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Contents of Chapter 9

[IDN 18620-22393]

The following persons are considered in this chapter:

LLTB Chapter  9

IDN  18620         LLTB  Chapter  9      Abern, Martin ‹1898-1949›
About: Abern, Martin ‹1898-1949›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Martin Abern
[Electronic resource]. - 34 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  18621         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Abern, Martin ‹1898-1949›
Couret, Daniel: [Biographical sketch] Martin Abern (1898-1949)

In: Dissidences : bulletin de liaison des études sur les mouvements révolutionnaires ‹Nancy› [ISSN 1292-5799 - ISSN 1764-1462] 2.2000 (7) : pp. 29-30

IDN  18622         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Abern, Martin ‹1898-1949›
Glotzer, Albert: [Biographical sketch] Abern, Martin (1898-1949)

In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 1-2

IDN  18623         About: Abern, Martin ‹1898-1949›      Hansen, Joseph: The Abern clique   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  18624         About: Abern, Martin ‹1898-1949›      The John Dwyer collection   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  18625         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Abern, Martin ‹1898-1949›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Martin Abern
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 86 KB (4 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  18626         LLTB  Chapter  9      Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht Erwin H. (Prof. Dr. med.)

In: Who's Who in medicine ‹Woerthsee› [ISSN 0170-5644] Ed. 5.1981 : p. 4

IDN  18627         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht Erwin H., em. prof. history of medicine ...

In: Who's Who in Switzerland, including the Principality of Liechtenstein ‹Geneva› Ed. 18.1993 : p. 15

IDN  18628         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht, Dr. Erwin H(enry) [sic!]

In: American Men of Science : The physical & biological sciences ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0192-8570] Ed. 11, vol. 1.1965 : p. 14

IDN  18629         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht, Erwin H., prof. em. of hist. of med. ...

In: Who's Who in Medicine : Edition Germany, Austria, Switzerland ‹Ottobrunn› Ed. 2.1975 : p. 335

IDN  18630         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht, Erwin Henry (Heinz), Dr. med. ...

In: Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / Red.: S. Claus [et al.] 1. (München [etc.], 1980) : pp. 3-4

IDN  18631         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Erwin Heinz Ackerkecht
[Electronic resource]. - 37 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 16, 2010

IDN  18632         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Erwin H. Ackerknecht (1906-1988)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1988 (36) : pp. 123-125

IDN  18633         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz: Introduction : an interview with Erwin H. Ackerknecht

In: Ackerknecht, E.H.: Medicine and ethnology. (Bern [etc.], 1971) : pp. 7-16

Containing some autobiographical remarks

IDN  18634         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz: Recollections of a former Leipzig student
/ Erwin H. Ackerknecht
In: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences ‹Minneapolis, Minn., later: Farmington, Conn.› [ISSN 0022-5045] 13.1958 (2) : pp. 148-150

Autobiographical notes

IDN  18635         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Akert, Konrad: Erwin H. Ackerknecht zum 60. Geburtstag

In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung ‹Zürich› [ISSN 0376-6829] 1966 (June 1) : p. 6

IDN  18636         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Erwin Heinz Ackerknecht (Eugen Bauer) (1906-1988)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : pp. 263-264

IDN  18637         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht Erwin, Heinz

In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier international : L'Allemagne / sous la dir. de J. Droz. (Paris, 1990) : pp. 79-80

IDN  18638         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Cranefield, Paul Frederic: [Obituary] Erwin H.Ackerknecht 1906-1988 : some memories
/ Paul F. Cranefield
In: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences ‹Minneapolis, Minn., later: Farmington, Conn.› [ISSN 0022-5045] 45.1990 (2) : pp. 145-149

Notes: 11

IDN  18639         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Ervino H. Ackerknecht sexagenario ex innumerabilibus amicis pauci grates agunt
/ [pref.:] H. Fischer. - Aarau : Sauerländer, 1966. - (Gesnerus ‹Aarau› [ISSN 0016-9161] ; 23.1966,1/2)

IDN  18640         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Fischer-Homberger, Esther: Erwin H. Ackerknecht : zum 70. Geburtstag des Zürcher Medizinhistorikers

In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung ‹Zürich› [ISSN 0376-6829] 1976 (June 1=Nr.126) : pp. 31-32

IDN  18641         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Foitzik, Jan: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz (Henry), Dr. med. (geb. 1906)

In: Foitzik, J.: Zwischen den Fronten. (Bonn, 1986) : p. 246

IDN  18642         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Koelbing, Huldrych Martin: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz
/ Huldrych M. Koelbing
In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz / hrsg. von der Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Chefred.: M. Jorio. 1. (Basel, 2002) : p. 87

IDN  18643         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Koelbing, Huldrych Martin: Erwin H. Ackerknecht 60 Jahre alt
/ Huldrych M. Koelbing
In: National-Zeitung ‹Basel› [ISSN 1421-4199] 1966 (259)

IDN  18644         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Lesky, Erna: E. H. Ackerknecht zum 70. Geburtstag

In: Österreichische Ärztezeitung ‹Wien› [ISSN 0029-8786] 31.1976 (10) : p. 655

IDN  18645         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Erwin Heinz Ackerknecht
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 86 KB (7 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  18646         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Mörgeli, Christoph: Erwin H. Ackerknecht und die Affäre Berg/Rath von 1964
: zur Vergangenheitsbewältigung deutscher Medizinhistoriker / Christoph Mörgeli ; Anke Jobmann
In: Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte : MedGG ‹Stuttgart› [ISSN 0939-351X] 16.1997 (1998) : pp. 63-124

Notes: 311
With German and Engl. summaries

IDN  18647         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Mörgeli, Christoph: [Obituary]
Ein Mediziner mit Weltruf : zum Hinschied von Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c.mult. Erwin H. Ackerknecht
In: Zürichsee-Zeitung ‹Stäfa› 1988 (Nov.24=Nr.275) : p. 6

IDN  18648         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Publikationen von Prof. Dr. med. Erwin H. Ackerknecht
/ Zusammengest. nach einer im Medizinhistorischen Inst. der Univ. Zürich geführten Liste. - [1-4]
In: Gesnerus ‹Aarau› [ISSN 0016-9161] 23.1966 (1/2) : pp. 5-12; 33.1976 (1/2) : pp. 3-7; 43.1986 (1/2) : pp. 6-10; 45.1988 (3/4) : pp. 311-312

Bibliography of Ackerknecht's writings from 1942 to 1988

IDN  18649         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Schüle, Annegret: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz (Eugen Bauer, auch Erwin oder Emma Bauer, b.e.) (geb. 1906)

In: Schüle, A.: Trotzkismus in Deutschland bis 1933. (Köln, 1989) : pp. 147-148

IDN  18650         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Stobnicer, Maurice: [Biographical sketch] Bauer, Erwin (Ackerknecht, dit) (1906)

In: Stobnicer, M.: Le mouvement trotskyste allemand sous la république de Weimar. (Univ. de Paris VIII, diss., 1980) : p. 351

IDN  18651         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Temkin, Owsei: [Obituary] In memoriam : Erwin H.Ackerknecht (1906-1988)

In: Bulletin of the History of Medicine ‹Baltimore, Md.› [ISSN 0007-5140] 63.1989 (2) : pp. 273-275

Notes: 7

IDN  18652         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Walser, Hans Huldrych: [Biographical sketch] Zum 10. Todestag von Erwin H. Ackerknecht
/ Hans H. Walser
In: Gesnerus ‹Aarau› [ISSN 0016-9161] 55.1998 (3/4) : pp. 175-182

Bibliogr.: p. 182

IDN  18653         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Walser, Hans Huldrych: Erwin H. Ackerknecht zum 60. Geburtstag
: 1. Juni 1966 / Hans H. Walser
In: Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift ‹Basel› [ISSN 0376-6829] 96.1966 (21) : pp. 702-703

IDN  18654         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Walser, Hans Huldrych: Erwin H. Ackerknecht zum 70. Geburtstag
/ Hans H. Walser
In: Gesnerus ‹Aarau› [ISSN 0016-9161] 33.1976 (1/2) : p. 1

IDN  18655         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Walser, Hans Huldrych: [Obituary] Zum Hinschied von Erwin H. Ackerknecht
/ Hans H. Walser
In: Gesnerus ‹Aarau› [ISSN 0016-9161] 45.1988 (3/4) : pp. 309-310

Also publ. in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Zürich), 1988 (Nov.22=Nr.273), p. 54

IDN  18656         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz ‹1906-1988›
Wendt, Eckard: [Biographical sketch] Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz (1906-1988)

In: Wendt, E.: Stettiner Lebensbilder. (Köln, 2004) : pp. 26-28

IDN  18657         LLTB  Chapter  9      Alvin, Milton ‹1908-1989›
About: Alvin, Milton ‹1908-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Milt "Alvin" Genecin (1908-1989)

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1989 (162) : p. 26

IDN  18658         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Alvin, Milton ‹1908-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Milton Genecin (1903[sic!]-1989)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1989 (37) : pp. 126-127

IDN  18659         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Alvin, Milton ‹1908-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Milton Genecin 1908-1989

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1989 (61) : p. 34

Message sent by Fourth Internationalist Tendency to memorial meeting, San Francisco, Cal., Febr.4, 1989

IDN  18660         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Alvin, Milton ‹1908-1989›
Alvin, Milton: Trotskyste aux États-Unis

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1988 (35) : pp. 69-91

Notes: 31
Two chapters from author's unpubl. memoirs, transl. from the Engl.

IDN  18661         About: Alvin, Milton ‹1908-1989›      Preliminary inventory of the Milton Genecin papers, 1928-1985   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  18662         About: Alvin, Milton ‹1908-1989›      Register of the Milton Genecin papers   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  18663         LLTB  Chapter  9      Anderfuhren, Hans ‹1893-1973›
About: Anderfuhren, Hans ‹1893-1973›
Studer, Brigitte: [Biographical sketch] Anderfuhren, Hans

In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz / hrsg. von der Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Chefred.: M. Jorio. 1. (Basel, 2002) : p. 327

IDN  18664         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Anderfuhren, Hans ‹1893-1973›
Vogelsanger, David: [Biographical sketch] Anderfuhren, Hans (1893-1973)

In: Vogelsanger, D.: Trotzkismus in der Schweiz. (Zürich, 1986) : p. 218

IDN  18665         LLTB  Chapter  9      Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Juan Andrade (1897-1981)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1981 (7/8) : pp. 7-9

IDN  18666         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Juan Andrade (1897-1981)

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] Sér.3. 39.1981 (6) : pp. 99-100

IDN  18667         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
Andrade Rodríguez, Juan: Recuerdos personales
/ Juan Andrade. - Barcelona : Ed. del Serbal, 1983. - 234 pp. - (Libros del tiempo : Serie Historia)

IDN  18668         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
Autour du procès du P.O.U.M.
: des révolutionnaires en danger de mort: Julian Gorkin, Juan Andrade [...]. - [S.l.] : Independent News, 1938. - 15 pp.

IDN  18669         About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›      Broué, Pierre: Nin, Trotsky et Juan Andrade   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Nin Pérez, Andreu ‹1892-1937›

IDN  18670         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
Esenwein, George Richard: [Biographical sketch] Andrade Rodríguez, Juan (1897-1981)
/ George R. Esenwein
In: Biographical dictionary of Marxism / ed. by R.A. Gorman. (Westport, Conn., 1986) : pp. 25-28

IDN  18671         About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›      Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Nin, Maurín et Andrade dans l'histoire du marxisme espagnole   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Nin Pérez, Andreu ‹1892-1937›

IDN  18672         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
Juan Andrade (1897-1981)
: vida y voz de un revolucionario / Pelai Pagès, Jaime Pastor y Miguel Romero, ed.. - Arganda del Rey : La Oveja Roja, 2011. - 228 pp. - (Viento sur)
ISBN 978-84-93797-36-2

IDN  18673         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
Meaker, Gerald Henry:
The revolutionary left in Spain, 1914-1923 / Gerald H. Meaker. - Stanford, Cal. : Stanford Univ. Pr., 1974. - X, 562 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 539-547

IDN  18674         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Andrade, Juan ‹1897-1981›
Pastor, Jaime: [Obituary] Juan Andrade, 1897-1981 : early Trotskyist and founder of POUM

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 19.1981 (21) : p. 609

IDN  18675         LLTB  Chapter  9      Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] John Archer dit Barclay (1909-2000)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2001 (73) : pp. 125-126

IDN  18676         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
Archer, Bob: [Obituary] John Archer (1909-2000)

In: Workers International Press : journal of the Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International ‹London› [ISSN 1368-7824] 2001 (29) : p. 6

Personal tribute of Bob Archer, paid at his father's funeral

IDN  18677         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
Archer, John: [Autobiography]
[Electronic resource]. - 27.1 MB (50 pp.)
Untitled ms.
Accessed Oct. 1, 2022

IDN  18678         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
Calvert, Mike: John Archer memorial meeting

In: What Next? : Marxist discussion journal ‹London› [ISSN 1479-4322] 2001 (20) : p. 17

About a memorial meeting, London, Apr. 29, 2001

IDN  18679         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
Calvert, Mike: [Obituary] John Archer, 1909-2000 : a personal tribute to a revolutionary life

In: What Next? : Marxist discussion journal ‹London› [ISSN 1479-4322] 2001 (18) : pp. 26-28

IDN  18680         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
Massot, François de: [Obituary] John Archer (1909-2000)

In: Informations ouvrières ‹Paris› [ISSN 0813-9500] 2001 (Jan.10)

IDN  18681         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
McIlroy, John: [Obituary] John Archer (1909-2000)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 8.2001 (1) : pp. 239-248

On pp. 247-248: Additions by Harry Ratner

IDN  18682         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
Price, Richard: [Obituary] John Archer (1909-2000)

In: Workers' Action ‹London› 2001 (11) : p. 30

IDN  18683         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
Thornett, Alan: [Obituary]
An ally against Healy
In: Socialist Outlook ‹London› [ISSN 0951-8657] [N.s.] 2001 (41) : p. 19

IDN  18684         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Archer, John ‹1909-2000›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] John Archer
/ Charlie van Gelderen
In: Socialist Outlook ‹London› [ISSN 0951-8657] [N.s.] 2001 (41) : p. 19

IDN  18685         LLTB  Chapter  9      Badowski, Kazimierz ‹1907-1990›
About: Badowski, Kazimierz ‹1907-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Kazimierz Badowski (1906[sic!]-1990)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1991 (46) : pp. 125-126

IDN  18686         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Badowski, Kazimierz ‹1907-1990›
Hass, Ludwik: Against all odds - true to the ideals of his youth

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 6.1995 (1) : pp. 47-52

Notes: 5
Orig.: Na przekór wszystkiemu - wierny ideałom młodości

IDN  18687         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Badowski, Kazimierz ‹1907-1990›
Hass, Ludwik: Na przekór wszystkiemu - wierny ideałom młodości
: rzecz o Kasimierz Badowskim
In: Zdanie ‹Kraków› [ISSN 0137-3242] 1994 (1) : pp. 14-16

Other ed., versions, transl.: Against all odds - true to the ideals of his youth

IDN  18688         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bardin, Alexis ‹1905-1994›
About: Bardin, Alexis ‹1905-1994›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Alexis Bardin (1905-1994) dit Prau

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (53) : p. [127]

IDN  18689         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bardin, Alexis ‹1905-1994›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Bardin, Alexis dit Prost, dit Prau
/ P. Broué
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 18.1982 : pp. 128-129

IDN  18690         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bardin, Alexis ‹1905-1994›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Bardin, Alexis (1905-1994)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : p. 301

IDN  18691         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bardin, Alfred ‹1907-1989›
About: Bardin, Alfred ‹1907-1989›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Bardin, Alfred, Ernest dit Léon
/ J.-M. Brabant
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 18.1982 : pp. 129-130

IDN  18692         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bardin, Alfred ‹1907-1989›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Bardin, Léon (Bardin, Alfred, Ernest dit Léon)
/ J.-M. Brabant
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  18693         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bardin, Joannès ‹1909-1992›
About: Bardin, Joannès ‹1909-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1993 (Jan.21) : pp. 130-131

IDN  18694         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bardin, Joannès ‹1909-1992›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Bardin, Joannès dit Boitel
/ J.-M. Brabant
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 18.1982 : pp. 130-131

IDN  18695         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bardin, Joannès ‹1909-1992›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Bardin, Joannès dit Boitel
/ J.-M. Brabant
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  18696         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bardin, Joannès ‹1909-1992›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Bardin, Joannès (1909-1992)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : p. 302

IDN  18697         LLTB  Chapter  9      Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Baufrère, Marcel dit Danjou, Lestin, Liber, Marceau, Yvain (1914-1998)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1998 (63) : pp. 125-126

IDN  18698         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Marcel Baufrère

In: Témoignages sur la Russie soviétique 1917-1924. (Paris, 1998) : p. 21

IDN  18699         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
Baufrère, Marcel: "Notre camarade Liber, interné depuis deux ans à Buchenwald, revient parmi nous"
: (interview publiée dans La Vérité, no. 86, du 11 mai 1945)
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 1999 (5) : pp. 137-140

Alternate title: Marcel Baufrère : un trotskyste de retour des camps

IDN  18700         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Baufrère, Marcel, dit Liber, Danjou, Marceau, Lestin, Yvain
/ J.-M. Brabant et R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 18.1982 : pp. 252-253

IDN  18701         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Baufrère, Marcel, dit Liber, Danjou, Marceau, Lestin, Yvain
/ J.-M. Brabant et R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  18702         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
Cynober, Julien: [Biographical sketch] Marcel Beaufrère [sic!] (né en 1914)

In: Cynober, J.: La presse trotskyste en France de la libération à la grève Renault d'avril-mai 1947. (Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X, 1999) : p. 140

IDN  18703         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
Krivine, Jean-Michel: [Obituary]

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1998 (426)

IDN  18704         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
Krivine, Jean-Michel: [Obituary] Marcel Beaufrère [sic!] (1914-1998)
/ aus dem Franz. übers. und bearb. von Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1998 (326) : p. 21

IDN  18705         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Baufrère, Marcel ‹1914-1998›
Lambert, Pierre: [Obituary]

In: Informations ouvrières ‹Paris› [ISSN 0813-9500] 1998 (June 10)

IDN  18706         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bavassano, Mario ‹1895-1964›
About: Bavassano, Mario ‹1895-1964›
Bonnel, Louis: [Biographical sketch] Giacomi pseudonyme de Bavassano Mario, dit aussi fréquemment Ferrero, Rey ou Nelluno

In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 29.1987 : pp. 332-333

IDN  18707         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bavassano, Mario ‹1895-1964›
Bonnel, Louis: [Biographical sketch] Giacomi pseudonyme de Bavassano Mario, dit aussi fréquemment Ferrero, Rey ou Nelluno

In: Hommage à Louis Bonnel (1914-2002) / a cura di P. Casciola. (Firenze, 2003) : pp. 22-23

Reprinted from: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français ..., 29.1987, pp. 332-333

IDN  18708         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bavassano, Mario ‹1895-1964›
Bonnel, Louis: [Biographical sketch] Giacomi pseudonyme de Bavassano Mario, dit aussi fréquemment Freero, Rey ou Nelluno

In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  18709         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bavassano, Mario ‹1895-1964›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Mario Bavassano

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1995 (4) : pp. 92-93

IDN  18710         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bavassano, Mario ‹1895-1964›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Bavassano, Mario (1895-1964)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : p. 303

IDN  18711         LLTB  Chapter  9      Belleville, Fritz ‹1903-1994›
About: Belleville, Fritz ‹1903-1994›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Belleville Fritz (1903-1994)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : p. 264

IDN  18712         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Belleville, Fritz ‹1903-1994›
Huber, Peter: [Biographical sketch] Belleville Fritz (*1903)

In: Huber, P.: Stalins Schatten in die Schweiz. (Zürich, 1994) : p. 412

IDN  18713         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Belleville, Fritz ‹1903-1994›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Fritz Belleville
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 70 KB (3 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  18714         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Belleville, Fritz ‹1903-1994›
Vogelsanger, David: [Biographical sketch] Belleville, Fritz ("Fritz Merz", geboren 1903)

In: Vogelsanger, D.: Trotzkismus in der Schweiz. (Zürich, 1986) : pp. 218-219

IDN  18715         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Belleville, Fritz ‹1903-1994›
Wichers, Hermann: [Biographical sketch] Belleville, Fritz

In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz / hrsg. von der Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Chefred.: M. Jorio. 2. (Basel, 2003) : p. 179

IDN  18716         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Daniel Bensaïd
[Electronic resource]. - 45 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article, also available in other languages under various URLs
Accessed Jan. 19, 2010

IDN  18717         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)
[Electronic resource]. - 57 KB (8 pp.)
Collection of obituaries by Josep Maria Antentas, Jaime Pastor, Miguel Romero et al.
Dated Jan. 16, 2010
Accessed Jan. 18, 2010

IDN  18718         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010) : other messages from the world
[Electronic resource]. - 101 KB (12 pp.)
The website "Europe solidaire sans frontières" contains a considerable number of other obituaries, articles and reviews about Bensaïd under various URLs, e.g.:, http://...article16206, http://...article16185 ..., http://...article16213
Accessed Jan. 18, 2010

IDN  18719         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd est mort
[Electronic resource]. - 43 KB (1 p.)
Obituary by L'Humanité
Accessed Jan. 14, 2010

IDN  18720         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Mort de notre camarade Daniel Bensaïd
[Electronic resource] / par NPA [et al.]. - 235 KB (9 pp.)
Collection of obituaries by various persons and organizations, inter alia F. Sabado, G. Filoche, E. Plenel, Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste
Accessed Jan. 19, 2010. - URL defunct as at Oct. 1, 2014

IDN  18721         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Achcar, Gilbert: [Obituary] Bis zum letzten Atemzug ein revolutionärer Kämpfer : Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)
/ Übers.: Wilfried Dubois
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2010 (460/461) : pp. 48-49

Transl. from the Engl. version in: Socialist Review (London), 2010 (Febr.)

IDN  18722         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Achcar, Gilbert: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : a revolutionary fighter to his last breath

In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2010 (Febr.)

IDN  18723         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Achcar, Gilbert: [Obituary]
A revolutionary who fought steadfastly : Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010) [Electronic resource]. - 13 KB (1 p.)
Dated Jan. 19, 2010
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  18724         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Aeschimann, Éric: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : mort d'un homme Ligue

In: Libération ‹Paris› [ISSN 0335-1793] 2010 (Jan.13)

IDN  18725         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Ali, Tariq: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)

In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 25.2010 (2) : p. 18

Transl. from the Engl.

IDN  18726         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Ali, Tariq: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd obituary
: French philosopher and leading figure in the events of 1968
In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2010 (Jan.15) : p. 45

Publ. also in the WWW with various differing titles and in many other languages in various printed and electronic resources

IDN  18727         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Ali, Tariq: [Obituary] Französischer Philosoph und führender Vertreter des Mai 68
: Daniel Bensaïd 1946-2010
In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 16.2010 (173) : pp. 20-21

Transl. from the Engl.

IDN  18728         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Antentas, Josep María: Daniel Bensaïd, melancholic strategist

In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 24.2016 (4) : pp. 51-106

IDN  18729         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Antentas, Josep María: Daniel Bensaïd's Marrano internationalism

In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 30.2022 (2) : pp. 135-168

IDN  18730         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Antentas, Josep María: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : a revolutionary for our times
[Electronic resource]
In: International Viewpoint : news and analysis from the Fourth International [Electronic journal] [ISSN 1294-2495] 2010 (420) : 29 KB (3 pp.)

Accessed Jan. 20, 2010

IDN  18731         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Antentas, Josep María: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : estratega melancólico

In: Diagonal : periódico quincenal de actualidad crítica ‹Madrid› [ISSN 1699-2326] 2010 (Jan.21=Nr.118)

IDN  18732         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Antentas, Josep María: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : revolucionario intempestivo
: Daniel Bensaïd marcó a varias generaciones de militantes revolucionarios [...] [Electronic resource]. - 69 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Jan. 14, 2010
Accessed Jan. 19, 2010

IDN  18733         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Antentas, Josep María:
La razón mesiánica de Daniel Bensaïd : en el décimo aniversario de su muerte [Electronic resource] / Josep M. Antentas. - 44 KB (30 pp.)
Notes: 165
Accessed Jan. 13, 2020
Angl.: Daniel Bensaïd's messianic reason

IDN  18734         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Antentas, Josep María: Remembering Daniel Bensaïd
: La Mutualité, Paris, January 24, 2010 [Electronic resource]. - 17 KB (2 pp.)
In: International Viewpoint : news and analysis from the Fourth International [Electronic journal] [ISSN 1294-2495] 2010 (420) : 29 KB (3 pp.)

Dated Jan. 25, 2010
Accessed Jan. 26, 2010
Also publ. with URL

IDN  18735         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Baillargeon, Stéphanie: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010) : mort d'un intellectuel organique

In: Le Devoir ‹Montréal, Qué.› [0319-0722] 2010 (Jan.14)

IDN  18736         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Balmer, Rudolf: [Obituary] Komplize der konkreten Utopie
: Daniel Bensaïd, Protagonist der revolutionären Linken Frankreichs, ist tot ; Nachruf
In: Die Tageszeitung : TAZ ‹Berlin etc.› [ISSN 0931-9085] 2010 (Jan.14)

IDN  18737         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Bensaïd, Daniel:
An impatient life : a political memoir / transl. by David Fernbach. With a foreword by Tariq Ali. - London [etc.] : Verso, 2013. - XXVI, 356 pp.
ISBN 978-1-7816-8108-4

Orig.: Une lente impatience
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ein ungeduldiges Leben

IDN  18738         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Bensaïd, Daniel:
Une lente impatience. - Paris : Stock, 2004. - 478 pp. - (Un ordre d'idées [ISSN 1626-2727])
ISBN 2-234-05659-4 - ISBN 978-2-234-05659-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: An impatient life ; Ein ungeduldiges Leben

IDN  18739         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Bensaïd, Daniel:
Ein ungeduldiges Leben : politische Autobiografie / aus dem Franz. von Elfriede Müller. - Hamburg : Laika-Verl., 2016. - 440 pp. - (Laika-Theorie ; 65)
ISBN 978-3-944233-58-1

Orig.: Une lente impatience
Other ed., versions, transl.: An impatient life

IDN  18740         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Bensaïd, the untimely
. - Jamaica, NY : Routledge, 2023. - pp. 307-442 - (Rethinking Marxism ‹Jamaica, NY› [ISSN 0893-5696] ; 35.2023,3 = Spec. issue)
Collection of articles about Daniel Bensaïd by J.M. Antentas, D. Roso, M. Surya et. al.

IDN  18741         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Birnbaum, Jean: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : philosophe, confondateur de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2010 (Jan.14) : p. 25

IDN  18742         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Brossat, Alain: Sur Daniel Bensaïd
[Electronic resource]
In: Dissidences [Electronic journal] ‹Dijon› [ISSN 2118-6057] 2012 (4) : 64 KB (7 pp.)

Dated Sept. 10, 2012
Accessed Febr. 8, 2013

IDN  18743         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Budgen, Sebastian: Daniel Bensaïd 1946-2010
[Electronic resource]. - 33 KB (15 pp.)
Notes: 39
Exhaustive obituary and biographical sketch
Dated July 13, 2013
Accessed Febr. 1, 2018

IDN  18744         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Budgen, Sebastian:
Le hussard rouge : Daniel Bensaïd, 1946-2010 [Electronic resource] / trad. de l'anglais par Florine Leplâtre. - 44 KB (17 pp.)
Notes: 39
Exhaustive obituary and biographical sketch
Dated July 13, 2013
Accessed Apr. 20, 2015

IDN  18745         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Budgen, Sebastian:
The red hussar : Daniel Bensaïd, 1946-2010
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2010 (127) : pp. 143-166

Notes: 49
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le hussard rouge
Exhaustive obituary and biographical sketch

IDN  18746         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Callinicos, Alex: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd 1946-2010
[Electronic resource]. - 35 KB (2 pp.)
German transl. from the Engl.
Dated Jan. 15, 2010
Accessed Jan. 19, 2010

IDN  18747         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Callinicos, Alex: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd 1946-2010

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2010 (2185=Jan.23) : p. 11

IDN  18748         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Callinicos, Alex: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd obituary
[Electronic resource]. - 28 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 14, 2010

IDN  18749         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Cinatti, Claudia: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)
: obituario
In: Contra la corriente : revista marxista de teoría y política (México, D.F.) 2.2010 (2) : pp. 75-76

IDN  18750         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Combattre et penser
: essai de biographie [Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (7 pp.)
Also publ. in Span. with title "Pensar y actuar"
Accessed May 15, 2014

IDN  18751         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Corcuff, Philippe: Daniel Bensaïd ou la radicalité joyeusement mélancolique

In: Politis ‹Paris› [ISSN 1155-2794] 2010 (1086)

IDN  18752         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Corcuff, Philippe: [Obituary] Daniel ...
[Electronic resource]. - 61 KB (1 p.)
Dated Jan. 12, 2010
Accessed Jan. 14, 2010

IDN  18753         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Coustal, François: France: l'hommage à Daniel Bensaïd
[Electronic resource]. - 64 KB (2 pp.)
About the commemoration meeting held in honour of Daniel Bensaïd, Palais de la Mutualité, Paris, Jan. 24, 2010
Accessed Febr. 2, 2010

IDN  18754         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Daniel Bensaïd
/ Gilbert Achcar [et al.] Dir.: Michel Surya. - Fécamp : Novelles Ed. Lignes, 2010. - 209, [3] pp. - (Lignes : art, littérature, philosophie, politique ‹Paris; later: Fécamp› [ISSN 0988-5226] ; 22.2010,32)
ISBN 978-2-35526-051-3

Table of contents: p.5 Ouverture/M. Surya -- p.11 L'intellectual symbolique/G. Achcar -- p.21 Le compagnon lointain/A. Badiou -- p.26 Se souvenir/J.-C. Bailly -- p.27 "La mort, cette faucheuse..."/E. Balibar -- p.31 Discordances mélancoliques/P. Corcuff -- p.39 Un marxisme profane/I. Garo -- p.47 Daniel (Bensaïd) en symphilosophie -- p.53 Daniel Bensaïd, résistance, révolte, révolution/S. Johsua -- p.59 Daniel Bensaïd: la dialectique du temps et de la lutte/S. Kouvélakis -- p.67 "Moi, la révolution", l'intensité offerte/T. Lacoste, Sophie Wahnich -- p.79 L'hérésie communiste de Daniel Bensaïd/M. Löwy -- p.86 Le sens du virtuel et le sens du possible/G. Mauger -- p.97 Daniel Bensaïd, lecteur de Marx et de Benjamin/A. Münster -- p.106 De Daniel, trente années me séparent/M. Nadeau -- p.107 D'une question sans réponse/M. Onfray -- p.109 La passé du présent: histoire et politique chez Daniel Bensaïd/J. Pelletier -- p.125 Daniel , sans relâche/E. Plenel -- p.140 Manières d'intervenir/E. Renault -- p.146 Politique de Daniel Bensaïd/M. Romero -- p.155 Grandeur de Bensaïd/R. Schérer -- p.161 Daniel Bensaïd et l'éloge de la résistance/S. Tombazos -- p.174 Le passeur/E. Traverso -- p.185 Textes de Daniel Bensaïd -- p.211 Bibliographie de Daniel Bensaïd
Special journal issue devoted to the memory of Daniel Bensaïd
No separate records for the various authors/titles itemized in the table of contents above
Review by Janette Habel: Les déchirements du militant, in: Politis (Paris), 2010 (1107), p. 71

IDN  18755         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)
[Electronic resource]
Website devoted to writings by and about Bensaïd, forming part of the "Marxists' Internet Archive"; under construction as at Jan. 19, 2010
Accessed Jan. 20, 2010

IDN  18756         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Daniel Bensaïd 1946-2010
. - Paris : PECI-Inprecor, 2010. - 52 pp. - (Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] ; 2010,558/559)
On pp. 25-46: Dosier: hommage à Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)

IDN  18757         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Daniel Bensaïd : à contretemps

In: ContreTemps : revue de critique communiste ‹Paris› [ISSN 1633-597X] N.s. 2010 (5) : pp. 5-8

IDN  18758         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Daniel Bensaïd : more messages from the world
[Electronic resource]. - 27 KB (13 pp.)
Obituaries and appreciations by Jaime Pastor, Miguel Romero et al.
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  18759         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Daniel Bensaïd : présences
[Electronic resource]. - 29 KB (12 pp.)
Obituaries, reminiscences and appraisals by Alain Krivine, Arno Münster, Henri Maler, Olivier Besancenot, Jacques Serieys, Charles Michaloux et al.
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  18760         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Daniel Bensaïd, le militant philosophe
/ dir.: Bruno Cany. - Paris : Hermann, 2016. - 282 pp. - (Cahiers critiques de philosophie [ISSN 1952-8094] ; 15)
(Partial) table of contents: Le bonheur n'est pas une partie de plaisir/A. Brossat - Sages, sophistes, philosophes/E. Moscarelli - Présentation/A. Dellai - Le pari mélancolique de Daniel Bensaïd/M. Löwy - La révolution hasardeuse/R. Schérer - A la recherche du temps perdu /S. Johsua - Le concept de l'histoire chez Daniel Bensaïd/S. Tombazos - Bensaïd lecteur de Badiou/I. Segré - Le flot de la trivialité, stade suprême de la marchandisation dans les sociétés contemporaines/F. Louça - D'un chapitre manquant de l'histoire globale de la tolérance/S. Mosbah - La politique profane des opprimés/F. Mascaro Querido - La voix de Daniel Bensaïd/H. Dubourjal [...]

IDN  18761         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Daniel Bensaïd, l'intempestif
/ sous la dir. de François Sabado. - Paris : La Découverte, 2012. - 196 pp. - (Cahiers libres)
ISBN 978-2-7071-7434-5

Table of contents: p.5 Avant-propos/F. Sabado -- p.7 Combattre et penser/C. Michaloux, F. Sabado, O. Besancenot -- p.20 Un communiste hérétique/M. Löwy -- p.31 Orbites et trajectoires/S. Johsua -- p.43 Le concept d'intempestif/P. Pignarre -- p.55 L'actualité d'une radicalité philosophique face aux défis du présentisme/P. Corcuff -- p.67 Le temps brisé de la politique/A. Callinicos -- p.79 "La femme est l'avenir du spectre"?/C. Arruza -- p.93 La question du féminisme/J. Trat -- p.105 La révolution permanente/P. Rousset -- p.119 Brésil/J. Machado -- p.133 En défense du communisme/C. Samary -- p.147 À propos des indignés/E. Vivas -- p.157 L'Internationale/F. Sabado -- p.168 Quand l'histoire nous désenchante : une interview de Daniel Bensaïd à l'occasion de la parution de son autobiographie -- p.191 Bibliographie
Bibliogr.: pp. 191-193
No separate records for the various authors/titles itemized in the table of contents above

IDN  18762         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Escur, Núria: [Obituary] De los últimos mohicanos
: Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010), filósofo francés, uno de los dirigentes del Mayo del 68
In: La vanguardia ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 1133-4835] 2010 (Jan.14) : p. 29

IDN  18763         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Esquerre, Laurent: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : nécrologie
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Jan. 29, 2010
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  18764         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Daniel Bensaïd : por sus obras le conoceréis
: no se puede decir que la de Daniel no ha sido una muerte anunciada [Electronic resource]. - 63 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 13, 2010
Accessed Jan. 19, 2010

IDN  18765         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Ieven, Bram: [Obituary] In memoriam Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)
[Electronic resource]. - 20 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 18, 2010
Accessed Jan. 19, 2010

IDN  18766         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Imprescindibile Daniel
/ dir.: Salvatore Cannavò. - Roma : Ed. Alegre, 2010. - 64 pp. - (Erre : resistenze, ricerche, rivoluzioni ‹Torino; later: Roma› [ISSN 1973-3801] ; 7.2010,37)
Table of contents: p.4 Editoriale/S. Cannavò -- p.6 Daniel Bensaïd, l'ultimo intempestivo/C, Arruzza -- p.14 L'atto di nascita, il '68/A. Krivine -- p.16 Il Bensa/M. Romero -- p.18 A Daniel che rischiara il cammino/E. Plenel -- p.23 Un comunista allergico all'ortodossia/F. Mometti -- p.25 [Texts by Daniel Bensaïd] - [...]
Special journal issue devoted to the memory of Daniel Bensaïd
No separate records for the various authors/titles itemized in the table of contents above

IDN  18767         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Lapierre, Nicole: Daniel où l'avenir du passé
[Electronic resource]. - 14 KB (6 pp.)
Also publ. in Span. with title "Daniel o el porvenir del pasado"
Dated June 2012
Accessed May 15, 2014

IDN  18768         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Le Blanc, Paul: Revolutionary patience : Daniel Bensaïd

In: Le Blanc, P.: Revolutionary collective : comrades, critics, and dynamics in the struggle for socialism. (Chicago, Ill., 2022) : pp. 178-187, 236

Notes: 8

IDN  18769         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Löwy, Michael: Daniel Bensaïd : le scintillement du possible
/ Michael Löwy ; Samy Johsua
In: Tout est à nous! ‹Montreuil› [ISSN 1969-8658] 2010 (7)

IDN  18770         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Löwy, Michael: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : communiste hérétique

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2010 (558/559) : pp. 25-26

IDN  18771         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Löwy, Michael: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : comunista herético
/ trad.: Andrés Lund Medina
In: Herramienta : revista de debate y crítica marxista ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 0329-6121 - ISSN 1852-4710] 2010 (43)

IDN  18772         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
López Arnal, Salvador: [Obituary] En la muerte del camarada Daniel Bensaïd
[Electronic resource]. - 42 KB (1 p.)
Dated Jan. 17, 2010
Accessed Jan. 25, 2010

IDN  18773         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Lund Medina, Andrés: Daniel Bensaïd y el fantasma del comunismo
[Electronic resource] / Andrés Lund. - 120 KB (7 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 22, 2007

IDN  18774         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Maler, Henri: [Obituary] Pour Daniel Bensaïd
[Electronic resource]. - 20 KB (1 p.)
Accessed Jan. 27, 2010

IDN  18775         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Menozzi, Filippo: Daniel Bensaïd, Ernst Bloch and the discordance of time

In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 28.2020 (1) : pp. 147-182

IDN  18776         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Müller, Elfriede: [Obituary]
Ein beschwingter Philosoph : persönliche Entscheidungen sind ausschlaggebend für künftige soziale Auseinandersetzungen ; zum Tod von Daniel Bensaïd
In: Junge Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-8601] 2010 (Jan.18) : p. 13

IDN  18777         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
New messages after Daniel Bensaïd's death
[Electronic resource]. - 24 KB (12 pp.)
Obituaries and appreciations by Sergio Rodríguez Lascano, Joxe Iriarte Bikila et al.
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  18778         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Pastor, Jaime: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : un referente de la 'izquierda de la izquierda'
/ Jaime Pastor Verdú
In: El País : Ed. Europa ‹Madrid› [ISSN 0213-4608] 2010 (Jan.14)

IDN  18779         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Pelletier, Jacques: [Obituary] Veilleur prophétique
: Daniel Bensaïd [Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 13, 2010
Accessed Jan. 18, 2010

IDN  18780         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Pey, Serge: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : lettre à mes camarades sur la mort d'un camarade
[Electronic resource]. - 62 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 12, 2010
Accessed Jan. 14, 2010

IDN  18781         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Pignarre, Philippe:
Le Marx de Daniel Bensaïd : déconstruction, reconstruction [Electronic resource]. - 22 KB (12 pp.)
Dated Aug. 28, 2011
Accessed Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  18782         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Pignarre, Philippe:
La philosophie de Daniel Bensaïd : la question du temps
In: ContreTemps : revue de critique communiste ‹Paris› [ISSN 1633-597X] N.s. 2011 (8) : pp. 89-98

IDN  18783         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Plenel, Edwy: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : éclareur et sentinelle
[Electronic resource]. - 80 KB (5 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 14, 2010

IDN  18784         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Poncet, Emmanuel: [Biographical sketch]
La ligne rouge : Daniel Bensaïd
In: Libération ‹Paris› [ISSN 0335-1793] 2004 (Apr.28)

IDN  18785         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Romero, Miguel: [Obituary]
"El Bensa" - Daniel Bensaïd : intervention de Moro - Miguel Romero - lors de l'hommage à Daniel Bensaïd au Palais de la Mutualité à Paris, le 24 janvier 2010 [Electronic resource] / Miguel Romero Baeza. - 67 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 24, 2010
Accessed Febr. 2, 2010

IDN  18786         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Roso, Darren: Confronting the triple crisis of the radical left
: the workers' movement, strategy and the 'crisis of Marxism
In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 26.2018 (1) : pp. 37-67

Chiefly about Daniel Bensaïd

IDN  18787         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Roso, Darren: Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)

In: Routledge handbook of Marxism and post-Marxism / ed. by A. Callinicos [et al.] (New York [etc.], 2021) : pp. 326-333

Bibliogr.: pp. 332-333
Encyclopaedic article

IDN  18788         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Roso, Darren: Daniel Bensaïd : from the actuality of the revolution to the melancholic wager
. - Leiden [etc.] : Brill, 2024. - XIV, 822 pp. - (Historical materialism book series [ISSN 1570-1522] ; 303)
ISBN 978-90-04-31494-8

Table of contents: p.VII Foreword -- p.XI Foreword: the power of indignation -- p.XIII Acknowledgements -- p.1 Introduction: fitting the bow for the renewal of Marxism -- p.19 Bensaïd encounters Lenin in the early years -- p.175 New inventions and illuminations -- p.443 Open-ended conjunctural judgements -- p.591 Bensaïd and his contemporaries -- p.683 Strategic thinking to break the reproduction of fetishism and domination -- p.803 Appendix: Daniel Bensaïd's melancholic wager (by way of an introduction)/M. Löwy -- p.806 References -- p.818 Index

IDN  18789         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Roso, Darren: Daniel Bensaíd and "the last generation of October"
[Electronic resource]. - ca. 20 pp.
Notes: 64
Dated 2016. - Accessed Dec. 1, 2020

IDN  18790         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Roso, Darren: Daniel Bensaíd fought to the end against a system that knows no bounds in brutality
[Electronic resource]. - 392 KB (6 pp.)
Notes: 11
Originally a contribution to the Historical Materialism Conference, London, Nov. 2015
Dated Dec. 2, 2015. - Accessed Nov. 5, 2020

IDN  18791         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Rousset, Pierre: Daniel Bensaïd : a bibliography (English and other languages)
[Electronic resource]. - Last additions: Jan. 8, 2010. - 80 KB (8 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 13, 2010

IDN  18792         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Rousset, Pierre: Daniel Bensaïd : bibliografía parcial en español, português, catalán, euskara, italiano ...
[Electronic resource]. - Ultima puesta al día: 7 de diciembre de 2009. - 82 KB (7 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 13, 2010

IDN  18793         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Rousset, Pierre: Daniel Bensaïd : une bibliographie (publications en français)
[Electronic resource]. - Dernière mise à jour: 12 janvier 2010. - 123 KB (22 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 13, 2010

IDN  18794         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Rousset, Pierre: Écrits sur la vie et l'œuvre de Daniel Bensaïd
: une bibliographie [Electronic resource]. - 17 KB (6 pp.)
"Cette bibliographie sera régulièrement complétée et mise à jour"
Accessed Jan. 13, 2014

IDN  18795         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Sabado, François: [Obituary] Daniel ...
[Electronic resource]. - 63 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 12, 2010
Accessed Jan. 14, 2010

IDN  18796         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Sabado, François: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : a militant, an intellectual, a friend
[Electronic resource] / transl. by Penelope Duggan
In: International Viewpoint : news and analysis from the Fourth International [Electronic journal] [ISSN 1294-2495] 2010 (420) : 14 KB (1 p.)

Accessed Jan. 12, 2010

IDN  18797         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Sabado, François: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : aktivist og intellektuel
[Electronic resource] / overs. fra NPA's hjemmeside af Finn Kjeller. - 15 KB (1 p.)
Accessed Jan. 19, 2010

IDN  18798         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Sabado, François: [Obituary] Hommage à Daniel Bensaïd

In: La Gauche ‹Bruxelles› [ISSN 0431-0535] 54.2010 (45) : p. 30

IDN  18799         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Sabado, François: [Obituary] Politischer Aktivist, ein Intellektueller, ein Genosse und Freund
: Daniel Bensaïd 1946-2010
In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 16.2010 (173) : p.21

Transl. from the French

IDN  18800         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Sabado, François:
Un séminaire Daniel Bensaïd [Electronic resource] / François Ollivier [i.e. François Sabado]. - 14 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 16, 2012
Accessed Jan. 28, 2014

IDN  18801         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Sabado, François:
A seminar on Daniel Bensaïd [Electronic resource]
In: International Viewpoint : news and analysis from the Fourth International [Electronic journal] [ISSN 1294-2495] 2012 (444) : 5 KB (2 pp.)

Report about a seminar, organized by the Secretariat of the Fourth International, held in Amsterdam on Jan.13-15, 2012
Dated Jan. 16, 2012
Accessed Jan. 28, 2012

IDN  18802         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Salles, Jean-Paul: [Biographical sketch] Bensaïd, Daniel, dit Jébrac, dit Ségur

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2006 : pp. 66-67

Slightly rev. version publ. in: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] (Paris), 6.2010, pp. 2770-2771 and online with URL:

IDN  18803         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Salles, Jean-Paul: [Biographical sketch] Bensaïd, Daniel, dit Jébrac, dit Ségur

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2006 : pp. 267-269

IDN  18804         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Schäfer, Jakob: [Obituary]
Ein Freund und Genosse ist von uns gegangen : Daniel Bensaîd, 1946-2010 [Electronic resource]. - 31 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 28, 2010
Accessed Jan. 29, 2010

IDN  18805         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Sintomer, Yves: [Obituary] Pour Daniel Bensaïd
[Electronic resource]. - 66 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 18, 2010
Accessed Jan. 21, 2010

IDN  18806         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Le site Daniel Bensaïd [Electronic resource]
Multilingual website containing books, articles and other material by an about Daniel Bensaïd incl. obituaries and appraisals. Ongoing project
Accessed May 15, 2014

IDN  18807         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Spire, Arnaud: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : militant and outstanding Marxist philosopher
[Electronic resource] / transl. by Isabelle Metral and reviewed by Henry Crapo. - 13 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 13, 2010
Accessed Jan. 28, 2014

IDN  18808         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Spire, Arnaud: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd : philosophe et militant, un intellectuel marxiste rare

In: L'Humanité ‹Paris› [ISSN 0242-6870] 2010 (Jan.13)

IDN  18809         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Swiffen, Alistair:
A brief introduction to Daniel Bansaïd : with a bibliography of his works [Electronic resource] / Alistair Swiffen ; Peter Hallward. - 76 KB (5 pp.)
Dated 2003; written as an introd. to "The mole and the locomotive", being Bensaïd's introd. to the Engl. transl. of his book "Résistances, essai de taupologie générale", Paris 2001
Accessed Jan. 13, 2010

IDN  18810         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Thomas, Martin: [Obituary] Daniel Bensaïd dies
[Electronic resource]. - 34 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 21, 2010

IDN  18811         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Traverso, Enzo: Daniel Bensaïd between Marx and Benjamin

In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 24.2016 (4) : pp. 170-191

IDN  18812         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bensaïd, Daniel ‹1946-2010›
Wald, Alan Maynard: Astonished by the present
/ Alan M. Wald
In: International Socialist Review : ISR ‹Chicago, Ill.› [ISSN 1097-315X] 2014 (93) : p. 111-121

IDN  18813         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Raoul (Claude Bernard) (1921-1994)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (54) : pp. 123-124

IDN  18814         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Broué, Pierre: [Obituary] 'Raoul' : Claude Bernard

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (417) : p. 7

IDN  18815         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Broué, Pierre: Raoul : militant trotskyste
. - Saint-Martin d'Hères : Institut Léon Trotsky, 1995. - 192 pp. - (Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] ; 1995,56=no.spéc.)
Table of contents: p.7 Claude -- p.14 L'armée prolétarienne de Puteaux-Suresnes -- p.34 "Ses" Viets -- p.53 La crise de la IVe Internationale -- p.74 La guerre d'Algérie -- p.85 La crise du parti -- p.98 Questions à revoir -- p.116 En mission de l'UGS à UPS -- p.134 Coup d'oeil sur le passé -- p.151 La construction du parti révolutionnaire dans un pays avancé -- p.163 Le parti réel -- p.178 La retraite -- p. 183 Merci, Raoul - [...]
Notes: 77
On cover: Raoul

IDN  18816         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Castoriadis, Cornelius: [Obituary] Raoul
/ Cornelius Castoriadis (Pierre Chaulieu)
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1995 (56) : pp. 187-198

IDN  18817         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Dang Van Long: [Obituary] In memory of Raoul

In: The revolution defamed / ed. and ann. by A. Richardson. (London, 2003) : pp. 190-191

Notes: 2

IDN  18818         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Hoàng Don Tri: [Obituary] Raoul : our friend, comrade and brother

In: The revolution defamed / ed. and ann. by A. Richardson. (London, 2003) : pp. 187-189

Notes: 2

IDN  18819         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: [Biographical sketch] Bernard, Claude, Maurice ...

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2006 : pp. 97-99

IDN  18820         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Maitron, Jean: [Biographical sketch] Bernard, Claude, Maurice ...
/ J. Maitron
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 19.1983 : pp. 12-13

IDN  18821         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Massot, François de: [Obituary] Raoul

In: Informations ouvrières ‹Paris› [ISSN 0813-9500] N.s. 1994 (130=1675)

IDN  18822         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Slaughter, Cliff: [Obituary]
A life devoted to the world socialist revolution
In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (419) : p. 8

IDN  18823         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Stora, Benjamin: [Obituary]

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1994 (1590)

IDN  18824         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bernard, Claude ‹1921-1994›
Stora, Benjamin: [Obituary] Claude Bernard (1921-1994)
/ Übers.: Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1994 (275) : pp. 34-35

Originally publ. in: Rouge (Montreuil), 1994 (1590)

IDN  18825         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bleeker, Sylvia ‹1901-1988›
About: Bleeker, Sylvia ‹1901-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Sylvia Bleeker (1901-1988)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1989 (37) : p. 125

IDN  18826         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleeker, Sylvia ‹1901-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Sylvia Bleeker (1902[sic!]-1988)

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1988 (154) : p. 21

IDN  18827         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleeker, Sylvia ‹1901-1988›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary] Sylvia Bleeker (1901-1988) : union organizer, socialist agitator, and lifelong Trotskyist

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1989 (59) : pp. 16-19

On p. 18: messages and recollections

IDN  18828         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleeker, Sylvia ‹1901-1988›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary] Sylvia Bleeker (1901-1988) : union organizer, socialist agitator, and lifelong Trotskyist

In: Revolutionary labor socialist : the life, ideas, and comrades of Frank Lovell / ed. by P. Le Blanc [et al.] (Union City, NJ, 2000) : pp. 295-301

Reprinted from: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism (New York, NY), 1989 (59)

IDN  18829         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Marcel Bleibtreu (1918-2001)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2002 (77) : pp. 125-126

IDN  18830         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Marcel Bleibtreu : ancien dirigeant trotskiste

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2001 (Dec.30)

IDN  18831         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
Eemans, Louis: [Obituary] Marcel Bleibtreu

In: Informations ouvrières ‹Paris› [ISSN 0813-9500] N.s. 2002 (521=2066)

IDN  18832         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
Fonds Marcel Bleibtreu
: inventaire [Electronic resource] / Jonas Micard. - Nanterre : Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine, 2005. - 226 KB (14 pp.)
Inventory of the Marcel Bleibtreu archives at BDIC, call phrase F delta 1902
Accessed June 10, 2012

IDN  18833         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
Lequenne, Michel: [Obituary]

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 2002 (1951)

IDN  18834         About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›      Lequenne, Michel: [Obituary] Deux destins tragiques contre les vents de l'histoire   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›

IDN  18835         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
Pennetier, Claude: [Biographical sketch] Bleibtreu, Marcel, dit Vierny, dit Tanguy, dit Antoine ...

In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 19.1983 : pp. 260-262

IDN  18836         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
Pennetier, Claude: [Biographical sketch] Bleibtreu, Marcel, dit Vierny, dit Tanguy, dit Antoine ...

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2006 : pp. 1225-1227

Publ. as PDF file

IDN  18837         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bleibtreu, Marcel ‹1918-2001›
Sarda, Georges: [Obituary] Marcel Bleibtreu (1918-2001) : un camarade

In: Carré rouge ‹Paris› [ISSN 0992-1710] 2002 (21) : p. 74

IDN  18838         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Gérard Bloch (1920-1987)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1987 (31) : pp. 126-127

IDN  18839         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Gérard Bloch (1921[recte:1920]-1987)

In: Sommaire des numéros de la "Révolution prolétarienne" (1925-1939). (Paris, 1987) : p. 1

IDN  18840         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Eemans, Louis: [Obituary] Gérard Bloch (1920-1987)
/ L.E. [i.e. Louis Eemans?]
In: Internationale Tribüne ‹Köln› 1987 (24) : p. 23

IDN  18841         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Hommage à Gérard Bloch

In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2002 (19) : pp. 144-146

IDN  18842         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Hommage à Gérard Bloch

In: Lettre d'information / Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Mouvements Trotskyste et Révolutionnaires Internationaux ‹Paris› 2002 (16) : pp. 4-5

IDN  18843         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Lambert, Pierre: [Obituary] Abschied von Gérard Bloch

In: Internationale Tribüne ‹Köln› 1987 (24) : pp. 22-23

IDN  18844         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Marie, Jean-Jacques: [Biographical sketch] Bloch, Gérard

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2006 : pp. 191-192

IDN  18845         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Massot, François de: [Obituary]
Der revolutionäre Pädagoge / François Forgue [i.e. François de Massot]
In: Internationale Tribüne ‹Köln› 1987 (24) : pp. 25-26

IDN  18846         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Bloch Gérard
/ R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 19.1983 : p. 267

IDN  18847         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Bloch Gérard
/ R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  18848         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Uhde, Werner: [Obituary] Gérard Bloch : militant et penseur révolutionnaire, artisan de la reconstruction du trotskysme en Allemagne

In: Tribune internationale - La Vérité ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-3573] 1987 (41) : pp. 30-31

IDN  18849         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bloch, Gérard ‹1920-1987›
Uhde, Werner: [Obituary] Mitkämpfer für die Sache der deutschen Revolution [...]

