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Trotsky in Coyoacán - A Bibliography

Bibliographical compilation of literature about
Trotsky's final exile years in Mexico, his assassination,
and about the Museo Casa de León Trotsky
(Coyoacán, México)

Note: This special bibliography has been discontinued in 2009; it will not be amended or updated; for further (and newer) material and for amendments we refer to the chapters and 2.8.08 of our Lubitz' Leon Trotsky Bibliography (LLTB).

Some introductory remarks

This bibliography lists printed items (books, dissertations, contributions to journals, etc., chiefly in English, French, German, Spanish and Russian language), some films and video recordings as well as a modest portion of items published (only) electronically in the World Wide Web about Trotsky's last one and a half years of exile in Mexico and about the house in Coyoacán where he was murdered on August 20, 1940 and which later became part of the Trotsky Museum (Museo Casa de León Trotsky). The selection of titles also includes items about Trotsky's assassination and about his murderer, Ramón Mercader, as well as some items of fiction (e.g. plays) about Trotsky's life and death in exile.

The arrangement of the items is alphabetically by author/title; anonymous works and works by more than three authors are listed under title proper. For some works, various editions and/or translations are listed, but it should be noted that we neither claim for completeness with regard to the various editions listed nor with regard to the title listing in general. For the transliteration of cyrillic characters, we refer to the attached transliteration table; for explanation of bibliographic abbreviations used in the records below see the attached list of abbreviations. Notes on bibliographic style etc. are to be found within the introduction to our Lubitz' Leon Trotsky Bibliography.

Accomplices of the GPU / International Committee of the Fourth International. - London, 1976. - 24 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International) - ISBN 0-902030-87-6
Reprinted from News Line (London). 1976 (Oct.2-9)

Adolph, José B.: Trotsky debe morir
in: Adolph, J.B.: Teatro. (Lima, 1986) : pp. 35-70

Aguilar Mora, Manuel: Siqueiros vs. Trotsky. - 15 pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Aguilar Mora, Manuel: Trotsky y los "amigos de la URSS". - 15 pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Alfa senior: Il "giallissimo staliniano" : l'assassinio di Leo Trotsky. - 1-3
in: Critica sociale (Milano) [ISSN 0011-1538] 62.1970 (24) : pp. 774-776; 63.1971 (1) : pp.37-39; 63.1971 (2) : pp.59-62

Alvahuante, Felipe: El asesinato de León Trotsky. - Bruselas : Ed. Krupskaya, [194?]. - 111 pp.

American aspects of assassination of Leon Trotsky : hearings before the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, 81st Congress, 2nd session, July 26, Aug. 30, Oct. 18 and 19, and Dec. 4, 1950. - Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off., 1951. - XV pp., pp. 3345-3416

Amestoy, Juan Pedro: Stalin versus Trotsky : largo camino hacia un asesinato. - Montevideo : Ed. Liris, 2004. - 219 pp. - ISBN 9974-559-45-6

Anochin, Genrich Iosifovič: Luis - brat ubijcy Trockogo / G.I. Anochin
in: Vestnik Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk (Moskva) [ISSN 0869-5873] 66.1996 : pp. 530-535

Appell, Barbara Joyce: Friends and flowers : Trotsky in Mexico, 1937-1940. - 250 pp.
Waltham, Mass., Brandeis Univ., Thesis (Senior honor), 1968

El asesinato de Trotsky / dir.: Motfos Gueilburt. Prod. general: Julián Rousso [et al.] Narado por Julio Bracho. Coord. general: Manuel Tufró. Investigación: Guilermo Almeyra. Una co-prod. de Anima Films y The History Channel Latinoamérica. - [S.l.], 2007. - 1 DVD, running time: 1 h, 38 min.
DVD recording from TV programme, originally broadcast on Aug. 20, 2007. Documentary play emitted by The History Channel Latinamérica with commentaries by Olivia Gall, Esteban Volkov, Manuel Aguilar Mora, Javier Wiemer, Carlos Fernández et al.

Asaltar los cielos / prod.: José Luis López-Linares y Javier Rioyo. Guíon: Javier Rioyo. - México, D.F. : CONACULTA, 1996. - 1 videocassette (VHS), running time: 1 h, 39 min. - (Colección Foro internacional de cine de la Cineteca Nacional)
Documentary film about Ramón Mercader, murderer of Leon Trotsky

El asesinato de Trotsky. - Lima : Ed. Picaflor, 1976. - 115 pp. - (La seguridad y la IV Internacional)

El asesinato de Trotsky : antes y después / Isaac Deutscher [et al.] Recopilación, introd. y notas de J. Gutiérrez Alvarez. - [Madrid : Autor-Ed. de Obra Propria], 1990. - 196 pp. - ISBN 84-404-7993-X

El asesinato de Trotsky, 1937-1940. - México, D.F. : Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, 1984. - 55 pp. - (Nuestro México ; 17)

Asesinato en Coyoacán : antología / prep. por Patricia Ortega Ramírez. Pról.: José Woldenberg. - México, D.F. : El Nacional, 1990. - 340 pp. - ISBN 968-6389-17-2
Chiefly reprints of articles originally publ. in El Nacional (México, D.F.), between May 25, 1940 and May 7, 1960

The assassin of Trotsky : true name at last discovered / from our own correspondent
in: The Times (London) 1954 (52820=Jan.4) : p. 4

L'assassinat de Léon Trotsky. - Paris : Publications du Secrétariat de la IVe Internationale, [1946]. - 63 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 A la mémoire de Léon Trotsky/Pablo -- p.7 Staline veut ma mort/L. Trotsky -- p.21 La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky /J. Hansen -- p.33 Comment c'est arrivé/N. Trotsky -- p.41 Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment/J. Hansen -- p.59 Lev Davidovitch/K. Meyer

L'assassinat de Trotsky
in: Les Espions et le monde secret (Andorre la Vieille) 2.1971 (14) : pp. 4-13

L'assassinat de Trotsky / Institut Léon Trotsky
in: Pensiero e azione politica di Lev Trockij / a cura di F. Gori. 2. ([Firenze], 1982) : pp. 619-630
Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40º Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980

L'assassinat de Trotsky / un film de Joseph Losey. Scénario: Nicholas Mosley [et al.] Avec Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.]. - Paris : René Chateau Vidéo, 1994. - 1 videocassette (VHS), running time: 1 h, 40 min.
Video recording, originally produced in 1971 by Cinetel, CIAC, Dino de Laurenties, Cinematografia S.P.A.

L'assassinat de Trotsky / un film de Joseph Losey. Scénario: Nicholas Mosley [et al.] Avec Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.]. - Paris : Film Office UGC Vidéo, 1996. - 1 videocassette (VHS), running time: 1 h, 40 min. - (Grands classiques étrangèrs)
Video recording, originally produced in 1971 by Cinetel, CIAC, Dino de Laurentiies, Cinematografia S.P.A.

L'assassinat de Trotsky / Joseph Losey, réal. Nicholas Mosley [et al.], scénario. Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.] - [Issy le Moulineaux] : Studio Canal, 2005. - 1 DVD, running time: 1 h, 40 min

L'assassinat de Trotsky : documents. - Paris : Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Mouvements Trotskyste et Révolutionnaires Internationaux, 2000. - 77 pp. - (Les cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I. [ISSN 0292-4943] ; 99)

Assassination / produced and ed. by Mark C. Burns. Written by Benjamin Spencer. Narrated by Michael Carroll. - Oak Forest, Ill. : MPI Home Video, 1998. - 1 videocassette (VHS), running time: 46 min. - (Spies ; 13)
Video recording of 2 episodes from the TV series "Spies", a presentation of Columbia House. Episode 1, "License to kill", is about Ramón Mercader and the assassination of Trotsky. Earlier videocassette release: Terre Haute, Ind. : Columbia House Co., 1992.

The assassination of Trotsky / dir.: Joseph Losey. Screenplay: Nicholas Mosley. Participants: Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.]. - London : Channel 5, 1986. - 1 videocassette (VHS), running time: 1 h, 39 min.
Video recording, originally released as motion picture in 1972 by Josef Shaftel Productions Ltd.

The assassination of Trotsky / dir.: Joseph Losey. Screenplay: Nicholas Mosley. Participants: Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Romy Schneider [et al.]. - Los Angeles, Cal. : Republic Pictures Home Video, 1987. - 1 videocassette (VHS), running time: 1 h, 42 min.
Video recording, originally released as motion picture in 1972 by Josef Shaftel Productions Ltd.

The assassination of Trotsky
in: The shameful years : thirty years of Soviet espionage in the United States / prep. and released by the Committee on Un-american Activities, U.S. House of Representatives (Washington, DC) : pp. 45-54

L'assassinio di Trotsky / Michel Raptis [et al.] A cura di Paolo Casciola. - Foligno : Centro Studi Pietro Tresso, 1990. - 55 pp. - (Quaderni del Centro Studi Pietro Tresso : Serie Dagli archivi del bolscevismo ; 6)
Table of contents: p.3 Introduzione/P. Casciola -- p.7 In memoria di Lev Trotsky/M. Raptis -- p.11 Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico/J. Hansen -- p.23 Com'e' accaduto/N. Sedova -- p.31 Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante/J. Hansen -- p.47 Lev Davidovich/J. van Heijenoort -- p.53 Bibliografia -- p.55 Indice

Das Attentat : L. D. Trotzki - Tod im Exil / von Paul Mommertz nach dem Buch Murder in Mexico von Leandro A. Sanchez Salazar in Zusammenarbeit mit Julian Gorkin. Regie: August Everding. Eine Produktion der Bavaria Atelier GmbH, hergestellt im Auftrag des WDR. - [S.l., s.d.]. - 1 videocassette (VHS, b/w), running time: 2:30 h
Video recording of a documentary TV drama, originally broadcast by Deutsches Fernsehen, 1. Programm (ARD) on Nov. 28, 1967

Banbury, Lance: Trotsky in Mexico. - Tweed Heads, N.S.W. : Author, 1991. - 4 pp. - ISBN 0-9587503-3-5

Barckhausen-Canale, Christiane: Orden für einen Mord in Mexiko-Stadt : das geheime Leben des Josef Grigulevich / Christiane Barckhausen
in: Neues Deutschland (Berlin) [ISSN 0323-4940] 2000 (Aug.29/30)

Barckhausen-Canale, Christiane: Der wahre Drahtzieher der "Operation Ente" : noch einmal zum Trotzki-Attentat 1940 ; das Leben des Carlos Contreras [...]
in: Neues Deutschland (Berlin) [ISSN 0323-4940] 1995 (Sept. 23/24) : p. 11

Barthel, Manfred: Tod im Exil : Trotzkis vergebliche Flucht vor Stalins Häschern
in: Damals (Gießen) [ISSN 0011-5908] 17.1985 (8) : pp. 668-671

Behrend, Manfred: Bei Trotzki in Coyoacán
in: Die Andere : der Anzeiger für Politik, Kultur und Kunst (Berlin) [ISSN 0863-243X] 2.1991 (May 15)

Behrend, Manfred: Bei Trotzki in Coyoacán
in: Behrend, Manfred: Zeiten der Hoffnung, Zeiten des Zorns. (Berlin, 2005) : pp. 123-127

Beliat, Mijail: Vieja casa en Coyoacán : en la ciudad de México, el nieto de León Trotsky guarda el afectuoso recuerdo de su abuelo
in: Novedades de Moscú (Moscú etc.) 1989 (8=1386), p. 15

Bittermann, Klaus: Trotzki auf Prinkipo : eine Reportage von der Prinzeninsel / [in Zusammenarb. mit Elke Schubert]. - 1-2
in: Junge Welt (Berlin) [ISSN 0323-8601] 2000 (Dec.11); 2000 (Dec.12)
Pt. 2 with alternative title Ein "Planet ohne Visum"

Bittermann, Klaus: Trotzki auf Prinkipo : eine Reportage von der Prinzeninsel / [in Zusammenarb. mit Elke Schubert]
in: Bittermann, K.: Strandgut der Geschichte. (München, 2001) : pp. 31-45

Blair, Matthew: The spectre of Trotsky
in: The New Statesman (London) [ISSN 0028-6842 - ISSN 0028-6834] N.s. 92.1976 (2370) : pp. 231-232

Bloody murder in Mexico ends great revolutionary career of Leon Trotsky
in: Life (New York, NY) [ISSN 0024-3019] 9.1940 (Sept.2) : pp. 17-21

Bornstein, Joseph: Death in Mexico : Leon Trotsky
in: Bornstein, J.: Politics of murder. (New York, NY 1951) : pp. 204-237

Bornstein, Joseph: El hombre que asesinó a Trotsky
in: Selecciones del Reader's digest (Various places) 18.1949 (105) : pp. 1-7

Bornstein, Joseph: Who is this mysterious murderer? : the devious plot that led to Leon Trotsky's death
in: Reader's digest (Pleasantville, NY) [ISSN 0034-0375] 28=54.1949 (June) : pp. 1-7

Boyes, Roger: Trotsky's death : the Nazi link ; the Gestapo's role in the ice-pick affair
in: The New Statesman (London) [ISSN 0028-6842 - ISSN 0028-6834] N.s. 96.1978 (2490) : pp. 780-781

Breitman, George: Quand le journal de Hitler imprimait une lettre de Trotsky
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (1) : pp.101-103

Breve estancia : León Trotsky en México / Gerardo Romero-Salinas et al.
in: Enlace : expresiones de la sociedad civil ; revista digital ... (México, D.F.) Nueva época 3.2005 (2): [11 pp.]
Electronic resource (accessed Sept. 1, 2008), URL: http://www.organizacionessociales.segob.gob.mx/UAOS-Rev2/leon_trosky.html

Broué, Pierre: L'assassinat de Trotsky : 1940. - Bruxelles : Ed. Complexe, 1980. - 188 pp. - (La mémoire du siècle [ISSN 0773-9478] ; 7) - ISBN 2-87027-056-9

Broué, Pierre: L'assassinat de Trotsky : 1940. - 2. éd. - Bruxelles : Ed. Complexe, 1988. - 192 pp. - ( Lamémoire du siècle [ISSN 0773-9478] ; 7) - ISBN 2-87027-056-9
Table of contents: p.5 Avertissement -- p.7 C'était mardi dans la soirée -- p.19 Les tueurs sur les traces -- p.36 Les espions dans la maison -- p.53 La presse et le meurtre -- p.72 L'hallali -- p.91 Les tueurs en action -- p.109 Le pèlerin du néant ou l'histoire d'un crime -- p.123 La suite ou la fin? -- p.144 Documents -- p.171 Chronologie -- p.180 Notes -- p.184 Orientation bibliographique -- p.186 Index

