1996 (42) : pp. 54-60

Orig.: When Breton met Trotsky
Extracted and transl. from author's "Revolution of the mind", New York, NY, 1995

IDN  02945         LLTB  Chapter
Polizzotti, Mark: When Breton met Trotsky

In: Partisan Review ‹New Brunswick, NJ› [ISSN 0031-2525] 62.1995 (3) : pp. 406-418

Other ed., versions, transl.: De cuando Breton conoció a Trotski
Extracted from author's "Revolution of the mind", New York, NY, 1995

IDN  02946         LLTB  Chapter
Ramos, Jorge Abelardo: Trotsky en América latina

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 229-257

Notes: 15
Angl.: Trotsky in Latin America

IDN  02947         LLTB  Chapter
Rékási, Katalin: Trockij mexikói évei
. - 146 pp.
Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Dokt. ért., 1992
Bibliogr.: pp. 138-146
Angl.: Trotsky's years in Mexico

IDN  02948         LLTB  Chapter
Ribera Carbó, Anna: León Trotsky en México
: debate político y políca de asilo [Electronic resource]. - 400 KB (8 pp.)
In: Biblio3W : revista bibliográfica de geografía y sciencias sociales [Electronic journal] ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 1138-9796] 23.2018 (1)

Notes: 19
Chiefly based on Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México y la vida política en tiempos de Lázaro Cárdenas, México, 2012
Accessed Aug. 10, 2020

IDN  02949         LLTB  Chapter
Rivera Marín, Guadalupe: Memoria de un exilio
: Diego Rivera y León Trotsky
In: Sólo historia ‹México, D.F.› 2001 (12) : pp. 56-63

IDN  02950         LLTB  Chapter
Rivera, Diego: Ma rupture avec Trotsky (14 avril 1939)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (26) : pp. 86-87

Interview, first publ. in: The New York Times (New York, NY), 1939 (Apr.15)
Angl.: My break with Trotsky

IDN  02951        Roche, Gérard: El encuentro del águila y el león   ... Main entry see within Chapter 4…  

IDN  02952        Roche, Gérard: La rencontre de l'aigle et du lion   ... Main entry see within Chapter 4…  

IDN  02953        Roche, Gérard: Trotsky, Breton y el manifesto de México   ... Main entry see within Chapter 4…  

IDN  02954         LLTB  Chapter
Rühle-Gerstel, Alice: Kein Gedicht für Trotzki
: Tagebuchaufzeichnungen aus Mexico / [Einl.: Stephen S. Kalmar]. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. Neue Kritik, 1979. - 97 pp.
ISBN 3-8015-0163-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: No verses for Trotsky
Angl.: No verses for Trotsky : diary notes from Mexico

IDN  02955         LLTB  Chapter
Rühle-Gerstel, Alice: Kein Gedicht für Trotzki
: Tagebuchaufzeichnungen aus Mexico. - Berlin : Manifest-Verl., 2020. - 107 pp. - (Geschichte des Widerstands)
ISBN 978-3-96156-093-6 - ISBN 3-96156-093-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: No verses for Trotsky

IDN  02956         LLTB  Chapter
Rühle-Gerstel, Alice: No verses for Trotsky

In: Encounter ‹London› [ISSN 0013-7073] 58.1982 (Apr.) : pp. 26-41

Orig.: Kein Gedicht für Trotzki

IDN  02957         LLTB  Chapter
Ruiz Orozco, Reyna Marcela: Diseño del programa de señales para el Museo Casa de León Trotsky
. - 95 pp.
México, D.F., Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Tesis de lic., 1998
Table of contents: p.1 Introducción -- p.8 Museo Casa de León Trotsky -- p.38 La señalética: una solución para la comunicación visual -- p.64 Diseño del programa de señales para el Museo Casa de León Trotsky -- p.84 Conclusiones -- p.88 Glosario -- p.94 Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 94-95
Director of thesis: Maria Elena Martínez Durán
Angl.: Design of the signs' programme to the Museum House of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02958         LLTB  Chapter
Russell, Susan Elizabeth:
The Fondo de Cultura Económica: a Mexican publishing house, and, Leon Trotsky: the man, the ideology, and Mexico. - IV, 77 pp.
Austin, Tex., Univ. of Texas at Austin, Thesis (M.A.), 1971
Bibliogr.: pp. 40-41, 76-77
Notes: 203
Directors of thesis: Nettie Lee Benson, Friedrich Katz, Stanley R. Ross

IDN  02959         LLTB  Chapter
Sánchez-Soto, Armando: Colecciones privadas de la Biblioteca Rafael Galván, del Museo Casa de León Trotsky

In: La Colmena ‹Toluca› [ISSN 1405-6313 - ISSN 2448-6302] 2018 (99) : pp. 81-91

Notes: 10
With Span. and Engl. summaries
Angl.: Private collections in the Rafael Galván Library of the Leon Trotsky Museum

IDN  02960         LLTB  Chapter
Santiago, Mary Coleman:
The exile of Leon Trotsky in Mexico, 1937-1940. - XX, 124 pp.
Baton Rouge, La., Louisiana State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1972
Table of contents: p.V Introduction -- p.1 Controversy (p.7 Trotsky, the Communist Party of Mexico, and CTM -- p.16 The Dewey Commission -- p.21 Trotsky's public image -- p.21 Controversy in the United States over expropriation -- p.26 Trotsky, anti-semitism and fascism -- p.29 The strange case of Diego Rivera) -- p.38 Trotsky's views on Mexico and Latin America (p.47 The Spanish republicans -- p.51 The Mexican revolution -- p.59 The church -- p.60 Latin American Marxists -- p.63 Mexican communists and Lombardo Toledano) -- p.66 Trotskyite activity in Mexico, 1937-1940 -- p.78 Assassination -- p.88 Conclusions -- p.92 Bibliography -- p.100 Appendix I-IV -- p.124 Vita
Bibliogr.: pp. 92-99
Director of thesis: Jane L. De Grummond

IDN  02961         LLTB  Chapter
Schmidt, Anton-Heinz: Mexiko : blaues Haus, grüne Festung, rote Fahne
: Coyoacán, die Zuflucht von Frida Kahlo und Leo Trotzki. - Aigen-Voglhub : [Author], 2010. - 14 pp.
Angl.: Mexico : blue house, green fortress, red flag

IDN  02962         LLTB  Chapter
Schultz, Reinhard: Leo Trotzki in Mexiko

In: Tina Modotti : Fotografin und Revolutionärin / hrsg. von R. Schultz. (Wien, 2010)

Angl.: Leon Trotsky in Mexico

IDN  02963         LLTB  Chapter
Siegel, Paul Noah:
The last years of Stalin and Trotsky / Paul Siegel
In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 19.2001 (3)

Notes: 64

IDN  02964         LLTB  Chapter
Smets, Franz: Mord mit einem Eispickel
: das Wohnhaus, in dem Leo Trotzki erschlagen wurde, ist heute ein Museum ...
In: Märkische Allgemeine : MAZ ‹Potsdam› 2010 (March 20/21) : p. 2

About the Trotsky Museum, Coyoacán
Angl.: Murder with an ixe-pick

IDN  02965         LLTB  Chapter
Smith, Stephanie J.: Trotsky in Mexico
: artists united, artists divided, 1930-1940
In: Smith, S.J.: The power and politics of art in postrevolutionary Mexico. (Chapel Hill, N.C., 2017) : pp. 86-116

Notes: 169

IDN  02966         LLTB  Chapter
Trotski en Kahlo
: liefde, wraak en moord in Mexico ; op zoek naar de sporen van kunstenares Frida Kahlo en de russische revolutionair Trotski, met wie zij een liefdesaffaire had
In: Elsevier ‹Amsterdam› [ISSN 0922-3444] 56.2000 (50/51) : pp. 224-231

Angl.: Trotsky and Kahlo

IDN  02967         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky y México
: dos revoluciones del siglo XX [Film] / una serie documental de Adolfo García Videla. - México, D.F. : TV UNAM y Museo Casa de León Trotsky, 2005. - 1 DVD videodisc, color, running time: 1 h 20 min
Documentary film consisting of 3 chapters: El perseguido llega a México, La revolución rusa y la revolución méxicana, Del contraproceso al asesinato. Containing interviews with and comments by P. Broué, O. Gall, A. Gilly, C. Payán, O. Fernández Vilchis, H. Blanco, G. Almeyra, A. Woods, E. Volkov, G. Novack, J. Wimer et al. The film was presented at and awarded by the IV Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Video Documental Independiese, México, D.F., March 15-18, 2006.
Chiefly in Span.
Also available in other version, with Engl. sub-titles, distributed by Ed. Pentagrama, México, D.F., 2010 (Colección Memoria histórica)
Also available on YouTube, URL:
Angl.: Trotsky and Mexico : two 20th century revolutions

IDN  02968         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky, Stalin and Cárdenas

In: Time ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0040-781X] 29.1937 (Jan.25) : pp. 16-19

IDN  02969         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky's home movies
[Film] / directed by Oliver Curtis. Movies taken by Alex Buchman [1940]. - [London] : Channel Four, BBC, 1990. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS-PAL), running time: 40 min.
Originally broadcast on Aug. 29, 1990 as part of Bundung Ltd's 'Rear Window' series for Channel 4

IDN  02970         LLTB  Chapter
Tucker, Duncan: Mexico's unlikely visitor
: Leon Trotsky might have arrived in Mexico with blood on his hands, but he quickly became a free speech fighter
In: Index on Censorship ‹London [etc.]› [ISSN 0306-4220] 46.2017 (2) : pp. 12-15

IDN  02971         LLTB  Chapter
Van Heijenoort, Jean: Breton va voir Trotsky

In: La Quinzaine littéraire ‹Paris› [ISSN 0048-6493] 1978 (277) : pp. 10-11

Angl.: Breton pays visit to Trotsky

IDN  02972         LLTB  Chapter
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: "Amury", "kroliki" i Kain Koba
: maloizvestnye fakty iz biografii L. Trockogo / N. Vaseckij. - [1-2]
In: Sovetskie profsojuzy ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0132-1196] 1991 (7) : pp. 92-99; 1991 (8) : pp. 86-94

Angl.: "Love affairs", "rabbits", and Cain Koba : little-known facts from L. Trotsky's biography

IDN  02973         LLTB  Chapter
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Poslednaja ljubov' Trockogo
/ N.A. Vaseckij
In: Vaseckij, N.A.: Ženščiny - vo vlasti i bezvlastii. (Moskva, 1997)

Angl.: Trotsky's last love

IDN  02974         LLTB  Chapter
Vázquez, Luis: Leon Trotsky and the Mexican revolution
/ Luis Vasquez
In: La Vérité = The Truth : theoretical review of the Fourth International [Engl. ed.] ‹Paris› N.s. 2000 (26=632=spec.iss.) : pp. 83-89

Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotsky et la révolution mexicaine

IDN  02975         LLTB  Chapter
Vázquez, Luis: Léon Trotsky et la révolution mexicaine
/ Luis Vasquez
In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] N.s. 2000 (26=632=no.spéc.) : pp. 131-140

Notes: 4
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky and the Mexican revolution

IDN  02976         LLTB  Chapter
Volkov, Esteban: À l'occasion du 75e anniversaire de l'arrivée de Trotsky au Mexique
: interview d'Esteban Volkov, petit-fils de Trotsky
In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] 2012 (76) : pp. 75-78

Angl.: On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Trotsky's arrival in Mexico

IDN  02977        Volkov, Esteban: Ešče odno svidetel'stvo poslednich let žizni i gibeli L.D. Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02978         LLTB  Chapter
Volkov, Esteban: Lázaro Cárdenas y el asilo político de Lev Davidovitch Bronstein (León Trotsky)
/ Esteban Bronstein [Esteban Volkov]
In: Se llamó Lázaro Cárdenas / coord. ed.: C. Cárdenas Batel. (México, D.F., 1995) : pp. 100-107

Including a letter by N.I. Sedova to L. Cárdenas
Angl.: Lázaro Cárdenas and the political asylum of Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Leon Trotsky)

IDN  02979        Volkov, Esteban: My life with Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  02980         LLTB  Chapter
Volkov, Esteban: Recuerdos de la casas de la Calle Viena

In: El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después. (Barcelona, 1990) : pp. 103-114

Interview conducted by Edith Guzmán (El Nacional, Caracas, Nov. 2, 1987)
Angl.: Reminiscences of the houses on the Calle Viena

IDN  02981         LLTB  Chapter
West, Rebecca: Leon Trotsky

In: West, R.: Survivors in Mexico. (New Haven, Conn., 2003) : pp. 20-39

IDN  02982         LLTB  Chapter
Wieland, Leo:
Die musealisierte Revolution : Trotzki in Mexiko-Stadt
In: Frankfurter Allgemeine : Zeitung für Deutschland ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0174-4909] 1997 (July 26)

Angl.: The antiquated revolution

IDN  02983         LLTB  Chapter
Woods, Alan:
The house in Coyoacan : reflections on Trotsky's last years [Electronic resource]. - 32 KB (8 pp.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Het huis in Coyoacan : overpeinzingen bij de laatste jaren van Trotski
Dated March 2000
Accessed July 31, 2003

IDN  02984         LLTB  Chapter
Woods, Alan:
Het huis in Coyoacan : overpeinzingen bij de laatste jaren van Trotski [Electronic resource]. - 43 KB (6 pp.)
Orig.: The house in Coyoacan : reflections on Trotsky's last years
Accessed Apr. 20, 2010

IDN  02985         LLTB  Chapter
Woodward, Dorothy: Leon Trotsky in Mexico

In: The New Mexico Quarterly ‹Albuquerque, NM› [ISSN 0885-4955] 8.1938 (1) : pp. 3-8

IDN  02986         LLTB  Chapter
Žizn' L.D. Trockogo v opasnosti

In: Bjulleten' oppozicii ‹Various places› 10.1938 (66/67) : p. 32

Angl.: L.D. Trotsky's life in danger

LLTB Chapter  2.8.08

IDN  02987         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Accomplices of the GPU
/ International Committee of the Fourth International. - London, 1976. - 24 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)
ISBN 0-902030-87-6

Reprinted from: News Line (London), 1976 (Oct.2-9)

IDN  02988         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Aguilar Mora, Manuel: Siqueiros vs. Trotsky
. - 15 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

IDN  02989         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Aguilar Mora, Manuel: Trotsky y los "amigos de la URSS"
. - 15 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
Angl.: Trotsky and the "Friends of the USSR"

IDN  02990         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Alba, Álvaro: En la pupila del Kremlin
. - Madrid : ASOPAZCO, 2011. - 275 pp. - (Colección Entrelineas)
ISBN 978-84-61535-23-1

Angl.: In the pupil of the Kremlin

IDN  02991         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Alfa senior:
Il "giallissimo staliniano" : l'assassinio di Leo Trotsky. - 1-3
In: Critica sociale ‹Milano› [ISSN 0011-1538] 62.1970 (24) : pp. 774-776; 63.1971 (1) : pp. 37-39; 63.1971 (2) : pp. 59-62

Angl.: A Stalinist super police-story

IDN  02992         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Allen, Thomas Benton:
The FBI and Trotsky / Thomas B. Allen
In: Declassified : 50 top-secret documents that changed history / Thomas B. Allen [ed.] (Washington, DC, 2008) : pp. 269-272

IDN  02993         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Alvahuante, Felipe:
El asesinato de León Trotsky. - Bruselas : Ed. Krupskaya, [194?]. - 111 pp.
Angl.: The assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  02994         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Amat, Núria:
Ein vorbildlicher Agent : zur Lebensgeschichte Ramón Mercaders, der Leo Trotzki ermordete / aus dem Span. von Ulrich Kunzmann
In: Lettre international : Europas Kulturzeitung ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0945-5167] 2014 (104)

Angl.: An exemplary agent

IDN  02995         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
American aspects of assassination of Leon Trotsky
: hearings before the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, 81st Congress, 2nd session, July 26, Aug. 30, Oct. 18 and 19, and Dec. 4, 1950. - Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off., 1951. - XV, pp. 3345-3416

IDN  02996         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
American aspects of assassination of Leon Trotsky
: hearings before the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, 81st Congress, 2nd session, July 26, Aug. 30, Oct. 18 and 19, and Dec. 4, 1950. - [Reprint]. - [London] : Forgotten Books, 2017. - 90 pp. - (Classic reprint series)
ISBN 978-0-24319-373-8

IDN  02997         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Amestoy, Juan Pedro: Stalin versus Trotsky
: largo camino hacia un asesinato. - Montevideo : Ed. Liris, 2004. - 219 pp.
ISBN 9974-559-45-6 - ISBN 978-9974-559-45-5

Table of contents: p.13 Introducción -- p.19 Rivalidades y diferencias -- p.57 Muerte y testamento de Lenin -- p.69 Stalin gana la batalla -- p.101 Stalin contra el trotskismo -- p.139 Asesinato en México -- p.201 Nota: Bolcheviques y mencheviques -- p.205 Breves reseñas biográficas -- p.213 Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 213-216
Notes: 107
Angl.: Stalin versus Trotsky : the long way to an assassination

IDN  02998         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Anochin, Genrich Iosifovič: Luis - brat ubijcy Trockogo

In: Vestnik Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-5873] 66.1996 : pp. 530-535

Angl.: Luis [Mercader] - brother of Trotsky's murderer

IDN  02999         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Asaltar los cielos
[Film] / prod.: José Luis López-Linares y Javier Rioyo. Guíon: Javier Rioyo. - México, D.F. : CONACULTA, 1996. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 1 h, 39 min. - (Colección Foro internacional de cine de la Cineteca Nacional)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Storm the skies ; Ramon Mercader, Mörder Trotzki [not recorded in LLTB]
Documentary film about Ramón Mercader, murderer of Leon Trotsky

IDN  03000         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
El asesinato de Trotsky. - Lima : Ed. Picaflor, 1976. - 115 pp. - (La seguridad y la IV Internacional)

IDN  03001         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
El asesinato de Trotsky [Film] / Dir.: Motfos Gueilburt. Prod. general: Julián Rousso [et al.] Narado por Julio Bracho. Coord. general: Manuel Tufró. Investigación: Guillermo Almeyra. Por The History Channel. Una co-prod. de Anima Films y The History Channel Latinoamérica. - [S.l.], 2007. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 1 h, 38 min
DVD recording of a TV documentary play, emitted by The History Channel for Latin America and originally broadcast Aug. 20, 2007. Containing commentaries by Olivia Gall, Esteban Volkov, Manuel Aguilar Mora, Javier Wiemer, Carlos Fernández et al.

