This Lubitz' Leon Trotsky Bibliography (LLTB) is part of Lubitz' TrotskyanaNet (LTN)
30th edition of LLTB
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AAASS National Convention ‹17, Washington, DC, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 1985› → World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies ‹3, Washington, DC, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 1985›

AAASS National Convention ‹18, New Orleans, La., Nov. 20-23, 1986›:  5043  

AAASS National Convention ‹21, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 2-5, 1989›:  5063  

AAASS National Convention ‹33, Arlington (Crystal City), Va., Nov. 15-18, 2001›:  10822   10823  

AAASS National Convention ‹40, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 20-23, 2008›:  494   495   496   3756  

AAASS National Convention ‹41, Boston, Mass., Nov. 12-15, 2009›:  5742  

Aberdeen ‹1990.07.31-08.04› → International Conference Trotsky after 50 Years ‹Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990›

Aberdeen ‹2007.01.04-06› → Annual conference of the Study Group on the Russian Revolution ‹33, Aberdeen, Jan. 4-6, 2007›

Aix-en-Provence ‹1992.03.26-29› → Colloque International Willi Münzenberg - un Homme Contre ‹Aix-en-Provence, March 26-29, 1992›

Amiens ‹1989.12.07-09› → Colloque International Babeuf ‹Amiens, Dec. 7-9, 1989›

Amsterdam ‹1996.07.04-06› → Ernest Mandel Seminar ‹Amsterdam, July 4-6, 1996›

Amsterdam ‹2003.11.10-11› → Conference Theory as History: Ernest Mandel's Historical Analysis of World Capitalism ‹Amsterdam, Nov. 10-11, 2003›

Angers ‹1986.11.06-10› → Rencontres Internationales André Malraux ‹Angers, Nov. 6-10, 1986›

Annual Central Meeting of the Revolutionary History Journal ‹London, Oct. 1993›:  7028   7030  

Annual Conference in Political Economy ‹4, Den Haag, July 9-11, 2013›:  4171  

Annual conference of the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France ‹Loughborough, Sept. 8-10, 2005› → Conference Les Forces de Révolution - Forces for Radical Social Change in France Today = Annual conference of the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France ‹Loughborough, Sept. 8-10, 2005›

Annual Conference of the Max Weber Foundation ‹3, Moskva, Sept. 21-23, 2017›:  2057   2058  

Annual conference of the Simon Dubnow Institute ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001› → International Conference Jewish Questions - Communist Answers ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001›

Annual conference of the Study Group on the Russian Revolution ‹33, Aberdeen, Jan. 4-6, 2007›:  8204  

Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies ‹42, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 18-21, 2010› → ASEEES Annual Convention ‹42, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 18-21, 2010›

Annual meeting of the American Historical Association ‹75, New York, NY, Dec. 28-30, 1960›:  6286   6287   6288   6289   6290   6291   6292  

Annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies ‹22, San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 3-5, 1970›:  15197  

Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association ‹Chicago, Ill., Apr. 21-23, 1977›:  646  

Annual North American Labor History Conference ‹27, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 20-22, 2005›:  534   4227  

Arbeitstagung zur Geschichte der Linken Opposition der KPD bzw. der IKD ‹1, Gelsenkirchen, Febr. 28-29, 2004› → Workshop Widerstand Linker Kleinorganisationen gegen den Nationalsozialismus: Die Linke Opposition ‹Gelsenkirchen, Febr. 28-29, 2004›

Arlington (Crystal City), Va. ‹2001.11.15-18› → AAASS National Convention ‹33, Arlington (Crystal City), Va., Nov. 15-18, 2001›

ASEEES Annual Convention ‹42, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 18-21, 2010›:  492   493   16734   16735  

Astaf'evskie Čtenija ‹1, Perm', May 17-18, 2002›:  10565  

Athens ‹1991.10.22-26› → Symposium '90 International Conference ‹2, Athens, Oct. 22-26, 1991›

Augst ‹2017.09.13-15› → International Academic Conference 'Russia 1917 and the Dissolution of the Old Order in Europe' ‹Augst, Sept. 13-15, 2017›

Barcelona ‹1979.04.19-21› → International Colloquium on the Spanish Civil War ‹Barcelona, Apr. 19-21, 1979›

Bareilly ‹2004.12.28-30› → Indian History Congress ‹65, Bareilly, Dec. 28-30, 2004›

Bellagio ‹1975.07.25-31› → Conference on Stalinism and Communist Political Culture ‹Bellagio, July 25-31, 1975›

Belo Horizonte ‹2005.05.31-06.03› → Congresso Brasileiro de Sociologia ‹12, Belo Horizonte, May 31-June 3, 2005›

Berlin ‹1989.09.18› → Berliner Kolloquium zur Weltgeschichte ‹2, Berlin, Sept.18, 1989›

Berlin ‹1997.05.24-26› → Workshop Anarchisten, Anarchosyndikalisten, Rätekommunisten, Trotzkisten in Widerstand und Exil ‹Berlin, May 24-26, 1997›

Berlin ‹1998.05.15› → Kolloquium anläßlich des 70. Geburtstages von Helmut Bock ‹Berlin, May 15, 1998›

Berlin ‹1998.10.23-24› → Konferenz des Arbeitskreises Kritischer MarxistInnen ‹14, Berlin, Oct. 23-24, 1998›

Berliner Kolloquium zur Weltgeschichte ‹2, Berlin, Sept.18, 1989›:  7025   7026   7027   7032  

Bernburg ‹2002.09.13-14› → Symposium aus Anlass des 60. Jahrestages der Wannseekonferenz zur 'Endlösung der Judenfrage' ‹Bernburg, Sept. 13-14, 2002›

Boston, Mass. ‹2003.07.18› → International Social Philosophy Conference ‹20, Boston, Mass., July 18, 2003›

Boston, Mass. ‹2009.11.12-15› → AAASS National Convention ‹41, Boston, Mass., Nov. 12-15, 2009›

Brussel ‹1997.03.15› → Colloquium De Actualiteit van het Marxisme van Ernest Mandel ‹Brussel, March 15, 1997›

Bruxelles ‹1991.03.21-23› → Colloque Victor Serge ‹Bruxelles, March 21-23, 1991›

Bruxelles ‹2005.11.19› → Colloque Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) - la Pensée Créatrice ‹Bruxelles, Nov. 19, 2005›

Buenos Aires ‹2002.11.14› → Taller 'Trotsky como alternativa' ‹Buenos Aires, Nov. 14 and 29, 2002›

Buenos Aires ‹2015.11.18-20› → Jornadas de la Historia de las Izquierdas ‹8, Buenos Aires, Nov. 18-20, 2015›

Campinas ‹2004.10.06› → Seminário Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth: Passado e Futuro ‹Campinas, Oct. 6, 2004›

Campinas ‹2005.11.08-11› → Colôquio Internacional Marx-Engels ‹4, Campinas, Nov. 8-11, 2005›

Charleston, SC ‹1983.02.24-27› → Consortium on Revolutionary Europe ‹13, Charleston, SC, Febr. 24-27, 1983›

La Chaux-de-Fonds ‹1991.09.25-28› → Colloque sur l'Internationale Communiste ‹La Chaux-de-Fonds, Sept. 25-28, 1991›

Chicago, Ill. ‹1977.04.21-23› → Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association ‹Chicago, Ill., Apr. 21-23, 1977›

Chicago, Ill. ‹1982.12.31› → Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance ‹Chicago, Ill., Dec. 31, 1982›

Chicago, Ill. ‹1989.11.02-05› → AAASS National Convention ‹21, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 2-5, 1989›

Colloque Autogestion, la Dernière Utopie? ‹Paris, June 14-15, 2001›:  13339   21561  

Colloque consacré à Messali Hadj ‹Tlemcen, March 29-30, 2000›:  13489  

Colloque Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) - la Pensée Créatrice ‹Bruxelles, Nov. 19, 2005›:  20934   21011   21133   21296  

Colloque International Babeuf ‹Amiens, Dec. 7-9, 1989›:  6934   6935   6936  

Colloque International sur la Guerre Civil d'Espagne ‹Barcelona, Apr. 19-21, 1979› → International Colloquium on the Spanish Civil War ‹Barcelona, Apr. 19-21, 1979›

Colloque International Willi Münzenberg - un Homme Contre ‹Aix-en-Provence, March 26-29, 1992›:  6786   6787  

Colloque Les Années 1970 en Europe ‹Roma, May 25-26, 2017›:  11834  

Colloque L'Internationalisme à l'Epreuve ‹Dijon, May 22-23, 1992›:  11673  

Colloque L'Usage Politique des Fêtes ‹Paris, Nov. 22-23, 1990›:  13381  

Colloque organisé par l'Ecole Française de Rome ‹Roma, Nov. 22-24, 1984›:  6381  

Colloque Pierre Broué ‹Dijon, June 16, 2010› → Journée d'Étude Pierre Broué, un Historien Engagé dans le Siècle ‹Dijon, June 16, 2010›

Colloque Pour une Gauche de Gauche - Diagnostics pour Agir ‹Paris, Dec. 14-15, 2007›:  13428   13748  

Colloque sur l'Internationale Communiste ‹La Chaux-de-Fonds, Sept. 25-28, 1991›:  4633   11141  

Colloque Victor Serge ‹Bruxelles, March 21-23, 1991›:  6788   6827   6828  

Colloqui Internacional sobre la Guerra Civil d'Espanya ‹Barcelona, Apr. 19-21, 1979› → International Colloquium on the Spanish Civil War ‹Barcelona, Apr. 19-21, 1979›