Broué, Pierre: Trotsky a veinte años de octubre. - 12 pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Cabrer i Pallas, R.: El cas del líder assassinat
in: Xaloc (México, D.F.) [ISSN 0043-986X] 1979 (101) : pp. 36-43

Cabrera Infante, Guillermo: La muerte de Trotsky referida por varios escritores cubanos, años después - o antes
in: Cabrera Infante, G.: Tres tristes tigres. (Bogotà [etc.], 1984) : pp. 179-201

Campa Salázar, Valentín: El caso Trotsky / Valentín Campa S.
in: Campa Salázar, V.: Mi testimonio. (México, D.F., 1978) : pp. 159-166

Campa Salázar, Valentín: The Trotsky case : Campa tells about plot to kill Trotsky / transl. and footnotes are by Intercontinental Press/Inprecor
in: Intercontinental Press (New York, NY) [ISSN 0020-5303 - ISSN 0162-5594] 16.1978 (48) : pp. 1397-1399

Cannon, James Patrick: Funds needed to defend Trotsky / appeal by James P. Cannon and Farrell Dobbs
in: Cannon, J.P.: The Socialist Workers Party in World War II. (New York, NY, 1975) : pp. 49-51
Reprinted from Socialist Appeal (New York, NY). 4.1940 (July 20)

Carmichael, Joel: Trotsky's assassination
in: Midstream (New York, NY) [ISSN 0026-332X] 19.1973 (1) : pp. 59-62

Carr, Barry: Trotsky in Mexico
in: The Journal of Communist Studies (London) [ISSN 0268-4535] 4.1988 (1) : pp. 98-101
Report about the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

El "caso" Trotsky / M.H.
in: Estudios sobre el comunismo (Santiago de Chile) [ISSN 0014-1550] 8.1960 (29) : pp. 12-19

Casciola, Paolo: Introduzione
in: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 3-5

Castellani, Leandro: Trotzki : un colpo di piccozza uccise
in: Storia illustrata (Milano) [ISSN 0039-1913] 12.1968 (124) : pp. 22-37

Ceniceros, Eduardo: Jacques Mornard - gestiones para obtener su libertad preparatoria. - México, D.F. : Atenea, 1957. - 281 pp.

Černjavskij, Vladimir: Moskva - Mechiko : (ėpizod iz vremen terrora)
in: Kontinent : literaturnyj, obščestvenno-političeskij i religioznyjžurnal (Berlin) [ISSN 0934-6317] 1978 (15) : pp. 257-282

Chase, William J.: Leon Trotsky's quest for a U.S. visa, 1933-1940 / William Chase
in: Life lines : perspectives on Russian culture, society and politics ; a festschrift for prof. Raymond T. McNally / ed. by N.S. Racheotes [et al.] (Boulder, Colo., 2001) : pp.33-77

Chase, William J.: [Murder most sacred, murder most foul]
"A book-length manuscript in progress that uses the assassination of Leon Trotsky to examine the rise and nature of threat construction, scapegoating, conspiratorial worldviews, and political violence among communists in the USSR, Spain, Mexico and the US in 1935-1940" [from author's communication]

Chase, William J.: Trockij v Meksike : k istorii ego neglasnych kontaktov s pravitel'stvom SŠA (1937-1940) / U. Čejz
in: Otečestvennaja istorija (Moskva) [ISSN 0869-5687] 1995 (4) : pp. 76-102

Chemouni, Jacquy: Le psychanalyste Eitingon a-t-il participé à l'assassinat de Trotsky ou à des actions d'espionnage au profit du régime stalinien?
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 2002 (77) : pp. 33-63

Chilanti, Felice: Trotzkij vivo : l'assassinio di un intellettuale contemporaneo / con un intervista e il racconto del film di Joseph Losey. - Bologna : Cappelli, 1972. - 192 pp. - (Inchieste e documenti)
Table of contents: p.9 Chiarimento -- p.11 Trotzkij vivo/F. Chilanti -- p.73 Scritti scelti di Trotzkij -- p.133 La barbarie del mondo e la necessità della critica : intervista con Joseph Losey -- p.155 L'assassinio di Trotsky (il racconto del film)

Claudín, Fernando: El asesinato de Trotski / F.C. [i.e. Fernando Claudín]
in: Historia gráfica del siglo XX (Madrid) 1984 (94) : pp. 28-35

Cobo, Juan: El asesino de Trotsky : verdugo o victima?
in: Novedades de Moscú (Moscú etc.) 1989 (12=1390), p. 15-16

Coggiola, Osvaldo: O assassinato de Trotsky à luz da história
in: Revista de história (São Paulo) [ISSN 0034-8309] 1999 (141)

Cómo la GPU asesinó a Trotsky : y otros materiales de la investigación "Seguridad y la Cuarta Internacional" / Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional. - Barcelona : Nueva Editorial, 1979. - 323 pp. - (Seguridad y la Cuarta Internacional ; 1) - ISBN 84-30017-86-0

Conoir, Yvan: Léon Trotski, 1879-1940
in: Réfugiés (Genève) [ISSN 1014-0905] 1987 (37) : pp. 33-37

Conoir, Yvan: Leon Trotsky, 1879-1940
in: Refugees (Geneva) [ISSN 0252-791X] 1987 (37) : pp. 35-37

Cook, Albert Spaulding: The death of Trotsky : a play in three acts / Albert Cook
in: Drama & Theatre (Fredonia, NY) [ISSN 0012-5954] 9.1970 (1) : pp. 32-50

Cordova, Carlos: De la vida y de la muerte : una approximación museológica a la casa de León Trotsky. - 16 pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Cornell, Charles: On the assassination
in: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : p. XI
From author's With Trotsky in Mexico

Cornell, Charles: Trotsky's habits of work
in: The Spartacus of the 20th century. (London, 2007) : p. IV
From author's With Trotsky in Mexico

Cornell, Charles: With Trotsky in Mexico
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 5.1944 (8) : pp. 246-249

Cornell, Charles: With Trotsky in Mexico
in: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 64-67

Cortesi, Arnaldo: Trotsky dies of his wounds
in: The New York Times (New York, NY) [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug. 22) : p. 1

Costa-Amic, Bartomeu: León Trotsky y Andreu Nin : dos asesinatos del stalinismo (aclarando la historia). - San Pedro Cholula : Altres-Costa-Amic, 1994. - 158 pp. - ISBN 968-697-705-8

Craipeau, Maria: J'ai connu l'assassin de Trotsky
in: France-observateur (Paris) [ISSN 1273-9006] 1960 (May 19) : pp. 11-12

Curtis, Oliver: The lion in winter : fifty years after the murder of Trotsky ; home movies of the exiled revolutionary in Mexico offer new insights
in: Listener (London) [ISSN 0024-4392] 124.1990 (3180=Aug.30) : pp. 16-17

Davis, Lee: Leon Trotsky
in: Davis, Lee: Assassination : twenty assassinations that changed history. (New York, NY, 1993)

Dazy, René: La liquidation du "Vieux"
in: Dazy, R.: Fusillez ces chiens enragés! : le génocide des trotskistes. (Paris, 1981) : pp. 203-229

Death of a revolutionary
in: Time (New York, NY) [ISSN 0040-781X] 36.1940 (Sept.2) : pp. 21-22

Death of Trotsky : attacked with axe in his home / from our correspondent
in: The Times (London) 1940 (48701=Aug.22) : p. 4

Debroise, Olivier: Historia de una carta. - 10 pp.
About Trotsky's relationship to Diego Rivera. - Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Decaux, Alain: El asesinato de Trotsky
in: Decaux, A.:Lahistoria secreta de la historia. 5. ed. 2. (Buenos Aires, 1989) : pp.259-276

DeCesare, Lodovico: Delitto di stato : il 20 agosto 1940, a Coyoacan, un sicario colpiva a morte Lev Trotzky
in: Historia (Milano) [ISSN 1121-1466] 1990 (390) : pp. 96-109

DeCesare, Lodovico: La vita di Trotzky per quella di tua madre!
in: Historia (Milano) [ISSN 1121-1466] 1976 (219) : pp. 63-69

Delahunt, Meaghan: La casa azul de Coyoacán / trad. de Jorge F. Hernández. - Barcelona : Plaza & Janés, 2002. - 283 pp. - ISBN 84-01-32942-6
Historical fiction

Delahunt, Meaghan: In the blue house. - London : Bloomsbury, 2001. - 308 pp. - ISBN 0-7475-5236-3 - ISBN 0-7475-5359-9
Historical fiction

Delahunt, Meaghan: In the casa azul : a novel of revolution and betrayal. - New York, NY : St. Martin's Pr., 2002. - 308 pp. - ISBN 0-312-29106-X
Historical fiction

Deutscher, Isaac: Adski temnaja noč' : glava iz knigi "Prorok v izgnanii" / Isaak Dojčer. Perevod s anglijskogo Ju. Zarachoviča [et al.]
in: Inostrannaja literatura (Moskva) [ISSN 0537-7307] 1989 (3) : pp.167-230
Detatched and transl. from author's The prophet outcast, London, 1954. On pp. 167-174: Medvedev, Roj: Trockij : Štrichi k političeskomu portretu

Deutscher, Isaac: Comment Staline liquida Trotsky
in: Le Miroir de l'histoire (Paris) 1965 (182) : pp. 50-61

Deutscher, Isaac: Les derniers jours de Trotsky / trad. par Jean Cler
in: Historia (Paris) [ISSN 0018-2281] 1966 (236) : pp. 94-103
Excerpted and transl. from author's The prophet outcast, London, 1962

Deutscher, Isaac: Smert' Trockogo / Isaak Dojčer
in: Gorizont (Riga) [ISSN 0132-6252] 1990 (3) : pp. 24-28
Excerpted and transl. from author's The prophet outcast, London, 1962

Deutscher, Isaac: Trockij al nadir
in: Deutscher, I.: Ironie della storia. (Milano, 1972)

Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky at his nadir
in: Deutscher, I.: Ironies of history. (London etc., 1966) : pp. 174-180
Reprinted from The Listener (London). 1959 (July 16)

Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky at his nadir
in: Deutscher, I.: Ironies of history. (Berkeley, Cal., 1971) : pp. 174-180

Deutscher, Isaac: Trotsky en su nadir / trad. de Juan Ramón Capella
in: Deutscher, I.: Ironías de la historia. (Barcelona, 1969) : pp.197-204

Dewar, Hugo: Murder in Mexico
in: Dewar, H.: Assassins at large. (London, 1951) : pp. 111-126

Dewar, Hugo: Murder in Mexico
in: Dewar, H.: Assassins at large. (Boston, Mass., 1952) : pp. 111-126

Donaldson, Norman: Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940) / Norman & Betty Donaldson
in: Donaldson, N.: How did they die? (New York, NY, 1980) : pp. 368-370

Downs, Christine Susanna: Scenes from the life of Leon Trotsky / Christine S. Downs. - 140 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Univ. of Princeton, Thesis (Senior), 1980

Du nouveau sur l'assassinat de Trotsky / M.W.
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (44) : pp. 114-115

Dugrand, Alain: Trotsky : Mexico 1937-1940 / texte de Alain Dugrand. Portrait par James T. Farrell. Postface, chronologie et bibliographie de Pierre Broué. - Paris : Payot, 1988. - 200 pp. - (Documents Payot [ISSN 0993-4634]) - ISBN 2-228-88077-9

Dugrand, Alain: Trotski : México 1937-1940 / texto de Alain Dugrand. Semblanza por James T. Farrell. Posfacio, cronología y bibliografía de Pierre Broué. Trad. de Saúl Ibargoyen. - México, D.F. : Siglo Veintiuno Ed., 1992. - 109 pp. - (Elhombre y sus obras) - ISBN 968-23-1728-2

Dugrand, Alain: Trotsky in Mexico / text by Alain Dugrand. Portrait by James T. Farrell. Afterword & chronology by Pierre Broué. Transl. from the French by Stephen Romer. - Manchester : Carcanet Pr., 1992. - 143 pp. - ISBN 0-85635-881-9

Eastman, Max: Problems of friendship with Trotsky
in: Eastman, M.: Great companions. (London, 1959) : pp. 151-169

Eastman, Max: Problems of friendship with Trotsky
in: Eastman, M.: Great companions. (New York, NY, 1959) : pp. 151-169

Engler, Dan: The least known assassin : the story of Ramon Mercader. - 28 Kb (7 pp.)
Electronic resource (accessed May 15, 2006), URL: http://www.mumblage.com/mercader.html

Evans, Colin: Stalin versus Trotsky
in: Evans, C.: Great feuds in history. (New York, NY, 2001) : pp. 85-107

Farrell, James Thomas: A memoir of Leon Trotsky / James T. Farrell
in: Revolutionary History (London) [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.1999 (2) : pp. 185-191
Reprinted from The University of Kansas City Review (Kansas City, Mo.) 23.1957 (4)

Farrell, James Thomas: A memoir of Leon Trotsky / James T. Farrell
in: The University of Kansas City Review (Kansas City, Mo.) 23.1957 (4) : pp. 293-298

Farrell, James Thomas: Mémoire sur Léon Trotsky / James T. Farrell
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 97-103

Fernández, Rodrigo: Dos spañoles quisieron acabar con Trotski antes que Mercader
in: El País : Ed. Europa (Madrid) [ISSN 0213-4608] 1997 (Nov.16)

Fernández Vilchis, Octávio: Comment fut obtenu le droit d'asile pour Trotsky au Mexique
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (11) : pp. 63-73
Originally publ. in La Prensa (México, D.F.). 1956 (Apr.20) with title Comó se obtuvó el derecho de asilo para Trotsky en México

Fernández Vilchis, Octávio: Octavio Fernández se souvient
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (26) : pp. 61-80
Oral history interview, conducted Aug. 1982

Ferrà i Martorell, Miquel: La guerra secreta de Ramón Mercader / Miquel Ferrà. - Barcelona : Ed. de la Magrana, 1987. - 147 pp. - (Les ales esteses ; 37) - ISBN 84-7410-297-9

[Fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky] : remembered in a special broadcast recounting the event / participants: Andy Lanset et al. - London : BBC, 1990. - 1 sound tape reel, running time: 12 min.
Sound recording, originally broadcast on the BBC, Aug. 20, 1990

La fine di Trotzki / S.P.
in: Relazioni internazionali (Milano) [ISSN 0034-3946] 6.1940 : p. 1314