In: Internationale Tribüne ‹Köln› 1987 (24) : pp. 18-21

IDN  18850         LLTB  Chapter  9      Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Willy Boepple
[Electronic resource]. - 31 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  18851         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Willy Boepple (1911-1992)

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1992 (238) : p. 26

IDN  18852         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Obituary] In memoriam Willy Boepple (1911-1992)
/ W.A. [i.e. Wolfgang Alles]
In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 18.2012 (194) : p. 22-23

IDN  18853         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Obituary]
Die Stärksten kämpfen ein Leben lang : zum Tod Willy Boepples (9.7.1911 - 22.9.1992) / W.A. [i.e. Wolfgang Alles]
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1992 (252) : p. 39

IDN  18854         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Obituary]
Die Stärksten kämpfen ein Leben lang : zum Tod Willy Boepples (9.7.1911 - 22.9.1992) / W.A. [i.e. Wolfgang Alles]
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 7.1992 (20) : p. 16


IDN  18855         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
Boepple, Willy: Gegen den Strom : Texte von Willy Boepple (1911-1992)
/ Wolfgang Alles (Hg.) [Vorw.: Ernest Mandel]. - Köln : Neuer ISP-Verl., 1997. - 316 pp.
ISBN 3-929008-77-7 - ISBN 978-3-929008-77-7

Table of contents: p.9 Vorbemerkung des Herausgebers/W. Alles -- p.11 Vorwort von Ernest Mandel -- p.17 Von Stalin zu Trotzki [Memoirs of W. Boepple and a speech from 1947] -- p.56 Pro und Contra [7 texts by W. Boepple, 1951-1953] -- p.118 Das SoPo-Projekt [23 texts by W. Boepple, 1954-1980] -- p.236 Die Mühen der Ebene [10 texts by W. Boepple, 1979-1990] -- p.292 Anstelle eines Nachworts: Nachruf von Jakob Moneta -- p.297 Lebensdaten Willy Boepples

IDN  18856         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
Boepple, Willy: Kontinuität und Ehre des Kommunismus

In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 7.1992 (20) : p. 16

Excerpted from Boepple's then unpubl. memoirs

IDN  18857         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
Boepple, Willy:
"Der Sozialismus ist für mich keine Frage des Glaubens ..." : Interview mit Willy Boepple
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1991 (242) : pp. 23-26

Interview conducted by Heinrich Neuhaus

IDN  18858         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
Moneta, Jakob:
"Die Mühen der Ebene" : zum 80. Geburtstag Willy Boepples (9.7.91)
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1991 (239) : pp. 19-21

IDN  18859         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Boepple, Willy ‹1911-1992›
Moneta, Jakob: [Obituary] Willy Boepple - in memoriam

In: Boepple, W.: Gegen den Strom : Texte von Willy Boepple (1911-1992). (Köln, 1997) : pp. 292-296

Obituary speech given at the memorial meeting, Sept. 28, 1992

IDN  18860         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bois, Pierre ‹1922-2002›
About: Bois, Pierre ‹1922-2002›
Crawford, Ted: [Obituary] Pierre Bois (1922-2002)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 8.2003 (3) : pp. 264-269

Notes: 5

IDN  18861         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bois, Pierre ‹1922-2002›
Kosmann, Robert: [Biographical sketch] Bois, Pierre, dit Arnaud, dit Caral, dit Vic, dit Vauquelin

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2006 : pp. 1542-1545

IDN  18862         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bonnel, Louis ‹1914-2002›
About: Bonnel, Louis ‹1914-2002›
Hommage à Louis Bonnel (1914-2002)
/ [a cura di Paolo Casciola]. - Firenze : Ed. Bi-Elle, 2003. - 56 pp. - (Quaderni Pietro Tresso ; 40)
Table of contents: p.3 Lettre à Christiane Bonnel/P. Casciola -- p.4 Bonnel, Louis, dit Labord, dit Lucien/R. Prager -- p.7 Quelques écrits de Louis Bonnel (1939-1998) [p.16-45: Biographies de militants rédigées [par L. Bonnel] pour le Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français (1986-1992) -- p.49 Raymond Hirzel (1920-2002)/P. Casciola

IDN  18863         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bonnel, Louis ‹1914-2002›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Bonnel, Louis, dit Labord, dit Lucien

In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 19.1983 : pp. 405-406

IDN  18864         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bonnel, Louis ‹1914-2002›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Bonnel, Louis, pseudonymes: Labord, Lucien

In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  18865         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bonnet, Marguerite ‹1921-1993›
About: Bonnet, Marguerite ‹1921-1993›
Bernier, Philippe: [Obituary] Marguerite Bonnet n'est plus
/ Philippe Bernier, son époux, sa famille, ses amis
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1993 (50) : p. 3

IDN  18866         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bonnet, Marguerite ‹1921-1993›
Dugrand, Alain: [Obituary] Marguerite Bonnet, dite Jacqueline Roussel (1921-1993)
/ [Alain Dugrand]
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1993 (51) : p. [126]

IDN  18867         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bonnet, Marguerite ‹1921-1993›
Dumas, Marie-Claire: [Obituary]
La mort de Marguerite Bonnet
In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 1993 (March 26)

IDN  18868         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bonnet, Marguerite ‹1921-1993›
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: Bonnet, Marguerite ...

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2006 : pp. 244-246

IDN  18869         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bonnet, Marguerite ‹1921-1993›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Obituary] Marguerite Bonnet (1921-1993)
/ Rodolphe Prager ; Michel Lequenne
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1993 (1536) : p. 11

IDN  18870         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bonnet, Marguerite ‹1921-1993›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Obituary] Marguerite Bonnet (1921-1993) : Nachruf
/ Rodolphe Prager ; Michel Lequenne. Aus dem Franz. von Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1993 (259) : pp. 25-26

IDN  18871         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1990 (Febr.)

IDN  18872         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Death of a veteran socialist

In: Socialist Organiser ‹London› [ISSN 1358-9911] 1990 (Jan.27)

IDN  18873         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Sam Bornstein (1920-1990)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (41) : p. 124

IDN  18874         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Sam Bornstein 1920-1990

In: Workers Power ‹London› [ISSN 0263-1121] 1990 (127)

IDN  18875         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
Heisler, Ron: [Biographical sketch] Sam Bornstein (1920-1990)
: an appreciation
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] n.s. 1.2015 : pp. 186-194

IDN  18876         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
Levy, Sam: [Obituary] Sam Bornstein (1920-1990)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 2.1990 (4) : pp. 43-44

IDN  18877         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
Peters, John: [Obituary] Sam Bornstein remembered

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1990 (233) : p. 7

IDN  18878         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
Richardson, Al: [Obituary] Sam Bornstein

In: The Independent ‹London› [ISSN 0951-9467] 1990 (Jan.9)

IDN  18879         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bornstein, Sam ‹1920-1990›
Richardson, Al: [Obituary] Sam Bornstein 1920-1990

In: Labour Briefing ‹London› [ISSN 0955-1530] 1990 (95) : p. 14

With additional remarks by Robin Jamieson

IDN  18880         LLTB  Chapter  9      Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Braverman, Harry 1920-

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 53/56.1975 : p. 64

IDN  18881         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Braverman, Harry 1920-1976

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 69/72.1978 : p. 92

IDN  18882         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Harry Braverman
[Electronic resource]. - 28 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  18883         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1976 (Aug.5) : p. 34

IDN  18884         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Beechey, Veronica:
The sexual division of labour and the labour process : a critical assessment of Braverman
In: The degradation of work? / ed. by S. Wood. (London [etc.], 1982) : pp. 54-73, 205-206

Notes: 8

IDN  18885         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Bouquin, Stephen: Harry Braverman face à la sociologie du travail

In: L'Homme et la société ‹Paris› [ISSN 0018-4306] 2010 (178) : pp. 159-179

IDN  18886         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Breitman, George: [Obituary] Harry Braverman : Marxist author

In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 40.1976 (Aug.27) : p. 12

IDN  18887         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Commemorating Harry Braverman's Labor and monopoly capital
/ contributions by John Bellamy Foster [et al.]. - New York, NY : Monthly Review Pr., 1994. - 70 pp. - (Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] ; 46.1994,6=spec.iss.)
Notes: 54

IDN  18888         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Elger, Tony: Braverman, capital accumulation and deskilling

In: The degradation of work? / ed. by S. Wood. (London [etc.], 1982) : pp. 23-53, 201-205

Notes: 21

IDN  18889         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Elger, Tony: Monopoly capitalism and the impact of Taylorism
: notes on Lenin, Gramsci, Braverman, and Sohn-Rethel / Tony Elger and Bill Schwarz
In: Capital and labour / ed. by T. Nichols. (London, 1980) : pp. 358-369

IDN  18890         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Elger, Tony: Valorisation and 'deskilling'
: a critique of Braverman
In: Capital & Class ‹London; later: Durham› [ISSN 0309-8168] 1979 (7) : pp. 58-99

Notes: 58

IDN  18891         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Jacoby, Russell: Review of Braverman
/ R. Jacoby
In: Telos ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0090-6514] 1977 (29) : pp. 199-207

IDN  18892         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Littler, Craig R.: Bravermania and beyond
: recent theories of the labor process / Craig Littler
In: Sociology ‹London› [ISSN 0038-0385] 16.1982 (2) : pp. 251-269

IDN  18893         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Livingston, Michael G.: Harry Braverman : Marxist activist and theorist
: a talk pres. at the "Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism Conference", held at New York Univ., Sept. 29 to Oct. 1, 2000 [Electronic resource]. - 28 KB (7 pp.)
Notes: 24
Expanded version of remarks given at the International Conference Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism, New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000
Accessed Oct. 1, 2003

IDN  18894         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Magdoff, Harry: [Obituary]

In: Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] 28.1976 (4) : pp. 0, 63-65

IDN  18895         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Pagano, Ugo: Harry Braverman (1920-1976)

In: A biographical dictionary of dissenting economists / ed. by P. Arestis [et al.] (Aldershot, 1992) : pp. 59-67

IDN  18896         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: Before Braverman
: Harry Frankel and the American workers' movement / Bryan Palmer
In: Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] 50.1999 (8) : pp. 33-46

Notes: 25

IDN  18897         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: Before Braverman
: Harry Frankel and the American workers' movement / Bryan D. Palmer
In: Palmer, B.D.: Marxism and historical practice. 2. (Leiden [etc.], 2015) : pp. 215-227

Notes: 25

IDN  18898         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Renton, David: Against management : Harry Braverman's Marxism
[Electronic resource] / [David Renton]. - 71 KB (10 pp.)
Accessed Aug. 27, 2002

IDN  18899         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Technology, the labor process, and the working class
/ essays by Rosalyn Baxandall [et al.]. - New York, NY : Monthly Review Pr., 1976. - 124 pp. - (Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] ; 28.1976,3)

IDN  18900         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Yates, Michael D.: Braverman and the class struggle

In: Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] 50.1999 (8) : pp. 2-11

IDN  18901         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Braverman, Harry ‹1920-1976›
Young, B.: Review of Braverman

In: Radical Science Journal ‹London› [ISSN 0305-0963] 1976 (4) : pp. 81-93

IDN  18902         LLTB  Chapter  9      Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Breitman, George, 1916-

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 61/64.1976 : p. 82

IDN  18903         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Breitman, George, 1916-

In: Contemporary Authors : New revision series ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0275-7176] 7.1982 : p. 69

IDN  18904         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] George Breitman
[Electronic resource]. - 39 KB (4 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 16, 2010

IDN  18905         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Breitman : 50 ans d'activité révolutionnaire

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1986 (218) : p. 27

IDN  18906         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Breitman, George, 1916-1986 : obituary notice

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 119.1987 : pp. 48-49

IDN  18907         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman

In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 1.1986/87 (3) : p. 6

IDN  18908         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1986 (Apr.24) : p. D19

IDN  18909         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman (1916-1986)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (26) : pp. 126-127

IDN  18910         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman (1916-1986)
/ Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié (SU) de la IVe Internationale
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1986 (219) : p. 27

IDN  18911         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman (1916-1986) : more than half a century of revolutionary dedication
/ ed. board of 'Bulletin in defense of Marxism'
In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1986 (31) : pp. 1-3

IDN  18912         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman (1916-1986) : more than half a century of revolutionary dedication
/ ed. board of 'Bulletin in defense of Marxism'
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1986 (99) : pp. 22-24

Reprinted from: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism (New York, NY), 1986 (31)

IDN  18913         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman (1916-1986) : more than half a century of revolutionary dedication
/ ed. board of 'Bulletin in defense of Marxism'
In: Trotskyism in the United States / G. Breitman [et al.] (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1996) : pp. 286-290

Reprinted from: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism (New York, NY), 1986 (31)

IDN  18914         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman (1916-1986) : more than half a century of revolutionary dedication
/ ed. board of 'Bulletin in defense of Marxism'
In: Revolutionary labor socialist : the life, ideas, and comrades of Frank Lovell / ed. by P. Le Blanc [et al.] (Union City, NJ, 2000) : pp. 263-267

Reprinted from: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism (New York, NY), 1986 (31)

IDN  18915         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] George Breitman dead : a felt loss

In: Spartacist : English edition ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0038-6596] 1986 (38/39) : pp. 4-5, 53

IDN  18916         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Nachruf auf George Breitman
/ Redaktion des Bulletin In Defense of Marxism
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1986 (183/184) : p. 63

IDN  18917         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Bloom, Steve: George Breitman and the Marxist method

In: Breitman, G.: Malcolm X and the Third American revolution : the writings of George Breitman / ed. by A. Marcus. (Amherst, NY, 2005) : pp. 153-160

IDN  18918         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Bloom, Steve: New York tribute to George Breitman
/ Stuart Brown [i.e. Steve Bloom]
In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1986 (32) : pp. 1-2

IDN  18919         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Bloom, Steve: [Obituary] George Breitman : great man of American Trotskyism

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1986 (32) : pp. 5-7

IDN  18920         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Casciola, Paolo: [Obituary] George Breitman (1916-1986)
/ [Author: Paolo Casciola]
In: Il Comunista / Gruppo Operaio Rivoluzionario ‹Various places› 7.1986 (23/26) : pp. 76-77, 79

IDN  18921         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
De Leon, Josie Hernandez: [Biographical sketch] Breitman, George (1916-1986)

In: Encyclopedia of politics : the left and the right / R. Carlisle, ed. 1. (Thousand Oaks, Cal., 2005) : pp. 53-54

IDN  18922         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Foley, Gerry: [Obituary] George Breitman

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1986 (98) : p. 27

IDN  18923         About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›      Guide to the George Breitman papers 1928-1986 (bulk 1945-1980)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  18924         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
International greetings to the George Breitman memorial meeting

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1986 (33) : pp. 25-26

IDN  18925         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Le Blanc, Paul: [Biographical sketch] Breitman, George (1916-86)

In: Encyclopedia of the American Left / ed. by M.J. Buhle [et al.] (New York, NY etc., 1990) : pp. 105-106

IDN  18926         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Le Blanc, Paul: [Obituary] George Breitman

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1986 (33) : pp. 26-27

IDN  18927         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Le Blanc, Paul:
La vie et l'héritage de Georges Breitman : écrivain, organisateur, révolutionnaire
In: Le Marxisme aujourd'hui ‹La Tronche; later: Grabels› [ISSN 1157-7762] 2003 (53) : pp. 8-21

Notes: 53

IDN  18928         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Le Blanc, Paul: Writer, organizer, revolutionary : the life and legacy of George Breitman

In: Breitman, G.: Malcolm X and the Third American revolution : the writings of George Breitman / ed. by A. Marcus. (Amherst, NY, 2005) : pp. 355-400

Notes: 79

IDN  18929         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Lee, Paul: Contributions of George Breitman
[Electronic resource]. - 5 pp.
Annotated text of a talk pres. at the International Conference Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism, New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000
Since the author could not be present himself, the talk was read by Cynthia Young
Accessed Febr. 15, 2002

IDN  18930         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Lee, Paul:
The student as teacher : remembrances of George Breitman
In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1987 (47) : pp. 31-32

IDN  18931         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary] Speech to George Breitman memorial meeting

In: Revolutionary labor socialist : the life, ideas, and comrades of Frank Lovell / ed. by P. Le Blanc [et al.] (Union City, NJ, 2000) : pp. 268-271

IDN  18932         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: George Breitman
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 207 KB (10 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  18933         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Forward in the footsteps of Jim Cannon and of George Breitman

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1986 (32) : pp. 3-4

Also publ. in: A tribute to George Breitman, New York, NY, 1987, pp. 69-72

IDN  18934         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary]
A tribute
In: Trotskyism in the United States / G. Breitman [et al.] (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1996) : pp. 290-292

IDN  18935         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Marcus, Anthony: George Breitman, Malcolm X, and the Third American revolution
: introduction
In: Breitman, G.: Malcolm X and the Third American revolution : the writings of George Breitman / ed. by A. Marcus. (Amherst, NY, 2005) : pp. 9-19

Notes: 4

IDN  18936         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Miah, Malik: George Breitman on black liberation and Marxism

In: Breitman, G.: Malcolm X and the Third American revolution : the writings of George Breitman / ed. by A. Marcus. (Amherst, NY, 2005) : pp. 23-32

Notes: 2

IDN  18937         About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›      Saunders, George: Breitman and Trotsky's Writings   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  18938         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
Smith, Michael Steven: Remembering George Breitman

In: Smith, M.S.: Notebook of a sixties lawyer. (Brooklyn, NY, 1992) : pp. 207-210

IDN  18939         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Breitman, George ‹1916-1986›
A tribute to George Breitman : writer, organizer, revolutionary / ed. by Naomi Allen and Sarah Lovell. - New York, NY : Fourth Internationalist Tendency, 1987. - 163 pp.
Table of contents: p.7 Preface/N.Allen, S. Lovell -- p.9 Introduction/F. Lovell -- p.15 Talks and a reminiscence [obituaries and recollections by D. Breitman, J.Y. Tussey, E. Sell, P. Lee, N. Allen, P. Siegel, A. Wald, F. Lovell, P. LeBlanc, S. Bloom] -- p.62 Messages from organizations (international) -- p.73 Messages from individuals (international) [by J. Archer, P. Broué, G. Foley, M. Pablo, L. Sinclair et al.] -- p.93 Messages from organizations (U.S.) -- p.103 Messages from individuals (U.S.) [by A. Benjamin, C. Curtiss, L. Evans, A. Glotzer et al.] -- p.147 Appendix
Bibliogr.: pp. 161-163

IDN  18940         LLTB  Chapter  9      Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Broué, Pierre

In: Directory of European political scientists. 4th fully rev. ed. (München [etc.], 1985) : p. 65

IDN  18941         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Broué, Pierre 1926-

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 69/72.1978 : p. 97

IDN  18942         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Broué, Pierre 1926-

In: Contemporary Authors : New revision series ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0275-7176] 12.1984 : p. 84

IDN  18943         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource]. - 20 KB (4 pp.)
Wikipedia article (in French language). Similar Wikipedia articles in several other languages are available too
Accessed May 2, 2006

IDN  18944         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: Écho des "journées d'hommage" à Pierre Broué
: 28 et 29 janvier 2006 à Grenoble [Electronic resource]. - 12 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Febr. 10, 2006

IDN  18945         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: Hommage à Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource]. - 37 KB (6 pp.)
Accessed Febr. 10, 2006. - URL defunct as at Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  18946         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: Hommage à Pierre Broué (Privas 1926 - Grenoble 2005)
[Electronic resource]. - 12 KB (2 pp.)
About a memorial meeting, Grenoble, Jan. 28-29, 2006
Accessed Febr. 10, 2006

IDN  18947         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Mort de l'historien Pierre Broué

In: Libération ‹Paris› [ISSN 0335-1793] 2005 (July 27) : p. 10

Death notice

IDN  18948         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]
Los nuestros : Pierre Broué (1926-2005) [Electronic resource] / Club de Iniciativa Socialista. - 5 KB (1 p.)
Dated Aug. 2005
Accessed Aug. 15, 2005

IDN  18949         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Passing of Pierre Broué, international contributing editor of "Labor Standard"
[Electronic resource]. - 19 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Aug. 8, 2005. - URL defunct as at Dec. 1, 2020
Containing statements by George Saunders and Alan Woods (excerpts)

IDN  18950         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Broué 1926-2005

In: Freedom Socialist ‹Seattle, Wash.› [ISSN 0272-4367] 26.2005 (5)

IDN  18951         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Broué n'est plus

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 2005 (2122) : p. 15

IDN  18952         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Zum Tode des marxistischen Historikers Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
: Nachruf [Electronic resource]. - 34 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 18, 2005

IDN  18953         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
[Anonymous]: Pierre Broué memorial meeting in Grenoble
[Electronic resource] / by In Defence of Marxism. - 19 KB (1 pp.)
Dated Febr. 1, 2006
Accessed Febr. 10, 2006

IDN  18954         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Alvarez, Cândido: [Obituary] Morreu Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
: quando o revisionismo liquida a vida revolucionária [Electronic resource]. - 28 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Aug. 9, 2005
Accessed Aug. 15, 2005. URL defunct as at Sept. 1, 2016

IDN  18955         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Artola, Carlos: [Obituary]
Un intelectual antiestalinista : Pierre Broué [Electronic resource]. - 8 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed May 15, 2006

IDN  18956         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Bantigny, Ludivine:
Un historien révolutionnaire face à l'histoire des révolutions : Pierre Broué ou l'histoire contre "l'assassinat de la mémoire"
In: Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] 2012 (11) : pp. 81-92

Notes: 58

IDN  18957         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Batou, Jean: [Obituary] Pierre Broué est mort, son œuvre lui survit

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2005 (510)

IDN  18958         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Batou, Jean: [Obituary] Pierre Broué est mort, son œuvre lui survit

In: Solidarités : bimensuel socialiste, féministe, écologiste ‹Genève› 2005 (73) : p. 2

IDN  18959         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Bayerlein, Bernhard H.: [Obituary] Pierre Broué (1926-2005)

In: Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0944-629X] 2006 : pp. 461-463

Notes: 2

IDN  18960         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Bensaïd, Daniel: [Biographical sketch] Broué, Pierre (1926-2005)
[Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed May 2, 2016
Swed. version (transl. by Björn Erik Rosin) publ. as electronic resource with title "Om Pierre Broué", URL:

IDN  18961         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Bernier, Cécile: [Obituary] Pierre Broué

In: Convergences révolutionnaires ‹Montreuil› [ISSN 1294-9647] 2005 (41)

IDN  18962         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Birchall, Ian Harry: [Obituary] Pierre Broué : a rare combination

In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2005 (108) : pp. 179-180

IDN  18963         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Birnbaum, Jean: [Obituary] Pierre Broué : historien du communisme et militant trotskiste

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2005 (July 28)

IDN  18964         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] From the French resistance to Marxist history
: an interview with professor Pierre Broué / William A. Pelz
In: Left History ‹Kingston, Ont.› [ISSN 1192-1927] 3.1995 (1) : pp. 123-129

IDN  18965         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Broué, Pierre: Entretien avec Pierre Broué
: Saint-Martin-d'Hères, jeudi 26 février 2004
In: Landais, K.: Passions militantes et rigueur historienne. 1. (Cabrières d'Aigues, 2006) : pp. 291-327

Interview conducted by Karim Landais

IDN  18966         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Budgen, Sebastian: [Obituary] Pierre Broué, 1926-2005 : historiador revolucionario
/ trad. de Francisco T. Sobrino
In: Herramienta : revista de debate y crítica marxista ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 0329-6121 - ISSN 1852-4710] 2005 (30)

IDN  18967         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Budgen, Sebastian: [Obituary] Pierre Broué, 1929[sic!]-2005

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2005 (1963=Aug.13)

IDN  18968         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Budgen, Sebastian: [Obituary] Pierre Broué, 1929[sic!]-2005 : Nachruf
/ Übers.: hgm [i.e. Hans-Günter Mull]
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 20.2005 (9) : p. 20

IDN  18969         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Coggiola, Osvaldo: [Obituary] Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
[Electronic resource]. - 14 KB (2 pp.)
Also publ. in Portuguese
Accessed Aug. 15, 2005

IDN  18970         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Combe, Sonia: Pierre Broué (1926-2005) : les archives d'un révolutionnaire militant
[Electronic resource]
In: The International Newsletter of Communist Studies = Der Internationale Newsletter der Kommunismusforschung = La newsletter internationale des recherches sur le communisme [Electronic journal] ‹Bochum› [ISSN 1862-698X] 2016/17 (2017) = no.29/30 : pp. 25-26 (4 KB)

Notes: 2

IDN  18971         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Denis, Serge: [Obituary] Hommage à Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource]. - 4 pp.
Alternate title: Pierre Broué : témoignage d'admiration et d'amitié
Dated Sept. 7, 2005
Accessed Sept. 18, 2005

IDN  18972         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Dobbeleer, Georges: [Obituary] Pierre Broué (1926-2005)

In: Rood / Socialistische Arbeiderspartij (SAP) ‹Brussel› 38.2005 (16) : p. 27

IDN  18973         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Dreyfus, Michel: Pierre Broué historien du communisme et du trotskysme

In: Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] 2012 (11) : pp. 25-36

Notes: 24

IDN  18974         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Dubois, Wilfried: [Biographical sketch] Wer ist Pierre Broué?
/ W.D. [i.e. Winfried Dubois]
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2004 (388/389) : p. 26

On p. 25: "Weitere Bücher von Pierre Broué"

IDN  18975         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Durgan, Andrew: [Obituary] Pierre Broué (1926-2005) : una vida de estudio y militancia
/ Andy Durgan
In: La Hoja Latinoamericana ‹Uppsala› [ISSN 1650-5603] 2005 (94)

IDN  18976         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Durgan, Andrew: [Obituary]
Una vida de estudio y militancia : Pierre Broué (1926-2005) / Andy Durgan
In: En lucha ‹Barcelona› 2005 (109) : p. 13

IDN  18977         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Eaude, Michael: [Obituary] Pierre Broué : revolutionary historian who probed Stalinism

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2005 (Aug.31)

IDN  18978         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Fahlgren, Martin: Broué-bibliografi
[Electronic resource]. - 438 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed May 2, 2016

IDN  18979         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Filoche, Gérard: [Obituary]
Le grand historien et militant Pierre Broué nous a quitté ce mardi 26 juillet 2005 [Electronic resource]. - 2 pp.
Dated July 27, 2005
Accessed July 29, 2005
Publ. as online resource with different titles, e.g. "Hommage à Pierre Broué", and with different URLs

IDN  18980         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Foley, Gerry: [Obituary]
The legacy of Pierre Broué
In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 23.2005 (10)

IDN  18981         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Gall, Olivia: [Obituary] In memoriam : Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource] / transl.: Suzi Weissman. - 15 KB (2 pp.)
Dated July 30, 2005. - URL defunct as at Dec. 1, 2020
Accessed Nov. 25, 2005

IDN  18982         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Gall, Olivia: [Obituary] Pierre Broué

In: La Jornada ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0188-2392] 2005 (July 30)

IDN  18983         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Gall, Olivia: [Obituary] Pierre Broué
/ (transl. by Susan Weissman)
In: Critique : journal of socialist thought ‹Glasgow; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0301-7605] 34.2006 (1=38) : pp. 91-93

IDN  18984         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Giliani, Francesco: [Obituary] Pierre Broué : amico, rivoluzionario, marxista
[Electronic resource] / Francesco Giliani e Paolo Brini. - 21 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Aug. 23, 2005
Accessed Sept. 18, 2005

IDN  18985         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Gill, Louis: [Obituary] Hommage à Pierre Broué, l'historien, le militant et le camarade
[Electronic resource]. - 33 KB (2 pp.)
Other (abridged?) versions previously publ. in: Le devoir (Paris), 2005 (Aug. 30), p. A6, and in: Carré rouge (Paris), 2005 (34), pp. 91-92
Accessed May 2, 2006

IDN  18986         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Notas sobre Pierre Broué y España (con algunos detalles personales)
[Electronic resource] / Pepe Gutiérrez. - 58 KB (9 pp.)
Notes: 10
Accessed May 15, 2006. - URL defunct as at Dec. 1, 2020

IDN  18987         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: Pierre Broué y la guerra española
[Electronic resource]. - 33 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Febr. 27, 2007
Accessed March 27, 2007

IDN  18988         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Hentzgen, Jean: Pierre Broué et la discussion sur Cuba (1961-1963)

In: Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] 2012 (11) : pp. 107-120

Notes: 61

IDN  18989         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Juy, Jean-Pierre: [Obituary] Pierre : hommage à Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource]. - 18 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Aug. 2, 2005
Accessed Aug. 8, 2005
Also publ. as online resource with title "Tribute to Pierre Broué, professeur, militant, labor mouvement historian"

IDN  18990         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: [Biographical sketch] Broué, Pierre, dit Pierre Scali ...

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2006 : pp. 390-394

IDN  18991         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: [Biographical sketch] Notice biographique de Pierre Broué, di Scali ...

In: Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] 2012 (11) : pp. 13-22

Reprinted from: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 (Paris), 2.2006, pp. 390-394

IDN  18992         About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›      Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: Le supplice de Tantale?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  18993         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Le Tallec, Mathieu: Pierre Broué, militant internationaliste (Pologne-Hongrie, 1956-1973)

In: Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] 2012 (11) : pp. 121-133

Notes: 47

IDN  18994         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Losson, Joëlle: [Obituary] Hommage à Pierre Broué, historien et militant trotskyste

In: Bulletin de liaison des membres et sympathisants de République sociale ‹Malzéville› 2005 (20/22)

IDN  18995         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch]
The meaning of Pierre Broué (1926-2005) : biographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 76 KB (10 pp.)
Table of contents: Basic biographical data - Summary - The meaning of Pierre Broué (Family, youth, and political affiliation - Career, occupations - The meaning of Broué - Illness and death) - Some quotations - Notes
Part of the "Lubitz' TrotskyanaNet" website

IDN  18996         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Pierre Broué (1926-2005) : a selective bibliography
[Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 147 KB (34 pp.)
Table of contents: Some introductory remarks - Books/pamphlets (co-)authored by Pierre Broué - Books, pamphlets and journals (co-)edited by Pierre Broué - Books, collections, journals and bulletins to which Pierre Broué contributed - Books and articles about Pierre Broué - Some university theses/dissertations directed/supervised by Pierre Broué - Writings of Pierre Broué relating to Trotsky, Trotskyism and Trotskyists (1964-2005) - Reviews of Pierre Broué's Trotsky (Paris 1988) and Meurtres au maquis (Paris 1997)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  18997         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Marie, Jean-Jacques: Pierre Broué : historien du bolchevisme et du stalinisme

In: Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] 2012 (11) : pp. 46-54

IDN  18998         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
McCluskey, Kirsty: [Obituary] In memoriam : Pierre Broué (1926-2005) : a personal appreciation

In: Revolutionary Russia ‹London; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0954-6545] 19.2006 (1) : pp. 95-98

Notes: 2

IDN  18999         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Méndez-Vigo Hernández, Javier: [Obituary] À la memoria de Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource]. - 39 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Aug. 1, 2005
Accessed Aug. 8, 2005

IDN  19000         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Montaño Garfías, Ericka: [Obituary] Falleció el historiador francés Pierre Broué

In: La Jornada ‹México, D.F.› [ISSN 0188-2392] 2005 (July 30)

IDN  19001         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Moscato, Antonio: [Obituary]
Il contributo di Pierre Broué alla storia del movimento operaio [Electronic resource]. - 1 p.
Accessed Sept. 29, 2005. - URL defunct as at Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  19002         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Moulain, Stéphane: [Obituary] Pierre Broué : historien de la révolution

In: L'École émancipée ‹Marseille› [ISSN 0224-3180] 90.2005/06 (1) : p. 31

IDN  19003         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Muñoz, Ramón: [Obituary] Pierre Broué : un cronista e historiador de la IV Internacional ; in memoriam
[Electronic resource]. - 7 KB (1 p.)
Accessed May 15, 2006

IDN  19004         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Neri, Piero: [Obituary] Pierre Broué e il trotskismo onesto

In: Utopia socialista : trimestriale teorico per un nuovo marxismo rivoluzionario ‹Roma› [ISSN 1720-8270] 5.2005/06 (14) : pp. 143-153

Notes: 14

IDN  19005         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Nichols, Dick: [Obituary] Pierre Broué : 1926-2005

In: Green Left Weekly ‹Broadway, N.S.W.› [ISSN 1036-126X] 2005 (637) : p. 13

IDN  19006         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Oxley, Greg: [Obituary] Hommage à Pierre Broué

In: La Riposte ‹Paris› 2005 (25)

IDN  19007         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Pastor, Jaime: [Obituary] Ha muerto Pierre Broué, historiador y militante marxista revolucionario
[Electronic resource]. - 2 pp.
Dated July 29, 2005
Accessed Aug. 4, 2005

IDN  19008         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Pierre Broué
. - Paris, 2006. - 32 pp. - (Les cahiers de Démocratie & socialisme) - (Démocratie & socialisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1267-7817] ; 2006,131,suppl.)
Table of contents: p.2 Bibliographie de Pierre Broué -- p.3 Pierre Broué (1926-2005): historien des idées politiques -- p.5 Les leçons d'Allemagne (1917-1923) tirées par Pierre Broué pour l'unité de la gauche/P. Ruscassie -- p.11 Le stalinisme organisateur de la défaite en Espagne/P.R. -- p.13 Pierre Broué, Chen Duxiu, Jean van Heijenoort et la libération/P. Ruscassie -- p.17 Pierre Broué contre le sectarisme/P. Ruscassie -- p.19 Pierre Broué et nous.../P. Timsit -- p.23 Il grognait mais, lui, il était respectueux!/G. Filoche -- p.27 Pierre Broué, l'ami.../G. Filoche -- p.29 A Pierre.../R. Vacheron
Collection of obituaries, recollections, appreciations, and illustrations

IDN  19009         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Pierre Broué : revolutionary historian
. - London : Socialist Platform [etc.], 2007. - 360 pp. - (Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] ; 9.2007,4)
ISBN 0-9551127-3-7

IDN  19010         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Pierre Broué : un historien engagé dans le siècle
. - Lormont : Éd. Le Bord de l'Eau, 2012. - 191 pp. - (Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] ; 2012, 11)
ISBN 978-2-35687-178-7

Table of contents: p.9 Présentation -- p.13 Notice biographique de Pierre Broué/J-G. Lanuque -- p.25 Pierre Broué historien du communisme et du trotskysme/M. Dreyfus -- p.37 Outsider ou pionnier, militant et universitaire?/G. Vergnon -- p.46 Pierre Broué, historien du bolchevisme et du stalinisme/J.J. Marie -- p.57 Pierre Broué et la création de l'Institut Léon Trotsky/G. Roche -- p.70 Autour du Trotsky de Pierre Broué: quelle réception pour quelle postérité/J.-G. Lanuque -- p.81 Un historien révolutionnaire face à l'histoire des révolutions/L. Bantigny -- p.93 Le supplice de Tantale? Pierre Broué, les Cahiers Léon Trotsky et l'histoire du trotskysme après 1940/J.-G. Lanuque -- p.107 Pierre Broué et la discussion sur Cuba (1961-1963)/J. Hentzgen -- p.121 Pierre Broué, militant internationaliste (Pologne-Hongrie, 1956-1973)/M. Le Tallec -- p.134 "L'action militante de Pierre Broué à Grenoble autour de 1968"/P. Saccoman -- p.145 Note de lecture -- p.153 Sommaire des Cahiers Léon Trotsky -- p.157 Documents de l'Institut Léon Trotsky -- p.164 Photographies [...]
Chiefly a collection of articles about the life and work of Pierre Broué. Most of the contributions are based upon papers presented to the "Journée d'Étude Pierre Broué, un Historien Engagé de Siècle", Dijon, June 16, 2010

IDN  19011         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Présumey, Vincent: Colloque Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource]. - 30 KB (8 pp.)
About the Journée d'Étude Pierre Broué, un Historien Engagé dans le Siècle, Dijon, June 16, 2010. - Most of the oral contributions made at this colloquium are audio-available via
Dated June 25, 2010
Accessed July 1, 2010. URL defunct as at Sept. 1, 2016

IDN  19012         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Présumey, Vincent: Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
: en stor historikers liv och verk [Electronic resource] / övers. (från franska): Björn-Erik Rosin. - 196 KB (41 pp.)
Transl. of the 2nd French online-version dated Jan. 2006
Accessed Febr. 20, 2014

IDN  19013         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Présumey, Vincent: Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
/ transl.: Richard Kirkwood
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2007 (4) : pp. 5-91

Table of contents: p.5 Translator's introduction -- p.11 To begin at the beginnings -- p.14 The War - memory and reality -- p.23 The rise of a militant in difficult times -- p.35 A great historian asserts himself -- p.44 Apogee and turning-point -- p.51 "The historian of Trotsky" -- p.61 Trotsky, the SWP, Van and back to the Second World War -- p.70 His Majesty's oppositionist -- p.76 A brief parenthesis -- p.78 The end of an epoch -- p.82 In pursuit of some political activity -- p.88 The giant conclusion for a giant of an historian: the Comintern
Transl. of the 2nd French online-version dated Jan. 2006
Rejoinders/amendments (letters to the ed.) by Jean-Jacques Marie, Alan Woods, and Mike Jones see ibid., 10.2009 (1), pp. 278-288

IDN  19014         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Présumey, Vincent: Pierre Broué (1926-2005) : la vie et l'œuvre d'un grand historien
[Electronic resource]. - [2., rev. version]. - 305 KB (50 pp.)
Dated Jan. 2006
Accessed July 1, 2010

IDN  19015         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Résumés des communications
[Electronic resource]. - 50 KB (3 pp.)
Abstracts of the oral contributions made by J.-G. Lanuque, G. Vergnon, M. Dreyfus, J. Hentzgen, G. Roche, B. Bayerlein, G. Ubbiali, S. Wilikow et J.-J. Marie at the Journée d'Étude Pierre Broué, un Historien Engagé dans le Siècle, Dijon, June 16, 2010. - Most of these contributions are audio-available via
Dated June 25, 2010
Accessed July 1, 2010

IDN  19016         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Revol, René: [Obituary] En hommage à Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource]. - 3 pp.
Dated July 29, 2005
Accessed July 31, 2005

IDN  19017         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Ricci, Francesco: [Obituary]
Uno storico per militanti : e' morto Pierre Broué [Electronic resource]. - 4 KB (1 p.)
Accessed May 2, 2006

IDN  19018         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Robles, Andrea: [Obituary] Murió el gran historiador trotskista Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource] / [Andrea Robles]. - 10 KB (2 pp.)
Dated July 28, 2005
Accessed Aug. 29, 2005
Also publ. with different URLs

IDN  19019         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Robles, Andrea: [Obituary] Pierre Broué : 1926-2005
/ Andrea Robles ; Gabriela Liszt
In: Estrategía internacional : revista de teoría y política marxista revolucionaria ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 1515-9833] 2005 (22)

Notes: 7

IDN  19020         About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›      Roche, Gérard: Pierre Broué et la création de l'Institut Léon Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19021         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Rojo, Alicia: [Obituary] Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
: historiador del trotskismo y las revoluciones del siglo XX
In: Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2313-9749] 3.2014 (4) : pp. 145-166

IDN  19022         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Saccoman, Pierre:
L' action militante de Pierre Broué à Grenoble autour de 1968
In: Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] 2012 (11) : pp. 134-144

IDN  19023         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Smith, Murray: [Obituary] Pierre Broué 1926-2005
[Electronic resource]. - 8 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 18, 2005

IDN  19024         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Smith, Murray: [Obituary] Pierre Broué (1926-2005) : Nachruf

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2005 (408/409) : p. 32

Notes: 9

IDN  19025         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Smith, Murray: [Obituary] Pierre Broué 1926-2005 : obituary

In: Frontline ‹Glasgow› 2005 (18)

IDN  19026         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Solano, Wilebaldo: [Obituary] Homenaje al historiador Pierre Broué
[Electronic resource]. - 9 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Aug. 2005
Accessed Aug. 15, 2005

IDN  19027         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Souzain, Marcel: [Obituary] Zum Tode des marxistischen Historikers Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
[Electronic resource]. - 7 KB (2 pp.)
Dated July 31, 2005
Accessed Aug. 8, 2005

IDN  19028         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Tosstorff, Reiner: [Obituary] Chronist der Bewegung
: Trotzki-Biograph Pierre Broué gestorben
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 2005 (July 30) : p. 13

IDN  19029         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Vergnon, Gilles: Outsider ou pionnier, militant et universitaire?
: Pierre Broué historien dans les années 1960-1970
In: Dissidences : [new series] ‹Paris; later: Latresne; later: Lormont› [ISSN 1779-7624 - ISSN 1959-5670] 2012 (11) : pp. 32-45

Notes: 36

IDN  19030         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Wolfgang, Ludovic: [Obituary] Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
/ L.W. [i.e. Ludovic Wolfgang]
In: Le cri des travailleurs : journal du Groupe CRI (Communiste Révolutionnaire Internationaliste) ‹Paris› [ISSN 1763-8305] 2005 (19)

IDN  19031         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Woods, Alan: [Obituary]
The death of Pierre Broué, an irreparable loss to Marxism [Electronic resource]. - 14 KB (1 p.)
Dated July 27, 2005
Accessed Aug. 1, 2005
Also publ. in German, Spanish, etc. as online resource with different URLs

IDN  19032         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Woods, Alan: [Obituary] En memoria de Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
[Electronic resource]. - 20 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Aug. 1, 2005
Accessed Aug. 8, 2005

IDN  19033         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Broué, Pierre ‹1926-2005›
Woods, Alan: [Obituary] In memory of Pierre Broué (1926-2005)
[Electronic resource]. - 23 KB (3 pp.)
Dated July 29, 2005
Accessed Aug. 8, 2005

IDN  19034         LLTB  Chapter  9      Buchbinder, Heinrich ‹1919-1999›
About: Buchbinder, Heinrich ‹1919-1999›
Brian, Sarah: [Biographical sketch] Buchbinder, Heinrich

In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz / hrsg. von der Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Chefred.: M. Jorio. 2. (Basel, 2003) : p. 776

IDN  19035         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchbinder, Heinrich ‹1919-1999›
Dragojevic, Srdjan: In Accra gegen die Atombombe
: als Trotzkist und engagierter Atombombengegner hatte Heinrich Buchbinder in der Schweizer Politik einen schweren Stand ; eine zentrale Rolle nahm er hingegen bei einer internationalen Konferenz gegen die Atombombe ein [...]
In: Æther ‹Zürich› 2018 (2) : F1-F16

Notes: 31

IDN  19036         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchbinder, Heinrich ‹1919-1999›
Gross, Christian: Trotz alledem - Motivationen eines Aktivisten

In: Æther ‹Zürich› 2018 (2) : pp. G1-G16

Table of contents: p.G3 Persönlicher Erfolg oder politisches Scheitern? -- p.G9 Buchbinders Durchhalte-Motive -- p.G13 Resümee -- p.G15 Literatur
Notes: 39

IDN  19037         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchbinder, Heinrich ‹1919-1999›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Heinrich Buchbinder
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 67 KB (3 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19038         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchbinder, Heinrich ‹1919-1999›
Widmer, Hans-Peter: [Obituary] Sicherheitspolitiker und Weltenbürger : zum Tod von Heinrich Buchbinder

In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung ‹Zürich› [ISSN 0376-6829] 1999 (Dec.13) : p. 9

IDN  19039         About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›      Alexander H. Buchman photographs and film of Leon Trotsky and others   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19040         LLTB  Chapter  9      Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›
About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›
Brodie, John: [Biographical sketch] Say "cheese", comrade Trotsky

In: GQ ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0752-1693] 71.2001 (11) : pp. 219-223

IDN  19041         About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›      García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky en imágenes   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19042         About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›      García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky in images   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19043         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Alex Buchman : bio-bibliographical sketch
[Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 82 KB (3 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19044         About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›      Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Trotsky in exile   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19045         About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›      Register of the Alexander H. Buchman papers, 1927-1989   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19046         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›
Weissman, Susan: [Obituary] Alex Buchman (1911-2003)
/ trad.: Francisco T. Sobrino
In: Herramienta : revista de debate y crítica marxista ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 0329-6121 - ISSN 1852-4710] 2003 (22) : pp. 201-202

IDN  19047         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›
Weissman, Susan: [Obituary] Alex Buchman (1911-2003)
/ diesem Text liegt ein weitaus umfangreicherer Artikel von Suzi Weissman zugrunde ... übers. und bearb. von Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2003 (384/385) : p. 47

IDN  19048         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›
Weissman, Susan: [Obituary] Alex Buchman : the last survivor of Trotsky
/ Suzi Weissman
In: Critique : journal of socialist thought ‹Glasgow; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0301-7605] 2004 (35) : pp. 151-162

IDN  19049         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Buchman, Alex ‹1911-2003›
Weissman, Susan: [Obituary] Alex Buchman, 1911-2003 : photographer from Shanghai to Coyoacán
/ Suzi Weissman
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 18.2003/04 (2=104) : pp. 41-43

Also publ. with title "Alexander Buchman's revolutionary life"
Original ms. was titled "Alex Buchman : a life worth living"

IDN  19050         LLTB  Chapter  9      Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Excerpts from messages to the memorial meeting

In: Socialist Challenge ‹Various places› [ISSN 0821-4980] 3.1994 (2) : p. 7

IDN  19051         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]
Un modèle révolutionnaire et féministe : Ruth Bullock, 1909-1994
In: La Gauche ‹Montréal› [ISSN 1183-2053] 1994 (30=59) : p. 2

IDN  19052         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ruth Bullock 1909-1994

In: Socialist Challenge ‹Various places› [ISSN 0821-4980] 3.1994 (2) : p. 6

IDN  19053         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
Hiebert, Kenneth: [Obituary] Ruth Bullock 1909-1994
/ Ken Hiebert
In: In Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 12.1994 (5=116) : p. 37

IDN  19054         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
Hiebert, Kenneth: [Obituary] Ruth Bullock (1909-1994)
/ Ken Hiebert
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1994 (272) : p. [36]

IDN  19055         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
Hiebert, Kenneth: [Obituary] Ruth Bullock (1909-1994)
/ [Kenneth Hiebert]
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1994 (256) : p. 36

IDN  19056         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
Hiebert, Kenneth: [Obituary] Ruth Bullock 1909-1994

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 12.1994 (5) : p. 14

IDN  19057         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
Hiebert, Kenneth: [Obituary] Ruth Bullock 1909-1994 : a tribute

In: Socialist Challenge ‹Various places› [ISSN 0821-4980] 3.1994 (3)

IDN  19058         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary]
A tribute to Ruth Bullock / Frank Lovell, with Sarah Lovell
In: In Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 12.1994 (5=116) : p. 39

IDN  19059         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary]
A tribute to Ruth Bullock (1909-1994) / Frank Lovell, with Sarah Lovell
In: Revolutionary labor socialist : the life, ideas, and comrades of Frank Lovell / ed. by P. Le Blanc [et al.] (Union City, NJ, 2000) : pp. 327-329

Reprinted from: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism (New York, NY), 12.1994 (5=116)

IDN  19060         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
McLeod, Heather: "Not another god-damned housewife"
: Ruth Bullock, the "woman question" and Canadian Trotskyism. - VII, 110 pp.
Burnaby, B.C., Simon Fraser Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1993
ISBN 0-315-91234-0

Table of contents: p.III Abstract -- p.VII List of abbreviations -- p.1 Introduction -- p.6 Partisan and independent political choices for women and socialism -- p.31 The making of a socialist feminist : Ruth Bullock, 1909-1944 -- p.54 "The woman question" and Canadian Trotskyism, 1945-1960 -- p.91 "Seeing with doubled vision" -- p.101 Appendix
Bibliogr.: pp. 104-110
Notes: 188
Director of thesis: Allen Seager

IDN  19061         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
McLeod, Heather: Recipes for reproductive rights in the "dirty thirties"

In: In Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 12.1994 (5=116) : pp. 36-39

About Ruth Bullock

IDN  19062         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Bullock, Ruth ‹1909-1994›
Stainsby, Mia: [Obituary] Revolutionary socialist, abortion activist fought for women's rights

In: Vancouver Sun ‹Vancouver, B.C.› [ISSN 0832-1299] 1994 (May 2)

IDN  19063         LLTB  Chapter  9      Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] James Burnham
[Electronic resource]. - 41 KB (6 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2019

IDN  19064         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: The New York Times Biographical Service ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0161-2433] 18.1987 (July) : p. 751

IDN  19065         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Newsweek ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-9604] 110.1987 (Aug.10) : p. 53

IDN  19066         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Time ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0040-781X] 130.1987 (Aug.10) : p. 31

IDN  19067         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Burnham, James, 1905-1987

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 123.1988 : p. 36

IDN  19068         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Burnham, James, Nov. 22, 1905 - July 28, 1987, philosopher

In: Current Biography Yearbook ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0084-9499] 1988 (1989) : p. 640

IDN  19069         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Décès de James Burnham, idéologue de la guerre froide

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 1987 (Aug.5) : p. 22

IDN  19070         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] James Burnham (1905-1987)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1987 (32) : pp. 121-122

IDN  19071         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Abbott, Philip: Big theories and policy counsel
: James Burnham, Francis Fukuyama, and the Cold War
In: Journal of Policy History ‹University Park, Pa.› [ISSN 0898-0306] 14.2002 (4) : pp. 417-430

IDN  19072         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Benjamin, Thomas Louis: James Burnham, William Henry Chamberlin, and the conservative foreign policy dialectic
. - III, 89 pp.
East Lansing, Mich., Michigan State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1976

IDN  19073         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Blake, Casey: [Biographical sketch] Burnham, James (b. 1905)

In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 55-56

IDN  19074         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Blum, Léon: Révolution socialiste ou révolution directoriale?
. - Paris : Lefeuvre, 1947. - 16 pp. - (Les Égaux ; 3) - (Masses ; 8,suppl.)

IDN  19075         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Bondi, Victor:
The origins of the theory of totalitarianism : essays in interpretation. - 418 pp.
Boston, Mass., Univ. of Boston, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1993

IDN  19076         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Borgognone, Giovanni:
L' itinerario politico e intellettuale di James Burnham : dal trockismo all'ultraconservatorismo
In: Studi storici ‹Roma› [ISSN 0039-3037] 40.1999 (3) : pp. 755-797

Notes: 188

IDN  19077         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Borgognone, Giovanni: James Burnham

In: Studi storici ‹Roma› [ISSN 0039-3037] 55.2000 (4) : pp. 443-454

Notes: 188

IDN  19078         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Borgognone, Giovanni: James Burnham : totalitarismo, managerialismo e teoria delle élites
/ pref. di Bruno Bongiovanni. - Aosta : Stylos, 2000. - 377 pp. - (Mestiere di storico ; 1)
ISBN 88-87775-01-X

IDN  19079         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Brookhiser, Richard: James Burnham : a hard man to snooker

In: National Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-0038] 37.1985 (Dec.31)

IDN  19080         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Chase, Myrna: [Biographical sketch] Burnham, James

In: Thinkers of the twentieth century / ed.: E. Devine [et al.] (London, 1983) : pp. 101-102

IDN  19081         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Courtade, Pierre: James Burnham, le nouveau Rosenberg de l'impérialisme américain

In: La Nouvelle critique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0029-4721] 2.1950 (18) : pp. 14-28

IDN  19082         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Crozier, Brian:
The political thought of James Burnham
In: National Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-0038] 35.1983 (Apr.15) : pp. 434-438

IDN  19083         About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›      Cuénot, Alain: Pierre Naville et James Burnham   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Naville, Pierre ‹1904-1993›

IDN  19084         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Diggins, John Patrick: Four theories in search of reality
: James Burnham, Soviet communism, and the cold war / John F. [recte: P.] Diggins
In: The American Political Science Review ‹Menasha, Wis. etc.› [ISSN 0003-0554] 70.1976 (2) : pp. 492-508

Table of contents: p.493 From dialectics to managerialism -- p.495 Intellectual history used and abused -- p.498 Stalin's advocate or adversary? -- p.501 "Who will die for containment?" -- p.503 Russia through Trotsky's eyes
Notes: 54

IDN  19085         About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›      Diggins, John Patrick: Up from communism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›

IDN  19086         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Francis, Samuel Todd: James Burnham
/ Samuel T. Francis. - 2. [rev.] ed. - London : Claridge Pr., 1999. - 164 pp. - (Thinkers of our time)
ISBN 1-870626-32-X

Bibliogr.: pp. [151]-164
Notes: 289
Orig.: Power and history

IDN  19087         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Francis, Samuel Todd: James Burnham and the managerial revolution
/ Samuel T. Francis
In: Chronicles : a magazine of American culture ‹Rockford, Ill.› [ISSN 0887-5731] 16.1992 (Jan.) : pp. 14-18

IDN  19088         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Francis, Samuel Todd:
The other side of modernism : James Burnham and his legacy / Samuel T. Francis
In: Francis, S.T.: Beautiful losers. (Columbia, Mo., etc., 1993) : pp. 129-138

Notes: 11

IDN  19089         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Francis, Samuel Todd: Power and history
: the political thought of James Burnham / Samuel T. Francis. - Lanham, Md. : Univ. Pr. of America, 1984. - 141 pp.
ISBN 0-8191-3752-9 - ISBN 0-8191-3753-7

Bibliogr.: pp. 135-137
Notes: 226
Other ed., versions, transl.: James Burnham

IDN  19090         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Geiger, Rudolf:
Die Entwicklungstendenzen des Kapitalismus bei Keynes, Schumpeter und Burnham. - Zürich : Polygraph-Verl., 1959. - 102 pp. - (Schriften des Schweizerischen Wirtschaftsarchivs ; 13)

IDN  19091         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Gilbert, James Burkhart: James Burnham : exemplary radical of the 1930s
/ James Gilbert
In: A new history of Leviathan / ed. by R. Radosh [et al.] (New York, NY, 1972) : pp. 206-223

Notes: 14

IDN  19092         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Hansen, Joseph: Evolution of a renegade

In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 8.1947 (8=81) : pp. 246-249

IDN  19093         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Hansen, Joseph:
A shameful apologist for fascism
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 4.1943 (10=38) : pp. 300-305

IDN  19094         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Hoffman, Benjamin Guy:
The political thought of James Burnham. - 311 pp.
Ann Arbor, Mich., Univ. of Michigan, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1969

IDN  19095         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Holtsberry, Kevin J.: James Burnham, George F. Kennan, and Walter Lippmann
: containment, liberation, and American foreign relations. - IV, 126 pp.
Bowling Green, Ohio, Bowling Green State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1998

IDN  19096         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Howe, Irving: Bourbon on the rocks

In: Howe, I.: Selected writings 1950-1990. (San Diego, Cal., etc., 1990) : pp. 189-192

IDN  19097         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Huhn, Willy: Manager - keine soziale Revolution
: die Managergesellschaft bei Marx und Burnham
In: Pro und contra ‹Köln etc.› [ISSN 0478-331X] 1950 (3) : pp. 15-22

IDN  19098         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
James Burnham : 1905-1987

In: National Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-0038] 39.1987 (Sept.11) : pp. 31-54

Table of contents: p.32 Radical, teacher, technician (reappraisals by S. Hook, J. Wacker, J.K. Galbraith) -- p.35 Activist, strategist (reappraisals by J. Giedroyc, B. Crozier, M. Copeland, S.T. Francis) -- p.39 Liberalism v. reality: the ideology of Western suicide/J. Burnham -- p.43 Editor, thinker, colleague (reappraisals by J. Hart, C.H. Simonds, J. Sobran, L. Bridges, R. Brookhiser, K. Lynch) -- p.50 Father, friend (reminiscences by J.B. Burnham, P.L. Buckley)

IDN  19099         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Judis, John B.: Apocalypse now and then
: James Burnham's ambiguous legacy to American conservatism
In: The New Republic ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0028-6583] 197.1987 (Aug.31) : pp. 29-36

IDN  19100         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Kelly, Daniel: James Burnham and the struggle for the world
: a life. - Wilmington, Dela. : ISI Books, 2002. - XXIII, 443 pp.
ISBN 1-882926-76-5

IDN  19101         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Kimball, Roger:
The power of James Burnham
In: The New Criterion ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0734-0222] 21.2002 (1) : pp. 4-11

IDN  19102         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Kuczynski, Jürgen:
Die Revolution der Direktoren und andere gefährliche Gespinste der bürgerlichen Ideologie. - Berlin : Dietz, 1949. - 32 pp. - (Erkenntnis und Wille ; 2)

IDN  19103         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Le Blanc, Paul: From revolutionary intellectual to conservative master-thinker
: the anti-democratic odyssey of James Burnham
In: Left History ‹Kingston, Ont.› [ISSN 1192-1927] 3.1995 (1) : pp. 49-82

Other ed., versions, transl.: The odyssey of James Burnham

IDN  19104         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Le Blanc, Paul:
The odyssey of James Burnham
In: Le Blanc, P.: Revolutionary collective : comrades, critics, and dynamics in the struggle for socialism. (Chicago, Ill., 2022) : pp. 140-167, 226-235

Table of contents: p.141 Commitment to change the world -- p.150 The impossibility of socialism -- p.152 Managerialism -- p.154 Critique of democracy -- p.156 Anti-communism -- p.161 Conservative master-thinker
Notes: 58
Other ed., versions, transl.: From revolutionary intellectual to conservative master-thinker

IDN  19105         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Marcoux, J.: De Burnham à ... Burnham

In: La Revue internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 1245-9100] 1948 (20) : pp. 44-48

IDN  19106         About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›      Martinet, Gilles: Le socialisme et les sociétés de transition (de Trotsky à Burnham)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19107         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Mazelis, Fred: C. Smith' Nachruf auf James Burnham - eine Fälschung der Geschichte
/ Fred Mazelis und David North
In: Vierte Internationale ‹Essen› [ISSN 0259-5818] 14.1987 (3) : pp. 76-80

IDN  19108         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Mazelis, Fred:
Die Dialektik von James Burnham
In: Vierte Internationale ‹Essen› [ISSN 0259-5818] 14.1987 (3) : pp. 71-76

IDN  19109         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Merry, Robert W.: Reagan's éminence grise : James Burnham feared that the West would lose the Cold War by adopting a defensive posture
: few had more influence over Ronald Reagan's pugnacious approach to the Soviet Union than this brooding intellectual who moved from Trotskyism to conservatism
In: The National Interest ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0884-9382] 2014 (132) : pp. 56-66

IDN  19110         About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›      Meyer, Albert Joseph: Deradicalization : the case of former Trotskyists   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19111         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Miranda, Joseph: James Burnham and the Third World War

In: Strategy and Tactics ‹Cambria, Vic.› [ISSN 1040-886X] 1993 (164) : pp. 60-74

IDN  19112         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Nash, George H.:
The conservative intellectual movement in America since 1945. - New York, NY : Basic Books, 1976. - XV, 463 pp.
ISBN 0-465-01401-1

IDN  19113         About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›      Naville, Pierre: Degenerazione burocratica e rivoluzione   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19114         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
The new class / ed.: B. Bruce-Briggs. - New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction Books, 1979. - 229 pp.
ISBN 0-87855-306-1

IDN  19115         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
O'Neil, Daniel John: Edmund Burke and contemporary American conservatism
. - 303 pp.
Austin, Tex., Univ. of Texas at Austin, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1988
Bibliogr.: pp. 295-303

IDN  19116         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
O'Neil, Daniel John:
The political philosophy of James Burnham / Daniel J. O'Neil
In: International Journal of Social Economics ‹Bradford› [ISSN 0306-8293] 21.1994 (2/4) : pp. 141-152

Notes: 7

IDN  19117         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Orwell, George: James Burnham and The managerial revolution
. - London : Socialist Book Centre, 1946. - 19 pp.