Colloquium De Actualiteit van het Marxisme van Ernest Mandel ‹Brussel, March 15, 1997›:  5536   20835   20836   21122   21123   21304   21305   21308   21309   21311   21312   21324   21327   21328   21353  

Colloquium in Honour of Olga Crisp's Retirement ‹London, 1987›:  5204  

Colloquium The 1970s in Europe → Colloque Les Années 1970 en Europe ‹Roma, May 25-26, 2017›

Colombo ‹1999› → Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Symposium ‹Colombo, 1999›

Coloquio de Historia Contemporánea ‹2, León, Nov. 11-13, 1987›:  3838  

Coloquio Histórico sobre León Trotsky en el Cincuenta Aniversario de Su Muerte ‹México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990› → Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte (1940-1990) ‹México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990›

Colóquio Internacional Marx e os Marxismos ‹5, São Paulo, Oct. 21-25, 2013›:  12101  

Colôquio Internacional Marx-Engels ‹4, Campinas, Nov. 8-11, 2005›:  6293  

Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte (1940-1990) ‹México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990›:  411   5665   7259   7260   7646   7649   7845   7846  

Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista ‹México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987›:  70   363   2836   2843   2849   2865   2872   2917   2918   2934   2951   3000   3001   6749   6900   7820   11026   14949   14953  

Conference ‹1960.12.28-30› → Annual meeting of the American Historical Association ‹75, New York, NY, Dec. 28-30, 1960›

Conference ‹1962.05.26› → Conference of the Society for the Study of Labour History ‹5, London, May 26, 1962›

Conference ‹1964.10.05-07› → Conference on One Hundred Years of Revolutionary Internationals ‹Stanford, Cal., Oct. 5-7, 1964›

Conference ‹1970.04.03-05› → Annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies ‹22, San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 3-5, 1970›

Conference ‹1970.12.27-31› → Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance ‹10, New York, NY, Dec. 27-31, 1970›

Conference ‹1971.05.05-08› → Northeast conference of the AAASS ‹Montréal, May 5-8, 1971›

Conference ‹1975.07.25-31› → Conference on Stalinism and Communist Political Culture ‹Bellagio, July 25-31, 1975›

Conference ‹1977.04.21-23› → Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association ‹Chicago, Ill., Apr. 21-23, 1977›

Conference ‹1977.04› → Great Lakes History Conference ‹Grand Rapids, Mich., Apr. 1977›

Conference ‹1977.09.11› → Marxist Symposium ‹London, Sept. 11, 1977›

Conference ‹1979.03.09-10› → International Conference The Trotsky-Stalin Conflict and Russia in the 1920s ‹Garden City, NY, March 9-10, 1979›

Conference ‹1979.04.19-21› → International Colloquium on the Spanish Civil War ‹Barcelona, Apr. 19-21, 1979›

Conference ‹1979.08.12-18› → World Congress of the International Political Science Association ‹11, Moskva, Aug. 12-18, 1979›

Conference ‹1980.09.20› → Conference for the Study of Leon Trotsky and the History of the Revolutionary Movement ‹London, Sept. 20, 1980›

Conference ‹1980.10.07-11› → Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980›

Conference ‹1981.10.22-24› → Congrès de l'Association Française de Science Politique ‹Paris, Oct. 22-24, 1981›

Conference ‹1982.12.31› → Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance ‹Chicago, Ill., Dec. 31, 1982›

Conference ‹1983.02.24-27› → Consortium on Revolutionary Europe ‹13, Charleston, SC, Febr. 24-27, 1983›

Conference ‹1983.05› → Critique Conference on Marxism ‹London, May 1983›

Conference ‹1983.09.13-17› → Linzer Konferenz ‹19, Linz, Sept. 13-17, 1983›

Conference ‹1984.06.07› → Wissenschaftliche Konferenz der Sektion Marxismus-Leninismus an der Bergakademie Freiberg ‹4, Freiberg, June 7, 1984›

Conference ‹1984.11.22-24› → Colloque organisé par l'Ecole Française de Rome ‹Roma, Nov. 22-24, 1984›

Conference ‹1984.11› → Jornadas de Historia de Occidente ‹7, Jiquílpan de Juárez, Nov. 1984›

Conference ‹1985.10.30-11.04› → World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies ‹3, Washington, DC, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 1985›

Conference ‹1985.11.30-12.01› → Trotskyist and Revolutionary Socialist Conference ‹San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1985›

Conference ‹1986.04› → International Conference on the French and Spanish Popular Fronts ‹Southampton, Apr. 1986›

Conference ‹1986.11.06-10› → Rencontres Internationales André Malraux ‹Angers, Nov. 6-10, 1986›

Conference ‹1986.11.20-23› → AAASS National Convention ‹18, New Orleans, La., Nov. 20-23, 1986›

Conference ‹1987.03.15› → Convegno su l'"Altro" Movimento Operaio - le Dissidenze di Sinistra in Italia tra il Fascismo e la Repubblica ‹Firenze, March 15, 1987›

Conference ‹1987.05.18-22› → Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista ‹México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987›

Conference ‹1987.11.11-13› → Coloquio de Historia Contemporánea ‹2, León, Nov. 11-13, 1987›

Conference ‹1987› → Colloquium in Honour of Olga Crisp's Retirement ‹London, 1987›

Conference ‹1988.10.10-13› → Internationales Bucharin-Symposium ‹Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988›

Conference ‹1989.05.26-29› → Convegno Internazionale Organizzato dalla Fondazione Istituto Gramsci di Roma ‹Urbino, May 26-29, 1989›

Conference ‹1989.09.01-07› → International Congress on the History of Art ‹27, Strasbourg, Sept. 1-7, 1989›

Conference ‹1989.09.12› → Congress of the Political Studies Association Marxism Study Group ‹London, Sept. 12, 1989›

Conference ‹1989.09.18› → Berliner Kolloquium zur Weltgeschichte ‹2, Berlin, Sept.18, 1989›

Conference ‹1989.11.02-05› → AAASS National Convention ‹21, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 2-5, 1989›

Conference ‹1989.12.07-09› → Colloque International Babeuf ‹Amiens, Dec. 7-9, 1989›

Conference ‹1990.02.17› → Convegno La Crisi del Collettivismo Burocratico - Attualità di Bruno Rizzi ‹Mantova, Febr. 17, 1990›

Conference ‹1990.03.26-29› → Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft ‹Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990›

Conference ‹1990.04.23-27› → Symposium '90 International Conference ‹1, London, Apr. 23-27, 1990›

Conference ‹1990.04› → International Conference on Russia in the 20th Century ‹Moskva, Apr. 1990›

Conference ‹1990.07.21-26› → World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies ‹4, Harrogate, July 21-26, 1990›

Conference ‹1990.07.31-08.04› → International Conference Trotsky after 50 Years ‹Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990›

Conference ‹1990.08.20-24› → Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte (1940-1990) ‹México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990›

Conference ‹1990.09.10-14› → Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky ‹São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990›

Conference ‹1990.11.02-04› → International Symposium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Trotsky's Death ‹Tokyo, Nov. 2-4, 1990›

Conference ‹1990.11.22-23› → Colloque L'Usage Politique des Fêtes ‹Paris, Nov. 22-23, 1990›

Conference ‹1991.03.21-23› → Colloque Victor Serge ‹Bruxelles, March 21-23, 1991›

Conference ‹1991.03.› → Meždunarodnaja Konferencija Posvjaščenaja Merežkovskomu ‹Moskva, March 1991›

Conference ‹1991.07.08-13› → Konferencija Bol'ševizm i Socialdemokratija Načala XX Stoletija ‹Moskva, July 8-13, 1991›

Conference ‹1991.09.25-28› → Colloque sur l'Internationale Communiste ‹La Chaux-de-Fonds, Sept. 25-28, 1991›

Conference ‹1991.10.22-26› → Symposium '90 International Conference ‹2, Athens, Oct. 22-26, 1991›

Conference ‹1992.03.26-29› → Colloque International Willi Münzenberg - un Homme Contre ‹Aix-en-Provence, March 26-29, 1992›

Conference ‹1992.05.22-23› → Colloque L'Internationalisme à l'Epreuve ‹Dijon, May 22-23, 1992›

Conference ‹1993.10› → Annual Central Meeting of the Revolutionary History Journal ‹London, Oct. 1993›

Conference ‹1994.03.28› → Journée d'Études Hommage à Pierre Naville ‹Toulouse, March 28, 1994›

Conference ‹1994.04.03› → Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, Apr. 3, 1994›

Conference ‹1994.07› → Conference of Socialist Economists ‹Leeds, July 1994›

Conference ‹1994.10› → Conference of the Oral History Society ‹Manchester, Oct. 1994›

Conference ‹1994.11.10-12› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹1, Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994›

Conference ‹1995.04.06-09› → Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, Apr. 6-9, 1995›

Conference ‹1995.08.06-11› → World Congress of Central and East European Studies ‹5, Warszawa, Aug. 6-11, 1995›

Conference ‹1995.08.27-09.03› → International Congress of Historical Sciences ‹18, Montréal, Aug. 27 - Sept. 3, 1995›

Conference ‹1995.12.04› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹2, Sankt-Peterburg, Dec. 4, 1995›

Conference ‹1996.07.04-06› → Ernest Mandel Seminar ‹Amsterdam, July 4-6, 1996›

Conference ‹1996.11.22-24› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹3, Moskva, Nov. 22-24, 1996›

Conference ‹1997.03.15› → Colloquium De Actualiteit van het Marxisme van Ernest Mandel ‹Brussel, March 15, 1997›

Conference ‹1997.03.29› → Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, March 29, 1997›

Conference ‹1997.04.08-10› → Political Studies Association annual conference ‹Jordanstown, Apr. 8-10, 1997›