Fivek, Karl W.: A triangle of consequence : Lazaro Cárdenas, Vicente Lombardo Toledano, and Leon Trotsky. - III, 109 pp.
Chicago, Ill., Northeastern Illinois Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1972

Forbes, Malcolm Stevenson: Leon Trotsky / Malcolm S. Forbes
in: Forbes, M.S.: They went that-a-way. (New York, NY, 1989)

Frank, Joe: The death of Leon Trotsky. - Washington, DC : National Public Radio, 1979. - 1 sound cassette, running time: 59 min.
Sound recording, originally broadcast Apr. 3, 1979, on the NPR programme Options, produced by Joe Frank

Frank, Pierre: L'assassinat de Léon Trotsky
in: Critique communiste (Paris; later: Montreuil) [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] 1980 (33) : pp. 26-29

Gall, Olivia: Cárdenas, Múgica y Trotsky. - 15 pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Gall, Olivia: Clave a tiempo
in: El Buscón (Tlalpán), 1984 (13), pp. 162-172

Gall, Olivia: León Trotsky y el planeta sin visas
in: Nexos : sociedad, ciencia, literatura (México, D.F.) [ISSN 0185-1535] 13.1990 (153) : pp. 14-17
Preprint from author's Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, México, D.F., 1991

Gall, Olivia: La revue Clave, outil politique de Trotsky
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (11) : pp. 55-61

Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México : cincuentenario ; balance de un coloquio
in: Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales (México, D.F.) [ISSN 0034-9976] 33.1987 (129) : pp. 167-171
Notes about the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México : su autodefensa
in: El Nacional / Politica (México, D.F.) 1990 (68) : pp.12-17
Preprint from author's Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, México, D.F., 1991

Gall, Olivia: Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, 1937-1940. - México, D.F. : Ed. Era, 1991. - 423 pp. - (Colección Problemas de México) - ISBN 96-8411-335-8
Table of contents: p.11 Introducción -- p.19 Un visado en el planeta para León Trotsky -- p.45 Los camaradas -- p.74 Los amigos -- p.91 Trotsky y el contra-proceso -- p.108 La guerra de Stalin -- p.169 La contraofensiva de Trotsky -- p.183 La derecha y Trotsky -- p.191 La LCI y Trotsky -- p.205 La ruptura con Rivera -- p.223 Trotsky analiza a México -- p.250 Francisco Zamora, intelectual mexicano simpatizante de Trotsky -- p.262 Dos versiones estalinistas del cardenismo -- p.288 Una situación peligrosa -- p.303 El acoso -- p.321 Preguntas en torno a un asesinato -- p.344 Conclusiones -- p.351 Notas -- p.399 Abreviaturas -- p.402 Entrevistas -- p.405 Archivos consultados -- p.405 Cronología

Gall, Olivia: Trotsky et la vie politique dans le Mexique de Cárdenas : (1937-1940). - 1-2. - [XV], 668 pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble II, Thèse 3e cycle, 1986
Table of contents: p.9 Un visa dans la planète pour Léon Trotsky -- p.47 Le Mexique dans lequel débarque Trotsky -- p.87 Les camarades -- p.126 Les amis -- p.150 Les adversaires ouverts: le PCM -- p.208 L'adversaire couvert: Vicente Lombardo Toledano -- p.261 Trotsky et la contre-enquête -- p.290 La guerre de Staline -- p.329 La contre-offensive de Trotsky -- p.348 La droite et Trotsky -- p.358 La LCI et Trotsky -- p.378 La rupture avec Rivera -- p.403 L'histoire mexicaine s'accélère -- p.426 Trotsky analyse le Mexique -- p.462 Francisco Zamora, intellectuel mexicain et l'analyse de Trotsky -- p.478 Versions staliniennes du cardénisme: les puces et le dragon -- p.517 Une situation dangereuse -- p.535 Hallali -- p.558 Questions autour d'un assassinat -- p.592 Conclusion -- p.600 Chronologie -- p.646 Bibliographie
Supervisors of thesis: Pierre Broué, Jean van Heijenoort, Jean Paul Joubert

Gall, Olivia: Trotsky et Múgica
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (26) : pp. 16-23
Rev. version of paper submitted to the 7a Jornadas de Historia de Occidente, Jiquílpan de Juárez, Nov. 1984. - Transl. from the Span. ms.

García Higueras, Gabriel: El día que asesinaron a Trotsky
in: García Higueras, G.: Trotsky en el espejo de la historia. (Lima, 2005) : pp. 149-163
Table of contents: p.149 El asilo -- p.149 La conspiración -- p.151 El asalto -- p.154 La muerte -- p.157 El asesino -- p.159 Revelaciones -- p.162 Bibliografía

García Higueras, Gabriel: Encuentro en Coyoacán cincuenta años después : (crónica de una conmemoración)
in: García Higueras, G.: Trotsky en el espejo de la historia. (Lima, 2005) : pp. 389-411
Table of contents: p.389 El Instituto del Derecho de Asilo y las Libertades Públicas -- p.390 El Museo Casa de León Trotsky -- p.397 El coloquio -- p.410 Post scriptum
Report about the Coloquio Internacional Trotsky - Cincuentenario de su Muerte, México, D.F., Aug. 20-24, 1990, and about the Trotsky Museum at Coyoacán, México

García Higueras, Gabriel: Exaltación del asesino
in: Sudestada : cultura, arte y actualidad (Lomas de Zamora), 6.2006 (53) : pp. 44-45
Criticism of José Ramón Garmabella's book El grito de Trotsky, México, D.F., 2006

García Higueras, Gabriel: Trotsky en el espejo de la historia : (ensayos) / [pról.: Esteban Volkov]. - Lima : Tarea Gráfica Educativa, 2005. - XXV, 425 pp. - ISBN 9972-33-182-2
Table of contents: p.XI Prólogo/E. Volkov -- p.XV Exordio -- p.1 Ensayo introductorio: El regreso de Trotsky -- p.31 León Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940): escorzo de una biografía -- p.149 El día que asesinaron a Trotsky -- p.165 Trotsky, el historiador: notas para un estudio -- p.179 Trotsky en el devenir de la historiografía rusa: ideología, política y falsificación histórica -- p.389 Encuentro en Coyoacán: cincuenta años después (crónica de una conmemoración) -- p.413 Anexo fotográfico

Garmabella, José Ramón: Dr. Alfonso Quiroz Cuarón : sus mejores casos de criminología. - México, D.F. : Ed. Diana, 1980. - 188 pp. - ISBN 968-13-0580-9
About how Quiroz Cuarón unmasked the murderer of Leon Trotsky

Garmabella, José Ramón: El grito de Trotsky : Ramón Mercader, el hombre que mató al líder revolucionario. - México, D.F. : Random House Mondadori, 2006. - 380 pp. - (Debate : Historias) - ISBN 968-5961-29-8

Garmabella, José Ramón: Operação Trotski. - Rio de Janeiro : Record, [s.d.]. - 192 pp.

Garmabella, José Ramón: Operación Trotsky. - México, D.F. : Ed. Diana, 1972. - XII, 186 pp.
Table of contents: p.1 Prólogo/E. Téllez Vargas -- p.9 Prefacio/R. Mercader -- p.11 Guerra por un ideal -- p.21 El planeta sin visado -- p.32 "Si algo malo sucede..." -- p.43 Asalto frustrado -- p.56 "Estroy seguro del triunfo de la IV Internacional! Adelante!" -- p.78 "Trotsky me desilusionó" -- p.95 El hundimiento -- p.113 Es el campeón de la mentira -- p.128 Héroe de la Unión Soviética -- p.136 Fuga fallida -- p.145 El rey de la cárcel -- p.149 Se llama Ramón Mercader -- p.157 Libertad negada -- p.163 Sólo un vulgar asesino -- p.167 Salida de México -- p.175 La Habana y Praga -- p.179 Otra vez Moscú -- p.180 Epilogo: Ha muerto Jacques Mornard

Garmabella, José Ramón: Operación Trotsky. - 2. impr. - México, D.F. : Ed. Diana, 1973. - XII, 186 pp.

Garmabella, José Ramón: Quién fue Jackson-Mornard? : descubrimientos de Quiróz Cuarón
in: Comunidad CONACyT (México, D.F.) [ISSN 0185-190X] 7.1981 (121/122) : pp.133-137
Reprinted from author's Dr. Alfonso Quiróz Cuarón, sus majores casos de criminología, México, D.F., 1980

Garmabella, José Ramón: Quién fue Jackson-Mornard?
in: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior ‹México, D.F.› 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp.60-62
Reprinted from Comunidad CONACyT (México, D.F.) 7.1981 (121/122)

Geinitz, Christian: Der letzte Zeuge : Trotzkis Enkel über das Attentat von 1940
in: Frankfurter Allgemeine (Frankfurt a.M.) [ISSN 0174-4909] 2000 (Aug.19) : p. 10

Gibson, Stephen: Ax-murder of Trotsky by Ramon Mercader, Mexico, August 20, 1940
in: Apalachee Quarterly (Tallahassee, Fla.) [ISSN 0890-6408] 1993 (39) : p. 52

Gitlow, Benjamin: Murder across the border
in: Gitlow, B.: The whole of their lives. (Freeport, NY, 1971) : pp. 341-346

Goldman, Albert: The assassination of Leon Trotsky : the proofs of Stalin's guilt. - New York City : Pioneer Publ., 1940. - 74 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Introductory note -- p.5 Jacson's confession -- p.9 Jacson's statements to the police -- p.14 Testimony of witnesses -- p.19 Cross examination -- p.29 Analysis of evidence -- p.58 Political examination of the murder -- p.70 Jacson, an agent of the GPU -- p.74 Conclusion

Goldman, Albert: Quién está detrás del asesino de León Trotsky : los hechos y los argumentos que prueban la culpabilidad de Stalin. - México, D.F. : Ed. Clave, [ca. 1940]. - 90 pp.

Goloviznin, Mark: De quelques faits inconnues, liés à la préparation de l'assassinat de Trotsky / Mark Goloviznine. [Transl. from the Russ. by Catherine Prokhoroff]
in: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier (Paris) [ISSN 1287-2598] 1998 (2) : pp. 29-30

Gomezperalta Damirón, Manuel: Jackson... mirada sobre un crimen. - [México, D.F.], 1999. - 35 pp. - (Colección Velero) - ISBN 970-92310-0-6

Goodman, Paul: The death of Leon Trotsky
in: Partisan Review (New Brunswick, NJ) [ISSN 0031-2525] 7.1940 (6) : pp. 425-429

Gorkin, Julián: El asesinato de Trotsky / [trad. de Ramón Margalef Llambrich]. - Barcelona : Aymá, 1971. - 280 pp.

Gorkin, Julián: El asesinato de Trotsky / [trad. de Ramón Margalef Llambrich]. - [Barcelona] : Círculo de lectores, [1973]. - 218 pp.

Gorkin, Julián: Los asesinos de Trotski
in: Gorkin, J.: Contra el estalinismo. (Barcelona, 2001) : pp. 71-105
Extracted from author's El asesinato de Trotsky

Gorkin, Julián: L'assassinat de Trotsky. - Paris : Julliard, 1970. - 318 pp.
Table of contents: p.7 Introduction -- p.21 Premier attentat : réel ou simulé? -- p.52 Comment fonctionne la G.P.U. -- p.63 Enfin une piste -- p.88 Les comparses de la G.P.U. -- p.101 Le cadavre de Sheldon -- p.123 L'arrestation d'Alfaro Siqueiros -- p.141 Trotsky est blessé à mort -- p.156 Ce fut ainsi ... -- p.156 Le récit de l'assassin -- p.190 Des témoignages accusateurs -- p.208 Jacson-Mornard a menti -- p.223 Si tout n'est que mensonge... où est la vérité? -- p.241 La condamnation -- p.259 L'école des bourreaux -- p.262 Le sort des réfugiés espagnols en U.R.S.S. -- p.266 Dans une "datcha" de la G.P.U. -- p.268 Contreras - Sormenti - Vidali -- p.275 Vitali, chef numéro deux de l'attentat -- p.278 Gregory Rabinovitch, le fameux "juif français" -- p.280 Deux officiers supérieurs soviétiques -- p.284 Ruby Weil et Sylvia Ageloff -- p.287 Jacson-Mornard chez Trotsky -- p.291 La famille Mercader -- p.296 "Pedro", "Singer", "Guéré", Erno Gero -- p.301 Des preuves irréfutables -- p.305 Les assassins doctrinaires -- p.313 Silence sous peine de mort

Gorkin, Julián: L'assassinat de Trotsky. - Paris : Le Livre de Poche, 1973. - 316 pp. - (Le livre de poche [ISSN 0248-3653] ; 3575)
Reprint of the 1970 ed.

Gorkin, Julián: Cómo asesinó Stalin a Trotsky. - Barcelona : Plaza & Janés, 1961. - 224 pp.

Gorkin, Julián: Cómo asesinó Stalin a Trotsky. - Buenos Aires [etc.] : Plaza & Janés, [1965]. - 201 pp. - (Lauro ; 5)

Gorkin, Julián: Mordet på Trotskij / övers. av Katja Birmann. - Stockholm : Forum, 1972. - 189 pp. - ISBN 91-37-0581-4

Gran corrido de León Trotski
in: Leo Trotzki 1879-1940 in den Augen von Zeitgenossen. (Hamburg, 1979) : p. 184
Bilingual (Span. and German). - Folk ballad composed in Trotsky's honor by an anonymous Mexican bard after the assassination

Gran corrido de Leon Trotsky
in: Stone, B.: Memoirs of a radical rank & filer. (New York, NY, 1986) : p. 132
Folk ballad composed in Trotsky's honor by an anonymous Mexican bard after the assassination

Green, Richard: At home with Leon Trotsky : ... ; Richard Green visits 8 museums where the spirits of great men live on
in:TheSunday Times (London) [ISSN 0956-1382] 2003 (Febr.16) : p.13

Gribble, Leonard Reginald: Hands of terror : notable assassinations of the twentieth century. - London : Muller, 1960. - 228 pp.
On pp. 196-213 about the assassination of Trotsky

Gribova, I.: Sikejros protiv Trockogo
in: Agitator (Moskva) [ISSN 0320-7161] 1989 (18) : pp. 38-40

Guerrero, Gilberto: Fue en Coyoacán, hace 50 años...
in: Tiempo (México, D.F.) 48=94.1990 (2521), pp. 4-6

Guía del Museo León Trotsky = Museum guide. - [México, D.F.] : A. Tobares, [s.d.]. - 15 pp.

