LLTB Chapter 4
IDN 07626 Andersson, Kenth-Åke: Lögnens renässans ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…
IDN 07627 LLTB Chapter 4
Annenkov, Jurij Pavlovič: Peinture et révolution : propos de Lénine et de Trotsky sur l'art pictural d'après les souvenirs d'un portraitiste officiel [Electronic resource] / Iouri Annenkov. Trad. inédite du russe par Pavel Chinsky
In: Labyrinthe [Electronic journal] ‹Paris› [ISSN 1950-6031] 2000 (6) : pp. 113-118 (61 KB)
URL: http://labyrinthe.revues.org/index408.html
Notes: 4
Accessed Febr. 9, 2010
Angl.: Painting and revolution
IDN 07628 LLTB Chapter 4
Aranha, Otávio Luiz Pinheiro: Leon Trotsky e educação : contribuções ao debate sobre educação socialista. - 471 pp.
Salvador, Univ. Federal da Bahia, Tese dout., 2021
Table of contents: p.17 Introdução -- p.44 Trotsky e educação: primeiras aproximações -- p.90 Revolução russa de 1917: história, contexto e Leon Trotsky -- p.140 Educação e arte militar- p.216 Modo de vida, cultura, arte, educação e socialismo -- p.398 Conclusões, mas segue o debate... -- p.416 Referências -- p.443 Apêndices A-C -- p.459 Anexos A-E
Bibliogr.: pp. 416-441
Notes: 372
Director of thesis: Elza Margarida Mendonça Peixoto
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and education
IDN 07629 LLTB Chapter 4
Artemenko, Valerij Ivanovič: Esenin i Trockij : demokratičeskaja platforma vzaimoponimanija
In: Al'ternativy : teoretičeskij i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal = Alternatives ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2304-2451] 2019 (4) : pp. 132-160
IDN 07630 LLTB Chapter 4
Averbach, Leopol'd Leonidovič: Trotzky und Majakowsky / L. Awerbach
In: Literatur der Weltrevolution ‹Moskau› 1931 (2) : pp. 135-140
Transl. from the Russ.
IDN 07631 LLTB Chapter 4
Azevedo, Vinicius: Questões sobre cultura em León Trótski [Electronic resource]
In: II Encontro Internacional León Trótski : anais do evento realizado no Brasil em agosto de 2023 / org.: I. Rossignoli [et al.] [E-book] (São José do Rio Preto, 2024) : pp. 216-235
Table of contents: p.216 Introdução -- p.219 Cultura "burguesa" e cultura "proletária" -- p.25 Elevação cultural -- p.228 Ciência e sociedade -- p.232 Considerações finais
Notes: 16
Paper originally submitted to the II [Segunda] Encontro Internacional León Trótski, São Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2023
URL of E-book: https://ia801704.us.archive.org/27/items/ebook-2encontrotrotski/ebook-2encontro.pdf
Accessed July 22, 2024
Angl.: Problems of culture in Leon Trotsky
IDN 07632 LLTB Chapter 4
Azevedo, Vinicius: Trotski e as tarefas da educação comunista [Electronic resource]
In: Trótski em permanência : anais do evento online de 2021 / M.L. Monteiro (org.) [E-book] (São José do Rio Preto, 2023) : pp. 350-373
URL: https://ia801606.us.archive.org/21/items/tp21_20230302/Ebook.pdf [=link to entire e-book]
Bibliogr.: pp. 371-373
Notes: 10
Paper prep. for a virtual online symposium, Aug. 2-6, 2021
Accessed June 30, 2023
Angl.: Trotsky and the tasks of communist education
IDN 07633 LLTB Chapter 4
Babenko-Woodbury, Victoria: Trockij and Tolstoj on art and the future of man : utopia or reality
In: Russian Language Journal ‹East Lansing, Mich.› [ISSN 0036-0252] 36.1982 (123/124) : pp. 161-179
Notes: 66
IDN 07634 LLTB Chapter 4
Baker, William: Trotsky's vision of librarians / William Baker and Jitka Hurych
In: American Libraries ‹Chicago, Ill.› [ISSN 0002-9769] 22.1991 (11) : pp. 1030-1032
Notes: 6
IDN 07635 LLTB Chapter 4
Bandeira, Moniz: O marxismo e a questão cultural
In: Trockij, L.D.: Literatura e revolução. (Rio de Janeiro, 1969) : pp.7-18
Angl.: Marxism and the cultural question
IDN 07636 LLTB Chapter 4
Barjamović, Miro: Trockij og den russiske formalisme : bidrag til klarlæggelse af problematikken omkring det kulturelle og litterære liv in 1920'ernes Rusland. - 1-[2]. - Aarhus, 1978-79 - (Arbejdspapirer / Slavisk Institut, Århus Universitet [ISSN 0105-4112] ; ...)
1. 1978. - 38 pp. (... ; 1978,1/2)
Table of contents: p.5 Forord -- p.8 Historisk introduktion : litteratur og kunst i den russiske marxistiske tradition -- p.13 Litteratur og revolution -- p.19 Marxismens opponenter -- p.30 Noter
[2.] 1979. - 37 pp. (... ; 1979,12/14)
Table of contents: p.3 Marxismens opponenter (forts.) -- p.14 Trockijs polemik med den russiske formalisme -- p.23 Formalisternes modkritik -- p.32 Afslutning -- p.33 I stedet for en konklusion -- p.34 Noter
Notes: 65
Angl.: Trotsky and the Russian formalism
IDN 07637 LLTB Chapter 4
Barker, Francis: Some problems in Trotsky's literary criticism
In: Literature, society and the sociology of literature. (Colchester, 1977) : pp. 174-179
Notes: 10
IDN 07638 LLTB Chapter 4
Bauser, Amy Kathryn: Surréalisme et révolution / Amy K. Bauser. - III, 71 pp.
New Orleans, La., Tulane Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1988
Bibliogr.: pp. 70-71
Text French, with Engl. abstract
Angl.: Surrealism and revolution
IDN 07639 LLTB Chapter 4
Beceyro, Raúl: Trotsky y Adorno
In: Zona tórrida ‹Valencia› [ISSN 0252-9068] 1976/77 (9) : pp. 5-21
Notes: 25
IDN 07640 LLTB Chapter 4
Benoit, A.H.R.: Marx, Trotsky, o individuo e o silêncio dos poetas
In: Maisvalia ‹São Paulo› [ISSN 1982-6761] 2008 (3) : pp. 106-111
IDN 07641 LLTB Chapter 4
Benoit, A.H.R.: Trotsky e a cultura burguesa
In: Escrita : revista mensal de literatura ‹São Paulo› [ISSN 0102-6615] 11.1986 (35) : pp. 39-43
IDN 07642 LLTB Chapter 4
Bergami, Giancarlo: Gramsci, Trotsky e il futurismo
In: Nuova antologia ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0029-6147] 1988 (2) : pp. 318-330
Angl.: Gramsci, Trotsky, and futurism
IDN 07643 Bergami, Giancarlo: Sui rapporti tra Gramsci e Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07644 Birchall, Ian Harry: Sartre, Trotsky et le trotskysme ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07645 LLTB Chapter 4
Bird, Robert: Culture as permanent revolution : Lev Trotsky's Literature and revolution
In: Studies in East European Thought ‹Dordrecht› [ISSN 0925-9392] 70.2018 (2/3) : pp. 181-193
With abstract
IDN 07646 LLTB Chapter 4
Bonnet, Marguerite: Trotsky escritor
In: Iniciativa socialista ‹Madrid› [ISSN 1130-829X] 1993 (25)
Orig.: Trotsky, la littérature et les écrivains
Paper originally submitted to the Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte (1940-1990), México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990
Angl.: Trotsky as writer
IDN 07647 LLTB Chapter 4
Bonnet, Marguerite: Trotsky et Breton
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (25) : pp. 5-17
Notes: 25
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky y Breton
IDN 07648 LLTB Chapter 4
Bonnet, Marguerite: Trotsky y Breton
In: El encuentro entre Breton y Trotsky en México. (Buenos Aires, 2016) : pp. 335-346
Orig.: Trotsky et Breton
IDN 07649 LLTB Chapter 4
Bonnet, Marguerite: Trotsky, la littérature et les écrivains
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1992 (47) : pp. 5-10
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky escritor
Paper originally submitted to the Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte (1940-1990), México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990
Angl.: Trotsky, the literature and the writers
IDN 07650 LLTB Chapter 4
Bonutto, Jacqueline: Trotsky et les surréalistes dans la France de l'entre-deux-guerres. - 62 pp.
Lyon, Univ. Lumière, Mém. de maîtrise, 1969
Angl.: Trotsky and the French surrealists in the inter-war period
IDN 07651 LLTB Chapter 4
Booth, Martin: Trotsky on art and revolution
In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 5.1990 (7) : pp. 16-20
IDN 07652 LLTB Chapter 4
Borev, Jurij Borisovič: Ėstetika Trockogo / Jurij Borev
In: Trockij, L.D.: Literatura i revoljucija. (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 3-20
Angl.: Trotsky's aesthetics
IDN 07653 LLTB Chapter 4
Boyard, Claude: Trotsky, Céline, et le Voyage...
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (25) : pp. 47-64
Notes: 17
Angl.: Trotsky, Céline, and the "Voyage au bout de la nuit"
IDN 07654 LLTB Chapter 4
Brotherstone, Terry: Cultural history and revolutionary theory : the examples of Jacques Barzun and Leon Trotsky
In: Culture and revolution / ed. by P. Dukes [et al.]. (London, 1990) : pp. 142-158
Notes: 38
IDN 07655 LLTB Chapter 4
Calverton, Victor Francis: Criticism on the barricades / V.F. Calverton. - [1-2]
In: The Modern Monthly ‹New York, NY› 9.1935/36 (12) : pp. 16-18,31; 10.1936/37 (1) : pp. 15-17
Pt. [2] with subtitle "James T. Farrell and Leon Trotsky"
IDN 07656 LLTB Chapter 4
Calverton, Victor Francis: The sociological aesthetics of the Bolsheviki / V.F. Calverton
In: The American Journal of Sociology ‹Chicago, Ill.› [ISSN 0002-9602] 35.1929 (3) : pp. 383-392
IDN 07657 LLTB Chapter 4
Calvino, Italo: Etica ed estetica di Trotzkij
In: Passato e presente ‹Torino› [ISSN 0479-673X] 2.1958/59 (7) : pp. 970-974
Angl.: Ethics and aesthetics in Trotsky
IDN 07658 Campa, Riccardo: L'utopia di Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07659 Chemouni, Jacquy: L'inconscient entre littérature et révolution ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07660 LLTB Chapter 4
Čičerin, Georgij Vasil'evič: Neskol'ko popravok k poslednim stat'jam tov. Trockogo / Georgij Čičerin
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1923 (Oct.5=nr.225) : p. 2
Angl.: Some corrections to the latest article of comrade Trotsky
IDN 07661 LLTB Chapter 4
Collier, Peter: Dreams of a revolutionary culture : Gramsci, Trotsky and Breton
In: Visions and blueprints / ed. by E. Timms [et al.] (Manchester, 1988) : pp. 33-51
Notes: 34
IDN 07662 LLTB Chapter 4
Cordeiro de Farias, Alberto Luis: Cultura e revolução : notas acerca de Problems of everyday life, de Leon Trotsky
In: Revista História & luta de classes ‹Rio de Janeiro› [ISSN 1808-091X] 10.2015 (19) : pp. 30-37
Notes: 35
Angl.: Culture and revolution
IDN 07663 LLTB Chapter 4
Cotta, Gabriella: Majakovskij e Trockij sul tema dell'arte
In: Nuova antologia ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0029-6147] 112.1977 (532=2121/2124) : pp. 231-250
Notes: 22
Angl.: Maiakovsky and Trotsky on arts
IDN 07664 LLTB Chapter 4
Čubarov, Igor' Michajlovič: Die Eigen- und Fremdbedeutung der Produktionskunst in der kunstwissenschaftlichen Diskussion unter den Abwesenden: Pavel Popov, Richard Harmann und Lev Trockij
In: Kunst als Sprache - Sprachen der Kunst / hrsg. von N. Plotnikov. (Hamburg, 2014) : pp. 281-295
IDN 07665 LLTB Chapter 4
Culture and revolution in the thought of Leon Trotsky. - London : Socialist Platform [etc.], 1999. - 316 pp. - (Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] ; 7.1999,2)
ISBN 1-89943-832-7
IDN 07666 LLTB Chapter 4
Cutrone, Chris: Trotsky, Benjamnin, Adorno and Greenberg's critique of "revolutionary art" [Electronic resource]. - 82 KB (8 pp.)