Conference ‹1997.05.24-26› → Workshop Anarchisten, Anarchosyndikalisten, Rätekommunisten, Trotzkisten in Widerstand und Exil ‹Berlin, May 24-26, 1997›

Conference ‹1997.08.17-23› → Nordiska Slavistmötet ‹14, Helsinki, Aug. 17-23, 1997›

Conference ‹1997.10.10-12› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹4, Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997›

Conference ‹1997.12.22› → Konferencija Gosudarstvennyj Apparat Rossii v Gody Revoljucii i Graždanskoj Vojny" ‹Moskva, Dec. 22, 1997›

Conference ‹1998.05.15› → Kolloquium anläßlich des 70. Geburtstages von Helmut Bock ‹Berlin, May 15, 1998›

Conference ‹1998.09.09-10› → Political Studies Association Marxism Specialist Group annual conference ‹Ormskirk, Sept. 9-10, 1998›

Conference ‹1998.09.30-10.03› → Congrès Marx International ‹2, Nanterre, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 1998›

Conference ‹1998.10.23-24› → Konferenz des Arbeitskreises Kritischer MarxistInnen ‹14, Berlin, Oct. 23-24, 1998›

Conference ‹1999.10.29-30› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹5, Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999›

Conference ‹1999› → Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Symposium ‹Colombo, 1999›

Conference ‹2000.03.27-28› → Gor'kovskie Čtenija ‹Nižnij Novgorod, March 27-28, 2000›

Conference ‹2000.03.29-30› → Colloque consacré à Messali Hadj ‹Tlemcen, March 29-30, 2000›

Conference ‹2000.09.29-10.01› → International Conference Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000›

Conference ‹2000.10.07› → Jornada de Historia de Llerena ‹1, Llerena, Oct. 7, 2000›

Conference ‹2001.01.02-04› → Indian History Congress ‹61, Kolkata, Jan. 2-4, 2001›

Conference ‹2001.01.19-20› → Meždunarodnyj Simpozium Kto i Kuda Stremitsja Vesti Rossiju? ‹Moskva, Jan. 19-20, 2001›

Conference ‹2001.06.14-15› → Colloque Autogestion, la Dernière Utopie? ‹Paris, June 14-15, 2001›

Conference ‹2001.06.26-30› → International Congress of Phenomenology ‹51, Roma, June 26-30, 2001›

Conference ‹2001.11.11-12› → International Conference Jewish Questions - Communist Answers ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001›

Conference ‹2001.11.15-18› → AAASS National Convention ‹33, Arlington (Crystal City), Va., Nov. 15-18, 2001›

Conference ‹2002.05.17-18› → Astaf'evskie Čtenija ‹1, Perm', May 17-18, 2002›

Conference ‹2002.05› → Seminário 80 Anos do Movimento Comunista no Brasil ‹São Paulo, May 2002›

Conference ‹2002.06.05› → Journée d'Étude L'Histoire de l'Extrême Gauche Française: le Cas du Trotskisme, une Histoire Impossible? ‹Dijon, June 5, 2002›

Conference ‹2002.09.13-14› → Symposium aus Anlass des 60. Jahrestages der Wannseekonferenz zur 'Endlösung der Judenfrage' ‹Bernburg, Sept. 13-14, 2002›

Conference ‹2002.11.14› → Taller 'Trotsky como alternativa' ‹Buenos Aires, Nov. 14 and 29, 2002›

Conference ‹2002› → Naučno-praktičeskaja Konferencija 'Rabočij Klass i Rabočee Dviženie Rossii' ‹3, Moskva, 2002›

Conference ‹2003.07.18› → International Social Philosophy Conference ‹20, Boston, Mass., July 18, 2003›

Conference ‹2003.11.10-11› → Conference Theory as History: Ernest Mandel's Historical Analysis of World Capitalism ‹Amsterdam, Nov. 10-11, 2003›

Conference ‹2004.02.28-29› → Workshop Widerstand Linker Kleinorganisationen gegen den Nationalsozialismus: Die Linke Opposition ‹Gelsenkirchen, Febr. 28-29, 2004›

Conference ‹2004.10.06› → Seminário Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth: Passado e Futuro ‹Campinas, Oct. 6, 2004›

Conference ‹2004.11.10› → Séminaire Approches sur la Sociologie et l'Histoire des Trotskystes ‹Dijon, Nov. 10, 2004›

Conference ‹2004.12.28-30› → Indian History Congress ‹65, Bareilly, Dec. 28-30, 2004›

Conference ‹2005.05.02-04› → Encuentros Internacionales de Filosofía en el Camino de Santiago ‹8, Santiago de Compostela, May 2-4, 2005›

Conference ‹2005.05.31-06.03› → Congresso Brasileiro de Sociologia ‹12, Belo Horizonte, May 31-June 3, 2005›

Conference ‹2005.09.08-10› → Conference Les Forces de Révolution - Forces for Radical Social Change in France Today = Annual conference of the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France ‹Loughborough, Sept. 8-10, 2005›

Conference ‹2005.10.10› → New Socialist Approaches to History Seminar ‹London, Oct. 10, 2005›

Conference ‹2005.10.20-22› → Annual North American Labor History Conference ‹27, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 20-22, 2005›

Conference ‹2005.11.08-11› → Colôquio Internacional Marx-Engels ‹4, Campinas, Nov. 8-11, 2005›

Conference ‹2005.11.19› → Colloque Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) - la Pensée Créatrice ‹Bruxelles, Nov. 19, 2005›

Conference ‹2006.05.23› → Konferencija Studentov, Aspirantov, Doktorantov "Majskie Čtenija" ‹8, Perm', May 23, 2006›

Conference ‹2006.08.21› → Mesa Redonda 'Trotsky y la Revolución de Octubre' ‹México, D.F., Aug. 21, 2006›

Conference ‹2007.01.04-06› → Annual conference of the Study Group on the Russian Revolution ‹33, Aberdeen, Jan. 4-6, 2007›

Conference ‹2007.09.19-21› → Jornadas Interescuelas/Departamentos de Historia ‹11, Tucumán, Sept. 19-21, 2007›

Conference ‹2007.12.08-10› → Historical Materialism Conference ‹London, Dec. 8-10, 2007›

Conference ‹2007.12.14-15› → Colloque Pour une Gauche de Gauche - Diagnostics pour Agir ‹Paris, Dec. 14-15, 2007›

Conference ‹2008.04.03-04› → Internationale Arbeitstagung Normen- und Wertbegriffe in der Verständigung zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa ‹Lublin, Apr. 3-4, 2008›

Conference ‹2008.04.26› → Naučnaja Konferencija "Graždanskaja Vojna kak Fenomen Mirovoj Istorii" ‹Ekaterinburg, Apr. 26, 2008›

Conference ‹2008.07.25-27› → Conference on the Legacy of Leon Trotsky and U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, July 25-27, 2008›

Conference ‹2008.11.20-23› → AAASS National Convention ‹40, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 20-23, 2008›

Conference ‹2009.02.05-09› → Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija Molodych Učenych, Aspirantov i Studentov ‹2, Perm', Febr. 5-9, 2009›

Conference ‹2009.04.25› → Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 25, 2009›

Conference ‹2009.10.24-25› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Problemy Istorii Massovych Političeskich Repressij v SSSR' ‹6, Krasnodar, Oct. 24-25, 2009›

Conference ‹2009.11.12-15› → AAASS National Convention ‹41, Boston, Mass., Nov. 12-15, 2009›

Conference ‹2010.04.15-16› → Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 15-16, 2010›

Conference ‹2010.06.16› → Journée d'Étude Pierre Broué, un Historien Engagé dans le Siècle ‹Dijon, June 16, 2010›

Conference ‹2010.11.18-21› → ASEEES Annual Convention ‹42, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 18-21, 2010›

Conference ‹2010.12.09-10› → Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP ‹6, La Plata, Dec. 9-10, 2010›

Conference ‹2011.01.13-15› → Conference Red Stains: Music and Communism Outside the Communist Bloc ‹London, Jan. 13-15, 2011›

Conference ‹2012.04.20-21› → Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 20-21, 2012›

Conference ‹2012.09.26-28› → Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Exilios Políticos del Cono Sur en el Siglo XX ‹1, La Plata, Sept. 26-28, 2012›

Conference ‹2013.07.09-11› → Annual Conference in Political Economy ‹4, Den Haag, July 9-11, 2013›

Conference ‹2013.07.22-26› → Simpósio Nacional de História ‹27, Natal, July 22-26, 2013›

Conference ‹2013.09.10-13› → Simpósio Internacional Lutas Sociais na América Latina ‹5, Londrina, Sept. 10-13, 2013›

Conference ‹2013.10.21-25› → Colóquio Internacional Marx e os Marxismos ‹5, São Paulo, Oct. 21-25, 2013›

Conference ‹2015.03.30-04.01› → Political Studies Association Annual International Conference ‹65, Sheffield, March 30-Apr.1, 2015›

Conference ‹2015.06.18-19› → Konferenz 'Westeuropäische Kommunisten als Kritiker des Sowjetkommunismus' ‹Potsdam, June 18-19, 2015›

Conference ‹2015.11.18-20› → Jornadas de la Historia de las Izquierdas ‹8, Buenos Aires, Nov. 18-20, 2015›

Conference ‹2016.05.30-31› → International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Modern Education ‹Guangzhou, May 30-31, 2016›

Conference ‹2017.02.24-25› → Congreso Las Otras Protagonistas de la Transición : Izquierda Radical y Movilizaciones Sociales ‹Madrid, Febr. 24-25, 2017›

Conference ‹2017.03.16-18› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Ėkstremal'noe v Povsednevnoj Žizni Naselenija Rossii' ‹Sankt-Peterburg, March 16-18, 2017›

