In this section of TrotskyanaNet we present a repertory of more than 520 university works (chiefly dissertations, master theses and the like plus a few seminar papers and graduate qualification works) on various topics related to Trotsky's life, work and thought, as well as to the Trotskyist movement(s). The list also includes some university works about a number of renowned figures of the Trotskyist movement. During the last 60 years, particularly since the 1970s (see index of years of degree below), a considerable number of dissertations and theses of various levels have been submitted to universities in many countries all over the world, reflecting a certain relevance of Trotsky and Trotskyism and at the same time emphasizing the continuing academic interest in this field of research. Generally spoken, dissertations, theses and other university works are a vital fund of scholarship for any discipline. However, it is a truism that the scholarly quality and relevance of the listed works varies: some of them have correctly been considered as quite ephemeral or even as obscure, whereas others have been praised by the academic community and - so far as they have been published as trade editions (books) - by renowned reviewers. The bulk of the listed works, however, remained 'unpublished', forming part of the hardly-to-locate so-called 'grey literature', partly not even deposited at other universities as the parent institution. Thus, as a rule, they have remained excluded from most library catalogues, bibliographies and similar research tools. So far as we know, many items have not even been cited in any of those 'hidden bibliographies' which usually appear as appendices in most scholarly books and academic works. As a matter of fact, in many cases dissertations and theses are excluded from interlibrary loan or are available only to members of a certain academic institution. Some of the listed works could only be traced (or, better: digged) more or less by chance or thanks to good relations to other Trotskyana collectors or to the authors. All this in mind, we would like to emphasize that the quality of our bibliographical descriptions necessarily varies, since not (yet) all of the listed works are in our possession or could be examined personally.
Most of the academic works listed here are from the U.S., France, Russia (or, former Soviet Union), Britain, Germany, Italy, Argentina, and Brazil (see index of universities below, arranged by places). Please note that our listing does not consider university works from China, Japan and from other parts of the world where usually non-European languages are spoken. Please note, too, that we do not list works-in-progress.
The arrangement of our bibliographical descriptions and their structure are self-explanatory; the main section (List of university works) is arranged alphabetically by authors' names.
For better understanding, we also provide a list of abbreviations used for types of university works.
For transliteration of names and titles in Cyrillic characters see the table of transliteration.
For occasionally used bibliographical abbreviations see the global list of abbreviations
Aarsse, Robert: Sneevliet en Indonesië, 1914-1918 : marxisme et bourgeoisie nationale. - 204 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VII (Denis Diderot), Thèse 3e cycle, 1976
Aarsse, Robert: Sneevliet et son rôle en Indonésie. - 71 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris (Sorbonne), Mém. IEP, 1969. - Director of thesis: P. Devillers
Abramowicz, Manuel: La gauche radicale en Belgique francophone (1963-2004) : impact électoral, politique et social. - 422 pp.
Louvain, Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Faculté Ouverte de Politique Economique et Sociale, Mém., 2004. - Director of thesis: Benoît Rihoux
Address, Richard F.: Beyond the border : the Jewish odyssey of Leon Trotsky. - 68 pp.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, Thesis (Rabbinic), 1972
Afanas'ev, Michail Jur'evič Zaščita Kommunistčeskoj Partiej leninskich organizacionnych principov v bor'be s trockizmom, 1923-1927 gg. - 212 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1969
Allavena, David: Le Parti Communiste Français et Trotsky (1924-1936). - 180 pp.
Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X (Paris-Nanterre), Mém. de maîtrise, 1993. - Director of thesis: J.-J. Becker
Alles, Wolfgang: Zur Politik und Geschichte der deutschen Trotzkisten ab 1930. - X, 295 pp.
Mannheim, Univ., Dipl.-Arbeit, 1978. - Director of thesis: Hermann Weber. - Trade ed. publ. with same title, Frankfurt a.M., 1987 [later ed.: Köln, 1994]
Almeida, Miguel Tavares: Liga Comunista Internacionalista : teoria e prática do trotskismo no Brasil (1930-1935). - 205 pp.
São Paulo, Pontifica Univ. Católica, Diss. mest., 2003
Amarasinghe, Yodage Ranjith: Trotskyism in Ceylon : a study of the development, ideology and political role of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party, 1935-64. - 474 pp.
London, Univ. of London, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1974. - Director of thesis: W.H. Morris-Jones. - Trade ed. publ. with title: Revolutionary idealism and parliamentary politics
Amin, Mohsen: Trotskyist Marxism and American political economy. - II, 201 pp.
Carbondale, Ill., Southern Illinois Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1982. - Director of thesis: Leland G. Stauber
Andrlík, Jan: Zrod a štěpení mezinárodního trockistického hnutí. - 80 pp.
Praha, Univ. Karlova v Praze, Bak. práce, 2007. - Director of thesis: Ivan Müller
Anfert'ev, Ivan Anatol'evič: Dejatel'nost' "Sojuza Marksistov-Lenincev" : M.N. Rjutin i bor'by za vlast' v 1928-1932 gg. - 23 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Gos. Agrarnyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 2004. - Director of thesis: V.V. Morozan
Anfert'ev, Ivan Anatol'evič: Dejatel'nost' "Sojuza Marksistov-Lenincev" : M.N. Rjutin i bor'by za vlast' v 1928-1932 gg. - 299 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Gos. Agrarnyj Univ., Diss., 2004. - Director of thesis: V.V. Morozan
Angelo, Vitor Amorim de: A trajetória da Democracia Socialista : da fundação ao PT. - 130 pp.
São Carlos, Univ. Federal, Diss. mest., 2007. - Director of thesis: Marco Antonio Villa
Antonov, Pavel Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba KP Ukrainy za general'nuju liniju partii protiv trockistov i drugich antileninskich gruppirovok v 1921-1927 gg. - 228 pp.
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Diss., 1973
Antonov, Pavel Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba KP Ukrainy za general'nuju liniju partii protiv trockistov i drugich antileninskich gruppirovok v 1921-1927 gg. - 42 pp.
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1973
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v RKP(b)-VKP(b) (1920-e - načalo 1930-ch gg.) - 206 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 2017. - Director of thesis: Oleg Vital'evič Chlevnjuk
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v RKP(b)-VKP(b) (1920-e - načalo 1930-ch gg.) - 20 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 2017. - Director of thesis: Oleg Vital'evič Chlevnjuk
Appell, Barbara Joyce: Friends and flowers : Trotsky in Mexico, 1937-1940. - 250 pp.
Waltham, Mass., Brandeis Univ., Thesis (Senior honor), 1968
Aranha, Otávio Luiz Pinheiro: Leon Trotsky e educação : contribuições ao debate sobre educação socialista. - 471 pp.
Salvador, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Tese dout., 2021. - Director of thesis: Elza Margarida de Mendonça Peixoto
Archer, John: Trotskyism in Britain, 1931-1937. - 280 pp. [+ various app. with separate pag.]
London, Council for National Academic Awards, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1979
Aschmoneit, Artur: Trotzki, ZK, RMK : das Revolutionäre Militärkomitee in der Oktoberrevolution ; die Legenden um Leo Trotzki. - Düsseldorf : Dis's'kurs, 1991. - IV, 334 pp.
ISBN 3-928685-00-7
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Düsseldorf, Univ., 1991, with title: Das Petrograder Revolutionäre Militärkomitee in der Oktoberrevolution
Atias, Éric: Les trotskystes sous le front populaire en France. - 259 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1982. - Director of thesis: Antoine Prost
Authier, Denis: La position de Trotsky dans le Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate de Russie
de son deuxième congrès à la révolution de 1905. - [Various pag.]
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Mém. de maîtrise, 1970. - Director of thesis: Michel Laran
Avada, Milena Aleksandrovna: Istoričeskaja koncepcija L.D. Trockogo. - 219 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskij Univ. Družby Narodov, Diss., 2000. - Director of thesis: M.N. Mosejkina
Avada, Milena Aleksandrovna: Istoričeskaja koncepcija L.D. Trockogo. - 23 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskij Univ. Družby Narodov, Avtoref. diss., 2000. - Director of thesis: M.N. Mosejkina
Avilés, Homero: Movimientos sociales e izquierda partidista : el caso del trotskismo en Baja California Sur. - 301 pp.
Morelia, Univ. Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Tesis doct., 2018. - Director of thesis: Miguel Ángel Urrego Ardila
Azarenko, Vera Michajlovna: Bol'ševistskaja pečat' kak instrument vnutripartijnoj bor'by (1920-1928 gg.) - 210 pp. Slavjansk-na-Kubani, Slavjanski-na-Kubani Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst., Diss., 2008. - Director of thesis: I.Ch. Urilov
Bacekalo, Vasilij Denisovič: Razoblačenie sovremennoj zapadnogermanskoj buržuaznoj fal'sifikacii bor'by Kommunističeskoj partii protiv trockizma po voprosam socialističeskoj industrializacii. - 198 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1974
Bacekalo, Vasilij Denisovič: Razoblačenie sovremennoj zapadnogermanskoj buržuaznoj fal'sifikacii bor'by Kommunističeskoj partii protiv trockizma po voprosam socialističeskoj industrializacii. - 18 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1974
Bachtin, Mchail Ivanovič: Nižgorodskaja partorganizacija v bor'be s trockizmom v gody socialističeskoj industrializacii. - 556 pp.
Gor'kij, Gor'kovskij Gosudarstvennj Pedagogičeskij Inst., Diss., 1943
Bahne, Siegfried: Der Trotzkismus in Deutschland 1931-1933 : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der KPD und der Komintern. - VIII, 358 pp.
Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls-Univ., Diss., 1958. - Directors of thesis: W. Conze, R. v. Albertini
Baker, Robert Hawthorne: The Trotsky-Frunze debate / R.H. Baker. - [87] pp.
Swansea, Univ., College of Swansea, Thesis (M.A.), 1971
Bandoli Dias, Mabelle: A extrema-esquerda no Brasil : o organizações partidárias marxistas e suas definições programáticas nos anos 1950. - 156 pp.
Curitiba, Univ. Federal do Paraná, Diss. mest., 2013. - Director of thesis: Adriano Nervo Codato
Ban'ko, Ivan Nikitovič: Kompartija Ukrainy v bor'be protiv "novoj oppozicii" i trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka po voprosam socialističeskogo stroitel'stva
: (1925-1927 gg.). - 229 pp.
Kiev, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. T.G. Sevčenko, diss., 1979
Ban'ko, Ivan Nikitovič: Kompartija Ukrainy v bor'be protiv "novoj oppozicii" i trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka po voprosam socialističeskogo stroitel'stva
: (1925-1927 gg.). - 21 pp.
Kiev, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. T.G. Sevčenko, Avtoref. diss., 1979
Barr, Geoffrey: Trotsky's views on the trade unions, 1919-1929. - 248 pp.
Exeter, Univ., Diss. (M.Ph.), 1991. - Directors of thesis: Bob Dowse, Iain Hampsher-Monk
Basmanov, Michail Ivanovič: Kritika ideologii i praktiki sovremennogo trockizma :
(tridcatye-semidesjatye gody). - 405 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1978
Basmanov, Michail Ivanovič: Kritika ideologii i praktiki sovremennogo trockizma :
(tridcatye-semidesjatye gody). - 48 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1978
Basmanov, Michail Ivanovič: Sovremennyj trockizm (IV. Internacional) na službe antikommunizma. - 18 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1966
Bassi, Sonia: L'immagine della Comune di Parigi in Marx e nella tradizione marxista fino
a Trotsky
Milano, Univ. degli Studi di Milano, Tesi di Laurea, 1992. - Director of thesis: Mario Cingoli
Bauser, Amy Kathryn: Surréalisme et révolution / Amy K. Bauser. - III, 71 pp.
New Orleans, La., Tulane Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1988. - Text in French, with Engl. abstract
Beilharz, Peter: From Marx to Trotsky : 'the theory of degeneration and the degeneration
of theory'. - IV, 79, XIV pp.
Clayton, Vic., Monash Univ., Thesis (M.prelim.), 1978. - Director of thesis: Zawar Hanfi
Beilharz, Peter: Trotsky, Trotskyism and the theory of the transition to socialism / Peter
Michael Beilharz. - XI, 467, V pp.
Clayton, Vic., Monash Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1983. - Director of thesis: Alastair Davidson
Bellart, Guillaume: Une révolution dans la révolution? : théories et pratiques du féminisme dans l'extrême-gauche maoïste et trotskiste en France ; du début des années 70 à nos jours. - 220 pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble II, Mém. IEP, 1998. - Director of thesis: M. Dubesset
Belton, John Mark: The Commission of Inquiry into Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the great purge trials in Moscow. - 176 pp.
Atlanta, Ga., Emory Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1976. - Director of thesis: Kermit E. McKenzie
Ben-Gal, Ély: Israël dans la presse d'extrême gauche en France : janvier 1967 - décembre 1970. - 1-3. - 618, [15] pp.
Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Thèse 3e cycle, 1974
Benová, Adriana: Kandidádi strany Lutte Ouvričre v prezidentských volbách 2007-2017. - 40, XIII pp.
Praha, Univ. Karlova v Praze, Bak. práce, 2018. - Director of thesis: Michel Perottino
Beyerstedt, Horst-Dieter: Marxistische Kritik an der Sowjetunion in der Stalinära (1924-1953). - Frankfurt a.M. [etc.] : Lang, 1987. - 618 pp.
ISBN 3-8204-9453-7
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Mainz, Univ., 1985. - Directors of thesis: Gotthold Rhode, Ulrich Haustein
Beziou, Anne Samia: L'Internationale Communiste (IC) et le mouvement trotskyste en Belgique, 1928-32. - 91, 15 pp.
Bruxelles, Univ. Libre, Mém. lic., 2007. - Director of thesis: Pieter Lagrou
Bezanson, Mary Elizabeth: Legal precedent and metaphoric conception as justification for the right to receive in Kleindienst v. Mandel (McCarran-Walter, first amendment). - 250 pp.
Seattle, Wash., Univ. of Washington, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1987. - Director of thesis: Haig Bosmajian
Bidaud, Florent: Les écrits de Trotsky sur la morale. - 128 pp.
Lyon, Univ. Lumière, Mém. IEP, 1995. - Director of thesis: P. Corcuff
Billings, Neil R.: Theories of revolution and revolutionary organization. - X, 170 pp.
Monterey, Cal., Naval Postgraduate School, Thesis (M.A.), 1998. - Directors of thesis: Gordon H. McCormick, Glenn E. Robinson
Bing, Dov: Revolution in China : Sneevlietian strategy. - XVII, 247 pp.
Auckland, Univ. of Auckland, Thesis (M.A.), 1968
Blackburn, Angela Louise: The 1927 events that occurred in China and the response of Stalin and Trotsky. - 99 pp.
Leeds, Univ. of Leeds, Thesis (M.A.), 2018
Blair, David: Trotsky and the Kronstadt uprising of 1921
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Thesis (Honor), 1970
Blakey, Christopher David: 'March separately but strike together' : the use of the united front tactic by Trotskyists in French trade unions
Coventry, Univ. of Warwick, Thesis (Ph.D.), 2011. - Director of thesis: Nick Hewlett
Blinov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym melkoburžuaznoj avantjurističeskoj suščnosti trockistskoj teorii "permanentnoj" revoljucii. - 234 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1966
Blinov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym melkoburžuaznoj avantjurističeskoj suščnosti trockistskoj teorii "permanentnoj" revoljucii. - 15 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1966
Blommaert, Stefan: De Socialistische Jonge Wacht tussen 1945 en 1969 : van sociaal-demokratische tot revolutionair-socialistische jeugdorganisatie. - V, 339 pp.
Brussel, Vrije Univ., Lic.-Verhandeling, 1980. - Director of thesis: J. Craeybeckx
Bloom, Alexander: The New York intellectuals : the formation of the community / Alexander M. Bloom. - 380 pp.
Boston, Mass., Boston College, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1979
Bloom, Mark N.: The case of Leon Trotsky : the events surrounding the Dewey Commission of 1937 and the reaction to them of the American left. - VI, 172 pp.
Waltham, Mass., Brandeis Univ., Thesis (Senior honor), 1966
Bogues, Anthony: The political thought of C.L.R. James, 1934-1950 / Barrymore Anthony Bogues. - VII, 358 pp.
Mona, Univ. of the West Indies, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1994
Bois, Marcel: Kommunisten gegen Hitler und Stalin : die linke Opposition der KPD in der Weimarer Republik ; eine Gesamtdarstellung. - Essen : Klartext-Verl., 2014. - 613 pp.
ISBN 978-3-8375-1282-3
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Berlin, Technische Univ., 2014. - Directors of thesis: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Mario Keßler
Bois, Marcel: Die "(Vereinigte) Linke Opposition" 1930-1933 : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Trotzkismus am Ende der Weimarer Republik. - 158 pp.
Hamburg, Universität, Mag.-Arbeit, 2003. - Director of thesis: Klaus Saul
Boiter, Albert L.: Trotsky and the Moscow treason trials. - 95 pp.
Louisville, Ky., Univ. of Louisville, Thesis (M.A.), 1947
Bojčev, Ivan Zacharovič: Voenno-političeskaja dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo v gody inostrannoj voennoj intervencii i graždanskoj vojny. - 21 pp.
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akad. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1990. - Director of thesis: Nikolaj Fedorovič Minaev
Bojčev, Ivan Zacharovič: Voenno-političeskaja dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo v gody inostrannoj voennoj intervencii i graždanskoj vojny. - 206 pp.
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akad. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1990. - Director of thesis: Nikolaj Fedorovič Minaev
Bonutto, Jacqueline: Trotsky et les surréalistes dans la France de l'entre-deux guerres : 1921-1940. - 62 pp.
Lyon, Univ. Lumičre, Mém. de maîtrise, 1969
Boorman, Nicolas Dylan: American Trotskyism and the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party : from the origins to 1936. - V, 208 pp.
San Francisco, Cal., San Francisco State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 2017. - Director of thesis: Jessica Elkind
Bourrinet, Philippe: La gauche communiste italienne, 1926-1945 : (ébauche d'une histoire du courant "bordiguiste"). - 263 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1980. - Director of thesis: Jacques Droz. - Trade ed. publ. with titles: "La gauche communiste italienne", "La gauche communiste d'Italie", "La sinistra comunista italiana", "The Italian communist left 1926-45"
Boyer, Arnaud: Le trotskisme dans la vie politique française : effet de mode ou nouvelle force? : (avril 2002 - juin 2005)
Aix-Marseille, Université d'Aix-Marseille III, Mém. IEP, 2006. - Director of thesis: Richard Ghevontian
Brabant, Jean-Michel: Les partisans de la IVe Internationale en France sous l'occupation (P.O.I., C.C.I., Groupe Octobre) et leur fusion (1940-1944). - 137 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Mém. de maîtrise, 1976. - Director of thesis: Madeleine Rebérioux
Bradley, Edgar A.: The press image of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin as reflected in three New York newspapers from 1917-1924
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Masters essay, 1949
Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs ideologischer Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins (1922-1926). - IX, 326 pp.
Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Univ., Diss., 1963. - Director of thesis: Georg v. Rauch. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Trotzkijs Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins"
Brandély, Emmanuel: L'OCI-PCI de 1965 à 1985 : contribution à l'histoire nationale
d'une organisation trotskyste. - 121, [20] pp.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Mém. de maîtrise, 2001. - Director of thesis: Jean Vigreux
Braun, Eileen: The prophet reconsidered : Trotsky on the Soviet failure to achieve socialism. - V, 161 pp.
Washington, DC, George Washington Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1993. - Directors of thesis: Carl Arne Linden, Peter Reddaway, Charles Fox Elliott
Breton, François-Xavier: La scission du PCI, Section Française de la IVe Internationale en 1952. - 95 pp.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Mém. de maîtrise, 1992
Bronger, Dirk: Die Auseinandersetzungen um die sovetische Agrarpolitik 1925-1929 : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der kommunistischen Opposition in Sovetrußland. - [Various pag.]
Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Univ., Diss., 1966. - Director of thesis: H. Schlenger. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Der Kampf um die sowjetische Agrarpolitik 1925-1929"
Brossat, Alain: La formation de la pensée politique de Trotsky
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Thèse 3e cycle, 1972. - Director of thesis: François Châtelet
Bruneau, Chantal: Le vote extrême-gauche dans quelques villes de France en 1971 et 1977. - 169 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. DEA, 1979
Bubis, Mordecai Donald: The Soviet Union and Stalinism in the ideological debates of American Trotskyism (1937-51). - 329 pp.
London, School of Economics and Political Science, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1985. - Director of thesis: George Schöpflin
Buccheri, Mauro: Livio Maitan e il trotskismo italiano. - 191 pp.
Palermo, Univ. degli Studi di Palermo, Tesi di laurea, 2020. - Director of thesis: Salvadore Lupo
Buckley, Kevin C.: Trotsky's legacy : the Fourth International. - II, 110 pp.
New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1973. - Director of thesis: Robert J. Alexander
Bühl, Wolfgang: Die revolutionäre Theorie Trotzkis und ihre Bedeutung für die russische Revolution. - 61 pp.
Eichstätt, Gesamthochschule, Zulassungsarbeit, 1973
Buelinckx, Jan: Radicaal-links in België en de val van de Muur : hoe overleefden de KP, de SAP en de PVDA de val van het 'reëel bestaande socialisme'?. - 212 pp.
Gent, Rijksuniversiteit, Lic.-Verhandeling, 2002. - Director of thesis: Gita Deneckere. - Electronic resource, accessed Oct. 20, 2003
Burch, R. Kurt: Late capitalism and changing patterns of international relations. - IX, 155 pp.
Washington, DC, The American Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1983
Burnett, James Thomas: American Trotskyism and the Russian question. - 237, 11 pp.
Berkeley, Cal., Univ. of California, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1968
Burton-Cartledge, Phil: A reflexive and value-added analysis of contemporary Trotskyist activism in Britain
Keele, Univ. of Keele, Thesis (Ph.D.), 2009. - Director of thesis: Brian Doherty
Buschak, Willy: Das Londoner Büro : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des europäischen Linkssozialismus der Zwischenkriegszeit
Bochum, Ruhr-Univ., Diss., 1982. - Director of thesis: Siegfried Bahne
Bustamante González, Josué: Las prácticas trotskistas en México : prensa militante, internacionalismo proletario y sociabilidad transnacional, 1929-1976. - 527 pp.
Zamora, Colegio de Michoacán, Tesis doct., 2020. - Director of thesis: Verónica Oikión Solano
Cabero, Henri: Trotsky et les problèmes fondamentaux de la lutte révolutionnaire, 1917-1940
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1972. - Director of thesis: R. Portal
Caillosse, Jacques: La question du Thermidor soviétique dans la pensée politique de Léon Trotsky : force et limites de l'analogie historique dans la théorie trotskyste de la bureaucratie. - 121 pp.
Rennes, Univ. de Rennes I, Mém. DES, 1972. - Director of thesis: P. Braud
Callaghan, John: British Trotskyism : theory and practice, 1944-1980 / John Thomas Callaghan. - 362 pp.
Manchester, Victoria Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1982
Camara, Ibrahima Fane: Révolution permanente et révolution continuelle (ou ininterrompue). - VII, 122 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), Mém. DES, 1976. - Director of thesis: Albert Brimo
Canova, Mario: Trockij nel dibattito politico e culturale degli anni '20 in Russia
Padova, Univ. degli Studi, Tesis (M.A.), 1977. - Director of thesis: Daniloo Cavaion
Cariou, Pierrick: La Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (LCR) en Charente-Maritime dans les années soixante-dix. - 222, 71 pp.
La Rochelle, Univ. de La Rochelle, Mém. de maîtrise, 2003. - Directors of thesis: Jean-Paul Salles et Laurent Vidal
Cass, Paul: The prophet recast : the transmogification of Karl Marx in the image of Leon Trotsky ; a study in the mutation and causative influence of a theory in thought and action. - 141 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1970
Cassard, Jean-Pierre: Les militants trotskystes français pendant la IIème guerre mondiale (plus particulièrement en zone occupée), septembre 1939 - mars 1944. - 202 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1981. - Director of thesis: Antoine Prost
Castro, Ricardo Figueiredo de: Contra a guerra ou contra o fascismo : as esquerdas brasileiras e o antifascismo, 1933-1935. - 236 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Diss. dout., 1999. - Director of thesis: Daniel Aarão Reis Filho
Castro, Ricardo Figueiredo de: A Oposição de Esquerda brasileira (1928-1934) : teoria e práxis. - 162 pp.
Rio de Janeiro, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Diss. mest., 1993. - Director of thesis: Leandro Konder
Černjakov, Sergej Feliksovič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v VKP(b), 1923-1927 gg. - 175 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Pedagogičeskij Gos. Univ., Diss., 2000. - Director of thesis: Aleksandr Fedorovič Kiselev
Černjakov, Sergej Feliksovič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v VKP(b), 1923-1927 gg. - 16 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Pedagogičeskij Gos. Univ., Diss., 2000. - Director of thesis: Aleksandr Fedorovič Kiselev
Cervantes, Roberto Miguel: Mass appeal : Leon Trotsky's ideology of mass participation in the Russian Social-Democratic Party, 1900-1917. - II, 105 pp.
Seattle, Wash., Univ. of Washington, Thesis (M.A.), 1995
Challand, Benoît: La Ligue Marxiste Révolutionnaire en Suisse romande (1969-1980) / préf. de Marc Vuilleumier. - Fribourg : Chaire d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Université de Fribourg, 2000. - 302 pp.
Originally pres. as author's Mém. de licence, Fribourg, Univ., 1999. - Director of thesis: Francis Python
Chaniac, Bruno: Contribution à l'étude de l'historiographie trotskyste. - 124 pp.
Montpellier, Univ. de Montpellier III (Université Paul Valéry), Mém. de M1, 2010. - Director of thesis: Michel Fourcade
Chardon, Cyriane: Le phénomène Laguiller : une femme qui plaît, une organisation qui effraie ; analyse des atouts et faiblesses de Lutte Ouvrière dans la perspective des élections présidentielles de 2002. - 120 pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble II, Mém. IEP, 2002. - Directors of thesis: Olivier Ihl, Philippe Veitl
Chattopadhyay, Kunal: Leon Trotsky's theory of revolution : a critical defense. - 919 pp.
Calcutta, Jadavpur Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1995. - Directors of thesis: Sipra Sarkar, Hari Sankar Vasudevan. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "The Marxism of Leon Trotsky"
Chen, Jinxing: Harold R. Isaacs in the China scene, 1930-1935 : a story of an American idealist. - 387 pp.
Toledo, Ohio, Univ. of Toledo, Thesis (PhD), 1997. - Directors of thesis: William D. Hoover, Robert Freeman Smith
Chevalier, Pierre: Aux origines de la pensée et de l'action de Jean Rous (1908-1934). - 171 pp.