IDN  19118         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Orwell, George: Second thoughts on James Burnham

In: Polemic ‹London› [ISSN 0265-4180] 1946 (3) : pp. 13-33

IDN  19119         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
O'Sullivan, John: James Burnham and the new world order

In: National Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-0038] 42.1990 (Nov.5) : pp. 34-50

IDN  19120         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Parkas, Chris C.:
The politics of James Burnham, "The Machiavellian". - VI, 166 pp.
Amherst, Mass., Univ. of Massachusetts, Thesis (M.A.), 1965

IDN  19121         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Pellizzi, Camillo:
La tecnica come classe dirigente : le idee di James Burnham [...]. - Roma : Libreria Frattina, [ca. 1969]. - 104 pp.

IDN  19122         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Pelloux, Robert:
Un nouvel Machiavel : James Burnham et ses idées sur la domination du monde
In: Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques ‹Paris› [ISSN 1776-6788] 8.1949 (4) : pp. 167-204

IDN  19123         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Pena, David Steven: Economic barbarism and managerialism
/ David S. Pena. - VI, 234 pp.
Tallahassee, Flo., Florida State Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1999
Bibliogr.: pp. 228-233

IDN  19124         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Pena, David Steven: James Burnham on the decline of industrial barbarism and the rise of managerialism
/ David S. Pena
In: Pena, D.S.: Economic barbarism and managerialism. (Westport, Conn., 2001)

IDN  19125         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Raudenbush, David Webb: Democratic capitalism
/ David W. Raudenbush. - New York, NY : Day, 1946. - XI, 339 pp.

IDN  19126         About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›      Register of the James Burnham papers, 1928-1983   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19127         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Regnery, Henry: Emerging conservatism : Kilpatrick, Morley, and Burnham

In: Modern Age ‹Bryn Mawr, Pa.› [ISSN 0026-7457] 22.1978 (Summer) : pp. 237-245

IDN  19128         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Rennert, Carl:
The origins of bureaucratic collectivism
In: Socialist Organiser ‹London› [ISSN 1358-9911] 1993 (June 24)

IDN  19129         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Romano, Joseph: James Burnham en France
: l'import-export de la "révolution managériale" depuis 1945
In: Revue française de science politique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0035-2950] 53.2003 (2) : pp. 257-275

Notes: 68
With Engl. and French summaries

IDN  19130         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Smant, Kevin John: [Biographical sketch] Burnham, James (22 Nov. 1905 - 28 July 1987) ...
/ Kevin Smant
In: American national biography / gen. ed. John A. Garraty [et al.] 4. (New York, NY [etc.], 1999) : pp. 14-15

IDN  19131         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Smant, Kevin John: How great the triumph
: James Burnham, anticommunism, and the conservative movement. - 231 pp.
Notre Dame, Ind., Univ. of Notre Dame, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1991

IDN  19132         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Smant, Kevin John: How great the triumph
: James Burnham, anticommunism, and the conservative movement / Kevin J. Smant. - Lanham, Md. [etc.] : Univ. Pr. of America, 1992. - 181 pp.
ISBN 0-8191-8463-2 - ISBN 0-8191-8464-0

Bibliogr.: pp. 167-171
Notes: 406
Based on author's diss.

IDN  19133         About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›      Straus, Ira Louis: The outcome of Trotskyism in America   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19134         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Uhlig, Mark A.: [Obituary] James Burnham is dead at 82
: founder of National Review
In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1987 (July 30) : section A, p. 23 (of late city final ed.)

IDN  19135         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Wald, Alan Maynard: [Biographical sketch] James Burnham : from neo-Thomism to Trotskyism
/ Alan M. Wald
In: Wald, A.M.: The New York intellectuals. (Chapel Hill, NC, 1987) : pp. 175-182

IDN  19136         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Wald, Alan Maynard: From Trotsky to Buckley
[Electronic resource] / Alan Wald. - 19 KB (5 pp.)
Dated Sept. 15, 2017
Accessed March 20, 2018

IDN  19137         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›
Webster, James Kelsey:
The political economy of James Burnham : an alternate approach to realism / James K. Webster. - 132 pp.
Washington, DC, The American Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1998
Director of thesis: Christopher R. Rossi

IDN  19138         About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›      Westoby, Adam: The strange tale of Bruno R.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19139         LLTB  Chapter  9      Calvès, André ‹1920-1996›
About: Calvès, André ‹1920-1996›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1996 (1668) : p. 10

IDN  19140         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Calvès, André ‹1920-1996›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Calvès, André dit Christian dit Ned (1920-1996)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1996 (58) : pp. 126-127

IDN  19141         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Calvès, André ‹1920-1996›
Calvès, André: Sans bottes ni médailles
: un trotskyste breton dans la guerre. - Montreuil : Ed. La Brèche, 1984. - 158 pp. - (Collection Les nôtres [ISSN 0761-2370])
ISBN 2-902524-29-3

ISBN misprinted: 2-90254-29-3

IDN  19142         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Calvès, André ‹1920-1996›
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: [Biographical sketch] Calvès André

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 3.2007 : pp. 60-63

IDN  19143         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Calvès, André ‹1920-1996›
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: [Biographical sketch] Calvès André

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 3.2007 : pp. 267-269

IDN  19144         LLTB  Chapter  9      Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Hommage à James P. Cannon (1890-1974)

In: Cannon, J.P.: La lutte pour un parti prolétarien (extraits). (Paris, 1990) : pp. 3-6

IDN  19145         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] James P. Cannon
[Electronic resource]. - 64 KB (7 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 16, 2010

IDN  19146         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] James P. Cannon

In: Who are the 18 prisoners in the Minneapolis labor case? (New York, NY, [1944]) : pp. 11-12

IDN  19147         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Foreword] Introduction
/ Prometheus Research Library
In: Cannon, J.P.: James P. Cannon and the early years of American communism. (New York, NY, 1992) : pp. 1-70

Table of contents: p.5 Cannon in the IWW -- p.7 The birth of American communism -- p.9 Cannon in the underground -- p.12 The United States in the 1920s -- p.14 Cannon's seven months in Moscow, 1922 -- p.15 The degeneration of the Comintern -- p.18 John Pepper comes to America -- p.21 The Farmer-Labor Party -- p.23 The split with Fitzpatrick -- p.25 The fight against "Pepperism" -- p.29 Factional gang war -- p.31 Trotsky fights the "Third Party Alliance" -- p.34 The 1924-25 faction fight -- p.35 The fight against Lore's "two and a half internationalism" -- p.37 The 1925 decision on the labor party slogan -- p.39 The Cannon-Foster split -- p.41 The International Labor Defense -- p.42 The American Negro Labor Congress -- p.49 The TUEL and the sixth plenum of the ECCI -- p.53 Anti-Trotskyism in the mid-1920s -- p.54 Ruthenberg's sudden death -- p.58 Lovestone becomes Lovestone -- p.61 Cannon becomes a Trotskyist
Notes: 113

IDN  19148         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Truth ‹Oak Park, Ill.; later: Detroit, Mich.› 1974 (1) : p. 8

IDN  19149         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Fourth International hails Cannon's achievements

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 12.1974 (31) : pp. 1107-1108

IDN  19150         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Fourth International hails Cannon's achievements
/ United Secretariat of the Fourth International
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 12.1974 (31) : p. 1107

IDN  19151         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] James P. Cannon 1890-1974 : fondateur du trotskysme américain

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] N.s. 1974 (18/19) : pp. 46-47

IDN  19152         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] James P. Cannon : fondateur du trotskysme américain

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1974 (7) : pp. 2, 31-32

IDN  19153         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] James P. Cannon : foremost American revolutionist ; a political tribute to Jim Cannon

In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 38.1974 (Sept.6) : pp. 3-12

Obituaries and reminiscences by Joseph Hansen, Jack Barnes, George Novack, Peng Shu-tse, Chen Pi-lan, Karolyn Kerry, Andrew Pulley, Peggy Brundy and the United Secretariat of the Fourth International

IDN  19154         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] James P. Cannon, Trotskyite, dead

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1974 (Aug.23) : p. 32

IDN  19155         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Messages in tribute to James P. Cannon
. - [1-2]
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 38.1974 (Sept.13): p. 21; 38.1974 (Sept.27): pp. 21, 26

IDN  19156         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]
La Quatrième Internationale salue l'œuvre de James P. Cannon / Secrétariat Unifié de la Quatrième Internationale
In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] N.s. 1974 (18/19) : p. 47

IDN  19157         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Alvin, Milton: [Obituary] Socialist veteran honors Trotsky and Cannon
. - [1-2]
In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 3.1985 (9) : p. 18; 3.1985 (10) : p. 6

Edited version of a speech in tribute of James P. Cannon and Leon Trotsky, Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 15, 1985

IDN  19158         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Ansel, Corey: American Trotskyist : the heritage of James P. Cannon   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19159         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Arnesen, Eric: Faction figure : James P. Cannon, early communism, and radical faith

In: Labour = Le travail ‹St. John's› [ISSN 0700-3862] 2009 (63) : pp. 243-258

Notes: 20
Review article about Palmer, Bryan D.: James P. Cannon and the origins of the American revolutionary left, 1890-1928, Urbana, Ill., 2007

IDN  19160         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Bambery, Chris:
The politics of James P. Cannon
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 1987 (36) : pp. 49-89

Table of contents: p.51 Cannon and the "Americanisation" of communism -- p.58 The birth of American Trotskyism -- p.67 The flight of the intellectuals -- p.72 Balance sheet of a faction fight -- p.76 Cannon and the crisis of orthodox Trotskyism -- p.88 Summary

IDN  19161         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Banda, Mike: James P. Cannon : a critical assessment
. - London : New Park Publications, 1975. - 47 pp.
Reprinted from: Workers Press (London), 1974 (Oct.14-19)

IDN  19162         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Bibliography of the writings and speeches of James P. Cannon 1912-1928

In: Cannon, J.P.: James P. Cannon and the early years of American communism. (New York, NY, 1992) : pp. 602-610

IDN  19163         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Building the revolutionary party
: an introduction to James P. Cannon. - Chippendale, N.S.W. : New Course Publications, 1997. - 100 pp.
ISBN 0-909196-68-0

IDN  19164         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Calvert, Mike: Strengths and weaknesses of Cannonism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19165         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Cannon and the "proletarian military policy"

In: Workers Power ‹London› [ISSN 0263-1121] 1994 (Sept.)

IDN  19166         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Cannon, James Patrick: My decision to join the Trotskyist camp in 1928
/ James P. Cannon
In: Socialist Viewpoint ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 1535-5438] 2.2002 (5)

Letter to Theodore Draper, written in 1959

IDN  19167         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Chapple, Duncan: [Obituary]

In: Socialist Organiser ‹London› [ISSN 1358-9911] 1990 (Febr.8)

On the occasion of Cannon's centenary

IDN  19168         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Couret, Daniel: [Biographical sketch] James P. Cannon (1890-1974)

In: Dissidences : bulletin de liaison des études sur les mouvements révolutionnaires ‹Nancy› [ISSN 1292-5799 - ISSN 1764-1462] 3.2000 (7) : pp. 27-28

IDN  19169         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Dog days   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19170         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Draper, Theodore: The birth of American Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19171         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Foster, William Zebulon: Cannon, Lovestone, and Browder
/ William Z. Foster
In: Political Affairs ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0032-3128] 28.1949 (Sept.) : pp. 14-24

IDN  19172         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Gager, Owen: James P. Cannonism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19173         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Gordon, Sam: [Obituary]
'The SWP is Jim Cannon's finest monument'
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 38.1974 (Sept.20) : p. 14

IDN  19174         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Guide to James P. Cannon's books

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1985 (23) : pp. 30-31

IDN  19175         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Hansen, Joseph:
The importance of revolutionary continuity : on James P. Cannon's eightieth birthday
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 8.1970 (13) : pp. 295-299

Text of a speech delivered at the celebration of Cannon's 80th birthday, Los Angeles, Cal.

IDN  19176         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Hansen, Joseph: James P. Cannon : the internationalist
/ Joseph Hansen. Appendices / James P. Cannon. - New York, NY : National Education Dept., Socialist Workers Party, 1980. - 38 pp. - (Education for socialists)
ISBN 0-87348-687-0

IDN  19177         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Hansen, Joseph: [Obituary] Homenaje a Jim Cannon
: un internacionalista hasta la médula de los huesos
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 12.1974 (31) : pp. 1139-1143

Span. version of a speech delivered at a memorial meeting, Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 23, 1974

IDN  19178         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Hansen, Joseph: [Obituary] In tribute to Jim Cannon : an internationalist to the marrow of his bones

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 12.1974 (31) : pp. 1109-1113

Text of a speech delivered at a memorial meeting, Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 23, 1974

IDN  19179         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Harer, Asher: [Obituary] James P. Cannon 1890-1974 : a fighter for socialism in America

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 2.1984 (10) : p. 11

Republ. on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Cannon's death

IDN  19180         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Harer, Asher: [Obituary] James P. Cannon 1890-1974 : a fighter for socialism in America

In: Toward a socialist America / ed. by A. Harer. (San Francisco, Cal., 1987) : pp. 11-15

IDN  19181         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Harer, Asher: [Obituary] James P. Cannon (1890-1974) : founder of American Trotskyism

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 8.1990 (3) : p. 17

On the occasion of Cannon's centenary

IDN  19182         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Higgins, Jim: [Obituary] Magnificent disciple who lost his way

In: Higgins, J.: Speak one more time : selected writings. (London, 2004) : pp. 73-74

Originally publ. in: Socialist Worker (London), 1974 (Sept.7)

IDN  19183         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Holmes, Dave: [Biographical sketch]
A short political biography of James P. Cannon
In: Socialist Viewpoint ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 1535-5438] 4.2004 (11)

IDN  19184         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Hundstage   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19185         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
James P. Cannon : a political tribute
. - New York, NY : Pathfinder Pr., 1974. - 46 pp.
ISBN 0-87348-686-2

Table of contents: p.3 James P. Cannon, February 11, 1890 - August 21, 1974 -- p.4 Jim always remained true to his rebel youth/J. Barnes -- p.5 Jim forged the nucleus of the revolutionary party in the U.S./J. Hansen -- p.10 Jim strove to make the party into an effective instrument/K. Kerry -- p.11 Tribute to Cannon/Peng Shu-tse and Chen Pi-lan -- p.12 Jim was one of the heroes of socialist youth/A. Pulley -- p.13 He was an active party member and educator to the end/P. Brundy -- p.15 Jim taught us what to do next and then go ahead and do it/G. Novack - [...]
Most contributions reprinted from: The Militant (New York, NY), Intercontinental Press (New York, NY), and Young Socialist (New York, NY)
Including five interviews from the last year of his life

IDN  19186         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
James P. Cannon as we knew him
: by thirty-three comrades, friends, and relatives / introd. by Jack Barnes. Ed. by Les Evans. - New York, NY : Pathfinder Pr., 1976. - 288 pp.
ISBN 0-87348-474-6 - ISBN 0-87348-500-9

A collection of reminiscences, appraisals and obituaries by J. Hansen, G. Novack, F. Dobbs, S. Gordon, H. DeBoer, T. Grant, G. Breitman, F. Lovell, M. Alvin, B. Chester, H. Ring, C. Curtiss, E. Reed, M. Geldman, K. Kerry, T. Kerry, H. Braverman, J.Y. Tussey, F. Halstead, A. Pulley, R. Hansen et al.

IDN  19187         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Lazitch, Branko: [Biographical sketch] Cannon, James P.
/ Branko Lazitch in collab. with Milorad M. Drachkovitch
In: Lazitch, B.: Biographical dictionary of the Comintern. New, rev. and expanded ed. (Stanford, Cal., 1986) : p. 57

IDN  19188         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Le Blanc, Paul: [Biographical sketch] Cannon, James Patrick (1890-1974)

In: Encyclopedia of the American Left / ed. by M.J. Buhle [et al.] (New York, NY etc., 1990) : pp. 123-124

IDN  19189         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Le Blanc, Paul: James P. Cannon and the Fourth International

In: Revolutionary traditions of American Trotskyism / ed. with an introd. by P. Le Blanc. (New York, NY, 1988) : pp. 9-18

Notes: 31

IDN  19190         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Le Blanc, Paul: Trotskyism in America   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19191         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Le Blanc, Paul: Trotskyism in the United States   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19192         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: James P. Cannon
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 187 KB (17 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19193         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Marlen, George: The Cannonites "answer" the Shachtmanites   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19194         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Matgamna, Sean: [Obituary] James P. Cannon 1890-1974

In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 1990 (14) : p. 37

On the occasion of Cannon's centenary

IDN  19195         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Matgamna, Sean: The Russian revolution and Marxism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19196         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Novack, George: [Obituary] James P. Cannon 1890-1974 : a tribute

In: International Socialist Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-8744] 35.1974 (9) : pp. 6-9

IDN  19197         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: [Biographical sketch] Cannon, James P. (1890-1974) and American Trotskyism
/ Bryan D. Palmer
In: The international encyclopedia of revolution and protest, 1500 to the present / ed. by I. Ness. 2. (Chichester [etc.], 2009) : pp. 595-597

IDN  19198         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: James P. Cannon and the emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38
/ Bryan D. Palmer. - Leiden [etc.] : Brill, [2021]. - XXII, 1208 pp. - (Historical materialism book series [ISSN 1570-1522] ; 232)
ISBN 978-90-04-47151-1

Table of contents: p.XI Preface and acknowledgements -- p.XX List of figures -- p.1 Introduction: James P. Cannon and the 'prince's favors' -- p.51 An American Left Opposition -- p.157 Dog Days -- p.312 Daylight: analysis and action -- p.507 Minneapolis militants -- p.691 Entryism -- p.947 Trials, tragedies, and trade unions -- p.1117 Conclusion: party, International -- p.1155 Seleted references -- p.1191 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 1155-1190
Notes: 1.333

IDN  19199         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: James P. Cannon and the emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38
/ Bryan D. Palmer. - Detroit, Mich. : Haymarket Books, 2023. - 1208 pp. - (Historical materialism book series [ISSN 1570-1522])
ISBN 978-1-64259-778-3

IDN  19200         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: James P. Cannon and the origins of the American revolutionary left, 1890-1928
/ Bryan D. Palmer. - Urbana, Ill. [etc.] : Univ. of Illinois Pr., 2007. - XVIII, 542 pp. - (The working class in American history)
ISBN 978-0-242-03109-0 - ISBN 0-242-03109-1

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction: the Communist Can(n)on -- p.21 Rosedale roots: facts and fictions -- p.39 Youth's discoveries -- p.52 Hobo rebel/homeguard -- p.87 Red dawn -- p.113 Underground -- p.135 Geese in flight -- p.166 Pepper spray -- p.202 stalinist suspensions -- p.252 Labor defender -- p.285 Living with Lovestone -- p.316 Expulsion -- p.350 Conclusion: James P. Cannon, the United States revolutionary movement, and the end of an age of innocence -- p.371 Notes -- p.527 Index
Notes: 832

IDN  19201         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: James P. Cannon et l'émergence du trotskisme aux États-Unis
/ Bryan D. Palmer. Trad. de l'anglais par Rémy Janneau
In: Mouvement ouvrier, luttes de classes & révolutions : revue d'histoire ‹Aulnay-sous-Bois› [ISSN 2778-1445] 2024 (8) : pp. 38-46

Notes: 20
Based on author's "James P. Cannon and the emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38", Detroit, Mich., 2023

IDN  19202         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Palmer, Bryan Douglas: James Patrick Cannon : revolutionary continuity and class-struggle politics in the United States, 1890-1974
/ Bryan D. Palmer
In: Palmer, B.D.: Marxism and historical practice. 2. (Leiden [etc.], 2015) : pp. 272-293

Notes: 15

IDN  19203         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Palmer, Bryan Douglas: Maurice Spector, James P. Cannon, and the origins of Canadian Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19204         Review of: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Palmer, Bryan Douglas: Theses on Cannon & Shachtman: United States Trotskyism, 1928-1938   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19205         About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›      Register of the James P. Cannon papers   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19206         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Robertson, James: [Obituary] Conmemoración para James P. Cannon

In: Spartacist : Edición en español ‹New York, NY› 1996 (27) : pp. 35-42

Edited text of a speech delivered at a memorial meeting, Aug. 27, 1974

IDN  19207         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Robertson, James: [Obituary] Gedenkfeier für James P. Cannon

In: Spartacist : Deutsche Ausg. ‹New York, NY› 1997 (18) : pp. 36-44

Edited text of a speech delivered at a memorial meeting, Aug. 27, 1974

IDN  19208         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Robertson, James: [Obituary] James P. Cannon

In: Spartacist : English edition ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0038-6596] 1986 (38/39) : pp. 32-40

Edited text of a speech delivered at a memorial meeting, Aug. 27, 1974

IDN  19209         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Stone, Ben: [Biographical sketch] James P. Cannon

In: Stone, B.: Memoirs of a radical rank & filer. (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 107-111

IDN  19210         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Wagner, Erik: [Obituary] Pionier des Kommunismus "Jim" Cannon ist tot
/ H.W. [i.e. Erik Wagner]
In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 7.1974 (59) : p. 10

IDN  19211         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Wald, Alan Maynard: [Biographical sketch] Cannon, James P. (1890-1974)
/ Alan Wald
In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 62-65

IDN  19212         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Wald, Alan Maynard: [Biographical sketch] Portrait James P. Cannon
/ Alan M. Wald
In: Wald, A.M.: The New York intellectuals. (Chapel Hill, NC, 1987) : pp. 167-172

IDN  19213         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cannon, James Patrick ‹1890-1974›
Wald, Alan Maynard: [Biographical sketch] Portrait of a revolutionary [James P. Cannon]
/ Alan Wald
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1984 (57) : pp. 25-26

Publ. on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Cannon's death

IDN  19214         LLTB  Chapter  9      Carlini, Adolfo ‹1905-1993›
About: Carlini, Adolfo ‹1905-1993›
Bourrinet, Philippe: [Biographical sketch] Sedran Domenico, dit Adolfo Carlini
[Electronic resource]. - 7 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Apr. 15, 2015

IDN  19215         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlini, Adolfo ‹1905-1993›
Carlini, Adolfo: Carlini in Spain
: an Italian Trotskyist in the Spanish civil war / Domenico Sedran [Adolfo Carlini]
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 4.1991/92 (1/2) : pp. 253-254

Other ed., versions, transl.: Mémoires d'un prolétaire révolutionnaire
Extracted and transl. from author's "Memorie di un proletario rivoluzionario"

IDN  19216         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlini, Adolfo ‹1905-1993›
Carlini, Adolfo: Mémoires d'un prolétaire révolutionnaire
/ Domenico Sedran [Adolfo Carlini]
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1987 (29) : pp. 80-97

Other ed., versions, transl.: Carlini in Spain
Abridged and transl. from author's "Memorie di un proletario rivoluzionario"

IDN  19217         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlini, Adolfo ‹1905-1993›
Carlini, Adolfo: Memorie di un proletario rivoluzionario
/ Domenico Sedran [Adolfo Carlini]. Con introd. e note a cura di Antonio Moscato
In: Critica comunista ‹Milano› 2.1980 (8/9) : pp. 133-183

Abridged versions see author's "Carlini in Spain" and "Mémoires d'un prolétaire révolutionnaire"

IDN  19218         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlini, Adolfo ‹1905-1993›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Sedran, Domenico (1905-1993)

In: Biografías del 36 : revolucionarios, extranjeros, judíos, anarquistas, trotskistas ... y otros malditos de la Guerra de España / coord.: P. Casciola y A. Guillamón. (Barcelona, 2016) [=Balance : cuaderno ... ; 39] : pp. 378-386

IDN  19219         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlini, Adolfo ‹1905-1993›
Casciola, Paolo: [Obituary] Domenico Sedran (1905-1993)

In: Bandiera rossa ‹Roma; later: Milano› [ISSN 0404-8172 - ISSN 1122-519X] 44.1994 (42) : pp. 47-48

IDN  19220         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlini, Adolfo ‹1905-1993›
Casciola, Paolo: [Obituary] Domenico Sedran (1905-1993)
/ [Paolo Casciola]
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1995 (4) : pp. 107-110

IDN  19221         LLTB  Chapter  9      Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Dr. Grace Carlson

In: Who are the 18 prisoners in the Minneapolis labor case? (New York, NY, [1944]) : pp. 12-13

IDN  19222         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Carlson, Grace (1906-1992)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1993 (53) : p. 123

IDN  19223         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
Brust, Jean: [Obituary] Grace Carlson (1906-1992) : leading American Trotskyist of the '30s and '40s

In: Fourth International / International Committee of the Fourth International ‹London; later: Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0015-9204] 20.1994 (1) : pp. 266-271

IDN  19224         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
Brust, Jean: [Obituary] Grace Carlson (1907[sic!]-1992) : eine führende Trotzkistin der dreißiger ud vierziger Jahre

In: Vierte Internationale ‹Essen› [ISSN 0259-5818] 20.1994 (1) : pp. 285-291

IDN  19225         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
Brust, Jean: [Obituary] Leading American Trotskyist of 30s and 40s

In: International Worker ‹Rotherham, South Yorkshire› [ISSN 1351-4318] 1993 (Apr.17)

IDN  19226         About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›      Grace Carlson : an inventory of her papers at the Minnesota Historical Society, 1929-1986   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19227         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
Haverty-Stacke, Donna T.:
The fierce life of Grace Holmes Carlson : Catholic, socialist, feminist. - New York, NY : New York Univ. Pr., [2020]. - 291 pp.
ISBN 978-1-4798-0218-0

IDN  19228         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
Haverty-Stacke, Donna T.:
A Marxist Catholic in Cold War America : Grace Holmes Carlson and the Catholic Left reconsidered
In: The Catholic Historical Review ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0008-8080] 2021 (107) : pp. 78-118

IDN  19229         About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›      Raasch-Gilman, Elizabeth: Sisterhood in the revolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19230         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Carlson, Grace Holmes ‹1906-1992›
Swenson, Traci Diane: Grace Carlson : a life of rebellion
/ Traci D. Swenson. - XV, 179 pp.
Saint Paul, Minn., Hamline Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 2004
Bibliogr.: pp. 171-179

IDN  19231         LLTB  Chapter  9      Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Birchall, Ian Harry: [Obituary] Death of an internationalist
[Electronic resource]. - 21 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed July 20, 2011

IDN  19232         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Chauvin, Jean-René
/ J.-M. Brabant
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 22.1984 : pp. 208-209

IDN  19233         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Chauvin, Jean-René
/ J.-M. Brabant
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  19234         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Chauvin, Jean-René

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 3.2007 : pp. 2023-2024

IDN  19235         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Broder, David: [Obituary] Jean-René Chauvin (1918-2011)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 10.2012 (4) : pp. 253-260

Notes: 15

IDN  19236         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Chauvin, Jean-René: Jean-René Chauvin trotskyste indépendent
[Film] / Catherine de Grissac, réalisateur. - [Paris?] : Plan Large Production, 2002. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 1 h, 20 min.

IDN  19237         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Chauvin, Jean-René:
Un trotskiste dans l'enfer nazi : Mauthausen, Auschwitz, Buchenwald (1943-1945) / préf. de Michel Lequenne. - Paris : Ed. Syllepse, 2006. - 245 pp. - (Collection Mauvais temps)
ISBN 2-84950-093-3 - ISBN 978-2-84950-093-4

IDN  19238         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Delbeke, Olivier: [Obituary] Jean-René Chauvin (1918-2011)
[Electronic resource]. - 23 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed July 20, 2011

IDN  19239         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Chauvin, Jean-René ‹1918-2011›
Lequenne, Michel: [Obituary]
Le salut d'un vieux trotskiste ... à un vieux trotskiste [Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (2 pp.)
Dated March 10, 2011
Accessed July 20, 2011

IDN  19240         LLTB  Chapter  9      Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ante Ciliga
[Electronic resource]. - 36 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  19241         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ante Ciliga (1898-1992)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1993 (50) : pp. 121-122

IDN  19242         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Mort d'Ante Ciliga, ancien dirigeant du PC yougoslave

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 1992 (Oct.28) : p. 4

IDN  19243         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Bourrinet, Philippe:
An ambiguous journey : Ante Ciliga (1898-1992) [Electronic resource] / transl. from the French by George Gordon. - 125 KB (17 pp.)
Notes: 111
Dated Dec. 12, 1992
Accessed Febr. 24, 2003

IDN  19244         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Bourrinet, Philippe: Ante Ciliga
[Electronic resource]. - 121 KB (20 pp.)
Notes: 117
Dated Jan. 1993, rev. ed. July 1998
Accessed Febr. 24, 2003

IDN  19245         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Bourrinet, Philippe: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992)
: nazionalismo e comunismo in Jugoslavia. - Genova : Graphos, 1996. - 112 pp. - (Graphos storia ; 15)
Table of contents: p.9 Una polveriera di passioni, la questione nazionale in Jugoslavia -- p.57 Un itinerario ambiguo: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992) -- p.101 Bibliografia -- p.109 Nomi citati
Bibliogr.: pp. 101-108
Notes: 117
The chapter on Ciliga (pp. 57-100) was originally publ. with title: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992), itinéraire d'un communiste de Croatie ...

IDN  19246         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Bourrinet, Philippe: Ante Ciliga, 1898-1992
: itinéraire d'un communiste de Croatie au pays du grand mensonge / Ph. Bourrinet. - [S.l. : Author], 1992. - 42 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Un itinerario ambiguo

IDN  19247         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Bourrinet, Philippe:
Un itinerario ambiguo : Ante Ciliga (1898-1992)
In: Generació ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 1573-0375] 1993 (5)

Orig.: Ante Ciliga, 1898-1992

IDN  19248         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Bourrinet, Philippe: Nationalistische Barbarei oder Weltrevolution?
: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992), Lebensweg eines Kommunisten aus Kroatien / Übers. aus dem Franz.: Rolf Löper
In: Archiv für die Geschichte des Widerstandes und der Arbeit ‹Various places› [ISSN 0174-4658 - ISSN 0936-1014] 1994 (13) : pp. 91-118

Table of contents: p.92 Vom kroatischen Nationalismus zur Weltrevolution -- p.93 Von der russischen Revolution zum Kommunismus (1917-1926) -- p.98 In Rußland: im Land der großen Lüge (1926-1935) -- p.103 Gefängnisse, Straflager und sibirisches Exil (1930-1935) -- p.108 Die zweite Odyssee Ciligas (1936-1945) -- p.115 Doppelgesichtiger Janus (1945-1992)
Notes: 98

IDN  19249         About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›      Casciola, Paolo: Zu den Ursprüngen des "Titoismus" und des jugoslawischen Trotzkismus   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19250         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Ciliga, Ante: Ante Ciliga
. - [S.l., 1983]. - 21 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Unpubl. autobiographical sketch written in French

IDN  19251         About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›      David-Fox, Michael: Ante Ciliga, Trocki i državni kapitalizam   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19252         About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›      David-Fox, Michael: Ante Ciliga, Trotskii, and state capitalism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19253         About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›      David-Fox, Michael: Trockij i ego kritiki o prirode SSSR pri Staline   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19254         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Dujmovič, Tihomir: Razgavori s Dr. Antom Ciligom
. - Zagreb : Azur Journal, 1991. - 95 pp. - (Sredista ; 5)

IDN  19255         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Lazitch, Branko: [Biographical sketch] Ciliga, Ante
/ Branko Lazitch in collab. with Milorad M. Drachkovitch
In: Lazitch, B.: Biographical dictionary of the Comintern. New, rev. and expanded ed. (Stanford, Cal., 1986) : pp. 76-77

IDN  19256         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Maslow, Arkadij: A. Ciliga: "Au pays du grand mensonge"
/ Vorbemerkung von Georg Scheuer
In: Archiv für die Geschichte des Widerstandes und der Arbeit ‹Various places› [ISSN 0174-4658 - ISSN 0936-1014] 1994 (13) : pp. 119-136

Originally publ. in: RKD-Bulletin (S.l.), n.s. 1947 (5)

IDN  19257         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Očak, Ivan: Dr. Ante Ciliga : otpadnik komunizma i staljinske čistke

In: Radovi / Filozofski Fakultet Zagreb, Humanističke i Društvene Znanosti, Zavod za Hrvatsku Povijest ‹Zagreb› [ISSN 0351-2142] 1989 (22) : pp. 267-296

Notes: 116
With Engl. summary

IDN  19258         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Petković, Tajana: Politička djelatnost Ante Cilige od 1924 do 1944 godine

Zagreb, Hrvatsko Katoličko Sveučilište, Dipl. rad, 2017
Director of thesis: Ivan Bulić
Angl.: Political activities of Ante Ciliga between 1924 and 1944

IDN  19259         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Schwartz, Stephen: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992) - a life at history's crossroads

In: Journal of Croatian Studies ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0075-4218] 34/35.1993/94 (1996) : pp. 181-206

Notes: 23
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992) - život na povijesnim raskrižjima

IDN  19260         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Schwartz, Stephen: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992) - život na povijesnim raskrižjima
/ s engleskoga preveo: Ivan Čehok
In: Društvena istraživanja ‹Zagreb› [ISSN 1330-0288] 4.1995 (2/3=16/17) : pp. 315-339

Notes: 23
Orig.: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992) - a life at history's crossroads
With Engl. and German summaries

IDN  19261         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Sensini, Paolo: Ante Ciliga e l'esperienza del comunismo realizzato nel XX secolo

In: L'Altronovecento : comunismo eretico e pensiero critico / a cura di P.P. Poggi. 1, L'età del comunismo sovietico. (Milano [etc.] 2010) : pp. 481-494

IDN  19262         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Sidorov, Andrej Nikolaevič: Sibir' načala 1930-ch gg. glazami chorvatskogo kommunista Antė Ciligi
/ A.N. Sidorov
In: Izvestija Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Serija Politologija, religiovedenie ‹Irkurtsk› [ISSN 0583-9963 - ISSN 2073-3380] 2013 (2,2) : pp. 29-34

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Siberia in the early 1930s as viewed by Ante Ciliga, the Croatian communist

IDN  19263         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ciliga, Ante ‹1898-1992›
Švab, Mladen: Ciliga, Ante (Antun)
[Electronic resource]. - 35 KB (3 pp.)
Encyclopaedic article
Dated 1989
Accessed July 20, 2020

IDN  19264         LLTB  Chapter  9      Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Tony Cliff
[Electronic resource]. - 52 KB (5 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  19265         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
[Anonymous]: Militants from across the generations attend funeral fitting tribute to Tony Cliff

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2000 (1694=Apr.29)

IDN  19266         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Above all, he was a revolutionary
: Tony Cliff, 1917-2000
In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2000 (241) : pp. 14-22

Collection of obituaries and (auto)biographical sketches, containing: He sensed before anyone else the need for change/D. Hallas - Cliff has been vindicated time and time again/E. Prevost - He had the respect of the best left wing militants/I. Mitchell - Nothing so romantic [interview with T. Cliff conducted by Nicolas Walter, June 1970] - Movie with an open end/C. Harman

IDN  19267         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Cliff, Tony (1917-2000), Ygael Gluckstein, dit L. Rock, dit ...

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2000 (70) : pp. 125-126

IDN  19268         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Der Bankrott der Theorien über eine "neue Klasse" : die russische Revolution und der Zusammenbruch des Stalinismus ; Tony Cliff und Max Shachtman - proimperialistische Komplizen der Konterrevolution
In: Spartacist : Deutsche Ausg. ‹New York, NY› 2000 (21) : pp. 6-26

Orig.: The bankruptcy of "new class" theories

IDN  19269         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
The bankruptcy of "new class" theories : the Russian revolution and the collapse of Stalinism ; Tony Cliff and Max Shachtman - pro-imperialist accomplices of counterrevolution
In: Spartacist : English edition ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0038-6596] 1999 (55) : pp. 6-24

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Bankrott der Theorien über eine "neue Klasse"

IDN  19270         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Birchall, Ian Harry: Socialist biography : some methodological problems
: the biography of Tony Cliff [Electronic resource] / Ian Birchall. - 180 KB (12 pp.)
Paper submitted to the New Socialist Approaches to History Seminar, London, Oct. 10, 2005
URL defunct as at Oct.1, 2014

IDN  19271         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Birchall, Ian Harry: Tony Cliff : a Marxist for his time
/ Ian Birchall. - London : Bookmarks Publications, 2011. - [22], XI, 664 pp.
ISBN 978-1-90519-280-9 - ISBN 978-1-90519-279-3

Table of contents: p.I Introduction -- p.1 The making of a revolutionary (p.2 1917-31: the fateful question -- p.18 1931-46: from Palestine to Israel -- p.85 1946-50: in a strange land -- p.128 1950-60: the loneliness of the long distance perspective) -- p.193 From theory to practice (p.194 1960-64: second youth -- p.245 1964-67: hard labour -- p.282 1968: year of wonders -- p.306 1969-74: years of hope -- p.356 1974-79: moving on up, with complications) -- p. 439 Building for the future (p.440 1979-84: enforced retreat -- p.475 1984-89: digging deep -- p.508 1989-97: excited about the future -- p.534 1997-2000: still fighting -- p.553 Conclusion) -- p.560 Bibliography of Cliff's works -- p.604 Notes -- p.649 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 560-603
Notes: 1.640

IDN  19272         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Birchall, Ian Harry: Tony Cliff : bibliography of the writings and works of Tony Cliff
: a first approximation [Electronic resource] / Ian Birchall. - [1-5]. - 174 KB (45 pp.)
Accessed Apr. 1, 2010
A rev. and extended version of this bibliography is to be found in authors's "Tony Cliff : a Marxist for his time", London 2011, pp. 560-603

IDN  19273         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Chacker, Neil: [Obituary] Memories of Tony Cliff
/ R.F. Kampfer [i.e. Neil Chacker]
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 15.2000/01 (4=88) : p. 44

IDN  19274         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Challinor, Raymond: Tony Cliff's early years in Britain

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.2000 (4) : pp. 185-187

IDN  19275         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Cliff, Tony: 50 år med den internationale socialistiske tradition

In: Socialistisk Revy ‹Århus› [ISSN 1398-0645] 1998 (7) : p. 14

Interview conducted by Ahmed Shawki

IDN  19276         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Cliff, Tony: 50 years of the International Socialist tradition

In: International Socialist Review : ISR ‹Chicago, Ill.› [ISSN 1097-315X] 1997 (1) : pp. 27-31

Interview conducted by Ahmed Shawki

IDN  19277         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Cliff, Tony: Fifty five years a revolutionary
: interview with Tony Cliff
In: Socialist Worker Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 1987 (100) : pp. 14-19

Interview conducted by Alex Callinicos and Lindsey German

IDN  19278         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Cliff, Tony: Fifty five years a revolutionary
: interview with Tony Cliff
In: A Socialist review / ed. by L. German [et al.] (London [etc.], 2000) : pp. 15-28

Interview conducted by Alex Callinicos and Lindsey German

IDN  19279         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Cliff, Tony: Vor allem war er ein Revolutionär
: Interview mit Tony Cliff
In: Sozialismus von Unten ‹Berlin› [Ser.2] 2000 (4)

Interview conducted by Nicolas Walter. Slightly abridged

IDN  19280         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Cliff, Tony:
A world to win : life of a revolutionary. - London [etc.] : Bookmarks, 2000. - XVI, 247 pp.
ISBN 1-898876-63-0 - ISBN 1-898876-62-2
ISBN 978-1-898876-62-5

Table of contents: p.VIII Chronology -- p.XI Introduction/P. Foot -- p.1 Preface -- p.5 Palestine -- p.39 The crisis of Trotskyism -- p.50 The Socialist Review Group -- p.78 The turn to industry, students, and the founding of Socialist Worker -- p.105 Building in the upturn -- p.124 Setbacks -- p.153 Rethinking the situation -- p.173 Time to write -- p.187 Contrary indications -- p.195 Looking ahead -- p.235 Notes -- p.243 Index
Notes: 207

IDN  19281         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Conrad, Jack:
A 20th century revolutionary : Tony Cliff, May 20, 1917 - April 9, 2000. - 1-4
In: Weekly Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1351-0150] 2000 (332) : pp. 4-5; 2000 (333) : pp. 4-5; 2000 (334) : pp. 4-5; 2000 (335) : pp. 4-5

IDN  19282         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Cooper, Andrew: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : 20 May 1917 - 9 April 2000

In: Socialist Review : for a socialist and democratic alternative ‹Dunedin North, New Zealand› [ISSN 1175-2629] 2000 (4)

IDN  19283         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Coustal, François: [Obituary]
/ François Duval [i.e. François Coustal]
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 2000 (Apr.20)

IDN  19284         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Crawford, Ted: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : a political appreciation

In: What Next? : Marxist discussion journal ‹London› [ISSN 1479-4322] 2000 (16) : pp. 23-25

IDN  19285         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Crawford, Ted:
A political appreciation of Tony Cliff and of his autobiography
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.2000 (4) : pp. 188-194

Rejoinder by Ian Birchall in: ibid., 8.2001 (1), pp. 305-307. Rejoinder by Ted Crawford in: ibid., 8.2001 (1), pp. 307-308

IDN  19286         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Dietrich, François: Tony Cliff : mérites et faiblesses de la théorie du capitalisme d'État

In: Critique communiste ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] [N.s.] 1990 (99) : pp. 37-40

IDN  19287         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Farber, Samuel: Tony Cliff as a socialist leader

In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 28.2013/14 (3=166)

Also an exhaustive review of Birchall, Ian: Tony Cliff, a Marxist for his time, London, 2011

IDN  19288         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Flewers, Paul: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : farewell to a class fighter

In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 10.2000/01 (1) : pp. 3-4

Comment by Ian Birchall in: ibid., 10.2000/01 (2), p. 47 and by Jim Higgins in: ibid., 10.2000/01 (3), p. 48

IDN  19289         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Foot, Paul: Cliff and Zionism

In: Foot, P.: Words as weapons : selected writing 1980-1990. (London [etc.], 1990) : pp. 159-161

Originally publ. in Socialist Worker (London), 1988 (Jan.)

IDN  19290         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Foot, Paul: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : revolutionary political theorist and organiser who fired the Socialist Workers Party with his charisma, charm and vision

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2000 (Apr.11) : p. 20

IDN  19291         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Foot, Paul: [Obituary] Von Ygael Gluckstein zu Tony Cliff
/ Übers.: Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2000 (344) : p. 28

Abridged transl. from: The Guardian (London), 2000 (Apr.11)

IDN  19292         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Hallas, Duncan: Some thoughts on Tony Cliff

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.2000 (4) : pp. 184-185

IDN  19293         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Hampton, Paul: Tony Cliff and Max Shachtman
. - [1]-3
In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 2000 (62) : pp. 36-38; 2000 (66) : pp. 32-34; [N.s.] 2.2001 (1) : pp. 140-143

Notes: 17
Pt. 1 with title "Why does Cliff traduce Shachtman?"; pt. 2 with title "The USSR in perspective"

IDN  19294         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Harman, Chris: [Obituary]
The pilot who weathered the storm : Tony Cliff, revolutionary socialist, 1917-2000
In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2000 (1692) : p. 10

IDN  19295         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Harris, Nigel: Tony Cliff rediscovered
/ Nigel Harris ; Christian Høgsbjerg
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2011 (132)

Two reviews of Birchall, Ian: Tony Cliff, a Marxist for his time, London, 2011

IDN  19296         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Hearse, Phil: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : a life for revolution

In: Green Left Weekly ‹Broadway, N.S.W.› [ISSN 1036-126X] 2000 (402)

IDN  19297         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Higgins, Jim: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : a man of his time

In: Weekly Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1351-0150] 2000 (332) : p. 3

IDN  19298         About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›      Jeffries, Peter: International Socialism Group   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19299         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Jones, Chris: [Obituary] Internationalist for socialism : Tony Cliff, May 20, 1917 - April 9, 2000

In: Weekly Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1351-0150] 2000 (331) : p. 3

IDN  19300         About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›      Land, Ian: The splits in Cliff's International   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19301         About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›      Landau, Bruce: Lenin and the Bolshevik party   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19302         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Larsen, Marcus: Don't moan, organise

In: Weekly Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1351-0150] 2000 (335) : p. 8

About a memorial meeting, London, May 7, 2000

IDN  19303         About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›      Matgamna, Sean: Cliff's state capitalism in perspective   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19304         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Matgamna, Sean:
The great Gadsby : the paradoxes of Tony Cliff, 1917-2000
In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 2000 (64/65) : pp. 41-47

IDN  19305         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Matgamna, Sean: [Obituary]
The life, times and theories of Tony Cliff : founder of Socialist Workers Party dies
In: Action for Solidarity ‹London› 2.2000 (23) : p. 10

IDN  19306         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
McIlroy, John: [Biographical sketch] Cliff, Tony (formerly Ygael Amnon Gluckstein) (1917-2000), Trotskyist leader ...

In: Oxford dictionary of national biography : from the earliest times to the year 2000 / ed. by H.C.G. Matthew [et al.] 12. (Oxford [etc.], 2004) : pp. 77-78

Also publ. as online resource, URL:

IDN  19307         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
McIlroy, John:
A Trotskyist's tale
In: History Workshop Journal ‹London› [ISSN 1363-3554] 75.2013 (1) : pp. 287-297

Notes: 29
Review of Birchall, Ian: Tony Cliff, a Marxist for his time, London, 2011

IDN  19308         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
McNally, David: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : 1917-2000

In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 15.2000/01 (4=88) : pp. 43-44

IDN  19309         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Moneta, Jakob: [Obituary] Tony Cliff (1917-2000)

In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 15.2000 (10) : p. 15

IDN  19310         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Mullen, John: Tony Cliff, un trotskyste juif palestinien au Royaume de Sa Majesté
[Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (12 pp.)
Notes: 6
Dated Dec. 30, 2011
Accessed Apr. 15, 2016

IDN  19311         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Perrin, Dave: [Obituary] Another leader called Tony

In: Socialist Standard ‹London› [ISSN 0037-8259] 96.2000 (1149) : pp. 10-11

IDN  19312         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Puente Sierra, Héctor: Trotskismo después de Trotski
: Tony Cliff y la teoría del capitalismo de estado [Electronic resource]
In: Trotskismos em Cuba : retrato de um encontro / F. Menezes (org.) [E-book] (São Paulo, 2021) : pp. 309-321

Paper originally submitted to the Ier [Primer] Encuentro Académico Internacional León Trotsky: Vida y Contemporaneidad, Havana, May 6-8, 2019
URL of E-book:
Accessed Aug. 11, 2021
Angl.: Trotskyism after Trotsky : Tony Cliff and the theory of state capitalism

IDN  19313         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Rees, John: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : theory and practice

In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2000 (87) : pp. 131-136

IDN  19314         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Sarneh, Ygal: [Biographical sketch]
A revolutionary life
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2000 (87) : pp. 137-149

"Article was taken from the weekly suppl. of Yediyot Aharonot, Israeli Hebrew evening paper, 4 Oct. 1991" [from the introd. note]

IDN  19315         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Shaw, Martin: [Obituary] Tony Cliff (Ygael Gluckstein) 1917-2000
[Electronic resource]. - 8 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Apr. 2000
Accessed June 15, 2006

IDN  19316         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Spencer, Dave: Tony Cliff and IS democracy

In: Weekly Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1351-0150] 2000 (333) : p. 3

IDN  19317         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Thornett, Alan: [Obituary] Mort de Tony Cliff

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2000 (447)

IDN  19318         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Thornett, Alan: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : 1917-2000 - ein Leben für die Revolution
/ Übers.: Thies Gleiss
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2000 (344) : pp. 26-28

IDN  19319         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Thornett, Alan: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : a leading figure on British Left

In: Socialist Outlook ‹London› [ISSN 0951-8657] [N.s.] 2000 (34) : p. 19

IDN  19320         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Thornett, Alan: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : an appreciation

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 2000 (321) : p. 14

IDN  19321         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] Tony Cliff : a personal reminiscence
/ Charly van Gelderen
In: Socialist Outlook ‹London› [ISSN 0951-8657] [N.s.] 2000 (34) : p. 19

IDN  19322         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Wilde, Florian:
Der heterodoxe Trotzkist : Tony Cliff (1917-2000)
In: "Wenn du ausgegrenzt wirst, gehst du zu anderen Ausgegrenzten" : Jüdinnen und Juden in der internationalen Linken / R. Altieri [et al.] (Hrsg.) (Berlin, 2022) : pp. 121-125

IDN  19323         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cliff, Tony ‹1917-2000›
Worcester, Kent: Remembering Tony Cliff

In: New Politics ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-6494] N.s. 8.2002 (4) : pp. 225-228

IDN  19324         LLTB  Chapter  9      Cochran, Bert ‹1917-1984›
About: Cochran, Bert ‹1917-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Cochran, Bert, 1917-

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 45/48.1974 : p. 97

IDN  19325         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cochran, Bert ‹1917-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Bert Cochran (1915-1984)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1984 (20) : pp. 121-122

IDN  19326         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cochran, Bert ‹1917-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Cochran, Bert, 1917-1984

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 113.1985 : pp. 94-95

IDN  19327         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cochran, Bert ‹1917-1984›
Alvin, Milton: [Obituary] Bert Cochran, former leader of SWP

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 2.1984 (7) : p. 8

Corrections by Milt Zaslow in: ibid., 2.1984 (9)

IDN  19328         About: Cochran, Bert ‹1917-1984›      Guide to the Bert Cochran papers 1935-1978 (bulk 1935-1955)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19329         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cochran, Bert ‹1917-1984›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Bert Cochran
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 92 KB (4 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19330         LLTB  Chapter  9      Cooper, Jake ‹1916-1990›
About: Cooper, Jake ‹1916-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Jake Cooper

In: Who are the 18 prisoners in the Minneapolis labor case? (New York, NY, [1944]) : pp. 13-14

IDN  19331         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cooper, Jake ‹1916-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Jake Cooper (1917[!]-1990)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (44) : pp. 126-127

IDN  19332         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cooper, Jake ‹1916-1990›
Burke, Cindy: [Obituary] Jake Cooper : a fighter for the working class and socialism

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 8.1990 (10)

IDN  19333         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cooper, Jake ‹1916-1990›
Couret, Daniel: [Biographical sketch] Jake Cooper (1916-1990)

In: Dissidences : bulletin de liaison des études sur les mouvements révolutionnaires ‹Nancy› [ISSN 1292-5799 - ISSN 1764-1462] 3.2000 (7) : p. 30

IDN  19334         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cooper, Jake ‹1916-1990›
Harris, Mark: [Obituary] Jake Cooper : a man who never wavered in his devotion to the working class and all oppressed people

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 12.1994 (1) : p. 14

Reprint of the pref. to "My brother, my comrade", San Francisco, Cal., 1994

IDN  19335         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cooper, Jake ‹1916-1990›
My brother, my comrade
: remembering Jake Cooper ; a collection of articles & reminiscences on the life of an American socialist / ed. by Mark Harris with an introd. by Cindy Burke. - San Francisco, Cal. : Walnut Publ. Co., 1994. - III, 208 pp.
ISBN 0-929405-15-3

Table of contents: p.2 Preface/M. Harris -- p.7 Introduction/C. Burke -- p.17 My brother, my comrade/D. Cooper -- p.43 Chaska memorial meeting [obituaries and reminiscences by 16 comrades and relatives] -- p.62 Tributes to Jake Cooper [by B. Putnam, D. Riehle, E. Volkov, N. Weinstein, S. Weinstein et al.] -- p.97 Jake Cooper speaks -- p.208 Appendix: Letter from Natalia Trotsky [July 2, 1941]

IDN  19336         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cooper, Jake ‹1916-1990›
Riehle, David: [Obituary] Jake Cooper (1916-1990)
/ Dave Riehle
In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1990 (78) : pp. 30-31

IDN  19337         LLTB  Chapter  9      Cornell, Charles ‹1911-1989›
About: Cornell, Charles ‹1911-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Charles Cornell (1911-1989)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1989 (38) : p. 119

IDN  19338         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Cornell, Charles ‹1911-1989›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Charles Cornell
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 72 KB (4 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19339         LLTB  Chapter  9      Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Yvan Craipeau
[Electronic resource]. - 50 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  19340         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Lettre d'information / Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Mouvements Trotskyste et Révolutionnaires Internationaux ‹Paris› 2002 (14) : p. [3]

IDN  19341         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch]
/ J.-M. Brabant
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 23.1984 : pp. 320-322

IDN  19342         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Craipeau Yvan, Adrien, Benjamin dit Auger, dit Francis dit Thomas
/ J.-M. Brabant
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  19343         About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›      Broué, Pierre: Témoins et acteurs: camarades français de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19344         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Casciola, Paolo: [Obituary] Yvan Craipeau (1911-2001)

In: Trockij, L.D.: Ancora una volta: l'URSS e la sua difesa. (Firenze, 2002) : pp. 53-54

IDN  19345         About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›      Craipeau, Yvan: Mémoires d'un dinosaure trotskyste   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19346         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Cynober, Julien: [Biographical sketch] Yvan Craipeau (né en 1911)

In: Cynober, J.: La presse trotskyste en France de la libération à la grève Renault d'avril-mai 1947. (Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X, 1999) : p. 141

IDN  19347         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Fišera, Vladimir Claude: [Obituary] Yvan Craipeau (1911 - 13 décembre 2001)

In: Utopie critique ‹Paris› [ISSN 1247-8989] 2002 (22) : p. 92

IDN  19348         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Lequenne, Michel: [Obituary] Deux destins tragiques contre les vents de l'histoire
: Yvan Craipeau (1911-2001) et Marcel Bleibtreu (1918-2001)
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2002 (466/467)

IDN  19349         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Massot, François de: [Obituary] Yvan Craipeau (1911-2001)
/ François Forgue [i.e. François de Massot]
In: Informations ouvrières ‹Paris› [ISSN 0813-9500] N.s. 2002 (519=2064)

IDN  19350         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Pennetier, Claude: [Obituary] Yvan Craipeau : du trotskisme à la Nouvelle Gauche

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2001 (Dec.18)

IDN  19351         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Craipeau, Yvan ‹1911-2001›
Silberstein, Patrick: [Obituary]

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 2001 (1950)

IDN  19352         LLTB  Chapter  9      Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Charles Curtiss (1908-93)
/ C.P.
In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (392) : p. 7

IDN  19353         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Charles Curtiss alias Carlos, Carlos Cortes, Charles C. (1908-1993)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (52) : p. 128

IDN  19354         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
Harer, Ruth: [Obituary] Charles Curtiss (1900[sic!]-1993)
/ Ruth and Asher Harer
In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 12.1994 (2) : p. 4

IDN  19355         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary] In memory of Charlie Curtiss (1908-1993)
/ Frank Lovell, with Sarah Lovell
In: Revolutionary labor socialist : the life, ideas, and comrades of Frank Lovell / ed. by P. Le Blanc [et al.] (Union City, NJ, 2000) : pp. 323-326

Reprinted from: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism (New York, NY), 12.1994 (3=114)

IDN  19356         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
Lovell, Sarah: [Obituary] In memory of Charlie Curtiss
/ Sarah and Frank Lovell
In: In Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 12.1994 (3=114) : p. 21

IDN  19357         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Charles Curtiss
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 121 KB (5 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19358         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
O'Nan, Kathleen: [Obituary] Charles Curtiss

In: Independent Politics ‹Hayward, Cal.› 1994 (5) : p. 31

IDN  19359         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
Saunders, George: [Obituary]
A founder of American Trotskyism dies in Los Angeles : a note on Charlie Curtiss / George Saunders and Kathleen O'Nan
In: In Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 12.1994 (2=113) : p. 24

IDN  19360         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Curtiss, Charles ‹1908-1993›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] Charlie Curtiss
/ Charlie van Gelderen
In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 12.1994 (3) : p. 15


IDN  19361         LLTB  Chapter  9      De Boer, Harry ‹1905-1992›
About: De Boer, Harry ‹1905-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Harry De Boer

In: Who are the 18 prisoners in the Minneapolis labor case? (New York, NY, [1944]) : p. 15

IDN  19362         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Boer, Harry ‹1905-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Harry De Boer (1907[sic!]-1992)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1992 (48) : p. 125

IDN  19363         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Boer, Harry ‹1905-1992›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Trade unionists honor Harry De Boer

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 10.1992 (3) : p. 16

IDN  19364         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Boer, Harry ‹1905-1992›
Riehle, David: [Obituary] Harry De Boer, American Trotskyist, 1905-1992

In: In Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1992 (95) : pp. 25-26

IDN  19365         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Boer, Harry ‹1905-1992›
Schwartz, Brian: [Obituary] Trade unionist honor Harry De Boer

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 10.1992 (3) : p. 16

IDN  19366         LLTB  Chapter  9      De Silva, Colvin Reginald ‹1907-1989›
About: De Silva, Colvin Reginald ‹1907-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Colvin R. de Silva
[Electronic resource]. - 23 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed Aug. 20, 2007

IDN  19367         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Silva, Colvin Reginald ‹1907-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: The Daily Telegraph ‹London› [ISSN 0307-1235] 1989 (March 7)

IDN  19368         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Silva, Colvin Reginald ‹1907-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Colvin R. de Silva (1907-1989)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1989 (38) : p. 126

IDN  19369         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Silva, Colvin Reginald ‹1907-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Colvin R. de Silva, Sri Lankan politician, 82

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1989 (March 1)

IDN  19370         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Silva, Colvin Reginald ‹1907-1989›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Colvin R. de Silva gestorben

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1989 (218) : pp. 52-53

IDN  19371         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Silva, Colvin Reginald ‹1907-1989›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Homage to Colvin R. de Silva

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1989 (163) : p. 27

IDN  19372         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: De Silva, Colvin Reginald ‹1907-1989›
Peiris, Gamini Lakshman: Some themes in the life and work of Dr. Colvin R. de Silva
/ G.L. Peiris. - Colombo : Star Pr., 1991. - 22 pp.