Conference ‹2017.05.25-26› → Colloque Les Années 1970 en Europe ‹Roma, May 25-26, 2017›

Conference ‹2017.07.26-28› → Congresso Latino-Americano de Ciência Política ‹9, Montevideo, July 26-28, 2017›

Conference ‹2017.08.09-11› → Jornadas Interescuelas/Departamentos de Historia ‹16, Mar del Plata, Aug. 9-11, 2017›

Conference ‹2017.09.13-15› → International Academic Conference 'Russia 1917 and the Dissolution of the Old Order in Europe' ‹Augst, Sept. 13-15, 2017›

Conference ‹2017.09.21-23› → Annual Conference of the Max Weber Foundation ‹3, Moskva, Sept. 21-23, 2017›

Conference ‹2017.11.07-08› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Revoljucii v Rossii - Teorija i Praktika Socialističeskich Preobrazovanij' ‹Moskva, Nov. 7-8, 2017›

Conference ‹2017.12.05-07› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija "Uroki Oktjabrja i Praktiki Sovetskoj Sistemy 1920-1950e Gody" ‹10, Moskva, Dec. 5-7. 2017›

Conference ‹2017.13.16-18› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Velikaja Rossijskaja Revoljucija' ‹Ul'janovsk, March 16-18, 2017›

Conference ‹2018.04.27› → Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Vnešnepolitičeskie Interesy Rossii' ‹5, Samara, Apr. 27, 2018›

Conference ‹2018.06.20-23› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Istoričeskie Issledovanija' ‹6, Moskva, June 20-23, 2018›

Conference ‹2019.05.06-08› → Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019›

Conference ‹2019.07.02-05› → Conference of the ISSEI (International Society for the Study of European Ideas) ‹16, Zaragoza, July 2-5, 2019›

Conference ‹2019.09.05-07› → Uneven and Combined Development Conference ‹Glasgow, Sept. 5-7, 2019›

Conference ‹2019.11.08-10› → Vserossijskaja Konferencija Studentov, Aspirantov i Molodych Učenych ‹11, Sankt-Peterburg, Nov. 8-10, 2019›

Conference ‹2020.04.10-13› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Studenčeskaja Konferencija ‹58, Novosibirsk, Apr. 10-13, 2020›

Conference ‹2021.04.09-10› → Vserossijskaja Studenčeskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija ‹14, Ekaterinburg, Apr. 9-10, 2021›

Conference ‹2021.04.21-23› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija "100 let Institutu K. Marksa i F. Ėngel'sa ‹Moskva, Apr. 21-23, 2021›

Conference ‹2022.02.04› → Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija "Rossija v Vojnach i Voennych Konfliktach XX - Načala XXI Veka" ‹5, Novosibirsk, Febr. 4, 2022›

Conference ‹2022.03.31› → Meždunarodnaja Konferencija "Revoljucija, Ženskoe Lico" ‹Sankt-Peterburg, March 31, 2022›

Conference ‹2022.04.11-12› → Vserossijskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija (s Meždunarodnym Učastiem) "Gusevskie Čtenija" ‹Moskva, Apr. 11-12, 2022›

Conference ‹2022.10.28› → Vserossijskaja Studenčeskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija Aspirantov i Studentov ‹Voronež, Oct. 28, 2022›

Conference ‹2022.12.10-12› → Čtenija Pamjati Professora S.V. Tjutjukina ‹Moskva, Dec. 10-11, 2022›

Conference ‹2023.04.19-21› → Vserossijskaja (s Meždunarodnym Učastiem) Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov, Magistrantov, Aspirantov i Molodych Učenych ‹18, Tomsk, Apr. 19-21, 2023›

Conference ‹2023.06.20› → Meždunarodnyj Naučnyj Kruglyj Stol k 25-letiju Kafedry Istorii Rossii i 90-letiju Professora I.V. Oržechovskogo ‹Minsk, 2023.06.20›

Conference ‹2023.08.21-25› → Encontro Internacional León Trótski ‹2, São Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2023›

Conference for the Study of Leon Trotsky and the History of the Revolutionary Movement ‹London, Sept. 20, 1980›:  14257  

Conference Les Forces de Révolution - Forces for Radical Social Change in France Today = Annual conference of the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France ‹Loughborough, Sept. 8-10, 2005›:  554  

Conference Marxism, the Millennium and Beyond ‹Ormskirk, Sept. 9-10, 1998› → Political Studies Association Marxism Specialist Group annual conference ‹Ormskirk, Sept. 9-10, 1998›

Conference of Socialist Economists ‹Leeds, July 1994›:  4963  

Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹1, Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994›:  228   229   352   353   511   567   574   578   580   581   583   3934   3935   4309   4538   4539   4881   4882   5084   5085   5106   5107   5240   5241   5248   5249   5259   5260   5341   5342   5343   5426   5455   5456   5616   5617   6434   6435   7002   7003  

Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹2, Sankt-Peterburg, Dec. 4, 1995›:  335   336   345   571   582   5781  

Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹3, Moskva, Nov. 22-24, 1996›:  505   570   575   576   579   5650  

Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹4, Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997›:  504   569   573  

Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹5, Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999›:  568   572  

Conference of the ISSEI (International Society for the Study of European Ideas) ‹16, Zaragoza, July 2-5, 2019›:  12127  

Conference of the Oral History Society ‹Manchester, Oct. 1994›:  14086  

Conference of the Society for the Study of Labour History ‹5, London, May 26, 1962›:  7801  

Conference on Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000› → International Conference Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000›

Conference on Leon Trotsky ‹1, Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹1, Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994›

Conference on Leon Trotsky ‹3, Moskva, Nov. 22-24, 1996› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹3, Moskva, Nov. 22-24, 1996›

Conference on Leon Trotsky ‹4, Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹4, Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997›

Conference on Leon Trotsky ‹5, Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹5, Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999›

Conference on Leon Trotsky and the Russian Revolution 1917-1997 ‹Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹4, Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997›

Conference on One Hundred Years of Revolutionary Internationals ‹Stanford, Cal., Oct. 5-7, 1964›:  8808  

Conference on Stalinism and Communist Political Culture ‹Bellagio, July 25-31, 1975›:  5606   5607  

Conference on the Legacy of Leon Trotsky and U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, July 25-27, 2008›:  454   457   1678   15298   15432   15488  

Conference on the Occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the St. Petersburg Soviet ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Dec. 4, 1995› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹2, Sankt-Peterburg, Dec. 4, 1995›

Conference on Trotsky ‹2, Sankt-Peterburg, Dec. 4, 1995› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹2, Sankt-Peterburg, Dec. 4, 1995›

Conference on Trotsky's World - 120 Years of Struggle ‹Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹5, Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999›

Conference Red Stains: Music and Communism Outside the Communist Bloc ‹London, Jan. 13-15, 2011›:  14246  

Conférence Scientifique Internationale "Le Livre de L. D. Trotsky 'La Révolution Trahie', 60 Ans Après" → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹3, Moskva, Nov. 22-24, 1996›

Conference 'The Legacy of Leon Trotsky and U.S. Trotskyism' ‹New York, NY, July 25-27, 2008› → Conference on the Legacy of Leon Trotsky and U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, July 25-27, 2008›

Conference Theory as History: Ernest Mandel's Historical Analysis of World Capitalism ‹Amsterdam, Nov. 10-11, 2003›:  4237   21063   21086   21148   21194   21274   21290   21295   21300  

Congrès de l'Association Française de Science Politique ‹Paris, Oct. 22-24, 1981›:  5278   5542   5544   5545  

Congrès International d'Histoire de l'Art ‹27, Strasbourg, Sept. 1-7, 1989› → International Congress on the History of Art ‹27, Strasbourg, Sept. 1-7, 1989›

Congrès Marx International ‹2, Nanterre, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 1998›:  7881  

Congreso Las Otras Protagonistas de la Transición : Izquierda Radical y Movilizaciones Sociales ‹Madrid, Febr. 24-25, 2017›:  15031   15052   15054   15080  

Congress of the Political Studies Association Marxism Study Group ‹London, Sept. 12, 1989›:  4479   4480  

Congresso Brasileiro de Sociologia ‹12, Belo Horizonte, May 31-June 3, 2005›:  14759  

Congresso Latino-Americano de Ciência Política ‹9, Montevideo, July 26-28, 2017›:  14788  

Consortium on Revolutionary Europe ‹13, Charleston, SC, Febr. 24-27, 1983›:  6127   6232   6260  

Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980›:  252   370   389   396   420   437   438   479   480   491   502   513   524   525   542   543   587   2382   2386   3043   3044   3289   3753   3754   3755   4242   4243   4319   4365   4611   4683   4843   4865   5032   5035   5062   5073   5206   5208   5245   5247   5447   5520   5605   5948   5979   5980   5981   5982   6002   6394   6838   6842   6877   6948   7065   7693   7694   8020   9456   10912   11234   11672   11675   11676   11677   11698   15102   18036   18040  

Convegno Internazionale Organizzato dalla Fondazione Istituto Gramsci di Roma ‹Urbino, May 26-29, 1989›:  8079  

Convegno Internazionale per il Quarantesimo Anniversario della Morte di Lev Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980› → Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980›

Convegno Internazionale per Quarantesimo Anniversario della Morte di Lev Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980› → Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980›

Convegno La Crisi del Collettivismo Burocratico - Attualità di Bruno Rizzi ‹Mantova, Febr. 17, 1990›:  5610  

Convegno su l'"Altro" Movimento Operaio - le Dissidenze di Sinistra in Italia tra il Fascismo e la Repubblica ‹Firenze, March 15, 1987›:  14394   14395   14396  

Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance ‹Chicago, Ill., Dec. 31, 1982›:  11836   11837   11838   11839  