Perpignan, Univ. de Perpignan, Mém. de maîtrise, 1991. - Director of thesis: Jean Sagnes
Chevalier, Pierre: Jean Rous (1908-1985) - une vie pour le socialisme et la décolonisation. - 1-3. - 1155 pp.
Perpignan, Univ. de Perpignan, Thèse doct., 1999. - Director of thesis: Jean Sagnes
Chih, Yu-Ju: The political thought of Ch'en Tu-hsiu. - 218 pp.
Bloomington, Ind., Indiana Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1965
Childress, Robert C.: Trotsky in exile : the struggle with the Comintern. - IV, 147 pp.
Tallahassee, Flo., Florida State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1978
Chinkanina, A.L.: Bor'ba bol'ševikov protiv trockizma i primirenčestva v gody reakcii,
1907-1910. - 210 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1989
Choffat, Thierry: Lutte Ouvrière. - 151 pp.
Nancy, Univ. de Nancy, Mém. DEA, 1990/91. - Director of thesis: Étienne Criqui
Chryskov, Michail Vasil'evič: Moskovskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1927 gg.) - 363 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1967
Chryskov, Michail Vasil'evič: Moskovskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1927 gg.) - 25 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1967
Cochran, Philip Lee: A Rawlsean theory of corporate social responsibility. - 232 pp.
Seattle, Wash., Univ. of Washington, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1980
Coggiola, Osvaldo: Le mouvement trotskiste en Argentine, 1929-1960 / Osvaldo Luis Angel Coggiola. - 589 pp.
Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Thèse 3e cycle, 1983. - Director of thesis: Madeleine Rebérioux
Coggiola, Osvaldo: L'opposition de gauche en Argentine, 1930-1943. - 95 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Mém. de maîtrise, 1979. - Director of thesis: Madeleine Rebérioux
Cohen, Stephen Alan: Leon Trotsky : a psychobiographical study. - III, 94 pp.
Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Thesis (B.S.), 1968. - Director of thesis: Lucian W. Pye
Collet, Florence: Les trotskistes français face à l'occupation nazie : des internationalistes devant la seconde guerre mondiale. - 128, [7]pp.
Lille, Univ. de Lille II, Mém. DEA, 1997. - Director of thesis: Philippe Raynaud
Colombo, Yurii: Il movimento trotskista internazionale : il caso italiano (1968-1980). - III, VII, 252 pp.
Milano, Univ. degli Studi di Milano, Tesi di laurea, 1996. - Directors of thesis: Paolo Calzini, Gianfranco Bertolo
Côme, Michel: La Section Française de la Quatričme Internationale ŕ Toulouse de 1968 ŕ 1976, - 471 pp.
Toulouse, Univ. Toulouse II, Mém. (master recherche), 2015. - Director of thesis: Alain Boscus
Connor, Kerstin Elisabet: Leon Trotsky and the 1905 revolution in Russia. - 101, 4 pp.
Ottawa, Ont., Carleton Univ., Research essay (B.A.), 1976
Coquema, Daniel: La Quatrième Internationale et les organisations se réclamant du trotskysme en France : contribution à l'histoire des idées politiques. - 452, XIV pp.
Aix-Marseille, Univ. d'Aix-Marseille III, Thèse doct., 1993. - Director of thesis: Charles Cadoux. - Trade ed. publ. with title "De Trotsky à Laguiller"
Corney, Frederick Charles: Leon Trotskii, 1908-1914 : the Vienna years. - V, 186 pp.
Ottawa, Ont.: Carleton Univ., Research essay (M.A.), 1981
Cottet-Émard, Michel: Le mouvement trotskyste en France de 1940 à 1944. - 81 pp.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Mém. de maîtrise, 1971
Coudène, Christian: Trotsky, l'opposition de gauche et le Groupe Bolchevik-Léniniste en France de 1929 à 1936 / prés par: Coudène, Christian ; Joubert, Jean-Paul ; Revol, René. - 169, [18] pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble II, Mém. de maîtrise, 1968. - Director of thesis: Pierre Broué
Cristino, Sofia Serradeiro: Jornalismo político na revolução : a imprensa trotskista em 1974-75. - IX, 94 pp.
Lisboa, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Diss. mest., 2014. - Director of thesis: José Luís de Oliveira Garcia
Cuenot, Alain: Biographie intellectuelle d'un révolutionnaire marxiste : Pierre Naville (1904-1993). - 1-2. - 543, 189 pp
Villetaneuse, Univ. de Paris XIII (Paris-Nord), Thèse doct., 2002. - Director of thesis: Jacques Girault
Curran, Matthew David: Lenin, Trotsky and the evolution of the Bolshevik state, 1917-1924 / Matthew Curran. - 69 pp.
Adelaide, S.A., University of Adelaide, Thesis (B.A.), 2004
Cynober, Julien: La presse trotskyste en France de la libération à la grève Renault d'avril-mai 1947. - 167 pp.
Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X (Paris-Nanterre), Mém. de maîtrise, 1999. - Director of thesis: Alain Plessis
Čžao Czjan'bo: Politika Kominterna v 1927-1928 gg. i formirovanie "levogo uklona" v KPK. - 162 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskij Univ. Družby Narodov, Diss., 2005. - Director of thesis: A.G. Jurkevič
Čžao Czjan'bo: Politika Kominterna v 1927-1928 gg. i formirovanie "levogo uklona" v KPK. - 18 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskij Univ. Družby Narodov, Avtoref. diss., 2005. - Director of thesis: A.G. Jurkevič
Dahl-Arnold, Henning: "Trotzkismus" und Faschismus 1922-1933. - 141 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., Mag.-Arbeit, 1991. - Directors of thesis: Wolfgang Wippermann, Werner Loewenstein
Dale, William N.: A comparison of the theories of revolution of Aristotle and Trotsky
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1940
Daniels, Robert Vincent: The Left Opposition in the Russian Communist Party to 1924
/ Robert V. Daniels. - 354 pp.
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1951. - Directors of thesis: Michael Karpovich, Merle Fainsod
Day, Richard Bruce: L. D. Trotsky and the economics of Soviet isolation
London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1970. - Trade ed. publ. with titles: "Leon Trotsky and the politics of economic isolation", "Trotskij e Stalin"
De Beule, Nadya: Ontstaan e aktie van de trotskistische beweging in België : (1928-1935). - 1-2
Gent, Rijksuniv., Lic.-Verhandeling, 1976. - Trade ed. publ. with titlea: "Het belgisch trotskisme", "Le trotskisme belge"
De Brie, Julie: Le Monde et la représentation des extrêmes gauches trotskystes : de 1968 à nos jours. - 169 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 2003. - Directors of thesis: Claude Penntier. Jean-Louis Robert
De Meyer, Magda: De literaire theorie van Leon Trotsky. - 145 pp.
Leuven, Katholieke Univ., Lic.-Afhandling, 1975/76
De Rynck, Kristof: De ethische dimensie in de politieke praktijk van Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) : een verkennende studie. - 70 pp.
Gent, Rijksuniv., Lic.-Verhandeling, 2000. - Director of thesis: Ronald Commers
Deblock, Christian: Taux de profit, accumulation du capital et phases de développement : la problématique de la croissance et des crises chez Marx et la théorie des ondes longues de Mandel. - Vol. 1-2. - XIII, 606 pp.
Montréal, Qué., Univ. de Montréal, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1982
Del Biondo, Ilaria: Pietro Tresso : militante del movimento operaio internazionale (1928-1943). - 258 pp.
Teramo, Univ. degli Studi di Teramo, Tesi di laurea, 1999. - Directors of thesis: Adolfo Pepe, Pasquale Iuso
Deleage, Edith: Ethnologie de l'identité juive : l'imaginaire juif des fondateurs de groupes trotskystes en France de 1929 à 1970 ; la perception messianique du temps / Edith Deléage, née Perstunski. - XIV, 385 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VII (Denis Diderot), Thèse doct., 1989. - Director of thesis: Robert Jaulin
Demidov, Valerij Viktorovič: Diskussija i vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskich organizacijach Sibiri : nojabr' 1919 g. - dekabr' 1929 g. - 574 pp.
Novosibirsk, Novosibirskij Gos. Univ., Diss., 1997
Demidov, Valerij Viktorovič: Diskussija i vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskich organizacijach Sibiri : nojabr' 1919 g. - dekabr' 1929 g. - 32 pp.
Novosibirsk, Novosibirskij Gos. Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1997
Demier, Felipe Abranches: Do movimento operário para a universidade : León Trotsky e os estudos sobre o populismo brasileiro. - VII, 183 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Tese mest., 2008. - Director of thesis: Marcelo Badaró Mattos
Demier, Felipe Abranches: O longo bonapartismo brasileiro (1930-1964) : autonomização relativa do Estado, populismo, historiografia e movimento operário. - XII, 506 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Tese dout., 2012. - Director of thesis: Marcelo Badaró Mattos
Denis, Cécile: Continuités et divergences dans la presse clandestine de résistants allemands et autrichiens en France pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : KPD, KPÖ, Revolutionäre Kommunisten et trotskystes.
Bordeaux, Univ. de Bordeaux III, Thčse doct., 2018. - Director of thesis: Hélčne Camarade. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "La résistance allemande et autrichienne en France"
Denis, Emilie: La construction de l'identité partisane : les difficultés du Nouveau
Parti Anticapitaliste au prisme de la question du voile islamique. - 247 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), Mém. de M2, 2010. - Director of thesis: Isabelle Sommier
Descourriere, Line: Le recrutement des militants de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire. - 179 pp
Lille, Univ. de Lille II, Mém. DEA, 2002. - Director of thesis: Frédéric Sawicki
Di Carlo, Josnei: ¬A¬ interpretação de Mário Pedrosa sobre a revolução de 1930 e o golpe de 1964 / Josnei Di Carlo Vilas Boas. - 180 pp
São Carlos, Univ. Federal de São Carlos, Diss. mest., 2013. - Director of thesis: Vera Alves Cepêda
Dičenko, Michail Borisovič: Trockistskaja koncepcija chozjajstvennogo razvitija SSSR v 1920-e gg. - 218 pp.
Leningrad, Gos. Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1992
Dick, Catherine: De economische bijdrage van Trotsky in zijn geschriften met betrekking tot de kapitalistische landen. - 124 pp.
Gent, Rijksuniv., Lic.-Afhandling, 1987
Dick, Rebecca Powers: Leon Trotsky's view of art and its relation to the development of society. - 63 pp.
Madison, Wis., Univ. of Wisconsin, Thesis (M.A.), 1971
Dillon, Thomas: Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution. - II, 152 pp.
Lawrence, Ka., Univ. of Kansas, Thesis (M.A.), 1972
Dines, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Partijnoe rukovodstvo Komsomolom v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg.) - 498 pp.
Leningrad, Gos. Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1983
Dines, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Partijnoe rukovodstvo Komsomolom v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg.) - 40 pp.
Leningrad, Gos. Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref. diss., 1983
Dorland, Michael: The concept and function of China in Trotsky. - XII, 246 pp.
Montreal, McGill Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1971. - Director of thesis: Ella S. Laffey
Downs, Christine Susanna: Scenes from the life of Leon Trotsky / Christine S. Downs. - 140 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Univ. of Princeton, Thesis (Senior), 1980
Dreyfus, Michel: Bureau de Londres ou IVe Internationale? : Socialistes de gauche et trotskystes en Europe de 1933 à 1940. - VII, 418 pp.
Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X (Paris-Nanterre), Thèse 3e cycle, 1978. - Director of thesis: Marc Ferro
Driver, Ian David: A history of the Fourth International 1923-53. - III, 211 pp.
London, Council of National Academic Awards, Thesis (M.Ph.), 1990. - Directors of thesis: Fred Lindop, Francis Dukes
Drouette, Florent: Les significations du marxisme chez les jeunes du NPA ŕ Lille. - 63 pp.
Lille, Univ. de Lille II, mém. de master recherche 1re année, 2012. - Director of thesis: Karel Yon
Drucker, Peter: Max Shachtman's three Marxisms : a political activist's and theorists's odyssey through the "American century". - X, 427 pp.
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1994. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Max Shachtman and his left"
Duhamel, Yves: Le système d'organisation de la Ligue Communiste. - 115 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. DES, 1973. - Director of thesis: M. Duverger
Durand, Damien: La naissance de l'opposition de gauche internationale : de l'exil de Trotsky à la première conférence (février 1929 - avril 1930). - 1-2. - 564 pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble II, Thèse 3e cycle, 1984. - Directors of thesis: Maurice Croisat, Pierre Broué, Jean Paul Joubert. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Opposants à Staline"
Durr, Aurélien: Le trotskisme dans le PCF entre 1923 et 1928. - 193 pp.
Villetaneuse, Univ. de Paris XIII (Paris-Nord), Mém. de maîtrise, 1999. - Director of thesis: Jacques Girault
Dussel, Daniel Carl: Leon Trotsky : a theoretical analysis, 1905-1940. - II, 128 ppp.
Toledo, Ohio, Univ. of Toledo, Thesis (M.A.), 1976
Egan, Thomas Francis: Leon Trotsky : his political philosophy in opposition. - III, 324 pp.
Tallahassee, Flo., Florida State Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1978. - Director of thesis: Donald C. Hodges
Ehrlich, Avishai Zwi: The Leninist organisations in Britain and the student movement 1966-1972. - 422 pp.
London, Univ. of London, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1981
Eiberg, Dieter: Grundlagen und Konsequenzen der Faschismusanalysen von August Thalheimer und Leo Trotzki. - 112 pp.
Göttingen, Georg-August-Univ., Staatsexamensarbeit, 1977
Engelhardt, Falk: Entwicklung und Politik der trotzkistischen Linksopposition in Leipzig ab 1924. - IV, 108 pp.
Chemnitz, Technische Universität, Mag.-Arbeit, 2006. - Directors of thesis: Alfons Söllner, Helmut Dahmer. - [Text available on TrotskyanaNet]
Engelmann, Sandro: Trotzki-Rezeption bei Jean-Paul Sartre : zwischen 1944 und 1960. - Heidelberg : Winter, 2014. - 295 pp.
ISBN 978-3-8253-6206-5
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Augsburg, Univ., 2012
Eriksen, Are: Leo Trotskijs internering og deportasjon. - 59 pp.
Oslo, Univ. i Oslo, Særoppg., 1970
Escuret, Jean-Louis: La crise de 1952 et les courants du trotskisme en France. - 95 pp.
Clermont-Ferrand, Univ. de Clermont, Mém. DES, 1976. - Director of thesis: P. Favre
Esieva, Fariza Bachtangdžerievna: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma v period perechoda ot vojny k mirnomu chozjajstvennomu stroitel'stvu (nojabr' 1920 - mart 1921 g.) / Fariza B. Esieva. - 212 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1970
Esieva, Fariza Bachtangdžerievna: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma v period perechoda ot vojny k mirnomu chozjajstvennomu stroitel'stvu (nojabr' 1920 - mart 1921 g.) / Fariza B. Esieva. - 19 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1970
Faburel, Véronique: La Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire, avril 1966 - juin 1968. - 112 pp. + annex
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1988. - Director of thesis: A. Prost
Farrelly, Thomas P.: Trotsky's conception of the future communist society. - 70 pp.
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1955
Fatherree, Ben H.: Trotskyism in Spain, 1931-1937. - IV, 258 pp.
Mississippi, Miss., Mississippi State Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1978. - Directors of thesis: Harold Snellgrove, János Radványi
Favier, Aurore: La LCR dans le Doubs de 1968 ŕ 1981 : de la mise en place au fonctionnement. - 74 pp.
Besançon, Univ. de Franche-Comté, Mém. de master histoire contemporaine, 2ème année, 2012. - Director of thesis: Jean Vigreux
Federer, Lucas: Zwischen Internationalismus und Sachpolitik : die trotzkistische Bewegung in der Schweiz, 1945-1968. - Bielefeld : Transcrtipt Verl., 2022. - 359 pp. - (Histoire ; 200)
ISBN 978-3-8376-6144-6
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Zürich, Univ., 2020. - Director of thesis: Monika Dommann
Feldman, Marjorie R.: The transition period : the political theory of Leon Trotsky. - 139 pp.
New York,NY., Columbia Univ., Masters essay, 1952
Ferguson, James: The new vanguardists : an analysis of the Militant Tendency and its involvement in Liverpool in the 1970s and 1980s. - 1-2. - 340, 483 pp.
Keele, Univ. of Keele, Thesis (Ph.D.), 2021. - Director of thesis: Robert Ladrech
Ferrari, Franco: Ottobre addio? : le correnti trotskisti internazionali della rivoluzione cubana al movimento 'no-global'. - 281 pp.
Parma, Univ. degli Studi di Parma, Tesi di laurea, 2005. - Directors of thesis: Mario Tesini, Antonio Parisella
Ferrari, Serge Joel: The politics of revolution & counterrevolution : the assassinatioon of Leon Trotsky & the political persecution of the Trotskyist movement. - VIII, 69 pp.
San Diego, Cal., San Diego State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 2012. - Directors of thesis: Emanuele Saccarelli, Latha Varadarajan, Thomas Weston
Ferreira, Pedro Roberto: Os trotskistas (PSR) em 1946 : uma ultra-esquerda brasileira?. - 175 pp.
São Paulo, Pontifica Univ. Católica, Diss. mest., 1985.- Director of thesis: Maurício Tragtenberg
Ferron, Frédéric: Analyse des discours de Jean-Marie Le Pen et d'Arlette Laguiller du 1er et 9 mars 2001. - 130 pp.
Toulouse, Univ. de Toulouse I, Mém. DEA, 2001. - Director of thesis: Serge Albouy
Ferrone, Fernando: Le front populaire en France à travers le discours des minorités de gauche (1934-1938). - 134 pp.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Mém. de maîtrise, 2005. - Director of thesis: Serge Wolikow
Fivek, Karl W.: A triangle of consequence : Lazaro Cárdenas, Vicente Lombardo Toledano, and Leon Trotsky. - III, 109 pp.
Chicago, Ill., Northeastern Illinois Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1972
Foitzik, Jan: Zwischen den Fronten : zur Politik, Organisation und Funktion linker politischer Kleinorganisationen im Widerstand 1933 bis 1939/40 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Exils. - Bonn : Verl. Neue Gesellschaft, 1986. - 363 pp.
ISBN 3-87831-439-6
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Mannheim, Univ., 1986. - Director of thesis: Hermann Weber
Foley, David Ross: Trotsky's great tactical "blunder" of 1923 : a new perspective
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Thesis (Honor), 1968
Fornaciari, Daria: La teoria della rivoluzione permanente in Lev Trockij / Daria Razzani [maiden name]. - VI, 260 pp.
Firenze, Univ. degli Studi di Firenze, Tesi di laurea, 1973. - Director of thesis: Furio Cerutti
Fornaciari, Paolo Edoardo: Sulla genesi della teoria della degenerazione burocratica in Lev Trockij. - VIII, 176 pp.
Firenze, Univ. degli Studi di Firenze, Tesi di laurea, 1971. - Director of thesis: Furio Cerutti
Fournier, Alain: La Quatrième Internationale en France et les questions coloniales, 1944-1951. - 78 pp. + ann.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Mém. de maîtrise, 1972
Francescangeli, Eros: Attività pubblica e sfera privata della dissidenza trockista italiana negli anni trenta : un approccio politico-sociale in relazione al nodo fascismo/antifascismo (1929-1939)
Teramo, Univ. degli Studi di Teramo, Tesi di dott., 2004. - Director of thesis: Giorgio Vecchio. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "L'incudine e il martello"
Francis, William Wallace: The Stalin-Trotsky controversy over Soviet policy in China : 1925-1927 / William W. Francis. - 94 pp.
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1957
Freitas, Daniel Almenteiro Gomes de: Em defesa do trotskismo : uma análise da lei do desenvolvimento desigual e combinado. - 182 pp.
Rio de Janeiro, Univ. Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Diss. mest., 2015. - Director of thesis: Carla Rodrigues
Fulginiti, Jeanne M.: The theory of dual power : an examination of Leon Trotsky's analysis of the English, French, and Russian revolutions. - 66 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Theiss (M.A.), 1970
Gaffney, Chris: The political method of the Socialist Workers' Party and the International Socialists. - 62 pp.
Parkville, Vic., Univ. of Melbourne, Thesis (M.A.), 1994
Gaillard, Stéphanie: La construction de la réalité politique dans les médias : les raisons de la médiatisation d'Arlette Laguiller. - 112 pp. + annexes
Paris, Inst. d'Études Politiques, Mém. DEA, 1999. - Director of thesis: Richard Balme
Galkova, Dina Nikolaevna: Komsomol - vernyj pomoščnik partii v bor'be s trockizmom (1923-1927 gg.) - 405 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1971
Galkova, Dina Nikolaevna: Komsomol - vernyj pomoščnik partii v bor'be s trockizmom (1923-1927 gg.) - 24 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1971
Gall, Olivia: Trotsky et la vie politique dans le Mexique de Cárdenas : (1937-1940). - [XV], 668 pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble II, Thèse 3e cycle, 1986. - Directors of thesis: Pierre Broué, Jean Van Heijenoort, Jean Paul Joubert. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Trotsky en México y la vida política en el periodo de Cárdenas, 1937-1940"
Gallindo, José Felipe Rangel: O trotskismo no campo em Pernambuco : "o Jeremias das caminhadas". - 168 pp.
Recife, Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Diss. mest., 2010. - Director of thesis: Maria do Socorro de Abreu e Lima
Gallot, Fanny: L'intervention de Lutte Ouvrière et de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire à Renault Cléon de 1968 à 1991. - 227, [ca. 150] pp.
Rouen, Univ. de Rouen, Mém. de M1 & M2, 2006. - Director of thesis: Olivier Feiertag
Gambee, Sumner Brown: "Trotskyism" as an issue in Soviet politics (1928-1940) / Sumner B. Gambee. - X, 64 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1951
Gamzu, Yiphat Phina: Leon Trotsky and the national question. - 67 pp.
Waltham, Mass., Brandeis Univ., Thesis (Senior honor), 1989
Gebhart, Christian: Trotzki und der Faschismus in Deutschland. - 132 pp.
Bern, Univ., Liz.-Arbeit, 2004
Geis, Jael: Überblick über die Konzeptionen und Aktivitäten der chinesischen Trotzkisten 1929-1940 : dargestellt im Kontext der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Trotzki und Stalin über Charakter und Perspektiven der chinesischen Revolution. - VIII, 158 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., Mag.-Arbeit, 1974
Gellrich, Günther: Die GIM : zur Politik und Geschichte der Gruppe Internationale Marxisten 1969-1986. - Köln : Neuer ISP-Verl., 1999. - IV, 123, [11] pp.
ISBN 3-929008-14-9
Originally pres. as author's Dipl.-Arb., Duisburg, Gesamthochschule, 1994, with title "Die Gruppe Internationale Marxisten"
Gerber, John Paul: Militants against the apparatus : the communist opposition in France, 1923-1937
Madison, Wis., Univ. of Wisconsin, Thesis (M.A.), 1973
Gérin, Louis: Repenser la révolution avec la démocratie? : la LCR face ŕ l'inventaire de son héritage historique et théorique (1989-2009). - 148 pp.
Lyon, École Normale Supérieure, Mém. de master, 2014. - Director of thesis: Jean-Christophe Angaut
Gileva, Elenea Ivanovna: Bor'ba za Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v period meždu XII i XIII s"ezdami (aprel' 1923 - maj 1924 gg.) / E.I. Gileva. - 15 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1953
Gileva, Elenea Ivanovna: Bor'ba za Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v period meždu XII i XIII s"ezdami (aprel' 1923 - maj 1924 gg.) / E.I. Gileva. - 271 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1953
Giliani, Francesco: "Troisičme Camp" ou nouvel "Octobre"? : socialistes de gauche, trotskistes et deuxičme guerre mondiale (1938-1948). - 709 pp.
Lyon, Univ. Lumičre (Lyon II), 2020. - Director of thesis: Gilles Vergnon
Gluckstein, Daniel: Aux origines du trotskysme français, 1924-1929. - 231 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Mém. de maîtrise, 1974. - Director of thesis: Madeleine Reberioux
Gluško, Anatolij Kirillovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Srednego i Nižnego Povolž'ja protiv trockizma v 1923-1927 gg. - 210 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1984
Gluško, Anatolij Kirillovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Srednego i Nižnego Povolž'ja protiv trockizma v 1923-1927 gg. - 25 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1984
Godchau, Jean-François: Les origines de la IVe Internationale. - 96 pp.
Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X, Mém. de maîtrise, 1969. - Director of thesis: René Rémond
Gössinger, Ingrid Angela: Lev Davidovič Trockij und die "Wiener" Pravda : 1908-1914. - 155 pp.
Wien, Universität, Dipl.-Arbeit, 2000. - Director of thesis: Oliver Rathkolb
Goldberg, Albert: Le mouvement trotskyste en France de 1933 à 1940. - 77 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris (Sorbonne), Mém. DES, 1969. - Director of thesis: M. Duverger
Goldenweiser, Ethel: Trotsky, an intellectual history. - 82 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1937
Golfier, Dominique: Régis Debray, Serge July, Alain Krivine : itinéraires comparés. - 1-2. - 430 pp. + annexes
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1987. - Directors of thesis: A. Prost, D. Tartakowsky
Gomes, Patrick Ignatius: C. L. R. James's Marxian paradigm on the transformation of Caribbean social structure : a comparative critique. - 593, 3 pp.
New York, NY, Fordham Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1980
Gouas, Anthony: Approche des mouvements révolutionnaires : le cas de la section française de la Quatrième Internationale en Bretagne et Pays de Loire, de mai 68 à mai 81. - 135 pp.
Angers, Univ. d'Angers, Mém. DEA, 2001. - Director of thesis: Christine Bard
Graham, Stephen Charles: The Trotskyist movement in the United States : 1928-1940 / Stephen C. Graham. - VI, 89 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1969
Granville, Johanna Cushing: Trotsky and the Fourth International : idealist or realpolitician? / Johanna Granville. - 82 pp.
ISBN 0-591-26049-2
Medford, Mass., Tufts Univ., Thesis (M.A.L.D.), 1987. - Director of thesis: Uri Ra'aman
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v 1903-1907 gg. - 266 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1968
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v 1903-1907 gg. - 20 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1968
Grizbek, Gérard: Les trotskystes dans les organisations communistes françaises pendant les années cinquante / Gérard Grzybek
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Mém. de maîtrise, 1975. - Director of thesis: M. Rebérioux. - Author's name from 1993: Grizbek
Gross, Clifford H.: Leon Trotsky as literary critric and theoretician
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Masters essay, 1951
Grunfeld, Adalbert Tomasz: Friends of the revolution : American supporters of China's communists, 1926-1939. - 340 pp.