Gutiérrez Alvarez, José: Algunas claves sobre el asesinato de Trotski / J. Gutiérrez Alvarez
in: Tiempo de historia (Madrid) [ISSN 0210-7333] 7.1981 (78) : pp. 4-19

Gutiérrez Alvarez, José: Ramón Mercader y el asesinato de Trotsky
in: Historia y vida (Barcelona) [ISSN 0018-2354] 23.1990 (271) : pp. 70-82

Gutiérrez-Alvarez, Pepe: Trotsky en México. - 5 pp.
Electronic resource (accessed Apr. 15, 2006), URL: http://www.fundamin.org/gutierrez31.htm

Hansen, Joseph: The attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 1.1940 (Aug.) : pp. 85-90

Hansen, Joseph: The attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky
in: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 5-11

Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment
in: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 1946) : pp. 41-58

Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (2) : pp. 25-51

Hansen, Joseph: Avec Trotsky jusqu'au dernier moment
in:L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 2000) : pp. 47-53

Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky fino all'ultimo istante
in: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 31-45

Hansen, Joseph: Con Trotsky, hasta el final
in: Correo internacional (Madrid ; Buenos Aires) 7.1990 (49) : pp. 29-31

Hansen, Joseph: Mit Trotzki bis ans Ende
in: Unser Wort (Prag; later: Paris; later: Antwerpen; later: New York, NY) 9.1941 (1=102) : pp. 1, 7-10

Hansen, Joseph: Il primo tentativo di assassinare Trotsky in Messico
in: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 11-21

Hansen, Joseph: Tentativa de assassinato de Trotsky
in: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 161-183

Hansen, Joseph: La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky
in: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 1946) : pp. 21-32

Hansen, Joseph: La tentative d'assassinat de Léon Trotsky
in: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 2000) : pp. 35-46
Slightly abridged

Hansen, Joseph: Trotsky in Coyoacan : reminiscences of Trotsky's life in Mexico by a leader of the Trotskyist movement who served as Trotsky's secretary during those last years
in: International Socialist Review (New York, NY) [ISSN 0020-8744] 31.1970 (3) : pp. 34-38

Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky to the end
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 1.1940 (Oct.) : pp. 115-123

Hansen, Joseph: With Trotsky to the end
in: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 16-24

Herrera, Hayden: Trotsky
in: Herrera, H.: Frida : a biography of Frida Kahlo. (New York, NY etc., 1983) : pp. 192-214

Herrera, Hayden: Trotsky / trad.: Angelika Scherp
in: Herrera, H.: Frida : una biografía de Frida Kahlo. (México, D.F., 1985) : pp. 167-184

Herrera, Hayden: Trotzki / Übers. aus dem Amerikan. von Dieter Mulch
in: Herrera, H.: Frida Kahlo. (Bern etc., 1983) : pp. 161-183

Herrera, Hayden: Trotzki / Übers. aus dem Amerikan. von Dieter Mulch
in: Herrera, H.: Frida Kahlo. 2. Aufl. (Bern etc., 1984) : pp. 161-183

Herrera, Hayden: Trotzki / Übers. aus dem Amerikan. von Dieter Mulch
in: Herrera, H.: Frida Kahlo. 3. Aufl. (Bern etc., 1986) : pp. 161-183

Herrera, Hayden: Trotzki / Übers. aus dem Amerikan. von Dieter Mulch
in: Herrera, H.: Frida Kahlo. Ungek. Ausg. (Frankfurt a.M., 1998) : pp. 161-183

Hinchley, Vernon: The assassination of Leon Trotsky
in: Hinchley, V.: Spy mysteries unveiled. (London, 1963) : pp. 105-113

Hinchley, Vernon: The assassination of Leon Trotsky
in: Hinchley, V.: Spy mysteries unveiled. (New York, NY, 1964) : pp.105-113

How the GPU murdered Trotsky / International Committee of the Fourth International. - London, 1976. - [104] pp. - (Security of the Fourth International) - ISBN 0-902030-78-7

How the GPU murdered Trotsky : documents from 1975, the first year of the investigation by the International Committee of the Fourth International. - London : New Park Publications, 1981. - XIX, 331 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International ; 1) - ISBN 0-86151-019-4

Howard, Harry N.: The end of Trotsky
in: Events : the monthly review of world affairs 8.1940 (Oct.) : pp.299-304

Hunter, J.C.: The murder of Trotsky and the fight against Stalinism. - New York, NY : Leninist League U.S.A., 1940. - 11 pp.

Hyde, David: How the Stalinist security police murdered Trotsky
in: Marxist Review : international journal of Trotskyism (London) [ISSN 0965-9749] 5.1990 (7) : pp. 4-9

Ives, David: Változatok Trockij halálára / Szilágyi Mihály fordítása. - 5 pp.
Electronic resource, accessed May 10, 2002, URL: http://www.inaplo.hu/nv/200108/23.html

Ives, David: Variações sobre a morte de Trotsky / trad. de Ana Bernstein
in: Cadernos de teatro (Rio de Janeiro) [ISSN 0100-7971] 1998 (152) : pp. 19-23

Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky
in: Ives, D.: Variations on the death of Trotsky and other short comedies. (New York, NY, 1992) : pp. 29-44

Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky
in: Ives, D.: All in the timing : six one-act comedies. (New York, NY, 1994)

Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky
in: Ives, D.: All in the timing : fourteen plays. (New York, NY, 1995)

Ives, David: Variations on the death of Trotsky
in: The Signet book of short plays / ed. by M.J. Weiss. (New York, NY, 2004)

Justo, Liborio: Leon Trotsky in Mexico at the service of the USA / transl. by M. Justo [et al.]
in: Communist bulletin (S.l.) 1988 (2) : pp. 37-60

Justo, Liborio: León Trotsky y el fracaso mundial del trotskysmo / Liborio Justo (Quebracho). - Lima : EPASA, 1975. - 195 pp. - (Colección Fondo de cultura popular ; 30)
Originally publ. with title León Trotsky y Wall Street

Justo, Liborio: León Trotsky y Wall Street : cómo el lider de la Cuarta Internacional se puso al servicio del imperialismo yanqui en México / Quebracho [i.e. Liborio Justo]. - Buenos Aires : Ed. Badajo, 1959. - 154 pp.
Table of contents: p.7 León Trotsky como revolucionario ruso -- p.11 León Trotsky en la revolución de octubre -- p.47 León Trotsky y la fundación de la Cuarta Internacional -- p.69 León Trotsky y el caracter centrista del movimiento trotskysta -- p.85 León Trotsky en México -- p.103 León Trotsky como instrumento contra la revolución mexicana -- p.125 León Trotsky y el trotskysmo como agentes de Wall Street en los Estados Unidos -- p.151 Consideraciones finales

Kastelein, Barbara: The spirit of Trotsky in Mexico. - 25 KB (2 pp.)
Electronic resource, accessed June 6, 2006, URL: http://www.banderasnews.com/0504/ent-trotsky.htm

Katel, Peter: La prensa estadounidense ante el huésped rojo de Cárdenas. - 20 pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Katel, Peter: Trotsky au Mexique vu par la presse des Etats-Unis
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1988 (35) : pp. 57-67
Paper originally submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987. - Transl. from the Span. ms.

Kiessling, Wolfgang: Es geschah an einem Tag im August in der Calle Viena
in: Neues Deutschland (Berlin) [ISSN 0323-4940] 1990 (Aug.11/12) : p.11

Kiessling, Wolfgang: Das Präludium der Operation Utka : der "unvermeidliche" Tod des Trotzki-Schutzgardisten Robert Sheldon Harte
in: Neues Deutschland (Berlin) [ISSN 0323-4940] 1995 (May 24) : p. 8

Il killer che venne dal freddo
in: I grandi enigmi fra cronaca e storia / A. Petacco [dir.] 2. (Novara, 1984) : pp. 321-340

Knudsen, Harald Franklin: In chase of Trotski / H. Franklin Knudsen
in: Knudsen, H.F.: I was Quisling's secretary. (London, 1967) : pp. 50-58

Konetschny, Leonid Erwin: Soviet surveillance and infiltration of the Trotskyite movement : from Prinkipo to Coyoacán / Leonid Konetschny. - X, 157 pp.
Washington, DC, George Washington Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1970
Table of contents: p.IV Introduction -- p.1 Isolation and early schemes of penetration -- p.25 Mark Zborowski: agent provocateur among the Paris Trotskyites -- p.67 Penetration of Coyoacán and the assassination -- p.117 Conclusion -- p.124 Appendices: Orlov's letter to Trotsky concerning Zborowski; Zborowski's activities in the United States; Affidavit of Louis Budenz; Jackson's (Mercader) confession; Jackson's (Mercader) statement to the police; Enrique Delgado's letter to Levine concerning Caridad Mercader
Supervisor of thesis: Lothar Metzl

Krivine, Jean-Michel: L'assassinat de Trotsky : il y a cinquante ans / Louis Couturier [i.e. Jean-Michel Krivine]
in: Rouge (Paris; later: Montreuil) [ISSN 0035-8509] 1990 (1412) : p. 8

Kronenbitter, Rita T.: Leon Trotsky : dupe of the NKVD : how the Soviets destroyed the Fourth International
in: Studies in Intelligence (Washington, DC) [ISSN 1527-0876] 16.1972 : pp. 15-61

Kun, Miklós: Murder in Mexico
in: International Viewpoint (Various places) [ISSN 0294-2925 - ISSN 1294-2925] 1990 (191) : pp. 25-28

Kutejščikova, Vera Nikolaevna: Meksika, Trockij, Komintern / V.N. Kutejščikova. - [1-4]
in: Latinskaja Amerika (Moskva) [ISSN 0044-748X] 1993 (5) : pp. 64-75; 1993 (6) : pp. 45-55; 1993 (7) : pp. 62-69,76; 1993 (8) : pp. 66-74,78
Table of contents: [Pt.1:] p.64 Neskol'ko vstupitel'nych slov -- p.65 General Kardenas, prezident Meksiki -- p.66 Kak byli sorvany meksikansko-sovetskie peregovory -- p.67 Trockij v Meksike -- p.70 Diego Rivera, drug Trockogo - [pt.2:] p.45 Bog i satana -- p.47 Komintern, štab bor'by s trockizmom -- p.49 Lombardo Toledano i lidery MKP v bor'be s trockizmom i drug s drugom - [pt.3:] p.62 Moskva gotovitsja k provedeniju operacii -- p.65 "Za nedisciplinirovannost' platjat dorogo" -- p.67 Tovarišč Luis našel podderžku u tovarišča Lombardo - [pt.4:] p.66 Final -- p.71 Ėpilog -- p.73 Neskol'ko zaključitel'nych slov

Kuznecov, Il'ja Innokent'evič: KGB General Naum Isakovich Eitingon (1899-1981) / Ilya I. Kuznetsov
in: The Journal of Slavic Military Studies (London) [ISSN 0954-254X] 14.2001 (1) : pp. 37-52

Landau, Mark Aleksandrovič: Ubijstvo Trockago / M. Aldanov [i.e. Mark Aleksandrovič Landau]
in: Novyj žurnal (New York, NY) [ISSN 0029-5337] 1942 (1) : pp. 338-366

Lange, Hartmut: Trotzki in Coyoacan. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. der Autoren, [1971]. - 79 pp.

Lange, Hartmut: Trotzki in Coyoacan
in: Theater heute (Velber) [ISSN 0040-5507] 13.1972 (3) : pp. 49-56

Lange, Hartmut: Trotzki in Coyoacan
in: Lange, H.: Theaterstücke 1960-1972. (Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1973) : pp. 277-306

Laucella, Linda: Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary (August 20, 1940)
in: Laucella, L.: Assassination - the politics of murder. (Los Angeles, Cal., 1998)

Leading Mexican Stalinists implicated in Trotsky murder
in: Workers' International News (London) 3.1940 (11) : pp. 1-6

LeMarec, Gérard: Léon Trotski
in: LeMarec, G.: Les morts mystérieuses de l'histoire contemporaine. (Genève, 1983)

Leon Trotsky : su asilio político en México
in: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior (México, D.F.) 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp.46-47

Leon Trotsky : FBI investigations concerning Leon Trotsky, the former Russian leader, documents contain information pertaining to his 1940 murder .... - [Washington, DC : Federal Bureau of Investigation]. - 46,3 Mb (922 pp.) [11 PDF files]
Other title: Leon Trotsky FBI files
Electronic resource, accessed June 18, 2005, URL: http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/trotsky.htm [with links to the PDF files]. - Also available on CD-ROM
Files copied from FBI Headquarters (under the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA), covering mostly the assassination of Leon Trotsky (various information, letters, reports, memoranda, miscellany, press clippings, and articles ...)

Leon Trotsky in memoriam
in: The New International (New York, NY) 13.1947 (6=118) : p. 163

Leskov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Tainstvennyj dom v Kojokane, ili Lev Trockij v izgnanii ... / V. Leskov
in: Rossijskij ežegodnik (Moskva) [ISSN 0868-4022] 1990 (2) : pp. 89-101

Leskov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Ubijstvo Trockogo / Valentin Leskov
in: Leskov, V.A.: Ochota na vo dei : ot Lenina do Trockogo. (Moskva, 2005)

Levine, Isaac Don: Han myrdede Trotsky / overs. fra amerikansk af Jørgen Rothenborg. - København : Wangel, 1962. - 245 pp.

Levine, Isaac Don: L' homme qui a tué Trotsky / trad. par Francis Max. - Paris : Gallimard, 1960. - 272 pp. - (Collection L'air du temps [ISSN 1279-7995])

Levine, Isaac Don: La mente de un asesino. - México, D.F. : Visión, 1960. - 224 pp.

Levine, Isaac Don: La mente de un asesino
in: Selecciones del Reader's digest (Various places) 39.1960 (232) : pp. 13-20
Based on author's The mind of an assassin, New York, NY, 1959

Levine, Isaac Don: The mind of an assassin. - London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1959. - XVII, 236 pp.
Table of contents: p.IX Background -- p.XV Key figures in the Trotsky drama -- p.3 The assassin and his mother -- p.22 Agents of death -- p.43 Seduction for murder -- p.66 The abortive assault -- p.90 "In the next attack, other methods" -- p.111 The kill -- p.133 The false autobiography -- p.149 Prisoner against psychologist -- p.168 Portrait of an assassin -- p.187 The mask is off -- p.223 Sources and notes -- p.227 Index

Levine, Isaac Don: The mind of an assassin. - New York, NY : Farrar, Strauss, and Cudahy, 1959. - XVII, 236 pp.