Critique Conference on Marxism ‹London, May 1983›:  3768  

Čtenija Pamjati Professora S.V. Tjutjukina ‹Moskva, Dec. 10-11, 2022›:  4711  

Den Haag ‹2013.07.09-11› → Annual Conference in Political Economy ‹4, Den Haag, July 9-11, 2013›

Detroit, Mich. ‹2005.10.20-22› → Annual North American Labor History Conference ‹27, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 20-22, 2005›

Dijon ‹1992.05.22-23› → Colloque L'Internationalisme à l'Epreuve ‹Dijon, May 22-23, 1992›

Dijon ‹2002.06.05› → Journée d'Étude L'Histoire de l'Extrême Gauche Française: le Cas du Trotskisme, une Histoire Impossible? ‹Dijon, June 5, 2002›

Dijon ‹2004.11.10› → Séminaire Approches sur la Sociologie et l'Histoire des Trotskystes ‹Dijon, Nov. 10, 2004›

Dijon ‹2010.06.16› → Journée d'Étude Pierre Broué, un Historien Engagé dans le Siècle ‹Dijon, June 16, 2010›

Ekaterinburg ‹2008.04.26› → Naučnaja Konferencija "Graždanskaja Vojna kak Fenomen Mirovoj Istorii" ‹Ekaterinburg, Apr. 26, 2008›

Ekaterinburg ‹2021.04.09-10› → Vserossijskaja Studenčeskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija ‹14, Ekaterinburg, Apr. 9-10, 2021›

Encontro Internacional León Trótski ‹2, São Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2023›:  230   2283   3906   4558   4565   4739   5193   5654   5676   5890   6013   6200   6620   6856   7055   7631   8507   8969   11883   12209   12289   12389   14792   14800   14817   14900   14979   14984   15471  

Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019›:  280   325   383   384   385   387   398   406   409   410   434   445   446   447   452   456   541   555   561   592   2864   2952   4743   4950   4993   5526   5668   5732   5733   6136   6800   6803   6804   6872   6897   7261   7579   7771   7772   7773   12141   12241   12242   12243   12398   14680   14682   14866   14893   14894   14897   14898   15582   15585   19443  

Encuentros Internacionales de Filosofía en el Camino de Santiago ‹8, Santiago de Compostela, May 2-4, 2005›:  6639  

Ernest Mandel Seminar ‹Amsterdam, July 4-6, 1996›:  20822   20829   20840   20841   20842   20843   20844   20871   20894   20895   20898   20970   20974   20975   20976   20977   20978   20979   21004   21006   21009   21010   21033   21085   21099   21100   21101   21102   21103   21104   21105   21106   21107   21108   21109   21110   21146   21211   21212   21213   21214   21215   21233   21234   21236   21237  

Evento Académico Internacional León Trotsky ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019› → Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019›

Evento Académico Internacional sobre León Trotsky en Cuba ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019› → Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019›

Firenze ‹1987.03.15› → Convegno su l'"Altro" Movimento Operaio - le Dissidenze di Sinistra in Italia tra il Fascismo e la Repubblica ‹Firenze, March 15, 1987›

Follonica ‹1980.10.07-11› → Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980›

Freiberg ‹1984.06.07› → Wissenschaftliche Konferenz der Sektion Marxismus-Leninismus an der Bergakademie Freiberg ‹4, Freiberg, June 7, 1984›

Garden City, NY ‹1979.03.09-10› → International Conference The Trotsky-Stalin Conflict and Russia in the 1920s ‹Garden City, NY, March 9-10, 1979›

Gelsenkirchen ‹2004.02.28-29› → Workshop Widerstand Linker Kleinorganisationen gegen den Nationalsozialismus: Die Linke Opposition ‹Gelsenkirchen, Febr. 28-29, 2004›

Glasgow ‹2019.09.05-07› → Uneven and Combined Development Conference ‹Glasgow, Sept. 5-7, 2019›

Gor'kovskie Čtenija ‹Nižnij Novgorod, March 27-28, 2000›:  7863  

Grand Rapids, Mich. ‹1977.04› → Great Lakes History Conference ‹Grand Rapids, Mich., Apr. 1977›

Great Lakes History Conference ‹Grand Rapids, Mich., Apr. 1977›:  15549  

Guangzhou ‹2016.05.30-31› → International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Modern Education ‹Guangzhou, May 30-31, 2016›

Harrogate ‹1990.07.21-26› → World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies ‹4, Harrogate, July 21-26, 1990›

Havana ‹2019.05.06-08› → Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019›

Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Symposium ‹Colombo, 1999›:  15134   15136  

Helsinki ‹1997.08.17-23› → Nordiska Slavistmötet ‹14, Helsinki, Aug. 17-23, 1997›

Historical Materialism Conference ‹London, Dec. 8-10, 2007›:  21286  

Indian History Congress ‹61, Kolkata, Jan. 2-4, 2001›:  5803  

Indian History Congress ‹65, Bareilly, Dec. 28-30, 2004›:  12970  

Indian History Congress ‹Millenium (61st) session, Kolkata, Jan.2-4, 2001› → Indian History Congress ‹61, Kolkata, Jan. 2-4, 2001›

International Academic Conference 'Russia 1917 and the Dissolution of the Old Order in Europe' ‹Augst, Sept. 13-15, 2017›:  2059   6912  

International Academic Meeting Leon Trotsky: Life and Contemporaneity ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019› → Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019›

International Colloquium on the Spanish Civil War ‹Barcelona, Apr. 19-21, 1979›:  15099   15100   20621  

International Conference Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000›:  358   380   455   486   515   562   15377   15378   15474   15596   19023   19059   19727  

International Conference Jewish Questions - Communist Answers ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001›:  12305   12306  

International Conference on Leon Trotsky ‹Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹5, Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999›

International Conference on Leon Trotsky and the Russian Revolution 1917-1997 ‹Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹4, Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997›

International Conference on Russia in the 20th Century ‹Moskva, Apr. 1990›:  8286   8287   8288  

International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Modern Education ‹Guangzhou, May 30-31, 2016›:  7622  

International Conference on the French and Spanish Popular Fronts ‹Southampton, Apr. 1986›:  13442  

International Conference The Revolution Betrayed - 60 Years Later ‹Moskva, Nov. 22-24, 1996› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹3, Moskva, Nov. 22-24, 1996›

International Conference The Trotsky-Stalin Conflict and Russia in the 1920s ‹Garden City, NY, March 9-10, 1979›:  310   4518   4519   5522   6798   6799   6834   7729   7745   7876   9234   15316  

International Conference Trotsky after 50 Years ‹Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990›:  299   347   355   356   359   395   432   444   563   1986   1987   2052   2053   2580   3657   4091   4092   4155   5000   5002   5101   5207   6324   6353   6433   6691   6815   7018   7022   8325   8326   9621   9665   10569   11288   16676  

International Congress of Historical Sciences ‹18, Montréal, Aug. 27 - Sept. 3, 1995›:  9232   9502  

International Congress of Phenomenology ‹51, Roma, June 26-30, 2001›:  7854   7855  

International Congress on the History of Art ‹27, Strasbourg, Sept. 1-7, 1989›:  7898  

International Congress on the Thought and Action of Lev Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980› → Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij ‹Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980›

International Scientific Conference on Leon Trotsky ‹Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹1, Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994›

International Scientific Conference The Ideological Legacy of Leon Trotsky ‹Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹1, Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994›

International Social Philosophy Conference ‹20, Boston, Mass., July 18, 2003›:  6699  

International Symposium on the Fate of Soviet Democracy → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹2, Sankt-Peterburg, Dec. 4, 1995›

International Symposium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Trotsky's Death ‹Tokyo, Nov. 2-4, 1990›:  1464   7360   7361   7363   7364   7365   7366   8664  

Internationale Arbeitstagung Normen- und Wertbegriffe in der Verständigung zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa ‹Lublin, Apr. 3-4, 2008›:  6913  

Internationale Konferenz Jüdische Fragen - Kommunistische Antworten ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001› → International Conference Jewish Questions - Communist Answers ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001›

Internationale Tagung der Historiker der Arbeiterbewegung ‹19, Linz, Sept. 13-17, 1983› → Linzer Konferenz ‹19, Linz, Sept. 13-17, 1983›

Internationales Bucharin-Symposium ‹Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988›:  6783   6784   9235   9236  

Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft ‹Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990›:  238   338   339   367   371   374   375   376   377   378   379   382   390   418   419   422   423   424   425   426   427   428   429   430   440   443   465   466   470   481   482   483   544   545   2571   2606   4203   4204   4584   4723   4726   4737   4760   4761   4762   4763   4764   4765   4807   4808   4937   4938   4939   4966   4967   5055   5119   5120   5212   5213   5214   5231   5232   5233   5235   5246   5250   5251   5266   5344   5448   5489   5490   5491   5492   5505   5540   5541   5543   5624   5625   5626   5627   5819   5820   5821   5822   5895   5896   5901   5902   5905   5906   5920   5924   5928   5929   5930   5931   6067   6068   6325   6402   6633   6634   6708   6709   6746   6768   6769   6851   6852   6970   6971   6974   7025   7026   7027   7032   7039   7085   7086   7088   7089   7096   7250   7251   7284   7564   7739   7740   7892   7893   7894   7895   7896   8460   8462   8466   8498   8499   8500   8501   8709   8710   8711   8715   8716   8759   8760   9210   9211   9214   9437   9438   9439   10489   16719   16729   17739   17740   17741   17742   17745  

Internationales Symposium Nikolai I. Bucharin - Theoretiker des Sozialismus ‹Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988› → Internationales Bucharin-Symposium ‹Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988›

Internationales Trotzki-Symposium ‹Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990› → Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft ‹Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990›

