Trotsky Books Holdings
What follows is a catalogue (list of holdings) of independently published works (books and pamphlets), authored by Leon Trotsky which form part of our Trotskyana collection as at Summer 2014. Please note that in recent years a few items have been discarded.
[Russian titles] [English titles] [German titles] [French titles] [Italian titles] [Spanish titles] [Other languages]
Section I : Books and pamphlets in Russian language
- Dnevniki i pis'ma. Pod red. Iu. G. Fel'shtinskogo. Predisl. A.A. Avtorkhanova. Moskva, 1994. 254 pp.
- Do deviatago ianvaria. S predisl. Parvusa. Zheneva, 1905. XIV, 64 pp.
- Iskusstvo i revoliutsiia. London, 1989. 35 pp.
- Kommunisticheskaia oppozitsiia v SSSR 1923-1927 : iz arkhiva L'va Trotskogo. Sost. Iu. Fel'shtinskogo. Benson, Va.
- (1923-1926). 1988. 256 pp.
- (1926-1927). 1988. 253 pp.
- (1927) (aprel'-iiul'). 1988 256 pp.
- (1927) (iiul'-dekabr'). 1988.
- Kommunisticheskii Internatsional posle Lenina : velikii organizator porazhenii. Moskva, 1993. 308 pp.
- Literatura i revoliutsiia. Pechataetsia po izd. 1923 goda. Moskva, 1991. 399 pp.
- Politicheskie siluety. Predisl. V.I. Millera. Moskva, 1990. 310 pp.
- Permanentnaia revoliutsiia. Berlin, 1930. 169 pp.
- Prestupleniia Stalina. Pod red. Iu.G. Fel'shtinskogo. Moskva, 1994. 309 pp.
- Siluety : politicheskie portrety. Pod obshch. red. V.V. Zhuravleva ... Moskva, 1991. 462 pp. [On title page: A. Lunacharsky, K. Radek, L. Trotskii.]
- Sochineniia. Moskva [partly: Moskva, Leningrad]. Seriia ...
- I. Istoricheskoe podgotovlenie Oktiabria
- Tom II. Nasha pervaia revoliutsiia. Chast' ...
- 1. 1925. XII, 648 pp.
- 2. 1927. VIII, 447 pp.
- Tom III. 1917. Chast'...
- 1. Ot Fevralia do Oktiabria. [1924]. LXXII, 466 pp.
- 2. Ot Oktiabria do Bresrta. [1924]. IX, 451 pp.
- II. Pered istoricheskim rubezhom.
- Tom IV. Politicheskaia khronika. 1926. XII, 647 pp.
- Tom VI. Balkany i balkanskaia voina. 1926. XXIV, 503 pp.
- Tom VIII. Politicheskie siluety. 1926. VIII, 373 pp.
- III. Voina.
- Tom IX. Evropa v voine. 1927. XII, 420 pp.
- IV. Problemy mezhdunarodnoi proletarskoi revoliutsii.
- Tom XII. Osnovnye voprosy proletarskoi revoliutsii. [1925]. VI, 477 pp.
- Tom XIII. Kommunisticheskii Internatsional. 1926. VII, 247 pp.
- V. Na puti k sotsializmu.
- Tom XV. Khoziaistvennoe stroitel'stvo Sovetskoi respubliki. 1927. XV, 600 pp.
- Tom XVII. Sovetskaia respublika i kapitalisticheskii mir. Chast' ...
- 1. Pervonachal'nyi period organizatsii sil. 1926. XV, 748 pp.
- 2. Grazhdanskaia voina. 1926. XII, 662 pp.
- VI. Problemy kul'tury.
- Tom XX. Kul'tura starogo mira. 1926. VIII, 579 pp.
- Tom XXI. Kul'tura perekhodnogo perioda. 1927. XI, 520 pp.
Note: Sochineniia is a nearly complete 3-reels microfilm edition of Trotsky's collected works in Russian [filmed by Stanford Univ. Photographic Dept.], so far as they were published by Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (Gosizdat, Moscow-Leningrad) between 1924 and 1927. Publishing was suspended in 1927 when Trotsky was definitively defeated in the factional struggles of the CPSU and Comintern and eventually was expelled from the CPSU, then banished to Alma Ata and eventually exiled. Thus, only the 12 vols. (tom) listed here (3 of them issued in two parts) were published, summing up to a total of 15 vols., organized in six Roman numbered series. From 23 volumes mentioned in the publishing schedule of 1925, the following never were published: Series I: tom 1 [O kharaktere russkoi revoliutsii]; series II: tom 5 [Vnutripartiinye voprosy], tom 7 [Na mezhdunarodnym temy]; series III: tom 10 [Frantsiia v voine], tom 11 [Rabochee dvizhenie v epochu voiny]; series IV: tom 14 [Kommunisticheskii Internatsional (novyi etap 1921-1924 gg.)]; series V: tom 16 [prospective title unknown], tom 18 [Na partiinye temy]; series VI: tom 19, tom 22 [Literatura i revoliutsiia]; series VII: Kniga o Lenine. For an exhaustive feature of Sochineniia see our Trotsky's Sochineniia page.