New York, NY, New York State Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1985
Guelfi, Jean-Pierre: La Quatrième Internationale et la déstalinisation, ou, le mouvement
trotskyste et la crise du stalinisme. - 130 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris II, dipl., 1970. - Director of thesis: Jean de Soto
Guelfi, Jean-Pierre: La Quatrième Internationale et les problèmes de la révolution à Cuba et en Amérique du Sud. - 150 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris II, Mém. DES, 1972
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija v konce 20-ch - načale 30-ch godov. - 222 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1996. - Director of thesis: Lira Stepanovna Leonova
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija v konce 20-ch - načale 30-ch godov. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1996. - Director of thesis: Lira Stepanovna Leonova
Gutierrez, Andriei da Cunha Guerrero: O trotskismo e o capitalismo neoliberal no Brasil : Democrazia Socialista, PSTU e O Trabalho - uma análise das campanhas eleitorais de 1998 e 2002. - II, 132 pp.
Campinas, Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Diss. mest., 2004. - Director of thesis: Armando Boito Junior
Gužel', Viktor Nikolaevič: Reprezentacija obščestvenno-političeskich vzgljadov L.D. Trockogo v publicistike 1929-1940 gg. - 45 pp.
Belgorod, Belgorodskij Gosudarstvennyj Nacional'nyj Issledovatel'skij Univ., Graduate qualification work, 2016. - Director of thesis: V.N. Merinov
Hall, Thomas Randolph: The Petersburg Soviet of Workmen Deputies in the revolution of 1905. - IV, 186 pp.
Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1942
Hampton, Paul: A political history of Trotskyism in Britain 1938-1944
York, Univ. of York, Thesis (B.A.), 1990. - Director of thesis: Alex Callinicos
Hauer, Gudrun: Ausgewählte Faschismustheorien der Arbeiterbewegung Anfang der dreißiger Jahre : die Sozialfaschismustheorie der Komintern in der Fassung des XI. EKKI-Plenums, Leo Trotzki und Wilhelm Reich. - II, 152 pp.
Salzburg, Univ., Diss., 1986. - Director of thesis: Alfred Pfabigan
Hazelip, A. Charles: Twelve tenets of terrorism : an assessment of theory and practice. - 344 pp.
Tallahassee, Flo., Florida State Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1980
Hearn, Brian Matthew: Trotsky's concept of the Socialist revolution. - III, 103 pp.
Hobart, Tasmania, Univ. of Tasmania, Thesis (B.A.), 1971
Hellman, Joel S.: Zinoviev and the Left Opposition. - [IX], 134 pp.
Williamstown, Mass., Williams College, Thesis (B.A.), 1984
Hémery, Daniel: Révolutionnaires légaux et pouvoir colonial à Saigon de 1932 à 1937 : le groupe et le journal "La Lutte"
Paris, Univ. de Paris VII (Denis Diderot), Thèse 3e cycle, 1973. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Révolutionnaires vietnamiens et pouvoir colonial en Indochine"
Hen, Alexis: Nationalisme et internationalisme dans le mouvement ouvrier grec : de la premčre guerre mondiale ŕ la guerre civile (1946-1949) ; le cas du trotskysme. - 885 pp.
Paris, Inst. Nationale des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Thčse doct., 2021. - Director of thesis: Méropi Anastassiadou
Hen, Alexis: Les trotskystes entre deux phases de la guerre civile en Grčce. - 242 pp.
Paris, Inst. Nationale des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Mém. de master, 2011. - Director of thesis: Joëlle Dalčgre
Hentzgen, Jean: Agir au sein de la classe : les trotskystes français majoritaires de 1952
à 1955. - 214 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 2006. - Directors of thesis: Michel Dreyfus, Annie Fourcaut
Hentzgen, Jean: Du trotskysme ŕ la social-démocratie : le courant lambertiste en
France jusqu'en 1963. - 538 pp.
Le Havre, Univ. du Havre, Thčse doct., 2019. - Directors of thesis: John Barzman, Michel Dreyfus
Hentzgen, Jean: Les trotskystes "lambertistes" de 1952 à 1969. - 92 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de master histoire 2ème année, 2007. - Directors of thesis: Michel Dreyfus, Annie Fourcaut
Hermida Román, Leonora: La muerte de un rojo : el asesinato de León Trotsky ; la cobertura de El Universdal / L. Harmida Román. - 255 pp.
México, D.F., Escuela de Periodismo Carlos Septién García, Tesis de lic., 2006
Herszkowich, Enrique: Interpretaciones del islam político : aportes y renovaciones en la interpretación del islamismo en la prensa del Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas de la República Argentina (1985-2011). - 144 pp.
Quilmes, Univ. Nacional de Quilmes, Tesis de maestría, 2015. - Director of thesis: Khatchik Derghougassian
Heyman, Neil Michael: Leon Trotsky as a military thinker. - VII, 357 pp.
Stanford, Cal., Stanford Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1972. - Director of thesis: Ivo J. Lederer
Hirsch, Liza Sabina: Trotsky on the Spanish revolution : prophet of loss. - 74 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1974
Hirsch, Robert: Le mouvement trotskyste en France de 1929 à 1933 : les idées et les hommes. - VI, 176, [4] pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1974. - Directors of thesis: J. Droz, J. Maitron
Høgsbjerg, Christian: C. L. R. James in imperial Britain, 1932-38 / Christian John Høgsbjerg . - XIII, 492 pp.
York, Univ. of York, Thesis (Ph.D.), 2009. - Director of thesis: David Howell. - Trade ed. with same title publ. by Duke Univ. Pr., Durham, NC, 2014
Høgsbjerg, Christian: "Making an opening" : C. L. R. James in Britain, 1932-38. - 102 pp.
York, Univ. of York, Thesis (M.A.), 2002. - Director of thesis: Allison Drew
Holm, Charles R.: Black radicals and Marxist internationalism : from the IWMA to the Fourth International, 1864-1948. - IV, 170 pp.
Lincoln, Neb., Univ. of Nebraska, Thesis (M.A.), 2014. - Director of thesis: Jeannette Eileen Jones
Holmes, David Robert: Leon Trotsky's political downfall : an analysis. - 53 pp.
Lancaster, Univ. of Lancaster, Thesis (M.A.), 1980
Horowitz, G.S.: Domestic and political police intelligence operations : Federal Bureau of Investigation's surveillance of the Socialist Workers Party. - V, 96 pp.
New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1977
Hrečenko, Vlodymyr Anatolijovyč: Idejno-političeskaja bor'ba RKP(b)-VKP(b) : (na materialach periodičeskoj pečati 20-ch godov) / Vladimir Anatol'evič Grečenko. - 457 pp.
Kiev, Kievskij Univ. im. Tarasa Sevčenko, Diss. (dokt.), 1992
Hrečenko, Vlodymyr Anatolijovyč: Idejno-političeskaja bor'ba RKP(b)-VKP(b) : (na materialach periodičeskoj pečati 20-ch godov) / Vladimir Anatol'evič Grečenko. - 38 pp.
Kiev, Kievskij Univ. im. Tarasa Sevčenko, Avtoreferat diss. (dokt.), 1992
Hrečenko, Vlodymyr Anatolijovyč: Rol' partijno-sovetskoj pečati v bor'be partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka : (1926-1927 gg.) ; (na materialach partijnoj organizacii Ukrainy) / Vladimir Anatol'evič Grečenko. - 236 pp.
Kiev, Kievskij Univ. im. Tarasa Sevčenko, Diss. (kand.), 1981
Hrečenko, Vlodymyr Anatolijovyč: Rol' partijno-sovetskoj pečati v bor'be partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka : (1926-1927 gg.) ; (na materialach partijnoj organizacii Ukrainy) / Vladimir Anatol'evič Grečenko. - 24 pp.
Kiev, Kievskij Univ. im. Tarasa Sevčenko, Avtoref. diss. (kand.), 1981
Hughes, David Anthony: Zinoviev, the Leningrad party organisation and the 1925 opposition. - 132 pp.
Birmingham, Univ. of Birmingham, Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.), 1977
Hugon, Christophe: La vision de l'Union Soviétique par Léon Trotsky. - 126 pp.
Aix-Marseille, Univ. d'Aix-Marseille III, Mém. IEP, 1993
Humphrey, Nora Alexandra: A sad story : a history of the disappearance of inner-party democracy as conceived by Lenin and told by Trotsky and Stalin. - 116 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1961
Hupkens, Simon: La Ligue Révolutionnaire des Travailleurs (1971-1984) : une organisation trotskyste belge durant "l'âge d'or" des luttes. - 212 pp.
Liège, Univ., Mém. de maîtrise, 2015. - Director of thesis: Catherine Lanneau
Hvidsten, Thomas A.: Isaac Deutscher - a revolutionary optimist looks at Soviet history and the future of socialism. - V, 131 pp.
Tempe, Ariz., Arizona State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1975
Insulza, José Miguel: Teoría y práctica revolucionaria en la obra de León Trotsky. - 88 pp.
Santiago, Univ. de Chile, Tesis de lic., 1969
Isaacs, William: Contemporary Marxian political movements in the United States. - 1-2. - XL, 776 pp.
New York, NY, New York State Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1940
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Kommunističeskaja Partija v bor'be za leninskoe edinstvo svoich rjadov v konce vosstanovitel'nogo perioda (1924-1925 gg.) - 19 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref. diss. (kand.), 1959
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Kommunističeskaja Partija v bor'be za leninskoe edinstvo svoich rjadov v konce vosstanovitel'nogo perioda (1924-1925 gg.) - 291 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss. (kand.), 1959
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Leningradskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv
trockizma (1923-1927 gg.) - 1-2. - 1232 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss. (dokt.), 1970
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Leningradskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv
trockizma (1923-1927 gg.). - 32 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref. diss. (dokt.), 1970
Ivčenko, Jurij Fedorovič: Političeskie diskussii 1923-1924 gg. i ich vlijanie na obščestvennuju žizn' strany. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Gos. Akad. Upravlenija, Avtoref. diss., 1992
Ivčenko, Jurij Fedorovič: Političeskie diskussii 1923-1924 gg. i ich vlijanie na obščestvennuju žizn' strany. - 130 pp.
Moskva, Gos. Akad. Upravlenija, Diss., 1992
Jacklin, Margaret: De Vierde Internationale in de Nederlandse sociaal-democratie : de Revolutionair Communistische Partij (RCP), Nederlandse afdeling van de Vierde Internationale, van 1952-1957. - 142 pp.
Amsterdam, Univ. van Amsterdam, Doktoraalskriptie, 1984
Janssens, Hilde: De verhouding tussen vakbond en partij, vakbond en staat in de 'socialistische' landen : het probleem van de vrije vakbeweging in Polen, gekonfronteerd met de opvattingen van Lenin, Trotski en Rosa Luxemburg. - VIII, 153 pp.
Leuven, Katholieke Univ., Lic.-Verhandeling, 1983
Jarrige, Pauline: Les organisations politiques d'extrême-gauche maoïstes et trotskystes à Bordeaux : des lendemains de mai 1968 jusqu'en 1981. - 152, LXXXI pp.
Bordeaux, Univ. de Bordeaux III, Mém. de maîtrise, 1997. - Director of thesis: Bernard Lachaise
John, Steven Sándor: El movimiento trotskista en Bolivia, 1935-1955. - 397 pp.
México, D.F., Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Maestría en Estudios Latinoamericanos, 1998
John, Steven Sándor: Permanent revolution on the Altiplano : Bolivian Trotskyism, 1928-2005. - IX, 505 pp.
New York, NY, City Univ. of New York, Diss. (Ph.D.), 2006. - Directors of thesis: Herbert S. Klein, José Luis Rénique. - Rev. trade ed. publ. with title "Bolivia's radical tradition"
Johnson, James Grayson: The Petrograd Military-Revolutionary Committee (October-December 1917). - VI, 391 pp.
Atlanta, Ga., Emory Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974
Johsua, Florence: De la LCR au NPA (1966-2009) : sociologie politique des métamorphoses de l'engagement anticapitaliste. - 662 pp.
Paris, Inst. d'Études Politiques de Paris, Thčse doct., 2011. - Director of thesis: Nonna Mayer
Johsua, Florence: La dynamique militante à l'extrême gauche : le cas de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire. - 128 pp. + ann.
Paris, Inst. d'Études Politiques de Paris, Mém. DEA, 2003. - Director of thesis: Nonna Mayer
Jones, Richard G.: A critical study of Leon Trotsky's positions on controversial issues during the period 1903-1924. - 84 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1950
Joubert, Jean-Paul: A contre-courant : le pivertisme de "la vieille maison" au "parti révolutionnaire" ; étude d'un courant socialiste révolutionnaire entre la S.F.I.O. et le P.C.F.. - 1-2. - [641] pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble II, Thèse doct. Etat, 1972. - Director of thesis: Pierre Broué
Justo, Saymon de Oliveira: O pensamento militar de León Trotsky e a formação do Exército Vermelho : 1918-1925. - 153 pp.
Franca, Univ. Estadual Paulista, Diss. mest., 2012. - Director of thesis: Héctor Luis Saint-Pierre
Kačan, Ivan Tichonovič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym avantjurističeskogo podchoda trockizma k
rukovodstvu nadodnymi massami v socialističeskom stroitel'stve. - 233 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1966
Kačan, Ivan Tichonovič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym avantjurističeskogo podchoda trockizma k
rukovodstvu nadodnymi massami v socialističeskom stroitel'stve. - [15] pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1966
Kadar, Marlene: Cultural politics in the 1930s : Partisan Review, the surrealists and Leon
Trotsky. - XVII, 284 pp.
Edmonton, Alb., Univ. of Alberta, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1983
Kagan, Richard Clark: The Chinese Trotskyist movement and Ch'en Tu-hsiu : culture, revolution and polity ; with an appended transl. of Ch'en Tu-hsiu's autobiography. - XXXVII, 206 pp.
Philadelphia, Penn., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1969. - Director of thesis: Allyn Rickett
Kalinčenko, Svetlana Borisovna: Problema "novogo" čeloveka v trudach političeskich dejatelej 20-ch gg. - 206 pp.
Stavropol', Stavropol'skaja Gos. Sel'skochozjajstvennaja Akad., Diss., 1994. - Director of thesis: G.D. Alekseeva
Kalugin, Aleksej Charitonovič: Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii za ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov v period
meždu XIV i XV s"ezdami (1926-1927 gg.) - 18 pp.
Kiev, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. T.G. Sevčenko, Avtoref. diss., 1953
Kalugin, Aleksej Charitonovič: Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii za ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov v period
meždu XIV i XV s"ezdami (1926-1927 gg.) - 281 pp.
Kiev, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. T.G. Sevčenko, Diss., 1953
Kanthak, Gerhard: Trotzkis These des 'Sowjetbonapartismus' als Erklärungsmodell für die Entwicklung der Sowjetunion. - 82 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., Dipl.-Arbeit, 1971
Kanthak, Gerhard: Die Organisationsfrage in den Kontroversen der russischen Sozialdemokratie (1883-1905). - 233 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 1975. - Director of thesis: René Ahlberg
Kaplunovskaja, Elena Ivanovna: Vnutripartijnaja diskussija o Brestskom mire : istočniki, istoriografija. - 23 pp.
Char'kov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 1990
Kaplunovskaja, Elena Ivanovna: Vnutripartijnaja diskussija o Brestskom mire : istočniki, istoriografija. - 234 pp.
Char'kov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 1990
Kazanceva, Angelina Michajlovna: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v SSSR v zerkale vizual'nych agitacionno-satiričeskich materialov 1920-1930-ch gg. - 58 pp.
Tomsk, Nacional'nyj Issledovatel'skij Tomskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet, Vyp. kval. rab. bakalavra, 2023. - Director of thesis: E.A. Fedosov
Keil, Eberhard: Anatomie eines Zusammenbruchs : die sowjetische Außen- und Kominternpolitik im Lichte der trotzkistischen Kritik. - 86 pp.
Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls-Univ., Staatsexamensarbeit, 1974. - Author sometimes wrongly cited as "Eberhard Zeil"
Kelders, André: Trotskys theorie betreffende de subversieve oorlog. - 159 pp.
Leuven, Katholieke Univ., Lic.-Verhandeling, 1967
Kellner, Manuel: Kapitalismusanalyse, Bürokratiekritik und sozialistische Strategie bei Ernest Mandel. - [4], 436 pp.
Marburg, Philipps-Univ., Diss., 2006. - Director of thesis: Georg Fülberth. - Trade ed. publ. with title "Gegen Kapitalismus und Bürokratie - zur sozialistischen Strategie bei Ernest Mandel", Köln [etc.], 2009
Kelner, Robert Kurman: Cold calculations : Leon Trotsky and his vision of Soviet foreign policy (1917-1927) / Robert K. Kelner. - 155 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Univ. of Princeton, Thesis (B.A.), 1989
Kelsey, John M.: Lev Trotsky and the Red Army in the Russian civil war, 1917-1921. - 114 pp.
Claremont, Cal., Claremont McKenna College, Thesis (Senior Honor), 2011. - Director of thesis: Gary M. Hamburg
Kendziorek, Piotr: Trockistowskie wydawnictwa prasowe w Polsce w latach 1932-1941. - 81 pp.
Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Praca magisterska, 1997
Kernalegenn, Tudi: Drapeaux rouges et Gwenn-ha-du : l'extrême gauche et la Bretagne dans les années soixante-dix. - 243 pp.
Rennes, Univ. de Rennes, Mém. DEA, 2002. - Director of thesis: Erik Neveu
Kesselman, Donna: Une page de l'histoire du trotskysme aux Etats-Unis : le Socialist Workers Party, 1945-1947. - 112 pp.
Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X (Paris-Nanterre), Mém. de maîtrise, 1981. - Director of thesis: S. Berstein
Ketz, Salomon: De la naissance du Groupe Bolchevik-Léniniste à la crise de la section française de la Ligue Communiste Internationaliste (1934-1936). - 171, [29] pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1974. - Director of thesis: Jacques Droz
Keurentjes, Ruud: Sal Santen - van revolutionair tot schrijver. - 250 pp.
Nijmegen, Katholieke Univ., doktoraalskriptie, 1981
Kindo, Yann: La Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire en Moselle et dans le Bassin de Longwy : (1968-1986). - 1-2. - 178, 203 pp.
Metz, Univ., Mém. de maîtrise, 1996. - Director of thesis: Bernard Desmars
King, Nicole Roberta: C. L. R. James and formulations of Caribbean cultural identity. - 223 pp.
Philadelphia, Penn., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1994
Kiselev, Michail Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka za leninskij kurs na stroitel'stvo socializma v SSSR : (1926-1927 gg.) - 253 pp.
Rostov-na-Donu, Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Diss., 1969
Kiselev, Michail Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo
antipartijnogo bloka za leninskij kurs na stroitel'stvo socializma v SSSR : (1926-1927 gg.) - 23 pp.
Rostov-na-Donu, Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1969
Knei-Paz, Baruch: The social and political thought of Leon Trotsky / B. Knapheis. - 1-2. - 8, XV, 789 pp.
Oxford, Univ. of Oxford, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1974. - Trade ed. publ. with the same title
Kondratiéva, Tamara: L'impact de la révolution française sur la conscience révolutionnaire en Russie-URSS : itinéraire des antologies. - 414 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Thèse univ., 1988. - Director of thesis: René Girault
Konetschny, Leonid Erwin: Soviet surveillance and infiltration of the Trotskyite movement : from Prinkipo to Coyoacán / Leonid Konetschny. - X, 157 pp.
Washington, DC, George Washington Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1970. - Director of thesis: Lothar Metzl
Korolev, Sergej Alekseevič: Trockizm na službe antikommunizma : (kritika buržuaznych fal'sifikacij leninskoj teorii socialističeskoj revoljucii). - 176 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1975. - Director of thesis: V.S. Aleksandrov
Korolev, Sergej Alekseevič: Trockizm na službe antikommunizma : (kritika buržuaznych fal'sifikacij leninskoj teorii socialističeskoj revoljucii). - 23 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1975. - Director of thesis: V.S. Aleksandrov
Krasil'nikov, Ivan Dmitrievič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii za Brestskij mir, protiv avantjurizma trockistov i "levych kommunistov" (oktjabr' 1917 - mart 1918 g.) - 285 pp.
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1964
Krasil'nikov, Ivan Dmitrievič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii za Brestskij mir, protiv avantjurizma trockistov i "levych kommunistov" (oktjabr' 1917 - mart 1918 g.) - 16 pp.
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1964
Krause, Günter: Die Verfälschung der marxistisch-leninistischen Monopoltheorie durch den "linken" Opportunismus der BRD : ein Beitrag zur Kritik der politökonomischen Theorie des "linken" Opportunismus. - 142, 15 pp.
Berlin, Humboldt-Univ., Diss., 1976
Kröger, Peter: Nationale Frage und bäuerliche Gesellschaft bei Roman Rosdolsky. - 254 pp.
Hannover, Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Univ., Diss., 1994
Kröger, Sarah: Die Faschismustheorien von Leo Trotzki und August Thalheimer : eine vergleichende Analyse. - 106 pp.
Hamburg, Univ., Staatsexamensarbeit, 2005. - Directors of thesis: Norbert Angermann, Rainer Hering. - [Text available as electronic resource (PDF, 655 KB) on TrotskyanaNet]
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Urala protiv trockizma v
period vosstanovlenija narodnogo chozjajstva : (1921-1925 gg.) / V.M. Kružinov. - 209 pp.
Sverdlovsk, Ural'skij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 1977
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Urala protiv trockizma v period vosstanovlenija narodnogo chozjajstva : (1921-1925 gg.) / V.M. Kružinov. - 24 pp.
Sverdlovsk, Ural'skij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 1977
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Političeskie konflikty v pervoe desjatiletie sovetskoj vlasti : (na materialach Urala). - 368 pp.
Tjumen', Tjumenskij Gos. Univ., Diss., 2001
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Političeskie konflikty v pervoe desjatiletie sovetskoj vlasti : (na materialach Urala). - 32 pp.
Tjumen', Tjumenskij Gos. Univ., Avtoref. diss., 2001
Kublanov, Aron Lejbovič: Razgrom fašistskoj trockistsko-bucharinskoj "pjatoj kolonny". - 520 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1946
Kuckartz, Udo: Der Aufstieg des Faschismus und die kommunistische Arbeiterbewegung in der Endphase der Weimarer Republik : eine vergleichende Analyse der Faschismustheorien Leo Trotzkis und August Thalheimers. - 159 pp.
Aachen, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Mag.-Arbeit, 1978
Kuijeren, Bernadet van: Niet leiden, maar dienen, niet splitsen, maar verenigen : Pravda als spreekbuis van Trotskij's streven naar eenheid. - 58 pp.
Leiden, Rijksuniv., Doctoraalscriptie, 1988. - Director of thesis: C. Musterd
Kulikov, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Kritika buržuaznych fal'sifikacij trockistskogo tolka istorii velikoj oktjabr'skoj socialističeskoj revoljucii - 185 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1980
Kulikov, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Kritika buržuaznych fal'sifikacij trockistskogo tolka istorii velikoj oktjabr'skoj socialističeskoj revoljucii. - 28 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1980
Kulikov, Vladimir Vladislavovič: Trockizm i političeskaja bor'ba v stranach Latinskoj Ameriki v 60-80-e gg. XX veka. - 180 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Latinskoj Ameriki, Diss., 1993
Kulikov, Vladimir Vladislavovič: Trockizm i političeskaja bor'ba v stranach Latinskoj Ameriki v 60-80-e gg. XX veka. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Latinskoj Ameriki, Avtoref. diss., 1993
Kunstler, Daniel: La vision économique de Léon Trotsky. - 91, [4] pp.
Bruxelles, Univ. Libre, Mém. lic., 1974. - Director of thesis: Jacques Nagels
Kutos, Paul: Russische Sozialdemokraten in Wien, 1900-1917. - 128 pp.
Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arbeit, 1992. - Director of thesis: Andreas Moritsch
Kutulas, Judy Ann: Toward the beautiful tomorrow
Los Angeles, Cal., Univ. of California, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1986. - On pp. 19-87: Some cleansed version of Marx : American Trotskyist intellectuals and Stalin's Russia. - Directors of thesis: Robert Dallek, Jeffrey Prager, Richard Weiss
Kuzmanović, Djordje: Le militantisme à Lutte Ouvrière : analyse historico-sociologique d'un engagement politique spécifique. - 184, 30 pp.
Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Mém. EHESS, 1999. - Director of thesis: Michel Offerlé
Lafaye, Claudette: Les organisations trotskistes dans le champ politique français contemporaine. - 292 pp.
Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X (Paris-Nanterre), Mém. de maîtrise, 1984. - Director of thesis: Annie Kriegel
Landais, Karim: Un parti trotskiste : éléments pour un socio-histoire des relations de pouvoir ; introduction à une étude de l'OCI-PCI. - 218 pp.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Mém. DEA, 2004. - Director of thesis: Serge Wolikow. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Eléments pour un socio-histoire des relations de pouvoir : introduction à une étude de l'OCI-PCI", in author's "Passions révolutionnaires et rigueur historienne"
Langan, William Wade: A critical narrative on American Trotskyism / William W. Langan. - III, 75, [2] pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1962. - Director of thesis: J.H. Franklin
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: Le mouvement trotskyste et la question coloniale : le cas de la guerre d'Indochine, 1946-1954 ; (la direction internationale et la Section Française de la Quatrième Internationale face au premier conflit colonial de l'après-guerre). - 153 pp.
Nancy, Univ. de Nancy II, Mém. de maîtrise, 1995. - Director of thesis: Gilbert Meynier
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: Les trotskystes français et la question coloniale : le cas de l'Algérie, 1945-1965. - 55 pp.
Nancy, Univ. de Nancy II, Mém. DEA, 1996/97. - Director of thesis: Gilbert Meynier
Lathus, Jessica: Le féminisme et la LCR de 1967 à 1978. - 150, 100 pp.
La Rochelle, Univ. de La Rochelle, Mém. de maîtrise, 2004. - Director of thesis: Jean-Paul Salles, Laurent Vidal
Latteur, Nicolas: Le journal "La Gauche", son origine et son évolution (1957-1964)
Bruxelles, Univ. Libre, Mém. lic., 1996. - Director of thesis: Mateo Alaluf
Latypov, Rašit Abdullovič: Social'no-političeskie vzgljady L.D. Trockogo v 20-30-e gg. - 264 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1993. - Director of thesis: V.S. Lel'čuk
Latypov, Rašit Abdullovič: Social'no-političeskie vzgljady L.D. Trockogo v 20-30-e gg. - 16 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1993. - Director of thesis: V.S. Lel'čuk
Lautenschlager, Frank: Stalin and Trotsky : a study of struggle. - 4, 26 pp.
Aberdeen, SD, Northern State Teachers College, Graduate paper, 1962
Law, David S.: Trotsky in opposition 1923-1940 / David Law. - 387 pp.