URL: https://www.academia.edu/41978219/Trotsky_Benjamin_Adorno_and _Greenbergs_critique_of_revolutionary_art_
Accessed Aug. 31, 2020
IDN 07667 LLTB Chapter 4
Dahmer, Helmut: Trotzkis Literaturschriften
In: Die Internationale : Magazin der Internationalen Sozialistischen Organisation ‹Köln› 2024 (1) : pp. 54-56
Notes: 10
Angl.: Trotsky's literary writings
IDN 07668 Dajnov, Evgenij: The paradoxes of a revolutionary ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07669 LLTB Chapter 4
Daly, Macdonald: The dialectic of conflict and culture : Leon Trotsky and less fortunate statesmen
In: Happiness and post-conflict cultures / B. McGuirk [et al.] (ed.) (London, 2007) : pp. 116-128
IDN 07670 D'Atri, Andrea: La emancipación de las mujeres en la obra de León Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07671 LLTB Chapter 4
De Meyer, Magda: De literaire theorie van Leon Trotsky. - 145 pp.
Leuven, Katholieke Univ., Lic.-Afhandling, 1975/76
Angl.: The literary theory of Leon Trotsky
IDN 07672 LLTB Chapter 4
Dedjulin, V.I.: N. I. Pirogov v literaturnom nasledii L.D. Trockogo
In: Zdravoochranenie Rossijskoj Federacii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0044-197X] 1993 (6) : pp. 29-30
Angl.: N.I. Pirogov in L.D. Trotsky's literary legacy
IDN 07673 LLTB Chapter 4
Deutscher, Isaac: Las ideas de León Trotsky sobre el arte y sobre el hombre
In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 183-200
Angl.: The ideas of Leon Trotsky about arts and man
IDN 07674 LLTB Chapter 4
Deutscher, Isaac: Las ideas de León Trotsky sobre el arte y sobre el hombre
In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 205-224
IDN 07675 LLTB Chapter 4
Deutscher, Isaac: Las ideas de León Trotsky sobre el arte y sobre el hombre
In: Camp de l'Arpa : revista de literatura ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 0210-3214] 1976 (34) : pp. 35-41
Extracted and transl. from vol. 3 of author's "Trotsky" trilogy
IDN 07676 LLTB Chapter 4
Deutscher, Isaac: Les vues de Léon Trotsky sur l'art et sur l'homme / trad. de l'anglais par Pierre Frank
In: Les Lettres nouvelles ‹Paris› [ISSN 0024-1407] 1962 (29) : pp. 83-110
Table of contents: p.83 L'homme ne vit pas seulement de politique -- p.85 Littérature et révolution -- p.90 Alexandre Blok -- p.91 Les futuristes -- p.95 Maïakovski -- p.97 Peut-il exister une culture "prolétarienne"? -- p.99 Le parti et les artistes -- p.101 Le "réalisme" ne peut pas constituer une école littéraire -- p.103 La tragédie moderne
Notes: 7
Angl.: Trotsky's views of arts and mankind
IDN 07677 LLTB Chapter 4
Diaz, Ariane: La literatura como termómetro de una época
In: Ideas de izquierda : revista de política y cultura ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2344-9454] 2015 (22)
Notes: 7
Angl.: Literature as a gauge of an epoch
IDN 07678 LLTB Chapter 4
Dick, Rebecca Powers: Leon Trotsky's view of art and its relation to the development of society. - 63 pp.
Madison, Wis., Univ. of Wisconsin, Thesis (M.A.), 1971
IDN 07679 LLTB Chapter 4
Drijkoningen, Ferdinand Frans Joseph: Dichtertaal en revolutie : Breton pro en contra Trotsky ; rede, uitgesproken [...] an de Univ. van Amsterdam, op maandag, 20 mei 1974 / F.F.J. Drijkoningen. - Amsterdam : Hakkert, 1974. - 26 pp.
Angl.: Poetic diction and revolution
IDN 07680 LLTB Chapter 4
Driver, Mike: Towards a free revolutionary art : Leon Trotsky on culture, the class struggle and socialism. - 1-3
In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 1997 (Apr.-June)
IDN 07681 Espinoza, Enrique: Les écrivains face à Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07682 Espinoza, Enrique: Los escritores frente a León Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07683 LLTB Chapter 4
Étiemble, René: Le chien tibétain / Etiemble
In: La Nouvelle revue française ‹Paris› [ISSN 0029-4802] [N.s.] 12.1964 (144) : pp. 1133-1140
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Tibetan dog
IDN 07684 LLTB Chapter 4
Étiemble, René: The Tibetan dog / Etiemble
In: Yale French Studies ‹New Haven, Conn.› [ISSN 0044-0078] 1964 (31) : pp. 127-134
Orig.: Le chien tibétain
IDN 07685 LLTB Chapter 4
Fernandes, Felipe Araujo: Trotsky e a questão da arte : a fidelidade inabalável do artista a seu eu interior = Trotsky and the question of art : the artist's unwavering fidelity to his inner self [Electronic resource]
In: Pacha : revista de estudios con temporáneos del sur global [Electronic journal] ‹Quito› [ISSN 2697-3677] 1.2020 (2) : pp. 68-84 (17 KB)
URL: http://revistapacha.religacion.com/index.php/about/article/view/26
Dated Aug. 2020. - Accessed Oct. 1, 2020
With Port. and Engl. abstracts
IDN 07686 Fernández-Santos, Francisco: Trotsky, nuestro contemporáneo ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07687 Fetscher, Iring: Lenins und Trotzkis Zukunftsvisionen und ihre revolutionäre Strategie im Jahre 1917 ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07688 LLTB Chapter 4
Fogal, Alex Alves: Leon Trotsky e a arte na revolução russa = Leon Trotsky and the art at the Russian revolution
In: História e cultura ‹Franca› [ISSN 2238-6270] 6.2017 (1) : pp. 126-143
With Port. and Engl. abstracts
IDN 07689 LLTB Chapter 4
Fornaciari, Paolo Edoardo: Trockij e Malraux tra azione politica e creazione letteraria
In: Tempo presente ‹Roma› [ISSN 0040-3059] 1991 (127/129) : pp. 47-51
Angl.: Trotsky and Malraux between political action and literary production
IDN 07690 LLTB Chapter 4
Francis, Norbert: The Trotsky-Shklovsky debate : formalism versus Marxism [Electronic resource]
In: International Journal of Russian Studies : IJORS [Electronic journal] [ISSN 2158-7051] 6.2017 (1) : pp. 15-27 (867 KB)
URL: http://www.ijors.net/issue6_1_2017/pdf/__www.ijors.net_issue6_1_2017_article_2_francis.pdf
Bibliogr.: pp. 26-27
Accessed Aug. 18, 2017
IDN 07691 LLTB Chapter 4
Freitas, Maria Teresa de: Trotsky e Malraux : sobre o marxismo na literatura
In: Trotsky hoje / org.: O. Coggiola. (São Paulo, 1994) : pp. 205-216
Notes: 31
Paper originally submitted to the Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
Angl.: Trotsky and Malraux : about Marxism and literature
IDN 07692 LLTB Chapter 4
Fryer, Peter: Trotsky and artistic freedom
In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1996 (May 11)
IDN 07693 LLTB Chapter 4
Ganci, Massimo: Trockij e il surrealismo
In: Nuova antologia ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0029-6147] 116.1981 (544=2137) : pp. 130-141
Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980
Angl.: Trotsky and surrealism
IDN 07694 LLTB Chapter 4
Ganci, Massimo: Trockij e il surrealismo
In: Pensiero e azione politica di Lev Trockij / a cura di F. Gori. 2. ([Firenze], 1982) : pp. 655-666
Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980
Angl.: Trotsky and surrealism
IDN 07695 LLTB Chapter 4
Godchau, Jean-François: Trotsky à la resource de Berlioz
In: L'Éducation musicale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0013-1415] 56.2000 (470) : pp. 18-19
IDN 07696 LLTB Chapter 4
Gorbačev, Georgij Efimovič: L. D. Trockij kak literaturnyj kritik, i problemy proletarskoj literatury / Georgij Gorbačev
In: Gorbačev, G.E.: Dva goda literaturnoj revoljucii. (Leningrad, 1926) : pp. 159-194
Notes: 5
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky as literary critic and the problems of proletarian literature
IDN 07697 LLTB Chapter 4
Gorlov, Nikolaj Petrovič: O futuriztach i futurizme : po povodu stat'i tov. Trockogo / N. Gorlov
In: Lef ‹Moskva etc.› 1924 (4) : pp. 6-15
Angl.: About futurists and futurism
IDN 07698 LLTB Chapter 4
Goujon, Gérard: Les écrivains prolétariens français et Léon Trotsky. - 57 pp.
Unpubl. ms., dated 1990, deposited at CERMTRI, Paris
Angl.: The French proletarian writers and Leon Trotsky
IDN 07699 LLTB Chapter 4
Goujon, Gérard: Trotsky e la "literatura proletária" na França
In: Trotsky hoje / org.: O. Coggiola. (São Paulo, 1994) : pp. 195-202
Notes: 24
Paper originally submitted to the Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
Angl.: Trotsky and the "proletarian literature" in France
IDN 07700 LLTB Chapter 4
Greeley, Robin Adèle: For an independent revolutionary art : Breton, Trotsky and Cárdenas's Mexico
In: Surrealism, politics and culture / ed. by R. Spiteri and D. LaCoss. (Aldershot [etc.], 2003) : pp. 204-225
IDN 07701 LLTB Chapter 4
Greeman, Richard: Did Trotsky read Serge? : ignorait-il qu'il s'agissait d'un romancier?
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.1999 (2) : pp. 145-158
Notes: 21
IDN 07702 LLTB Chapter 4
Greene, Doug Enaa: Leon Trotsky and cultural revolution [Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (10 pp.)
URL: http://links.org.au/leon-trotsky-and-cultural-revolution
Notes: 31
Accessed May 15, 2019
IDN 07703 LLTB Chapter 4
Gross, Clifford H.: Leon Trotsky as literary critic and theoretician
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Masters essay, 1951
IDN 07704 LLTB Chapter 4
Groys, Boris: Trotsky, or Metamorphoses of engagement [Electronic resource] / transl. by Anne Luther. - 23 KB (10 pp.)