- Stalin. Pod red. Iu.G. Fel'shtinskogo. Moskva. Tom ...
- 1990. 323 pp.
- 1990. 303 pp.
- Stalinskaia shkola fal'sifikatsii : popravki i dopolneniia k literature epigonov. Moskva, 1990. 331 pp. [Reprint of ed. Berlin, 1932]
- Tuda i obratno. Sankt Peterburg, 1907. 123 pp.
- Uroki Oktiabria. S pril. kriticheskikh materialov 1924 goda. [Introd.: V.I. Startsev]. Sankt-Peterburg, 1991. 364 pp.
Section II : Books and pamphlets in English language
- Against individual terrorism. [Introd.: Will Reissner]. New York, 1974. 23 pp.
- The age of permanent revolution. A Trotsky anthology. Ed., with an introd. by Isaac Deutscher (with the ass. of George Novack). 3. print. New York, 1973. 384 pp.
- The basic writings of Trotsky. Ed. and introd. by Irving Howe. London, 1964. 426 pp.
- The challenge of the Left Opposition. New York. [Volume ...]
- (1923-25) Ed. with an introd. by Noami Allen. 1975. 428 pp.
- (1926-27). Ed. by Naomi Allen and George Saunders with an introd. by Naomi Allen. 1980. 548 pp.
- (1928-29). Ed. by Naomi Allen and George Saunders with an introd. by Naomi Allen. 1981. 436 pp.
- Collected writings and speeches on Britain in three volumes. Ed. by R. Chappell and Alan Clinton. Volume ...
- 1974. XXIII, 236 pp.
- 1974. XVI, 319 pp.
- 1974. XVI, 256 pp.
- The class nature of the Soviet state. The workers' state and the question of Thermidor and Bonapartism. London, 1968. 64 pp.
- The death agony of capitalism and the tasks of the working class. The transitional programme of the Fourth International. London, [s.d.] 45 pp.
- The essential Trotsky. London, 1963. 251 pp.
- Fascism - what it is and how to fight it. [introd. by George Lavan Weissman]. 3. print. New York, 1972. 31 pp.
- The first 5 years of the Communist International. 2. ed. New York. Volume ...
- [Introd.: David Salner]. 1972. VIII, 374 pp.
- 1972. VI, 384 pp.
- History of the Russian revolution. Transl. [and introd.] by Max Eastman. London. Volume ...
- 1967. 465 pp.
- 1967. 343 pp.
- 1967. 405 pp.
- How the revolution armed. The military writings and speeches of Leon Trotsky. Materials and documents on the history of the Red Army. Transl. and ann. by Brian Pearce. London. Volume ...
- The year 1918. 1979. XXX, 592 pp.
- The year 1919. 1979. XXII, 668 pp.
- The year 1920. 1981. XV, 431 pp.
- 1921-1923. 1981. XIII, 480 pp.
- 1921-1923. 1981. VIII, 447 pp.
- In defense of Marxism. (Against the petty-bourgeois opposition). [Introd.: Joseph Hansen, William F. Warde]. 2. print. New York, 1970. XXI, 211 pp.
- Leon Sedov - son, friend, fighter. London, 1967. 48 pp.
- The intelligentsia and socialism. 2. impr. London, 1974. 16 pp.
- Leon Trotsky - his thoughts and works. Ed. by Subrata Mukherjee and Sushila Ramaswamy. New Delhi, 1998. XXIII, 710 pp.
- Leon Trotsky speaks. [Ed. and pref. by Sarah Lovell]. New York, 1972. 333 pp.
- Literature and revolution. Ann Arbor, 1960. 255 pp.
- May Day in the West and the East. [Transl. by R. Chappell]. London, 1973. 24 pp.
- Marxism & science. Comprising two speeches ... Colombo, 1973. 56 pp.
- Marxism in our time. [Introd.: George Breitman]. 2. print. New York, 1972. 47 pp.
- Military writings. [Pref.: George Breitman. Introd.: Karl Radek]. 2. print. New York, 1971. 160 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on black nationalism and self-determination. [Ed., with introd. notes, by George Breitman]. 3. print. New York, 1972. 63 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on Britain. Introd. by George Novack. New York, 1973. 334 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on China. Introd. by Peng Shu-tse. Ed. by Les Evans and Russell Block. New York, 1976. 687 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on Engels and Kautsky. New York, 1969. 30 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on literature an art. Ed. with an introd. by Paul N. Siegel. 2. ed. New York, 1970. 252 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on the labor party in the United States. [Introd.: Doug Jenness.] New York, 1969. 35 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on the suppressed testament of Lenin. 3. ed. New York, 1970. 47 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on the Paris Commune. [Introd. by Doug Jenness]. 2. print. New York, 1972. 63 pp.