Levine, Isaac Don: The mind of an assassin. - New York, NY : The New American Library, 1960. - 190 pp. - (Signet books ; 1854)

Levine, Isaac Don: The mind of an assassin. - Reprint. - Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Pr., 1979. - XVII, 236 pp.
Reprint of the 1959 ed.

Levine, Isaac Don: De moord op Trotski / vert. door G.D.J. Blok. - Utrecht [etc.] : Spectrum, 1962. - 185 pp. - (Prisma-boeken ; 751)

Levine, Isaac Don: Mordet på Trotskij / övers. från engelskan: Céline-Marie och Walter Dickson. - Stockholm : Tiden, 1963. - 262 pp.

Levine, Isaac Don: Die Psyche des Mörders / [ins Deutsche übertr. von Babette Gross]. - Wien [etc.] : Europa-Verl., 1970. - 254 pp.

Levine, Isaac Don: Why Soviet takes back Trotsky's murderer : interview with an expert on red espionage
in: U.S. News & World Report (Washington, DC), 48.1960 (May 23), pp. 85-86

Lhotzky, Kurt: 20. August : die Ermordung Leo Trotzkis in Mexiko. - 83 KB (3 pp.)
Electronic resource, accessed Dec. 2, 2009, URL: http://www.linkezeitung.de/

Lhotzky, Kurt: Der Schlag mit dem Eispickel : vor 60 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki in Mexiko ermordet
in: Wiener Zeitung (Wien) 2000 (Aug.11)

Libera, Zbigniew: Trotsky's ice-pick. - Paris : Onestar Pr., 2006. [Without pag.].
First ed. limited to 250 numbered copies

The lies of Joseph Hansen : dossier of a double agent. - New York, NY : Labor Publications, 1978. - [36] pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)

Loriaux, Florence: Trotski's dood in Mexico : echte moord en pseudo-Belg
in: De Belgen en Mexico : negen bijdragen over de geschiedenis van de betrekkingen tussen Belgie en Mexico. (Leuven, 1993)

Luxner, Larry: On anniversary of murder, museum for Trotsky proves to be tourist draw. - 50 Kb (3 pp.)
Electronic resource (accessed May 15, 2006), URL: http://www.jta.org/page_view_story.asp?intarticleid=15758

Luxner, Larry: Trotsky asylum opens door
in: Américas : [English edition] (Washington, DC) [ISSN 0379-0940] 43.1991 (5) : pp. 2-3

Macchi, Egisto: L'assassinio di Trotsky : original soundtrack music from the film. Il delitto Matteotto / music composed, arranged & conducted by Egisto Macchi. - Roma : Beat Records, [ca. 2000]. - 1 compact disc (AAD) in container
Sound recording

Mahoney, Harry Thayer: The saga of Leon Trotsky : his clandestine operations and his assassination / Harry Thayer Mahoney ; Marjorie Locke Mahoney. - San Francisco, Cal. [etc.] : Austin & Winfield, 1998. - VI, 561 pp. - ISBN 1-57292-124-2
Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.15 The formative years -- p.33 Training as a revolutionary -- p.47 Trotsky's loss of power -- p.65 American background -- p.85 The British and Trotsky -- p.111 Trotsky's acumen -- p.129 Trotsky is banished -- p.141 Trotsky in Europe -- p.155 The Spanish civil war -- p.175 Mark Zborowski -- p.193 Trotsky and the American Communist Party -- p.215 Caridad Mercader -- p.227 The killers gather -- p.235 Cast of characters -- p.275 Viva Mexico -- p.299 Trotsky, Frida and Diego Rivera -- p.317 Sylvia Ageloff -- p.341 Digression to Jack Soble and friends -- p.357 The 24 May raid -- p.381 Investigation of the 24 May raid -- p.393 Preparation for murder -- p.405 Jacson and Sylvia in Mexico City -- p.415 Robert Sheldon Harte emerges -- p.425 Trotsky's last day -- p.431 The assassin's last day -- p.437 The crime of the century -- p.455 After the crime of the century -- p.461 Endnotes -- p.523 Bibliography

Maksimov, Grigorij Petrovič: Ubijstvo L'va Trockogo / G.M. [i.e. Grigorij Petrovič Maksimov]
in: Delo truda (Paris etc.) 1940 (2) : pp.21-24

Malbin, Joshua: Trotsky's ghost. - III, 75 pp.
Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 2001
Supervisor of thesis: Alice McDermott
First 3 chapters of a work of unpubl. fiction

Mann, Keith: Neues vom Mord an Leo Trotzki
in: Inprekorr (Various places) [ISSN 0256-4416] 1995 (279) : pp.29-30

Martin, Jay: Trial days in Coyoacán
in: The Antioch Review (Yellow Springs, Ohio) [ISSN 0003-5769] 59.2001 (3) : pp. 550-563

Martin, Kingsley: Trotsky in Mexico
in: New Statesman and Nation (London) [ISSN 0952-102X] 9.1937 (Apr. 10) : pp. 581-582

Martin, Kingsley: Trotsky in Mexico
in: New Statesman and Nation (London) [ISSN 0952-102X] N.S. 136.2007 (Jan.29) : p. 70
Abridged version of article publ. in ibid., n.s. 9.1937 (Apr.10)

Masters, Hilary: Trotsky's house
in: Ohio review (Athens, Ohio) [ISSN 0360-1013] 1991 (46) : pp. 9-31

Masters, Hilary: Trotsky's house
in: Masters, H.: Success : new and selected stories. (New York, NY, 1992)

The May 1940 assault against Leon Trotsky
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 5.1944 (5) : p. 135

Mazan, Leszek: Dwa wcielenia Mercadera
in: Wprost (Poznan) [ISSN 0209-1747] 1990 (51/52) : pp. 43-45

Medellín Ostos, Octávio: Proceso Mornard (caso Trotsky) : expresión de agravios de la defensa. - México, D.F., 1944. - 69 pp.
Pres. before the Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Distrito Federal, México. - Designated as "primera parte"

Mercader del Rio Hernández, Luis: Lo que vivió Ramón Mercader, antes y después del asesinato de Trotsky : cincuenta años después revelaciones de su hermano Luis / [interview conducted by] Andrei Polanski
in: Proceso : semanario de información y análisis (México, D.F.) 1990 (723), pp. 36-39

Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Mio fratello, l'assassino di Trotskij / Luis Mercader ; Germán Sánchez. A cura di Fernando Mezzetti. - Torino : Utet, [2005]. - LVI, 167 pp. - ISBN 88-02-07160-8

Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Naprasnaja žertva? : rodnoj brat Ramona Merkadera - ubijcy L'va Trockogo - vpervye posle dolgogo molčanija zagovoril. - [1-2]
in: Trud (Moskva) [ISSN 1025-1189] 1990 (Aug.14-17)
Interview conducted by A. Polonskij

Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Ramon Mercader, assassin de Trotsky, fort mal récompensé / trad. du russe par Jean-Michel Krivine
in: Inprecor : [French edition] (Various places) [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2000 (449/450) : pp. 63-66
Interview conducted by A. Polonskij

Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Ramón Mercader, mi hermano : cincuenta años después / Luis Mercader ; Germán Sánchez. Con la colab. de Rafael Llanos. - Madrid : Espasa-Calpe, 1990. - 292 pp. - (Biografías Espasa : Nuestro tiempo). - ISBN 84-239-2228-6

Mercader del Río Hernández, Luis: Sacrified in vain? : the brother of Ramón Mercader, murderer of Leon Trotsky, after a long silence has begun to speak
in: In Defense of Marxism (New York, NY) [ISSN 1083-6764] 1991 (82) : pp.34-38, 41
Interview conducted by A. Polonskij. - On pp. 38 and 41: Remarks by Caridad Mercader (mother of Ramón Mercader) acknowledging her role in Trotsky's assassination

Le Mexique sous Cárdenas. - Grenoble : Institut Léon Trotsky, 1986. - 128 pp. - (Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] ; 1986,26)
Table of contents: p.4 JvH/P. de Rouilhan -- p.7 Van, le militant, l'ami, l'homme/P. Broué -- p.16 Trotsky et Múgica/O. Gall -- p.24 Au Mexique du temps de Cárdenas/P. Broué -- p.39 L'auto-absolution de Vidali et la mort de Mella/A. Gálvez Cancino -- p.55 Istoire orale (p.55 Manuel Rodríguez parle de la préhistoire de l'opposition de gauche -- p.57 Felix Ibarra témoigne sur les débuts du mouvement -- p.61 Octavio Fernández se souvient -- p.81 Adolfo Zamora parle de son ami Léon Trotsky) -- p.86 Documents - [...]

Meysels, Lucien O.: Leo Trotzki (1879-1940)
in: Meysels, L.O.: Morde machen Geschichte. (Wien etc., 1985) : pp. 103-116

Michajlov, Petr: Stalin's last argument
in: Soviet Land (New Delhi) [ISSN 0038-5522] 1990 (11) : pp. 55-56

Mitchell, John: Murder and Marxism in Mexico City : the Leon Trotsky Museum
in: Voices of Mexico (México) [ISSN 0186-9418] 1995 (32) : pp. 93-97

Monsivais, Carlos: Revolución méxicana, territorio de refugio político intelectual, artistico. - 10 pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Montero, Hugo: Ultima estación: Coyoacán / nota y entrevistas: Hugo Montero. Fotos: gentileza CEIP León Trotsky
in: Sudestada : cultura, arte y actualidad (Lomas de Zamora), 6.2006 (52), pp. 4-15
On pp.8-9: Hoy sus ideas son un faro en la oscuridad / entrevista con Alan Woods. On p. 10: El último sobreviviente / por Gabriel García Higueras. On pp. 12-15: El abuelo irradiaba una fe inamovible en el futuro socialista de la humanidad / entrevista con Esteban Volkov

Monterrey Grajeda, Rosendo: Es delincuente político el asesino de León Trotsky. - [Various pagings]
México, D.F., Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Tesis doct., 1942

Monterrey Grajeda, Rosendo: Es delincuente político el asesino de León Trotsky? / pról. de Vidal Alvarez Everoix. - México, D.F. : Ed. Juventud Mexicana, 1942. - [Various pagings]

Der Mord an Leo Trotzki : Hansen und Novack - Komplizen der GPU / Internationales Komitee der IV. Internationale. - Essen : Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter, [ca. 1977]. - [30] pp.
Reprinted from Der Funke (Essen), 1975 (Aug.) - 1976 (Apr.)

Mosley, Nicholas: O assassinato de Trotsky / trad. de Fani Baratz Moreira Costa. - Rio de Janeiro : Record, [s.d.]. - 186 pp.

Mosley, Nicholas: L'assassinio di Trockij / trad. di Federica Oddera. - Milano : Longanesi, 1975. - 212 pp. - (I libri pocket ; 527)

Mosley, Nicholas: L'assassinio di Trotsky / sceneggiatura di Nicholas Mosley e Masolino D'Amico
in: Chilanti, F.: Trotzkij vivo. (Bologna, 1972) : pp. 155-192
Screenplay for Joseph Losey's film about Trotsky's assassination

Mosley, Nicholas: The assassination of Trotsky. - London : Abacus, 1972. - 185 pp.

Mosley, Nicholas: The assassination of Trotsky. - London : Joseph, 1972. - 185 pp.

Mosley, Nicholas: Ubistvo Trockog / Nikolas Mozli. Prev. Dragan Monaševič [et al]. - Beograd : Prosveta, 1983. - 248 pp. - (Biblioteka Prosveta ; 26)

Muñiz-Huberman, Angelina: Trotsky en Coyoacán. - México, D.F. : Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado, 2000. - 123 pp. - (Biblioteca del ISSSTE : Ya leissste?) - ISBN 968-825-374-X
Short stories

Musée Trotski à Mexico
in: L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui (Paris) [ISSN 0003-8695] 1993 (288) : pp. 122-123

Museo Casa de León Trotsky. - México, D.F. : Instituto del Derecho de Asilo, Museo Casa de León Trotsky, A.C., [s.d.] - 34 pp.
Containing many ill.

Museo Casa de León Trotsky / Instituto del Derecho de Asilo
Electronic resource, accessed May 31, 2009, URL: http://www.museocasadeleontrotsky.blogspot.com/

Museo Casa de León Trotsky : memoria de su restauración. - Ciudad de México : DDF [Departamento de Distrito Federal], 1990. - [28] pp.
Containing many ill.