URL: https://www.e-flux.com/journal/111/343619/trotsky-or-metamorphoses-of-engagement/
Accessed Nov. 20, 2020
IDN 07705 LLTB Chapter 4
Grüner, Eduardo: Trotsky con Breton : de la revolución artística al arte revolucionario
In: El encuentro entre Breton y Trotsky en México. (Buenos Aires, 2016) : pp. 11-34
IDN 07706 LLTB Chapter 4
Grüner, Eduardo: Trotsky, la revolución, la cultura y la vida cotidiana
In: Ideas de izquierda : revista de política y cultura ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2344-9454] 2015 (22)
Notes: 3
Angl.: Trotsky, the revolution, the culture and the everyday life
IDN 07707 LLTB Chapter 4
Hofmann, Werner: Anmerkungen zu Trotzkis Kunsttheorie
In: Hofmann, W.: Gegenstimmen : Aufsätze zur Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. (Frankfurt a.M., 1979) : pp. 302-316
Angl.: Notes on Trotsky's theory of art
IDN 07708 LLTB Chapter 4
Hofmann, Werner: Wie revolutionär war Trotzkis Kunsttheorie?
In: Merkur ‹Stuttgart› [ISSN 0026-0096] 26.1972 (9) : pp. 916-926
Angl.: How revolutionary was Trotsky's theory of arts?
IDN 07709 LLTB Chapter 4
Hurwicz, Elias: Trotzkis religiöses Bekenntnis
In: C-V-Zeitung ‹Berlin› 9.1930 : pp. 78-79
Angl.: Trotsky's religious confession
IDN 07710 LLTB Chapter 4
Idir-Spindler, Laure: La résolution de 1925 à l'épreuve de la pratique : littérature soviétique et lutte contre l'opposition d'après la Pravda de 1927
In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0008-0160] 21.1980 (3/4) : pp. 361-399
Notes: 136
Angl.: The resolution of 1925 stands the test : Soviet literature and the struggle against the opposition ...
IDN 07711 LLTB Chapter 4
Influence of Breton and Trotsky on surrealism [Sound recording]. - London : BBC, 1983. - 1 sound cassette, running time: 20 min. - (Modern art and modernism - Manet to Pollock ; A315)
IDN 07712 LLTB Chapter 4
Ivanov, Sergej Nikolaevič: "Soveršenno sekretno, chranit' konspirativno" : protokoly neizvestnoj komissii L.D. Trockogo po raskolu Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Cerki (maj-okt. 1922g.) / S.N. Ivanov (vystupitel'naja stat'ja, publikacija i primečanija)
In: Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svjato-Tichonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta = Saint Tikhon's University Review : Serija 2, Istorija, Istorija russkoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1991-6434] 2022 (107) : pp. 134-166
Bibliogr.: pp. 163-164
Notes: 85
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
On pp. 145-158 documents
Angl.: "Top secret, keep in secret" : minutes of a previously unknown commission of L.D. Trotsky for the schism of the Russian orthodox church
IDN 07713 Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: L. D. Trockij - Antid Oto ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07714 LLTB Chapter 4
Jimenez Bruccoleri, Matilde Jazmín: Arte y revolución en el pensamiento de León Trotsky. - Saarbrücken : Editorial Académica Española, 2018. - 152 pp.
ISBN 978-3-659-07275-8 - ISBN 3-659-07275-3
Publ. on demand (as printed edition or e-book)
Angl.: Arts and revolution in Leon Trotsky's thought
IDN 07715 LLTB Chapter 4
Johae, Antony: Critical implications of Trotsky's Literature and revolution
In: Tropes of revolution / ed. by C.C. Barfoot [et al.] (Amsterdam [etc.], 1991) : pp. 391-397
IDN 07716 LLTB Chapter 4
Judin, Michail Vjačeslavovič: Proletarskaja kul'tura glazami sovetskich voždej / Michail V. Judin
In: Vestnik slavjanskich kul'tur ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-9567] 2018 (50) : pp. 56-65
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Proletarian culture through the eyes of the Soviet leaders
IDN 07717 LLTB Chapter 4
Jurganov, Andrej L'vovič: Kontroliruemyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj process : publicističeskaja programma L'va Trockogo / A.L. Jurganov
In: Vestnik RGGU : Serija Istorija, filologija, kul'turologija, vostokovedenie = RSUH Bulletin ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-6355] 2018 (1) : pp. 91-100
Notes: 4
Angl.: Controlled literary and artistic process
IDN 07718 LLTB Chapter 4
Kadar, Marlene: Cultural politics in the 1930s : Partisan Review, the surrealists and Leon Trotsky. - XVII, 284 pp.
Edmonton, Alb., Univ. of Alberta, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1983
Table of contents: p.1 Introduction : Literature and revolution -- p.8 The thirties : making way -- p.54 Contacts between Trotsky and New York's Partisan Review -- p.84 Contacts between Trotsky and the Paris surrealists -- p.156 Cultural politics and the literary avant-garde : towards a new Marxist aesthetic -- p.184 Letters -- p.249 The League for Cultural Freedom and Socialism -- p.270 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 271-284
IDN 07719 LLTB Chapter 4
Kadar, Marlene: Partisan culture in the thirties : Partisan Review, the surrealists and Leon Trotsky
In: Canadian Review of Comparative Literature ‹Edmonton, Alb.› [ISSN 0319-051X] 13.1986 (3) : pp. 375-423
Table of contents: p.375 Trotsky's legacy as a man of letters -- p.383 The new Partisan Review -- p.401 The surrealists
Notes: 134
IDN 07720 Kalinčenko, Svetlana Borisovna: Problema "novogo" čeloveka v trudach političeskich dejatelej 20-ch gg. ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07721 LLTB Chapter 4
Kamegulov, Anatolij Dmitrievič: Trockizm i literaturovedenie : ob istoriko-literaturnych i kritičeskich rabotach G. Gorbačeva. - Leningrad, 1932. - 77 pp.
Angl.: Trotskyism and the study of literature
IDN 07722 Karepovs, Dainis: Benjamin Péret ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…
IDN 07723 Karepovs, Dainis: Benjamin Péret et la Ligue Communiste du Brésil ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…
IDN 07724 LLTB Chapter 4
Kesting, Marianne: Die Tragödie der revolutionären Intelligenz : die literarischen Schriften Leo Trotzkis
In: Kesting, M.: Auf der Suche nach der Realität. (München, 1972) : pp. 251-256
Angl.: The tragedy of the revolutionary intelligentsia : the literary writings of Leon Trotsky
IDN 07725 LLTB Chapter 4
Kirpotin, Valerij Jakovlevič: Trotzkis Literaturforschung / W. Kirpotin
In: Internationale Literatur ‹Moskau etc.› 2.1932 (2) : pp. 98-104
Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: Trotsky's literature research
IDN 07726 LLTB Chapter 4
Kiščinskaja, L.idija Aleksandrovna: Literaturnaja diskussija 1922-1925 godov : (k istorii stanovlenija idejno-ėstetičeskich principov sovetskoj literaturnoj kritiki) / L. Kiščinskaja
In: Voprosy literatury ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8795] 10.1966 (4) : pp. 35-55
Angl.: The literary discussion of the years 1922-25
IDN 07727 Knei-Paz, Baruch: The social and political thought of Leon Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07728 LLTB Chapter 4
Kobyliński, Andrzej: The Marxist concept of revolutionary morality according to Leon Trotsky
In: Acta Moralia Tyrnaviensia ‹Trnava› 7.2017 : pp. 113-124
Table of contents: p.113 Introduction -- p.114 Prophet of the revolution -- p.115 Karl Marx and morality -- p.117 Philosophy, terrorism, communism -- p.118 The end justifies means -- p.120 What justifies ends? -- p.122 Conclusions -- p.123 Bibliography
Notes: 20
With summary
IDN 07729 LLTB Chapter 4
Komar, Vitaly: The Trotsky-Stalin conflict and Russia in the 1920s [Film] / Vitaly Komar ; Aleksandr Melamid. - Hempstead, NY : Hofstra Univ., 1979. - 1 videocassette (videorecording), running time: 56 min.
Videorecording from the International Conference The Trotsky-Stalin Conflict and Russia in the 1920s, Garden City, NY, March 9-10, 1979
V. Komar and A. Melamid discussing the influence of Trotsky, the People's Commissariat of War and other military agencies on the development of Russian art in the 1920s
IDN 07730 LLTB Chapter 4
Kosjakov, Dmitrij: Trockij : literaturnyj kritik
In: Deti Ra ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1551-188X] 2011 (9=83)
Angl.: Trotsky : literary critic
IDN 07731 LLTB Chapter 4
Kovalenko, Nadežda Vjačeslavovna: Specifika vosprijatija Rossiej dostiženii zapala i nasledija antičnosti v koncepcii L.D. Trockogo
In: Civilizacija i varvarstvo ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2307-7794] 2014 (3) : pp. 314-329
Angl.: The specific character of the perception in Russia of the achievements of the West and the legacy of antiquity in the conception of L.D. Trotsky
IDN 07732 Krasil'nikov, Timofej Sergeevič: Ponjatie "socialističeskij čelovek" v rabotach L. D. Trockogo ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07733 LLTB Chapter 4
Lalatović, Jelena: Siluete revolucije : ideje V.I. Lenina, L.D. Trockog i A.V. Lunačarskog u Zenitu (1921-1926)
In: Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti ‹Novi Sad› [ISSN 2334-8666] 9.2021 : pp. 68-78
Notes: 6
With Serbo-Croatian and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Silhouettes of the revolution : ideas of V.I. Lenin, L.D. Trotsky and A.V. Lunacharsky in Zenith (1921-1926)
IDN 07734 LLTB Chapter 4
Lamba, Jacqueline: Entrevista a Jacqueline Lamba / [interview conducted by] Arturo Schwarz
In: El encuentro entre Breton y Trotsky en México. (Buenos Aires, 2016) : pp. 201-310
Orig.: La rencontre Trotsky-Breton
Angl.: Interview with Jacqueline Lamba
IDN 07735 LLTB Chapter 4
Lamba, Jacqueline: La rencontre Trotsky-Breton / entretien d'Arturo Schwartz [i.e. Schwarz] avec Jacqueline Lamba
In: Les Lettres nouvelles ‹Paris› [ISSN 0024-1407] 1975 (4) : pp. 99-111
Notes: 2
Other ed., versions, transl.: Entrevista a Jacqueline Lamba
Angl.: The encounter Trotsky-Breton
IDN 07736 LLTB Chapter 4
Le Guével, Michel: Esenin y Trotsky [Electronic resource] / Michel Kehrnon [i.e. Michel Le Guével]. Trad. de G. Rayo. - 23 KB (10 pp.)