IDN  19373         LLTB  Chapter  9      Deane, Jimmy ‹1921-2002›
About: Deane, Jimmy ‹1921-2002›
McIlroy, John: [Obituary] Jimmy Deane (1921-2002)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 8.2003 (3) : pp. 269-275

IDN  19374         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deane, Jimmy ‹1921-2002›
Sewell, Rob: [Obituary] Jimmy Deane : proletarian revolutionary, heart and soul
: January 31, 1921 - August 21, 2002
In: Socialist Appeal : the Marxist voice of the labour movement ‹London› [ISSN 1473-0375] 2002 (Sept.)

IDN  19375         LLTB  Chapter  9      Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Deutscher, Isaac
[Electronic resource] / J.A.C. - 11 KB (2 pp.)
Updated May 1, 2001
Accessed June 8, 2003

IDN  19376         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Deutscher, Isaac

In: World authors / ed. by J. Wakeman. (New York, NY, 1975) : pp. 383-385

IDN  19377         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Deutscher, Isaac (Peregrine), 1907-1967

In: Contemporary Authors : First revision ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0196-0245] 5/8.1969 : p. 301

IDN  19378         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Deutscher, Isaac (Peregrine), 1907-1967

In: Contemporary Authors : New revision series ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0275-7176] 4.1981 : pp. 194-195

IDN  19379         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Dossier Isaac Deutscher
[Electronic resource]. - 179 KB (37 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 12, 2006

IDN  19380         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher
[Electronic resource]. - 52 KB (5 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 16, 2010

IDN  19381         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher : polnisch-britischer Journalist und Schriftsteller

In: Internationales Biographisches Archiv ‹Ravensburg› [ISSN 0020-9457] 1967 (42)

IDN  19382         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: International Correspondence / International Committee of the Fourth International ‹London› 1.1967 (12) : pp. 161-162

IDN  19383         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Isaac Deutscher

In: Obituaries from The Times ‹Reading› [ISSN 0951-2284] 1961/70 (1975) : p. 211

Reprinted from: The Times (London), 1967 (Aug.21)

IDN  19384         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Isaac Deutscher, 60, is dead : an authority on communism

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1967 (Aug.20) : p. 88

IDN  19385         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Mr. Isaac Deutscher : leading scholar of revolutionary Marxism

In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1967 (57025=Aug.21) : p. 8

IDN  19386         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Ali, Tariq: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher : ein marxistischer Historiker im Kalten Krieg

In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 10.1977 (187) : pp. 13-14

IDN  19387         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Anderson, Perry:
The legacy of Isaac Deutscher
In: Anderson, P.: A zone of engagement. (London, etc., 1992) : pp. 56-75

Notes: 6
Other ed., versions, transl.: El legado de Isaac Deutscher

IDN  19388         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Anderson, Perry:
El legado de Isaac Deutscher
In: Anderson, P.: Campos de batalla. (Barcelona, 1998)

Orig.: The legacy of Isaac Deutscher

IDN  19389         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Aron, Raymond:
Un croisé de l'anti-anti-communisme
In: Preuves ‹Paris› [ISSN 0555-0939] 1954 (May) : pp. 66-70

IDN  19390         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Aron, Raymond:
La Russie après Staline
In: Preuves ‹Paris› [ISSN 0555-0939] 1953 (Oct.) : pp. 5-13

IDN  19391         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Ash, Bill: Är Isaac Deutscher marxist?
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Maria Ekman. - 423 KB (7 pp.)
Orig.: The old "new" anti-left : is Isaac Deutscher a Marxist?
Accessed Oct. 15, 2014
Angl.: Is Isaac Deutscher a Marxist?

IDN  19392         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Ash, Bill:
The old "new" anti-left : is Isaac Deutscher a Marxist?
In: Progressive Labor ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0033-0795] 1967 (Febr./March) : pp. 59-63

Other ed., versions, transl.: Är Isaac Deutscher marxist?

IDN  19393         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Beilharz, Peter: Isaac Deutscher
: history and necessity
In: History of Political Thought ‹Exeter› [ISSN 0143-781X] 7.1986 (2) : pp. 375-384

Table of contents: p.376 Deutscher and Trotsky: history as theatre -- p.380 Deutscher and the course of the Soviet Union -- p.383 Trotskyism: from revolution to reconciliation
Notes: 56

IDN  19394         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Beilharz, Peter: Isaac Deutscher
: history and necessity
In: Beilharz, P.: Circling Marx : essays 1980-2020. (Leiden [etc.], 2021) : pp. 175-184

IDN  19395         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Beilharz, Peter: Trotsky, Trotskyism and the theory of the transition to socialism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19396         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Beilharz, Peter: Trotsky, Trotskyism and the transition to socialism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19397         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Bergman, Stefan: [Biographical sketch] Deutscher, Izaak

In: Słownik biograficzny działaczy polskiego ruchu robotniczego / red.: F. Tych. 1, supl. (Warszawa [etc.], 1985) : pp. 51-52

IDN  19398         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Bergmann, Theodor: Isaac Deutscher : ein jüdischer Ketzer im Kommunismus

In: Utopie kreativ ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0863-4890] 1998 (97/98) : pp. 95-107

Notes: 38
Partially identical with author's "Rosa Luxemburg and Isaac Deutscher"

IDN  19399         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Bergmann, Theodor: Isaac Deutscher : Internationalist im Zeitalter der Nationalstaaten

In: Langer Marsch ‹Berlin› 1979 (45/46) : pp. 26-28

IDN  19400         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Bergmann, Theodor: Rosa Luxemburg and Isaac Deutscher
: two Jewish communist heretics
In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 9.1998/99 (3) : pp. 30-38

Notes: 33
Partially identical with author's "Isaac Deutscher - ein jüdischer Ketzer im Kommunismus"

IDN  19401         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Black, Robert: Deutscher and Dutt against the Chinese revolution

In: The Newsletter / Central Committee of the Socialist Labour League ‹London› [ISSN 0008-8338] 1967 (Febr.2)

IDN  19402         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Black, Robert:
The ironies of Isaac Deutscher
In: Fourth International / International Committee of the Fourth International ‹London; later: Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0015-9204] 4.1967 (1) : pp. 18-31

IDN  19403         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Cannon, James Patrick: Trotskij eller Deutscher?
[Electronic resource] / James P. Cannon. Övers.: B. Svensson. - 252 KB (12 pp.)
Orig.: Trotsky or Deutscher?
Accessed Febr. 22, 2014

IDN  19404         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Cannon, James Patrick: Trotsky or Deutscher?
: On the new revisionism and its theoretical source / James P. Cannon
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 15.1954 (1=126) : pp. 9-16

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotskij eller Deutscher?

IDN  19405         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Carr, Edward Hallett: [Obituary]

In: Carr, E.H.: 1917 : illusioni e realtà della rivoluzione russa. (Torino, 1970) : pp. 209-211

IDN  19406         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Catena, Laura:
La recepción de la obra de Isaac Deutscher por los trotskistas norteamericanos : un capítulo en la historia de la Cuarta Internacional / Laura Catena y Constanza Daniela Bosch Alessio
In: Actuel Marx : intervenciones ‹Santiago, Chile› [ISSN 0718-0179] 2014 (16) : pp. 147-171

Table of contents: p.148 Introducción -- p.149 El estalinismo: miseria, lujo y especulación -- p.155 El Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores (SWP) (1937-1960) -- p.158 Isaac Deutscher bajo la óptica del SWP (p.159 La burocracia estalinista -- p.160 La justificación teórica a las políticas de Stalin -- p.162 La utilización errónea de analogías históricas -- p.165 Controversias en torno a la biografía de Trotsky) -- p.167 Consideraciones finales -- p.168 Bibliografía
Bibliogr.: pp. 168-171
Notes: 70
With Span. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  19407         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Caute, David: Isaac & Isaiah : the covert punishment of a Cold War heretic
. - New Haven, Conn. : Yale Univ. Pr., 2013. - XIV, 335 pp.
ISBN 978-0-300-19209-4

About Isaac Deutscher and Isaiah Berlin and their troublesome relationship in the 1960s

IDN  19408         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Chattopadhyay, Kunal: [Biographical sketch] Deutscher, Isaac (1907-1967)

In: The international encyclopedia of revolution and protest, 1500 to the present / ed. by I. Ness. 3. (Chichester [etc.], 2009) : pp. 996-997

IDN  19409         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Claussen, Detlev: Entréebillet Kommunismus : eine Erinnerung an Isaac Deutscher

In: Babylon : Beiträge zur jüdischen Gegenwart ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0931-6418] 22.2007 : pp. 87-97

IDN  19410         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Cliff, Tony:
The end of the road? : Deutscher's capitulation to Stalinism
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] 1963/64 (15) : pp. 10-20

Other ed., versions, transl.: Vid vägs ände : Deutschers kapitulation till stalinismen

IDN  19411         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Cliff, Tony:
The end of the road? : Deutscher's capitulation to Stalinism
In: Cliff, T.: Neither Washington nor Moscow. (London, 1982) : pp. 166-191

Other ed., versions, transl.: Vid vägs ände : Deutschers kapitulation till stalinismen
Reprinted from: International Socialism (London), 1963/64 (15)

IDN  19412         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Cliff, Tony: Vid vägs ände : Deutschers kapitulation till stalinismen
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Jesper Sydhagen. - 546 KB (21 pp.)
Notes: 84
Orig.: The end of the road? : Deutscher's capitulation to Stalinism
Accessed Febr. 20, 2017

IDN  19413         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Collini, Stefan: Migrants : Nikolaus Pevsner, Isaiah Berlin, Isaac Deutscher, Ernest Gellner

In: Collini, S.: Common writing : essays on literary culture and public debate. (Oxford, 2016) : pp. 211-240

IDN  19414         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Coser, Lewis Alfred: But on other terms
/ Lewis Coser
In: Dissent ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0012-3846] 1954 (Winter) : pp. 234-241

IDN  19415         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Cox, Michael: E. H. Carr and Isaac Deutscher - a very 'special relationship'

In: E. H. Carr : a critical appraisal / ed. by M. Cox. (Basingstoke [etc.], 2000) : pp. 125-144

Notes: 55
Based on author's contribution to an international conference on E.H. Carr, held in July 1997 at the University of Wales at Gregynog

IDN  19416         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Cox, Michael: E. H. Carr, Isaac Deutscher, Roman Rosdolsky, and the making of history

In: Critique : journal of socialist thought ‹Glasgow; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0301-7605] 50.2022 (1) : pp. 17-23

Notes: 27

IDN  19417         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Dahmer, Helmut: Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)

In: Dahmer, H.: Divergenzen : Holocaust, Psychoanalyse, Utopia. (Münster, 2009) : pp. 556-560

Notes: 15
Slightly abridged version see author's "Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967) : ein skeptischer Trotzkist"

IDN  19418         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Dahmer, Helmut: Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967) : ein skeptischer Trotzkist

In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 22.2007 (5) : p. 21

Slightly abridged version see author's "Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)"

IDN  19419         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Dahmer, Helmut: Isaac Deutscher : ein skeptischer Trotzkist

In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 13.2007 (143) : pp. 20-22

Slightly abridged version of author's "Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)"

IDN  19420         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Daly, Lawrence:
A working-class tribute
In: Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work / ed. by D. Horowitz. (London, 1971) : 88-93

IDN  19421         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Dantas, Gilson:
A actualidade da IV Internacional, Isaac Deutscher e as ironias da história [Electronic resource]. - 12 KB (6 pp.)
Dated Aug. 31, 2018
Accessed June 6, 2019

IDN  19422         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
The Deutscher memorial prize web site [Electronic resource]
Ongoing project
Accessed June 15, 2006

IDN  19423         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Deutscher, Tamara: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher 100

In: Europäische Ideen ‹Berlin; later: London› [ISSN 0344-2888] 2007 (137) : pp. 13-15

Written 1968

IDN  19424         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Deutscher, Tamara: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)

In: Deutscher, I.: L'ebreo non ebreo e altri saggi. ([Milano], 1969) : pp. 5-9

IDN  19425         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Deutscher, Tamara: [Biographical sketch] Om Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)
[Electronic resource]. - 283 KB (11 pp.)
Swedish version previously publ. as introd. to Deutscher, Isaac: Den ojudiske juden
Accessed Febr. 20, 2014

IDN  19426         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Deutscher, Tamara:
The education of a Jewish child
In: Deutscher, I.: The non-Jewish Jew and other essays. (London etc., 1968) : pp. 1-24

Other ed., versions, transl.: L'educazione di un fanciullo ebreo

IDN  19427         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Deutscher, Tamara:
L' educazione di un fanciullo ebreo
In: Deutscher, I.: L'ebreo non ebreo e altri saggi. ([Milano], 1969) : pp. 13-36

Orig.: The education of a Jewish child

IDN  19428         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Deutscher, Tamara: On the bibliography of Isaac Deutscher's writings

In: Canadian Slavic Studies = Revue canadienne d'études slaves ‹Montreal, Que.› [ISSN 0090-8290] 3.1969 (3) : pp. 473-479

Notes: 4

IDN  19429         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Deutscher, Tamara: On the bibliography of Isaac Deutscher's writings

In: Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work / ed. by D. Horowitz. (London, 1971) : pp. 226-234

Notes: 4

IDN  19430         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Dowson, Ross: [Obituary] Socialist writer historian dies

In: Workers' Vanguard ‹Toronto, Ont.› [ISSN 0509-1454] 1967 (133)

IDN  19431         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Farber, Samuel: Deutscher and the Jews
: on the non-Jewish Jew ; an analysis and personal reflection
In: New Politics ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-6494] N.s. 14.2014 (4) : pp. 83-96

IDN  19432         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Flapan, Simcha: 1967 års krig mellan Israel och araberstaterna
/ förord av Svante Foerster. - Stockholm : Judiska Informationskomitten i Sverige, 1969. - 44 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: 5. Juni 1967, der arabisch-israelische Krieg ; La guerre israélo-arabe du 6 juin 1967

IDN  19433         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Flapan, Simcha: 5. Juni 1967, der arabisch-israelische Krieg
: (eine Antwort an Isaac Deutscher) / ins Deutsche übertr. von E. Rauch. - Frankfurt a.M. : Borochev-Pr., 1969. - 104 pp. - (Sozialistisch-zionistische Monographien)
Other ed., versions, transl.: La guerre israélo-arabe du 6 juin 1967 ; 1967 års krig mellan Israel och arabstaterna

IDN  19434         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Flapan, Simcha:
La guerre israélo-arabe du 6 juin 1967. - [Paris] : Cercle Bernard Lazare, [ca. 1968]. - 41 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: 5. Juni 1967, der arabisch-israelische Krieg ; 1967 års krig mellan Israel och arabstaterna

IDN  19435         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Flechtheim, Ossip Kurt: Zur Kritik der Gewalt : Kommentar zu Isaac Deutscher
/ Ossip K. Flechtheim
In: Gewaltfreie Aktion ‹Karlsruhe› [ISSN 0016-9390] 2.1970 (4) : pp. 9-13

IDN  19436         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Flewers, Paul: Isaac Deutscher and his left-wing critics

In: Critique : journal of socialist thought ‹Glasgow; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0301-7605] 51.2023 (4=98) : pp. 515-563

Table of contents: p.518 The Stalinist and social-democratic critiques (p.518 Stalinism -- p.522 Right-wing social-democracy) -- p.524 Deutscher and Bolshevism (p.524 Deutscher and revolutionary fatalism -- p.526 Deutscher and 'Bolshevik authoritarianism' -- p.531 Deutscher and the 'chimera' of world revolution) -- p.533 Deutscher as apologist for Stalinism (p.533 Still a workers' state? -- p.535 Who established the nationalised property relations? -- p.537 Stalinist expansion: extending the revolution? -- p.538 Deutscher: the evil genius behind 'Pabloism'?) -- p.540 Deutscher and the chimera of élite-led democratisation (p.540 Diverging from Trotsky -- p.544 'Deutscherism', 'Pabloism' and the split in the Fourth International -- p.549 Deutscher's democratic deficit -- p.551 Deutscher as an influence upon reform Stalinism) -- p.552 Telling tales, making assumptions and otherwise getting it wrong (p.552 Telling tales -- p.553 Underestimating repression -- p.553 Stalin and the Kirov assassination -- p.555 A breezy economic outlook) -- p.558 Up into, and out of?, the watch-tower: Deutscher in retrospect
Notes: 186

IDN  19437         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Foa, Lisa: Isaac Deutscher : storico della rivoluzione sovietica

In: Rivista di storia contemporanea ‹Torino› [ISSN 0391-4240] 1.1972 (1) : pp. 31-49

IDN  19438         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Frank, Pierre: [Obituary] Isaac Deutscher

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 25.1967 (32) : pp. 62-65

IDN  19439         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Frank, Pierre: [Obituary] Isaac Deutscher

In: World Outlook = Perspective mondiale ‹Paris; later: New York, NY› 5.1967 (30) : pp. 755-756

IDN  19440         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Frumkin, Konstantin Grigor'evič: Marksist ocenibaet bol'ševizm
: k 50-letiju vychoda knigi Isaaka Dojčera "Nezaveršennaja revoljucija" / K.G. Frumkin
In: Istoričeskaja ėkspertiza = The Historical Expertise ‹Sankt Peterburg› [ISSN 2409-6105] 2017 (4=13) : pp. 223-231

Angl.: A Marxist evaluates Bolshevism

IDN  19441         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Geisel, Eike:
Die gegenwärtige Vergangenheit : zur Aktualität von Isaac Deutschers Schriften zur jüdischen Frage / Eike Geisel ; Mario Offenberg
In: Deutscher, I.: Die ungelöste Judenfrage. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 105-142

Notes: 54

IDN  19442         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Geras, Norman: Marxisten angesichts des Holocaust   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Mandel, Ernest ‹1923-1995›

IDN  19443         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Geras, Norman: Marxister inför Förintelsen   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Mandel, Ernest ‹1923-1995›

IDN  19444         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Geras, Norman: Les marxistes face à l'Holocauste   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Mandel, Ernest ‹1923-1995›

IDN  19445         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Geras, Norman: Marxists before the Holocaust   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Mandel, Ernest ‹1923-1995›

IDN  19446         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Gleisner, Jeffrey Irving: Isaac Deutscher and Soviet Russia
/ J.I. Gleisner. - [Birmingham] : Centre for Russian and East European Studies, 1971. - 38 pp. - (CREES discussion papers : Series RC/C ; 5)

IDN  19447         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Goldsmith, Samuel Joseph: Isaac Deutscher : the original sovietologist
/ S.J. Goldsmith
In: Goldsmith, S.J.: Twenty 20th century Jews. (New York, NY, 1962) : pp. 37-43

IDN  19448         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Gordon, Sam: Deutschers Meinung über die Trotzkisten
/ J.B. Stuart [i.e. Sam Gordon]
In: Die Internationale : theoretisches Organ des revolutionären Marxismus ‹Wien; later: Paris; later: Mannheim› [ISSN 0535-4005] 10.1965 (1) : pp. 51-63

Notes: 6
Orig.: Deutscher's view of the Trotskyists

IDN  19449         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Gordon, Sam: Deutscher's view of the Trotskyists
/ J.B. Stuart [i.e. Sam Gordon]. - [1-2]
In: World Outlook = Perspective mondiale ‹Paris; later: New York, NY› 2.1964 (16) : pp. 26-29; 2.1964 (17) : pp. 32-37

Notes: 6
Other ed., versions, transl.: Deutschers Meinung über die Trotzkisten

IDN  19450         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Gordon, Sam: [Review] Restoring Trotsky's place in history
/ J.B.S [i.e. Sam Gordon]
In: Labour Review ‹London› [ISSN 0456-9946 - ISSN 0140-1270] 5.1960 (2) : pp. 64-69

IDN  19451         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Grötzinger, Ralf: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1988 (199) : pp. 23-25

Publ. on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Isaac Deutscher's death

IDN  19452         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Grossman, Ronald Philip: Between Zion and utopia
/ Ronald P. Grossman
In: Canadian Slavic Studies = Revue canadienne d'études slaves ‹Montreal, Que.› [ISSN 0090-8290] 3.1969 (3) : pp. 490-493

IDN  19453         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe:
Las concepciones internacionalistas de Isaac Deutscher [Electronic resource]. - 10 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 23, 2007
Accessed March 27, 2007

IDN  19454         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Haas, Leonhard: Zur Neuauflage von Deutschers Stalin-Biographie
: Gedanken, Kritiken, Hinweise
In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte ‹Basel› [ISSN 0036-7834] 13.1963 (2) : pp. 220-241

IDN  19455         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Hill, Christopher:
The theory of revolutions
In: Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work / ed. by D. Horowitz. (London, 1971) : pp. 115-131

Notes: 28

IDN  19456         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Howe, Irving: Isaac Deutscher : freedom and the ash can of history

In: Howe, I.: Steady work. (New York, NY, 1966) : pp. 170-186

IDN  19457         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Hudson, Martyn: Revisiting Isaac Deutscher
[Electronic resource]. - 16 KB (3 pp.)
Dated 2014
Accessed May 24, 2019

IDN  19458         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Hvidsten, Thomas A.: Isaac Deutscher : a revolutionary optimist looks at Soviet history and the future of socialism
. - V, 131 pp.
Tempe, Ariz., Arizona State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1975
Bibliogr.: pp. 119-131

IDN  19459         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Isaac Deutscher
[Electronic resource]
Website devoted to Isaac Deutscher. Ongoing project
Accessed June 15, 2006

IDN  19460         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Isaac Deutscher 1907-1967
: a critical appreciation on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death / Walter Kendall [et al.]. - Worthing, West Sussex : Marken Pr., [1992]. - 25 pp. - (A Marken Press publication)
Table of contents: p.1 Twenty-five years on/K. Tarbuck -- p.3 Ten years without Deutscher: an appraisal of the man and his influence/K. Tarbuck -- p.11 Deutscher as an independent thinker: Deutscher's criticisms of Trotsky, a survey and an evaluation/A. Mitchell -- p.19 Deutscher as a prophet/W. Kendall -- p.23 Tamara Deutscher (1913-1990)/K. Tarbuck

IDN  19461         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work
/ ed. by David Horowitz. - London : Macdonald, 1971. - 254 pp.
ISBN 0-356-03156-X

Table of contents: p.9 Introduction/D. Horowitz -- p.17 Reminiscences (p.19 Armed with a pen: notes for a political portrait of Isaac Deutscher/D. Singer -- p.57 Work in progress/T. Deutscher -- p.88 A working-class tribute/L. Daly) -- p.95 Historian and theoretician (p.97 Isaac Deutscher as historian of the Russian revolution/M. Liebman -- p.115 The theory of revolutions/C. Hill -- p.132 The dilemma of de-Stalinization: the future as history/L. Menashe) -- p.177 Intellectual, Marxist, activist (p.179 That dazzling rainbow/V.G. Kiernan -- p.211 Deutscher and the new left in America/S. Unger -- p.226 On the bibliography of Isaac Deutscher's writings/T. Deutscher) -- p.235 Selected bibliography -- p.249 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 235-247

IDN  19462         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Isaac Deutscher papers, period 1929-1967 (-1972)
[Electronic resource] / Hermien van Veen. - [Amsterdam : Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis]. - 21 KB (9 pp.)
Description of the Isaac Deutscher papers deposited at the International Institute of Social Research, Amsterdam
Updated June 8, 2005
Accessed June 11, 2005

IDN  19463         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Jacobson, Julius: Isaac Deutscher : the anatomy of an apologist
. - [1-2]
In: New Politics ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-6494] 3.1964 (4) : pp. 95-121; 5.1966 (2) : pp. 47-85

IDN  19464         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Jacobson, Julius: Isaac Deutscher : the anatomy of an apologist

In: Soviet communism and the socialist vision / ed. by J. Jacobson. (New Brunswick, NJ, 1972) : pp. 86-162

Notes: 10
Reprint of the 1964 ed.

IDN  19465         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Jones, Mike: Isaac Deutscher
/ Mike Jones and Alistair Mitchell
In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 13.2011 (4) : pp. 7-16

Notes: 51
Other ed., versions, transl.: Isaac Deutscher : Ketzer des Kommunismus und des Trotzkismus

IDN  19466         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Jones, Mike: Isaac Deutscher : Ketzer des Kommunismus und Trotzkismus
/ Mike Jones ; Alistair Mitchell. [Aus dem Engl. übers. von Theodor Bergmann]
In: Ketzer im Kommunismus - Alternativen zum Stalinismus / T. Bergmann [et al.] (Hg.) (Mainz, 1993) : pp. 286-305

Table of contents: p.286 Politische Aktivität im Vorkriegspolen -- p. 288 Die Emigration -- p.290 Die Schriften (p.290 Die großen Biographien -- p.293 Nachdenken über die Sowjetunion) -- p.295 Deutschers Differenzen mit Trotzki (p.295 Stalin und der Stalinismus -- p.298 Bonapartismus -- p.301 Die Aussichten einer Revolution im Westen -- p.302 Die Vierte Internationale) -- p.304 Schluß
Notes: 13
Orig.: Isaac Deutscher
The orig. Engl. version was publ. in 2011

IDN  19467         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Jünke, Christoph: [Biographical sketch]
Die Geister der Vergangenheit : vor dreißig Jahren starb der Marxist Isaac Deutscher
In: AK - Analyse und Kritik : Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0945-1153] N.F. 27.1997 (406) : p. 3

IDN  19468         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Jünke, Christoph: [Biographical sketch] Geister der Vergangenheit
: mit Isaac Deutscher wurde vor 100 Jahren ein feiner Dialektiker und unverbesserlicher Optimist geboren
In: Junge Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-8601] 2007 (Apr.3) : p. 13

IDN  19469         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Jünke, Christoph: Historiker der unvollendeten Revolution
: vor 30 Jahren starb der marxistische Historiker Isaac Deutscher
In: Junge Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-8601] 1997 (Aug.19) : p. 3

IDN  19470         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Jünke, Christoph:
Die unvollendete Revolution : Werner Hofmann und Isaac Deutscher
In: Jünke, C.: Der lange Schatten des Stalinismus : Sozialismus und Demokratie gestern und heute. (Köln [etc.], 2007) : pp. 15-40

Notes: 27

IDN  19471         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Kendall, Walter: Isaac Deutscher as a prophet

In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 11.2004 (4) : pp. 15-18

IDN  19472         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Keßler, Mario: Häretischer Historiker der russischen Revolution
: Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)
In: Keßler, M.: Grenzgänger des Kommunismus. (Berlin, 2015) : pp. 185-204

Notes: 48
Other ed., versions, transl.: Historiker der russischen Revolution
Enlarged version of author's "Historiker der russischen Revolution" (in: Sozialismus, 24.2007,3=308)

IDN  19473         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Keßler, Mario: Historiker der russischen Revolution
: zum 100. Geburtstag von Isaac Deutscher
In: Sozialismus ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0721-1171] 34.2007 (3=308) : pp. 60-63

Notes: 10
Other ed., versions, transl.: Häretischer Historiker der russischen Revolution

IDN  19474         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Keßler, Mario: Historiker der russischen Revolution
: Isaac Deutscher
In: Keßler, M.: Von Hippokrates zu Hitler : über Kommunismus, Faschismus und die Totalitarismus-Debatte. (Berlin, 2008) : pp. 57-76

Notes: 48
Other ed., versions, transl.: Häretischer Historiker der russischen Revolution
Enlarged version of author's "Historiker der russischen Revolution" (in: Sozialismus, 24.2007,3=308)

IDN  19475         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Keßler, Mario:
Ein jüdischer Rebell : zum 100. Geburtstag des Historikers Isaac Deutscher
In: Neues Deutschland ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-4940] 2007 (March 31/Apr.1) : p. 27

IDN  19476         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Keßler, Mario: Ketzer, Renegaten oder Grenzgänger des Kommunismus? : Ruth Fischer und Isaac Deutscher

In: Dissidente Kommunisten : das sowjetische Modell und seine Kritiker / K. Andresen [et al.] (Hrsg) (Berlin, 2018) : pp. 135-152

Rev. version of paper submitted to the Konferenz 'Westeuropäische Kommunisten als Kritiker des Sowjetkommunismus', Postdam, June 18-19, 2015

IDN  19477         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Keßler, Mario: Max Shachtman : Trotzkist, Linkssozialist, Sozialdemokrat (1904-1972)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Shachtman, Max ‹1904-1972›

IDN  19478         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Kiernan, Victor Gordon: That dazzling rainbow
/ V.G. Kiernan
In: Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work / ed. by D. Horowitz. (London, 1971) : pp. 179-210

Notes: 135

IDN  19479         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Kirsch, Adam: Non-Jewish Jews : Rosa Luxemburg and Isaac Deutscher

In: Kirsch, A.: Who wants to be a Jewish writer? (New Haven, Conn., 2019) : pp. 139-162

IDN  19480         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Krausz, Tamás: Deutscher, Lenin and the East-European perspectives

In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 25.2017 (2) : pp. 3-28

IDN  19481         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
La Porte, Norman: Isaac Deutscher and the biographer's dilemma
: introduction / Norman LaPorte
In: Moving the Social ‹Essen› [ISSN 2197-0386] 2014 (51) : pp. 5-30

Introductory essay to the thematic issue "Lives on the Left" of the journal "Moving the Social"

IDN  19482         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Labedz, Leopold: Deutscher as historian and prophet

In: Survey ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0039-6192] 1962 (41) : pp. 120-144

Notes: 41
Other ed., versions, transl.: Isaac Deutscher ; Isaac Deutscher storiografo e profeta
A second installment was announced, but did not actually appear. Author's "Deutscher's Stalin" [not included into this bibliography] probably can be considered as a sequel to the above-mentioned title

IDN  19483         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Labedz, Leopold: Isaac Deutscher
/ [Leopold Labedz]
In: Survey ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0039-6192] 30.1988 (1/2=128/129) : pp. 33-93

Notes: 57
Other ed., versions, transl.: Isaac Deutscher as historian and prophet ; Isaac Deutscher storiografo e profeta
Pt. 1 with title "Historian & prophet", pt. 2 with title "Deutscher's 'Stalin'". - Title according to table to contents: "Isaac Deutscher : historian, prophet, biographer". - Pt. 1 originally publ. with title "Deutscher as historian and prophet"
Author's name only mentioned on cover

IDN  19484         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Labedz, Leopold: Isaac Deutscher storiografo e profeta

In: Tempo presente ‹Roma› [ISSN 0040-3059] 7.1962 : pp. 291-310

Orig.: Deutscher as historian and prophet
Other ed., versions, transl.: Isaac Deutscher

IDN  19485         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Landmann, Michael: Antwort an Isaak [sic] Deutscher

In: Landmann, M.: Das Israelpseudos der Pseudolinken. (Berlin, 1971) : pp. 36-80

IDN  19486         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Liebman, Marcel: Isaac Deutscher as historian of the Russian revolution

In: Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work / ed. by D. Horowitz. (London, 1971) : pp. 97-114

Notes: 32

IDN  19487         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Liebman, Marcel: [Obituary]
La mort d'Isaac Deutscher
In: La Gauche ‹Bruxelles› [ISSN 0431-0535] 11.1967 (33)

IDN  19488         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Linfield, Susie: Isaac Deutscher : a very Jewish Jew

In: Linfield, S.: The lion's den : Zionism and the left from Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky. (New Haven, Conn., 2019) : pp. 140-164

Notes: 75

IDN  19489         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Isaac Deutscher
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - Pt. 1-2. - 651 KB (44 pp.)
Table of contents: pt. 1: Basic biographical data - Biographical sketch (General assessment and summary - Family - Childhood and youth: first 'heresy' - Deutscher becomes a Marxist: second 'heresy' - From communism to Trotskyism: third 'heresy' - From Trotskyism to freelance Marxism: fourth 'heresy' - From Poland to Britain - Deutscher as journalist - Deutscher as historian, biographer, essayist and editor - Other activities - Posthumous works and works on Deutscher - Deutscher's death - The Deutscher Memorial Prize) - Some assessments and appraisals - pt. 2: Selective bibliography of Isaac Deutscher (Some introductory remarks - Books/pamphlets (co-)authored by Deutscher - Books and newspapers (co-)edited by Deutscher - Books, collections, journals, newspapers, bulletins to which Deutscher contributed - Books and articles by Deutscher on Trotsky and Trotskyism - Books about Deutscher - Articles and web sites about Deutscher - Reviews of Deutscher's Trotsky trilogy) - Notes on archives
Notes: 75
Part of the "Lubitz'" website
Rev. and amended irregularly

IDN  19490         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Lukes, Steven:
The Cold War on the campus
In: Dissent ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0012-3846] 61.2014 (1) : pp. 71-75

About the background of the rejection of Deutscher when he applied for a teaching post at the Univ. of Sussex, Britain, in 1963. Also a review of Caute, David: Isaac & Isaiah, New Haven, Conn., 2013

IDN  19491         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Mandel on Deutscher

In: Socialist Challenge ‹London› [ISSN 0142-6575] 1977 (11) : p. 14

Tribute, written on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Deutscher's death

IDN  19492         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Mandell, William:
A reply to Isaac Deutscher's "On socialist man". - New York, NY : Political Affairs, 1967. - 36 pp. - (A Political Affairs reprint)

IDN  19493         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Marcus, Shmuel: Marxism and a free society
: an anarchist reply to Isaac Deutscher's address "On socialist man" [...]. - Sanday : Simian Publ., 1976. - 16 pp.

IDN  19494         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Marie, Jean-Jacques: Deutscher, un compagnon de route du stalinisme

In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2010 (48) : pp. 63-70

Notes: 19
Title proper according to table of contents: Isaac Deutscher : un compagnon de route du stalinisme

IDN  19495         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
McIlroy, John: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967) : biographer and historian ...

In: Oxford dictionary of national biography : from the earliest times to the year 2000 / ed. by H.C.G. Matthew [et al.] 15. (Oxford [etc.], 2004) : pp. 933-937

Exhaustive biographical sketch

IDN  19496         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Meghnagi, David: Isaac Deutscher : un ebreo di confine

In: Ebraismo e cultura europea del '900 / cur.: M. Brunazzi [et al.] (Firenze, 1990) : pp. 113-122

IDN  19497         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Menashe, Louis:
The dilemma of De-Stalinization
In: Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work / ed. by D. Horowitz. (London, 1971) : pp. 132-175

Notes: 57

IDN  19498         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Menashe, Louis: Isaac Deutscher, socialist historian
: a brief appreciation
In: Canadian Slavic Studies = Revue canadienne d'études slaves ‹Montreal, Que.› [ISSN 0090-8290] 3.1969 (3) : pp. 447-452

Notes: 6

IDN  19499         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Meyer, Alfred George: [Obituary]
/ Alfred G. Meyer
In: Slavic Review ‹Washington, DC; later: Stanford, Cal.› [ISSN 0037-6779] 26.1967 (4) : pp. 714-715

IDN  19500         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Miliband, Ralph: [Biographical sketch] Deutscher, Isaac
/ R.M. [i.e. Ralph Miliband]
In: Dictionary of Marxist thought / ed. by T. Bottomore. (Oxford, 1983) : pp. 119-120

IDN  19501         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Morris, Paul M.: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher

In: The Blackwell companion to Jewish culture / ed. by G. Abramson. (Oxford, 1989) : p. 17

IDN  19502         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Muraskin, Bennett: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)

In: Outlook / Canadian Jewish Outlook Society ‹Vancouver, B.C.› [ISSN 0834-0242] 2001 (Jan./Febr.)

IDN  19503         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Nelson, Brian Robert: Isaac Deutscher and contemporary Marxism
. - VIII, 224 pp.
Riverside, Cal., Univ. of California, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1972
Table of contents: p.V Abstract -- p.9 The dilemma of contemporary Marxism: an historical analysis -- p.45 Deutscher on Leninism -- p.66 Deutscher on Stalinism -- p.121 Deutscher on de-Stalinization -- p.189 Isaac Deutscher and contemporary Marxism
Bibliogr.: pp. 220-224
Notes: 308
Director of thesis: John L. Stanley

IDN  19504         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Novack, George: Importance of the individual in history
/ William F. Warde [i.e. George Novack]
In: International Socialist Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-8744] 26.1965 (1) : pp. 3-7

IDN  19505         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Pablo, Michel: Isaac Deutscher and Soviet democracy
/ Michel Raptis [Michel Pablo]
In: Pablo, M.: Socialism, democracy and self-management / M. Raptis [M. Pablo]. (London, 1980) : pp. 86-96

IDN  19506         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Pachter, Henry: And can there be peace?
/ Henri Rabassière [i.e. Henry Pachter]
In: Dissent ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0012-3846] 1954 (Summer) : pp. 242-247

IDN  19507         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Petruccelli, Ariel: [Biographical sketch] Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967)

In: Nuevo topo : revista de historia y pensamiento crítico ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 1669-8487] 3.2008 (5)

IDN  19508         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Pouillon, Jean: Staline - Catoblépas au Phénix?

In: Les Temps modernes ‹Paris› [ISSN 0040-3075] 1954 (103) : pp. 2232-2247

Notes: 8

IDN  19509         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Pozo, Gonzalo: I must start completely alone : on Isaac Deutscher's wartime years in London

In: The London Review of Books ‹London› [ISSN 0260-9592] 45.2023 (3) : pp. 31-33

Notes: 23

IDN  19510         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Robbins, Bruce:
The red emigrant : for Isaac Deutscher, exile helped him discover his real community, the internationalist left
In: The Nation ‹New York, NY, etc.› [ISSN 0027-8378] 304.2017 (13) : pp. 27-31

Also publ. in Span. with title "El emigrante rojo", URL:

IDN  19511         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Rosdolsky, Roman: Carr and Deutscher on the role of chance and 'great men' in history   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19512         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Rosdolsky, Roman: Die Rolle des Zufalls und der "großen Männer" in der Geschichte   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19513         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Rosenberg, Justin: Isaac Deutscher and the lost history of international relations

In: New Left Review ‹London› [ISSN 0028-6060] 1996 (215) : pp. 3-15

Notes: 19
Other ed., versions, transl.: Isaac Deutscher y la historia perdida de las relaciones internacionales
Text of the Isaac Deutscher memorial lecture, delivered at London School of Economics and Political Science, Nov. 21, 1995

IDN  19514         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Rosenberg, Justin: Isaac Deutscher y la historia perdida de las relaciones internacionales
/ trad.: G. Buster
In: Viento sur : por una izquierda alternativa ‹Madrid› [ISSN 1133-5637] 5.1996 (30) : pp. 99-111

Notes: 19
Orig.: Isaac Deutscher and the lost history of international relations
Text of the Isaac Deutscher memorial lecture, delivered at London School of Economics and Political Science, Nov. 21, 1995

IDN  19515         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Russell, William: Isaac Deutscher : socialist dreams and socialist reality
. - 59 pp.
Montréal, Qué., Concordia Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1992

IDN  19516         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Schlesinger, Rudolf: British studies on the history of the Soviet Union

In: Science and Society ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0036-8237] 1961 (Winter) : pp. 1-19

IDN  19517         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Sedgwick, Peter: [Obituary] Tragedy of the tragedian : an appreciation of Isaac Deutscher

In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] 1967/68 (31) : pp. 10-17

Other ed., versions, transl.: Tragikerns tragedi : ett bokslut över Isaac Deutscher

IDN  19518         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Sedgwick, Peter: [Obituary] Tragikerns tragedi : ett bokslut över Isaac Deutscher
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Jesper Sydhagen. - 255 KB (13 pp.)
Notes: 32
Orig.: Tragedy of the tragedian : an appreciation of Isaac Deutscher
Accessed Oct. 15, 2014

IDN  19519         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Shachtman, Max: Deutschers Stalin
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Göran Dahlman. - 215 KB (14 pp.)
Notes: 8
Accessed Febr. 2014

IDN  19520         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Shachtman, Max: Deutscher's Stalin

In: The fate of the Russian revolution / ed. by S. Matgamna. 1. (London, 1998) : pp. 515-530

Reprinted from: The New International (New York, NY), 16.1950 (Sept./Oct.)

IDN  19521         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Shachtman, Max: Isaac Deutscher's Stalin

In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 1989 (11) : pp. 26-33

Reprinted from: The New International (New York, NY), 16.1950 (Sept./Oct.)

IDN  19522         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Sharvit, Gilad: Arendt and Deutscher on heresy and identity

In: Journal of Jewish Studies ‹Liverpool› [ISSN 0022-2097] 73.2022 (2) : pp. 403-426

Notes: 56

IDN  19523         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Singer, Daniel: Armed with a pen
: notes for a political portrait of Isaac Deutscher
In: Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work / ed. by D. Horowitz. (London, 1971) : pp. 19-56

Notes: 23

IDN  19524         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Smith, Cyril:
The practice and theory of Isaac Deutscher
In: Labour Review ‹London› [ISSN 0456-9946 - ISSN 0140-1270] n.s. 1.1977/78 (6) : pp. 325-347

IDN  19525         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Sochor, Lubomir:
The importance of Isaac Deutscher's work : as seen by a Czechoslovak intellectual
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 6.1968 (29) : pp. 738-742

Orig.: Isaac Deutscher
Other ed., versions, transl.: Isaac Deutschers betydelse så som den uppfattas av en tjeckoslovakisk intellektuell

IDN  19526         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Sochor, Lubomir: Isaac Deutscher

In: Literární listy ‹Praha› 1.1968 (11) : p. 10

Other ed., versions, transl.: The importance of Isaac Deutscher's work ; Isaac Deutschers betydelse så som den uppfattas av en tjeckoslovakisk intellektuell

IDN  19527         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Sochor, Lubomir: Isaac Deutschers betydelse så som den uppfattas av en tjeckoslovakisk intellektuell
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Martin F[ahlgren]. - 38 KB (7 pp.)
Orig.: Isaac Deutscher
Other ed., versions, transl.: The importance of Isaac Deutscher's work
Accessed Febr. 22, 2014

IDN  19528         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Stein, Hannes:
Ein Überlebender : vor hundert Jahren wurde der Trotzki-Biograf Isaac Deutscher geboren
In: Die Welt ‹Hamburg; later: Berlin› [ISSN 0173-8437] 2007 (Apr.3) : p. 27

In the online-archive of "Die Welt", this article is stored with title "Warum Isaac Deutscher dem Marxismus verfiel"

IDN  19529         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Straus, Ira Louis: The outcome of Trotskyism in America   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19530         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Syré, Ludger: Isaac Deutscher : Marxist, Publizist, Historiker ; sein Leben und Werk 1907-1967
. - Hamburg : Junius-Verl., 1984. - 422 pp. - (Reihe Forschungsberichte)
ISBN 3-88506-130-9 - ISBN 3-88506-131-7

Table of contents: p.11 Einleitung -- p.21 Isaac Deutschers persönlicher und politischer Werdegang in Polen (1907-1939) (p.22 Deutscher als jüdischer Häretiker -- p.38 Deutscher als kommunistischer Häretiker) -- p.63 Isaac Deutschers Publizistik im Zweiten Weltkrieg (1939-1945) (p.64 Deutschers Eintritt in die britische Publizistik -- p.80 Die Sowjetunion und Europa im Zweiten Weltkrieg -- p.92 Die Sowjetunion im Krieg -- p.104 Polen: von der vierten Teilung zur Volksrepublik -- p.118 Die politische Neuordnung in den ost- und südosteuropäischen Ländern -- p.135 Frankreich und Italien: zwei verpaßte Revolutionen? -- p.147 Deutschland nach dem Zusammenbruch des Nationalsozialismus) -- p.159 Isaac Deutschers Publizistik im ersten Nachkriegsjahrzehnt (1946-1956) (p.160 Deutscher, der Kalte Krieg und der Antikommunismus -- p.182 Die Sowjetunion nach dem Krieg -- p.192 Die Stalinära: Bilanz und Prognosen -- p.208 Die Sowjetunion nach Stalins Tod -- p.225 Die Entstalinisierung und ihre Folgen) -- p.241 Isaac Deutschers Publizistik seit der Tauwetterperiode (1957-1967) (p.242 Von politischer Abstinenz zum praktischen Internationalismus -- p.270 Der Historiker und Publizist Deutscher -- p.283 Die Sowjetunion zwischen dem XX. Parteitag und dem Beginn der Ära Breschnew -- p.304 Der chinesische Weg des Kommunismus -- p.318 Die Sowjetunion, China und der Westen) -- p.336 Schluß: Deutscher, der unvollendete Prophet -- p.339 Anmerkungen -- p.400 Bibliographie -- p.417 Personenregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 400-416
Notes: 1457
Trade ed. of author's diss. with same title, Eberhard-Karls-Univ., Tübingen, 1983

IDN  19531         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Syré, Ludger: Isaac Deutscher, die russische Revolution und das Ende der Sowjetunion
: eine kritische Würdigung
In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0044-2828] 56.2008 (5) : pp. 418-441

Table of contents: p.419 "Jüdischer Ketzer" -- p.422 Trotzkistischer Außenseiter -- p.424 Journalist -- p.428 Biograf Stalins -- p.434 Biograf Trotzkis -- p.437 Sozialistischer Lehrer
Notes: 79

IDN  19532         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Tarbuck, Kenneth John: 10 years without Deutscher

In: International / International Marxist Group ‹London› [ISSN 0020-5788 - ISSN 0308-3217] 4.1977 (1)

Also publ. in: Isaac Deutscher 1907-1967, Worthing, 1992

IDN  19533         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Tilitz, Thomas: Isaac Deutscher : a singular voice on the critical issues of the Russian revolution and Soviet power
. - 120 pp.
New York, NY, Queens College, Thesis (M.A.), 1999

IDN  19534         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Tresse, Pierre: Russia : methods of analysis

In: Dissent ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0012-3846] 1954 (Autumn) : pp. 399-405

IDN  19535         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Unger, Steven: Deutscher and the New Left in America

In: Isaac Deutscher : the man and his work / ed. by D. Horowitz. (London, 1971) : pp. 211-225

Notes: 20

IDN  19536         About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›      Wang Fanxi: Isaac Deutscher, Chen Duxiu, and the Chinese Trotskyists   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19537         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Wasserstein, Bernard: Isaiah Berlin, Isaac Deutscher and Arthur Koestler
: their Jewish wars. - Amsterdam : Menasseh ben Israel Inst., 2009. - 35 pp. - (Menasseh ben Israel Instuut studies ; 2)
ISBN 978-90-806570-6-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: Isaiah Berlin, Isaac Deutscher, Arthur Koestler : controverses et affinités

IDN  19538         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Wasserstein, Bernard: Isaiah Berlin, Isaac Deutscher, Arthur Koestler : controverses et affinités

In: Les cahiers du judaïsme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1029-8878] 2009 (25) : pp. 108-119

Other ed., versions, transl.: Isaiah Berlin, Isaac Deutscher and Arthur Koestler : their Jewish wars

IDN  19539         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Isaac ‹1907-1967›
Willen, Paul: What manner of chance in Russia

In: Dissent ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0012-3846] 1955 (Winter) : pp. 71-75

IDN  19540         LLTB  Chapter  9      Deutscher, Tamara ‹1913-1990›
About: Deutscher, Tamara ‹1913-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Tamara Deutscher, 1913-1990

In: Workers Vanguard ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0276-0746] 1990 (510) : p. 3

IDN  19541         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Tamara ‹1913-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Tamara Deutscher, writer, 77

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1990 (Aug. 9)

IDN  19542         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Tamara ‹1913-1990›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary] Tamara Deutscher (1913-1990)

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1990 (78) : p. 31

IDN  19543         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Tamara ‹1913-1990›
Miliband, Ralph: [Obituary]
An historic partnership
In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1990 (Aug.9)

IDN  19544         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Tamara ‹1913-1990›
Ostrower, Heinz: [Obituary] In memoriam : Tamara Deutscher

In: Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] 42.1991 (11) : pp. 50-51

IDN  19545         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Tamara ‹1913-1990›
Singer, Daniel: [Obituary] Tamara Deutscher

In: The Independent ‹London› [ISSN 0951-9467] 1990 (Aug.10)

IDN  19546         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Deutscher, Tamara ‹1913-1990›
Tarbuck, Kenneth John: [Obituary] Tamara Deutscher (1913-1990)
/ Ken Tarbuck
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 3.1991 (3) : p. 43

IDN  19547         LLTB  Chapter  9      Di Bartolomeo, Nicola ‹1901-1946›
About: Di Bartolomeo, Nicola ‹1901-1946›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Di Bartolomeo, Nicola, dit Fosco, dit Emiliano Vigo, dit Roland
/ P. Broué ; R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 25.1985 : pp. 187-189

IDN  19548         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Di Bartolomeo, Nicola ‹1901-1946›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch]

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1995 (4) : pp. 23-29

Transl. by the author and by Revolutionary History. Written 1986 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Di Bartolomeo's death

IDN  19549         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Di Bartolomeo, Nicola ‹1901-1946›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Di Bartolomeo, Nicola (1901-1946)