IDN  03002         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después / Isaac Deutscher [et al.] Recopilación, introd. y notas de J. Gutiérrez Álvarez. - Barcelona : Hacer, 1990. - 196 pp.
ISBN 84-404-7993-X

Table of contents: p.6 El asesinato de Trotsky: antes y después [introd.]/J. Gutiérrez Álvarez -- p.35 El primer protagonista León Trotsky (p.35 Trotsky por si mismo -- p.47 Trotsky en nuestro tiempo/I. Deutscher) -- p.85 El asesinato (p.85 El asesinato de Trotsky/P. Broué -- p.103 Recuerdos de la casa de la Calle Viena/E. Volkow) -- p.115 Trotsky en blanco y negro (p.115 Tributo al gran viejo/J.T. Farrell -- p.121 Trotsky ha muerto/D. Macdonald -- p.131 Perfil de un revolucionario/C. Alegría -- p.135 León Trotsky, alias Bronstein/W. Churchill) -- p.147 El segundo protagonista: Ramón Mercader (p.147 La carta confensión de Ramón Mercader -- p.153 Los comentarios de Albert Goldman -- p.157 El asesino de Trotsky, verdugo o víctima?/J. Cobo) -- p.173 La primera protagonista: Natalia Sedova (p.173 Natalia Sedova/M. Bonnet) - [on back cover:] Arbol genealógico familiar
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky : before and after

IDN  03003         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
El asesinato de Trotsky, 1937-1940. - México, D.F. : Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, 1984. - 55 pp. - (Nuestro México ; 17)
Angl.: The murder of Trotsky, 1937-40

IDN  03004         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Asesinato en Coyoacán
: antología / prep. por Patricia Ortega Ramírez. Pról.: José Woldenberg. - México, D.F. : El Nacional, 1990. - 340 pp.
ISBN 968-6389-17-2

Chiefly reprints of articles originally publ. in the daily "El Nacional" (México, DF) between May 25, 1940 and May 7, 1960
Angl.: Murder in Coyoacán : anthology

IDN  03005         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
The assassin of Trotsky : true name at last discovered / from our own correspondent
In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1954 (52820=Jan.4) : p. 4

IDN  03006         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
L' assassinat de Léon Trotsky. - Paris : Publications du Secrétariat de la IVe Internationale, [1946]. - 63 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 A la mémoire de Léon Trotsky/Pablo -- p.7 Staline veut ma mort/L. Trotsky -- p.21 La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky /J. Hansen -- p.33 Comment c'est arrivé/N. Trotsky -- p.41 Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment/J. Hansen -- p.59 Lev Davidovitch/K. Meyer
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'assassinio di Trotsky
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03007        L'assassinat de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03008         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
L' assassinat de Trotsky
In: Les Espions et le monde secret ‹Andorre la Vieille› 2.1971 (14) : pp. 4-13

Angl.: Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03009         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
L' assassinat de Trotsky : documents. - Paris : Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Mouvements Trotskyste et Révolutionnaires Internationaux, 2000. - 77 pp. - (Les cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I. [ISSN 0292-4943] ; 99)
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03010         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
[Film] / produced and ed. by Mark C. Burns. Written by Benjamin Spencer. Narrated by Michael Carroll. - Oak Forest, Ill. : MPI Home Video, 1998. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 46 min. - (Spies ; 13)
ISBN 1-56227-8998-8

Videocassette release of 2 episodes from the TV series "Spies", a presentation of Columbia House: 1) License to kill, 2) No place to hide. The first episode is about Ramón Mercader and the killing of Trotsky
Earlier videocassette release: Terre Haute, Ind. : Columbia House Co., 1992

IDN  03011         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
The assassination of Leon Trotsky / prep. and released by the Committee on Un-American Activities, U.S. House of Representatives, 82nd Congress, 2nd session
In: The shameful years : thirty years of Soviet espionage in the United States. (Washington, DC, 1952) : pp. 45-54

IDN  03012        The assassination of Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03013         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
The assassination of Trotsky [Film] / research and editorial coordinators: Anthony Oliphant [et al.] Nugus/Martin Productions for BBC Worldwide Ltd. Producer/dir.: Jonathan Martin [et al.]. - [S.l., 2009]. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 30 min - (Infamous assassinations ; 5)
DVD recording of a TV documentary, originally broadcast on BBC Entertainment, June 30, 2009 (?) as episode 5 of "Infamous assassinations"
With Spanish narration

IDN  03014         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
L' assassinio di Trotsky / Michel Raptis [et al.] A cura di Paolo Casciola. - Foligno : Centro Studi Pietro Tresso, 1990. - 55 pp. - (Quaderni del Centro Studi Pietro Tresso : Serie Dagli archivi del bolscevismo ; 6)
Table of contents: p.3 Introduzione/P. Casciola -- p.7 In memoria di Lev Trotsky/M. Raptis -- p.11 Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico/J. Hansen -- p.23 Com'e' accaduto/N. Sedova -- p.31 Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante/J. Hansen -- p.47 Lev Davidovich/J. van Heijenoort -- p.53 Bibliografia -- p.55 Indice
Almost identical with "L'assassinat de Léon Trotsky", Paris 1946, but the Ital. transl. by P. Casciola is from the original sources
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03015         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Das Attentat : L.D. Trotzki - Tod im Exil [Film] / von Paul Mommertz nach dem Buch Murder in Mexico von Leandro A. Sanchez Salazar in Zusammenarbeit mit Julian Gorkin. Regie: August Everding. Eine Produktion der Bavaria Atelier GmbH, hergestellt im Auftrag des WDR. - [S.l., s.d.]. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS, b/w), running time: 2 h, 30 min
Video recording of a documentary TV play, originally broadcast on Deutsches Fernsehen, Erstes Programm (ARD), Nov. 28, 1967
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky : death in exile

IDN  03016         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Barckhausen-Canale, Christiane: Orden für einen Mord in Mexiko-Stadt
: das geheime Leben des Josef Grigulevich / Christiane Barckhausen
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 2000 (Aug.29/20)

Angl.: Decoration for a murder in Mexico-City

IDN  03017         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Barckhausen-Canale, Christiane:
Der wahre Drahtzieher der "Operation Ente" : noch einmal zum Trotzki-Attentat 1940 ; das Leben des Carlos Contreras [...]
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 1995 (Sept.23/24) : p. 11

Angl.: The true wire-puller of the "operation duck"

IDN  03018         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Barrón Cruz, Martin Gabriel: Actuaciones ministeriales en el homicidio de León Trotsky
. - México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales, 2009. - 123 pp. - (Temas selectos : Serie didáctica / Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur)
ISBN 978-607-7882-01-5 - ISBN 607-7882-01-1

Table of contents: p.11 Agradecimientos -- p.13 Prólogo/D. Cabeza de Vaca -- p.17 Introducción -- p.21 Los personajes: datos biográficos (El agente del Ministerio Público: Francisco Cabeza de Vaca - La victima: León Trotsky - El victimario: Ramón Mercader) -- p.31 El atentado y homicidio (El intento de homicidio - Homicidio de Trotsky) -- p.53 La averiguación previa (Los testigos y sus declaraciones - La cómplice: Ageloff - Interrogatorio policial y declaración del victimario - Las armas del victimario - Resolución del Ministerio Público) -- p.89 El juicio (Los formalidades - La declaración de Ageloff - El careo entre Jackson y Ageloff - Intervención pericial - Pasaporte falso - Resolución judicial - Amenazas - La sentencia) -- p.111 Reflexión final (La peligrosidad - Análisis de homicidios) -- p.121 Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 121-123
Angl.: Governmental investigations on the homicide of Leon Trotsky

IDN  03019        Barthel, Manfred: Tod im Exil   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03020         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Becker, Wieland:
Das blutige Ende einer obskuren Feindschaft : der Tod Trotzkis am 20. August 1940 in Coyoacán in Mexico
In: Becker, W.: Mit Dolch, Schlinge, Gift, Pistole, Gewehr und Dynamit : zur Historie der Attentate. (Leipzig, 2012) : pp. 80-83

Angl.: The bloody end of a dubious enmity

IDN  03021        Bird, Cate E.: Quadrilateral defects in the Tuskulenai and Leon Trotsky cases   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03022         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Blair, Matthew:
The spectre of Trotsky
In: The New Statesman ‹London› [ISSN 0028-6842 - ISSN 0028-6834] N.s. 92.1976 (2370) : pp. 231-232

IDN  03023         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Blanco Durán, Juan Ignacio: Ramón Mercader del Río
[Electronic resource] / [Juan Ignacio Blanco]. - 23 KB (10 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 12, 2014

IDN  03024         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Bloody murder in Mexico ends great revolutionary career of Leon Trotsky

In: Life ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0024-3019] 9.1940 (Sept.2) : pp. 17-21

IDN  03025         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Bornstein, Joseph: Death in Mexico
: Leon Trotsky
In: Bornstein, J.: Politics of murder. (New York, NY 1951) : pp. 204-237

IDN  03026         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Bornstein, Joseph:
El hombre que asesinó a Trotsky
In: Selecciones del Reader's Digest ‹Various places› [ISSN 0037-1246] 18.1949 (105) : pp. 1-7

Orig.: Who is this mysterious murderer?
Angl.: The man who murdered Trotsky

IDN  03027         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Bornstein, Joseph: Who is this mysterious murderer?
: the devious plot that led to Leon Trotsky's death
In: Reader's Digest ‹Pleasantville, NY› [ISSN 0034-0375] 28=54.1949 (June) : pp. 1-7

IDN  03028         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Boyes, Roger: Trotsky's death
: the Nazi link ; the Gestapo's role in the ice-pick affair
In: The New Statesman ‹London› [ISSN 0028-6842 - ISSN 0028-6834] N.s. 96.1978 (2490) : pp. 780-781

IDN  03029         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Breve estancia
: León Trotsky en México [Electronic resource] / Gerardo Romero-Salinas et al.
In: Enlace : expresiones de la sociedad civil ; revista digital de la Unidad para la Atención de las Organizaciones Sociales [Electronic journal] Nueva época 3.2005 (2) : 36 KB (11 pp.)

Accessed Sept. 1, 2008. - URL defunct as at Jan. 15, 2014
Angl.: Short stay

IDN  03030         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Bridges, Levi: Trotsky's end

In: Russian Life ‹Montpellier, Vt.› [ISSN 1066-999X] 58.2015 (4) : pp. 48-56

IDN  03031         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Broué, Pierre:
El asesinato de Trotsky
In: El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después. (Barcelona, 1990) : pp. 85-102

Orig.: L'assassinat de Trockij
Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980
Transl. from the French
Angl.: Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03032         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Broué, Pierre:
L' assassinat de Trockij / Institut Léon Trotsky. [Pierre Broué]
In: Pensiero e azione politica di Lev Trockij / a cura di F. Gori. 2. ([Firenze], 1982) : pp. 619-630

Other ed., versions, transl.: El asesinato de Trotsky
Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980
Angl.: Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03033         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Broué, Pierre:
L' assassinat de Trotsky : 1940. - Bruxelles : Ed. Complexe, 1980. - 188 pp. - (La mémoire du siècle [ISSN 0773-9478] ; 7)
ISBN 2-87027-056-9

Angl.: Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03034         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Broué, Pierre:
L' assassinat de Trotsky : 1940. - 2. éd. - Bruxelles : Ed. Complexe, 1988. - 192 pp. - (La mémoire du siècle [ISSN 0773-9478] ; 7)
ISBN 2-87027-056-9

Table of contents: p.5 Avertissement -- p.7 C'était mardi dans la soirée -- p.19 Les tueurs sur les traces -- p.36 Les espions dans la maison -- p.53 La presse et le meurtre -- p.72 L'hallali -- p.91 Les tueurs en action -- p.109 Le pèlerin du néant ou l'histoire d'un crime -- p.123 La suite ou la fin? -- p.144 Documents -- p.171 Chronologie -- p.180 Notes -- p.184 Orientation bibliographique -- p.186 Index
Notes: 63
Angl.: Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03035         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cabrer i Pallas, R.:
El cas del líder assassinat
In: Xaloc ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0043-986X] 1979 (101) : pp. 36-43

Angl.: The case of the assassinated leader

IDN  03036         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Campa Salázar, Valentín:
El caso Trotsky / Valentín Campa S.
In: Campa Salázar, V.: Mi testimonio. (México, D.F., 1978) : pp. 159-166

Other ed., versions, transl.: The Trotsky case
Angl.: The Trotsky case

IDN  03037         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Campa Salázar, Valentín:
The Trotsky case : Campa tells about plot to kill Trotsky / transl. and footnotes are by Intercontinental Press/Inprecor
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 16.1978 (48) : pp. 1397-1399

Orig.: El caso Trotsky

IDN  03038         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cangiano, Gustavo: Revelaciones exclusivas acerca de cómo la Unión Soviética y los partidos comunistas organizaron el asesinato de León Trotsky
[Electronic resource] / G.C. [i.e. Gustavo Cangiano]. - 28 KB (7 pp.)
Dated Apr. 7, 2010
Accessed Aug. 18, 2014. URL defunct as at Sept. 1, 2016
Angl.: Exclusive revelations about how the Soviet Union and the communist parties organized Leon Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03039         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Casciola, Paolo: [Foreword] Introduzione

In: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 3-5

IDN  03040         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
The case for a commission of inquiry / [comp. by the International Committee of the Fourth International]. - New York, NY : Labor Publications, 1976. - 24 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)

IDN  03041         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
El Caso de Ramón Mercader del Río y los desciertos en la applicación de la psicotécnica jurídica [Electronic resource] / Nubia Carolina Rovelo Escoto [et al.]. - 416 KB
In: Revista electrónica de psicología Iztacala [Electronic journal] ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 1870-8420] 25.2022 (4) : pp. 1808-1836

Bibliogr.: pp. 1834-1936
With Span. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Jan. 6, 2023
Angl.: The case of Ramón Mercader del Río and the inaccuracies in the application of legal psychotechniques

IDN  03042         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
El "caso" Trotsky / M.H.
In: Estudios sobre el comunismo ‹Santiago de Chile› [ISSN 0014-1550] 8.1960 (29) : pp. 12-19

Notes: 1
Angl.: The Trotsky "case"

IDN  03043         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
El caso Trotsky : presentación de un proceso por Raúl Carrancá y Rivas. - Ed. facsimilar concebida, dir. y org. por Federico Hemmer Colmenares. - [1-9]. - México, D.F. : CONEPOD, Consejo Nacional de Posgrado en Derecho, 1994
ISBN 968-7530-00-6 - ISBN 978-968-7530-00-0

Title from slip case cover
Misleading title on cover of vol. [1]: Investigación "caso Trotsky" 24 majo a 17 junio 1940
9 (unnumbered and untitled) vol. in slip case
Facsimile reprints of fact finding files of the examining magistrate, of the final judgement, of photographs and other material from and about the criminal procedure of the Trotsky murderer Ramón Mercader. The reprinted material was obviously in possession of Raúl Carrancá y Trujillo, the editor's father, who functioned as justice of the Superior Court of the Federal District in 1940 and who was charged with the investigation of Trotsky's assassination by Mercader
Title from slip case cover
Angl.: The case of Trotsky

IDN  03044         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Castellani, Leandro: Trotzki : un colpo di piccozza uccise

In: Storia illustrata ‹Milano› [ISSN 0039-1913] 12.1968 (124) : pp. 22-37

Angl.: Trotsky: killed with an ice-axe

IDN  03045         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cedillo, Juan Alberto: Eitingon : las operaciones secretas de Stalin en México
. - México, D.F. : Debate, 2014. - 125, [16] pp. - (Historia)
ISBN 978-607-31-2382-2

Angl.: Eitingon : Stalin's secret operations in Mexico

IDN  03046         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ceniceros Ríos, Eduardo: Jacques Mornard - gestiones para obtener su libertad preparatoria
. - México, D.F. : Atenea, 1957. - 281 pp.
Angl.: Jacques Mornard - efforts for gaining his early release

IDN  03047         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Černjavskij, Vladimir: Moskva - Mechiko
: (ėpizod iz vremen terrora)
In: Kontinent : literaturnyj, obščestvenno-političeskij i religioznyj žurnal ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0934-6317] 1978 (15) : pp. 257-282

Angl.: Moscow-Mexico : an episode from the time of terror

IDN  03048         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Chase, William J.: [Fear, loathing and the murder of Trotsky]

Attention: Announced as a project in 2002, but factually not (yet) publ. as at Winter 2023/24). - "A book-length manuscript in progress that uses the assassination of Leon Trotsky to examine the rise and nature of threat construction, scapegoating, conspiratorial worldviews, and political violence among communists in the USSR, Spain, Mexico and the US in 1935-1940" [cited from]

IDN  03049         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Chemouni, Jacquy:
Le psychanalyste Eitingon a-t-il participé à l'assassinat de Trotsky ou à des actions d'espionnage au profit du régime stalinien?
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2002 (77) : pp. 33-63

Notes: 90
Angl.: Did psycho-analyst Eitingon participate in Trotsky's assassination...?