URL: http://heraldosnegros.org/esenin-y-trotsky/
Notes: 9
Orig.: Essénine et Trotsky
Accessed Jan. 3, 2018
IDN 07737 LLTB Chapter 4
Le Guével, Michel: Essénine et Trotsky / Michel Kehrnon [i.e. Michel Le Guével]
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (1) : pp. 95-100
Notes: 3
IDN 07738 LLTB Chapter 4
Leach, Robert: Meyerhold and Trotsky
In: The Routledge companion to Vsevolod Meyerhold / ed. by J. Pitches [et al.] (London [etc.], 2022) : pp. 191-205
Bibliogr.: pp. 204-205
IDN 07739 LLTB Chapter 4
Lebedewa, Jekatherina: Der Bürger Puschkin im Proletarier Besymenski : zur Kritik der "Litfront" an Trotzkis Kultur-Konzeption / Jekatherina Lebedewa ; Hans-Jürgen Lehnert. - 18, 1 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 51
Other ed., versions, transl.: Zur Kritik der "Litfront" an Trotzkis Kultur-Konzeption
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
With summary
Angl.: The citizen Pushkin in the proletarian Besymensky : on Litfront's criticism of Trotsky's conception of culture
IDN 07740 LLTB Chapter 4
Lebedewa, Jekatherina: Zur Kritik der "Litfront" an Trotzkis Kultur-Konzeption : der Bürger Puschkin im Proletarier Besymenski / Jekatherina Lebedewa ; Hans-Jürgen Lehnert
In: Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft / T. Bergmann [et al.] (Hg.) (Mainz, 1993) : pp. 315-329
Table of contents: p.315 Die Litfront erobert das Leningrader Puschkin-Haus -- p.316 Der historische Ausgangspunkt : Pokrowskis Konzeption einer vollen bürgerlichen Entwicklung Rußlands -- p.318 Die Gegenposition : Trotzki zu den geschichtlichen Defiziten Rußlands -- p.320 Die historiographische Legitimierung der stalinistischen Wende -- p.322 "Preußische Form" in der Kultur : die Kritik der Litfront an Trotzkis weitem Kulturbegriff -- p.323 Soziokulturelle Folgen : die Kritik der Litfront an Trotzkis differenzierter Sicht auf die Intelligenzija -- p.325 "Preußische Form" in der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung : der Bürger Puschkin als Vorläufer drittklassiger Parteischriftsteller -- p.327 Anmerkungen
Notes: 52
Orig.: Der Bürger Puschkin im Proletarier Besymenski
Paper originally submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
Angl.: On "Litfront's" critique of Trotsky's conception of culture
IDN 07741 LLTB Chapter 4
Lequenne, Michel: Not by politics alone
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 2000 (326) : pp. 29-30
Notes: 2
Orig.: Trotsky et la culture
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki und die Kultur
Slightly abridged
Also publ. as electronic resource with title "Trotsky and culture", URL:
IDN 07742 LLTB Chapter 4
Lequenne, Michel: Les questions du mode de vie selon Trotsky
In: Critique communiste ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] 1977/78 (11/12) : pp. 135-143
Notes: 2
Angl.: The problems of everyday life as considered by Trotsky
IDN 07743 LLTB Chapter 4
Lequenne, Michel: Trotsky et la culture
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2000 (449/450) : pp. 24-26
Notes: 11
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki und die Kultur ; Not by politics alone
Angl.: Trotsky and culture
IDN 07744 LLTB Chapter 4
Lequenne, Michel: Trotzki und die Kultur / aus dem Franz. übers. und mit Erl. von Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2000 (348/349) : pp. 24-29
Notes: 41
Orig.: Trotsky et la culture
Other ed., versions, transl.: Not by politics alone
Angl.: Trotsky and culture
IDN 07745 LLTB Chapter 4
Levy, Emanuel: The Trotsky-Stalin conflict and Russian theater in the 1920s. - 25 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Bibliogr.: pp. 24-25
Notes: 35
Paper submitted to the International Conference The Trotsky-Stalin Conflict and Russia in the 1920s, Garden City, NY, March 9-10, 1979
IDN 07746 LLTB Chapter 4
Lewis, Helena: Surrealists, Stalinists, and Trotskyists : theories of art and revolution in France between the wars
In: Art Journal ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0004-3249] 52.1993 (1) : pp. 61-68
IDN 07747 LLTB Chapter 4
Lissa, Giuseppe: L' utopia tra l'arte e la rivoluzione : (Trotski e Breton)
In: Atti dell'Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche ‹Napoli› [ISSN 1121-9270] 89.1979 : pp. 197-215
Notes: 38
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'utopie entre l'art et la révolution
Angl.: Utopia between art and revolution
IDN 07748 LLTB Chapter 4
Lissa, Giuseppe: L' utopie entre l'art et la révolution : (Trotski et Breton)
In: Le Discours utopique / dir.: M. de Gandillac [et al.] (Paris, 1978) : pp. 85-95
Orig.: L'utopia tra l'arte e la rivoluzione
Angl.: Utopia between art and revolution
IDN 07749 LLTB Chapter 4
Löwy, Michael: Leon Trotsky and revolutionary art [Electronic resource] / transl. by David Ferbach. - 41 KB (4 pp.)
URL: https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4838-leon-trotsky-and-revolutionary-art
Orig.: Léon Trotsky et l'art révolutionnaire
Dated Aug. 26, 2020
Accessed Sept. 2, 2020
IDN 07750 LLTB Chapter 4
Löwy, Michael: Leon Trotsky e André Breton à sombra do Popocatepetl (México, 1938) [Electronic resource] / Micahel [recte: Michael] Löwy. Trad. de Artur Scavone
In: Trótski em permanência : anais do evento online de 2021 / M.L. Monteiro (org.) [E-book] (São José do Rio Preto, 2023) : pp. 22-28
URL: https://ia801606.us.archive.org/21/items/tp21_20230302/Ebook.pdf [=link to entire e-book]
Paper prep. for a virtual online symposium, Aug. 2-6, 2021
Accessed June 30, 2023
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and André Breton in the shadow of the Popocatepetl
IDN 07751 LLTB Chapter 4
Löwy, Michael: Léon Trotsky et l'art révolutionnaire [Electronic resource]. - 26 KB (4 pp.)
URL: https://blogs.mediapart.fr/michael-lowy/blog/100820/leon-trotsky-et-l-art-revolutionnaire
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky and revolutionary art
Dated Aug. 10, 2020
Accessed Sept. 2, 2020
IDN 07752 LLTB Chapter 4
Lorelle, Olivier: Naissance et formation du concept d'art révolutionnaire au début du XXe siècle : Malevitch, Trotsky, Lénine, Brecht, Breton. - 156 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1978
Director of thesis: O. Revault d'Alonnes
Particularly pp. 47-72
Angl.: Birth and formation of the conception of revolutionary art at the beginning of the 20th century
IDN 07753 LLTB Chapter 4
Luiz de Oliveira, Edson: O trotskista Mário Pedrosa e a crise do modernismo brasileiro [Electronic resource]
In: Aurora : revista de arte, mídia e política [Electronic journal] ‹São Paulo› [ISSN 1982-6672] 13.2020/21 (38) : pp. 70-93
URL: https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/aurora/article/view/48375
With Engl., Span. and Port. abstracts
Accessed Apr. 22, 2021
Angl.: The Trotskyist Mário Pedrosa and the crisis of Brazilian modernism
IDN 07754 LLTB Chapter 4
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Lev Davydovič Trockij o literature / L. Lunačarskij
In: Pečat' i revoljucija ‹Moskva› 7.1923 : pp. 1-16
Angl.: Leon Trotsky on literature
IDN 07755 LLTB Chapter 4
Lund, Caroline: [Foreword] Einleitung
In: Trockij, L.D.: Frau, Familie und Revolution. (Berlin, 1973) : pp. 5-13
Transl. from the Engl.
IDN 07756 LLTB Chapter 4
Mänicke-Gyöngyösi, Krisztina: Kultur und Alltagsleben in der Übergangsgesellschaft : der Beitrag Trotzkis zur frühsowjetischen Diskussion
In: Probleme des Klassenkampfes ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0342-8168] 6.1976 (2=26) : pp. 123-154
Table of contents: p.123 Einleitung -- p.127 Trotzkis Kulturtheorie -- p.135 Kulturarbeit und Fragen des Alltagslebens -- p.153 Zusammenfassung
Notes: 109
Angl.: Culture and everyday life in the transitional society
IDN 07757 Maitan, Livio: Trotsky, oggi ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07758 LLTB Chapter 4
Malachov, Sergej Arsen'evič: Protiv trockizma i men'ševizma v literaturovedenii / S. Malachov. - Leningrad [etc.] : Gosizdat Chudožestvennoj Literatury, 1932. - 109 pp.