Internationales und Interdisziplinäres Symposium über das Werk von N.I. Bucharin ‹Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988› → Internationales Bucharin-Symposium ‹Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988›

Jährliche Stiftungskonferenz der Max Weber Foundation ‹3, Moskva, Sept. 21-23, 2017› → Annual Conference of the Max Weber Foundation ‹3, Moskva, Sept. 21-23, 2017›

Jahreskonferenz des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001› → International Conference Jewish Questions - Communist Answers ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001›

Jiquílpan de Juárez ‹1984.11› → Jornadas de Historia de Occidente ‹7, Jiquílpan de Juárez, Nov. 1984›

Jordanstown ‹1997.04.08-10› → Political Studies Association annual conference ‹Jordanstown, Apr. 8-10, 1997›

Jornada de Historia de Llerena ‹1, Llerena, Oct. 7, 2000›:  15059   15060  

Jornadas de Historia de Occidente ‹7, Jiquílpan de Juárez, Nov. 1984›:  2876  

Jornadas de la Historia de las Izquierdas ‹8, Buenos Aires, Nov. 18-20, 2015›:  14789  

Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP ‹6, La Plata, Dec. 9-10, 2010›:  14531  

Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Exilios Políticos del Cono Sur en el Siglo XX ‹1, La Plata, Sept. 26-28, 2012›:  14982  

Jornadas Historia de las Izquierdas → Jornadas de la Historia de las Izquierdas ‹8, Buenos Aires, Nov. 18-20, 2015›

Jornadas Interescuelas/Departamentos de Historia ‹11, Tucumán, Sept. 19-21, 2007›:  14629  

Jornadas Interescuelas/Departamentos de Historia ‹16, Mar del Plata, Aug. 9-11, 2017›:  14642  

Journée d'Étude de l'IHC Histoire de l'Extrême Gauche Française: le Cas du Trotskisme, une Histoire Impossible? ‹Dijon, June 5, 2002› → Journée d'Étude L'Histoire de l'Extrême Gauche Française: le Cas du Trotskisme, une Histoire Impossible? ‹Dijon, June 5, 2002›

Journée d'Étude L'Histoire de l'Extrême Gauche Française: le Cas du Trotskisme, une Histoire Impossible? ‹Dijon, June 5, 2002›:  354   393   451   532   566   12754   13414   13415   13685   13747   13757  

Journée d'Étude Pierre Broué, un Historien Engagé dans le Siècle ‹Dijon, June 16, 2010›:  19140   19141   19145  

Journée d'études ‹Dijon, Nov. 10, 2004› → Séminaire Approches sur la Sociologie et l'Histoire des Trotskystes ‹Dijon, Nov. 10, 2004›

Journée d'Études Hommage à Pierre Naville ‹Toulouse, March 28, 1994›:  21574  

Journées d'Histoire d'Occident ‹7, Jiquílpan de Juárez, Nov. 1984› → Jornadas de Historia de Occidente ‹7, Jiquílpan de Juárez, Nov. 1984›

Kolkata ‹2001.01.02-04› → Indian History Congress ‹61, Kolkata, Jan. 2-4, 2001›

Kolloquium anläßlich des 70. Geburtstages von Helmut Bock ‹Berlin, May 15, 1998›:  5861   5862   5863  

Konferencija Bol'ševizm i Socialdemokratija Načala XX Stoletija ‹Moskva, July 8-13, 1991›:  4486   4487  

Konferencija Gosudarstvennyj Apparat Rossii v Gody Revoljucii i Graždanskoj Vojny" ‹Moskva, Dec. 22, 1997›:  2579  

Konferencija Skandinavskich Slavistov ‹14, Helsinki, Aug. 17-23, 1997› → Nordiska Slavistmötet ‹14, Helsinki, Aug. 17-23, 1997›

Konferencija Studentov, Aspirantov, Doktorantov "Majskie Čtenija" ‹8, Perm', May 23, 2006›:  8677  

Konferenz des Arbeitskreises Kritischer MarxistInnen ‹14, Berlin, Oct. 23-24, 1998›:  3638   3639   3640  

Konferenz 'Westeuropäische Kommunisten als Kritiker des Sowjetkommunismus' ‹Potsdam, June 18-19, 2015›:  19608  

Krasnodar ‹2009.10.24-25› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Problemy Istorii Massovych Političeskich Repressij v SSSR' ‹6, Krasnodar, Oct. 24-25, 2009›

La Plata ‹2010.12.09-10› → Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP ‹6, La Plata, Dec. 9-10, 2010›

La Plata ‹Sept. 26-28, 2012› → Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Exilios Políticos del Cono Sur en el Siglo XX ‹1, La Plata, Sept. 26-28, 2012›

Leeds ‹1994.07› → Conference of Socialist Economists ‹Leeds, July 1994›

Leipzig ‹2001.11.11-12› → International Conference Jewish Questions - Communist Answers ‹Leipzig, Nov. 11-12, 2001›

León ‹1987.11.11-13› → Coloquio de Historia Contemporánea ‹2, León, Nov. 11-13, 1987›

Leon Trotsky International Meeting ‹2, São Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2023› → Encontro Internacional León Trótski ‹2, São Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2023›

Linz ‹1983.09.13-17› → Linzer Konferenz ‹19, Linz, Sept. 13-17, 1983›

Linzer Konferenz ‹19, Linz, Sept. 13-17, 1983›:  6429  

Llerena ‹2000.10.07› → Jornada de Historia de Llerena ‹1, Llerena, Oct. 7, 2000›

London ‹1962.05.26› → Conference of the Society for the Study of Labour History ‹5, London, May 26, 1962›

London ‹1977.09.11› → Marxist Symposium ‹London, Sept. 11, 1977›

London ‹1980.09.20› → Conference for the Study of Leon Trotsky and the History of the Revolutionary Movement ‹London, Sept. 20, 1980›

London ‹1983.05› → Critique Conference on Marxism ‹London, May 1983›

London ‹1987› → Colloquium in Honour of Olga Crisp's Retirement ‹London, 1987›

London ‹1989.09.12› → Congress of the Political Studies Association Marxism Study Group ‹London, Sept. 12, 1989›

London ‹1990.04.23-27› → Symposium '90 International Conference ‹1, London, Apr. 23-27, 1990›

London ‹1993.10› → Annual Central Meeting of the Revolutionary History Journal ‹London, Oct. 1993›

London ‹2005.10.10› → New Socialist Approaches to History Seminar ‹London, Oct. 10, 2005›

London ‹2007.12.08-10› → Historical Materialism Conference ‹London, Dec. 8-10, 2007›

London ‹2011.01.13-15› → Conference Red Stains: Music and Communism Outside the Communist Bloc ‹London, Jan. 13-15, 2011›

Londrina ‹2013.09.10-13› → Simpósio Internacional Lutas Sociais na América Latina ‹5, Londrina, Sept. 10-13, 2013›

Los Angeles, Cal. ‹2010.11.18-21› → ASEEES Annual Convention ‹42, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 18-21, 2010›

Loughborough ‹2005.09.08-10› → Conference Les Forces de Révolution - Forces for Radical Social Change in France Today = Annual conference of the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France ‹Loughborough, Sept. 8-10, 2005›

Lublin ‹2008.04.03-04› → Internationale Arbeitstagung Normen- und Wertbegriffe in der Verständigung zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa ‹Lublin, Apr. 3-4, 2008›

Madrid ‹2017.02.24-25› → Congreso Las Otras Protagonistas de la Transición : Izquierda Radical y Movilizaciones Sociales ‹Madrid, Febr. 24-25, 2017›

Manchester ‹1994.10› → Conference of the Oral History Society ‹Manchester, Oct. 1994›

Mantova ‹1990.02.17› → Convegno La Crisi del Collettivismo Burocratico - Attualità di Bruno Rizzi ‹Mantova, Febr. 17, 1990›

Mar del Plata ‹2017.08.9-11› → Jornadas Interescuelas/Departamentos de Historia ‹16, Mar del Plata, Aug. 9-11, 2017›

Marx International Congress ‹2, Nanterre, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 1998› → Congrès Marx International ‹2, Nanterre, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 1998›

Marxist Symposium ‹London, Sept. 11, 1977›:  5837   5838   5839  

Mesa Redonda 'Trotsky y la Revolución de Octubre' ‹México, D.F., Aug. 21, 2006›:  2307  

México, D.F. ‹1987.05.18-22› → Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista ‹México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987›

México, D.F. ‹1990.08.20-24› → Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte (1940-1990) ‹México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990›

México, D.F. ‹2006.08.21› → Mesa Redonda 'Trotsky y la Revolución de Octubre' ‹México, D.F., Aug. 21, 2006›

Meždunarodnaja Konferencija Posvjaščenaja Merežkovskomu ‹Moskva, March 1991›:  7779  

Meždunarodnaja Konferencija "Revoljucija, Ženskoe Lico" ‹Sankt-Peterburg, March 31, 2022›:  2026  

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija "100 let Institutu K. Marksa i F. Ėngel'sa ‹Moskva, Apr. 21-23, 2021›:  5116  

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Ėkstremal'noe v Povsednevnoj Žizni Naselenija Rossii' ‹Sankt-Peterburg, March 16-18, 2017›:  2374  

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija Idejnoe Nasledie Trockogo: Istorija, Sovremennost' ‹Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹1, Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994›

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Istoričeskie Issledovanija' ‹6, Moskva, June 20-23, 2018›:  2327  

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Problemy Istorii Massovych Političeskich Repressij v SSSR' ‹6, Krasnodar, Oct. 24-25, 2009›:  9554  

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Revoljucii v Rossii - Teorija i Praktika Socialističeskich Preobrazovanij' ‹Moskva, Nov. 7-8, 2017›:  8056  