IDN  03050         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Chilanti, Felice: Trotzkij vivo
: l'assassinio di un intellettuale contemporaneo / con un intervista e il racconto del film di Joseph Losey. - Bologna : Cappelli, 1972. - 192 pp. - (Inchieste e documenti)
Table of contents: p.9 Chiarimento -- p.11 Trotzkij vivo/F. Chilanti -- p.73 Scritti scelti di Trotzkij -- p.133 La barbarie del mondo e la necessità della critica : intervista con Joseph Losey -- p.155 L'assassinio di Trotsky (il racconto del film)
Angl.: The living Trotsky : the assassination of a contemporary intellectual

IDN  03051         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Claudín, Fernando:
El asesinato de Trotski / F.C. [i.e. Fernando Claudín]
In: Historia gráfica del siglo XX ‹Madrid› 1984 (94) : pp. 28-35

IDN  03052         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cobo, Juan:
El asesino de Trotsky : verdugo o víctima?
In: Novedades de Moscú ‹Moscú etc.› 1989 (12=1390) : pp. 15-16

Angl.: The murderer of Trotsky : perpetrator or victim?

IDN  03053         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cobo, Juan:
El asesino de Trotsky : verdugo o víctima?
In: El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después. (Barcelona, 1990) : pp. 157-171

IDN  03054         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Coggiola, Osvaldo:
O assassinato de Trotsky à luz da história
In: Revista de história ‹São Paulo› [ISSN 0034-8309] 1999 (141) : pp. 101-139

Notes: 28
With Portuguese and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Trotsky's assassination in the light of history

IDN  03055        Coggiola, Osvaldo: Trotsky, Stalin, e a burocracia da URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  03056         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cómo la GPU asesinó a Trotsky
: y otros materiales de la investigación "Seguridad y la Cuarta Internacional" / Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional. - Barcelona : Nueva Editorial, 1979. - 323 pp. - (Seguridad y la Cuarta Internacional ; 1)
ISBN 84-30017-86-0

Orig.: How the GPU murdered Trotsky

IDN  03057        Cook, Albert Spaulding: The death of Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03058         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cornell, Charles: On the assassination

In: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : p. XI

From author's "With Trotsky in Mexico" [see ch. 2.8.07]

IDN  03059         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cortesi, Arnaldo: Trotsky dies of his wounds

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug.22) : p. 1

IDN  03060         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Costa-Amic, Bartomeu: León Trotsky y Andreu Nin
: dos asesinatos del stalinismo (aclarando la historia). - San Pedro Cholula : Altres-Costa-Amic, 1994. - 158 pp.
ISBN 968-697-705-8

Angl.: Leon Trotsky and Andreu Nin : two victims of Stalinism

IDN  03061         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Craipeau, Maria: J'ai connu l'assassin de Trotsky

In: France-observateur ‹Paris› [ISSN 1273-9006] 1960 (May 19) : pp. 11-12

Angl.: I have known the murderer of Trotsky

IDN  03062         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Crome, Erhard:
Ein Mörder, geboren 1913
In: Das Blättchen : Zweiwochenschrift für Politik, Kunst und Wirtschaft ‹Berlin› [ISSN 1434-0550] 16.2013 (4) : pp. 5-6

About Ramón Mercader
Angl.: A murderer, born 1913

IDN  03063         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Cruells, Manuel:
El asesinato de Trotski
In: Historia y vida ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 0018-2354] 4.1971 (41) : pp. 12-21

Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03064         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Damirón, Manuel Gomezperalta: Jackson... mirada sobre un crimen
. - [México, D.F.], 1999. - 35 pp. - (Colección Velero)
ISBN 970-92310-0-6

Angl.: Jackson... a view on a crime

IDN  03065         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Davis, Lee: Leon Trotsky

In: Davis, L.: Assassination : twenty assassinations that changed history. (New York, NY, 1993)

IDN  03066        Dazy, René: Fusillez ces chiens enragés!   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03067         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
De Cesare, Lodovico: Delitto di stato
: il 20 agosto 1940, a Coyoacan, un sicario colpiva a morte Lev Trotzky
In: Historia ‹Milano› [ISSN 1121-1466] 1990 (390) : pp. 96-109

Angl.: A political crime

IDN  03068         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
De Cesare, Lodovico:
La vita di Trotzky per quella di tua madre!
In: Historia ‹Milano› [ISSN 1121-1466] 1976 (219) : pp. 63-69

Angl.: Trotsky's life in exchange for your mother's life!

IDN  03069         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Death of a revolutionary

In: Time ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0040-781X] 36.1940 (Sept.2) : pp. 21-22

IDN  03070         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Death of Trotsky
: attacked with axe in his home / from our correspondent
In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1940 (48701=Aug.22) : p. 4

IDN  03071         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Decaux, Alain:
El asesinato de Trotsky
In: Decaux, A.: La historia secreta de la historia. 5. ed. 2. (Buenos Aires, 1989) : pp. 259-276

Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03072        Deutscher, Isaac: Adski temnaja noč'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03073         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Deutscher, Isaac: Comment Staline liquida Trotsky

In: Le Miroir de l'histoire ‹Paris› [ISSN 0544-3938] 1965 (182) : pp. 50-61

Angl.: How Stalin liquidated Trotsky

IDN  03074         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Deutscher, Isaac:
Les derniers jours de Trotsky / trad. par Jean Cler
In: Historia ‹Paris› [ISSN 0018-2281 - ISSN 1270-0835] 1966 (236) : pp. 94-103

Excerpted and transl. from author's "Trotsky. [3], The prophet outcast", London, 1962
Angl.: Trotsky's last days

IDN  03075         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Deutscher, Isaac: Smert' Trockogo
/ Isaak Dojčer
In: Gorizont ‹Riga› [ISSN 0132-6252] 1990 (3) : pp. 24-28

Excerpted and transl. from author's "Trotsky. [3], The prophet outcast", London, 1962
Angl.: Trotsky's death

IDN  03076         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Dewar, Hugo: Murder in Mexico

In: Dewar, H.: Assassins at large. (London, 1951) : pp. 111-126

IDN  03077         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Dewar, Hugo: Murder in Mexico

In: Dewar, H.: Assassins at large. (Boston, Mass., 1952) : pp. 111-126

IDN  03078         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Díez Álvarez, Luis: Periodismo de investigación : el asesinato de Trotski

In: Díez Álvarez, L.: El exilio periodistico español : México, de 1939 al fin de la esperanza. (Cádiz, 2010) : pp. 122-135

Notes: 11
Originally publ. in author's Thesis "El exilio periodistico español de 1939 en México", Madrid, Univ. Complutense, 2010
Angl.: Investigative journalism : the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03079         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Donaldson, Norman: Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940)
/ Norman & Betty Donaldson
In: Donaldson, N.: How did they die? (New York, NY, 1980) : pp. 368-370

IDN  03080         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Dossier of a double agent
: the lies of Joseph Hansen / comp. by the International Committee of the Fourth International. - New York, NY : Labor Publ., 1978. - [18] pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)

IDN  03081         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Du nouveau sur l'assassinat de Trotsky
/ M.W.
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (44) : pp. 114-115

Angl.: Once again about Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03082         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Engler, Dan:
The least known assassin : the story of Ramon Mercader [Electronic resource]. - 28 KB (7 pp.)
Accessed May 15, 2006

IDN  03083        Evans, Colin: Stalin versus Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03084         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Fernández, Rodrigo: Dos españoles quisieron acabar con Trotski antes que Mercader

In: El País : Ed. Europa ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0213-4608] 1997 (Nov.16)

Angl.: Two Spaniards wanted to liquidate Trotsky before Mercader

IDN  03085        Ferrà i Martorell, Miquel: La guerra secreta de Ramón Mercader   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03086        Ferrari, Serge Joel: The politics of revolution & counterrevolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03087         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
[Fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky]
: remembered in a special broadcast recounting the event [Sound recording] / participants: Andy Lanset et al. - London : BBC, 1990. - 1 sound tape reel, running time: 12 min.
Originally broadcast on the BBC, Aug. 20, 1990

IDN  03088         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
La fine di Trotzki / S.P.
In: Relazioni internazionali ‹Milano› [ISSN 0034-3946] 6.1940 : p. 1314

Angl.: Trotsky's end

IDN  03089        Fischer, Benjamin B.: Leon Trotsky : dupe of the NKVD   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03090         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Forbes, Malcolm Stevenson: Leon Trotsky
/ Malcolm S. Forbes
In: Forbes, M.S.: They went that-a-way. (New York, NY, 1989)

IDN  03091        Frank, Joe: The death of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03092         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Frank, Pierre:
L' assassinat de Léon Trotsky
In: Critique communiste ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] 1980 (33) : pp. 26-29

Angl.: Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03093        Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, 1937-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03094        Gall, Olivia: Trotsky et la vie politique dans le Mexique de Cárdenas   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03095         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gallo, Rubén: Who killed Leon Trotsky?

In: Princeton University Library Chronicle ‹Princeton, NY› [ISSN 0032-8456] 75.2013 (1) : pp. 109-118

IDN  03096         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gallo, Rubén:
A wild Freudian in Mexico : Raúl Carrancá y Trujillo
In: Psychoanalysis and History ‹Edinburgh› [ISSN 1460-8235] 14.2012 (2) : pp. 253-268

As Justice of the Superior Court of the Federal District (México), R. Carrancá y Trujillo was assigned the case of Ramón Mercader, Trotsky's assassinator

IDN  03097         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
García Higueras, Gabriel:
El asesinato de Trotsky : secretos desclasificados [Electronic resource]. - 16 KB (12 pp.)
Notes: 19
Accessed Aug. 24, 2020
Angl.: Trotsky's assassination : declassified secrets

IDN  03098         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
García Higueras, Gabriel:
El asesinato de Trotsky : secretos desclasificados [Electronic resource]
In: La Comuna : revista teórica del blog Comunistas [Electronic journal] ‹La Habana› pp. 17-18

Notes: 19
Accessed Aug. 16, 2021

IDN  03099         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
García Higueras, Gabriel:
El día que asesinaron a Trotsky
In: García Higueras, G.: Trotsky en el espejo de la historia. (Lima, 2005) : pp. 149-163

Table of contents: p.149 El asilo -- p.149 La conspiración -- p.151 El asalto -- p.154 La muerte -- p.157 El asesino -- p.159 Revelaciones -- p.162 Bibliografía
Notes: 15
Angl.: The day when Trotsky was murdered

IDN  03100        García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky en el espejo de la historia   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  03101         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón: Biografía de Ramón Mercader
: viaje al interior de un asesino
In: Montero, H.: Por qué Stalin derrotó a Trotsky / con opiniones de E. Volkov [et al.] (Buenos Aires, 2009) : pp. 167-174

Interview conducted by Hugo Montero

IDN  03102         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón: Dr. Alfonso Quiroz Cuarón
: sus mejores casos de criminología. - México, D.F. : Ed. Diana, 1980. - 188 pp.
ISBN 968-13-0580-9

About how Quiroz Cuarón unmasked the murderer of Leon Trotsky
Particularly ch. 4, "Un buen trabajador del zapapico", ch.5, "Interpretación de los sueños", and ch. 6, "Descrubimiento de indentidad"
Angl.: Dr. Alfonso Quiroz Cuarón : his major criminal cases

IDN  03103         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón:
El grito de Trotsky : Ramón Mercader, el hombre que mató al líder revolucionario. - México, D.F. : Random House Mondadori, 2006. - 379 pp. - (Debate : Historias)
ISBN 968-5961-29-8 - ISBN 978-968-5961-29-3

Angl.: Trotsky's cry : Ramón Mercader, the man who killed the revolutionary leader

IDN  03104         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón:
El grito de Trotsky : Ramón Mercader, el asesino de un mito. - Madrid : Debate, 2007. - 380 pp. - (Debate : Historias)
ISBN 84-8306-696-2 - ISBN 978-84-8306-696-6

Angl.: Trotsky's cry : Ramón Mercader, the murderer of a myth

IDN  03105         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón: Operação Trotski
. - Rio de Janeiro : Record, [s.d.]. - 192 pp.
Orig.: Operación Trotsky
Angl.: The operation Trotsky

IDN  03106         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón: Operación Trotsky
. - México, D.F. : Ed. Diana, 1972. - XII, 186 pp.
Table of contents: p.1 Prólogo/E. Téllez Vargas -- p.9 Prefacio/R. Mercader -- p.11 Guerra por un ideal -- p.21 El planeta sin visado -- p.32 "Si algo malo sucede..." -- p.43 Asalto frustrado -- p.56 "Estroy seguro del triunfo de la IV Internacional! Adelante! -- p.78 "Trotsky me desilusionó -- p.95 El hundimiento -- p.113 Es el campeón de la mentira -- p.128 Héroe de la Unión Soviética -- p.136 Fuga fallida -- p.145 El rey de la cárcel -- p.149 Se llama Ramón Mercader -- p.157 Libertad negada -- p.163 Sólo un vulgar asesino -- p.167 Salida de México -- p.175 La Habana y Praga -- p.179 Otra vez Moscú -- p.180 Epilogo: Ha muerto Jacques Mornard
Other ed., versions, transl.: Operação Trotski
Angl.: The operation Trotsky

IDN  03107         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón: Operación Trotsky
. - 2. impr. - México, D.F. : Ed. Diana, 1973. - XII, 186 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Operação Trotski
Angl.: The operation Trotsky

IDN  03108         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón: Quién fue Jackson-Mornard?
: descubrimientos de Quiróz Cuarón
In: Comunidad CONACyT ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-190X] 7.1981 (121/122) : pp. 133-137

Reprinted from author's "Dr. Alfonso Quiróz Cuarón, sus majores casos de criminología", México, D.F., 1980
Angl.: Who was Jackson-Mornard? : revelations of Quiróz Cuarón

IDN  03109         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Garmabella, José Ramón: Quién fue Jackson-Mornard?

In: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior ‹México, D.F.› 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp. 60-62

Reprinted from: Comunidad CONACyT (México, D.F.), 7.1981 (121/122)

IDN  03110         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Geinitz, Christian:
Der letzte Zeuge : Trotzkis Enkel über das Attentat von 1940
In: Frankfurter Allgemeine : Zeitung für Deutschland ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0174-4909] 2000 (Aug.19) : p. 10

Angl.: The last witness

IDN  03111        The Gelfand case   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  03112         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ghosh, Palash: Forgotten assassin
: Ramon Mercader, the man who murdered Leon Trotsky [Electronic resource]. - 34 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  03113         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gibson, Stephen: Ax-murder of Trotsky by Ramon Mercader, Mexico, August 20, 1940

In: Apalachee Quarterly ‹Tallahassee, Fla.› [ISSN 0890-6408] 1993 (39) : p. 52

IDN  03114         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gitlow, Benjamin: Murder across the border

In: Gitlow, B.: The whole of their lives. (Freeport, NY, 1971) : pp. 341-346

IDN  03115         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Goldman, Albert:
The assassination of Leon Trotsky : the proofs of Stalin's guilt. - New York City : Pioneer Publ., 1940. - 74 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Introductory note -- p.5 Jacson's confession -- p.9 Jacson's statements to the police -- p.14 Testimony of witnesses -- p.19 Cross examination -- p.29 Analysis of evidence -- p.58 Political examination of the murder -- p.70 Jacson, an agent of the GPU -- p.74 Conclusion
Other ed., versions, transl.: Quién está detrás del asesino de León Trotsky

IDN  03116         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Goldman, Albert: Quién está detrás del asesino de León Trotsky
: los hechos y los argumentos que prueban la culpabilidad de Stalin. - México, D.F. : Ed. Clave, [1941]. - 90 pp.
Orig.: The assassination of Leon Trotsky
Angl.: Who is behind the assassination of Leon Trotsky?

IDN  03117         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Goloviznin, Mark Vasil'evič: De quelques faits inconnues, liés à la préparation de l'assassinat de Trotsky
/ Mark Goloviznine. [Transl. from the Russ. by Catherine Prokhoroff]
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 1998 (2) : pp. 29-30

Notes: 3
Angl.: About some unknown facts related to the preparation of the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03118        Goodman, Paul: The death of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03119         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián:
El asesinato de Trotsky / [trad. de Ramón Margalef Llambrich]. - Barcelona : Aymá, 1971. - 280 pp.
Orig.: L'assassinat de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mordet på Trotskij
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03120         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián:
El asesinato de Trotsky / [trad. de Ramón Margalef Llambrich]. - Barcelona : Círculo de lectores, 1972. - 218 pp.
Orig.: L'assassinat de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mordet på Trotskij

IDN  03121         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián:
El asesinato de Trotsky / [trad. de Ramón Margalef Llambrich]. - [Barcelona] : Círculo de lectores, [1973]. - 218 pp.
Orig.: L'assassinat de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mordet på Trotskij

IDN  03122         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián:
Los asesinos de Trotski
In: Gorkin, J.: Contra el estalinismo. (Barcelona, 2001) : pp. 71-105

Extracted from author's "El asesinato de Trotsky"
Angl.: The murderers of Trotsky

IDN  03123         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián:
L' assassinat de Trotsky. - Paris : Julliard, 1970. - 318 pp.
Table of contents: p.7 Introduction -- p.21 Premier attentat : réel ou simulé? -- p.52 Comment fonctionne la G.P.U. -- p.63 Enfin une piste -- p.88 Les comparses de la G.P.U. -- p.101 Le cadavre de Sheldon -- p.123 L'arrestation d'Alfaro Siqueiros -- p.141 Trotsky est blessé à mort -- p.156 Ce fut ainsi ... -- p.156 Le récit de l'assassin -- p.190 Des témoignages accusateurs -- p.208 Jacson-Mornard a menti -- p.223 Si tout n'est que mensonge... où est la vérité? -- p.241 La condamnation -- p.259 L'école des bourreaux -- p.262 Le sort des réfugiés espagnols en U.R.S.S. -- p.266 Dans une "datcha" de la G.P.U. -- p.268 Contreras - Sormenti - Vidali -- p.175 Vitali, chef numéro deux de l'attentat -- p.278 Gregory Rabinovitch, le fameux "juif français" -- p.280 Deux officiers supérieurs soviétiques -- p.284 Ruby Weil et Sylvia Ageloff -- p.287 Jacson-Mornard chez Trotsky -- p.291 La famille Mercader -- p.296 "Pedro", "Singer", "Guéré", Erno Gero -- p.301 Des preuves irréfutables -- p.305 Les assassins doctrinaires -- p.313 Silence sous peine de mort
Other ed., versions, transl.: El asesinato de Trotsky ; Mordet på Trotskij
Partially identical with Sánchez Salazar, L.A.: Así asesinaron a Trotski [and other ed., transl. etc.]
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03124         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián:
L' assassinat de Trotsky. - Paris : Le Livre de Poche, 1973. - 316 pp. - (Le livre de poche [ISSN 0248-3653] ; 3575)
Other ed., versions, transl.: El asesinato de Trotsky ; Mordet på Trotskij
Reprint of the 1970 ed.