Angl.: Against Trotskyism and Menshevism in the study of literature
IDN 07759 LLTB Chapter 4
Malachov, Sergej Arsen'evič: Trockistskaja kontrabanda v literaturovedenii / S. Malachov
In: Problemy marksizma ‹Leningrad› 1932 (1/2) : pp. 92-113
Angl.: Trotskyist contraband in the study of literature
IDN 07760 Mamsirov, Chamitbi Borisovič: I. V. Stalin i L. D. Trockij o perspektivach razvitija nacional'no-kul'turnoj sfery v uslovijach sovetskoj modernizacii ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07761 Mandel, Ernest: Trotskij som alternativ ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07762 Mandel, Ernest: Trotsky as alternative ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07763 Mandel, Ernest: Trotsky como alternativa ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07764 Mandel, Ernest: Trotzki als Alternative ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07765 LLTB Chapter 4
Masing-Delic, Irene: Boris Pilniak's "The Volga falls to the Caspian Sea" as Trotskyite sophiology
In: The Slavic and East European Journal ‹Berkeley, Cal.› [ISSN 0037-6752] 52.2008 : pp. 414-438
IDN 07766 Massari, Roberto: Lev Trotsky e la ragione rivoluzionaria ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07767 Mayer, Hans: Comrade Shylock ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07768 Mayer, Hans: Genosse Shylock ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07769 LLTB Chapter 4
Mayoux, Jean: La liberté une et divisible
In: La Brèche ‹Paris› [ISSN 0524-4226] 1965 (8) : pp. 10-18
Angl.: Freedom - one and divisible
IDN 07770 McCluskey, Kirsty: Trotsky before 1905 ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…
IDN 07771 LLTB Chapter 4
Mena Benavides, Yunier: La revolución y la cultura en La revolución traicionada [Electronic resource]
In: Trotskismos em Cuba : retrato de um encontro / F. Menezes (org.) [E-book] (São Paulo, 2021) : pp. 519-523
Notes: 3
Paper originally submitted to the Ier [Primer] Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad, Havana, May 6-8, 2019
URL of E-book: https://revistapasquinagem.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Trotskismos-em-Cuba-2021.pdf
Accessed Aug. 11, 2021
Angl.: Revolution and culture in 'The revolution betrayed'
IDN 07772 LLTB Chapter 4
Menezes, Flo: Trotsky, as artes e a cultura e suas influências no trotskismo brasileiro de Mário Perdosa [Electronic resource]
In: Trotskismos em Cuba : retrato de um encontro / F. Menezes (org.) [E-book] (São Paulo, 2021) : pp. 435-486
Bibliogr.: pp. 482-486
Notes: 24
Paper originally submitted to the Ier [Primer] Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad, Havana, May 6-8, 2019
URL of E-book: https://revistapasquinagem.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Trotskismos-em-Cuba-2021.pdf
Accessed Aug. 11, 2021
Angl.: Trotsky, the arts and culture and their impacts on the Brazilian Trotskyism of Mário Pedrosa
IDN 07773 LLTB Chapter 4
Menezes, Flo: Trotsky, las artes y la cultura y sus influencias en el trotskismo brasileño de Mário Pedrosa. - 26 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Bibliogr.: pp. 23-26
Notes: 21
Paper prep. for the Ier [Primer] Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad, Havana, May 6-8, 2019
Dated May 2019
Angl.: Trotsky, the arts, the culture, and their impacts on the Brazilian Trotskyism of Mário Pedrosa
IDN 07774 LLTB Chapter 4
Michajlova, Marija Viktorovna: L. Trockij o kul'turnoj situacii v sovetskom obščestve 30-ch gg. : (k opredeleniju tipologii totalitarnoj kul'tury) / M.V. Michajlova
In: Tipologija literaturnogo processa i tvorčeskaja individual'nost' pisatelja. (Perm', 1993) : pp. 173-183
Notes: 24
Angl.: L. Trotsky on the cultural situation of Soviet society in the 1930s
IDN 07775 LLTB Chapter 4
Michajlova, Marija Viktorovna: Lew Trocki : krytyk literatury (1900-1902) / Maria W. Michajlowa. Tłumaczenie z rosyjskiego: Jolanta Aulak
In: Przegląd humanistyczny ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 0033-2194] 34.1990 (12=303) : pp. 117-129
Notes: 13
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : literary critic (1900-02)
IDN 07776 LLTB Chapter 4
Michajlova, Marija Viktorovna: O stat'e L'va Trockogo "N.V. Gogol'" / M.V. Michajlova
In: N. V. Gogol' : materialy i issledovanija / [otv. red.: Ju.V. Mann]. (Moskva, 1995) : pp. 166-176
Angl.: About Leon Trotsky's essay "N.V. Gogol'"
IDN 07777 LLTB Chapter 4
Michajlova, Marija Viktorovna: Osnovnye napravlenija v iskusstve načala XX veka v traktovke L. Trockogo / M.V. Michajlova
In: Russkaja literatura XX veka : napravlenija i tečenija. 1. (Moskva, 1992) : pp. 36-46
Angl.: The main tendencies of early 20th century arts in L. Trotsky's interpretation
IDN 07778 LLTB Chapter 4
Michajlova, Marija Viktorovna: Socjokulturowe poglądy Lwa Trockiego (okres przedrewolucyjny) / Maria Michajlowa. Przelożyla z rosyjskiego Jolanta Aulak
In: Przegląd humanistyczny ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 0033-2194] 37.1993 (2=317) : pp. 93-100
Notes: 3
Angl.: Socio-cultural views of Leon Trotsky (in the pre-revolutionary era)
IDN 07779 LLTB Chapter 4
Michajlova, Marija Viktorovna: Trockij o Merežkovskom / M.V. Michajlova
In: D. S. Merežkovskij - mysl' i slovo. (Moskva, 1999) : pp. 326-336
Notes: 15
Paper originally submitted to Meždunarodnaja Konferencija Posvjaščenaja Merežkovskomu, Moskva, March 1991
Angl.: Trotsky on Merežkovskij
IDN 07780 LLTB Chapter 4
Mölk, Ulrich: [Foreword] Einleitung
In: Trockij, L.D.: Literaturtheorie und Literaturkritik. (München, 1973) : pp. 5-22, 164-166
Notes: 56
IDN 07781 LLTB Chapter 4
Mölk, Ulrich: Trockijs Aufsatz über die Conquérants und Malraux' Antwort
In: Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur ‹Stuttgart› [ISSN 0042-2747] 83.1973 (1) : pp. 1-9
Notes: 38
Angl.: Trotsky's essay about the Conquérants and Malraux's rejoinder
IDN 07782 LLTB Chapter 4
Nadeau, Maurice: Trotsky and Breton / [transl. from the French and ann. by Ian Birchall]
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.1999 (2) : pp. 206-209
Notes: 8
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky y Breton
Extracted from author's "Grâces leur soient rendues", Paris, 1990
IDN 07783 LLTB Chapter 4
Nadeau, Maurice: Trotsky y Breton
In: El encuentro entre Breton y Trotsky en México. (Buenos Aires, 2016) : pp. 325-328
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky and Breton
IDN 07784 LLTB Chapter 4
Navarri, Roger: Les dadaïstes, les surréalistes et la révolution d'octobre
In: Europe ‹Paris› [ISSN 0014-2751] 45.1967 (461/462) : pp. 63-72
Notes: 33
Angl.: The Dadaists, the surrealists and the October revolution
IDN 07785 LLTB Chapter 4
Naville, Pierre: Trotsky on art and literature
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.1999 (2) : pp. 140-145
Notes: 15
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky sobre el arte y la literatura
Extracted and transl. from author's "Trotsky vivant", Paris, 1975
IDN 07786 LLTB Chapter 4
Naville, Pierre: Trotsky sobre el arte y la literatura
In: El encuentro entre Breton y Trotsky en México. (Buenos Aires, 2016) : pp. 329-334
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky on art and literature
Extracted and transl. from author's "Trotsky vivant", Paris, 1975
IDN 07787 LLTB Chapter 4
Ničiporov, Il'ja Borisovič: Chudožnik i istoričeskoe vremja v ponimanii kritika-marksista : ("Literatura i revoljucija" L. Trockogo) = The artist and the historical time in the perception of critic Marxist : ("Literature and revolution" of L. Trotsky) [Electronic resource] / I.B. Ničiporov
In: Art logos [Electronic journal] ‹Sankt Peterburg› [ISSN 2541-9803] 2.2017 (2) : pp. 80-87
URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30777977
URL: https://istina.msu.ru/publications/article/92319130/
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed March 21, 2018
IDN 07788 LLTB Chapter 4
Nicoll, Marguerite V.: Finding a free art : art and politics in the 1938 Manifesto for an independent revolutionary art. - 76 pp.
Northampton, Mass., Smith College, Thesis (Honor), 2004
IDN 07789 LLTB Chapter 4
Nikol'skij, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Esenin i Trockij / A.A. Nikol'skij
In: Sovremennoe eseninovedenie = Contemporary Esenin Study ‹Rjazan'› [ISSN 2073-7467] 2018 (2) : pp. 77-80
IDN 07790 LLTB Chapter 4
Niqueux, Michel: Trotski lecteur de Tolstoï
In: Tolstoï et ses adversaires / sous la dir. de L. Jurgenson. (Paris, 2008) : pp. 57-63
Angl.: Trotsky, a reader of Tolstoi
IDN 07791 LLTB Chapter 4
Nolte, Jost: Trotzki und die Literatur
In: Der Monat ‹Berlin etc.› [ISSN 0026-9204] 21.1969 (2=245) : pp. 91-96
Notes: 10
Angl.: Trotsky and literature
IDN 07792 LLTB Chapter 4
Omel'čenko, Nikolaj Alekseevič: Vlast' i tvorčestvo : o knige L'va Trockogo "Literatura i revoljucija", klassovom podchode, "voronščina" i sovetskich voždjach-mecentatach = Power and creativity : on Leo[n] Trotsky's book "Literature and revolution", class approach, "Voronsina" and Soviet leaders, philanthropists / N.A. Omel'čenko
In: PolitBook ‹Čeboksary› [ISSN 2227-1538] 2016 (3) : pp.114-133
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
IDN 07793 LLTB Chapter 4
Owen, Tom: The development of the Marxist theory of culture and the role of Leon Trotsky
In: The International / Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International ‹London› [ISSN 0960-1503] 1990 (3) : pp. 11-25
Table of contents: p.13 Marxism and art : Bolshevism and literature 1859-1917 -- p.17 Soviet policy on the arts 1917-1924 -- p.19 Trotsky on literature, culture and revolution, 1923-1926 -- p.21 The 1930s and the struggle against Stalinism -- p.23 Leon Trotsky the writer -- p.24 Conclusion -- p.25 Notes and references
Notes: 61
IDN 07794 LLTB Chapter 4
Panfilov, Michail Michailovič: Kul'tura "starogo mira" i "perechodnogo perioda" (neskol'ko strok iz nasledija L'va Trockogo) / M.M. Panfilov
In: Rumjancevskie čtenija 2014 : materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii / red. L.N. Tichonova. 2. (Moskva, 2014) : pp. 82-87
Angl.: L. Trotsky on the cultural situation of Soviet society in the 1930s
IDN 07795 LLTB Chapter 4
Paredes, Demián A.: Arte y cultura en León Trotsky
In: Trotsky como alternativa. ([Buenos Aires, 2002]) : pp. 21-27
Notes: 22
Paper originally submitted to the Taller 'Trotsky como alternativa', Buenos Aires, Nov. 14 and 29, 2002
Angl.: Arts and culture in Leon Trotsky
IDN 07796 LLTB Chapter 4
Paredes, Demián A.: Trotsky y la cultura, los escritores y el futuro [Electronic resource] / Demian Paredes. - 6 KB (3 pp.)
URL: http://www.fundanin.org/paredes1.htm
Angl.: Trotsky and culture, writers, and the future
IDN 07797 LLTB Chapter 4
Parijanine, Maurice: Leon Trotsky on 'proletarian literature' / transl. by Richard Fidler
In: International Socialist Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-8744] 33.1972 (7) : pp. 49-53
Notes: 5
Transl. and reprinted from: La lutte de classes (Paris), 1932 (June 15)
IDN 07798 Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…
IDN 07799 Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…
IDN 07800 Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Sovetskaja istoriografija o bor'be Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…
IDN 07801 LLTB Chapter 4
Pearce, Brian: Trotsky on religion and the British labour movement
In: Bulletin / Society for the Study of Labour History ‹Sheffield› [ISSN 0049-1179] 1962 (5) : pp. 14-16
Statement at 5th Conference of the Society for the Study of Labour History, London, May 26, 1962
IDN 07802 LLTB Chapter 4
Pereira, Armando: Breton, Trotsky y Rivera : México y la esperanza surrealista
In: Estudios : Filosofia, historia, letras / Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0185-6383] 2.1979 (22) : pp. 9-12
IDN 07803 LLTB Chapter 4
Peters, Jochen-Ulrich: A. V. Lunačarskij und L.D. Trockij : eine kulturtheoretische Kontroverse und ihre Folgen
In: Studies in Soviet Thought ‹Dordrecht› [ISSN 0039-3797] 33.1987 (3) : pp. 291-304
Notes: 20
Paper originally submitted to the 3rd World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Washington, DC, Oct. 30 - Nov.4, 1985
Angl.: A.V. Lunacharsky and L.D. Trotsky : a cultural-theoretical controversy and its aftermath
IDN 07804 Pincus, Arthur: Fellow travellers ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…
IDN 07805 LLTB Chapter 4
Plant, John: Trotsky, art and the revolution : some cautionary notes
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.1999 (2) : pp. 108-117
Notes: 7
IDN 07806 LLTB Chapter 4
Platschek, Hans: Die Umarbeitung der Venus : aus der Geschichte der Zwei-Kulturen-Debatte ; über Trotzkis "Literatur und Revolution"
In: Düsseldorfer Debatte ‹Düsseldorf› [ISSN 0176-7232] 1984 (4) : pp. 15-21
Angl.: The transformation of Venus
IDN 07807 LLTB Chapter 4
Pletnev, Valerian Fedorovič: Prav li t. Trockij : (reči o proletarskoj kul'ture) / V. Pletnev. - Moskva : Vserossijskij Proletkul't, 1924. - 38 pp.
Angl.: Is comrade Trotsky right?