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija "Uroki Oktjabrja i Praktiki Sovetskoj Sistemy 1920-1950e Gody" ‹10, Moskva, Dec. 5-7. 2017›:  2559  

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Velikaja Rossijskaja Revoljucija' ‹Ul'janovsk, March 16-18, 2017›:  4738  

Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Studenčeskaja Konferencija ‹58, Novosibirsk, Apr. 10-13, 2020›:  7111  

Meždunarodnyj Naučnyj Kruglyj Stol k 25-letiju Kafedry Istorii Rossii i 90-letiju Professora I.V. Oržechovskogo ‹Minsk, 2023.06.20›:  4712  

Meždunarodnyj Simpozium Kto i Kuda Stremitsja Vesti Rossiju? ‹Moskva, Jan. 19-20, 2001›:  8722   8723  

Minsk ‹2023.06.20› → Meždunarodnyj Naučnyj Kruglyj Stol k 25-letiju Kafedry Istorii Rossii i 90-letiju Professora I.V. Oržechovskogo ‹Minsk, 2023.06.20›

Montevideo ‹2017.07.26-28› → Congresso Latino-Americano de Ciência Política ‹9, Montevideo, July 26-28, 2017›

Montréal ‹1971.05.05-08› → Northeast conference of the AAASS ‹Montréal, May 5-8, 1971›

Montréal ‹1995.08.27-09.03› → International Congress of Historical Sciences ‹18, Montréal, Aug. 27 - Sept. 3, 1995›

Moskva ‹1979.08.12-18› → World Congress of the International Political Science Association ‹11, Moskva, Aug. 12-18, 1979›

Moskva ‹1990.04› → International Conference on Russia in the 20th Century ‹Moskva, Apr. 1990›

Moskva ‹1991.03› → Meždunarodnaja Konferencija Posvjaščenaja Merežkovskomu ‹Moskva, March 1991›

Moskva ‹1991.07.08-13› → Konferencija Bol'ševizm i Socialdemokratija Načala XX Stoletija ‹Moskva, July 8-13, 1991›

Moskva ‹1994.11.10-12› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹1, Moskva, Nov. 10-12, 1994›

Moskva ‹1996.11.22-24› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹3, Moskva, Nov. 22-24, 1996›

Moskva ‹1997.10.10-12› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹4, Moskva, Oct. 10-12, 1997›

Moskva ‹1997.12.22› → Konferencija Gosudarstvennyj Apparat Rossii v Gody Revoljucii i Graždanskoj Vojny" ‹Moskva, Dec. 22, 1997›

Moskva ‹1999.10.29-30› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹5, Moskva, Oct. 29-30, 1999›

Moskva ‹2001.01.19-20› → Meždunarodnyj Simpozium Kto i Kuda Stremitsja Vesti Rossiju? ‹Moskva, Jan. 19-20, 2001›

Moskva ‹2002› → Naučno-praktičeskaja Konferencija 'Rabočij Klass i Rabočee Dviženie Rossii' ‹3, Moskva, 2002›

Moskva ‹2017.09.21-23› → Annual Conference of the Max Weber Foundation ‹3, Moskva, Sept. 21-23, 2017›

Moskva ‹2017.11.07-08› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Revoljucii v Rossii - Teorija i Praktika Socialističeskich Preobrazovanij' ‹Moskva, Nov. 7-8, 2017›

Moskva ‹2017.12.05-07› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija "Uroki Oktjabrja i Praktiki Sovetskoj Sistemy 1920-1950e Gody" ‹10, Moskva, Dec. 5-7. 2017›

Moskva ‹2018.06.20-23› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Istoričeskie Issledovanija' ‹6, Moskva, June 20-23, 2018›

Moskva ‹2021.04.21-23› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija "100 let Institutu K. Marksa i F. Ėngel'sa ‹Moskva, Apr. 21-23, 2021›

Moskva ‹2022.04.11-12› → Vserossijskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija (s Meždunarodnym Učastiem) "Gusevskie Čtenija" ‹Moskva, Apr. 11-12, 2022›

Moskva ‹2022.12.10-12› → Čtenija Pamjati Professora S.V. Tjutjukina ‹Moskva, Dec. 10-11, 2022›

Nanterre ‹1998.09.30-10.03› → Congrès Marx International ‹2, Nanterre, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 1998›

Natal ‹2013.07.22-26› → Simpósio Nacional de História ‹27, Natal, July 22-26, 2013›

National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies ‹18, New Orleans, La., Nov. 20-23, 1986› → AAASS National Convention ‹18, New Orleans, La., Nov. 20-23, 1986›

National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies ‹21, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 2-5, 1989› → AAASS National Convention ‹21, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 2-5, 1989›

National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies ‹40, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 20-23, 2008› → AAASS National Convention ‹40, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 20-23, 2008›

National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies ‹41, Boston, Mass., Nov. 12-15, 2009› → AAASS National Convention ‹41, Boston, Mass., Nov. 12-15, 2009›

National Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance ‹10, New York, NY, Dec. 27-31, 1970› → Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance ‹10, New York, NY, Dec. 27-31, 1970›

Naučnaja Konferencija "Graždanskaja Vojna kak Fenomen Mirovoj Istorii" ‹Ekaterinburg, Apr. 26, 2008›:  2576  

Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 15-16, 2010›:  8439  

Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 20-21, 2012›:  7825  

Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 25, 2009›:  10555  

Naučno-praktičeskaja Konferencija 'Rabočij Klass i Rabočee Dviženie Rossii' ‹3, Moskva, 2002›:  9585   9592  

New Orleans, La. ‹1986.11.20-23› → AAASS National Convention ‹18, New Orleans, La., Nov. 20-23, 1986›

New Socialist Approaches to History Seminar ‹London, Oct. 10, 2005›:  19401  

New York, NY ‹1960.12.28-30› → Annual meeting of the American Historical Association ‹75, New York, NY, Dec. 28-30, 1960›

New York, NY ‹1970.12.27-31› → Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance ‹10, New York, NY, Dec. 27-31, 1970›

New York, NY ‹1994.04.03› → Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, Apr. 3, 1994›

New York, NY ‹1995.04.06-09› → Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, Apr. 6-9, 1995›

New York, NY ‹1997.03.29› → Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, March 29, 1997›

New York, NY ‹2000.09.29-10.01› → International Conference Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000›

New York, NY ‹2008.07.25-27› → Conference on the Legacy of Leon Trotsky and U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, July 25-27, 2008›

Nižnij Novgorod ‹2000.03.27-28› → Gor'kovskie Čtenija ‹Nižnij Novgorod, March 27-28, 2000›

Nordiska Slavistmötet ‹14, Helsinki, Aug. 17-23, 1997›:  1841  

Northeast conference of the AAASS ‹Montréal, May 5-8, 1971›:  4481  

Novosibirsk ‹2020.04.10-13› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Studenčeskaja Konferencija ‹58, Novosibirsk, Apr. 10-13, 2020›

Novosibirsk ‹2022.02.04› → Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija "Rossija v Vojnach i Voennych Konfliktach XX - Načala XXI Veka" ‹5, Novosibirsk, Febr. 4, 2022›

Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 5, 1978 → Socialist Workers Party National Educational Conference ‹Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 5, 1978›

Ormskirk ‹1998.09.09-10› → Political Studies Association Marxism Specialist Group annual conference ‹Ormskirk, Sept. 9-10, 1998›

Paris ‹1981.10.22-24› → Congrès de l'Association Française de Science Politique ‹Paris, Oct. 22-24, 1981›

Paris ‹1990.11.22-23› → Colloque L'Usage Politique des Fêtes ‹Paris, Nov. 22-23, 1990›

Paris ‹2001.06.14-15› → Colloque Autogestion, la Dernière Utopie? ‹Paris, June 14-15, 2001›

Paris ‹2007.12.14-15› → Colloque Pour une Gauche de Gauche - Diagnostics pour Agir ‹Paris, Dec. 14-15, 2007›

Perm' ‹2002.05.17-18› → Astaf'evskie Čtenija ‹1, Perm', May 17-18, 2002›

Perm' ‹2006.05.23› → Konferencija Studentov, Aspirantov, Doktorantov "Majskie Čtenija" ‹8, Perm', May 23, 2006›

Perm' ‹2009.02.05-09› → Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija Molodych Učenych, Aspirantov i Studentov ‹2, Perm', Febr. 5-9, 2009›

Philadelphia, Pa. ‹2008.11.20-23› → AAASS National Convention ‹40, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 20-23, 2008›

Political Studies Association annual conference ‹Jordanstown, Apr. 8-10, 1997›:  4182  

Political Studies Association Annual International Conference ‹65, Sheffield, March 30-Apr.1, 2015›:  13953   13995  

Political Studies Association Marxism Specialist Group annual conference ‹Ormskirk, Sept. 9-10, 1998›:  3903   19728  

Potsdam ‹2015.06.18-19› → Konferenz 'Westeuropäische Kommunisten als Kritiker des Sowjetkommunismus' ‹Potsdam, June 18-19, 2015›

Primer Evento Académico Internacional León Trotsky → Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad ‹1, Havana, May 6-8, 2019›

Primer Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Exilios Políticos del Cono Sur en el Siglo XX → Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Exilios Políticos del Cono Sur en el Siglo XX ‹1, La Plata, Sept. 26-28, 2012›

PSA Annual Conference ‹65, Sheffield, March 30-Apr.1, 2015› → Political Studies Association Annual International Conference ‹65, Sheffield, March 30-Apr.1, 2015›

Rencontres Internationales André Malraux ‹Angers, Nov. 6-10, 1986›:  6613   6614   6615  