- Leon Trotsky on the trade unions. 2. print. New York, 1972. 79 pp.
- The only road for Germany. Colombo, 1971. 62 pp.
- The permanent revolution and Results and prospects. [Introd. by Peter Camejo]. 2. ed., 3. print. New York, 1972. 281 pp.
- The platform of the Joint Opposition (1927). 2. impr. London, 1973. 117 pp.
- Political profiles. Transl. by R. Chappell. London, 1972. 171 pp.
- The position of the Republic and the tasks of the young workers. Report to the 5th All-Russian Congress of the Russian Communist League of Youth 1922. Transl. by R. Chappell. London, 1972. 24 pp.
- Problems of civil war. [Introd.: Dick Roberts]. New York, 1970. 23 pp.
- Problems of everyday life and other writings on culture & science. [Introd. by George Novack.] New York, 1973. 352 pp.
- Problems of the Chinese revolution. With appendices by Zinoviev ... [Transl. by Max Shachtman. Introd.: Tom Kemp]. London, 1969. XVI, 354 pp.
- The Serge-Trotsky papers. Ed. and introd. by D.J. Cotterill. London [etc.], 1994. XVII, 275 pp.
- Radio, science, technique and society. Transl. by Leonard Hussey from volume 21 of the Collected works of L.D. Trotsky ... London, 1974. 20 pp.
- Social democracy and the wars of intervention in Russia 1918-1921. (Between Red and White). London, 1975. 128 pp.
- The Spanish revolution (1931-39). Introd. by Les Evans. [Ed. by Naomi Allen and George Breitman]. New York, 1973. 446 pp. [pp. 1-19 with Roman numbering]
- The Stalin school of falsification. With an introd. by George Saunders. [Transl. by John G. Wright, ann. by Max Shachtman]. 3. ed. New York, 1972. XXXVI, 338 pp.
- Stalinism and Trotskyism in the USA. Stenographic report dated june 1940 of a discussion with Leon Trotsky. London, [1966?]. 23 pp.
- Stalin's frame-up system and the Moscow trials. Foreword by Joseph Hansen. New York, [1950]. 144 pp.
- Stalin's gangsters. London, 1977. XVI, 84 pp.
- Strategy and tactics in the imperialist epoch. London, 1967. 80 pp.
- The Third International after Lenin. [Transl. by John G. Wright. Introd. by Gus Horowitz] 3. ed., 2. print. New York, 1972. XXXVIII, 346 pp.
- Through what stage are we passing? Speech at the 5th All-Union Congress of Medical and Veterinary Workers, June 21, 1924. [Transl. by Brian Pearce]. London, 1965. 42 pp.
- The transitional program for socialist revolution. With introd. essays by Joseph Hansen and George Novack. New York, 1973. 223 pp.
- The Trotsky papers 1917-1922. Ed. and ann. by Jan M. Meijer. [Various places]. Volume ...
- 1917-1919. London, The Hague, Paris, 1964. XV, 858 pp.
- 1920-1922. The Hague, Paris, 1971. VII, 894 pp.
- Trotsky's notebooks, 1933-1935. Writings on Lenin, dialectics, and evolutionism. Transl., ann., and with introd. essays by Philip Pomper. Russ. text ann. by Yuri Felshtinsky. New York, 1986. VIII, 175 pp.
- The War and the International 1915. With The Zimmerwald Manifesto ... [Colombo], 1971. XIII, 106 pp.
- What next? And other writings from 1917. Transl. from the Russ. by James Reid. London, 1988. VI, 61 pp.
- Writings of Leon Trotsky. New York. [Volume ...] [Note: the vols. of the 1st ed. were publ. between 1969 and 1975. Vol.-numbering has been supplied by me. Square brackets for the years covered in the respective vols. are from the original title pages.]
- [1929]. [Ed. by George Breitman and Sarah Lovell]. 1975. 461 pp.
- [1930]. [Ed. by George Breitman and Sarah Lovell]. 1975. 443 pp.
- [1930-31]. [Ed. by George Breitman and Sarah Lovell]. 1973. 441 pp.
- [1932]. [Ed. by George Breitman and Sarah Lovell]. 1973. 415 pp.
- [1932-33]. [Ed. by George Breitman and Sarah Lovell]. 1972. 365 pp.
- [1933-34]. [Ed. by George Breitman and Bev Scott]. 1972. 379 pp.
- [1934-35]. [Ed. by George Breitman and Bev Scott]. 1971. 364 pp.
- [1935-36]. [Ed. by Naomi Allen and George Breitman]. 2. ed. 1977. 574 pp.