IDN 07808 Polizzotti, Mark: De cuando Breton conoció a Trotski ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…
IDN 07809 Polizzotti, Mark: When Breton met Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…
IDN 07810 LLTB Chapter 4
Polonskij, Vjačeslav Pavlovič: Literaturnye vzgljady L.D. Trockogo / Vjačeslav Polonskij
In: Polonskij, V.P.: Očerki literaturnogo dviženija revoljucionnogo ėpochy (1917-1927) (Moskva, 1928) : pp. 106-117
Other ed., versions, transl.: Las opiniones de L. Trotski sobre la literatura
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky's literary views
IDN 07811 LLTB Chapter 4
Polonskij, Vjačeslav Pavlovič: Las opiniones de L. Trotski sobre la literatura / Viatxieslav Polonski. Trad. dir. del ruso por Andrés Nin
In: Polonskij, V.P.: La literatura rusa de la época revolucionaria. (Madrid, 1932)
Orig.: Literaturnye vzgljady L.D. Trockogo
Angl.: L. Trotsky's views about literature
IDN 07812 LLTB Chapter 4
Poole, Thomas Ray: Lev Trotsky : literature and revolution
Lawrence, Ka., Univ. of Kansas, Thesis (M.A.), 1968
IDN 07813 LLTB Chapter 4
Pozuelo Andrés, Yván: Aproximaciones a la antimasonería de León Trotsky = Approaches to Leon Trotsky's anti-masonry [Electronic resource]
In: Pacha : revista de estudios con temporáneos del sur global [Electronic journal] ‹Quito› [ISSN 2697-3677] 1.2020 (2) : pp. 35-50 (18 KB)
URL: http://revistapacha.religacion.com/index.php/about/article/view/23
Bibliogr.: pp. 48-50
Dated Aug. 30, 2020. - Accessed Oct. 1, 2020
With Span. and Engl. abstracts
IDN 07814 LLTB Chapter 4
Pozuelo Andrés, Yván: Trotsky y masonería
In: Cultura masónica : revista temática de francmasonería ‹Oviedo› [ISSN 2171-1968] 10.2018 (34) : pp. 47-55
Notes: 8
Angl.: Trotsky and freemasonry
IDN 07815 LLTB Chapter 4
Il proletkult : testi di M.O. Brik [et al.] / a cura di Giovanni Crino
In: Rassegna sovietica ‹Roma› [ISSN 0033-9857] 15.1964 (2) : pp. 170-223
IDN 07816 LLTB Chapter 4
Punin, Nikolaj Nikolaevič: Literature without revolution / N.N. Punin. Transl. by James D. White
In: Journal of Trotsky Studies ‹Glasgow› [ISSN 1358-1295] 4.1995 : pp. 47-52
Orig.: Revoljucija bez literatury
Rejoinder to Trotsky's article "Vneoktjabr'skaja literatura" (1922)
IDN 07817 LLTB Chapter 4
Punin, Nikolaj Nikolaevič: Revoljucija bez literatury / Nikolaj N. Punin
In: Minuvšee : istoričeskij al'manach ‹Paris; later: Moskva› 8.1989 : pp. 331-349
Other ed., versions, transl.: Literature without revolution
Rejoinder to Trotsky's article "Vneoktjabr'skaja literatura" (1922)
Angl.: Revolution without literature
IDN 07818 LLTB Chapter 4
Ragghianti, Carlo Ludovico: Il dissidio di Trockij / Carlo L. Ragghianti
In: Ragghianti, C.L.: Marxismo perplesso. (Milano, 1980) : pp. 89-98
Angl.: The disagreement of Trotsky
IDN 07819 LLTB Chapter 4
Ranc, Julijana: Trotzki und die Literaten : Literaturkritik eines Außenseiters. - Stuttgart : M & P Verl. für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 1997. - 215 pp.
ISBN 3-476-45178-X - ISBN 978-3-476-45178-1
Table of contents: p.7 Einleitung -- p.25 Sibirien (1900-1902) -- p.33 "Marxistisches Gegengift" (p.33 Literatur und Gesellschaft -- p.52 Literaturkritik als Ideologiekritik -- p.64 Schriftsteller als Ideologen?) -- p.77 Wien (1908-1914) -- p.93 Intellektuelle, Bohème und Politik (p.93 Potentielle Verbündete, unsichere Kantonisten oder potentielle Verräter? -- p. 113 Marxisten, "Centralisten" und ein "russischer Journalist" -- p.129 Antibürgerlicher Widerspruchsgeist, säkulare Glaubensbekenntnisse und Markt) -- p.156 Literatur und Revolution (p.157 "Marxistisches Gegengift", Sowjetunion 1924/24 -- p.182 Vom Proletkult zum sozialistischen Realismus) -- p.195 Quellen und Literatur -- p.210 Personenverzeichnis
Bibliogr.: pp. 195-209
Notes: 486
Angl.: Trotsky and the writers
IDN 07820 LLTB Chapter 4
Revueltas, Eugenia: José Revueltas y Trotsky. - 11 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987
IDN 07821 LLTB Chapter 4
Réz, Andor: Trotzki und die Frage der proletarischen Kultur
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (62) : pp. 847-848
Angl.: Trotsky and the question of proletarian culture
IDN 07822 LLTB Chapter 4
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Byt ili ne byt? : Lev Trockij, politika i kul'tura v 1920-e gody / Aleksandr Reznik
In: Neprikosnovennyj zapas : debaty o politike i kul'ture ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-6365 - 1813-6583 - 1815-7912] 2013 (4=90) : pp. 88-106
Notes: 86
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky, the cultural debates, and the political struggle in 1923 ; León Trotsky, la política y la cultura en los años 20
Angl.: To be or not to be?
IDN 07823 LLTB Chapter 4
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: León Trotsky, la política y la cultura en los años 20 [Electronic resource] / Aleksandr Reznik. Trad.: Guillermo Irurbide. - 216 KB (23 pp.)
URL: https://carga.laizquierdadiario.com/Leon-Trotsky-la-politica-y-la-cultura-en-los-anos-20
Notes: 87
Orig.: Byt ili ne byt?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky, the cultural debates, and the political struggle in 1923
Accessed Aug. 13, 2021
Angl.: Leon Trotsky, politics and culture in the 1920s
IDN 07824 LLTB Chapter 4
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Leon Trotsky, the cultural debates, and the political struggle in 1923 / Alexander Reznik
In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 28.2020 (2) : pp. 140-169
Table of contents: p.140 Introduction -- p.142 Communist kulturnichestvo -- p.146 Political context -- p.149 Responding to comrades from below -- p.151 Producing the discussion -- p.153 Feedback from above -- p.154 The feminist movement -- p.156 Feedback from below -- p.161 Back to politics -- p.164 Conclusion -- p.166 References
Bibliogr.: pp. 166-169
Notes: 123
Orig.: Byt ili ne byt?
Other ed., versions, transl.: León Trotsky, la política y la cultura en los años 20
With abstract
IDN 07825 LLTB Chapter 4
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Lev Trockij i diskussija o "novom byte" v kontekste vnutripartijnoj bor'by 1923-1924 gg. / Aleksandr Reznik
In: Konstruiruja "sovetskoe"? : materialy naučnoj konferencii studentov i aspirantov (20-21 aprelja 2012 goda, Sankt-Peterburg). (Sankt-Peterburg, 2012) : pp. 135-142
Notes: 37
Paper originally submitted to the Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov, Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 20-21, 2012
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and the discussion about the "new way of life" in the context of the inner-party struggle of the years 1923-24
IDN 07826 LLTB Chapter 4
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Trockij i voprosy kul'turnogo stroitel'stva [Electronic resource] / Aleksandr Reznik. - 135 KB (10 pp.)
URL: http://socialism.ru/assets/files/Pdf/download/theory/trotsky-and-questions-of-cultural-construction-ru.pdf
Dated Jan. 26, 2008
Accessed Sept. 9, 2008. - URL defunct as at Oct. 1, 2014
Angl.: Trotsky and the problems of cultural reconstruction
IDN 07827 LLTB Chapter 4
Ridenti, Marcelo: A pequena família trotskista em tempo de romantismo revolucionário
In: Ridenti, M.: Em busca do povo brasileiro. (Rio de Janeiro, 2000) : pp. 196-206
Angl.: The small Trotskyist family in the times of revolutionary romanticism
IDN 07828 LLTB Chapter 4
Riezu, Jorge: Leon Trotsky : sociología del arte y de la literatura
In: Estudios filosóficos ‹Las Caldas de Besaya› [ISSN 0210-6086] 25.1976 (69) : pp. 351-364
Table of contents: p.353 Sociedad y cultura en Rusia -- p.358 Clase social y literatura -- p.363 El realismo vital-social
Notes: 38
Angl.: Leon Trotsky : sociology of arts and literature
IDN 07829 LLTB Chapter 4
Roche, Gérard: Breton - Trotsky : une collaboration
In: Pleine marge ‹Cognac› [ISSN 0295-1630] 1986 (3) : pp. 73-93
Angl.: Breton-Trotsky : a collaboration
IDN 07830 LLTB Chapter 4
Roche, Gérard: Breton et Trotski : de la "beauté convulsive" à l'art révolutionnaire indépendant
In: Les cahiers du Musée National d'Art Moderne ‹Paris› [ISSN 0181-1525] 2016,hors-sér. : pp. 108-117
IDN 07831 LLTB Chapter 4
Roche, Gérard: Breton, Trotski e a F.I.A.R.I. : introdução
In: Breton-Trotsky : por uma arte revolucionária independente / org.: V. Facioli. (São Paulo, 1985) : pp. 13-33
Other ed., versions, transl.: Breton, Trotsky y la FIARI
IDN 07832 LLTB Chapter 4
Roche, Gérard: Breton, Trotsky y la FIARI
In: El encuentro entre Breton y Trotsky en México. (Buenos Aires, 2016) : pp. 283-300
Other ed., versions, transl.: Breton, Trotski e a F.I.A.R.I.
IDN 07833 LLTB Chapter 4
Roche, Gérard: El encuentro del águila y el león
In: El encuentro entre Breton y Trotsky en México. (Buenos Aires, 2016) : pp. 257-282
Orig.: La rencontre de l'aigle et du lion
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky, Breton y el manifesto de México
Angl.: The encounter of the eagle and the lion
IDN 07834 Roche, Gérard: Malraux et Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07835 Roche, Gérard: Malraux och Trotskij ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07836 Roche, Gérard: Malraux y Trotsky ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07837 LLTB Chapter 4
Roche, Gérard: La rencontre de l'aigle et du lion : Trotsky, Breton et le manifeste de México
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (25) : pp. 23-46
Notes: 71
Other ed., versions, transl.: El encuentro del águila y el león ; Trotsky, Breton y el manifesto de México
Angl.: The encounter of the eagle and the lion
IDN 07838 LLTB Chapter 4
Roche, Gérard: Trotsky, Breton y el manifesto de México : el encuentro del aguila y el león / trad. por Rossana Farías y Silvia Novak
In: Estrategía internacional : revista de teoría y política marxista revolucionaria ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 1515-9833] 1998 (7)
Notes: 71
Orig.: La rencontre de l'aigle et du lion
Other ed., versions, transl.: El encuentro del águila y el león
Angl.: Trotsky, Breton and the manifesto of Mexico
IDN 07839 LLTB Chapter 4
Rogačeva, Elena Jur'evna: Džon D'jui (1859-1952) i Lev Trockij (1879-1940) : obrazovanie kak rekonstrukcija opyta = John Dewey (1859-1952) and Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) : education as the reconstruction of experience / E.Ju. Rogačeva
In: Vestnik Vladimirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta imeni Aleksandra Grigor'eviča i Nikolaja Grigor'eviča Stoletovyč : Pedagogičeskie i psichologičeskie nauki ‹Vladimir› [ISSN 2307-3241] 2017 (31) : pp. 36-46
IDN 07840 LLTB Chapter 4
Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: [Foreword] / V. Rogovin
In: Teatr' ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0040-0777 - 0131-6885] 1989 (9) : pp. 82-85
Introd. to Trockij, L.D.: Stat'i ob isskustve, in: ibid.