Roma ‹1984.11.22-24› → Colloque organisé par l'Ecole Française de Rome ‹Roma, Nov. 22-24, 1984›

Roma ‹2001.06.26-30› → International Congress of Phenomenology ‹51, Roma, June 26-30, 2001›

Roma ‹2017.05.25-26› → Colloque Les Années 1970 en Europe ‹Roma, May 25-26, 2017›

Samara ‹2018.04.27› → Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Vnešnepolitičeskie Interesy Rossii' ‹5, Samara, Apr. 27, 2018›

San Francisco, Cal. ‹1970.04.03-05› → Annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies ‹22, San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 3-5, 1970›

San Francisco, Cal. ‹1985.11.30-12.01› → Trotskyist and Revolutionary Socialist Conference ‹San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1985›

Sankt-Peterburg ‹1995.12.04› → Conference of the Committee for the Study of Leon Trotsky's Legacy ‹2, Sankt-Peterburg, Dec. 4, 1995›

Sankt-Peterburg ‹2009.04.25› → Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 25, 2009›

Sankt-Peterburg ‹2010.04.15-16› → Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 15-16, 2010›

Sankt-Peterburg ‹2012.04.20-21› → Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov ‹Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 20-21, 2012›

Sankt-Peterburg ‹2017.03.16-18› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Ėkstremal'noe v Povsednevnoj Žizni Naselenija Rossii' ‹Sankt-Peterburg, March 16-18, 2017›

Sankt-Peterburg ‹2019.11.08-10› → Vserossijskaja Konferencija Studentov, Aspirantov i Molodych Učenych ‹11, Sankt-Peterburg, Nov. 8-10, 2019›

Sankt-Peterburg ‹2022.03.31› → Meždunarodnaja Konferencija "Revoljucija, Ženskoe Lico" ‹Sankt-Peterburg, March 31, 2022›

Santiago de Compostela ‹2005.05.02-04› → Encuentros Internacionales de Filosofía en el Camino de Santiago ‹8, Santiago de Compostela, May 2-4, 2005›

São Paulo ‹1990.09.10-14› → Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky ‹São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990›

São Paulo ‹2002.05› → Seminário 80 Anos do Movimento Comunista no Brasil ‹São Paulo, May 2002›

São Paulo ‹2013.10.21-25› → Colóquio Internacional Marx e os Marxismos ‹5, São Paulo, Oct. 21-25, 2013›

São Paulo ‹2023.08.21-25› → Encontro Internacional León Trótski ‹2, São Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2023›

Sed'mye Rjazanovskie Čtenija ‹2021.04-21-23› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija "100 let Institutu K. Marksa i F. Ėngel'sa ‹Moskva, Apr. 21-23, 2021›

Segunda Encontro Internacional León Trótski ‹2, São Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2023› → Encontro Internacional León Trótski ‹2, São Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2023›

Séminaire Approches sur la Sociologie et l'Histoire des Trotskystes ‹Dijon, Nov. 10, 2004›:  13472  

Seminar on the Contribution of Ernest Mandel to Marxist Theory ‹Amsterdam, July 4-6, 1996› → Ernest Mandel Seminar ‹Amsterdam, July 4-6, 1996›

Seminário 80 Anos do Movimento Comunista no Brasil ‹São Paulo, May 2002›:  14738  

Seminário Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth: Passado e Futuro ‹Campinas, Oct. 6, 2004›:  442  

Sheffield ‹2015.03.30-04.01› → Political Studies Association Annual International Conference ‹65, Sheffield, March 30-Apr.1, 2015›

Simpósio Internacional Lutas Sociais na América Latina ‹5, Londrina, Sept. 10-13, 2013›:  14807  

Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky ‹São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990›:  293   328   381   1671   4140   4259   4276   4657   4986   4991   5373   6507   6508   7037   7312   7522   7691   7699   8313   8314   8315   8316   8709   8710   8711   8715   8716   9622   14763   14764   14940   14941  

Simpósio Internacional Trotsky - Passado e Presente do Socialismo ‹São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990› → Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky ‹São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990›

Simpósio Nacional de História ‹27, Natal, July 22-26, 2013›:  14809  

Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, Apr. 3, 1994›:  497  

Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, Apr. 6-9, 1995›:  13168  

Socialist Scholars Conference ‹New York, NY, March 29, 1997›:  15472  

Socialist Workers Party National Educational Conference ‹Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 5, 1978›:  11656   11657   11658   11659   11660   11661   11662   11663   11664  

Southampton ‹1986.04› → International Conference on the French and Spanish Popular Fronts ‹Southampton, Apr. 1986›

SSHME ‹2016.05.30-31› → International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Modern Education ‹Guangzhou, May 30-31, 2016›

Stanford, Cal. ‹1964.10.05-07› → Conference on One Hundred Years of Revolutionary Internationals ‹Stanford, Cal., Oct. 5-7, 1964›

Strasbourg ‹1989.09.01-07› → International Congress on the History of Art ‹27, Strasbourg, Sept. 1-7, 1989›

Symposium '90 International Conference ‹1, London, Apr. 23-27, 1990›:  2589   5546   5751   7318   8461  

Symposium '90 International Conference ‹2, Athens, Oct. 22-26, 1991›:  1676   7220   7221   10539  

Symposium aus Anlass des 60. Jahrestages der Wannseekonferenz zur 'Endlösung der Judenfrage' ‹Bernburg, Sept. 13-14, 2002›:  7033   7034  

Taller 'Trotsky como alternativa' ‹Buenos Aires, Nov. 14 and 29, 2002›:  288   3659   3846   4899   5656   5723   6156   6157   6229   6542   6808   6921   7795   9565   14637  

Tamiment Conference on Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000› → International Conference Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism ‹New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000›

Tlemcen ‹2000.03.29-30› → Colloque consacré à Messali Hadj ‹Tlemcen, March 29-30, 2000›

Tokyo ‹1990.11.02-04› → International Symposium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Trotsky's Death ‹Tokyo, Nov. 2-4, 1990›

Tomsk ‹2023.04.19-21› → Vserossijskaja (s Meždunarodnym Učastiem) Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov, Magistrantov, Aspirantov i Molodych Učenych ‹18, Tomsk, Apr. 19-21, 2023›

Toulouse ‹1994.03.28› → Journée d'Études Hommage à Pierre Naville ‹Toulouse, March 28, 1994›

Trotskyist and Revolutionary Socialist Conference ‹San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1985›:  15371  

Tucumán ‹2007.09.19-21› → Jornadas Interescuelas/Departamentos de Historia ‹11, Tucumán, Sept. 19-21, 2007›

Ul'janovsk ‹2017.03.16-18› → Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Velikaja Rossijskaja Revoljucija' ‹Ul'janovsk, March 16-18, 2017›

Uneven and Combined Development Conference ‹Glasgow, Sept. 5-7, 2019›:  3975  

Urbino ‹1989.05.26-29› → Convegno Internazionale Organizzato dalla Fondazione Istituto Gramsci di Roma ‹Urbino, May 26-29, 1989›

Voronež ‹2022.10.28› → Vserossijskaja Studenčeskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija Aspirantov i Studentov ‹Voronež, Oct. 28, 2022›

Vserossijskaja Konferencija Studentov, Aspirantov i Molodych Učenych ‹11, Sankt-Peterburg, Nov. 8-10, 2019›:  2285  

Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija Molodych Učenych, Aspirantov i Studentov ‹2, Perm', Febr. 5-9, 2009›:  10556  

Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija "Rossija v Vojnach i Voennych Konfliktach XX - Načala XXI Veka" ‹5, Novosibirsk, Febr. 4, 2022›:  2176  

Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Vnešnepolitičeskie Interesy Rossii' ‹5, Samara, Apr. 27, 2018›:  9279  

Vserossijskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija (s Meždunarodnym Učastiem) "Gusevskie Čtenija" ‹Moskva, Apr. 11-12, 2022›:  8560  

Vserossijskaja Studenčeskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija ‹14, Ekaterinburg, Apr. 9-10, 2021›:  2125  

Vserossijskaja Studenčeskaja Naučno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija Aspirantov i Studentov ‹Voronež, Oct. 28, 2022›:  7098  

Warszawa ‹1995.08.06-11› → World Congress of Central and East European Studies ‹5, Warszawa, Aug. 6-11, 1995›

Washington, DC ‹1985.10.30-11.04› → World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies ‹3, Washington, DC, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 1985›

Wissenschaftliche Konferenz der Sektion Marxismus-Leninismus an der Bergakademie Freiberg ‹4, Freiberg, June 7, 1984›:  14272  

Workshop Anarchisten, Anarchosyndikalisten, Rätekommunisten, Trotzkisten in Widerstand und Exil ‹Berlin, May 24-26, 1997›:  13923   13924  

Workshop Widerstand Linker Kleinorganisationen gegen den Nationalsozialismus: Die Linke Opposition ‹Gelsenkirchen, Febr. 28-29, 2004›:  13782   13784   13785   13793  

World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies ‹3, Washington, DC, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 1985›:  5209   5210   7803   9561   9563  

World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies ‹4, Harrogate, July 21-26, 1990›:  7228  

World Congress of Central and East European Studies ‹5, Warszawa, Aug. 6-11, 1995›:  3287   4478   6983  

World Congress of the International Political Science Association ‹11, Moskva, Aug. 12-18, 1979›:  13352  

Wuppertal ‹1988.10.10-13› → Internationales Bucharin-Symposium ‹Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988›

Wuppertal ‹1990.03.26-29› → Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft ‹Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990›

Zaragoza ‹2019.07.02-05› → Conference of the ISSEI (International Society for the Study of European Ideas) ‹16, Zaragoza, July 2-5, 2019›