Keele, Univ. of Keele, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1987. - Director of thesis: Genie Lampert
Layson, Zed Clark: A disconcerting riddle: the struggle for Soviet leadership between Stalin and Trotsky. - IV, 84 pp.
Orlando, Flo., Univ. of Central Florida, Thesis (M.A.), 2002
Le Blanc, Paul: Workers and revolution : a comparative study of Bolshevik Russia and Sandinist Nicaragua. - XV, 658 pp.
Pittsburgh, Penn., Univ. of Pittsburgh, diss. (Ph.D.), 1989. - Director of thesis: Harold D. Sims
Le Gros, François: La LCR à Caen de 1973 à 1978. - 143 pp.
Caen, Univ. de Caen, Mém. de maîtrise, 1991
Leal, Murilo: Outras histórias : contribuição à história do trotskismo no Brasil (1952-1966) ; o caso do POR (Partido Operário Revolucionário). - 1-2
São Paulo, Univ. de São Paulo, Diss. mest., 1997. - Director of thesis: Zilda Márcia Gricoli Iokoi
Leborgne, Benjamin: L'aspiration anti-autoritaire et sa mise en scčne : la ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire et la télévsion, 1968-1991. - 169, XXXII pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. M2, 2011. - Directors of thesis: Myriam Tsikounas, Sébastien Le Pajolec
Ledebuhr, Brian Wayne: Lost in translation : the historical and theoretical significance of Leon Trotsky. - 102 pp.
Urbana, Ill., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Thesis (B.A.), 2004
Lee, Franz John Tennyson: Der Einfluß des Trotzkismus auf die nationalen Befreiungsbewegungen in Südafrika. - 243 pp.
Frankfurt a.M., Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe-Univ., Diss., 1970. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Der Einfluß des Marxismus auf die nationalen Befreiungsbewegungen in Südafrika"
Lefèvre, Jacques: Le trotskysme et le mouvement ouvrier français : (1937-1940). - 87 pp. + ann.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Mém. de maîtrise, 1972
Legein, Catherine: Le Parti Socialiste Révolutionnaire : (le mouvement trotskyste en Belgique de 1936 à 1939). - 1-2. - [Various pag.]
Louvain, Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Mém. lic., 1982. - Director of thesis: A.P. Frognier
Lembergen, Ivo van: Een vergelijkende studie van de revolutieidee van Lenin en Trotsky. - 85 pp.
Brussel, Koninklijke Militaire School, Lic.-Afhandeling, 1986
Lerner, Michael: Trotsky writes the Russian revolution : the symbol of explosion in Trotsky's My life and The hisrory of the Russian revolution and its meta-symbolic significance. - 94 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 2021. - Director of thesis: Marat Grinberg
Liddy, Robert Francis: Trotsky and the organization of the Red Army. - 93 pp.
Seattle, Wash., Univ. of Washington, Thesis (M.A.), 1960
Lignani, Henrique de Bem: O trotskismo no Brasil e a crise de direcção revolucionária : constrção do partido, programa político e movimento operário (1937-1948). - [IX], 218 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Diss. mest., 2020. - Director of thesis: Paulo Cruz Terra
Limberg, Wayne P.: Permanent revolution : materials on the origin and meaning of the theory and its influence on Marxist-Leninist thought. - 1-2. - VI, 471 pp. + abstract
Washington, DC, Georgetown Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974. - Director of thesis: Joseph Schiebel
Linden, Marcel van der: Het westers marxisme en de Sovjetunie : hoofdlijnen van structurele maatschappijkritiek (1917-1985). - Amsterdam : Stichting Beheer IISG, 1989. - 366 pp.
ISBN 90-6861-032-5
Originally pres. as author's Proefschrift, Amsterdam, Univ., 1989. - Another ed. was publ. with title "Von der Oktoberrevolution zur Perestroika"
Lisboa, Roberto Borges: Revolução e realidade social na imprensa trotskista brasileira dos anos 1930. - 160 pp.
Santa Maria, RS, Univ. Federal de Santa Maria, Diss. mest., 2014. - Director of thesis: Glaucia Vieira Ramos Konrad
Lisboa, Roberto Borges: Trabalho, sociedade e marxismo : uma abordagem comparada do trotskismo no Brazil e nos Estados Unidos dos anos 1930. - 225 pp.
Santa Maria, RS, Univ. Federal de Santa Maria, Tese doct., 2020. - Director of thesis: Glaucia Vieira Ramos Konrad
London, Nathaniel: The national question and the Left Opposition in France, 1928-1930 : the debate on Alsace and Indochina. - 111 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VII (Denis Diderot), Mém. de maîtrise, 1977
Longuet, Isabelle: U.R.S.S. : la crise de l'opposition de gauche en 1928-1929. - 238 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Mém. de maîtrise, ca. 1986
López Springfield, Consuelo: C. L. R. James - the rhetoric of a defiant warrior / Consuelo
Lopez. - III, 218 pp.
Bloomington, Ind., Indiana Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1983
Lorelle, Olivier: Naissance et formation du concept d'art révolutionnaire au début du XXe siècle : Malevitch, Trotsky, Lénine, Brecht, Breton. - 156 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1978. - Director of thesis: O. Revault d'Alonnes
Lorneau, Marc: Contribution à l'histoire du mouvement trotskyste belge : 1939-1960. - 1-4. - LXXXII, 1125 pp.
Liège, Univ., Mém. lic., 1983. - Director of thesis: P. Gérin
Lovell, David W.: Trotsky's analysis of the Soviet "bureaucracy", 1923-1940 : a critical review. - III, 137 pp.
Adelaide, S.A., Flinders Univ. of South Australia, Thesis (B.A.), 1977
Lubbersen, Rob: Revolutionair-socialisme in Nederland tussen oorlog en intrede : de Revolutionair Communistische Partij (RCP), Nederlandse afdeling van de 4e Internationale, van 1945 tot 1952. - 91 pp.
Amsterdam, Univ. van Amsterdam, Doktoraalskripsie, 1983
Luparello, Velia Sabrina: Proyecciones y resultados : el trotskismo norteamericano y las consecuencias de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1943-1947). - 97 pp.
Córdoba, Univ. Nacional de Córdoba, Tesis de lic., 2014. - Director of thesis: Daniel F. Gaido
Lustig, Michael Mile: Leon Trotsky and Milovan Djilas : critics of Soviet and Yugoslav bureaucracy. - VI, 322 pp.
Providence, RI, Brown Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1982. - Directors of thesis: Abbott Gleason, John L. Thomas, Mary Gluck. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Trotsky and Djilas"
Lutze, Kay: Die Kritik Leo Trotzkis an der Haltung von SPD und KPD gegenüber dem Nationalsozialismus 1930-1933. - 148 pp.
Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine-Univ., Mag.-Arbeit, 1995. - Director of thesis: Karl-Egon Lönne
Lysfjord, Christian: "Trotsky i et minnepolitisk perspektiv : framstillingen av Trotskij og den russiske revolusjon på russisk TV. - V, 58 pp.
Tromsø, Univ. i Tromsø, Masteroppg., 2020
Macedo, Edmar Almeida de: Esquerda e política no Brasil (1978-1980) : a organização socialista internacionalista e o surgimento do Partido dos Trabalhadores. - 76 pp.
Curitiba [Brazil], Univ. Federal do Paraná, Tese bach., 2008. - Directors of thesis: Angelo José da Silva, Antônio César de Almeida Santos
Macedo, Edmar Almeida de: Moderação e profissionalização política no Brasil e Argentina (1989-2017) : o caso dos parlamentares trotskistas. - 184 pp.
Curitiba [Brazil], Univ. Federal do Paraná, Diss. doct. 2020. - Director of thesis: Renato Monseff Perissinotto
Macedo, Edmar Almeida de: Os trotskistas entre discursos e controvérsias : tradição, composição social e alinhamento internacional. - 144 pp.
Curitiba [Brazil], Univ. Federal do Paraná, Diss. mest., 2011. - Director of thesis: Angelo José da Silva
Madloch, Norbert: Zur Auseinandersetzung mit der Ideologie, Politik und Praxis des Linksopportunismus in der BRD und in Westberlin : ausgewählte Beiträge zur Theorie, Geschichte, Aktivität und Struktur promaoistischer und trotzkistischer Gruppierungen. - 1-2 + Thesen
Berlin, Inst. für Gesellschaftswissenschaften beim ZK der SED, Diss., 1976
Maestro, Javier: Trotsky y los orígenes de la Izquierda Comunista Española en el contexto histórico de la polémica "Reforma o revolución" / Francisco Javier Maestro Bäcksbacka. - Madrid : Ed. de la Univ. Complutense, 1987. - XVI, 606 pp.
Madrid, Univ. Complutense, Tesis doct., 198?
Magill, Gene C.: Trotsky's view of pre-emptive counterrevolution and its relationship to the rise of national socialism in Germany, 1929-1936. - 2, 88, [5] pp.
Des Moines, Iowa, Drake Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1977. - Director of thesis: C. Walter Clark
Magnant, Jean-Pierre: Les thèmes développés dans la presse et les publications trotskystes 1968-1970. - 163 pp.
Poitiers, Univ. de Poitiers, Mém. DES, 1971. - Director of thesis: Paul Sabourin
Makarov, Boris Ivanovič: Kritika ėkonomičeskoj platformy trockizma (1921-1927 gg.) - 251 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1966
Makarov, Boris Ivanovič: Kritika ėkonomičeskoj platformy trockizma (1921-1927 gg.) - 16 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1966
Makrecova, Elena Nikolaevna: Istoriografija problemy idejno-političeskoj bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov protiv antileninskich grupp i tečenij v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg.). - 220 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1977
Makrecova, Elena Nikolaevna: Istoriografija problemy idejno-političeskoj bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov protiv antileninskich grupp i tečenij v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg.). - 24 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1977
Malaisé, Céline: Être trotskyste : militants et militantisme trotskystes en France de 1944 à la fin des années 1950. - 81 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. DEA, 2002. - Director of thesis: Michel Dreyfus
Malaisé, Céline: Trotskysme et engagements militants en France de 1938 à 1944. - 164 pp.
Nancy, Univ. de Nancy, Mém. de maîtrise, 2001. - Director of thesis: Jean El Gammal
Malbin, Joshua: Trotsky's ghost. - III, 75 pp.
Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 2001. - Director of thesis: Alice McDermott. - First 3 chapters of a work of unpublished fiction
Manduca, Ramiro Alejandro: "Por una hora menos de sueño..." : militancias culturales vinculadas al Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires durante la última dictadura (1978-1983) / Ramiro Manduca. - 250 pp.
Buenos Aires, Univ. de Buenos Aires, Tesis mag., 2022. - Director of thesis: Débora D'Antonio
Mangiantini, Martín: Itinerarios militantes entre dictaduras y conflictividad social : del Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores al Partido Socialista des los Trabajadores (1965-1976). - 322 pp.
Buenos Aires, Univ. de Buenos Aires, Tesis doct., 2017. - Director of thesis: Hernán Camarero
Mangiantini, Martín: El trotskismo argentino entre el Cordobazo y el
retorno electoral : la historia del PRT-La Verdad, 1968-1972.
Buenos Aires, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Tesis maest., 2014. - Director of thesis: Hernán Camarero
Mansfeld, Alfred: Der junge Trotzki unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wiener Jahre (1907-1914). - 181 pp.
Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arbeit, 1997. - Director of thesis: Anton Staudinger
Marchetti, Christophe: Trotsky et les trotskystes vus par l'Humanité dans l'entre-deux guerres (1924-1938). - 99, [12] pp.
Nice, Univ. de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Mém. de maîtrise, 1998. - Director of thesis: Ralph Schor
Mariano, Andreyson Silva: Uma esquerda em silêncio : militantes trotiskistas
[recte: trotskistas] de Fortaleza no período de 1963-1970. - 260 pp.
Fortaleza, Univ. Estadual do Ceará, Tese mest., 2011. - Director of thesis: Lucili Grangiero Cortez
Markwick, Roger Dennis: Leon Trotsky : the rise of fascism and the Communist International. - 161 pp.
Parkville, Vic., Univ. of Melbourne, Thesis (M.A.), 1977
Marquis, Jean-François: Proletarische Aktion : une organisation révolutionnaire en Suisse (1945-1949). - VIII, 176 pp.
Genève, Univ. de Genève, Mém. lic., 1983. - Director of thesis: Jean-Claude Favez
Mastrolillo, Gabriele: I comunisti italiani e il movimento trockista internazionale (1930-1938). - 417 pp.
Roma, Univ. degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Tesi di dott., 2022. - Directors of thesis: Marco Di Maggio, Giorgio Caredda
Matveev, M.V.: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii s trockistskoj oppoziciej za organizacionnye principy leninizma v period XIII partijnoj konferencii. - 23 pp.
Voronež, Voronežskij Gos. Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1956
McAloon, David William: Leon Trotsky and the struggle for power in communist Russia. - 45 pp.
Richmond, Va., Univ. of Richmond, Thesis (B.A.), 2001
McElreath, Jack Michael: Leon Trotsky as historian / J. Michael McElreath. - V, 111 pp.
New Orleans, La., Tulane Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1989
McCluskey, Kirsty Jane: Trotsky before 1905. - 75 pp.
Cambridge [England], Univ. of Cambridge, Thesis (M.Phil.), 2004. - Directors of thesis: C.E. Ward, H.F. Jahn
McGinley, Seán: Marxistische Positionen zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. - 85 pp.
Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls-Univ., Mag.-Arb., 2007. - Directors of thesis: Klaus v. Beyme, Christian Schwaabe
McKeehan, Susan: The Trotsky-Stalin dispute and the twelfth party congress. -
59 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1962
McLeod, Heather: "Not another god-damned housewife" : Ruth Bullock, the "woman question" and Canadian Trotskyism. - VII, 110 pp.
ISBN 0-315-91234-0
Burnaby, B.C., Simon Fraser Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1993. - Director of thesis: Allen Seager
Medlin, Virgil Dewain: The reluctant revolutionaries : the Petrograd Soviet of Workers'
and Soldiers' Deputies, 1917 / Vergil D. Medlin. - V, 367 pp.
Norman, Okla., Univ. of Oklahoma, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974
Mehringer, Hartmut: Permanente Revolution und russische Revolution : die Entwicklung der Theorie der permanenten Revolution im Rahmen der marxistischen Revolutionskonzeptionen, 1848-1907. - Frankfurt a.M. [etc.] : P. Lang, 1978. - 278 pp.
ISBN 3-261-02665-0
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Erlangen-Nürnberg, Friedrich-Alexander-Univ., 1977. - Director of thesis: Karl-Heinz Ruffmann
Mélinand, Christophe: Pivertistes et trotskystes. - 119 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris (Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1969. - Director of thesis: Jacques Droz
Melo, Franklin Rabelo de: Incidências trotskistas em Caio Prado Júnior, Ruy Mauro Marini e Florestan Fernandes. - 152 pp.
Brasilia, Univ. de Brasilia, Diss. mest., 2018. - Director of thesis: Ivanete Salete Boschetti
Melville, George Lee: The economic theory of Leon Trotsky. - I, 73 pp.
Bloomington, Ind., Indiana Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1952
Mendoza, Abraham Orozco: The fifth column myth in the Spanish civil war
San Luis Obispo, Cal., California Polytechnic State Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 2002
Menting, Marcel: Verslonden door de revolutie : het politieke leven van Sal Santen (1915-1998). - 52 pp.
Nijmegen, Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, Masterscriptie, 2007. - Directors of thesis: K. Vossen, M. Derks
Mergui, Raphaël: L'idée de "révolution permanente" chez Trotsky et Mao Tsé-toung. - 138 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris (Sorbonne), Mém. DES, 1967. - Director of thesis: J.J. Chevallier
Mergui, Raphaël: Le marxisme-léninisme et la notion de révolution permanente. - 1-2. - V, 638 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Thèse doct. Etat, 1972. - Director of thesis: J.-P. Cot
Merrien, Michaël: L'émigration en France de Léon Trotsky : (19 novembre 1914 - 31 octobre 1916). - 206 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 2001. - Director of thesis: Marie-Pierre Rey
Metra, Suzanne: Facteurs d'adhésion et types de militantisme chez des militants du mouvement des jeunes radicaux de gauche et des militants de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire. - 60 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. DESS, 1978
Meucci, Isabella Duarte Pinto: A revolução cubana e o movimento trotskista na América Latina : impactos na construção de um projeto político (1959-1974). - 173 pp.
Campinas, Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Diss. mest., 2015. - Director of thesis: Alvaro Gabriel Bianchi Mendez
Meyer, Albert Joseph: Deradicalization : the case of former Trotskyists. - 154 pp.
Albany, NY, State Univ. of New York at Albany, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1977
Meyer, Roger D.: The Chinese Trotskyist movement, 1927-1935
Lawrence, Ka., Univ. of Kansas, Thesis (M.A.), 1969
Mezenov, Valentin Vasil'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma : (osen' 1923 g. - jan.
1925 g.)
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1969
Mezenov, Valentin Vasil'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma : (osen' 1923 g. - jan.
1925 g.). - 22 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1969
Miccoli, Rosangela: Pietro Tresso, oppositore comunista (1928-1944). - IV, 291 pp.
Parma, Univ. degli Studi di Parma, Tesi di laurea, 1987/88. - Director of thesis: Giuseppe Papagno
Michelet, Stéphane: L'exclusion de la Section Française de la Quatrième Internationale, 1952. - III, 288 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 1981. - Director of thesis: A. Prost
Mihoudi, Nathalie: Présentations et représentations d'un groupe trotskyste en France : l'example du Parti Communiste Internationaliste. - 140 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris V (René Descartes), Mém. de maîtrise, 1985. - Director of thesis: G. Balandier
Milanesi, Franco: Profilo politico e ideologica di Alfonso Leonetti. - 314 pp.
Torino, Univ. degli Studi di Torino, Tesi di laurea, 1980/81. - Director of thesis: Massimo L. Salvadori
Miller, Anna C.: Trotsky and Russia in the Balkan Wars. - II, 100 pp.
Lincoln, Neb., Univ. of Nebraska, Thesis (M.A.), 1998
Miller, Joseph Thomas: The politics of Chinese Trotskyism : the role of a permanent
opposition in communism. - XV, 319 pp.
Urbana, Ill., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1979. - Director of thesis: George T. Yu
Milner, Graham K.: Trotsky's analysis od Stalinism : an historical assessment. - III, 130 pp.
Perth, W.A., Univ. of Western Australia, Thesis (M.A.), 1993
Miranda, Vinicius Almeida Ribeiro: Dois trotskismos num partido de massas : as trajectórias das organizações Democracia Socialista e Convergência Socialista no PT de 1978 a 1992. - XXIV, 145 pp.
Campinas, Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Diss. mest., 2014. - Director of thesis: Alvaro Gabriel Bianchi Mendez
Mirowski, Mikołaj: Idea rewolucji permanentnej w myśli politycznej Lwa Trockiego. - 394 pp.
Łódź, Uniw. Łódzi, Thesis (P.D.), 2009. - Director of thesis: Wojciech Materski. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Rewolucja permanentna Lwa Trockiego : między teorią a praktyką"
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov vo glave V.I. Leninym protiv trockizma (1907-1914 gg.) - 266 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1968
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov vo glave V.I. Leninym protiv trockizma (1907-1914 gg.) - 18 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1968
Moalic-Minnaert, Maëlle: De la LCR au NPA : d'un militantisme de classe ŕ un militantisme de quartiers?; redéfinitions d'un projet politique face ŕ une évolution des classes populaires. - 149 pp.
Rennes, Inst. d'Études Politiques, Mém. de maîtrise, 2010. - Director of thesis: Sylvie Ollitrault
Moalic-Minnaert, Maëlle: Les gauches de la gauche ŕ l'épreuve des mutations des classes populaires : une analyse localisée des collectifs partisans. - 778 pp.
Rennes, Univ. de Rennes I, Thčse doct., 2017. - Directors of thesis: Erik Neveu, Sylvie Ollitrault
Mobbs, Philippe: De la J.C.R. à la L.C.R. : histoire d'un parti trotskiste à travers son journal, "Rouge" (1966-1981). - 222 pp.
Besançon, Univ. de Franche-Comté, Mém. de maîtrise, 1999. - Director of thesis: Olivier Dard
Monteiro, Marcio Antonio Lauria de Moraes: O movimento trotskista internacional e as revoluções do pós-guerra : uma análise de suas (re)leituras teóricas e programáticas (1944-63). - X, 411 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Diss. mest., 2016. - Director of thesis: Cezar Teixeira Honorato
Monteiro, Marcio Antonio Lauria de Moraes: Stalinismo, revolução política e contrarrevolução : o movimento trotskista internacional e a teoria do Estado operário burocratizado aplicada ao bloco soviético (1953-91). - XIII, 793 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Tese dout., 2021. - Directors of thesis: Marcelo Badaró Mattos, Felipe Abranches Demier
Monterrey Grajeda, Rosendo: Es delincuente político el asesino de León Trotsky?. - [Various pagings]
México, D.F., Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Tesis doct., 1942
Moreira, João Carlos dos Santos: O trotskismo em Portugal (1968-1974) : geografias de um "marxismo vivo"
Coimbra, Univ. de Coimbra, Diss. mest., 2014. - Director of thesis: Rui Manuel Bebiano do Nascimento
Moura, Pablo Thiago Correia de: Os partidos políticos de matriz trotskista na Argentina (PTS, PO e IS) : atuação contra os governos kirchneristas. - 248 pp.
Campina Grande, Univ. Federal de Campina Grande, Diss. (dout.), 2016. - Director of thesis: Gonzalo Adrián Rojas
Muolo, Robin Way: How Leon Trotsky, Commissar of War, transformed the Red Army into a fighting force. - IX, 132 pp.
Dominguez Hills, Cal., California State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 2005. - Director of thesis: Howard Holter
Myers, Constance Ashton: The American Trotskyists : 1928-1941. - X, 399 pp.
Columbia, SC, Univ. of South Carolina, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974. - Director of thesis: John Scott Wilson
Nayeri, Kamran: The role of competition in theories of late capitalist development. - 592 pp.
New York, NY, New School for Social Research, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1992
Nazarov, Oleg Gennad'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskoj partii (1923-1927 gg.) - 346 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1995. - Director of thesis: V.P. Naumov
Nazarov, Oleg Gennad'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskoj partii (1923-1927 gg.) - 17 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1995. - Director of thesis: V.P. Naumov
Neale, John Baldwin: Trotsky and Leninism : 1898-1923 / John Neale. - IV, 90 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (Senior), 1971. - Director of thesis: John Gillis
Nedava, Joseph: Trotsky and the Jewish question. - III, 326 pp.
Philadelphia, Penn., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1970. - Trade ed. publ. with titles: "Trotsky and the Jews", "Večnyj komissar"
Nélisse, Micheline: Évolution de l'extrême-gauche en Belgique : 1968-1978. - 274 pp.
Louvain, Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Mém. lic., 1980. - Director of thesis: Paul Vercauteren
Nelson, Brian Robert: Isaac Deutscher and contemporary Marxism. - VIII, 224 pp.
Riverside, Cal., Univ. of California, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1972. - Director of thesis: John L. Stanley
Nelson, Harold Walter: Leon Trotsky and the art of insurrection : 1905-1917. - III, 246 pp.
Ann Arbor, Mich., Univ. of Michigan, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1978
Nicoll, Marguerite V.: Finding a free art : art and politics in the 1938 Manifesto for an independent revolutionary art. - 76 pp.
Northampton, Mass., Smith College, Thesis (Honor), 2004
Nikiforova, Marija Aleksandrovna: Publicistika L'va Davidoviča Trockogo v period s 1900 po 1924 gody / M.A. Nikiforova. - 36 pp.
Novosibirsk, Novosibirskyj Gos. Univ., Dipl. rab., 2000. - Director of thesis: N.N. Sobolevskaja
Nikitin, Vadim Jur'evič: Agrarnyj vopros v koncepcij L.D. Trockogo. - 275 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Severo-Zapadnaja Akad. Gosudarstvennoj Služby, Diss., 2000. - Director of thesis: N.P. Babaeva
Nikitin, Vadim Jur'evič: Agrarnyj vopros v koncepcij L.D. Trockogo. - 22 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Severo-Zapadnaja Akad. Gosudarstvennoj Služby, Avtoref. diss., 2000. - Director of thesis: N.P. Babaeva
Nisonger, Thomas Evans: The Leningrad opposition of 1925-1926 in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. - IX, 495 pp.
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1976
Nitzsche, Frank: Avantgarde oder Abseits? Trotzkistische Organisationen in Deutschland : Geschichte, Selbstverständnis und theoretisches Erbe. - 164 pp.
Siegen, Univ. Siegen, Mag.-Arbeit, 2004
Nitzsche, Frank: Aus dem Schatten in die Reichweite der Kameras : die Entwicklung trotzkistischer Organisationen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der neuen sozialen Bewegungen von 1968 bis heute. - 302 pp.
Siegen, Univ. Siegen, Diss., 2006. -Director of thesis: Jürgen Bellers
Novikov, Michail Nikitovič: Idejnaja bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv antileninskich
gruppirovok po voprosam nėpa (1921-1929). - 185 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1981
Novikov, Michail Nikitovič: Idejnaja bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv antileninskich
gruppirovok po voprosam nėpa (1921-1929). - 19 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1981
O'Brien, Gary William: Maurice Spector and the origins of Canadian Trotskyism / Gary O'Brien. - IV, 81 pp.
Ottawa, Ont., Carleton Univ., Research essay (M.A.), 1974
O'Connor, Timothy Edward: Stalin and Trotsky 1926-1928. - XI, 158 pp.
Omaha, Neb., Creighton Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1975. - Director of thesis: Ross Horning
Okunskaja, Tatjana Vladimirovna: Bor'ba partorganizacii Srednej Azii s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom i pravym uklonom (1926-1932 gody). - 208 pp.
Taškent, Taškentskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1983
Okunskaja, Tatjana Vladimirovna: Bor'ba partorganizacii Srednej Azii s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom i pravym uklonom (1926-1932 gody). - 24 pp.
Taškent, Taškentskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1983
Olbrechts, Alex: De doctrinaire achtergrond van het voluntarisme van Ernest Mandel. - IV, 209 pp.
Brussel, Economische Hoogschool Sint-Aloysius, Lic.-Verhandeling, 1979
Oliveira, Tiago de: Entre a crítica das armas as armas da crítica : trotskistas
na ditadura militar (1968-1973) ; uma contribução ŕ história do trotskismo no Brasil. - 230 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Tese doct., 2018. - Director of thesis: Cezar Teixeira Honorato
Oliveira, Tiago de: Reorganização do movimento trotskista no Brasil : a formação da Organização Socialista Internacionalista (1968-1976) ; um capitulo da IV Internacional no Brasil ; uma contribução ŕ história do trotskismo no Brasil. - [12], 115 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Diss. mest., 2013. - Director of thesis: Cezar Teixeira Honorato
Olsson, Elias: Kampen för en revolutionär moral : en normativ analys av revolutionär moral och terror i Lev Trotskijs skrifter [Electronic resource]. - 984 KB (51 pp.)