In: Biografías del 36 : revolucionarios, extranjeros, judíos, anarquistas, trotskistas ... y otros malditos de la Guerra de España / coord.: P. Casciola y A. Guillamón. (Barcelona, 2016) [=Balance : cuaderno ... ; 39] : pp. 45-55

IDN  19550         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Di Bartolomeo, Nicola ‹1901-1946›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Nicola Di Bartolomeo (1901-1946)

In: Casciola, P.: Appunti di storia del trotskysmo italiano. (Foligno, 1986) : pp. 35-43

Reprinted from: Il comunista (Various places), 7.1986 (20/22)

IDN  19551         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Di Bartolomeo, Nicola ‹1901-1946›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Nicola di Bartolomeo (Fosco) (1901-1946) : 40 anni fa moriva un rivoluzionario

In: Il Comunista / Gruppo Operaio Rivoluzionario ‹Various places› 7.1986 (20/22) : pp. 68-71

Written on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Di Bartolomeo's death

IDN  19552         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Di Bartolomeo, Nicola ‹1901-1946›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Di Bartolomeo, Nicola (1901-1946)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : p. 313

IDN  19553         LLTB  Chapter  9      Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Dobbs, Farrell, 1907-

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 49/52.1975 : p. 150

IDN  19554         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Dobbs, Farrell, 1907-1983

In: Contemporary Authors : New revision series ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0275-7176] 14.1985 : pp. 136-137

IDN  19555         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Farrell Dobbs
[Electronic resource]. - 33 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  19556         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Farrell Dobbs

In: Who are the 18 prisoners in the Minneapolis labor case? (New York, NY, [1944]) : pp. 16-17

IDN  19557         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Tribune internationale - La Vérité ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-3573] 1983 (20) : p. 9

IDN  19558         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Dobbs, Farrell, 1907-1983 : obituary notice

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 111.1984 : p. 144

IDN  19559         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Farrell Dobbs (1907-1983)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1983 (16) : pp. 127-128

IDN  19560         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Farrell Dobbs (1907-1983)
/ Secrétariat Unifié de la IVe Internationale
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1983 (161) : p. 26

IDN  19561         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Farrell Dobbs 1907-1983
/ United Secretariat of the Fourth International
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1983 (40) : p. 12

IDN  19562         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Farrell Dobbs : langjähriger Führer der SWP gestorben

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1983 (158) : p. 36

IDN  19563         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Veteran American Trotskyist
/ Pierre Frank [et al.]
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1983 (40) : p. 12

IDN  19564         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
Le Blanc, Paul: [Biographical sketch] Dobbs, Farrell (1907-83)

In: Encyclopedia of the American Left / ed. by M.J. Buhle [et al.] (New York, NY etc., 1990) : pp. 197-198

IDN  19565         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
Meloney, Shaun: [Obituary] Farrell Dobbs and Marvel Scholl : a tribute

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 2.1984 (5) : pp. 9-10

IDN  19566         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
Sofchalk, Donald Gene: [Biographical sketch] Dobbs, Farrell
/ D.G.S. [i.e. Donald Gene Sofchalk]
In: Biographical dictionary of American labor leaders / ed.-in-chief: G.M. Fink. (Westport, Conn., 1974) : pp. 79-80

IDN  19567         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
Sofchalk, Donald Gene: [Biographical sketch] Dobbs, Farrell (1907-)
/ Donald G. Sofchalk
In: Biographical dictionary of American labor / ed.-in-chief: G.M. Fink. Rev. ed. (Westport, Conn., 1984) : p. 188

IDN  19568         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
Stone, Ben: [Biographical sketch] Farrell Dobbs

In: Stone, B.: Memoirs of a radical rank & filer. (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 111-115

IDN  19569         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dobbs, Farrell ‹1907-1983›
Widgerson, Seth: [Biographical sketch] Dobbs, Farrell (1907-1983)

In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 111-112

IDN  19570         LLTB  Chapter  9      Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ross Dowson
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (1 p.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006

IDN  19571         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ross Dowson

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 2002 (340) : p. 35

IDN  19572         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Dowson, Ross: [Autobiographical sketch] Ross Dowson remembers his first decade in politics
[Electronic resource]. - 29 KB (11 pp.)
"This pamphlet was written by Arnie Mintz. He published it privately in Oct. 1988, with no author's name under the title A sketch of Ross Dowson. ... It is obviously based almost entirely on interviews with Ross Dowson, and should be viewed as Dowson's reminiscences of his first decade in politics"
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006

IDN  19573         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Fidler, Richard: [Obituary] Ross Dowson, 1917-2002
[Electronic resource]. - 21 KB (5 pp.)
Slightly rev. version of an article originally posted in March 2002 on the Marxmail list,
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006

IDN  19574         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Hiebert, Kenneth: [Obituary] Ross Dowson
/ Ken Hiebert
In: New Socialist ‹Toronto, Ont.› [ISSN 1488-2698] 2002 (35)

IDN  19575         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Kopyto, Harry: [Biographical sketch]
A biographical sketch of Ross Dowson [Electronic resource]. - 13 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006

IDN  19576         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Kopyto, Harry: [Obituary] Ross Dowson, revolutionary
: a tribute [Electronic resource]. - 5 KB (1 p.)
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006

IDN  19577         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Kopyto, Harry: Ross Dowson : a short biography
[Electronic resource]. - 106 KB (25 pp.)
"This biographical essay is a compilation based on an original script by Harry Kopyto written on Apr. 1, 2002 for the video/DVD production 'Ross Dowson, Canadian revolutionary 1917-2002' ..."
Accessed March 15, 2009

IDN  19578         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Paine, Harry: [Obituary] Ross Dowson finally rests

In: Socialist Studies Bulletin ‹Winnipeg, Man.› [ISSN 0830-9086] 2002 (66)

IDN  19579         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Ross Dowson resource website
[Electronic resource]
"This website documents the rich political heritage both of Ross Dowson and the movements he led" [from the welcome page]
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006

IDN  19580         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Walkom, Thomas Lawrence: [Obituary] We just don't learn from history
/ Thomas Walkom
In: Toronto Star ‹Toronto, Ont.› [ISSN 0319-0781] 2002 (March 3)

IDN  19581         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dowson, Ross ‹1917-2002›
Weisleder, Barry: [Obituary] Ross Dowson, 1917-2002
: remarks ... on behalf of Socialist Action to a meeting celebrating the life of Ross Dowson, June 8, 2002 in Toronto [Electronic resource]. - 12 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006. - URL defunct as at Oct. 1, 2014

IDN  19582         LLTB  Chapter  9      Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Draper, Hal, 1914-

In: Contemporary Authors : New revision series ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0275-7176] 24.1988 : pp. 166-167

IDN  19583         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Hal Draper
[Electronic resource]. - 46 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 16, 2010

IDN  19584         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Draper, Hal, 1914-1990 : obituary notice

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 130.1990 : p. 120

IDN  19585         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Hal Draper (1914-1990)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (44) : pp. 125-126

IDN  19586         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Hal Draper, 75, socialist writer who recounted Berkeley protest

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1990 (Jan.31)

IDN  19587         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Waiting for Hal Draper

In: Workers Vanguard ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0276-0746] 1990 (495) : p. 3

IDN  19588         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Borgognone, Giovanni:
Il socialismo dal basso : Hal Draper e la rifondazione democratica del marxismo. - Firenze : Olschki, 2008. - XI, 193 pp. - (Studi e testi / Centro di Studi sul Pensiero Politico, Fondazione Luigi Firpo ; 29)
ISBN 978-88-222-5716-1 - ISBN 88-222-5716-2

IDN  19589         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Cohen, Sheila: Why we should recognise the unions
: Marx's and Engels' position on trade unions as expounded in the works of Hal Draper
In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 6.1995/96 (1) : pp. 6-11

IDN  19590         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Finger, Barry: [Obituary] In memoriam : Hal Draper

In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 1990 (14) : pp. 31-32

IDN  19591         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Haberkern, Ernest: [Biographical sketch]
/ E. Haberkern
In: Draper, H.: Socialism from below. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1992) : pp. XI-XIV

IDN  19592         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Haberkern, Ernest: [Obituary] In memoriam : Hal Draper
/ Ernie Haberkern
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 5.1990/91 (1=25) : pp. 48-49

IDN  19593         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Howel, Derek:
The legacy of Hal Draper
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 1991 (52) : pp. 137-149

IDN  19594         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Johnson, Alan: Democratic Marxism - the legacy of Hal Draper
. - 18 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 72
Paper submitted to the International Conference Explorations in the History of U.S. Trotskyism, New York, NY, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000

IDN  19595         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Johnson, Alan: Democratic Marxism - the legacy of Hal Draper

In: Marxism, the millennium and beyond / ed. by M. Cowling [et al.] (Basingstoke, 2000) : pp. 199-220

Rev. version of paper submitted to the Political Studies Association Marxism Specialist Group annual meeting, Ormskirk, Sept. 9-10, 1998

IDN  19596         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Johnson, Alan: [Hal Draper biography]

Attention: Work in progress (with uncertain title proper). - Obviously not yet publ. (as at 2016)

IDN  19597         About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›      Johnson, Alan: The Third Camp as history and a living legacy   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19598         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Matgamna, Sean: Hal Draper and Israel

In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 1998 (50/51) : pp. 62-63

IDN  19599         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Draper, Hal ‹1914-1990›
Wright, Steve: Hal Draper's Marxism

In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 1990 (47) : pp. 157-189

IDN  19600         LLTB  Chapter  9      Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Vincent R. Dunne

In: Who are the 18 prisoners in the Minneapolis labor case? (New York, NY, [1944]) : pp. 17-18

IDN  19601         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Fourth International / International Committee of the Fourth International ‹London; later: Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0015-9204] 7.1970/71 (1) : pp. 42-48

IDN  19602         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Vincent R. Dunne : a twentieth century pioneer

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 8.1970 (8) : pp. 171-173

Partly based on an interview conducted by Harry Ring which was first publ. with title "Interview with a twentieth centuray pioneer", in: The Militant (New York,NY), 1959 (May 4)

IDN  19603         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Vincent Raymond Dunne (1889-1970)

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 28.1970 (42) : p. 59

IDN  19604         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
Memorial meeting honors V.R. Dunne

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 8.1970 (10) : pp. 224-225

IDN  19605         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
Riehle, David: Centennial of Vincent R. Dunne
/ Dave Riehle
In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1989 (63) : pp. 25-26

IDN  19606         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
Sofchalk, Donald Gene: [Biographical sketch] Dunne, Vincent Raymond
/ D.G.S. [i.e. Donald G. Sofchalk]
In: Biographical dictionary of American labor leaders / ed.-in-chief: G.M. Fink. (Westport, Conn., 1974) : pp. 87-88

IDN  19607         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
Sofchalk, Donald Gene: [Biographical sketch] Dunne, Vincent Raymond (1889-1970)
/ Donald G. Sofchalk
In: Biographical dictionary of American labor / ed.-in-chief: G.M. Fink. Rev. ed. (Westport, Conn., 1984) : pp. 199-200

IDN  19608         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Dunne, Vincent Raymond ‹1889-1970›
Widgerson, Seth: [Biographical sketch] Dunne, Vincent (1889-1970)

In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 123-124

IDN  19609         LLTB  Chapter  9      Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch]

In: Encyclopedia of world biography. 2. ed. 5. (Detroit, Mich. [etc.], 1998) : pp. 187-188

IDN  19610         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Eastman, Max (forrester), 1883-

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 11/12.1965 : pp. 122-123

IDN  19611         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Eastman, Max (Forrester), 1883-1969

In: Contemporary Authors : First revision ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0196-0245] 9/12.1974 : pp. 259-260

IDN  19612         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Max Eastman
[Electronic resource]. - 41 KB (4 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  19613         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1969 (March 26) : p. 1

IDN  19614         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1969 (57520=March 27) : p. 12

IDN  19615         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Max Eastman, poet, editor ...

In: Obituaries from The Times ‹Reading› [ISSN 0951-2284] 1961/70 (1975) : pp. 235-236

Reprinted from: The Times (London), 1969 (57520=March 27)

IDN  19616         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Beneke, Jeff: [Biographical sketch] Eastman, Max (1883-1969)

In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 127-129

IDN  19617         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Biel, Steven Howard: Letters and leadership
: forging an independent intellectual community in the United States, 1910-1945. - 436 pp.
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1990

IDN  19618         About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›      Bondi, Victor: The origins of the theory of totalitarianism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Burnham, James ‹1905-1987›

IDN  19619         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Borgognone, Giovanni: Max Eastman

In: Belfagor ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0005-8351] 59.2004 (1) : pp. 35-57

Bibliogr.: pp. 55-57
Publ. as part of series of articles with title "Ritratti critici di contemporanei"

IDN  19620         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Borgognone, Giovanni: Max Eastman e le libertà americane
. - Milano : Angeli, 2004. - 330 pp. - (Collana Gioele Solari [ISSN 1594-5413] ; 43)
ISBN 88-464-5664-5

Based on author's diss., Torino, Univ. degli Studi, 2004

IDN  19621         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Cantor, Milton: Max Eastman
. - New York, NY : Twayne, 1970. - 207 pp. - (Twayne's United States authors series [ISSN 0496-6015] ; 172)
Table of contents: p.15 The shaping years -- p.25 Pre-war years, 1904-1911 -- p.32 Engagement in Bohemia -- p.45 War and peace -- p.57 The 'Masses' and the guns of war -- p.73 The Bolshevik cause, 1917-1921 -- p.84 The pilgrimage of a radical -- p.96 Marxism and Leninism -- p.108 Dewey and Freud -- p.121 The literary mind -- p.144 The pre-war years -- p.158 The native's return -- p.175 Notes and references -- p.195 Selected bibliography -- p.201 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 195-200
Notes: 442

IDN  19622         About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›      David-Fox, Michael: Trockij i ego kritiki o prirode SSSR pri Staline   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  19623         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Diggins, John Patrick: Getting Hegel out of history
: Max Eastman's quarrel with Marxism / John P. Diggins
In: The American Historical Review ‹Various places› [ISSN 0002-8762] 79.1974 (1) : pp. 38-71

Notes: 78

IDN  19624         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Diggins, John Patrick: Up from communism
: conservative odysseys in American intellectual history / John P. Diggins. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1975. - XVII, 522 pp.
ISBN 0-06-011042-2

Table of contents: p.XI Preface -- p.1 Introduction -- p.17 Exorcising Hegel: Max Eastman -- p.74 Organization is death: John Dos Passos -- p.118 The quest for transcendence: Will Herberg -- p.160 The cerebral communist: James Burnham -- p.201 Capitalism and freedom: Eastman -- p.233 Visions of order: Dos Passos -- p.269 From Marxism to existentialism: Herberg -- p.303 Social theory and the Cold War: Burnham -- p.343 To the National Review -- p.387 The postwar intellectual right -- p.423 Conservative paradoxes. -- p.459 Notes -- p.507 Index
Notes: 585

IDN  19625         About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›      Draper, Theodore: The birth of American Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19626         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Dunkel, William Paul: Between two worlds
: Max Eastman, Floyd Dell, John Reed, Randolph Bourne and the revolt against the genteel tradition / William P. Dunkel. - 1-2. - V, 523 pp.
Bethlehem, Penn., Lehigh Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1976

IDN  19627         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Eastman, Max: Love and revolution
: my journey through an epoch. - New York, NY : Random House, 1964. - XIII, 665 pp.

IDN  19628         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Glicksberg, Charles Irving: Max Eastman : literary insurgent

In: The Sewanee Review ‹Sewanee, Tenn.› [ISSN 0037-3052] 44.1936 (3) : pp. 323-337

Notes: 3

IDN  19629         About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›      Goldner, Loren: Max Eastman   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19630         About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›      Goldner, Loren: Max Eastman   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19631         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Goldstein, Cynthia: [Biographical sketch] Max Eastman (4 January 1883 - 25 March 1969)

In: Dictionary of Literary Biography ‹Detroit, Mich., etc.› [ISSN 1096-8547] 91.1990 : pp. 106-116

IDN  19632         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Hansen, Olaf: Bewußtseinsformen literarischer Intelligenz
: Randolph Bourne, Herbert Croly, Max Eastman, V.F. Calverton und Michael Gold. - Stuttgart : Metzler, 1977. - VI, 331 pp.
ISBN 3-476-00350-7

Table of contents: p.1 Einleitung -- p.21 Zum Begriff und zur sozialen Funktion des Intellektuellen - [...] -- p.165 Max Eastman : Handlung und Kontemplation, der Verlust der Einheit - [...]
Bibliogr.: pp. 323-327
Notes: 311
Based on author's "Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit als Gesellschaftskritik", Diss., Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt a.M., 1975

IDN  19633         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Hook, Sidney: Remembering Max Eastman

In: The American Scholar ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0003-0937] 45.1979 (2) : pp. 404-416

IDN  19634         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Irmscher, Christoph: Max Eastman : a life
. - New Haven, Conn. [etc.] : Yale Univ. Pr., 2017. - 434 pp.
ISBN 978-0-300-22256-2 - ISBN 0-300-22256-4

IDN  19635         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Kelly, Pat: De-radicalization
: three case studies. - 86 pp.
Yellow Springs, Ohio, Antioch College, Thesis (Senior project, B.A.), 1974

IDN  19636         About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›      Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: Das Buch Eastmans und das angebliche "Testament" Lenins   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  19637         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Levine, Stephen H.: [Biographical sketch] Eastman, Max Forrester (January 12, 1883 - March 25, 1969)
/ S.H.L. [i.e. Stephen H. Levine]
In: American reformers / ed.: A. Whitman. (New York, NY, 1985) : pp. 266-269

IDN  19638         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Maik, Thomas Alan:
A history of the Masses magazine. - III, 252 pp.
Bowling Green, Ohio, Bowling Green State Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1968

IDN  19639         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Maik, Thomas Alan:
The Masses magazine (1911-1917) : odyssey of an era. - New York, NY : Garland, 1994. - XVII, 254 pp. - (Modern American history)
ISBN 0-8153-1642-9

IDN  19640         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Max Eastman : the man under the table

In: Partisan Review ‹New Brunswick, NJ› [ISSN 0031-2525] 1.1934 (3) : pp. 17-26

IDN  19641         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
McGuire, William: [Biographical sketch] Eastman, Max Forrester (January 4, 1883 - March 25, 1969)
/ William McGuire and Leslie Wheeler
In: McGuire, W.: American social leaders. (Santa Barbara, Cal., 1993) : pp. 144-145

IDN  19642         About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›      Meyer, Albert Joseph: Deradicalization : the case of former Trotskyists   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19643         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Nickle, Melissa Linda: Max Eastman and the Greenwich Village Left, 1900-1929
/ Melissa Nickle. - X, 226 pp.
Irvine, Cal., Univ. of California, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1996
Bibliogr.: pp. 221-226

IDN  19644         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Nixon, Eileen Marie: Max Eastman's theory of humor
. - 130 pp.
Durham, NC, Duke Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1969

IDN  19645         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Novack, George: [Obituary] Portrait of Max Eastman, 1883-1969

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 7.1969 (14) : pp. 365-367

IDN  19646         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Oehler, Hugo: Dialectical materialism : a critique of Max Eastman
. - [S.l.] : Revolutionary Workers League of the U.S., 1941. - 14 pp.

IDN  19647         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
O'Neill, William L.: [Biographical sketch]

In: American national biography / gen. ed. John A. Garraty. 7. (New York, NY [etc.], 1999) : pp. 253-254

IDN  19648         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
O'Neill, William L.:
The last romantic : a life of Max Eastman. - New York, NY : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1978. - XIX, 339 pp.
Table of contents: p.XV Introduction -- p.3 Youth 1883-1912 -- p.30 Starting out 1912-1916 -- p.54 Love and war 1914-1917 -- p.68 Defiant years 1918-1922 -- p.82 Political writings 1918-1922 -- p.100 The great adventure 1922-1928 -- p.121 Politics and literature 1924-1934 -- p.141 The red decade begins 1930-1934 -- p.164 The unmaking of a socialist 1933-1940 -- p.196 Politics 1940-1945 -- p.229 Politics and literature 1942-1969 -- p.260 Eastman in his prime -- p.279 Last years 1949-1969 -- p.297 Notes -- p.329 Index
Notes: 744

IDN  19649         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
O'Neill, William L.:
The last romantic : a life of Max Eastman ; with a new introd. by the author. - New Brunswick [etc.] : Transaction Publ., 1991. - XIX, 339 pp.
ISBN 0-88738-859-0

IDN  19650         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Robbins, Jack Alan: More about Max Eastman

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 7.1969 (18) : p. 470

IDN  19651         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Rothstein, Andrew F.: Since Eastman lied
/ C.M. Roebuck [i.e. Andrew F. Rothstein]
In: The Workers' Monthly ‹Washington, DC› 4.1925 (June) : pp. 369-373

IDN  19652         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Schmidt, Cynthia Bolger: Socialist feminism
: Max Eastman, Floyd Dell and Crystal Eastman. - [Various pag.]
Milwaukee, Wis., Marquete Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1983

IDN  19653         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Smith, Robert Rutherford: [Biographical sketch] Eastman, Max Forrester (b. 4 January 1883, d. 25 March 1969)

In: Biographical dictionary of American journalism / ed. by J.P. McKerns. (New York, NY [etc.], 1989) : pp. 208-210

IDN  19654         About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›      Straus, Ira Louis: The outcome of Trotskyism in America   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19655         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Stricker, Frank A.: Socialism, feminism, and the new morality
: the separate freedoms of Max Eastman, William English Walling, and Floyd Dell, 1910-1930. - III, 206 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974
Bibliogr.: pp. 184-203

IDN  19656         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Lev Trockij i Maks Istmen
: istorija odnoj političeskoj družby / V.V. Švecov
In: Novaja i novejšaja istorija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0029-5124] 1990 (6) : pp. 141-163

Table of contents: p.141 "Nekij Maks Istmen" -- p.144 Zaočnoe znakomstvo -- p.146 V Rossii -- p.148 "Veličajšaja novost' v mire" -- p.149 "Posle smerti Lenina" -- p.155 Politika i kovarstvo -- p.157 Političeskaja družba trebuet jasnosti -- p.160 Eretik stanovitsja renegatom
Notes: 93

IDN  19657         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Wald, Alan Maynard: When Max Eastman was young
[Electronic resource] / Alan Wald. - 25 KB (8 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 23, 2020

IDN  19658         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Wayman, Sandra Jeanne: John Reed and Max Eastman
: an inquiry into the factors which led them to communism. - V, 103 pp.
Lexington, Ky., Univ. of Kentucky, Thesis (M.A.), 1967
Bibliogr.: pp. [104]-[107]

IDN  19659         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Wilson, Edmund: Max Eastman in 1941

In: The New Republic ‹Washington, DC› [ISSN 0028-6583] 104.1941 (Febr.10) : pp. 173-176

IDN  19660         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Wilson, Edmund: Max Eastman in 1941

In: Wilson, E.: Classics and commercials. (New York, NY, 1950) : pp. 57-69

Reprinted from: The New Republic (Washington,DC), 104.1941 (Febr.10)

IDN  19661         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Winslow, Calvin: Max Eastman : journey to the revolution
. - IV, 88, 8 pp.
Yellow Springs, Ohio, Antioch College, Thesis (Senior project, B.A.), 1966

IDN  19662         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Eastman, Max ‹1883-1969›
Wolfe, Bertram David: Eastman revises Marx and corrects Lenin
/ Bertram D. Wolfe
In: The Communist ‹Chicago, Ill.› 6.1927 : pp. 304-312

IDN  19663         LLTB  Chapter  9      Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Epe, Walter Heinz

In: Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / Red.: S. Claus [et al.] 1. (München [etc.], 1980) : p. 159

IDN  19664         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Walter Held
[Electronic resource]. - 33 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 16, 2010

IDN  19665         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] "Walter Held" (Heinz Epe) : biographische Notiz
. - 3 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 17
Unsigned ms., dated Nov. 23, 1977, deposited at Trotsky Collection, Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, Cal., Box 28, folder 12

IDN  19666         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Heinz Epe (Walter Held) (1910-1942)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : p. 265

IDN  19667         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Berens, Peter: [Biographical sketch] Talente, die sich nicht entfalten konnten
: Heinz Epe (Walter Held), 1910-1942
In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 16.2010 (182) : pp. 20-21

IDN  19668         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Breidenbach, Armin: Remscheider war Trotzkis Sekretär
. - [1-2]
In: Remscheider General-Anzeiger ‹Remscheid› 96.1984 (Dec.12=Nr.289) : p.14; 97.1985 (Jan.4=Nr.3) : p. 17

Pt. 2 (pt. 3 by error) with title "Remscheider Student war Trotzkis Sekretär"

IDN  19669         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Epe, Heinz
/ P.B. [i.e. Pierre Broué]
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier international : L'Allemagne / sous la dir. de J. Droz. (Paris, 1990) : pp. 176-177

IDN  19670         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Walter Held
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Martin Fahlgren. - 266 KB (4 pp.)
Notes: 14
Accessed Febr. 24, 2014

IDN  19671         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Walter Held

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (1) : pp. 79-84

Notes: 9
Part of a contribution titled "Quelques proches collaborateurs de Léon Trotsky", in: ibid., pp. 61-85

IDN  19672         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Walter Held
/ transl. from the French by Ted Crawford
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 1.1988 (2) : pp. 7-9

Notes: 9

IDN  19673         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Dahl, Nils Kaare: Some memories of Walter Held

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 1.1988 (2) : pp. 9-11

Notes: 8

IDN  19674         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Lorenz, Einhart: Heinz Epe, Mitarbeiter von Willy Brandt und Leo Trotzki

In: Widerstand und Verfolgung in Remscheid 1933-1945. 2. (Wuppertal, 1986) : pp. 16-26

Notes: 40

IDN  19675         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Lorenz, Einhart: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des politischen Exils in Norwegen am Beispiel Willy Brandt, Heinz Epe, Max Strobl und Jacob Nicolaus Vogel

In: Exilforschung : ein internationales Jahrbuch ‹München› [ISSN 0175-3347] 8.1990 : pp. 174-184

Notes: 58

IDN  19676         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Lorenz, Einhart: Vår kamerat i Oslo
: om Heinz Epe/Walter Held og hans bidrag til a få Trockij til Norge
In: Tidsskrift for Arbeiderbevegelsens Historie ‹Oslo› [ISSN 0332-5539] 11.1986 (1) : pp. 149-161

Notes: 51
On cover: Trotskij i Norge
With German summary

IDN  19677         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Heinz Epe
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 133 KB (5 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19678         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Epe, Heinz ‹1910-1942›
The Walter Held file
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 1.1989 (4) : pp. 39-43

Notes: 8

IDN  19679         LLTB  Chapter  9      Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] André Essel
: un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre [Electronic resource]. - 5 KB (1 p.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed Sept. 25, 2006

IDN  19680         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]
La Fnac salue la mémoire de son fondateur, André Essel [Electronic resource]. - 56 KB (1 p.)
Dated Febr. 1, 2005
Accessed Sept. 5, 2006

IDN  19681         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Mort d'un commercant
: ... adieu, noble coeur [Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (1 p.)
Dated Febr. 26, 2005
Accessed Sept. 5, 2006; URL defunct as at Febr. 15, 2014

IDN  19682         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Bauer, Anne: [Obituary] André Essel : du trotskisme à la FNAC

In: Les Échos : le quotidien de l'économie ‹Paris› [ISSN 0153-4831] 2005 (Febr.2)

IDN  19683         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Doyère, Josée: André Essel : du trotskysme à la Fnac

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2005 (Febr.2) : p. 12

"Modifié par la rédaction, cet article avait été rédigé par notre collaboratrice Josée Doyère, décédée en 2001" [editorial note]

IDN  19684         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Essel, André: Je voulais changer le monde
. - [Paris] : Stock, 1985. - 453 pp.
ISBN 2-234-01875-7 - ISBN 978-2-234-01875-4

IDN  19685         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Essel, André: Je voulais changer le monde
. - [Paris] : Stock, 1985. - 478 pp. - (Le livre de poche [ISSN 0248-3653] ; 6406)
ISBN 2-253-04338-9 - ISBN 978-2-253-04338-6

IDN  19686         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Essel, André: Je voulais changer le monde
. - 2. éd. - [Paris] : Librairie Générale Française, 1987. - 478 pp. - (Le livre de poche [ISSN 0248-3653] ; 6406)
ISBN 2-253-04338-9 - ISBN 978-2-253-04338-6

IDN  19687         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Essel, André: Je voulais changer le monde
. Suivi d'entretiens avec Perle Scemla. - [Paris] : Mémoire du Livre, 2001. - 474 pp.
ISBN 2-913867-29-4 - ISBN 978-2-913867-29-1

IDN  19688         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Essel André, dit Lessart, dit Lenotre, dit Dunoyer
/ R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 27.1986 : pp. 88-89

IDN  19689         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Essel André, dit Lessart, dit Lenotre, dit Dunoyer
/ R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

Slightly rev. version publ. in: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] (Paris), 6.2010, pp. 13156-13157 [& later cum. vols. of the CD-ROM ed.]

IDN  19690         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Salles, Alain: [Biographical sketch] De Trotski à la Fnac

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2002 (Jan.18)

On the occasion of the new ed. of Essel's "Je voulais changer le monde", Paris, 2001

IDN  19691         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Essel, André ‹1918-2005›
Solano, Wilebaldo: [Obituary]
El último saludo a André Essel [Electronic resource]. - 5 KB (1 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 5, 2006

IDN  19692         LLTB  Chapter  9      Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ernst Federn
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed Aug. 15, 2008

IDN  19693         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ernst Federn (1914-2007)

In: Mitteilungen / Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes ‹Wien› [ISSN 1016-0876] 2007 (183) : p. 6

IDN  19694         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ernst Federn, 1914-2007
[Electronic resource]. - 17 KB (1 p.)
Dated June 27, 2007
Accessed Aug. 15, 2008. URL defunct as at Sept. 1, 2016

IDN  19695         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Ernst Federn - Versuche zur Psychologie des Terrors
/ Roland Kaufhold (Hg.). - Gießen : Psychosozial-Verl., 1998. - 244 pp. - (Reihe Edition psychosozial)
ISBN 3-932133-47-1 - ISBN 978-3-932133-47-3

Bibliogr.: pp. 237-244
Pt. 3, "Studien über Ernest Federns Versuche zur Psychologie des Terrors", contains 3 major contributions about Federn: Das Leben Ernest Federns im absoluten Terror des nationalsozialistischen Lagersystems / Berhard Kuschey ; Überleben im Terror : Ernst Federns Geschichte / Wilhelm Rösing und Maritha Barthel-Rösing ; Material zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse und der psychoanalytischen Pädagogik : zum Briefwechsel zwischen Bruno Bettelheim und Ernst Federn

IDN  19696         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Federn, Ernst:
Ein Leben im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert : Ernst Federn [Sound recording] / Tonbuch und Vertonung: Ursi Aeschbacher [et al.]. - Freiburg i. Br. : Lambertus, 1998. - 1 sound cassettte in container. - (Ton-Texte)
ISBN 3-7841-1087-8

IDN  19697         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Federn, Ernst:
Ein Leben mit der Psychoanalyse : von Wien über Buchenwald und die USA zurück nach Wien / aus dem Engl. übers. von Theresa M. Bullinger. Überarb. von Bernd Neubauer. - Gießen : Psychosozial-Verl., 1999. - 343 pp. - (Reihe Edition psychosozial)
ISBN 3-932133-86-2

Orig.: Witnessing psychoanalysis

IDN  19698         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Federn, Ernst: Witnessing psychoanalysis
: from Vienna back to Vienna via Buchenwald and the USA. - London : Karnac Books, 1990. - XXIV, 308 pp.
ISBN 0-946439-57-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Ein Leben mit der Psychoanalyse

IDN  19699         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kaufhold, Roland: Bettelheim, Ekstein, Federn : Impulse für die psychoanalytisch-pädagogische Bewegung
/ mit einem Vorw. von Ernst Federn. - Gießen : Psychosozial-Verl., 2001. - 313 pp. - (Psychoanalytische Pädagogik ; 12)
ISBN 3-89806-069-1

Bibliogr.: pp. 291-313

IDN  19700         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kaufhold, Roland: [Biographical sketch] Traumatisierung überleben und verarbeiten
: Leben und Werk des Pioniers der Psychoanalyse Ernst Federn
In: Gerade in schwierigen Zeiten : Gemeindepsychiatrie verankern / M. Krisor (Hrsg.) (Lengerich [etc.], 2007) : pp. 182-199

IDN  19701         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kaufhold, Roland: Biographische Kontinuität, Emigration und psychoanalytisch-pädagogisches Engagement
: Laudatio auf Ernst Federn zu seinem 90. Geburtstag
In: Psychosozial ‹Gießen› [ISSN 0171-3434] 28.2005 (2=100) : pp. 75-83

IDN  19702         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kaufhold, Roland: [Obituary] Erinnerung an Ernst Federn, Pionier der psychoanalytischen Pädagogik und Sozialarbeiter (26.8.1914 - 24.6.2007)

In: Kinderanalyse ‹Stuttgart› [ISSN 0942-6051] 2007 (4) : pp. 381-387

IDN  19703         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kaufhold, Roland: [Obituary] Ernst Federn (26.08.1914-24.06.2007)
: Erinnerung an einen Pionier der psychoanalytischen Pädagogik und Sozialarbeiter
In: Psychosozial ‹Gießen› [ISSN 0171-3434] 30.2007 (3=110) : pp. 127-130

IDN  19704         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kaufhold, Roland: [Obituary] In memoriam : Ernst Federn (26.08.1914-24.06.2007)

In: Luzifer-Amor : Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse ‹Tübingen› [ISSN 0933-3347] 2008 (41) : pp. 127-130

IDN  19705         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kaufhold, Roland:
Ein psychoanalytischer Pionier : Ernst Federn zum 90. Geburtstag
In: Tribüne : Zeitschrift zum Verständnis des Judentums ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0041-2716] 2004 (2=170) : pp. 44-48

Also publ. as online resource with title "Hommage an Ernst Federn : der Psychoanalytiker Ernest Federn wird 90"

IDN  19706         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kuschey, Bernhard:
Die Ausnahme des Überlebens : Ernst und Hilde Federn ; eine biographische Studie und eine Analyse der Binnenstrukturen des Konzentrationslagers. - 1-2. - Gießen : Psychosozial-Verl., 2003. - 1082 pp. - (Reihe Edition psychosozial)
ISBN 3-89806-173-6 - ISBN 978-3-89806-173-5

1. 516 pp.
2. pp. 525-1082
Bibliogr.: pp. 1040-1064

IDN  19707         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Kuschey, Bernhard: [Obituary] Nachruf auf Ernst Federn (1914-2007)

In: Zwischenwelt : Literatur, Widerstand, Exil ‹Wien› [ISSN 1606-4321] 24.2007 (1/2) : p. 40

IDN  19708         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Plänkers, Tomas: Vertreibung und Rückkehr : Interviews zur Geschichte Ernst Federns und der Psychoanalyse
/ Tomas Plänkers ; Ernst Federn. - Tübingen : Ed. diskord, 1994. - 237 pp.
ISBN 3-89295-586-7

Bibliogr.: pp. 225-237

IDN  19709         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Die Psychoanalyse kritisch nützen und sozial anwenden : Ernst Federn zum 90. Geburtstag. - Wien : Theodor-Kramer-Ges., 2006. - 148 pp. + supplementary DVD
ISBN 3-901602-26-7 - ISBN 978-3-901602-26-9


IDN  19710         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Federn, Ernst ‹1914-2007›
Roudinesco, Elisabeth: [Obituary] Ernst Federn : nécrologie

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2007 (July 6)

IDN  19711         LLTB  Chapter  9      Ferguson, Duncan ‹1901-1974›
About: Ferguson, Duncan ‹1901-1974›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Duncan Ferguson (political activist)

Wikipedia article
Accessed July 20, 2016

IDN  19712         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ferguson, Duncan ‹1901-1974›
Lubitz, Wolfgang:
The Trotsky sculptors Ferguson & Sheridan [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 49 KB (5 pp.)
Biographical sketches about the Trotsky sculptors Duncan P. Ferguson (1901-1974) and Clare C. Sheridan (1885-1970)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19713         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ferguson, Duncan ‹1901-1974›
Wald, Alan Maynard: Sculptor on the left
: Duncan Ferguson's search for wholeness / Alan Wald
In: Pembroke Magazine ‹Pembroke, NC› [ISSN 0097-496X] 19.1987 : pp. 32-56

Notes: 75

IDN  19714         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Ferguson, Duncan ‹1901-1974›
Wald, Alan Maynard: Sculptor on the left
: Duncan Ferguson's search for wholeness / Alan M. Wald
In: Wald, A.M.: The responsibility of intellectuals. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ [etc.], 1992) : pp. 3-38

Notes: 76
Reprinted from: Pembroke Magazine (Pembroke, NC), 19.1987

IDN  19715         LLTB  Chapter  9      Filiâtre, Roland ‹1900-1991›
About: Filiâtre, Roland ‹1900-1991›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Roland Filiâtre (1900-1991)

In: Documents sur la question juive et la révolution palestinienne. (Paris, 1991) : p. 2

IDN  19716         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Filiâtre, Roland ‹1900-1991›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Roland Filiâtre (1900-1991)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1992 (47) : p. 124

IDN  19717         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Filiâtre, Roland ‹1900-1991›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Filiâtre, Roland, Nicolas, Benoît
/ J.-M. Brabant et Cl. Pennetier
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 28.1986 : pp. 22-23

IDN  19718         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Filiâtre, Roland ‹1900-1991›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Filiatre, Roland, Nicolas, Benoît
/ J.-M. Brabant et Cl. Pennetier
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  19719         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Filiâtre, Roland ‹1900-1991›
Craipeau, Yvan: [Obituary]

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1991 (Oct.3)

IDN  19720         LLTB  Chapter  9      Fischer, Karl ‹1918-1963›
About: Fischer, Karl ‹1918-1963›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Fischer, Karl, geb. 23. Sept. 1918, gest. 1. März 1963 Wien

In: Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / Red.: S. Claus [et al.] 1. (München [etc.], 1980) : p. 177

IDN  19721         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fischer, Karl ‹1918-1963›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Maria et Karl Fischer

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1980 (5) : pp. 106-107

IDN  19722         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fischer, Karl ‹1918-1963›
Cassard, Jean-Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Karl Fischer

In: Cassard, J.-P.: Les trotskystes en France pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale (1939-1944). (Paris, ca. 1988) : pp. 151-152

IDN  19723         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fischer, Karl ‹1918-1963›
Hindels, Josef: [Obituary] Schicksal einer Generation
: zum Tode Karl Fischers
In: Arbeit und Wirtschaft ‹Wien› [ISSN 0003-7656] 1963 (5) : pp. 26-27

IDN  19724         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fischer, Karl ‹1918-1963›
Keller, Fritz: [Biographical sketch]

In: Die Linke ‹Wien› [ISSN 0259-6318] 1992 (6/7)

IDN  19725         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fischer, Karl ‹1918-1963›
Keller, Fritz: In den Gulag von Ost und West
: Karl Fischer, Arbeiter und Revolutionär. - Frankfurt a.M. : ISP-Verl., 1980. - 169 pp.
ISBN 3-88332-046-3

Table of contents: p.5 Vorwort -- p.9 Der Feind am Ballhausplatz -- p.37 Hinter der Maginotlinie -- p.57 Fraternisation prolétarienne, proletarische Verbrüderung -- p.77 Moorsoldaten -- p.93 Erste Heimkehr -- p.103 Archipel Gulag -- p.143 Zweite Heimkehr -- p.149 Anhang -- p.153 Zeittafel -- p.160 Quellennachweis -- p.166 Literaturliste -- p.168 Personenregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 160-167
Notes: 85

IDN  19726         LLTB  Chapter  9      Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Boris Fraenkel
: un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre [Electronic resource]. - 19 KB (2 pp.)
Dated May 7, 2006
Accessed May 15, 2006

IDN  19727         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Boris Fraenkel : un militant trotskiste inclassable

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2001 (June 6)

IDN  19728         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Boris Fraenkel est mort
[Electronic resource]. - 10 KB (1 p.)
Dated May 2, 2006
Accessed May 6, 2006
URL defunct as at Apr. 15, 2010

IDN  19729         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Mort de Boris Fraenkel

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 2006 (2157) : p. 2

Signed: LCR

IDN  19730         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Suicide de l'intellectuel Boris Fraenkel, l'homme qui a révélé le passé trotskiste de Lionel Jospin

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2006 (May 1)

IDN  19731         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
Aeschimann, Éric: [Obituary] Mort de Fraenkel, maître en trotskisme
: né a Gdansk en 1921, longtemps apatride, il cofondra l'OCI, dont il fut exclu, et forma Jospin
In: Libération ‹Paris› [ISSN 0335-1793] 2006 (May 2)

IDN  19732         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
Birnbaum, Jean: [Obituary] Boris Fraenkel : figure du trotskisme français
/ Jean Birnbaum et Ariane Chemin
In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2006 (May 6)

IDN  19733         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
Fraenkel, Boris: Boris Fraenkel - parcours d'un "militant" engagé dans son temps
[Film]. - Nanterre : BDIC, 2000. - 1 videocassette (videorecording, VHS), running time: 54 min. - (Mémoires vivantes)
Filmed interviews conducted by Sonia Combe et al. between 1996 and 2000

IDN  19734         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
Fraenkel, Boris: Entretien avec Boris Fraenkel
: café de la gare de Lyon, samedi 6 mars 2004
In: Landais, K.: Passions militantes et rigueur historienne. 1. (Cabrières d'Aigues, 2006) : pp. 355-374

Notes: 3
Interview conducted by Karim Landais

IDN  19735         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
Fraenkel, Boris: Profession: révolutionnaire
/ avec la collab. de Sonia Combe. [Préf.: Antoine Spire]. - Latresne : Le Bord de l'Eau, 2004. - 199 pp. - (Collection "Clair & net")
ISBN 2-911803-90-6 - ISBN 978-2-911803-90-1


IDN  19736         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
Krusche, Lutz: Nachhilfestunden für Revolutionäre

In: Berliner Zeitung ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0947-174X] 57.2001 (July 24) : p. 3

IDN  19737         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
Leick, Romain:
"Eine seltene Perle" : Premier Jospin macht die trotzkistische Vergangenheit zu schaffen ; sein einstiger Mentor ist ein Danziger Jude
In: Der Spiegel ‹Hamburg› [ISSN 0038-7452] 55.2001 (25) : pp. 132-133

About Boris Fraenkel

IDN  19738         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fraenkel, Boris ‹1921-2006›
Löwy, Michael: [Biographical sketch] Fraenkel, Boris
/ Michael Löwy ; Enzo Traverso
In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 5.2009 : pp. 279-280

IDN  19739         LLTB  Chapter  9      Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Frank, Pierre

In: Encyclopédie politique française / [éd.:] E. Ratier. 1. (Paris, 1992) : p. 274

IDN  19740         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Pierre Frank
[Electronic resource]. - 32 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  19741         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]
/ déclaration de la LCR et du Secrétariat Unifié de la IVe Internationale
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1984 (172) : p. 27

IDN  19742         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]
/ declaration of the Fourth International and the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1984 (52)

IDN  19743         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]
/ Secrétariat Unifié de la IVe Internationale ; Bureau Politique de la LCR
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1984 (1109)

IDN  19744         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Dirigeant trotskiste : M. Pierre Frank est mort

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 1984 (Apr.19) : p. 7

IDN  19745         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Frank (1905-1984)

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1984 (7) : p. 33

IDN  19746         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Frank (1905-1984)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1984 (18) : pp. 124-126

IDN  19747         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Frank (1905-1984)

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1984 (172) : p. 27

IDN  19748         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Frank (1905-1984)

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1984 (52)

IDN  19749         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Frank (1905-1984)

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] Sér.3. 42.1984 (14) : pp. 3-4

IDN  19750         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Frank : 1905-1984

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 2.1984 (5) : p. 5

IDN  19751         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Frank : un révolutionnaire comme on n'en fait plus

In: Libération ‹Paris› [ISSN 0335-1793] 1984 (Apr.19) : p. 10

IDN  19752         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Frank n'est plus

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1984 (1109)

IDN  19753         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Adieu, Pierre!

In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1984 (1111) : p. 11

About the funeral celebration at Père Lachaise cemetary, Paris, April 27, 1984

IDN  19754         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Burnett, Peter: [Obituary] Pierre Frank

In: The Journal of Communist Studies ‹London› [ISSN 0268-4535] 1.1985 (1) : p. 90

IDN  19755         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Cynober, Julien: [Biographical sketch] Pierre Frank (1905-1984)

In: Cynober, J.: La presse trotskyste en France de la libération à la grève Renault d'avril-mai 1947. (Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X, 1999) : p. 142-143

IDN  19756         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Frank, Pierre (1905-1984)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : p. 313

IDN  19757         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Éloge militant du temps
: les obsèques du dirigeant trotskiste Pierre Frank
In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 1984 (May 2) : p. 8

About the funeral celebration at Père Lachaise cemetary, Paris, Apr. 27, 1984

IDN  19758         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Frank, Pierre: Cinquante-cinq ans au service du trotskysme et de la révolution
: un entretien avec Pierre Frank ; texte inédit
In: Critique communiste ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] [N.s.] 1984 (29) : pp. 13-16

Interview conducted by Rodolphe Prager, May 1977, edited by P. Frank, March 1978

IDN  19759         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Krivine, Hubert: [Obituary] Enthousiaste, trotskyste et lucide
/ Hubert Sandor [i.e. Hubert Krivine]
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1984 (1110) : p. 8

IDN  19760         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Pierre Frank
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 233 KB (11 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19761         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Pierre Frank (1905-1984)

In: Perspectiva internacional ‹São Paulo› 1984 (8/9)

IDN  19762         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Pierre Frank (1905-1984)

In: Frank, P.: Revolution & counter-revolution in Europe from 1918 to 1968. (Amsterdam [etc.], 2010) : pp. 11-15

Reprinted from: International Viewpoint (Various places), 1984 (52)

IDN  19763         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Pierre Frank est mort : une génération de combattants révolutionnaires qui s'éteint

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1984 (172) : pp. 25-26

IDN  19764         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Pierre Frank is dead : a generation of revolutionary fighters is vanishing

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1984 (52) : pp. 15-16

IDN  19765         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Pierre und die IV. Internationale

In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 17.1984 (378) : p. 4

Pierre=Pierre Frank
At head of title: Pierre Frank (1906[sic!]-84)

IDN  19766         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary]
Le témoignage d'Ernest Mandel
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1984 (1110) : pp. 8-9

IDN  19767         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Who was Pierre Frank?

In: Frank, P.: The long march of the Trotskyists. (London, 2010) : pp. 196-198

IDN  19768         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Novack, George: Tribute to Pierre Frank
: for six decades a Bolshevik-Leninist
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 23.1985 (16) : pp. 498-499

IDN  19769         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
O'Malley, Philomena: Farewell to Pierre Frank

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1984 (53) : p. 25

About the funeral celebrations at Père Lachaise cemetary, Paris, Apr. 27, 1984

IDN  19770         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
O'Malley, Philomena: Farewell to Pierre Frank

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 2.1984 (6) : p. 3

Reprinted from: International Viewpoint (Montreuil), 1984 (53)
About the funeral celebration at Père Lachaise cemetary, Paris, Apr. 27, 1984

IDN  19771         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Pour un portrait de Pierre Frank
: écrits et témoignages. - Montreuil : La Brèche-PEC, 1985. - 204 pp. - (Collection Les nôtres [ISSN 0761-2370])
ISBN 2-902524-37-4

Table of contents: p.7 Introduction/M. Lequenne -- p.9 Notice biographique -- p.13 Ma vie avec Pierre/M. Métayer -- p.18 Amis d'enfance/M. Braguinsky -- p.21 Par-dessus l'abîme de la guerre/V. Gervasini -- p.24 Les années d'exil 1939-1946/R. Prager -- p.46 Pierre, mon ami/E. Mauricio -- p.48 Une collaboration de trente-huit ans/E. Mandel -- p.56 Un demi-siècle de détermination et de modestie/L. Maitan -- p.61 Un bolchevik-léniniste/G. Novack -- p.66 Personnification du trotskysme/M. Lequenne -- p.73 Un rôle décisif pour la génération de 68 -- p.76 Pierre, qui savait parer les contrecoups/J. Monetta [recte: Moneta] -- p.84 Dernier hommage/M.-A. Waters - [p.88-95: photographs] -- p.97 Ecrits [selection from P. Frank's writings]
Bibliogr.: p. [205]

IDN  19772         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Prager, Rodolphe:
Les années de l'exil, 1939-1946
In: Prager, R.: Quelques regards sur l'histoire du mouvement trotskyste / a cura di P. Casciola. (Firenze, 2004) : pp. 26-41

Reprinted from: Pour un portrait de Pierre Frank, Montreuil 1985, pp. 24-45

IDN  19773         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Frank, Pierre
/ R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 28.1986 : pp. 246-250

IDN  19774         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Frank, Pierre
/ R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  19775         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Frank, Pierre

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 5.2009

See also online version with URL:

IDN  19776         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Pierre Frank : 1905-1984
/ [Rodolphe Prager]
In: Critique communiste ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] N.s. 1984 (29) : pp. 7-12

Preprinted from "Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939" (Paris), 28.1986

IDN  19777         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Prager, Rodolphe: Quand il était minuit dans le siècle
: un vétéran se souvient
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 1984 (1110) : p. 9

IDN  19778         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frank, Pierre ‹1905-1984›
Turpin, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Frank, Pierre

In: Turpin, P.: Le trotskysme aujourd'hui. (Paris, 1988) : pp. 173-174

IDN  19779         LLTB  Chapter  9      Frankel, Jan ‹1906-1984›
About: Frankel, Jan ‹1906-1984›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Jan Frankel

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (1) : pp. 67-71

Part of a contribution titled "Quelques proches collaborateurs de Léon Trotsky", in: ibid., pp. 61-85

IDN  19780         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frankel, Jan ‹1906-1984›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Jan Frankel
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 97 KB (4 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19781         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frankel, Jan ‹1906-1984›
Vogelsanger, David: [Biographical sketch] Frankel, Jan ("François", 1906-?)

In: Vogelsanger, D.: Trotzkismus in der Schweiz. (Zürich, 1986) : pp. 220-221

IDN  19782         LLTB  Chapter  9      Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Freund dit Moulin (1912-1937)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (3) : p. 135

IDN  19783         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Hans David Freund (Winter, Moulin) (1912-1937)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : p. 267

IDN  19784         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
Batou, Jean: [Biographical sketch] Hans Freund (1912-1937), ein Meteor im Zeitalter der Extreme
/ Übers. aus dem Franz.: Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2012 (3) : pp. 50-51

IDN  19785         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
Batou, Jean: [Biographical sketch]
Un météore au siècle des extrêmes : Hans Freund (1912-1937)
In: Solidarités : bimensuel socialiste, féministe, écologiste ‹Genève› 2012 (205) : p. 18

Other ed., versions, transl.: Un meteoro en el siglo de los extremos

IDN  19786         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
Batou, Jean: [Biographical sketch]
Un meteoro en el siglo de los extremos : Hans Freund (1912-1937) [Electronic resource] / trad.: Faustino Eguberri. - 7 KB (2 pp.)
Orig.: Un météore au siècle des extrêmes
Accessed Nov. 15, 2013

IDN  19787         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
Dorn, Friedrich: [Biographical sketch] Hans David Freund (1912-1937) : biographische Notiz

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2006 (418/419) : pp. 29-30

IDN  19788         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
Huber, Peter: [Biographical sketch] Freund Hans David (1912-?)

In: Huber, P.: Stalins Schatten in die Schweiz. (Zürich, 1994) : p. 419

IDN  19789         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
Rosés Cordovilla, Sergí: [Biographical sketch] Hans David Freund (1912-1937)
/ Sergi Rosés
In: Biografías del 36 : revolucionarios, extranjeros, judíos, anarquistas, trotskistas ... y otros malditos de la Guerra de España / coord.: P. Casciola y A. Guillamón. (Barcelona, 2016) [=Balance : cuaderno ... ; 39] : pp. 99-100

IDN  19790         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Freund, Hans David ‹1912-1937›
Vogelsanger, David: [Biographical sketch] Freund, Hans David ("Moulin", "Winter", 1912-1937)

In: Vogelsanger, D.: Trotzkismus in der Schweiz. (Zürich, 1986) : p. 221

IDN  19791         LLTB  Chapter  9      Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Dr. Josef Frey - Begründer des österreichischen Trotzkismus

In: Internationale Perspektiven : marxistisches Informationsbulletin ‹Paris ; Wien› 2.1967 (2) : pp. 8-9

IDN  19792         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Frey, Josef, Dr. jur., Parteifunktionär ...

In: Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / Red.: S. Claus [et al.] 1. (München [etc.], 1980) : p. 195

IDN  19793         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Josef Frey

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1980 (5) : pp. 104-105

IDN  19794         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Josef Frey zum Gedenken

In: Die Internationale : theoretisches Organ des revolutionären Marxismus ‹Wien; later: Paris; later: Mannheim› [ISSN 0535-4005] 2.1957 (2) : pp. 36-38

IDN  19795         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Joseph [sic!] Frey (1882-1957)

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 15.1957 (4/6) : p. 12

IDN  19796         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
Haupt, Georges: [Biographical sketch] Frey, Josef
/ G.H. [i.e. Georges Haupt]
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier international : L'Autriche / sous la dir. de J. Maitron [et al.] (Paris, 1971) : pp. 103-104

IDN  19797         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
Lazitch, Branko: [Biographical sketch] Frey, Joseph [sic!]
/ Branko Lazitch in collab. with Milorad M. Drachkovitch
In: Lazitch, B.: Biographical dictionary of the Comintern. New, rev. and expanded ed. (Stanford, Cal., 1986) : pp. 124-125

IDN  19798         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
Vogelsanger, David: [Biographical sketch] Frey, Josef ("Wilhelm Hirt", "Dallet", 1882-1957)

In: Vogelsanger, D.: Trotzkismus in der Schweiz. (Zürich, 1986) : pp. 221-222

IDN  19799         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Frey, Josef ‹1882-1957›
Wegner, Eric: [Biographical sketch] Josef Frey - Revolutionär und Spitzenfußballer
[Electronic resource]. - 29 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Jan. 5, 2010
Accessed July 27, 2012

IDN  19800         LLTB  Chapter  9      Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Peter Fryer
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (1 p.)
Wikipedia article as at Nov. 26, 2006
Accessed Dec. 5, 2006

IDN  19801         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Peter Fryer : writer, journalist and influential socialist

In: Yorkshire Post ‹Leeds› [ISSN 0963-1496] 2006 (Nov.4)

IDN  19802         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Barros, Roberto: [Obituary] Homenaje al Peter Fryer (1927-2006), periodista socialista, investigador y cronista de la revolución húngara
[Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Nov. 23, 2006
Accessed Dec. 5, 2006. - URL defunct as at Oct. 1, 2014

IDN  19803         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Bourne, Jenny: [Obituary] Chronicler of black history dies
[Electronic resource]. - 10 KB (1 p.)
Publ. as "IRR news" on Nov. 6, 2006
Accessed Dec. 5, 2006

IDN  19804         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Brotherstone, Terry: [Obituary] Peter Fryer : communist journalist who told the truth about Hungary 1956

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2006 (Nov.3)

IDN  19805         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Coates, Ken: [Obituary] Peter Fryer (1929 [recte:1927]-2006)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2007 (4) : pp. 295-299

IDN  19806         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Flett, Keith: [Obituary] Peter Fryer 1927-2006 : obituary
[Electronic resource]
In: Socialist Worker Online [Electronic journal] 2006 (2026=Nov.11) : 19 KB (2 pp.)