IDN 07841 Rosés Cordovilla, Sergí: Color al retrat de Trotsky per Iuri Annenkov ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…
IDN 07842 LLTB Chapter 4
Rossbach, Sabine: Surreal encounters : Diego Rivera meets Cortes, Trotsky & Breton in Mexico City
In: AUMLA : journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association ‹Toowoomba› [ISSN 0001-2793] 2007 (spec.iss.) : pp. 275-290
Notes: 17
IDN 07843 LLTB Chapter 4
Roy, Amitabh: Towards cultural progress : thoughts of Leon Trotsky about art and culture [Electronic resource]
In: SubalternSpeak : an international journal of postcolonial studies [Electronic journal] ‹Pune› [ISSN 2347-2103] 3.2015 (3) : pp. 5-15 (200 KB)
URL: https://interactionsforum.com/images/pdfs/subalternspeak/v3/i3/s-p-22.pdf
Accessed Aug. 27, 2020
IDN 07844 LLTB Chapter 4
Samonà, Giuseppe Paolo: [Foreword] Considerazioni su Trotskij critico
In: Trockij, L.D.: Scritti letterari. (Roma, 1968)
IDN 07845 LLTB Chapter 4
Sánchez Vázquez, Adolfo: Trotsky : arte y revolución
In: Sánchez Vázquez, A.: Cuestiones estéticas y artísticas contemporáneas. (México, D.F., 1996) : pp. 177-186
Paper originally submitted to the Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte (1940-1990), México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990
Reprinted from: Artes : educación, investigación, crítica (México, D.F.), 1991 (19)
Angl.: Trotsky : art and revolution
IDN 07846 LLTB Chapter 4
Sánchez Vázquez, Adolfo: Trotsky : arte y revolución
In: Sánchez Vázquez, A.: Cuestiones estéticas y artísticas contemporáneas. 2. ed. (México, D.F., 2003) : pp. 177-186
Paper originally submitted to the Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte (1940-1990), México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990
Reprinted from: Artes : educación, investigación, crítica (México, D.F.), 1991 (19)
IDN 07847 LLTB Chapter 4
Santos, Cláudio Felix dos: Cultura proletária ou cultura universal? : sobre perspectivas culturais e educionais nos primeiros anos da revolução russa (1917-1924) = Cultura proletaria o cultura universal? : sobre perspectivas culturales y educativas en los primeros años de la revolución rusa (1917-1924) [Electronic resource]
In: Revista RBBA : revista binacional Brasil Argentina [Electronic journal] ‹Vitório da Conquista, BA› [ISSN 2316-1205] 6.2017 (2) : pp. 65-83 (411 KB)
URL: https://periodicos2.uesb.br/index.php/rbba/article/view/3663/3024
Notes: 8
With Port. and Span. abstracts
Accessed Dec. 10, 2022
Angl.: Proletarian or universal culture?
IDN 07848 Šapošnikov, Vladimir Nikolaevič: Trockij : sotrudnik "Vostočnogo obozrenija" ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07849 LLTB Chapter 4
Sartelli, Eduardo: Un largo y sinuoso surco rojo : Trotsky, la literatura y la revolución / Eduardo Sartelli y Rosana López Rodriguez
In: Trockij, L.D.: Literatura y revolución. (Buenos Aires, 2015)
IDN 07850 Savić, Verica: Trotsky as a product of specific time ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…
IDN 07851 LLTB Chapter 4
Schwarz, Arturo: André Breton, Leone Trotskij : storia di un'amicizia tra arte e rivoluzione. - Roma : Savelli, 1974. - 177 pp. - (Saggistica ; 58)
Table of contents: p.7 Il poeta e il politico -- p.15 L'attività di Breton e dei surrealisti -- p.29 Il primo incontro -- p.45 Viva Lenin Viva Trotskij! -- p.61 Per un'arte rivoluzionaria indipendente -- p.89 La notte nera come l'inferno -- p.101 Né dio né padrone -- p.109 Documenti [...]
Notes: 184
Other ed., versions, transl.: André Breton, Trotsky, et l'anarchie ; Breton e Trotsky
Angl.: André Breton, Leon Trotsky : history of a friendship between arts and revolution
IDN 07852 LLTB Chapter 4
Schwarz, Arturo: André Breton, Trotsky, et l'anarchie / trad. de l'Ital. par Amaryllis Vassilikioti. - Paris : Union Général d'Ed., 1977. - 216 pp. - (Collection 10/18 ; 1174)
Orig.: André Breton, Leone Trotskij
Other ed., versions, transl.: Breton e Trotsky
Angl.: André Breton, Trotsky, and anarchy
IDN 07853 LLTB Chapter 4
Schwarz, Arturo: Breton e Trotsky : storia di un'amicizia. - 3. ed. - Bolsena : Erre Emme, 1997. - 227 pp. - (Storia e memoria ; 2)
ISBN 88-4570-111-5
Orig.: André Breton, Leone Trotskij
Other ed., versions, transl.: André Breton, Trotsky, et l'anarchie
IDN 07854 LLTB Chapter 4
Scillia, Diane G.: A world of art, politics, passion and betrayal : Trotsky, Rivera and Breton and Manifesto 'Towards a free revolutionary art' (1938) / Diane Scillia
In: Phenomenological Inquiry : a review of philosophical ideas and trends ‹Belmont, Mass.› [ISSN 0885-3886] 26.2002 : pp. 52-74
Rev. version of paper submitted to the 51st International Congress of Phenomenology, Roma, June 26-30, 2001
IDN 07855 LLTB Chapter 4
Scillia, Diane G.: A world of art, politics, passion and betrayal : Trotsky, Rivera and Breton and Manifesto 'Towards a free revolutionary art' (1938)
In: Does the world exist? / ed. by A.-T. Tymieniecka. (Dordrecht, 2004) : pp. 447-465
Rev. version of paper submitted to the 51st International Congress of Phenomenology, Roma, June 26-30, 2001
IDN 07856 LLTB Chapter 4
Sérac, Michel: L' art, la société, la révolution : principes et pronostics
In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] N.s. 2010 (69=675=no.spéc.) : pp. 83-89
Notes: 16
Angl.: Arts, society, revolution : principles and prognoses
IDN 07857 LLTB Chapter 4
Siciliani de Cumis, Nicola: Note su Trockij, Gramsci e il futurismo : (con un'aggiunta su Antonio Marasco in Russia)
In: Slavia : rivista trimestrale di cultura ‹Roma› 1.1992 (4) : pp. 159-180
Notes: 40
Republ. in: Quaderni di Slavia (Roma), 1.2001
Angl.: Notes on Trotsky, Gramsci and futurism
IDN 07858 LLTB Chapter 4
Siegel, Paul Noah: [Foreword] / Paul N. Siegel
In: Twentieth Century Literary Criticism ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0276-8178] 22.1987 : pp. 378-382
Slightly abridged version of author's introduction to Trotsky, L.: On literature and art, 2. ed., New York, NY, 1972
IDN 07859 LLTB Chapter 4
Siegel, Paul Noah: [Foreword] Introduction / Paul N. Siegel
In: Trockij, L.D.: On literature and art. 2. ed. (New York, NY, 1972) : pp. [7]-26
IDN 07860 LLTB Chapter 4
Silva, Michel Goulart da: Arte e revolução em Trotsky e Breton [Electronic resource]
In: Aurora : revista de arte, mídia e política [Electronic journal] ‹São Paulo› [ISSN 1982-6672] 10.2017/18 (30) : pp. 55-64 (98 KB)
URL: https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/aurora/article/view/350080/24871
With Port. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed March 22, 2018
Angl.: Arts and revolution in Trotsky and Breton
IDN 07861 LLTB Chapter 4
Slaughter, Cliff: Literature and revolution : Trotsky
In: Slaughter, C.: Marxism, ideology and literature. (London, 1980) : pp. 86-113, 217-218
Notes: 50
IDN 07862 LLTB Chapter 4
Slaughter, Cliff: Literature and revolution : Trotsky
In: Slaughter, C.: Marxism, ideology and literature. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1980) : pp. 86-113, 217-218
Notes: 50
IDN 07863 LLTB Chapter 4
Smirnova, Ljudmila Nikitična: Gor'kij i Trockij : chodožnik i politik
In: Maksim Gor'kij - chudožnik. (Nižnij Novgorod, 2002) : pp. 46-55
Paper originally submitted to Gor'kovskie Čtenija, Nižnij Novgorod, March 27-28, 2000
IDN 07864 LLTB Chapter 4
Strada, Vittorio: Revolucionarna cenzura : Trocki in Lunačarski
In: Zgodovina marksizma. 3,1. (Ljubljana, 1986) : pp. 709-711
Angl.: Revolutionary censorship: Trotsky and Lunacharsky
IDN 07865 LLTB Chapter 4
Šturman, Dora: Partijnyj intelligentoid / D. Šturman
In: Posev ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0032-5201] 48.1992 (2=1406) : pp. 116-124
Notes: 18
Angl.: The pseudo-intellectual in the party
IDN 07866 LLTB Chapter 4
Šturman, Dora: Trockij : intelligentoid i kultura
In: Vremja i my ‹Tel-Aviv› [ISSN 0737-7061] 1982 (66) : pp. 184-200
Excerpted from author's "Mertvye chvatajut živych", London, 1982
Angl.: Trotsky : the pseudo-intellectual and the culture
IDN 07867 LLTB Chapter 4
Swingewood, Alan: Bureaucracy, realism and literature
In: Swingewood, A.: The novel and revolution. (London [etc.], 1975) : pp. 68-111
IDN 07868 LLTB Chapter 4
Swingewood, Alan: Marxism and literary theory
In: Literature and History ‹Winchester› [ISSN 0306-1973] 1975 (2) : pp. 45-59
Notes: 30
IDN 07869 LLTB Chapter 4
Szkołut, Tadeusz: Estetyka Lwa Trockiego
In: Studia filozoficzne ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 0039-3142] 1987 (3=256) : pp. 101-119
Notes: 46
With Engl. summary
Angl.: Aesthetics in Leon Trotsky
IDN 07870 LLTB Chapter 4
Szkołut, Tadeusz: Lew Trocki a radziecka myśl estetyczna lat dwudziestych
In: Studia estetyczne ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 0081-637X] 20/21.1983/94 (1987) : pp. 237-264
Notes: 83
With Engl. and Russ. summaries
Angl.: Leon Trotsky and the Soviet aesthetic thought of the 1920s
IDN 07871 LLTB Chapter 4
Szkołut, Tadeusz: Z dziejów myśli estetycznej marksizmu : Lew Trocki o sztuce
In: Akcent ‹Lublin› [ISSN 0208-6220] 1986 (3) : pp. 144-153
Notes: 7
Angl.: On the history of Marxism's aesthetical thought
IDN 07872 LLTB Chapter 4
Taffarel, Celi Nelza Zulke: Modo de produção e educação : questões do modo de vida ; uma contribuição de Leon Trotsky = Mode of production and education = Modo de producción y educación / Celi Nelza Zule Taffarel ; Cláudio de Lira Santos Júnior
In: Germinal : marxismo e educação em debate ‹Salvador, Bahia› [ISSN 2175-5604] 1.2009 (1) : pp. 4-13
Notes: 7
With Port., Engl. and Span. abstracts
Angl.: Mode of production and education
IDN 07873 LLTB Chapter 4
Taminiaux, Pierre: Breton and Trotsky : the revolutionary memory of surrealism
In: Yale French Studies ‹New Haven, Conn.› [ISSN 0044-0078] 2006 (109) : pp. 52-66
Notes: 16
IDN 07874 LLTB Chapter 4
Taylor, Brandon: Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in 1923
In: Taylor, B.: Art and literature under the Bolsheviks. 1. (London [etc.], 1991) : pp. 183-199
Notes: 62
IDN 07875 LLTB Chapter 4
Thurn, Hans Peter: Ein Literat als Revolutionär : Leo Trotzki
In: Thurn, H.P.: Kritik der marxistischen Kunsttheorie. (Stuttgart, 1976) : pp. 52-71
Angl.: The writer as revolutionary
IDN 07876 LLTB Chapter 4
Tikos, Laszlo M.: Trotsky's Literature and revolution vs. Stalin's socialist realism. - 17, 2 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 28
Paper submitted to the International Conference The Trotsky-Stalin Conflict and Russia in the 1920s, Garden City, NY, March 9-10, 1979
IDN 07877 LLTB Chapter 4
Timme, Karin: L. D. Trockij
In: Timme, K.: Konzeptionen der proletarischen Literatur 1917 bis 1925 in Sowjetrußland. (Leipzig, Pädagog. Hochschule, Diss., 1991) : pp. 102-116
IDN 07878 LLTB Chapter 4
Toft, Jens: Trotskij og André Breton om kunst og politik
In: Socialistisk Information ‹København› [ISSN 0108-1861] 3.1985 (15) : pp. 39-44
Angl.: Trotsky and André Breton on arts and politics
IDN 07879 LLTB Chapter 4
Toscano, Alberto: The broken music of the revolution : Trotsky and Blok
In: Crisis and Critique ‹Tiranë› [ISSN 2311-8172] 4.2017 (2) : pp. 404-426
Notes: 54
IDN 07880 LLTB Chapter 4
Touvet, Hilaire: Trotsky ... Jules Romains, Zola?