Karlstad, Karlstads Univ., Kand., 2023
Ostapenko, Pavel Viktorovič: Kritika teorii "permanentnoj revoljucii" L.D. Trockogo v dooktjabr'skoj i sovetskoj (1917 - 2-ja polovina 30-ch gg.) istoriografii. - 216 pp.
Char'kov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 1991. - Director of thesis: A.I. Ėpštejn
Ostapenko, Pavel Viktorovič: Kritika teorii "permanentnoj revoljucii" L.D. Trockogo v dooktjabr'skoj i sovetskoj (1917 - 2-ja polovina 30-ch gg.) istoriografii. - 23 pp.
Char'kov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 1991. - Director of thesis: A.I. Ėpštejn
O'Toole, Roger: The sociology of political sects : four sects in Toronto in 1968-1969. - Vol. 1-2. - 675 pp.
Toronto, Ont., University of Toronto, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1972
Paccou, François: La diversité idéologique d'un groupe militant : le cas d'une cellule de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire. - 99 pp.
Lille, Univ. de Lille II, Mém. de maîtrise, 2003. - Director of thesis: Bruno Duriez
Pagès i Blanch, Pelai: Dissidències comunistes al si de la Tercera Internacional : l'esquerra comunista d'Espanya. - 1-2. - 602 + 337 pp.
Barcelona, Univ. de Barcelona, Tesi doct., 1975. - Director of thesis: E. Giralt i Raventos
Pagès i Blanch, Pelai: Dissidències comunistes al si de la III Internacional : l'esquerra comunista d'Espanya. - 21 pp.
Barcelona, Univ. de Barcelona, Resum de tesi doct., 1978
Pallero, Adrián: Más allá del umbral : crecimiento electoral de los partidos de izquierda: el Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores en la Argentina 2009-2015. - 54 pp.
Buenos Aires, Univ. Nacional de San Martín, Tesis de lic., 2017. - Director of thesis: Carlos Varetto
Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: Političeskaja teorija trockizma i Kommunističeskaja Partija Kitaja (20-e gody). - 316 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Meždunarodnogo Rabočego Dviženija, Diss., 1993
Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: Političeskaja teorija trockizma i Kommunističeskaja Partija Kitaja (20-e gody). - 37 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Meždunarodnogo Rabočego Dviženija, Avtoref. diss., 1993
Panin, Evgenij Leonidovič: Oppozicija v partii bol'ševikov v 1925-1926 gg. - 264 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 2002
Panin, Evgenij Leonidovič: Oppozicija v partii bol'ševikov v 1925-1926 gg. - 32 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 2002
Papkov, Gennadij Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po voprosam partijnogo stroitel'stva i sovremennost'. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Akad. Obšč Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoreferat diss., 1974
Papkov, Gennadij Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po voprosam partijnogo stroitel'stva i sovremennost'. - 192 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Akad. Obšč Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1974
Pas, Nicolas: Sortir de l'ombre du PCF : histoire de l'engagement de l'extrême gauche française sur la guerre du Vietnam, 1965-1968. - 327 pp.
Paris, Inst. d'Études Politiques, Mém. DEA, 1998. - Director of thesis: Jean-François Sirinelli
Pattieu, Sylvain: Les camarades des frères : guerre d'Algérie et extrême-gauche en France ; dynamiques et recompositions. - 184 pp.
Aix-en-Procence, Univ. de Provence I, Mém. de maîtrise, 2000. - Director of thesis: Jean-Louis Triaud. Trade ed. publ. with the same title
Pavić, Antun: Ante Ciliga : političko i intelektualno djelovanje u domovini i iseljeništvu. - 61 pp.
Osijek, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera, Dipl. rad, 2023. - Director of thesis: Tomas Domagoj
Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva : (1921-1927 gg.) / V.S. Pavlov. - 15 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. A.I. Gercena, Avtoref. diss., 1985
Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva : (1921-1927 gg.) / V.S. Pavlov. - 229 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. A.I. Gercena, Diss., 1985
Payan, Olivia: L'opposition de gauche en Europe de l'Est et dans les Balcans, vue par la presse oppositionnelle française, de 1929 á 1940. - 150 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. de maîtrise, 2004. - Directors of thesis: Claude Pennetier et Annie Fourcaut
Peciña, M.: Les trotskystes et la guerre d'Espagne : du 19 juillet 1936 aux événements de mai 1937
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), master thesis, 1976
Penachio, Joseph David: Blind faith : Stalinism and the problem of theodicy in the writings of Theodore Dan, Leon Trotsky, Nicholas Berdyaev and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. - 111 pp.
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1988
Penn, Alison Mary Ruth: A bibliography of the British Trotskyist press, 1932-1956 / Alison M.R. Penn. - 203 pp.
Coventry, Univ. of Warwick, Thesis (M.A.), 1979. - Director of thesis: Royden Harrison
Petersen, Fredric Falck: Some aspects of the Trotsky-Stalin dispute. - 117 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1961
Peterson, Patti McGill: The Young Socialist movement in America from 1905 to 1940 : a study of the Young People's Socialist League. - 260 pp.
Madison, Wis., Univ. of Wisconsin, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974
Petković, Tatjana: Politička djelatnost Ante Cilige od 1924 do 1944 godine.
Zagreb, Hrvatsko Katoličko Sveučilište, Dipl. rad, 2017. - Director of thesis: Ivan Bulić
Pfeffer, Michael: Über "Unser Wort" (1933-1941) : Faschismusanalyse und der Kurs auf eine neue kommunistische Partei im Organ der deutschen Trotzkisten, 1933-1941.
Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Univ., Mag.-Arbeit, 1979. - Directors of thesis: Karl-Heinz Ruffmann, Herbert R. Ganslandt
Pian, Alberto: Per una biografia politica di Pietro Tresso (1893-?). - XXXII, 516 pp.
Torino, Univ. degli Studi di Torino, Tesi di laurea, 1984. - Director of thesis: Aldo Agosti
Pierpont, J. de: Un organe de tendance dans le PSB : l'hebdomadaire "La Gauche" (1956-1965). - 75 pp.
Bruxelles, Univ. Libre, Mém. lic., 1972
Pieterson, Herman: Het revolutionaire socialisme in de jaren dertig : aanzet tot een kwantitatieve benadering van een stroming in de Nederlandse arbeidersbeweging / Gert Herman Pieterson. - 174 pp.
Amsterdam, Univ. van Amsterdam, Doktoraalskriptie, 1977. - Rev. trade ed. publ. as pt. 2 in: Eekman, M. and H. Pieterson: Linkssocialisme tussen de wereldoorlogen
Pingaud, Étienne: La déconstruction de la classe : la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire face aux transformations du monde ouvrier. - 112 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. M2, 2006. - Director of thesis: Gérard Mauger
Piriou, Éliane: Histoire du mouvement "trotskyste" en Bretagne de 1935 à 1945
Rennes, Univ. de Rennes II, Mém. de maîtrise, 1972
Pivotto, Leonildo Bernardo: As contribuções de León Trotsky para o estudo do imperialismo [Electronic resource]. - 105 KB (29 pp.)
São Paulo, Univ. Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Tesis (B.A.), 2011. - Director of thesis: Adilson Marques Gennari. - URL:
Accessed April 2016
Placke, Gerd: Historische und soziale Analyse der Revolution bei Leo Trotzki : ein Beitrag zur Theorie der permanenten Revolution und ihrer Entwicklung in den Jahren 1923-1933. - Frankfurt a.M. [etc.] : P. Lang, 1994. - 320 pp.
ISBN 3-631-47175-0
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Osnabrück, Univ., 1994
Placke, Gerd: Theorie und historische Analyse der Revolution bei Leo D. Trotzki. - XIII, 114 pp.
Osnabrück, Univ., Staatsexamensarbeit, 1986. - Director of thesis: Rüdiger Griepenburg
Plato, Alexander von: "Trotzkismus" und Bolschewismus : eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Theorien über das Verhältnis zwischen KPD und Komintern, mit dem Sozialfaschismus und der Einheitsfrontfrage. - 403 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 1973. - Trade ed. was publ. with title "Zur Einschätzung der Klassenkämpfe in der Weimarer Republik"
Pluet-Despatin, Jacqueline: Prolétariat et avant-garde : les étapes du mouvement trotskiste en France de 1929 à 1949 ; enquête sur la presse. - 1-2. - 614 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Paris-Sorbonne), Thèse 3e cycle, 1975. - Director of thesis: Georges Haupt
Podzeit, Mechthild: Widerstand zum Exil im Exil : Alice Rühle-Gerstel und Leo Trotzki in Mexiko ; anhand des Tagebuchs der Autorin 'Kein Gedicht für Trotzki'. - 108 pp.
Wien, Univ. Wien, Magisterarbeit, 2019. - Director of thesis: Michael Rohrwasser
Polischuk, Luciana: Todo trotskista es divisible por dos? : la reforma de la PASO y la construcción del FIT en la Argentina (2009-2013). - V, 111 pp.
Buenos Aires, Univ. Nacional de San Martín, Tesis de maestría, 2016. - Director of thesis: Miguel de Luca
Poole, Thomas Ray: "Counter-trial" : Leon Trotsky on the Soviet purge trials. - 1-2. - XI, 746 pp.
Amherst, Mass., Univ. of Massachusetts, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1974. - Director of thesis: Robert H. McNeal
Poole, Thomas Ray: Lev Trotsky : literature and revolution / Thomas R. Poole
Lawrence, Kan., Univ. of Kansas, Thesis (M.A.), 1968
Pope, Greg: Trotskyist infiltration of a socialist party : a critique of Militant in the Labour Party, 1970-1981. - 26, [4] pp.
Hull, Univ. of Hull, Undergraduate diss., 1981. - Director of thesis: S. Ingle
Poppenberg, Werner: Wirkungsbedingungen und Wirkungsfaktoren des Trotzkismus : zu antileninistischen Parteiauffassungen trotzkistischer Gruppen in der BRD. - 198 pp.
Leipzig, Karl-Marx-Univ., Diss., 1979. - Directors of thesis: Norbert Madloch, Kurt Schneider
Porochin, Gennadij Michajlovič: Kritika filosofskich osnov trockistskoj koncepcii russkogo istoričeskogo processa. - 151 pp.
Tomsk, Tomskij Gos. Univ. im. V.V. Kujbyševa, Diss., 1975
Porochin, Gennadij Michajlovič: Kritika filosofskich osnov trockistskoj koncepcii russkogo istoričeskogo processa. - 18 pp.
Tomsk, Tomskij Gos. Univ. im. V.V. Kujbyševa, Avtoref. diss., 1975
Porté, Dominique: Marcel Thourel - une vie militante, un itinéraire politique : contribution à l'histoire de la gauche et de l'extrême gauche dans le sud-ouest de 1935 à 1975. - 302 pp.
Toulouse, Univ. de Toulouse II, Thèse 3e cycle, 1979. - Director of thesis: Rolande Trempé
Potašev, Aleksandr Fedorovič: Fenomen trockizma v otečestvennoj obščestvenno-političeskoj literature. - 359 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskaja Akad. Upravlenija, Diss., 1994
Potašev, Aleksandr Fedorovič: Fenomen trockizma v otečestvennoj obščestvenno-političeskoj literature. - 34 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskaja Akad. Upravlenija, Avtoref. diss., 1994
Prado, Carlos: Partidos e sindicatos : o PCB, a oposição de esquerda e o movimento operário no Brasil (1922-1936) / Carlos Batista Prado. - 359 pp.
Niterói, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Diss. doct., 2019. - Director of thesis: Cezar Teixeira Honorato
Pratt, Malcolm: Interpreting Trotsky's last years in exile. - 102 pp.
London, Univ. of Greenwich, Thesis (M.A.), 1993. - Director of thesis: Fred Lindop
Pražak, Vaćlav: Krajní levice v ČR : Socialistická Solidarita. - 58 pp.
Praha, Univ. Karlova v Praze, Bak. práce, 2020. - Director of thesis: Jan Charvát
Primerov, Efim Vasil'evič: Bor'ba partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v 1921-1925 gg. - 477 pp.
L'vov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. Ivana Franka, Diss., 1980
Primerov, Efim Vasil'evič: Bor'ba partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v 1921-1925 gg. - 44 pp.
L'vov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. Ivana Franka, Avtoref. diss., 1980
Pšegodskij, Semen Vasil'evič: Komsomol Ukrainy - aktivnyj pomoščnik Kommunističeskoj Partii v bor'be s trockizmom i v osuščestvlenii plana socialističeskogo stroitel'stva (1923-1927 gg.) - 31 pp.
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1972
Pšegodskij, Semen Vasil'evič: Komsomol Ukrainy - aktivnyj pomoščnik Kommunističeskoj Partii v bor'be s trockizmom i v osuščestvlenii plana socialističeskogo stroitel'stva (1923-1927 gg.) - 205 pp.
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Diss., 1972
Puigventós López, Eduard: Ramon Mercader (1913-1978) : itinerari vital, ideolňgic i politic. - 519 pp.
Barcelona, Univ. Autňnoma de Barcelona, Tesi doct. en Xarxa, 2013. - Director of thesis: Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté
Trade ed. publ. with titles "Ramón Mercader, el hombre del piolet", Barcelona 2015, and "Ramon Mercader, l'home del piolet", Barcelona 2015
Purdue, Richard Bachman: Trotsky and Stalin 1917-1929 / Richard B. Purdue. - II, 146 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1950
Pyatt, Dale Michael: Revolutionary theory in practical context : the case of Trotsky. - 51, [2] pp.
Manchester, Victoria Univ., Diss. (M.A.), 1998
Quade, Marianne: Trotzkis Theorie der permanenten Revolution und die Analyse der Klassenverhältnisse der chinesischen Gesellschaft 1927 innerhalb der Kommunistischen Internationale. - I, 103 pp.
Göttingen, Georg-August-Univ., Staatsexamensarbeit, 1977
Rabinovich, Jacob: Stalin's and Trotsky's views respecting the Communist Party (1923-1925)
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Masters essay, 1940
Raimbault, Julien: L'extrême gauche maoïste et trotskyste à Rennes entre 1968 et 1981. - 135 pp.
Rennes, Univ. de Rennes II, Mém. DEA, 2003. - Director of thesis: Jacqueline Sainclivier
Rakov, Timofej Nikolaevič: Političeskie praktiki bol'ševistskoj organizacii Leningrada v diskussijach 1921 i 1925. - 210 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Diss., 2020
Rakov, Timofej Nikolaevič: Političeskie praktiki bol'ševistskoj organizacii Leningrada v diskussijach 1921 i 1925. - 20 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Avtoref. diss., 2020
Ranc, Julijana: Alexandra Ramm-Pfemfert : ein Gegenleben. - Hamburg : Ed. Nautilus, 2003. - 575 pp.
ISBN 3-89401-446-6
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Darmstadt, Techn. Univ., 2002 with title: "Alexandra Ramm-Pfemfert (1883-1963) : russisch-jüdische Emigrantin in Berlin, Exilierte und Remigrantin ..."
Rayner, Stephen Frank: The classification and dynamics of sectarian forms of organisation : grid/group perspectives on the far-left in Britain. - 292 pp.
London, Univ. College London, Thesis (PhD), 1979
Rékási, Katalin: Trockij mexikói évei. - 146 pp.
Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Dokt. ért., 1992
Reuss, Alejandro: The state, the capitalist class, and the working-class movement : a Marxist analysis of the 1941 Minneapolis sedition trial. - 105 pp.
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1993
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924 gg. - 281 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Diss., 2014. - Director of thesis: B.I. Kolonickij
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924 gg. - 28 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Avtoref. diss., 2014. - Director of thesis: B.I. Kolonickij
Rich, Spencer: Trotsky on "proletarian" revolution and its preconditions, 1923. - 179 pp.
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1955
Riek, Heike: Faschismustheoretische Aspekte der Kontroverse Trotzkis mit der Komintern am Beispiel des Nationalsozialismus. - 185 pp.
Göttingen, Georg-August-Univ., Staatsexamensarbeit, 1972. - Director of thesis: R. Saage
Riggle, John Wayne: A historical study of the fall of Trotsky, 1917-1927. - XIV, 201 pp.
Indianapolis, Ind., Butler Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1967
Rist, Jeremy Alexander: Bastard children of the Comintern : the ideological depravation of American Stalinists and Trotskyists during the early depression. - VI, 132 pp.
Williamsburg, Va., College of William and Mary in Virginia, Thesis (Honor), 1995
Ritter, Gerhard: Das Kommunemodell und die Begründung der Roten Armee im Jahre 1918. - 262 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 1965. - Trade ed. was publ. with the same title
Rizet-Savoi, Stéphanie: La distinction militante : transformations et invariances du militantisme à la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire. - 486 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VII (Denis Diderot), Thèse doct., 2006. - Director of thesis: Vincent de Gaulejac
Roger, Michel: Histoire de la "gauche" italienne dans l'émigration : 1926-1945. - XXIX, 425 pp.
Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Thèse 3e cycle, 1981. - Director of thesis: Madeleine Rebérioux
Rogin, Michael Paul: Trotskyism and its fate in America
Cambridge, Harvard Univ., Thesis (Honor), 1958
Romanova, Viktorija Valentinovna: Meždunarodnoe značenie istoričeskogo opyta bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma. - 205 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1982
Romanova, Viktorija Valentinovna: Meždunarodnoe značenie istoričeskogo opyta bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma. - 26 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1982
Ronald, J. Neal: Out now : the influence of American Trotskyism on the Vietnam antiwar movement, 1965 to 1973. - 164 pp.
Claremont, Cal., Claremont Men's College, Thesis (Senior project), 1975
Rosés Cordovilla, Sergi: Els revolucionaris marxistes a l'Espanya dels anys 30. - 834 pp.
Barcelona, Univ. de Barcelona, Tesi doct., 2017. - Director of thesis: Pelai Pagčs i Blanch
Røtvold, Hanna Emilie: The power of the personality : the influence of Leon Trotsky's History of the Russian revolution (1930) on C.L.R. James' The Black Jacobins (1938). - 104 pp.
Oslo, Univ. i Oslo, Masteroppg., 2022. - Director of thesis: Steinar Andreas Sæther
Rougier, Cyrille: La vie personnelle dans le militantisme de l'extrême gauche : les relations d'interdépendance entre sphère publique et sphère privée. - 80 pp.
Bordeaux, Univ. de Bordeaux II, Mém. de M1, 2005. - Directors of thesis: Michel Jamet, Laetitia Bucaille
Roux, Marie-Noëlle: Résistance et internationalisme dans la section française de la IVe Internationale. - 143 pp.
Nanterre, Univ. de Paris X (Paris-Nanterre), Mém. de maîtrise, 1972
Rowney, Don Karl: "The generation of October" : the politics of twentieth century social revolution in the view of L.D. Trotsky. - 254 pp.
Bloomington, Ind., Indiana Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1965. - Director of thesis: John M. Thompson
Rožkov, Evgenij Viktorovič: Ėkonomičeskaja programma "levoj oppozicii" v 20-e gody. - 248 pp.
Ekaterinburg, Uralskij Gos. Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 1994
Rožkov, Evgenij Viktorovič: Ėkonomičeskaja programma "levoj oppozicii" v 20-e gody. - 24 pp.
Ekaterinburg, Uralskij Gos. Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 1994
Ruch, Ursula: Zur Rolle des Trotzkismus im antikommunistischen Kampf des gegenwärtigen Linksradikalismus gegen die marxistisch-leninistische Revolutionstheorie und den realen Sozialismus. - III, 332 pp.
Halle, Martin-Luther-Univ., Diss., 1976
Rucker, R.D.: The making of the Russian revolution : revolutionaries, workers, and the Marxian theory of revolution. - 306 pp.
Iowa City, Iowa, Univ. of Iowa, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1981
Rüegg, Michael: Der Irrtum Leo Trotzkis : zur Geschichte der trotzkistischen Bewegung in der Schweiz während den 1930erJahren. - 115 pp.
Zürich, Univ., Liz.-Arbeit, 2008. - Director of thesis: Jakob Tanner
Ruiz Orozco, Reyna Marcela: Diseño del programa de señales para el Museo Casa de León Trotsky. - 95 pp.
México, D.F., Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Tesis de lic., 1998
Russell, Susan Elizabeth: The Fondo de Cultura Económica, a Mexican publishing house, and, Leon Trotsky, the man, the ideology, and Mexico. - IV, 77 pp.
Austin, Tex., Univ. of Texas at Austin, Thesis (M.A.), 1971. - Directors of thesis: Nettie Lee Benson, Friedrich Katz, Stanley R. Ross
Russell, William: Isaac Deutscher : socialist dreams and socialist reality. - 59 pp.
Montréal, Qué., Concordia Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1992
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Levaia oppozicija v Ural'skoj oblasti, 1927-1930 gg. - 245 pp.
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyi Univ. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 2000. - Director of thesis: O.L. Lejbovič
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Levaia oppozicija v Ural'skoj oblasti, 1927-1930 gg. - 24 pp.
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyi Univ. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 2000. - Director of thesis: O.L. Lejbovič
Saccarelli, Emanuele: The political theory and practice of opposition : Antonio Gramsci and Leon Trotsky in the shadow of Stalinism. - VII, 343 pp.
Minneapolis, Minn., Univ. of Minnesota, Thesis (Ph.D.), 2005. - Director of thesis: James Farr. - Trade ed. publ. with title "Gramsci and Trotsky in the shadow of Stalinism", New York [etc.], 2008
Sacharov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba za liderstvo v RKP(b)-VKP(b) i "političeskoe zaveščanie" V.I. Lenina : 1921-1929. - 538 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 2005. - Director of thesis: L.I. Semennikova
Sacharov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba za liderstvo v RKP(b)-VKP(b) i "političeskoe zaveščanie" V.I. Lenina : 1921-1929. - 43 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 2005. - Director of thesis: L.I. Semennikova
Sacre, Yvette: De B.S.P. en het probleem der minderheden : het conflict tussen de B.S.P. en de tendensbladen "Links" en "La Gauche", 1964-1965. - II, 252 pp.
Brussel, Vrije Univ., Lic.-Verhandeling, 1970. - Trade ed. publ. with title "De Belgische Socialistische Partij en het probleem der minderheden"
Salgado Munoz, Manuel: Origins of permanent revolution theory : the formation of Marxism as a tradition (1865-1895) and 'the first Trotsky' ; introductory dimensions. - 107 pp.
Glasgow, Univ. of Glasgow, Thesis (M.A.), 2019. - Director of thesis: Neil Davidson
Salles, Jean-Paul: La Ligue Communiste : tentative de construction d'un parti révolutionnaire en France après mai 68. - 164 pp.
Poitiers, Univ. de Poitiers, Mém. DEA, 1999. - Director of thesis: Gérard Baal
Salles, Jean-Paul: La Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire et ses militant(e)s (1968-1981) : étude d'une organisation et d'un milieu militant ; contribution à l'histoire de l'extrême gauche en France dans l'après-mai 1968. - 1-3. - 840 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Thèse doct., 2004. - Director of thesis: Michel Dreyfus. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "La Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (1968-1981) : instrument du Grand Soir ou lieu d'apprentisage?"
Šamilev, Stal'in Michajlovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam sovetskogo
voennogo stroitel'stva (1920-1924 gg.). - 192 pp.
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akad. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1974
Šamilev, Stal'in Michajlovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam sovetskogo
voennogo stroitel'stva (1920-1924 gg.). - 42 pp.
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akad. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1974
Samofalov, Nikolaj Michajlovič: Političeskaja diskussija v RKP(b) 1923/234 gg. i partijnaja molodež. - 170 pp.
Moskva, Gosudarstvennaja Akad. Upravlenija, Diss., 1992. - Director of thesis: N.V. Truščenko
Samofalov, Nikolaj Michajlovič: Političeskaja diskussija v RKP(b) 1923/234 gg. i partijnaja molodež. - 19 pp.
Moskva, Gosudarstvennaja Akad. Upravlenija, Avtoref. diss., 1992. - Director of thesis: N.V. Truščenko
Samuels, Kenneth Bayard: Trotsky and permanent revolution / Kenneth B. Samuels. - IV, 83 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1950
Santiago, Mary Coleman: The exile of Leon Trotsky in Mexico, 1937-1940. - XX, 124 pp.
Baton Rouge, La., Louisiana State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1972. - Director of thesis: Jane L. De Grummond
Santille, Michael Joseph: Christian Georgevich Rakovsky as Soviet diplomat and Trotskyist. - III, 148 pp.
Tempe, Ariz., Arizona State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1980
Savinčenko, Ol'ga Naumovna: Rol' i mesto partijnych žurnalov v bor'be partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka, 1926-1927. - 22 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1972.
Savinčenko, Ol'ga Naumovna: Bor'ba Moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii za ukreplenie edinstva i spločenie partijnych rjadov v period meždu X i XIII s"ezdami RKP(B). - 233 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1972.
Schafranek, Hans: Kurt Landau und der Bolschewismus : Umrisse einer politischen Biographie. - 1-3. - III, 876 pp.
Wien, Univ., Diss., 1987. - Directors of thesis: Erika Weinzierl, Anton Staudinger. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Das kurze Leben des Kurt Landau : ein österreichischer Kommunist als Opfer der stalinistischen Geheimpolizei"
Schodl, Harald: Trotzkistische Publikationen während der Zeit des Austrofaschismus : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der österreichischen ArbeiterInnenbewegung. - [6], 146, II pp.
Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arbeit, 2007. - Director of thesis: Wolfgang Duchkowitsch
Schoenfeld, Gabriel: Uses of the past : Bolshevism and the French revolutionary tradition. - IX, 244 pp.
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1989
Schou Madsen, Anton: Trotskismen i Danmark, 1938-1947 : et bidrag. - 190 pp.
Ålborg, Universitetscenter, Spec. kandidateks., 1983
Schüle, Annegret: Trotzkismus in Deutschland bis 1933 : für die Arbeitereinheitsfront zur Abwehr des Faschismus / Annegret Schüle. Die deutsche Linke und die russische Opposition 1926-1928 / Pierre Broué. - Köln : Author, 1989. - 167 pp.
Originally pres. as author's Staatsexamensarbeit, Köln, Staatliches Prüfungsamt für Erste Staatsprüfungen für Lehrämter an Schulen, 1987
Schütz, Stephan: Die wirtschaftlichen Vorstellungen der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des linken Flügels von 1923 bis 1927. - 152 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., master thesis, 1988. - Directors of thesis: Adelheid Simsch, Klaus Meyer
Schuler-Jung, Helga: Ökonomie und Politik in Sowjetrußland 1920-1924 : zum Prozeß der Willensbildung in der KPR(B) in den ersten Jahren der Neuen Ökonomischen Politik. - Marburg : Verl. Arbeiterbewegung und Gesellschaftswissenschaft, 1978. - 278 pp.