- [1936-37]. [Ed. by Naomi Allen and George Breitman]. 2. ed. 1978. 573 pp.
- [1937-38]. [Ed. by Naomi Allen and George Breitman]. 2. ed., 2. print. 1985. 512 pp.
- [1938-39]. [Ed. by Naomi Allen and George Breitman]. 2. ed. 1974. 430 pp.
- [1939-40]. [Ed. by Naomi Allen and George Breitman]. 2. ed., 2. print. 1977. 465 pp.
- Supplement (1929-33). [Ed. by George Breitman]. 1979. 428 pp.
- Supplement (1934-40). [Ed. by George Breitman]. 1979. pp.433-982
Section III: Books and pamphlets in German language
- Arbeit, Disziplin und Ordnung werden die sozialistische Sowjet-Republik retten! Vortrag auf der Moskauer städtischen Konferenz der Russischen Kommunistischen Partei am 28. März 1918. Basel, 1918. 29 pp.
- Aufsätze. Köln, 1993. 80 pp.
- Bolschewismus und Stalinismus. Berlin, 1976. 16 pp.
- China - die erwürgte Revolution. Berlin. Band ...
- 1972. 354 pp. [Note: Also designated as 'Sammelbuch Leo Trotzki Band 7']
- Denkzettel. Politische Erfahrungen im Zeitalter der permanenten Revolution. Hrsg. von Isaac Deutscher, George Novack und Helmut Dahmer. [Übers. aus dem Engl. von Harry Maòr]. Frankfurt am Main, 1981. 475 pp.
- Drei Konzeptionen der russischen Revolution. Aus dem Anh. von Leo Trotzki: Stalin - eine Biographie. Berlin, 1971. 24 pp.
- Ergebnisse und Perspektiven. Die permanente Revolution. Mit Einl. von Helmut Dahmer und Richard Lorenz. Frankfurt am Main, 1971. XXIII, 136, 163 pp. ['Ergebnisse und Perspektiven' was transl. from the Russ. by Walmot Falkenberg, Hartmut Jaene, Gert Meyer. 'Die permanente Revolution' was transl. from the Russ. ms. by Alexandra Ramm.]
- Die Fälschung der Geschichte der russischen Revolution. Berlin, 1927. 71 pp. [Pirate print s.l, s.d., probably Berlin 1971, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 7']
- Fragen des Alltagslebens. Berlin, 1973. V, 169 pp.
- Frau, Familie und Revolution. Übers. der Textsammlung 'Women and the family'. Berlin, 1973. 79 pp.
- Der Futurismus. [Rev. Fassung nach der ersten Übers. aus dem Russ. von Frida Rubiner]. Zürich, 1971. 45 pp.
- Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. von Helmut Dahmer. Frankfurt am Main. Band ...
Note: Only Band 1 (publ. in 2 parts) was publ.
- Schriften über Deutschland. Hrsg. von Helmut Dahmer. Eingel. von Ernest Mandel. Band ...
- 1971. 428 pp.
- 1971. pp.433-967 [Note: Designated as 'Gesammelte Werke 2' by error]
- Geschichte der russischen Revolution. Autoris. Übers. aus dem russ. Ms. von Alexandra Ramm. Berlin
- Februarrevolution. Berlin, 1931. 455 pp.
- Oktoberrevolution. Berlin, 1933. XVI, 730 pp.
- Geschichte der russischen Revolution. Deutsch von Alexandra Ramm. Frankfurt am Main. Band ...
- Februarrevolution. 1973. 399 pp.
- Oktoberrevolution. Teil ...
- 1973. pp.401-719
- 1973. pp.721-1061
- Ihre Moral und unsere. [Hrsg. und Nachw.: Bernward Vesper. Übers. von Rudolf Klement]. Berlin, 1967. 81 pp.
- Die Komintern nach Lenin. Kritik des Programms der Dritten Internationale. [Vorw.: Hans Weber]. Berlin, [1973]. 207 pp.
- Der junge Lenin. [Nach dem russ. Originalms. ins Deutsche übertr. von Walter Fischer]. Frankfurt am Main, 1971. 234 pp.
- Kapitalismus oder Sozialismus? Eine Betrachtung der Sowjet-Wirtschaft und ihrer Entwicklungstendenzen. Mit einem Vorw. des Verfassers zur deutschen Ausg. und einem Anh. Berlin, 1925. 109 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1971, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 16']
- Kommunismus oder Stalinismus? Drei Aufsätze von Leo Trotzki zur Klärung der Begriffe. Berlin, 1971. 38 pp.
- Kopenhagener Rede über die russische Revolution (November 1932). Einl.: Helmut Dahmer. Nachw.: Georg Jungclas. Mannheim, [1971]. 10, 27, 7 pp.