Accessed Nov. 20, 2006

IDN  19807         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Fraser, Peter D.: [Biographical sketch] Fryer, Peter James (1927-2006), journalist and historian
[Electronic resource]. - 1.5 KB (2 p.)
In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [Electronic resource] ‹Oxford etc.›

Publ. Jan. 2010
Accessed Jan. 6, 2012

IDN  19808         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Kearney, Patrick John:
A bibliography of the books and journalism of Peter Fryer [Electronic resource] / [comp. by Patrick J. Kearney]. - 30 KB (15 pp.)
Accessed Nov. 10, 2006

IDN  19809         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Matgamna, Sean: [Obituary] Peter Fryer
/ John O'Mahony [i.e. Sean Matgamna]
In: Solidarity and Workers' Liberty ‹London› 2006 (102)

IDN  19810         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Plant, John: [Obituary] Peter Fryer
/ J.J. Plant
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2007 (4) : pp. 299-301

IDN  19811         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Fryer, Peter ‹1927-2006›
Pottins, Charles: [Obituary] Goodbye to a good comrade
[Electronic resource] / Charlie Pottins. - 25 KB (5 pp.)
Accessed Dec. 1, 2006

IDN  19812         LLTB  Chapter  9      Gee, Kenneth ‹1915-2008›
About: Gee, Kenneth ‹1915-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Kenneth Gee QC, 1915-2008

In: Sydney Institute Quarterly (Sydney, N.S.W.) [ISSN 1441-4074] 2008 (32) : p. 36

Originally publ. in: Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney)

IDN  19813         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gee, Kenneth ‹1915-2008›
Gee, Kenneth: Comrade Roberts : recollections of a Trotskyite
. - Leichhardt, N.S.W. : Desert Pea Pr., 2006. - 207 pp.
ISBN 1-87686-109-6 - ISBN 978-1-87686-109-4

Autobiography. - Kenneth Gee was known as "comrade Roberts" during his time in the Australian Trotskyist movement

IDN  19814         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gee, Kenneth ‹1915-2008›
Gee, Kenneth: My life as comrade Roberts in the mid 1940s

In: Sydney Papers (Sydney, N.S.W.) [ISSN 1035-7068] 18.2006 (2) : pp. 136-142

Autobiographical contribution

IDN  19815         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gee, Kenneth ‹1915-2008›
Gee, Kenneth:
A Trotskyite boyhood : an exercise in entrism / comrade Roberts [i.e. Kenneth Gee]. - [1]-3
In: Quadrant : Q ‹Sydney, N.S.W.› [ISSN 0033-5002] 30.1986 (5) : pp. 51-56; 30.1986 (6) : pp. 37-41; 30.1986 (7/8) : pp. 29-34

IDN  19816         LLTB  Chapter  9      Geldman, Max ‹1905-1988›
About: Geldman, Max ‹1905-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Max Geldman (1905-1988)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1989 (37) : p. 126

IDN  19817         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Geldman, Max ‹1905-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Max Geldman (1905-1988)

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1989 (156) : p. 27

IDN  19818         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Geldman, Max ‹1905-1988›
Evans, Leslie: [Obituary] In honor of Max Geldman
/ Les Evans
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 4.1989/90 (1) : pp. 51-52

IDN  19819         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Geldman, Max ‹1905-1988›
Houtman, Andrea: [Obituary]
A lifetime in the struggle
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 3.1988/89 (6) : pp. 17-18

IDN  19820         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Geldman, Max ‹1905-1988›
Sell, Evelyn: [Obituary] Max Geldman (1905-1988)

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1989 (60) : p. 30

IDN  19821         LLTB  Chapter  9      Gervasini, Virginia ‹1915-1993›
About: Gervasini, Virginia ‹1915-1993›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Virginia Gervasini, alias Sonia et Maria (1915-1993)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (52) : p. 127

IDN  19822         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gervasini, Virginia ‹1915-1993›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Gervasini, Virginia (1915-1993)

In: Biografías del 36 : revolucionarios, extranjeros, judíos, anarquistas, trotskistas ... y otros malditos de la Guerra de España / coord.: P. Casciola y A. Guillamón. (Barcelona, 2016) [=Balance : cuaderno ... ; 39] : pp. 100-107

IDN  19823         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gervasini, Virginia ‹1915-1993›
Casciola, Paolo: [Obituary] Virginia Gervasini (1915-1993)

In: Gervasini, V.: Gli insegnamenti della sconfitta della rivoluzione spagnola (1937-1939). (Foligno, 1993) : pp. 3-5

IDN  19824         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gervasini, Virginia ‹1915-1993›
Casciola, Paolo: [Obituary] Virginia Gervasini (1915-1993)

In: Voce operaia ‹Foligno› N.s. 10.1993 (42) : p. 10

IDN  19825         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gervasini, Virginia ‹1915-1993›
Casciola, Paolo: [Obituary] Virginia Gervasini (1915-1993)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1995 (4) : pp. 104-107

IDN  19826         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gervasini, Virginia ‹1915-1993›
Casciola, Paolo: Virginia Gervasini
. Suivi de: La cause de la débâcle d'Espagne / Virginia Gervasini. - Foligno : Centro Studi Pietro Tresso, 1994. - 32 pp.

IDN  19827         LLTB  Chapter  9      Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Frank Glass (Li Furen) (1901-1988)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1988 (35) : pp. 124-125

IDN  19828         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] In China and the USA
/ Prometheus Research Library
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 1.1988 (2) : p. 4

IDN  19829         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Alvin, Milton: [Obituary]

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 6.1988 (5)

IDN  19830         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Hirson, Baruch: [Obituary] Death of a revolutionary : Frank Glass (Lee Fu-jen, John Liang), 1901-1988

In: Searchlight South Africa ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0954-3384] 1.1988 (1) : pp. 28-41

IDN  19831         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Hirson, Baruch: [Obituary] Li Fu-jen (Frank Glass, John Liang), 1901-1988

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 1.1988 (2) : pp. 1-3

Partly identical with author's "Death of a revolutionary"

IDN  19832         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Hirson, Baruch:
The restless revolutionary : Frank Glass / [introd.: Gregor Benton]. - London : Porcupine Pr., [2004]. - XVI, 251, [8] pp.
ISBN 0-9523648-6-7

Table of contents: p.IX Introduction/G. Benton -- p.XV Author's foreword -- p.1 A radical background -- p.13 The move to Capetown -- p.27 Bulhoek and after -- p.43 Organiser in South Africa -- p.61 A passion for books -- p.77 The second Chinese Revolution -- p.107 A tale of two sisters -- p.123 The Left Opposition in China -- p.141 The war in China -- p.159 Arrival in America -- p.179 National liberation and Mao's communes -- p.201 Politics redefined -- p.219 Appendix: Lenin and the revolution -- p.231 Notes -- p.245 Sources -- p.249 Select bibliography -- p.[253] Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 249-251
Notes: 219

IDN  19833         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary] Cecil Glass (1901-1988)

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1988 (52) : pp. 28-29

IDN  19834         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Lovell, Frank: [Obituary] Cecil Glass (1901-1988)

In: Revolutionary labor socialist : the life, ideas, and comrades of Frank Lovell / ed. by P. Le Blanc [et al.] (Union City, NJ, 2000) : pp. 302-304

Reprinted from: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism (New York, NY), 1988 (52)

IDN  19835         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: C. Frank Glass
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 126 KB (7 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19836         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Register of the C. Frank Glass papers
[Electronic resource] / processed by Dale Reed. - Stanford, Cal. : Hoover Institution, Stanford Univ.. - 8 KB (7 pp.)
Accessed Nov. 29, 2015

IDN  19837         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Ring, Harry: [Obituary]

In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 52.1988 (May 6)

IDN  19838         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Wang Fanxi: [Obituary] Frank Glass (Li Fu-jen), 1901-1988

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1988 (141) : pp. 20-21

IDN  19839         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glass, Cecil Frank ‹1901-1988›
Wang Fanxi: [Obituary] Frank Glass (Li Furen) (1901-1988)

In: Prophets unarmed : Chinese Trotskyists in revolution, war, jail, and the return from limbo / ed. by G. Benton. (Leiden [etc.], 2015) : pp. 1173-1176

IDN  19840         LLTB  Chapter  9      Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›
About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Albert Glotzer
[Electronic resource]. - 4 KB (1 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006

IDN  19841         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Glotzer, Albert, 1908- (Albert Gates)

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 133.1991 : p. 153

IDN  19842         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Albert Glotzer

In: Forward ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1051-340X] 1999 (March 12)

IDN  19843         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Glotzer, Albert Manning (1907[sic!]-1999)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1999 (66) : p. [125]

IDN  19844         About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›      Glotzer, Albert: Trotsky : memoir & critique   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19845         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›
Mazelis, Fred: [Obituary] Albert Glotzer dead at 90
: a founder of American Trotskyism [Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (2 pp.)
Dated March 2, 1999
Accessed Sept. 26, 2006

IDN  19846         About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›      Register of the Albert Glotzer papers   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19847         About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›      Wheeldon, John: A conversation with Albert Glotzer on Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19848         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Glotzer, Albert ‹1908-1999›
Wohlforth, Tim: [Obituary] Albert Glotzer (1908-1999)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.2000 (3) : pp. 297-300

IDN  19849         LLTB  Chapter  9      Goldman, Albert ‹1897-1960›
About: Goldman, Albert ‹1897-1960›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Albert Goldman

In: Who are the 18 prisoners in the Minneapolis labor case? (New York, NY, [1944]) : pp. 19-20

IDN  19850         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Goldman, Albert ‹1897-1960›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Albert Goldman (politician)
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (1 pp.)
Wikipedia article as at Aug. 6, 2006
Accessed Dec. 5, 2006

IDN  19851         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Goldman, Albert ‹1897-1960›
Allen, Joe: Defender of the movement
[Electronic resource]. - 16 KB (7 pp.)
About Albert Goldman
Accessed Apr. 6, 2017

IDN  19852         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Goldman, Albert ‹1897-1960›
Glotzer, Albert: [Biographical sketch] Goldman, Albert (1897-1960)

In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 159-160

IDN  19853         LLTB  Chapter  9      Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
About: Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (10) : p. 127

IDN  19854         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1982 (122) : p. 35

IDN  19855         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Sam Gordon tot : Sam Gordon - ein revolutionärer Führer, der sich 1929 in Deutschland der trotzkistischen Bewegung anschloß

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1982 (8=147) : pp. 31-32

IDN  19856         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
Glotzer, Albert: Sam Gordon

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1994 (2) : pp. 181-182


IDN  19857         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
Gordon, Mildred: [Biographical sketch] Sam Gordon : scientific socialist (1910-1982)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1993 (1) : pp. 9-13

IDN  19858         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
Jones, Mike:
A comment on Sam Gordon's reports
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1993 (1) : pp. 29-32

IDN  19859         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Sam Gordon
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 128 KB (7 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19860         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gordon, Sam ‹1910-1982›
Matgamna, Sean: [Obituary] Remembering Sam Gordon

In: Socialist Organiser ‹London› [ISSN 1358-9911] 1992 (March 26)

IDN  19861         LLTB  Chapter  9      Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ted Grant
[Electronic resource]. - 45 KB (4 pp.)
Wikipedia article as at Aug. 8, 2007. Similar Wikipedia articles in other languages are also available in the WWW
Accessed Aug. 14, 2007

IDN  19862         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] En memoria de Ted Grant (1913-2006)
[Electronic resource]. - 5 KB (1 p.)
Dated Aug. 1, 2006
Accessed Sept. 12, 2006

IDN  19863         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ted Grant

In: The Daily Telegraph ‹London› [ISSN 0307-1235] 2006 (July 27)

IDN  19864         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ted Grant
: July 9, 1913 - July 20, 2006 ; Trotskyist who gave the Labour Party a scare through his leadership of Militant Tendency
In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 2006 (July 26)

IDN  19865         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ted Grant 1913-2006
/ D.A.
In: Permanent Revolution ‹London› [ISSN 1755-6937] 2006 (2) : pp. 53-55

Notes: 2

IDN  19866         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Aitman, Tony: [Obituary] Ted Grant (1913-1006 [recte:2006])

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2007 (4) : pp. 275-281

IDN  19867         About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›      Archer, John: As to how "Militant" developed   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19868         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Birchall, Ian Harry: [Obituary] Ted Grant (1913-2006)
[Electronic resource] / Ian Birchall
In: Socialist Worker Online [Electronic journal] 2006 (2011=July 29) : 18 KB (1 p.)

Publ. only as online suppl. to the print version of "Socialist Worker"
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006

IDN  19869         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Callaghan, John: [Biographical sketch] Grant, Ted [real name Isaac Blank] (1913-2006), political activist
[Electronic resource]. - 1.5 KB (2 p.)
In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [Electronic resource] ‹Oxford etc.›

Publ. Jan. 2010
Accessed Jan. 6, 2012

IDN  19870         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Crick, Michael: [Obituary] Socialist revolutionary who used labour movement

In: Financial Times ‹London› [ISSN 0307-1766] 2006 (July 27)

IDN  19871         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
David, Kumar: [Obituary] Ted Grant : standard bearer of Trotskyism
[Electronic resource]. - 20 KB (3 pp.)
Dated July 31, 2006
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006

IDN  19872         About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›      Death of a Tendency   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19873         About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›      Debord, Raymond: Militant Labour et le Committee for a Workers International   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19874         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Higgins, Kevin: [Obituary] Death of a revolutionary
[Electronic resource]. - 8 KB (1 p.)
Poem, dated Aug. 6, 2006
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006

IDN  19875         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Hill, Dave: [Obituary] Ted Grant (1913-2006)

In: Green Left Weekly ‹Broadway, N.S.W.› [ISSN 1036-126X] 2006 (Aug.2=no.677) : p. 10

IDN  19876         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Hill, Joe: [Obituary] Nachruf auf Ted Grant (1913-2006)

In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 12.2006 (135) : p. 22

IDN  19877         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Johnson, Andrew: [Obituary] Ted Grant (1913-2006)
: obituary [Electronic resource]. - 43 KB (10 pp.)
Dated Aug. 10, 2006
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006

IDN  19878         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Klein, Wolfram: [Obituary] Nachruf Ted Grant (1913-2006) : trotzkistischer Pionier und Mitbegründer des CWI gestorben

In: : Magazin für marxistische Theorie und Praxis ‹Berlin› 2006 (4) : pp. 49-52

Alternate title: Zum Gedenken an Ted Grant (1913-2006)

IDN  19879         About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›      Macnair, Mike: Sect with class roots   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19880         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Martys, Szymon: [Obituary] Zmarł Ted Grant
[Electronic resource]. - 10 KB (1 p.)
Dated July 20, 2006
Accessed Sept. 8, 2006

IDN  19881         About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›      Matgamna, Sean: The RSL (Militant) in the 1960s - a study in passivity   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19882         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Matgamna, Sean: Ted Grant and Marxism

In: Solidarity and Workers' Liberty ‹London› 2006 (98)

IDN  19883         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Mcmillan, Derek: [Obituary] Ted Grant 1913-2006
[Electronic resource]. - 17 KB (1 p.)
Dated July 30, 2006
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006

IDN  19884         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
McSmith, Andy: [Obituary] Ted Grant : founder of the Trotskyite group Militant Tendency who never abandoned his revolutionary ideals

In: The Independent ‹London› [ISSN 0951-9467] 2006 (Aug.9)

IDN  19885         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Messages on Ted's death from around the world
[Electronic resource]. - 118 KB (30 pp.)
Selection of condolence letters and similar messages addressed to "In Defence of Marxism" on the occasion of Ted Grant's death
Accessed Aug. 16, 2006

IDN  19886         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Öfinger, Hans-Gerd: [Obituary] Pionier des britischen Trotzkismus : Ted Grant (1913-2006)

In: Junge Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-8601] 2006 (July 22) : p. 13

Slightly abridged version of electronically publ. obituaries, URLs: and

IDN  19887         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Oxley, Greg: [Obituary] Hommage à Ted Grant (1913-2006)
[Electronic resource]. - 37 KB (3 pp.)
Dated July 23, 2006
Accessed Apr. 15, 2010

IDN  19888         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Présumey, Vincent: [Obituary] Ted Grant (1913-2006)
[Electronic resource]. - 123 KB (9 pp.)
Dated Aug. 8, 2016
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006

IDN  19889         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Sewell, Rob: [Biographical sketch] Ted Grant : a brief biography
[Electronic resource]. - 12 KB (5 pp.)
Dated May 2002
Accessed May 30, 2003

IDN  19890         About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›      Sewell, Rob: How the Militant was built - and how it was destroyed   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19891         About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›      Taaffe, Peter: Militant's real history   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19892         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Taaffe, Peter: [Obituary] Militant pioneer dies : Ted Grant 1913-2006

In: The Socialist / Socialist Party ‹London› [ISSN 1366-9621] 2006 (450)

Dated July 25, 2006
Also publ. as online resource in various translations and under various URLs

IDN  19893         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Talbot, Ann: [Obituary] Ted Grant : a political appraisal of the former leader of the British Militant Tendency
[Electronic resource]. - [1-2]. - 52 KB (7 pp.)
Dated Sept. 27, 2006
Accessed Oct. 5, 2006
Also publ. as online resource in other languages within the multi-language "World Socialist Web Site"

IDN  19894         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Ted Grant internet archive
[Electronic resource]
Website devoted to Ted Grant's biography, his writings, etc. - Ongoing project
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006

IDN  19895         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Tourish, Dennis:
The lonely passion of Ted Grant / Dennis Tourish ; Tim Wohlforth
In: Tourish, D.: On the edge : political cults right and left. (Armonk, NY [etc.], 2000) : pp. 173-188, 236-237

Notes: 21

IDN  19896         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Wade, Bob: [Obituary] Ted Grant : Trotskyite behind the Militant Tendency's infiltration of the Labour Party

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2006 (July 27) : p. 34

IDN  19897         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Woods, Alan: [Obituary] Ted Grant : 1913-2006
[Electronic resource]. - 32 KB (6 pp.)
Dated July 20, 2006
Accessed Sept. 6, 2006
Also publ. as online resource in various other languages and under different URLs, e.g. German version with URL:

IDN  19898         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Woods, Alan: [Obituary] Ted Grant, the permanent revolutionary
: the man, his life and ideas (9 July 1913 - 20 July 2006). - London : Wellred Publications, 2013. - 279 pp.
ISBN 978-1-900007-47-4

Table of contents: p.6 Prologue and acknowledgements -- p.10 The early years -- p.25 New horizons -- p.45 The war years -- p.74 In defence of Trotskyism -- p.107 The times that try men's souls -- p.144 The tide begins to turn -- p.163 The tide turns -- p.177 The Militant Tendency -- p.189 How Militant was destroyed -- p.226 A new beginning -- p.244 Memories of Ted

IDN  19899         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grant, Ted ‹1913-2006›
Woods, Alan: Ted Grant : la contribución de Ted Grant al marxismo
[Electronic resource]. - 37 KB (6 pp.)
Dated May 13, 2003
Accessed Oct. 6, 2013

IDN  19900         LLTB  Chapter  9      Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›
About: Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Workers Power ‹London› [ISSN 0263-1121] 1988 (106)

IDN  19901         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Reg Groves (1908-1988)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1989 (38) : pp. 119-120

IDN  19902         About: Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›      Heisler, Ron: The thaxted tales   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19903         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›
McIlroy, John: [Biographical sketch] Groves, Reginald Percy (Reg) (1908-1988)

In: Dictionary of labour biography / ed. by K. Gildart [et al.] 12. (Basingstoke, Hampshire [etc.], 2005) : pp. 106-119

Exhaustive biographical sketch and bibliography

IDN  19904         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›
Richardson, Al: [Obituary]
A pioneer of British Trotskyism
In: Labour Briefing ‹London› [ISSN 0955-1530] 1988 (64) : p. 11

IDN  19905         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›
Richardson, Al: [Obituary] Reg Groves (1908-88)

In: Bulletin / Society for the Study of Labour History ‹Sheffield› [ISSN 0049-1179] 54.1989 (1) : p. 4

IDN  19906         About: Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›      Upham, Martin Richard: The Aylesbury by-election of 1938   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19907         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Groves, Reg ‹1908-1988›
Wicks, Harry: [Obituary]

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 1988 (May 28)

IDN  19908         LLTB  Chapter  9      Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Anton Grylewicz
[Electronic resource]
Wikipedia article
Accessed Apr. 22, 2006

IDN  19909         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Grylewicz, Anton, *8.1.1885 Berlin, †2.8.1971 Berlin/West, Diss[ident]

In: MdR : die Reichstagsabgeordneten der Weimarer Republik in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus / hrsg. von M. Schumacher. 3. Aufl. (Düsseldorf, 1994) : p. 163

IDN  19910         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Grylewicz, Anton, Parteifunktionär

In: Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / Red.: S. Claus [et al.] 1. (München [etc.], 1980) : p. 251

IDN  19911         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Grylewicz, Anton, Parteisekretär, Berlin-Neukölln [...]

In: Handbuch für den Preußischen Landtag : 2. Wahlperiode. (Berlin, 1925) : p. 262

IDN  19912         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Anton Grylewicz (Zemann) (1885-1971)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : p. 268-269

IDN  19913         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Grylewicz Anton

In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier international : L'Allemagne / sous la dir. de J. Droz. (Paris, 1990) : p. 211

IDN  19914         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Broué, Pierre: Procès manqué à Prague
: l'affaire Grylewicz
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (3) : pp. 141-146

Notes: 16

IDN  19915         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Anton Grylewicz : bio-bibliographical sketch
[Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 133 KB (5 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19916         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Schüle, Annegret: [Biographical sketch] Grylewicz, Anton (1885-1971)

In: Schüle, A.: Trotzkismus in Deutschland bis 1933. (Köln, 1989) : pp. 150-151

IDN  19917         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Stobnicer, Maurice: [Biographical sketch] Grylewicz, Anton : (1885-1971)

In: Stobnicer, M.: Le mouvement trotskyste allemand sous la république de Weimar. (Univ. de Paris VIII, diss., 1980) : p. 356

IDN  19918         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Weber, Hermann: [Biographical sketch] Grylewicz, Anton (*1885 †1971)
/ Hermann Weber ; Andreas Herbst
In: Weber, H.: Deutsche Kommunisten : biographisches Handbuch 1918 bis 1945. (Berlin, 2004) : pp. 273-274

IDN  19919         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Weber, Hermann: [Biographical sketch] Grylewicz, Anton (geb. 1885)

In: Weber, H.: Die Wandlung des deutschen Kommunismus. 2. (Frankfurt a.M., 1969) : pp. 145-146

IDN  19920         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Grylewicz, Anton ‹1885-1971›
Wulff, Sylvia: Anton Grylewicz und seine Rolle in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung
. - 105 pp.
Köln, Staatliches Prüfungsamt für Erste Staatsprüfungen für Lehrämter an Schulen, Staatsexamensarbeit, 1985
Table of contents: p.2 Vorwort: Warum gerade Anton Grylewicz -- p.6 Der politische Werdegang Anton Grylewicz' bis zu seiner Kooption in die Zentrale der KPD -- p.13 Die Sammlung der "Linksopposition" (Zum Begriff "links" - Die Grundlagen einer "linken" Opposition - Die "Erklärung der 700" - Die "Linksopposition" auf dem Essener Parteitag 1927 - Der Leninbund) -- p.37 Anton Grylewicz, der Repräsentant Trotzkis in Deutschland (Der Bruch mit dem "Leninbund" - Die Gründung der trotzkistischen Organisation "Vereinigte Linke Oppositin der KPD, Bolschewiki-Leninisten" - Die Spaltung der trotzkistischen Organisation - Die Politik der Grylewicz-Gruppe "Linke Opposition der KPD, Bolschewiki-Leninisten" - Anton Grylewicz, eine Gefahr für Hitler und Stalin?) -- p.69 "Er war und blieb ein typischer deutscher Arbeiter..." -- p.75 Anmerkungen -- p.96 Literatur
Bibliogr.: pp. 96-105
Notes: 408
Director of thesis: Günter Wollstein

IDN  19921         LLTB  Chapter  9      Gustafsson, Tom ‹1947-1987›
About: Gustafsson, Tom ‹1947-1987›
Foley, Gerry: [Obituary]
A Scandinavian contribution to internationalism
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1987 (117) : pp. 24-25

IDN  19922         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gustafsson, Tom ‹1947-1987›
Kildén, Göte: [Obituary]
A strong link has been broken : Tom Gustafsson (1947-1987)
In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1987 (40) : p. 35

Reprinted from: International Viewpoint (Various places), 1987 (114)

IDN  19923         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gustafsson, Tom ‹1947-1987›
Kildén, Göte: [Obituary]
"A strong link has been broken" : Tom Gustafsson (1947-1987)
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1987 (114) : pp. 27-28

IDN  19924         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gustafsson, Tom ‹1947-1987›
Kildén, Göte: [Obituary] Tom Gustafsson (1947-1987)

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1987 (192) : pp. 42-43

IDN  19925         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gustafsson, Tom ‹1947-1987›
Kildén, Göte: [Obituary] Tom Gustafsson : 27 février 1947 - 7 février 1987

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1987 (237) : pp. 3-4

IDN  19926         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Gustafsson, Tom ‹1947-1987›
Sundvall, Maria: [Obituary] Tom Gustafsson skulle ha fyllt 50 år

In: Internationalen ‹Hägersten› [ISSN 0345-5467] 1997 (9)

On the occasion of the 50th anniverary of Gustafsson's birth and the 10th anniversary of his death

IDN  19927         LLTB  Chapter  9      Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Duncan Hallas
[Electronic resource]. - 31 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  19928         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ajattelija, agitaattori, kumouksellinen
: Duncan Hallas
In: Murros ‹Helsinki› [ISSN 1239-1425] 2002 (51)

IDN  19929         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Duncan Hallas (1925-2002)

In: Socialisme international : anticapitalisme & révolution ‹Vincennes› [ISSN 1777-0564] 2002 (5)

IDN  19930         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
An agitator of the best kind : Duncan Hallas
In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2002 (268)

Collection of obituaries and reminiscences, containing: Rosenberg, C.: Duncan was modest about his outstanding abilities; Henderson, F.: He built a movement and armed it with theory; Birchall, I.: Duncan had an astonishing range of knowledge; Hallas, D.: The fight for revolution [reprinted from Socialist Review (London), 1994 (176)]

IDN  19931         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
Bambery, Chris: [Obituary] Duncan Hallas (1925-2002)
/ Chris Bambery & Alex Callinicos
In: Green Left Weekly ‹Broadway, N.S.W.› [ISSN 1036-126X] 2002 (510) : p. 15

IDN  19932         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
Callinicos, Alex: [Obituary] Thinker, orator, revolutionary : Alex Callinicos examines the extraordinary life of Duncan Hallas

In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2002 (267)

IDN  19933         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
Foot, Paul: [Obituary] We owe him a huge debt

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2002 (1819=Sept.28) : p. 10

IDN  19934         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
Hallas, Duncan: Swimming against the tide : Duncan Hallas on his experiences in Egypt

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 8.2002 (2) : pp. 208-212

Interview conducted by Ian Birchall, Febr. 2001

IDN  19935         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
Harman, Chris: [Obituary] Duncan Hallas 1925-2002 : inspirational socialist

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2002 (1819=Sept.28) : p. 9

IDN  19936         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
Harris, Nigel: [Obituary] Duncan Hallas : death of a Trotskyist

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 8.2004 (4) : pp. 259-275

On pp. 272-275 additions by Ian Birchall

IDN  19937         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
Higgins, Jim: [Obituary] Duncan Hallas : revolutionary socialist striving to build a mass workers' party

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2002 (Sept.30)

IDN  19938         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hallas, Duncan ‹1925-2002›
Sherry, Dave: [Obituary]

In: Scottish Socialist Voice ‹Glasgow› [ISSN 1366-977X] 2002 (109) : p. 8

IDN  19939         LLTB  Chapter  9      Halstead, Fred ‹1927-1988›
About: Halstead, Fred ‹1927-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Fred Halstead (1927-1988)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1988 (35) : pp. 125-126

IDN  19940         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Halstead, Fred ‹1927-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Fred Halstead (1927-1988)

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1988 (269) : p. 26

IDN  19941         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Halstead, Fred ‹1927-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Fred Halstead (1927-1988)

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1988 (144) : p. 12

Originally publ. in: The Militant (New York, NY), 1988 (June 17)

IDN  19942         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Halstead, Fred ‹1927-1988›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Fred Halstead 1927-88

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1988 (205/206) : p. 72

IDN  19943         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Halstead, Fred ‹1927-1988›
Edwards, Theodore: [Obituary] Big Red Fred, 1927-1988

In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 3.1988/89 (5=17) : p. 45

IDN  19944         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Halstead, Fred ‹1927-1988›
Georgakas, Dan: [Biographical sketch] Halstead, Fred (1927-88)

In: Encyclopedia of the American Left / ed. by M.J. Buhle [et al.] (New York, NY etc., 1990) : p. 288

IDN  19945         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Halstead, Fred ‹1927-1988›
Williams, David: [Obituary] Fred Halstead : fighter for socialism

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1988 (54) : p. 26, 35

IDN  19946         LLTB  Chapter  9      Hamilton, Betty ‹1904-1994›
About: Hamilton, Betty ‹1904-1994›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Betty Hamilton, née Berthe Dutoit (1904-1994)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1996 (57) : pp. 122-123

IDN  19947         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hamilton, Betty ‹1904-1994›
Coulter, Carol: [Obituary]
A life on the barricades
In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1994 (May 14) : p. 32

IDN  19948         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hamilton, Betty ‹1904-1994›
Goethuys, Jean-Pierre: [Obituary] Betty Hamilton : a life for socialism

In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1994 (51) : p. 5

IDN  19949         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hamilton, Betty ‹1904-1994›
Massot, François de: [Obituary] Betty Hamilton

In: Informations ouvrières ‹Paris› [ISSN 0813-9500] N.s. 1994 (127=1672) : p. 11

IDN  19950         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hamilton, Betty ‹1904-1994›
Ratner, Harry: [Obituary] Betty Hamilton 1904-1994

In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 5.1994/95 (2) : p. 14

IDN  19951         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hamilton, Betty ‹1904-1994›
Ratner, Harry: [Obituary] Betty Hamilton (1904-1994)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1994 (3) : pp. 220-222

IDN  19952         LLTB  Chapter  9      Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Joseph Hansen (socialist)
[Electronic resource]. - 33 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  19953         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Neisti ‹Reykjavik› 1979 (1) : p. 11

IDN  19954         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Joseph LeRoy Hansen : worked with Trotsky

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1979 (Jan.23) : p. B17

Death notice, also appearing in the issue of Jan. 22, p. A18

IDN  19955         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      The case for a commission of inquiry   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19956         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Dobbs, Farrell: [Obituary] Joe Hansen : 'disciplined soldier' of revolutionary movement

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 17.1979 (14) : pp. 390-391

Speech delivered at a memorial meeting, San Francisco, Cal., Febr. 11, 1979

IDN  19957         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Dossier of a double agent   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19958         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Evans, Leslie: [Foreword] Introduction
/ Les Evans
In: Hansen, J.: The Leninist strategy of party building. (New York, NY, 1979) : pp. 9-30

Notes: 16
Containing a biographical sketch

IDN  19959         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Godchau, Jean-François: [Obituary] Joseph Hansen (1910-1979)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (2) : pp. 21-22

IDN  19960         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19961         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino alla fine   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19962         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19963         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky, hasta el final   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19964         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Hansen, Joseph: Med Trotskij i Coyoacán   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19965         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Hansen, Joseph: Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19966         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Hansen, Joseph: Trotsky in Coyoacan   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19967         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky to the end   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19968         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Healy's big lie   ... Main entry see within Chapter 9…   About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›

IDN  19969         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Joseph Hansen : a register of his papers in the Hoover Institution Archives   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19970         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      The lies of Joseph Hansen   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19971         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Joseph Hansen
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 241 KB (11 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  19972         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Miles, Jim: Joseph Hansen and the Marxist theory of the state
: a dual legacy. - 1
In: Revolutionary Marxism Today ‹Chicago, Ill.› 1996 (1) : pp. 99-102

Probably only pt. 1 publ.

IDN  19973         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Der Mord an Leo Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19974         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      North, David: The case against the SWP   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  19975         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Novack, George: [Obituary] Joseph Hansen (1910-1979)
/ Georg [sic] Novack
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1979 (98) : pp. 22-26

IDN  19976         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Novack, George: [Obituary] Joseph Hansen (1910-1979): la vie d'un révolutionnaire

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1979 (45) : pp. 19-23

IDN  19977         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Novack, George: [Obituary] Joseph Hansen, 1910-1979 : veteran leader of Fourth International and SWP

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 17.1979 (3) : pp. 51-55

IDN  19978         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Proyect, Louis: Was Joseph Hansen a GPU agent?
: a reply to / [Louis Proyect?]. - 116 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Sept. 18, 2018
Accessed May 26, 2019
Followed by some 30 readers' comments

IDN  19979         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Register of the Joseph Hansen papers, 1887-1980   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  19980         About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›      Sicherheitsfragen und die Vierte Internationale   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  19981         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Stone, Ben: [Biographical sketch] Joseph Hansen

In: Stone, B.: Memoirs of a radical rank & filer. (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 119-122

IDN  19982         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Wald, Susan: 550 attend New York memorial meeting for Joseph Hansen

ISSN attend new york memorial meeting for joseph hansen

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 17.1979 (5) : pp. 100-101

IDN  19983         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hansen, Joseph ‹1910-1979›
Wald, Susan: Meetings in U.S., Canada, India pay tribute to Joseph Hansen

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 17.1979 (8) : p. 211

IDN  19984         LLTB  Chapter  9      Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Chris Harman
[Electronic resource]. - 33 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article, also available in other languages with various URLs
Accessed Nov. 18, 2009

IDN  19985         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] More tributes to Chris Harman
[Electronic resource]
In: Socialist Worker Online [Electronic journal] 2009 (2177=Nov.14) : 66 KB (14 pp.)

These obituaries and reminiscences by various authors were publ. online only as a suppl. to those publ. in the print version of "Socialist Worker" no. 2177
Accessed Nov. 16, 2009

IDN  19986         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Birchall, Ian Harry: [Obituary] Chris Harman : a life in the struggle
/ Ian Birchall
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2010 (125)

IDN  19987         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Bloodworth, Sandra: [Obituary] Chris Harman

In: Socialist Alternative ‹Richmond, Vic.› [ISSN 1327-8495] 2009 (148)

IDN  19988         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Callinicos, Alex: [Obituary]
An activist, teacher, writer and comrade : Chris Harman 1942-2009
In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2009 (2177=Nov.14) : p. 11

On pp. 12-13 more (short) obituaries and reminiscences. Further obituaries are to be found in issue no. 2177 of "Socialist Worker Online"

IDN  19989         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Chapple, Duncan: [Obituary]
A life in the heart of the struggle : Chris Harman (1942-2009) ; Socialist Resistance pays tribute [Electronic resource] / Duncan Chappel ; Liam Mac Uaid. - 1 p.
Accessed Nov. 18, 2009

IDN  19990         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Choi Il-bung: [Obituary] Chris Harman : a man of political clarity

In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2009 (Dec.)

IDN  19991         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Choonara, Joseph: [Obituary] Another side of Chris Harman

In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2010 (125)

IDN  19992         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Chris Harman (1942-2009)
[Electronic resource]
Website devoted to writings by and about Harman, forming part of the "Marxists' Internet Archive"; under construction as at Jan. 25, 2010
Accessed Jan. 26, 2010

IDN  19993         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Durgan, Andrew: [Obituary]
A whiff of tear gas / Andy Durgan
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2010 (125)

IDN  19994         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Elliott, Larry: [Obituary] Chris Harman : a thinker and a polemicist

In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2009 (Dec.)

IDN  19995         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Garganas, Panos: [Obituary] Tributes to Chris Harman

In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2009 (Dec.)

IDN  19996         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Maass, Alan: [Obituary] Chris Harman : 1942-2009

In: Green Left Weekly ‹Broadway, N.S.W.› [ISSN 1036-126X] 2009 (818)

IDN  19997         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Matgamna, Sean: [Obituary]
The long march of Chris Harman [Electronic resource]. - 39 KB (6 pp.)
Dated Nov. 17, 2009
Accessed Dec. 10, 2009

IDN  19998         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Molyneux, John: [Obituary] Chris Harman (1942-2009)
/ John Molyneux and Andy Durgan
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 10.2010 (2) : pp. 347-355

IDN  19999         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Molyneux, John: [Obituary] Chris Harman : editor of 'Socialist Workers' whose intellectual stature gave him an influence beyond party ranks

In: The Independent ‹London› [ISSN 0951-9467] 2009 (Nov.19) : p. 38

IDN  20000         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Phillips, Mary: [Obituary] Chris Harman : he never thought of himself as too important

In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2009 (Dec.)

IDN  20001         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Rose, John: [Obituary] Chris Harman's ideas were forged in the heat of the struggles of 1968
/ [John Rose]
In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2009 (2177=Nov.14) : p.12

IDN  20002         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Rosen, Michael: [Obituary] Chris Harman obituary : writer, editor and leading light of the Socialist Workers Party

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2009 (Nov.10) : p. 35

IDN  20003         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Harman, Chris ‹1942-2009›
Sharpe, Phil: [Obituary] Chris Harman : key leader of the Socialist Workers Party
[Electronic resource]. - 19 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Jan. 18, 2010

IDN  20004         LLTB  Chapter  9      Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Ludwik Hass
[Electronic resource]. - 30 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed July 28, 2008

IDN  20005         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] In memory of Polish socialist Ludwik Hass
: 1918-2008
In: Workers Vanguard ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0276-0746] 2008 (914)

IDN  20006         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ludwik Hass

In: Lutte Ouvrière ‹Paris› [ISSN 0024-7650] 2008 (2075)

IDN  20007         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pamięci polskiego socjalisty Ludwika Hassa, 1918-2008
: 1918-2008 [Electronic resource]. - 22 KB (1 p.)
Dated May 2008
Accessed July 28, 2008

IDN  20008         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Amnesty International and the case of Ludwik Hass

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 6.1996 (1) : pp. 110-111

IDN  20009         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Bibliografia publikacji Ludwika Hassa dotyczących wolnomularstwa

In: Ars regia : czasopismo poświęcone myśli i historii wolnomularstwa ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 1230-1442] 1993 (1) : pp. 129-134

IDN  20010         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Cegielski, Tadeusz: Ludwik Hass : historyk wolnomularstwa

In: Ars regia : czasopismo poświęcone myśli i historii wolnomularstwa ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 1230-1442] 1993 (1) : pp. 113-117

IDN  20011         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Crawford, Ted: [Obituary] Ludwik Hass (1918-2008)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 10.2009 (1) : pp. 161-163

IDN  20012         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Grabski, August: [Biographical sketch] Hass Ludwik

In: Żydzi polscy / red. M. Prokopowicz. (Warszawa, 2010) : pp. 115-117

IDN  20013         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Hass, Ludwik: O trockizmie, łagrach i masonach / z prof. Ludwickiem Hassem rozmawia Zdzisław Skrok

In: Nowe książki ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 0137-8562] 1994 (2=900) : pp. 1-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotskyism, gulags and masons

IDN  20014         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Hass, Ludwik: Trotskyism, gulags and masons
/ Zdzisław Skrok in conversation with professor Ludwik Hass
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 6.1996 (1) : pp. 69-76

Orig.: O trockitmie, łagrach imasonach

IDN  20015         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Jedlicki, Witold: [Biographical sketch] Ludwick [recte: Ludwik] Hass
/ W. Jedlicki
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 3.1990 (1) : pp. 11-13

IDN  20016         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Jedlicki, Witold: [Biographical sketch] Ludwik Hass
/ transl. and introd. by E. Sanspere
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] 1966/67 (27) : pp. 23-25

IDN  20017         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Ludwig [recte: Ludwik] Hass reported freed

In: World Outlook = Perspective mondiale ‹Paris; later: New York, NY› 4.1966 (28) : pp. 17-18

Related items: "More about imprisoned Polish Trotskyists", in: ibid., 4.1966 (2), and "Isaac Deutscher protests political trials in Poland", in: ibid., 4.1966 (15)

IDN  20018         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Maciejewski, Janusz: Ludwik Hass

In: Ars regia : czasopismo poświęcone myśli i historii wolnomularstwa ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 1230-1442] 1993 (1) : pp. 109-113

IDN  20019         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Maciejewski, Janusz: Ludwik Hass

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 6.1996 (1) : pp. 79-80

Originally publ. in: Ars regia (Warszawa), 1993 (1)

IDN  20020         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Malewski, Jan: [Obituary] Ludwik Hass (1918-2008) : ein polnischer Trotzkist, der ein Held war und am Ende gebrochen wurde
/ übers. und bearb. von Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2008 (442/443) : pp. 46-50

Notes: 14

IDN  20021         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Malewski, Jan: [Obituary] Ludwik Hass (1918-2008) : héros trotskiste finalement brisé

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2008 (539/540)

IDN  20022         About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›      Sołtysiak, Grzegorz: Grupa Hassa   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20023         About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›      Sołtysiak, Grzegorz: The Hass group   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20024         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Verurteilung des bekannten Trotzkisten Ludwik Haas [recte: Hass] und anderer Genossen

In: Internationale Perspektiven : marxistisches Informationsbulletin ‹Paris ; Wien› 1.1966 (2) : pp. 17-18

IDN  20025         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Wichrowska, Elżbieta Z.: [Biographical sketch] Ludwik Hass

In: Nowe książki ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 0137-8562] 1994 (2=900) : [2 pp.]

IDN  20026         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hass, Ludwik ‹1918-2008›
Wichrowska, Elżbieta Z.: [Biographical sketch] Ludwik Hass

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 6.1996 (1) : pp. 76-79

IDN  20027         LLTB  Chapter  9      Haston, Jock ‹1912-1986›
About: Haston, Jock ‹1912-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Jock Haston
[Electronic resource]. - 35 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  20028         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Haston, Jock ‹1912-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Jock Haston (1913[sic!]-1986)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (28) : pp. 121-122

IDN  20029         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Haston, Jock ‹1912-1986›
McIlroy, John: [Biographical sketch] Haston, James Ritchie (Jock) (1912-86)

In: Dictionary of labour biography / ed. by K. Gildart [et al.] 12. (Basingstoke, Hampshire [etc.], 2005) : pp. 124-136

Exhaustive biographical sketch and bibliography

IDN  20030         LLTB  Chapter  9      Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Gerry Healy
[Electronic resource]. - 18 KB (1 p.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed Sept. 25, 2006

IDN  20031         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: The Daily Telegraph ‹London› [ISSN 0307-1235] 1989 (Dec.19)

IDN  20032         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Gerry Healy (1914[sic!]-1989)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (41) : pp. 125-126

Additional remarks by John Archer in: ibid., 1990 (44), p. 124

IDN  20033         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Gerry Healy : an in-fighter of the far left

In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1989 (Dec.23) : p. 12

IDN  20034         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Gerry Healy : Irish political activist

In: The Annual Obituary ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0278-1573] 1989 (1990) : pp. 789-791

IDN  20035         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Renegade from Trotskyism : G. Healy 1913-1989

In: Tasks of the Fourth International ‹London› [ISSN 0955-422X] 1990 (8) : pp. 3-11

Notes: 10
Reprinted from: Workers Press (London), 1990 (207)

IDN  20036         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Archer, John: On the political role of Gerry Healy   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20037         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Archer, Mary: Notes on Healy's role in early days of the British Trotskyist movement   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20038         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Atkinson, Jim: London rally condemns Healyite frame-up campaign   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20039         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Bailey, Chris:
The theoretical foundations of Healyism
In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 3.1992/93 (1) : pp. 12-17

IDN  20040         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Beatty, Aidan: [Biographical sketch] Healy, Thomas Gerard ('Gerry')
[Electronic resource]. - 222 KB (11 pp.)
In: Dictionary of Irish biography [Electronic resource] (Dublin, 2009-)

Last rev. Sept. 2023
Accessed Febr. 22, 2024

IDN  20041         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Beatty, Aidan:
The party is always right : the untold story of Gerry Healy and British Trotskyism. - London : Pluto Pr.
Not yet published. Book announced for publ. in Sept. 2024

IDN  20042         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Behan, Brian: [Obituary] Gerry Healy

In: The Independent ‹London› [ISSN 0951-9467] 1989 (Dec.21)

IDN  20043         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Binns, David: Gerry Healy, Stalinism and 'Revolutionary history'

In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 2.1991/92 (3) : pp. 13-18

Notes: 34

IDN  20044         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Cowen, Clare: My search for revolution & how we brought down an abusive leader
. - Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire : Matador, 2019. - XI, 351 pp.
ISBN 978-1-838590-98-7

IDN  20045         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Flett, Keith: [Obituary] Life as it is in the British Trotskyist tradition

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1989 (Dec.30)

Letter in reply to Jim Higgin's obituary of Healy

IDN  20046         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Frank, Pierre: The split between Healy and Lambert   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20047         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Fryer, Peter: [Obituary] Gerry Healy in perspective

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1989 (197) : p. 7

IDN  20048         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
The Gerry Healy archive [Electronic resource]
"This site is dedicated exclusively to the written work of [...] Gerry Healy" [from the introductory screen]
Accessed Febr. 14, 2014

IDN  20049         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Hallas, Duncan: Cult comes a cropper   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20050         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Hansen, Joseph: Healyites decide Trotsky was wrong in black nationalism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20051         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Hansen, Joseph: Principled basis of Trotskyist reunification   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20052         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Harding, Norman: We must fight to understand the development of Healy

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1990 (209) : p. 6

IDN  20053         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Healy "reconstructs" the Fourth International   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20054         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Healy vs. Marxism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20055         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Healyism à la carte   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20056         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Healyism implodes   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20057         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Healyismus zerstoben   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20058         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Healy's big lie
: the slander campaign against Joseph Hansen, George Novack, and the Fourth International / National Education Department, Socialist Workers Party. Statements and articles by Joseph Hansen [et al.]. - New York, NY, 1976. - 87 pp. - (Education for socialists)
ISBN 0-87348-683-8

Containing articles and notes by J. Hansen, G. Novack, J. Archer, M. Archer, G. Breitman, C. Curtiss, S. Gordon, B. Hamilton, C.L.R. James, P. Lambert, B. Tampoe, E. Tate, C. Van Gelderen, J. Van Heijenoort et al.

IDN  20059         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Higgins, Jim:
The fall of the Mekon : Jim Higgins reviews the career of Gerry Healy, Trotskyite and alleged womaniser
In: Higgins, J.: Speak one more time : selected writings. (London, 2004) : pp. 111-113

Originally publ. in: The Spectator (London), 1985 (Nov.9), p. 22

IDN  20060         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Higgins, Jim: [Obituary] Entryism and exits
: assessment
In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1989 (Dec.22) : p. 33

Including amendments by David Widgery

IDN  20061         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Hillman, Ellis: Pablo's man

In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1990 (27) : p. 11

IDN  20062         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Jenness, Doug: Giant blow to agent-baiting campaign   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20063         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Kemp, Tom:
A debt to Healy
In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1990 (201) : p. 6

About the relationship between Gerry Healy and Lyndon LaRouche

IDN  20064         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Livingstone, Ken: [Obituary] Complete support from the movement he lead
: speech at the memorial rally and concert for Gerry Healy [...]
In: The Marxist : theoretical journal of the International Committee of the Fourth International (1953) ‹Athens› 2.1990/91 (1) : pp. 6-7

IDN  20065         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Lotz, Corinna: Gerry Healy : a revolutionary life
/ Corinna Lotz & Paul Feldman. - London : Lupus Books, 1994. - XI, 366 pp.
ISBN 0-9523454-0-4

IDN  20066         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Gerry Healy
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 203 KB (10 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  20067         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Martin, Brendan: [Obituary] Gerry Healy

In: The Independent ‹London› [ISSN 0951-9467] 1989 (Dec.21)

IDN  20068         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Marxism vs. ultraleftism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20069         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Matgamna, Sean: Gerry Healy and British Trotskyism
[Electronic resource]. - 30 KB (5 pp.)
Accessed June 10, 2008

IDN  20070         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
McIlroy, John: [Biographical sketch] Healy, Thomas Gerard (Gerry) (1913-1989), Trotskyist leader ...

In: Oxford dictionary of national biography : from the earliest times to the year 2000 / ed. by H.C.G. Matthew [et al.] 26. (Oxford [etc.], 2004) : pp. 140-142

IDN  20071         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
McIlroy, John: [Biographical sketch] Healy, Thomas Gerard (Gerry) (1913-89), Trotskyist leader

In: Dictionary of labour biography / ed. by K. Gildart [et al.] 12. (Basingstoke, Hampshire [etc.], 2005) : pp. 136-146

Exhaustive biographical sketch and bibliography

IDN  20072         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Myers, Allen: Healyite paranoia or Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20073         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
North, David: Gerry Healy and his place in the history of the Fourth International

In: Bulletin / Workers League ‹New York, NY, later: Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0279-0165] 1990 (Jan.19-July 20)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gerry Healy und sein Platz in der Geschichte der Vierten Internationale

IDN  20074         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
North, David: Gerry Healy and his place in the history of the Fourth International
. - Detroit, Mich. : Labor Publications, 1991. - 123 pp.
ISBN 0-929087-58-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gerry Healy und sein Platz in der Geschichte der Vierten Internationale

IDN  20075         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
North, David: Gerry Healy und sein Platz in der Geschichte der Vierten Internationale
/ ins Deutsche übertr. von Andrea Büser. - Essen : Arbeiterpresse-Verl., 1992. - 157 pp.
ISBN 3-88634-055-4

Orig.: Gerry Healy and his place in the history of the Fourth International

IDN  20076         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Pitt, Bob:
The rise and fall of Gerry Healy [Electronic resource]. - Pt. 1-12 + App. 1-7. - 684 KB (100 pp.)
Notes: 543
Substantially rev. and exp. version of the original series which appeared in "Workers News" (London) between 1990 and 1994
Dated June 2002
Accessed June 24, 2002

IDN  20077         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Pitt, Bob:
The rise and fall of Gerry Healy : an assessment of the political career of the former WRP leader. - 1-26
In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1990 (22) - 1994 (51)

Rev. and exp. version publ. as electronic resource, URL:

IDN  20078         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
The political legacy of Gerry Healy
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 3.1990 (1) : pp. 31-33

Obituaries and appreciations by J. Archer, International Communist League, Workers International League, Workers Power, and Workers Revolutionary Party (Workers Press)

IDN  20079         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Redgrave, Vanessa: Tribute to comrade Healy on the first anniversary of his death
: December 14th, 1989
In: The Marxist : theoretical journal of the International Committee of the Fourth International (1953) ‹Athens› 2.1990/91 (1) : pp. 1-4

IDN  20080         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Redgrave, Vanessa:
A tribute to Gerry Healy
In: The Marxist Monthly : theoretical journal of the Marxist Party ‹London› [ISSN 1361-7354] 3.1990/91 (10) : pp. 419-423

Speech delivered at Barcelona, Jan. 13, 1991

IDN  20081         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Ross, John:
The rise of Gerry Healy / Alan Jones [i.e. John Ross]
In: Battle of ideas : supplement to Red weekly ‹London› 1976 (1)

IDN  20082         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Russell, Mary: Healy's legacy

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1989 (Dec.28)

Letter in reply to Jim Higgins' obituary of Healy. Mary Russell = Healy's daughter

IDN  20083         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: [Obituary] Recollections of Gerry Healy
/ Vitaly Startsev
In: Lotz, C.: Gerry Healy : a revolutionary life. (London, 1994) : pp. 314-320

IDN  20084         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      The struggle to reunify the Fourth International   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20085         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Thornett, Alan: [Obituary]
The Ceausescu of the British Trotskyist movement : Gerry Healy
In: Socialist Outlook ‹London› [ISSN 0951-8657] 1990 (21) : pp. 32-33

IDN  20086         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Torrance, Sheila: [Obituary] G. Healy : a giant of Trotskyism

In: News Line ‹London, 1985-› 1989 (Dec.21)

IDN  20087         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Torrance, Sheila: [Obituary] G. Healy : a giant of Trotskyism

In: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism ‹London› [ISSN 0965-9749] 1990 (Jan.)

IDN  20088         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Tourish, Dennis: Gerry Healy: guru to a star   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20089         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›
Veness, Keith: [Obituary] Obituary Thomas Gerard ("Gerry") Healy

In: Labour Briefing ‹London› [ISSN 0955-1530] 1990 (95) : p. 2

IDN  20090         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Vithana, Jaya: Ceylon and the Healy school of falsification   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20091         About: Healy, Gerry ‹1913-1989›      Wicks, Harry: Answer to the slanders against the SWP of America   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20092         LLTB  Chapter  9      Hic, Marcel ‹1915-1944›
About: Hic, Marcel ‹1915-1944›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Marcel Hic

In: La lutte des trotskystes sous la terreur nazie / éd. par le Parti Communiste Internationaliste. ([Paris?], 1945) : p. 4

IDN  20093         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hic, Marcel ‹1915-1944›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Marcel Hic

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 8.1950 (8/10) : pp. 11-12

IDN  20094         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hic, Marcel ‹1915-1944›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Marcel Hic : mort pour le communisme

In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] [n.s.] 1945 (28=88) : pp. 1-2

IDN  20095         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hic, Marcel ‹1915-1944›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Hic, Marcel, dit Morris ou Maurice, dit Régnier
/ J.-M. Brabant et R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 31.1988 : pp. 355-356

IDN  20096         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hic, Marcel ‹1915-1944›
Brabant, Jean-Michel: [Biographical sketch] Hic, Marcel, dit Morris ou Maurice, dit Régnier
/ Jean-Michel Brabant ; Rodolphe Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 6.2010 : [pp. 19352-19354]

IDN  20097         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hic, Marcel ‹1915-1944›
Cynober, Julien: [Biographical sketch] Marcel Hic (1915-1944)

In: Cynober, J.: La presse trotskyste en France de la libération à la grève Renault d'avril-mai 1947. (Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X, 1999) : pp. 143-144

IDN  20098         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hic, Marcel ‹1915-1944›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Marcel Hic (1915-1944)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : p. 319

IDN  20099         LLTB  Chapter  9      Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›
About: Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Jim Higgins died on October 13, 2002 ...