IDN  03125         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián: Cómo asesinó Stalin a Trotsky
. - Barcelona : Plaza & Janés, 1961. - 224 pp.
Angl.: How Stalin murdered Trotsky

IDN  03126         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián: Cómo asesinó Stalin a Trotsky
. - Buenos Aires [etc.] : Plaza & Janés, [1965]. - 201 pp. - (Lauro ; 5)

IDN  03127         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gorkin, Julián: Mordet på Trotskij
/ övers. av Katja Birmann. - Stockholm : Forum, 1972. - 189 pp.
ISBN 91-37-0581-4

Notes: 59
Orig.: L'assassinat de Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: El asesinato de Trotsky
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03128         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
GPU makes "jail" life easy for murderer of Leon Trotsky

In: Labor Action ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0094-6850] 11.1947 (26) : p. 3

IDN  03129        Gran corrido de León Trotski   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03130         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gribble, Leonard Reginald: Hands of terror
: notable assassinations of the twentieth century. - London : Muller, 1960. - 228 pp.
Particularly pp. 196-213 (about the assassination of Trotsky)

IDN  03131         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gribova, I.: Sikejros protiv Trockogo

In: Agitator ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-7161] 1989 (18) : pp. 38-40

Angl.: Siqueiros against Trotsky

IDN  03132        Gubern, Román: La representación audiovisual de León Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03133        Guerrero, Gilberto: Fue en Coyoacán, hace 50 años ...   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03134         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Algunas claves sobre el asesinato de Trotski
/ J. Gutiérrez Alvarez
In: Tiempo de historia ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0210-7333] 7.1981 (78) : pp. 4-19

Notes: 16
Angl.: Some information about the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03135         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe:
El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después [Electronic resource] / Pepe Gutiérrez-Álvarez. - 25 KB (12 pp.)
Notes: 25
Partially based on author's introd. to the collection El asesinato de Trotsky: antes y después, Barcelona, 1990, pp. 6-34
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky : before and after

IDN  03136         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe:
El asesinato de Trotsky según Julián Gorkin [Electronic resource]. - 10 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Aug. 28, 2017
Angl.: The murder of Trotsky according to Julian Gorkin

IDN  03137         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Ramón Mercader y el asesinato de Trotsky
/ José Gutiérrez Álvarez
In: Historia y vida ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 0018-2354] 23.1990 (271) : pp. 70-82

Notes: 16
Angl.: Ramón Mercader and the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03138         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Trotsky en México
[Electronic resource]. - 5 pp.
Accessed Apr. 15, 2006
Angl.: Trotsky in Mexico

IDN  03139         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Halter, Hans: Leo Trotzki (1879-1940)

In: Halter, H.: Ich habe meine Sache hier getan: Leben und letzte Worte berühmter Frauen und Männer. (Berlin, 2007) : pp. 240-242

IDN  03140         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hansen, Joseph:
The attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 1.1940 (4=4) : pp. 85-90

Other ed., versions, transl.: Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico ; La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky ; Tentativa de assassinato de Trotsky

IDN  03141         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hansen, Joseph:
The attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky
In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 5-11

Other ed., versions, transl.: Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico ; La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky ; Tentativa de assassinato de Trotsky

IDN  03142        Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03143        Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino alla fine   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03144        Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03145        Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky, hasta el final   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03146        Hansen, Joseph: Med Trotskij i Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03147        Hansen, Joseph: Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03148         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hansen, Joseph:
Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico
In: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 11-21

Orig.: The attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky ; Tentativa de assassinato de Trotsky
Angl.: The first attempt to assassinate Trotsky in Mexico

IDN  03149         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hansen, Joseph: Tentativa de assassinato de Trotsky

In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 161-183

Orig.: The attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico ; La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky

IDN  03150         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hansen, Joseph:
La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky
In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 1946) : pp. 21-32

Orig.: The attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico ; Tentativa de assassinato de Trotsky

IDN  03151         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hansen, Joseph:
La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky
In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 2000) : pp. 35-46

Orig.: The attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico ; Tentativa de assassinato de Trotsky
Slightly abridged

IDN  03152         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hansen, Joseph: Trotsky fought unceasingly against life-long persecution
: Stalinist hounding was powerless to interrupt his work
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 5.1941 (33) : p. 5

IDN  03153        Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky in Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03154        Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky to the end   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03155         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hardy, Simon:
The assassination of Leon Trotsky [Electronic resource]. - 50 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Aug. 20, 2010
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  03156         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hermida Román, Leonora:
La muerte de un rojo : el asesinato de León Trotsky ; la cobertura de El Universal / L. Hermida Román. - 255 pp.
México, D.F., Escuela de Periodismo Carlos Septién García, Tesis de lic., 2006
Angl.: The death of a Red

IDN  03157         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hinchley, Vernon:
The assassination of Leon Trotsky
In: Hinchley, V.: Spy mysteries unveiled. (London, 1963) : pp. 105-113

IDN  03158         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hinchley, Vernon:
The assassination of Leon Trotsky
In: Hinchley, V.: Spy mysteries unveiled. (New York, NY, 1964) : pp. 105-113

IDN  03159         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
How the GPU murdered Trotsky
/ International Committee of the Fourth International. - London, 1976. - [104] pp. - (Security of the Fourth International)
ISBN 0-902030-78-7

Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo la GPU asesinó a Trotsky
Reprinted from: Workers Press (London), 1975 (Aug.-Sept.) [in 19 installments]
A suppl. was publ. with title "The indictment that remained unanswered"
Not completely identical with the 1981 ed.

IDN  03160         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
How the GPU murdered Trotsky
: documents from 1975, the first year of the investigation by the International Committee of the Fourth International. - London : New Park Publications, 1981. - XIX, 331 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International ; 1)
ISBN 0-86151-019-4

Table of contents: p.I Introduction -- p.1 Statement of the Workers League -- p.11 Statement of the Workers Revolutionary Party -- p.67 Correspondence of the International Committee -- p.77 How the GPU murdered Trotsky -- p.233 Two answers to Hansen's silence -- p.257 Appendices -- p.327 Index
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo la GPU asesinó a Trotsky
Chiefly reprinted from Workers Press (London), 1975 (Aug.-Sept.) [in 19 installments]

IDN  03161         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hunter, J.C.:
The murder of Trotsky and the fight against Stalinism. - New York, NY : Leninist League U.S.A., 1940. - 11 pp.

IDN  03162         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Hyde, David: How the Stalinist security police murdered Trotsky

In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 5.1990 (7) : pp. 4-9

IDN  03163         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
The ice-pick supposedly used to murder Leon Trotsky whilst in exile in Mexico has resurfaced
In: History Today ‹London› [ISSN 0018-2753] 55.2005 (8) : p. 9

IDN  03164        Jakupi, Gani: Les amants de Sylvia   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03165         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ketley, Walter:
The murder of Robert Sheldon Harte : the aftermath of the machine-gun attack on Trotsky / Walter Rourke [i.e. Walter Ketley]
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 3.1942 (5=22) : pp. 139-142

IDN  03166         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ketley, Walter:
The trial of the assassin of Trotsky / Walter Rourke [i.e. Walter Ketley]
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 3.1942 (8=24) : pp. 233-236

IDN  03167         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ketley, Walter:
The verdict on the assassin of Trotsky / Walter O'Rourke [i.e. Walter Ketley]
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 4.1943 (8=36) : pp. 235-239

IDN  03168         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Kiessling, Wolfgang: Es geschah an einem Tag im August in der Calle Viena

In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 1990 (Aug.11/12) : p. 11

Angl.: It happened one day in August in the Vienna Street

IDN  03169         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Kiessling, Wolfgang:
Das Präludium der Operation Utka : der "unvermeidliche" Tod des Trotzki-Schutzgardisten Robert Sheldon Harte
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 1995 (May 24) : p. 8

Angl.: Prelude of the operation Utka

IDN  03170        Kil'debaev, Il'š'at Il'gamovič: Političeskaja dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo v Meksike i istoričeskie obstojatel'stva ego ubijstva   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03171         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Il killer che venne dal freddo
In: I grandi enigmi fra cronaca e storia / A. Petacco [dir.] 2. (Novara, 1984) : pp. 321-340

Angl.: The killer who came from the cold

IDN  03172        Konetschny, Leonid Erwin: Soviet surveillance and infiltration of the Trotskyite movement   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03173         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Krivine, Jean-Michel:
L' assassinat de Trotsky : il y a cinquante ans / Louis Couturier [i.e. Jean-Michel Krivine]
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1990 (1412) : p. 8

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ermordung von Leo Trotzki
Also publ. in: La Gauche (Bruxelles), 34.1990 (Sept.19)
Also publ. 30 years later in L'Anticapitaliste (Paris), no. 532 (2020) and as electronic resource with the wrong author statement "Ernest Mandel" allegedly using the pseud. "Louis Couturier"
Angl.: Trotsky's assassination : 50 years after

IDN  03174         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Krivine, Jean-Michel:
Die Ermordung von Leo Trotzki : vor achtzig Jahren [Electronic resource] / aus dem Franz. übers., bearb. und mit Anm. von Wilfried Dubois. - 18 KB (6 pp.)
Notes: 3
Orig.: L'assassinat de Trotsky
Written and originally publ. in 1990 under author's pseud. Louis Couturier which was wrongly attributed to Ernest Mandel
Accessed Aug. 23, 2020
Angl.: The murder of Leon Trotsky

IDN  03175         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Kun, Miklós: Murder in Mexico

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1990 (191) : pp. 25-28

IDN  03176        Kutejščikova, Vera Nikolaevna: Meksika, Trockij, Komintern   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03177         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Kuznecov, Il'ja Innokent'evič: KGB General Naum Isakovich Eitingon (1899-1981)
/ Ilya I. Kuznetsov
In: The Journal of Slavic Military Studies ‹London› [ISSN 0954-254X] 14.2001 (1) : pp. 37-52

Notes: 23

IDN  03178         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Landau, Mark Aleksandrovič: Ubijstvo Trockago
/ M. Aldanov [i.e. Mark Aleksandrovič Landau]
In: Novyj žurnal ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0029-5337] 1942 (1) : pp. 338-366

Later ed. publ. with title "Ubijstvo Trockogo"
Angl.: Trotsky's death

IDN  03179         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Landau, Mark Aleksandrovič: Ubijstvo Trockogo
: (fragmenty) / M.A. Aldanov [i.e. Mark Aleksandrovič Landau]
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 633-640

Notes: 4
Originally publ. with title "Ubijstvo Trockago"
On pp. 835-836 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  03180         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Laucella, Linda: Leon Trotsky : Russian revolutionary (August 20, 1940)

In: Laucella, L.: Assassination - the politics of murder. (Los Angeles, Cal., 1998)

IDN  03181         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Le Marec, Gérard: Léon Trotski

In: Le Marec, G.: Les morts mystérieuses de l'histoire contemporaine. (Genève, 1983)

IDN  03182         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Leading Mexican Stalinists implicated in Trotsky murder

In: Workers' International News ‹London› 3.1940 (11) : pp. 1-6

IDN  03183         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Lecomte, Bernard: Trotski, ce chien enragé
: comment Staline a éliminé le plus dangereux de ces rivaux
In: Lecomte, B.: Les secrets du Kremlin. (Paris, 2016) : pp. 78-98

Angl.: Trotski, the mad dog : how Stalin eliminated the most dangerous of his rivals

IDN  03184         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Leon Trotsky : FBI investigations concerning Leon Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - [Washington, DC : Federal Bureau of Investigation]. - 46,3 MB (922 pp.) [various pdf files]
Alternate title: Leon Trotsky FBI files
Additional title: Documents contain information pertaining to his 1940 murder
Files copied from FBI Headquarters (under the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA), covering mostly the assassination of Leon Trotsky (various information, letters, reports, memoranda, miscellany, press clippings, and articles ...)
Accessed June 18, 2005
Also publ. as CD-ROM

IDN  03185         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Leon Trotsky in memoriam

In: The New International ‹New York, NY› 13.1947 (6=118) : p. 163

IDN  03186         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Leskov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Ubijstvo Trockogo
/ Valentin Leskov
In: Leskov, V.: Ochota na voždei : ot Lenina do Trockogo. (Moskva, 2005)

Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03187         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don: Han myrdede Trotsky
/ overs. fra amerikansk af Jørgen Rothenborg. - København : Wangel, 1962. - 245 pp.
Orig.: The mind of an assassin
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; De moord op Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij ; Die Psyche des Mörders
Angl.: He murdered Trotsky

IDN  03188         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
L' homme qui a tué Trotsky / trad. par Francis Max. - Paris : Gallimard, 1960. - 272 pp. - (Collection L'air du temps [ISSN 1279-7995])
Orig.: The mind of an assassin
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; De moord op Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij ; Die Psyche des Mörders
Angl.: The man who murdered Trotsky

IDN  03189         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
La mente de un asesino. - México, D.F. : Visión, 1960. - 224 pp.
Orig.: The mind of an assassin
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; De moord op Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij ; Die Psyche des Mörders

IDN  03190         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
La mente de un asesino
In: Selecciones del Reader's Digest ‹Various places› [ISSN 0037-1246] 39.1960 (232) : pp. 13-20

Based on author's "The mind of an assassin", New York, NY, 1959
Angl.: The mind of an assassin

IDN  03191         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
The mind of an assassin. - London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1959. - XVII, 236 ppp.
Table of contents: p.IX Background -- p.XV Key figures in the Trotsky drama -- p.3 The assassin and his mother -- p.22 Agents of death -- p.43 Seduction for murder -- p.66 The abortive assault -- p.90 "In the next attack, other methods" -- p.111 The kill -- p.133 The false autobiography -- p.149 Prisoner against psychologist -- p.168 Portrait of an assassin -- p.187 The mask is off -- p.223 Sources and notes -- p.227 Index
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; De moord op Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij ; Die Psyche des Mörders

IDN  03192         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
The mind of an assassin. - New York, NY : Farrar, Strauss, and Cudahy, 1959. - XVII, 236 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; De moord op Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij ; Die Psyche des Mörders

IDN  03193         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
The mind of an assassin. - New York, NY : The New American Library, 1960. - 190 pp. - (Signet books ; 1854)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; De moord op Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij ; Die Psyche des Mörders

IDN  03194         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
The mind of an assassin. - Reprint. - Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Pr., 1979. - XVII, 236 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; De moord op Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij ; Die Psyche des Mörders
Reprint of the 1959 ed.