- Literatur und Revolution. Nach der russ. Erstausg. von 1924 übers. von Eugen Schäfer und Hans von Riesen. Berlin, 1968. 461 pp.
- Literatur und Revolution. [Nach der russ. Erstausg. von 1924 übers. von Eugen Schäfer und Hans von Riesen]. München, 1972. 440 pp.
- Literaturtheorie und Literaturkritik. Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur Literatur. Hrsg. und eingel. von Ulrich Mölk. Übers. von Thomas Kunke und Ulrich Mölk. München, 1973. 187 pp.
- Mein Leben. Versuch einer Autobiographie. [Autoris. Übers. nach dem russ. Manuskript von Alexandra Ramm]. Berlin, 1930. XVI, 569 pp.
- Mein Leben. Versuch einer Autobiographie. [Deutsch von Alexandra Ramm]. Frankfurt am Main, 1961. 555 pp.
- Die neue Etappe. Die Weltlage und unsere Aufgaben. Hamburg, 1921. 167 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1970]
- Der neue Kurs. [Hrsg. von Boris Suwarin]. [S.l., s.d.] VII, 63 pp. [Pirate print]
- Die neue ökonomische Politik Sowjetrusslands und die Weltrevolution. Rede gehalten auf dem IV. Weltkongress der Kommunistischen Internationale am 14. November 1922 zu Moskau. Hamburg, 1922. 37 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1970, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 2']
- 1917. Die Lehren der Revolution. Mit einem Vorw. von Paul Levi. Berlin, 1925. 78 p.
- Probleme der Entwicklung der USSR. (Plattformentwurf der Internationalen Linksopposition zur russischen Frage). Berlin, 1931. 30 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1971, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 11']
- Programm und Plattform der Linken Opposition im Kampf gegen die Stalinfraktion. Mit Dokumenten ... 2. Aufl. Dortmund, 1977. 227 pp. [Containing chiefly: Die wirkliche Lage in Russland (S.5-194)]
- Revolution und Bürgerkrieg in Spanien 1931-39. Frankfurt am Main. Band ...
- Vom Sturz der Monarchie bis zum Bürgerkrieg. Einl. von Les Evans. 1975. 206 pp.
- Der Bürgerkrieg. 1976. 403 pp.
- Die Rote Armee der Sowjetrepublik auf der Wacht Rede auf dem IX. Sowjetkongress Moskau am 17. Dezember 1921. Hamburg, 1922. 46 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1971, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 8']
- Die russische Revolution 1905. [2. Aufl.] Berlin, 1923. 334 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1972, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 5']
- Die russische Revolution. Kopenhagener Rede 1932. Berlin, [1970]. 58 pp.
- Die russische sozialistische Rote Armee. Zürich, 1920. 93 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1971, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 6']
- Sammelbuch. Bd. 7 see China - die erwürgte Revolution
- Sammelbuch. Bd. 10 see Wohin treibt England ...
- Sammelbuch. Bd. 11 see Stalins Verbrechen
- Schriften. [Various places & publishers]. Band ...
Notes: Band 1 - 3, Halbband 2 publ. by Rasch und Röhring (Hamburg), from Band 3, Teilband 3 publ. by Neuer ISP Verlag (Köln)
- Sowjetgesellschaft und stalinistische Diktatur. Hrsg. von Helmut Dahmer, Rudolf Segall und Reiner Tosstorff ... Halbband ...
- (1929-1936). [Einl.: Pierre Frank]. 1988. 678 pp.
- (1936-1940). 1988. pp.687-1416
- Über China. Hrsg. von Wolrad Bode, Helmut Dahmer, Horst Lauscher [et al.] ... Halbband ...
- (1924-1928). [Einl.: Wang Fanxi]. 1990. 548 pp.
- (1928-1940). 1990. pp.559-1108
- Linke Opposition und IV. Internationale. Hrsg. von Helmut Dahmer, Wolfgang Feikert, Horst Lauscher ... Halbband ... [from 3: Teilband ...]
- (1923-1926). [Einl.: Pierre Broué]. [1998]. 687 pp.
- (1927-1928). [1998]. Pp. 697 - 1421.
- (1928-1934). [Einl.: Pierre Broué]. 2001. 668 pp.
- Schriften über Deutschland see Gesammelte Werke
- Schriften zur revolutionären Organisation. Erstmals aus dem Russ. übers. und hrsg. von Hartmut Mehringer. Frankfurt am Main, 1970. 313 pp.
- Sozialismus oder Barbarei! Eine Auswahl aus seinen Schriften. Helmut Dahmer (Hg.) Wien, 2005. 175 pp.
- Spanische Lehren. Eine letzte Warnung (1937). Mit einem Anh.: Die spanische Lehre und die IKD. [Berlin], 1971. 41 pp.