Negrete, Miguel: Trotsky : ellargo viaje de un día hacia la noche
in: Mira : semanario para ver, leer y pensar (México, D.F.) 1.1990 (27), pp. 23-31

New evidence on Trotsky's murder
in: International Socialist Review (New York, NY) [ISSN 0020-8744] 18.1957 (3) : pp. 75-79

Ospovat, Lev Samojlovič: Diego Rivera i ... "krasnyj Bonapart" / L.S. Ospovat
in: Latinskaja Amerika (Moskva) [ISSN 0044-748X] 1988 (1) : pp. 100-104

Ospovat, Lev Samojlovič: Diego Rivera y el "Bonaparte rojo" / Lev Ospovat
in: América latina (Moscú) 1988 (3) : pp. 73-77

Pàmies, Teresa: Ramón Mercader : misión cumplida
in: Triunfo (Madrid) [ISSN 0211-2868] 22.1978 (822) : pp. 20-23

Paporov, Jurij Nikolaevič: Pokušenie na Trockogo / Jurij Paporov. - [1-4]
in: Ogonek (Moskva) [ISSN 0030-0721] 1990 (34=3292) : pp. 10-13; 1990 (35=3293) : pp. 22-24; 1990 (36=3294) : pp. 8-11; 1990 (37=3295) : pp. 9-12

Paporov, Jurij Nikolaevič: Prestuplenie v prigorode Mechiko / Ju. Paporov
in: Pokušenie, ili Ubijstvo po političeskim motivam / sost.: V.T. Vol'skij. (Minsk, 1993) : pp. 339-402

Paporov, Jurij Nikolaevič: Prestuplenie v prigorode Mechiko / Ju. Paporov
in: Tainy političeskich ubijstv / sost.: V.T. Vol'skij. (Rostov-na-Donu, 1997)

Paporov, Jurij Nikolaevič: Trockij - ubijstvo "bol'šogo zatejnika" / Ju. Paporov. - Sankt-Peterburg [etc.] : Neva, 2005. - 379 pp. - (Tainy velikich) - ISBN 5-7654-4399-0

Paporov, Jurij Nikolaevič: Trotski sacrificado : confesiones de Rivera y Siqueiros / Yuri Paporov. - México, D.F. : Grupo Editorial Siete, 1992. - 94 pp. - ISBN 968-6-73003-6

Patenaude, Bertrand M.: Stalin's nemesis : the exile and murder of Leon Trotsky. - London : Faber and Faber, 2009. - VIII, 340 pp. - ISBN 978-0-571-22875-1

Patience, Stephen: On the trail of Trotsky / photography: Ricardo Labougle
in: The World of Interiors (London) [ISSN 0264-083X] 2005 (March) : pp. 131-134

Patterson, William Dudley: Footnote to a murder / William D. Patterson
in: Saturday Review (New York, NY) [ISSN 0091-620X] 43.1960 (Jan.23) : pp. 32-33

Patula, Jan: Trotsky in Mexico : new evidence on his assassination. - [14] pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the 5th World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, Aug. 6-11, 1995

Pérez Montfort, Ricardo: Trotsky y las derechas mexicanas en 1937. - 17 pp.
Unpubl. ms. - Paper submitted to the Coloquio Trotsky, Revelador Político del México Cárdenista, México, D.F., May 18-22, 1987

Polizzotti, Mark: When Breton met Trotsky
in: Partisan review (New Brunswick, NJ) [ISSN 0031-2525] 62.1995 (3) : pp. 406-418
Extracted from author's Revolution of the mind, New York, NY, 1995

Pratt, Malcolm: Interpreting Trotsky's last years in exile. - 102 pp.
London, Univ. of Greenwich, Thesis (M.A.), 1993
Table of contents: p.7 Interpreting Trotsky's last years in exile: introduction -- p.11 The tragedy of the outcast: Isaac Deutscher's interpretation of Trotsky's years in exile -- p.42 The destiny of the revolution: Tony Cliff's interpretation of Trotsky's last years in exile -- p.78 Interpreting Trotsky's last years in exile: conclusion -- p.83 Appendix: Isaac Deutscher, Notes on talks with Natalia Ivanovna in Paris -- p.92 Bibliography -- p.95 Footnotes
Supervisor of thesis: Fred Lindop

Professors of distortion and the murder of Leon Trotsky / Security and the Fourth International Investigating Team
in: Fourth International / International Committee of the Fourth International (London; later: Detroit, Mich.) [ISSN 0015-9204] 12.1982 (1) : pp.52-67

Puga Imaña, Mario A.: Elegía a la muerte de León Trotsky / M.A. Puga. - [Lima : Impr. Juan la Cotera, 1941]. - 25 pp.
7 poems

Quiróz Cuarón, Alfonso: El asesino de León Trotzky y su peligrosidad en vista de los datos de su identidad / Alphonso Quiroz C.
in: Etudes internationales de psycho-sociologie criminelle ‹Paris› [ISSN 0014-2131] 2.1957 : pp. 27-49

Quiróz Cuarón, Alfonso: Es peligroso el asesino de León Trotzky? / Alfonso Quiroz
in: Criminalistica (La Habana) 2.1955 (2) : pp. 5-26
Engl. transl. available in Leon Trotsky : FBI investigations concerning Leon Trotsky [Eletronic resource, URL: http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/trotsky.htm, pp. 722-744]

Radosza, Sándor: Comedia mexicana : Tragikomödie in zwei Aufzügen. - 286 Kb (53 pp.)
Electronic resource, accessed May 30, 2006, URL: http://mek.oszk.hu/02800/02800/02860.pdf

Ramírez, Ignacio: Estrujante narración del homicida de Trotsky, en los archivos del juez que llevó el caso
in: Proceso : semanario de información y análisis (México, D.F.) 1997 (1064), pp. 52-56

Ramón Mercader, crimen y castigo / montaje: J.J. Martin Salazar. Producción: Andres G. de la Calera. Realizador: Lisardo García Bueno. Guión: Juan Cuesta. - [S.l., s.d.]. - 1 videocassette (VHS), running time: 58 min.
Video recording of a documentary film, originally broadcast by TVE 1 in 198?

Ramos, Jorge Abelardo: Trotsky en América latina
in: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 229-257

Ramos Oliveira, Antonio: El asesinato de Trotsky / A. Ramos Oliveira. - México, D.F. : Companía General de Ed., 1972. - 79, 616 pp. - (Colección Ideas, letras y vida)
Containing chiefly Trotsky, León: Ma vida, 2. ed.

Rivera, Diego: Ma rupture avec Trotsky (14 avril 1939)
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (26) : pp. 86-87
Interview, first publ. in The New York Times (New York, NY) 1939 (Apr.15)

Rivera Marín, Guadalupe: Memoria de un exilio : Diego Rivera y León Trotsky
in: Sólo historia (México, D.F.) 2001 (12) : pp. 56-63

Robins, Harold: Security at Coyoacan : an eyewitness demolishes a 37 year long coverup. - New York, NY : Labor Publications, 1977. - 14 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)

Roche, Gérard: Trotsky, Breton y el manifesto de México : el encuentro del aguila y el león / trad. por Rossana Farías y Silvia Novak
in: Estrategía internacional : revista trimestral de teoría marxista y política internacional (Buenos Aires) 1998 (7)

Roche, Gérard: La rencontre de l'aigle et du lion : Trotsky, Breton et le manifeste de México
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1986 (25) : pp. 23-46

Rodríguez Santoyo, Raúl: Cárdenas y el asesinato de Trotsky. - 3 pp.
Electronic resource, dated June 25, 1998, accessed May 28, 2003, URL: http://www.imagenzag.com.mx/1999/06/25/Opinion1.htm

Romano, Rafael: Trotsky ultimado en Coyoacán : la conspiración insospechada. - Montevideo : Letraeñe Ed., 2009. - 255 pp.

Rosenthal, Gérard: Avocat de Trotsky. - Paris : Laffont, 1975. - 330 pp. - (Collection Vécu [ISSN 0750-7755])

Rosenthal, Gérard: Trotsky / trad.: Maria Luísa C. Maia. - Amadora : Bertrand, 1976. - 311 pp. - (Documentos de todos os tempos)

Rosmer, Alfred: A fictionized version of the murder
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 10.1949 (3) : pp. 91-94

Rosmer, Alfred: A fictionized version of the murder
in: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 77-79

Rosmer, Alfred: On the planet without visa (1929-1940) / [transl. from the French by Ted Crawford]
in: Trotsky and the origins of Trotskyism / A. Rosmer [et al.] (London, 2002) : pp. 139-242
Written in the early 1950s to complete Trotsky's autobiography 'My life'

Rosmer, Alfred: Senza visto per il mondo 1929-1940
in: Trockij, L.D.: La mia vita. (Milano, 1961)
Written in the early 1950s to complete Trotsky's autobiography My life

Rosmer, Alfred: Sur l'assassinat de Trotsky
in: Quatrième Internationale (Paris; later: Montreuil etc.) [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 6.1948 (10/11) : pp. 43-46

Rosmer, Alfred: Sur l'assassinat de Trotsky : une mise au point
in: La Révolution prolétarienne (Paris) [ISSN 0755-3277] N.s. 17.1948 : pp. 633-635

Ross González, Marjorie: Felipe, el tercer hombre / Marjorie Ross
in: Ross González, Marjorie: El secreto encanto de la KGB :las cinco vidas de Iósif Griguliévich, Heredia, C.R., 2004 : pp. 88-125
About Iosif Romual'dovich Grigulevich's involvement in the assault against Trotsky in 1940

Rourke, Walter: The murder of Robert Sheldon Harte : the aftermath of the machine-gun attack on Trotsky
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 3.1942 (5) : pp. 139-142

Rourke, Walter: The trial of the assassin of Trotsky
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 3.1942 (8) : pp. 233-236

Rourke, Walter: The verdict on the assassin of Trotsky
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 4.1943 (8) : pp. 235-239

Rühle-Gerstel, Alice: Kein Gedicht für Trotzki : Tagebuchaufzeichnungen aus Mexico / [Einl.: Stephen S. Kalmar]. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. Neue Kritik, 1979. - 97 pp. - ISBN 3-8015-0163-9

Rühle-Gerstel, Alice: No verses for Trotsky
in: Encounter (London) [ISSN 0013-7073] 58.1982 (Apr.) : pp. 26-41

Ruiz Orozco, Reyna Marcela: Diseño del programa de señales para el Museo Casa de León Trotsky. - 95 pp.
México, D.F., Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Tesis de lic., 1998

Russell, Susan Elizabeth: The Fondo de Cultura Económica, a Mexican publishing house, and, Leon Trotsky, the man, the ideology, and Mexico. - IV, 77 pp.
Austin, Tex., Univ. of Texas at Austin, Thesis (M.A.), 1971
Supervisors of thesis: Nettie Lee Benson, Friedrich Katz, Stanley R. Ross

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Ainsi fut assassiné Trotsky / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar et Julián Gorkin. Trad. de l'espagnol par Jean Talbot. - Paris : Société d'Ed. Littéraire Française, 1948. - 258 pp.

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Así asesinaron a Trotski / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar y Julián Gorkin. - Santiago de Chile : Ed. del Pacífico, 1950. - 252 pp.

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Así asesinaron a Trotski / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar. - México, D.F. : Populibros "La Prensa", 1955. - 256 pp.
Table of contents: p.9 Introducción -- p.23 Asalto o autosalto? -- p.46 Cómo funciona la G.P.U. -- p.54 Por fin, una pista -- p.75 Un nuevo eslabón en la cadena -- p.88 El cadáver de Sheldon -- p.103 Era Sheldon un agente de la G.P.U.? -- p.115 Han herido a Trotski! -- p.128 Así fué -- p.140 La versión de Jacson-Mornard -- p.152 Testimonios acusadores -- p.165 Jacson-Mornard ha mentido -- p.183 Jacson, Mornard, Torkoff o ...? -- p.193 Agente de la G.P.U. -- p.211 La detención de Alfaro Siqueiros -- p.228 Un criminal doctrinario. Los cómplices -- p.240 La condena de Jacson. Una evasión frustrada -- p.253 Anexo: Verdadera identidad del asesino de León Trotski

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Cosi fu assassinato Trotzky / L.A. Sánchez Salazar ; Julián Gorkin. [Trad. dall'ed. francese di Ugo Ellens]. - Milano : Garzanti, 1949. - XIX, 269 pp. - (Memorie e documenti)

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: De Gepeoe slaat toe! / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar en Julián Gorkin. Vert. door Jef Last. - Amsterdam : Breughel, 1948. - 184 pp.

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Mord in Mexiko : die Ermordung Leo Trotzki's, ein Musterbeispiel des politischen Verbrechens / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar in Zusammenarbeit mit Julián Gorkin. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. der Parma-Ed., 1952. - 334 pp.

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Mordet på Trotsky / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar i samarb. med Julián Gorkin. - Oslo : Arbeidernes Aktietr., 1955. - 175 pp.

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Murder in Mexico : the assassination of Leon Trotsky / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar ... with the collab. of Julián Gorkin. [Transl. by Phyllis Hawley]. - London : Secker & Warburg, 1950. - XIX, 235 pp.
Table of contents: p.IX Preface -- p.XI Introduction -- p.3 A real or staged attack? -- p.26 How the G.P.U. functions -- p.34 On the track at last -- p.57 A new link in the chain -- p.70 The corpse of Sheldon Harte -- p.87 Was Sheldon an agent of the G.P.U.? -- p.99 They have wounded Trotsky -- p.113 This is how it happened ... -- p.125 Jacson-Mornard's version -- p.138 Overwhelming evidence -- p.153 Jacson-Mornard has lied -- p.173 Jacson-Mornard, Torkof, or ...? -- p.184 The arrest of David Siqueiros -- p.205 The N.K.V.D. abroad -- p.216 Jacson-Mornard: the attempt at rescue -- p.231 Appendix: The real identity of Trotsky's assassin

Sánchez Salazar, Leandro Apolinar: Murder in Mexico : the assassination of Leon Trotsky / Leandro A. Sánchez Salazar ... with the collab. of Julián Gorkin. [Transl. by Phyllis Hawley]. - Westport, Conn. : Hyperion Pr., 1973. - XIX, 235 pp. - ISBN 0-88355-049-0
Reprint of the 1950 ed.

Sanguigni, Osvaldo: Stalin-Trockij
in: Slavia : rivista trimestrale di cultura (Roma) 12.2003 (4) : pp. 150-156
Part of a multi-part journal article with title Iosif Vissarionovič Stalin

Santiago, Mary Coleman: The exile of Leon Trotsky in Mexico, 1937-1940. - XX, 124 pp.
Baton Rouge, La., Louisiana State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1972
Supervisor of thesis: Jane L. De Grummond

Schubert, Elke: Chronik eines angekündigten Mordes : vor 50 Jahren wurde Leo Trotzki in Mexiko ermordet
in: Die Tageszeitung : TAZ (Berlin etc.) [ISSN 0931-9085] 1990 (Aug.21=Nr.3189) : pp. 15-16

Schubert, Elke: Stalin - Trotzki : der Mörder kam als Freund des Hauses
in: Die Neue Gesellschaft - Frankfurter Hefte (Bonn) [ISSN 0177-6738] 47.2000 (1/2) : pp. 42-43

Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotski / trad. de Angel Sabrido
in: Schulze-Wilde, H.: Tres asesinatos. (Barcelona, 1969)

Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotzki / Harry Schulze
in: Schulze-Wilde, H.: Politische Morde unserer Zeit. Studienausg. (Frankfurt a.M., 1966) : pp.185-241

Schulze-Wilde, Harry: Trotzki, der besiegte Sieger
in: Der Monat (Berlin etc.) [ISSN 0026-9204] 17.1965 (201) : pp. 39-61

Schwarz, Mauricio-José: Enigmas por resolver : la fascinación de un crimen
in: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior (México, D.F.) 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp. 66-67

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: Com'e' accaduto / Natalia Sedova
in: L'Assassinio di Trotsky / a cura di P. Casciola. (Foligno, 1990) : pp. 23-28

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: Come è stato colpito e come è morto / Natalia Trotzky
in: Bandiera rossa (Roma; later: Milano) [ISSN 0404-8172 - ISSN 1122-519X] 6.1955 (7)
Transl. from the French. - Extracted from Serge, V.: Vie et mort de Trotsky

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: Comment s'est arrivé / Natalie Trotsky
in: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 1946) : pp. 33-39

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: Comment s'est arrivé / Natalia Sedova
in: Hommage à Natalia Sedova-Trotsky. (Paris, 1962) : pp. 95-109

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: Como se deu o assassínio / Natalia Sedov Trotsky
in: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 185-198

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: How it happened / Natalia Sedov Trotsky
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 2.1941 (May)

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: How it happened / Natalia Sedov Trotsky
in: Leon Trotsky : the man and his work. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 35-39

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: Stalin's guilt / Natalia Sedov Trotsky
in: Fourth International (New York, NY) 8.1947 (5) : pp. 144-146

Sedova-Trockaja, Natalija Ivanovna: Tak ėto bylo / Natalija Sedova-Trockaja
in: Bjulleten' oppozicii (Various places) 12.1941 (85) : pp. 1-5

Señor Ramon Mercader : assassin of Trotsky
in: The Times (London) 1978 (60438=Oct.21) : p. 14

Seth, Ronald: The hunting-down of Leon Trotsky
in: Seth, R.: The executioners. (London, 1967) : pp. 77-86

Seth, Ronald: The hunting-down of Leon Trotsky
in: Seth, R.: The executioners. (New York, NY, 1968) : pp. 77-86

Seth, Ronald: Comment Léon Trotsky fut traqué jusqu'à la mort
in: Seth, R.: Smersh. (Paris, 1970) : pp. 111-124

Settembrini, Domenico: L'assassinio di Trotzki
in: I Grandi fatti. 5. (Milano, 1978) : pp. 41-48

Sheridan, Guillermo: Rescatando a Mercader
in: Letras libres (Mécico, D.F.) [ISSN 1606-5913] 8.2006 (87) : pp. 62-69

Sicherheitsfragen und die Vierte Internationale : Antwort des Politischen Komitees der Workers Revolutionary Party auf den Artikel von Joseph Hansen "Das Geheimnis von Healys 'Dialektik'". - Essen : Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter, 1975. - 63 pp.