IDN  03195         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
De moord op Trotski / vert. door G.D.J. Blok. - Utrecht [etc.] : Spectrum, 1962. - 185 pp. - (Prisma-boeken ; 751)
Orig.: The mind of an assassin
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; Mordet på Trotskij ; Die Psyche des Mörders
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03196         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don: Mordet på Trotskij
/ övers. från engelskan: Céline-Marie och Walter Dickson. - Stockholm : Tiden, 1963. - 262 pp.
Orig.: The mind of an assassin
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; De moord op Trotski ; Die Psyche des Mörders
Angl.: The murder of Trotsky

IDN  03197         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don:
Die Psyche des Mörders / [ins Deutsche übertr. von Babette Gross]. - Wien [etc.] : Europa-Verl., 1970. - 254 pp.
Table of contents: p.9 Vorbemerkung -- p.11 Der Hintergrund -- p.17 Die Hauptpersonen des Trotzki-Dramas -- p.21 Der Mörder und seine Mutter -- p.41 Sendboten des Todes -- p.63 Verführung und Mord -- p.87 Der mißlungene Mordanschlag -- p.111 "Beim nächsten Angriff ... andere Methoden" -- p.131 Der Mord -- p.153 Die falsche Autobiographie -- p.169 Der Gefangene und die Psychologen -- p.187 Porträt eines Mörders -- p.207 Die Maske fällt -- p.233 Was die Mutter des Mörders erzählte -- p. 241 Und der Vater -- p.245 Epilog -- p.251 Namensverzeichnis
Notes: 18
Orig.: The mind of an assassin
Other ed., versions, transl.: Han myrdede Trotsky ; L'homme qui a tué Trotsky ; La mente de un asesino ; De moord op Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij

IDN  03198         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don: Secrets of an assassin
: brilliant probe bars the identity, twisted mind of Trotsky's killer
In: Life ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0024-3019] 47.1959 (Sept.28) : pp. 104-122

IDN  03199         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Levine, Isaac Don: Why Soviet takes back Trotsky's murderer
: interview with an expert on red espionage
In: U.S. News & World Report ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0041-5337] 48.1960 (May 23) : pp. 85-86

IDN  03200         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Lhotzky, Kurt: 20. August : die Ermordung Leo Trotzkis in Mexiko
[Electronic resource]. - 83 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Aug. 19, 2007
Accessed Dec. 2, 2009
Angl.: August 20 : the murder of Leon Trotsky in Mexico

IDN  03201         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Lhotzky, Kurt:
Der Schlag mit dem Eispickel : vor 60 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki in Mexiko ermordet
In: Wiener Zeitung ‹Wien› 2000 (Aug.11)

Angl.: The blow with the ice-axe

IDN  03202        Libera, Zbigniew: Trotsky's ice-pick   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03203         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
The lies of Joseph Hansen : dossier of a double agent. - New York, NY : Labor Publications, 1978. - [36] pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)

IDN  03204         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
London, Eric:
Die Rolle Sylvia Ageloffs beim Mord an Leo Trotzki [Electronic resource] / [transl. from the Engl.]. - 1-4. - ca. 1.2 MB (40 pp.)
Notes: 201
Orig.: Sylvia Ageloff and the assassination of Leon Trotsky
Also publ. in other languages as electronic resources within the framework of the World Socialist Web Site
Dated Febr./March 2021
Accessed March 15, 2021

IDN  03205         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Loriaux, Florence: Trotski's dood in Mexico
: echte moord en pseudo-Belg
In: Loriaux, F.: De Belgen en Mexico. (Leuven, 1993)

About Ramón Mercader
Angl.: Trotsky's death in Mexico : real murder and fake Belgian

IDN  03206         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Luri, Gregorio:
El cielo prometido : una mujer al servicio de Stalin ; la historia de la familia Mercader. - Barcelona : Ariel, 2016. - 528 pp.
ISBN 978-84-344-2359-6

About Caridad Mercader (1892-1975), Stalinist spy and mother of Ramón Mercader (1913-1978), Trotsky's assassin
Angl.: The promised heaven : a woman in Stalin's service

IDN  03207         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Luri, Gregorio:
El cielo prometido : una mujer al servicio de Stalin ; la historia de la familia Mercader. - Barcelona : Ariel, 2023. - 543 pp.
ISBN 978-84-344-3608-4 - ISBN 84-344-3608-6

About Caridad Mercader (1892-1975), Stalinist spy and mother of Ramón Mercader (1913-1978), Trotsky's assassin

IDN  03208         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Luxner, Larry: On anniversary of murder, museum for Trotsky proves to be tourist draw
[Electronic resource]. - 50 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed May 15, 2006

IDN  03209         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Macchi, Egisto:
L' assassinio di Trotsky : original soundtrack music from the film [Sound recording]. Il delitto Matteotto / music composed, arranged & conducted by Egisto Macchi. - Roma : Beat Records, [ca. 2000]. - 1 compact disc (AAD) in container

IDN  03210        Das Mädchen und der Mörder   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03211         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mahoney, Harry Thayer: Ramon Mercader
/ Harry Thayer Mahoney ; Marjorie Locke Mahoney
In: Mahoney, H.T.: Biographic dictionary of espionage / H.T. and M.L. Mahoney. (San Francisco, Cal. [etc.], 1998) : pp. 370-373

IDN  03212         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mahoney, Harry Thayer:
The saga of Leon Trotsky : his clandestine operations and his assassination / Harry Thayer Mahoney ; Marjorie Locke Mahoney. - San Francisco, Cal. [etc.] : Austin & Winfield, 1998. - VI, 561 pp.
ISBN 1-57292-124-2

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.15 The formative years -- p.33 Training as a revolutionary -- p.47 Trotsky's loss of power -- p.65 American background -- p.85 The British and Trotsky -- p.111 Trotsky's acumen -- p.129 Trotsky is banished -- p.141 Trotsky in Europe -- p.155 The Spanish civil war -- p.175 Mark Zborowski -- p.193 Trotsky and the American Communist Party -- p.215 Caridad Mercader -- p.227 The killers gather -- p.235 Cast of characters -- p.275 Viva Mexico -- p.299 Trotsky, Frida and Diego Rivera -- p.317 Sylvia Ageloff -- p.341 Digression to Jack Soble and friends -- p.357 The 24 May raid -- p.381 Investigation of the 24 May raid -- p.393 Preparation for murder -- p.405 Jacson and Sylvia in Mexico City -- p.415 Robert Sheldon Harte emerges -- p.425 Trotsky's last day -- p.431 The assassin's last day -- p.437 The crime of the century -- p.455 After the crime of the century -- p.461 Endnotes -- p.523 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 523-532
Notes: 683

IDN  03213         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Maksimov, Grigorij Petrovič: Ubijstvo L'va Trockogo
/ G.M. [i.e. Grigorij Petrovič Maksimov]
In: Delo truda ‹Paris etc.› 1940 (2) : pp. 21-24

Angl.: Leon Trotsky's death

IDN  03214         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Malló i Vilaplana, Oriol:
El juicio de amparo de Ramón Mercader, el asesino de Trotsky [Electronic resource]. - 650 KB (7 pp.)
Accessed Dec. 1, 2020
Angl.: The amparo trial of Ramón Mercader, Trotsky's assassin

IDN  03215         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mann, Keith: Neues vom Mord an Leo Trotzki

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1995 (279) : pp. 29-30

Angl.: News about Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03216         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Martínez Laínez, Fernando: Complot para asesinar a Trotski

In: Historia y vida ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 0018-2354] 41.2010 (503) : pp. 72-79

Title proper according to the table of contents: El asesinato de Trotski
Angl.: The conspiracy to murder Trotsky

IDN  03217        Masters, Hilary: Trotsky's house   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03218         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
The May 1940 assault against Leon Trotsky
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 5.1944 (5=44) : p. 135

IDN  03219         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mazan, Leszek: Dwa wcielenia Mercadera

In: Wprost ‹Poznan› [ISSN 0209-1747] 1990 (51/52) : pp. 43-45

Angl.: Two personifications of Mercader

IDN  03220         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Medellín Ostos, Octávio: Proceso Mornard (caso Trotsky)
: expresión de agravios de la defensa. - México, D.F., 1944. - 69 pp.
Pres. before the Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Distrito Federal, México
Designated as "primera parte"
Unchecked bibliogr. data
Angl.: The trial of Mornard (the Trotsky case)

IDN  03221         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mercader del Río Hernández, Jaime Ramón:
La carta confesión de Ramón Mercader
In: El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después. (Barcelona, 1990) : pp. 147-151

Signed "Jac.[son] 20-8-1940"
Transl. from the French
Angl.: Ramon Mercader's letter of confession

IDN  03222         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Lo que vivió Ramón Mercader, antes y después del asesinato de Trotsky
: cincuenta años después revelaciones de su hermano Luis / [interview conducted by] Andrei Polanski [i.e. Polonskij]
In: Proceso : semanario de información y análisis (México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-1632] 1990 (723) : pp. 36-39

Orig.: Naprasnaja žertva?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ramon Mercader, assassin de Trotsky, fort mal récompensé ; Sacrified in vain?
Angl.: How Ramón Mercader lived before and after the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03223         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Mio fratello : l'assassino di Trotskij
/ Luis Mercader ; German Sanchez. A cura di Fernando Mezzetti. - Torino : Utet, [2005]. - LVI, 167 pp.
ISBN 88-02-07160-8

Orig.: Ramón Mercader, mi hermano
Other ed., versions, transl.: Moj brat ubil Trockogo
Angl.: My brother : the killer of Trotsky

IDN  03224         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Moj brat ubil Trockogo
/ Luis Merkader ; German Sančes. - Moskva : Kučkovo Pole, 2011. - 236 pp. - (Tajny specslužb)
ISBN 978-5-9950-0164-4

Orig.: Ramón Mercader, mi hermano
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mio fratello : l'assassino di Trotskij
Angl.: My brother killed Trotsky

IDN  03225         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Naprasnaja žertva?
: rodnoj brat Ramona Merkadera - ubijcy L'va Trockogo - vpervye posle dolgogo molčanija zagovoril. - [1-2]
In: Trud ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1025-1189] 1990 (Aug.14-17)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Sacrified in vain? ; Ramon Mercader, assassin de Trotsky, fort mal récompensé ; Lo que vivió Ramón Mercader, antes y después de asesinato de Trotsky
Interview conducted by A. Polonskij
Angl.: Sacrified in vain?

IDN  03226         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Ramon Mercader, assassin de Trotsky, fort mal récompensé
/ trad. du russe par Jean-Michel Krivine
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2000 (449/450) : pp. 63-66

Orig.: Naprasnaja žertva?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sacrified in vain? ; Lo que vivió Ramón Mercader, antes y después del asesinato de Trotsky
Interview conducted by A. Polonskij
Angl.: Ramon Mercader, murderer of Trotsky, poorly compensated

IDN  03227         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Ramón Mercader, mi hermano
: cincuenta años después / Luis Mercader ; Germán Sánchez. Con la colab. de Rafael Llanos. - Madrid : Espasa-Calpe, 1990. - 292 pp. - (Biografías Espasa : Nuestro tiempo)
ISBN 84-239-2228-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Mio fratello : l'assassino di Trotskij ; Moj brat ubil Trockogo
Angl.: Ramon Mercader, my brother

IDN  03228         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Sacrified in vain?
: the brother of Ramón Mercader, murderer of Leon Trotsky, after a long silence has begun to speak
In: In Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1991 (82) : pp. 34-38, 41

Orig.: Naprasnaja žertva?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ramon Mercader, assassin de Trotsky, fort mal récompensé ; Lo que vivió Ramón Mercader, antes y después del asesinato de Trotsky
Interview conducted by A. Polonskij
On pp. 38 and 41: Remarks by Caridad Mercader acknowledging her role in Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03229         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mesquitela, Teresa:
O assassinio de Trotsky
In: Historia ‹Lisboa› [ISSN 0870-4538] 1983 (53) : pp. 2-15

Angl.: Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03230         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Meysels, Lucian Otto: Leo Trotzki (1879-1940)
/ Lucian O. Meysels
In: Meysels, L.O.: Morde machen Geschichte. (Wien etc., 1985) : pp. 103-116

IDN  03231        Michajlov, Petr: Stalin's last argument   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03232         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mitchell, John: Murder and Marxism in Mexico City
: the Leon Trotsky Museum
In: Voices of Mexico ‹México› [ISSN 0186-9418] 1995 (32) : pp. 93-97

IDN  03233         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mörder des Revolutionärs Leo Trotzki in Havanna gestorben

In: Frankfurter Rundschau ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0940-6980] 1978 (235=Oct.21) : p. 1

Angl.: The assassin of the revolutionary Leon Trotsky has died in Havanna

IDN  03234         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Montelongo, José: Mi abuelo fue agente secreto
. - México, D.F. : Nostra Ed., 2015. - 71 pp. - (Mirador Bolsillo)
ISBN 978-607-8237-56-2 - ISBN 607-8237-56-X

This booklet recounts in pictures, documents and anecdotes the life of author's grandfather Jesús Galindo Vázquez, who as a member of the Mexican secret service in 1940 assisted L.A. Sánchez Salazar in the investigation of Trotsky's assassination, see particularly the chapter "El asesinato de Trotsky"
Angl.: My grandfather was a secret agent

IDN  03235        Montero, Hugo: Por qué Stalin derrotó a Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  03236         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Monterrey Grajeda, Rosendo: Es delincuente político el asesino de León Trotsky?
. - [Various pagings]
México, D.F., Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Tesis doct., 1942
Angl.: Is Trotsky's assassin a political criminal?

IDN  03237         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Monterrey Grajeda, Rosendo: Es delincuente político el asesino de León Trotsky?
/ pról. de Vidal Alvarez Everoix. - México, D.F. : Ed. Juventud Mexicana, 1942. - [Various pagings]

IDN  03238         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Der Mord an Leo Trotzki : Hansen und Novack - Komplizen der GPU / Internationales Komitee der IV. Internationale. - Essen : Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter, [ca. 1977]. - [30] pp.
Reprinted from: Der Funke (Essen), 1975 (Aug.) - 1976 (Apr.)
Angl.: The assassination of Leon Trotsky : Hansen and Novack - accomplices of the GPU

IDN  03239         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mordet på Trotskij för 75 år sedan
[Electronic resource]. - 865 KB (11 pp.)
A selection of articles publ. in Swedish leftist papers ("Offensiv", "Avanti", "Internationalen") in 2015
Accessed Febr. 20, 2017
Angl.: The murder of Trotsky after 75 years

IDN  03240         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mosley, Nicholas:
The assassination of Trotsky. - London : Abacus, 1972. - 185 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: O assassinato de Trotsky ; L'assassinio di Trockij ; Ubistvo Trockog

IDN  03241         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mosley, Nicholas:
The assassination of Trotsky. - London : Joseph, 1972. - 185 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: O assassinato de Trotsky ; L'assassinio di Trockij ; Ubistvo Trockog

IDN  03242         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mosley, Nicholas:
O assassinato de Trotsky / trad. de Fani Baratz Moreira Costa. - Rio de Janeiro : Record, [s.d.]. - 186 pp.
Orig.: The assassination of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'assassinio di Trockij ; Ubijstvo Trockog

IDN  03243         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mosley, Nicholas:
L' assassinio di Trockij / trad. di Federica Oddera. - Milano : Longanesi, 1975. - 212 pp. - (I libri pocket ; 527)
Orig.: The assassination of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: O assassinato de Trotsky ; Ubistvo Trockog

IDN  03244        Mosley, Nicholas: L'assassinio di Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03245         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Mosley, Nicholas: Ubistvo Trockog
/ Nikolas Mozli. Prev. Dragan Monašević [et al]. - Beograd : Prosveta, 1983. - 248 pp. - (Biblioteka Prosveta ; 26)
Orig.: The assassination of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'assassinio di Trockij ; O assassinato de Trotsky

IDN  03246        Mraz, John: Killing Trotsky, reviving Mercader   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03247         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Murthi, Ramachandra Krishna: Trotsky
/ R.K. Murthi
In: Murthi, R.K.: Historic assassinations. (Delhi [etc.], 1991)

IDN  03248        Myers, Allen: Healyite paranoia or Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  03249        Negrete, Miguel: Trotsky : el largo viaje de un día hacia la noche   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03250         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Neruda y el atentado contra León Trotsky

In: El Sur ‹Concepción› 1971 (March 29) : p. 7

Angl.: Neruda and the assault against Leon Trotsky

IDN  03251         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
New evidence on Trotsky's murder

In: International Socialist Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-8744] 18.1957 (3) : pp. 75-79

IDN  03252         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Newton, Michael: Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940)

In: Newton, M.: Famous assassinations in world history. (Santa Barbara, Cal. [etc.], 2014) : pp. 572-575

IDN  03253        North, David: Trotsky's last year   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03254        North, David: Trotzkis letztes Jahr   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03255        North, David: Trotzkis letztes Jahr, 1939-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03256         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
North, David: Warum die GPU Trotzki ermordete
/ [Übers.: Ute Reissner]
In: North, D.: Leo Trotzki und der Kampf für Sozialismus im 21. Jahrhundert. (Essen 2024) : pp. 127-138

Orig.: Why the GPU assassinated Trotsky

IDN  03257         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
North, David: Why the GPU assassinated Trotsky

In: North, D.: Leon Trotsky and the struggle for socialism in the twenty-first century. (Oak Park, Mich., 2023) : pp. 95-104

Notes: 7
Other ed., versions, transl.: Warum die GPU Trotzki ermordete
Originally publ. as electronic resource on 'World Socialist Website', Sept. 30, 2015

IDN  03258         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Olivé, Natura: Asalto a la casa de Trotsky
: testimonio, sueño y realidad. - México, D.F. : Ed. de Educación y Cultura, Asesoría y Promoción, 2011. - 95 pp. - (Colección Polémicas ; 5)
ISBN 978-6-07-802247-2 - ISBN 6-07-802247-4

Notes: 50
Angl.: The assault on Trotsky's house

IDN  03259        Orlov, Alexander: Testimony of Alexander Orlov   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03260         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Pàmies, Teresa: Ramón Mercader : misión cumplida

In: Triunfo ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0211-2868] 22.1978 (822) : pp. 20-23

Other ed., versions, transl.: Ramón Mercader : slutfört uppdrag
Angl.: Ramón Mercader : completed mission

IDN  03261         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Pàmies, Teresa: Ramón Mercader : slutfört uppdrag

In: Zenit : nordisk socialistisk tidskrift ‹Lund› [ISSN 0044-3980] 1979 (3=61)

Orig.: Ramón Mercader : misión cumplida
Angl.: Ramón Mercader : mission accomplished

IDN  03262        Paporov, Yuri: Pokušenie na Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03263        Paporov, Yuri: Prestuplenie v prigorode Mechiko   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03264         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Paporov, Yuri: Trotski sacrificado
: confesiones de Rivera y Siqueiros. - México, D.F. : Grupo Editorial Siete, 1992. - 94 pp.
ISBN 968-6-73003-6

Angl.: Trotsky sacrificed : confessions of Rivera and Siqueiros

IDN  03265        Parkinson, Nicholas: Famous trauma victims - Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03266         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Pastor Petit, Domingo: Ramon Mercader : el botxí de Stalin obeeix i executa

In: Pastor Petit, D.: Espies catalans. (Madrid, 1988) : pp. 163-172

Notes: 4
Angl.: Stalin's emissary took orders and executed

IDN  03267         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Pastor Petit, Domingo: Ramon Mercader : el botxí de Stalin obeeix i executa

In: Pastor Petit, D.: Els espies catalans. 1. ed., ampl. (Barcelona, 2006)

IDN  03268        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Stalin's nemesis   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03269        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trocki : upadek rewolucjonisty   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03270        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trockij : pád revolucionáře   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03271        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotsky : downfall of a revolutionary   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03272        Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotzki : der verratene Revolutionär   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03273         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Patterson, William Dudley: Footnote to a murder
/ William D. Patterson
In: Saturday Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0091-620X] 43.1960 (Jan.23) : pp. 32-33

IDN  03274         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Patula, Jan: Trotsky en México : la asechanza permanente
/ Jan Patula Doubek
In: Iztapalapa ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-4259] 19.1998 (43) : pp. 159-174