- Die spanische Revolution und die ihr drohenden Gefahren! Berlin, 1931. 32 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1971, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 12']
- Die Sowjet-Macht und der internationale Imperialismus. Vorlesung gehalten am 21. April 1918 in Moskau. Belp-Bern, 1918. 48 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1972, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 17']
- Stalin. Eine Biographie. Nach dem amerikan. Orig. übers. von Raymond Kuhlmann. Hrsg. von Hartmut Mehringer. Reinbek bei Hamburg. Band ...
- 1971. 297 pp.
- 1971. 318 pp.
- Stalins Verbrechen. Berlin, 1973. 371 pp. [Also designated as 'Trotzki-Sammelbuch Band 11']
- Tagebuch im Exil. [Das Tagebuch übers. Theodor F. Krause aus dem Russ. Die Übers. der Anmerkungen erfolgte aus dem Engl. von Ursula Albrecht. Vorw.: Carola Stern. Nachw.: Hermann Weber]. Köln, 1979. 278 pp.
- Tagebuch im Exil. Mit einem Vorw. von Carola Stern und einem Rückblick von Hermann Weber. [Das Tagebuch übers. Theodor F. Krause aus dem Russ. Die Übers. der Anmerkungen erfolgte aus dem Engl. von Ursula Albrecht]. 2., erw. Aufl. München, 1983. 208 pp.
- Terrorismus und Kommunismus. Anti-Kautsky. Berlin, 1972. 159 pp. [Reprint of the ed. Hamburg, 1921]
- Der Todeskampf des Kapitalismus und die Aufgaben der 4. Internationale. Übergangsprogramm ... Essen, [1975]. 126 pp.
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 2 see Die neue ökonomische Politik ...
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 5 see Die russische Revolution 1905
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 6 see Die russische sozialistische Rote Armee ...
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 7 see Die Fälschung der Geschichte ...
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 8 see Die Rote Armee ...
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 11 see Probleme der Entwicklung ...
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 12 see Die spanische Revolution ...
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 16 see Kapitalismus oder Sozialismus?
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 17 see Die Sowjet-Macht und ...
- Trotzki-Archiv Nr. 18 see Wohin geht Frankreich?
- Über Lenin. Material für einen Biographen. [Übers. von G. Blumenthal]. Frankfurt am Main, 1964. 150 pp.
- Verratene Revolution. [Nach dem russ. Ms. übers. von Walter Steen]. Frankfurt/M., 1968. 305 pp.
- Verratene Revolution. Was ist die Sowjetunion und wohin treibt sie? (1936). Vorw. von Jean-Jacques Marie. Dortmund, 1976. 303 pp.
- Verratene Revolution. Was ist die Sowjetunion und wohin treibt sie? (1936). [Köln?], 1989. 79 pp.
- Verteidigung des Marxismus. (Die Vierte Internationale gegen den imperialistischen 2. Weltkrieg, für die Verteidigung der Sowjetunion). Berlin, 1993. 300 pp.
- Die wirkliche Lage in Russland. [Autoris. Ausg. Die Übers. besorgte Wilhelm Cremer]. Hellerau bei Dresden, [1929]. 286 pp.
- Die wirkliche Lage in Russland see also Programm und Plattform der Linken Opposition ...
- Wohin geht Frankreich? Antwerpen, 1936. 101 pp. [Pirate print s.l., s.d., probably Berlin, 1972, designated as 'Trotzki-Archiv nr. 18']
- Wohin geht Frankreich? Walter Held: Die Volksfront in Frankreich. Wien, [1977?]. XVIII, 101 pp.
- Wohin treibt England? Europa und Amerika. Berlin, 1972. 142, 131 pp. [Also designated as 'Trotzki-Sammelbuch Band 10', containing 'Wohin treibt England?' (Reprint of the ed. Berlin, 1926) and 'Europa und Amerika' (Reprint of the ed. Berlin, 1926)]
Section IV : Books and pamphlets in French language
- L'agonie du capitalisme et les tâches de la Quatrième Internationale ... dit Programme de transition. Nice, 1987. 88 pp.
- L'année 1917. Introd. de Carlos Rossi. Paris, 1976. 139 pp.
- L'appareil policier du stalinisme. Préf. par Denise Avenas. Trad. du russe par Anne Saint-Girons. Paris, 1976. 315 pp.
- Articles et textes de Léon Trotsky (1923-1930). Paris, 1993. 78 pp.
- Classe ouvrière, syndicats, comité et parti. Paris, 1973. 64 pp.
- Correspondance 1933-1938. Lev Davidovitch Trotsky, Natalia Ivanovna Sédova-Trotsky. Préf., trad. et ann. par Jean Van Heijenoort. Paris, 1980. 178 pp.
- Les crimes de Stalin. Trad. du russe par Victor Serge. Paris, 1973. Volume ...