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (25) : pp. 81-86
Notes: 5
IDN 07881 LLTB Chapter 4
Traverso, Enzo: Bohemia, exile and revolution : notes on Marx, Benjamin and Trotsky / transl. by Marie-José Gransard
In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 10.2002 (1) : pp. 123-153
Notes: 82
Rev. and exp. version of a paper originally pres. at the II Congrès Marx International, Nanterre, Sept. 30 - Oct.3, 1998, with title: Bohème, exil et révolution
IDN 07882 LLTB Chapter 4
Trotsky et les écrivains français. - Grenoble : Institut Léon Trotsky, 1986. - 112 pp. - (Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] ; 1986,25)
Table of contents: p.5 Trotsky et Breton/M. Bonnet -- p.19 Léon Trotsky: Lenin/A. Breton -- p.23 La rencontre de l'Aigle et du Lion/G. Roche -- p.47 Trotsky, Céline, Le Voyage/C. Boyard -- p.65 Artiste et révolutionnaire: B. Péret au Brésil/F. Abramo et D. Karepovs -- p.81 Trotsky, de Zola à Jules Romains/H. Touvet -- p.87 Visite à Saint-Palais/J. Germain -- p.93 Gide et les procès de Moscou/J. Robrieux - [...]
Angl.: Trotsky and the French writers
IDN 07883 LLTB Chapter 4
Trotsky, littérature et les écrivains. - Grenoble : Inst. Léon Trotsky, 1992. - 125 pp. - (Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] ; 1992,47)
Table of contents: p.5 Trotsky, la littérature et les écrivains/M. Bonnet -- p.11 Benjamin Péret et la Ligue Communiste du Brésil/D. Karepovs -- p.19 Victor Serge et le roman révolutionnaire/R. Greeman -- p.37 James T. Farrell et le trotskysme/A. Wald -- p.55 Walter Benjamin et Trotsky/E. Traverso -- p.65 Victor Serge, l'opposition comme force d'idées/P. Broué -- p.73 Deux colloques: Panaït Istrati et Victor Serge/G. Roche -- p.81 La gauche littéraire de New-York/A. Wald -- p.93 Cinéma et histoire à Perpignan/S. Lambert -- p.95 Documents - [...]
Angl.: Trotsky, literature, and the writers
IDN 07884 LLTB Chapter 4
Vale, Mike: Leon Trotsky and art : theatre, music, films
In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 5.1990 (8) : pp. 22-24
IDN 07885 LLTB Chapter 4
Villela, Thyago Marío: A "atenção aos detalhes" : as "questões do modo de vida" e o novo 'byt' soviético (1923) [Electronic resource]
In: Cadernos Cemarx [Electronic journal] ‹Campinas, SP› [ISSN 2318-065X] 2015 (8) : pp. 85-101 (409 KB)
URL: https://econtents.bc.unicamp.br/inpec/index.php/cemarx/article/view/10900/6174
Notes: 15
With Port. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Aug. 22, 2020
Angl.: "Caution for details"
IDN 07886 LLTB Chapter 4
Villela, Thyago Marío: A cultura na revolução, a revolução na cultura : o debate sobre a cultura proletária em Literatura e revolução
In: Outubro : revista do Instituto de Estudos Socialistas ‹São Paulo› [ISSN 1516-6333] 2017 (28) : pp. 173-201
Bibliogr.: pp. 200-201
Notes: 18
With Port. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Culture in revolution, revolution in culture : the debate about proletarian culture in 'Literature and revolution'
IDN 07887 LLTB Chapter 4
Volod'ko, Anna Vjačeslavovna: L. D. Trockij i kampanija po iz"jatiju cerkovnych cennostej 1922 g. / A.V. Volod'ko
In: Dialog so vremenem = Dialogue with Time ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-7564] 2023 (83) : pp. 333-343
Bibliogr.: pp. 342-343
Notes: 38
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky and the 1922 campaign to seize church property
IDN 07888 LLTB Chapter 4
Voroncova, Irina Vladimirovna: L. D. Trockij i ideja sozdanija "reformatorskoj sovetskoj cerkvi" (1921-1923) / I.V. Voroncova
In: Novyj istoričeskij vestnik = The New Historical Bulletin ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2072-9286] 2010 (2=24) : pp. 15-25
Notes: 64
IDN 07889 LLTB Chapter 4
Voroncova, Irina Vladimirovna: L. D. Trockij kak strateg obnovlenčeskoj reformacii / I.V. Voroncova
In: Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svjato-Tichonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta = Saint Tikhon's University Review : Serija 2, Istorija, Istorija russkoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1991-6434] 2009 (4=33) : pp. 51-62
Notes: 86
With Engl. and Russ. abstract
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky as strategist of the renovationist reformation
IDN 07890 Wald, Alan Maynard: Farrell and Trotskyism ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…
IDN 07891 Wald, Alan Maynard: James T. Farrell et le trotskysme ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…
IDN 07892 LLTB Chapter 4
Wald, Alan Maynard: Leon Trotsky's contributions to literary and cultural theory / Alan Wald. - 15, 1 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Literature and revolution ; Leon Trotsky's contributions to Marxist cultural theory and literary criticism
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
With summary
IDN 07893 LLTB Chapter 4
Wald, Alan Maynard: Leon Trotsky's contributions to Marxist cultural theory and literary criticism / Alan Wald
In: Rebels against the old order : essays in honor of Morris Slavin / ed. by B. Blick [et al.] (Youngstown, Ohio, 1994) : pp. 128-148
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky's contributions to literary and cultural theory ; Literature and revolution
Rev. version of paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
IDN 07894 LLTB Chapter 4
Wald, Alan Maynard: Leon Trotsky's contributions to Marxist cultural theory and literary criticism / Alan Wald
In: Wald, A.M.: Writing from the Left : new essays on radical culture and politics. (London [etc.], 1994) : pp. 125-143
Table of contents: p.125 Professional critics and professional revolutionaries -- p.126 The evolution of an aesthetic -- p.128 Art and society -- p.129 The masterwork -- p.137 The exile period -- p.139 Conclusion and caveat -- p.141 Notes
Notes: 44
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky's contributions to literary and cultural theory ; Literature and revolution
Rev. version of paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
IDN 07895 LLTB Chapter 4
Wald, Alan Maynard: Literature and revolution : Leon Trotsky's contributions to Marxist cultural theory and literary criticism / Alan Wald
In: Journal of Trotsky Studies ‹Glasgow› [ISSN 1358-1295] 2.1994 : pp. 17-41
Table of contents: p.17 Professional critics and professional revolutionaries -- p.19 The evolution of an aesthetic -- p.21 Art and society -- p.23 The masterwork -- p.34 The exile period -- p.36 Conclusion and caveat -- p.39 Notes
Notes: 44
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky's contributions to literary and cultural theory ; Leon Trotsky's contributions to Marxist cultural theory and literary criticism
Rev. version of paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
IDN 07896 LLTB Chapter 4
Wald, Alan Maynard: Literature and revolution : Leon Trotsky's contributions to Marxist cultural theory and literary criticism / Alan Wald
In: The ideas of Leon Trotsky / ed. by H. Ticktin [et al.] (London, 1995) : pp. 219-232
Notes: 37
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leon Trotsky's contributions to literary and cultural theory ; Leon Trotsky's contributions to Marxist cultural theory and literary criticism
Rev. version of paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
IDN 07897 Wald, Alan Maynard: Trotsky et les intellectuels aux États-Unis ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…
IDN 07898 LLTB Chapter 4
Werckmeister, Otto Karl: The summit meeting of revolutionary art : Trotsky, Rivera and Breton at Coyoacán, 1938
In: L'art et les révolutions / responsable: K. Herding. 2. (Strasbourg, 1992) : pp. 157-170
Paper originally submitted to the 27nd International Congress on the History of Art, Strasbourg, Sept. 1-7, 1989
IDN 07899 LLTB Chapter 4
Woods, Alan: Marxism and art : introduction to Trotsky's writings on art and culture [Electronic resource]. - 198 KB (23 pp.)
URL: https://www.marxist.com/marxism-art-trotsky.htm
Dated Dec. 2000
Accessed July 3, 2023
IDN 07900 LLTB Chapter 4
Žbankova, Elena Vasil'evna: Oktjabr' 1917 goda : rukovoditeli sovetskogo gosudarstva o revoljucii, kul'ture i iskusstve / E. Žbankova
In: Koncept : filosofija, religija, kul'tura ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2541-8831] 2017 (4) : pp. 51-58
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: October 1917 : the attitude of the leaders of the Soviet state towards revolution, culture and the arts