Angl.: Trotsky in Mexico : the permanent trap

IDN  03275         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Patula, Jan: Trotsky in Mexico : new evidence on his assassination
. - [14] pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 43
Paper submitted to the 5th World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warszawa, Aug. 6-11, 1995

IDN  03276         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Professors of distortion and the murder of Leon Trotsky
/ Security and the Fourth International Investigating Team
In: Fourth International / International Committee of the Fourth International ‹London; later: Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0015-9204] 12.1982 (1) : pp. 52-67

Inter alia about the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-1, 1980

IDN  03277        Puga Imaña, Mario A.: Elegía a la muerte de León Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03278         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Puigventós López, Eduard:
El paper dels catalans en l'asil i l'assassinat de Trotski : Andreu Nin i Ramón Mercader [Electronic resource] / Eduard Puigventós
In: Temps i espais de memória [Electronic journal] ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 2339-806X] 2017 (4) : pp. 3-9 (721 KB)

Notes: 23
Accessed Oct. 5, 2021
Angl.: The role of Catalans in exile and the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03279         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Puigventós López, Eduard: Ramon Mercader (1913-1978)
: itinerari vital, ideològic i politic. - 519 pp.
Barcelona, Univ. Autònoma, Tesis doct., 2013
Table of contents: p.3 Introducció -- p.14 Infància i família -- p.37 Guerra civil i desaparació de Mercader -- p.71 Un món sense visat: el llarg periple de Lleó Trotski -- p.125 El naixement de Jacques Mornard -- p.147 La trama americana -- p.155 Trotski a Mèxic -- p.172 Frank Jacson: Paris, Nova York, Ciutat de Méxic -- p.207 L'atemptat de David Alfaro Siqueiros -- p.245 'Ja ho faré jo': preparant el crim -- p.268 Contra l trotskisme reaccionari, piolet revolucionari! -- p.301 Judici i defensa -- p.362 Els llargs anys de presó -- p.405 I per fi, el paradíis: Ramon Mercader i la URSS -- p.439 Cuba, qué linda es Cuba -- p.473 Reflexions a l'entorn de Ramon Mercader (conclusions) -- p.484 Epíleg -- p.489 Index onomàstic -- p.506 Bibliografia
Bibliogr.: pp. 506-518
Notes: 976
Director of thesis: Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté
Exhaustive university work and political biography about Trotsky's murderer
Trade ed. see author's "Ramón Mercader, el hombre del piolet", Barcelona, 2015 [Span. ed.] and "Ramon Mercader, l'home del piolet", Barcelona 2015 [Catalan ed.]
Angl.: Ramon Mercader (1913-1978) : itinerary, ideology and politics

IDN  03280         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Puigventós López, Eduard: Ramón Mercader, el hombre del piolet
: biografía del asesino de Trotsky / pról. de Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté. [Trad.: Alfonso Barguñó y Sergio Lledó]. - Barcelona : Ara Llibres, 2015. - 624 pp. - (Now book : Ser. H)
ISBN 978-84-942171-4-2 - ISBN 84-942171-4-3

Table of contents: p.11 Prólogo/J.M. Solé i Sabaté -- p.15 Introducción -- p.27 Infancia, juventud y familia -- p.53 Guerra civil y desaparición de Mercader -- p.109 Un mundo sin visado: el largo periplo de Lev Trotsky -- p.173 El nacimiento de Jacques Mornard y la seducción de Sylvia Ageloff -- p.199 La trama americana -- p.209 Trotsky en México -- p.231 Frank Jacson: Paris, Nueva York, Ciudad de México -- p.273 El atentado de David Alfaro Siqueiros -- p.317 "Ya lo haré yo": preparando el crimen -- p.345 Contra el trotskismo reaccionario, piolet revolucionario! -- p.381 Juicio y defensa -- p.453 Los largos años de prisión -- p.503 Y, por fin, el paraíso: Ramón Mercader y la URSS -- p.541 Cuba, qué linda es Cuba -- p.579 Reflexiones finales en torno a Ramón Mercader -- p.593 Epílogo -- p.599 Indice onomástico -- p.613 Bibliografía -- p.621 Créditos fotográficos
Bibliogr.: pp. 613-620
Notes: 1,029
Trade ed. of author's "Ramon Mercader (1913-1978) : itinerari vital, ideològic i politic", Tesis doct., Barcelona, 2013
Simultaneously publ. in Catalan language with title "Ramon Mercader, l'home del piolet"
Angl.: Ramon Mercader, the man with the ice-pick

IDN  03281         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Puigventós López, Eduard: Ramon Mercader, l'home del piolet
: biografia de l'assassí de Trotski / prol. de Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté. - Barcelona : Ara Llibres, 2015. - 608 pp. - (Now book : Ser. H)
ISBN 978-84-156428-7-9 - ISBN 84-156428-7-3

Bibliogr.: pp. 609-615
Trade ed. of author's "Ramon Mercader (1913-1978) : itinerari vital, ideològic i politic", Tesis doct., Barcelona, 2013
Simultaneously publ. in Span. language with title "Ramón Mercader, el hombre del piolet"
Angl.: Ramon Mercader, the man with the ice-pick

IDN  03282         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Quiróz Cuarón, Alfonso:
El asesino de León Trotzky y su peligrosidad en vista de los datos de su identidad / Alphonso Quiroz C.
In: Études internationales de psycho-sociologie criminelle ‹Paris› [ISSN 0014-2131] 2.1957 : pp. 27-49

Other ed., versions, transl.: Es peligroso el asesino de León Trotzky?
Angl.: The murderer of Leon Trotsky and his peril in the light of the facts about his identity

IDN  03283         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Quiróz Cuarón, Alfonso: Es peligroso el asesino de León Trotzky?
/ Alfonso Quiroz
In: Criminalistica ‹La Habana› 2.1955 (2) : pp. 5-26

Other ed., versions, transl.: El asesino de León Trotzky y su peligrosidad en vista de los datos de su identidad
An Engl. transl. with title "Is Leon Trotsky's assassin dangerous?" was electronically publ. in: Leon Trotsky : FBI investigations concerning Leon Trotsky ..., pp. 722-744
Angl.: Is Leon Trotzky's assassin dangerous?

IDN  03284         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Den Rachedurst zu löschen
In: Der Spiegel ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0038-7452] 4.1950 (11) : p. 16-17

About Trotsky's assassination and L.A. Sanchez Salazar's book about it
Angl.: To quench the thirst for revenge

IDN  03285        Radosza, Sándor: Comedia mexicana   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03286         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ramírez, Ignacio: Estrujante narración del homicida de Trotsky, en los archivos del juez que llevó el caso

In: Proceso : semanario de información y análisis (México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-1632] 1997 (1054) : pp. 52-56

Angl.: A chilling narration from Trotsky's murderer, in the archives of the judge who conducted the investigation

IDN  03287         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ramón Mercader
[Electronic resource]. - 38 KB (9 pp.)
Notes: 67
Wikipedia article in Span.; similar articles also available in other languages
Accessed Aug. 18, 2014

IDN  03288         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ramón Mercader, crimen y castigo
[Film] / montaje: J.J. Martin Salazar. Producción: Andres G. de la Calera. Realizador: Lisardo García Bueno. Guión: Juan Cuesta. - [S.l., s.d.]. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 58 min.
Videorecording of a documentary film, originally broadcast by TVE 1 in 198?
Angl.: Ramón Mercader, crime and punishment

IDN  03289         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ramos Oliveira, Antonio:
El asesinato de Trotsky / A. Ramos Oliveira. - México, D.F. : Companía General de Ed., 1972. - 79, 616 pp. - (Colección Ideas, letras y vida)
Containing chiefly Trotsky, León: Ma vida. 2. ed.
Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03290        Redgrave, Vanessa: On the assassination of Leon Trotsky and Leon Sedov   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03291         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Reyes Blanc, Luis:
El más secreto héroe de la Unión Soviética / Luis Reyes
In: Tiempo de hoy ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0213-1951] 2014 (1637) : pp. 66-69

About Ramón Mercader
Angl.: The most enigmatic heroe of the Soviet Union

IDN  03292         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Robins, Harold: Security at Coyoacan
: an eyewitness demolishes a 37 year long coverup. - New York, NY : Labor Publications, 1977. - 14 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)

IDN  03293         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Rodríguez Santoyo, Raúl: Cárdenas y el asesinato de Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - 3 pp.
Dated June 25, 1998
Accessed May 28, 2003. URL defunct as at Apr. 10, 2010

IDN  03294         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: 20 août 1940 : l'assassinat de Léon Trotsky
/ Vadim Rogovine. Prés., trad., choix des extraits et notes de bas de page de Dominique Ferré
In: Mouvement ouvrier, luttes de classes & révolutions : revue d'histoire ‹Aulnay-sous-Bois› [ISSN 2778-1445] 2020 (1) : pp. 89-95

Notes: 16

IDN  03295        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Byla li al'ternativa?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  03296        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Gab es eine Alternative?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  03297         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Glavnyj vrag Stalina
: kak byl ubit Trockij / Vadim Rogovin. - Moskva : Algoritm, 2017. - 238 pp. - (Likvidacija)
ISBN 978-5-906979-91-9 - ISBN 5-906979-91-3

Table of contents: p.6 Predislovie -- p.10 Stalin protiv oppozicii -- p.17 Vysylka Trockogo iz SSSR -- p.23 Prizyvy "ubrat' Stalina" -- p.28 Trockistskoe podpol'e -- p.39 Trockij internirovan -- p.47 Antistalinskij blok -- p.57 "Antisovetskij trockistskij centr" -- p.79 Trockij v Meksike -- p.89 Smert' syna Trockogo -- p.106 Zagraničnye ubijstva -- p.118 Trockij pod pricelom NKVD -- p.129 Trockij prišet knigu o Staline -- p.138 Ubijcy Trockogo -- p.160 Podgotovka k ubijstvu -- p.166 Pokušenie 25 maja 1940 goda -- p.170 Rol' Roberta Šeldona Charta -- p.174 Versija o "samopokušenii" -- p.180 "Komintern i GPU" -- p.187 Ubijca v dome Trockogo -- p.197 Poslednyj den' -- p.201 Pis'mo ubijcy -- p.208 Stalin posle ubijstva Trockogo -- p.213 Bor'ba s "trockistami" -- p.214 Posle smerti Trockogo -- p.221 Primečnija
Angl.: Stalin's main enemy : how Trotsky was murdered

IDN  03298        Romano, Rafael: Trotsky ultimado en Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03299         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Rosmer, Alfred:
A fictionized version of the murder / transl. from Quatrième Internationale by RDV
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 10.1949 (3=93) : pp. 91-94

Orig.: Sur l'assassinat de Trotsky

IDN  03300         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Rosmer, Alfred:
A fictionized version of the murder
In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 77-79

Orig.: Sur l'assassinat de Trotsky
Reprinted from: Fourth International (New York, NY), 10.1949 (3=93)

IDN  03301         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Rosmer, Alfred: Sur l'assassinat de Trotsky

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 6.1948 (10/11) : pp. 43-46

Other ed., versions, transl.: A fictionized version of the murder
Angl.: On the assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03302         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Rosmer, Alfred: Sur l'assassinat de Trotsky
: une mise au point
In: La Révolution prolétarienne ‹Paris› [ISSN 0755-3277] N.s. 17.1948 : pp. 21-23 = 633-635

Other ed., versions, transl.: A fictionized version of the murder

IDN  03303         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ross González, Marjorie: Felipe, el tercer hombre
/ Marjorie Ross
In: Ross González, M.: El secreto encanto de la KGB : las cinco vidas de Iósif Griguliévich. (Heredia, C.R., 2004) : pp. 88-125

About Iosif Romualdovic Grigulevic (1913-1988), a Soviet intelligence operative planning and conducting various tasks of murder, thus the assassination of Trotsky
Angl.: Felipe, the third man

IDN  03304         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sachar, Howard Morley:
The hunt for Leon Trotsky / Howard M. Sachar
In: Sachar, H.M.: The assassination of Europe, 1918-1942 : a political history. (Toronto [etc.], 2015) : pp. 297-330

Table of contents: p.297 A peripatetic European refuge -- p.303 The fate of "counterrevolutionaries" -- p.307 Trotsky in Mexico -- p.310 An apotheosis of purgation -- p.311 Overture to a strategic revolution -- p.316 An interim postmortem -- p.317 The Spanish connection -- p.322 Mission to Mexico -- p.325 A conspiracy consummated -- p.328 A political postmortem
Notes: 73

IDN  03305         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Salama, Andres: Sylvia Ageloff y la muerte de León Trotsky
[Electronic resource]. - [S.l., 2022]. - 54 KB (17 pp.)
Table of contents: Trotsky en el exilio - La seducción de Sylvia Ageloff - Los atentados contra Trotsky - Sylvia, cómplice o inocente? - El destino de Mercader - El destino de Sylvia - El caso Trotsky en la ficción - Conclusiones finales - Referencias
Bibliogr.: pp. 16-17
Notes: 19
Preprint of author's term paper, dated June 2022
Accessed July 3, 2022
Angl.: Sylvia Ageloff and the murder of Leon Trotsky

IDN  03306         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky
/ Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar et Julián Gorkin. Trad. de l'espagnol par Jean Talbot. - Paris : Société d'Ed. Littéraire Française, 1948. - 258 pp.
Orig.: Así asesinaron a Trotski
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky ; De Gepeoe slaat toe! ; Mord in Mexiko ; Mordet på Trotsky ; Murder in Mexico
Angl.: How Trotsky was assassinated

IDN  03307         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Así asesinaron a Trotski
/ Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar y Julián Gorkin. - Santiago de Chile : Ed. del Pacífico, 1950. - 252 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky ; Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky ; De Gepeoe slaat toe! ; Mord in Mexiko ; Mordet på Trotsky ; Murder in Mexico
Partially identical with Gorkin, J.: L'assassinat de Trotsky [and other ed., transl. etc.]
Originally publ. in Spanish language in several installments with title "Así mataron a Trotsky", in: Revista de América (México, D.F.), 1948
Angl.: How Trotsky was assassinated

IDN  03308         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Así asesinaron a Trotski
/ Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar. - México, D.F. : "La Prensa", 1955. - 256 pp. - (Populibros ; 6)
Table of contents: p.9 Introducción -- p.23 Asalto o autosalto? -- p.46 Cómo funciona la G.P.U. -- p.54 Por fin, una pista -- p.75 Un nuevo eslabón en la cadena -- p.88 El cadáver de Sheldon -- p.103 Era Sheldon un agente de la G.P.U.? -- p.115 Han herido a Trotski! -- p.128 Así fué -- p.140 La versión de Jacson-Mornard -- p.152 Testimonios acusadores -- p.165 Jacson-Mornard ha mentido -- p.183 Jacson, Mornard, Torkoff o ...? -- p.193 Agente de la G.P.U. -- p.211 La detención de Alfaro Siqueiros -- p.228 Un criminal doctrinario. Los cómplices -- p.240 La condena de Jacson. Una evasión frustrada -- p.253 Anexo: Verdadera identidad del asesino de León Trotski
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky ; Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky ; De Gepeoe slaat toe! ; Mord in Mexiko ; Mordet på Trotsky ; Murder in Mexico

IDN  03309         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky
/ L.A. Sánchez Salazar ; Julián Gorkin. [Trad. dall'ed. francese di Ugo Ellens]. - Milano : Garzanti, 1949. - XIX, 269 pp. - (Memorie e documenti)
Orig.: Así asesinaron a Trotski
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky ; De Gepeoe slaat toe! ; Mord in Mexiko ; Mordet på Trotsky ; Murder in Mexico
Angl.: How Trotsky was assassinated

IDN  03310         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar:
De Gepeoe slaat toe! / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar en Julián Gorkin. Vert. door Jef Last. - Amsterdam : Breughel, 1948. - 184 pp.
Orig.: Así asesinaron a Trotski
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky ; Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky ; Mord in Mexiko ; Mordet på Trotsky ; Murder in Mexico
Angl.: The GPU hits

IDN  03311         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Mord in Mexiko
: die Ermordung Leo Trotzki's, ein Musterbeispiel des politischen Verbrechens / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar in Zusammenarbeit mit Julián Gorkin. Berechtigte Übers.: Ellen Engelmann. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. der Parma-Ed., 1952. - 334 pp.
Table of contents: p.15 Einleitung/J. Gorkin -- p.26 Teil 1, Der Kampf mit dem Tod (p.26 Ein Überfall - echt oder vorgetäuscht? -- p.56 Die Methoden der GPU -- p.66 Endlich auf der Spur -- p.96 Ein neues Glied in der Kette -- p.114 Die Leiche von Robert Sheldon Harte -- p.136 War Sheldon ein Agent der GPU?) -- p.150 Teil 2, Trotzki's Tod (p.150 Sie haben Trotzki verwundet -- p.166 Und so geschah es -- p.184 Jacson-Mornard's Version -- p.202 Schlagende Beweise -- p.222 Jacson-Mornard hat gelogen -- p.246 Jacson-Mornard, Torkof, oder ...? -- p.260 Die Verhaftung David Alfaro Siqueiros) -- p.284 Teil 3, Stalins Gangster und ihre Komplicen (p.284 Die NKWD im Ausland -- p.300 Jacson-Mornard, Agent der GPU) -- p.318 Anhang: Die wirkliche Identität von Trotzki's Mörder
Orig.: Así asesinaron a Trotski
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky ; Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky ; De Gepeoe slaat toe! ; Mordet på Trotsky ; Murder in Mexico
"Die Einleitung, Kap. 6 ['War Sheldon ein Agent der GPU?'], den gesamten III. Teil sowie die Anmerkungen dieses Buches schrieb Julian Gorkin" (p.13)
Transl. from the American ed. "Murder in Mexico"

IDN  03312         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Mordet på Trotsky
/ Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar i samarb. med Julián Gorkin. - Oslo : Arbeidernes Aktietr., 1955. - 175 pp.
Orig.: Así asesinaron a Trotski
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky ; Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky ; De Gepeoe slaat toe! ; Mord in Mexiko ; Murder in Mexico

IDN  03313         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Murder in Mexico
: the assassination of Leon Trotsky / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar ... with the collab. of Julián Gorkin. [Transl. by Phyllis Hawley]. - London : Secker & Warburg, 1950. - XIX, 235 pp.
Table of contents: p.IX Preface -- p.XI Introduction -- p.3 A real or staged attack? -- p.26 How the G.P.U. functions -- p.34 On the track at last -- p.57 A new link in the chain -- p.70 The corpse of Sheldon Harte -- p.87 Was Sheldon an agent of the G.P.U.? -- p.99 They have wounded Trotsky -- p.113 This is how it happened ... -- p.125 Jacson-Mornard's version -- p.138 Overwhelming evidence -- p.153 Jacson-Mornard has lied -- p.173 Jacson-Mornard, Torkof, or ...? -- p.184 The arrest of David Siqueiros -- p.205 The N.K.V.D. abroad -- p.216 Jacson-Mornard: the attempt at rescue -- p.231 Appendix: The real identity of Trotsky's assassin
Orig.: Así asesinaron a Trotski
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky ; Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky ; De Gepeoe slaat toe! ; Mord in Mexiko ; Mordet på Trotsky

IDN  03314         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Murder in Mexico
: the assassination of Leon Trotsky / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar ... with the collab. of Julián Gorkin. [Transl. by Phyllis Hawley]. - Westport, Conn. : Hyperion Pr., 1973. - XIX, 235 pp.
ISBN 0-88355-049-0

Orig.: Así asesinaron a Trotski
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky ; Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky ; De Gepeoe slaat toe! ; Mord in Mexiko ; Mordet på Trotsky
Reprint of the 1950 ed.