- [Introd.: Jean-Yves Potel]. 156 pp.
- 175 pp.
- De la bureaucratie. [Préf.: A. Sami]. Paris, 1971. 132 pp. On title page: Léon Trotsky, Eugène Préobrajensky, Christian Rakovsky.
- De la révolution. Trad. du russe . Introd. par Alfred Rosmer. Paris, 1963. 654 pp. [Containing: Cours nouveau ; La révolution défigurée ; La révolution permanente ; La révolution trahie]
- Deux textes de Léon Trotsky sur l'URSS: La défense de l'URSS et l'Opposition. La IVe Internationale et l'URSS. Paris, 1992. 86 pp. ['La défense...' is a reprint of the ed. Paris, 1929; 'La IVe Internationale...' is a reprint of the ed. Paris, 1933]
- Discussions sur le programme de transition. Paris, 1972. 27 pp.
- Entre l'impérialisme et la révolution. Les questions fondamentales de la révolution à la lumière de l'expérience géorgienne. [Introd.: Nathan Weinstock]. Bruxelles, 1970. 192 pp.
- La lutte antibureaucratique en U.R.S.S. Paris. Tome ...
- Les réformes possibles 1923-1933. Prés. de J.-L. Dallemagne. 1975. 316 pp.
- La révolution nécessaire 1933-1940. 1975. 316 pp.
- Le mouvement communiste en France (1919-1939). Textes choisis et prés. par Pierre Broué. Paris, 1967. 723 pp.
- La nature de l'U.R.S.S. Textes réunis et prés. par Jean-Luc Dallemagne. Paris, 1974. 262 pp.
- La nouvelle politique économique des Soviets & la révolution mondiale. Paris, 1990. 78 pp. [Reprint of the ed. Paris, 1923]
- Oeuvres. Publ. sous la dir. de Pierre Broué. Paris. [1e série]. Volume ...
[Note: Vols. 1-12 publ. by Etudes et Documentation Internationales (Paris); vols. 13-24 by Institut Léon Trotsky (Grenoble). Vol. 14 has imprint 'Livre Essor' by error. Vol.-numbering for vol. [1] supplied by me]
- Mars 1933 - juillet 1933. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué et Michel Dreyfus. 1978. 317 pp.
- Juillet 1933 - octobre 1933. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué et Michel Dreyfus. 1978. 315 pp.
- Novembre 1933 - avril 1934. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué et Michel Dreyfus. 1978. 356 pp.
- Avril 1934 - décembre 1934. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué et Michel Dreyfus. 1979. 367 pp.
- Janvier 1935 - juin 1935. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué et Michel Dreyfus. 1979. 391 pp.
- Juin 1935 - septembre 1935. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué et Michel Dreyfus. 1979. 299 pp.
- Octobre 1935 - décembre 1935. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué et Michel Dreyfus. 1980. 278 pp.
- Janvier 1936 - février 1936. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. Paris, 1980. 239 pp.
- Mars 1936 à mai 1936. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1980. 308 pp.
- Juin 1936 à juillet 1936. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1981. 342 pp.
- Août 1936 à décembre 1936. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1981. 384 pp.
- Décembre 1936 à février 1937. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1982. 407 pp.
- Mars 1937 à avril 1937. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1982. 333 pp.
- Mai 1937 à septembre 1937. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1983. 421 pp.
- Septembre 1937 à décembre 1937. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1983. 472 pp.
- Janvier 1938 à mars 1938. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1983. 371 pp.
- Mars 1938 à juin 1938. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1984. 311 pp.
- Juin 1938 à septembre 1938. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1984. 367 pp.
- Octobre 1938 à décembre 1938. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1985. 334 pp.
- Janvier 1939 à mars 1939. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1985. 354 pp.
- Avril 1939 à septembre 1939. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1986. 424 pp.
- septembre 1939 à décembre 1939. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1985. 250 pp.
- Janvier 1940 à mai 1940. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1986. 356 pp.
- Mai 1940 à août 1940. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1987. 401 pp.
- Oeuvres. Publ. sous la dir. de Pierre Broué. Grenoble. 2e série. Volume ...
- Janvier 1928 à juillet 1928. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1988. 433 pp.
- Août 1928 à février 1929. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1989. 466 pp.
- Février 1929 à mai 1929. Introd. et notes de Pierre Broué. 1989. 261 pp.
- Politique de Trotsky. Textes choisis et prés. par Jean Baechler. Paris, 1968. 399 pp.
- Problèmes de la révolution allemande (1929-1931). Paris, 1990. 62 pp. [Reprint of the ed. Paris, 1931]
- Rapport de la délégation sibérienne. Trotsky contre Lénine. Préf., trad. et notes de Denis Authier. Paris, 1970. 95 pp.
- Sur la deuxième guerre mondiale. Textes rassemblées et prés. par Daniel Guérin. Paris, 1974. 217 pp.