Siegel, Paul Noah: The last years of Stalin and Trotsky / Paul Siegel
in: Socialist Action (San Francisco, Cal.) [ISSN 0747-4237] 19.2001 (March)

Sierens, Arne: Los muertesitos = Onze lieve doden. - Antwerpen : Dedalus, 1988. - 53 pp. - (Kroniek XX)
Play about the murder of Zapata and Trotsky in Medico

Sierra, Julio A.: Trotsky
in: Sierra, Julio A.: Grandes asesinatos des siglo XX, Buenos Aires, 2003, pp. 77-95

Skierka, Volker: Der tödliche Schlag : vor sechzig Jahren wurde der russische Revolutionär Leo Trotzki von einem Agenten Stalins in seiner Villa in Mexiko-City mir einem Eispickel ermordet ; sein Enkel erinnert sich
in: Berliner Zeitung (Berlin) [ISSN 0947-174X] 56.2000 (Aug.26/27=Nr.199,Magazin) : p. 4

Souchy, Augustin: Trotzky und seine Mörder : letzte Enthüllungen über den Trotzky-Mord
in: Geist und Tat (Frankfurt a.M.) [ISSN 0344-2098] 15.1960 (6) : pp. 176-179

Sparrow, Gerald: The feud
in: Sparrow, G.: Great assassins. (London, 1968) : pp. 27-37

Sparrow, Gerald: The feud
in: Sparrow, G.: Great assassins. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 27-37

Steinmetz, Eigil: Lev Trotskij
in: Steinmetz, E.: Attentater og politiske mord fra Marat til Kennedy. (København, 1966)

Steinmetz, Eigil: Lev Trotskij
in: Steinmetz, E.: Attentater og politiske mord fra Marat til Kennedy. (Oslo, 1967)

Steinmetz, Eigil: Lev Trotskij
in: Steinmetz, E.: Attentat och politiska mord från Marat till John F. Kennedy. (Stockholm, 1971)

Storm the skies / prod.: José Luis López-Linares y Javier Rioyo. - [S.l.] : Cinematica, 2006. - 1 DVD, running time: 1 h, 36 min.
Documentary film about Ramón Mercader, murderer of Leon Trotsky. Originally publ. in 1996 with title Asaltar los cielos

Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič: El asesinato de Trotski / Pavel Sudoplatov y Anatoli Sudoplatov. Con la colab. de Jerrold L. y Leona P. Schecter. Trad. de Pedro Fontana
in: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Operaciones especiales. (Barcelona, 1994) : pp. 101-125

Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič: L'assassinat de Trotsky / Pavel Soudoplatov et Anatoli Soudoplatov
in: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Missions spéciales. (Paris, 1994) : pp. 97-120
Abridged version publ. in L'assassinat de Trotsky, Paris 2000, pp. 31-34

Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič: The assassination of Trotsky / Pawel Sudoplatov and Anatoli Sudoplatov
in: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Special tasks. (Boston [etc.], 1994) : pp. 65-86

Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatol'evič: Die Ermordung Trotzkijs / Pawel Anatoljewitsch Sudoplatow ; Anatolij Sudoplatow. Aus dem Amerikan. von Sonja Schumacher [et al.]
in: Sudoplatov, P.A.: Der Handlanger der Macht. (Düsseldorf [etc.], 1994) : pp. 106-134

Téllez Vargas, Eduardo: El asesinato de Trotsky
in: Comunidad CONACyT (México, D.F.) [ISSN 0185-190X] 7.1981 (121/122) : pp. 118-132

Téllez Vargas, Eduardo: El asesinato de Trotsky
in: Revista de revistas : semanario de Excelsior (México, D.F.) 1990 (Sept.3=no.4205) : pp. 34-45
Reprinted from Comunidad CONACyT (México, D.F) 7.1981 (121/122)

Teper, Efim Markovič: Terrakt Ramona Merkadera / Efim Teper
in: Neva (Leningrad) [ISSN 0028-4009] 1989 (3) : pp. 201-208

Topf, Silvia: Die Ermordung Leo Trotzkis. - München : Bayerischer Rundfunk, 1990. - 17 pp.
Unpubl. ms. of radio broadcast

Tranchal, J.: L'assassinat de Trotsky
in: Le Miroir de l'histoire (Paris) 1957 (8=95) : pp. 575-582

Trotsky assassinated in Mexico / Tom Hudson, narrator. Writers: Allan Lurie .... - [S.l.] : Filmrite Associates, released by Official Films Inc., 1960. - 1 film reel (16 mm), running time: 3 min. - (Greatest headlines of the century)
Motion picture

Trotsky cremated in Mexican capital
in: The New York Times (New York, NY) [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug. 28) : p. 6

Trotsky injured in attack on home
in: The New York Times (New York, NY) [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (May 25) : p. 1

Trotsky, Stalin and Cárdenas
in: Time (New York, NY) [ISSN 0040-781X] 29.1937 (Jan.25) : pp. 16-19

Trotsky, wounded by 'friend' in home, is believed dying
in: The New York Times (New York, NY) [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug. 21), p. 1

Trotsky y México : dos revoluciones del siglo XX / una serie documental de Adolfo García Videla. - México, D.F. : TV UNAM y Museo Casa de León Trotsky, 2005. - 1 DVD videodisc, color, running time: 1 h 20 min
Documentary film consisting of 3 chapters: 1. El perseguido llega a México, 2. La revolución rusa y la revolución méxicana, 3. Del contraproceso al asesinato. - Containing interviews with and comments by P. Broué, O. Gall, A. Gilly, C. Payán, O. Fernández Vilchis, H. Blanco, G. Almeyra, A. Woods, E. Volkov, G. Novack, J. Wimer et al. - The film was presented at and awarded by the IV Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Video Documental Independiese, México, D.F., March 15-18, 2006. - Chiefly in Span.

Trotsky's assassin at large / International Committee of the Fourth International. - London, 1977. - 40 pp. - (Security and the Fourth International)
Reprinted from News Line (London), 1976 (Jan.4-14 and 17-22)

Trotsky's assassin set free : expulsion from Mexico / from our correspondent
in: The Times (London) 1960 (54766=May 9) : p. 11

Trotsky's assassin wants to be left in peace : must leave Mexico after release / from a correspondent
in: The Times (London) 1960 (54761=May 3) : p. 11

Trotsky's home movies / directed by Oliver Curtis. Movies taken by Alex Buchman [1940]. - [London] : Channel Four, BBC, 1990. - 1 videocassette (VHS-PAL), running time: 40 min.
Video recording. - Originally broadcast on Aug. 29, 1990 as part of Bundung Ltd's Rear Window series for Channel 4, BBC

Trotsky's killer freed by Mexico
in: The New York Times (New York, NY) [ISSN 0362-4331] 1960 (May 7) : p. 1

Trotzki - Tod eines Propheten / Beratung: Harry Schulze-Wilde. Buch und Regie: André Libik. Eine Produktion des Senders Freies Berlin. - [Berlin : Sender Freies Berlin, 1965]. - 1 DVD (b/w), runnning time: 48 min
DVD recording of a TV documentary, originally broadcast by Deutsches Fernsehen, 1. Programm on April 15, 1965. DVD recording produced on demand by RBB Media Mitschnittservice, Berlin, June 2007

Trotzki-Mörder : neue Rätsel ; wollte Trotzkis Mörder Ramón Mercader die Hintergründe seines Verbrechens enthüllen?
in: Der Spiegel (Hamburg) [ISSN 0038-7452] 32.1978 (45) : pp. 196-202

Trotzki-Mörder : verwischte Spuren
in: Der Spiegel (Hamburg) [ISSN 0038-7452] 14.1960 (21) : pp. 58-62

Uboldi, Raffaello: Un sicario cento misteri : cinquant'anni fa l'assassinio di Trotzkij
in: Storia illustrata (Milano) [ISSN 0039-1913] 1990 (July/Aug.) : pp. 46-51

Uboldi, Raffaello: Tajna villy v Kojoakane / Raffaėllo Ubol'di
in: Za rubežom (Moskva) [ISSN 0044-1554] 1990 (34=1571=Aug.17/23) : p. 17

Unger, Leopold: Widziane z Brukseli
in: Kultura (Paryz) [ISSN 0023-5148] 1983 (3) : pp. 70-81

U.S. forbids entry of Trotsky's body
in: The New York Times (New York, NY) [ISSN 0362-4331] 1940 (Aug. 25)

Uthmann, Jörg von: Liebe schwärmt auf allen Wegen : Leo Davidowitsch Trotzki
in: Uthmann, J. von: Attentat. (Berlin, 1996) : pp. 125-132

Van Heijenoort, Jean: Breton va voir Trotsky
in: La Quinzaine littéraire (Paris) [ISSN 0048-6493] 1978 (277) : pp. 10-11

Van Heijenoort, Jean: Con Trotsky de Prinkipo a Coyoacán : testimonio de siete años de exilio / Jean van Heijenoort. - México, D.F. : Nueva Imagen, 1979. - 173 pp. - ISBN 968-429-160-4

Van Heijenoort, Jean: In esilio con Trockij : da Prinkipo a Coyoacán / Jean van Heijenoort. Trad. dal francese di Attilio Chitarin. - Milano : Feltrinelli, 1980. - 157 pp. - (Storia Feltrinelli)

Van Heijenoort, Jean: Sept ans auprès de Léon Trotsky : de Prinkipo à Coyoacán / Jean van Heijenoort. - Paris : Les Lettres Nouvelles [etc.], 1978. - 231, [8] pp. - (Les lettres nouvelles) - ISBN 2-86231-003-4
Table of contents: p.11 Prinkipo -- p.77 La France -- p.119 La Norvège -- p.157 Coyoacán -- p.215 Remarques sur quelques écrits touchant Léon Trotsky

Van Heijenoort, Jean: With Trotsky in exile : from Prinkipo to Coyoacán / Jean van Heijenoort. - Cambridge, Mass. [etc.] : Harvard Univ. Pr., 1978. - IX, 164 pp. - ISBN 0-674-80255-1
Table of contents: p.V Foreword -- p.1 Prinkipo -- p.49 France -- p.79 Norway -- p.104 Coyoacán -- p.149 Afterword -- p.151 Appendix: Correction of errors in writings about Trotsky [by I. Deutscher, V. Serge et al.] -- p.161 Index

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: "Amury", "kroliki" i Kain Koba : maloizvestnye fakty iz biografii L. Trockogo / N. Vaseckij. - [1-2]
in: Sovetskie profsojuzy (Moskva)[ISSN 0132-1196] 1991 (7) : pp. 92-99; 1991 (8) : pp.86-94

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Kontjury političeskogo portreta Trockogo / Nikolaj Vaseckij
in: Problemy mira i socializma (Moskva) [ISSN 0137-0715] 1989 (12=376) : pp. 51-55

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Kontury politycznego portretu Trockiego / Nikolaj Wiesiecki
in: Problemy pokoju i socjalizmu (Warszawa)[ISSN 0478-3840] 31.1989 (12=373) : pp. 59-64

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: L. Trockij : mify i real'nost' / N.A. Vaseckij
in: Argumenty i fakty (Moskva) [ISSN 0204-0476] 1988 (34=411) : pp. 5-7

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Likvidacija : kto i počemu ubil Trockogo / N. Vaseckij
in: Literaturnaja gazeta (Moskva) [ISSN 0024-4848] 1990 (Jan.4=nr.1=5223) : p. 13

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Likvidacija : Stalin, Trockij, Zinov'ev ; fragmenty političeskich sudeb / Nikolaj Vaseckij. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1989. - 202 pp. - ISBN 5-239-00859-0

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: La liquidation : "qui a tué Trotski et pourquoi?" ; (témoignages et versions d'années diverses) / N. Vassetski
in: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 2000) : pp. 61-62

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Liquidation : who killed Trotsky and why ; evidence and versions from various years / N. Vasetskii
in: Soviet Law and Government (Armonk, NY) [ISSN 0038-5530] 28.1989/90 (3) : pp. 81-92

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Outlining Trotsky's political portrait / Nikolai Vasetsky
in: World Marxist Review (London) [ISSN 0266-867X] 32.1989 (12) : pp. 50-54

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Poslednaja ljubov' Trockogo / N.A. Vaseckij
in: Vaseckij, N.A.: Ženščiny - vo vlasti i bezvlastii. (Moskva, 1997)

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Skitse til et politisk portræt af Trotskij / Nikolaj Vasetskij
in: Tiden : for fred, demokrati og socialisme (København) [ISSN 0108-8246] 51.1990 (3) : pp. 3-9