IDN  03315         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sanguigni, Osvaldo: Stalin-Trockij

In: Slavia : rivista trimestrale di cultura ‹Roma› 12.2003 (4) : pp. 150-156

Part of a multi-part journal article with title "Iosif Vissarionovič Stalin"

IDN  03316         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Schubert, Elke: Chronik eines angekündigten Mordes
: vor 50 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki in Mexiko ermordet
In: Die Tageszeitung : TAZ ‹Berlin etc.› [ISSN 0931-9085] 1990 (Aug.21=Nr.3189) : pp. 15-16

Angl.: Chronicle of an announced murder

IDN  03317         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Schubert, Elke: Stalin - Trotzki
: der Mörder kam als Freund des Hauses
In: Die Neue Gesellschaft - Frankfurter Hefte ‹Bonn› [ISSN 0177-6738] 47.2000 (1/2) : pp. 42-43

IDN  03318         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotski
/ H.S. Hegner [i.e. Harry Schulze-Wilde, pseud. of Harry Paul Schulze]. Trad. de Ángel Sabrido
In: Schulze-Wilde, H.: Tres asesinatos. (Barcelona, 1969)

Orig.: Trotzki

IDN  03319         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotzki
/ Harry Schulze
In: Schulze-Wilde, H.: Politische Morde unserer Zeit. Studienausg. (Frankfurt a.M., 1966) : pp. 185-241

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski

IDN  03320        Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotzki, der besiegte Sieger   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03321         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Schwarz, Mauricio-José: Enigmas por resolver
: la fascinación de un crimen
In: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior ‹México, D.F.› 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp. 66-67

Angl.: Enigmas to solve

IDN  03322         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Schwarz, Peter: 75 Jahre seit der Ermordung Leo Trotzkis

In: Gleichheit : Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik & Kultur ‹Essen; later: Berlin› [ISSN 1434-5617] 2016 (1) : pp. 37-42

On cover: Warum und wie ermordete die GPU Leo Trotzki?

IDN  03323        Scope of Soviet activity in the United States   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03324         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Com'e' accaduto
/ Natalia Sedova
In: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 23-28

Orig.: Tak ėto bylo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment s'est arrivé ; Como se deu o assassínio ; How it happened
Angl.: How it happened

IDN  03325         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Come è stato colpito e come è morto
/ Natalia Trotzky
In: Bandiera rossa ‹Roma; later: Milano› [ISSN 0404-8172 - ISSN 1122-519X] 6.1955 (7)

Transl. from the French
Extracted from: Serge, Victor: Vie et mort de Trotsky [see ch. 2.1]
Angl.: How he was hit and how he died

IDN  03326         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Comment s'est arrivé
/ Natalie Trotsky
In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 1946) : pp. 33-39

Orig.: Tak ėto bylo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Com'e' accaduto ; Como se deu o assassínio ; How it happened
Angl.: How it happened

IDN  03327         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Comment s'est arrivé
/ Natalia Sedova
In: Hommage à Natalia Sedova-Trotsky. (Paris, 1962) : pp. 95-109

Orig.: Tak ėto bylo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Com'e' accaduto ; Como se deu o assassínio ; How it happened
Dated Nov. 1940

IDN  03328         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Como se deu o assassínio
/ Natalia Sedov Trotsky
In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 185-198

Orig.: Tak ėto bylo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Com'e' accaduto ; Comment s'est arrivé ; How it happened
Angl.: How the assassination happened

IDN  03329         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Connection between Siqueiros and Jacson
/ Natalia Sedov Trotsky
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 5.1941 (16) : p. 5

IDN  03330         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: How it happened
/ Natalia Sedov Trotsky
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 2.1941 (4=11) : ppp. 100-103

Orig.: Tak ėto bylo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Com'e' accaduto ; Comment s'est arrivé ; Como se deu o assassínio

IDN  03331         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: How it happened
/ Natalia Sedov Trotsky
In: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 35-39

Orig.: Tak ėto bylo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Com'e' accaduto ; Comment s'est arrivé ; Como se deu o assassínio

IDN  03332         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Stalin's guilt
/ Natalia Sedov Trotsky
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 8.1947 (5=78) : pp. 144-146

IDN  03333         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sedova, Natal'ja Ivanovna: Tak ėto bylo
/ Natalija Sedova-Trockaja
In: Bjulleten' oppozicii ‹Various places› 12.1941 (85) : pp. 1-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Com'e' accaduto ; Comment s'est arrivé ; Como se deu o assassínio ; How it happened
Angl.: How it happened

IDN  03334         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Señor Ramon Mercader
: assassin of Trotsky
In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1978 (60438=Oct.21) : p. 9


IDN  03335         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Seth, Ronald: Comment Léon Trotsky fut traqué jusqu'à la mort

In: Seth, R.: Smersh. (Paris, 1970) : pp. 111-124

Orig.: The hunting-down of Leon Trotsky
Angl.: How Leon Trotsky was hunted down

IDN  03336         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Seth, Ronald:
The hunting-down of Leon Trotsky
In: Seth, R.: The executioners. (London, 1967) : pp. 77-86

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment Léon Trotsky fut traqué jusqu'à la mort

IDN  03337         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Seth, Ronald:
The hunting-down of Leon Trotsky
In: Seth, R.: The executioners. (New York, NY, 1968) : pp. 77-86

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment Léon Trotsky fut traqué jusqu'à la mort

IDN  03338         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Settembrini, Domenico:
L' assassinio di Trotzki
In: I Grandi fatti. 5. (Milano, 1978) : pp. 41-48

Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03339         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sheridan, Guillermo: Rescatando a Mercader
: (un episodio del espionaje soviético en México)
In: Letras libres ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 1606-5913] 8.2006 (87) : pp. 62-69

Notes: 37
Angl.: Liberating Mercader

IDN  03340         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sicherheitsfragen und die Vierte Internationale
: Antwort des Politischen Komitees der Workers Revolutionary Party auf den Artikel von Joseph Hansen "Das Geheimnis von Healys 'Dialektik'". - Essen : Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter, 1975. - 63 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Der Fall Wohlforth -- p.11 Trotzkis Ermordung -- p.19 Der Fall Etienne -- p.26 Die CIA dringt ein -- p.32 Die Revisionisten öffnen der Polizei Tür und Tor -- p.39 Hansens Verleumdungskampagne -- p.52 Einige politische Lehren
Transl. from the Engl.
Angl.: Problems of security and the Fourth International

IDN  03341        Siegel, Paul Noah: The last years of Stalin and Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03342         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sierra, Julio A.: Trotsky

In: Sierra, J.A.: Grandes asesinatos del siglo XX. (Buenos Aires, 2003) : pp. 77-95

IDN  03343         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Siqueiros, David Alfaro:
The assault on the house of Leon Trotsky [Electronic resource] / transl. from the Span. by Philip Stein. - 19 KB (10 pp.)
In: Revolutionary Democracy [Electronic journal] ‹Delhi› 6.2000 (1)

Notes: 6
A Russ. transl. is contained in author's "Menja nazyvali Lichim Polkovnikom", Moskva, 1986, and in: Agitator (Moskva), 1989 (18)
Accessed July 15, 2016

IDN  03344         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Siqueiros, David Alfaro: Por qué el "atentado" contra Trotsky

In: Siqueiros, D.A.: Me llamabran el Coronelazo : memorias. (México, D.F., 1977)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Weshalb das Attentat auf Trotzki?
A Russ. transl. is contained in author's "Menja nazyvali Lichim Polkovnikom", Moskva, 1986, and in: Agitator (Moskva), 1989 (18)
Angl.: Why the assault against Trotsky?

IDN  03345         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Siqueiros, David Alfaro: Weshalb das Attentat auf Trotzki?
/ Übers.: Rose Gromulat
In: Siqueiros, D.A.: Man nannte mich den "Großen Oberst" : Erinnerungen. (Berlin, 1988) : pp. 333-354

Orig.: Por qué el "atentado" contra Trotsky
A Russ. transl. is contained in author's "Menja nazyvali Lichim Polkovnikom", Moskva, 1986, and in: Agitator (Moskva), 1989 (18)
Angl.: Why the assault against Trotsky?

IDN  03346         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Skierka, Volker:
Der tödliche Schlag : vor sechzig Jahren wurde der russische Revolutionär Leo Trotzki von einem Agenten Stalins [...] erschlagen ; sein Enkel erinnert sich
In: Berliner Zeitung ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0947-174X] 56.2000 (Aug.26/27=Nr.199,Magazin) : p. 3

Angl.: The deadly blow

IDN  03347         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Smert' meždunarodnogo špiona

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1940 (Aug.24=no.235) : p. 5

Anonymously publ. short article about the assassination of Trotsky. (Co-)authorship attributed to I.V. Stalin
See also Stalin, I.V.: Smert' ..., in: L.D. Trockij : pro et contra, Sankt-Peterburg, 2016, pp. 356-358 and 814-815
Angl.: Death of an international spy

IDN  03348        Soto-Pérez-de-Celis, Enrique: The death of Leon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03349         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Souchy, Augustin: Trotzky und seine Mörder
: letzte Enthüllungen über den Trotzky-Mord
In: Geist und Tat ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0344-2098] 15.1960 (6) : pp. 176-179

Angl.: Trotsky and his assassins

IDN  03350         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sparrow, Gerald:
The feud
In: Sparrow, G.: Great assassins. (London, 1968) : pp. 27-37

IDN  03351         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sparrow, Gerald:
The feud
In: Sparrow, G.: Great assassins. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 27-37

IDN  03352         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Steinmetz, Eigil: Lev Trotskij

In: Steinmetz, E.: Attentater og politiske mord fra Marat til Kennedy. (København, 1966)

IDN  03353         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Steinmetz, Eigil: Lev Trotskij

In: Steinmetz, E.: Attentater og politiske mord fra Marat til Kennedy. (Oslo, 1967)

IDN  03354         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Steinmetz, Eigil: Lev Trotskij

In: Steinmetz, E.: Attentat och politiska mord från Marat till John F. Kennedy. (Stockholm, 1971)

IDN  03355         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Storm the skies
[Film] / prod.: José Luis López-Linares y Javier Rioyo. - [S.l.] : Cinematica, 2006. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 1 h, 36 min.
Orig.: Asaltar los cielos
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ramon Mercader, Mörder Trotzkis [not recorded in LLTB]
Documentary film about Ramón Mercader, murderer of Leon Trotsky
Span. with Engl. subtitles

IDN  03356         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič:
El asesinato de Trotski / Pavel Sudoplatov y Anatoli Sudoplatov. Con la colab. de Jerrold L. y Leona P. Schecter. Trad. de Pedro Fontana
In: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Operaciones especiales. (Barcelona, 1994) : pp. 101-125

Orig.: Likvidacija Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: The assassination of Trotsky ; L'assassinat de Trotsky ; Die Ermordung Trotzkijs ; Mordet på Trotskij

IDN  03357         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič:
L' assassinat de Trotsky / Pavel Soudoplatov et Anatoli Soudoplatov
In: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Missions spéciales. (Paris, 1994) : pp. 97-120

Orig.: Likvidacija Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ermordung Trotzkijs ; The assassination of Trotsky ; El asesinato de Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij
Abridged French version publ. in: L'assassinat de Trotsky, Paris 2000, pp. 31-34

IDN  03358         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič:
The assassination of Trotsky / Pawel Sudoplatov and Anatoli Sudoplatov
In: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Special tasks. (Boston [etc.], 1994) : pp. 65-86

Notes: 9
Orig.: Likvidacija Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ermordung Trotzkijs ; L'assassinat de Trotsky ; El asesinato de Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij

IDN  03359         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič:
Die Ermordung Trotzkijs / Pawel Anatoljewitsch Sudoplatow ; Anatolij Sudoplatow. Aus dem Amerikan. von Sonja Schumacher [et al.]
In: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Der Handlanger der Macht. (Düsseldorf [etc.], 1994) : pp. 106-134

Notes: 9
Orig.: Likvidacija Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: The assassination of Trotsky ; L'assassinat de Trotsky ; El asesinato de Trotski ; Mordet på Trotskij

IDN  03360         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič: Likvidacija Trockogo
/ Pavel Sudoplatov
In: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Specoperacii. (Moskva, 1997) : pp. 102-132

Other ed., versions, transl.: The assassination of Trotsky ; L'assassinat de Trotsky ; El asesinato de Trotski ; Die Ermordung Trotzkijs ; Mordet på Trotskij

IDN  03361         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič: Mordet på Trotskij
/ Pavel och Anatolij Suduplatov. Övers. av John-Henri Holmberg
In: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Direktoratet. (Stockholm, 1994) : pp. 85-106

Notes: 10
Orig.: Likvidacija Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: The assassination of Trotsky ; Die Ermordung Trotzkijs ; L'assassinat de Trotsky ; El asesinato de Trotski

IDN  03362         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Téllez Vargas, Eduardo:
El asesinato de Trotsky
In: Comunidad CONACyT ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-190X] 7.1981 (121/122) : pp. 118-132

Angl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03363         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Téllez Vargas, Eduardo:
El asesinato de Trotsky
In: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior ‹México, D.F.› 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp. 34-45

Reprinted from: Comunidad CONACyT (México, D.F.), 7.1981 (121/122)

IDN  03364         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Teper, Efim Markovič: Terrakt Ramona Merkadera
/ Efim Teper
In: Neva ‹Leningrad; later: Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 0028-4009 - ISSN 0130-741X] 1989 (3) : pp. 201-208

Notes: 3
Angl.: Ramón Mercader's terror act

IDN  03365         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Topf, Silvia:
Die Ermordung Leo Trotzkis. - München : Bayerischer Rundfunk, 1990. - 17 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Ms. of radio broadcast
Angl.: The assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  03366         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Tranchal, J.:
L' assassinat de Trotsky
In: Le Miroir de l'histoire ‹Paris› [ISSN 0544-3938] 1957 (95) : pp. 575-582

Angl.: Trotsky's assassination

IDN  03367        Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03368         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky : rise and fall of a revolutionary
[Film] / a film by Daniel Ast and Jürgen Ast. Produced by Ast Film for BR, ARTE, RBB. - West Long Branch, NJ : Kultur International Films Ltd., [2009]. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 53 min
Orig.: Trotzki
DVD recording of a TV documentary, originally broadcast on German/French programme ARTE, Oct. 31, 2007. Containing some previously unseen archival film footage as well as commentaries by J.-J. Marie, A. Applebaum, A. Vatlin, and N. Werth

IDN  03369         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky assassinated in Mexico
[Film] / Tom Hudson, narrator. Writers: Allan Lurie ... - [S.l.] : Filmrite Associates, released by Official Films Inc., 1960. - 1 film reel (16 mm), running time: 3 min. - (Greatest headlines of the century)

IDN  03370         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky cremated in Mexican capital

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug.28) : p. 6

IDN  03371         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky injured in attack on home

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (May 25) : p. 1

IDN  03372        Trotsky y México   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03373         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky, wounded by 'friend' in home, is believed dying

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug.21) : p. 1

IDN  03374         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky's assassin at large
/ International Committee of the Fourth International. - London, 1977. - 40 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)
Reprinted from: News Line (London), 1976 (Jan.4-14 and 17-22)

IDN  03375         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky's assassin set free
/ from our correspondent
In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1960 (54766=May 9) : p. 11

IDN  03376         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky's assassin wants to be left in peace
: must leave Mexico after release / from a correspondent
In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1960 (54761=May 3) : p. 11

IDN  03377         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotsky's killer freed by Mexico

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1960 (May 7) : p. 1

IDN  03378         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
: ein Film von Daniel & Jürgen Ast [Film] / Prod.: ARTE und RBB. - [S.l.] : ARTE [etc.], 2007. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 53 min
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky : rise and fall of a revolutionary
DVD recording of a TV documentary, originally broadcast on ARTE, Oct. 31, 2007. Containing some previously unseen archival film footage as well as commentaries by J.-J. Marie, A. Applebaum, A. Vatlin, and N. Werth

IDN  03379         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotzki : Tod eines Propheten
[Film] / Beratung: Harry Schulze-Wilde. Buch und Regie: André Libik. Produktion: Sender Freies Berlin. - [Berlin : Sender Freies Berlin, 1965]. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 48 min - (Der politische Mord)
DVD recording of a TV documentary, originally broadcast on Deutsches Fernsehen, Erstes Programm, April 15, 1965 as part of the series "Der politische Mord"
DVD recording was made by RBB Media GmbH Mitschnittservice, Berlin, June 14, 2007
A review by Gerbel [i.e. Georg Jungclas] was publ. in: Die Internationale : theoretisches Organ des revolutionären Marxismus (Paris), 10.1965 (1/2), pp. 43-45
Angl.: Trotsky : death of a prophet

IDN  03380        Trotzki in Coyoacan   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03381         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
: verwischte Spuren
In: Der Spiegel ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0038-7452] 14.1960 (21) : pp. 58-62

Angl.: Trotsky's assassin : covered tracks

IDN  03382         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
: neue Rätsel ; wollte Trotzkis Mörder Ramón Mercader die Hintergründe seines Verbrechens enthüllen?
In: Der Spiegel ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0038-7452] 32.1978 (45) : pp. 196-202

Angl.: Trotsky's assassin : new mysteries ...