ISBN 3-921630-09-6
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Gießen, Justus-Liebig-Univ., 1977
Schumacher, Michael: Trotzkys Idee der permanenten Revolution. - 112 pp.
Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Univ., Mag.-Arbeit, 2004
Seeber, Philipp: Die Pariser Kommune in der marxistischen Theorie : eine Betrachtung der Schriften von Marx, Engels, Kautsky, Lenin und Trotzki. - 103 pp.
Innsbruck, Leopold-Franzens-Univ., Mag.-Arbeit (MA), 2021. - Directors of thesis: Patrick Kupper, Peter Goller
Sehl, Marie-Estelle: Die GIM (Gruppe Internationale Marxisten), deutsche Sektion der IV. Internationale. - 155, X pp.
Grenoble, Univ. de Grenoble III, TER, 1976. - Director of thesis: Georges Roche
Sennett, Alan: Permanent revolution in Spain? : The influence of Trotsky's Marxism upon the Spanish dissident communists, 1930-1937. - 373 pp.
Manchester, Victoria Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1992. - Directors of thesis: Norman Geras, Paul Cammack
Sermasi, Giorgio: Pietro Tresso : un oppositore alla svolta comunista del 1930. - XV, 121 pp.
Parma, Univ. degli Studi di Parma, Tesi di laurea, 1983. - Director of thesis: Giuseppe Papagno
Serrano, David: Monographie d'une organisation de l'entre-deux du politique et du social : la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire à Montpellier. - 145 pp.
Monpellier, Univ. de Montpellier I, Mém. DEA, 1999. - Director of thesis: Bernard Pudal
Shaw, Eric: Managerial control in the Labour Party, 1951-1986. - Vol. 1-2. - 615 pp.
Thesis (Ph.D.), Manchester, Victoria Univ., 1987
Trade ed. publ. with title "Discipline and discord in the Labour Party : the politics of managerial control in the Labour Party, 1951-1987", Manchester [etc.] : Manchester Univ. Pr., 1988. - XI, 387 pp.
Shaw, Michael Eugene: The Nashe Slovo group and Russian social democracy during W.W.I. : the search for unity / Michael E. Shaw. - VIII, 306 pp
Bloomington, Ind., Indiana Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1975
Shirakura, Adler Eduardo Dias: A revolução espanhola (1931-1939) : um debate entre Leon Trotsky e Andreu Nin. - 143 pp.
Marília, SP, Univ. Estadual Paulista, Diss. mest., 2018. - Director of thesis: Leandrode Oliveira Galastri
Siadat, Susan: Lenin, Trockij, Stalin : Lenins Streben nach innerparteilicher Einheit (1918-1923). - 119 pp.
Göttingen, Georg-August-Univ., Mag.-Arbeit, 1996
Sidlow, John Anthony: The prophet's heart : the impact of emotions on Leon Trotsky's political analysis. - VI, 228 pp.
San José, Cal., State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1997. - Directors of thesis: Michael Boll, Mary Pickering, Aaron Goldman
Siegel, Claudia Helene: Portraits of Leon Trotski as an historical figure. - IV, 53 pp.
Austin, Tex., Univ. of Texas at Austin, Thesis (M.A.), 1980
Sigoillot, Nicolas: L'entrisme au sein du parti travailliste britannique, 1920-1992. - 1-2. - 459, 102 pp.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Thčse doct., 2022. - Director of thesis: Agnčs Alexandre-Collier
Silva, Angelo José da: A critica operaria a revolução de 1930 : comunistas e trotskistas. - 174 pp.
Campinas, Universidae Estadual de Campinas, Diss. mest., 1996. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Comunistas e trotskistas"
Silva, Aristóteles de Almeida: O capitalismo tardio e sua crise : estudo das interpretações de Ernest Mandel e a de Jürgen Habermas. - X, 147 pp.
Campinas, Universidae Estadual de Campinas, Diss. mest., 2012. - Director of thesis: Sílvio César Camargo
Silva, Antonio Ozaí da: Os partidos, tendências e organizações marxistas no Brasil : 1987-1994. - 257 pp.
São Paulo, Pontifica Univ. Católica, Diss. mest., 1998
Silva, Edison Menezes Urbano da: Guerra e revolução em Weber e Trotski : política imperialista e internacionalismo marxista no contexto da primeira guerra mundial. - 150 pp.
São Paulo, Pontifica Univ. Católica, Diss. mest., 2015. - Director of thesis: Antonio Rago Filho
Sirek, John Milton: Trotsky and the peasantry : the uneasy alliance. - II, 70 pp.
Washington, DC, George Washington Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1989
Slacum, Penelope Lynn: Leon Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution and its incorporation into Lenin's party platform in 1917. - 49 pp.
Greensboro, NC, Univ. of North Carolina, Honors paper, 1963. - Director of thesis: Jordan E. Kurland
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period (1917-1923 gg.) - 473 pp.
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1976
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period (1917-1923 gg.) - 47 pp.
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1976
Smart, Ronald M.: Two approaches to a new world order : a comparative study of the diplomacies of Leon Trotsky and Woodrow Wilson. - VI, 150 pp.
Commerce, Tex., East Texas State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1970
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv trockizma, za postroenie
socializma v SSSR : (1923-1927 gg.)
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1974
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv trockizma, za postroenie
socializma v SSSR : (1923-1927 gg.) - 48 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref. diss., 1974
Smith, Anthony D.: Les mutations d'un mouvement politique transnational, la Quatrième Internationale. - 1-3. - 741 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), Thèse doct., 2004. - Director of thesis: Hugues Portelli
Šojfot, Igor' Arkad'evič: Ėvoljucija političeskich vzgljadov i praktičeskaja dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo (1896-1923 gg.) - 110 pp. + App.
Moskva, Inst. Molodeži, Diss., 1996
Šojfot, Igor' Arkad'evič: Ėvoljucija političeskich vzgljadov i praktičeskaja dejatel'nost' L.D. Trockogo (1896-1923 gg.) - 20 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Molodeži, Avtoref. diss., 1996
Sonesi, Julien: L'implantation électorale des mouvements trotskistes de 1945 à 2002. - 182 pp.
Dijon, Univ. de Bourgogne, Mém. de maîtrise, 2004. - Director of thesis: Jean Vigreux
Soofali, David: Trotzkis Faschismustheorie auf dem Prüfstand. - 88 pp.
Basel, Univ., Magisterarb., 2020. - Directors of thesis: Erik Petry, Frithjof Schenk
Sopin, Evgenij Fedorovič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov vo glave s V.I. Leninym protiv trockizma v gody mirovoj vojny (1914-fevral' 1917 gg.) - 279 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1968
Sopin, Evgenij Fedorovič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov vo glave s V.I. Leninym protiv trockizma v gody mirovoj vojny (1914-fevral' 1917 gg.) - 15 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1968
Soukola, Timo: Etujoukon etujoukko : Lev Trotski kansainvälisen vasemmisto-opposition johtajana 1929-1933. - 1-2. - 370, 2 pp.
Helsinki, Helsingin Yliopisto, Lisensiaatintutkimus, 1986
Southall, Tony: Marxist theory in South Africa until 1940 / A.J. Southall. - 78 pp.
York, Univ. of York, Thesis (M.A.), 1978
Southwell, Priscilla Lewis: A case study in repression : the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Socialist Workers Party. - V, 133 pp.
Boulder, Colo., Univ. of Colorado, Thesis (M.A.), 1977
Sperber, Nathan: Three million Trotskyists? : the rise of the new extreme left in France in the 2022 presidential elections. - 49 pp.
Oxford, Univ. of Oxford, Thesis (M.Sc.), 2007. - Director of thesis: Jonathan Israel Gershuny
Spilberg, Percy: The image of Leon Trotsky in British and American opinion, 1917-1928. - III, 104 pp.
Montreal, McGill Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1970
Spoerry, Philip Scott: The Stalin-Trotsky controversy on the Chinese revolution : 1925-1928. - III, 110 pp.
Seattle, Wash., Univ. of Washington, Thesis (M.A.), 1952
Stecura, Jurij Anatol'evič: Komsomol - aktivnyj pomoščnik partii v bor'be protiv "novoj oppozicii". - 254 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1981
Stecura, Jurij Anatol'evič: Komsomol - aktivnyj pomoščnik partii v bor'be protiv "novoj oppozicii". - 24 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1981
Stefanenko, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v Leningrade, 1926-1933 gg. - 277 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt Peterburgskij Institut Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Diss., 2021. - Director of thesis: Kirill Anatol'evič Boldovskij
Stefanenko, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v Leningrade, 1926-1933 gg. - 26 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt Peterburgskij Institut Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Avtoref. diss., 2021. - Director of thesis: Kirill Anatol'evič Boldovskij
Steffen, Jens-Peter: Die Strategie des Dauerentrismus : Entwicklung, Begründung, Praxis und Wirkung der langfristigen Ausrichtung der Militant Tendency auf die Organisationen des Labourismus. - 1-2. - 773 pp. + 1 folder
Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 1990. - Directors of thesis: Wolf-Dieter Narr, Hans Kastendiek. - Rev. trade ed. publ. with title: "Militant Tendency : Trotzkismus in der Labour Party"
Steffen, Jens-Peter: Trotzkismus und Sozialdemokratie : zur historischen, theoretischen und aktuell-politischen Bedeutung der trotzkistischen Auseinandersetzung mit der Sozialdemokratie. - 143 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 1980. - Director of thesis: Horst W. Schmollinger
Stella, Kaethe Reiff: The origins of American Trotskyism in the nineteen-twenties. - IX, 110, 26 pp.
Wellesley, Mass., Wellesley College, Thesis (Honor), 1969
Stevenson, John: Trotskyism and the shop stewards' movement in the British motor industry : the Socialist Labour League and Cowley, 1969-1975. - 64 pp.
Coventry, Univ. of Warwick, Thesis (M.A.), 1996. - Director of thesis: Tony Mason
Stobnicer, Maurice: Le mouvement trotskyste allemand sous la république de Weimar. - 383 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Thèse 3e cycle, 1980. - Director of thesis: Gilbert Badia
Stokes, Curtis: On the evolution of Trotsky's theory of revolution. - VI, 265 pp
Ann Arbor, Mich., Univ. of Michigan, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1978. - Director of thesiss: Alfred G. Meyer et al. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "The evolution of Trotsky's theory of revolution"
Štorkánová, Lucie: Trockismus v České republice s důrazem na vývoj po roce 2000. - [13], 87 pp.
Praha, Univ. Karlova v Praze, Dipl. práce, 2014. - Director of thesis: Jan Charvát
Strandberg, Roar: Fra gjest til fange : Leo Trotskijs opphold i Norge 1935-36. - 151 pp.
Oslo, Univ. i Oslo, Hovedoppg., 1970
Straus, Ira Louis: Trotsky's critique of Leninism : the place of Trotsky's Menshevik writings in his career and thought. - III, 195 pp.
Charlottesville, Va., Univ. of Virgina, Thesis (M.A.), 1979
Stritch, Charles Donald: The attitude and reactions of Winston Churchill on Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. - 96 pp.
Orono, Me., Univ. of Maine, Thesis (M.A.), 1962
Suslov, Andrej Borisovič: Bor'ba ural'skich organizacij RKP (b) s melkoburžuaznymi gruppami i tečenijami v 1919-1927 gg. - 15 pp.
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyi Univ. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 1989
Suslov, Andrej Borisovič: Bor'ba ural'skich organizacij RKP (b) s melkoburžuaznymi gruppami i tečenijami v 1919-1927 gg. - 229 pp.
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyi Univ. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 1989
Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Anglo-amerikanskaja nemarksistskaja istoriografija idejno-političeskoj bor'by 1923-1927 gg. v Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza. - 22 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Akad. Obšč Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoreferat diss., 1990. - Director of thesis: V.M. Ivanov
Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Anglo-amerikanskaja nemarksistskaja istoriografija idejno-političeskoj bor'by 1923-1927 gg. v Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza. - 187 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Akad. Obšč Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1990. - Director of thesis: V.M. Ivanov
Swenson, Traci D.: Grace Carlson : a life of rebellion. - XV, 179 pp.
Saint Paul, Minn., Hamline University, Thesis (M.A.), 2004
Sylvestre, Isabelle: Que sont les révolutionnaires devenus? : La Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire depuis 1969. - 135 pp. + annex
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. DEA, 1994. - Director of thesis: P. Braud
Syré, Ludger: Isaac Deutscher - Marxist, Publizist, Historiker : sein Leben und Werk 1907-1967. - Hamburg : Junius-Verl., 1984. - 422 pp. (Reihe Forschungsberichte)
ISBN 3-88506-130-9 - ISBN 3-88506-131-7
Originally pres. as author's Diss., Tübingen, Univ., 1983
Tabackij, Alekdsandr Danilovič: Partijnaja pečat' Dal'nego Vostoka v bor'be protiv trockizma v 1922-1928 gg. - 16 pp.
Leningrad, Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. A.I. Gercena, Avtoref. diss., 1989
Tabackij, Alekdsandr Danilovič: Partijnaja pečat' Dal'nego Vostoka v bor'be protiv trockizma v 1922-1928 gg. - 196 pp.
Leningrad, Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. A.I. Gercena, Diss., 1989
Taranenko, Georgij Andreevič: Bor'ba Moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii za ukreplenie edinstva i spločenie partijnych rjadov v period meždu X i XIII s"ezdami RKP(B). - 28 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1967.
Taranenko, Georgij Andreevič: Bor'ba Moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii za ukreplenie edinstva i spločenie partijnych rjadov v period meždu X i XIII s"ezdami RKP(B). - 321 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1967.
Telloli, Giancarlo: Per una biografia politica di Alfonso Leonetti. - 1-2. - [ca. 1000] pp.
Torino, Univ. degli Studi di Torino, Tesi di laurea, 198?
Tennant, Gary: Dissident Cuban communism : the case of Trotskyism, 1932-1965 / Gary Andrew Tennant. - XIII, 475 pp.
Bradford, Univ. of Bradford, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1999. - Director of thesis: Tony Heywood. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "The hidden pearl of the Caribbean : Trotskyism in Cuba" (=Revolutionary History (London), 7.2000 (3))
Tetsch, Hartmut: Dogmentheorie der "permanenten Revolution" : ein Beitrag zur Soziologie der Revolution und zur Ideologiekritik. - 423 pp.
Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Univ., Diss., 1970. - Director of thesis: Paul Trappe. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Die permanente Revolution : ein Beitrag zur Soziologie der Revolution und zur Ideologiekritik"
Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Leon Trotsky and World War One : August 1914 - March 1917. - 389 pp.
Glasgow, Univ. of Glasgow, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1993. - Director of thesis: James D. White
Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Leon Trotsky : three aspects. - III, 176 pp.
Glasgow, Univ. of Glasgow, Thesis (M.Litt.), 1990. - Director of thesis: James D. White
Théry, Gautier: De l'extrême gauche au Parti Socialiste : la constitution d'un capital. - 125 pp.
Lille, Inst. d'Études Politiques, mém. de recherche 4e année, 2011. - Director of thesis: Rémi Lefebvre
Tilitz, Thomas: Isaac Deutscher - a singular voice on the critical issues of the Russian
revolution and Soviet power. - 120 pp.
New York, NY, Queens College, Thesis (M.A.), 1999
Timonin, Valentin Ivanovič: Partijnaja pečat' v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka. - 269 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Akad. Obšč Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1971
Timonin, Valentin Ivanovič: Partijnaja pečat' v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka. - 17 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Akad. Obšč Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1971
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Razgrom opportunizma v rjadach KPSS v perechodnyj period ot kapitalizma k socializmu v SSSR. - 1-2. - 913 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1967
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Razgrom opportunizma v rjadach KPSS v perechodnyj period ot kapitalizma k socializmu v SSSR. - 50 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gos. Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1967
Tkačenko, Inga Valer'janovna: Problemy stanovlenija leninskoj koncepcii istorii partii i razoblačenija men'ševistsko-trockistskoj fal'sifikacii v istoriko-partijnoj literatury pervoj poloviny 20-ch godov. - 278 pp.
Leningrad, Gos. Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1969
Tkačenko, Inga Valer'janovna: Problemy stanovlenija leninskoj koncepcii istorii partii i razoblačenija men'ševistsko-trockistskoj fal'sifikacii v istoriko-partijnoj literatury pervoj poloviny 20-ch godov. - 40 pp.
Leningrad, Gos. Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref. diss., 1969
Toidze, Levan Malchazovič: Kompartija Gruzii v bor'be za leninizm : dejatel'nost' kommunistov respubliki po idejno-političeskomu razgromu trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka i pravogo uklona (1926-1930 gg.) - 236 pp.
Tbilisi, Inst. po Istorii Partii pri CK KP Gruzii, Diss., 1974
Tosstorff, Reiner: Die POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista) während des spanischen Bürgerkrieges (1936-1939)
Bochum, Ruhr-Univ., Diss., 1985. - Director of thesis: Siegfried Bahne. - Trade ed. publ. with title: "Die POUM im spanischen Bürgerkrieg"
Tourraille, Fanny: Féminisme et habitus de genre : étude de cas sur la LCR. - 186 pp.
Toulouse, Inst. d'Études Politiques de Paris, Mém. IEP, 2008. - Director of thesis: Alexandra Oeser
Treves, Guillaume: Du trotskysme au Parti Socialiste : rencontres et ruptures dans la jeunesse autour des années quatre-vingt. - 133 pp.
Paris, Inst. d'Études Politiques de Paris, Mém. IEP, 1992. - Director of thesis: Marc Sadoun
Trotman, Althea Veronica: African-Caribbean perspectives of worldview : C.L.R. James explores the authentic voice. - VII, 195 pp.
Downsview, Ont., York Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1993
Tselos, George Dimitri: The Minneapolis labor movement in the 1930s. - 555 pp.
Minneapolis, Minn., Univ. of Minnesota, Diss. (Ph.D.), 1970
Twiss, Tom: Trotsky and the problem of Soviet bureaucracy [Electronic resource] / Thomas Marshall Twiss. - 2.26 MB (XIII, 659 pp.) [PDF]
Pittsburgh, Penn., Univ. of Pittsburgh, diss. (Ph.D.), 2009. - Director of thesis: Jonathan Harris. Accessed Aug. 18, 2010
Upham, Martin Richard: The history of British Trotskyism to 1949. - X, 575 pp.
Hull, Univ. of Hull, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1980. - Director of thesis: John Saville, With abstract
Usary, Steven Shane: From cosmopolitanism to nationalism : an interpretative history of Marxian theories of nationalism and supranationalism. - 301 pp.
New Orleans, La., Tulane Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1983. - Directors of thesis: James Frederic Davidson, Henry Lloyd Mason
Usov, Il'ja Viktotovič: Rol' trockizma v nacional'no-osvoboditel'noj bor'by v'etnamskogo naroda v konce 1920-ch - 1930-e gg. - 266 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskaja Akad. Nauk, Inst. Dal'nego Vostoka, Diss., 2010. - Director of thesis: E.V. Kobelev
Usov, Il'ja Viktotovič: Rol' trockizma v nacional'no-osvoboditel'noj bor'by v'etnamskogo naroda v konce 1920-ch - 1930-e gg. - 26 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskaja Akad. Nauk, Inst. Dal'nego Vostoka, Avtoref. diss., 2010. - Director of thesis: E.V. Kobelev
Vahabzadeh, Abdolreza: A theory of Bonapartism. - 288 pp.
Philadelphia, Penn., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Thesis (Ph.D.), 1987. - Director of thesis: Henry Teune
Vakulenko, Artem Aleksandrovič: Političeskaja publicistika kommunističeskoj oppozicii, 1929-1941 gg. : (na materialach žurnala "Bjulleten' oppozicii"). - 202 pp.
Tjumen', Tjumenskij Gos. Univ., Diss., 2009. - Director of thesis: V.M. Kružinov
Vakulenko, Artem Aleksandrovič: Političeskaja publicistika kommunističeskoj oppozicii, 1929-1941 gg. : (na materialach žurnala "Bjulleten' oppozicii"). - 21 pp.
Tjumen', Tjumenskij Gos. Univ., Avtoref. diss., 2009. - Director of thesis: V.M. Kružinov
Van den Heuvel, Chantal: Deux journaux militants : "La Gauche" et "Tout le pouvoir aux ouvriers"
Bruxelles, Univ. Libre, Mém. lic., 1975. - Director of thesis: Gabriel Thoveron
Vandevelde, Antoon: Het economisch denken van E. Mandel. - 137 pp.
Leuven, Katholieke Univ. te Leuven, Lic.-Verhandeling, 1974. - Director of thesis: M. Eyskens
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Voprosy ideologičeskoj bor'by protiv trockizma (na prim. Francii, 30-70e gody). - 187 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1979
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Voprosy ideologičeskoj bor'by protiv trockizma (na prim. Francii, 30-70e gody). - 21 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1979
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po problemam stroitel'stva socializma i sovremennost'. - 48 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Marksizma-Leninizma pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1987
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po problemam stroitel'stva socializma i sovremennost'. - 384 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Marksizma-Leninizma pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1987
Vásquez Vergara, José Luis: Introducción a la historia del trotskismo en Chile, 1931-1954 : de la fundación de la Izquierda Comunista al "entrismo" en el Partido Socialista
Valparaíso, Univ. de Valparaíso, Diss. mest., 1998
Vasseur, Laurence: Les moliniéristes 1935-1939 : contribution à l'histoire du mouvement trotskyste. - [285] pp.
Villeneuve d'Ascq, Univ. de Lille III (Charles de Gaulle), Mém. de maîtrise, 1983. - Directors of thesis: M. Gillet, O. Hardy
Villarreal, Rodolfo Cristobal: The failure of Marxism : Leon Trotsky and the Spanish civil war. - 102 pp.
Laredo, Tex., Laredo State Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1991
Vjatkin, Aleksandr Jakovlevič: Idejno-političeskij i organizacionnyj razgrom trockizma (1921-1928 gg.) - 1-2. - 753 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Voennoj Istorii, Diss., 1970
Vjatkin, Aleksandr Jakovlevič: Idejno-političeskij i organizacionnyj razgrom trockizma (1921-1928 gg.). - 54 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Voennoj Istorii, Avtoref. diss., 1970
Vogelsanger, David: Der Trotzkismus in der Schweiz 1930-1942. - 189 pp.
Zürich, Univ., Liz.-Arbeit, 1979. - Director of thesis: Peter Stadler
Vogelsanger, David: Trotzkismus in der Schweiz : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Schweizer Arbeiterbewegung bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. - 270 pp.
Zürich, Univ., Diss., 1986. - Director of thesis: Peter Stadler
Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Stroitel'stvo central'nogo voennogo apparata sovetskoj Rossii (1918 g.) - 259 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Gumanitarnyj Univ., Diss., 2010. - Director of thesis: Tat'jana Grigor'evna Archipova
Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Stroitel'stvo central'nogo voennogo apparata sovetskoj Rossii (1918 g.) - 24 pp.
Moskva, Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Gumanitarnyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 2010. - Director of thesis: Tat'jana Grigor'evna Archipova
Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Stanovlenie i razvitie central'nych organov rukovodstva voennoj razvedkoj i voennoj kontrrazvedkoj Sovetskoj Rossii, 1918-1921. - 1-3. - 801 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss. 2023. - Director of thesis: Sergej Viktorovič Devjatov
Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: Stanovlenie i razvitie central'nych organov rukovodstva voennoj razvedkoj i voennoj kontrrazvedkoj Sovetskoj Rossii, 1918-1921. - 42 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss. 2023. - Director of thesis: Sergej Viktorovič Devjatov
Volkov, Sergej Vasil'evič: Značenie bor'by partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v idejno-organizacionnom ukreplenii kompartij Zapadnoj Evropy, 1924-1928. - 226 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1983
Volkov, Sergej Vasil'evič: Značenie bor'by partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v idejno-organizacionnom ukreplenii kompartij Zapadnoj Evropy, 1924-1928. - 25 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1983
Vrancken, Ingrid: De belgische trotskistische beweging 1964-1971. - VI, 226 pp.
Brussel, Vrije Univ., Lic.-Verhandeling, 1987. - Director of thesis: E. Mandel
Wagner, Winfried: Trotzkismus in Österreich : politische Theorie und Geschichte der trotzkistischen Bewegung in Österreich. - V, 276, [22] pp.
Salzburg, Univ., Diss., 1976. - Director of thesis: Norbert Leser
Waitz, Willi: Sozialstrukturanalyse, Mentalität und Habitus : Vermittlungsinstanzen bei Bourdieu und Trotzki. - 88 pp.
Wien, Universität, Dipl.-Arbeit, 2012. - Director of thesis: Friedhelm Kröll
Walker, Richard A.: An application of Trotsky's "law of uneven and combined development" to Latin America. - 147 pp.
San Diego, Cal., San Diego State College, Thesis (M.A.), 1971
Wanderley, Shimenny Ludmilla Araújo: O parlamentarismo revolucionário como proposta transicional : uma análise do caso do Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas na Argentina. - 342 pp.
Campina Grande, Univ. Federal de Grande Campina, Diss. mest., 2019. - Director of thesis: Gonzalo Ádrian Rojas
Webber, Patrick: "For a socialist New Brunswick" : the New Brunswick Waffle, 1967-1972. - 170 pp.
Fredericton, N.B., Univ. of New Brunswick, Thesis (M.A.), 2008. - Director of thesis: David Frank
Wernicke, Günter: Politik und Strategie trotzkistischer Gruppierungen in Großbritannien vom Ende der sechziger Jahre bis zum Anfang der achtziger Jahre : dargestellt an der Konzeption, Funktion und dem Einfluß des Trotzkismus in der Arbeiterbewegung. - 117, 97, [8] pp.
Berlin, Humboldt-Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 1982. - Director of thesis: Hella Kaeselitz
Wernicke, Günter: Einfluß und Wirken trotzkistischer Gruppierungen in der Arbeiterbewegung Großbritanniens und der USA vom Ende der sechziger bis zur Mitte der achtziger Jahre. - XI, 253, [31] pp.
Berlin, Humboldt-Univ., Diss., 1986. - Directors of thesis: Hella Kaeselitz, Wallace Morgan, Norbert Madloch
Wilford, Kate S.: The theory of permanent revolution : "the original sin of Trotskyism". - 102, [3] pp.
Norton, Mass., Wheaton College, Thesis, 1972
Will, John Simon: Der Fall Ernest Mandel : Auseinandersetzungen um die Nichtberufung und das Einreiseverbot 1972-1978. - 126 pp.
Hamburg, Univ., Masterarb., 2018. - Director of thesis: Knud Andresen
Williams, Kathleen Zollman: The true believer on trial : Saint John Chrysostom and Leon Trotsky / Kathleen Z. Williams. - III, 84 pp.