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Trockij v tretej ėmigracii / N.A. Vaseckij
in: Kentavr (Moskva) [ISSN 0320-8907] 1992 (Sept./Oct.) : pp. 89-100

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Umrisse eines politischen Trotzki-Porträts / Nikolai Wassezki
in: Probleme des Friedens und des Sozialismus (Prag) [ISSN 0032-9258] 32.1989 (12=376) : pp. 1655-1662

Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Vozvraščajuščijsja prorok / N.A. Vaseckij
in: Deutscher, I.: Trockij v izgnanii. (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 545-573

Vasilkova, Inna: El hombre sin biografía : (Ramón Mercader, asesino de León Trotsky)
in: Siempre (México, D.F.) 45.1998 (2373=Dec. 10), pp. 78-79

Vasquez, Luis: Leon Trotsky and the Mexican revolution
in: La Vérité = The Truth : theoretical review of the Fourth International [Engl. ed.] (Paris) N.s. 2000 (26=632=spec.iss.) : pp.83-89

Vasquez, Luis: Léon Trotsky et la révolution mexicaine
in: La Vérité (Paris) [ISSN 0294-359X] N.s. 2000 (26=632=no.spéc.) : pp. 131-140

Venner, Dominique: La longue traque des tueurs de Trotski : le récit de cette opération secrète vaut tout les romans [...]
in: La Nouvelle revue d'histoire (Paris) [ISSN 1764-2019] 2008 (34) : pp. 48-52

Venner, Dominique: Mexico, 20 août 1940 - Trotsky : deux ans d'approche, vingt ans de silence
in: Venner, D.: Treize meurtres exemplaires. (Paris, 1988) : pp. 141-163

Vereeken, Georges: The GPU in the Trotskyist movement. - London : New Park Publications, 1976. - XIV, 390 pp. - ISBN 0-902030-84-1
Table of contents: p.XI Foreword/International Committee of the Fourth International -- p.1 Unmask this GPU agent! -- p.7 Obin (Mill): a rough operator -- p.16 Germany: the Well brothers and the beginning of the tragedy -- p.32 Spain: the fall of the monarchy -- p.48 The first crisis: Lacroix -- p.68 The permanent crisis of the Communist League in France (the arrival of Zborowski) -- p.100 Belgium: galloping opportunism -- p.120 The rapid development of Nazi and Stalinist terror -- p.134 Spain: July 1936 -- p.140 The GPU death machine -- p.152 The Spanish civil war -- p.168 The short and heroic life of Erwin Wolf -- p.175 The final break between the International Secretariat and the POUM -- p.186 The rise of Degrelle and the state of panic -- p.195 The criminal sabotage of Trotsky's defence -- p.213 May 1937: the murder of Nin and others -- p.238 Rudolf Klement: an agent? Certainly a coward -- p.319 Trotsky's guard -- p.331 Ramon Mercader -- p.343 Results and sequels -- p.360 Truth is revolutionary -- p.377 Glossary of names -- p.382 Glossary of organisations -- p.385 Index

Vereeken, Georges: La Guépéou dans le mouvement trotskiste. - Paris : La Pensée Universelle, 1975. - 377 pp.

Vogt-Downey, Marilyn: An assessment of Trotsky's assassination in Ogonyok
in: Bulletin in Defense of Marxism (New York, NY) [ISSN 1083-6764] 1991 (82) : pp. 32-33

Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Demon revoljucii / Dmitrij Volkogonov
in: Pravda (Moskva) [ISSN 0233-4275] 1988 (Sept.9=nr.253=25605) : p. 4

Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Demon revoljucii / Dmitrij Volkogonov
in: Sputnik (Moskva) [ISSN 0131-8748] 1989 (5) : pp.82-89

Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: La fin de l'histoire officielle? / propos recueillis par Enrico Singer
in: Inprecor : [French edition] (Various places) [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 1990 (314) : pp. 18-20
Interview first publ. in La Stampa (Milano)>. 1990 (July 26). - Transl. from the Ital.

Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: León Trotski, demonio de la revolución / Dmitri Volkogonov
in: Panorama internacional / Suplemento teórico (Lima) 1988 (10) : pp. 3-16

Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotski y Stalin / Dmitri Volkogonov
in: Sputnik : revista mensual (Moscú) 1989 (5) : pp. 82-90

Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotzki - Dämon der Revolution / Dmitri Wolkogonow
in: Sputnik : Digest der sowjetischen Presse (Moskau) [ISSN 0131-073X] 1989 (5) : pp. 82-90

Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovič: Trotzki und Stalin / Dmitri Wolkogonow
in: Sowjetunion heute (Wien) [ISSN 0490-1541] 34.1989 (12) : pp. 58-63

Volkov, Esteban: The day of the ice axe : a visit with Trotsky's grandson
in: The New Republic (Washington, D.C.) [ISSN 0028-6583] 179.1978 (21=2332) : pp. 19-25
Interview conducted by Maria Antonietta Macciocchi. Introd. notes by Jack Beatty

Volkov, Esteban: Ešče odno svidetel'stvo poslednich let žizni i gibeli L.D. Trockogo
in: Rossija i sovremennyj mir = Russia and the Contemporary World (Moskva) [ISSN 1726-5223] 2006 (1) : pp. 192-205
Interview conducted by V.L.Lober

Volkov, Esteban: Il est nécessaire de rétablir la vérité historique : l'assassinat de Léon Trotsky. - 12 Kb (3 pp.)
Electronic resource, accessed May 15, 2006, URL: http://www.lariposte.com/article/php3?id_article=237

Volkov, Esteban: Lázaro Cárdenas y el asilo político de Lev Davidovitch Bronstein (León Trotsky) / Esteban Bronstein
in: Se llamó Lázaro Cárdenas. México, D.F., 1995 : pp. 100-107

Volkov, Esteban: Leon Trotsky, Marxist and revolutionary
in: Socialist Appeal : the Marxist voice of the labour movement (London), 2000 (76=spec. millenium iss.), pp. 23-25

Volkov, Esteban: León Trotsky, marxista y revolucionario
in: El Militante : voz del socialismo marxista y la juventud (Madrid), 2000 (129), p. 9

Volkov, Esteban: My life with Trotsky
in: The Journal of Symposium '90 (London) [ISSN 0966-6869] 1.1992 (1) : pp. 81-89
Paper originally submitted to the 2nd Symposium '90 international conference, Athens, Oct. 22-26, 1991

Volkov, Esteban: Témoignage de Esteban Volkov, petit fils de Trotski
in: L'Assassinat de Léon Trotsky. (Paris, 2000) : pp. 55-56
Reprinted from Le Monde (Paris), 1978 (Oct.22/23). - Interview conducted by Maria Antonietta Macciocchi

Volkov, Esteban: Trotzkis Tod / Esteban Wolkow. - 131 KB (11 pp.)
Electronic resource, accessed Dec. 2, 2009, URL: http://zeitgeschichte.zdf.de/ZDFde/druckansicht/5/0,611,2038501,2038501,00.html Interview conducted by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), March 19, 2003. Pt. 1 with title "Mord in Stalins Auftrag", pt. 2 with title "Der Mörder kam als Gast"

Vorob'ev, Lev: L'assassinat de Trotsky décrit par ses assassins / [Lev Vorobiev]. Trad. du russe par Jean-Michel Krivine
in: Inprecor : [French edition] (Various places) [ISSN 0378-8342 - ISSN 0294-8516 - ISSN 1164-6586] 2000 (449/450) : pp. 54-62

Vorob'ev, Lev: Opération "Canard" / Lev Vorobiev. Trad. du russe par Jean-Michel Krivine
in: Critique communiste (Paris; later: Montreuil) [ISSN 0398-2068 - ISSN 0759-0989] 1998 (151) : pp. 92-94

Walsh, Lynn: 40 years since Leon Trotsky's assassination
in: Militant International Review (London) [ISSN 0144-9265] 1980 (20) : pp. 11-22

Walsh, Lynn: The assassination of Trotsky
in: Militant International Review (London) [ISSN 0144-9265] 1990 (44) : pp. 23-31
Slightly rev.

Walsh, Lynn: The assassination of Trotsky
in: Socialism Today (London) [ISSN 1360-2205] 2000 (49)

Walsh, Lynn: Mordet på Trotskij : Trotskij försvarade genuin marxism - hotet mot Stalins diktatur / övers.: Per-Olov Eklund
in: Offensiv (Farsta) [ISSN 0348-5447] 2000 (410) : pp. 5-8

Warum Leo Trotzki ermordet wurde / Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter. - Essen : Gervinus-Verl., 1980. - 48 pp. - (Sicherheit und die Vierte Internationale) - ISBN 3-88634-014-7
First publ. with title 39 Jahre seit Trotzkis Ermordung, in: Neue Arbeiterpresse (Essen). 1979 (144-147)

Weaver, Christopher: The assassination of Trotsky
in: History Today (London) [ISSN 0018-2753] 21.1971 : pp. 697-707

Weber, Sara: Recollections of Trotsky
in: Modern Occasions (Cambridge, Mass.) [ISSN 0026-8186] 2.1972 (1) : pp. 181-194

Weber, Sara: Souvenirs sur Trotsky
in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky (Various places) [ISSN 0181-0790] 1980 (5) : pp.39-52

Weiss, Peter: Trockij v exilu / z nemeckého orig. prel. Josef Balvin. - Praha : Dilia, 1990. - 203 pp. - (Informativní edice Dilia ; 328) - ISBN 80-203-0142-9

Weiss, Peter: Trockij v izgnanii / Peter Vajs. Perevod s nemeckogo Jurija Ginzburga
in: Teatr' (Moskva) [ISSN 0040-0777] 1990 (4) : pp. 132-168

Weiss, Peter: Trotsci'n alltud / cyfieithiad gan Ian Hilton [et al.]. - [Cardiff] : Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru ar ran Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, 1979. - XVI, 150 pp. - (Dramâu'r byd [ISSN 0141-1179]) - ISBN 0-7083-0701-9

Weiss, Peter: Trotskij i exil / övers. av Karin Johannisson. - Staffanstorp : Cavefors, 1970. - 168 pp. - (Bocserien)

Weiss, Peter: Trotskij in esilio : dramma in 2 atti / trad. di Enrico Filippini. - Torino : Einaudi, 1970. - 140 pp.

Weiss, Peter: Trotsky en el exilio : pieza en dos actos / versión española de Pablo Sorozabal Serrano [et al.]. - México, D.F. : Grijalbo, 1970. - 189 pp.

Weiss, Peter: Trotsky en exil / trad. de l'allemand par Philippe Ivernel. - Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 1970. - 176 pp.

Weiss, Peter: Trotsky in exile / transl. by Geoffrey Skelton. - London : Methuen, 1971. - 123 pp. - (Methuen's modern plays) - ISBN 0-416-16630-X - ISBN 0-416-16620-2

Weiss, Peter: Trotsky in exile : a play / transl. by Geoffrey Skelton. - New York, NY : Atheneum, 1972. - 123 pp.

Weiss, Peter: Trotzki im Exil : Stück in 2 Akten. - Frankfurt a.M. : Suhrkamp, 1970. - 144 pp. - (Bibliothek Suhrkamp ; 255)

Weiss, Peter: Trotzki im Exil : Stück in 2 Akten. - 11.-14. Tsd.. - Frankfurt a.M. : Suhrkamp, 1972. - 144 pp. - (Bibliothek Suhrkamp ; 255)

Weiss, Peter: Trotzki im Exil : Stück in 2 Akten
in: Weiss, P.: Werke in sechs Bänden. 6. (Frankfurt a.M., 1991) : pp. 7-107

West, Rebecca: Leon Trotsky
in: West, R.: Survivors in Mexico. (New Haven, Conn., 2003)

Who killed Trotsky? / Ye.M.
in: Problems of Communism (Washington, DC) [ISSN 0032-941X] 17.1968 (5) : pp. 78-79

Wieland, Leo: Die musealisierte Revolution : Trotzki in Mexiko-Stadt
in: Frankfurter Allgemeine (Frankfurt a.M.) [ISSN 0174-4909] 1997 (July 26)

Wilhelm, Marion Bell: Mon ami, l'assassin de Trotski / trad. de Marguerite Yerta Mélera
in: Le Miroir de l'histoire (Paris) 1962 (146) : pp. 186-192

Wilhelm, Marion Bell: My friend, Trotsky's assassin
in: Saturday Evening Post (Philadelphia, Pa.) [ISSN 0048-9239] 232.1960 (50) : pp. 25-27, 107-108, 110, 112

Wolf, Sherry: A rare glimpse into a revolutionary's life : visiting Leon Trotsky's last home in exile
in: Socialist Worker (London) [ISSN 1575-9705] 2002 (Aug.9) : p. 9

Wolfe, Bernard: The man who murdered Trotsky
in: Coronet (Chicago, Ill.) 46.1959 (July) : pp. 91-97

Woods, Alan: The house in Coyoacan - reflections on Trotsky's last years. - 32 Kb (8 pp.)
Electronic resource, dated June 2003, accessed July 31, 2003, URL: http://www.marxist.com/History/coyoacan_house.html

Young, James Douglas: How the world saw Trotsky's murder / James D. Young
in: Workers Press (London) 1995 (514) : p. 7

Zavorotnyj, Sergej: Disparos contra Trotsky / Serguéi Zavorotni
in: Socialismo - teoría y práctica : selecciones de la prensa soviética (Moscú) 1989 (10=195) : pp. 106-111
Transl. from Komsomol'skaja Pravda (Moskva)

Zen'kovič, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Ubijstvo v Kojoakane / N.A. Zen'kovič
in: Zen'kovič, N.A.: Tajny kremlevskich smertej. (Moskva, 1995) : pp. 52-79

Zentner, Christian: Der Fall Trotzki und die rote Moral
in: Zentner, C.: ... den Dolch im Gewande : politischer Mord durch zwei Jahrtausende. (München, 1968) : pp. 11-36

Žizn' prekrasna/ avtor scenarija: Julij Nikolin. Režisser: Petr Mostovoj. - [Moskva : Central'naja Studija Dokumental'nych Filmov, 1990]. - 1 DVD videodisc, running time: 25 min
Soviet documentary about Trotsky and his assassination depicting some rare film and photographic material from Soviet archives. -Description based on a DVD video recording from a TV broadcast (unkown date). -In Russ.

Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz 2009
last slightly rev. March 2014

https://www.trotskyana.net © by Wolfgang & Petra Lubitz