IDN  03383         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotzkis Mörder gestorben
: Ramón Mercader lebte zuletzt in Cuba
In: Süddeutsche Zeitung ‹München› [ISSN 0174-4917] 1978 (243=Oct.21) : p. 2

Angl.: Trotsky's assassin has died

IDN  03384         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Trotzkis Mörder stirbt in Havanna an Knochenkrebs

In: Die Welt ‹Hamburg; later: Berlin› [ISSN 0173-8437] 1978 (246=Oct.23) : p. 5

Angl.: Trotsky's assassin dies of bone cancer in Havanna

IDN  03385         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Tuckman, Jo: 'Ice-pick that killed Trotsky' found in Mexico

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2005 (June 16) : p. 2

IDN  03386         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Tuckman, Jo: Trotsky's murder remembered by grandson, 72 years on
: Esteban Volkov recalls ...
In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2012 (Aug.20) : p. 13

IDN  03387         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Ubijstvo L'va Trockogo
[Electronic resource]. - 372 KB (15 pp.)
Wikipedia article (in Russian language), accessed Sept. 6, 2022
Angl.: The murder of Leon Trotsky

IDN  03388         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Uboldi, Raffaello:
Un sicario cento misteri : cinquant'anni fa l'assassinio di Trotzkij
In: Storia illustrata ‹Milano› [ISSN 0039-1913] 1990 (July/Aug.) : pp. 46-51

Other ed., versions, transl.: Tajna villy v Kojoakane
Angl.: A hired killer and a hundred mysteries

IDN  03389         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Uboldi, Raffaello: Tajna villy v Kojoakane
/ Raffaėllo Ubol'di
In: Za rubežom ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0044-1554] 1990 (34=1571=Aug.17/23) : p. 17

Orig.: Un sicario cento misteri
Angl.: The mystery of the villa at Coyoacán

IDN  03390         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Unger, Leopold: Widziane z Brukseli

In: Kultura ‹Paryz› [ISSN 0023-5148] 1983 (3) : pp. 70-81

Angl.: The view from Brussels

IDN  03391         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
U.S. forbids entry of Trotsky's body

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug.25) : p. 6

IDN  03392         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Uthmann, Jörg von: Liebe schwärmt auf allen Wegen
: Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki
In: Uthmann, J. von: Attentat. (Berlin, 1996) : pp. 125-132

Angl.: Love abounds everywhere

IDN  03393        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: "Amury", "kroliki" i Kain Koba   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03394         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Likvidacija
: kto i počemu ubil Trockogo / N. Vaseckij
In: Literaturnaja gazeta ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0024-4848] 1989 (Jan.4=nr.1=5223) : p. 13

Other ed., versions, transl.: Liquidation
Angl.: Liquidation : who killed Trotsky and why

IDN  03395         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Likvidacija
: Stalin, Trockij, Zinov'ev ; fragmenty političeskich sudeb / Nikolaj Vaseckij. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1989. - 202 pp.
ISBN 5-239-00859-0

Bibliogr.: pp. 193-195
Angl.: Liquidation

IDN  03396         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Liquidation
: who killed Trotsky and why ; evidence and versions from various years / N. Vasetskii
In: Soviet Law and Government ‹Armonk, NY› [ISSN 0038-5530] 28.1989/90 (3) : pp. 81-92

Table of contents: p.82 Let us begin at the end -- p.83 The murderer -- p.84 The motives of the crime -- p.85 The diaries -- p.87 The duel -- p.88 A program for political revolution -- p.90 How did Stalin respond? -- p.91 The final act
Orig.: Likvidacija
Other ed., versions, transl.: La liquidation

IDN  03397         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič:
La liquidation : "qui a tué Trotski et pourquoi?" ; (témoignages et versions d'années diverses) / N. Vassetski
In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 2000) : pp. 61-62

Orig.: Likvidacija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Liquidation

IDN  03398         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Vasilkova, Inna:
El hombre sin biografía : (Ramón Mercader, asesino de León Trotsky)
In: Siempre : presencia de México ‹México, D.F.› 45.1998 (2373) : pp. 78-79

Angl.: A man without biography

IDN  03399         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Venner, Dominique:
La longue traque des tueurs de Trotski : le récit de cette opération secrète vaut tous les romans [...]
In: La Nouvelle revue d'histoire : NRH ‹Paris› [ISSN 1764-2019] 2008 (34) : pp. 48-53

Notes: 10
Angl.: The long hunt of Trotsky's assassins

IDN  03400         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Venner, Dominique: Mexico, 20 août 1940 - Trotsky
: deux ans d'approche, vingt ans de silence
In: Venner, D.: Treize meurtres exemplaires. (Paris, 1988) : pp. 141-163

Notes: 13
Angl.: Mexico, August 20, 1940 - Trotsky

IDN  03401        Vereeken, Georges: The GPU in the Trotskyist movement   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03402        Vereeken, Georges: La Guépéou dans le mouvement trotskiste   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  03403         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Villalpando César, José Manuel: León Trotsky : sólo cumplieron órdenes
/ José Manuel Villalpando ; Alejandro Rosas
In: Villalpando César, J.M.: Muertes históricas. (México, D.F., 2008) : pp. 187-198

IDN  03404        Vogt-Downey, Marilyn: An assessment of Trotsky's assassination in Ogonyok   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  03405         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Demon revoljucii
/ Dmitrij Volkogonov
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1988 (Sept.9=nr.253) : p. 4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski y Stalin ; Trotzki : Dämon der Revolution ; León Trotski : demono de la revolución
Angl.: Demon of the revolution

IDN  03406         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Demon revoljucii
/ Dmitrij Volkogonov
In: Sputnik ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0131-8748] 1989 (5) : pp. 82-89

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki : Dämon der Revolution ; Trotski y Stalin ; León Trotski : demono de la revolución
Angl.: Demon of the revolution

IDN  03407         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič:
La fin de l'histoire officielle? / propos recueillis par Enrico Singer
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1990 (314) : pp. 18-20

Transl. from the Ital.
Interview first publ. in La Stampa (Milano), 1990 (July 26)
Angl.: End of the official history?

IDN  03408         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: León Trotski : demonio de la revolución
/ Dmitri Volkogonov
In: Panorama internacional / Suplemento teórico ‹Lima› 1988 (10) : pp. 3-16

Orig.: Demon revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski y Stalin ; Trotzki und Stalin ; Trotzki : Dämon der Revolution
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : demon of the revolution

IDN  03409         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotski y Stalin
/ Dmitri Volkogonov
In: Sputnik : revista mensual ‹Moscú› 1989 (5) : pp. 82-90

Orig.: Demon revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki und Stalin ; Trotzki : Dämon der Revolution ; León Trotski : demonio de la revolución
Angl.: Trotsky and Stalin

IDN  03410         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotzki : Dämon der Revolution
/ Dmitri Wolkogonow
In: Sputnik : Digest der sowjetischen Presse ‹Moskau› [ISSN 0131-073X] 1989 (5) : pp. 82-90

Orig.: Demon revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski y Stalin ; León Trotski : demonio de la revolución
Angl.: Trotsky : demon of the revolution

IDN  03411         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotzki und Stalin
/ Dmitri Wolkogonow
In: Sowjetunion Heute ‹Wien› [ISSN 0490-1541] 34.1989 (12) : pp. 58-63

Orig.: Demon revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski y Stalin ; Trotzki : Dämon der Revolution ; León Trotski : demonio de la revolución
Angl.: Trotsky and Stalin

IDN  03412         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkov, Esteban:
El asesinato de León Trotsky [Electronic resource] / trad. de Guillermo Cruz de la versión publicada en "In Defense of Marxism"". - 34 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Aug. 1999
Accessed Febr. 6, 2014
Angl.: The assassination of Leon Trotsky

IDN  03413         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkov, Esteban:
The day of the ice axe : a visit with Trotsky's grandson
In: The New Republic ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0028-6583] 179.1978 (21=2332) : pp. 19-25

Other ed., versions, transl.: Témoignage de Esteban Volkov, petit fils de Trotski
Interview conducted by Maria Antonietta Macciocchio. With introd. notes by Jack Beatty

IDN  03414        Volkov, Esteban: Ešče odno svidetel'stvo poslednich let žizni i gibeli L.D. Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03415         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkov, Esteban: "Il est nécessaire de rétablir la vérité historique"
: l'assassinat de Léon Trotsky [Electronic resource]. - 12 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Aug. 2003
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006
Angl.: It is necessary to reconstruct the historical truth

IDN  03416        Volkov, Esteban: My life with Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03417        Volkov, Esteban: Recuerdos de la casas de la Calle Viena   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03418         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkov, Esteban: Reflection on the legacy of Leon Trotsky
[Electronic resource] / Esteban Volkov. - 19 KB (2 pp.)
Esteban Volkov remembering the day of Trotsky's assassination
Dated Aug. 2008
Accessed May 15, 2015

IDN  03419         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkov, Esteban: Témoignage de Esteban Volkov, petit fils de Trotski

In: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 2000) : pp. 55-56

Orig.: The day of the ice axe
Reprinted from: Le Monde (Paris), 1978 (Oct.22/23)
Interview conducted by Maria Antonietta Macciocchi
Angl.: Testimony of Esteban Volkov, Trotsky's grandson

IDN  03420         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Volkov, Esteban: Trotzkis Tod
[Electronic resource] / Esteban Wolkow. - 1-2. - 131 KB (11 pp.)
Interview conducted by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), March 19, 2003
Pt. 1 with title "Mord in Stalins Auftrag", pt. 2 with title "Der Mörder kam als Gast"
Accessed Dec. 2, 2009. - URL defunct as at Oct. 10, 2010
Angl.: Trotsky's death

IDN  03421         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Vorob'ev, Lev:
L' assassinat de Trotsky décrit par ses assassins / [Lev Vorobiev]. Trad. du russe par Jean-Michel Krivine
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2000 (449/450) : pp. 54-62

Notes: 8
Other ed., versions, transl.: Opération "Canard"
Angl.: Trotsky's assassination described by his murderers

IDN  03422         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Vorob'ev, Lev: Opération "Canard"
/ Lev Vorobiev. Trad. du russe par Jean-Michel Krivine
In: Critique communiste ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] [N.s.] 1998 (151) : pp. 92-94

Other ed., versions, transl.: L'assassinat de Trotsky décrit par ses assassins
Angl.: Operation "duck"

IDN  03423         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Walsh, Lynn: 40 years since Leon Trotsky's assassination

In: Militant International Review ‹London› [ISSN 0144-9265] 1980 (20) : pp. 11-22

Other ed., versions, transl.: The assassination of Trotsky

IDN  03424         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Walsh, Lynn:
The assassination of Trotsky
In: Militant International Review ‹London› [ISSN 0144-9265] 1990 (44) : pp. 23-31

Orig.: 40 years since Leon Trotsky's assassination
Slightly rev.

IDN  03425         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Walsh, Lynn:
The assassination of Trotsky
In: Socialism Today ‹London› [ISSN 1360-2055] 2000 (49)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Mordet på Trotskij ; Trotzkis Ermordung

IDN  03426         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Walsh, Lynn: Mordet på Trotskij
: Trotskij försvarade genuin marxism - hotet mot Stalins diktatur / övers.: Per-Olov Eklund
In: Offensiv ‹Farsta› [ISSN 0348-5447] 2000 (410) : pp. 5-8

Orig.: The assassination of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkis Ermordung

IDN  03427         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Walsh, Lynn: Trotzkis Ermordung

In: Trotzki, Trotzkismus, Vierte Internationale. (Berlin, 2014) : pp. 38-55

Notes: 13
Orig.: The assassination of Trotsky
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mordet på Trotskij

IDN  03428         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Warum Leo Trotzki ermordet wurde
/ Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter. - Essen : Gervinus-Verl., 1980. - 48 pp. - (Sicherheit und die Vierte Internationale)
ISBN 3-88634-014-7

First publ. with title "39 Jahre seit Trotzkis Ermordung", in: Neue Arbeiterpresse (Essen), 1979 (144-147)
Angl.: Why Leon Trotsky was murdered

IDN  03429         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
We brand Stalin as murderer of Trotsky
/ National Committee, Socialist Workers Party
In: Socialist Appeal : official weekly organ of the Socialist Workers Party ‹New York, NY› 4.1940 (34) : p. 1, 3

IDN  03430         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Weaver, Christopher:
The assassination of Trotsky
In: History Today ‹London› [ISSN 0018-2753] 21.1971 : pp. 697-707

IDN  03431         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Who killed Trotsky?
/ Ye.M.
In: Problems of Communism ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0032-941X] 17.1968 (5) : pp. 78-79

IDN  03432        Wieland, Leo: Die musealisierte Revolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03433         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Wilhelm, Marion Bell: Mi amigo, el asesino de Trotsky
/ Marion Bell-Wilhlem. Versión de Pedro Cavallazzi Soriano
In: Tiempo ‹México, D.F.› 1962 (146) : p. 5

Orig.: My friend, Trotsky's assassin
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mon ami, l'assassin de Trotski

IDN  03434         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Wilhelm, Marion Bell: Mon ami, l'assassin de Trotski
/ trad. de Marguerite Yerta Mélera
In: Le Miroir de l'histoire ‹Paris› [ISSN 0544-3938] 1962 (146) : pp. 186-192

Orig.: My friend, Trotsky's assassin
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mi amigo, el asesino de Trotsky

IDN  03435         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Wilhelm, Marion Bell: My friend, Trotsky's assassin

In: Saturday Evening Post ‹Philadelphia, Pa.› [ISSN 0048-9239] 232.1960 (50) : pp. 25-27, 107-108, 110, 112

Other ed., versions, transl.: Mi amigo, el asesino de Trotsky ; Mon ami, l'assassin de Trotski

IDN  03436         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Wilson, Colin:
The assassination of Leon Trotsky
In: The murder casebook / ed. by C. Wilson. 2. (London, 2005)

IDN  03437         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Wolfe, Bernard:
The man who murdered Trotsky
In: Coronet ‹Chicago, Ill.› 46.1959 (July) : pp. 91-97

IDN  03438        Woods, Alan: The house in Coyoacan : reflections on Trotsky's last years   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03439        Woods, Alan: Het huis in Coyoacan : overpeinzingen bij de laatste jaren van Trotski   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  03440         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Young, James Douglas: How the world saw Trotsky's murder
/ James D. Young
In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1995 (514) : p. 7

IDN  03441         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Zander, Ulrich: Mordbefehl an "Mornard"
: Politmord [Electronic resource]. - 23 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Aug. 21, 2015
Accessed Aug. 26, 2015
Angl.: Order to carry out a murder for "Mornard"

IDN  03442         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Zavorotnyj, Sergej Borisovič: Disparos contra Trotsky
/ Serguéi Zavorotni
In: Socialismo - teoría y práctica : selecciones de la prensa soviética ‹Moscú› [ISSN 0132-1498] 1989 (10=195) : pp. 106-111

Transl. from Komsomol'skaja pravda (Moskva)
Angl.: Shots on Trotsky

IDN  03443         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Zen'kovič, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Ubijstvo v Kojoakane
/ N.A. Zen'kovič
In: Zen'kovič, N.A.: Tajny kremlevskich smertej. (Moskva, 1995) : pp. 52-79

Angl.: Murder at Coyoacán

IDN  03444         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Zentner, Christian:
Der Fall Trotzki und die rote Moral
In: Zentner, C.: ... den Dolch im Gewande : politischer Mord durch zwei Jahrtausende. (München, 1968) : pp. 11-36

Angl.: The case of Leon Trotsky and red morals

IDN  03445         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Žizn' prekrasna
[Film] / avtor scenarija: Julij Nikolin. Režisser: Petr Mostovoj. - [Moskva : Central'naja Studija Dokumental'nych Filmov, 1990]. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 25 min
Soviet documentary about Trotsky and his assassination depicting some rare film and photo material from Soviet archives. Description based on a DVD video recording from a TV broadcast (exact date unknown)
In Russian
Angl.: Life is beautiful

IDN  03446         LLTB  Chapter  2.8.08
Znamenski, Andrei: Joseph Grigulevich : a tale of identity, Soviet espionage, and storytelling

In: The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review ‹Leiden etc.› [ISSN 0094-2863 - 1075-1262] 44.2017 (3) : pp. 314-341

Notes: 74
With abstract
Iosif Romualdovič Grigulevič (1913-1988) was a Soviet intelligence operative planning and conducting various tasks of murder, thus the assassination of Trotsky in 1940