In: Workers' Action ‹London› 2002 (19) : p. 28

IDN  20100         About: Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›      Al Richardson/Jim Higgins papers (MS 1117)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  20101         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›
Palmer, John: [Obituary] Jim Higgins : his life and work

In: Higgins, J.: Speak one more time : selected writings. (London, 2004) : pp. III-V

Foreword to Higgins, Jim: Speak one more time, London, 2004

IDN  20102         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›
Palmer, John: [Obituary] Jim Higgins, 1930-2002

In: Red Pepper ‹London› [ISSN 1353-7024] 2002 (102) : p. 33

IDN  20103         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›
Pearn, Mike: Jim Higgins memorial meeting

In: What Next? : Marxist discussion journal ‹London› [ISSN 1479-4322] 2003 (25) : pp. 37-38

IDN  20104         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›
Prianikoff, Alec: [Obituary] From right hand man to opposition
: obituary Jim Higgins
In: Weekly Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1351-0150] 2002 (452)

IDN  20105         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›
Protz, Roger: [Obituary] Jim Higgins

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2002 (1824=Nov.2) : p. 14

IDN  20106         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Higgins, Jim ‹1930-2002›
Protz, Roger: [Obituary] Jim Higgins : journalist and revolutionary socialist

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2002 (Oct.21)

IDN  20107         LLTB  Chapter  9      Hindels, Josef ‹1916-1990›
About: Hindels, Josef ‹1916-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Hindels, Josef, Gewerkschaftsfunktionär, geb. 10. Jan. 1916 Wien ...

In: Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / Red.: S. Claus [et al.] 1. (München [etc.], 1980) : p. 297

IDN  20108         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hindels, Josef ‹1916-1990›
Dworczak, Hermann: [Obituary] Josef Hindels 1916-1990
/ Hermann Dworczak ; Heinrich Thomas
In: Die Linke ‹Wien› [ISSN 0259-6318] 1990 (4=194) : p. 4

IDN  20109         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hindels, Josef ‹1916-1990›
Exenberger, Herbert: Bibliographie Josef Hindels

In: Gegen den Strom : Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Josef Hindels / M. Häupl [et al.] (Hrsg.) (Wien, 1986) : pp. 251-300

IDN  20110         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hindels, Josef ‹1916-1990›
Gegen den Strom
: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Josef Hindels / Michael Häupl [et al.] (Hrsg.). - Wien : Verl. für Gesellschaftskritik, 1986. - 303 pp.
ISBN 3-900351-56-2

Table of contents: p.1 Einleitung -- p.3 Laudatio an Josef Hindels/A. Dallinger -- p.7 Mit Josef Hindels in der Sozialistischen Jugendbewegung/G. Scheuer -- p.14 Mit Josef Hindels in der Emigration/E. Winkler -- p.22 Mit Josef Hindels in der Sozialistischen Jugend/P. Blau -- p.30 Erinnerungen an die SPÖ-Linke nach 1945/H. Pepper -- p.39 Die Linke in der SPÖ bis 1970/J. Hindels -- p.61 Die SPÖ-Linke 1970-1985/P. Pelinka -- p.72 Josef Hindels und der Antifaschismus/W. Neugebauer -- p.83 Josef Hindels bei den Sozialistischen Freiheitskämpfern/H. Waschek -- p.89 Sozialismus und Ökologie/M. Häupl -- p.99 SPÖ und internationale Solidarität/ E. Lanc -- p.116 Sozialistische Jugend und Friedensbewegung/A. Gusenbauer -- p.136 Bewußtsein und Bildungsarbeit/E. Nedwed -- p.152 Christentum und Sozialismus/G. Steger -- p.160 Weibliche Anmerkungen zum männlich-verkürzten Marxismus/E. Kreisky -- p.176 Mikroelektronik und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung/C. Cap -- p.195 Zur Aktualität sozialistischen Rechtsdenkens/M. Berger -- p.207 Ein linker Versuch, mehr zu machen als eine Zeitung/M. Matzka -- p.223 Mutmaßungen über den Sozialismus im Jahr 2000/D. Albers -- p.238 Die Politik der SPÖ/K. Blecha -- p.251 Bibliographie/H. Exenberger -- p.301 Autorenverzeichnis -- p.303 Biographie
Bibliogr.: pp. 251-300

IDN  20111         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hindels, Josef ‹1916-1990›
Hindels, Josef: Erinnerungen eines linken Sozialisten
. - Wien : Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes, 1996. - 135 pp.
ISBN 3-901142-25-8


IDN  20112         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hindels, Josef ‹1916-1990›
Scheuer, Georg: Genosse Unbekannt
: der junge Revolutionär Josef Hindels
In: Jahrbuch / Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes ‹Wien› [ISSN 1012-4535] 1996 : pp. 123-149

Notes: 45

IDN  20113         LLTB  Chapter  9      Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Oskar Hippe
[Electronic resource]. - 32 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  20114         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Bulletin / Workers League ‹New York, NY, later: Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0279-0165] 1990 (Apr.6)

IDN  20115         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Décès d'Oskar Hippe

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1990 (306) : p. 27

IDN  20116         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Genosse Oskar Hippe gestorben (1900-1990)

In: Rebel / Revolutionär-Kommunistische Jugend ‹Wien› 1990 (8) : p. 11

IDN  20117         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Honor Oskar Hippe

In: Workers Vanguard ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0276-0746] 1990 (499) : p. 8

IDN  20118         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Oskar Hippe

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1990 (183) : p. 27

IDN  20119         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Oskar Hippe 1900-1990

In: Workers Power ‹London› [ISSN 0263-1121] 1990 (130)

IDN  20120         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Oskar Hippe (1900-1990)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : pp. 269-270

IDN  20121         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Archer, Bob: [Obituary] Oskar Hippe (1900-1990)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 3.1990 (1) : p. 34

IDN  20122         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Bois, Jacqueline: [Obituary] Oskar Hippe (1900-1990)

In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] N.s. 1990 (1=607) : pp. 125-127

IDN  20123         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Hippe, Oskar: And red is the colour of our flag
: memories of sixty years in the workers movement / transl. by Andrew Drummond. - London : Index, 1991. - XIII, 305 pp.
ISBN 0-87151-802-4*

Orig.: ... und unsere Fahn' ist rot
Other ed., versions, transl.: Et notre drapeau est rouge

IDN  20124         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Hippe, Oskar: Et notre drapeau est rouge
: du Spartakusbund à la IVe Internationale. - Paris : La Brèche, 1985. - 259 pp. - (Les nôtres [ISSN 0761-2370])
ISBN 2-902524-37-4

Orig.: ... und unsere Fahn' ist rot
Other ed., versions, transl.: And red is the colour of our flag

IDN  20125         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Hippe, Oskar:
... und unsere Fahn' ist rot : Erinnerungen an sechzig Jahre in der Arbeiterbewegung. - Hamburg : Junius-Verl., 1979. - XIII, 287 pp.
ISBN 3-88506-102-3

Table of contents: p.IX Geleitwort/H. Querengaesser -- p.1 Zwischen Kaisertreue und Sozialdemokratie -- p.11 Lehrjahre im Ersten Weltkrieg -- p.20 Revolution in Rußland - Umsturz in Deutschland -- p.36 Nach dem November im mitteldeutschen Industrierevier -- p.45 Gegen Kapp und Hörsing -- p.62 Das Jahr 1923 -- p.76 Auf der schwarzen Liste der Unternehmer -- p.88 Die Auseinandersetzungen in der KPD -- p.114 Das Ende der Weimarer Republik -- p.136 In der Gefangenschaft der Nazis -- p.164 In "Freiheit" im "Dritten Reich" -- p.194 Politischer Neubeginn -- p.208 Als Kommunist in DDR-Haft -- p.237 Auf dem linken Flügel der SPD -- p.262 Rückschau und Ausblick -- p.283 Personenregister
Other ed., versions, transl.: Et notre drapeau est rouge ; And red is the colour of our flag

IDN  20126         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Jackson, Trudi: [Obituary]
An old fighter lives no more : Oskar Hippe, a personal reminiscence
In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1990 (209) : p. 8

IDN  20127         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Lomax, Paul: Oscar [sic] Hippe and the IC

In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1991 (33) : p. 7

IDN  20128         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Neuhaus, Heinrich: [Obituary] Oskar Hippe (1900-1990)

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1990 (227) : pp. 42-43

IDN  20129         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Price, Richard: [Obituary]

In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1990 (May)

IDN  20130         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Querengaesser, Hans: [Obituary] Nachruf auf Oskar Hippe
: Rede von Hans Querengaesser auf der Trauerfeier am 23.3.1990 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf
In: Oktober ‹Berlin› 1990 (31) : pp. 18-20

IDN  20131         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Schüle, Annegret: [Biographical sketch] Hippe, Oskar (geb. 1900)

In: Schüle, A.: Trotzkismus in Deutschland bis 1933. (Köln, 1989) : pp. 148-149

IDN  20132         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Sozialisten in sowjetischem Konzentrationslager
: zur Verurteilung zweier Berliner Genossen
In: Pro und contra ‹Köln etc.› [ISSN 0478-331X] 1.1950 (5) : pp. 15-16

IDN  20133         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Stobnicer, Maurice: [Biographical sketch] Hippe, Oskar (1900)

In: Stobnicer, M.: Le mouvement trotskyste allemand sous la république de Weimar. (Univ. de Paris VIII, diss., 1980) : pp. 357-358

IDN  20134         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Ulrich, Jürg:
Un militant ouvrier - Oskar Hippe (1900-1990)
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1991 (45) : pp. 25-40

Notes: 36

IDN  20135         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hippe, Oskar ‹1900-1990›
Wilhelmi, Dieter: Oskar Hippe and the USFI

In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1990 (July)

IDN  20136         LLTB  Chapter  9      Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
About: Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Baruch Hirson (1921-1999) : historian, editor and political activist
[Electronic resource]. - 5 KB (1 p.)
Accessed Oct. 25, 2006

IDN  20137         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
Flewers, Paul: [Obituary] Baruch Hirson (1921-1999)

In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 14.1999/2000 (6=84) : p. 44

Followed by excerpts from a tribute by Paul Trewhela which was first publ. in: The Independent (London), 1999 (Oct.5)

IDN  20138         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
Flewers, Paul: [Obituary] Baruch Hirson (1921-1999)

In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 9.1999/2000 (4) : p. 31

IDN  20139         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
Hirson, Baruch: Revolutions in my life
. - Johannesburg : Witwatersrand Univ. Pr., 1995. - XVIII, 365 pp.
ISBN 1-86814-255-8 - ISBN 978-1-86814-255-2

Table of contents: p.IX Foreword/T. Lodge -- p.VI Preface -- p.1 The white pigeon of Pretoria local family ties -- p.33 Primary school -- p.54 Rites of passage -- p.72 School graduate -- p.94 Hashomer Hatzair -- p.118 Changing affiliations -- p.139 The Fourth International Organisation of South Africa -- p.160 Political organiser -- p.183 Farewell to politics? -- p.205 Return to university -- p.224 At home and abroad -- p.246 Physics lecturer -- p.265 Congress of Democrats -- p.287 Sharpeville and after -- p.307 The National Committee of Liberation -- p.326 Detention and trial -- p.336 Release and departure -- p.353 Epilogue -- p.358 Glossary -- p.359 Index

IDN  20140         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
Hunter, Ian G.: [Obituary] Baruch Hirson (1921-1999)
/ Ian Hunter
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.2000 (3) : pp. 278-282

IDN  20141         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
Lodge, Tom: [Obituary] Baruch Hirson : Marxist teacher jailed for his part in South Africa's freedom struggle

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1999 (Oct.19) : p. 20

Followed by a notice from Ian G. Hunter

IDN  20142         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Baruch Hirson
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 129 KB (6 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  20143         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Hirson, Baruch ‹1921-1999›
Trewhela, Paul: [Obituary] Baruch Hirson

In: The Independent ‹London› [ISSN 0951-9467] 1999 (Oct.5, Tuesday Review)

IDN  20144         LLTB  Chapter  9      Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Isaacs, Harold Robert, 1910-

In: Contemporary Authors : First revision ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0196-0245] 1/4.1967 : p. 488

IDN  20145         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Isaacs, Harold Robert, 1910-

In: Contemporary Authors : New revision series ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0275-7176] 2.1981 : p. 347

IDN  20146         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Harold Isaacs (1910-1986)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (27) : pp. 110-111

IDN  20147         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Isaacs, Harold Robert, 1910-1986 : obituary notice

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 119.1987 : pp. 157-158

IDN  20148         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
Chen, Jinxing: Harold R. Isaacs in the China scene, 1930-1935
: a story of an American idealist. - 387 pp.
Toledo, Ohio, Univ. of Toledo, Thesis (PhD), 1997
Directors of thesis: William D. Hoover, Robert Freeman Smith

IDN  20149         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
Chen, Jinxing: Harold R. Isaacs' Trotskyist turn in the China Forum years

In: Twentieth-Century China ‹Jamaica, NY; later: Columbus, Ohio› [ISSN 0893-2344 - ISSN 1521-5385] 24.1998 (1) : pp. 31-66

IDN  20150         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
Clarke, George:
The tragedy of Harold Isaacs
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 13.1952 (1=114) : pp. 26-31

IDN  20151         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
Grunfeld, Adalbert Tomasz: Friends of the revolution
: American supporters of China's communists, 1926-1939. - 340 pp.
New York, NY, New York State Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1985

IDN  20152         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
Perlez, Jane: [Obituary] Harold Isaacs, 75, author and M.I.T. professor emeritus

In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1986 (July 10, section B) : p. 8

IDN  20153         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
Wald, Alan Maynard: [Obituary] Harold Isaacs (1910-1986)
/ Alan Wald
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1986 (104) : p. 27

IDN  20154         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Isaacs, Harold R. ‹1910-1986›
Wald, Alan Maynard: [Obituary] Harold R. Isaacs
/ Alan Wald
In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1986 (33) : pp. 29-30

IDN  20155         LLTB  Chapter  9      James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] C. L. R. James
[Electronic resource]. - 35 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  20156         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] James, C(yril) L(ionel) R(obert), 1901- (J.R. Johnson)

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 117.1986 : p. 211

IDN  20157         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: The Next Step ‹London› [ISSN 0144-350X] 1989 (June 9)

IDN  20158         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] C. L. R. James

In: The Annual Obituary ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0278-1573] 1989 (1990) : pp. 300-303

IDN  20159         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] C. L. R. James (1901-1989) (dit Jimmy ou J.R. Johnson, George)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1989 (38) : pp. 12-121

IDN  20160         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : author who inspired Caribbean intellectuals

In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1989 (June 1) : p. 16

IDN  20161         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : major figure in Caribbean radical politics

In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 53.1989 (July 7)

IDN  20162         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]
A formidable opponent
In: Workers Power ‹London› [ISSN 0263-1121] 1989 (120)

IDN  20163         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] James, C(yril) L(ionel) R(obert), 1901-1989 (J. R. Johnson) : obituary notice

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 128.1990 : p. 204

IDN  20164         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Anderson, Andrew:
The Johnson-Forest Tendency in the US [Electronic resource]. - 22 Kb
Accessed Sept. 25, 2003
"Talk by Andrew Anderson at 'Legacy of Hegel' Seminar, 20 November 1998"

IDN  20165         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Archer, John: C. L. R. James en Grande-Bretagne (1932-1938)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2002 (78) : pp. 53-70

Notes: 18
Orig.: CLR James in Britain, 1932-38

IDN  20166         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Archer, John: CLR James in Britain, 1932-38

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 6.1996 (2/3) : pp. 58-73

Notes: 11
Other ed., versions, transl.: C. L. R. James en Grande-Bretagne (1932-1938)
On p. 248 of the same issue: Crawford, Ted: A statement on John Archer's "CLR James in Britain, 1932-38"

IDN  20167         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Arlott, John: [Obituary] Behind the Marxist crease
: C.L.R. James
In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1989 (June 1) : p. 39

IDN  20168         About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›      Beilharz, Peter: Trotsky, Trotskyism and the theory of the transition to socialism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  20169         About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›      Beilharz, Peter: Trotsky, Trotskyism and the transition to socialism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  20170         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Beneke, Jeff: [Biographical sketch] James, C.L.R. (b. 1901)

In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 223-224

IDN  20171         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Beyond boundaries
: C. L. R. James and postnational studies / ed. by Christopher Gair. - London [etc.] : Pluto Pr., 2006. - 202 pp.
ISBN 978-0-7453-2343-5 - ISBN 0-7453-2343-X
ISBN 0-7453-2342-1

IDN  20172         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Birbalsingh, Frank M.:
The literary achievement of C.L.R. James / F.M. Birbalsingh
In: The Journal of Commonwealth Literature ‹London, etc.› [ISSN 0021-9894] 19.1984 (1) : pp. 108-121

Notes: 31

IDN  20173         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Blackburn, Robin: [Obituary] C. L. R. James

In: The Independent ‹London› [ISSN 0951-9467] 1989 (June 2)

A correction by Jim Smith was publ. in: ibid., 1989 (June 8)

IDN  20174         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Boggs, Grace Lee: Thinking and acting dialectically
: C.L.R. James - the American years
In: Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] 45.1993 (5) : pp. 38-46

IDN  20175         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Bogues, Anthony: C. L. R. James, Pan-Africanism and the black radical tradition

In: Critical Arts ‹London› [ISSN 0256-0046] 26.2011 (3) : pp. 484-499

IDN  20176         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Bogues, Anthony: Caliban's freedom
: the early political thought of C.L.R. James. - London [etc.] : Pluto Pr., 1997. - XII, 199 pp.
ISBN 0-7453-0613-6

Bibliogr.: pp. 186-190

IDN  20177         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Bogues, Anthony:
The political thought of C.L.R. James, 1934-1950 / Barrymore Anthony Bogues. - VII, 358 pp.
Mona, Univ. of the West Indies, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1994

IDN  20178         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Bracey, John: Nello

In: James, C.L.R.: C.L.R. James and revolutionary Marxism : selected writings. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1994) : pp. 53-54

Reprinted from: Urgent Tasks (Chicago, Ill.), 1981 (12)

IDN  20179         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Buhle, Paul M.: C. L. R. James : paradoxical Pan-Africanist

In: Imagining home : class, culture and nationalism in the African diaspora / ed. by S. Lemelle [et al.] (London, 1994) : pp. 158-166

IDN  20180         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Buhle, Paul M.: C. L. R. James : the artist as revolutionary
/ Paul Buhle. - London [etc.] : Verso, 1988. - 197 pp.
ISBN 0-86091-221-3 - ISBN 0-86091-932-3

IDN  20181         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Buhle, Paul M.: Marxism in the USA
/ Paul Buhle
In: James, C.L.R.: C.L.R. James and revolutionary Marxism : selected writings. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1994) : pp. 55-74

Notes: 33
Earlier version publ. in: Urgent Tasks (Chicago, Ill.), 1981 (12)

IDN  20182         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Buhle, Paul M.:
The neglected C.L.R. James / Paul Buhle
In: Monthly Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-0520] 52.2000 (5)

Review of James, C.L.R.: Marxism for our times, Jackson, Miss., 1999

IDN  20183         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Buhle, Paul M.: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : revolutionary, 1901-89

In: Radical America ‹Somerville, Mass.› [ISSN 0033-7617] 22.1989 (5)

IDN  20184         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Busby, Margaret: [Biographical sketch] C. L. R. James : a biographical introduction

In: James, C.L.R.: At the rendezvous of victory : selected writings. (London, 1984) : pp. [VII]-XI

IDN  20185         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C. L. R. James : a tribute
: eulogies delivered at the state memorial service held for C.L.R. James, National Stadium, Port-of-Spain, June 28, 1989. - [S.l.] : Government Printery, 1990. - 20 pp.

IDN  20186         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C. L. R. James : his intellectual legacies
/ ed. by Selwyn R. Cudjoe and William E. Cain. - Amherst, Mass. : Univ. of Massachusetts Pr., 1995. - X, 476 pp.
ISBN 0-87023-906-6 - ISBN 0-87023-907-4
ISBN 978-0-87023-907-4

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction/S.R. Cudjoe and W.E. Cain -- p. 23 C.L.R. James 1901-1989, a personal memoir/A. Grimshaw -- p.34 A tribute to C.L.R. James/D. Walcott -- p.49 Minty Alley and early short stories [3 contributions by H. Pyne-Timothy, H.A. Murdoch and B. Paul-Emile] -- p.79 The Black Jacobins: an assessment [5 contributions by R. Blackburn, M. Foot, A. Dupuy, K.M. Rabbitt, and B. Moitt] -- p.163 C.L.R. James: organizing in the USA, 1938-1953/G.L. Boggs -- p.173 C.L.R. James and the American century/K. Worcester -- p.193 Epistemology, absolutes, and the party/L. Turner -- p.205 Further adventures of the dialectic/R. Roderick -- p.215 The love letters of C.L.R. James/S.R. Cudjoe -- p.244 C.L.R. James and the world-system/C.J. Robinson -- p.260 The triumph of the will and the failure of resistance/W.E. Cain -- p.277 C.L.R. James and the fate of Marxism/C. Castoriadis -- p.298 Three letters/R. Dunayevskaya, C.L.R. James, C. Castoriadis -- p.304 The Marxism of C.L.R. James/M. Glaberman -- p.317 C.L.R. James on black self-determination in the United States and the Caribbean/G. Richards -- p.328 C.L.R. James and the politics of Trinidad and Tobago, 1938-1970/J. Millette -- p.348 Reading James reading/A.L. Nielsen -- p.359 Keeping a straight bat/M. Kingwell -- p.388 James and Fanon and the problem of the intelligentsia in popular organizations/P. Idahosa -- p.405 C.L.R. James, Walter Rodney, and the Caribbean intellectual/H. Campbell -- p.435 From a biographer's notebook: the field of C.L.R. James scholarship/P. Buhle -- p.459 Index
Based on the proceedings of a conference held at Wellesley College in Apr. 1991

IDN  20187         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C. L. R. James : his life achievements and thoughts
. - [S.l.], 1988. - 83 pp.
Transcript of a radio programme originally broadcast by the Guyana Broadcasting Corp., Sept. 12-16, 1988

IDN  20188         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C. L. R. James : his life and work
/ ed. by Paul Buhle. - Chicago, Ill. : Sojourner Truth Organization, 1981. - 127 pp. - (Urgent tasks ‹Chicago, Ill.› [ISSN 0730-1529] ; 12.1981)
Later publ., with a slightly different selection, by Allison & Busby, London

IDN  20189         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C. L. R. James : his life and work
/ ed. by Paul Buhle. - London [etc.] : Allison & Busby, 1986. - 256 pp.
ISBN 0-85031-685-5 - ISBN 0-85031-684-7
ISBN 978-0-85031-685-8

Table of contents: p.7 Foreword -- p.9 Notes on the life and work of C.L.R. James/A. Grimshaw -- p.22 Political styles of C.L.R. James/P. Buhle -- p.30 The African revolution/W. Rodney -- p.49 The training of an intellectual, the making of a Marxist/R. Small -- p.61 In England 1932-1938/R.A. Hill -- p.81 Marxism in the USA/P. Buhle - [...] p.168 C.L.R. James, the speaker and his charisma/C. Webb -- p.177 A critical reminiscence/J. and G.L. Boggs -- p.180 Revolutionary artist/S. Weir -- p.185 Young Detroit radicals/D. Georgakas -- p.195 Only connect/F. Gambino -- p.200 Minty Alley/E. Parris -- p.203 Philosophy and culture/D. Wagner -- p.206 Facing reality/P.L. Berman -- p.212 What if C.L.R. James had met E.P. Thompson in 1792?/P. Linebaugh -- p.220 Black women writers/E.E. Miller -- p.222 The gospel according to St. James/G. Rigsby -- p.230 A unique Marxist thinker/W. Harris -- p.232 Personal notes/G. Rawick -- p.237 Conversation/V. Harding and K. Lawrence -- p.243 Meeting in Chicago/N. Ignatin -- p.247 Brixton thanksgiving, 1983/J. Murray -- p.249 C.L.R. James at 80/E.P. Thompson -- p.250 C.L.R. James: a select bibliography -- p.253 Index

IDN  20190         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C. L. R. James : man of the people
: an exhibition of his life and work ; catalogue / ed. by Darcus Howe. - London : Creation for Liberation, 1986. - 13 pp.
Catalogue of an exhibition at Riverside Studios, Hammersmith, London, Febr. 18-March 15, 1986

IDN  20191         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C. L. R. James bibliography

In: James, C.L.R.: At the rendezvous of victory : selected writings. (London, 1984) : pp. 275-299

IDN  20192         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
The C. L. R. James journal : a publication of the C.L.R. James Society. - Wellesley, Mass. : ca. 1990 -

IDN  20193         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C. L. R. James's Caribbean
/ ed. by Paget Henry and Paul Buhle. - Durham, NC : Duke Univ. Pr., 1992. - XVI, 287 pp.
ISBN 0-8223-1231-X - ISBN 0-8223-1244-1

Table of contents: p.VII Preface -- p.3 Portraits and self-portraits -- p.39 The early Trinidadian years -- p.63 Textual explorations -- p.145 Praxis -- p.263 Appendix -- p. 271 Chronology -- p.274 Glossary -- p.278 Index
Notes: 287

IDN  20194         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Cambridge, Alrick Xavier: C. L. R. James : freedom through history and dialectics
/ Alrick Cambridge
In: Intellectuals in the twentieth-century Caribbean / ed. by A. Hennessy. 1. (London [etc.], 1992) : pp. 163-178

IDN  20195         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Camfield, David:
The two souls of CLR James's socialism
In: Critique : journal of socialist thought ‹Glasgow; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0301-7605] 1998 (30/31) : pp. 159-178

IDN  20196         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Carby, Hazel Vivian: Proletarian or revolutionary literature
: C.L.R. James and the politics of the Trinidadian renaissance / Hazel V. Carby
In: The South Atlantic Quarterly ‹Durham, NC› [ISSN 0038-2876] 87.1988 (1) : pp. 39-52

Notes: 40

IDN  20197         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Cyril Lionel Robert James (1901-1989)
[Electronic resource]. - 22 KB (2 pp.)
Notes: 2
Accessed Febr. 1, 2014

IDN  20198         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Cha-Jua, Sundiata Keita: C. L. R. James, blackness, and the making of a neo-Marxist diasporan historiography

In: Contemporary Literary Criticism ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0091-3421] 11.1998 (1) : pp. 53-89, 126

Notes: 8
With abstract

IDN  20199         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Charles, Jean-Claude: [Obituary] Mort de l'écrivain C.-L.-R. James

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 1989 (June 4/5) : p. 14

IDN  20200         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Conroy, Peter:
A dead end of history? : C. L. R. James and the problem-space of American Trotskyism
In: Amerikastudien = American Studies ‹Heidelberg› [ISSN 0340-2827] 69.2024 (1) : pp. 5-26

Notes: 66

IDN  20201         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Crossey, Ciaran: C. L. R. James
/ Ciaran Crossey and James Monaghan
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 6.1996 (2/3) : pp. 53-54

About James's visit to Dublin in 1935

IDN  20202         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Cudjoe, Selwyn Reginald: C. L. R. James and the Trinidad and Tobago intellectual tradition, or, Not learning Shakespeare under a mango tree

In: New Left Review ‹London› [ISSN 0028-6060] 1997 (223) : pp. 114-125

Notes: 40

IDN  20203         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
C(yril) L(ionel) R(obert) James, 1901-

In: Contemporary Literary Criticism ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0091-3421] 33.1985 : pp. 218-225

A selection of appreciations and reviews from various sources

IDN  20204         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
D'Aguilar, Lloyd: What was C.L.R. James's contribution to revolutionary Marxism?

In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1989 (67) : pp. 26-30, 37

IDN  20205         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Dhondy, Farrukh: C. L. R. James : a life
. - New York, NY : Pantheon Books, 2001. - XVI, 224 ppp.
ISBN 0-375-42100-9 - ISBN 978-0-375-42100-6

IDN  20206         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Dorn, Paul:
A controversial Caribbean : C.L.R. James [Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (5 pp.)
Notes: 18
Dated 1995
Accessed Sept. 25, 2003

IDN  20207         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Douglas, Rachel: Making The black Jacobins
: C.L.R. James and the drama of history. - Durham, N.C. [etc.] : Duke Univ. Pr., 2019. - XII, 306 pp.
ISBN 978-1-4780-0427-1

IDN  20208         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Dunayevskaya, Raya: On C.L.R. James' Notes on dialectics
[Electronic resource]. - 14 KB (4 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 25, 2003

IDN  20209         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Dworkin, Dennis L.: C. L. R. James in Nevada
/ Dennis Dworkin
In: Nevada Historical Society Quarterly ‹Reno, Nev.› [ISSN 0047-9462] 44.2001 (2) : pp. 109-132

IDN  20210         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Farred, Grant: Victorian with the rebel seed
: C.L.R. James - postcolonial intellectual
In: Social Text ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0164-1472] 1994 (38) : pp. 21-38

Notes: 28

IDN  20211         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Foot, Paul: [Obituary]
The question lingers on
In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 1989 (July 1)

IDN  20212         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Fraser, Charles Gerald: [Obituary] C. L. R. James, historian, critic and pan-Africanist, is dead at 88
/ C. Gerald Fraser
In: The New York Times ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0362-4331] 1989 (June 2) : section D, p. 15 (of late city final ed.)

IDN  20213         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Fryer, Peter: [Obituary]
A farewell to Nello
In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1989 (169) : p. 6

IDN  20214         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Gattolin, Federico: C. L. R. James : il Platone nero
. - Roma : Prospettiva, 2002. - 114 pp. - (Ritratti di famiglia ; 7)
ISBN 88-8022-085-3

IDN  20215         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Gikandi, Simon: Caribbean modernist discourse
: writing, exile and tradition
In: Gikandi, S.: Writing in limbo. (Ithaka, NY, 1992) : pp. 33-65

IDN  20216         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Girvan, Norman: Remembering C.L.R. James
[Electronic resource]. - 8 KB (4 pp.)
Prep. for a seminar on "Remembering C.L.R. James", May 8, 2000
Accessed Sept. 25, 2013

IDN  20217         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Glaberman, Martin: C. L. R. James : a recollection

In: New Politics ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0028-6494] N.s. 2.1990 (4=8) : pp. 78-84

IDN  20218         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Glaberman, Martin: C. L. R. James : a recollection

In: James, C.L.R.: C.L.R. James and revolutionary Marxism : selected writings. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1994) : pp. 45-52

Reprinted from: New Politics (New York, NY), n.s. 2.1990 (4)

IDN  20219         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Glaberman, Martin: Remembering C.L.R. James
: the revolutionary optimist
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 12.1997/98 (6=72) : pp. 43-46

Review of Worcester, Kent: C.L.R. James - a political biography, Albany, NY, 1996

IDN  20220         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Gomes, Patrick Ignatius: C. L. R. James's Marxian paradigm on the transformation of Caribbean social structure
: a comparative critique. - 593, 3 pp.
New York, NY, Fordham Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1980

IDN  20221         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Gomes, Patrick Ignatius:
The Marxian populism of C.L.R. James / P.I. Gomes. - St. Augustine : Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of the West Indies, 1978. - 35 pp. - (Working papers on Caribbean society : Series A, New perspectives in theory and analysis ; 1)

IDN  20222         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Grimshaw, Anna: C. L. R. James : a revolutionary vision for the 20th century
. - New York, NY : C.L.R. James Inst., 1991. - 44 pp.

IDN  20223         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Grimshaw, Anna: C. L. R. James and 'The struggle for happiness'

In: Critique of Anthropology ‹London› [ISSN 0308-275X] 11.1991 (2) : pp. 195-203

IDN  20224         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Grimshaw, Anna: C. L. R. James and 'The struggle for happiness'
/ Anna Grimshaw ; Keith Hart. - New York, NY : C.L.R. James Inst., 1991. - 57 pp.

IDN  20225         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Grimshaw, Anna:
The C. L. R. James archive : a reader's guide. - New York, NY : C.L.R. James Inst., 1991. - 108 pp.

IDN  20226         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Grimshaw, Anna:
The C. L. R. James archive : a reader's guide. - New York, NY : C.L.R. James Inst., 1991. - 108 pp.

IDN  20227         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Grimshaw, Anna: [Obituary] CLR James (1901-1989)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 2.1989 (3) : pp. 40-42

IDN  20228         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Grimshaw, Anna: Popular democracy and the creative imagination
: the writings of C.L.R. James, 1950-1963. - New York, NY : C.L.R. James Inst., 1991. - 48 pp.

IDN  20229         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Hall, Stuart: Breaking bread with history
: C.L.R. James and the Black Jacobins / Stuart Hall interviewed by Bill Schwarz
In: History Workshop Journal ‹London› [ISSN 1363-3554] 1998 (46) : pp. 17-31

Notes: 17

IDN  20230         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Hall, Stuart: [Obituary] CLR James
: Stuart Hall on the npnpareil black caribbean intellectual
In: New Statesman and Society ‹London› [ISSN 0954-2361] 2.1989 (53) : p. 21

IDN  20231         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Hamilton, Cynthia:
A way of seeing : culture as political expression in the works of C.L.R. James
In: Journal of Black Studies ‹Beverly Hills, Cal.› [ISSN 0021-9347] 22.1992 (3) : pp. 429-443

IDN  20232         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Harman, Chris: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : writer and revolutionary

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 1989 (June 10)

IDN  20233         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Hillman, Ellis: [Obituary]

In: Sous le drapeau du socialisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 0560-9038] 1990 (114/115) : pp. 35-40

IDN  20234         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Hirson, Baruch: Communalism and socialism in Africa
: the misdirection of C.L.R. James
In: Searchlight South Africa ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0954-3384] 1990 (4)

IDN  20235         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Hitchens, Christopher: C. L. R. James

In: Hitchens, C.: For the sake of argument. (London, 1993) : pp. 325-327

IDN  20236         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian: Beyond the boundary of Leninism?
: CLR James and 1956 / Christian Hogsbjerg
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2006 (3) : pp. 144-159

Notes: 64

IDN  20237         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian:
A "Bohemian freelancer"? : C.L.R. James, his early relationship to anarchism and the intellectual origins of autonomism
In: Libertarian socialism : politics in black and red / ed. by A. Prichard. (Basingstoke, 2012) : pp. 143-166

IDN  20238         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian: C. L. R. James : the revolutionary as artist

In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2006 (112) : pp. 163-182

IDN  20239         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian: C. L. R. James and the Black Jacobins

In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2010 (126) : pp. 95-120

Notes: 72

IDN  20240         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian: C. L. R. James in imperial Britain, 1932-38
/ Christian John Høgsbjerg. - XIII, 492 pp.
York, Univ. of York, Thesis (Ph.D.), 2009
Table of contents: p.V List of figures -- p.VII Preface and acknowledgements -- p.1 Introduction: 'Revolutionaries, artists and wicket-keepers': C.L.R. James's place in history -- p.30 'We lived according to the tenets of Matthew Arnold': The 'Britishness' of the young C.L.R. James -- p.53 'Red Nelson': The English working class and the making of C.L.R. James -- p.90 'Trotsky's lieutenant': the early Marxism of C.L.R. James -- p.153 'Discovering Africa': the class struggle Pan-Africanism of C.L.R. James -- p.220 'That dreadful country': C.L.R. James on American civilisation -- p.240 'A thorn in the side of Great Britain': C.L.R. James and the Caribbean labour rebellions -- p.262 'Black Paris' and Red Spanish notebooks: race and revolutionary politics in imperial Europe -- p.296 'The humbler type of cricket scribe': C.L.R. James on sport, culture and society -- p.335 'There is no drama like the drama of history': The Black Jacobins, Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian revolution -- p.390 Conclusion -- p.411 List of abbreviations -- p.413 Appendices -- p.440 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 440-492
Notes: 1,326
Director of thesis: David Howell
Trade ed. publ. with same title, Durham, NC, 2014

IDN  20241         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian: C. L. R. James in imperial Britain, 1932-38
. - Durham, NC [etc.] : Duke Univ. Pr., 2014. - XIV, 294 pp.
ISBN 978-0-8223-5612-7

Trade ed. of author's university work with same title, University of York, 2009

IDN  20242         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian:
'The fever and the fret' : C.L.R. James, the Spanish civil war and the writing of The Black Jacobins
In: Critique : journal of socialist thought ‹Glasgow; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0301-7605] 44.2016 (1/2) : pp. 161-177

IDN  20243         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian:
"A kind of Bible of Trotskyism" : reflections on C.L.R. James' World revolution
In: C. L. R. James Journal ‹Wellesley, Mass.› [ISSN 2167-4256] 19.2013 (1/2) : pp. 243-275

IDN  20244         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian: "Making an opening"
: C.L.R. James in Britain, 1932-38. - 102 pp.
York, Univ. of York, Thesis (M.A.), 2002
Director of thesis: Allison Drew

IDN  20245         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian:
Die Roten und die Schwarzen : C. L. R. James und die historische Idee der Weltrevolution
In: Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0944-629X] 2019 : pp. 35-52

Angl.: The Reds and the Blacks

IDN  20246         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Høgsbjerg, Christian:
A thorn in the side of Great Britain : C.L.R. James and the Caribbean labour rebellions of the 1930s
In: Small Axe : a Caribbean journal of criticism ‹Bloomington, Ind.› [ISSN 0799-0537] 15.2011 (35) : pp. 24-42

IDN  20247         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Hommage à CLR James
. - [S.l.] : Ed. Uhuru, 1978. - 47 pp. - (Mingongo ya b'Afrika = Nouvelles critiques panafricaines = Panafrican criticism ; 1)
Text Engl. and French

IDN  20248         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Howe, Stephen: [Biographical sketch] James, Cyril Lionel Robert (1901-1989) : historian and writer ...

In: Oxford dictionary of national biography : from the earliest times to the year 2000 / ed. by H.C.G. Matthew [et al.] 29. (Oxford [etc.], 2004) : pp. 685-687

Also publ. as online resource, URL:

IDN  20249         About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›      James, Cyril Lionel Robert: C. L. R. James and British Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20250         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
James, Louis: [Biographical sketch]

In: Contemporary novelists / ed.: D.L. Kirkpatrick. 4. ed. (London, etc., 1986) : pp. 461-462

IDN  20251         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Keenaghan, Eric: "His eyes almost fell through the crease"
: using voyeurism and sexuality to ascertain the modernist attributes of C.L.R. James's Minty Alley" [Electronic resource]. - 30 KB (8 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 25, 2003 and Oct. 1, 2014 (new URL)
"The original version of this paper was delivered at Schuylkill's Borderlands conference in March 1998..."

IDN  20252         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
King, Nicole Roberta: C. L. R. James and creolization
: circles of influence / Nicole King. - Jackson, Miss. : Univ. Pr. of Mississippi, 2001. - XIX, 168 pp.
ISBN 1-57806-364-7

IDN  20253         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
King, Nicole Roberta: C. L. R. James and formulations of Caribbean cultural identity
. - 223 pp.
Philadelphia, Penn., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1994

IDN  20254         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
La Guerre, John Gaffar: C. L. R. James bibliography
. - [St. Augustine] : [Author], 1971. - 11 pp.

IDN  20255         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Lawrence, Ken: Padmore and CLR James
[Electronic resource]. - 9 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Sept. 25, 2003

IDN  20256         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Le Blanc, Paul: C. L. R. James and revolutionary Marxism
: introduction
In: James, C.L.R.: C.L.R. James and revolutionary Marxism : selected writings. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1994) : pp. 1-37

Table of contents: p.2 James and the Trotskyist movement -- p.12 The break with the Trotskyist movement -- p.19 Reading James -- p.27 Notes
Notes: 53

IDN  20257         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Le Blanc, Paul:
The Marxism of C.L.R. James : challenges of a black revolutionary
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 10.1995/96 (6=60) : pp. 25-29

Title according to table of contents: The creative Marxism of C.L.R. James

IDN  20258         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Le Blanc, Paul:
The Marxism of C.L.R. James
In: Le Blanc, P.: Left Americana : the radical heart of US history. (Chicago, Ill., 2017) : pp. 89-116

IDN  20259         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Linden, Marcel van der: Zur Kritik der politischen Eschatologie am Beispiel von C.L.R. James

In: Alltäglichkeit und Kolonialisierung / J. Gerwin [et al.] (Hrsg.) (Oldenburg, 1983) : pp. 86-94

IDN  20260         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
López Springfield, Consuelo: C. L. R. James : the rhetoric of a defiant warrior
/ Consuelo Lopez. - III, 218 pp.
Bloomington, Ind., Indiana Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1983
Bibliogr.: pp. [203]-[219]

IDN  20261         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
López Springfield, Consuelo: Through the people's eyes
: C.L.R. James's rhetoric of history
In: Caribbean Quarterly ‹Mona› [ISSN 0008-6495] 36.1990 (1/2) : pp. 85-97

Notes: 51

IDN  20262         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
López Springfield, Consuelo: What do men live by?
: autobiography and intention in C.L.R. James's Beyond a boundary
In: Caribbean Quarterly ‹Mona› [ISSN 0008-6495] 35.1989 (4) : pp. 73-88

Notes: 88

IDN  20263         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
MacKenzie, Alan J.: Radical Pan-Africanism in the 1930s
: a discussion with C.L.R. James
In: Radical History Review ‹Cambridge, etc.› [ISSN 0163-6545] 24.1980 (3) : pp. 68-75

IDN  20264         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Marable, Manning: C. L. R. James and the fall of Kwame Nkrumah
. - [Dayton, Ohio] : Black Research Associates, 1981. - 16 pp. - (Black praxis ; 14)
On cover: C.L.R. James and Nkrumah

IDN  20265         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Marquese, Mike: [Obituary] Beyond many boundaries

In: Labour Briefing ‹London› [ISSN 0955-1530] 1989 (June 7/20)

IDN  20266         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Martin, Tony: C. L. R. James and the race-class question

In: Race : the journal of the Institute of Race Relations ‹London› [ISSN 0033-7277] 14.1972 (2) : pp. 183-193

Notes: 46

IDN  20267         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Matgamna, Sean: [Obituary] CLR James
/ Jack Cleary [i.e. Sean Matgamna]
In: Workers Liberty ‹London› [ISSN 0960-8753] 1989 (12/13) : p. 34

IDN  20268         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Matthieu, Renault: C. L. R. James : la vie révolutionnaire d'un "Platon noir"
. - Paris : La Découverte, 2015. - 227 pp.
ISBN 978-2-7071-8191-6

Table of contents: p.7 Avant-propos -- p.17 L'enfant de Trinidad -- p.31 À la découverte du peuple antillais -- p.45 Devenir marxiste en Angleterre -- p.61 Préface à la révolution africaine -- p.81 Sur la "question noire" aux États-Unis -- p.101 La révolution américaine à venir -- p.121 La civilisation américaine ou la lutte pour le bonheur -- p.141 Tragédie et démocratie -- p.159 En route vers l'indépendance -- p.177 La renaissance caribéenne -- p.193 Professeur James -- p.209 Conclusion: un héritage en partage -- p.215 Bibliographie sélective -- p.219 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 215-218

IDN  20269         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
McLemee, Scott: American civilization and world revolution
: C.L.R. James in the United States, 1938-1953 and beyond ; afterword
In: James, C.L.R.: C.L.R. James and revolutionary Marxism : selected writings. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1994) : pp. 209-238

Notes: 62

IDN  20270         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Meeks, Brian: Re-reading The black Jacobins
: James, the dialectic and the revolutionary conjuncture
In: Social and Economic Studies ‹Kingston, Jamaica› [ISSN 0037-7651] 43.1994 (3) : pp. 75-103

IDN  20271         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Nielsen, Aldon Lynn: C. L. R. James : a critical introduction
. - Jackson, Miss. : Univ. Pr. of Mississippi, 1997. - XXVII, 199 pp.
ISBN 0-87805-972-5 - ISBN 0-87805-973-3

Bibliogr.: pp. 189-194

IDN  20272         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Nordquist, Joan: C. L. R. James : a bibliography
. - Santa Cruz, Cal. : Reference and Research Services, 2001. - 68 pp. - (Social theory [ISSN 0887-3577] ; 62)

IDN  20273         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Oxaal, Ivar: [Biographical sketch]

In: The Routledge dictionary of twentieth century political thinkers / ed. by R. Benewick [et al.] (London [etc.], 1998) : pp. 118-120

A selection of appreciations and reviews from various sources

IDN  20274         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Price, Richard: [Obituary] From revolution to respectability
: C.L.R. James
In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1989 (17) : p. 7

IDN  20275         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Renault, Matthieu: C. L. R. James : la vie révolutionnaire d'un "Platon noir"
. - Paris : La Découverte, 2016. - 227 pp.
ISBN 978-2-7071-8191-6 - ISBN 1-934110-26-4

Bibliogr.: pp. 215-218

IDN  20276         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Renton, David: C. L. R. James : cricket's philosopher king
/ Dave Renton. - London : Haus, 2007. - 202 pp.
ISBN 978-1-905791-01-9 - ISBN 1-905791-01-1

Bibliogr.: pp. 194-198

IDN  20277         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Rethinking C.L.R. James
: a critical reader / ed. and introd. by Grant Farred. - Cambridge, Mass. [etc.] : Blackwell, 1996. - VIII, 225 pp.
ISBN 1-55786-598-1 - ISBN 1-55786-599-X

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction/G. Farred -- p.15 A conversation with C.L.R. James/S. Hall -- p.45 Special delivery: the letters of C.L.R. James to Constance Webb, 1939-1948/A. Grimshaw -- p.75 Civilization in one country?/A. Ross -- p.85 Negativities of the popular: C.L.R. James and the limits of "cultural studies"/N. Larsen -- p.103 The world the diaspora made: C.L.R. James and the politics of history/R.D.G. Kelley -- p.131 Silence and dialectics: speculations on C.L.R. James and Latin America/S. Colás -- p.165 The maple man: how cricket made a postcolonial intellectual/G. Farred -- p.187 "The future anterior": C.L.R. James and going 'Beyond a boundary'/K. Surin -- p.205 Afterword: The boy at the window/J.Murray -- p.219 Note on contributors -- p.221 Index of names

IDN  20278         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Richardson, Al: Introduction to the paperback edition

In: James, C.L.R.: World revolution 1917-1936. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1993) : pp. XI-XXIII

IDN  20279         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Richardson, Al: [Obituary]

In: Socialist Organiser ‹London› [ISSN 1358-9911] 1989 (June 22)

IDN  20280         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Roberts, William Clare: "Centralism is a dangerous tool"
: leadership in C.L.R. James's History of principles
In: C. L. R. James Journal ‹Wellesley, Mass.› [ISSN 2167-4256] 26.2020 (1/2) : pp. 219-240

IDN  20281         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Robinson, Cedric J.: C. L. R. James and the black radical tradition

In: Robinson, C.J.: Black Marxism. (London, 1983) : pp. 349-415

Notes: 207

IDN  20282         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Rose, David: [Obituary] C. L. R. James dies aged 88

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1989 (June 1)

IDN  20283         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Rosengarten, Frank: Antonio Gramsci and C.L.R. James : some intriguing similarities

In: Rosengarten, F.: The revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci. (Leiden [etc.], 2014)

IDN  20284         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Rosengarten, Frank: Antonio Gramsci and C.L.R. James : some parallels and similarities
[Electronic resource]. - 33 KB (6 pp.)
Notes: 6
At head of title: International Gramsci Society online article, Aug. 2002
Accessed Sept. 25, 2003

IDN  20285         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Rosengarten, Frank: Urbane revolutionary : C.L.R. James and the struggle for a new society
. - Jackson, Miss. : Univ. of Mississippi Pr., 2008. - XIII, 282 pp.
ISBN 978-1-934110-26-3 - ISBN 1-934110-26-4

IDN  20286         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Rothstein, Andrew F.: Leninism trotskified
/ R.F. Andrews [i.e. Andrew Rothstein]
In: Left News ‹London› 1937 (June) : pp. 291-298

IDN  20287         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Røtvold, Hanna Emilie:
The power of personality : the influence of Leon Trotsky's History of the Russian revolution (1930) on C.L.R. James' The Black Jacobins (1938). - 104 pp.
Oslo, Univ. i Oslo, Masteroppg., 2022
Bibliogr.: pp. 100-104
Notes: 380
Director of thesis: Steinar Andreas Sæther

IDN  20288         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Samoiloff, Louise Cripps: C. L. R. James : memories and commentaries
. - New York, NY : Cornwall Books, 1997. - 201 pp.
ISBN 0-8453-4865-5

IDN  20289         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
San Juan, Epifanio: Beyond postcolonial theory
: the mass line in C.L.R. James' imagination / E. San Juan, Jr.
In: The Journal of Commonwealth Literature ‹London, etc.› [ISSN 0021-9894] 31.1996 (1) : pp. 25-44

IDN  20290         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Sancho, Thomas Anson: C. L. R. James : the man and his work
: a study of Cyril Lionel Robinson [sic] James, the father and master of modern West Indian life and his programme and philosophy for the transformation of a sick world society into the golden age / T. Anson Sancho. - [Georgetown ?] : Carifesta, [1972]. - 60 pp.
2. ed. was publ. with title: CLR : the man and his work

IDN  20291         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Sancho, Thomas Anson: CLR : the man and his work
/ T. Anson Sancho. Foreword by A.J. Seymour. - 2. ed. - Ruimveldt, Greater Georgetown : Guyana Pr., 1976. - 86 pp.
Orig.: C. L. R. James : the man and his work

IDN  20292         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Sander, Reinhard W.: [Biographical sketch] C. L. R. James (4 January 1901 - 31 May 1989)
/ Reinhard Sander
In: Dictionary of Literary Biography ‹Detroit, Mich., etc.› [ISSN 1096-8547] 125.1993 : pp. 41-47

IDN  20293         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Sander, Reinhard W.: C. L. R. James and the Haitian revolution

In: World Literature Written in English ‹Downsview, Ont.› [ISSN 0093-1705] 26.1986 (2) : pp. 277-290

Notes: 16

IDN  20294         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Schwarz, Bob: C. L. R. James in America

In: New Formations ‹London› [ISSN 0950-2378] 1994 (24) : pp. 174-183

IDN  20295         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Singh, H.P.:
The Indian enigma : a review of Mr. C.L.R. James' "West Indians of 'East Indian' descent", or, A study in coolietude. - [Port-of-Spain : Vedic Enterprises], 1965. - 23 pp.

IDN  20296         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Skinner, Curtis: [Biographical sketch] James, C(yril) L(ionel) R(obert), 1901- (J.R. Johnson)

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 125.1989 : pp. 226-229

IDN  20297         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Small, Richard: [Obituary] Caliban and Ceasar

In: Caribbean Quarterly ‹Mona› [ISSN 0008-6495] 35.1989 (4) : pp. 89-92

Speech delivered at a tribute to C.L.R. James, Kingston, June 29, 1989

IDN  20298         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Smith, Andrew: C. L. R. James and the study of culture
. - New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. - 174 pp.
ISBN 978-0-230-22021-8

IDN  20299         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Smith, Andrew: 'Concrete freedom'
: C.L.R. James on culture and black politics
In: Cultural Sociology ‹London etc.› [ISSN 1749-9763] 5.2011 (4) : pp. 479-499

IDN  20300         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Smith, Cyril: [Obituary] C. L. R. James and Trotskyism

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1989 (169) : p. 6

Partly a reply to Blackburn's obituary of C.L.R. James

IDN  20301         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Somburu, Kwame M.A.: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : a socialist scholar, writer and orator

In: Socialist Action ‹San Francisco, Cal.› [ISSN 0747-4237] 7.1989 (8)

IDN  20302         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
St. Louis, Brett: Rethinking race, politics, and poetics
: C.L.R. James' critique of modernity. - New York, NY [etc.] : Routledge, 2007. - X, 248 pp. - (Routledge studies in cultural history ; 7)
ISBN 978-0-415-95772-4 - ISBN 0-415-95772-9

IDN  20303         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Sunitha, K.T.: [Obituary] C. L. R. James (1901-1989) : a tribute

In: Literary half-yearly ‹Mysore› [ISSN 0024-4554] 1989 (30) : pp. 145-149

IDN  20304         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Surin, Kenneth: C. L. R. James's materialist aesthetics of cricket

In: Intellectuals in the twentieth-century Caribbean / ed. by A. Hennessy. 1. (London [etc.], 1992) : pp. 131-162

IDN  20305         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Thelwell, Michael: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : more dangerous as he grew older

In: Radical America ‹Somerville, Mass.› [ISSN 0033-7617] 22.1989 (5)

IDN  20306         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Traverso, Enzo: [Obituary] Briser les chaînes ...
: C.L.R. James (1901-1989)
In: Critique communiste ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] [N.s.] 1989 (89) : pp. 28-32

IDN  20307         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Traverso, Enzo: [Obituary] C. L. R. James (1901-1989) : intellettuale, storico, militante

In: Movimento operaio e socialista ‹Genova› [ISSN 0027-2817] N.s. 13.1990 (3) : pp. 387-394

IDN  20308         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Tribute to a scholar
: appreciating C.L.R. James. - [Kingston] : Consortium Graduate School of Social Sciences, [1990]. - X, 114 pp.