Washington, DC, George Washington Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1969. - Director of thesis: Ronald B. Thompson
Wolfenstein, Eugene Victor: The revolutionary personality : an examination of the lives of 3 revolutionists: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, 1965. - 479 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1965. - Trade ed. publ. with titles: "The revolutionary personality : Lenin, Trotsky, Gandhi", "Los revolucionarios"
Wolfers, F.: L'origine du mouvement trotskyste en Belgique
Bruxelles, Univ. Libre, Mém. lic., 1975. - Could not (yet) be verified
Worth, Heather: Not with bombs, but with dialectical materialism : the history of the Spartacist League of New Zealand, the first revolutionary Trotskyist organisation in New Zealand. - 37, 3 pp.
Auckland, Univ. of Auckalnd, 1990, Reserach essay (M.A.), 1990
Wulff, Sylvia: Anton Grylewicz und seine Rolle in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. - 105 pp.
Köln, Staatliches Prüfungsamt für Erste Staatsprüfungen für Lehrämter an Schulen, Staatsexamensarbeit, 1985. - Director of thesis: Günter Wollstein
Yang Yang: Radicalism at the margin : the new emergence of the Chinese Trotskyist movement in Hong Kong, 1969-1981. - [6], 402 pp.
Colchester, Univ. of Essex, Thesis (Ph.D.), 2018. - Director of thesis: Xun Zhou
Yon, Karel: Des révolutionnaires professionels aux professionnels de la politique? : étude du courant Convergence(s) Socialiste(s). - 257 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mém. DEA, 2001. - Director of thesis: Jacques Lagroye
Yon, Karel: La Ligue Communiste et le mouvement lycéen contre la loi Debré (printemps 1973) : rôle et place d'une "avant-garde" dans le mouvement de masse. - 167 pp
Paris, Inst. d'Études Politiques de Paris, Mém. IEP, 1999
Youakim, Yousef I.: Staline et Trotsky : l'opposition de gauche, 1923-1927. - 191 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris (Sorbonne), Thèse univ., 1964
Zambrosi, Fabrício Bachiega: Terra ou morte : trajectória intelectual e revolucionária de Hugo Blanco (1958-1972). - 154 pp.
Franca, Univ. Estadual Paulista, Diss. mest., 2017. - Director of thesis: Marcos Sorrilha Pinheiro
Zikmund, Michal: Nová Antikapitalistická Levice : klasický nebo moderní marxismus? - [12], 98 pp.
Praha, Univ. Karlova v Praze, Bak. práce, 2014. - Director of thesis: Jan Charvát
Zimmer, Karl Alexandre: Débats et perceptions : "l'islam" au miroir du Secrétariat Unifié de la Quatričme Internationale et de sa section française ; le cas de l'invasion soviétique en Afghanistan. - 157 pp.
Le Mans, Univ. du Maine, Mém. de M1, 2011. - Director of thesis: Dominique Avon
Zimmer, Karl Alexandre: La révolution islamique au miroir de la Quatričme Internationale. - 188 pp.
Le Mans, Univ. du Maine, Mém. de M2, 2012. - Director of thesis: Dominique Avon
Zimmermann, Rüdiger: Der Leninbund : linke Kommunisten in der Weimarer Republik. - [1-2]. - [Various pag.]
Darmstadt, Technische Univ., Diss., 1976. - Director of thesis: A.R.L. Gurland. - Trade ed. publ. with the same title
Zorc, Bojan: Lev Davidovič Bronstein. - 77 pp.
Ljubljana, Univ., Dipl. nal., 1980. - Director of thesis: Stane Južnič
Aachen, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule: Kuckartz
Aberdeen, SD, Northern State Teachers College: Lautenschlager
Adelaide, S.A., Flinders University of South Australia: Lovell
Adelaide, S.A., University of Adelaide: Curran
Aix-en-Provence, Université de Provence I: Pattieu
Aix-Marseille, Université d'Aix-Marseille III: Boyer, Coquema, Hugon
Albany, NY, State University of New York at Albany: Meyer
Ålborg, Universitetscenter: Schou Madsen
Amherst, Mass., University of Massachusetts: Poole
Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam: Jacklin, Linden, Lubbersen, Pieterson
Angers, Université d'Angers: Gouas
Ann Arbor, Mich., University of Michigan: Nelson, Stokes
Atlanta, Ga., Emory University: Belton, Johnson
Auckland, University of Aukland: Bing, Worth
Augsburg, Universität Augsburg: Engelmann
Austin, Tex., University of Texas at Austin: Russell, Siegel
Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins University: Malbin
Barcelona, Universidad Central de Barcelona see Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona: Puigventós López
Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona: Pagès i Blanch (1975), Pagès i Blanch (1978), Rosés Cordovilla
Basel, Universität Basel: Soofali
Baton Rouge, La., Louisiana State University: Santiago
Belgorod, Belgorodskij Gosudarstvennyj Nacional'nyj Issledovatel'skij Universitet: Gužel'
Berkeley, Cal., University of California: Burnett
Berlin, Freie Universität: Dahl-Arnold, Geis, Kanthak (1971), Kanthak (1975), Plato, Ritter, Schütz, Steffen (1980), Steffen (1990)
Berlin, Humboldt-Universität: Krause, Wernicke (1982), Wernicke (1986)
Berlin, Institut für Gesellschaftswissenschaften beim ZK der SED: Madloch
Berlin, Technische Universität: Bois
Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté: Favier, Mobbs
Bern, Universität: Gebhart
Birmingham, University of Birmingham: Hughes
Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University: Chih, López Springfield, Melville, Rowney, Shaw
Bochum, Ruhr-Universität: Buschak, Tosstorff
Bordeaux, Université de Bordeaux II: Rougier
Bordeaux, Université de Bordeaux III: Denis, Jarrige
Boston, Mass., Boston College: Bloom
Boulder, Colo., University of Colorado: Southwell
Bradford, University of Bradford: Tennant
Brasilia, Universidade de Brasilia: Melo
Brussel, Economische Hoogschool Sint-Aloysius: Olbrechts
Brussel, Koninklijke Militaire School: Lembergen
Brussel, Vrije Universiteit: Blommaert, Sacre, Vrancken
Bruxelles, Université Libre: Beziou, Kunstler, Latteur, Pierpont, Van den Heuvel, Wolfers
Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires: Manduca, Mangiantini
Buenos Aires, Universidad de Torcuato di Tella: Mangiantini
Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de San Martín: Pallero, Polischuk
Burnaby, B.C., Simon Fraser University: McLeod
Caen, Université de Caen: Le Gros
Calcutta, Jadavpur University: Chattopadhyay
Cambridge [England], University of Cambridge: McCluskey
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University: Blair, Dale, Daniels, Foley, Penachio, Reuss, Rogin, Schoenfeld
Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cohen
Campina Grande, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande: Moura, Wanderley
Campinas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas: Gutierrez, Meucci, Miranda, Sílva, Sílva
Carbondale, Ill., Southern Illinois University: Amin
Char'kov, Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. A.M. Gor'kogo: Kaplunovskaja, Kaplunovskaja, Ostapenko, Ostapenko
Charlottesville, Va., University of Virginia: Straus
Chemnitz, Technische Universität: Engelhardt
Chicago, Ill., Northeastern Illinois University: Fivek
Chicago, Ill., University of Chicago: Hall
Cincinnati, Ohio, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion: Address
Claremont, Cal., Claremont Men's College: Ronald
Claremont, Cal., Claremont McKenna College: Kelsey
Clayton, Vic., Monash University: Beilharz (1978), Beilharz (1983)
Clermont-Ferrand, Université de C:lermont: Escuret
Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra: Monteiro
Colchester, University of Essex: Yang Yang
Columbia, SC, University of South Carolina: Myers
Commerce, Tex., EastTexas State University: Smart
Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: Luparello
Coventry, University of Warwick: Blakey, Penn, Stevenson
Curitiba, Universidade Federal do Paraná: Bandoli Dias, Macedo (2008), Macedo (2011), Macedo (2020)
Darmstadt, Technische Universität: Ranc, Zimmermann
Des Moines, Iowa, Drake University: Magill
Dijon, Université de Bourgogne: Brandély, Breton, Cottet-Émard, Ferrone, Fournier, Landais, Lefèvre, Sigoillot, Sonesi
Dominguez Hills, Cal., California State University: Muolo
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstevennyj Universitet: Antonov, Antonov, Pšegodskij, Pšegodskij
Downsview, Ont., York University: Trotman
Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine-Universität: Aschmoneit, Lutze
Duisburg, Gesamthochschule: Gellrich
Edmonton, Alb., University of Alberta: Kadar
Eichstätt, Gesamthochschule: Bühl
Ekaterinburg, Uralskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. A.M. Gor'kogo: Rožkov, Rožkov
Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität zu Erlangen-Nürnberg: Mehringer, Pfeffer, Schumacher
Exeter, University of Exeter: Barr
Firenze, Università degli Studi di Firenze: Fornaciari (1971), Fornaciari (1973)
Fortaleza, Universidade Estadual do Ceará: Mariano
Franca, Universidade Estadual Paulista: Justo, Zambrosi
Frankfurt a.M., Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität: Lee
Fredericton, N.B., University of Ndew Brunswick: Webber
Fribourg, Université de Fribourg: Challand
Genève, Université: Marquis
Gent, Rijksuniversiteit: Buelinckx, De Beule, De Rynck, Dick
Gießen, Justus-Liebig-Universität: Schuler-Jung
Glasgow, University of Glasgow: Salgado Munoz, Thatcher (1990), Thatcher (1993)
Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität: Eiberg, Quade, Riek, Siadat
Gor'kij, Gor'kovskij Gosudarstvennj Pedagogičeskij Institut: Bachtin
Greensboro, NC, University of North Carolina: Slacum
Grenoble, Université de Grenoble II: Bellart, Chardon, Coudène, Durand, Gall, Joubert
Grenoble, Université de Grenoble III (Université Stendhal): Sehl
Halle, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg: Ruch
Hamburg, Universität: Bois, Kröger, Will
Hannover, Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Universität: Kröger
Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität: Bahne, McGinley
Helsinki, Helsingin Yliopisto: Soukola
Hobart, Tasmania, University of Tasmania: Hearn
Hull, University of Hull: Pope, Upham
Indianapolis, Ind., Butler University: Riggle
Innsbruck, Leopold-Franzens-Universität: Seeber
Iowa City, Iowa, University of Iowa: Rucker
Karlstad, Karlstads Universitet: Olsson
Keele, University of Keele: Burton-Cartledge, Ferguson, Law
Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität: Brahm, Bronger, Tetsch
Kiev, Kievskij Universitet im. Tarasa Sevčenko: Ban'ko, Ban'ko, Hrečenko (1981), Hrečenko (1981) , Hrečenko (1992), Hrečenko (1992), Kalugin, Kalugin
Köln, Staatliches Prüfungsamt für Erste Staatsprüfungen für Lehrämter an Schulen: Schüle, Wulff
La Rochelle, Université de La Rochelle: Cariou, Lathus
Lancaster, University of Lancaster: Holmes
Laredo, Tex., Laredo State University: Villareal
Lawrence, Ka., University of Kansas: Dillon, Meyer, Poole
Le Havre, Université du Havre: Hentzgen (2019)
Le Mans, Université du Maine: Zimmer (2011), Zimmer (2012)
Leeds, University of Leeds: Blackburn
Leiden, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden: Kuijeren
Leipzig, Karl-Marx-Universität: Poppenberg
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Institut im. A.I. Gercena: Pavlov, Pavlov, Tabackij, Tabackij
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. A. A. Ždanova: Afanas'ev, Dičenko, Dines, Dines, Ivanov, Ivanov, Ivanov, Ivanov, Kublanov, Šmelev, Šmelev, Tkačenko, Tkačenko
Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven: De Meyer, Janssens, Kelders, Vandevelde
Liège, Université de Liège: Hupkens, Lorneau
Lille, Université de Lille II: Collet, Descourriere, Drouette, Paccou
Lille, Institut d'Études Politiques: Théry
Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska: Holm, Miller
Lisboa, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social: Cristino
Ljubljana, Univerza Ljubljana: Zorc
Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzi: Mirowski
London, Council for National Academic Awards: Archer, Driver
London, School of Economics and Political Science: Bubis, Day
London, University College London: Rayner
London, University of Greenwich: Pratt
London, University of London: Amarasinghe, Ehrlich
Los Angeles, Cal., University of California: Kutulas
Louisville, Ky.,University of Louisville: Boiter
Louvain, Université Catholique de Louvain: Abramowicz, Legien, Nélisse
L'vov, Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. Ivana Franka: Pimerov, Pimerov
Lyon, École Normale Supérieure: Gérin
Lyon, Université Lumière (Lyon II): Bidaud, Bonutto, Giliani
Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin: Dick, Gerber, Peterson
Madrid, Universidad Complutense: Maestro
Mainz, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität: Beyerstedt
Manchester, Victoria University: Callaghan, Pyatt, Sennett, Shaw
Mannheim, Universität: Alles, Foitzik
Marburg, Philipps-Universität: Kellner
Marília, SP, Universidade Estadual Paulista: Shirakura
Medford, Mass., Tufts University: Granville
Metz, Université de Metz: Kindo
México, D.F., Escuela de Periodismo Carlos Septién García: Hermida Román
México, D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Monterrey Grajeda, John, Ruiz Orozco
Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano: Bassi, Colombo
Minneapolis, Minn., University of Minnesota: Saccarelli, Tselos
Mississippi, Miss., Mississippi State University: Fatherree
Mona, University of the West Indies: Bogues
Monterey, Cal., Naval Postgraduate School: Billings
Montpellier, Université de Montpellier I: Serrano
Montpellier, Université de Montpellier III (Université Paul Valéry): Chaniac
Montreal, Concordia University: Russell
Montreal, McGill University: Dorland, Spilberg
Montréal, Université de Montréal: Deblock
Morelia, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo: Avilés
Moskva, Akademija Obščestvennych Nauk pri CK KPSS: Basmanov, Basmanov, Basmanov, Blinov, Blinov, Chryskov, Chryskov, Esieva, Esieva, Grin'ko, Grin'ko, Kačan, Kačan, Kulikov, Kulikov, Makarov, Makarov, Mezenov, Mezenov, Mit'kin, Mit'kin, Papkov, Papkov, Sopin, Sopin, Švecov, Švecov, Timonin, Timonin, Vaseckij, Vaseckij,
Moskva, Gosudarstvennaja Akademija Upravlenija: Ivčenko, Ivčenko, Samofalov, Samofalov
Moskva, Institut Latinskoj Ameriki: Kulikov, Kulikov
Moskva, Institut Marksizma-Leninizma pri CK KPSS: Vaseckij, Vaseckij
Moskva, Institut Meždunarodnogo Dviženija: Pancov, Pancov
Moskva, Institut Molodeži: Šojfot, Šojfot
Moskva, Institut Voennyj Istorii: Vjatkin, Vjatkin
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Institut im. V.I. Lenina: Latypov, Latypov, Nazarov, Nazarov, Titov, Titov
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova: Apal'kov, Apal'kov, Bacekalo, Bacekalo, Chinkanina, Galkova, Galkova, Gileva, Gileva, Gluško, Gluško, Gusev, Gusev, Korolev, Korolev, Makrecova, Makrecova, Novikov, Novikov, Panin, Panin, Romanova, Romanova, Sacharov, Sacharov, Savinčenko, Savinčenko, Stecura, Stecura, Taranenko, Taranenko, Vojtikov, Vojtikov, Volkov, Volkov
Moskva, Moskovskij Pedagogičeskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet: Černjakov, Černjakov
Moskva, Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Institut Dal'nego Vostoka: Usov, Usov
Moskva, Rossijskaja Akademija Upravlenija: Potašev, Potašev
Moskva, Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Gumanitarnyj Universitet: Vojtikov, Vojtikov
Moskva, Rossijskij Universitet Družby Narodov: Avada, Avada, Čžao Czjan'bo, Čžao Czjan'bo, Čžao Czjan'bo
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akademija im. V. I. Lenina: Bojčev, Bojčev, Šamilev, Šamilev
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS: Krasil'nikov, Krasil'nikov, Slamichin, Slamichin
Nancy, Université de Nancy II: Choffat, Lanuque (1995), Lanuque (1997), Malaisé
Nanterre, Université de Paris X (Paris-Nanterre): Allavena, Cynober, Dreyfus, Godchau, Kesselman, Lafaye, Roux
New Brunswick, Rutgers University: Buckley, Horowitz
New Orleans, La., Tulane University: Bauser, McElreath, Usary
New York, NY, City University of New York: John
New York, NY, Columbia University: Bradley, Drucker, Farrelly, Feldman, Francis, Gross, Nisonger, Rabinovich, Rich
New York, NY, Fordham University: Gomes
New York, NY, New School of Social Research: Nayeri
New York, NY, New York State University: Grunfeld, Isaacs
New York, NY, Queens College: Tilitz
Nice, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis: Marchetti
Nijmegen, Katholieke Universiteit: Keurentjes
Nijmegen, Radboud Universiteit: Menting
Niterói, Universidade Federal Fluminense: Castro, Demier (2008), Demier (2012), Lignani, Monteiro (2016), Monteiro (2021), Oliveira (2013), Oliveira (2018), Prado
Norman, Okla., University of Oklahoma: Medlin
Northampton, Mass., Smith College: Nicoll
Norton, Mass., Wheaton College: Wilford
Novosibirsk, Novosibirskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet: Demidov, Demidov, Nikiforova
Omaha, Neb., Creighton University: O'Connor
Orlando, Flo., University of Central Florida: Layson
Orono, Me., University of Maine: Stritch
Osijek, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera: Pavić
Oslo, Universitet i Oslo: Eriksen, Røtvold, Strandberg
Osnabrück, Universität: Placke (1986), Placke (1994)
Ottawa, Ont., Carleton University: Connor, Corney, O'Brien
Oxford, University of Oxford: Knei-Paz, Sperber
Padova, Universitŕ degli Studi: Canova
Palermo, Universitŕ degli Studi: Buccheri
Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales: Ben-Gal, Coggiola, Kuzmanović, Roger
Paris, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris: Gaillard, Johsua, Johsua, Pas, Treves, Yon
Paris, Institut Nationale des Langues et Civilisations Orientales: Hen (2011), Hen (2021)
Paris, Université de Paris (Sorbonne) [pre-1971]: Aarsse 1969, Goldberg, Mélinand, Mergui, Youakim
Paris, Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne): Atias, Bourrinet, Bruneau, Cabero, Cassard, De Brie, Duhamel, Faburel, Golfier, Hentzgen (2006), Hentzgen (2007), Hirsch, Ketz, Kondratieva, Leborgne, Malaisé, Mergui, Merrien, Metra, Michelet, Payan, Pingaud, Pluet-Despatin, Salles, Sylvestre, Yon
Paris, Université de Paris II (Panthéon-Assas): Camara, Denis, Guelfi (1970), Guelfi (1972), Smith
Paris, Université de Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne): Lorelle
Paris, Université de Paris V (René Descartes): Mihoudi
Paris, Université de Paris VII (Denis Diderot): Aarsse (1976), Deleage, Hémery, London, Rizet-Savoi
Paris, Université de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes): Authier, Brabant, Brossat, Coggiola, Gluckstein, Grizbek, Longuet, Peciña, Stobnicer
Parkville, Vic., University of Melbourne: Gaffney, Markwick
Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma: Ferrari, Miccoli, Sermasi
Perpignan, Université de Perpignan: Chevalier (1991), Chevalier (1999)
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyi Universitet A.M. Gor'kogo: Šabalin, Šabalin, Suslov, Suslov
Perth, W.A., University of Western Australia: Milner
Philadelphia, Penn., University of Pennsylvania: Kagan, King, Nedava, Vahabzadeh
Pittsburgh, Penn., University of Pittsburgh: Le Blanc, Twiss
Poitiers, Université de Poitiers: Magnant, Salles
Portland, Or., Reed College: Cass, Fulginiti, Goldenweiser, Hirsch, Humphrey, Jones, Lerner, McKeehan, Petersen
Praha, Univerzita Karlova v Praze: Andrlik, Benová, Pražak, Štorkánová, Zikmund
Princeton, NJ, Princeton University: Downs, Gambee, Graham, Kelner, Langan, Neale, Purdue, Samuels, Wolfenstein
Providence, RI, Brown University: Lustig
Quilmes, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes: Herszkowich
Recife, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco: Gallindo
Rennes, Institut d'Études Politiques: Moalic-Minnaert (2010)
Rennes, Université de Rennes I: Caillosse, Kernalegenn, Moalic-Minnaert (2017)
Rennes, Université de Rennes II: Piriou, Raimbault
Richmond, Va., University of Richmond: McAloon
Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro: Freitas
Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense: Castro, Faria
Riverside, Cal., University of California: Nelson
Roma, Universitŕ degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza": Mastrolillo
Rostov-na-Donu, Gosudarstvennyj Universitet: Kiselev, Kiselev
Rouen, Université de Rouen: Gallot
Saint Paul, Minn., Hamline University: Swenson
Salvador, Universidade Federal da Bagia: Aranha
Salzburg, Universität: Hauer, Wagner
San Diego, Cal., San Diego State College: Walker
San Diego, Cal., San Diego State University: Ferrari
San Francisco, Cal., San Francisco State University: Boorman
San José, Cal., State University: Sidlow
San Luis Obispo, Cal., California Polytechnic State University: Mendoza
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Institut Istorii Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk: Rakov, Rakov, Reznik, Reznik, Stefanenko, Stefanenko
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Gosudarstvennyj Agrarnyj Universitet: Anfert'ev, Anfert'ev
Sankt-Peterburg, Severo-Zapadnaja Akademija Gosudarstvennoj Služby: Nikitin, Nikitin
Santiago, Universidad de Chile: Insulza
Santa Maria, RS, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria: Lisboa, Lisboa
São Carlos, Universidade Federal de São Carlos: Angelo, Di Carlo
São Paulo, , Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho: Pivotto
São Paulo, Pontifica Universidade Católica: Almeida, Ferreira, Silva, Silva
São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo: Leal
Seattle, Wash., University of Washington: Bezanson, Cervantes, Cochran, Liddy, Spoerry
Siegen, Universität Siegen: Nitzsche (2004), Nitzsche (2006)
Slavjansk-na-Kubani, Slavjanski-na-Kubani, Gosudarstvennaj Pedagogičeskij Institut: Azarenko
Stanford, Cal., Stanford University: Heyman
Stavropol', Stavropol'skij Gosudarstvennaja Sel'skochozjajstvennaja Akademija: Kalinčenko
Sverdlovsk, Ural'skij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. A. M. Gor'kogo: Kružinov, Kružinov
Swansea, University College of Swansea: Baker
Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem: Rékási
Tallahassee, Flo., Florida State University: Childress, Egan, Hazelip
Taškent, Taškentskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. V.I. Lenina: Okunskaja, Okunskaja
Tbilisi, Institut Istorii Partii pri CK KP Gruzii: Toidze
Tempe, Ariz., Arizona State University: Hvidsten, Santille
Teramo, Università degli Studi di Teramo: Del Biondo, Francesangeli
Tjumen', Tjumenskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet: Kružinov, Kružinov, Vakulenko, Vakulenko
Toledo, Ohio, University of Toledo: Chen, Dussel
Tomsk, Tomskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. V.V. Kujbyševa: Porochin, Porochin
Tomsk, Nacional'nyj Issledovatel'skij Tomskij Gosudarstevennyj Universitet: Kazanceva
Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino: Milanesi, Pian, Telloli
Toronto, Ont., University of Toronto: O'Toole
Toulouse, Institut d'Études Politiques: Tourraille
Toulouse, Université de Toulouse I: Ferron
Toulouse, Université de Toulouse II: Côme, Porté
Tromsø, Universitetet i Tromsø: Lysfjord
Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls-Universität: Keil, Syré
Urbana, Ill., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Ledebuhr, Miller
Valparaíso, Universidade de Valparaíso: Vásquez Vergara
Villetaneuse, Université de Paris XIII (Paris-Nord): Durr
Villeneuve d'Asq, Université de Lille III: Coudène, Vasseur
Voronež, Voronežskij Gosudarstvennj Universitet: Matveev
Waltham, Mass., Brandeis University: Appell, Bloom, Gamzu
Warzawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski: Kendziorek
Washington, DC, The American University: Burch
Washington, DC, George Washington University: Braun, Konetschny, Sirek, Williams
Washington, DC, Georgetown University: Limberg
Wellesley, Mass., Wellesley College: Stella
Wien, Universität: Gössinger, Kutos, Mansfeld, Podzeit, Schafranek, Schodl, Waitz
Williamsburg, Va., College of William and Mary in Virgina: Rist
Williamstown, Mass., Williams College: Hellman
York, University of York: Hampton, Høgsbjerg (2002), Høgsbjerg (2009), Southall
Zagreb, Hrvatsko Katoličko Sveučilište: Petković
Zamora, Colegio de Michoacán: Bustamante González
Zürich, Universität Zürich: Federer, Rüegg, Vogelsanger (1979), Vogelsanger (1986)
1937: Goldenweiser
1940: Dale, Isaacs, Rabinovich
1942: Hall, Monterrey Grajeda
1943: Bachtin
1946: Kublanov
1947: Boiter
1949: Bradley
1952: Feldman, Melville, Spoerry
1953: Gileva, Gileva, Kalugin, Kalugin
1956: Matveev
1957: Francis
1960: Liddy
1962: Langan, Lautenschlager, McKeehan, Stritch
1964: Krasil'nikov, Krasil'nikov, Youakim
1965: Chih, Ritter, Rowney, Wolfenstein
1966: Basmanov, Blinov, Blinov, Bloom, Bronger, Kačan, Kačan, Makarov, Makarov
1967: Chryskov, Chryskov, Kelders, Mergui, Riggle, Taranenko, TaranenkoTitov, Titov
1968: Appell, Bing, Burnett, Cohen, Coudène, Foley, Grin'ko, Grin'ko, Mit'kin, Mit'kin, Poole, Sopin, Sopin
1969: Aarsse, Afanas'ev, Bonutto, Godchau, Goldberg, Graham, Insulza, Kagan, Kiselev, Kiselev, Mélinand, Meyer, Mezenov, Mezenov, Stella, Tkačenko, Tkačenko, Williams
1970: Authier, Blair, Cass, Day, Eriksen, Esieva, Esieva, Fulginiti, Guelfi, Hearn, Ivanov, Ivanov, Konetschny, Lee, Nedava, Sacre, Smart, Spilberg, Strandberg, Tetsch, Tselos, Vjatkin, Vjatkin
1971: Baker, Cottet-Émard, Dick, Dorland, Fornaciari, Galkova, Galkova, Kanthak, Magnant, Neale, Russell, Timonin, Timonin, Walker
1972: Address, Brossat, Cabero, Caillosse, Dillon, Fivek, Fournier, Guelfi, Heyman, Joubert, Lefèvre, Mergui, Nelson, O'Toole, Pierpont, Piriou, Pšegodskij, Pšegodskij, Roux, Santiago, Savinčenko, Savinčenko, Wilford
1973: Antonov, Antonov, Buckley, Bühl, Duhamel, Fornaciari, Gerber, Hémery, Plato
1974: Amarasinghe, Bacekalo, Bacekalo, Ben-Gal, Geis, Gluckstein, L.S. Hirsch, R. Hirsch, Johnson, Keil, Ketz, Knei-Paz, Kunstler, Limberg, Medlin, Myers, O'Brien, Papkov, Papkov, Peterson, Poole, Šamilev, Šmelev, Šmelev, Toidze, Vandevelde
1975: Grizbek, Hvidsten, Kanthak, Korolev, Korolev, O'Connor, Pagès i Blanch (1975), Pluet-Despatin, Porochin, Porochin, Ronald, Shaw, Van den Heuvel, Wolfers
1976: Aarsse, Belton, Brabant, Camara, Connor, Dussel, Escuret, Krause, Madloch, Nisonger, Peciña, Ruch, Sehl, Slamichin, Slamichin, Wagner, Zimmermann
1977: Canova, Eiberg, Horowitz, Hughes, Kružinov, Kružinov, Lovell, Magill, Makrecova, Makrecova, Markwick, Mehringer, Meyer, Pieterson, Quade, Schuler-Jung, Southwell
1978: Alles, Basmanov, Basmanov, Beilharz, Childress, De Beule, De Meyer, Dreyfus, Egan, Fatherree, Kuckartz, Lorelle, Metra, Nelson, Pagès i Blanch (1978), Riek, Southall, Stokes
1979: Archer, Ban'ko, Ban'ko, Bloom, Bruneau, Coggiola, Miller, Olbrechts, Penn, Pfeffer, Poppenberg, Porté, Rayner, Straus, Vaseckij, Vaseckij, Vogelsanger
1980: Blommaert, Bourrinet, Cochran, Downs, Gomes, Hazelip, Holmes, Kulikov, Kulikov, Nélisse, Pimerov, Pimerov, Santille, Siegel, Steffen, Stobnicer, Telloli, Upham, Zorc
1981: Cassard, Corney, Ehrlich, Hrečenko, Hrečenko, Kesselman, Keurentjes, Michelet, Milanesi, Novikov, Novikov, Pope, Roger, Rucker, Stecura, Stecura
1982: Amin, Atias, Buschak, Deblock, Callaghan, Legien, Lustig, Romanova, Romanova, Wernicke
1983: Beilharz, Burch, Coggiola, Janssens, Dines, DinesKadar, López Springfield, Lorneau, Lubbersen, Marquis, Okunskaja, Okunskaja, Schou Madsen, Sermasi, Syré, Usary, Vasseur, Volkov, Volkov
1984: , Durand, Gluško, Gluško, Hellman, Jacklin, Lafaye, Pian
1985: Beyerstedt, Bubis, Ferreira, Grunfeld, Mihoudi, Pavlov, Pavlov, Tosstorff, Wulff
1986: Foitzik, Gall, Hauer, Kutulas, Lembergen, Longuet, Placke, Soukola, Vogelsanger, Wernicke
1987: Bezanson, Dick, Golfier, Granville, Law, Maestro, Schafranek, Schüle, Shaw, Vahabzadeh, Vaseckij, Vaseckij, Vrancken
1988: Bauser, Faburel, Kondratieva, Kuijeren, Miccoli, Penachio, Schütz
1989: Chinkanina, Deleage, Gamzu, Kelner, Le Blanc, Linden, McElreath, Schoenfeld, Sirek, Suslov, Suslov, Tabackij, Tabackij
1990: Bojčev, Bojčev, Driver, Hampton, Kaplunovskaja, Kaplunovskaja, Steffen, Švecov, Švecov, Thatcher, Worth
1991: Aschmoneit, Barr, Chevalier, Choffat, Dahl-Arnold, Le Gros, Ostapenko, Ostapenko, Villareal
1992: Bassi, Breton, Dičenko, Hrečenko, Hrečenko, Ivčenko, Ivčenko, Kutos, Nayeri, Rékási, Russell, Samofalov, Samofalov, Sennett, Treves
1993: Allavena, Braun, Castro , Coquema, Hugon, Kulikov, Kulikov, Latypov, Latypov, McLeod, Milner, Pancov, Pancov, Pratt, Reuss, Thatcher, Trotman
1994: Bogues, Drucker, Gaffney, Gellrich, Kalinčenko, King, Kröger, Placke, Potašev, Potašev, Rožkov, Rožkov, Sylvestre
1995: Bidaud, Cervantes, Chattopadhyay, Lanuque, Lutze, Nazarov, Nazarov, Rist
1996: Colombo, Gusev, Gusev, Kindo, Latteur, Siadat, Silva, Šojfot, Šojfot, Stevenson
1997: Chen, Collet, Demidov, Demidov, Jarrige, Kendziorek, Lanuque, Leal, Mansfeld, Sidlow
1998: Bellart, Billings, John, Kuzmanović, Marchetti, Miller, Pas, Pyatt, Ruiz Orozco, Silva, Vásquez Vergara
1999: Castro, Chevalier, Cynober, Del Biondo, Durr, Gaillard, Mobbs, Salles, Serrano, Tennant, Tilitz, Yon
2000: Avada, Avada, Černjakov, Černjakov, Challand, De Rynck, Gössinger, Nikiforova, Nikitin, Nikitin, Pattieu, Šabalin, Šabalin
2001: Brandély, Ferron, Gouas, Kružinov, Kružinov, Malaisé, Malbin, McAloon, Merrien, Yon
2002: Buelinckx, Chardon, Coudène, Descourriere, Høgsbjerg (2002), Kernalegenn, Malaisé, Mendoza, Panin, Panin, Ranc
2003: Almeida, Bois, Cariou, De Brie, Johsua, Layson, Paccou, Raimbault
2004: Abramowicz, Anfert'ev, Anfert'ev, Curran, Francesangeli, Gebhart, Gutierrez, Landais, Lathus, Ledebuhr, McCluskey, Nicoll, Nitzsche (2004), Payan, Salles, Schumacher, Smith, Sonesi, Swenson
2005: Čžao Czjan'bo, Čžao Czjan'bo, Faria, Ferrari, Ferrone, Kröger, Muolo, Rougier, Saccarelli, Sacharov, Sacharov
2006: Boyer, Engelhardt, Gallot, Hentzgen 2006, Hermida Román, John, Kellner, Nitzsche (2006), Pingaud, Rizet-Savoi
2007: Andrlik, Angelo, Beziou, Hentzgen (2007), McGinley, Menting, Sperber
2008: Azarenko, Demier, Macedo (2008), Rüegg, Tourraille, Webber
2009: Burton-Cartledge, Høgsbjerg (2009), Mirowski, Twiss, Vakulenko, Vakulenko
2010: Chaniac, Denis, Gallindo, Moalic-Minnaert (2010), Usov, Usov, Vojtikov, Vojtikov
2011: Blakey, Hen (2011), Johsua, Kelsey, Leborgne, Macedo (2011), Mariano, Pivotto, Théry, Zimmer (2011)
2012: Demier, Drouette, Engelmann, Favier, Ferrari, Justo, Sílva, Waitz, Zimmer (2012)
2013: Bandoli Dias, Di Carlo, Oliveira (2013), Puigventós López
2014: Bois, Cristino, Gérin, Holm, Lisboa, Luparello, Mangiantini, Miranda, Monteiro, Reznik, Reznik, Štorkánová, Zikmund
2015: Côme, Freitas, Herszkowich, Hupkens, Meucci, Silva
2016: Gužel', Monteiro, Moura, Polischuk
2017: Apal'kov, Apal'kov, Boorman, Mangiantini, Moalic-Minnaert (2017), Pallero, Petković, Rosés Cordovilla, Zambrosi
2018: Avilés, Benová, Blackburn, Denis, Melo, Oliveira (2018), Shirakura, Will, Yang Yang
2019: Hentzgen (2019), Lisboa, Podzeit, Prado, Pražak, Salgado Munoz, Wanderley
2020: Buccheri, Bustamante González, Federer, Giliani, Lignani, Lysfjord, Macedo, Rakov, Rakov, Soofali
2021: Aranha, Ferguson, Hen (2021), Lerner, Monteiro, Seeber, Stefanenko, Stefanenko
2022: Manduca, Mastrolillo, Røtvold, Sigoillot
2023: Kazanceva, Olsson, Pavić, Vojtikov, Vojtikov
Biographical studies -- Trotsky's childhood, youth and family, psychobiographical studies: Cohen, McCluskey
Biographical studies -- Trotsky's pre-1917 exiles: Corney, Kutos, Mansfeld, Merrien
Biographical studies -- Trotsky as revolutionary leader: Aschmoneit, Blair, Bojčev, Bojčev, Connor, Hall, Johnson, Kelsey, Liddy, Medlin, Nelson, Vojtikov (2010), Vojtikov (2023)
Biographical studies -- Trotsky's downfall: Holmes, Lautenschlager, Riggle
Biographical studies -- Trotsky's post-1928 exiles: Appell, Eriksen, Fivek, Gall, Podzeit, Pratt, Rékási, Ruiz Orozco, Russell, Santiago, Strandberg
Biographical studies -- Trotsky's assassination: Hazelip, Hermida Román, Monterrey, Puigventós López
Biographical studies -- Trotsky's Jewishness: Address
Literary and filmic adaptations: Downs, Lysfjord, Malbin
About Trotsky research and reception: Engelmann, Potašev, Potašev
Trotsky's political thought (general): Bassi, Beilharz 1978, Beilharz 1983, Brossat, Cass, Dussel, Egan, Farrelly, Feldman, Goldenweiser, Insulza, Knei-Paz, Latypov, Latypov, Ledebuhr, Pivotto, Saccarelli, Sidlow, Siegel, Šojfot, Šojfot, Williams
Trotsky's theory of (permanent) revolution: Billings, Blinov, Blinov, Bühl, Camara, Chattopadhyay, Dale, Dillon, Fornaciari, Hearn, Korolev, Korolev, Lembergen, Limberg, Mehringer, Mergui, Mirowski, Ostapenko, Ostapenko, Placke 1986, Placke 1994, Rich, Rowney, Rucker, Salgado Munoz, Samuels, Schumacher, Slacum, Stokes, Tetsch, Thatcher, Usary, Waitz, Wilford
Trotsky's analysis of the Western World: Cabero, Gebhart, Hirsch, Lutze, Plato, Sennett, , Shirakura, Steffen, Villarreal
Trotsky's analysis of China and the "Third" World: Blackburn, Dorland, Le Blanc, Quade, Walker
Trotsky's economic analysis of Russia and the Western World: Day, Dičenko, Dick, Krause, Kunstler, Melville, Nikitin, Nikitin, Rožkov, Rožkov, Sirek
Trotsky's analysis of post-revolutionary Russia and of Stalinism: Beyerstedt, Braun, Caillosse, Curran, Fornaciari, Hugon, Kanthak, Kondratiéva, Law, Linden, Lovell, Lustig, Milner, Penachio, Twiss, Vahabzadeh
Trotsky and the question of organization: Barr, Cervantes, Humphrey, Janssens, Kanthak, Molyneux, Neale, Rabinovich, Straus
Trotsky's analysis of fascism: Dahl-Arnold, Eiberg, Hauer, Kröger, Kuckartz, Magill, Markwick, Riek, Soofali
Trotsky as historian: Avada, Avada, Chaniac, Fulginiti, Kulikov, Kulikov, Lerner, McElreath, Porochin, Porochin, Schoenfeld
Trotsky as journalist and writer: Bassow, Gössinger, Gužel', Kuijeren, Nikiforova, Ranc, Tkačenko, Tkačenko, Vakulenko, Vakulenko
Trotsky as military thinker: Baker, Heyman, Justo, Muolo, Ritter
Trotsky's views of foreign policy, diplomacy, war and peace: Keil, Kelner, McGinley, Miller, Silva, Smart, Thatcher
Trotsky's views of moral: Bidaud, Olsson
Trotsky's views of nationalism and of the Jewish question: Gamzu, Nedava
Trotsky's views of culture, literature, art, and education: Aranha, Bauser, Bonutto, De Meyer, Dick, Gross, Kadar, Kalinčenko, Lorelle, Nicoll, Poole
The pre-1917 factional struggles in the RSDRP: Authier, Chinkanina, Grin'ko, Grin'ko, Jones, Mit'kin, Mit'kin, Shaw, Sopin, Sopin
The struggle against Trotsky and the Trotskyist Opposition in the USSR (general): Apal'kov, Apal'kov, Apal'kov, Azarenko, Brahm, Daniels, Kazanceva, Layson, Nazarov, Nazarov, Petersen, Purdue, Titov, Titov, Vjatkin, Vjatkin
The factional struggles 1918-1922: Esieva, Esieva, Kaplunovskaja, Kaplunovskaja, Kačan, Kačan, Krasil'nikov, Krasil'nikov, McAloon, Šamilev, Šamilev, Slamichin, Slamichin
The factional struggle against the Left Opposition 1923-1925: Afanas'ev, Černjakov, Černjakov, Dines, Dines, Foley, Gileva, Gileva, Ivanov, Ivanov, Ivčenko, Ivčenko, Makarov, Makarov, Makrecova, Makrecova, Matveev, McKeehan, Mezenov, Mezenov, Papkov, Papkov, Pavlov, Pavlov, Primerov, Primerov, Reznik, Reznik, Sacharov, Sacharov, Samofalov, Samofalov, Schuler-Jung, Siadat
The factional struggle against the United Opposition 1925-1927: Bacekalo, Bacekalo, Bronger, Canova, Černjakov, Francis, Galkova, Galkova, Hellman, Hrečenko, Hrečenko (1992), Hughes, Kalugin, Kalugin, Kiselev, Kiselev, Nisonger, Novikov, Novikov, O'Connor, Panin, Panin, Papkov, Papkov, Pavlov, Pavlov, Savinčenko, Savinčenko, Schütz, Šmelev, Šmelev, Spoerry, Švecov, Švecov, Stecura, Stecura2, Timonin, Timonin, Vaseckij, Vaseckij, Youakim
The factional struggles -- Regional studies: Antonov, Antonov, Bachtin, Ban'ko, Ban'ko, Chryskov, Chryskov, Demidov, Demidov, Gluško, Gluško, Hrečenko, Hrečenko, Ivanov, Ivanov, Kružinov, Kružinov, Kružinov, Kružinov, Okunskaja, Okunskaja, Pšegodskij, Pšegodskij, Rakov, Rakov, Stefanenko, StefanenkoSuslov, Suslov, Tabackij, Tabackij, Taranenko, Taranenko, Toidze
The Trotskyist Opposition in the USSR after its defeat: Anfert'ev, Anfert'ev, Gambee, Gusev, Gusev, Longuet, Šabalin, Šabalin
Repression and persecution of the Trotskyists in the USSR and abroad: Konetschny, Kublanov, Ferrari
Trotsky and the Moscow Trials. The Dewey Commission and Trotsky's counter trial in Mexico: Boiter, Belton, Bloom, Poole
The International Left Opposition and the early history of the Fourth International: Allavena, Childress, Buschak, Dreyfus, Durand, Godchau, Granville, Marchetti, Mastrolillo, Payan, Soukola, Vergnon, Volkov, Volkov
The Fourth International (general and varia): Andrlik, Basmanov, Basmanov, Basmanov, Buckley, Coquema, Driver, Ferrari, Fournier, Giliani, Guelfi, Holm, Michelet, Monteiro (2016), Monteiro (2021), Poppenberg, Ruch, Smith, Zimmer (2011), Zimmer (2012)
The Trotskyist movement -- Argentina: Coggiola 1979, Coggiola 1983, Herszkowich, Macedo, Manduca, Mangiantini (2014), Mangiantini (2017), Moura, Pallero, Polischuk, Wanderley
The Trotskyist movement -- Australia: Gaffney
The Trotskyist movement -- Austria: Schodl, Wagner
The Trotskyist movement -- Belgium: Abramowicz, Beziou, Blommaert, Buelinckx, De Beule, Hupkens, Latteur, Legein, Lorneau, Nélisse, Pierpont, Sacre, Van den Heuvel, Vrancken, Wolfers
The Trotskyist movement -- Bolivia: John 1998, John 2006
The Trotskyist movement -- Brazil: Almeida, Angelo, Bandoli Dias, Castro (1993), Castro (1999), Demier (2008), Demier (2012), Faria, Di Carlo, Ferreira, Gallindo, Gutierrez, Leal, Lignani, Lisboa, Lisboa, Macedo (2008), Macedo (2011), Macedo (2020), Mariano, Melo, Miranda, Oliveira (2013), Oliveira (2018), Prado, Silva 1996, Silva 1998
The Trotskyist movement -- Canada: McLeod, O'Brien, O'Toole, Webber
The Trotskyist movement -- Chile: Vásquez Vergara
The Trotskyist movement -- China: Chih, Čžao Czjan'bo, Čžao Czjan'bo, Geis, Kagan, Meyer, Miller, Pancov, Pancov, Yang Yang
The Trotskyist movement -- Cuba: Meucci, Tennant
The Trotskyist movement -- Denmark: Schou Madsen
The Trotskyist movement -- Eastern Europe: Pražak, Štorkánová, Zikmund
The Trotskyist movement -- France -- Pre-1940: Atias, Coudène, Durr, Ferrone, Gerber, Gluckstein, Goldberg, Hirsch, Joubert, Ketz, Lefèvre, London, Mélinand, Vasseur
The Trotskyist movement -- France -- 1940-1944: Brabant, Cassard, Collet, Cottet-Émard, Malaisé, Piriou, Roux
The Trotskyist movement -- France -- 1945-1968: Blakey, Breton, Cynober, Escuret, Faburel, Grizbek, Hentzgen 2006, Hentzgen (2007), Hentzgen (2019), Lanuque (1995), Lanuque (1997), Malaisé (2002), Pas, Pattieu, Vaseckij, Vaseckij
The Trotskyist movement -- France -- After 1968: Bellart, Ben-Gal, Benová, Boyer, Brandély, Bruneau, Cariou, Chardon, Choffat, Côme, De Brie, Denis, Descourriere, Drouette, Duhamel, Favier, Gaillard, Gallot, Gérin, Gouas, Jarrige, Johsua, Kernalegenn, Kindo, Kuzmanović, Lafaye, Landais, Lathus, Le Gros, Leborgne, Magnant, Metra, Mihoudi, Moalic-Minnaert (2010), Moalic-Minnaert (2017), Mobbs, Paccou, Petit, Pingaud, Raimbault, Rizet-Savoi, Rougier, Saglio, Salles 1999, Salles (2004), Serrano, Sonesi, Sperber, Sylvestre, Théry, Tourraille, Treves, Yon (1999), Yon (2001)
The Trotskyist movement -- France -- general and miscellaneous: Deleage, Golfier, Pluet-Despatin, Porté
The Trotskyist movement -- Germany: Alles, Bahne, Bois (2003), Bois (2014), Denis, Engelhardt, Foitzik, Madloch, Nitzsche (2004), Nitzsche (2006), Pfeffer, Schüle, Sehl, Stobnicer, Zimmermann
The Trotskyist movement -- Great Britain: Archer, Burton-Cartledge, Callaghan, Ehrlich, Ferguson, Hampton, Penn, Pope, Rayner, Shaw, Sigoillot, Steffen, Stevenson, Upham, Wernicke (1982), Wernicke (1986)
The Trotskyist movement -- Greece: Hen (2011), Hen (2021)
The Trotskyist movement -- Italy: Bourrinet, Buccheri, Colombo, Francescangeli, Mastrolillo, Roger
The Trotskyist movement -- Latin America (general): Guelfi, Kulikov, Kulikov
The Trotskyist movement -- Mexico: Avilés, Bustamante González
The Trotskyist movement -- The Netherlands: Jacklin, Lubbersen, Menting, Pieterson
The Trotskyist movement -- New Zealand: Worth
The Trotskyist movement -- Peru: Zambrosi
The Trotskyist movement -- Poland: Kendziorek
The Trotskyist movement -- Portugal: Cristino, Monteiro
The Trotskyist movement -- South Africa: Lee, Southall
The Trotskyist movement -- Spain: Fatherree, Maestro, Mendoza, Pagès i Blanch (1975), Pagès i Blanch (1978), Peciña, Rosés Cordovilla, Tosstorff
The Trotskyist movement -- Sri Lanka: Amarasinghe
The Trotskyist movement -- Switzerland: Challand, Federer, Marquis, Rüegg, Vogelsanger (1979), Vogelsanger (1986)
The Trotskyist movement -- United States: Amin, Bloom, Boorman, Bubis, Burnett, Graham, Horowitz, Isaacs, Kesselman, Kutulas, Langan, Lisboa, Luparello, Myers, Peterson, Reuss, Rist, Rogin, Ronald, Southwell, Stella, Straus, Tselos
The Trotskyist movement -- Vietnam: Hémery, Usov, Usov
About Grace Carlson: Swenson
About Ciliga, Ante: Pavić, Petković
About Isaac Deutscher: Hvidsten, Nelson, Russell, Syré, Tilitz
About Anton Grylewicz: Wulff
About Harold Isaacs: Chen
About C.L.R. James: Bogues, Gomes, Høgsbjerg (2002), Høgsbjerg (2009), King, López Springfield, Røtvold, Trotman
About Arlette Laguiller: Chardon, Ferron, Gaillard
About Kurt Landau: Schafranek
About Alfonso Leonetti: Milanesi, Telloli
About Livio Maitan: Buccheri
About Ernest Mandel: Bezanson, Burch, Cochran, De Rynck, Deblock, Kellner, Nayeri, Olbrechts, Sílva, Vandevelde, Will
About Pierre Naville: Cuenot
About Roman Rosdolsky: Kröger
About Jean Rous: Chevalier (1991), Chevalier (1999)
About Sal Santen: Keurentjes, Menting
About Max Shachtman: Drucker, Meyer
About Henk Sneevliet: Aarsse (1969), Aarsse (1976), Bing
About Pietro Tresso: Del Biondo, Francesangeli, Miccoli, Pian, Sermasi
Avtoref. diss. | Avtoreferat dissertacii |
Bak. práce | Bakalářská práce |
Dipl. nal. | Diplomska naloga |
Dipl. práce | Diplomová práce |
Dipl. rab. | Diplomnaja rabota |
Dipl. rad | Diplomski rad |
Dipl. univ. | Diplôme universitaire |
Dipl.-Arbeit | Diplomarbeit |
Diss. | Dissertation, Inauguraldissertation, dissertacija ... |
Diss. (dokt.) | Dissertacija (doktorskaja) |
Diss. (dout.) | Dissertação (doutorado) |
Diss. (kand.) | Dissertacija (kandidatskaja) |
Diss. mest. | Dissertação de mestrada |
Diss. (M.Ph.) | Dissertation for the degree of Master of Philosophy |
Diss. (Ph.D.) | Doctoral thesis, Doctoral dissertation, Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy |
Doctoraalscriptie / Doktoraalskriptie | Doctoraalscriptie / Doktoraalskriptie |
Dokt. ért. | Doktori értekezés |
Honors paper | Honors paper |
Hovedoppg. | Hovedoppgave |
Kand. | Kandidatuppsats |
Lic.-Verhandeling | Licentiaatsverhandeling, Diss. lic., Eindverhandeling |
Lisensiaatintutkimus | Lisensiaatintutkimus |
Liz.-Arbeit | Lizenziatsarbeit |
Mag.-Arbeit | Magisterarbeit |
M.A.L.D. | Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy |
Masterarb. | Masterarbeit |
Mastergradsoppg. | Mastergradsoppgave |
Masteroppg. | Masteroppgave |
Mém. de maîtrise | Mémoire de maîtrise |
Mém. de master | Mémoire de master |
Mém. de M1 | Mémoire de master 1 [also "Mini-Mémoire..."] |
Mém. de M2 | Mémoire de master 2 |
Mém. DEA | Mémoire pour le diplôme d'études approfondies, Mémoire de DEA |
Mém. DES | Mémoire pour le diplôme d'études supérieures |
Mém. DESS | Mémoire pour le diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées |
Mém. EHESS | Mémoire de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales |
Mém. IEP | Mémoire d'un Institut d'études politiques |
Mém. lic. | Mémoire de licence |
Proefschrift | Proefschrift |
Research essay (B.A.) | Research essay (B.A.) |
Research essay (M.A.) | Research essay (M.A.) |
Resum de tesi | Resum de tesi |
Særoppg. | Særoppgave |
Spec. kandidateks. | Speciale til kandidateksamen, Specialafhandling |
Staatsexamensarbeit | Staatsexamensarbeit, Schriftliche Hausarbeit zur Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt |
TER | Travail d'études et de recherche [Mémoire de maîtrise] |
Tese doct. | Tese doctoral |
Tese dout. | Tese doutorado |
Tese mest. | Tese mestrada |
Tesi di dott. | Tesi di dottorato di ricerca |
Tesi di laurea | Tesi di laurea |
Tesi doct. | Tesi doctoral |
Tesis de lic. | Tesis de licenciatura |
Tesis doct. | Tesis de doctorado |
Tesis doct. | Tesis doctoral |
Tesis doct. en Xerxa | Tesis doctorals en Xarxa |
Tesis maest. | Tesis de maestría |
Tesis mag. | Tesis de magíster |
Thèse doct. | Thèse de doctorat [Belgium], Thèse de doctorat nouveau régime [France] |
Thèse doct. Etat | Thèse pour le doctorat d'Etat |
Thèse 3e cycle | Thèse pour le doctorat de recherche, Thèse de 3e cycle |
Thèse univ. | Thèse d'université |
Thesis (B.A.) | B.A. thesis, A.B. thesis, Bachelor of Arts thesis |
Thesis (B.S.) | B.S. thesis, Bachelor of Science thesis |
Thesis (Honor) | Honor thesis |
Thesis (M.A.) | Master thesis, M.A. thesis, M.A.L.D. paper |
Thesis (M.Litt.) | Thesis for the awarding of the degree of Magister Letterarium |
Thesis (M.Ph.) | Thesis for the degree of Master of Philosophy |
Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.) | Thesis for the degree of Master of Social Sciences |
Thesis (Ph.D.) | Doctoral thesis, Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy [see Diss. (Ph.D.)] |
Thesis (Senior honor) | Senior honor thesis |
Thesis (Senior project) | Senior project thesis |
Undergraduate essay | Undergraduate essay |
Vyp. kval. rab. bakalavra | Vypusknaja kvalifikacionnaja rabota bakalavra |
Zulassungsarbeit | Zulassungsarbeit | © by Wolfgang & Petra Lubitz