- Terrorisme et communisme (L'anti-Kautsky). Prés. par Alfred Rosmer. Paris, 1963. 315 pp.
- Trotski et le trotskisme. [Extracts from Trotsky's works, selected and ed. by] Jacqueline Pluet. Paris, 1971. 96, VI pp.
- Vers le capitalisme ou vers le socialisme? (Août 1925). [Introd.: Pierre Naville]. Paris, 1990. 41 pp. [Reprint of the ed. Paris, 1928]
- Vers le capitalisme ou vers le socialisme? (Août 1925). [Introd. de Pierre Naville]. Foligno, 1990. 32 pp. [Reprint of the ed. Paris, 1928]
Section V : Books and pamphlets in Italian language
- La dittatura del proletariato e i contadini. Milano, 1919. 32 pp. [Photocopy]
- Un dramma giudiziario. (Il processo Beilis). (Novembre 1913). Foligno, 1991. 16 pp. [Reprint of the ed. Milano, 1918]
- L'esercito rosso. Discorso su 'Il potere dei consigli e l'imperialismo internazionale' tenuto a Mosca il 21 aprile 1918. Testo italiano a cura di Enrico Damiani con pref. di Egilberto Martire. Foligno, 1990. 24 pp. [Reprint of the ed. Città di Castello, 1921.]
- Intervista a Lev Trotsky. (7 giugno 1933). [Interviewer:] Georges Simenon. [A cura di Paolo Casciola]. Lausanne, 2002. 24 pp.
- Lev Sedov - figlio, amico, combattente. (20 febbraio 1938). [A cura di Paolo Casciola]. Firenze, 1998. 40 pp.
- La loro morale e la nostra. Il 'profeta muto' di Enzo Traverso. Milano, 1995. 107 pp.
- La natura di classe dello stato sovietico. (1° ottobre 1933). [Trad. e cura di Paolo Casciola]. Foligno, 1992. 36 pp.
- Opere scelte. Roma. Volume ...
- Gli anni formativi. A cura di Isabella Alagia ... 1994. 367 pp.
- Perché Stalin ha sconfitto l'opposizione? (12 novembre 1935). [Trad. ed cura di Paolo Casciola]. Foligno, 1994. 23 pp.
- Il programma di transizione. [Introd.: Livio Maitan]. Milano, 1995. 111 pp.
- La Quarta Internazionale e la guerra (10 giugno 1934). [A cura di Paolo Casciola]. Foligno, 1989. 39 pp.
- Rapporto della delegazione siberiana. [Trad., pref. e note di Denis Authier]. 2. ed. Napoli, 1970. 81 pp.
- Rosa Luxemburg: difesa e critica di una rivoluzionaria. Due articoli e un discorso. [A cura di Paolo Casciola]. Foligno, 1996. 68 pp.
- Scritti sull'Italia. A cura di Antonella Marazzi. 2. ed. riv. e ampl. Roma, 1990. 252 pp.
- Uno stato non operaio né borghese? (25 novembre 1937). Con testi di James Burnham, Joseph Carter, Max Shachtman e Maurice Spector. A cura di Paolo Casciola. Firenze, 2000. 36 pp.
Section VI : Books and pamphlets in Spanish language
- En España. Trad. de Andrés Nín. Madrid, 1975. 145 pp.
- Escritos de León Trotsky 1929-1940. Libro 1-6. Buenos Aires, 2000. [1 CD-ROM]
- Escritos latinoamericanos. [Pról.: Christian Castillo]. 2. ed. Buenos Aires, 2000. 368 pp.
- Naturaleza y dinámica del capitalismo y la economía de transición. Comp. realízada por el Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones León Trotsky. Buenos Aires, 1999. 626 pp.
- La teoría de la revolución permanente. Compilación. [Pres.: Gabriela Liszt ...]. Buenos Aires, 2000. 606, [10] pp.
Section VII : Books and pamphlets in other languages
- Leon Trotski : política. Org. [and introd.]: Orlando Miranda. São Paulo, 1981. 231 pp.
- A számúzótt Trockij. Írta és szerkesztette: Krausz Tamás. [S.l., ca. 1990]. 207 pp.
- Bolsjewisme en stalinisme. [S.l., 1946?] 20 pp.
- De sowjetmacht en het internationale imperialisme. Voordracht gehouden 21 april 1918 te Moskou. Vert. door Mevr. G. Buriks. Amsterdam, [1920]. 24 pp.
- Zal het fascisme werkelijk overwinnen? Duitsland, de sleutel tot den internationalen toestand. Amsterdam, [1931]. 16 pp.
[Russian titles] [English titles] [German titles] [French titles] [Italian titles] [Spanish titles] [Other languages]
Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz, Aug. 2004
last (slightly) rev. February 2021