IDN  20309         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Trotman, Althea Veronica: African-Caribbean perspectives of worldview
: C.L.R. James explores the authentic voice. - VII, 195 pp.
Downsview, Ont., York Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1993

IDN  20310         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] C. L. R. James (1901-1989)
/ Charlie van Gelderen
In: Frontline Worker ‹London› 1989 (1) : pp. 39-40

IDN  20311         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] C. L. R. James (1901-1989)
/ Charlie van Gelderen
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1989 (291) : pp. 28-29

IDN  20312         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : Schriftsteller und Revolutionär
/ Charlie van Gelderen
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1989 (219) : pp. 40-41

IDN  20313         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : thinker, writer, revolutionary

In: James, C.L.R.: C.L.R. James and revolutionary Marxism : selected writings. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1994) : pp. 41-44

Partially reprinted from: Socialist Outlook (London), 1989 (16)

IDN  20314         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : writer and revolutionary
/ Charlie van Gelderen
In: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1989 (66) : p. 27

IDN  20315         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] C. L. R. James : writer and revolutionary
/ Charlie van Gelderen
In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1989 (166) : p. 25

IDN  20316         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Van Gelderen, Charles: [Obituary] Thinker, writer, revolutionary : C.L.R. James 1901-1989
/ Charlie van Gelderen
In: Socialist Outlook ‹London› [ISSN 0951-8657] 1989 (16) : pp. 32-33

IDN  20317         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Varela, Paula: C. L. R. James (1901-1989) : más allá de las fronteras
/ Paula Varela ; Gastón Gutiérrez
In: Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2313-9749] 5.2017 (10) : pp. 163-181

Notes: 12

IDN  20318         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Wald, Alan Maynard: From margin to center - C.L.R. James
/ Alan M. Wald
In: Wald, A.M.: The responsibility of intellectuals. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ [etc.], 1992) : pp. 67-72

IDN  20319         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Whitlock, Gillian:
The bush, the barrack-yard and the clearing : 'colonial realism' in the sketches and stories of Susanna Moodie, C.L.R. James and Henry Lawson
In: The Journal of Commonwealth Literature ‹London, etc.› [ISSN 0021-9894] 20.1985 (1) : pp. 36-48

Notes: 23

IDN  20320         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Widgery, David: C. L. R. James

In: Widgery, D.: Preserving disorder. (London, 1989) : pp. 122-127

IDN  20321         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Williams, John Lincoln: CLR James : a life beyond the boundaries
/ John L. Williams. - London : Constable, 2022. - 489, [8] pp.
ISBN 978-1-4721-3013-6

IDN  20322         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Worcester, Kent: [Biographical sketch] James, C.L.R. (1901-89)

In: Encyclopedia of the American Left / ed. by M.J. Buhle [et al.] (New York, NY etc., 1990) : pp. 387-388

IDN  20323         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Worcester, Kent: C. L. R. James : a political biography
. - [Albany, NY] : State Univ. of New York Pr., 1995. - XVI, 311 pp. - (SUNY series Interruptions - border testimony(ies) and critical discourse(s))
ISBN 0-7914-2752-8 - ISBN 0-7914-2751-X

IDN  20324         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Worcester, Kent: C. L. R. James : his intellectual legacies

In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 6.1991/92 (5=36) : pp. 122-127

IDN  20325         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Worcester, Kent: C. L. R. James and the American century, 1938-1953
. - San Germán : Centro de Investigaciones del Caribe y América Latina, 1982. - 49 pp. - (Documentos de trabajo / Centro del Investigaciones del Caribe y América Latina ; 12)

IDN  20326         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Worcester, Kent: C. L. R. James and the gospel of American modernity

In: Socialism and Democracy ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0885-4300] 8.1992 (2/3) : pp. 143-165

IDN  20327         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Worcester, Kent: C. L. R. James, multiculturalism, and the Canon

In: National Political Science Review ‹New Brunswick, NJ, etc.› [ISSN 0896-629X] 4.1994

IDN  20328         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Worcester, Kent: [Obituary]
The revolutionary as artist : C.L.R. James, 1901-1989
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 4.1989/90 (5=23) : pp. 41-43

IDN  20329         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Worcester, Kent: West Indian politics and cricket
: C.L.R. James and Trinidad, 1958-1963. - San Germán : Centro de Investigaciones del Caribe y América Latina, 1986. - 30 pp. - (Documentos de trabajo / Centro del Investigaciones del Caribe y América Latina ; 20)

IDN  20330         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Young, James Douglas: Leon Trotsky and C.L.R. James
: socialist fugitives / James D. Young
In: Young, J.D.: Socialism since 1889. (London, 1988) : pp. 179-205, 255-259

Notes: 73

IDN  20331         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: James, Cyril Lionel Robert ‹1901-1989›
Young, James Douglas:
The world of C.L.R. James : the unfragmented vision / James D. Young. - Glasgow : Clydeside Pr., 1999. - VII, 392 pp.
ISBN 1-87358-626-4

IDN  20332         LLTB  Chapter  9      Jordan, Pat ‹1928-2001›
About: Jordan, Pat ‹1928-2001›
Cohen, Steve: [Obituary] Pat Jordan (1928-2001)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 8.2003 (3) : pp. 276-281

IDN  20333         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jordan, Pat ‹1928-2001›
Southall, Tony: [Obituary] Key to linking British Marxists with Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

In: Socialist Outlook ‹London› [ISSN 0951-8657] [N.s.] 2001 (49) : p. 18

IDN  20334         LLTB  Chapter  9      Jossen, Yvan ‹1944-2007›
About: Jossen, Yvan ‹1944-2007›
Aguirre, Léonce: [Obituary] Yvan Jossen
/ Léonce Aguirre ; Alain Krivine
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 2007 (2218)

IDN  20335         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jossen, Yvan ‹1944-2007›
Malewski, Jan: [Obituary] Yvan Jossen (1944-2007)

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2007 (530/531)

IDN  20336         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jossen, Yvan ‹1944-2007›
Malewski, Jan: [Obituary] Yvan Jossen (1944-2007)
/ Übers. und Anmerkungen von Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2008 (434/435) : pp. 41-43

Notes: 7

IDN  20337         LLTB  Chapter  9      Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Georg Jungclas
[Electronic resource]. - 31 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  20338         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary]

In: Combat socialiste pour la république des travailleurs du Québec ‹Montréal, Québec› [ISSN 0821-4972] 1975 (1) : p. 11

IDN  20339         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Georg Jungclas : 22.2.02 - 11.9.75

In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 8.1975 (85) : p. 3

IDN  20340         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Georg Jungclas : veteran of six decades of struggle in the socialist movement

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 13.1975 (35) : p. 1326

Originally publ. in: Was tun (Various places), 8.1975 (85)

IDN  20341         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Georg Jungclas, February 22, 1902 - September 11, 1975
: a founder of the Left Opposition in Germany
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 13.1975 (34) : p. 1277

Transl. from the German

IDN  20342         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Georg Jungclas (Albert, Erich) (1902-1975)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : pp. 271-272

IDN  20343         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Berens, Peter: Zur Erinnerung an Georg Jungclas 1902-1975
/ B.B. [i.e. Peter Berens]
In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 11.2005 (123) : p. 22

IDN  20344         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Foitzik, Jan: [Biographical sketch] Jungclas, Georg (1902-1975)

In: Foitzik, J.: Zwischen den Fronten. (Bonn, 1986) : p. 287

IDN  20345         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Frank, Pierre: [Obituary] Georg Jungclas, 1902-1975
/ P. Frank
In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1975 (34) : pp. 30-32

IDN  20346         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Frank, Pierre: [Obituary] Georg Jungclas, 1902-1975

In: Inprecor : [English edition] ‹Paris ; Bruxelles› [ISSN 0294-8516] 1975 (34) : pp. 30-31

IDN  20347         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Frank, Pierre: [Obituary] Georg Jungclas, 1902-1975

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1975 (42) : pp. 30-31

IDN  20348         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Georg Jungclas 70 Jahre

In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 1972 (2) : pp. 17-18

IDN  20349         About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›      Georg Jungclas, 1902-1975   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20350         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Jungclas, Georg: Georg Jungclas : Leben eines Revolutionärs

In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 8.1975 (85) : pp. 6-7

Notes: 17
Interview conducted 1972 on the occasion of Jungclas' 70th birthday

IDN  20351         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Kellner, Manuel: Georg Jungclas

In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 10.1995 (19) : p. 15

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Jungclas' death

IDN  20352         About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›      Leggewie, Claus: Geheime Treffs im Hutgeschäft   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20353         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Georg Jungclas

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] N.s. 1975 (22) : pp. 5-6

IDN  20354         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Mandel, Ernest: [Postface] Nachwort

In: Georg Jungclas, 1902-1975 : eine politische Dokumentation. (Hamburg, 1980) : pp. 282-286

IDN  20355         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Mandel, Gisela: On the seventieth birthday of Georg Jungclas
: half a century of revolutionary activity
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 10.1972 (10) : pp. 261-263

IDN  20356         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Moneta, Jakob: Aus der Geschichte lernen, revolutionäre Geschichte zu machen
: zum Gedenken an Georg (Schorsch) Jungclas / Anna Armand [i.e. Jakob Moneta]
In: Die Internationale / Gruppe Internationale Marxisten ‹Various places› 1976 (10) : pp. 6-16

IDN  20357         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Moneta, Jakob: Unbeirrbar an dem sozialistischen Ziel festgehalten
: zur Dokumentation über Schorsch Jungclas
In: Was Tun ‹Mannheim; later: Hamburg; later: Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0043-0404] 14.1981 (307) : pp. 14-15

IDN  20358         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Mull, Hans-Günter: [Biographical sketch] Georg Jungclas
/ hgm [i.e. Hans-Günter Mull]
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 15.2000 (19) : p. 15

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Jungclas' death

IDN  20359         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Mull, Hans-Günter: [Biographical sketch] Georg Jungclas (1902-75)
/ hgm [i.e. Hans-Günter Mull]
In: Avanti ‹Berlin; later: Hameln; later: Mannheim› 2000 (67) : p. 21

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Jungclas' death

IDN  20360         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Ein schmaler Grat : Georg Jungclas - Koordinaten einer politischen Biografie
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 17.2002 (3) : p. 19

Originally publ. as "Vorbemerkung" in: Georg Jungclas 1902-1975, Hamburg, 1980

IDN  20361         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Schüle, Annegret: [Biographical sketch] Jungclas, Georg (Albert, Erich) (1902-1975)

In: Schüle, A.: Trotzkismus in Deutschland bis 1933. (Köln, 1989) : p. 148

IDN  20362         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Jungclas, Georg ‹1902-1975›
Sørensen, Kurt:
Der erste dänische Trotzkist - der Deutsche Schorsch
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1992 (245) : pp. 22-23

Orig.: Tyskeren Schorsch - den første danske trotskist
Originally publ. in: Klassekampen (København), on the occasion of Jungclas's 80th birthday

IDN  20363         LLTB  Chapter  9      Kavanagh, Jack ‹1879-1964›
About: Kavanagh, Jack ‹1879-1964›
Akers, David: Rebel or revolutionary?
: Jack Kavanagh and the early years of the communist movement in Vancouver, 1920-1925
In: Labour = Le travail ‹St. John's› [ISSN 0700-3862] 1992 (30) : pp. 9-44, 373

Notes: 133
With Engl. and French abstracts

IDN  20364         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kavanagh, Jack ‹1879-1964›
Rodney, William: [Biographical sketch] Kavenagh, Jack

In: Rodney, W.: Soldiers of the International. (Toronto, Ont., 1968) : pp. 165-166

IDN  20365         LLTB  Chapter  9      Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Kemp, Tom, 1921-

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 25/28.1971 : p. 397

IDN  20366         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Kemp, Tom, 1921-1993 : obituary notice

In: Contemporary Authors ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0010-7468] 143.1994 : p. 220

IDN  20367         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Tom Kemp

In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 1994 (Jan.21) : p. 19

IDN  20368         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Tom Kemp, 1921-93

In: Workers News / Workers International League ‹London› 1994 (49) : p. 6

IDN  20369         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
[Anonymous]: Trotskyist fighter remembered : Tom Kemp memorial meeting

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (411) : p. 1

IDN  20370         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Brotherstone, Terry: 1956 - Tom Kemp and others

In: History, economic history and the future of Marxism / ed. by T. Brotherstone [et al.] (London, 1996) : pp. 293-349

Notes: 115

IDN  20371         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Brotherstone, Terry: [Obituary]

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (Febr.5)

IDN  20372         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Brotherstone, Terry: [Obituary] Tom Kemp, 1921-1993
/ Terry Brotherstone and Geoff Pilling
In: History, economic history and the future of Marxism / ed. by T. Brotherstone [et al.] (London, 1996) : pp. 1-12

Notes: 13

IDN  20373         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Brotherstone, Terry: Resolute keeper of the faith

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 1994 (Jan.8) : p. 28

IDN  20374         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Fryer, Peter: [Obituary] Tom Kemp and 'Labour Review'

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (392) : p. 6

IDN  20375         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Fryer, Peter: Tom Kemp (1921-1993) : what he wrote and how he wrote it
/ Peter Fryer and Michael Kemp
In: History, economic history and the future of Marxism / ed. by T. Brotherstone [et al.] (London, 1996) : pp. 351-361

Notes: 13
On pp. 353-361 selective bibliography of Tom Kemp's writings

IDN  20376         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
History, economic history and the future of Marxism
: essays in memory of Tom Kemp (1921-1993) / ed. by Terry Brotherstone and Geoff Pilling. - London : Porcupine Pr., 1996. - VIII, 370 pp.
ISBN 1-89943-807-6 - ISBN 1-89943-808-4

IDN  20377         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Nagy, Balazs: [Obituary] Comrade Tom Kemp : an appreciation

In: The International / Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International ‹London› [ISSN 0960-1503] 1994 (14) : p. 31

Reprinted from: Workers Press (London), 1994 (389)

IDN  20378         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Nagy, Balazs: [Obituary] Tom Kemp : an appreciation

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (389) : p. 6

IDN  20379         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Pilling, Geoff: [Obituary] Tom Kemp 1921-93 : a lifelong fighter for the working class and the Fourth International
/ G.P. [i.e. Geoff Pilling]
In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (389) : pp. 4-6

IDN  20380         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Pilling, Geoff: [Obituary] Tom Kemp, 1921-1993 : a lifelong fighter for the working class and the Fourth International

In: The International / Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International ‹London› [ISSN 0960-1503] 1994 (14) : pp. 27-30

Reprinted from: Workers Press (London), 1994 (389)

IDN  20381         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Pottins, Charles: [Obituary] Comrade and teacher

In: Workers Press ‹London› [ISSN 0307-5680] 1994 (389)

IDN  20382         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kemp, Tom ‹1921-1993›
Smith, Cyril: [Obituary] Tom Kemp (1921-1993)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1994 (3) : pp. 217-218

IDN  20383         LLTB  Chapter  9      Kerry, Tom ‹1901-1983›
About: Kerry, Tom ‹1901-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Tom Kerry (1901-1983)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1983 (13) : pp. 127-128

IDN  20384         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kerry, Tom ‹1901-1983›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Tom Kerry 1902[sic!]-1983

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1983 (142) : p. 26

IDN  20385         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kerry, Tom ‹1901-1983›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Tom Kerry : bio-bibliographical sketch
[Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 100 KB (5 pp.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  20386         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kerry, Tom ‹1901-1983›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Tom Kerry : faithful to the end, faithful to the future

In: International Viewpoint ‹Various places› [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1983 (24) : p. 25

IDN  20387         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kerry, Tom ‹1901-1983›
Mandel, Ernest: [Obituary] Zum Tod von Tom Kerry

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1983 (153) : p. 22

IDN  20388         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kerry, Tom ‹1901-1983›
Stone, Ben: [Biographical sketch] Thomas Kerry

In: Stone, B.: Memoirs of a radical rank & filer. (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 116-119

IDN  20389         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kerry, Tom ‹1901-1983›
Waters, Mary-Alice: [Obituary] Tom Kerry : proletarian fighter

In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 47.1983 (Jan.28) : p. 13

IDN  20390         LLTB  Chapter  9      Kidron, Michael ‹1930-2003›
About: Kidron, Michael ‹1930-2003›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Michael Kidron : socialist economist who threw new light on global conditions in The state of the world atlas

In: The Times ‹London› [ISSN 0140-0460] 2003 (Apr.3) : p. 34

IDN  20391         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kidron, Michael ‹1930-2003›
Birchall, Ian Harry: [Obituary] Michael Kidron (1930-2003)
/ Ian Birchall
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2003 (99) : pp. 103-113

IDN  20392         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kidron, Michael ‹1930-2003›
Birchall, Ian Harry: [Obituary] Michael Kidron (1930-2003)
/ Ian Birchall
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 8.2003 (3) : pp. 281-285

IDN  20393         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kidron, Michael ‹1930-2003›
Callinicos, Alex: [Obituary] Mike Kidron (1930-2003)

In: Socialist Worker ‹London› [ISSN 1575-9705] 2003 (1845=Apr.5) : p. 13

IDN  20394         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kidron, Michael ‹1930-2003›
Harman, Chris: [Obituary] Permanent legacy : Chris Harman remembers Mike Kidron [...]

In: Socialist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0141-2442] 2003 (273)

IDN  20395         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Kidron, Michael ‹1930-2003›
Kuper, Richard: [Obituary] Michael Kidron (1930-2003) : publisher, writer and socialist whose life's project was to understand, and help replace, capitalism

In: The Guardian ‹London etc.› [ISSN 0261-3077] 2003 (March 27)

IDN  20396         LLTB  Chapter  9      Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Rudolf Klement (Adolphe, Camille, Fréderic, Walter Steen) (1908-1938)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : pp. 271-272

IDN  20397         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
[Biographical sketch] Rudolf Klement
[Electronic resource]. - 96 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article, also available in other languages
Accessed Aug. 10, 2022

IDN  20398         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Klement, Rudolf, Adolf, Alois dit Adolphe, Camille, Frédéric, W. Steen
/ P. Broué
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 32.1988 : pp. 381-382

IDN  20399         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Klement, Rudolf, Adolf, Alois dit Adolphe, Camille, Frédéric, W. Steen
/ P. Broué
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  20400         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Rudolf Klement
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Martin Fahlgren. - 34 KB (3 pp.)
Notes: 11
Accessed Febr. 24, 2014

IDN  20401         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Rudolf Klement

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (1) : pp. 73-75

Notes: 10
Part of a contribution titled "Quelques proches collaborateurs de Léon Trotsky", in: ibid., pp. 61-85

IDN  20402         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Rudolf Klement
/ [transl. by Ted Crawford]
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 1.1988 (1) : pp. 16-17

Notes: 10

IDN  20403         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Comrade Klement kidnapped

In: Workers' International News ‹London› 1.1938 (8) : pp. 1-2

IDN  20404         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Les crimes du Guépéou : documents sur les assassinats d'Ignace Reiss et de Rudolf Klement. - Paris : Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Mouvements Trotskyste et Révolutionnaires Internationaux, 1985. - 58 pp. - (Les cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I. [ISSN 0292-4943] ; 37)

IDN  20405         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Dahmer, Helmut: Erinnerung an Rudolf Klement

In: Dahmer, H.: Trotzki, die Psychoanalyse und die kannibalischen Regime. (Münster, 2022) : pp. 167-185

Bibliogr.: pp. 184-185
Notes: 56
Other ed., versions, transl.: Unser Genosse Rudolf Klement : bespitzelt, entführt, ermordet, zerstückelt

IDN  20406         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Dahmer, Helmut: Unser Genosse Rudolf Klement
: bespitzelt, entführt, ermordet, zerstückelt
In: Avanti² ‹Mannheim› 2021 (77,Theoriebeil.) : pp. 1-12

Notes: 57
Other ed., versions, transl.: Erinnerung an Rudolf Klement
Alternate title: Stalins Verbrechen : warum Rudolf Klement?
Also publ. as electronic resource in: Die Internationale : Magazin der Internationalen Sozialistischen Organisation (Köln), 2021 (2) [only in the online version of this journal]

IDN  20407         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Klement, Rudolf (1908-1938)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : pp. 320-321

IDN  20408         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
L' enlèvement de Rudolf Klement / par un témoin
In: La Révolution prolétarienne ‹Paris› [ISSN 0755-3277] 1938 (278)

IDN  20409         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Joubert, Jean-Paul: Quand l'Humanité couvrait les traces des tueurs

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (3) : pp. 203-226

Notes: 35

IDN  20410         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Lubitz, Wolfgang: Rudolf Klement
: bio-bibliographical sketch [Electronic resource] / Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz. - 207 KB (9 pp.) + App. 157 KB (1 p.)
Part of the "Lubitz'" website

IDN  20411         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Naville, Pierre: Sur l'assassinat de Rudolf Klement (1938)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (2) : pp. 73-77

Notes: 10

IDN  20412         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
On the anniversary of Rudolf Klement's assassination

In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 5.1944 (7=46) : pp. 202-203

IDN  20413         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Klement, Rudolf ‹1910-1938›
Videlier, Philippe: Wie Klement verschwand
: Agenten, Verschwörer, Revolutionäre ; eine politische Kriminalgeschichte / aus dem Franz. von Ulrich Kunzmann
In: Lettre international : Europas Kulturzeitung ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0945-5167] 2020 (130) : pp. 59-73

IDN  20414         LLTB  Chapter  9      Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Antoinette Konikow
[Electronic resource]. - 40 KB (4 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  20415         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Cannon, James Patrick: Antoinette Konikow
/ James P. Cannon
In: Cannon, J.P.: The first ten years of American communism. (New York, NY, 1973) : pp. 190-191

Dated Oct. 16, 1956

IDN  20416         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Feeley, Dianne: Antoinette Konikow : Marxist and feminist

In: International Socialist Review ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-8744] 33.1972 (1) : pp. 42-46

IDN  20417         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Feeley, Dianne: Antoinette Konikow : Marxist and feminist

In: Revolutionary traditions of American Trotskyism / ed. with an introd. by P. Le Blanc. (New York, NY, 1988) : pp. 4-8

Reprinted from: International Socialist Review (New York, NY), 33.1972 (1)

IDN  20418         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Feeley, Dianne: [Biographical sketch] Konikow, Antoinette Bucholz (1869-1946)

In: Encyclopedia of the American Left / ed. by M.J. Buhle [et al.] (New York, NY etc., 1990) : p. 405

IDN  20419         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Hansen, Joseph: [Obituary] Antoinette Konikow mourned by comrades

In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 10.1946 (28) : pp. 1-2

Title proper on p.2: Antoinette Konikow, Trotskyist pioneer, mourned by comrades

IDN  20420         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
King, Alexander: [Biographical sketch]

In: King, A.: Is there a life after birth? (New York, NY, 1963) : pp. 141-147

IDN  20421         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Konikow, Edith: [Obituary] Antoinette Konikow - our symbol of dauntless revolutionary spirit
: text of an address delivered at the Antoinette Konikow memorial meeting in New York on July 14
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 10.1946 (30) : p. 7

IDN  20422         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Le Blanc, Paul: [Biographical sketch] Konikow, Antoinette (1869-1946)

In: Biographical dictionary of the American left / ed. by B.K. Johnpoll [et al.] (New York, NY, 1986) : pp. 232-233

IDN  20423         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Murolo, Priscilla: [Biographical sketch] Konikow, Antoinette (1869-1946)

In: European immigrant women in the United States / J.B. Litoff [et al.], ed. (New York, NY, etc., 1994) : pp. 167-168

IDN  20424         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Konikow, Antoinette ‹1869-1946›
Wright, John G.: [Obituary]
A Trotskyist to the end
In: The Militant ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0026-3885] 10.1946 (28) : p. 3

IDN  20425         LLTB  Chapter  9      Korner, David ‹1914-1976›
About: Korner, David ‹1914-1976›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] David Korner
[Electronic resource]. - 28 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 15, 2010

IDN  20426         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Korner, David ‹1914-1976›
Barta et l'Union Communiste pendant la guerre
. - Saint Martin d'Hères : Inst. Léon Trotsky, 1993. - 127 pp. - (Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] ; 1993,49)
Table of contents: p.3 Présentation/ILT -- p.5 Introduction -- p.8 Barta/R. Moyon -- p.43 Documents (p.43 Articles de la guerre -- p.63 Articles de La lutte de classes et Les cahiers du militant) - [...]

IDN  20427         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Korner, David ‹1914-1976›
Cynober, Julien: [Biographical sketch] Barta (1914-1976)

In: Cynober, J.: La presse trotskyste en France de la libération à la grève Renault d'avril-mai 1947. (Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X, 1999) : pp. 139-140

IDN  20428         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Korner, David ‹1914-1976›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Korner, David (1914-1976)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : p. 321

IDN  20429         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Korner, David ‹1914-1976›
Moyon, Richard: Barta

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1993 (49) : pp. 8-41

Notes: 130

IDN  20430         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Korner, David ‹1914-1976›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Korner David, pseudonymes: Barta, Albert, A., Mathieu

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 7.2011 : [pp. 948-949]

IDN  20431         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Korner, David ‹1914-1976›
Prager, Rodolphe: [Biographical sketch] Korner, David, dit Barta, dit Albert, dit A. Mathieu
/ R. Prager
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 32.1988 : pp. 392-393

IDN  20432         LLTB  Chapter  9      Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Boussel, Pierre

In: Encyclopédie politique française / [éd.:] E. Ratier. 1. (Paris, 1992) : p. 102

IDN  20433         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Pierre Boussel
: un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre [Electronic resource]. - 44 KB (4 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008
Wikipedia articles about Lambert (Boussel) are available in several other languages, too

IDN  20434         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert (1920-2008) : ancien dirigeant trotskyste historique
/ Groupe CRI
In: Le cri des travailleurs : journal du Groupe CRI (Communiste Révolutionnaire Internationaliste) ‹Paris› [ISSN 1763-8305] 2008 (30) : pp. 54-56

IDN  20435         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert : militant ouvrier, combattant de la IVe Internationale (1920-2008)
/ [signed:] Informations ouvrières
In: Informations ouvrières ‹Paris› [ISSN 0813-9500] 2008 (Jan.17/23=no.828=2373,suppl.) : p. 1

On pp. 2-4: Discours et interventions de Pierre Lambert
This spec. iss. of "Informations ouvrières" was also publ. in Engl. with title "Tribute to Pierre Lambert", the obituary article on p. 1 being titled "Pierre Lambert : militant labour activist, fighter for the Fourth International (1920-2008)" as well as in Span. and probably in other languages, too

IDN  20436         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Beerdigung Lambert's widerspiegelt verdeckten Einfluss der OCI
[Electronic resource] / von einem Korrespondenten. - 20 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Jan. 31, 2008
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008

IDN  20437         About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›      Bourseiller, Christophe: De Trotsky à Jospin ... : la mosaïque trotskiste   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20438         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Bourseiller, Christophe: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert : la mort d'une éminence grise (1920-2008)

In: Histoire & liberté : les cahiers d'histoire sociale ‹Nanterre› [ISSN 2101-5619] 2008 (33) : pp. 122-124

IDN  20439         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Bridgford, Jeff: [Biographical sketch] Lambert, Pierre

In: Biographical dictionary of European labor leaders / A.T. Lane, ed.-in-chief. M/Z. (Westport, Conn. [etc.], 1995) : pp. 536-537

IDN  20440         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Boussel Pierre dit Lambert Pierre dit Andréi Pierre [...]

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 [CD-ROM ed.] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 2.2007 : pp. 2428-2430

IDN  20441         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Lambert, Pierre (Boussel Pierre, dit Andréi Pierre [...], connu sous le nom de)
/ [Pierre Broué]
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  20442         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Lambert, Pierre (Pierre Boussel, dit Pierre Andréi [...], connu sous le nom de)
/ [Pierre Broué]
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 33.1988 : pp. 180-181

IDN  20443         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Chalot, Jean-François: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert est mort!
[Electronic resource]. - 22 KB (1 p.)
Dated Jan. 17, 2008
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008. URL defunct as at Sept. 1, 2016

IDN  20444         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Chemin, Ariane: Au 87, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Denis, Pierre Lambert "travaille" et se tait
: révélations sur le passé trotskiste de Lionel Jospin
In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2001 (June 6)

IDN  20445         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Cynober, Julien: [Biographical sketch] Lambert (né en 1920)

In: Cynober, J.: La presse trotskyste en France de la libération à la grève Renault d'avril-mai 1947. (Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X, 1999) : p. 144-145

IDN  20446         About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›      Dorn, Friedrich: Was ist die "lambertistische Strömung"?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20447         About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›      Enoch, Louis-Marie: Les taupes rouges   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20448         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Forcari, Christophe: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert : définitivement parti des travailleurs

In: Libération ‹Paris› [ISSN 0335-1793] 2008 (Jan.17)

IDN  20449         About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›      Frank, Pierre: The split between Healy and Lambert   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20450         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Gluckstein, Daniel: Itinéraires
/ Daniel Gluckstein ; Pierre Lambert. - Monaco : Ed. du Rocher, 2002. - 287 pp.
ISBN 2-268-04233-2 - ISBN 978-2-268-04233-6

Table of contents: p.9 Introduction -- p.21 La lutte de classe doit-elle être reléguée au musée des accessoires vieillis de l'histoire? -- p.45 Syndicats, partis, indépendance de classe -- p.91 Destin de la révolution d'octobre 1917 -- p.111 "Je demande qu'on me juge sur ce que j'ai fait depuis que je suis Premier ministre" (Lionel Jospin) -- p.127 Sur l'entrisme -- p.147 Ce que Jospin a abandonné -- p.165 Il fallait l'inventer: l'antimondialisation à 0 % -- p.197 La lutte pour la démocratie dont le peuple définera lui-même la forme et le contenue -- p.223 Quelques mots avant de conclure -- p.233 Conclusion -- p.245 Annexes

IDN  20451         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Jarreau, Patrick: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert : dirigeant trotskiste

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2008 (Jan.19)

IDN  20452         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Krivine, Alain: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert
/ Alain Krivine et Olivier [recte: François] Sabado
In: Rouge ‹Paris; later: Montreuil› [ISSN 0035-8509] 2008 (2236)

IDN  20453         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Krivine, Alain: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert (1920-2008) : Nachruf
/ Alain Krivine u. Olivier [recte: François] Sabado. Übers.: Friedrich Dorn
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 2008 (436/437) : p. 27

IDN  20454         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Lotz, Corinna: [Obituary] Learning from history
: Corinna Lotz reflects on the life of Pierre Lambert [...] [Electronic resource]. - 16 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Febr. 4, 2008

IDN  20455         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Martillo, Malin: [Obituary] Ha fallecido Pierre Lambert
[Electronic resource]. - 10 KB (1 p.)
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008

IDN  20456         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Martys, Szymon: [Obituary] Zmarł Pierre Lambert
[Electronic resource]. - 13 KB (1 p.)
Dated Jan. 18, 2008
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008

IDN  20457         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Nicolino, Fabrice:
L' étrange monsieur Lambert
In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 2001 (June 28)

Other ed., versions, transl.: The strange monsieur Lambert

IDN  20458         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Nicolino, Fabrice:
The strange monsieur Lambert
In: What Next? : Marxist discussion journal ‹London› [ISSN 1479-4322] 2002 (22) : pp. 18-19

Orig.: L'étrange monsieur Lambert

IDN  20459         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Pierre Lambert (1920-2008), militant ouvrier, combattant de la IVe Internationale
. - Paris, 2008. - 288 pp. - (La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] ; N.s. 2008,60/61=666/667=no.spéc.)
Spec. issue devoted to P. Lambert, containing texts by him, introduced and presented by Daniel Gluckstein and a dozen other authors

IDN  20460         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Pierre Lambert's funeral underscores OCI's long-standing opportunism
[Electronic resource] / by our correspondent. - 20 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Jan. 31, 2008
Accessed Febr. 5, 2008

IDN  20461         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Présumey, Vincent: Itinéraire de Pierre Lambert
: pour une discussion raisonnée sur le bilan du trotskysme [Electronic resource]. - 115 KB (15 pp.)
Dated Jan. 23, 2008
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008
Mostly identical with author's "Pierre Lambert, 1920-2008"
URL defunct as at Apr. 15, 2010

IDN  20462         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Présumey, Vincent: Pierre Lambert (1920-2008)
/ [transl.: Richard Kirkwood]
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 10.2009 (1) : pp. 111-139

Table of contents: p.111 Pt.1: A real building-block of history about whom people are telling many stupid stories -- p.123 Pt.2: Supplementary points on Pierre Lambert (1920-2008) -- p.135 Notes
Notes: 62
Abridged Engl. version based upon author's French-language online articles "Pierre Lambert, 1920-2008" and "Compléments sur Pierre Lambert, 1920-2008"

IDN  20463         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Présumey, Vincent: Pierre Lambert, 1920-2008 : un vrai bloc d'histoire sur lequel on raconte beaucoup d'âneries
[Electronic resource]. - 295 KB (30 pp.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Pierre Lambert (1920-2008) [Engl.], Pt. 1
On pp. 17-30: Compléments sur Pierre Lambert
Dated Jan. 20, 2008 ("Compléments" dated March 6, 2008)
Accessed Dec. 22, 2017
Partially identical with author's "Itinéraire de Pierre Lambert (1920-2008)"

IDN  20464         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Schwarz, Peter: [Obituary] Décès du révisionniste Pierre Lambert à l'âge de 87 ans
[Electronic resource]. - 22 KB (6 pp.)
Dated Jan. 21, 2008
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008

IDN  20465         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Schwarz, Peter: [Obituary] French revisionist Pierre Lambert dies aged 87
[Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Jan. 21, 2008
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008

IDN  20466         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Schwarz, Peter: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert stirbt im Alter von 87 Jahren
[Electronic resource]. - 27 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Jan. 21, 2008
Accessed Febr. 1, 2008

IDN  20467         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Taffarel, Celi Nelza Zulke: [Obituary] Em memoria de Pierre Boussel-Lambert
: un exemplo de militância [Electronic resource] / Celi Zulke Taffarel. - 15 KB (3 pp.)
Accessed Febr. 21, 2008. URL defunct as at Jan. 15, 2014

IDN  20468         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Timsit, Pierre: [Obituary] Pierre Lambert (1920-2008)
[Electronic resource]. - 16 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Febr. 10, 2008
Accessed Febr. 21, 2008

IDN  20469         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lambert, Pierre ‹1920-2008›
Turpin, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Lambert, Pierre

In: Turpin, P.: Le trotskysme aujourd'hui. (Paris, 1988) : pp. 176-177

IDN  20470         LLTB  Chapter  9      Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Biographie Kurt Landaus (1903-1937)

In: Landau, K.: Wesen und Geschichte des Anarcho-Kommunismus in Österreich. (Wien, [ca. 1989]) : p. 2, 14

IDN  20471         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Kurt Landau (1903-1937)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (3) : p. 136

IDN  20472         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Landau, Kurt, Parteifunktionär, geb. 29. Jan. 1903 Wien ...

In: Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / Red.: S. Claus [et al.] 1. (München [etc.], 1980) : p. 412

IDN  20473         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Alles, Wolfgang: [Biographical sketch] Kurt Landau (Agricola, Wolf Bertram, Spectator) (1903-1937)

In: Alles, W.: Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus. (Köln, 2022) : pp. 275-276

IDN  20474         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Kurt Landau, also known as Agricola, Wolf Bertram, and Spectator

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2007 (4) : pp. 227-234

Notes: 40
Transl. from the French

IDN  20475         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Landau, Kurt, dit Agricola, Wolf Bertram, Spectator
/ P. Broué
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 33.1988 : pp. 203-205

IDN  20476         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Broué, Pierre: [Biographical sketch] Landau, Kurt, dit Agricola, Wolf Bertram, Spectator
/ P. Broué
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  20477         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Kurt Landau (1903-1937)
[Electronic resource]. - 232 KB (7 pp.)
Originally publ. anonymously (signed "La rédaction") and in French language in: Landau, Kurt: La guerre civile en Autriche (1934), Firenze, 2008, pp. 3-7
Accessed Oct. 15, 2014

IDN  20478         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Casciola, Paolo: [Biographical sketch] Landau, Kurt (1903-1937)

In: Biografías del 36 : revolucionarios, extranjeros, judíos, anarquistas, trotskistas ... y otros malditos de la Guerra de España / coord.: P. Casciola y A. Guillamón. (Barcelona, 2016) [=Balance : cuaderno ... ; 39] : pp. 147-163

IDN  20479         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Landau, Kurt (1903-1937)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : pp. 322-323

IDN  20480         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Foitzik, Jan: [Biographical sketch] Landau, Kurt (1903-?)

In: Foitzik, J.: Zwischen den Fronten. (Bonn, 1986) : p. 294

IDN  20481         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Schafranek, Hans: Kurt Landau

In: Bewegung und Klasse / G. Botz [et al.] (Hrsg.) (Wien [etc.], 1978) : pp. 193-216

Notes: 150
Other ed., versions, transl.: Kurt Landau [French, 1980] ; Kurt Landau [Engl., 1992]

IDN  20482         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Schafranek, Hans: Kurt Landau
/ trad. Jean-Pierre Le Nir et Jacqueline Bois
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1980 (5) : pp. 71-95

Notes: 164
Orig.: Kurt Landau [German, 1978]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Kurt Landau [Engl., 1992]

IDN  20483         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Schafranek, Hans: Kurt Landau
/ ed. and transl. from the French by Ted Crawford
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 4.1991/92 (1/2) : pp. 54-72

Notes: 57
Orig.: Kurt Landau [German, 1978]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Kurt Landau [French, 1980]

IDN  20484         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Schafranek, Hans: Kurt Landau und der Bolschewismus
: Umrisse einer politischen Biographie. - 1-3. - XIII, 876 pp.
Wien, Univ. Wien, Diss., 1987
Bibliogr.: pp. 807-870
Directors of thesis: Erika Weinzierl, Anton Staudinger
Trade ed. see author's "Das kurze Leben des Kurt Landau", Wien, 1988

IDN  20485         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Schafranek, Hans:
Das kurze Leben des Kurt Landau : ein österreichischer Kommunist als Opfer der stalinistischen Geheimpolizei. - Wien : Verl. für Gesellschaftskritik, 1988. - VII, 609 pp.
ISBN 3-900351-90-2

Table of contents: p.I Vorwort/G. Scheuer -- p.1 Vorwort -- p.3 Einleitung -- p.11 Notizen zur Familiengeschichte -- p.15 Politische Lehrjahre (1921-1926) -- p.63 In den Reihen der KPÖ (Opposition) -- p.123 In der Isolation (1928/29) -- p.167 An der Peripherie der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung (1929-1933) -- p.347 Pariser Emigrationsjahre (1933-1936) -- p.429 Spanien 1936/37: zwischen sozialer Revolution und stalinistischer Konterrevolution -- p.555 Abkürzungsverzeichnis -- p.559 Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis -- p.599 Personenregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 559-597
Notes: 2.020
Trade ed. of author's "Kurt Landau und der Bolschewismus", Diss., Univ. Wien, 1987

IDN  20486         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Schafranek, Hans: Landaus Trotzkismus-Kritik : 1936-37
. - 50 pp.
Paper submitted to the International Colloquium on the Spanish Civil War, Barcelona, Apr. 19-21, 1979
Angl.: Landau's criticism of Trotskyism, 1936-37

IDN  20487         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Schüle, Annegret: [Biographical sketch] Landau, Kurt (Wolf Bertram, Spectator) (1903-1937)

In: Schüle, A.: Trotzkismus in Deutschland bis 1933. (Köln, 1989) : p. 152

IDN  20488         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Landau, Kurt ‹1903-1937›
Stobnicer, Maurice: [Biographical sketch] Landau, Kurt (dit Wolf Bertram, dit Spectator) (1903-1937)

In: Stobnicer, M.: Le mouvement trotskyste allemand sous la république de Weimar. (Univ. de Paris VIII, diss., 1980) : p. 361

IDN  20489         LLTB  Chapter  9      Langston, Robert ‹1932-1977›
About: Langston, Robert ‹1932-1977›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Bob Langston

In: Inprecor : [French edition] ‹Various places› [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] N.s. 1977 (9) : p. 32

IDN  20490         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Langston, Robert ‹1932-1977›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Robert Langston 1932-1977

In: Inprecor : [English edition] ‹Paris ; Bruxelles› [ISSN 0294-8516] N.s. 1977 (9) : p. 27

IDN  20491         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Langston, Robert ‹1932-1977›
Novack, George: [Obituary] Robert Langston : 'a thoroughgoing internationalist'

In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 15.1977 (26) : pp. 802-803

Text of a speech delivered at a memorial meeting, New York, NY, June 26, 1977

IDN  20492         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Langston, Robert ‹1932-1977›
Wald, Susan: Robert Langston - educator, comrade and friend
: memory honored by meeting in New York City
In: Intercontinental Press ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 15.1977 (25) : pp. 772-773

IDN  20493         LLTB  Chapter  9      Lawrence, John ‹1915-2002›
About: Lawrence, John ‹1915-2002›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] John Lawrence (political activist)
[Electronic resource]. - 22 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed Sept. 25, 2006

IDN  20494         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lawrence, John ‹1915-2002›
Lee, Gordon: [Obituary] John Lawrence : rebel council leader

In: Camden New Journal ‹London› 2002 (Nov.21)

IDN  20495         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lawrence, John ‹1915-2002›
McIlroy, John: [Obituary] John Lawrence (1915-2002)

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 8.2003 (3) : pp. 286-292

IDN  20496         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lawrence, John ‹1915-2002›
McIlroy, John:
The revolutionary odyssey of John Lawrence
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2006 (2) : pp. 105-193

Table of contents: p.106 The young revolutionary: from Stalinism to Trotskyism, 1915-1944 -- p.112 Building the party: organising in Wales, 1944-46 -- p.118 Building the Labour Left: the editor of Socialist Outlook, 1947-53 -- p.131 A faction fight: the supporter of Pablo, 1953-54 -- p.141 From Pabloism to Stalinism: the politics behind the St. Pancras story, 1954-58 -- p.161 The rank-and-file leader: Communist Party dissident, 1959-64 -- p.173 The shop-flooragitator: from Stalinism to anarchism, 1964-74 -- p.190 Valedictory -- p.193 References
Notes: 357

IDN  20497         LLTB  Chapter  9      Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] A. Léon

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 11.1953 (5/7) : p. 21

IDN  20498         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Clemesha, Arlene Elizabeth: Abraham Léon : um trotskista e a questão judaica

In: Estudos : revista do Centro de Estudos do Terceiro Mundo ‹São Paulo› 1993 (36) : pp. 27-36

Notes: 68

IDN  20499         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Cohn, Werner: Abram Leon was wrong

In: Socialist Organiser ‹London› [ISSN 1358-9911] 1994 (June 24)

Rejoinder see Richardson, Al: Abram Leon was right, in: ibid., 1994 (July 28)

IDN  20500         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Etkin, Carlos Esteban: Abraham León y el pueblo judío latinoamericano
. - Buenos Aires : Ed. Indoamérica, 1954. - 86 pp. - (Biblioteca de la nueva generación ; 8)

IDN  20501         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Mandel, Ernest: [Biographical sketch] A. Leon
: October 22, 1918 - September, 1944 / Ernest Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]. Transl. from the French by Ed Wilde
In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 8.1947 (6=79) : pp. 172-176

IDN  20502         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Mandel, Ernest: [Biographical sketch]
A biographical sketch of Abram Leon / Ernest Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Léon, A.: The Jewish question. (New York, NY, 1970) : pp. 9-26

IDN  20503         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Mandel, Ernest: Zur jüdischen Frage
: Beiträge zu Abraham Leons "Judenfrage und Kapitalismus" / Ernest Mandel ; Nathan Weinstock. Anh.: Thesen des Internationalen Sekretariats der IV. Internationale zur Judenfrage. - Frankfurt a.M. : ISP-Verl., 1977. - 58 pp. - (ISP-Theorie ; 5)
Table of contents: p.5 Abraham Leon, eine Skizze seines Lebens/E. Mandel -- p.17 Einführung in Abraham Leons "Judenfrage und Kapitalismus"/N. Weinstock -- p.43 Vorläufige Thesen zur Judenfrage heute (1947)/Internationales Sekretariat der IV. Internationale

IDN  20504         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Richardson, Al: Abram Leon was right

In: Socialist Organiser ‹London› [ISSN 1358-9911] 1994 (July 28)

Rejoinder to Cohn, Werner: Abram Leon was wrong, in: ibid., 1994 (June 24)

IDN  20505         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Rose, John: Karl Marx, Abram Leon and the Jewish question
: a reappraisal
In: International Socialism ‹London› [ISSN 0020-8736] [Ser. 2.] 2008 (119)

Notes: 78 notes

IDN  20506         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Traverso, Enzo:
Die Theorie der Volksklasse : Abraham Léon / aus dem Franz. von Astrid St. Germain
In: Traverso, E.: Die Marxisten und die jüdische Frage. (Mainz, 1995) : pp. 204-221

Notes: 54
Other ed., versions, transl.: The theory of the people-class : Abram Leon

IDN  20507         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Traverso, Enzo:
Die Theorie der Volksklasse : Abraham Léon / transl. by Bernard Gibbons
In: Traverso, E.: The Jewish question. (Leiden [etc.], 2019) : pp. 178-195

Notes: 53
Other ed., versions, transl.: The theory of the people-class : Abram Leon

IDN  20508         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Léon, Abraham ‹1918-1944›
Weinstock, Nathan: [Foreword] Introduction

In: Léon, A.: The Jewish question. (New York, NY, 1970) : pp. 27-63

Notes: 66

IDN  20509         LLTB  Chapter  9      Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Leonetti, Alfonso

In: Piccola enciclopedia del socialismo e del comunismo / a cura di G. Trevisani. 5.ed. 2. (Milano, 1967) : pp. 37-38

IDN  20510         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Leonetti, Alfonso

In: Enciclopedia dell'antifascismo e della resistenza / fondatore e primo dir.: P. Secchia. 3. (Milano [etc.], 1976) : pp. 323-325

IDN  20511         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Alfonso Leonetti

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] Ser.3. 42.1984/85 (16) : pp. 71-73

IDN  20512         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Alfonso Leonetti (1895-1984)

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1985 (21) : pp. 122-124

IDN  20513         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Ex-Führer der Linken Opposition tot

In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1985 (168) : p. 39

IDN  20514         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
[Anonymous]: [Obituary] Mort d'Alfonso Leonetti, un des fondateurs du trotskysme

In: Le Monde ‹Paris› [ISSN 0395-2037] 1984 (Dec.28) : p. 28

IDN  20515         About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›      Alfonso Leonetti, Lev Trockij : carteggio, 1930-1937   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20516         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Bergami, Giancarlo: Alfonso Leonetti

In: Il Ponte ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0032-423X] 50.1994 (10) : pp. 149-155

Notes: 11

IDN  20517         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Broué, Pierre: [Obituary] Feroci, Souzo, Martin, Leonetti, Alfonso ...

In: Belfagor ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0005-8351] 40.1985 (6) : pp. 675-682

IDN  20518         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Casciola, Paolo: Alfonso Leonetti : a turncoat Trotskyist

In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 5.1995 (4) : pp. 3-19

Notes: 8
Orig.: La morte di un trotskysta pentito
Other ed., versions, transl.: Alfonso Leonetti - un trotskysta pentito ; Alfonso Leonetti - un renégat du trotskysme

IDN  20519         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Casciola, Paolo: Alfonso Leonetti : un renégat du trotskysme

In: Documents sur l'opposition de gauche et la IVe Internationale en Italie. (Paris, 1996) : pp. 43-54

Orig.: La morte di un trotskysta pentito
Other ed., versions, transl.: Alfonso Leonetti - a turncoat Trotskyist ; Alfonso Leonetti - un trotskysta pentito

IDN  20520         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Casciola, Paolo: Alfonso Leonetti : un trotskysta pentito

In: Casciola, P.: Appunti di storia del trotskysmo italiano. (Foligno, 1986) : pp. 5-22

Orig.: La morte di un trotskysta pentito
Other ed., versions, transl.: Alfonso Leonetti - a turncoat Trotskyist ; Alfonso Leonetti - un renégat du trotskysme

IDN  20521         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Casciola, Paolo:
La morte di un trotskysta pentito : Alfonso Leonetti è scomparso / Centro Studi Pietro Tresso. [Author: Paolo Casciola]
In: Il Comunista / Gruppo Operaio Rivoluzionario ‹Various places› 6.1985 (16/17) : pp. 64, 56-62

Other ed., versions, transl.: Alfonso Leonetti - a turncoat Trotskyist ; Alfonso Leonetti - un trotskysta pentito ; Alfonso Leonetti - un renégat du trotskysme

IDN  20522         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Chitarin, Attilio: Hic est Leonetti

In: Belfagor ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0005-8351] 40.1985 (1) : pp. 95-99

IDN  20523         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Dannat, Anton: [Biographical sketch] Leonetti, Alfonso (1895-1984)
/ Anton Dannat [pseud.]
In: Dannat, A.: Auf dem Floß der Medusa? (Wien, 1997) : p. 324

IDN  20524         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Gobetti, Paolo: [Obituary] Leonetti e Trotski

In: Il Nuovo spettatore ‹Milano› 1985 (10) : pp. 21-25

Followed by an interview and colloquium with A. Leonetti which took place in Rome, June 1973

IDN  20525         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Leonetti, Alfonso:
Un comunista (1895-1930) / pref. e cura di Ugo Dotti. - Milano : Feltrinelli, 1977. - 237 pp. - (I fatti e le idee ; 359) - (Biblioteca di storia contemporaneo : Memorialistica e documenti ; 9)

IDN  20526         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Leonetti, Alfonso: Da Andria contadina a Torino operaia
: un giovane socialista tra guerra e rivoluzione. - Urbino : Argalia, 1974. - 252 pp. - (Storia storici)

IDN  20527         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Leonetti, Alfonso: Perchè rientro nel PCI
: (febbraio 1962)
In: Casciola, P.: Appunti di storia del trotskysmo italiano. (Foligno, 1986) : pp. 23-24

Originally publ. in: L'Unità (Milano), 1962 (Febr.17)

IDN  20528         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Maitron, Jean: [Biographical sketch] Leonetti, Alfonso, dit Feroci, Ferri, Guido Saraceno, Martin, Souzo, Akros
/ J. Maitron
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Partie 4, 1914-1939 / publ. sous la dir. de J. Maitron ‹Paris› 34.1989 : pp. 268-270

IDN  20529         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Maitron, Jean: [Biographical sketch] Leonetti, Alfonso, dit Feroci, Ferri, Saraceno Guido, Martin, Souzo, Akros
/ J. Maitron
In: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français : Le Maitron ; deux siècles d'histoire social [CD-ROM ed., rev. and augm. ed. of the 44 vol. of the printed ed. of "Le Maitron"] / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier. (Paris, 1997)

IDN  20530         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Martinelli, Renzo: [Biographical sketch] Leonetti, Alfonso
/ R. Martinelli
In: Il movimento operaio italiano : dizionario biografico, 1853-1943 / [a cura di] F. Andreucci [et al.] 3. (Roma, 1977) : pp. 97-100

IDN  20531         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Mastrolillo, Gabriele: Alfonso Leonetti e il gruppo dirigente nel PCI dalla destalinizzazione alla segreteria Natta

In: Italia contemporanea ‹Milano› [ISSN 0392-3568 - 0392-1077] 48.2021 (296) : pp. 38-62

Notes: 119
With Ital. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Alfonso Leonetti and the PCI leadership group from De-Stalinization to the Natta secretariat

IDN  20532         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Mastrolillo, Gabriele: Alfonso Leonetti nel socialismo e nel comunismo italiano (1913-1930)
/ pref. di Gustavo Corni. - Bari : Cacucci, 2018. - 279 pp.
ISBN 978-88-6611-717-9

Table of contents: p.9 Prefazione/G. Corni -- p.13 Premessa -- p.21 Introduzione -- p.29 Nel socialismo pugliese (1913-1918) -- p.47 Da Torino a Livorno (1918-1922) -- p.87 Nel PCd'I dalla fondazione al congresso di Lione (1921-1926) -- p.139 Nel PCd'I dall'inizio della clandestinità alla conferenza di Basilea (1926-1928) -- p.171 Nel PCd'I durante la "svolta" (1928-1930) -- p.227 Epilogo: Leonetti dopo l'espulsione dal PCd'I (1930-1984) -- p.249 Appendice -- p.253 Bibliografia generale -- p.263 Bibliografia delle opere di Leonetti
Bibliogr.: pp. 253-279

IDN  20533         About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›      Mastrolillo, Gabriele: I comunisti italiani e il movimento trockista internazionale (1930-1938)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20534         About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›      Mastrolillo, Gabriele: La dissidenza comunista italiana, Trockij e le origini della Quarta Internazionale   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20535         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Mastrolillo, Gabriele:
La questione meridionale negli scritti di Gramsci e di Leonetti
In: Risorgimento e mezzogiorno ‹Bari› 28/29.2017/18 (55/58) : pp. 221-232

Notes: 65
Angl.: The southern question in the writings of Gramsci and Leonetti

IDN  20536         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Milanesi, Franco: [Biographical sketch]
Un socialista pugliese nella Torino operaia del primo dopoguerra : Alfonso Leonetti
In: Bollettino storico-bibliografico subalpino ‹Torino› [ISSN 0391-6715] 82.1984 (1) : pp. 113-146

IDN  20537         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Milanesi, Franco: Profilo politico e ideologico di Alfonso Leonetti
. - 314 pp.
Torino, Univ. degli Studi di Torino, Tesi di laurea, 1980/81
Director of thesis: Massimo L. Salvadori

IDN  20538         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Renzi, Dario: [Obituary] Ricordando Alfonso Leonetti (1895-1984)

In: Prospettiva socialista ‹Roma› 2.1985 (1) : pp. 21-22

IDN  20539         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Santarelli, Enzo: [Biographical sketch] Alfonso Leonetti

In: Belfagor ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0005-8351] 38.1983 (3) : pp. 299-308

IDN  20540         About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›      Telloli, Giancarlo: Alfonso Leonetti dans le Secrétariat International de l'Opposition de Gauche et de la Ligue Communiste Internationaliste   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  20541         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Leonetti, Alfonso ‹1895-1984›
Telloli, Giancarlo: Per una biografia politica di Alfonso Leonetti
. - 1-2. - [ca. 1000] pp.
Torino, Univ. degli Studi di Torino, Tesi di laurea, 1983

IDN  20542         LLTB  Chapter  9      Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Biographie de Michel Lequenne
[Electronic resource]. - 10 KB (1 pp.)
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20543         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
[Anonymous]: [Biographical sketch] Michel Lequenne
[Electronic resource]. - 20 KB (3 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20544         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Artous, Antoine: [Obituary] Hommage à Michel Lequenne
[Electronic resource] / Antoine Artous et Francis Sitel. - 14 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Febr. 22, 2020
Accessed Febr. 26, 2020

IDN  20545         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Dubois, Wilfried: [Obituary]
Ein untypischer Genosse : zum Tode von Michel Lequenne (1921-2020)
In: Sozialistische Zeitung : SoZ ‹Köln› [ISSN 0932-8750] 35.2020 (3) : p. 19

IDN  20546         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Gutiérrez Álvarez, Pepe: [Obituary] Michel Lequenne (1921-2020): comunismo es libertad y creatividad
[Electronic resource]. - 22 KB (4 pp.)
Dated Febr. 16, 2020
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20547         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Jedwab, Lucien: [Obituary]
La mort du militant trotskiste Michel Lequenne [Electronic resource]. - 29 KB (1 p.)
Dated Febr. 14, 2020
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20548         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: [Biographical sketch] Lequenne, Michel, Fernand, Jules...

In: Dictionnaire biographique mouvement ouvrier, mouvement social : Période 1940-1968 / publ. sous la dir. de C. Pennetier ‹Paris› 8.2012 : pp. 76-81

Slightly rev. online version see

IDN  20549         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Lequenne, Michel: [Autobiographical sketch] Biographie succinte
[Electronic resource]. - 2 KB (1p.)
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20550         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Löwy, Michael: [Obituary] Michel Lequenne (1921-2020)
/ aus dem Franz. übers., bearb. und mit Anm. von Friedrich Dorn
In: Die Internationale : Magazin der Internationalen Sozialistischen Organisation ‹Köln› 2020 (3) : pp. 56-57

IDN  20551         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Löwy, Michael: [Obituary] Michel Lequenne (1921-2020) : a very particular Trotskyist
[Electronic resource]. - 15 KB (3 pp.)
Dated Febr. 17, 2020
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20552         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Löwy, Michael: [Obituary] Michel Lequenne (1921-2020) : un trotskista particular
[Electronic resource]. - 8 KB (2 pp.)
Dated Febr. 15, 2020
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20553         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Morder, Robi: [Obituary] Michel Lequenne: nous appelions "l'idole des jeunes"
[Electronic resource]. - 24 KB (5 pp.)
Notes: 5
Dated Febr. 15, 2020
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20554         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Samary, Cathérine: [Obituary] Décès de Michel Lequenne, un siècle d'engagement
[Electronic resource]. - 12 KB (1 p.)
Accessed Febr. 19, 2020

IDN  20555         LLTB  Chapter  9
About: Lequenne, Michel ‹1921-2020›
Samary, Cathérine: [Obituary] Hommage prononcé aux obsèques de Michel Lequenne
[Electronic resource]. - 14 KB (2 pp.)
Accessed Febr. 23, 2020

IDN  20556         LLTB  Chapter  9